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SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 4 PA - 1921 AUTHOR �jDA1@QVjy.V_ TITLE The Conclusions to be drawn from the Renormaliability of Quantum 4lectrodynamics and the Meson Theory. PERIODICAL Zurn.eksp.i teor.fia,31,fasc-4, 729-731 (1956) Issued: I / 1957 According to the author's opinion these conclusions drawn from renormalizabil- ity (M.GELL-IWIN, F.F.LOW, Phys.Rev.21, 1300 (1954), N-P.BOGOLJUBOV, D.VAIRKOV, 30, 77 )(1956) are best formulated as follows: a (g 2 () ) P (g2Pj) a (g2 (X(g 2, - C C P(g2 j-L C a d(g2 -L) C C 0 a (E 2 0 (g2L) 0 d (g2 L) C c C C C C Here aC, PC , dC denote the asymptotic expressions of the slowly modifying fac- tors in the case of a renormalized summit part and renormalized GREEN'S func- tions of the nucleon, g C - the renormalized meson charge, , I = ln(-k 2/m2) , L - In ( A2/M2) ( A is the "cut off momentum", ct,p,d and g 0 denote the not renormalizable quantities which correspond to the cut-off momentumA - It was found useful from the beginning to introduce the logarithmic variables and L. Apart from the trivial conclusion that a, 0 and d become equal to le at t = L, the following postulate results which is of importance for what I Pk - 19:?1 Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis,31,fasc-4,729-731 (1956) CARD 2 / 4 is to follow: withj>/1, CXY P and dare asymptotically the functions of the difference f - L - ln(-k 2/4 2) alone, i.e. they no longer depend on the nucleon mass m. Further, a quantity is introduced which may be called "effec- tive charge": 2(j ) 2a2(g2, 2 2 9 _g @-L) P2(g2, @-L)d (g2,j -L)- g2al(g2,@ ) P (g )d (g2,@ 0 0 0 0 0 C C 0 c This equation results from the aforementioned relations and rom the relations between the renormalized and the not renormalized charges. From the last named equation it may be seen that theeffective charge g can be looked upon either as a function of g 2 and or as a function of g 2 and The final formula- 0 e tion consists in the statement that the logarithmic derivaiLves of a and a 4@ etc. according to t depend only on the effective charge: 2 g2) 2 al/a = a,/ac = Fl(g ); P,/P P,/Oc = F dI/d = dc (g )i c c 2( 3 (g2 Ig 2 . 2FJ(g2) + 2 F 2(92 + F3(g2) The strokes here denote differentiation according to the corresponding argument - L or . The last equation is a consequence of the first three and also of the second-named equation. As an example the first of the three equations is provedi the others are obtained in the same manner. V Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis,.L1_,fasc-4, 729-731 (1956) CARD 4 / 4PA - 1921 a - Q1/5 , P = Q_ 3/10; d = Q-4/5 are obtained. In the most simple case of quantum electrodynamics and if the series of the perturbation theory for GREEN'S function of the photon: d = E@ c e2m (f -L )n is known an asymptotic expression for dt can be t M;@, mn 0 obtained in any order with respect to eWith the help of WARD'S theorem the following is obtained for quantum electrodynamics: 2 2 2 2 2, '/dt ',,,-.P(e2)'/e22) e e dtt (e ,t - L) - e dt', (e ) dt -dt - F(e 0 0 c c By investigation which is similar to tJ above we obtain: 2 2m 00 2m F(e ) =f cmi , / 2::- Cmo e m--1 M=o When determining the aforementioned series for dtthe cut-off proceeding de- monstrated by D.7f.POSENER and M.W.P.STRANSBERG, Phys.Rev-22, 374 (1954), which warrants the condition dt(e20) = 1 being satisfied with accuracy, must be used. 0 INSTITUTION: Y Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis,,31,fase-5,899-901 (1956) CARD 2 / 4 PA - 1931 P denotes a quantity which is connected with the amplitude P of scattering by the following, relation: (g2 /411 @ ) P, @ C. (g 2/411@ )PC. A is a 0 0 a c 0 Constant in the following term of tho UMILTONIAN of Intoraotion; 0/41 ) (6,1112 6 IT3T4+ 6 T1 'r3 12 T4 + 6r1 Ir46T 2T 3 1 T'r2 T-T3Tr 4* The equivalence of the definition of the effective charges by renormalized and not renormalized quantities follows from the aforementioned equations and from the following relations between renormalized and not renormalized constants: 2 . 2 a2 (g2' A ) P2 (g2'A 2 go ge a C c, L C C c L) d C(gcl@ C. , L) 0 . -A d 2 (g2' , L) P C (g 2 1 @ Q A C a G Ac a c The fundamental statement made is that the logarithmic derivatives of 2 a, P, d, P according to are only functions of the effective charge g The proof of the aforemeltioned equations is slAched out'in short. The logarilbsic derivatives of the effective charges are: (g2)I/g2 =2F 1(g 2, @) + 2 F2(g2, A) 2 F 2(9 2 3 )+ F 3 (g2 = F4 (g2'A j + 2 F 3(g2'A J. If F is known these two equations form a system of differential equations which, together with the boundary conditions Yurn.eksp.i teor.fis,.L1,fasc-5, 899-901 (1956) CARD 4 / 4 PA - 1931 The following equation for the amplitude P of the scattering of a meson by a meson is eventuall obtained: 1 2 ,dP/dx - 16/3 - (11/'6)(P/x). In addition there is the boundary condition PM - 4n A 1g2 . The solution of this equation is: 0 0 16 B - x-19/3 1 P x ; B - (1 + B + (8/")X-197-3 92 1T 92 0 0 which is in agreement with the results obtained by I.T.DJATLOV and X.A. TER-MARTIROSJAN, Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis,30, 416 (1956 for A 0 . 0 (B - 1). The here discussed method5of investigation are suited for the determination of asymptotic behaviors of any order with respect to g2, A , if the results of the perturbation theory are available up to and including the corres- ponding order. INSTITUTIOTT: Dokl.Akad.Nauk 111,fasc.2, 338-340 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1960 Next, the computation of the contribution made by each single part is dis- cussed in short, after which the amplitugg of the scattering of a meson by a meson is expressed as follows: 11(j) - 7- 2-N 2: f (f). N-1 n nN n n,,.".,n, 0 of he type ni. The to- Here fn denotes the contribution of the i-th par i le tal amplitude P is expressed by a sum of 6 squares (which are illustrated) and by the sum of the three F(J), which correspond to the totality of diagrams re- ducible in a certain manne : P - RO(j) + 3F(@)- The following expression is in the and obtai@ed, L 2 2 g2 -1/5 P Ro(@) - (39018;) P (z)d (z)dz, R,, M 240 - x),x=[I+(5 o/41t)(L-1)] The derivation mentioned Fiere can be generalized with only minor complications (connected with the occurrence of isotopic indices) for the symmetric pseudo- scalar theory. The expression for P(j), which corresponds to this case is also explicitly given. In this case he integral equations are reduced to differential equations and their exact solution, i.e. the expressions"or P(x) are also explicitly written down. These deliberations point in the direction of the meson charge being equal to zero. INSTITUTION: I - ". i 1;@Il ;.L, I . --- L - 1. -, :-@ Z- , \ 11,, cv') C;6 5 AuiHm DUTWVp I.T., -kPAMV, V.V.,, TBR-UaTU10S!Z'j K.A. TITLE The Asymptotic The6@5 @e Scatterir-, of a Meson By a Meson (Asimptotichaskaya teoriya rasseyaniya mazona na mezone. Russian). PLRIODIGAL Zhurnal Eksperim. I Teoret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol 329 Nr 4, Pp 767 - 780 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT The paper under rikiew determines the asymptotic beha*r for the anp- litude of the scattering Of A MS@nn by a Meson in a theory of the type of the theory devi"d by Landau,, Abrikoaov and Khalatnikov. First of all, the authors of the paper undergreview demonstrate that the sum of the contributi*m of all ieducible graphs satisfies an exact integral equation, the form of which depends only on the contribution of the primitive gr&phs, The computation is carried out step by step, and the integral equation obtained is written down In tie explicit form. With two additional analogous ecpations a system of three integral equations is obtained, this system defines the functions F(k,, k 25 9 k ); F(klp 19 44 k k tit k k k k k bi l b th d F(k ) ) an unam e n an guous y y y 2, 3, 2, ,., 4, 4 3 R (klj k 20 @ k e by the contribution of the primitive graphso ' @' fl@ i ; I a n is specialised for the case of high impulses n the in T o t qu for the neutral and for the symmetrioal theory* In the symmetrical theo- ry, it is possible to elsiminte from 'cons idqation the variables ofthe isotopic spin of the mesona* The total sum-,,'P@c) of the reducible gophs Card 1/2 is a finite quantity of the am@ order of m@jnltude as the contribution 56-'@-18/52 ASSOCUTION PRESENTED BY SUBMITTED AVAILABLE The Asymptotic Tbeory of the Scattering of a.Meson By a Meson R of the primitiye grAphs, Finally the paper under reviev d1acusses tHe properties'*f the'renormalization of the Amplitude P of the scat- tering of a meson by a mes'one #.t L+ -, it is possible to automatically normalize the expressions for the sums P(x) and P(@ ), without being forced to introduce into the Hamiltonian terms proportional to 5F 40 (7 reproductions), Not given 17 December 1955 Library of Congress Card 2/2 KOLKLTIIOV, V.A.; 0=1, L.B.; RUDIZ, A.P.@ SUDAKOV, V.V. Position of the nearest singularitieu of the 7@fl- scattering amplitade. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 39 no.2:340-344 Ag v60. (HIRA 13:9) (Field theory) (Scattering (Physics)) SUDAKOV, V. If. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Application of gamma-radiation in testing building materials and designs." Leningrad, 1961. 17 pp; (Lenin- grad Order of Lenin Inst of Railroad Transport Engineers imeni Academician 1'. N. Obraztsov); 150 copies; price not given; (KL, 5-61 sup , 193) SUDAKOV, Vasiliy Vasillyevich. inzh.; KOMOVSKrY, M.F.9 inzh.9 red.; FREGF.R, -61MAP I.A.p tekhn. red. D.P., red. izd-va; BEibG [Using radioactive radiation to control the density of building materials] Primenenie radioaktivrqkh izlucbeni:L dlia kontrolia lotnosti stroitellrqkh materialov. Leningrad. 1961. ;f P. eningradskii Dom naucbno-tekhnicheskoi propagandy. Obuibn peredovym R opytom. Seriia: Stroitellnaia pro4shlennostZ-9 no.5) (MIRA 14-.7) (Building materials) (Gamma rays-Industrial applications) AUTHORSs TITLE3 89-222 S/05 61/040/001/028/037 B102YB212 Patashinskiy, A. Z., Rudik, A. P., Sudakov,---T.-V-; SingulAritibea of scattering amplitudes in the perturbation theory PERIODICALt Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki, v. 40, no. 1, 1961, 298-311 TEXTs A study has been made of the position of singularities of the scattering amplitude and its asymptotic behavior in the perturbation, theory. Due to conservation of the four-momentum of scattered particles, the four-momenta of the scattering and virtual particles are located in a' three-dimensional space for any perturbation-theoretical graph. The three linearly independent four-vectors are chosen for basis veotorst W p1+P20: 2 2 pl+P31 P - p,,ip,,. For p Mi (i-l,..4) 2QIW - MI - MI M + MI, 2WP = Mil M'2 + M2 I I M32 - I 2 + M2 MI - M" + M. (1.2) holds. Q2 + WS + P2 M2 + M'2 + Af2 2. 2QP =.MI 2 Card 1/5 Singulgrities of sciattering... 3/056/61/040/001/028/037 B102/B212 The scattering amplitude is characterized by six parameterel for con- M2 2 2.- venience they are chosen to bet and the invariants W and 0. Only the singularities with real invariants are considered. There is a certain i 2 2 relation between W , Q. and the masses of the virtual particles at the singularityl this relatien is ch raoterized for graphs of the type shown in Fig.1 by the ratios between P and the squares of masses of virtual V3 i