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4.0 @,W(mVEM-P(W&VP(b) n--.i/JD ACCESSION NR- AP5001426 .5,1G075164/0191008t0968/0974 AUTHOR: Ku Tkhan' Long; Sudak-ov, F. -P.; Shakhova, Z. F. TITTIE.- Pbotornetric determization of tellurium in the form of phosphotelluro- molybdic acid 2 SOURCE: Zhurnal analitioheskoy -khimfl, v.- 19,@ no. 8, 1964, 968-974-" TOPIC TAGS: tellurium, ino:-ganic acid, photometry Abstract: The formation of phosphotelluromolybdic acid in solution and the possibilities of its use for tha determination of tellurium were studied. it was found --hen tellurium (IV) L's added to an acidified solution, of phos- 2homoly-dic acid, under definzta conditLons of acidity and concentration of the components, & yellow-cclored ternar-1 pi-LosphoLelluror-olybdic acid is formed, writh a molar ratio P:Y:Mo = 1:1:11. 'rhe formation of this new com-- pound wa3 confirmed by the increase Ln the light absorption of pure phos- phcmciynd ic ac ia Ln the presence of tel lurium and the shif t of, the abSIDrp- into the ionqr-wave rcgion, bir the different behavior (if this 'trulz @hz Lnflueilce Of sxjch Card 112 L 14521-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5001426 factors as acidity, temp@erature and time, and the preffence of the isochroueg tv-p@lcal of a ternary compound on the trLangular phase diagram of this -_o v h,@ r !i c, i dLa staoie Ln Lli@ie Dli "IllLe'V61 1.5-3.0, 3 S E@ t Nloskovskiy grosudarstvenn-YY universitet im. M. V. lAlmonosova 'Nloscow SL te Universit@) __ tat ur____ SUBNUTTED: 080et63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: GC, OP NO REF SOV: 005 Card 2/ 2 OTHER: 001 JPRS 7 - 7 -71 7 JITITTNA, V.I. I %1_-, o - . ALIMARIN., I -P, '. -SUL"OV" I -L Eytraction of heteropoly compomds and Ite use in inorganic analysis. Usp. kh.'m, 54 no.8-1368-1387 Ag 165. (MIRA l8w8) ZMILIAKOV, FaIV, "Naw imithndo for the d,@klprminatli-,jri of phoop@omq" by A.A. i.@dor,rx. ?.lriu:r-, aral. khim. 20 no.8:881+ 165. NIRA 18..Ir)j KLITINA, V.I.; SUDATOV, F.P.; ALMARIN, I.F. Extraction of reduced phoaphomolybdic acid with oxygen-con- taining so@vants. Zhur. anal. khim. 20 no. llt1145-1152 165 (MIM, 19:11 1. Mc,-,kc)v.-*.lCiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova. Subm.itted October 14, 1964. L 34375-66 EWT(m)/E-NP(t)/ET1 IJP(c) JD Ak : NR. AP01=7 SOURCE CODGs UR/0189/66/000/001/0098/0100 AUTHORs Sudakorp F. P.; 11itinav V. L; Haslovalp N. T. ORGI Analztic Chemistry P!p!E!@!Lentp Moscow Stste University (Kafedra analiticheakoy WiV_H_V_%W0_Vskiy gosudarstvanW universitet) il 10 TITISI Extractive photometric determination of phosphorus and silicon in the form of their reduced hateropoly &aide SOURCES Moscow. Univeraitet. Vestnik. Seriya II. Khtmiyap no. It 1966v 98-100 TOPIC TAGS1 phosphorusp silicong phosphorus compound, molybdenum compoundy silicon compound, photometric analysis ABSTRACT: An attempt was made to develop selective and sensitive methods of deter- mining phosphorus and silicon by combining extraction with reactions of reduction of phosphomo3,ybdic acid (PMA) and silicomolybdic, acid (SMA) by stannous oxalate. The re- duction products of P14k and SMA9 obtained at both pH 1.8 and pH 5.0, are satisfactor- ily extracted with oxygen- and nitrogen-containing extractantst and their extracts- bility depends strongly on the acidity of the aqueous phasep nature of the extractant, and other factors. As a rule, the extractability of reduced PMA and SHA improves witb increasing acidityp but optimum conditions exist at pH 5.0. The extracts are stable with time and obey Beer's lAw. The most suitable method for determining phosphorus Card 1/2 UDCS .. 541.14 + 1041.15 + 772/773 L 34375-66 ACC NR: AP6010717 involves the reduction of PMA at pH 1.8 and its extraction with a 0.5% dioctYlamine solution In a 11i chloraform - isoamyl alcohol mixturej, followed by photometric anal- ysis of the extract at 1740 r4i. In the photometric determination of silicon, the best sensitivity is provided by a method in which SMA reduced at pH 1.8 is extracted with a 1% dioetylamine solut!Lon in isoamyl alcoholp and a method in which SMA reduced at pH 5.0 is extracted with a 0.5% dioatylamine solution in a chlorofora - isoanyl alco- hol mixture. The proce(hu-ea employed In the determinatioAs arc, desaribed. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBH DAIZI 20ki651 MM REF1 001/ OM REFS 001 Card 2/2 - @.:izh. -* no trodo wire. v - -@')r viridingr 3trightening, mid cleazi@n -L Q. 1,mie )-/ no.10-68 0 fc-lo :)2,1 '.ElectrIc wE@Wlng-j@q=pmenT, and suppiies) k VOLIbE.1G, ll;.Yc,.; K.:.;.; D.1-:AT, V.V.; J 70V V.G.; FA AGII@, A.V.; TIll'Or-LYEV, A.!.; FiA-.T,,UZGV, Ya.L.; 1 MNSM, A.K., glav. red.; SIJD,,'YOV G G%l zam. glav. red.; IOSELOVSKIY, I.V., red.; red.; ONKIN, A.K., red.; NIX(,'LA.)'FV-SKIY, -e(l.; -;AaF.0V, 1.!., rud.; V.I., red.; I.G., red.; TUjMtlYA?:'-)V, !:.D., red.; GlIFFIXV, ...V., red.; KZ,:.OV, V.A., nauchn. red. [A:.sembly of tecbnolog-ica.1 equipinent of chemical plants] ,.:Unt,,izh toKhnolofricheskogo oba.-udov-aniia kchL-nicheskikh I zavudov. Mos'.va, Stroiizdat, 1964. 619 p. (1-11IRA 1?:1-1) VERVE7'KII47A, A.K.., inzh.; KOLCHIIISKIY, Yu.L., inzh.; NIKOLAYYEVSK1Y, Ye.Ye., inzh.; "'GDIO,',OVA, P.G., inzh.; HYAFOL01, A.F., inzh.; SOKOL, I.A.., inzh.; STERLD", S.L., inzb.; E7DELINkIlT, L.B., inzh.; ORLOV, V.11A., kand. tekhn. nauk, ret;;enzent; YURGEL', B.I., inzh., retsenzent; FOKIE, V.Ya., -inzh., nauchn. red.; VOLT[v.AIISKP,, A.K., glav. red.; SUDAKOV, G.G., zam. glav. red.; IOS!,LOVSK1Y, I.V., red.; 11"ARKOV, LI., red.; NELINIK, V.I., red.; ONIKU, A.K., red.; STAROVEROV,. I.G., red.; TU1SF3.YAFOV, red.; CIL-2131:OV, A.V., eed. fEngincering pipelines for industrial enterprises] Tekhno- logicheskie truboprovody promyshlennykh predpriiatii. Ho- skva, Stroiizdat, 1964. 2 v. (MIRA 17:12) VgiVff KINA, A.K., inzh.; KOLCHJNSK1Y, Yu.L... inzh.; NIKOLAYEVSKIY, Ye.Ya., inzh.; RODIO140VA, R.G.p inzh.; RYAPOLOV, A.F., inzh.; SOKOL, I.A., inzh.; STERLIN, S.L., inzh.; EYDELINANT, L.B., inzh.; ORLOV N.M., kand. tekhn. nAuk retsenze 4 YURCELI,B.I., inzh.,retsenzent; FOKUI,V.Ya., inzhTpvmw-bn. red.; VOLNYANSM,A.K. red.; 11-',@RKOV, !.I., red.; MELINA, V.I., red.; UNKIN, A.K., red.; SIAROVMOV, I.G., red.; TUSHTIYAKOV, M.D., red.; GHIRNOV, A.V., red.; SUDAKOV.G.G., red.; IO,'T-:LOVSKIY,I.V., red. [Technological pipings in industrial enterprises] Tekhnologi- cheskie truboprovody promyshlennykh predpriiatii. Moskva, Stroiizdat. Pt.l. 1964. 784 P. (MIRA 18:9) VESELOV, A.A., inzh.; KARNEYEV, N.A., inzh.; KOZLOVSKIY, L.I.p inzh.; STEPANOV, A.I., inzh.; TUMTYAKOV, M.D., inzh.; SHCIIEPETIYEV, A.I., inzh.; VOIIIYAIISKIY, A.K., glav. rea.; SUDAKOV, G.G., zam. glav. red.; TARAN, V.D., red.; -SnNN-RixoV, S.S., red.; IMIKHAYLOV, K.A.', red.; STAROVEROV, I.G., red.; VOLODIN, V.Ye., red.; NIKOLAYEVSKIY, Ye.Ya., red, [Hoisting and conveying equipment for assembly and specialized operations] Pod"emno-transportnoe oborudovanie dlia montazh- nykh i spetsialInykh rabot. Izd.2., dop. Moskva, Stroiizdat, 1964. 679 p. (@URA 18:4) t, I JL V@ op ul iior::;..,] a:.(@ "P. SIUDAKOVv K.V.- Reflex mechanism of periodic gastric hunger activity. Biul, eksp, biol. i med. 50 no. 11:23-28 N 160. (MIRA 13:32) le Iz kafedry normallnoy fiziologii I Hoskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo inetituts. (zav, - deystvitelinyy chlen AMN SSU P.K. AnokhjX). (STOMACH) (HUNGER) ASMAL414, N.V.; SUDAKOV. K.V. Characteristics of the functional state of the nucleus of the vagus nerve during relative starvation and satiety. Fiziol.zhur. 47 no.5:605-611 My 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. From the Department of Physiology, I.M.Sechenov Meaical Institute, Moscow. (VAGUS NERVE) (STARVATION) Role of the frontal segments of the cerebral cortex in the formation of feeding behavior. Fiziol. zhur. 48 no.2:165-169 F 162. k (MlItA 15:2) 1. From the I.M. Sechenov Medical Institute, Moscow. (CEREBR&L CORTEX) (HUNGER) SUDAKOV, K.V.; ROGACHEVA, S.K. Afferent and efferent activity of the gastric fibers of the vagum nerve under conditions of hunger and foUowing food intake. Fizlol. zhur. 48 no.6:7@8-734 Je 162. (KIRA 15:8) 1. Kafedra, normallnoy flziologii 1-go Meditsinskogo-instituta imeni 0 I.M.Sechenova Moskva. IVAGUS NERTF) (HUNGER) (FOOD) SUDAKOV, K.V. Neurahumoral mechanism of ascending activation of the frontal segments of the cerebral cortex in phyjiological hunger. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 54 no.8:3-7 Ag 162. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Iz kafedry normallnoy fiziologii (zav. - deystvitelInyy chlen ANDI SSSR prof. P.K. Anokhin) I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditain- skogo instituta imeni Sechenova. Predstavlena deystvitellnym chle- nom AM SSSR Anokhinym. SUDAKOV, K.V. Study of ascending activating influences on the cerebral cortex during starvation with the aid of local polariza- tion of the hypothalamus. Fiziol. zhur. 49 no.8:901-907 Ag 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. From the Laboratory for General Physiology of the Central Nervous System Institute of Normal and Pathologic Physiology, U.S.S.R. Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow. SUDAKOV, K.V.; FADEYEV, Yu.A. Gharactoristic5 of ascending activation of the cerebral cortex in a L;tttte of physical starvation and during pain stimulation. Fiziol. zhur. 49 no.11:1310-1317 11 163. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Laboratoriya obshchey fiziologii tsentrallnoy neiv oy sistemy Instituta normaltnoy i patologicheskoy fiziologii AWI SSSR, Moskva. f orgualzSt4 cn a n T L cp is 1. Labcra4 -1@,q tsentralIncy nerv-noy sisti-my ci@!;-,n AL-14 SsSR, prof. P.K.Anokhin) Instituta 4 f i z ANI SSSR. SUDAFOV, K.V.; tTASIN, L.S. Characteristi-'s :f 'the m-echan.,sm of ascending activation of the cerebral cortex in mechanical stimulation of the stomach. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 59 no.4:8-11 Ap 165. (MIRA 18: 5) 1. Laboratoriya obstichey fiziologii tsentrallnoy nervnoy sistemy (zav. - deystviLellnyy chlen A!IN SSSR pro.f. P.K. Anokhin) Insti- tuta normallnoy i patologichesl@oy fiziologii. (dir. - deystvitelln3ry chlen A14N SSSR prof. V.V. Parin) AMN SSSR, Moskva. of 1-he and t@.4; formotion of t,IMIIMU@ J r, tl-'o r--oh8nism of thp spleotive r,-@c-n.ndllng notivation oll thp cPrc-hr,,l Cortex in a stn+,p of 165. 51 no.4:"9-456 Ap (MIRA 1896) ya nbs@,.,-@hr-y f'4zfcl,,-IjT.-'!- tsentrallnoy nfrvnoy sistemy c, ti t,; ItIj j r.7,@y i p"t -.1 @ g" y f 1. z 1010 gi i W, I SS M, Ro sk-ra . .......... tT r @_19.3166_66 SOURCLi COJ@"': ACC NP, AP60198W Ufl/'6Z W6, 5/cl@i /604/(@ AUTHORt Sudakov, K. V. ORG- Laboratory of General Phys'iology of the Central Nervous System, Thstitute of Norrial and Pathological Physiolop7, AMN SSSR, Moscow (Laboratoriya obshchoy fizio- fl-T-3-en-triff-noy nervnoy sisterW I i patologichoskoy fiziologii nstituta normallno-Y AIRN SSSR) TIT1,6: Interaction of the hypothalamus. the reticular formation of the midbrain I and the -thalamus in the mechanism of the selective ascending activation of the cerebral cortax In physiological hunger SOURCEi Fiziologichaskiy thurnal SSSR, v. 51, no. 4. 1965, 449-456 TOPIC TAGSt cerebral cortex, EEG, cat, bloelectrio phenomenon 1 ABSTRAM EEG studies were carried out on cats*that had been deprived of food for 1-2 days and were ancsthetized with urethane. Ilia bloelectric activity of hypothalamus nuclei at the feeding and satiety center) medial struct*ureg of the stem reticular formation, and medial nuclei of the thalamis .Showed that these structures of the brain were In a state of stimulation in the hungry animals. When 2 cm3 of a 40i glucose solution were injected -into one of the carotid arteries, the high-frequency, low-amplitude electric activity,of the hypothalamus,.reticular formationt and thal amus, which Card 112 UDC: 612.�L2_I: ACC NR, -indicated stimulation, was changed to a slowt high-am-plitude activity. Stimulation of the frontal division of the cerebral cortex corresponded to the stimulated activity of the three subcortical formations. Lowering of the excitability of the thalamus by polarization with a doc. anode eliminated the "hunger" stimulation in the cerebral cortex, w[iije the degree of activa- tion In the hypothalamus and In the reticular formation remained unchangad. Polarization of the reticular formation did not affect the hunger activation ,in the cortext the thalamus, or the hypcthalams. on the other hand, 1polarization of the hypothalamus removed the activation due to hunger not only in the cortex but also in the thalamus and reticular formation. This indicated that the hypothalamus is the subcortical, formation in which activa- tion due to hunger originates and from which this activation Is transmitted .to the cerebral cortex. Activation of the hypothalamus divisions of the feeding center by means of a d.c. cathode resulted ila a generalized excita- tion of tho'cortex. Upon administration of aminazinet which blocks the rostral part of the stem reticular formationt or coagulation of structures of the midbrain reticular formations the generalized excitation disappea=ed and only excitation of the frontal part of the cortex remained. on the basis of this It may he concluded that the hypothalamus produces In physlologlc@tl hunger not only ascending activation by acting on the frontal cortex but also diffuse stimulation through the midbrain reticular formation, which results in generalized activation of the cerebral- cortex, Orige art,, has: 4 figures* _/J-PR_S71 SUB CODEt 06 SUBM DAM 08Jul63. ORIG RM 009 OM REFt' 003 Card 2/2 L 27288-66 E:1JT(1) RH/R0 ACC NR: iV6616861-- SOURr,;-t OWL--. UR/0219/65/060/010/0003/OOOE, AUTHOR: SudakovL_K. V.; Turenko, A. 1. ORG: Laboratory of the General Physiology of the Central Nervous System, Institute of Normal and Pa@hoj.ogicai Jusigl2vtheaded by Active zomber AMN SSSR, Professor P.K. Anokhin/0 @KN SSSR Moscow (Laboratorlya obschey fiziologii tsentrallnoy nervnoy s my :f-nR ujta normallnoy i patologicheskoy fiziologii AMN SSSR) TITLE: Neurochemical mechanisms of ascending activation of the cerebral cortex in starving animals t.@ SOURCE: Byulletenl- eksperimentallnoy biologii i meditsiny, v. 609 no. 10; 19659 3-8 TOPIC TAGS: cerebral cortext catv EEGt neurophysiologyt pharmacology ABSTRACT: Experiments were carried out to test the validity' of the premis'@* that cholinergic systems play an important role in ascending activation of the cerebral cortex under hunger conditions. Cats under urGthan anesthesia were used in the experiments. The animals were kept, without food for a period': of 24 hours. In some of the expariments the electroencephalographic data were@ obtained directly from the cranium by means of acicular electrodes. In othersi, trc@,hination of the cranium in the area above the frontal lobe of one of the hencispheres was carried out.. mak@ng possible the ieuro6ictlion of atropLne(OarA amizil.0 nbnl ing _:jig substances. -9 into the cortex. Electroencephalograw ,-dir*ectly fromthe 'cortex were recorded. TJDC.- 612.825.1-o6:61,,-.391 C'@rd I YD' L 27288-66 ACC NRi ju6QiLM7 Potentials in response toi trfe Irrita- on of the sciatic niorve were also recorded. Previous e)@periments had estab- lished @A Ih J'c joa tions f bl@ -,e Y"U'R L., ,r � o the ek SYO&'Oolii@VN lai?VAMW S@ 1% animals, but had. no effect on manifestations of pain activation in response !'o irritation of the sciatic nerve, indicating a blocking action of Ue sub- : LI -stances on the d.-iolinergic synaptic formations of the cerebral cortex. The cholinolytic substances thus modified the character of the potential induced .by the irritation of the sciatic nerve by suppressing all its positive com- ponents., and allowing the manifestation of its negative components only. The irwestigations established also thel, cortical cholinoreactive synaptic forma- tions participate in the hypothalamic stimulation in hunger conditions; it is logical to assume, the authors note, that cholinolytic substances uould produce a similar effect. The results of the wTeriments thus provide a basis for the premise that the mechanisms of ascending activation of the .cortex under hunger conditions are of a neurochemical nature. This paper was'pre'sented' by Ictive Member AMN SSSR P.K. Anokbli. Orig. art. has r 3 figures. OPE-f SUB ZOMBI 06 SUM DATE: O8Jun64 ORIG MF.- 013 OTH Ws 008 Card 2/2 SLTIIAYOVI N. I An outstanding scientist and pul'ic flgu.--e. Fsdfo no-@z!6- J e 164. 0,@Iu- 111@10) SLJDAKOV. ll@Ao, kand. vet. nauk. Faibber catheter for cows. Yeterinariia 35 noo4:68 Ap 158* (min 11o) 1. Mookovskaya vaterimmaya akademlya. (Catheters) SUDAKOV, N. A. loc Vet Sci -- (diss) the cardiovascular system qnd certain biochemicel blood ind" in horses in a&-**th body and physical burden." 1,10s, 1959. 23 pp (Ibs Vet Adad of the Min of Ab-r RSFSR), 160 copies (KL, 43-59, 126) -76- FILATOV, Pavel Vasillyevich., doktor voter. nauk-; SUDAKOV, Nikolay Aleksardrovich, doktor voter. nauk; BELYA'YX7, Ivan, - Mikhay-16vicb, kand. voter. nauk; ZELEEPLIND1, V.S., red. (Practical exerci-ses in clinical diagnosis by X-ra-ying! Frakticheskio znniatiia po klinicheskoi diagnostike s rentganologiei. Moskva, Izd-vo "Kolos,n 1964. 199 p. (MURA .17: 5) !3ARYSI,I'.1E0V, I.A.., Gtv. red.; .,4to ll-uci,.n. s0tr., red.; SUDAHCV, !;.A., red.; F.V., red. [Plrj:@iological princii--les of animal electrot.,ardiographyl FizJologicheskie osroljy alektrokardiograf-i i zfiivotr:fkh. l,foskl,a-, Nauka, 1965. 136 p. 18:3) Ak.-.@-t@:@Aya ilauk SSS". Kcjmi filial, S@t-tyvkar. 2. Ka- fedra kli-'-hesk,-.-y diagnostaki Yoskovskoy .-eter-Lr,arro,,,, aka6e,@@ii (A-,@ Sudakov). -i. ll.aboratoriya cXc2ogii i fi- zioloS-ii z!-!vctrryhh 1--stituta bioloi-ii Kcr---- .'----liala SSSP, S@jltty-vkar (;'cr "UVI'VEYIN V.S,,@ SUI)AKOV, N.I. Conference of the Ural Department of the Psychological Association. Vop.psikhol. 9 no.22187-189 Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 16:4) (Perception-Congresses) PFASSE I BOOK ZIPLOITATION SOV/5526 Vsei;c,-"znoye soveuhchaniye po magnitnoy strukture ferromagnetikov, Krasnoyar3k, 1958. Ma[5riltnri-ja t;tmktuv;x fevv%,,ajYn,.Aikov; materialy Vaezoyuznogo 10 - 16 tyimy% 1958 tf., (Maj-,netic ol, !,AI.;-'L'Li.La oV tho All-UnIon on Ul-, of Subt;trulcoa. In --1- 0, -noyarok 10 - 16 jun(3, 1958) Nov rIbIrok, Izd-vo 'iblr3l'030 Otd. Al; SSSR, 1960. 249 p. Errata slip inserted. 1,500 copies printed. SponsorinS A3ency: Akaderaiya nauk SSSR. Institut fizik-i SibirskoZo otd..,Ieniya. lromi3siya po r.-a?,netizmu pri ingtitute fiziki metallov OF-1---N. Resn. Ed.: L. V. Kiren3kiy, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical @clencez; Ed.: R. L. Dudrik; Tech. Ed.: A. F, !-.azurova. PURNSE: This collection of articles is intended for researchers in ferromagnetism and for metal scientists. Card 1/11 14agnetic Structure (Cont.) SOV/55206 COVEILW-7- The collection contains 38 scientific articic-3 presented at the All-Union, Conferenen on the 1@agnetic Structure of Ferro- ma----n@tlc Subotancoo, hold in Kraznoyarak in June 1953. The ma-- terial contains data on 'the inagnetic structure of ferromagnetic matorials and on the dyna-mics of the structure in relatlon to maZnotlc field chan,@e:@, elastic atresses, and temperature. Ac- cordin,-@ to the 2orn,L;0rd tho study of ferrormaZnetic materials had a succcssful beoinning in the Soviet Union in the 1930's, was sub2equently discontinued for many years, and was resumed in the 1950".1. 'No personalities are mentioned. References accompany individual articles. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Shur, Ya. S. [Institut fi.-Ilci metallov AN SSSR - Institute of Physics of !-Ietal3, AS USSR, Sverdlovsk]. On the Magnetic Structure! of Ferromagnetic Substance3 5 Card 2/11 ric S";ructure (Cont.) SOV/S526 Kirc..nokiy, L. V., and V. V. Veter (Institute of Phy3ic3, Oltrvlan Branch AS USSR, Kra3noyar3k]. Mea3uring the W1 -1th of ti-':, Boundary Layer Detween Domains In Frrro- ml@lni!tlc 31@b.,.tancoz 53 Zt@arl,3Qva, 1. Ye., and Ya. S. Shur [In2titute of Physics of AS USSR, Swirdlovsk). 1@agnetic Stinactur,.@ of a l-.aterl'al of 'Rc3ldual and Its Under th,:-. Fffect of a Variable Magrnr-tic .71,:ld 59 ,!il@-n:-,',,.-iJy, L. V., .11. 1. Sudakov, and L. I. Slobod@@koy 'Llnzititut I'Iziki SO AT-579','.',-pc-dagogichc-.,skiy In3titut - t Phy3ic3, Siberian Branch IS USSR, Tc Tn3l-ituta, Krasnoyarzk]. Tcmpsrature Dr-pendenc- of Losce:; In Rctating Xagnstic Fields in Ircn 311.1cide Cryota13 61' Sudovtscv, A. I., and Ye. Ye. Semenenko (Fizlko- in-t jUl TYcrSSR - Fhysicoteelmical Institute lcr,SR, Kharlkovl. Effect of Domain Structure on tl",,a- As LT Card 5/11 32228 s/196/61/000/011/007/042 E194/E155 AUTHORS: Kirenskiyj L.V., Sudakov, N.I., and Slobodskoy, L.I. TITLE. Hysteresis loss as a function of temperature in rotating magnetic fields in crystals of silicon iron PERIODICALz Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika, no.11, 1961, 2, abstract 11B 8. (Symposium "Magnetic structure of ferromagnetics", Novosibirsk, Sib. otd. AN SSSR, 196o, 61-71) TEXT: Measurements with an improved Akulov anisometer showed that in the temperature range - 195 to + 400 OC the change in the shape of curves of magnetic moment with increase of field takes the same course as at room temperature. With increase of temperature the values of the moments decrease, maximum losses of rotational hysteresis being displaced towards stronger fields, from 550 oersted at - 195 OC to 1200 oersted at 500 OC. 7 literature references. Card 1/2 32228 Hysteresis loss as a function of ... S/196/61/000/011/007/042 E194/E155 ASSOCIATION4 In-t fiziki SO AN SSSRi Pedagogich. in-t A Krasnoyarsk (Physics Institute SO AS USSRi Pedagogical Institute Krasnoyarsk) [Abstractor's note: Complete translation.] Card 2/2 SUDAKOV, N. I., Cand Phys-Math Scl -- "Study of the temper- UL"- hysteresis In rotating ature dependence of losses 48--mme ma,--,;*netic fi-elds." Krasnoyarsk, 1961. (Min of Ed RSFSR. Kras- noyarsk Ped Inst) (KL, B-61, 228) 48 - 25806 S/048/61/025/005/020/024 Me V B117/B201 AUTHORS: Sudakov, N..J., Savchanko, M. K., Zagirova, Ye. K., and St tin, I. I. TITLE: Measurement of hysteresis losses in a rotating magnetic field in thin films PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fi2ioheakaya, v. 25, no- 5, 1961, 643-646 TEXT: The presont investigation was the subject of a lecture delivered at a symposium on I;bin ferromagnstic films (Krasnoyarok, July 4 to 7, 1960). Hysteresis losses were measured in the rotating field, and anisotropy constants in thin permalloy films were measured by the method of rotational moments. The magnetic field was created with the aid of an electromagnet designed at the fizicheskaya laboratoriya Krasnoyarskogo institute tevetnykh metallov im. M. I. Kalinina (Phvsioal Laboratorv of the Institute of Nonferrous Metallurgy imeni M. I. Kaiinin) and built at the Xrasnoyarskiy zavod tyazhelogo mashinostroyeniya (Krasnoyarsk Heavy Machine Building Plant). The mechanical moments acting in the magnetic Card 1/4 258o6 S/048/61/025/005/020/024 Measurement of hysteresis losses in... B117/B201 field upon a disk-shaped ferromagnetio film were measured by an anisometer developed by N. S. Akulov. The high sensitivity of the anisometer was achieved with a thin long tungsten suspension wire 0.1 mm in diameter and 0-5 m long. The scale for reading the rotation angle of the mirror was at a distance of 4-05 m from the anisometer. For the purpose of protecting against air movements the whole rotation system was placed into a duralumin housing with a light entry window made of glage. Experiments were conducted with permalloy films 400, 800, and 1300 X thick. The films Were prepared b thermal eDuttering of molybdenum permalloy (80 % Ni, 17 % Fe, 3 % Mo@ in vacuum-(4-io-5 mm Hg). The metal was sputtered onto a glass backing heated to 3000C (disk 18 mm in diameter).in an outer magnetic field of 90 oe brought about by Helmholtz coils. It was established from tables for harmonic functions obtained by decomposing into their components by the Fourier method that the harmonic function with the largest amplitude has a period n. This points to the presence of a uniaxial anisotropy. On the basis of curves of moments, obtained for the three films concerned in a field of 8500 oe, it was possible to calculate the anisotropy constants: K -1.4-103 (1300 1)1 K -0-85-103 (800 Card 2/4 258o6 S/048/61/025/005/020/024 Measurement of hysteresis losses in... B117/3201 K -0-75,103 (400 1). The hysteresis losses were calculated during a magnetic reversal cycle in rotating fields from the areas between the curves of momento using formula IMdW (M - value of mechanical moment, -V- angle of rotation of the field). The areas were determined with the aid of a planimeter. The analysis of the difference ourvee of mechanical moments and the results found for each of the films in the calculation of hysteresis losses permit drawing 'Who following oonoluvions: (1) on a rise of the field stress no changes are observed in the period of sinueoidal curves of moments. On a change of the f ield from 50 to 8500 00 the curves have a period. equal to n, i. e. , all specimens have uniaxial anisotropyl (2) the value of the maximum moment changes on a rise. of the field strength in the same way as in the crystallographic anisotropy of single crystals, but proceeds more slowly in medium fieldel with growing film thickness the maximum amount of the moment grows in the entire field strength rangel (4) the hysteresis losses become larger in a slow field of rotation with growing field strength in the same way as in a cyclic magnetic reversal. This contradicts statements made by Card 3/4 258o6 S/04 61/025/005/020/024 Measurement of hysteresis losses in... B117YB201 X. S. Akulov for the rotation hysteresis in spatial single crystal specimens. According to that theory, hysteresis losses grow at the beginning up to a certain maximum, and vanish in fields exceeding the saturation fieldl (5) hysteresis losses are influenced by the film thick- ness. With growing thickness they become a little larger; (6) the films prepared without field with the aid of Helmholtz coils differ in no way, as to anisotropy, from films whose sputtering has taken place in the magnetic field of theme coils. To bring about anisotropy in thin films it is probably sufficient for sputtering to take place in a field of a low intensity. Such a field may be created by the experimental conditions themselves: the field of the heating element of an eleotric heater as well as the earth's magnetic field. There are 6 figures and 8 references: 7 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Krasnoyarskiy institut tovetnykh metallov im. M. I. Kalinina (KrIlBnoyarsk Institute of Nonferrous Metallurgy imeni M. 1. Kalinin). Institut fiziki Sibirskogo otdeloniya Akalemii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physics of the Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences USSR) Card 4/4 4 S/04Y@100'25/012/009/022 N 17- k9O Bi 16 138 AUTHORS: Kirenskiy, L. V., Drokin, A. I., Dylgerov, V. D., Sudakov, N,__,I and Zagirova, Ye. K. TITLE: TemperE.ture dependence of the first anisotropy constant and magnetic structure of iron-manganese ferrites PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 25j no. 12, 1961, 1472 - 1476 TEXT: The tempere.ture dependence of the first magnetic anisotropy con- stant K1 of an iron-manganese ferrite single crystal was studied in the (100) plane, and its domain structure in the (110) plane. Balls 4 - 8 am diam were made from specimens grown in a Verneuil's apparatus from MnFe 204 with manganese excess (25% Mn 304) by A. A. Popova at the Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of Crystallography AS USSR). To find K1 and YT) the torques acting on the specimen in a uniform magnetic field were measured on an Akulov anisometer with a slightly modified strain gauge (error in measurement,,