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L 41720-65 -vVIT(m)/T AMMSION RRS AP5010852 M/0286/65/000/007/001-9/(*19 V, T. AUTHORSt Vr!otskjyj Z. Z.1 Strgj4LO '&'ITLE: A method for obtskinin silica gel. Class 12, No. 169499 SOURCE: Byulleten' isobreteniy i tovarnykh anakovs, no* 79 19659 3,9 TOPIC TAQSs silica &all organic compounds, allption ABSTRAGTt This Author Certificate presents a method far obtaining sillca gel modified with organic compounds in the course of drying raw gel* To obtain silica gel of a high sorbing abiLity, the drying of gel is conducted in the atmosphere of thiophene at a temperature of 20C and at atAaospheric pressure* ASMATIONt Institul~ fisichaskoy kbim'i im, Le V. Pioarshovskogo, AN UkrSSR (~n ~tute ~f Physical Chamistryl M UkrSM) SUBMITTEDs 2&4&r64 ENCL 1 00 SUB CODZI 00 NO MW SOVI 000 OTHER: 000 cardiA RVIN/WW EWT(m)/EPP(cV~PA'(W.),r~T Pab-10/Pr-4 L 54553-65 ~CCESSICN HRi AP5016716 UR/0286/65/000/01 0/00171;94! 1AUTHORSt PR1yakqvq U. V.1 Vysotskiy# Z. Z.1 Stralkop V. Vs; Gushchint P, P, method for obtaining organosili Class 12# Ho._IM14 J.'r -SOURCHi Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarrWkh, miakovq no. 10, 1965t 17 TOPIC TAGSs orgsnosilica grill silica gell organic compoundp ethanolamine ABSTRACTs This Author Certificate presents a method for obtaining organosilica gal lin the vapor of an organic compound. To-obtain silicagel with molecular screen ipropertiesg the acidified bydrogel or xerogel of silicio acid ie dried in the of ethanolamine at a temperature of 200 over strong desiocantag at atmospheric Os e or in a vacuum. SSOCIATIONs Institut finicheakoy khimii imo L. Vo Pisarzhervakogo AN UkrSSR (Institute of ftoical Chemistry# AN UkrSM) SUMn=o ~0=64 ENCLi 00 SUB COM i GO A. RW SOVt 000 OMMS 000 Card Ili-It KoV, Ani ---;y ir., -.,--~---~exe s in ~ -' -;"c- a, L a :--~u I ~ --j 0 .n fe :: - I --, t~ri, ',:!:? :. ,-,4 *,nl-Jae , I ,- -- AN' S'SF, !r8 no.3.7!r-7/.E S It k..lftA 17.10) -). ~en'ngradskiy gosudlarstvefinyy unIverritet iza. Fred- ." -.r Io () "S k ' 'm no aYuaclomikon Ye. N.Plavl m. STRELKOV.A. Simplent nutomobile model. Voen.znan.31 Ap '55. (XLRA 8:10) 1. Nachallnik Rvtomotokluba Dobrovollnogo obahchestva so- deystviya armii, aviataii i flotu, KharIkov (Automobiles--Models) NA'Jol,'OV, Dmitriy ","Tkolayevich; TROSM, A.S.,. glav. red. ; GOLOVINA, N.V., red.; FOLYANSKIYj YU,I., red.; :-kMATALI, D.L., red.; STRELKOV, A.t., red.; VASIL'YEVA, Z.A., red.izd-va, .1 vIII'OmtALOVA' 1'.F,, tekhn. red. loorie i-roblems of cell morphology and physiology) Nekotorye vop.-o~!,y moz-folef-ii -J fiziologai kletki; izbranyqe trudy. Mo- L' ,-I-v,;, Izd-vo .1111. SSSI-'~, 1963. 361 p. (,-URA 16:12) (C~ tolou) STRELEUTP kndrey Biology of a new mermithid paraoitizing in files of Rybinsk Reservoir. Veat. ErU 19 no.3:55--69 164. (YJRk 170) STRELKOV, A. A. OLar.-e Practicum for Imertebrate Zoology,N Vol. 1, (Bk.) YAKOVLXVA, A.M.; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, elavnvy redaktor; STREIKOV, A.A. redalmc~ BORISOV, K.A., redaktor izdatelletva; R.A., red&ktop. [Loricate mollusks (Loricata) in the seas of the U.S.S.R.] Pan- teyrnye mol'ilugki Tricrel SSSR (Loricatal Moskva, lzd-vo Akad. nwik SSSR, 117 1). (Oprodeliteli po faune SSSR. no.45). (MLRA 10,S) 1, Direktoz. instituta AN SSSR (for Pavlovakiy): (Mollusca) STRELKOV. A.A. New species of pelagic infusorian Tintinnoinea in Far Eastern waters. Trudy Zool.inst. 13:57-69 153. (KI,'RA 7:5) (Pacific Ocaaa-Infusoriq) (Infusoria-Pacific Ocean) DOGILI , Valentin Aleksandrovich; HELINIKOU. G.G.. redaktor; STRIL-. KOV, A.A., professor; VODOIAGINA, S.D., tekhnichaskiy redaktor. [Reduction in the number of homologous organs as one of the main paths of evolution in animals] Oligomerizataila gomologicbnykh organov kak odin iz glavnykh putei evoliutsit zhivotnykh. Lenin- grad, Izd-vo leningradskogo universiteta. 3.954. 367 p.[Microfilml (3volution) (Anatomy, Comperative) (KIMA 8:2) ANDRIYASHIV, A.P.; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.l.. akademik, glavnyy redaktor; BYKHOVSKIY, Ms., redaktor; VINOGRADOV, B.S., redaktor; STRZI- VLA.A., redaktor; SHTA IBPARG, A.A., redaktor; SOSUNITMA""" redaktor; SMIRKOVA, A.V., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. , Te.K., Fishes of the northern seas of the U.S.S.R. Opredeliteli po faune SSSR no-53:3-566 154. (MLHA 7:11) 1. Direktor Zoologicheakogo instituta Akademii nauk SSSR (for Pav- (Fishes) lovskiy) STRiILKOV,A.A. Valentin AleksAndrovich Dogel's 70tb birthday. Trudy Len.Ob-7a est. 72 no.4:5-8 '54, (MIRA 8:11) (Dogel, Valentin Aleksandrovich, 1882-) PP,SHKOV, M.A.-. ZASUKHIN, D.N., redaktor-; STRYMOV, A.A., redaktor-, ARONS, R.A., tekhnichaskiy reduktor. op"Wig-" [Cytology of bacteria] Tsitologiia baktorii. Moskva, Izd-vo Akadamit nauk SSSR, 1955. 220 p. illue. (MLRA 8112) (BACTERIA) AKNUSUIN, I.I.; BARANOVil, Z.1.; BRODSKIT, K.A.; VIRKETIS, M.A.; VOLODGIUXO, N.I.; GALKIN, Tu.l..; GURITANOVA, Te.F.; DOGIL' V.A.; DITAKOIX)V, A.M.; ZSVIlLk, G.B.: 1VA)1DV, A.V.; KIRITANDVA, Te S.; KORYAKOVA, Z T.: KOLTUN. Y.H.; KONZRUKOVR,Te.D.; KOROTUVICH, V.S.;KLTUGE, G.A., LOZINA-L40ZINSKIY, L.K.: LO?.ui.KINA, H.B.. NAUkulf, D.V.; PXRGAM~iT, T.S.; PXSHXMAK, V.V.; SAV'-T!L'YTVA, T.S.-, SKARLATO, O.A.-, SOKOLOV. I.I.; STIOMKOV, A,A.; TARASOV, N.I.; USHAKOV, P.V.; SHCH3DRINA,Z.G. YAKCVLF,VA, A.'%; USHAKOV, P.V., obshchiy rukovoditall; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, redaktor-, STMUXOV i A.A. redaktor: BW)DSKIY, K.A., radal-tor; ARONS, R.A., teRnnicnesicly-redak-tor. rAtiaB of Invertebrates of the Far East seas of the U.S.S.R.] Atlas bespozvonnchnykh dallnevostochrWkh moral SSSR. Mosirva, Izd-vo A"A.nauk SSSR, 1955. 24o p.. 66 plates. (MLRA 8:10) 1. Akadeniya nallk SSSR. Zoologicheikiy institut, (Soviet Far EasL-Invertebrates) . i 1. - : . I ,-, "I :0 , /I I SHMM, P.Tu.; KORZHUYBV, P.A., STRVIKOV, A.A., rfjdftk-tor; . EAnabiosial Anabicz. 4-oe 1955. 435 P. (Resuscitation) doktor blolopicheskikh nauk, redaktor; SHIRNOVA, A.Y., tekhnichaskiv redaktor izd. IfoaLva, lzd-vo Akad. nank SSSR, Off-RA 8:7) I !"i " it .; " ~- - '- , '-, '7' It "- TZLENGA, H.A.; PAVWVSKIT, Te.N., akademik, g1avnY7 redaktor; BYXHGVSKIT. B.Te.. redaktor; VINOGRADGY, B.S., rodaktor; STRXUGV A.A., re- IAUD, A'-' daktor; SRTAKILIBM, A.A., redaktor; BORKHSE #Z.,'MMAktor; KRYZH"GVSKIY, O.L., redak-tor; SMIRNOVA. A.V., tekhnichookly redak- tor. Hymenoptera; family Braconidae, subfamily Microgasterinas, subfamily Agathinae. Fauna SSSR 5 no.4:3-312 '55. (MIRL 8-5) 1. Direktor Zoologicheekogo Inetituta Akademii nauk SSSR (for Pay- lovskir). (Hymenoptera) USHAKOV,P.V.; PAVIDVSKIY,Ye.M.. akademik. redaktor; BYKHOVSKIY,B.Ye., redak-tor; VINOGRADOV,B.S., redaktor; STR OVA.A.. redaktor; SHTA "99R A.A.. redaktor Polychaeta of the Far Eastern seas of the U.S.S.R. Dpr.po faune no.56:3-443 155. (KLPA 8:11) 1. Direktor Zoologicheskogo Institute Akademii nauk SSSR (for Pxv- lovskiy) (Soviet Far last-Polychaeta) KOROI!KKVICH,V.S.; PAVLOVSKIY,Ye.N., akademik, redaktor; BYKHOVSKIY.B.Ye., redaktor;VINOGRADOV.B.S., redaktor; STRICLKOV,A.A., redaktor; SHTAKKLI- BIRG,A.A., redaktor Pelagic nemertines. of the Far Eastern seas of the U.S.S.R. Opr.po faune n0.58:3-131 '55. (KWA 8:11) 1. Direktor Zoologicheskogo instituta Akademii nauk SSSR (for Par- lovBkiy) (Soviet Far East--Nemertinea) PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.H., almdemik, rodAktor;BYXHOYSKIY, B.Ye.,redaktor; VINOGRADOV, B.S., redaktor;STRFJXOV, A.A,;SHTAKELIBERG, A.A., redaktor;BREGIT(WA, Z.A., redaktor;SMI:RNOVA, A.V.,tekhnicheakly redaktor. Mitee of rodents in the U.S.S.R. Opr.po faune 59:3-458 '55. (KLRA 9:1) I.Diraktor Zoologichaskogo instituta AN SSSR (for Favlovskiy) (Mites) (Rodentia-Diseases and paste) GALKIN,Yu.I.; PAVL(IVSKIY,Ye.N., akademik, redaktor; BTKHOVSKIY,V.Ye. redaktor; VINOGRADOV,B.S., redaktor; Q L*IKICV A.A.. redaktor; OVSfi SHTAKELIBERG,A.A., redaktor; RADZIVILOVS redaktor; ARONS,R.A., tekhnicheakiv redaktor Gasteropoda, Trochidae of the Par Eastern and northern 80a8 of the U.S.S.R. Opr.po fauna n0.57:3-131 '55. NLRA 8:7) 1. Direktor zoologicheakogo instituta AN SSSR (for Pavlovskiv) (Gasteropoda) TALIYET, Dmitriy Nikolayevich, 1908-1952; HALUKIN, D.T., akademik, redaktor; STJU4LKOV, A.A., professor, radaktor; PNVZNXR, R.S., tekhnichaskIV'YW6AVtW-:' [Gottoid fishes of Lake Baikal (Cottoidei)]Bychki-po-iki-enshchiki Baikala (Cottoldei). Moskva. Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1955. 602 p. (Balkal, Lake--Fishes) (HLRA 8:12) AKLT41J,';IIKIN, I.I.-, BAYANWA, Z.I.-, BFIODSKIT. K.A.; VIRKVrIS, M.A.; VOU)DCiIJWO, II.J.; GALKIN, Yu.I..; GUR'TANOVA, Te.F.-, DOGICLI V.A.; DITAKOIJOV, A.M.; ZEVfIIA. G.B.; IVAbOY, A.T.-, KIR'TABOYA, Te S.; KOBYAKOVA, Z T.; KOLTUN, Y.M.; KOIIZHUKOVh,Ye.D.; KOROTKXVICII, V.S.;KLTUGE, G.A.; LOZIRA-1k)ZINSKIT, L.K.: LO!tAKINA, N.B.: NAUMu-7, D.V.; PXRGAMMIT, T.S.; HISHXMAX. V.V.; SATIVYWA, T.S.; SKARLATO, O.A.; SOKOIDV, I.I.; STRELKOV, A.A.; TARASOV. N.1.-, USFIAKDV, P.T.: SHCMMRINA,Z.G. ?TTu7MPTf~,-V*f.; USHAKOV, P.V., obshchiy rakovoditall; PAVIDVSKIY, Te.N., akademik, redaktor: STRRUOV, A.A. redaktor; BInDSKIY, K.A.. rodaktor; AROhM, R.A., takhnicheakiy redaktor. [Atlas of invertebrates of the Far East seas of the U.S.S.R.] Atlas bespozvonnchnykh dalinevostochrWkh morei SSSR. Moskva, lzd-vo Al-ad.nauk SSSR, 1955. 240 p., 66 plates. (MLRA 8:10) 1. Akademiya nallk SSSR- Zoologicheskiy institut. (Soviet Far ZasL--Invertebrates) GUTSIVICH, A.V.; PAVLOVSKIT, U.N., akadamik, glavnyy redaktor; IVANOV, A.I., rodaktor; KRYZHANOVSKIY, O.L., redaktor; HONCHADSKIT, A.S., redaktor; STRAIKOV, A.A., redaktor; SHTAKILIBARG, A.A., redaktor vypuska; I=Uff," ~... redaktor izdatellstva; TVARITINOVA, K.S., tekhniche- kiy redaktor ; Biting midges; bloodsucking Diptera of the Heleidas familvj Mokretsy. -rovomosushchie dvukrjrlye semeistva Heleidae. Moskva. Izd-vo Akademil nauk SSSR. 1956. 50 P. (T pomoahch' rabotaiushchim po zoolQgft V-Pole i laboratorti. 3) (KIRA 9:9) (Diptera) - RUBTSOV, I.A.; PAVLOVSKIY, Te.N., akademik, glavovy redal-tor; IVANOV, A.I., redaktor; KRYZHANOVSKIY, O.L., redaktor; MONCHkDSKIY, A.S.. redaktor; STRELKOV, A.A., redaktor; SHTAKELIBERG, A.A., reci3ktor; TVERITINOVA, K.S.. tekhnichaskiy redalctor [Methods of studying black flies] Ketody izucheniia moshek. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1956. 54 p. (V pomoshch' rabotaiushchim po zoologii v pole i v laboratorii, 4) (MT.RA 9:10) (Black flies) VYSOTSKAYA, s,o.; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye-N.. akademik, radaktor; BTKHOVSXIY, B-Ye., redaktor; VINOGRLDOV, B.S., redaktor; 'qrq',9QK AA. redak- tor; SHTAX31LIBEW, A.A., redaktor; DIJBININ, V.B., redaktor; ME L', R.Te., takhnichaskiy rodaktor. [Short guide to fleas having an epidemiological significance] Kratkii opredelitell blokh, imelushchikh spidemicheakoe znachenis. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSM, 1956. 99 p. (Opredeliteli po faune SSSR, no.63) (KM 9:8) (Fleas as carriers of disease) VINOGRADOV,B.S.; OROMOV,I.M.; PAVLOVSKIY,Ye.N.,akad. IVANOV,A.I., redaktar; KRYZRANOVSKIY,O.L., redaktor; MOIICHADSKIY,A.S., redaktor; Mx~,' KOV,A.A., redaktor; KOZIMA,G.I., redaktor; ~RUGLIKOVA,N.A., -'t6kI~nicheBkiy redaktor [Concise guide to the rodents of the U.S.S.R.] Kratkii opre- delitell gryzunov fauny SSSR, Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1956. 118 P. (V pomoshch' rabotaiushchim po zoologii v pole i laboratorii, no.1) (K6RA 9:2) 1. Direktor Zoologicheskogo Instituta AN SSSR, (for Pavlovekly). (Rodentia) SHTAKEL'BIM, A.A.; PAVLOVSKIY, Ya.N., akademik, redaktor; BYXHOVSKIY, B.Te., redaktor; VINOGRADOV, B.S., redaktor; STRMLKOV, A.A.; redaktor; SMIRNOV, A.V., takhnichaski7 redaktor. (sy-nanthropic diptera of the U.S.S.R.] 414antro'pnve dvukrylve fauny SSSR.(Qpredelitaii po faune SSSR no.60) 1956 163 P- (KLRA 9:4) i.Direktor Zoologichaskogo Institute, AN SSSR (.foir~Pavlovski7) (Diptera) KOZAK, S.A.; KUSATOV, I.G.; PSROVIGH, I.N.; SWRANOVSKIY. K.I.; STRILKOV. A.A., radaktor; ISAKOVA, O.V.. otvetstvennyy redaktor: LlKffBNSBTBYN, Ta.S., otvatstvenny7 redaktor; SHUNKOV, V.I., otvatstvennyy redaktor; NESHEYANOV, A.H., akadamik, glavnyy redaktor; TOPCHIYICV, A.T., akademik. zamestitell glavnogo redaktora; RUDENSKAYA, L.V., redaktor izdatelletva; NOVIKOVA. S.1., tekhnicheskiv redaktor Xvgenii Nikanorovich Pavlovskii. Izd. 2-oe. ispr. i dop. Pod red. A.A.Strelkova. -8ibl. sost. B.A.Kozak I dr. Moskva. 1956. 239 P. (Materialy k biobibliografit uchanykh SSSR. Sariia biologichaskikh nauk. Parazitologiia, no.1) (MLRA 9:12) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. (BIBLIOGRAPHY--PAVLOVSKII, HVGRNII NIKANOROVICH, 1884- J_ ~ '% " ; ' RUBTSOV. I.A.; PA6VLOVSKIY, U.N., akademik, glaynyy redaktor; BTKHOVSKIY, B.Ye.N.. redaktor; VINOGRAWV, B.S., redaktor; SHTAULIBXW. A.A., redak-tor; ST OV, A.A., redaktor tom. [Black flies (fam.Simuliidae)] Moshki (sem.Simuliidas). Moskva, Izd-vo Alcademit nauk &WR. 1956. 859 p. (Fauna WSR, vol.6, no.6) (Black flies) (KLRA 9:12) STRELKOV, A.A.; KOZAK, E.A. *~~.,------,.. "Bibliography on the geography of Iran." K.P. Petrov. Reviewed by A.A. Strelkov. B.A. Kozak. Izv.AN Turk.SSR no.1:84-83 136. (NLRA 9.8) 1. Zoologicheskly institut Akademii nauk 5 MR . (Bibliography-Iran-Geography) (Iran--Geography--Bibliography) (Petrov, Mikhail Platonovich, 1906-) A. DUB ININ, V.B.; ~AVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik. glavnyy redaktor; BWOTSICIT, B.Te., redaktor; VINOGRADOT, B.S., redaktor; SHTAnl'BJW. A.A., redaktor; JJW.V A-A redaktor; ZENDILI. Me., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Feather mites (Analgesoidea)]. Per'evye kleshchi (Analgesoidea). Pt-3: [Yamily Pterolichidael. Semeistvo Pterolichidae. Koskva, Izd-vo Akadsmii nauk SSSR, 1956. 813 P. (Phuna SSSR vol.6, no.7). OCRA 10:6) 1. Direktor Zoologicheskogo instituta AN SSSR (for Favlovokiy). (mites) (Phrasites--Birds) SERDYUKOU, G.V.; JPAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, glavnyy re4aktor; BYKHOVSKIY, Me., redaktor; VINOGRAXT, B.S., redaktor; STRETIOR - ALA.- redaktor; SHTAKNLI- BIRG, A.A., redaktor.; BLAGOVESHCHESNKIT, D.I., redaktor izdaniya; KOZ- LOU, G.I., redaktor izdatellstva; KRUGLIKOVA, N.A., tekhnicheaki.7 re- daktor. [Ixodid ticks of the U.S.S.R.] Iksodovye kleshchi fauny SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR. 1956. 121 p. (Oprodeliteli po faune SSSR, no.64) (MLHA 100) 1.Direktor Zoologicheskogo Insituta AN SSSR (for Pavlovskiy). (Ticks) BREGETOVA, N.G.; PAVTOVSXlY. Te.N., akademik, redaktor; BTKHOVSKIT, B.Te., redaktor; VINOGRADOV. B.S., redaktor; STRILKOV, A.A., redaktor; SH?AXELIBYM, A.A..,redaktor; MONCHADSKIT, A.U., r8dAr"?T---' ZENDILI, M.Ye., tekhnicheakiy redaktor. [Gamasid mites (Gamasoldea); short guide] Gamazov7a kleshchi (Gamazoidea); kratkii opredelitall. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1956. 246 p. (Oprodelitall po fauna SSSR, no.61) (KM 9:8) 1. Direktor zoologichasklogo inatituta AN SSSR (for Favlovskly) (mites) 'ell NOVIKOV, G.A.; PAVI-OVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, redaktor; BYKHOVSKIT, B.Te., redaktor; VINOGRA-DOV, B.S., rdaktor- STRMUOV, A.A.r redak-tor; SHTAKELIBERG, A.A., redaktor; KOZLOVA, G-I., redanor; SKIRNOVA, A.V., tekthnichaski7 redaktor. [carnivorous mammals of the U.S.S.R.] KhiBhchnye mlekopitaiushchis fauny SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademil nauk SSSR, 1956. 293 P- (Opredeliteli po faune SSSR. no. 62) (nM 9:8) 1. Direktor zoologichaskogo instituta AN SSSR (for PaVlOTskly) (Carnivora) TARASOV, II.I.; ZBV11LI, G.B.; PAVIOVSKIY, Ye.N.. akademik, glavny7 red,; B'll[ilOVSKIY,, B.Te., red.; VINOGRADOV, B.S.. red.; SHTAKELIBIRG, A.A., red.; STRKKOT, A.A., red.; SIRGIMA, G-I-. red. izd-va; SMIRNOVA, A.V., telchn. red. [Barnacles (nirripedia thoracica) in the seasof the U.S.S.R.] Uso- nogic raki (Girripedin thoracica) morei SSSR, Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1957. 263 P. (Famm SSM, no.69). (KIRA 11:3) 1. Direktor Zoologichaskogo Instituta AN SSSR (for Favlovskly). (Cirripedia) LIJKIYANOVICH, F.K., TER-MINASYAN. M.Ye.: P.AVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, glavnyy redaktor; BYEHORKIT, ?,Ye., redaktor; VINOGRADOV, d.S., radaktor; 5_TRMIK9V_t,), redaktor; SHTAKELIBERG, A.A., redaktor: TVZRITIIIOVA, K.S., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Grain beetles (Bruchidae).) Zhuki-zernovki (Bruchidae). Koskvm, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR. 1951. 208 p. (Fauna SSSR, no.67, Zhostko- krylye, vol. 24, noel). (MLRA 10:7) (Beetles) t PAVLOVSKIY. Ya.N.I,akademik; IVAROV, redaktor; MONCHADSKIY, A.S., vypuske A.L. radaktor; KRTZHANOVSKIY, O.L., redaktor; STRELKOV, A.A., redaktor mww~ - [Nethods of anatomising insects by hand] Metody ruchnogo anstomirovaniia nasekomykh. Koskva, Izd-vo Almd.nauk SSSR, 1957- 80 p. (if pomoshch' rabotatushchim po toologif v pole I laboratorii, 6) NLRA 10:6) (Insects--Collection and preservation) KOZWVA, Ye.V.; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N.,akademilq glavnyy redaktor; BYKHOVSKIY, B.Te., redaktor; VINOGRADOV. B.S., redak-tor;-STRNLKOV, A.A., redaktor; SHTAEXLI- FERG, A.A., redaktor; IVANOV, A.I., redakt-oF7,-%TMWVA, G.I., redaktor ize.atellstva; SMIRROVA, A.Y., tekhnicheakiy- redaktor. [Charadriiformes. Suborder Alcae. 143.p.] Rzhankoobrqznye. Podotriad chistikovye. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSil, 1957, 143 p.(Fatma SSSR, vol.2, no-3) (MLRA 10:3) 1. Direktor ZoologicheskT Instituta AN SSSR (for Pavlovskiy) (Auks BULYCILIVA, A.I.; PAYLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, gl&YW redaktor; BYKIIOVSKIT. B.Ye.. redaktor; VINGWOV, B.S., r~daktor;*-ZAl"QJft radaktor; SHTAXJCLIBIRG, A.A., redaktor izdanlya; KRUGLIKOVA, N.A., takhaichaskiy radaktor [Talitroidem in the seas of the U.S.S.R. and adjacent waters (Amphipods Talitroidea)] Xorskie blokhi morai SSSR i sopredellaykh Yod (Amphipoda Talitroidea) Xoskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1957. 185 P. (Opredeliteli po fauna SSSR no.65). (KLRA io:4) 1. J)irektor Zoologicheakogo institute AN SSSR (for Pavlovskiy) (Amphipoda) BYKHOVSKIY, B.Ye.; PAVLOVSKIT, U.N., akedemik, g]Avnyy redaktor; STMMOV. A.A., professor, redaktor izdani)r&; ARONS, AL.A., takhn1oheskiy re rollr~.~ I [Monogenatic trematodes; their classification and phylogeny] Xonogon*- tichaskie sosal'shchiki ikh sistema i filogeniia. Moskva. Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR. 1957. 509 P. (MLRA 10:5) 1. Direktor Zoologichookogo instituta Akademii nauk SSSR (for Paylovskiy) (Tromatoda) KRYZHA'TOVSKIY, O.L.-, LIKHAREV, I.M.; POPOY, V.V.; STRELKOV, A.A.; SHTAKEL'BERG, ----------- A.A. "Invertebrat~m of the Zeravshan Valley" by R.A. Aliridzhanov, TS.G. Bronsht-in. RGvlr~wed by O.L. Kry--laanovstdi -and others. Zool.zllll--. 3-5 n0-5:7,36-791 MY '59. (MIRA 12:7) (Zoravshan valley-Irivertebraton) (Alimdzhanov, R.A.) (Brc,nsht:iin, TS.G.) ITANOV, Artemiy Vasillyevich;.q Alekoandr.Aleksemrovich; POLTAMIT, YuriV Ivanovich; LIOZNIM~ L.D., red.; SIDOROTA, VXe-.-?'5A izd-va;- KUZININk. H.3., tekhn. red. [Complete laboratory mnual in invertebrate zoology. Pt.l] Bol'shoi praktilani po zoologii bespozvonoahxqkh. Pt.l. - Izd.Z.- 14oslcva, Gos. izd-vo "Sovetakaia nauka." 1958. 558 pe (MIRA 11:9) (Invertebrates) STRELKOV, A.A.; HIMM"MMK, V.V. A new life form of radiolarians. Zool.zhiir- 38 no-3:355-361 Mr '59. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. (Leningrad). (Pacific Ocean--Radiolaria) PhVILISHCHIKOV, Ilikolay- Ilikolay.ovich; PAVWVSKIY. Y8.11., akaderaik, glavnyy red.; BYKIIOVSKIY, B.Ye., rod.; VIIIOGRADOV, B.S., rod.; STMELKOV, A.A., red.; SHTAKFLIBRRG, A.A., red.gerii; KRYZHjdIOV- SKIY, O.L., red.toma; KRUGLIKOVA, N.A.. Colooptera. Vol.23 no-1: [Longicorn beetles] Zhuki-drovooki. Pt.3: [SubfamAly Laniinae. Pt.l.] Podsomaistvo LamUnae. 1958. 591t.14oskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR. (ihutia SSSR, no-70). 04TRA. 13:4) 1. Direk.tor #oologicboskogo instituta All SSSR (for Pavlovakiy). (Iloonginorn beetles) LINDBERG, G.U.; LEGEZA, M.I.; PAVLOVSKIT, Ye.H., akad., glavW7 red.; BYKI[OVSKIT, B.Te., red.; VIN)GRADOV, B.S. [deceased], red.; STMLKOL A.A. redi- SHUOLIBICRG, A.A., red.; ANDRIYASHEV, A.P., red., iF~hNDVA: A.V., [Fishes of the Sea of Japan and contiguous areas of the Sea of Okhotsk and the Yellow Sea.Ft.l: Amphioxi. PetromV- zones, Itrxini, glaamobranchii, Holocephalij Ryby lAponskogo morta i sopredallrqkh chastai Okhotskogo i Zheltogo morei. 14nsk,va,. Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR.' Part 1. Amphioxi, Patromyzones, Myxini, Elasmobranchit,.Holocephali. 1959.207V (Opredeliteli po faune-SSSR. no.68).. MIRA 12il2) 1. Direlctor Zoologichaskago-Imstituts, AN SSSR (for Favlovskiy) (Japan, Sea of--Fishes) DOGELO, Valentin Aleksandrovich, prof. [deceased]; IVANOV, A.V., prof., red.; POLYANSKIY, Yu.I., prof., red.; STREMOV A A., prof., 'T~:~ red.; LIOZM, L.D., red.; SIDOROVA, V. red.izd-va; PAVLOVA, V.A., [Invertebrate zoology] Zoologiia bespozvonochnykh. Izd.5 (pervoe posmartnoe). Pod red. i a dop. A.V.Ivanove. IU.I.Polianakago i A.A.Strelkova. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo 'Sovetskaia nauka." 1959. 511 Po (MIRA 13:8) (Invertebrates) PORTENKO, Leonid Aleksandrovich; FAVLOVSKIY, Te.N.. akademik, glayn" red.; BTYJlOVSKIY, B.Ye., red.; STRILKOV, A.A., red.; BTRIUOV, A.A., red.; SHTiUMLIBIRG, A.A., red.; ITANDT. A.I., red.lzdanlya; GOLOVEN, M.I., ired.izd-va; ARONS, R.A.. tekhn.rede I [Birds of the U.S.S.R. Pt.4.] Akad.nauk SSSR, 1960. 411; Ptitsy SSSR. Pt.4. Moskva, Izd-vo (Oprodeliteli po faune SSSR, no.69.) (MINA 13:3) 1. Direktor Zoologichaskogo instituta AN SSSR (for Pavlovskiy,). (Passeriformes) SOKOLOV. 1van Ivanovich; FAVLOVSKIT, U.N., akademik. glavnyy red.; STRXT, OV, A.A., Prof., red.; VAERTIM. Tu.B., red.izd-va; ZWMt, R.Te., (Morphology of domestic sheep breads In relation to environ- mental conditions and the character of productivity] Morfologiia porod domashnikh ovets; v sviazi a usloviiami sredy I kharektorom produk-tivnosti. Moskva. Izd-vo Akad.nauk sssR, 196o. 202 p. (KIRA 13:6) 1. Direktor Zoologicheakogo instituts AN SSSR (for Favlovskiy). (Soviet Central Asia--Sheep breeds) LEVIN, V.L.; STREMOV, -A.A.,; LEBOSYs D.V., red.izd-va; KIRUGLIKOVA, N.A.. [Reference book on bibliography for biologists] Spravochnoe posobie po bibliografii dlia biologov. Koskvs, Izd-vo Aked. nsuk SSSR, 196o. 4o6 p. (MIRA 13:9) (BIBLIOGRAPHT--BICLOGY) IIAIJI,IOV, Donat Vladimirovich; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., 71--en-lik, gl,-.vnyy red.; IrfM[OVSKIY, B.Ye., red. ; VINOGRADOV, B.S., red,[deceased]; _.5TRKMV,-Ji.A., prof., rod.; S!lT.AYJ1'3,J."G, A.A., red.; SMIRNOVA; A..Vv, [Hydroids and hydromedusao in marine, brackish, and fresh-water banins of the U.S.S.R.] Gidroidy I gidromeduzy morskikh, solonovatovodnykh i presnovolnykii bas3einov SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1960. 585 p. (Opredeliteli po faune SSSR, n0-70) (MIRA 13:7) 1. Direktor Zoologicheskogo instituta All SSSR (fbr Pavlovskiy). (Hydrozoa) LINDBERG, G.U.; SHCHIMINA, Z.G. ; DOGEL', V.A.; RESMNYAK. V.V.; Z=_11KOV. _A.A,- KOLTUN, V.M.; XhUICV, D.V.; IVILNOV, A.T.; BTYIIOVSKIY. B.Te. ZHUKOV' Ye.V.; PERGAMENT, T.S.; KORDTKIVICH, V.S.; USHAZOV, P.V.; KLYUGH, G.A.; ANEROSOVA. Ye.I.: GOSTILOTSKAYA, M.G.; BRODSKIT, K.A.,- GUSEV, A.V,; TABASOV, N.I.; GURIYANDVA, Ye.F.; VAGIN, Y.L.; LOMAKINA, N.B.; BULYCHEVA, A.I.; KOBTAKOVA, Z.I.: LOZIND-LOZINSKIT, L.K.; YAKOVLEVA, A.M.; GkLKIN, Yu.I.; SXARIATO, O.A.; AKIMUSHKIN, I.I.; DIYAKONDV, A.M.; BARANDVA, Z.I.; SAVICLIYNVA. T.S.: SKAIJKIN, V.A. List of the fauna of marine waters of southern Sakhalin and southern Kuriles. Issl.dallnevost.mor.SSSR no.6:173-256 159. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Zoologichesk~v institut AN SSSR. (Sakhalin--Marine fauna) (Kurile Islands--Marine fauna) KANAYEV, Ivan Ivanovich; -STMEMOV, A.A., prof.,; KRU(MIKOVA, N.A., (Twins; studies on problems of multiparityl Bliznetsy; ocherki po vo-orosam mno-o7plodiia. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1959. 381 p-. 0 - (MIRA 12:12) (TWINS) STRLUXOV, Andr. Parasitic Infunorians Orom sea urchins of the shore area of southern Kurile Ialnnds. Zool.zhur. 3A no.1:23-30 Ja '59. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Leningrad State University. (Iturup'leland--Infusoria) (Parasites--Sea urchins) GUTSEVICH, Aleksandr Vasil 'Yevich; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.y., akademik, glavayy' red.; BYKHOVSKIY, B.Ye., red.; red.; SHTAWBERG, Am-a., red.v7puska; KHUGLI)KOY~-, H.'A., [Bloodsucking midges (Diptera, Heleidae) in tho fauna of the U.S.S.R.] Krovososushchle mokretsy Piptera, Heleidae) fauny SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk.SSSR, 1960. 1.3C p. (Opredeliteli po faune SSSR no.72). (MIRA 13:8) (Diptera) BORKHSENIUSy Nikolay Sdrgeyevich; PAVLOVSKIY# Ye,W, j akademikg glavnyy red.; BMOVSKIY, B.Ye.j red.; STRELKOV, A.A.9 Red.; SHTAKELIBERG9 A.S.9 red.; KRUGLIKOVA, ?Irkt~yCkM.TWd -(116mipterans and homopterans] NasekDap khobotnye. Moskvap Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR9 lnio.77. Vol.A (.,*border of -ocal* i=eots (Coccoida); familes Kermococcidaep Anterolecaniidasy LecaniodiaBpididaeg kelordldae] Podo- triad chervetay i shchitovki (Coccoidea); -pywistva Kermococcidasy Asterolecaniidasp Lecaniodiaspididaeg Aclerdidae. 1960.283 p. (MA 14j2) IScale insecUY BIAGGVF,SIICIIENSKlYp Dmitriy Ivanovioh; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N.# akadomik, glavnyy _,., rod.;,$RTAKELIBERG, red.; FSMGVSKIY, Bje., red.'-.AT~~Kqjj__A.A A.A., red.; PUKHALISKAYA, L.F., re4izd-va; ZENDELI, M.Ye., .tekhh, red. [Lice (Siphunculata) parasitic on domestic animals) Vshi (Siphunculata) domashnikh mlekopitaiushchikh. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1960. 86 p. (Opredeliteli po faune SSSR, no.73). (MIFA 13ij2) (Anoplura) (Parasites-Domestic animals) NAUMOV, Donat Vladirairovich; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, glavnyy red.; *jRKjA2L,AtAj,red.; BYKHOV6KIY, B.Ye., red.; GROMOV, I.N., red.; IAOI)CHADSKIY, A.S., red.; SKAPJATO, O.A., red.; SHTAKELIBEFL, A.A.; ZA14APAYEVA, R.A., (Scyphomedusae in the seas of the U.S.S.P.] Stsifoidnye meduzy morei SSSR. Moskva, Izd-,.ro Akad.nauk SSSR. 1961. 97 p. (9predeliteli po faune SSSR, no.75). MIA 15:2) 1. Direktor Zoologicheskogo instituta AN SSSR (for Pavlovskiy). (Scyphomedusae) PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.P., akad,, glav. red.; STRELKOV, A.A., red. izd.; YURIYEV, K.B., red. izd.; ARONS, R.A., . (Zoologists of the Soviet Union; a reference book] Zoologi Sovetskogo Soiuza,- spravochnik. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. awk SSSR9 1961. 292 p (MIRA 34:7; 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Zoologicheskiy institut. 2. Direktor Zoologi- cheskogo instituta AN SSER (for Favlovski ) (Zoologistsj Russian~ LINDBERG, G,U,; STREUOV, A.A. pJapWASS Soological 1.-1 dia with ilb-trations in color.* Zool. shure 40 w,7slll6- a 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Zoology-Dictionaries) (Japamse Luguage.-Dictionaries) TOMILINj, Avenir Grigorlyevich., prof.; PAVLOVSKIY.. Ye.N.., akademik, glavnyy red.; CHAPSKIY, K.K.J red.; BYKHOVSKIY, Me., red.; GROMOV, I.Mp red.; 11-10MHADSKlY, A.S., red.; SKARUTO, O.A., red.; �1P W, %ELK -A.A., red.; SHTAKELIBERG, A.A., red.; MICAROV, B.M.., red.izd-va; R014AI40VI G.M.,; NOVICHKOVA, N.D., [Cetaceans of the seas of the U.S.S.R,] Kitoobraznye fauny morei SSSR. %skva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1962. 211 p. (Opredeliteli po, faune SSSR, no.79). OMIRA 15--8) 1. Dix-oktor Zoologichookogo inatituta AN SSSR (for Pavlovskiy). (Cetacea) KC)ZLOVA) Yelizaveta Vladirrdrovna; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N. 9 akademik, glavnyy red.; IUMV, A.I., red.toma; BYKHGVSKIY, Me., red.; GROMOV, red.; 1-1Q'l;CIV,DSI:IY, A.S., red.; SY-hIOLTO, O.A., red.; ST:'QI2'.QV- A.A., red.; SITA12LIMERG, A.A., red.; KOZLOVA, G.I., red.izd-va; BUCILEYER, V.T., (Gliaradriiformes; the ~;ubordcr of shore birds] Rzhankoobraznye; Ilodoti-lad Iniliki. Mosk-va, lzd-vo Akad,nauk SSSR V01.2' no.l. [Birds] Ptmitsy. 1962. 432 p. (Fauna SSSR, no.81~ WIRA 15:6) 1. Dircktor Zoologicheskogo instituta AN SSSR (for Pavlovskiy). (Shore birds) GURIYATIOVA, Yevpraksiya Fedorovna; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, glav. red. STIELKOV,_A.A-,, prof., red. izdaniya; BYKHCVSKIY, B.Ye., red.; GRO14011, I.M., red., red.; MONCHADSM, A.S., red.; SKARIATO, O.A.,, red.; SHTAKELIEERG, A.A.; IMELIYATAGO, N.A., red. izd-va; KOIMRATIYEIIA., M.E., tekhn. red. [Amphipods of the northern part of the Pacific Ocean (Amphipoda- Gammaridea). Part 1) Bokoplavy severnoi chasti Tikhogo okeana (Amphipoda-Gammaridea); chast' 1. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1962. 440 p. (Operadeliteli po faune SSSR, no.74.) (MIUl 15:6) 1. Direktor Zoologicheskogo instituta Akademii nauk SSSR (for Pavlovskiy). (Pacific Ocean-Gammaridae) KLYUGE, Gennazi Avgustovich (deceasodl; PAVLOVSKIY, U.N., almdemiki.-'glav. rod.1 STRELKOV,_A-.A,-j-praf.,, red. toma; BYFTOVSKIY, B.Ye., red.; GROMOV-,I.M., red.; MONCHADSKIY, A.S., red.; SEYARLATO, O.A,, red.; SHTAKELIBERG, A.A., red.; VELIYATAGO, N.A., red.izd-va; VINOGRADOVA, N.V., tekhn. red. (Bryozoa of the northern seas of the U. S. S. R.1 Mshanki severnykh morei SSSR] Moskvaq Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR.. 1962. 584 P- (Opredeliteli.po faune SSSR, w.76.) (MIRA 15:6) 1. Direktor Zoologicheskogo instituta AkRdemli nauk SSSR (for Pavlovskiy). (Arctic regions-Polyzoa) RUBTSOV, Ivan Antonovich; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, glavnyy red.; ~ ~---ELKO~A,,, red.toma; BYKHOVSKIY, B.Ye., red.; GROI-IOV, LILY red.; MONCHADSKIY, A.S., red.; SKLPMATO, --,.A.P red.; A.A., red.; BORISOV, K.A... red.izd.; SI-UR140VA, A.V., [concise classification key of U.S.S.R.] Kratkii opredelitell Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, faune SSSR, no.77)* the bloodsucking black flies of the krovososushchikh moshek fauny SSSR. 19c2. 227 p. (Opredeliteli po 0'-M~k 15:8) 1. Direktor Zoologicheskogo instituta AN SSSR (for Pavlovskiy). (Black flies) GRUNIN, Konstantin Yakovlevich; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, gl&Vilyy red.; SHTAKELIBERG., A.A., prof., red.; BYEHOVEKIY, B.Ye., red; OROMOV', I.M., red.; MONCHADSKIY, A.S.., red.; SKARIATO, O.A., red.; STRELKOV., A.A., red.; MAKMSKAYA, L.M.,, red.izd-va; BOGHEVER,. V.T., [Warble flies (Hypodermatidae)) Podkozhnye ovoda (Hypodermatidas). Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR,, 1962. 237 p. (Fauna SSSR, Ser. 82 no. Hasekomje dvukrylye,, vol.19, no.4). (MIRA 16:4) (Warble fliea) LIWREVI Illya Mikhaylovich; PAVLOVSKIY, U.N., akodemik, glavnyy red.; STRELKOV, A.A.,, red.toma; BYKHOVSKIY, B.Te.,',red.; GROMOV, I.M.; red-.,-~MHADSKIY, A.S., red.; SKARIAn, O.A., red.; SHTAKELIWRG, A.A., red.; ZENDELI, M.Ye., [MollUsks ClaAsiliidael Klauziliidy (C3*uxiliidae). Moskva, Izd-vo kkad.nauk SSSR, 1962. 317 p. (Fauna*SSSR, No 83. Molliuski, vol.3, no.4) imIRA 16:2) 1. Direktor Zoologicheskogo instituta AN SSSR (for Pavlovskiy). (Clausikiidae) CHEKANOVS.KAYA, Ollga Vitolldovna; PAVLOVSKIY; Ye.N.., akadomik, glavnyy red.; ;5TRFT-KOV--A,A,,_red.toma; BYKHOVSKIY, B.Ye., red.; GROMOV) I.M., red*; I-IONCHADSKIY) A.S., red.; SKARLATO, O.A., red; SHTAICUIBERG, A.A., red.; VELIYATAGO, N.A., red.izd-va; SI-MIOVA, A.V., [Aquatic oligochaeta worms of the fauna of the U.S.S.R.] Vodnye maloshchatinkovye chervi fauny SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 4.11 p. (Oprodeliteli po faune SSSR, no.78). 041RA 15:11) 1. Direktor Zoologicheakogo inatituta AN SSSR (for Pavlovskiy). (Oligochaeta) GOLIKOV, Aleksandr Nikolayevich; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, glavnyy red.; -STRELKOV, Aj, - red.toma; BYKHOVSKIY, B.Ye., red.; GROMDV, I.M., red.; MONCWSKIY' IA.S... red.; SKAIRLATO, O.A., red.; SHTAXELIB:EMG, A.A. , red.; KONDRATIYEVA, M.N., (Gastropods of the genus Ne~ptunea Bolten] Briukhonogie molliuski roda Neptunea Bolten, Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963. 217 P. (Fauna SSSR, no.85. Molliuski, vol. 5, no.1). (iqRA 16:5) (Gastropoda) BORUSIZIUS, flikolay Sergeyevich; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik,, glavnyy red.j STRELKOVV A.A., otv. red.; BYKHMM, B.Ya., red.; MRICHADSKIT, A.S.,red.; SKARLATO, O.A... red.; SPTAKELIBEFG, A.A., red. (Practical guide to scale insects (Coccoldea) occurring on cultivated plants and foreB ts species]. F'rakticheskii oprede-- litel" koktsid (Coccoidea) kiillturnykh rastenii i lesnykh porod SSSR. Moskvaj Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963, 311 P!7('O~- redeliteli po faune SSSR,, no.81). (MIRA t ) GUREYEV, Aleksey Aleksandrovich; PAVLOVSKIY, U.N., akademik, glavnyy red.; STRELKQY,--AA.j,-red.toma; BYKHOVSKIY, B.Ye., red.; GROMDV, I.M., red.; MONCHADSKIY, A.S.; SKARLATO, O.A., red.; SHTAKELIBERG, A.A., red.; VELIYATAGO, N.A., red.isd-va; ZAMARAYEVA, R.A., [Lagomorpha] Zaitseobraznye (Lagomorpha). Moskva, Izd-vo "Nauka " 1964. 275 p. (Fauna SSSR. Ser.87 Mlekopitalushchie, vol.3, no.10~- (MIRA 170) MANUYLOVA, Yelizaveta Fedorov-na; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, glavnyy red.; STRELKOV, A.A., red. toma; BYKHOVSKIY, B.Ye., red.; GROMOV, I.M., red.; WNCHADSKIY, A.S., red.; SKARIATO, O.A., red.; SHTAKELIBERG, A.A., red. (Cladocera of the U.S.S.R.] Vetvistousye rachki (Cladocera) fauny SSSR. Moskva, Nauka, 1964. 326p. (Opredeliteli po faune SSSR, no.88). (MIRA 17:12) ZAGULYAYFV, A.K.; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, otv. red.[deceased]; i3YKHO%'SKIN-', B.Ye., akademik, red.; GROMCV, I.M., red.; VOCHADSKIY, A.S., red.; SK-CHU110, O.A., red.; Sn'7"Lycv. A.,,A,.-, prof., red.; SHTAKELIBERG, A.A., red. [I-'Oths and pyralids attacking grain and foodstuffs] Moli i ognevki - vrediteli zerna i prodovollstvennykh zapasov. Mosk-val, I~auka, 1965. 270 p. (VIRA 19:1) ~':".AKZ, V.11. !m-~ ~'TRLIEOV, A.-S. Me~.~ozdic and Ceno.soic of the ~oviel ;-.--ctic. report presented ~t the rirst International Symposium on Arctic Geoloa, Oolgary, Canada, 11-13 ion 1960. 22877 9/089/'61/010/005/005/015 B102/B214 AUTHORS: Leypunskiy, 0. 1., Strelkov, A. S., Frolov, A. S.Y Chentsov, N. N. TITLE:, The propagation of the y-radiation of a prompt point source in air PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, v. 10, no, 5, 1961, 493-500 TEXT: The present paper gives a calculation of the propagation of an infinitely short gamma radiation pulse (6 pulse) in air space considered as infinite. The calculation is made by the bionte-Carlo method. The initial gamma radiation energy is assumed to be 1 Mev and the density of air to be 1.29-1o-3 g/cm3. The point source considered emits isotropically. The direction of motion of one of the quanta emitted by the source and suffering collision is described by the Klein Nishina indicatrix. A special method is developed for the solution of the transcendental equation obtained, The absorption of the quanta is taken into account by a weight factor, A quantum packet thus moves along a trajectory; each trajectory is followed till the weight is only just 10-4 times the initial weight. Card 1/5 22877 S/089/61/010/005/005/015 The propagation of the y-radiation of a... B102/B214 The object of the calculations is to determine the quantity 4kjim i.e. the energy transferred at a distance Rk from the source in the.time tJ_tj+1 through a unit area perpendicular to the flux by gamma quanta of energy Ei -Ei+I whose directions of motion make an angle 0 m -0m+1 ,ith the radius vector of the point of observation. The intensities 1 0 kjiM/,IIjAEiM kjim m can be determined from ~kjim* The following numerical values are taken as the basis of the calculations. 1) Rk= 250, 500, and 1000 m corresponding to P0Rk =2.03, 4.08, and 8.12 free paths; 2) t i ~0, 0.125, 0.250, 0.500, 1.00, 1.50, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00, copsec; 3) E i=0, 0.0625, 0.125, 0.250, 0.500, 1.00 and 2.00 Mev; 4) Gm =0, 10, 40, 90, 1600. The applicability of the method was checked by comparison of the build-up factors obtained by integration of Io.. . The result is kJim Card 2/5 22877 S/089/61/010,/00c/005/015 The propa,-ation of the 7-radiation of a... B102/B214 R m (11 R 250 (2-03) 500 (4.06) 1000 (8.12~ kv 0 k Monte-Carlo 3.69 7.57 21.6 method method Ref. 6 3.6 7.5 i,9.6 (Ref. 6: H. Goldstein, J. Wilkins. Rept, U. S. Atomic Energy Comm., 110. 40, 3075 (1955)). The investigation of the time dependence of the pulse of the ,gamma source (scattered quanta)for observation points at different distances showed that the pulse became broader with increasing distance. The duration of the decrease of energy amounts to 0-5, 1.0, and 1.5 psec, respectively, for R = 250, 500, and 1000 m. The unit of intensity is taken to be the intensity during 0 -0.121-- 4sec. The absolute values of the intensity in this interval over the whole spherical surface for these three R values are 1.43, 0.41, and O.OOB8 Mev/psecp respectively. The investigation of the time energy spectra for different distances showed that for a given tine interval at R> 250 M the form of the spectra remain practically unchanged, The investigation of the time dependence of the eviergy for different R values showed that for t >1-1.5 psec the mean hardness of the radiation remains Dractically unchanged (50-60 kev). From Carl 5/5 22677 S/099/6 1/010/00',/005/015 Th~- propaga t ion of the -1-rad iat ion of a. B 1 02/B21 4 '~omwjrison of' the I(t) curveo in given solid angles fcr differ--2nt R values it is found that the decrease of intensity at 91 psec 40-50 i,. For the time dependence of the energies the situ.,Iti.on is analogous. The authors thank I. M. Gellfand for collabora- tion. There are 6 figures, 3 tables and 8 references: 6 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. SUBIM, ITT -ED JulY 7, 1961 Legend to the Tables: 1) C) in degrees, 2) R in meters; the intensities f are given in 70. Ca-rd 4/5 .;L 26726-66 ZWT(l)/E'1VA(h) ACC NR: AP6013511 SOURCE CODE: UR/0120/66/000/002/OU9/0123 41 I A AUNIOR: And ushin, N. F.; Antonov, Ye. A.; Bulatov B. P.z Koridalin, V. Ye.; Strelkov, A. S. ~777. - 1 ORG: Institute of PUsics of the Earth AN SSSR, Moscow (Institut fiziki Zemli AN SSSR) TITLE: A wide-range detector of light pulse.sll~ SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 2, 1966, 119-1i3 TOPIC TAGS: light pulse, radiation detector, photcxnultiplier ABSTRACT: A wide-range device for detecting.intermittent light pulses is described. The basic element of the unit is a pbotomultiplier with alloyed dynodes. The output voltage pulses are taken from load resistors connected in the dynode circuits and fed to the measurement system. With the proper supply voltage and a slight correction in the voltage distribution between dynodes, there is a difference of an order of magni- tude between the sensitivities of two adjacent dynodes. A detector with a linear dy- namic range covering four orders of magnitude in the intensity of light pulses was made by taking the signals from four dynodes. Various types of photomultipliers were studied by modulator control of the photocurrent and by exposing the photocathode to short bursts of light. The experimental conditions and procedure are briefly describ- ed. The phouxmdtViers ised were the FEU-13, -15 and -16 with alloyed dynodes and the Card 1/2 UDC: 621.383.5:535.5 L26726-66 I ACC NRs AP6013511 J FE;U-27 and -31 with antimony-cesium coated dYnodes. Both methods were used for study- ing the miniature FEU-15. Typical dynode output curves for this tube are given. The dynodes have a linear output range of more than 6-8 v with a 5% deviation from linea- rity. Formulas are given for determining signal magnitude in the linear region of the output curve for a given measurement rank, as well as for finding the sensitivity of any rank. The linearity of the dynode characteristics was studied with a direct-cur- rent component through the photomultiplier. It was found that the voltage across the dynode gap decreases as the gap approaches the anode. There is a simultaneous in- crease in the voltages across the dynode gaps closest to the photocathode since the total voltage across the photc-multiplier remains constant. This is due to the ini- tial increase in signal magnitude. A further increase in the anode current reduces the pulse amplitude from the dynode as a result of current limiting in the subsequent dynode gap due to the space charge. Thus there is a reduction in the difference be- tween pulse currents in the preceding and succeeding dynode gaps. The sign of this difference may change when the anode current reaches a high enough value, with a re- sultant change in the polarity of the signal from the dynode. It is found that the direct current through the photomultiplier should be much less than the divider cur- rent for norynal operation of the device. The authors are grateful to-V. S.-YuzRin for participation in this work. Orig. art. has: 8 figures, and-2-formulas. 1141 SUB CODE: 20/ SUBH DATE: IlHar65/ OkIG REF: 003/ ATD -PRESS.*4r!j'!V-( Card 2/2 ALFB4ENKOV, V.P.; OSTANEVICH, Yu.M.; RUSKOV, Ty* XRELKOV, A.V,; SHAPIRO) F.; YkI' U-GUAN [Yen wu-)n~ [Observation of the Mossbauer effect in Sm149 ] Nabliudenie ef- fekta Messbauera Sm149. Dubna, Ob"edinennyi in-t iadernykh issl., 1961. 6 p. (MIU 15:1) (Nuclear magnetic reeonance and relaxation) (Sa Jim) ALMENKOV, V.P.; OSTANEVICH, Yu.M.; RUSKOV, T.; STREIXOV, A.V.; SHkPIRO, F.; YAN' U-GUAN (Yen Wu-kuangl- (Energy spectrut7of the resonance absorption of T -radiation from 92 Kev. Z-n in zinc oxide] Energeticheskt~ spektr rezonan- snogo pogloshcheniia "f -isluch6niia 92 Kev Zn v okisi tsinka. Dubnal Ob"edinennyi in-t iaderzWkb issl., 1961. 16 p. (14IRA 15:1) (Gamra rays) Uiikc oxide) .S/056/62/042/004/018/037 B .1 0,5/B 10 2 AUTMORSS Alfimenkov, V. P., Ostanevich, Yu. M., Ruskovp T.9 Strelkov, A. V., Shapiro, F. L., Yen Wu-kuang TITLE: Energy spectrum of the resonance absorption In zinc oxide 67 of 92-kev gamma radiation from Zn PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimental)-noy I teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 42, no. 4, 1962, 1029 - 1035 TEXT: The Ydssbauer effect in Zn 67 has been studied by the Doppler shift and frequency modulation methods. The energy spectrum of 92-kev gamma rays 0 67) was recorded at -4.2 K using a source and a filter (up to 33% Zn both made of ZnO. The statistical error in the measurements was 2-10-4. Resonea~'- 3. ce absorption, observed at zero energy shift, reached a maximum 6k 2-10- The line width was somewhat greater than the natural width. The structure of the readnanceTabsorption energy spectrum shows quadruple splitting of 'Ite Card I# Energy spectrum of ... S/056/62/042/004/016/037 B.100/B102 the Zn67 leve13 but is difficult to interpret because of the insufficient experimental accuracy. Theeffective Debye temperature of the ZnO was estimated at about 3000K, which is consistent with published data. Theret are 6 figures and 10 references: 4 Soviet and 6 non-Soviet. The four mos recent Engli3h-language references read as follows: R. V. Pound, G. A. Rebkai Phys. Rev. Lett., 4, 274; 397, 196o; R. Craig et al. Phys. Rev. Lett., A, 561, 196o; S. Ruby, D. Bolef. Phys. Rev. Lett., ~, 5, 1960. ASSOCIATION: Obl'yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) SUB,MITTED: December 9, 1961 Card 2/0 S/056/62/042/004/019/037 B108/BI02 AUTHORS; Alfimenkov, V. P., Ostanevich, Yu. M., Ruskov, T.t Strolkov, A. V.., Shapiro, F. L., Yen Iffti-kuang TITLE: The Wasbauer effect in Sm1490 2 3 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal okoperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 42, no. 4, 1962, 1036 - 1037 T~-,*-'.T :A 22-kev camma transition in Sm149 has been observed by B. S. Dzhelepov et al. (B. S. Dzhelepov et al. Nucl. Phys., 30, 110, 1962). To verify these authors' suggestion that this transition leads to the ground state, the present authors made nuclear resonance absorption, thus using an Sm 0 + Eu1490 source and a movable Sm 0 filter and measuring 2 3 2 3 2 3 at room temperature by the Doppler shift method. The results were positive. The upper limit of the level width was 6*10-7 ev, level lifetime-C,> 10-9 sec. K. Ya. Gromov, Zh. T. Zhelev, and V. A. Khalkin are thanked for having supplied the source. There are 2 figures and 2 non-Soviet references. Card 1/2 The M63sbauer effect ... S/056/62/042/004/019/037 BIOB/B102 ASSOCIATION: Obl'yedinennyy institut yadernykh isaledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) S U B L'. I'! T B'D December 9, 1961 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4019209 S/0056/64/046/002/0482/0487 AUTFORS: Alfimenkov, V. P.; Lebedev, N. A.; Ostanevich, Yu. M.; Ruskov, T.; Strelkov, A. V. TITLE: A study of the Mossbauer effect on Sm-149 SOURCE: Zhurnal eksper. i teor. fiz., v. 46, no. 2, 1964, 482-487 TOPIC TAGS:, Mossbauer effect, samarium 149, Gamma spectrum, appara- tus Gamma spectrum, velocity spectrum, apparatus velocity spectrum, line width, line broadening, resonance absorption, resonance emis- sion, resonance absorption spectrum, level spin A13STRACT: To increase the number of Mossbauer y transitions suit- able for research, the authors investigated the 22.5-keV y transi- 149 4 tion of Sm in the form of Sm 203 with approximate activity 5 x 10 quanta/sec.. The apparatus is described..together with the steps ta- Card 1/1 1- ACCESSION NR: AP4019209 ken to eliminate the effect of the neighboring 41-keV gamma radia- tion of samarium. A line width of (1.35, + 0.1) x 10-7 was obtained at room temperature, corresponding to a broadening by a factorof 2-30 4 A cross section of (8.4 + 2.5) x 10 barns was obtained. The most likely spin of the 22.5-keV level is 5/~. It is claimed that the availability of more active sources and further development of the experimental technique will make the Mossbauer effect on Sm149 a useful research tool. "In conclusion the authors are grateful to F. Shapiro for continuous interest in the work, Zh. Zhelev for use- ful discussions, V. Grigalis, Z. Marish, Ye. Pikellner, S. Salakhid- dinov, and A. Sekirin for help with the measurements, and A. Nov- gorodov for help in preparing the source." Orig. art. has: 5 .figures and 5 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedi'nenny*y institut yaderny*kh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) Card 2/$ z_ Vil? [m I i Hi ;i 3v M Iy. iq STV.,LFOV B. I -------------- ------ 8/089/62/013/006/019/027 B102/B186 AUTHORSs 0. T. and M. R. TITLEi Nauchnaya kcnferontaiya Wookovskago inshan*rno-fisichookogo institute, (Scientific Conference of the Moscow Engineering Physics Institilto) 1962 PERIODICALt Atoanaya en*rgiya, v- 13, no. 6, 1962, 603 - 606 TEXT# The annual conference took plao* in May 1962 with more than 400 delegates participating. A review Is given of these, lectures that are assumed to be of interest for the readers of Atomnaya onergiya. They are followings A, 1, Leypunakiy, future of fast reactoral A* A, Vasillysvq design of accelerators for sup*rhigh energies'; I. ra. Pomeranahuk, analytioity# unitarity, and asymptotio behavior of strong interactions at h high energiesl A. S. Migdal, phenomenological theory for the aany-body probl:ml Yu. D. Fivoyskiy, deceleration of modiua-energy antiprotons in matte 1 Yu-.-W. -Kogan, Y&. A. losilevskiy, theory of the 118sobauer affectl M. 1-. Ryassnovj theory of ionization losses in nonhemogengous nediual Yu. B. Iyanov# A. A. Rukhadse, h-f conductivity of suboritioal plazaal L Card_1/4--- 8/089/62/013/006/019/027 Hauahnays konforontoiya ... B1021BIS6 A B. V. Pletnev, F. M. Spovskov, A. X., Stolov, supply of synchrotron slootro- magnstal 0. L. 3akasgan*kiy, V. Y&. Molsoyev, flanged separable host-re- vistant junctions of groat diamoterl D. 0. Xlisovp A. B. Vayradyan, v Mikhaylov, 1. N. Afonakiy, J. 1. Dolov, Ye. 1, Memo- nov" B I StralkoV. Ye. V. Sodykh, B. A. Shchukin, optical principles in comp. ver..; technique; R. S. Nakhmanson,*.N. M. Roysin, M. 1. MostovIyanskiyj Yu. A. Volkov, eleatronicel.Te. L.-Sulimp transmitter for electromagnetic flow-meterp Y. M. Ovoyankint Y. M. Plushnikow, applics- tion.of v aricon des for transforaing d.o. Into a.c. Cord 4/4 S, p A C."' A. -.o pxo!,4 nf 7 -1 i-i n, '- I vRrinble st-qrs I W! th q r P r., f~ h AID '57. (M!-" lr'~7) r i -iotn cla oo s kny ~,b !rv7-wt,-,riyA Udesskogo Posudnratveyvloi-~~ tet a i-. 82592 S/170/60/003/005/009/017 1/. 19 /1.9 0 B012/BO56 AUTHORS: Strelkov,, G. I., Yasiko, 0. 1. TITLE: Measurement of the Velocity of a Luminous Jet PERIQDICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheakiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 39 No- 59 pp. 93 - 95 TEXT: In the present paperg the method of measurement and several re- oults obtained in the laboratory when measuring the jet velocity are given. The device used for this purpose is based on the principle of stabilization of a precise 0 carbon arc by means of water (Ref. 1). The jet temperature was 11,500 K. The jet velocity was determined by the photoanalyzing method (Ref. 2). measurements were carried out by means of a slow-motion camera of the type "ZL-1" with a normal objective. The application of the photoanalyzing method for determining the jet veloci- ty was possible because the jet, as shown by its analysis (Fig. 1), is characterized by'a fluctuation of its brightness in time. In this con- nection, reference is made to a paper by R. Weiss (Ref- 3)- In the present case, some of the features mentioned here indicate that these Card 1/2 . STRELKOV, G.I.; YASIKO, 0.1. Using the method of photographic image sca-rining for detemining the velocity of a high-temperature gas stream.. Usp.nauch.fot. 9:219 164. (MIRA 18:11) ACC NRi AM020770 DOURCE CODEI UR/0269/66/WQ/GO3/0067/0067 AUTHORs Stralkoy,, 0, M, TITLEj Effoct of the cloud cover of Venus on its radio =isslon in the centimeter- .=d mi4imeter-wave bands S)URCEs Ref. 'zh. Astronomiyas Abs, 3-51-565 REF SOURCEt Sb. Vopre astrofisiki, Kiyov, Nauk. d=ka,, 1965a 21-46 TOPIC TAGSs Venus planet# planetary atmosphero,ZiLdio emission ABSTRACT: A model of the atmosphere of Venus was calculated with tho assumption that tho planet's cloud cover consisted of droplets of water and had a moisture contont of the same order as the Farth's atmosphere. The atmo.9phere of Venus was considered to b in an adiabetio equilibrium.( a pressure of 10 atmospheres on the surface) and con- sisting of 95% N and 5% C02. The results of the calculation of the spectrum of the radio emission of the planet, made on the assumption that tho temperature on the planet's surface was 6000K and that the temperature of the 3-km-thick cloud layer was 2730K, agreed well with tho experiment within a wide range of wavelengths, but near A= 105 am the calculations disagreed strongly with the experimental data. This dis- alleement suggested the presence of some other absorption agent. The planetls cloud cover probably consisted of liquid hydrocarbons, CH3 and HCN being the most.suitable* Card ACC 14R. AR602(Y77O It is postulated that the hign-temperature brightness on the surface Of V3n-asj, dGtect,-: ed within tho centimoter-waye band, is related to the presence of a hot planet core and a crust ~onaisting, for instance, of ciistalline quartz)Othat is relativeI7 trans-' parent for radiofrequenoy waves. Bibliograpby of 58 titles, As Kislyakov. f--ana_ lation of abstracg SUB COD&z 03 L 41083-66 BIT (.1 (3N ACC NRI AP602 _-Ci3 8 SOURCE CODE: UR/0293/66/oo4/oo4/0581/0591 AUTHOR: Strelkov, G. M. 3 ORG: none TITLE: Thermal effect in the Venusian atmosphere SOURCE: Kosmicheskiye issledovaniya, v. 4. no. 4, 1966, 581-591 TOPIC TAGS: planetary atmosphere, Venue. radiative heat transfer, I atmospheric temperature, cloud cover, heat transfer, ABSTRACT: The problqm of radiative-energy transfer a4d a possible concomitant thermal effect in the Venusian atmosphere beneath the I cl6ud layers is examined. It is assumed that the atmosphere is in a GLate of local thermodynamic equilibrium and that the energy transfer is