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~Greater partIcipation in industrial management. 14sta"i g 8 no.4:6-7
Ap 163. T, - WHA 16:3).
1. Silaetarl presidiuma postoyanno deyoUtyushchego proizvodstvennogo
soveshchaniya Chelyabinskogo metallurgicheskogo, zavoda.
(Chelyabinsk-Iron and steel plants--14anagement)
sumovo A. A.
Vykornka tutavogo shelkop:riad& Li;ulberr7 allkworm breedinL7. MoBkva., Sellkhosgist 1953
150 p
SO: Monthly List of Russian locessionsp Vol 6 No 8 November 1953
Capi.13A,ry mercury-alkal.%jw transducer with air-damping for the
regibtration of accleration bel-listocradiograms. Biul, ekap. i
biol. med. 50 no. 80-16-118 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:10)
1. Iz terapevticheskogo otdeleniya (zav, V.I. Korolev) i
otdleeniya eksperimentallnoy kurortologii (zav. S.I. Serov
Sverdlovokogo nauchno-issledov'atellskogo instituta kurartologii
i fizioterapii (dir. N.V. Orlov). Predstaviena deystv. chlenom
AMN SSSR V.V. Parinym.
"Static eXertions depressed secre:tory-motor-excretory functions of the stomach
and the small intestine", paper read at the First Ural Conference of Physiologists,
Biochemists, and Pharmacologists, Sverdlovsk, 5-8 June 1956.
Sum. 1305
ST ,,
1, 1,
A It' - 11 The ef'ect of st 'atic stresses on certL,,;_n aspects of
the fun,,ti-ons oF the direstive organs." Sverdlovsk State
inst. Sverdlovsk, 1956. (Dis~7r-rtati-n for the Degree of Candidate
in Mcclical Sciences.)
Source: Knizlinaya latopist No LO 1956 Moscow
"SMMOV, A. A., Cand I-led Sci - (diss) "Effect of static tension
" I J.- JIVOX-4- a *^,\
certain I&fof activity of the ~Organs md' 11go AAm. I Sverdlovek,
1957. 17 PP (Sverdlovsk State Med Inst), 200 copies (KL, 16-58, 124)-
1/6" -
Use of static muscle tension in an analysis of the act of vomiting
[with summsr7 in Antlish]. Biuleekep.biol. i mod. 45 no.1:14-18
A 158, (HIRA.11-.4)
1. 1z kafedr7 normalinoy fiziologii (zav. - prof. U.K. Vero shchagin)
Sverdlovskogo moditsinskogo institute. Predstavlona deystvitellnym
chlenom AMU SSSR Y.N.Cherniggove Km.
(VOMITING, physiology.
off. of musc. tension (Rue))
(MUSCLES. physiology,
off. of tension on vomiting (Rus))
3ome pathogenetic mechanisms of hemorrhagic complications
during the use of anticoagulants tmder experimental conditions.
Xardiologiia 2 no.3258-64 My-Te 162. (MIRA 16:4)
1. 1z kardiologicheskoy gruppy usileniya (rukovoditell -
zasluzhennyy deyatell nauk prof. B.P.Kushelevsldy) Sverdlovakogo
instituta kurortologii i fizioterapil (dir. --
N.V.Orlov, Nauchnyy rukovoditell - S.I.Serov).
ome rd I !;e n ,f . Ip I d Yv? ta'tyl I --Yr. an j charges in ,*-j4~r b1o.-d
system In dcg,3 in exper-lipental t t, cons tru!!t I o.~'
c.~.heroscderc,sis without using chclestero"L. IN ul . e ksp . ri
med. 60 nc,.'.7,.34-37 J1 165. (KRA 18-S,
AUTHORS: Slavnov,D.A., and.Sukhanov,A.D. SOV/155-58-3-36/37
TITLE: Application of the Indefinite Netric for the Calculation of the
/,L-decay (Primeneniye indef init-noy metriki k rasohetu wraspada)
PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Fiziko-matematichesk.-iye nauki,
1958, Nr 3, pp 215-220 (USSR)
ABSTEACTj The electron spectrum in the ?.-decay is described sufficiently
well by the Michel-number the experimental value of which is
0.68-The theory Z-Ref 1:~ yields 0.75. Lee and Yang Z-Ref 2_7
put aside this discrepancy by the introduction of a ce--tain not
local Lagrangian.and.they interpreted the not local effects as
certain p=ocesses caused by an intermediate boson. The authors
try to expiain the experimental value 0.68 by the introduction
of Bo3e-fields with an indefinite metric. Furthermore --t is
stated that in general the introduction of quantized Bose-fields
with an indefinite metri.c.-leads to the same results as the method
of Lee and Yang.
Gard 1/2
AUTHORS: Slavnov, D. A., Sukhanov, A. D. SOV/56-36-5-26/76
TITLE: On Causality in the Theory With an Indefinite Metric
(0 prichinnosti v teorii s indefinitnoy metrikoy)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki. 1959,
Vol 36, Nr 5, PP 1472-1479 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Heisenberg's suggestion (Ref 1) to operate with an indefinite
metric in order to eliminate the divergences in the field theory
meets with a number of difficulties which are connected with
the necessity of introducing "nonphysical" fields. Methods have
already been worked out for the purpose of eliminating uc-,
physical states from the asymptotic expressions of the observ-
able quantities and to re-establish unitarity of the scattering
matrix. However, the problem of causality, which would be of
great interest especially in this case, was not invest1gatel.
In the present paper the authora investigate the p0884bi7ity of
constructing a macroscopic theo--y with the indefinite metric in
the oase of sufficiently generalized assumptions. The unita:r-
macroscopic scattering matrix is constructed within the frame-
work of the perturbation theory with the aid of the Lagraige
Card 1/2 interaction of the complete fie'.ds (the physical plus the sum
On Causality in the Theory With an Indefinite Metr4,., SOV/56-36-45-26/7"
of the nonphysical fields). Special selection of the non-
physical field spectrum makes it possible to satisfy unitarity
and macro-causality requirements in the 2. and 3. order. It isq
howeverg no longer possible to satisfy both postulates in the
4. order, which means that, with the assumptions made by the
authors, it is not possible to construct a unitary and ma-,,:ro-
cau;3al scattering matrix in a theory with indefinite metric.
There are 8 referenoesq 3 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovsk4-y gosudarstvennyy urLiversitet(Moscow State University)
SUBMITTED: November 17, 1958
Card 2/2
240) SOV/2o-124-6-13/55
AUTHORS: Slavnov, D. A., Sukhanov, A. D.
TITLE: On the Problem of the Causality in the Theory With Indefinite
Metric (K voprosu o prichinnosti v teorii s indefinitnoy metrikoy)
PERIODICAL; Doklady Akademii nauk SSSRp 19599 Vol 124Y Nr 6y
pp 1229 - 1232 (USSR)
ABSTRAIJ'T: The present- paper investigates the possibility of the-construotion
of a macrocausal theory with indefinite met-ricy in which oaae
the authors base upon assumptions of a -rather general nature, such
as the concrete variants suggested in three earlier papers ,
(Refs 1-3)- In accordance with Heisenberg, the authors assume
that the space H of the state amplitudes is subdivided into the
subspace H1 of the physical state amplitudes and the nubspace
H2 of' the "nonphysical" state amplitudes. The total field-~. (x)
is represented as the sum of a physical and a "nonphy3ical"
field. It is the purpose of the present paper to construct a
unitary scattering matrix %, which acts in subspace HV A
Card 1/3 scattering matrix S is assw.Aed to exist, which connects th(a
On the Problem of the Causality in the Theory With SOV/2o-124-6-13/55
Indefinite Metric
asymptotic state amplitudes of the total space H with one
another. This matrix 3 satisfies the usual demands of relati-
vistic covariance, and microscopic causality. This leads
factually to the following additional condition for the ad-
missible state amplitudes:
F+OD -~ UF-co = 0; U+ " U_ 1. Here F denotes the state amplitude
of subapace H 2' Further considerations of this paper are based
esserLtially on the perturbation theory. The matrices S and 5
are therefore expanded in series with respect to %~Ihe interaction
constant. The following conditions are imposed upon the matrix
I I ) Relativistic covariance. 2) Unitarity gr = I- 3)At-tenuat-ad
causality. These conditions are discussed in detail. By special
selection of the "nonphysical" fields it is possible to s 4atisfy
the causality condition in the second order. The matrix S
(which satisfies the causality condition and the unitary condi-
tion with an accuracy uptothe third order) can alac actually
be coiistructed. However7 there is also the following contradiction:
The unitarity condition and the causality condition are In-
Card 2/3 compatible in the fourth order with the unitarity condition
On the Problem of the Caue?ality in the Theory With SOV/2o-124-.-6-13/55
Indefinite Metric
of second order. It is therefore not possible, within the frame-
work of the perturbation theory, to construct an S-matrix that
connects the asymptotic state amplitudes of the state-space 11
with one another, so that the conditions of unitarity and of
attenuated causality would be satisfied. The author thanks B. V.
Medvedev for his constant interest in the present paper and for
some valuable advice, and he further expresses his gratitude to
11. N. Bogolyubov, D. V. Shirokov, and X. K. Polivanov for uve-
ful discussions. There are 6 references, 3 of which are Soviet.
FRESENTED: November 10, 1958, by H. N. Bogolyubov, Academician
SUBMITTED: November 10, 1956
Card 3/3
AUTHOR: Sukhanov, A. D.
TITLE: Interaction Hamiltonian in quantum field theory
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, V. 41,
no. 6(12), 1961, 1915-1928
TEXT: The interaction Hamiltonian found by Bogolyubov's method (N. N.
Bogolyubov, D. V. Shirkov. Vvedeniye v teoriyu kvantovannykh poley
(Introduo-tion into quantum field theory) Goatekhizdat, 1957) serves to
ensure the integrability of the Tomonaga - Schwinger equation for any
renormalizable theory, and is related with the Lagrancian of effective
interaction by
11i"t 07; 0) n (9).
o (f)T', / Ox")
The generalized Hamiltonian H(x;g) in the variational analog
i8(D 8g (x) = H (x-, g) 0 (g), (12)o
H (x; g) = i M~ S' (9) (13)
Card 1/5 -bg(-X)-
Interaction Hamiltonian in ...
does not raise any new problems. The problem of "surface divergences"
prevents a consequent construction of the Hamiltonian H(x;a) by BogolyubDvta
method. A private report by D. A. Slavonov is mentioned.
2:(,,/,,a)2 2 4. 2
LI(x) - ae : and HI(x;a) - -LI(x) + (112)a e .(n a (OT/Ox"))
hold in second order for the diagram of the boson self-energy. This shows
the importance of the Tomonags, - Schwinger integrability condition in
Bogolyubov's method. By this method the T-products and S-matrix are
directly obtained from the Lagrangian. By the simplest and physically
sensible definition
y) = 0 (xQ D~p (-T Y) 0 X0 + YO) I)a+,s (x Y)
n,n,,,8 (x y)
CD 0 - ie
one obtains : S(00). q, exp i_S L(x)dx This relation is independ3nt of
any nonphysical dependence on the form of intermediary surfaces. In
Bogolyubov's mrthod, the condition [L(x), L(y)] - 0 for x-.y (x~y) suffices
to construct the S-matrix. The integrability condition for Schroedinger's
variational equation
Card 2/5
S/05 61/041/006/038/054
Interaction Hamiltonian in ... B125YI3102
i 8H(x;g)18g(y)-i bH(y;g) I bg(x)+ IH(x;g), Hly; g) 1 -0 (28)
for x -y or x . y when taking into account the definition (13) and the
unitarity of S(g), is
62S (k,) S* W + 62S (g) S':(,q) --- JH (x; g), H (y-, g)1 -1
-Sg "-~Y) 6g (X) 6g W Wy)
+ I H (x; g), H (y; g) I ~ 0 np, x -y unti x ~ Y. (29).
Thus, this integr~i_io_n___-c_onditi__on -is a~_to~`atically satisfied in every
theory, and does not depend on the value of the commutator
E.H(x1g), H(y;g)j at the point x y. In the limiting process g---)-G,,
A H (x; a) I im dx' dyg' (T. - x1) x
__00 (31).
OL (x) c1L (y) du
x g (T. : : (T)'QR (x-y) - n.npd(x -y)).
a (a(P / ax*) a (O(P 40)
In Bogolyubov's method)
Card 3/5
Interaction Hamiltonian in B125/B102
publications read as follows: E. C. G. Stueckelberg,. Phys, Rev,, 81; 130,
1951; K. Nishijima. Progr,. Theor. Phys,, 5, 187, 1950; F~ Rohrlich. Phys.
Rev., 8o, 666, 1950; Z~ Koba, Progr. Theor. Phys. 5, 139, 1950,,
ASSOCIATIONt Matematicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Mathematical
Institute of the Academy of Sciences USSR)
SUBMITTED: July 7, 1961
Card 5/5
6,D (1/i9 /3 7,193f)
i,UYHOI(~ ',jlavnov, D. ~;ukh,,).nov, A. J).
TI-IE: Ambi,-1-uity in the determination of the interi,olLAir-6 field
ihRIODICj,L: Zhurnal eksperimentLtl1noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 41,
no. 6(12), 1961, 1940-1946
TEIXT: The nngbiguity of' the interpolatinj field is discussed in connection
,,~,ith the T product and the S matrix. In order to Shovi that the determina-
tion of %a T product T(:~ ?i (xd: ... : kn( X,,):) which consists of non-
linear operator6 it. Crbitrary, the TI prwiucL is introduced. This
chronolo-ic~jl product may 11--ve -2ny fixed form viith equal ar&uments.and is
L, -I
at) inte6rated i_eneralized function of all its av_uments. The most dene.1al
form of the T product ther rewls
T (: yk. (X,): . . . : yk. (X.) Yj I P Yxiki) ... (x,, k,,) (xk,)) x (11),
7_1 MI
Card 1/6 X T' (Ak----k~, (Xi . . . Xv) . . . A... k.
iimbi~jijity in th() d(2tOj-njl'WLtiOY) Of the ... B109/B102
where in is tho number of cofactors in the V pro(luct,
(Xl X,,)
It ... xv.)
Ak, (XI) (pk, (XI)
K k1 k
I is a c function. A transition from the TI to the T prod'u ct in '
S Vexp jig~L' (x) dxj, (13),
LO (X) = z (X) + Y, g.-1 ~LO (x, x, x.-I) dxl dx,-,.
ni n (14)
(notation of 11. N. Bojolyubov, D. V. Shirkov, Vvederdye v teoriyu
kvantovann ykh poley, Gostekhizdat, 1957) is po~5sible without chan-ing
~ the
S matrix: 3 = T exp i i6 ~L(x) dx~ , where L(x) is analo~--Ous to C
From (11) it follovis that
Card 2/6
";/1056/6 1 ~C417UO6/042 /054
jimbij.;uity ill thc, determinati oil Of the BIO)/B1O2
r (4,w, ... 4.) ... (16),
+ M-1 P (WPI) . . . (xkpk)) T' (R4 (x' X
XR ... ILA( . . . yk)) + RV4-4th (X, ... xk),
It It
Where X~ if; till libbi-vVio'Lioll of tho set (XII , . . . ,x1) and it; rcL)lLLcec7 by
the more L;vnural qumi-lucmi operatur R(xi-.4xi). Ther(!from it further
O(x rl -k I ... xk),
follovin thut U (XI ... x iL Y, ) -~(11- (x
where IoI - n. by (16) by thu ti..antiforimition of the T' produut
into the T L)roduct ave obtailiv a relri.bion which L
directly by L 0 and A . Thi,; c;m be interprqted in two
C~tird 34
Alllbit~uity ill thu detvi-milrdliull W, the 13 1 OVB 102)
valyll" 1) llmbi;~,ilitY in thu ftirictiOll with a fixcd T product;
2) 11.111bij,11ity of' tilt? T prodlict witt, ,L (Jven l'imeLion. The
botw.-cm the det('.1,1111w.tioll of' the intorpolabill,~ fiold -Ind thQ
I'linbit,-uity involvcd it) tilt! dutermilrAiOll )I* i'lic T pro,1110. I~ith ;I pjvull ~,,
Ill'Arix i,,-. dcn)oij:-.Lv..i Let] Ily thu field A(x) The Inteij-ated
fo.rm of the. (2xprewion
T (Ain (x) S) dy, ... dyjP (y, j y. yj) (p, (y, yj) X
x (X - YJ - x - YO)
Q (ov,) K,,I)c Am (y2) Am (yj)-.
(ler-Lved ill tld:~ connection (;:Lit bQ VVl-itL(:jl -'I
. 7' (A (x) S) I ~ dy, dyP (y, I y2 . . . yj) D, (x - yj X
x YI) 1-0 (47),
Q (Olv.) Kj,, Ti (Yi . . . yi) A,,, (Q A in- (yj)
Card )/(,
i~mbi_uity in the determination of the B109/'B102
~'dy, dy, [(pj (y, yj)
1-0 (48),
- -Q (n,") KPA" (YL Ml - Am (yj ... At. (yj)
,.-;hicri indicatuo that differ.,-; fro::i tile :3 matri). only out:,ide tile enerty
fill rf a ce. The ;irj)b161iity ill tile interpolatin, field, found by 11. J. Borchern
(Ntlovo CL,-, 15, '184, 1~60), ran bc- interpreted ai; an ambi.uity in the
deterwin7tion of the T product with a 6iven :~ r.,iatrix. Or, the other hand,
(--very auwbiCuity in tile iiiterpol-tii16 fiuld citi! be re,arded Lts an umbi3 ty
in tile. (let enAwition of the L; matrix outside the ener-j SUrface. A series
of intei-polzatinL~ field, corre:ipondn, to ;A Ziven '-J' mutrix outr~ide the enert;y
;,111d, conver~;ely, ~~ome forw.~ of the 'j ix,trix out.;ide the enerj~y
'M.Vft,C~- C0F1'eL;j101ld to all interpol;~tin~ field. It i:-: pointed out that a
study of tile Dyson matrix S(I-1, , 2) under thio would be very
informative. L. V. li,-edvedc -v is th.,inked for interest, Lind wi. K. k1olivanov
fr,r- disczi.,-c~iom;. Ther,~ ul'e 6 ruference~:: 3 SoviL-t and 3 non,';oviet. The
refet-cince to the Ewlic-11-1:-L116LULL~(j public:Ltion reads L,:.- C. 11,.
1,Lrl.-, b. Feldiii:m, Phys. Rev.,
1 -12, '72, 1950.
Card 5/6
AUTHOW: Sjukhanov, A. D.
TITLE: The Tomonatra-3cliwinger equation in the Bogolyubov method
Znurni.,.1 eksperimentallnoy i teoretich9skoy fiziki, V. 43,
no. 3(9), 1962, 932-941
TLXT: It is shown that within tile framework of the Bogolyubov method
(Bogolyubov, Shirkov: Vvedeniye v teoriyu kvantovannykh poley - introduction
into quantum Field Theory -, -,ostekhizdat, 1957) the classical
Tomona.--,u-Schwinger equation with the local interaction Hamiltonian
H (x;G) = lim ~ ~ff (x; g) g'(T. - x-) dx-. (11)
ctin be deduced (Schwinger, ehya. Rev- 74, 1439, 1946)- The properties of
ti-tio -'aAltonian differ greatly from those of
Tne- Tomorot equation in ... B'102/B104
(X; 0) L (x) 'In t 1 (X, Xi Xn) &F (Xi) -X
9- n=1 (4).
g (x,,) dx, ... drn 11.
(11) i,~ valid in 'any renormalized theoi:j and takes account of the
symmetry propertie~~ of "Lie -~,uasilocal operators A in the'interaction
La-7ri.n,Tian n
L (X; g L (x) g (x) + A. tx, x, ... X.-,) 9 W 9 (xi) ... X
7 x. g (x,,-,) dxl dxn-,
-xiiien enters tile eneralized scatterin~y matrix as
S(g) e X11 ( 1L (-X; g)dxj.
For raost of the ~-raphs H(x;c) -L(x;l) if terms as-! ~L (X p-dx(t
are noi:lected. 1~ graphs o!.' the boson self energy additional terms will
arise, 1~art of which possesi surface divergences. The problem of
Card, 2/3,
AUTHOR: Sukhanov. A. D.
TITLE: The problem of "surface" divergences in the Bogolyubov method
PERIODICAL. Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreficheakoy fiziki, V. 43,
no. 4(10), 1962, 1400-1410
TEXT: It is shown that a 11surfac e" regularization of the e ression for
the Hamiltonian (rendering the latter finite when 112 - constl can be
performed for the theoi-y with L(x) - e:y4(x). Thisi is done by finding the
ffnite Dyson matrix from the general S matrix and determining the inter-
action Hamiltonian from the Dyson matrix. The."surface" divergence in the
Dyson matrix S(Tt-GD) can be eliminated into a unitary operator which
becomes unity with -r ---> a), leaving the S matrix unchanged:
(v, oo) = exp ji ~ dx (x) :- ' 1 11 B,ao.1 S (-r,
2 ~Ml
exp (iF (r)) S (-r, oo), (21)
Card 1/2
-uk!'.anov, A. 1).
33 19 -5 7 6
Problei% of the relationship between operators in the Heisen-
berE ra-,resentation and interaction. r~Dresentation
AIkademiya nauk Dokl~idY, v. 145, no. 3, 1962, 545-548
'~'ho relationship
F (X) S+((r. Fin (X) S (a, S (-, u)F..t (x) S+ (oo, a), (1) 'betweo .n the
~-:7,tors in ~1',C. Treisenber;r representation and the interaction for the
separations treated by perturbance theory were anal zed in order
c I a r pc.--sible ambieuities in the Dyson matrices 3 (
F out(X)
Bind Ln(X) are operators in the interaction representation. The unique
ra -n.-; i t i o nfro,-ii ti-,e to the Dyson matrix in a neutral. scalar
field A (x) = T ((p..t (x) S) S+
Dadv (X _ Y) j (Y) dy + p (0.) j (X).
W +
card! 1/3 (5) is governed b .y
oi' the relationship ... 13125/3102
A T (S (o., a) (p..t (x) S (a. 00)) S* = S (,0, 0) (p..t(x) S', (4)-
rout X e D"'(x-y)j(y)dy + eP?rj x)j(x), result-
si-3n of tne arbitrariness of the coefficient functions of the
c~n inc-l
-r..~er, ~-t~-roe -.,ith (3) to the first order. The arbitrariness in
n r 4-h;,, can be explained only by an arbitrariness of the kind
0 (yo x1) (p..t (y) (p., (x) 0 (yl - x1) D- (y - x) +P U-) 6(x -
(7) in defining
convolution of and ,?0U t I single inai-Altonian Uw)
-iienber.- re~~rcsentntion can correspond to several Hamiitoninns
ir, -"ICinteraction reoresentatioi~. In the equation t(x;1) - S,C,- G-)H
!3-), tlie totally nonequivalent Hamniltonians H (x;l) and
cr-n be use The counterterms which may exist in H Out
fo ra lead to d ive",~ences -.i,,n the observables, at least in 'lie
or"Ier. t*-e S-~rnalr`x'ih the rhole momentum space to be
exhibits a siSnificant randomness - ind-3pendent of" any
of "lie relations'11T) . . .
';1020162/1 .4 5/0-33/006/013
12 5/b1 02
ra--j'-,)mnes:~ in +he h'Uher order coef ic-lent functions. i
is Co-verred of a
'he rules for the multj~)Jjc tion of
tho o,)erators in thk~~ interact-Lon repreSentrition.
C 1A: 1 C) N . -- 6
.-,~:~;.atichos-:iy Jrstitut im. V. Steklova Ikademii nauk
T -e of i .. eni V. i,. ~;teklov of It-he
"..Cadercy of :sciences 'GS26R)
!..arch 7, 1962, by N. N. borolyubov, ,cademician
:,;arch 6, 1962
Card 3/3
On the problem of "surface" divergences. Dokl.AN SSSR 145
no.5slO42-1045 162. (MIRA 15:8)
1. Matematicheskiy institut im. V.A.Staklova AN SSSR. Predstavleno
akademikom N.N.Bogolyuborlm.
(Qwmtum field theory)
L 13562-43 zorrz,
A!--!- z-,9 T r) N Ik1i 1 42
Sukhenov A. D.
On the charged vector metion tbeo4iof Lee and Ydng
Zhlunal. eksper. I teor, flziki, v,. 414, no. 6, 19633, 2087-22-809
TOPIC TAGS: chaxged vector me-son theory, Xi-li-m-itinj process, lagg-ningian
forr-P-11ism, nonrenormalized theory
ABSTRACT: The charged vector meson theory of Lee and Yang (Xi-limving procoss)
Is derived vithin the framework of the Lagranglan form-alism and is thus treated
as a wre consistenc variant of the FaUi-Villars regularization method, Lee
and Yang originally formulated the Xi-limiting process vithin the Htimiltonian
formalism, which complicates the D-roced-ure -innecessarily, and the aLithoe has
therefore reformulated this theory within tJae Lagrangian formalism, which makes
the whole method perfectly lucid. An interl3retation of the two Ize and Yang
postulates er-rmloyed in going to the limit az! Xi goes to zero is presented. It is
found that while the second postulate can be formulated in iccordance with the
usual concepts of quantum field theory, the va.11dity of the first postulate is
most doubtful, since it allcvs, vithout Justification, the exclusion of t"he most
X-5r< /04-4/0r-6/206
tant terms in nonrenormalized theories. "In conclusion I express m~,
aw~p-- - I -- - -- - .
L 13562-63
gratitude to the staff members or the Department-, or Theoretical Mysics of ~_he'icheskly 1 'izicheskiy -Instll~uty* Aka4fen-di nfiu~l SSSF (Mathemitical
cad2m 'or fru f';- =1 Ti-c-u-sls-lr-ons
I ns I t u te a o f the A of Scierices- a$ I
ASSOCLMON: Fiziko-Ithimilcheskiy institut Im. L. Ya. K&rpovEL (Phyal.coehemical
SM417M: gJmrL63 DATE ACQ: P-W63 kim. o6
SUB CODE: 00 110 RFY SOV: 003 OTMR: 002
Card 2/2
gertbe rw
and th44 ot,
i i Al
rpTI rl f~ f- h
ithe oper&torG in--ffmes -And-AgAu
r e r a tr o A
re this wr-k was u-idertaken"
M~~--dvedev on whose imitlat"
~%s, and A. V, Aa-
Tu ~:he~ Ya. Ka --pov~ (Physi-.
-Df 77an64 00
ACCESSION NR: AP4043834 S/0020/64/157/C05/1092/1095
.AUTHORS: Ovchinnikov, A. A.; Sukhanov, A. D.
TITLE: Concerning the wave functions and electronic terms of the
;molecular hydrogen ion
SOURCE: M SSSR. Doklady*, v..157, no. 5, 1964, 1092-1095
TOPIC TAGS: Schrodinger equatiotL, wave function, Stark effect:
i hydrogen ionization, molecular ion, Coulomb repulsive force
ADSTRACT: After pointing out that the previously given wave function
of an electron in the field of two stationary Coulomb centers is in-
correct, the authors solve the Schrodinger equation for the H+ ion
with.the variables separated, in elliptical coordinates* in the XWM
of an expansion in large R (R. -- distance between the nuclei). The
solution takes into account the Stark effect for the hydrogen atom
in the field'of another nucleus, vbich leads to the usual multipole
expansion and does not give rise to a chemical bond, and with ac-
count of the sub-barr~er penetra-u-ion of the electron from one nucleus;
to the other, which leads to exponentially small terms of the type
exp(--). This probleti was hitherto solved only by numerical means*
The accuracy and the normalization of the results are discussed.
jIt is sliown that '.;he results can be applied to different Couiomb
centers with arbitrary charge, and to other quAntum numbers.' This
report wa,- nresented by Academician N. N. Bogolyubov# Orig. ar
has: 24 forlulls.
PLSOCIP.TION: Fiziko-kidmicheskiy instiLut im. Lo Ya. Karpova
(Physicochemical Institute)
Card i/2
Wave functions and electron terms of a molecular hydrogen
ion. DAL AN SSSR 157 no.5:1092-1095 Ag 164.
(MIRA 17:9)
1. Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. Karpova. Predstavleno
akademikom N.N. Bogolyubovym.
f ',I 69--r
.65 n.).1.
fl "Ut.
t~,d 14~i 199 '~969*
m.i att. Ae"uuo>U-' - -- ---
L~ I
1 1. . -
$-~mtriaos mid the Heisenberg represeatatiotL, Dokl. AN SSSR
165 no*2005-308 N 065* (KM ISM)
lf, Hatmatichookiy institut In. TA* Stoklov& AN SSSR i
Moskowkiy iwtitut radioslektrotiki i gamey slaktromekhaniki,
Submitted Marob 18, 1965.
L 176:3-66 E-VIT(d) IJP(c-)
ACC ffi~ AP6002722 SOURCE CODE: Up,/o,,)96/6~)/ohg/oo(-./igl,?/1823
AUTHOR: Sukhanov, A. D.
ORG: Moucow Institute of Radio Ejet-,~ronic.- and Mining e c han Ica
Institut rad1oe-1ek'--)n1K1 177rn,~,,; ~-Iektrornelrhanlki)
- il! -
TITLE: The- ejuatl.o n of motlon fnr thi, lhalv-ll S-matrix and Its
SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy I teor-o-ticheskoy filziki, v. 49,
no. 6, 1965, 1812-1823
TOPIC TAGS: S matrix, quantum theory, integral operator
ABSTRACT: The halved rratrix was defined In an earlier paper by the
author (ZhETF v. 47, 1303, 1964 and v. 48, r38, 1965) to circumvent
the nonunitary character of the relation between the operators in the
Heisenberg picture and those in the asymptotic (in) picture in quan-
tum theory. In this paper a formal equation is derived for the
halved S matrix, satisfying the integrability condition, for the ex-
amule of' a self -interacting renormalizable scalar field. Expr-essions
Card 1/2
2. USSR (600)
7, "Microflora of the Air in the Clinics of the Omsk Medical Institute
imeni M.I. Kalinin"O Trudy Omskogo Mad. In-ta Lm. K.I. Nalinina
- -(Works- of -- the--Omsk- Medical -Institute imeni -XI-f Salinln),F-No- 6,-1951,
pp 103-111*
9. Mikrobiologiva, Vol XXI, Issue 1, Moscow, Jan-Fab 1952j, pp 121-132.
"The Influence of Partial Removal or Chronic Irritation of the Cerebral
Cortex of White Rats on the Processes of Proliferation in the Focus of Inflamma-
tion." Cand Med Sci, First Moscow Order of Lenin Medical Inst, 27 Dec 54. (VM,
16 Dec 54)
Survey of Scientific and Technical Disserations Defended at USSR Higher
Educational Institutions (12)
SO: Sum. No. 556, 24 Jun 55
USSR / &-noral Problems of Pathology. Inflammatory U
Abs -lour Ref Zhur - Biol.p No 10., 1958y No 46668
Author Sukhanov, A,_F,_
Inst Moscow First Institute of Medicine.
TLtle Zia Effect of Partial Removal and Chronic Irritation of
The Cerebral Cortex in White Fats Upon the Processes of
Proliferation in Foci of Aseptic Inflammations.
Orig Pub Tr. i-go Moak. med. in-ta, 1957P 2, 105-113.
Abstract When partial decortieation of the large hemispheres in
rats was executed, the period of heightened capillary
permeation within the focus of aseptic inflammation (AI)
was prolonged. The emigration of leukocytes (L) occurred
sooner add proceeded more rapidly. The formation of a
leukocyte strip and the clearing of the inflammatory field
from decayed leukocytes proc3eded slcwer. The phagocytal
Card 1/2
Country : USSR
C.ategory: Humn and ialil-al Morpholea (Nomal and Pathological).
Pathological ;,-1atot7-
Abs Jour: RZhBiol., No 2, 1959, No 7637
huthor : Sukhanqy,,,.;~
Inst : Mg6vZshchea;_h7Zdical institute
Title : Morpholoe--i.c Chmaes in the Focus of *,acpt3.c Inflaaaa-
tion in Rramoval of Cerebral CortLx of White
Orig Pub: Tr. BlaGoveshch. Lied. in-t-r%, 1956, 2, 56-636
1.bstract: In partic-1 mioval of cerebral cortex in white rats,
the sequenco of phamses of aseptic infl="ition
induced by ;-vmis of introduction into tho. subcutaneous
connectivc~ tissue of the stomch (ir-m-diately after
surgery) of sterile calloidin tubules is preserved,
Card 1/2
Country : USSR
dateL;ory: Humn and '.ni-,.ni Morphology (Nor-jai and ilatholorical)
Pathological i'matmW
LbB Jour: RZhBlol.., No 2, 1959, No 763~
Author Sukhanov, , P.
Inst fftTg"_o_ve_sh`Z~, th M-dical Institute
Title MorpholoGic ChanGes in the Focus of Aseptic Infl=-
mation in Chronic Irritation of Cerebral Cortex of
White Rats-
Orig Pub: Tr. Bla[;ovcsl.-ich med. In-ta, 1956, 2, 67-71
Abstract: In chronic imitation of cerebral cortox in white rats,
the sequence of phases of a3eptic inflarxkition, in-
duced by rmans of introduction into the subcutaneous
connective tissue of the stomach (iLl:cdiately after
Card 1/2
"Effect of Partial Removal and Chronic Stimulation of. the Cerebral Cortex
of White Rate on the Processes of Proliferation in a focus of Aseptic
inflammation," P. 105
from the book "Effect of Higher Divisions of the Nervous System on Processes
of Inflammation and Regeneration," Trudy 1-go Moskovskogo Ordens. Leaina
Meditsinskogo Institute im. I. M. Sechenoy,, 1957, 249 pp.
Fedited by V. G. Yeliseyev)
ilib,uri),ov.- , E,.v. ul. 11-1,hay,. 5, kv. 13)
Histocheadcal Charlete- 1-1,tic,', Cf
In the heart of the A'tr-l i embr. 45
no.11:62-65 N 16".
1. Kafedra giotolzg" 1 i dotiom
Yemerovsk~~go I'v"dl i,; iftvk~-Fr i ns,
c-'affact of ph7ti)a-,ldLl cAl :-tigenmzal.
cjlinie~-eL Ltadias. I&REpar. kh-i--, --L ames", au.l~~69-70 `t~5*
(MIRA 18-11)
1. Ksfedvi ?Llnp`all 1ACY 'A:'%Oit (wiv-
A,F, Svkhan.-,,j"
The oroblem of uniform cl-.t-~6ification of rock stnAa. Moskva, Ugletek-hizdat, 1947. 93 P.
1'. rrKly~ 0. GFR('71YET, 11. ;-ROF., W".AVA., T I DCOOR7, TAK07A. 117. P.
FROF.1 K0,111ROV, B. P:ICF.,
2,. U33H (600)
4. Zvorykin, A. A.
7. Essays on the history of 3oviet mining engineering. A. A. Zvorykin. Re-
viewed by 0. '-. Bokiy, Prof. V. I. Gerontlyev, Docent T. S. Dub--ava, Prof. N.
Lakoza, Prof. V. B. Komarov, Prof., A. F. Sukhanov, Prof. F. 11. Shklay-rskiy.
Gor..--hur. no. 1952.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of CongrEss, jnntiaz= -1953. Unclassified.
2. USSR (600)
4. Bokii, Boris Ivanovich, 187.3-1927
7. Outstanding worker In mining and technology. Gor. zhur. no. 10, 1.952
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified.
JASHCHINSKIY, Vladimir Grigorlyevich-, POLONSKIY. Mikhail Isakovich;
Z,qANOV A F., professor, doktor tekhnichookikh nauk, retuenzent;
gornyy inshener, retsenzent; HADION,M.Y. , redaktor;
BVBNSON,I.M., takhnichaskiv redaktor
[Detachable boring bits] Snemnye burovye koronki. Moskva, Goo.
nauchno-tekhnAzd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tsvetnoi metallurgii,
1955. 78 p. (KIRA 9:1)
(Drilling and boring machiner7)
-SUKHMV. A.F., professor, doktor takhnichask-jkh nau
Unified rock classification aucording to its resist&nce to blasting
and a now explosive charge calculation method. Gor.zhur. no.6:31-35
Je '55. (Blasting) Wn 8:8)
SHUM. IL. [Sheoherd.R.), ; GAK, A.M,[translatorl, , SUKHANOV, A.Y., Drof .,
dok-tor tekhn. nauk, red.; DMITRIYEVA. L.M., red. 1zd-va'.--;' ALADOVA. Te. I.,
tekha. red.; RADIMSSXAYA, A.I., tekhn. red.
[Physical properties and drillability of mine rocks) lizicheakie
evoistva i burimost' goraykh porod. Pod. red. A.F.Sukhanova. Moskva,
Uglatekhizdat, 1956. 45 P. (MIRA 11:10)
(Boring) *
SUKWIOV, A.F., 13rofass*r, dektor tekhuicheakikh nauk.
Shattering effect of ex-Plosives- U991' 31 no,8:34-38 Ag 156*
(Blasting) (MLRA 9:10)
AUTHORs Sukhanov, A.F.t Doctor of Technical Sciences, Director of the
Moscow Institute of Mining imeni I.V. Stalin
TITLEs Higher Educational Institutions - Contemporaries of the October
(Revolution) (Vysshiye uohabnyye zavedeniya - roveeniki oktyabryiL)
The Moscow Institute of Mining (Moskovskiy gornyy institut)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Vysehey Shkoly, 1957, # 11, pp 64 - 74 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author gives a historical description relating to the
Moscow Institute of Mining, which was created in 1930 on the
basis of the Academy of Mining. This institute became the cen-
ter for the training of specialists of coal and ore mining
industry. In this connection the creation of educational lite-
rature is most important. During the period of 1944 - 1957
62 manuals and text-books were composed by the teachers, as
Professor I.M. Voronkov, Professors Doctors N.V. Kashin, S.V.
Troyanakiy, P.N. Panyukov, Dotsent V.V. Zubkov, and others.
There are at present 20 well equipped laboratories for general
educational, technical and spe6ial disciplines. The author
mentions the laboratory of mining machines which is equipped
with coal-cutters of various types, mining combines, boring
machines, rock loaders, excavators, machine tools and machine
Card 1/3 parts. The laboratory of mining electrical-engineering at
Higher Educational Institutions - Contemporaries of the October (Revolution)
The Moscow Institute of Mining
present is equipped with all types of magnetic explosion proof
starters applied in coal industry, electric measuring and other
apparatus, models, and modern instruments of automation and
telemechanics. Extensive measures have been taken in order to
improve educational work: courses and disciplines were unified,
lecture hours reduced, part of the material is given the stu-
dents for ind4pendent work, etc. The Moscow Academy of Mining
and the Institute of Mining have trained 7042 mining engineers
of various specialties. At the institute scientific research
work is conducted by academician A.M. Terpigorev; academician
A.A. Skochinskiyj member-correspondent of the USSR Academy of
Sciences A.S. Illyiohev, and A.0. Spivakovskiy, Professor P.M.
Tsimbarevich, Doteent A.I. Ksenofontova and Dotsent R.A. Se-
letskiy. Planning of coal pits is made in accordance with a
theory developed by Professor Ye. F. Sheshko and V.V. Rzhevskiy,
doctor of technical sciences. Designing of mechanical equip-
ment for coal industry is made on the basis of computing
methods elaborated by Professor G.M. Yelanchik and Doteent I.M.
Zhumakhov. The department of mining constructions conducted
by Professor K.M. Pokrovskiy is dealing with faster methods
Card 2/ 3 of preparatory work. At present the Institute is dealing with
15 -'- - -F.
ANDROS, I.P., inzh.; ASSONOV, V.A., kand. takhn. nauk.; BERNS11TEIN. S.A.,
inzh.; DCKIY, B.V., prof.; BROVMAN, Ta.V., irzh. BOXWUUMO, A.P.,
imzla.; FUCEI&V, V.K., kazid. t-skhz. nauk; VKRFZMOV, G.P., kani.
takhn. nauk; VOLKOV, A.Y.9 i:rzh.; G111SKUL, M.N., I-and. tekhn. nauk;
in.zh.;DUBNOV9 LJ., kand. tek+ir-. rauk-,lEPlFAlTTSZ7, Yu.K., kand.
tekhn. nauk.-,TX&ASHXO, I.S., iuz~.; ZEKDANOV, S.A., kand. tekhn,
navak; ZILIBKRBROD, A.F., Inzh.; ZINCH-WO, N.M., inzh.; ZORI, A.S.,
inz.h.; KAPLAN, L.B., inzL.; KAT-SAUROV, I.N., dots.; KITAYSKIY, N.T..
L.M., kamA. teldim. nayk; LI7VIN, A.Z., lazh.; RALSVICH, N.A.,
kand. telda. nauic; MANIKOVSKIT, G.I., doldor tekhm. mauk, MATKOVSKIT,
A.L., inzh.; MINDILI, Z.O., kaud. r.~,ik; X&ZAROV, P.P., km2d.
tekhn. nauk; NASONOT, I.D., kand. teLliz. nauic; NEYTINBURG, V.Te.,
kand. telchn. nauk; FMOVSK-'rY, G.I., prof., dok..-or tekbu. nauk;
PROYAVKIN, E.T., kand. trkhn. La;ak; ROZRNBAUM, lazh.; ROSSI, B.D.,
kand. tekhn. nauk; SMOVSKIY, V.N., doktcr tekhn. nauk; SKIRGILLO,
O.B., inzh.; SUKRUT, A.A., inzh.; - A- , prof., doktor
tekhL. nauk; TARANOV, P.Ya,, Imnd. nauk; TOKAROVSKIY, D.I.,
inzh.; TRUPAK, N.G., prof., dck'v-or tekli-n. nank; FXDOROV, S.A., pref.,
doktor takh-a. rx-,jl:; FEDUKIN, V.A., KHCKHLOVKIN. D.M., inzh.t
rrMUROV, H.I., kan;'. tekhz. nai:k; CHEKAREV, V.A., imh.; CHJWXAVKIN,
N.H., inzh.; SHREYBXR, B.P., lmr.-d. takii-ml. nauk; FMV, B.A., kand.
teldm. na-ak; YAKUSHIN, N.P., k~md. taldm, na:ak; YANCHUR, A.M., inzh.;
YAKHONTOV, A.D., lnzh.; POKROVSKIY, N.M., oi-va%st,.-enzvy red.;
KAPLUN, Ya.G. Edecsa2l--ij, r.3--;.; MONIN, G.I.. red.; SAVITSKIY, V.T.,
~G~atinu,,& on next. card)
ANDROS. 1. P.-.--- (_,cnt Inued') ca,.! "'.'
rod.; WOVICH, P.O., v*,%; VOLOVICII, M.Z., %,tid.: GORITSKIT,
A.Y., liah., red.; POMANO7, V.A., Inziti., '-#"'A.; YA.DAYZY, I.I.,
inzh., v,~od.; CEWHKOV, L.V., -J. IIR0ZCR)VSKATA, T.Leo
tekhm_ red.; NAIMINI~2[ATA, A.A., ta"-'. 7'6'__0
[Mirdze; an en:,,7clc-p&eJi,-j del.; ant siklormdicheskii
spravochnllxb Glay. red.-A.M. T6-jp4.p-o-r*i*. Koskya, C-Qs. fiaucllno-
W-hnichcsto5 itt-ry po lugo*11l'ol, or~--OJ. [Mining
and timbarinC) P.-eo-v~dPnI,- I krs~,Ienf.t tv1%. Red-
kollmgiia p. (m 3. 1
MMNKOVSKIT, M.A., prof., doktor khim.nauk; SPAMMKIT, V.S., dote.,
kand.okon.nauk.; SUMIAIIOV, A.F., prof., doktor tekbn.nauk
Basic problems in the complete utilization of coal in the
economy of the U.S.S.R. Hauch.dokl.vya.shkoly; gor.delo.
na.4:251-253 1 58. (KIR& 12.11)
1. Predstavleno Moskovskim Gornym institutom imeni I.Y.
(Coal--By-products) (Coal gasification. Underground)
AUTHOR: Sukhanov, A.P., Ductur vf Technical Sciences,
Directo-r--or7he Moscow Mining Institute imeni I.V. Stalin
TITLE: 1AU3Trws�'-_r the Correspondt! rice Traifi:ing of Mining Engineers to
Regular Daytime Vuzes (Perxedat? podgotovku gornykh
inzhenerov statsionarr,ya,
PERIODICALt Vestnik VyBshe~F Shkolj pis 57 -- 39 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The correspondenoe tralcirqS c,.f ire,.ialists for the mining in--
dustry is in the Vsei3oyuznvy zaochnyy
polizekhnicheskiy ii),3titul: VZlil) (A!I~Vnion Folytechnical
Correspondence Institure~ 'na izs bianches, It does not satis-
fy the increased demati.1c. f, irohisir.y both in regard to person-
nel and to the mearis of A further deficiency
is the lack of conditicr,~- for d~,-valoping scieptific Schools
and traditions which were always a strong support to the ad-
vanced Soviet vuzes. Some time ago the leading mining vuzes,
including the Moskcv.1kiy gorn,,ry institut (MG1) (The Moscow
Mining Institute) had correspondence facultios and depart-
ments which were temporarily transferred to the VZPI, At
Card 112 present it 18 expedient to entrust the correspondence trainin-cr
3 - 58-5-9/35
Le-Uh 'Amlsft-r -he Correspondence Training of Mlining Engineers to regular
Daytim e Vuzea
of mining engineers again to the regular daytime vuepv,~ Combir-
ing the re6-ular daytime Inatructior., with tuition ~-v correspora-
dence will radically reduce the plurality of off'.,,-eL~ and
expenses. Out of 27 regular miring vuzes- corres.-:--r-ience tui--
tion is already being conducted in 13,
A650CIATION: Moskovskiy gornyy instiTut imeni I.,V, 3talina M i n i n g
Institut imeni I,V. Stalin)
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 212
SUMNOV, A.F., prof. , doktor tekhn. muk; IIAZAROV, P.P., kand. takhn. nauk
- B.N., kand. takhn. nauk; DTUIDV. N.G., inzh.
Using cone bits in boring blast holes in asbestos quarries.
Stroi. mat. 5 no.10:26-28 0 159. (WRA 13:2)
(Asbestos) (Boring machinery)
SUKHANOV A.F., prof.; NAZAROV, P.P., dotsent; MUZOV, B.N.., kand.tekhn.nauk
Research on boring blastholeo with roller bits in strip mines of tho
State All-U:nlon Usociatioxf for the I-Ening and Preparation of Asbestos
and for the Manufacture of Asbestos Products. Gor.zhur. no.5:34-
37 Mq 161. (MMA 14:6)
1. Moskovskiy gornyy institut.
(Rock drills)
S2 "HANOV a Afanasix Filiminovich prof., doktor takhn.nauk, red.;
flAZjAMJV, Petr e ro h; KUTTJZOV, Boris Nikolayevich;
NEVSKIY, Vladimir Leonidovich; DYITRIYEV, Aleksey
Pavlovich; GOLOVIN, Grigoriy Mikhaylovich; MISNIK,
Yuriy Mikhaylovich; KHANUKAYEV, Aleksandr Nisanovich;
KOROLEVA, T.I., red.izd-va; SHKLYAR, S.Ya., tekhn. red.
(Boring and blasting operations] Burovzry-%mye raboty. (BY]
A.F.Sukhanov i dr. Moskva, Gosgortekhizdat, 1962. 242 p.
(Boring) (Blasting) (MIRA 16:9)
SUKHANOV, A.F., prof.; NAZAROV, 1.P., doteent; KUTUZOV, B.N., kwW.
tekhn. nauk; IUKAREVICH, D.N., gorn. inzh.;
TOKARI, M.G., gorn. inzh.
Inveatigation of combination drilling of boreholes-in strip
mines. Nauch. trudy Mosk. inst. radioelek. i gor. elektro-
mokh. no.47:20-35 163. (MIRA 17:6)
doktor tekhn.nauk; NAZAIROV, P.P., kand.tekhn.nauk; KUTUZOV,
B.N.) kand.tekhn.nauk; BODRYSHLV, A.A., inzh.; MAKAREVICH, D.N.,
inzh.; TOURI, M.G.., inzh.
Now ways of drilling holes in mines of the asbestos industry.
Shakht. stroi. 7 no-4:13-15 Ap 163. (miu 16:3)
1. Moskovskiy institut radioelektroniki i gornoy elektromekhaniki.
SUKHANOVI A.F.j prof.; KUTUZOV, B.N.p kand. tekhn. nauk; TOKARII M.G.,
KO~R'A, N.I.
Study of new methods of drilling holes in open-pit mines
of the Dokuchayevsk flux-dolomite combine. Gor. zhur. no.7:
24-29 J'l '63. (MIRA .16:8)
1. Moskovskiy institut radioelektroniki i gornoy elektrc-
mekhaniki (for Sukhanov, Kutuz", Tokar', Kantovich).
2. Glavnyy inzh. Dokuchayevskogo flyuso-dolomitnogo kcm-
binata (for Krasnopol.tskiy). 3. Glavnyy mekhanik Doku-
chayevskogo flyuso-dolomitnogo kambinata (for Kalura).
TITARENKO, Petr Yakovlevich; TEREHIN, Vyacheslav Nikolayevich;
REMENNIK, Lev Moiseyovich; _�2K ,--g _Wj--FjUmoAqV
__d&KQY _#pa 'Aq~
NAZAROV, Petr Petrov-"Leh; KUTUZOV, Boris Nikolayevich;
TOKARI,Moisey Grigorlyevich; BONIN, Boris Alaksandrovich;
SOFRONOVI Fedor Petrjvich; GEYMAN, L.M., red.izd-va;
LAVRENTIYEVA, L.G., tdkhn. red.
(New developments in boring and blasting operations in
asbestos open pit mines] Novoe v burovzry-vnykh rabotakh na
asbestovykh karlerakh. Moskva, Gosgortekhizdat, 1963. 68 p.
(141 RA 16: 10)
(Asbestos mines and mining) (Blasting)
SUKHANOV, Afanasiy Filirr.onovich; -KUTUZOV, Boris
[Breaking of rocks) Razrushenle goMkh Forod. Moskva,
Vogic. in-t radioelektrordki I gornoi elektronekhaniki.
1964. 141 p. (VIlU 18-.7)
.1,JKlR.rlJV, Pfanaaiy Filimonovich; KUTUZOV, Boris Nikolayevich
[Breaking of rocks] Razrushenie gornykh porod. Moskvaf
Mosk. in-f :-adioelektroniki i gornoi elaktrumekhaniki.
Pt.l. 1964. 21 p. (MIRA 19:1)
SUKHANOV, A.F., prof.; KUTUZOV, B.N., ,--+,setnt
Standard dimensions of roller bA boring machines for open
pit mining. Izv,. vys. ucheb. zav..; gor. zhur. no.8.-82-85 164
(MIR& 18:1)
1. Moskovskiy institat radioelektroniki i gornoy elektrcmekhaniki.
Rekomendovana kafedroy tekhnologii i kompleksnoy mekhanizatsii
poezemnoy dobyehi rud i nerudnykh iskoF)ayemykh.
C doktor tekirln.rauk; KUTLIZCV, B.N., kand.tekhn.a~auk; KANTOVICH,
y inz1h.; PICNAKIKOVSMY, A.141., gorriyy inzh.
con-'itiono for Lc;i--',:g in ~iard,
mild1v abv,riw,, roel, 'n ~tr r, tv -3:35-39 Mr
1(5. (m.Av, 18:5)
1. I'l'lokovskiy institut radioeleRtronill i fomov
the voll (-.I- bit af.: 11 rig c
Gor. z,' r; o
Simp2e method for predicting visibility periods of sate2litoes
at observation stations. Biul.sta.opt.nabl.isk.sput.Zem*
no,8:10 159. (MM 23:6)
1. Vladivostokskzqa stantslya nab2yudenlya sputnikov.
(Artificial satellites--Tracking)
Scale of photostatic copies of the Be,~va'rls Stur Atlas,
Blul.sta.opt,nabl.isk.sput.Zem. no.1:5-6 160.
(MIRA 13*5)
1. Vladivostokskaya stantsiya nably-udenlya iskasetvenl7kh
aputnikov Zemli.
LZnl 2 -65 FBD/Vr(l)/&G(Y)/EEc-4/Err(t) Fe-5/pq-h/pae-2/pi-4 ri vM
ACCCSSION 14R: AP5005782 5/0043/65/000/DOI/010;!/0109
_Atbi~jov,_A. 1~!; ~iEgblfLakILL . S.; Durasova, M.
I -It'YeVA, tf ; qqlchqn0VA_A'p'; l'-
YuAin,_O. I.; Ygan y. L. Y.
TITLE; RrtO~pqqt ic\f~observationa on the centimeter wave of the solar eclipse
on 21 July 1963
SOURCE: Leningrad. Universitet. Vestnik. Serlys matematiki, makhaniki I
astronomil, no. 1, 19650 102-109
TOPIC TAG$z solar eclipse, solar atmosphere, residual radiation, terrestrial at-
mospb,r-%, radio emission, awspot
ABSTRACT: An expedition went to 51mushir Island to observe the time of the second
and third radio contacts of the solar eclipse of 21 July 1963 for detecting the1q.
height of rapid changes In the solar atmosphere during the period of weak solar ac-
tivity and for measuring the residual radiation flux during the period of total
cover of the Sun. The detection of local sources of rndio emissionfrom1he Sun during
the total eclippi - 09d measureidents'of, thd Ea'rth!s own atmospheric radiation were also
included In the expediti6n'o.task. The solar disk was covered with two groups of
Card 1/2
L 30012-65 0
sun spots, of which one persisted only two days including the day of the eclipse.
The refraction, absorption, and proper radiation of the Earth's atmosphere In---
fluenced observation data. The absorption and atmospheric radiation were opecially
measured before and after the eclipse. Strong fluctuations of the solar radio emis-
sion between the first and second contacts were recorded on 3.2- and 10-cm wave-
lengths. The amplitude of fluctuations diminished with the Increase of solar height
and did not depend on wavelength. A difference was observed between the optical
and radio contact times. The residual radio emission corrected for absorption In
the terrestrial atmosphere to givtn In a table In the original article. An estasicn
of local sources has been recorded on 4-, 5-, and 10-tm waves. The local source
was Identified with the spot group which lasted only two days. The height of the
local source was determined to be in a space spatt from 7000 to 20,000 km above
the solar surface, Orig. art, hast 3 figures, 7 tables, and 4 formulass-" (EG)
Card - 2 /2
ron-o:-, Ica I JL~Iy
ill LhR 7,lcrow:~,va band. vest. T M; G no. 1: 102-- L09
SUKHANOVI A.I,p inzh, (Volgograd); MARKIN, S., inzh. (Volgograd)
urgent tasks in developing -the lime 4ndustry. Stroi. mat, 9
no.6:6 Je 163. (MDU 17: 8)
nAtyr-Inp 1 nalay- e C LIU
54 - O-W -
K-K!Obi-NR-- --APL5 14
L 61411-65
ACCWSION MRs A.P5019107 UR/0266/65/000/012/0134/0134
'Yqj --4
AUTHORSi Afonin,-A.1WOj Tershova GO III Ivanovskill1g. re., lof a .1
Komashe AVKhIj KonlkTvs "TV ..) Lki2ov9t9kiyjTV.'1A I
Hishedchank rrr "ID' ffeverqvich!"'Al4i .1
Preobrazh naki~~;*OAA.j Rilaun,'19414 I ASukhawyEAdl.
Sheleg, R, 0.,j Taguxhinak~n SO MO
7Y 5f 11
TITLEt Carriage for 6 drive chain of an overhead thrust conve"re 01"s 810 48
Moo 172230
SOURCEt Byulleten' isobreteMy i tovarrWkh snakorr, no. 12, 19651 134
TOPIC. TAOSt overhak Conver) , drive chain, Carriage, crane
qv Sr I Y
ABWRAM This Autl;~i Certificate presents a carriage for a drive chain of an
overhead thrust convj#or. The oseriage consists of running rollers Ramid-ed on an
axle fixed to the caiing which supports a thrust cam mA which is commuted to the
chain through fastening elements, including a fastening bolt (see fig. I on the
knolosure). To simplify the construction of the Carriage$ the thrust can is Riede
in one piece with the fastening boltp while the cuing is made in one p:L*C* with
the axle. Orig. art. hass 3. diagram.
C~Ird 1/3
I !
L 61411-65
ASSWIATIONt Vvesoyava nauchrao-isalWovatoll
transportnogo m"hinostroyvaiya (All-Union SoU
Hoisting and Conve7iog Nsohirse Construction)
mmmED i I2Aug63 LICLo 02
NO MW BOYS 000 0=21 000
institat podgym
a Res"rah lutitato of
q 57,
Wo Owl# Is
L 61412-65 EVIT(d)/W(OZJ~~j)
AGOESSION NRt AP501910 UR/0266/6
1/y fr r by
AUTHORS1 4tonin, A. Nq Yershovs 0. 1.; Ivanova Ko a.; loffe F 3
KomasheM, A. Kh.! Kon1ko-va-T~fl-ti ipovetalc I Hell a V. Tel
MiBhodchenk Neverovichl"trK.1 Psris-Rd%elfta, A. A.1 J~: as
i ME KY~i ! Semeno-V
-Q". I Rik~ ; _,YB.5b I Ssmsnov"V.!~M.; SukhanoYrIol-191
_ALA.1 Jaguzhina~!i,,S. M.
TITLEt Transmission device of an overhead thrust conveyor. Class 61, No. 172231
SOURCHt Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 12, 1965, 3,34-135
TOPIC TAGSo overhead conv2qr~ transmission, crane
AMRACTo This Author Certificate presents a transmission device of a suspended
thrust conveyor. The device cortains spring-eupported vanes not in a rotary
motion by a star wheal meshing with the drive chain of the conveyor'(ase Fig. 1
on the Enclosure). To peovent the possibility of wedging the carriage during its
transport, the device is provided with a two-armed spring-supported lover. One of
tho.arms serves as a st?pptw for the cr-rriage, and the other one (provided with a
roller) interacts with a eiromlar template fixed-on the star whesL The tuwlate
has openings for reasiving the rollorwhich frees the carriage from the atoppera.
C.M W3
Mama w
L 61412-65
Orig. art. hast ldiagame
AMWIATIONe VesioyusMymmchno-lasledovatollokiyiratitulbpW"Ysmnow
transportnogo mashinostroyVaya (All-Union SdAmtlfic
Hoisting and Conveying Xaddm C6'n-struotion)
Reseffah Inmtit~te of
Nn RM MV t nM em
it "elif -I N, iV .11 ,
I , . 9 1 . .
t *,. ~ Of automatic regulation of the procesq of cellulose
'on, Khim. vclok. no.5:60-62 065.
(MIRA M10)
1. Barn&-allskiy filial Cpytno-konstniktorskogo byuro avtomatiki.
A. i,:
42244. SUKIIANOV, A. M., GAPIUTDLI,.IOV, G. G., Goreniye ugollnoy plastiny. Trudy Tom9kogo
elektrow-eklian. In-ta inzh. zh-d trans-porta, r. xiii, 19!4~3, S. 58-69.
So: latopis' Zhurnal'nykh Statey, Vol..47, 1948.
SUKHANOV,A.M.- dntoent, kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk
Determining the speed of carbon combus~vion. Trudy TASHIIT
no.4:47-63 154. (MI2A 8:6)
SUMMOV. A.M., dotsent.
0111,- .
Effect of wetting coal ort efficient Ignition. Trudy TASH11? no-5:
3&48 '56. (MBA 9:12)
(Lokomotives-Fuel consumption)
IEBEDEVA, T.P., kand.takhn.nauk; BELENOVp V.K., inzh.; SUKHANOV., A.N,,,,inzh.
Mechanize the car checkii~gvperations in stations. Vest. TSNII
WS 20 no.5.-45-47 1621 , OURA 15-8)
(Railroads-Making up brains) (Railroads-Electronic equipment)
(Models of racing automobiles] Modeli gonochnykh avtomobilel.
Koskva, Izd-vo DOSW, 1959. 173 P. (MMA 13:3)
(Automobiles, Racing-Kodelis)
tekbn. red.
[Modeling of automobiles]Avtomobil'ryi modeli=. Pod ob-
shchei red.Z.U.4-khisa. (By]E.Diskin i dr. Moskva Izd-vo
(KIRA 11,
DOSAAF, 1962. 391 P. 5:10)
Reloading mechanism, Trudy KAI 52s27-31 160, (MIRA 16s7)
(Feed mechanisms)
Fornula foi- the flexure of a cantilever beam with variable section.
Trudy KAI no.62:175 161. NERA 17:2)
1:a,; ma _i baLe P.)r j"-
y kc,-n-' Let
1:~ k 7 ui--L-i nov r ct -- Ka za k1ri saye
I I 11 K! I A I'!
D 0 B R E" I'S 0 VI.Ii. ; S
14,it'noris eif r(,ck broakinr ~3 antinri of' positive
Find pr,~.,bl. razrab. F.(J!.. i:3kcp.
no. 5- 171-173 '(,r. (14IPA 19-.1)
Tn..,titut. radioeliAtroniki i ellt~ktxomekl~anikll, I-togkva.