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L 20427-66 ACC NR: AT:6006230 Fig. 1. Resonance circuit isothermal contour registering device: 1 - sensing screen; 2 - registering screen; 3 - outer conductive coating; 4 - inner conductive coating. The sensing screeri is divided into ferroelectric cells the dielectric constant of which is a function of the temperature. These ferroelectric temperature-dependent capacitances are connected through inductive lines \,with Iuminophor screen capacitances. The author develops Card 2/3 L "4271-66 ---------- ACC NR: AT6006230 a theory for the setup and works out illustrative calculations for some of the pertinent parameters. The use of the pyroelectric effect allows 'the determination of isothermal lines of transt)ai-ent temperature fields, i.e., of fields witha-it radiations In the visible part of tile Spectrum. Low temperature fields can also be measured. Orig. art. has: 34 formulas wid 3 figures. SUB CODE: 14Z ~UBM DATE: 05Nov65/ ORIG REF: 006 ATD PRES,9:qj-i?- 017/ 3/3 SIROKOVY V.I.; KIRd.' .10, A.M. ;'mEitlon circuits of the automatic temperature regulation in spinr,Lng heads with electric heating. Khim. volok. no.53 63-64 165. (MIRA 18tlO) 1. VNIIK)V. , 'j, . -, . Use of the AUS system regulating block for pressure in a narro-w range. Khim. volok. no.~-:64--t)5 165. U (MIRA -1P:12) 1. V11711MV. Sutmitted September 16, 1964. AUTHORS. Rodionov, V.L.. V SOV/106-59-2-3/11 �trokov, K.. and Sheberova, R.N. TITLE: Remote-control and Monitoring Equipment for Radio-relay Lines (Apparatura distantsionnogo upravleaiya i lKontrolya dlya radioreleynykh liniy) PERIODICAL: Flektrosvyaz', 1959, Nr 2, pp 15 - 23 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Remotely-controlled and monitored systems for radio-relay lines usually consist of main, manned stations, each of which controls several unmanned, intermediate stations. This article describes one such system developed for the Ministry of Communications. It differs from existing systems in that it uses semi-conductor triodes and cold- cathode thyrata?ons instead of the usual electronic valves. This reduces the power consumption, increases reliability and simplifies construction, The system provides for the followinE possibilities: 1.) Transmissbn of 59 "comL,ands" to any of 10 remotely- controlled stations; receipt of a comrand by the called Cardl/5 station is acknowledged by a special "receipt" signal. 2) Transmission from any of 10 remotely-serviced stations of a signal indicatint-,- a change in the condition of one or more of 64 tele-sigriallint, transducers. The signal SOV/106-59-2-3/11 Remote-control and Monitoring Equipment for Radio-relay Lines r,ontains only in-formation on the station number at which the change occurs; the nature of the change is not encoded, 3) Transmission from any of the remotely-controlled stations ' when ren'uested, of information concerning the condition of each of the 64 tele-signalling transducers, previously mentioned,, Telecontrol Apparatus: Transmitter - Each command is transmitted in the form of a coded group of three successive ringing tones. Each ringing tone can have one of four frequencies, thereby giving 64 possible code combinations. The code-forming apparatus consists of three semi-conductor oscillators and three thyratrons. The code combination is selected by depression f nob on the comiiiand panel. The circuit is 0 le diagram given in Figure 2. described and Receiver - The received conimand is decoded at the remotely- controlled station by a "pyramid" connection of three tiers of thyratrons interconnected in such a manner that ignition of a thyratron in loi;er tier prepares for firint- four Card2/5 thyratrons in the following tier (Fi,~,u_re 2). The first Remote SOV/106-59-2-3/11 -control and Monitoring Equipment for Radio-relay Lines (lowest) tier contains four thyratrons; the secondl four sets of four and the third., 16 sets of four. The thyratrons are ignited by pulses formed from the ringin6 tones of the coded command by "signal" thyratrons connected via filters to the output of a two-stage semiconductor signal aMDlifier. To all the thyraturons of the same number in the sets of four is applied the pulse from the corresponding element of the code combination. The result is that, after a command has been receivec. a relay in the anode circuit of a particular final-tier trqratron is operated. A three-tier pyramid provides 59 final tivratrons for control an,-' 5 for callinS. A circuit fc.r restorinE: the decoder pyramid to its waiting condition (Figure 3) is then described. Tele-signalling apparatus - The tele-signalling apparatus consists of the tele-signalling equipment proper, common emergenGy equipment and the receipt signalling eqUiDment., Each of the above has a receiv-ing and transm-Ltting section. The transmitt,i-ng section consists of thyratron circuits conne~-_ted ir. --;,,i-.h a mannier that ignition of each circuit, after a t.Ime delay of about 30 milliseconds, trig-ers the Card3/5 IP following thyratron. The simpl-4"lied diaErar- is given in :k)V/10~)- 1-1-)-2-5111 Remote-contro-I and Monitoring Equipment fc;-- Radio-rela,7 Lines Figure 4. The first thyratron is trig~-,ered when the station is called. Tele-signallinE transducers are conne--ted in the cathodes of the thyratrons and, depending on the so-nditIc-ii of the transducer, the thyratron anode pulse opera-les one or the other of two, different-frequency semiconduct,~r oscillators. The result is that the order of the freQuen,-.-ies in the transmitted pulse train deDends on the condit.;-ons of the transducers, The receiver sectior. 3ontains tvo circuits of transistor am-olifiers with filters and signal thyratrons. The circuit forms pulses from the received ringing tones when "Call Tele-signalli.nE;" button is pressed. The basic "repeat" of the receiver circuit -is a double-circui-. each arm oi which u contains a pair of thyratrons (Figure 5). From the common cathode resi-c,.tance of each -;~,air is taLklen the bias for ore- paring the followinir pair,, Trig6ering pulses for the lower L-I % thyratrons of each pair come from the signal thyratron of one frequency and for the upper, from the signal thyratron of the cther frequency, Thus, the thyratrons ignited in the Card4/5 different pairs depend on the character of the received SOV/106-59-2-3/11 Remote-control and bloniwrinr-: Equipment for Radio-relay Lines V combination. The number of "repeats" of the basic circuit equals the number of signal impulses applied to the receivers Finally, the emergency and receipt signal circuits are de5cribed. The techniques used are similar to those used in the other parts of the equipment. The circuit of the common emergency signalling transmitter is Eiven in Figure 6; for the emergency receiver? In Figurc 7; for the receipt signalling apparatus, in -:igure 8. There are 8 figures and 2 Soviet references. SUBMITTED. May 29, 1958 Card 5/5 STROKOV, Vladimir Petrovich; ZAGORSKIY, G., red.; USTINOVA, S., tekhn. red. (Long life to technology]Tekhnike - dolguiu zhizn'. '.Ioakva, Mosk. rabochii, 1962. 28 p. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Glavnyy inzhener sovkhoza "Malino" Stupinskogo rayona (for Strokov). (Tractors-41aintenance and repair) STROKOV, V.V., kand. biolog. nauk Use of tar water for scaring off susliks from acorns in steppe oak plantations. Okhr. prir. i ozel. no.3:113-115 160. (MIRA 16:12) . . ..i. I I .. i 1 c . -. ~. - - .1 q - " I I 1. '1 9 - Monthlv List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, " - 1951, Uncl. STtlOKOV, V.V. Insects are the primary eneynies of oak in Sochi and vicinity. ;&nt.oboz. 32:69-75 '52. (MLRA 7:1) (Sochi--Oak--Diseases and pests) (Diseases and pests--Oak-- Sochi) 'IT --a ";-s .-,; for the Acia. tat.. on of t'e Oak an,.,, the Rapid Exploitation of Its Roots." Cand Biol Sci, Leninrrad Forestry Em-ineerinC Acad Imeni S.M. Kitova, Lenin.-rad 1953. (RZ'-,:-;iol, No 2, Sep 54) Survey of Scientific and Tec~Lnical Dissertations Defended at USSR -ij~ : : -lier Educational Institutions (10) SU: Sum. Illo. 481, 1)' Ma:.~ 55 iins, "inr:~*"., oz in, c c ~2,~ MASOV, Aleksey Alekseyevich; VORONTSOV, Alekspy Ivanovich, PONOMAREVA, Yekaterina Nikolayevna; 5TROKOV, Vyacheslav Vaevolodovich; FLUROV, Sergey Konstantinovich; ItMATS&3' re'dA'kt'or; IL'INSKIY,A.I., kandidat sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk; MALKGVA.A..; KOIZSNIKOVA,A.P., tekhnicheskiy redRktor LForest protection] Lesozashchitn. Izd.?-oe, perer. Pod obahchei red. S.K.Flerovn. Voskva, GoslesbimizdRt, 1955. 438 P. (MLRA 9:1) 1. Prepodavntell Khrenovskogo lesnogu tekhnikuma (for Malkov) (Forests and forestry) (Trees--Disenses and pests) Harraf u1 P ;ral an-j Special Zoology. Insects. ~ Insacts and krchnids. Pests of .3ecorative and Flowar -'lants. i' Jour: Ref Z2-mr-3.401., No 14, 1958, 64128. .Lb s tra c tLilac varieti,-.-s sli.-,htly dazoged by the moth are noted. it is recommended to rodis the soil under the bushes so that t1ne ]pu ')aa bc; found at a depth o -L 20 cm and ilso to a y a three - fourfold dusting of the lilac bushes by DDT and 3THC dusts- -- L. --. Zinov'yeva, Card 2/2 72 STROKOV, V.V., kandidat biologicheskikh nauk (Monkva); SHPET, G.I., kandidat bloUgicheakikh nauk; BRODSKIY, S.Ya., kandidat biologicheskikvt nauk; IUBIIIIN, V.B., professor. Instaxces of cannibalism in animals. -Priroda 45 se-7:97-99 ii 056. (WaA 9:9) 1.11atichao-isslodevatel'skir institut prudevoge i ozerner-rechnoge rybnoge khozyaptva, Kiyev (for Shpat, Brodskiy).2.Z9ol*gichevkiy institut Ak&LdemJ,i nauk SSSR, Leningrad (for Dubiniz), (Cannibalism (Animals)) STROKOV, V., knndidat biologicheskikh nauk. The watchful gulls. IUn.not. no.6:7-8 Je '57. MRA 10:7) (Gulls) - . '12 ~ - ". f 7 .I . - . ,',-..rd i a at *-~ ~ ~' -i L,~i nw-_'r ,~: ")r, vr! J _"~ I ~_ ~r I, ~~2tion n .- tae ,,oucaq ian shr,3w ! n vinter. i ~- I :- - 1-~ ~,/z nr .7- 113-11'-' 71 1 Z~ -, .j ( : -, L'. In. 9 11 I " k ) t RZHEVSKIY, Boris Kotoeyevich; STROKOV. V.V.,' kand.biol.nauk. red. [Beavers; conservation. keepingfoeding. and transportation] bobry; sokhranenle, soderzhanie, kormlenie i trhnsportirova- nie. Foa red. V.V.Strokova. Koskva, Mosk.obl.otd-nie Teerosaiiskogo ob-va aodeistviia okhrane prirody i ozeleneniiu naselennykh punktov. 1958- 74 P- (MIRA 11:5) (Beavers) STROKOV, V., knnd.biol.nAuk LivIne, Inboratories. lUn.nnt. n0-1:13 Ja 158. (MIRA 10:12) (Ural Mountain region--National parks and renerves) STaOKCV, V. Feed boxes for birds. rUn.takh. 3 no.12:54-55 D '58. (MIRA 12:1) 1. Uchenyy sakretarl Vaerossiyakogo obqhchostva sodeystviya okhrdne prirody i ozelaneniyu naselennvkh mmktov. (Birds--Ifood)- , STROKOV, V.V.,knrtd.biol.nnuk Nature must be protected. ("The gTeen patrol" by Iu. Dmitriev. Roviewed by V.V. Strokov). ZnAn. siln 33 no.4:42 Ap 158. (Natural resources) (Dmitriev, lu.) (MIRA 11:5) STROKOV, V. Bullfinch. On. nat. no.12:12 D '59 (MIRA 13:3) (Finchea) .- ~-si.( V.- 'dinners of the contest. lUn.nat. no.6:33 Je 160. (MIRA 131cl) (Birds, Protection of) STROKOV, V., kand.b4.ologicheskikh nauh, Why are sparrows so sly? On. nat. no.9:28 S 161. (MIRA 14--S) (sparrows) STROK04; V.V. Ecology of the linnet in the southwest of *jcOw. Ornitologiia no-5:290-299 162. (MIRA 1632) (Moscow-Unnei6) STROKOVV Y.Y. Letts take care of useful plants and animals, Biol. v shkole nu.3: 63-64 Yq-Je 163. (MM 16:10) 1. Tajifbovskly pedagogichaskiy institut. r -, n - ~'-. ~ , .,-, , , ~ - ~ :, - - ~ , f, ~ ; ~, - - , - I , -. I . . .. - - . - - . - - a , z, 1~ -. " _, ~: - "und c; ~ - :_ I '. . - , i . I ~, - I I ~ SV.tOKGV, Vyacheslav Voevolodovich, knna. i0iol. nauk (Animal. and birds in our foresto] Zveri i ptitsy na- shikh lesov. 2. izd. Moskva, Lesnaia promyshlennost', 1961,. 43 p. (Bibliotechka lesnika i mastera lesa, no.9) (MIRA 17-.12) '01TROKOVI V.11. ,;ongenital. and Condition-3d reflexec '.ri birds urri their influenze on the choice of r4terlals f,:;-r WIrling nests. Zool. zhur. 43 nc,.6:889- 89? 164. (MILRA 17j12) 1. Tcmbovskiy gosudarstvennyy perlagogicheskly Institut. 0 S/707/60/003/000/012/013 B108/B102 47 AUTHOR: Strokov. II'LTLF,- Interpretation of high-energy particle stars (E >, 10 Pv) by a modifiec; "ray" theory 6CURCE: nkademiya nauk Kazakhskoy SSR. Institut yadernoy fiziki. Trudy. v. 3, 1960. Vzaimodeystviye vysokoenergichity'Kh chastits s atmonymi yadrami, 150-156 TEXT: The portion of low-energy particles in a higii-energy shower is explained by the phenomenological "ray" theory in which it is assumed that in the collision of a nucleon and a nucleus a pencil of mesons arises. Thir, pencil, or "ray", diffuses in the nucleus. This theory is modified by assuming a diffuoion coefficient of the form D ap E_ 1/2 TI (a) where E is the energy of the Primary particles (Bev), p - nucleon denaity in the nucleus, a v 2. This formula means that only part of the mesons diffuse. Their energy in the c.m.s. is El - E - My + pS1/2 where A is a coefficient of the order of unity. The slow particles are assumed to be Card 112 S/707/60/003/000/012/013 Interpretation of high-energy ... B108/B102 recoil nucleong land particles produced in nuclear excitation. The ang-Ilar distribution of the slow Particles can be rendered as dnb/d v% = a sin ~ r O/r where ro/r denotes the probability of particles leaving the nucleus, r - distance from the place of production, r0 = h/pc. Undc~r such assumptions it is possible to draw qualitative conclusions also on the multiplicity of the shower particles in high-energy showers. Professor Zh. S. Takibayev is thanked ~or help, L. A. SanIko, Ts. 1. Shakhova, and Ts. Ya, Balats of supplying experimental data. There are 5 figures and 7 referencesi 3 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. The two references to English-language publi- cations read as follows: 71. Heitler and Terreaux. Proc. Phys. Soc., A 66, 929, 1953; K. J. Le Couteur.Proc. Phys. Soc., A L, 259, 1950- Card 2/2 A=SSION NR: AP4031160 S/0056/64/046/004/1379/1385 AMITIHOR: Nemrovskiy, P. E.; Strokov, Yu. F. TiTL::: Optical moL-l for antinucleon-nucleon collisions SOURa;: Zh. eksper. i teor. fiz., v. 46, no. 4, 1964, 1379-1385 TOPIC TAGS: antinucleon, nucleon, op-dcal model, potential spin, isospin, charge exchange ABSTRACT: This is an elaboration of ai earlier treatment (Yu. P. Yelagin and P. E. NIP I mirovskiy, ZhETF v. 44, 1099, 196~), Li which account is taken of the influences of the tensor force, the spin orbit interaction, and the iSOtODic dependence of the potential on the total cross sections for the interaction between norirelativistic allitinucleons and nucleons. This interaction is effectively describc-~d by a complex pote.ntial which depends on the spin a-d on the isotopic spin, and also contains the tensor force. The angular distribution of fhe elastically scatterv--d nucleons and the c---,oss section for charge exchange in the 5p - rm reaction is also calculated. The results for the total cross sections, angular distributions of elastic scatter- Lrig, and the charge-exchange cross sections are in satisfactory agreement with ex- periment. "In conclusion, the authors are grateful to Yu. P. Yelagin for help with Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4031160 -&.e work. " Orig. art. has: 10 figures And 14 formalas. ASSOC=OIN: None SU31=1 ED: 070ct63 SUB CODE; NP DATE ACQ: 07May64 UR REF SOV: 001 ENCL: 00 OMER: 004 Card 2/2 - an- X 2 *~;wanse mate- :cr i -:3- L't KOLYKHALOV, P.A.; oHCEIEGOLEVA, R.I.; VASILOYEEVA, I.N.; GUIKOVA,T.K.; MAKOVSKAYA, N.G.; TOLSTYKH, A.S.; KRAWHENKOVA, L.V.; HEDZVETSKAYA, G.V.; STROKOVA, -',,.Ya.; GERMANNICH, N.N., red.; KARZHAVINA. Ye., [Economy of Lipetak Province; a statistical manual] Narodnoe khoziaistvo Lipetskoi oblasti; stRtisticheakii sbornik. Lipetsk, Lipetskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1959- 182 P. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Lipetskqa oblast'. Statisticheskoye upravlenlye. 2. Statisti- cheakoye upraylenlye Lipetskoy oblasti (for Kolykhalov, Shchegoleva, Vasillyeva, Gudkova, Kakovskaya, Tolstykh, Kramchenkova, Nedzvetakava, Strokova). 3. Nachallnik Statisticheskogo upravleniya Lipetskoy ob- Insti (for GermanOTich). (Lipetsk ProTince-Statistics) STROKOVA, G.S. Evidence of uraninite in complex alkali rocks. Inform.sbor. VSEGEI no.16:103-107 '59- (MIRA 15:3) (Uraninite) BURIYI~'- : ~ ~, . . . ~ 4' 1 i t", -~ 67 A 5111TOV, V.A.. _ . --- - -, I ni. !it a ner m!ncral, 1. "'-'Ilror I ~ .;0 - 'ap, Vass. min, ob-va 94 n ;' , ,~Yl -4-', ~ '65. (KIRA 18t9) STROKOVR, I. ; VitSILIYEU, T. ; KAlUN, M.; Cascam"1111" S. Improve the leadership of production meetings. Sov.profsoiuzy 7 no-15:33-36 iLg '59. (14IR-n 12:12) (Works councils) KICHIGINA. M.I.; STROKOVA, N.Z.. glavnyy vrach; POXWVSKIY, V.A., professor, eduyushch -Wgldi~&:~.-- zav '17 Cancer of prolapeed cervix uteri. Alcush. i gin. no-3:79-80 YlY-J8 '53- (KLH& 6:7) 1. Hodillnyy dom Mo.4 (for Kichigina and Strokova). 2. Akushersko-gineko- logicheskaya klinika Voronezhakogo meditsinskogo inRtituta (for Kichigina and Pokrovskiy). (Uterus-Cancer) RCZADESTVENSKIY V.P.; SMOKOVAY T.P.; VOLPLNA., ~.14. Interaction between mixtures of a liquefied gas with water vapor and iron oxide. Zhur. priki. khim. 36 no.9:1987-1993 D 163. (MIFA 17:1) 1. Saratovskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut po ispol?- zovaniy-a gaza v narodnom khozyaystve. MAUTSHCHEV, V,,,;~, kand. ekun. xiwtk~ V-~,(,,Yl f, If F. F, . k a rid. ek,)n. naikk STROKOVA), V~I.) !-and. ekori. riai.:k,~ VA-,~ kand, ekon. ,,V., kan,". ekon. na-uk; sosill L.m., kandl. ek-,n, ;)aux. TfJ',TIKCv, kqr,~. ekon. naukj LYSOV kand, ekon. nalik. IT--%rEL:--KkYA, K.I., kand, ekon. nalik., TRUBILKO, N.P,,, kand. elf.'.)n. na,~;k; OS'KIN, V.,Ya., kand. ek--,n. nauk [Cht~-.mi2ajizatA~on of iadus-tti,31. PrOIJLICLiZrl 1.1 EhimizotsLia proruyshlonricg. proizr)dstva i1. al-rLISSli. 'Minsk, flauka I tekhrtka., 1965. _2c P. ~,X I ~~A 18:5) I~ERDINfJiD 'IT ., Ya.M.; 1,10YUKHA, G.A.; KUCHEMNE0, R.A.; DUNCHLJ 0, Ye~P. SThOKOVA; Ye. SHCHEGLOVAq L.A.; PYASETSYAYA9 Ye.A.; Li-!-; D?~1ZETIYEVA-, A.I.; ZOLI1U, L.T. Epidemiological effectiveness of the systematic use of the typhoid bucteriophage for chronic bacterial ca-1-riers. Sov. med. 2.4 no. 5:128-130 My 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Iz llootovskogo-na-Domi Instituta epidomiolof:ii, mikrobiologii i gigiyeny. (TYPHOID FEVER) (BACTMIOPHAGE) 5/'! W61/000/012/109/149 A006/A 10 1 AUVHOR: Strokovskiy, L. T. TITLE-. Control of plptline weld joints PERIODICAL. Referativnyy zkyarnai, Metall-argiya, ro. 12, 1961, 66, abstract 12E410 (V sb. "Izgotovleniye i mo---tazh tr,-,boprovodov". Moscow, 1960, 157-167) TEXT: Informatior. is given on operatiorad _ortrol during the assembly of pipelines. The aathor e-ramerates the objects and extent of control, chara.-ter- istics of gamma sources and sontainers; the system of container charge; gamma- raying methods; development of gammagraphs, evaluatic.-, of weld joints. The importance of xerography for oontrol pjrpo5es is analyzed (prodaction of electro- graphic images at gamma and X-ray emission or, a semi-condu-tlng Se or Zn oxide layer, appllcd onto a metal plate). Brief chara-.teilstics of the -new equipment are given for various nontrol metftodF. Ye. Terpugov [Abstracter's nots: Complate -Iranslationl, Card 1/-L STROKOVISKI, M. Servo systems with potentiometers or selay-n transformers. p-h85 (FOrTfARY., AUTOMATYKA,, KONTROU', Vol. 2, No. 12, Dec. 1956, Warsaw, Poland) SO: Monthly List of Fast European Accessions (F-FAL) W, Vol. 6, No. 9, Sept. 1957, Uncl. C r: a3..: Zojar,~4 J~"J-R. : 57564 :-trokowski., M. ana Stafsnicki, R. :Not z-iver, Flow Ccntrol Systernt a Transradttinjr U Pomiar.y, A--t.-,nat, Eontrola, i, No 2, -,'~-44 T Al. 0 i The a-atr,.rjr-- dezierior- the -~e.9-Ign and operation of an automa:.-ic electronic flow zontrol system dt-e- veloTed at the Silesian Pjlytechnit; Institute of tric Yolis;h Peoples Republic. The raot:tons of the Rotameter float are transmitted to the control :~ysten uy the inductance metned using a special 1%ransformer and transaucer which can be UEed with ora:.nary rotaraeLer~~ without rec.uirinE rcodifica- ticns to their housing. Yu. Skoretski.v 4 b rfq~ T IJ. ~ f STROLA, J. Active elgLys; on the opening of the factory in Kutina,first in Yugoslavia. Vol. 6, No. 3 14,.rch 1955 MASINSKO-TEHEICKI GLASNIK SO: Mlonthly list of East European Accessions, (EEAL) LC, Vol. 5 no. 3 March, 1956 37R~I.'L, J. Natural ca',al~,sts for cracking petr-Aeum products; extended research on selected sairples of clay. P. 10 T'A:~-"A, Zagreb Vol. 7, No. 1, Jan. l(956 Sa',,RCE: 71,AL L,-, July 1956 STROM, A. D. Biological purification of industrial waste waters containing low mblecular weight C - C fatty acids. Khim.i tekh.topl.i masel 5 no.22:24-Z7 D 169. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Berdyanskiy opytnyy neftemaslozavod. (Sawage-Purification) (Acids, Fatty) STROM, A.D., Inzh. Biological post-purification of industrial waste waters. Meal.- zhir.prom. 26 no.12;38-40 D t6o. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Berdyanskiy opvtnyy neftemaslozavod. (Berdyanak-Sewage-Parification) 0 00 0 0 0 0 .0 W 6 12 if W 11 4 n n a A i x m so it v U it A 0 Is x 41; 41 a U a 61: L 9 L F 6 It j It L 0 It P 9 A S I U I T As so Q W CE b % , I J. L -TV* 00 06 vapfir-Phase, trestment-Of crocked gaticibage in the Vickers cracking unit. Ij. 1. 1.06 00 FRAUXIM AND D. A. Manx. -%'rf1Y"x(w K&`SNiJ1W 16, 445 Cmitoline oil. .-so tained its the Vickerscisivkiiij unit is evapd again and psmswA in the %,spor phase through ' ' fuller s earth filtrn. rite yield of the final gasoline ani,mnt% to Ili I- 2(- 4 while 1) .00 0 o . , foller's earth i4 lwwd on I I refp-tlrrmtiotl~ lifirion this pr'~- the full'r1. 00 00 ratIll i. h. m.d bf. 113 1 CsA.. Illf - I. fill, 1. ','a k,.I.i at '-~h) *.' I h. tillin "I'd - . . , 14.jim If*- ..4.. .4.1 . 0,111, it .". ............... 4,tl ..... .... .11.1 a .1. go of 41 A II I.. If, Abd h- a -J.-1 .4 'I'll, 4 6,1161. .11.~ 00 00 ...!1 it. .4 at I A k . 00 A 00 00 00 00 A,@ SL a sI TALLUPGOCAL tillaAff,91 CLASSIFIC.Tic. 00 It v'14 a rw a a w as a is 14 S 14 1 9 W. 0 9 0 9 0 0 0 0 1 0 C 0 0 0 6 4 49IT O 0 0 o o o o 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o4o '00 0 4 1L A 0 0 r4_4 ~ ~16 a1.1 j A 1 416 t N ti 11 is 4is 41; Is n1* 34b is Itx N I] u 11 bd a vIP a p aIU At m L__z ~L & __L_ A- -A r a 41 1it so .1 1 1 AA N Q09 U4& A 00 -00 00 04 r cited residuil. 1). A. Sit-Iis, F. I. AtilmUst If" cm 00 & "utawntiev and Z. H. INIstv"Y. Russ., Oct. 31. ItW. The at4omizrr wbkh issttscbcd to the outlet of the leding fruill the reaction chemb" and tertniustes 11, the cvmjo,&lw i. conmrwjd of a flAntle attened to tht' pilw And A A-0.41d dwise held by 1.111%tAttAChed ill tile 00 fir,t IlAnIr At A %.*VttRiJl diStIn"T It"'ll It,. Wirt. the so -,nd IlAnv Im, ill(, 101111 (A a"ill d6k - 00 j 00 00 00 go 00 00 S L &-11 A L L LAOK At L Ill NAT L,41 C L ASSIF ICA TPON c 8J.. ba.O. As, am 4. Joe CIA 0 0 4 1 IN a a U 6 it a to it n it a "D 4'Re 4n A IA as 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 oic 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 It 0 0 00 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 *If 6 0 4p 0-16 -0000 lei 0 0 0 0 w w v v V--S- M 1) A11 to P 4 As MU LID 4 1 4 040 4 00 09: 22 00 A hnpMTiU6 tht cOOstruclian of Avlators 1, A, 00 N,ft 8, N,). p. 17 1909.171, Citnim,11-1 4-fall, ,l 9-lin, aKilAl-" A 04 00 me o lee Ao too of so !00 go An a 0. 4) s. 13 so .1 1 1 dma 0 o o o 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ol : : F-0 ~ 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 a . . i o 00 0 o 0 * 0 -o--o -0* * a V, W : 0 09069069969 1 6 a* , *00 0000000*0006 : : - -- . I A I a 1 1 ; . " , ~, .6 '1 & ~ 11 Ii ?I " h f) ~j ;, " , -I n I L f, L I I, I, 1 I , r 14 Y 1 1 1 1 AA 14 W U A A a 14 go , 1 -.00 -00 6 v -00 0 00 Treating cracked psoligo V 1, 11fAllillik,1% if % 00 s _ -~4,lah. MAIL 113 1, 1 IKIP. o pa'"'I ff".11 lbe $,,I) I,f the -00 00 j "Ito a - ylindii, III jpp. wjjj,,,. 111,y III, Itrut'd %1111 All 441 and No %Wk I lay. .00 . 0 0 X go* COO 0 a COO 00 lt:00 At. ILA ACIAL-IUK& L 008 ' , - , ' , o a At .., W. r r v I; ( g ( , 0~ so* o goo o 0 o o 44 000000!00000 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0000060004,0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oi 0 0001000:00ooooe0o*60*oelt/ 4 -6 6 oeo .1 Mr. I 'I I* 4, &j IN at* I U A- 7A4 61, d --1 '-96 Removal of hydrogen saalfide from 9&whn* dis"Alex It y means of dolomite. J),.A.SUMU &Jul -N:- Sh"'tak"Ll 1010 vot).mir Khas. 24. No. 3/4, (01-71)(IM).--The (1411111tv ll, nIps vere caleirrd in a gas flatua: at tw-tiaiii I' and Nun it -Gas wit 1, air to obtain a chalklike massis which was cru%hrll fit ',_4_jjjjjj. particle if= and then scritcried luar form-wal -4 00 taties. The granules were then packed into the rratfi-w 00 tubr, and the latter was immersed in water to ell" t lay - dration. The hydrat"I material retained saxne (al it% Ac- Iivity after 3 regenctraticim, but its internal structure &. 00 Irritarated owing to the swelling action of the arrmi-Irn,ijig %train ifuriiig regeneration. It is suggested that alt,lotuit,- 00 ftltcjr~ be iit%talled in stills to remove 11,S from the ga,a4iiiv 00 vat-% Wore it oxidizLs to elementary S. It. C. M. 00 coo 'MF IP 00 it I L A 11111ALILL-ROCAL too Ala CLASPOICAFOOM a u Aw to LS 0 0, o 1, 1, C' _1711 !, 7an is 11 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IL 0 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 as 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0!0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 USSR/Petroleum - Analysis Jan 50 Hydrogen Sulfide "Determination of Hydrogen Sulfide In Petroleum and Petroleum Products," D. A. Strom, Llvov Poly- tech Iast, 1 p "Zavod Lab" Vol XVI, No 1 New method for determination of hydrogen sulfide consists of its absorption by Eodium carbonate solution and iodometric titration of resultant sodium bydrosulfide. Application of soda per- mits separation of hydrogen sulfide without ex- tracting mercaptans, which otherwise would cause higher figures for hydrogen sulfide content. 1W 159r75 STROM, D. Young specialists are going eastward. Neftianik 1 no.10:34-35 0 15 - (MLHA 9:11) (Petroleum engineering) sov/81-59-7-24839 Translation from: ReferativnT! zhurnal. Khimiya, 1959, Nr 7, P 467 (USSR) AUTHORS: Strom, D.A., Polishchuk, S.A. T 1'TLE: Deasphaltation of Ozocerite in Emulsion PERIODICAL; Nauchn. zap. Llvovsk. politekhn. Ln-ta, 1958, Nr 50, pp 139-142 ABSTRACT: A method was developed for the partial deresination (prior to sulfuric acid tr,--tment) of ozocerite (0) to be purified by de- asphaltation in emulsion (E). To obtain aqueous ozocerite E, a 2% aqueous solution of naphthenic soaps (a-lkali'waste products of medium and heavy petroleum fractions) was taken, which supple- ment the action of solid emulsifiers contained in 0 and faollitate the process oil formation of E and its separation. E was separated by settling or centrifuging; ceresin and oils contained In the precipitate can be regenerated by heating the latter with water, It was shown that deasphaltation in emulsion imparts to the varlvjs 0 an approximately equal residual resinousness, which simplifles -he Card 1/2 operation of the installation in case of processing heteregeneois Deasphaltation of Ozocerite in Emulsion sov/81-59-Y-24839 raw material. The method permits the 112 S04 consumption to be reduced by -- 50% with a decrease of the duration of the technological cycle. The sulfuric acid purification of concentrated 0 can be carried out at - 1000C with subsequent neutralization and contact purification, without decreasing the ceresin yield in comparison with the industrial method. From the summary Card 212 STROM, D.A.-; inzh. KOFTUN, T.I., inzh. I Improving the production process of syntbitic fate- Naftianik 5 no.6:12-13 Je 16o. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Berdyanskiy neftemaelozavod. (Oils and fate) A051/026 AMORS: Strom, D.A., Koftun, T.I.; Engineers ----------- T 111. E - Perfecting the Production of Synthetic Pat PERIODICAL: Neftyanik, 1960, No. 6. pp. 14 - 15 TEXT: The authors refer to the production method for syntte-ic fat, usirg zinc oxide as catalyst., which was described in Neftyanik No. 6, 1959, and submit- ted by D.A. Strom. He stressed the leriK'.hy duration of the process (8 - 15 h) to be the disadvantage of the method. The experimental department of the Berdyansk Refinery conducted tests in order to shorten the cycle, involving the replacement of-the zinc oxide with a more effective ca-.alys+,. It was establish-Ad as a --esult that, by using sulfuric a.-;id, phosphorous anhydride or zinc oftloride, the durat"o4n of the process could be shortened considerably, and a b-igqer degree in convertix~g fatty acids to synthetic fat could be accomplished. The production process of synthetic fat in indistrial reactor-mixers, using sulf'uric acid as catalyst, is described as being carried out under strict maintenance of temperature, measuring out the components and observing the sequence of t-heir introduction. Synthetic fatty acids were taken as Initial raw material, They are fed frcm "he tank to -.he Card 1/6 S/092/6Q/00,0/C),06/00 1 /001 Perfecting trie Production of Synthetic Fat A051/A026 reactor by a pump (1) (see Figure) with the mixer (3) switched on. and are denydrat_ ed there till the residual water content is not more than 0.5% by weigirt. ~~rie nea' --carrier is fed to tne tank (2) of the reactc-r-mixer and the temperat-re of 4h~ ma- terial Is raised -1o 130 - 1350C. The catalyst In the form Df a 114e stream is fed to the dry material - a 90% sulfuric acid from the measurirt? contlainer (5). ine supply of the acid is accomplished In two st-ages to avoid violent Doili:-,g of n~ fatty acids In -the reactor-mixer. After introducing trie first batcri of tne acid comprising 2/3 of the required estima!~ed quantity, etinylene glycol-, In the form of a small contipuous stream, is fed to the reactor from the measuring (4) in tne amount of 6.5%. If heavy foam is forming. tne supply of the Oh_vle-e glycol is stopped and, if this does not help, the mixing in the reacror is ~-topped --y ; retl.4- till the foam is reduced, then the supply of the lene glycol is - med and the mixing starts again. After the wnole amoint of, -,,he ethylene glycal nas t-sen introduced, the remainder of the sulfuric acid is added (1/3 of' the esl~,,imated amoun') and the temperat~Are is ralse-1 to 150 -- 16-OOC durlrjz ~nls proce_~i. T-e laboratory check of the process Is carT,ied out acco-rdi-Lz to the acid number, of' -1 reacting mass. The acid number drops as the reaction of tne e_=t-er-1f1.-_,atIon) be- comes more complete and when 25 mg of YC-,t,/g Is reached, the fat is considered ready for pouring. Comparative characterifstic_= of initial. raw material a--.d syn- Card Z/6 S10,0216010001ODS10011001 Perfecting the Production of Synthetic Fat A051/AO26 thetic fat obtained under the old technological procedure in industry, using zinc oxide as catalyst and urder'that of the new one using sulfuric acid as catalyst, are shown in Table 1. The quality of the synthetic fat obtained by the sulfuric acid-catalyst method satisfies the main indices of technical standards. The iodine number is brought to zero, the acid number is not higher than 25 mns KOH/S and the saponification number not less than 160 mg KOH/S. A check of the change in quality of the synthetic fat during storage showed that, when sulfuric acid was used as catalyst, the product was more stable, which was not the case for the zinc oxide- -catalyst product (Table 2). The author states that, by using the new catalyst, the Berdyansk Oil Refinery was able to exceed its 1959 production plan for synthetic fat, to reduce the overhead cost and improve the quality. Besides, the need for zinc oxide, an expensive material, waz eliminated at tte refinery. 7the latter is needed for the production of zinc whites. There are I figure and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Berdyanskiy Neftemaslozavod (Berdyansk Petroleum - Oil Refinery) Card 3/6 STROMY D.A,, inzh.; CHOLOKOV, L.D. People with daring ideas. Neftianik 6 no.5,'18 My t61. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Inzhener po ratsionalizatsii i izobreteteltstvu Berdyanhkogo opytnogo neftemaslozavoda. (Lubrication and lubricants) STROM, D.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; ISHCHUK, Yu.L., inzh.; STROM, L.D., inzh. Production of synthe-tic fat. Masl.-zhir. prom. 27 nc.11:34-37 N 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Berdyanskiy neftemaslozavod (fcr D.A. Strom.. Ishchuk). 2. Moskovskiy neftepererabatyvayushchiy zavod (for L.D. Strom). (Oils and fats) STEPANYANTS, S.A.; MORDASHOV, V.I..; ISHCHUK, Yu.L.; STROM. D.A.; YENA, D.P.; NOVAKOV, G.Kh. Continuous process of paraffin oxidation in the liquid-foam state aimed at the production of synthetic fatty acids. Trudy BONMZ no.1:20-25 '63. (MIRA 16:6) (Paraffins) (Oxidation) (~cidb, Fatty) STEPANYANTS, S. A., inzh,; MORDASHOV, V.N., inzh.; ISHCHUK, YU.L., inzh.; ST,'iOY,, D.A,, inzh.; YENA, B.P.', inzh.; NOVAKOV, G.Kh., inzh. Continuous process for paraffin oxidation in a liquid foamed state. Masl.-zhir. prom. 29 no.3:21-23 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Berdyanskly(opytnyy neftemaslozavod. Paraffins) ~()xidation) STROM, D.A.; ISHCHUK, Yu.L.; STROM. L.D.; KOFTMI, T.I. Improrving the technology of the manufacture of synthetic leather fat. Trudy BONMZ no.1-38-50 '63. (MIRA 16:6) (Oils nnd fats) STROM, P.A. Producing acetylene from natural gas. afm, I tekh. topi. i masel 9 no.IZ365-66 D 164, (Mr-0. 18-.2) ". I. , - - !, .:.I . I -~ , i '' . ~ ~, , I , -,~ r I y ~' :, I' ; ~ !'I'( : o . I . - . ,U ~. i , - .1 . :. ~. :"'1,.,. 1 7 .1 - C M " o.: ~ t -* c)..) (" , f 11 .. -, ~, E. I.,. - I :,.:, 1 5 ~,: , I .~ . ""! 163. , ,~ -- r ~. -~ , - ~ ~ I .ii(o) SOV/92-58-10-17/30 AUTHOR: Strom, L.D., Engineer TITLE: Drop Point or Melting Point (Temperatura kaplepadeniya Ili plavleniya) PERIODICAL: Neftyanik, 11058, Nr 10, pp 23-24 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Since synthetic fat can be used instead of the ani'mal fat currently-employed in large quantities in manufaoturing grease, SOMe iUbe oil plants have decided to build ind-;st,-i4'-_ xn~'."s which could produce synthetic fat. Synthetic fat is a ,omplex ether resulting from the synt-hesi3 of ethylene gly,~c-l and synthetic aliphatic acid. Synthetic fat produced by the Osipe.nkovskiy plant has characteristics corresponding -to GOST provisions indicated by the author. To determine the melting point of a petroleum product with a crystalline network an apparatus developed by Zhukov is used as provided by GOST 4255-48. Fig. I shows curves ir.dicating the melting point of paraffin, Card 1/2 Drop Point or Melting Point SOV/92-58-lo-17/30 determined by using the Zhukov apparatus. Fig. 2 shows curves indicating the melting po5.nt of synthetic fat. The latter fail to give indications characterizing the crystalline substance. Therefore Zhukov's method cannot be applied to determine the melting point of an amorphous substance like synthetic fat, and as a result the synthetic fat properties have to be determined on the basis of the drop point as provided by GOST 6793-53. The table given in the article Indicates the drop point of various samples of synthetic fat. Since the drop point method can be successfully used for determining synthetic fat characteristics, the GOST 4255-48 provision should be revised. It has been established that the synthetic fat drop point is the temperature nDt below 33* C. There are 2 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Osipenkovskiy neftemaslozavod (The Osipenkovskiy Lubricating Oil Plant) Card 2/2 STROM, D.A., kand.tokhn.nauk; ISHCHUK, Yu.L., inzh.; STROM, L.D., inzh. Production of synthetic fat. Masl.-zhir. prom. 27 no.11:34-37 N 61. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Berdyanskiy neftemaslozavod (for D.A. Strom, Ishchuk). 2. Moskovskiy neftepererabatyvayushchiy zavod (for L.D. Strom). (Oils and fats) STROM, L.D, Biochemical purification of industrial waste waters containing fatty acids. Trudy BONMZ no.1:61-67 '63. (MIRA 16:6) (Berdyansk-Water-Biological treatment) (Acids, Fatty) STROM, D.A.; ISHCHUK, Yu.L., STROM. L.D.; KOFTbN, T.I. Improving the technology of the manufacture of synthetic leather fat. Trudy BONMZ no.l:'18-50 163. (MIRA 16:6) (Oils and fats) AUTEOR:: TITLE: PERIODICAL: Strom, S.D., Head of the Electrical Shop 836149 SIC-192116CICC01100 !/CC 1/CC2 A 05 1/1,026 Instrument for Con'rolling the Lubrication of Bearings Neftyanik, 1960, No. 1, p. 23 TZME: An instrument has been designed (Fig. 1.) a'. the Mosco-e. oil Refinery, which makes it possible to check the lubrication of bearings while pumps and elec- .ric motors are in operation. Figure 2 is the c1rcuit diagram of the instrument, containing the following parts: 1) microampereme"'er type No. 5a12, with a measuring range of 0 - 50pamp; 2) resistance 1,000 oh:-,-,; 31) galvanic cell - 1.5 v. The hold pick ups 4 consist of a copper needle with an insulat;d handle. The instru- ment is of small weight and is convenient to handle. 1,,i'hen using the instrument. one must join one needle to the body of the ptj,,:,.p or electric molor, and the other to a rotating axle. When the bearing has normal lubrication the oil film between the al of tile in- friction surfaces does not conduct the electric current and the di, A strument, is at zero or close to it. Upon insufficient oi-I in the bearIng, the oil film tears on the surface of the friction parts --n4- the current passes freely through the bearing, and the dial of the instrument devlatueS. ThIs set-up enables Card 1/2 8360 S/092/60/000/001/001/002 Instrument for Controllingr the Lubrication of Bearings A051/AO20- one to detect poor lubrication in the bearing in Socd time durir4S daily routine checks of the equipment. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Mloskovskiv NPZ (The '.7osco,..i Oil Re-finery) ,itrol instrument 4 Card 2/2 Figure 2: Wiring diagram STROM, S.D. Fainting ohielded stacl condi-tt In the winter. ',eftianik 5 no.3:22 Mr 160, (14IRA 14:9) 1. Vacial I nik tsekhfL 141oskovskogo neftepei-eralkityvayuslichego zavoda. (Electric zletworks) (Steel-Corrosion) STROM, S.D. Remote ignition control of the emergency gas torch. Neftianik 5 no.6:24 Je '60. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Nachallnik taekha Moskovsko neftepererabatyvayushchego zavoda. (Petroleum refineriee--Equipment and supplies) STROM, S.D. Controller of the lubrication of bearings 4 electric motors and oil pumps. Prom.energ. 16 no.9:36 S 16 . (MIRA 1108) (Lubrication s:id lubricants) ( I T- 00 I AA 11 U 60 u11. , go 00- 00 ebmirw CamduCUTRY 4" 9;! d Amearaffil big" is nuked sallm. , 't KAMA I" be rilli lt"Amr1w 4 ul 4sm 5, omimu'ity, ww..l friction. sial. we., and'd Is dwivW. 9speriniental and Ag balidm mW natratew am vain. for 4& alb&H 00 1-4--2-2 timm too law. Ot. Ass. (r) J 1 300 WO 0 -00 "Tlft-14At CLAIMPKA110ft UOO WOO It `1 I I n i -~ 0 0000000000000000*00 i : 0 00OW900 gee* *goo** 0o 00100090 eeo*ooe*** * 00 A 00 9111 . .... oil 4-" M-M-111- 1 00 4 F 00 -00. oo 000 00 f I 1 "00 000 00 e~ 00 400 00 .3 1*0 %o %0 Milk 400 %0 too lot I WTALLVftK&L LfftRATM CLAUWICATM Iwo WIG 1 *9 slagag lost any 044 saissi aAr my &1i 0 ; 0 000000000006000 1 0160 00000000000000 0 0 000000000000000 0 44000096000606*60 f 9 1 1 1 p -B- 0 0 a a Z. ' - - . . . . . . . . . . TI-R-1v I -LU All - A- a A A $I- (moil$ A PROCIIIIII -V*iapt-m-?-ii-zI-. 00 42 1 - -00 Vbw"ft"M M do mamm t~d go - .00 WSO~, 11. RAWASWRW OUR I ftSUOW, Gm. Cbm. Rwa, ISM 4 435-401,-TU V'iM&Wi ge im*bwm (500-4on -4" do "R 0*4 x9cleaKa. R. T. see 000 q8o 3109 see %o goo goo tioe AIN-SLA adtALLUSGSCALLITFOATU69CLAISWKAIICW cloo I so., llq~ #"Inv 11960 i-4-5540 coldmi .4, a- dot -i7s i-i -i-f v ms, -- a AT go As _V-V V #AL $vivo 021wimea 0 3 0 1 --wx 0 It IT 11, In a, w, a, a, In 1 4441 0 goo*: INTERNAL FRICTION AND ELECTRICAL CON~UMVI Y IN THE KC 17 LU I SYSTEM F fySED SALTS. S. V. Karpachev.-A. G. g, andV. N. Podchainova. Translated frotit-4shlroMbehel Khtm. 6 -21(1935). _, 1517 16p. (AEC-tr-1923) In the interval of temperatures from 400 to 900', the electrical ci nducttvtty and Internal friction coefficient for the system of fused malts KCI-LICI was Investigated. On the basis of the results obtained it Is shown that direct application of Stokes ;2W for describing the movement of meparate Ions within the fused salt Is Inadmissible. (auth e-6 41, V~W V-0-f 0 -00 0 0 0 0 fe 0 0 0 aI 1 1 4 1 1 p A I 1 10 11 1) it to is low it 4 )o is JS v x It a is v to a is u in N a if U U on Joe 4- *0 11L,_ A- L_ .,L a K to 1.__L V a CL lip SL of If A 0 0 9 so so A 69 Tbir 010COresimpima" phemommiend ilk amallisig ollec"Y108 S. K&rpociwv and A. Sommillcorg. J. 11hys. 01form. 11 s. s. W) to, 4ottir, F. A. X). x1m, umnlornts of the tawnwrtics of it joifw~- oo 411"Vol at Sol with 711 in a .311.,clic lukt. "f KCI Anif KI 00 An rl to'llIVIC AbLAW that file W114%. INF0444' IfilltsiA Valft.1 " % l l *0 j V. *I I l.-rapi lic"n l.ov 01 dyn",.j. vna, At It.. ' ,% 11 i N11 4 4 Z l I f 11'. . or. 'w - . oo. too to* $-life ~ lt to y it. at 00 '.;U dynes at wS v. fur 75% and to ZVI at Y. how 1 of 90 a 7. KI + if% Lil as clectrolytor iflo, valt.- Zn. With M awe 423 dyn"i mi. rwo. fix fiX Y. and no, Zn; CM dynor% ft* 00 0o 00 10,441 Y. and 2S moot, %, Zoo 4ek dynes low 0,5 lr~ atul 7.1% l ow : ~ v And tioll) dytim for ol.11 v. &od lflllr~ Zn. The dais oil 0 0 0 go o . tiplained in tirtins of FruloWn*,, Oorioty of thitrix-vtoillaty goo 00 Ipo 1 ~ phrucouletto, v%trudc-d tit mooltrow orlectrolvtor,f. O0 F. It. Rattotiat'n iW 2 __00 . 001 00 '00 00 e* A t A it I 04 '4 11J~ (L.WFIC.T.C. I b - I lid. '00 ofe It 4"Lloi;~ -3 is Z o r t 11 d a It it It .9 it ft tl~ 1 ZI a 0. a A A 00 I low I off a I of to t 0 OT a 9 i 0 : 0 0 " no ago -Mjw W W V W W W IF I Is fit t o f1~111113MI) 16 1? It a a x IS 11 0 a If 4 a I F a 0 4 41 a as a A A a T it I - I A I 140 WU L-L -A. j, 0 0 . jlj Q ~ POOCIS19% A-4 PROPI"Its -01. TM =hx" siod So bow friadgin of framed * " 6 b . 1 6 . orper ovandA.11tivarlbers. J.PkYjA, *M. -1U. S. S. K.) 11, "94(IOU)i & C. A. J2, WO.- 2 The authors dttd. at room temp. (10-) the coeff. (A inner friction of wow by the metlaral developed by Dantuma (C. A. 289 567) to verity their ca". numerical data 4: t,A)taissed for the coasts. is the arzation for inner frictiun 00 irl a veacbsaWt (Vaschagelt mW Nkaik. Comm. Phys. "b. Usir. Laidevi 1910. No. IM; cf. C. A. 10, =11 I !- G., + P)q + 3jx14,jvT.. P - (hR -4 06 a IWOR, + OR + IN b - **IQTI-f. The voluc 00 obtained 9 - 0.0110 c" tioscly with the value 00 The temp. del,endenev :)f the awff. of Inner friction was detri. for the fustd salts: Z 00 '00 KUr, K1, Nal, LiSt. LU, CuU. C&Cl,. CdCls. Ali i zoo - 00 ` -ytd. before the expt%. The S&Its wffe=WY 0 o ~61 (Culp. dep d. of U1 was deid. It can be ,, t - 2JO2 OAXMkrs7 T In all if i b . en towtor y A g u I 2 g the Oq"dM h,q con". was found op COO investip be true. 5 tables said 6 relcrtgam we given a, W. R. I Ivan , WOO e 0 AS*-SLA WALLURWAL LATIOATURN CLASSIFKATION '-- --- - - - - . -: M maji- ~ . _ .40.- 04, U :AV 10 1110' --V-r F 6 1 v I a ;"na-0041 Ott OCR P1 ff it 11) 40 It 0 : : 9 : : : : : : 0 o 1 C10 d 00690 0 0 0 0 00000 0 0 U34 5161711 low 4% Q ~ As 44 asy cm AT u Xr, F 04k 0 Pw a I Liv lpf .3is"NIMS113 W1963111 s. ICA L, 71 -4) 110119ultuj,"Qlw I'%Mq) Sil INnuilluo') s aill 'I'lliatu * aAnvlmw J111'a Ultuj jw"jj"p auX I a O mj i nlxpo is! A) 4% J I JO AMM"" atil *vwno a1mve 99 POAIOW!p M! lk.) till IVqI21u1Iwaylm1'Ip')'1 - -alluo.);= y 00 mt UJA!21 wt (141P K Pug 1), . . IV 1,)V. .4 , 1,11" r C. 00 lliil()tu w U! K) ju 1,1011111108 v u1 olwwl.) ') v 00 04 : , 00 so mrip"m 10 awrinlos J 00 0 4L 00 r 00 0 11k ~. A so t - __ '~.. %, Vr-T--r--y-Tr-k -If- r--T 3 5 4 -W-V 'r--1-7 --- 7*-T-r--r 13 1 T it At it it n It it it 4 0* 0 ~ A& _ - - : - - - : - - ~ - ~ w '-w v w w - w % IF v W w w w w w IF 'W -'W 4" W tr ww W * W W W W IV 9-41-W 9 9 4 4 6 # If 0 4F 0 t j 4 1 6 1 f g 8 11 u 31 is a Is W a a a 0 4 is P:~ 4f" 00914 00 00 j#! 00 of f 00 1840nd IrkIke Is ndbm oft a futictlas of am - ma A. G. tlerom J. Phyl. C". (ty/ IL I -00 .4. k.) IS. V10-48"M drortilles an apli. 1; M f Il bl i d h k h i .00 00 8 StA e an m t s an t at o lu to (C. A. 28, 31 ) _p I And Hunter (C. A. 241, 4WJ ) for detg. the rate of fall of .00 00 a sphere In a volatile. colored, molten salt at high temps. ' 00 From 770 to 450 . the coeff. of internal friction of 0.05 to 0.70 N sains. of AgI in Hgal is a linear function of the 00 concu. The dopes or ratioll 9/9o for a 0.7 N qWn. with ' 00 j respect to pure HjIj an LM at 271S . IM, 31W; 1.32. WW; IM 42P 400% 1 20 Y(W KCI in Sbcl awn 0o 00 . . , . , l at 100% 9 6 linear from 0.000 to 0.5 N; the ratio g Ige is (O-OW/0-0171) - 1.44. Above 0.5 N, up to 1.91 N, 4, t -or- rapidly. While the Falken. hagen electrostatic theory in applicable only up to KCI goo couens-of I.BXIO-l Nin SbC4 and 111 -1 N in CIIOH, the Kinstein colloid salu. theory is applicable throtighout coo must of the raW of conens. studit4l. F. If. R goo a SX 00 '4j ASS-ILA METALLLINGICAL LITEIIATURR CLASSWICATION 0 via. N(W &A. 11111111 OK COMW Ask 00 U a IV 10 is f SOL. A, a, 19, 1998 as 0 0 0 0 0 0 e O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1. e -0 0 0 0 9 0 411 * 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 e q gets A goal I v of 5 CDIFIRONAL&M Oft*& feet lit A-D No titles 1,v Level t a 31 31 32 n Jell IIIav IS JP &I a 43 461 ST cl, AT aIS )No aw it. 041DI-1 P. Goam., OMNI. 1100111911411 jr3lob(111TA3. T It 0 r uuvul41vH -H -4d UZ,wo'eid !cZ,0 -LV-0,p.)puw WO'LL 'WO' w!1*41 13H *.am cop" al P&AFMIP 11181mee oil - jai aAj,.u AjwW- 41111 eq, 2q am"i. Misalod aqL S I*uxeo3 aq% Jet, sumplamew" Arm"aw am wiro t 00 aqj jo -x= aqj lo 9M$=1811 go T1100 aql 00 aqj u1 'V '0 '(MI)VgL 49 'PHI 13) AM joi erv own aw VMW 61 ABRID" mo a) pb&3j roe 431qm u1 Jauttertu eon milm all *9- Seempm mef MUS3 841, agi -egg v put m"S S-24 MAP -D 01 P&APOTP P9M t.L I IN 0 ONO "'Opual em-ijim, up P- SMS-)" Amid- -wWja aill 00 vlerp 'pling-,4019 In , V LWI) v-1cul it[ Of 'S luaq.mwjS V P- A2q-d-X *S -w- al -arm -11 1010 Jos p YMPMPWANI p IT 1. ft it If Aell jr free lies a a 9 IF 1.011"llpffill"No #I fifty fee ea I AA 13 00" f 0 A! 0 ir :0 00 j 000 00" 0o of 0 14S#Y1vv1ll)1)l4U l6 01 WV"N20 oil 129 Its k1rummil Gas L D 1-1 f, A ~L_A --I a, Aj 9 1 1 1 IZ jv_ j L -t- 41. 1, A- (001.1 ------- ~mo 0 'ElectrWAVdlAxitY Cu- Of (T*-ZLW NA Narow-TImWom) Alloys in Fused Salts. S. Kilirpatachoff and A. 8 rS (Arla Phy-iwAim. qft1;W&l)ill4Lrit%' CUrV" for wn--n fof tin Lint mid incircury-ttiallium alloys in fused cl~tVilvik" am- dt-t.-rillimil. till Ill. till rille all,. %-s. the curvz shit-ing intt-r-facial t;mii(ovi an a fulicti(ill 14 -3111-111o11 )l:Ln a mininium. The curves for mvircur v-11milautti alls, ys &r" %,r% muhr 1, , Ill,- A,tainell in squmw miluti,no by Firimikin and Gon, ijirjjk,jj.j j;' y-,6d. 1 *A-.. 192.4. 130, 431). Ths, Agilifirim-4 thin ro-alt .. [,A Ill dic thttirY idelvvtmeapillarity in clim,umed. -N. K.Y. A S 0 S L A BITALLIAG)CAL LITIF11*1,111 CLAS%IPJCATK* 00 j_1 %.1o4) -.F ON, ~.i U # . -W -j-- r-i-T-T - 4 -1 - v ---y- 11 t"I'llarlic Malta Kurt it 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -60 .00 460 a zoo *0 ago coo woo logo 1'00 1,00 '00 00 00 0 a ml* UD it 0 4 Ole 00 0 0 0 a 00060 6009 0 0 0 Lfe 0060900900069 0 00 0 news, a M 4P W IV V V V . V 0 a 0 00 0 a A IL A L I f id h V Ox )9 11 Midi JIN it" NJONA) Ar 4i It 0 P 8 1 T V 1 A 1 L 10 a .- - L- -- - - A - - T~* o V Investigation of SlectrocaPillary Phenoneas on Varlow Liquid - I Metal#. 3. Karpatschorf and A.,St~ AYS1006bla, U.M.Se TS,. (Aste F -00 o 1 f 1942, 16, (5/6), 331-3351 C. Abe., 19 43, 37, )322)--Cf- 9- &ad 3-o A -4101 Ibid., 1940p 12, 523t Net. Abe., 1941, 8, 3a. 91"trouppillM @e- .00 rves for silver, antimony, bismuth, aluminlum, gallAum, and tollurimm were obtained, wing rused sixtwes of El +LIC1 of eNtectis oompos. 0 1ticn as the electrolyte. A table is given for the potentials of coo the maxima of the slectrocapillary curves against the lead elect- coo rode for the n6tals studied. In a number of cases the p.d.9 at the Joe maxima of the slectroeap#llary curves for different metals coincide 0 z with the F.d. between theme metals at their points of som champ 2 Boo in aqueous solutions. Such aggeament Is not round for silver. P C1 AS-SL A AITALLUPCKAL LIJINATUNt CLASIWKATICN bee 008 too t T 1 6 ld AT I ; : r It 69 lts Pt"It s ~ ON 0 0 '1 N of 9aa 3 6 No n 1 94 " V IV 0 IV ty K a a 0 a o a 0 0 e 0 e 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 a 0 9~ 0 0 0 0 0 0,01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 4 ' 0 0 *1* 0 0 0 e 0 * 0 a 0 9 0 0 0 a Is 0 0 0 0 eie 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 ' Sakiiam of MW is He twW S Knlat-,.hev, A SIrum. tvrj. and F. jocdan (C6mpi. wistd. Acid, Sri ' I? S S , 194.1. 36 101-104).-From me"Uresuenta of the potrntw of a C .1ecti-le in a sWation of Ph in fused PbCJq at 710'm a function of the conca. of the metal. it is CoOdWed that the 1% go" inte) solution a0 a univalent positive ion, The solubility of f1b in PMA, at Uw) vt 00417%. 1i~ J. w Ontsol powlisil dwl~ OWMI Nd dalks viseal- i. S. Karpatwhev and A. Stuotbag (J. PAp. Ckem. Hwit, r g4mi.17.1-3~.--Thecharacteriatksoitwutw"tcctrodethermi(-nic Valves are comparecl, the anode of me being a thin stream cif Hg. and of the other a similar stream of 12% TI &"gain. The voltage diderence between the characteristics is 0-3"-42 v. This agrees with the ditlerence between the potentials of the electrocapillary max. of fig and of TI amalgam (cf. A., 194 1. 1. 8 1). J. J. H- Wof w ww W vwwwwlww~-i- --- . - 7 a 9 069 9 0,9'A A A, 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T;- 12, ~** Sjo 6 *a** v * wwwwwlw~ j I A S o I a - x I, IJ,JM [114 If to x11 ZI 23 M JS At V a 29 10 11 V U M a III v let-10 at alas ddaege -A A. I L 3 1 7 Z LA 00 (1 a I -40 -00 A .49 Litum SAW& -00 ~upmftirlar. Piz. KAimm.. 1 N4. I& (1 2). 4' 3-52). - I Russian.] See Jflr.-Igl- 4. 11. V. 000 lee lee AID too too 'DO A I a L A .11TALLUErKAL LITERATVINE CL,&%%WK&TIQw Uz 00 T it 0 -4 0 00 As fl, t? It Ord 94 wit rcact IC-9 10 n 1 14 An L a Ow I w I- % J3 a 'MIA 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 6 0 4 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 bi Zola 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0; 00 00 00 0 0 0 A _*_A a a 'AAAAA& & a is a 0 0 0 0 co e it 1, 1re F -~ 7~* ~*~ 9 1 It a IS 14 a 16 V A ?q ~ 16 It U 'D L 'r fA a I It I- A 10 P Q A I I V L 1, 1. AN 0 CC 0 It 4' 9*0 too -=0 0 too AS& SLA OTILLU'rKAL LITIRAT1,41! CLASSIO'KATIGh j noel U U is 16 U is I, w 41 4j 41 's d I h in Boom 11LAL T" avad of bow Iiiiiii as raw- of an Esitimm in sashiewow eft Im Twillowe waimb. -lb ;p A. htn)fnberg and T. Clilikina (Zhwjp. Fit. Xhisa.. 1244. 1S. Will. 2U-246). [A OnItuasian.1 A ffitudy bas bmn made of the effect of adsortird "line iom* ~11 the surfave tension between a fusM ruf;ectic mixture of polaaalum and th lithium chl(wides at 45W C.. and purr tin. lead. cadmium. and zinc. Fimthis puq%aw tlw Frainkin splilurstus (KrIpb. rsald. Nalunrim., 1922K, Ito 236) wout 1'u, ulici ulied ag"i alvecial lVetcautitm WOW taken in dells"ing the metals and puri. I'ving t fir Ov, I mlytes borAwr thr es licrinients were made. 1twasshmiothat see pn4orlwe .-f If-Millie lons lowers the oistfacr at all I.,jarivoiti..1i entialo sluili"I. ¬ that this decrrww in approximatrly tho, manir (,,r 411 r metala. The position of the maximum In the elect ri;-arisillary curves is altered by an increased iodine ion concentration in the fu" ~&fts- V. K. It -S T a to it 31 4( K it K K ME t[ CC it it aw 0 0 0 0 9 1111 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0'0 -'. a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 6 oo 00 0o -r 0 0 00 13 09-! 00 4: Sol 00 J W 9- we ~'e 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l k L a 9 f U it I I T At 06 (X W U f - - 7'-'o 0 Os I&L-Utottaphic i1cf,stalastium of cobaft iss the Pf'sence C-4( ac, o en athe re 04 h l ti d l i 1 C L " c evo u on r - ata yt 010160 y P g of COWW complexes with dimethy41yoxime. A. C, 0 r I. 7elysn4k&ra I Client. In*t. Ac-act. S~-i . land A , 1;?00 (;rq. KI I , J. rhem. 0 . T, MIIAHV,~CNAh Q'Immary). .4 new 11'ellf-I bw 144tirl, -00 ,,I the its.4. .4 the wirtirmis Ni it;% dit-ih,t x1roxime. whth- the c%wreqx,culing Cis timlil,ict temain, ice -09 sobs. The incrmwd wavv ht-ight in the tw-nee L4 di 00 tuethytittroxitur ii probably dtm! to the ~Ataljtic "Aution 0 0 4411. It wa., slumn that raw squi. 4 Fr wit h(Kst "11'i V o ,4 Co i, t--,04, by thr uw of (.NII.i,CO,. while cu . z o roo =0 are so 00 z 00 f :;, -I- 008 t ,,- --T-, a U V; 4, -6 is 0 t7 1, V M a 1. Of a K n tt If 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 00 00000000 40 n An tie o tfoo use tsoo 1V a s a 4-3-1 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 00 * 0 0 0 a & 0 o 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 000,00 0