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STOIA, I.,'conf.; STROESCU, 0.; STiOESCU, I. Syppathetic algodystrophies of the extremities. Med. intern., Bucur 12 no.9:1295-1302 S 160. (EXTREHITIES, diseases) (NEUROLOGY) OPREANU, I.. Prof.; STROESCU, 0., dr.; STANESCU, P.. dr.; BATCU, A.. dr.; 13WAN, V. , dr. Biochemical changes In chronic evolutive polyarthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. Mad. int..Bucur. 9 no-1:53-66 Jan 57. (ARTHRITIS. RHAUM M ID, metabolism proteins, water & electrolytes) (PROTEINS, metabolism in rheum. arthritis & ankylosing spondylitis) (BODY FLUIDS water-electrolyte balance in rheum. arthritis & ankylosing spoudylitim) (SPONDYLITIS ANKYLOSING, metab. proteins, water & electrolyte@) STOIA, I., dr.- STRQESCU, 0., dr.; STROESCU, 1., dr. Considerations on 3 cases of Morquiols disease. Yed. intern. 13 no.12:1691-1698 D 161. (Er,GEItTRO-OSTEOC;HOtM!iO-DYSPLASIA) STOIA) I. , dr. ; MD~-;SCU) 1. , dr.; STIMSCU, 0. , dr. SZIFFUT, C. , dr. Spondyloses in the construction industry. Med. intern. 14 no.7: EW-7al2- J1 162. (SPINAL DISEASES) (A7.-THRITIS 'LUEMUTOID) (OC'WFATIC:.~.L (RIDUSTHIAL REDICINEJ (BACKAC*,,E) STOIAl I., dr.; STROESCU, 0., dr.; STIRMSCU, I., dr. EarlY d-iagnos--s of spondylosi3. Med. 14 no.7:843-848 Jl 162. (SPINAL DISEASES) STOIAY I., dr.;_ S-TROESCUj _- 0. , dr.; STROBSCU, I., dr.; STANIEZO, F. , dr.; BOICESCU, L. , dr. Considerations on hypercholesteremic --y-enthomatosis vith lo--cr-o-zo:- manifestations. Med. intern. 14 no.8:977-984 Ag 162. 1. Lucrare efectuata, la Centrul metodologic de reimm logie, Bucuresti. (HYFF,RCHOLESTEMIIA) (XANTIMATOSIS) (TENDON.S) (JOBIT DISEASES) STOIA, I.; STROESCU, 0.; STRO:~SCU, 1. Gorisiderations on thre3 cases of Morquiols cLiaease. R=anian mod, ": a ev. no,, - -44 '62. (7CO&NTRO-OSTLO:.'HO!iD],OD'~'SPLASIA) STOIGA) Gh.; GIODANU, V.; Ortntion; VA,';ILI':, I.; SUT."ANU, St. Comparative value of several rheumatoid factor The hema,~,glutination test and the fixation test styrene-acrylonitrile copolymer. Stud. cercet. 485-494 162. (11311AGGLUTINATION) (RIE;tPX,'k-.'OID (~ERODIAGNOSJS) titration testa. I. usinz, the latex of med. intern. 3 no-4: FACTOR) STOIA, I. . dr.; $T-ROESGU-,-Ortansa,- dr.; STROESCU, I. , dr.; STANESCU, P. , dr.; DIRITRIU, Mariana, dr. Considerations on the association of Paget's disease with chronic evolutive polyarthritis. Med. Intern. 15 no.1:59-67 Ja 163. 1. Lucrare efectuata la Centrul metodologic de reumatologie, Bucuresti, (OSTEITIS DEFORMANS) (ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID) CIOBANUP V., dr.; VELIGAN, C.dr.f STROESCU, 0. dr.f- SUTEANU, St., dr.; Anatomoclinical study of lymphadenopathies in chronic evolutive polyarthritis. Mod. intern. (Ducur.) 16 no.71793-.802 J1164 1. Lucrare efectuata in Institutul de medicina interna al Academiei R.P.R. si M.S.P.S. (director: acad. N.Gh.Lupu). STOICA, Gh. , dr. ; SUTFANU Y St. dr. ; CIOBANU, V. , dr. ; STROESCU G.-tanga dr. DW,GOI -ni, - , Tatiana., dr.; 1,!T(,'!!IU, Valeria, asist.; Ma., asist. Ci:a,nges in several blood proteins i-r, rheumato-J-d nolyart,'n-.~-'t-Is. (Immunoelectrophoretic study). Med. intprn. (Bucu-.) i7 no.9: 1093-1101 S 165. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Jnstitutul de medicina interna a.1 ikcademloi Republic-li Socialiste Romania sl Wnisterul Sana- Uttii :ji Vi-evedor-11or Sociale (directoz-: tt~-i,d. fl. Gh. Ltipu). STROSSCU P Histochemical study of epidemic hapatatis. Bul.stiint.,sect.mad 7 no.1:137-153 Jan-Mar '55. (11HPATITIS, INFECTIOUS, pathology liver, autopsy findings. histochem.) (LIVER, in-various diseases hepatitis, infect., autopsy findings, histochem.) STROESCUP V., ing. Running in of engir.(;s with internal combustion &nd piston by the chemical method. Rev transport 9 no. 6:251457 Je 162. 7. GREORGRIU, P., Dr.;,S 'MESC2 _J., dr. Anti-fibrillation substances. Med. int.,Bucur- 3 n0-7:937-943 Nov 56. 1. Lucrars efectuata la Catedra do farmacologie, Fac. de modicina-Bucureati. (CHINCHONA ALKAWIDS, ther. us* suric. & ventric. fibrillation) (DIGITALIS, ther. use (SAME) (PROCAINE, ther. use (Skmm) (SPARTNIAN, ther. use (SAME) (AURICULAR FIBRILTATION, ther. chinchona alkaloids, digitalis, procaine & spartolne) (VMRICULAR FIBRILLATION, ther. (SAME) --;ld To::i-colo,--, . Local Ancsthet' Cs v :,bs Jour: Rof Zhur-Diol-, Po 19., 1958, 89925- ,',uthor Ghp-or,,7,hi,,,i, P.; Strocscu, V.; Marmcilicm, M. T.;*.t-'-u Vie A;atifibrillatinC; of Procainc. Or 1,,ft, Fiziol. horm. si pantol., 1957, 4, ro j., "L'stract. '11le effect af procrt~...,C (1) on arryt],~.i an Of mz-blvits' hearts in situ a"d of the orgmiisn ims stud* It was us-t~%b2-ishcd that, ii,. sitvt, 1 has no effact o~i aur.'-cu?zr fibrillatio-n, but arrests fibrillation of ~Iic veatricles; I arrests !'-.-bril- iantion of both the aur-;*cles mid ventr-cl-cs in the i5olated heart, poss.'-bly as a resul-~ of direct act-.L'(,,,, upo-,i the ye. I!&. 1/1 RUMANIA/ Pharmacology and Toxicology--Narcotics V-1 Abs Jour: Ref Zliur-Biol., No 23, 1958, 107214 Author : Gheorghiu, P.,,~~roescu, V~ Inst :Not given Title :On the GanglioDic Blocking Action of Barbamyl Orig Pub: Fiziol. norm. si patol., 1958, 51 No 27 133-138 Abstract: Barbamyl introduced intravenously to dogs in a dosage of 10 to 30 milligrams per kilogram (sub- narcotic dose) paralyzes the sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia. Ganglionic blocking ac- tion was studied according to the Perry and Wilson method. --Author's summary. Card 1/1 GBORGM, P.; STORYSSKU.---V.. [~troeecu, V.1; DOBRESKU, D. (Dobrescu, D.1 )%chaniam of secretion of the hormones of the adrenal cortex. Iffact of pendiomid and chlorpomazine on pain stress. Report No.l. Farm.1 toks. 22 no.51421-421P 3-0 159. (MIRA 130) 1. Farmakologicheskaya laboratoriya bukbarestskogo mediko-farmfttsov- ticheskogo instituta. -(MENT IUM COMPOUNDS pharmacol.) (CHWRPROMAZINE pharmcol.) (PAIN exper.) v ~LIIRCU p C. ; STI I CESCU V. ; SC--Wj'.,PTZ,I Y Id ta Action of imipramin on the oxidation of glucose by rat brain. Studii cere fiziol 5 no. 4:6?9-685 160. (I. Imipramin) (2. Oxidation, Physiological) 1. Catedra de farmacolugie, Facultatea de medicina si farmacie, Bucuresti. NAifc'j,i:.,5CU, E,,,, dr - Sr~';MSCIJ -V--4- d?--- Gar,-2-n~ aspectz, arn prcspects of anticanc-~!-- ciienof-h~rap~-~ ::UCL"r 13 no.4:621-630' Ap 161. (ANTMOi LAST IC AGaNT3 th~rap.,) M T., Ni P., F~b P !7,!! f tt :!m t:,,,- r eIl- t~,e tl~~ T ir-r. a 3 r-, P, 3- (117 -VA, A .;-.'c t nv-rt.. v,, !tn-, on tr I Az" ;c Vp r5 C-rt.ln :nve A t! r~ c Dr 1r. Miln I I Ir 9 %r. tl-- ketio.1 C! -t'--~ '7 '1"- " n- io'l ~trrI xnl Ftr:t VA E-Z' 'C!;; 7-1 0. BAchar-st , lmacia , Vo I %, no Arr 11462 1. *Mheolo;y and Its L-rportanto in r-harmacoutiem ' Farm A. . Pam Eno 7. MrUCT and Parn A. SPT-ZM; Vp 193z~~- 2. 'Investigations In th" ~bno;~ *horAo Ili I" sort In Clans (VIT.). New Compounds HavlnaT~---% *Ant N- Ininthie Action," Or V. Tr1-rA ?am D. 0-6 Par- Aumra ZL~&-r, FdL-.-: r. ~-IRITA Zna Prof AY.-F.AV OT9. -*rlc T*rlorn;~d at tt le~:R-r- ~E6-- of Oroant ry (1AMOratoral d. Chla- 9 .1 ..-C7 jal Faculltatil de English su.-.Ar7; p7. 203-212. 3- 'ContrIbutions to the 3tudT of th- ZtabL11t7 of Chloral Rydrate aLnd 3041a Uuiinal Solutions " Farm ", -- ?arm Vasiliod, W-70!M-3CU and Farm 5t. MD:37.3CC; !~~Irs-h supruLr7. pp 2,T--Z7U--- IL. 'On th~ Anti tub,)rculous AetivitT 0? C-rtalri r-,drazid Derivatives or the Adid Mn! PhsrV1Qc.t1c Acid S-rl-os '()lot. 1.7) " Prof..-" -L-t- Prof M AN 11 VICI , Conf 11 pn- I-D.- Chszmist~- orlea 9 TU, Cb-=I;t CA, a n& T--p Da. YjrTE3rr Dr-UT.- Pan= and rr AL. P A 1. z~Slish 6UMAr'Y1. pp 219-227. - 5. "Study or the Antit-aborculoUs ACtion OC Cort4kin V~w Thicurgic DerivatIvns (4 Ymth7lth1%toUn-(~re1L),,Conr P. 07"Cam=# conr C. %, , Or D.-15b.1330, Or m. and N,,=~ MU- Z. 6. *Study or Gelatin thzlpl-nts for 7srto%L3 Zalinic 5ubs- tanc*3 with & Prolortrod Aot.oz,.,' ~ro: V. 1. SA!7 Parn V._EZ=Z4.a1j -.T 1. . -k- ,Or pi Irforned at the a.lqrilc -r*psxt.~nt (:ateera-5;% nica) or Clinic 11 :1-& d- Ginsoologie); pp 235-237. 7. 'Contribution to the Study or th- Co;par Cont--%t of Br~ad Hado or Various ?Izurs " Fa-., V - :ZF-SA and Fam V. EDO Mwllsh mrmarT; pp STROESCU$ V... dr.; TENESCU, G., dr.; GAINARU, Puula, ch-. The treatment of urinary and biliary infections with cycloserine. Med. intern. 15 no.2:229-234 F 163. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Sectia medicala a Spitalului "Bucurn, Bucuresti. (BILIARY TRACT) (INFECTION) (URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS) (CYCLOSERINE) ClOM4RU, Rita; ST-ROMCU.V. STMMA, D.; G!!-'ORGrffo,p. On the influence P meprobamate on the prote-In zomNsitiv~m of the braln. Fiz-v-Lo nonno p0, 6'~-559-5627 'C'S41 2. Catodro de Farmacologie, Inszitutu-,,, medico-fama,,eu'LL'al; Bu,-,ures ti, TEiTKL,, A.; STROESGU, V.; STEFLEA, D.; CIORBARU-SGIUARTZ, Ri-La Research on the mechanism of action of histamine on the isolated intestine. Stud. cercet. fiziol. 10 no,lt23-29 165. TEITELO A.; GIORBARIJ-SCMIARTZ, Rita; STROESCUv V.j-TRUTIA,, E. Influence of hydroxyzine on the protein composition of the brain. Stud. cercet, fiziol. 10 no.3:227-232 165. TEITEI,r A.; GANE) P.; STROES,CU. V.; STHLEA, D. On the mechanism of the non-anesthetic action of procaine. Research on the effect of procaine on the conditioned reflex activity of rate. Fiziol. norm. pat. 11 no.1:6?-?O Ja-F 165. 1. Catodra de Farwacologlo, Instituttil mod too-farmaceutic, Bacuresti, a tr -i c cj,c- t T b i r, a Tirl 'Bucur.) 17 Mod. iri*prn, eff~(!~uata I Catedra de i,crare I-ft m., Lstess of iii ud VOik and Iff tr- 0 T acu pic acid (1) Nvid, U1,C4. In the przt-vilce rat pyrt-Auffa., gives cmupis. showing a vws-nififaiury vilfect. Allowing to mact I louic I witil I (1101C II()CI('Cjj..()I1 at 131)- 41 tile pn.-Ftlice of U. I mot, KSY--h ill the 111-ilull, of eKce's I Joclf~ctitoif' C-Aing tile n1M. to (W, filt.-ring off, the illorg. Sall atut 11 vxtg. tile fitirme -with CIICII at pli 8 give ily 2-hpi~axy- 11 uthyl ester tit I which Li coilVvltCd to iLs IICI clit, 1", 144'. tt L. J-.T:-TjL4!wk GAVRISH, D.I.; LARIN, A.P,', STROFILCI, A.A. In Austrian refractory plants. Ogneupory 27 no.8:381-386 ,62. (MA 15:9) 1. Gosplan SSSR (for Gavrish). 2. Vsesoyuznyy institut ogneuporov (for Larin, Strofilov). (Austria-Refractory materials) ACC NR: A1~7000348 SOURCE CODE: ni/0413/66/ooo/022/01.12/0113 .7:,V-LNTOR: Volkov, P. M.; Strogachev, A. N. ORG : Nune TITLE: A device for testing the fatigue strength of hinged components. 142, No. 188726 [announced by the Military "Order of Lenin" Academy of Armored Troops ~(Voyennaya ordena Lenina Akademiya bronctankovykh voyak)) ~SOUJiCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 22, 1-966, 112-113! TOPIC TAGS: fatigue test, test facility, mechanical fastener, ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A device for testim- tne fatigue nit contains strength of hinged components, e. g. caterpillar treads (tracks). T-ne" u- ;a loading mechanism which produces repeated variable loads, and a table wi~Ln two ad- ~justable moving clamps designed for holding the ends of the section of tread to be tested. This section may consist of three lengths, one of them horizontal with the other two at an angle to it. The unit is designed for producing test condi-.ions -which ,aDproach the actual operating conditions of the track. The device is equipped with a :Punch mounted opposite the table and making contact only with the horizontal link dur- ,ing loading by forces acting in the plane perpendicular to the plane of motion of the Card 1/2 uDc; 620.178.3-05 131 COVE GALIPERIN, )lu.L.~- ' A '~~ yu-,l-. ~ g Pulytetrafluoroe-thylene sin.le crystals. V. soliw.m. or:~7-d. no.3O.-1589 0 '63. 27:1) L33512-65 E'?JT(m)/EP.F(C)/EV~G(m)/EPFA,iP(J)/T Fc- Pr-4/Ps-4 RPL V4H WW/R* 41 ACCESSION NRs AP5003822 S/0190/65/007/001/0016/0018 AUTHORS,. Gallperin, Ye. L.; Strogalin, Yu. V. TITLEt Symmetry and dimensions of the elementary cell of p2iz-trifluoroejene SOURCE: Vysokomolokulyarnyye soyedineniyal V- 7p no. 1, 1965, 16-18 TOPIC TAGS: polytrifluoroethylene) electrographic analyci8, polymer structure ;ABSTRACT: Since the x-ray diffraction picture of polytrifluoroethylene (PTFE) !obtained by H. S. Kaufman (J. Amer. Chem. Soo-, 75, 1477, 1953) for a nonoriented .spe cimen. could not be duplicated for an orientq specimen, form and dimensions of the PTFE (V/ - 100 000-300 000) eleme tary cell1were studied electrographically. PTFE filmEAlkere obtained by placing several-drops of-0.2-0.5% PTFE solution in .acetone on glycerine (heated to 40-50C). After evaporationg the films were studied in nonoriented form or after 400-500% elongation. Electrographs of criented: specimens (see Fig. 1 on the Enclosure) show that the structup corresponds t.-) a .hexagonal lattice with a - 5-59 1 0.02 X and c - 2-50 t 0.02 X. The calculat.-;d 'density was 2.01 t 0-03 gm/cM3, the pycnometrically measured value was 1.98 � 0.02 i 3 !gm/cM, . The electrograms in conjunction with published data by C. W, Bunn and Card 1/3 L 33512-65 !ACCESSION NR: AP5003822 ------- 0 iE. V. Garner (Proo. Roy. Soo., 189A, 39, 1947) indicate that the polymer is in the gELs crystalline state. The small values of the C-C-zigzag projections on the molecular axis can be explained by assuming a helical structure of the polymer cbains (C. W. Bunn and E. R. Hawells, Naturev 174t 549s 1054)- Calculation of ta order of the Bessel functions from rl W show that for any helixg Bessel + C P. !functions of the zero order correspond to -the observed layer lines. Orig. art. hast i1 figure. ASSOCIATIONs none iSUBMITTED: 05Feb64 ENCLs 01 SUB CODE: OCI 110 REP SOV 003 OTHERS 005 'Car d 2/3 Or 3-:1C`~AL SHCH11, OV, (TJ19AX), manster radiosporta (Chelyabinsk) V1hy club-owned transmitter-receiver sets do not operate as well as those which are individually operated. Radio no.O,:15 S 161. (v,IRA 14: 10) (N%dio clubs-Equipment and sunplies) fRadio operators) VIGDORCHIK, D.Yn.; DRUSKIN, L.I.; MANOV, V.N.; STROGALISHCHIENA, L.B. , " . -'r. ~ .- ~ Conversion of VNIISTO small cant-iron household heating boilers to gots fuel. G^%.I) S 156. (MIRA 9:10) (Gas as fuel) (Ballmrs) S-TROGANOV,, A-, student (Moskva) Modern altobassee. Izobr.i rats. no.3slg-20 163. N (MBU 16:4) 1. Moskovskoye vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche. (Metal cloth) q '--"P 3A ~T,_ V ,' .7 . Stroz:,nov, A. in linuid rteel," In the qy.-.I)os;.ura: llnuch. rboty rtud-entov IC)LrI, ~_ 4 itemS in-tov !',Osk,::,-, 1-loc-ow, C,,;c t Leto- is ' '.'hurnr,l 16 , 19, SO: U I-Vkh Staley, STROGANOV, A. 1. TN740-M56 THEA3URE ISLAND BOOK REI=EW AID 778 - M MOROZOV, A. N., A. I. 3TROG.,'NOV, RASKISLENIYE MARTENOVSKOY STALI (Deoxidation of open-hearth steel). Metallurgizdat, 1955. 256 p,1 charts, ttibles- 4,000 copies printed. This book is intended for engineers and technical workers in metallurgical plants and for research analysts in scientific research institutes. It is a comprehensivc review of Russian and other literature dealing with the theory and practice of deoxi- dation of oFen-hearth steel and with current methods and practical techniques in deoxidizing rimmed and killed steel. It does not discuss the first two stages of the open-hearth process, i.e., melting and refining, but concentrates on the last stage of deoxida'-ion, which properly conducted determines to a greater extent the quality of tteel. The subject of deoxidation of open- hearth steel is widely discussed in periodical literature and can open-hearth process, but a separate monograrh dedicated exclusively to this subject was not available. The author of this book therefore, considered it important to compile in a single volume all the information gathered from an extensive literature, Russian and non-Russian, 113 MOROZOV, A. N., A. L 3TROGANOV, Raskisleniye . . . AID 778 periodical and monograph. The first chapter discusses the state of the open-hearth bath before deoxidation. The main attention is given to the problem of oxygen content in the bath and of the content of ferro-oxides in the slag, which play an important role in the progress of the deoxidation process. In the second chapter, the main problems of the theory of deoxidation are presented, the general properties renuired from deocidizers are outlined and the affinity of the elements to oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur are discussed. The third chapter analyses the properties of the specific deoxi- dizers mostly used, namely: manganese, silicon, aluminum, titanium, vanadiumj zirconiump calcium, boron and sone others. Their deoxidizing characteristics are compared and the final products obtained after deoxidation are described. Subsequent chapters outline and analyse practical techniques applied for deoxidation of rimmed, semikilled and killed steel. The most advanced deoxidation methods are discussed and a critical survey 2/3 I "10-.IOZOV, A. N., A. I. STROGINOV, Raskisleniye . . . AID 778 - M A voluminous literature is listed, a total of 211 titles, 35 non-iussian and 176 Russian (1926-1953). 50 tables and 51 charts supplement the text. :313 rtW (Stall, 1956, so (In an irron a rt I t n Soviet Unioz~ tnvolving radio- ctive kotopes b de-%Cr t is ,icmmt of a courerence held in Magnitogorsk in Jantia 1050. Representative-4 from the mnin workq and rt a apd educatimial institutca atterided.-S. K. MOROZOV, A.N., daktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, professor; STROGANOV, Aili, kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk4 mmftm On N.N.Dobrokhatev's and B.K.Khan's review of A.N.Moresev's and AdIe Stroganov's book *Deoxidation of opeu-hearth steel,* Stall 16 noo8J766-767 Ag .'56, (Open-hearth proceme) (ML" giao) I--Oaujav, "i.i., FOvOLuT,;KIY D.YA.j "-0)O-O-`--VO---kdY 1 D ,I '. -'OVi-A.I.) VAY-i"ISHTE'r1l). O.Ya. "Behaviour of Hydrogen in Steel During its Production and Remelting," lecture given at the Fourth Conference on Steelmaking, A.A. Baikov Institute of I 1-1,-!tallurgy, Moscow, July 1-6, 1957 SOV/ 137-58-8-16552 Translation frorn: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 8, p 46(USSR) AUTHORS: Kolosov, M.I., Morozov, A.N., Stroganov, A.I., Isayev, V.F., Keys, N.V., Vaynshteyn, O.Ya. TITLE: The Rate and Sequence of Crystallization in Ingots of Killed Steel (Skorost' i posledovatel'nost' kristallizatsii slitkov spokoynoy stali) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Primeneniye radioaktivn. izotopov v chernoy metal- lurgii. Chelyabinsk, Knigoizdat, 1957, pp 95-105 ABSTRACT: Radioactive Fe59 (introduced in the form of Fe oxide) was employed in conjunction with the method of overturning of molds in order to investigate crystallization processes in ingots of steel ShKhl5SG (2.65 t) and of steels 10 and 45 (6.2-t ingots). The radioactivity of various zones of the ingot was determined frorn the radiation intensity of 3.5-g specimens of metal drilled out on different levels of a longitudinal templet of the ingot. As the crystallization progresses, the two-phase region on the sides of the ingot amounts to 30-50 mm. After the formation of a zone of columnar crystals, a two-phase region fed %vith Card 1/2 liquid metal from the central part is formed in the lower part SOV/ 137-58-8-16552 The Rate and SV(jLIeTICC Of GI-ySt.1lliZ,tti0n it) Ingots of Killed Steel of the ingot. fn a 6.2-ton ingot, the height of this zone extends to 850 mm. Up to a certain time (approximately 80 rnin in the case of the 6.2-t in,got) the thickness of the crystallized layer (including the rxo-phase region) taken in a horizontal section of the in~,ot is proportional to the square root of the crystallization tHile.. Deviations from this relationship, which occur toward the end of the crystallization period, are attributable to a more rapid form- atton of it two-pliase re,,ion at the center of the irit I got. Extension risers, employed in production of high-quality steel in,",ots, may be removed only after the crystallization of the iti.-oc has been completed. Bibliography: 19 references. Ya. L. -f'.IIiZt-Ai-n Ir n ij,-. -,cfz Plica-11ions ..P Card 2/2 137-lq58-1-337 Translation from Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1958. Nr 1. p 52 AUTHORS Morozov,A.N., Strop-anov A Vaynsliteyn,O.Ya. Isayev V.F. 3L!2~~~ TITLE Rate of Solution of Scrap iron in Open Hearth Furnaces After Charging of Pig Iron (Skorost' rastvoreniya zheleznogo loma v martenovskikh pechakli posle zalivki chuguna) PERIODICAL V sb. Primeneniye radioaktivn. izotopov v chernoy metallurgii Chelyabinsk, Knigoizdat, 1957. pp 135-144 ABSTRACT The radioactive isotopes P32 introduced into the furnace with the ore, and C060. introduced into the pig iron ladle when pig iron from the mixer is poured into it. were used to study the rate of fusion of the scrap in 380-t open hearth furnaces operating on scrap and ore. Samples of metal for measurement of radio- activity were taken during,the heat, the amount of scrap fusing being established by the change in the intensity of radiation by the metal specimens relative to the intensity of radiation of the pig iron Curves showing the radioactivity of the metal during the heat and curves of the change in its composition are presented A specimen calculation of the r-rite of fusion of scrap iron on the Card 112 basis of radioactivity measurement is presented It is remarked 137-1958-1-337 Rate of Solution of Scrap Iron (cont that fusion of the scrap iron does not proceed uniformly; 60-70 Io is dissolved rapidly in the pig, whereas the remainder follows more slowly The rate of carbon elimination during the heat is determined M. Kh. -I. Open hearth furmaces-r-erformpnce- -Test results 2. Ores--.%%Iting rate-Determinatlen 3, Ir-cm-Z,11elting rate-DeterminrAim 4. Carlmn --Mimination 5, Phosphearw isotopes (Wioactive)-1,pplications 6. Cobalt isotopes (RadioactLvel---~.,.pplications 7. Liquid met-as .-Sampling Card 2/2 I 17- 111) ';8 - I - 3 3 3 Translation from M4-1a1hj-gjy:j. 111'i8 N r I , 1) 5 1 (USSR) AUTHORS Morozov A.N.. ZL2~~~ V;.vnsj-.,teyn 0. Ya. TITLE: Kinetics of Transport of ' 'ron from Slig to Metal in an Open Hearth Furnace During Boil iKinetik~ perekhoda zheleza iz sl-laka v rnetall v rn-irtenovskov p-chi vo -,,!-emv;-, kip(-niyAl, PERIODICAL- V sb Fiz. -khim osnovy proiz-v,i stali Moscow, AN SSSR, 1957, pp 124-131 Diskus pp 160- 187 ABSTRACT~ Experimental me)ts were run in a 100-ton open hearth furnace working on sc r,Lp and orp . The radioactive isotope Fe59 was introduced into the slag --s oxide at the start of the period when boiling alone was in progress. Samples of metal and slag taken thereafter were checked for radioactivitv Tsotope exchange was found to exist between particles in different Fe phases, exhibiting a considerablV greater velocity than the process of FeO trans- port from slag to metal This circumstance permits the conclusion that the limiting factor in the process of oxidation in an open hearth bath during thc period of purr boil is the rate of transport of wustite across thr, slag-me!ril interfacf-. Card I /I A. S. " . Ir,,).-.--Pr;,,d-actix~i 2, Op4en hearth furnReez-operation 3- Iron (1,iquid'/-Ghe:zic&Z reactimu Z_ I-.oa isotopes (Radioactive)--_kpp1i- cations 5. Sja0__FwjativA_~TLaat results SOV/ 137-58-7- 14377 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 7, p 62 (USSR) AU T HO RS: Kolosov, M.I., Stroganov, A.I., Vaynshteyn, O.Ya., Khryukina, V.A. TITLE: Silicon- chromium in the Smelting of Chrome Grades of Steel in the Open Hearth (Prin-ieneniye silikokhroma pri vyplavke khromistykh marok stali v martenovskikh pechakh) PERIODICAL: Tekhn.-ekon. byul. Sov. nar. kh-va Chelyab. ekon. administrat. r-na, 1957, Nr 2, pp 8-9 ABSTRACT: In 11 experimental licats of rnediurn-carbon chromium steels: 37KhS, 40Kh-45Kh, 35KhGS, and 40KhS, and 8 of low-carbon steels 2OKh and 2KhNZA run in 100-t furnaces with high molten-pig-iron charges, Fe-Cr was replaced by two grades of Si-Cr, containing respectively 56.6 and 46.9% Cr, 14.5 and 18.7176 Si, and 4.5 and 3. 1% C. No preliminary deoxidation of the metal in the furnace was per- formed. Loss of Cr by oxidation in experimental heats of medium- carbon steels (St) was 10.6% versus 12.5% in standard heats, while the respective figures for mild St were 19.5 and 26.3%. The dura- tion of heats with Si-Cr is diminished by 2.5%, and there is no change in the quality of the steel. Working conditions are also Card I/ I iinproved. A. S. 1. Steel alloys - -Production 2. Chromiuni-silicon alloys --Metallurgical effects 3. Chrornium--Ox'dation PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 1203 Stroganov, A. I. _ Primeneniye kisloroda v konverternom, proizvodstve stali (Application of Oxygen in Converter Production of Steel) Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1958. 143 p. 4,800 copies printed. I Ed.: Xbrnfelld, V. N.; Ed. of Publishing House: Khoras, L. I.; Tech. Ed.: Mikhaylova, V. V. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers and scientific personnel and may also be aseful to students taking advanced courses at metallurgical vtuzes. COVERAGE: The book deals with the conv 'erter method of producing steel, using an oxygen blast. The author discusses fields of application of converter steel, quality of the steel, modern methods of obtaining low- nitrogen steel in converters, and the physical and chemical.:basis of Application of Oxygen (Cont.) 1203 the Bessemer and Thomas processes with the use of oxygen. Sample calculations of the heat balance of these processes, making use of up-to-date thermodynamic data, are given. The author expresses his thanks to A. N. Morozov, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences; V. N. Kornfelld; and N. P. Stroganova for help in compiling the material and in editing the manuscript. There are 213 references, of which 119 are Soviet, 55 English, 29 German, and 10 French. TABIE OF CONTENTS: Pre face 4 C'.i. 1. Quality and Fields pf Application of Ordinary Converter Steel 5 Gases and ponmetallic Inclusions in Stie-414echadical Properties of Converter Steel 5 Effect of impurities and nonmetallic inclusions on the mechanical properties of converter steel 19 Applications of converter steel 23 SOV/137-59-5-9962 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 5, p 75 kj_Sji-~, AUTHORS; Kolosov, M.I., Morozov, A.N., Stroganov, AJ Isayev, V,F,., Keys, N.V., Vaynsteyn_,_O.Ya. d T I ILE: The Rate and Sequence of Crystallization in Killed Steel Ingots PERIODICAL; V Sb.: Metallurgiya I metallovedeniye, Moscow, AS USSR, 1958, pp 133 - 137 ABSTRACTt The authors investigated the crystallization in "LjhW 1;01 steel ingots of 2.65 t weight and In syphon-cast "10" and "45" grade steel ingots of 6.2 ton weight. The location of the crystallization front was determined at various moments by a consecutive multiple Introduction of a thermic mixture 'linto the non-solldified of radioactive iron and Al-powder' section of each ingot. Subsequently, the Concentration of the radioactive iron over the cross-section and the length of tJLe solidified ingot was determined by radiometric means, Moreover, the non-solidified sections of "10" steel ingots Card 1/3 were tapped at time intervals corresponding to the momentz cf oil t~~ 11 ' ~ .1 SOV/137-59-5-9962 The Rate and Sequence of Crystallization in Killed Steel Ingots Introducing the radioactive iron. The thickness of the solidified layer on the section of the ingot body (ostov) was measured. Results obtained by the described methods were compared and it was revealed that the cavity In the body of an overturned ingot was wider and deeper than the area of expansion of the radioactive iron introduced at the same moment. This dlscrepar.'~y Is -c.xplalned by the presence of a two-phase zone located between the border of the radioactive iron expansion and the solidified layer. The two-phase zone consists of suspended (partially intergrown) crystals and liquid metal. The w-'dth of the two-phase zone at the lateral crystallization fronfla doez not exceed 30 - 50 mm; however, its expansion along the height in the lower axial section of the solidified ingot attains 850 mm. It is assumed th3t The two-phase zone Is developed periodically during interrupted crystallization (in particular, at the moment of the completed growth of columnar crystals). 7he development of a two-phase zone in the lower axial section of the Ingot 1z connected with the fact that crystals originating at the lateral crystalli- zation fronts, are carried away by the descending flows of cooled-off metal and are accumulated in the bottom section of the solidified ingot. This Card 2/3 SOV/137-58-9-18676 T ran slation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metal lurgiya, 1958, Nr9, p75(USSR) AUTHORS: Morozov, A.N., Kolosov, M.I., Stroganov, A.I., Isayev, V.F., Keys, N.V., Vaynshteyn, TITLE: A Nucleonic Study of the Rate and Sequence of Steel-ingot Crystallization (Izucheniye skorosti i posledovatellnosti kristallizatsii stallnykh slitkov pri pomoshchi radioaktivnykh indikatorov) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Staleplavil'n. proiz-vo. Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1958, pp 203-217 ABSTRACT: Radioactive tracers were used to investigate the crystalliz- ation of 2.65-t ingots of ShKhl5SG and 6.2-t ingots of Nrs-10 and 45 steels, bottom poured. 3-5 batches of Fe59 (4.5-14.5 millicuries per t steel) were introduced as Fe203 mixed with Al powder. The tops of the ingots were held in the liquid state by periodic additions of lunkerite pipe eliminator. At the same time, crystallization of Nr-10 steel was also studied by over- turning three ingots on single stool at different time intervals after pouring. The isotope was introduced at the moments when Card 1/3 the residual liquid metal from each of these ingots was poured SOV/ 137-58-9-18676 A Nucleonic Study of the Rate a-rid Sequence of Steel-ingot Crystallization into a fourth on the same stool. The thickness of the frozen layer as deter- mined by radiography was greater than when determined by pouring out the liquid residue of the metal. This is explained by the fact that the zones of isotope distribution describe the region of the ingot occupied by liquid metal, whereas the thickness of the crystallized layer determined by pouring out de- fines the region of solid metal phase alone. The difference between them is the magnitude of the region in which two phases exist. The length of that region along the sides of the ingot in the course of crystallization does not exceed 30-40 mm. At the conclusion of the formation of the zone of columnar crystals in the bottom of the 6.2-t ingot there arises a two-phase region at- tainina 850 mm in height. This region comes into being as the result of the accumulation of equiaxed crystals that have torn away after formation on the interface between the solid and liquid phases. The crystallization of the two- phase region is intermittent in nature. The development of V-segregation and axial porosity are dependent upon the taper of the ingot and the condi- tions under which the two-phase zone is fed liquid metal from the upper por- tion of the ingot. In the making of high-quality steel, the hot top should be removed only after the body of the ingot has completely hardened. Within (liven tii-ne limits, the thickness of the crystallized layer is proportional to the square root of the crystallization time; the proportionality factor therein, Card 2/3 SOV/ 137-58-9- 18676 A Nucleonic Study of the Rate and Sequence of Steel-ingot Crystallization which is 21-29 mm/minO.5 for carbon steels, declines with reduction in the [ C ]of the steel. L. K. I "teel 'ina 2. Steel--Crystallization 3. Radioisotopes-lerformance --Process ., Card 3/3 SOV/137-59-5-9855 Translation fromi Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 5, P 55 (USSR) AUTHORS1 Morozov, A.N., Strogan2y~ A.I.,. Vaynshteyn, O.Ya. TITLE, Preliminary Deo~idationN of L-ow Carbon Open-Hearth Steel PERIODICAL-. Metallurg. Yuzhn. Urala (Sovnarkhoz Chelyab. adm. r-na), 1958, Nr 1 (2), PP 11 - 17 ABSTRACT, Experimental smelts were carried out by the scrap-ore process with a cast-iron content in the charge of 65 - 70% and 100- and 180-ton furnaces (at the Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant) and in 185- and 380-ton furnaces at the MMK. The "10 tr" steel grade was Investigated at the ChMZ and steels with 0.10 - 0.20C were examined at MMK. Of 45 experimental smelts, 23 smelts were deoxidized in the furnace by the blast furnace Fe-Si, introduced into the furnace in order to obtain metal with 0.18 - 0.20 Si (ChMZ) or 0.10 - 0.15% Si (WC). In the ladle the metal was de- oxidized by 45% Fe-Si and a constant Al amount, Moreover, data of industrial control were used, obtained from "10 tr" steel Card 112 smelts, deoxidized and not deoxidized by the blast furnace Fe-S1 133-1-'~/24 AUTHORS: Kolosov, M.I., Engineer, Morozov, A.N., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Stroganov, A...I., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Popov, Yu.W-.-,-Rn'g1neer, Vaynshteyn, O.Ya.,and Keys, N.V. TITLE: The Quality of Steel from Pig Iron Produced with a Constant Moisture Blast (Kachestvo stali iz chuguna, vyplavlennogo na dutlye postoyannoy vlazhnosti) PERIODICAL: Stall, 1958, No.1, pp. 24 - 2? (USSR). ABSTRACT: The influence of moisture content of blxt on the hydrogen content in pig iron and the influence of hydrogen content of pig iron on the hydrogen content of steel as well as flake sensitivity of steel on the hydrogen content in the liquid metal were investigated. Dos. 1 and 3 blast furnaces on the above works were transierred to operation with a constant moisture blast (15-20 g/m ). This resulted iR the smoother operation, high8r blast temperatures 750 - 800 C (against previous 450 - 500 C), increase in output (No.1 - 3%; No-3 1.3%) and a decrease in the coke rate (No.1 - 6.5%; No.3 1.3%). As the works produce quality steel it was considered necessary to check the possible effect of higher moisture in blast on the steel quality. It was found that with increasing moisture content in blast, the hydrogen content of pig iron increases but not (;ardl/3 proportionally. However, the mean content of hydrogen in the 135-l-'//24 The Quality of Steel from Pig Iron Produced with a Constant Moisture Blast open-hearth bath after melting and on teeming was found to be practically independent of the hydro en content of pig or moisture content in the blast (Fig.l~, The final hydrogen content of steel on teeming was not correlated to its content in the corresponding pig (Table 1, Fig.2).. The comparison of hydrogen content in pig, steel and rolled products of various levels of moisture content in blast is shown in Table 2; the comparison of the degree of flaking in semis and their hydrogen content and the mechanical properties of finished steel at various levels of moisture in blast - Tables 3 and 4, respec- tively. It is concluded that the hydrogen content of pig iron has no influence on the hydrogen content of quality steel after melting and on teeming. The direct relationship between the glake sensitivity and hydrogen content of liquid metal was not established. The methods of heating and cooling flake- sensitive steels used on the works secure the absence of flakes in finished products at any level of moisture in the blast. The macro-structure of rolled semis is independent from the moisture content of the blast. There are 4 tables, 2 Uard2/3 figures and 6 Russian references. 133-1-?/24 The Quality of Steel from Pig Iron Produced with a Constant Moisture Blast ASSOCIATION: Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Works (Chelyabinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod) AVAILABLE: Library of Uorigress Uard 3/3 kand.tekhn.nauk Oxygnn distribution between metal and slag. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; chern.met. no.10*23-30 0 158. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Chelyabinakiy politeMinicheskiy Institut. (OPen-hearth process) (Oxygen) 6TROGANOV, A.I.; MCIROZOV, A.N. Povedenie khroma v vanne osnavnoy martenovskoy pechi. report submitted for the 5th Physical Chemical Conference on Steel Production. R - (~ 1-, 1-1 0 ~v 30 AN 13;0 J, PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/4x6 Kolosov, Kikhail Ivanovich, Anatoliy Illich Stroganov., and Isay Yakovlevich Ayzenshtok Proizvodstvo shari-kopodshipnikovoy stali (Production of Ball-Bearing Steel) Moscow., Metallurgizdat, 1960. 267 P. Errata slip inserted. 2J.650 copies printed. Ed.: A.I. Lebedev-; Ed. of Publishing House: Ya. D. Rozentsveyg; Tech6 Ed*-. M.K. Attopovich. PURPOGE: This book is intended for production engineers and scientific workers in metallurgy and machinery manufacture. It may also be used by students in advanced courses at schools of higher education specializing in metallurgy and machinery manufacture. COVERAGE: The book deals with production techniques, basic que.Uty requirements, and ia-service conditions for ball-bearing steel. Melting, teeming, rolling, and heat treatment are discussed in detail, and an historical outline of the de- velopment of the manufacturing process for ball-bearing steel is present*d. Card 1/6 Production of Ball-Bearing Steel sav/42M Sources of impurities in steel (nametallic inclusions), methods of determining the presence of impurities, factors leading to the formation of defects, and methods of combatting defects are also investigated. Material used in the book is based on practices of thei Che3j"insk, Stalingrad, and Zlatoust Plants and the Serov and Kuznets Metellurgical Combines. The authors thank the following persons for their assistance: Engineers N.V. Keys, I.A. KhizhAi*%enko, D.B. Royak. T.M. Malinovskays, L.D. Kossovskiy, N.Ye. Mysina, N.K. Ipatov, N.S. Devchenko, D.G. Zhukov, V.F. Isupov, and Doctor of Technical Sciences I.N. Golikov. There are 191 references: 174 Soviet, 13 English, and 4 Gersan. MLE OF CONTEWTS: Foreword 5 Ch. I. Purpose and Composition of Ball-Bearing Steel 7 Requirements for ball-bearing steel 7 Chemical composition of the steel 9 .Structure of the steel 13 Ch. II. Structure of the Steel Ingot 15 Crystallization and structure of the steel ingot 15 Card 2/6 S/133/60/000/007/004/016 AUTHORSt Kolosov, M.I-., Candidate of Technical Sciences; $troganov. A~ Candidate of Technical Sciences; K?j2_,__EjV. , Engineer; Bo.gatenkov., V,F.., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Vainshteyn, O,ja., Engineer; Danilov, A,,M.,, Engineer; qverev, B. ., En- gineer; Antropova, N.G., Engineer; Khryunkina, V, A., Engineer TITLE: The Use of Silicochrome ~1 When Smelting Steel IV in Open Hearth Fur- naces PERIODICA1% Stall, 1960, No. 7, pp~ 607 - 608 TEXT: In the Chelyabinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod (Chelyabinsk Metal- lurgical Plant) and in the Zlatoustovskiy metallurgicheskiy zavo tovsk Metallurgical Plant) in melting low-carbon chrome steelst 18)UT-T-18 KhGT), 17)