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STUPAK, N.K. Analytic method for dividing anomalies. Gnofiz. sbor. no. 5, 60-65 163. (MIRA 17-5) 1. DnePropetrovskiy gornyy institut. ZHUKOV, Yevgeniy Ivanovich; Sr7UP-AKOVA, G.I., red. (Handling a seagoing lifeboat] Upravlenie morskoi sbliUDkoi. Moskva, Transport, 1964. 139 p. (MIRA IL 3) SIN11'Jil, Mikhail Td:rofeyevich;.I!TUFAKOVA, L.A.,, red. (Operation of radio cw4Tanication systems 4-r- the marine] Ekspluatatsiia radilosviazi aa mcrskDm fl perer. i dop. Moak-va, Transport, 1965, 318 p. (.VIRA merch-an'. te. 'Lzd.3,. J.8-t") STULPAM, J. Son of Leninis party; on Karlis Slavinskis ?Oth birthday. Veatis Lat-v ak no.3s123-124 162. SHCHERBAKOV*, V.A.; ABROSIMOV, Ye.T.; 4!N3@1_71N,_ )@.A.; GORONROV, L*S* Mechanism 6f slag formation during -the melting period in high cajecity open-hearth fLumaces, Izv&vys#ucheb&zav&; chern.met. 5 rio.3-1:48-56 t62. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Moskovskiy institut stali i splavov. (open-hearth process) (Slag) GLINKOV, 14.A.; STULIPIN, Ye.A. Heat generation in steel sm1ting baths of 500--tor, open hearth furnaces, Izv. vys, ucheb. zav.; chern. raet, 6 no.11:223-229 163. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Moskovskiy institut stali i nplavov. GOROKHOV, L.S., inzh.; ABROS11-jov, Ye.V., @and.tekhn,n&uk; SHCHERBAKOVt V.A., lnzh.;.-STULIPIN Ye.A., inzh.; SABIYEV, M.P., inzh.; PLOSHCHEiiO_:@-_Y@e.. @nzih. Interrelation of the conditions of carbon oxidation and the introduction of additives with the thermal parameters of the ore boil during smelting in large furnaces. Stall 23 no.5: 404-408 MY 163. (MIRA 160) (Open-hearth process) GLINKOV, M.A.; STULIPIN, Ye.A. Oxidizing properties of 500-ton open-hearth furnaces during the smelting period-. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; cherr. met. 7 no.1:174-177 164. (MM 17:2) 1. Moskovskiy institut stali i splavov. MSHCHERYAKOIFA, Z.M.; GORDON, L.I.; STULIPINA, I.V. Synthesis of polyepoxi resins. Report Nu.l: Conditions Por the preparation of polyepoxi resins. Lakokras. mat. i ikh prim. no.6:3-9 161. NAIRA 15:3) (F,poxy resins) ACC NR3 AP6006719 SOURCE COD&t UR/0303/66/000/001/0016/0018 AUTHORS Gurichl N. A.; Gordon, L. I.; Stul'pina, I. V.; Banshtyks S. L.; Zayakoval Ye. 13, ORGs none TITM Water-soluble urea- and molamino-formaldehyde varnish resins ISOURCS; Lakokrasochnyye materia],y i ikh primenenlyep no* it 1966p 16-ia TOPIC TAGS1 molanine resinp urea resin# varnish 1 ABSTRACT: A two-stop batch process has been developed for producing water-soluble urea- and inolamine-formaldehyde varnish resins. llt is analogous to the process used @in the production of butanolizod uroa- and melamino-formaldohyde resins and can there- I ifore be narried out on existing equipment. In the fir3t stage, urea or malamine In i condensed irith formaldehyde in an alkaline medium at PH 8.5--5.8 with triethylamine as 'the catalyat. Tho relative proportions of the starting materials are chosen so that !the semifinished product of the first stage is a mixture of tetra- and pentanothylol- Imalamines ar dimethylurea. In the second stage (catalyst - 10% solution of oxalic @acid, PH 5.4-5.6), the methylol derivatives are partially esterifiod. with alcohol or jethyleellotiolve, then the volatile part is vacuum-distilled. The yield of resins is 150-60% of the total raw materials. The alcohols are then regenerated from LLa distil- ilate and reutilized. The structure of the resins produced is presented. A study of 1/2 621 L aqueous solutions of the resins showed that the chemical stability of the solutions on standing is affected by the chemical compositiont solution concentration, solubility of the resin in waterl PH of the medium, and nature of the alcohol used for partially blocking the methylol derivatives.- Characteristicr of coatia-,s made of water-soluble systems of these resins are given* Orig, art. hasi I figure and 2 tables. SUB CODES IV SUBM DAM none/ ORIG REFS 001/ OTH REFS 002 2/2 STULRTNA.5, P. ..vomo-f- , - , , - - sci:,:@-CF PEP.1CDTCAT.:: DARFAT. SITIJA B. TRUDY. SERIIA R. No. 3, 1958 Stulpinas, B. Flectric deposition of manlranese-iron alloys. In Russian. p. 95. Monthly list of Fast European Accessions (FEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 2, February 1959, Unclass. - YM[ITSKIY' I V. [Janickis J.1; SHULYAKAS, A.K. (Suliakast A.];_SIULPINAS9 B.B. fStulpinas,B.@ On the dependance of the characteristics of zanganese coatings upon some conditions of electrolysis. Liet ak darbai B no.2:93-98 ,6o. (EEAI 10:1) 1. Kaunasskly politekhnicheskiy institut (Manganese) (Electrolysis) (Coatings) S/137/62/000/009/026/033 Some problems of electrolytical manganese deposition A0061A101 of graphite, Pb and Pb-alloy anodes are studied. For manganese-plating baths Pb alloy anodes with Ag at Dc 3 amp/dM2 are most suitable. The positive effect of admix-rure I is explained 'I-v increased overvoltage of H and suppression of microgalvanic elements which cause corrosion of the cathodic deposit. Authors summary [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card V2 PYATHOSHAVIGHYLITE, O.S. [PeLroseviciute, 0. J; STULIPINAS, B.B. (Stulpinas, B. ]; GIRCHWE, B. N. [Girc--f-e-'n--e',-"-B'*" ]- Effect of certain additions on the electrodepositicn of manganese- nickel alloys. Trady AN Lit. SSR. Ser. B. no- 4W-U '65 (MIRA 19s2) 1. Kaunasakiy politekhnicheskiy institut. Butmitted May 11, 1965. SARIN, Mikhail Illich; STULIPINAS, Nlechislav Iozo; YAKOBSON, Lyuis Solomonovich; SURIN, N.M., red.) red.; M@WROV, M.S., red. (Use of a PR 80-2 reproducing punch) Primenenia repro- duktsionnogo, perforatora PR 80-2. Moskva2 Statistikas 1965. 44 P. (MIRA 18:11) SAR1N, Mik-hail Illich; RYAZANKIN, V.N., red.; POLOSRIA, G.V., red.; FYATAKOVA, N.D.,, tekhn. red. [The FR80-2 automatic perforator-reproducing machine]Reproduktor PR80-2 avtonaticheskii performator-reproduktsioraWi; konstruktsiia i ekspluatatsionnye svoistva. Pod red. V.N.Riazankina. Moskva Gosstuatizdat, 1962. 92 p. (MIRA 15:12@ (Punched card systems) (Electronic data processing) YlKwma fc-h- -;- F, I a T s, A . M, r ea, 0 y F, V V - M' of the 45 result perforat,@,r] pl-Imenenio ItOgOvegO statJ,qtik,a:p 1965 62 p - 0/45. 140skva9 IT, T,@,,-oratnra P18 j14 A 18:9) @ACCHSSION KR: AP4040317 8/0057/84/034/000,/11051/1106 AtrMOW, Gus Ikov,Yu.K.; 'PashchenkoV.P.; Stakhanov,I. P. StumburgE.A. i TITLE: Effect of Coulomb scattering on the operation of thermo-electranic conver- ters SOURCEs Zhurnal tekhnichaskoy fisiki, v.34, no.6, 1964, 1105-1100 thermo-i TOPIC TAGSt Coulomb scattering, electron collision, diode, cathode, cesium, electronic converter ABSTRACT: The electron collision frequencies obtained from the dependence of that current on the transverse magnetic field in cesium vapor thermal emission converteza i greatly exceed the corresponding frequencies of collision between electrons and co-- ;sium atoms. Mie possibility is discussed of ascribing this discrepancy to the ef- ;feet of Coulomb collisions of the electrons with electrons and ions. Experimental :collision rrequencies in cesium vapor diodes are plotted against pressure and coa- 'pared with the calculated Coulomb collision frequencies. The theoretical cur..-e lies somewhat abowe the experimental pointes To account for this slight discrepancy seve-@ ral possibilities are adduced, Including the inexaqtnena of the concept of coulawn.- Card 1/9 , 1-1 11 -5 -11 "The @IevelormenL -)f --hir --inchors." p. 248. (Brodot;:radnja. Vcl. 2, no. 7/8, July/Au,_,,. 1951. Za.-reb.)' SO: Lonthly List of' i'j'a,,A !Luropean Accessions. Vol. 3, no. -3. Library of ConzIress. I@arch 1954. Uncl. STUMBR&S, A-Yu., insh. Results of the anification of Lithuanian power systems* Rnergetik 8 no.7.-5-7 JI 160. (KIR& 13--8) (LithuAnia-Blectric power) AUNOR STNTISSM, Yu. Ya.,'STU:,S UMTNTS -X, F.I., USkCH;iv, L.N. fim@- 'rhe MtLperimental Reactor for Fast Neutrons BF - 2. (Eksjxarim-:iatalIrn,-j reaktor na bysLrykh maytronaM, BF -2-Russi3n) V13-RIODIC.'I Atomn_,kya Energiya, 1957, Val 2, Nr 6, pp 41_-;-:XC- M.9.5.R.) AIRSM-@CT This -reactor is intended to b@_ uspd for pihysical investigations with fast neutrons. At first the active zone of the reactor is dis- cussed. The heat-separating elements of the reactor BP-2 consist of plutonium rods of lo mm diameter and l3o mm letgth. Besides the plu- tonium rods there are similarly constructed rods in the active zo- ne which are made of poor uranium. Altogether there are lo3 u- ranium- and plutonium rods which are mounted in a steel tube with an inner diameter of 130 mm. The reflector of the reactor consists of art uranium layer (outer diameter 7oo mm) and a coper layer (outer diameter looo mm). The reactor is controlled by a control system and by an emergency system. The operating control organs are part of a screen which are located near the active zone@ The con- trol system also contains boron-ionizatIon chambers, an electronic apparatus, and servofeeds. The emergency system enters into operat- ion Af the prescribed or assum,?d power of th,.,N reactor is exceeded. Circ-alating mercury is used for the system of heat conduction. This mercury is then cooled in a heat exchanger with water. The radiat- ion protectLon of the reactor consists of the following parts: Card 1/2 a) a water laYer of 300 =1 thichness b) a cast- iron layer of 4oo mm LZY1M-,!S'K_TY, A. J. _K@ZAC@_-FKUNSKIY, u. D. C. A. BARISTINIKOV, A. I., GALKGV, V. I., STAVISKIY, Yu. Y., S71UMBUR, S. A. and SHIER11AN, L. Ye. "Effective Cross-section Measurements of Fast Tieutron Radiation Canture." paper to be preonited at 2nd UN Intl. ' Conf. on ';he peacuful uses of Atomic Ene-Lgy, Geneva, I - 1.3 Sept 5F)'. '210) FRA42 I BOO; EXPLOrTATION SCV/283 International Conference on the ?eacerul Uses of Atomic Engergy. 2nd, Clanevs, 1958. DokladY sovotakikh uchenykh; yadernyys reaktory I yadernaya oner- rstikL. (Apporta of Soviet Scientists; Nuclear Reactors and Nuclear Powerj Kos Owj Atomizdat, 1959. 707 P. (Serles: Its, i t nted. a slip Inserted. SmOOO copies pr TruO, vol. 2 Erra Owmaria Ede.: N.A. Dollezhal, Corresponding Member, USSR Academy Or Sciences# A.X. Xrosinp Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Scitnaaa, A.Z. Lsypunsklyj Member, Ukrainian SSR Academy of 3clencesp L.L. __ --=bz. I Sclanzaa, and 7.3. Novikov, correa;@_-nd M , USZ1t Ac@'C=y 0. Z Parsov, Doctor or Physical and Mathematical Sciences; 54.: A.P. - . Alyab-yev; Tech. Ed.: Ye. I. K&zel PURY=t This book in Intended for scientists and engineers ongag-*d in remotor designing, as well as for professors and students or higher technical school* where reactor design is taught. COVHRAQXr Thin Is" pecand volume or a stx@volum. oollooUse 00 %be p"Oerul . -_Us*_Of@Ato&ra energy. The six volumes contain the report apro- sented by Soviet scientists at the Second IntarnaZims.1 Conference On ft&O*fL'Ll Vass of Atomic Energy, hold from September I to 13o 1958 In Geneva. Volume 2 consists or three parts. The first is devoted to Atomic power plants under construction in the Soviet Unlonj the second to experimental and research reactors, the ex- Perlaents carried out on then, and the work to Improve theml and the third, which Is predominantly theoretical, to Problem& or nuclear reactor physics and construction engineering. Tu. 1. XDrYgkin 15 the science editor of this volume. See 507/2061 for titles Of All Tclum8a Of the not. References appear at the end of the -tii.- "ART Il- ZXP1RD(ZNTAL AND HFUIZARCH RZA=R3 a O.D. @nl It M!, 10qv, 1.1. BondarwrjkD @4 X M ashkp , -1, t . qjqy, , U1cz!&fiENii`v, L.N. &no 1.1 2L5 KIkoln r V A .Pmj kijy, I-S,0ri.So!:1Xq y J';k I VI ot _t Rea t Witfi c or B LI r Onablo 6P@ Th NO an sport 2502) 232 Goncharov V V' and at &1- 3000 Now and Rebuilt Thermal ft&&@ch X---tOr- jit.p*o rt No. 2185) . Brokhovich, B.V-, IM-1WMLY@k. Dismantling a: n Experimental Orsptat@::u@zjum 243 Isotope Producing Reactor Al'tor Your Ye@s of Operostjor. I.Rcport .0. 297) 319 M_PV&_A-X,, Tc_D-PpOb'yov, V.M. OrY3ZOVo V.B.tjQj-.watov, @ 'Ta --An'Tntc LX&sh=erLko ksa" uedia e5j, p and @J . r a @e&c _ . .. y , for Obtaining Blih Intd"lty Neutron Pluxes (Report No. 214Z) 334 PART Irl- PKYSICS AND ZNGDWMTHQ OF REACTOR DMIGH L*Ypunnkly, A.r A. K. _AbrAmoj@ V. N. Andreyev, A, r. Bar7aa,,jkov. '-A 'I ;;9h_1 @;Ov f uaikOv V ' Golubev . . . , V InOr.'VX: MOr*Ov N.N.@ .41"ayev,7G.H. Sm%remkln, - Ukrikintsov, L.N. Usachev, N.J. patIs;'v, Hesearon -on-rnA-phywICjr-Of-7ABt NdUtroft-Ri&dtors' (ROPOK'-NO.' 2038) 3TT Homogenecus Natural Uranium Reactor lot rfe. , _ Tweport No. 2296)--'-' 398 ' Voynber -M-* T*-_A%_AAtsirerovp v.p. Xatkov_L.V. EWss&rov, f in @yu_T am 'C' NIkOl'skIY* A-K-'KOvIkOv ' V 3@O pchkin, ' TK;*V-.'Sh*velQv. * Kiel jaj;@ @p in W.J.r-water W_r_h=c&o9tor%@&Mnd Experiments With the Uranium Water L&&tlco (Report No. 2145) 411 g,rdMkD* V.A. Self-reguistjon In & W&tor_w&ter Power Reactor 534 199 28773 3/057/61/031/010/006/015 cjcillatior.3 in ... B104/B125 Oha-@,@ wrill occur in the plaa-ma. Th,3 pn-@iod of charE.;a distribution, the volocity Lnk! the, accelezation of electrq:- 'in thia spatially periodic are Btudiod. Theorotic@il reoult.! . L-4, verifiod by th,,, fAuctromagnotic ra-difition L-@;Atlod. by the cledrons vihile travc@lin@; throu-In the poriodic chari;o. Tno ijxporirentnl ectup in ohown in Yi,,,. 2. Poa;tlve ceoiua ions reach the opjr'atiti3 part frora the in- can@l,.-:jrunt tuw@.jton plate 5. Grid 5 accLlraton the ions and aimult.Int- m-,It, onitj oloctrona that neutralize thti panitivo ions. TIvi potential oi th, ion orjur@,, rolitti'vo to the uarth ran:7ed botvnon 0 end 10 kv. Grid 3 hA a zcro pot,mtial. Tho nmia-@Ion of eloctromarlietic wavvs vas meria'urod with -i radiotochnical in3tallation. V*ry high-frequency oncilla- tilorm were produc@d between 80 and 120 ,cl lorr., and between 126 and 200 -clsac as dependent on the current dennity and ion en-,ra.. Experimental results are in good ngrecment with theoretical data. Prof o3nor A. 1. Loypimokiy is tlianked for hi,@ intereat, and S. 1. Chubaxov for advice.- There are 4 figures and 11 refore-nocaj 6 Soviet and 5 non-Soviat. The three moE-t important references to Enl-lish-lanaunge publications read as followat J. Feinotein ot al., Fhya, Rov., @J, 405, 19511 H. K- Son, P.17s. Rev., 29, 849. 1955; P. L. Auer et al., J. Appl. Phys., @0, no. 2, 161, 1959. Card 2/3 15-1957-7-9050 On the Nautiloids of the Kokhilaskiy Stage (Upper Ordovician of the Baltic Region) (Cont.)' skiy. It should be rioted that the majority of nautiloids characteristic of F died out at the end of Pirguskiy time. Nautiloids charactekstic of the Silurian are found in the overlying Porkunkskiy deposits. Card 2/2 V. N. Shimanskiy 15-57-5-5882 Translation "rom Referativnyy 7.iurnal, Geologiya, 1.957, Nr .5, p 23 (USSR) AUTTIOR: Stumbur, K. TITLE: OT-he 0s'tracod Fauna of the Porkuniskiy Iforizon in the Estonian SSR (0 faune ostrakod porkuniskogo gori7onta v Estonskoy SSR) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Tartusk. un-ta, 1956, Nr 42, pp 186-194. APSTRACT: The author describes one new genus (Poramenalla n. gen.) and nine species TP-rimitia @orduniensis n. sp., Fora- menella parkis (Neckaja), Kiesowia septenaria n. sp., Rythocypris aegua n. sp., B. lon@a n. sp., B. intecta n. sp., B. lubrica n. So.,, Steusloffina diversa n. SP-., and S. aputa n. spl. The paper contains tftre@@-tables. Card 1/1 L. I. S. STUMBUR, M.A. 3mbryonic shells of some Ordovician Tarphyceratida. Valeont. zhur. no.2:25-29 '59. (MIU 13:1) 1,Geologich skiy institut Akademii nauk Xston9ko7 SSR. (gephalopoda, Yossil) (Bmbryolog7-Mollusks) .. STUMBTJR, Kh.A. I Some injuries of nautiloid shells caused during their lifetina. Paleont. zhur. no.4:133-135 160. (@CMA 14:1) 1. Institut geologii Akademii nauk Istorskoy SSR. (Cephalopoda, Fossil) STUKBURt 1M. (Stum1mr, H. Different ways of the development of Nautiloidea. In Ruesian. 93sti tead akad tehn faus 9 no.4:368-378 '60. (EW .10:7) I. Tnatitu geologii Akademii nauk Fatonskoy SSR. (Nautiloidea) STUL*-@@I.-,, IL.A. Different types of individual developrent of rautiloids. Biul. -I- - (IfIRA 14:2) -LE-. Otd. _@eol- 35 no. 3:17C-171 My-Je '60. (cephalopoda, Fossil) KOMAISHKO, G.S.;-SVtfflq4j_.Y.K.j CHUDNOVSKIY, A.F. Semiconductor soil strain gages, Inzh.-fiz. ahur, '� no.4:101-104 Ap 63. (MIR& 16:5) 1. Agrofizicheskiy natichno-iialedovatellskiy inBtitut,, Leningrad. (Strain gages) (Soil physics) SCHUHOVA, V.; ZAVAWVA, M.;_@�TWk, G. ent fixation taxoplasma antigen prepared in tissue culture. Compleo J. hyg. epidem. 7 no.1: 73 163. I 1. Institute of Epidemiology and Miaroblology and Institute of Sera and Vaccines, Prague. (COMPLEMENT FIXATION TESTS) (TOKOTrASMA) (TISSUE CULTURE) (AWNGENS) , SPMPA,J.; Al,'Tl-$J. -I.- , . . Manufacture of @11,3,rUM I- . 4:114 _- .jerirpl Ma,@h opt 9 no.22 56--60 F164 1. Mikrctechna, Modrany. SIUVRP. K. "Radio equipped railroad cars." p. 61. i TI,LEZNICAP. (Ministerstvo dopravy). Praha,, Czechoslovakia, No. 3, Mar. Z 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 81, August 1959. Uncla. STUMPER, 0.; Panek, J. "Movable steam-power plant." ENERGETIKA, Praha, Czechoslovakia., Vol. 9, no. 5, may 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions Index (EEAI).' Library of Congress., Vol.8. no. 8. August 1959 Unclassified STUMIT, J. @xperlancp- tn evaluating the quality of soft beverages. YvFsr;Z prum 11 no.2:45 F 165. 1. Jihoceske pekarny National Enterprise, Ceske Budejovic6. STI-T:DA, U F@ 1-A L PERIODICALS: VESTIS, NO. 1. 1958 S-@'MA, 1. Some dori.vatives of 3. In Russijri. 10 ''onthly list of 'E-st European -Neceosions JEEAI) Lc, vol. No-. 2. Fe b ru a ry 19 U - c I -, S s . VANAGvG.[Vanags,G.I(RJga),- STUNDAyLtEiM) 2-nitro-4, 5-dimethoxyindandione-1,3. In Husaian. Vestia Laty ak no.3:77-84 160. (UsAI 10:,7) 1. Akademiya nauk Latviyokoy SSR, Institut organicheskogo sintesa. (Ni-tro group) kDimetboxyindandion,-.) STUIIDA, S. Treatment of tuberculosis with para-aminosalicylic acid; distriba- tion of PAS in the organism. Bratial. Isk. listY. 30 no.8-10:644- 648 Aug-Oct .50. (CLML 20:4) 1. Of the Clinic of Tuberculosis of Slovak University, Bratislava. STUNDA, S.; VIRSIK, K. Treatment of tuberculosis with paraaminosalicyclic acid; effect of paraaminosslicylic acid on the liver. Bratial. lek. listy 31 no. 11-12:1098-1102 1951. (CLML 23:1) 1. Of the Tuberculosis Clinic of Slovak University. STUMA, S. Treatment of tuberculosis with paraaminosalicylic acid; affect of vitamin C on paraaminosalicylic acid metabolism. Bratial. lek. listy 31 no. 11-1.2:1103-1lo6 1951. (CLML 23-1) 1. Of the Tuberculosis Clinic of 810-iak University. W-T, STUIMINV. V.-, )'ore @- n rail circuits. Avtom.telem.i evias' no.8:31-32 I OaM 10:8) Aj- I.Starshly inzhener kwazhsko7 diatantaii signalizatail, i ovvazi Voskovsko-Ryazanskay dorogi. (Railroads--Signalir,g) KANAYEV, G.G.; STUNEYEV, V.V. Maintenance of devices of routing and relay centralization. Avtom., telem. i sviaz' no.9:,'2,-26 157. (MIRA 11:4) I.Nachaltnik Ryazhskoi, distanteii signalizateii i svyazi Moskovsko- Ryazanskoy dorogi (for Kanayev). 2.Starshiy inzhener Ryazhakoy distanteii signalizateii i sv7azi Mookovsko-Ryazanskoy dorogi (for Stuneyev). (Railroads--Signaling--Block system) - I F---- f-I - . T I ..-, STUNF.YNV, V.T. I ',@@Iccatirg places of poor insulation in circuits. Avtom., telex. i eviaz' 2 no,2:26-27 F 158. (MIRA 11*-I) 1. Starahiy inzhener Ryazhakoy distantaii signalizataii i svyazi Moskovsko-P,yazanskoy dorogi. (Railroads--Signaling--Measurements) TSUKERIMAN, A.; STOYKA, To.; STUNGARU,, G. Effect of cortical tonuo on food excitability (appetite). Zhur. vya.nerv.deiat 8 no.2:220-225 158. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Danielopulu Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, Academy of Rumanian People's Republic, and Chair of Normal and Pathological Physiology. Institute for the Advanced Training of Physicians, Bukharest. (CER R CORTEX, Physiology. eff.'of tonys on appetete (Rus) (APPETITE, physiology, eff. of cerebrocortical tonus (Ras)) BACHU. K.; STUNKUIZSKU, P.; BROSHCHIAIM, G.; RAW, G.; RUX "zKU, M. A&M-a-rITT-n-6'11;@'of the long boneu. Xhirurgiie, Sofia 11 no-3:215-218 Yar 58. 1. Instit@t za spetsializataiia. i uBuvurshenstvuvane na lekELrtie- Bukuresch, lumuniia. Katedra po ortopediia i trav-matologiia Direktor: akad. A. Rudalesku. (TIBIA, neoplasms, adamantinoma, case report (Bul)) BRJQE-V, VA, kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent;.RILAYKINA, R.N., inzh.; STUNOV, U.S.2 doktor tekhn.nauk,__pro@-____ _ Locus diagrams for the controlling devices of synchronous generators with phase compounding. Elektrichestvo no.10: 29-34 0 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Ural'skiy politekhnichookly iristitut im. Kirova. (Electric generators) STUNYYICV tj !.j ........... 1-14 ..,t Discovering spots of poor insulation. Avtom., telem. i sviaz' 2 no.10:20-21 0 158. (MITtA 11: 10) l.Starsh-'Ly inzhener Ryazhakoy distanteii signalizataii i avyasi Moskovsko-Ryazanskoy dorogi. (Railroads-Ilectric equipment) VAN "W, I G.S. ; N' KTFOROV, A.F. ; I GNATOVICH, N. V. and cytophysiolopica-1 changes In the calls 04' th-i d-ufferE,ntiated lung. Arkh. anat, gist. i embr. 48 rio.2:30-35 F f,@ r,. 8) (MIRA 18. I. Laboratorli eksperimentallnoy tsitologii (zav. - 3tarsniy nau -tiny7 :,;,D t rudnl@ A.F.N-'k-.forov) otdela eksperlmentallnDy biojog.'4- tsito7ogii genetiki Slbirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSH. GALYMM, I.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; CHMIOV, V.I., inzh.; STUNZIJAN, B.V., lnzh. Sewing machines with automatic advance of the semifinished product. Shvein. prom. no.4:4-11 JI-Ag '59. (MIRA 13:2) 1.%entrallny7 nauchro-iesledovatellski7 institut ahve7no7 protrqohlennosti. (Sewing machines) GOVOROV, I.N.; STUNZHAS, A.A. Transportation fame of beryllium '-n alkali metasomatosis. Gookhimila no.4383-390 Ap 163- (MIRA 16-7) 1. Far East Geological Institute of the Far East Branch of the Siberian Section of the Academy of Scirsn-ces, U.S.S.R., Vladivoatok. - (Beryllium) (Metasomatism) NIKIFOROV, A.F.; SEIk:l,,'OV, Ye.P.;_qTU1iP.HA, G.S. Immunomorphological study of aseptic inflammation caused by deafferentation. Izv.*Sb XN S&%R no-4- Ser. biol.-med. nank no.1:89-90163. WMA 16:8) 1. Institut eksperimentaltnoy biologii i meditsiny Sibilskogo otdeleniya All SSSR., Novosibirsk. (INFIA,214A.TION) (NERM) (ANTIGENS AND ALTIBMIES) GOV01MI I.N.; STUUMAS, A.A.; MATWIEVA, A.A.; HI@M;0144(EVA, U.S.; MAPTINAY R.I.; TOLOK, K.P. Forms of the transportation of berylliinn in alkuli mineral- forming solutions. Soob. INFAII SSSR no.19:39-45 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Dallnevostochnyy geologicheskiy !.nstitut iallaevostochnogo filiala olibirskogo otdele-niya AN S&SR. f-'Ove@"Ov 163. no. 21 1-9 (M-IRA 18:6) I boratoriya la ",.@,Yy g rga,,--@ %he @',Oy gnqll Dallne-vostochnogo F" a ACCESSION NR: AP4040490 S/0190/64/006/006/1104)'1110 AUTHOR; Banderskiy, V. A.; Stun a s,,,,- P T T. T L:` Electrical and magnetic properties of polymers with conjugated bon6 1;. 11. Fluorciiceiice of polyphanylacetylenas SOURCE: Vy*sokomol-2kul.yarny*ye soyedineniya, v. 6, no. 6, 1964, li04--i1lO TOPIC Td"Gs; conju.-ated polymer, polyphenylacetyler-e, fluor quar.@U-'" fluorescence lifetime, fluorescence quenchi necic property, molecular structure, molecular weight, ener fer mechanism "@'4 S'-' RA C TA szudy 4as been nade to clarify the nature of t nesc@ence Of P017Phenylacetylenas, the correlation o: lumini propc-:tias, and the molecular structure of tl mcrl The absorption and fluorescence spectra, quantum yit lifittimes of the fl-iorescent states hav(, been determined f, filzau aud solutions of polyphenylacetylenes of molecular w Card 1/3 ACCESSION 1111R: AP4040490 -5190 --o 1700, which are efficient scintillators and T)ho,phors with quanzu-.-a yiol@,S of about 22% and lifetimes of about 10-9 sec., It has shown L.1i;-,L the growth of "lie polymer chair, is not accompanied @y --n increasa in the length of the conjugated chain and the conjuza- tad regiozis are of about the same structure and length for all sT)cci- i gh 1: Tne study of C ind@@,pondunt ol th,2 P,-,oLecular W C the'conc t r;, I- i or, , L camp,@r Z LIJ , and ex to rnal ( ch 1. ct ran L I ) quen ch ing o f f I u o re s- C e -I C-e domor s t rated the the exis tance of an of fect ive d ipole mech a- ni-s-,-, of c!ncrgy z: ran-,@ Ec r in concentranzed soll.1tions and in the solid s C., e a d _4 11 g z @-- f I u 0 r e S C a n c - of t@ R e alb G o -, 1) e d e n o r,-; y on I o ca 1 c c n - r.@ "he corici@-nt ion of the f! uores @,enc,! and paramnagne tic con ters ilic '-.s C, - I ine arl Y ,:i t1i an, incre as e in mo le 2ul a r gh t and is pro- Portioral to tlrc nu:-,bav of unpaired electrons. The results are in @,,iLli @c.o of elt--,ctroconductivity of these ?ol-;mcrs t-ascr.--,ed in th@@ ;Z--@@Vlous commmnic3tion (Karbotseony*ye vv*--oko- soy@!dineniva, Ize. A,'1,1-SSSR, 1963, 253). Orig. art. @1 6 f 4 u v. G a n 6 o -r-- u I a s 1: 0 1 u im c h e s 1- o Yi z 1 1 AN' S F. S R T r, t U t va c. -------------- --- --- ACCESSION NR; AP4040490 SUBMITTED; l3jul63 DATE ACQ: 06Jul64 SUB CODE: 001% NO REF SOV: 003 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 009 Card 3/3 ACC NR: AP7011815 terials EPH signals are due to free carriers,, and.the energy of activaiion of con- *' ductivity is associated Vith the surmounting of Internal barriers in the specimens. The regularities obtained haye been wqxrimentally confirmed for the example of the tetracene-vater complex. Drig. art. hast 4 figures and 9 formulaso *CJPRS3 40,35V Card 2/2 CIBIRAS) P., kand. raed. nauk; DAKM@AFICIE-1-1z, E., kand. med. nauk; JARZR-1SKAS) J., kand. med. nauk [decea,'edb JOCEVICIENE, A., kand. med.rauk; KRIKSTOFAITIS, M., kand. med. nauk; NRIISKIS,J., kand. med. nauk; SIEPOITAITIMIE, L., kand. med. nauk; SUMS, J.j kand. med. nauk; SIJ1-.'fiNAS, S., kanl. biolog. nauk; CEFULIS, St., proJ KUPCINSYJZ, J., prof.; LAW, V1., prof.; SIDERAVICIUS,Br., KANOPKA, E.,dots.; RVINa', V.,dots.; LABAVAUSKAS K., prol .1 1 dots.; POLUMILDAS, H., dots.; BABUBIYS, P., doktor; CAPKEVICIUS)V.p daktor; MAKARIU11AS, P., doktor; PAKOUAITIS, P., doktor; -STUMA.R., dok-tor; SURGAILIS, H., doktor; PAULI UKONIENT, J., red.; AF3Kr.VIB-,J-., tekiui. red. [Health and diseases] Antrasis patais7tas leidimas. ViWuu, Valstybine politires ir mokslines literaturor, leidykla, 1961. 356 p. (MIRA 15:3) (BYGIRTE) (PATHOLOCN) BASARGM., N.N.; TKAGHLIM, A.N.; STUPA, L.H.; BORODAYEVSKAYA, L.N. Extraction-photometric determination of titanium in steels with 2,7-dichlorochromotropic acid. Zav.lab. 28 no.11:1311-1313 162. (141RA 15:11) 1. In&titut geo'dUmii i analiticheskoy khimii AN SSSR i I Makeyevskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod imeni S.M.Kirova. (Titanium-Analysis) (Steel-Analysis) (Naphthalenedisolfonic acid) MKIZI[VINSMY p Ye.,F.N RYBrI.-Ill, A.A.@, STUIPA.. IN.D. Types of tractor-driven transportation machinery for 1959-1965. Trakt. i sel.-khozmash. 31 no.U.15.-17 N !61. (MMA 14:12) '. Vseoouuziiyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy insti@ut qellskokhozyaystvemogo masbinostroyeniya. (T7, &;.-tors- @ -N sign and construction) STUN 14.D.,, inzh. Experimental testi0i of the braking qualities of tractor trailers and tr&L-is. Trakt. i sellkliozmash. 33 no.2:15-18 F 263. 1- -3) 1. Vsesoyumyy nauchn(>-,issledovateI',skiy institut mashinostroyeniya. I (Tractors-itrakedi (TrLIck trailers-L,-raks) SrPL,PACH-,'FIJAi-X-J, P. P. ST-@PACH@NKOj, P. P.: "The effect of horizontal forming on the struc- ture and basic properties of concrete." Min Higher Education, USSR. Gorlkiy Construction 1-Irigineering Inst imeni V. P. Chkalov. Gorlkiy, 15-56. (Dissertati--)n for the Degree (f Candidate in Technical Sciences). 30; Knizhnaya Ietopis', Eo 23, 1956 STLTPACIMNXO, P.P., kand.takha.nauk Using sea silt as a high-quality raw material in making keram.-sit. Stroi.mat. 6 no.2:16-17 1 160. (KIRA 13W (Silt) (Aggreeates(Building materials)) dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk; ZHUKOVA, --331LPA 9 V.V., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Binding properties of some rocks from the maritime Territory. Stroi. mat. 8 no.8:35-36 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9) (@kxitime Territory-Llocks) (Binding materials) SHTEYNBERG, L.A., inzh.; GENDLER, A.Kh.j inzh.; STUPACHENKO, Yu.T... inzh. Composition based on epozy resins with a nontoxic hardener for correcting defects. Mashinostroenie no-4:70-71 JI-Ag 165- (MIRA 18:8) .@-JiTEYNKRGO 7-f@,, inzij.; GENDLER, A@Kh., inzh.-, STIJPACFENXO, Yu,,T., irzh, Nf.,w @p:)xy resin plasticizers. Lit. proizv. no.11142-412 N 165. (WIRA 18@12) STUPAKJ B. F. (Lenin6rad) "Reveiew on Constructions and Elements of Hydraulic Motors which were Cor.structed in the NII of the Shipbuilding Industry." report presented at the Scientific Seminar on Pheumo-Hydraulic Automation, 28-29 Mav 1957, at the Irot. for Automation and Remote Control (IAT), M Acad, Sci. Low Avatomika i TelemekhanikaL 1957, Vol. 18, No. 12, pp. 1148-1150, (author SEMIKOVA) A. I.T- 28(l) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2702 Akademiya nauk ISSSR. Institut avtomatiki i telemekhaniki. Seminar po pnevmogidravliche--skoy avtomatike. lst, Moscow, 1953 Sistemy, ustroy.3tva i elementy pnevmo- i gidroavtomatiki; Z@bornik7 (Pneumatic and. Hydraulic Circuits Devices, and Elements in Automation; rCollection of Paperg7) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1959. 2@3 P. Errata slip inserted. 2,700 Copies printed.. Resp. Ed.: M. A. Ayzerman, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Ed. of Publishing House: A. A. Tall; Tech. Ed.: T. P. Polyakova. PURPOSE: This collection of papers is intended for scientific research workers and engineers in the field of design and con- struction of pneumatic and hydraulic equipment and accesSories for automat..on. COVERAGE: This collection contairLs papers read at the Seminar Ln Pneumatic and Hydraulic Devices for Automation, May 28, 1957. The collection is divided into the following three groups: 1) newly developed pneumatic and hydraulic circuits 2) pneumatic and hydraulic devices, including regulating units, transmitters C&rd-+/-, Pneumatic and Hydraulic (Cont.) SOV/2702 J. Hydraulic Equipment for Transfer Machines 19 Bron, L.S. Z7moscow TKis paper discusses hydrualic feed, transport, clamping, and other mechanisms of machine tools. Stu-pak B . ffeningrag. Elements of Hydraulic Instruments 31 "@@ a,--F Iihis paper deals with the functioning and construction of such hydraulic, instruments as regulating units, slide valves, oil filters, oil pumps, overflow valves, hydraulic actuators, and throttles. PNEUMATIC AND HYDRAULIC DEVICES FOR AUTOMATION Regulating Units Podgoyetskiy, M. L., and E.M. Braverman ZFoscow7. KBTsMA Three- @ompbnent*RegulAting Unit .50 Dvoretskiy, V.M. ZM-oscow IAT AN SSR 7. Small-size Hydraulic Regulating Unit, 57 Transmitters and Transducers Card 3/ STUFAK) BeFoy inzh.; FEDOT(yV, 'V.A., inzh. - - nie Conference on . tranamiBsiona. Sudostroe the use of hydraulic 27 no.11:78-79 N 61. (MIRA 15:1) (Oil hydraulic machinery-congresses) S/122/61/000/012/007/008 D221/D303 AUTHOR: Stupak,__@.F., Engineer TITLE: Scientific conference on the application of hydraulic transmissions in machine construction PERIODICAL: Vestnik mashinostroyeniya, no. 12, 1961, 73 - '15 TEXT: Report ort a scientific conference held in May 1961 in Kiyev, organized by the Department of Hydraulics of the Kiyevskiy insti- tut grazhdanskogo vozdushnogo flota (K-iyev Institute of the Civil Air Fleet) (KIGIIF). From the papers read it follows that hydraulic mechanisms of Soviet machines operate at pressures up to 400, and in some cases e,ren 2000 kg/cm2. The pump output varies between 2 and 1600 1/min, although there are instances of 30,000 1/min. The average speed o.:-:' oil in the pipes is 5-4 m/sec. Professor T.1,1. Bashta read a paper on the reliability of the hydraulic drive. The Department of Hydraulics at KIGVF carried out studeis on the above problems, whose results were reported. It was stressed that the filtration of 3 - 5 ji is insufficient at present, and metallocera- Card 1/5 S/122/61/000/012/007//008 Scientific conference on the D221,7D303 mic filters ensuring a purification up to 0'6 v is recommended. The increase of valve closure to avoid water hammer is proposed. Examination of strength of pipes by KIGVF demonstrated that a dis tortion of 10 % in t-heir cross section lowers their resistance 5 times. Deterioration of lul;ricating qualities of oil was indicated by the example of mir-lo (AMG-10) mixture. The air inclusion redu- ces the rigidity of oil and c-auses its oxidation, and special tanks with separating pistons are desirable@ Candidate of Tec,'Lani- cal Sciencesq Zh.S. Chernenko (KIGVF) discussed the importance of filtrL.tion and pointed to the fact that 14 passes of the oil clean it completely. Application of the new sieve of nickel- serge in accordance with the norm H-280-20 (N-280-20) ensures fine filtration. Special removable filters are recommended for the new- ly assembled units. Engineer Ye.I. Pavlovskaya read a paper on me- ,t-alloceramic filters. The experimental purification of oil in an electric field and by centrifuges developed by Urallskiy avtozavod (Ural Automobile Factory) and Giprorybflot was reported by Engineer P,N. Belyanin of Moscow. The report of Candidate of Technical Scial- ces Yu.A. Nosov was devoted to the relationship between the sizes Card 2/5 S/122/61/000/012/007/006 Scientific conference on the ... D221/D303 of seals and t],eir physical parameters. Engineer F.G. Fogadayev informed on -the testing of end sealp for a pdripheral speed of 10- 15 m/sec. and a pressure of 9 kg/cm-'@ Engineer A-.S. Yevseyev (Mos- kovskiy aviatsionnyy institut (Moscow Aviation Institute)) spoke on compression coefficients of seals. A.F. Arkhange! skiy (Chelya- binskiy traktornyy zavod (Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant); reDorted on new universal speed controllers. The papers of A.G. Tori-Iashvili, Yu.I. Bagin and B.A. Verklev dealt with high-torque hydraulic mo- tors. The combined set of electric moto*rj pump and booster was des- cribed by Engineer I.N. Krasnopollskiy (Podollskiy mashinostroi- tel'-nyy zavod (Podol'sk Engineering Plant)). Work on gear pUm13s was reported by Engineer V.P. Grigorlyev of Kirovograd. The paper of Engineer DT.G. Kobakov (Zavod imeni Kalinina, g. Moskva (Pactory imeni Kalinin of Moscow)) discussed the technology of designing and testing small tractor A -456 (D-456). The design and testing of hydraulic drives for coal mining was described by Engineer B.A. Verklov (Kopeyskiy mashinostroitellnyy zavod imeni Kirova (Kopeysk Engineering Plant imeni Kirov)), Candidate of Technical Sciences, L.S. Bron of Yoscow spoke on the wide application of hydraulic dri- Card 3/5 S/12 61/000/012/007/008 Scientific conference on the D221YD303 ves in unit machine tools and automated lines. Engineer L.B. Bog- danovich (Odes:Bkiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Odessa Polytechnic Institute)) pointed out the irregular angular speed at low revsz Profe---sor Ye.M. Khaymovich (Kiyevskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Kiyev Polytechnic Institute)) referred to investigations on machi- ne tool hydraulic drives. Candidate of Technical Sciences, V*Aa Leshchenko of 11oscow read a paper on designs of multuicoordinate hydraulic tracer drive. The paper of Engineer E.Kh. Agishteyn (Fac- tory "Krasnyy proletm.'ryy" of Moscow) informed on the use of hydrau- lie slides for automated lathes. The resistance of f-uids was re- ported by Candidate of Technical Sciences, V.A. Khokhlov (Moscow IAT AS USSR). The damage of pipes in the change from cylindrical to conical parts was reported by Engineer N.P. Sapozhnikov of Mlos- cow. Attention is drawn to the paper of Engineer A.I. Dushskiy of Balashikha on the practice of designing two-chamber boosters. The papers of the Corresponding 1-Jember of AS USSR, S.N. Kozhevnikov (Institute chernoy metallurgii AN USSR, Dnepropretrovsk (Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy AS USSR, Dnepropetrov;k)) on models of dyna- mic processes in hydraulic mechanisms for computers, of Doctor of Card 4/5 15-57-10-14874 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr IC, p 253 (USSR) AUTHORS: Slesarev, P. A.) TITLE: Producing Progressive Explosions (K voprosu o poluchenii korotkozamedlennogo vzryvaniya) PERIODICAL: V sb,: Korotokozamedl. vzryvaniye v gorn. dele. Moscow, Ugletekhizdat, 1956, pp 55-67. APSTRACT: The authors examine the positive values of progressive explosions. They note the importance of the time factor, the most important par&meter of progressive explosions, which depends on the kind of explosive device, the properties of the rocks, the size of the blasting charge, and the depth of setting the charge. They point out the necessity, in using progressive explosions, of employing an electrodetonator witl co@stant time characteristics. For mines where there Card 1/2 is danger from gas or dusc, progressive explosions have STUPAK, I.I., Cind Agr Sci -- (,iiss) tffectiveness of I I , j,-ja . . I a -!o4, k@v4A-, - --x various Dratein Qilliviqffia to corn MItUding A Frovring young hogs." KharlIzzov, 1959- 19 PP (Lin of Agr USSR. kh:...r P,ov Valerinary Inst 200 co-Diosi (YL) 33-592 119) STUPA,K I.I., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Protein-rich feeds in swine rations based on corn. Zhivotnovodotvo 22 no.7:40'45 160. (WRA .16: 5) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut zhivotnovodstva lesoatepi i Poleslya UkrSSR. (Swine--Feeding and feeds) (Corn as feed) (Proteins) 89715 -S 200 1.2,500 3 '/1 29/6o '/000/C12/00@/W4 Ai6'_1AO,:1O AUTHORS: Medovar, B.I.; Latash, Yu.V.i Maksimovil,h, B.I.; Stupak. L..M. TITLE,-, Elec'ro-Slag Remelting of Steel All-Dyed wj-!,. R@,5dliy Oxidizinp ElemerbB PERIODICALt Avtoma,@icheskaya svarka, 196c, No. 12, PP. 6o - 65 TEM. Experiments have been carried oull to de@@errnine the proper tectn.'que for electro-slag remelting of steel containing easily oxidizing components, for the AHOb -6 (ANF-6) flux (of ca-171 _A11:)O Eyz-teml dr@es ensu-e fill! absorption of - iumt !Ti reTell-irig W18119T (Imil.8NqT@ st some elements. 50% oxidatI.On o? - ) -eel with this flux is an example. P-Js s,@ee-l was cro-siFn for 11,,e experiments, A water cooled copper mold of 2,50 Tm- helght-, 3nd 50 m-rr. diam-eter was -jsed; the 3 mm welding wire was of 1,1-e s&rre &.eel, A 5@er;.es of. fluoride base fluxes was tested. P-c-eos, dealls@ rnel_4@ing wl-,.h @urrr-nt; wire feed 156 m/hr; transformer- Idle Voltige 50 - 54 volt. for fl..tx with low c-ondu,_@ti-11',Y in molten state (the "All -811 (AN-@) tried @or comparison, and ftuoride base fluxes with high Al 0 contpnT.), and 36, -- 38 qoltls fc,- fluxes (pure CaF 2 '@ C, 2 concentrated fluorlt.e.. and 1hpir wfx+-ares w1th @-_O anJ TiCl -_urren' l arri 2b - 32 vol-E and @60 42-46 vol.ts ard 300 - @:;Q amTF for low-conducr ve ?-P x, 2 Card 1/5 69-1115 25/60/0(yj/ol 2/008/014 A161/030 Electro-Slag Remelting of 3-@eel Alloyed wIT-h Rearilly Ox'liz.Ing Elementc amps for high-conductive. Argon was fed to "he bat!-! cirface tKr-@ugh a spec.La.1 hood (Fig. 1)@ Ingots vvire s!@ared I;o t--nplate@ of 2,01 mm a:,d thf, titan- ium content- determined ty spet_@I@rum analysil.6. Appara_n!ly, @he reason for high titanium oxidation In process with the ANF-6 flux ts -h,@ c-.-t@ent- of 2 - 119 310 2 in it, originating frorp. the fl.-iorine -cricentra'e -4 (G-4) alumina -iseef. 'In -;I.. making. The burning of' Jropped Wnen htl- fli--riie concentrate was repla,- ed with Pure CaF and I*.. dropped "-c- *-, 3 w3z replaced w!7-t@ p@.ire 2%' aluminum oxide, Dif. @ippearrritly A1.0-, 1z @itc-l "-..--lv r@u-,ral In the el--trc- -Zlag process when its conten,, i@ hliwn. -for 5nngl- rtd-L;@Ing of aluminum from such slag had been re-,ealed (Ref. 8) in 51aF ard @4-' is cb=erved a1sc In electro-slag welding of titanium steel wl.,n 1he ANFP-@- fl.!jx, The sources of oxygm are the amblent air: higher Iron oxideF @Rpfs, K". 11); TA. oxides in the slag, for titanium car. form Tll@ Ti and T-to (Rer. 12" F-_aLe nr rust on the melttng electrode, or, i-@.s oxidatio'.11 in v'rTn_4@.y wi-h ta,.h surface where It is heated to over 800 - 90COC. Argon shl-@Ijlng Is an effec,ive means agains@ ox-i- dati,"@n of titanium or other oicidizing metals in the procesF. It is obvious that fluxes containiniz no urstable cxide@@ rnust be used and "ne bath must be si-iielded from air. As had been stated in (Ref- 14) @B_T,_ M=:iovar and B.-T. Maksilmovich, Card 2/5 89715 3/125/60/000/012/0W/014 A161/AO30 Electro-Slag:Remelting of Steel Alloyed with Readily Oxidizing Elements "Avtomaticheskaya svarka", No. 4, 1960) pure flux for electro-slag remeltIng of alloys with readily oxidizing components can be obtained by keeping molten flux for a considerable length of time (in the making process) in an arc furnaoe with graphite electrodes and graphite bottom. The flux is purified from silica and iron oxides through deoxidation by carbon and through the formation of volatile silicon fluorides. The AHrb-1 (ANP-1) flux (fluoride concentrate) refined in this way is near to pure calcium fluoride by',-the content of unstable oxides and has been given the designation "AH(t>-IfI " (ANF-1F). The developed processing @ech- nique was tested at the "Dneprospetusstall" works (Engineer S.A. Leybenzon of "Dneprospetsstal"' took part); 300 - 350 kg ingots of 1Kh18NqT steel were melted using pure calcium fluoride and the ANF-1F flux. Apart from this, not fresh but used ANF-lP flux was tried. Argon was used foV shielding all the time; the elec- trodes were carefully cleaned of scale by pickling. The oxidation of titzanium was insignificant in all three process variations, but it was slightly hi&her in the bottom ingot portions after remelting with fresh ANF-I-P flux than with. pure calcium fluoride. The minimum Ti oxidation was obtained, as expected, with reused AI,TF-IP. Titanium oxidation was practically absent. There are 3 figures end 14 references of which 13 are Soviet and 1 English. Card 3/5 8 9 'Y 11 5 3/125/60/000/012/008/014 A161/AO30 Electro-Slag Remelting of Steel Alloyed with Readily Oxidizing Elements ASSOCIATION: Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut elektrosvarki im. Ye.O. Patona AN USSR (Electric Welding Institute "Order of the Red Eanner of Labor" imeni Ye.O. Paton of the AS UkxSSR) SM41TTED: April, 6 196o Figure 1: 1 - electrode;. 2 - slag; 3 metal card 4/5 110 p,,c. Cxema rinosort 3atalMl UJ;13- F.oBorj B3111MI: 9ACKrpoA: 2 - LLOAC 3 - XeT3AA- .9/125/61/000/003/016,10116 A16i/A133 AUTHORs Stupak, L.M. TITLE: All-Union scientific-technical conference on electro-slag remelting PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, no. 3, 1961, 107 TEXT: An All-Union conference on electro-slag remelting of al.loyed steel and alloys has been convened on December 22 - 23, 1960, at the institut ele'ktrc- svarki im. Ye.O.Patona (Electric Welding Instivite im. Ye.0. Paton). The --Innf6- rence was organized by the Electric Welding Insritute and TsNII,'hM3 90 delegates from 50 organizations including metallargical and machine plants, research insti- tutes and design institutes parti-_,1pated. Ths results of w.:,rk done during 1950 were discussed. The 23 reports and Informations concerned the@ experienc_e witi the use of electro-slag remelting units, applications and quality of meta-1 -emelt- ed in the electro-slag process, research and experimental work resultj!l an,:_ap- praisal of remelted metal by the users. The conference pointed cut the ing: The electro-slag remelting method yields metal -if high quality, J@-.j homogeneous, of high purity, higher than usual ductIlity, only s.light aniss-ropy of mechanical properties, and improved weldability; it presen-.s a meaAris fc- lm- Card 1/2 S11 25/61/0-00/003/016/011 6 All-Union scientif'@c-tecbnioal conference on,.. A161/Ai33 proving the macrostructure of large fcrgings; permite the use @:f substiT,te E.'Teel types with a low nickel content:; the quantity cf rejects is greatly reducel, -rnr. service life and the dependability of parts made of electro-slag reianelted me-.El are higher -than usual. The conference decisions included recommendatic)ne th4@ use of metal remelted by the electro-slag process@ stressed the nec-3s.-4-ry ex- pand the production of electro-slag metal @nd to build special production ihops or sections at metallurgical and machine plants.,, pointed out the necesaity rf' investigations which of the possible methods cf producing cast consumable e'e-- trodes is to be preferred - by semicontinuous or contiru:us casting, cr othirs. A list of the most important research problems for 1961 has been set up. EAb- 5tracter's notes Essentiai2y complete translation.] Card 2/2 S/'12r'5/0'l/OGO/Ol1/OO*.7/Ol2 D04O/Dl13 AUTHORS. T,'edovar, B. I., Latash, Yu. V., and Stupak, L. M, TITLE2 The possible oxygen sources and methods of oxidation protection for metal in electro-slal- remelting PERIODICALi Avtomaticheskaya svarka-, no. 11, 1961, 47-52 TEXTi Thrr-e i@-,asons for oxygen entering the metal in the electro-slag re- rrielting process are pointed out and discussed@ unstable oxides which may be pr-sent in the CaF,)-system fluxes used for the process can cause oxida-';ion rif some elements ': sc@ale or rust on the consumable electrode may introduce a large quantity of oxygen, which is illustrated by examples of very high po- -sity in remeited armco steel; oxygen from ambient air above the slag can 6-et -Lnto the metal under the slag in two ways - through oxidation of the electrode surface and directly through the slag layer by the formation of h@gh oxid@q of 1-ron, titanium, manganese and other elements, and subsequent transtoimation of high oxides into low on the slag-metal. interface. A.-'go'n 'ion proved effective in experiments at the Institut elektrosvarki (Ele-tric Weldan@@- Institute) and the zavod "DnePrcs-oetsstal1'1 k'-Dnepr-.s-jet!:!- Card 1/.), S11125/61/000/0111/007/012 The possible oxygen D040/Dll3 S T e.). I " PLanO and eliminated "catastrophic o-xi.dation" of thp 79 HM,('791,M) I U Ni-Mo ali.oy used in electrical engineering. It is stressed 'hat scaie may Coro on the entire electrode surface and not only close to the slag bath. I A spet.-ial pa-te oC sodium aluminate with 20eP calcium fluoride spread on e I c-;: - rod c. s. pre v ori t s scale @Other -orotective coatinis ay al o be used, C', . g. U g ir 3 lgraL,hite Or varn-'sth arc-. good for copper and (-.opper alloys ac well as for stee!. vvitf-, h-@gh --arbon coi.tent. The following -Drotective measures should be t ak,@ r! @(1) Usn of Clu,res free of oxides which could be rc-diiced by elements in i-he steel beine remelfed, (2) c,bligatory cleaninE or pi,,2kling of the. r,,f thp r@-)n;-,,,jmab!e elecArode; 3) if the steel to bq remelted has a resist-ance at high temperature, the entire electrode su--face must. bo pi-Aerted by a coating, or remelting must be oonducted in a cnamber fimllpd With neutral, gas and encompassing the entire electrode; (4) oxida- ri.en rf an eie-trode heateri by electric current i.3 to be pievented by using trif, shor'est thi-oat, possible, i.e. the current @@arrier is -uo be moved closer i- the mejt.,ng spacE 5) protection of the slag bath by blowing argon or otl-er neu'ral gas in@o the crystallizer. There are fioirps and 5 S,,)vi-t !ei .. 7@ r P@ s . Carc 2,1,, 37665 3/125P-2/000/004/002/01-3 D040/:)113 L Yu-v- 3.T., Latash, zin, the metn-I CLur--'L; Clac'roz;la' DcrhosT)hori -@---7 @DIC ka, no. 4, 19062, 06-7 '..vto-,i7it@Chas'raYa 3var 4L: brief-Y dis- of dilLOrcllt 0 G v and SYs ,,-e rccor-:.,,i::ndcd Lcr @onic t.,,eo--y ee and al- al ...L -.,@ cu2L,ed fr,3:n --b u 10,- ramcitino o@ on st -IoY ol and -z;adv--nl--,Ges of SJC)' 0 o adva -mared to C@:-O, e LL - 5 nlar-es co: - I - 2 arc indicated. Plujcc)s 04, cap aU,-,.?o 0CaF 3LO-70-0, ani 1 2-' 2- ) 4 C - -:?- SYS are r-com.-ended for remaltints- cazbon stee' --ad. non-7 3 Ox @ " Iloy S@ecjz. It is -xec=-endt:d to kee-3 2-Bac systems for all 4 4 n j@ C @p I Ing (2) no'. to use ure low when dephosphor4zJ 20 @ha Sla- "oath t=Pera Card 1/2 STUPAK, L.M. All-Union conference on electric slag refining. 15 no.9:92-93 S 162. (Electrometallurgy--Congresses) Avtom. svar. OKRA 15:9) PATON, B.Ya., akademik; MEDOVAR, B.I., doktor tekbn.nauk; LATASH, Yu.V., kand.tekhn.naulk; MKSIMOVICH, B.I., inzh.;-2j!9!ff, L.M., inzh. Achiavemonts and further prospects for electric slag refining. Stall 22 no.11:1001-1005 N 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Institut elektrosvarki im. Ye.O.Patona AN Uk.-SSR. (Zone melting) (Electrometallurgy) PHASE 1 BOOK EXPLOYLVATION SOV/6431 Medovw!, BoriB lzrailevichp Yuriy Vadimovich Latashy Boleslav 1-ki,smovich MaksimovlcN and Leonid Mikhaylovich Stupak Etektroshl&krov pereplav (Elec-1-roslag Malting) Moscow, MettL- luvgkzdat, 3.c)6 169 p. Errata slip Inserted. 2250 Copies Ty w 3. p:-inted. Ed. (Title page): B.Ye. Paton, Academician, Academy of Sciences VSSR, Lenin Prize Winner; Ed. of Publishing House: G.L. Pn7dnvakova: Tech. Ed.: V.V.M11chaylova. Yn, -1, 0 S E : This book Is intended for metallurgists working in the p-c-oduction of high-quality steels and a1loys. It may also be use- s'udents at metallurgical schools of higher education, of hig@,_-quality metal, and waz-kers in various branches bullding, shipbuild-1 g, boiler making, and C*:_-A_ IA E;OV/6431 The book dasc-ibes tAlp, e2.__0tr0sl&g m!lt,ng of steel X-1107G, a new me& i whod of prolucing and :-3clent-Ific 2'esearzh work x*e',Ated to t, metals. Results Tr. . he electroslag melting _L" @Iod *L-"-' 13umm&rizad- Nyllmero" d,lxauced L-y -;d,,,jj8 metto us data om the !12_@Ity of,metal d alit p%.asan- (JeV ueds, a, P2:'35P,'ct--9 for the L CV4-0-aptaAant of e.LSvt thUlk &ve discUssed. The A.F.T % V.'C"_K x'eLr_11*jeako, m.m.K, _jjl&7gi - ,ruyev S V.V. .13 '@' - .9 Scjan, esso'.i7 *A" Doctor of j p G. 1Uul#_r--' y t1hA: B.. ya f or &ssistiusce. Me SSR. Th-e-@vn A@"""7 Of Scidaces P -@i'Y Soviet. TAaLi-z OF C014 MNTS: From ths Pubiis,.Ler Fo-t't iqord 5 7 01-1m, 2/16, .- II I. 7 1 1 1 - I . I - - - - -1 : I - - I . - - - I VORONIN, Y)rof. [decenFitdj; STUPAK, M.A., lnborpnt - '@ 1 -, @ Formntion of the -Dositive cell Dlates in zinc sulfAte solution. Izv. XPI 20:37-43 '57. (MIRA 11:1) (Zinc sillfnte) (Electrochemicnl nnplysis) -TUIPAK 0111-pnic, it. "TI-c. I)r;.( ";..I and PF in sheep." Mili Health USSR. State Sci Rea I at of Microbiology and Epide- miology of the Southeast of the Aar- "Mikrob". Saratov, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Biological Sciences.) Knizhnaya Letopial No. 16, 1956.-A)-scow. Cre-i ',7 jOrr;e f C--rl @-Ch 3ci, Ch=ir of eol-,hysical .--,thc--Is o- cir-ler Of Labor 7ed !'@--in@er L'inin, Ins+ t e r-, :,:I-ca@lon "SS'Z, "-:-cT-ro,,-etrovsl-, 1-15 .:4:,. ller 0 ;c- Sc;erltific an@! Techr,*lc3l );-s--ertuiti@)ns Deefeir!e-l A @-S:3- -':er "-vca'!- -A Iiis'-t:,' -1 - U@ ',lons STUPAK. N.K.; TYAPKIN, K.Y. - - ----- ---- ------ InterpretatIon of local magnetic anomalies due to certain tectonic dietw.-bances. Trudy NIUK no.11:81-86 155. (NIU 9:8) (Magnetism, Terrestial) STUPAK, N.K.; TWKINA, K.F. -..... .. 11 ": Logaritmic overlav for determining the depth of occurence of magnetized roak seams. Razved.i ohr.nedr 22 no-3:39-41 Xr 156. (Prospectirg--Oeoph.vsical methods) (MIRA 9:7) 37-11-3/18 AUTHOR: Stupak, N. K., Tyapkin, K. F. TITLE: Interpretation of Local Magnetic Anomalies Caused by Tectonic Dislocations (Interpretatsiya mestnykh magnit- nykh anomaliy obuslovlennykh nekotorymi tektonicheskimi narusheniyami@ PERIODICAL: Trudy Nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta zemnogo magnetizma, 1957, Nr 11(21), pp. 81-86 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Mathematical solutions for reverse problems of mag- netometry for a symmetric anticline and vertical fault are presented. The following authors are mentioned! ShvankY 0. A. and Lyustikh, Ye. N. There are 4 figures and 3 references, all USSR. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 AUTHORSr Stupak N K a.11d Tyapkin, K,F. 21-98- ';--20/2@1 TITLE. Interpretation of Some Magnet.1c and Gravita"Lcnal Arom _z 1 4- e s of the Krivoy Rog Type (Interpretatsiya nekotorykh r;a6;rit- nykh 4. gravitatsionnykh anomaliy krivor.-zhskogo tipR) PERIODICALz Dopovidi Akademi-i nauk Ukrainslko-I RSR, 1958, Nr 7, pp 768-',111 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Geophysical prospecting methods, such as gravitational, ma-netic and electrical, are frequently used for the geo- logic prospectir- of iron ore deposits in the Gre.t Krivoy Rog basin. HowEvex, interpretation of anomalies without taki--ig into acc3unt the direction of the magnetization vec= tor sometimes led to considerable errors. The authors have therefore developed an analytical method of determin- ing the depth of occurrence of the upper boundary and hori- zontal thickness of inclined strata by the results of mag-- netic measurements with an arbitrary direction of the mag- netization vector of the rocks. This methcd is also appl-4- cable for the interpretation of gravitational anomalies. The combined use of maEneti,,, and gravitational sur7eys -maka-m it possible to determine separately the dip angle of a stra- Card 1/2 tum and the direction of the magnetization vector. 21-58-7-20j/417 ,Interpretation of Some Magnetic and Gravitational Anomalies Cf the Krivoy Rog Type There is 1 graph and 1 Sovief reference ASSOCIATION; Dneprop@.,Irovskly @,,@rnjy institut Artema trcvskhj-rjjjg jrstitute Joien' Artem) PRESENTEDs By Member c-1 the AS UkrSSR, V.G. Bondarchuk SUBMITTED: February 10, 1958 NOTE: Russian tit-le and Russian names of individuals and insti-i- tions appearing in this article have been used in the trans- literation. 1. Geophysical prospecting--Magnetic factors 2. Iron ores --Location Card 2/2