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GAVRILESCU,S., dr.; STREIASU, C., dr.; STA14CIU,L., dr.; DETJTSCH,G., dr.; CRISTODORM-CU, R., dr. I~t(! dilutIon curve, a method of hemodynamic exploration. I. Hed. intern. 16 no.3:339-347 Mr F 64 Dyo dilution cur", a method of hemodynamic exploration* IL Ibidl 349--154 1. Lucrare efectuata in Glinica I modicala, I.M.T-L-aisoara (director: prof. H. Aubert). STREIBEL. Vilma, dr.; LAITYI, Miklos, dr. Zcperience with the agar fixation reaction in patients with pulmonary diseases. Tuberkulozis 14 no.8:250-251 Ag 161. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Eg3retem Tudogyogyaszati Klinikajanak (igazgato: Prof. dr. Kovats Ferenc, egyetemi tanar, az orvostudomanyok doktora) kozlemenye. (LUNG NEOPLASMS diag) (LUNG DISEASES diag) SIIIUAB~A., ! I,. " n., 4 ,-- I ~ - ,Jr. re~,-~aro~ in Tu lo (- r --L I C; z i s I -;' r, c~ ~ ~ : 2 ;~ 5: - 1-2 6A , . I r'~4 . LANYI, Miklos, dr.; STREIBEL Vilm, dr. --- - 1, - Clinical contribution on expiration dyspnea in aged patients. Tuberku- lozis 14 no.12:353-357 D 161. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Tudogyogyaszati Klinikajanak (igazgato: Kovats Ferenc dr. egyet. tanar, az orvostudomanyok doktora) kozlemenye. (DYSPNEA In old age) CZECHOSLOVAKIA / 11.1icrobio'Ogy. Gloneral "icrobioloSy. F Growth and Dovelopment of the 'V11crobe Population. Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Biologiya, No 5, 1959, No. 19408 Author : Faerbor, G.; Vondrova, 0.; Streiblova, E. Inst : Not given Litle : Concerning Morphological and Biochemical Pecullarities In the Formation of Zones in Microbe Mac:?ocolonies Ori_q Pub : 3bor. Narodn. rausea -Zraz,), 1957, B13, No 1-2, 24-52 Abstract : The study of macrocolonies of various species of bacteria in different solid media of various agar concentrations indicates that clearly defined zonos In them are often developed In 24 hours. The zones arc Card 113 CZ7CNTOSLOVAJfTA / %11'croblolo..j. Gcnoral Microbiology. Gro,!1,1i and Devolopinljnt of' the Microbe Population. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologlya, No 5, 1959, No. 19408 particularly clearly established in 48-72 hours of cultivation in media with an agar concontration of 2.5,"0'. The ability to form especially sharp zones Is established by one strain of Pseadomonas "cychro", which in all these media formed rjacrocolonies in 24 hours; in these macrocolonies, 3 clearly circum- scribed zones stood out in 48-72 hours. Sharp differences in biochemical activity In the subcultures obtained from various zones of the "onles of the Pseudomonas "cychroll, c o~ developed; particularly, the greatest activity of fermentation in various hydrocarbons is displayed by the culture oriSinating In the Card 2/3 5 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Microbiology. General Mficroblology. F Growth and Development of the 'Microbe Population, Abs Jour Ref Zhur - BioloSiya, No 5, 1959, No. 19408 -ed "Vicin", which formed at the zone designat U edge of the colony In the form of a rising shaft. These differences in biochemical activity In the cultures, developed In various parts of the colony, p,roved to be fixed hereditarily. On the basis of the results obtained, the authors wo.-ked out a method of a "two-phase" selection of the strains having Industrial value. -- G. P. Nalina "ard 3/3 a r 03 B2c~-~herr-3j!;t The WwWs of humulone F, ;,wtjs. i:trr0A. PIIY4. and V. Jfrrvut(C.nfr,4lChrsn, '"%t. Clorm, Lisly 43. he f);41. hydroCrim. ti.n, otanitalm. m,-A. refraclion (mot. dtpr",imi -wil (IT 11 lint), and OS)tiCAI in,%OlWitY, 2 (OrnlUlAt h.%ving (I- mrinbrml rings are xijgj"l,-l Iw humill,iw: >1 V ~ NI llmllicL~ /BergLnek, J., Smrt. J.. and Z-.t okty lab(:-r;t- to e. Praguc: Nilmh Frarii~~ 21" pp. 17.14). KC!, Revicived iii Chem. Li3l-v 49, 79i(I95l)-l RM, F.; h.)IM, M.; SYKORA, V.; RMZIVA, J.; STREIBL.- M.; PLIVA, J.; SCHNEIDER, B.; HSROUT, V. 1., ~ - On terpenes. Part 46. Sesquiterpenic hydrocarbons from oil of sweet flag [in linglish with summary in Rassian.J. Sbor.Chakh.khim.rab. 18 no.4:512-526 Ag 153. (MT-HA 7:6) 1. Department of Natural Products, Institute of Organic Chemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Science, Prague. (Sesquiterpenes) (Calamene) C Z H C H -4j=gng . LVIM Total synthesesoll,1A.8-tatmaiethyl- cyclattadome(hrmukae). Proof of the elevea-rambered rim In lawattlens. - Franwei: Aorm. MiU2 strdJ4 vid2v "VIASIAM11 152,1V =-M-7, Czech.)., Mm. Ljily 45, 57-3-SX1954); ~Mlkaiox Czedwslaw. Chens. Cansinums. 10,570-WIMXin EnglL.10- d. C41.48, 1270ah.-1,1,4.3-T4trunethykyeWailemne 4) W:; Sym- thtsized by 2 diftent'ways: a 3r4 poiiible way was aban- doacd as uajuitable at the stage of lI0&CCH'Nte(CH1kC-Mer (CHOaCIUMCCOoll M. Tito identity a( I WAS proved by d., n, and Infrared spectra. Ht0&CCHtCNfe%CHiC11j(AHt g. Mil" and. tit, MI't, relluxti I hr., decomP4, with j-ISO,, and ext4, with HtsO to give 0.73 g. (811%) HO(CH*)r J- C-Nfe,(CHjjOH MI). ba 160. Ill (15 Sj SAW. %with IlOr at 93-133 jave 21.8 X. (S3%) J3r(CHs%CN(cAM4)jHr, 1V`),bisI24-3*. rhe N4ultof M--CH(COX0s(V) pre 4 Irain 7 g. V with 0,92 S. *14A dust ia:10 tul. PhIle, treatula an autodave 5 bri, at 170* yrith 5.6 g. IV, g:%ve 5 x. (077c) of the product of candeusuion of IV with I male of V, 4$ 133-10% anti 1.5 1. (10%) 11toicheMaieflAcHer, lly4rolylisof VL with KOH in MeOH gave 137~& C&NOOMN; m. 100-6 (decompri.). Decarboxylatiom of the acid at 170-80*/20 mm. ykided 74% gltsiy 11, b#.x IOG-4*; di-Afe t0of (with C11,N18 in 83% Yi0d), 4$ 115*. Me%C(Cfl.C03Ht)j (74 g.) In IW ml. Et*O added in L40 min., to 13 g. LiA1114 In OM nil. IRIO, the mitt. retluxed 30 min., ducolapfl, With wet Ht'0, HIO, and klCl, and rapt-&teJIyeztd. -witb 4 s. Rtx0 gave 30 C (9094') Met(WHickitolth MI), fill 140% YJjjw ~ tag to 83% 1~4eqq!j A .4s.!r4o K~ CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Oraanic Chemistrj. Naturally Occurring Substances a:il Their Synt-hetic Analogs - G-3 A-us Jour: R:,ferat Zhar-.Khimiya, i~io 4, 1958, 1142o. Authoi- J--rolim V., Streibl, M., 1),llejs, L., and Som) F. Inst Vot gi-. m. Title On Tez7-ones. LXXII. Cis- and Trans -homocaryophyUeni c Amd. L"JCVI. Synt'hesis of 4,8,11,11-tetramethylricyclo- (0,2,7)-undecance (Caryophyllene). Orig Pub: Sborni% Cheklioslov Kbim Rabot, ?q, No 4, 1266-1276; 12-17-1,':32 (1957) (in English with a su=ary in Russian) Abstract: See RzhKhim, 1957, 44661, 44662. Card JAROLIM, V.; STREIBL, M.; HEJNO, K.; SORM, F. Composition of lignite. I. Some substances present in montan wax. II. Additional substances present in montan wax. Coll Cz chem 26 no.2:459-465 F 161. (EF-U 10:9) 1. Institut fur organische Chemie und Biochemie, Tschechoslowakische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Prag. (Lignite) (Montan wax) CZECHOSLOVAKIA WOLLRAB, V; STREIBLI M; SOE49 F- Institute of Organic Cheraistry and Biochemistry Czechoslovak Academy of Science, Prague (for all) Prague, Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communi- catLons, No 5, 1963, pp 1316-1324 "On the Composition of Lignite IV. On the Group Separation of the Wax Portion of Montan Wax with the Help of Chromatography." C Z E 0 S L 0 V A K i A 11"IOLLRA.113, V; STBEIBL, ',I; SOMI, F. Instit,-tte of Or,:-ranic (;he!,Astr,/, and bioc,iemistry of the uzec,-.oslovalk Aca-Ldemy o'L Scionces, -Llra,,-ue (for all) Coilection of Czec,ioslova"-.- Ciiemical Communi cations, No 7, -1j63, pl, r9O4- "On the ComLo:3i"t-ioi-I of Coal VI. Analysis of 'Nax Components of 7~,-~onlun !3ax by Hit~,,i Telil~(~.,i-a~uure-Gas-Di-stribu-uion ff Ciiromu ~o,:-~-ra-i ij . WOLLRAB, V.; STREIBL, M.; SORIA, F. On the composition of lignite. Pt. 4. Coll Cz Chem 2F no. 5: 1316-1325 My 163. 1. Institit fur organischa Chemle und Biochemie, Tschechoslo- wakische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Prag. WOLLRAB, V.; Sna"IBI" M.; SORM, F. On composition of lignite. Pts. 5-6. Coll Cz Chem 28 no.7: 1895-1913 J1 163. 1. Institut fur organische Chemie und Biochemie, Tschecboslo- wakische Akademia der Wissenschaften, Prag. r b :,Astry Ml K , ?. ; M.; J~jiOLP hi gtt-.r satural -- f, and urizr-, hydrocarborls. Coil Cz `hpm nc,..10:252-"-*2'Z"7 0 1. jr; t,,tui fur -.~rganlsche chc-mio T~chacilo~~Iowakische ."icadlemie dcr '..);-~~-,ons---Iiaf,len, I rague. L V -ThF', GaS C~ZJZatC9:a-*tY 01' S:;,L-- Lign~-- 5aLuratel :in-;L unqauxated hy-drrocarbon3. Cz Cham 109 no.10,2928-253o 0 IrwtituL fu- CheraL-, un] L P.kademde der '~,113sensChafterl, rrague. KONFGVY, Karol; SMELIL, MiJan Modifying the dosing device in the gas chromatograph ch--o-m-1. Chem listy 58 no.9:JaO2-JJ05 s 64. 1. institute of Organic GhenListry and 1,11ocheml,itry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sziences) Prague,, STREIDILP M.-, Ji~ROL7MH,. P,I WOLLRII.B~ V. I Bo4-1-ing point values of some hIgher paraffinn. Chem Oz Chem 29 no.ll12855-2859 N 164. 1. Inst'itut fur organische rhenee und Biochomle, Tachechoslawakische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Prague. xriv Minn it m, 9 Ch(3miral Componitic-,r of n.,%rbonLVl'llOf' Pt-V - Clinm priun 15 no .1115-18 ja 165. 1. 1notitato Of Organin Ohs~ml)try awl ,3j()mjjemLmfry of tho Czap,hoqlnvak Am-!.kdnmy ol~ 301A..0,9s, PrIllpin. JARCLIAEK, P.; 'dOLIAIIAB, V.; STREIBL, M.; SORM, F. Ccmposition of brown coal. Pt.10. Coll Cz Chem 30 no.3:880-886 Mr 16 5. 1. Institut fur orgarische Chemie und Blochemie. Tschechoslowakishe Akademle der Wissenschaften, Prague. Submitted Jime 29, 1964. 2. Advisory Board Chairman, "Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications" (for Sorm). w a~( CZ-vGfj0.iL0VAK1A ~MtANSKY* STREIBL, MS 301M P Institute of Orgamic Chemistry and Biochemistry& Czechoslovak Acadmy of 30ionces., Prague - (f0r all) Pra~ C21180tic osgsh ue,, ILI 9L -9110TA)i Chemical rogti2na, No 12V Deeember 19bbo Pp 4694-4702 wi;n natural waxes. Part 6z On a now tyr of released paraff In* or bee3wax (A2j& rnell&rZO). M, GA RY LANTI, Miklos, Dr, STREIBEL, Vilma, Dr; Yedical University of Budapest, Pulmonary Clinic (dii~ctor: MISKOVITS, lusztav, Dr) (Budapeati Orvostudomanyt Egyetem, Tudogyogyaszati Klinika). IlCurrent Differential Diagnostic Views in Hemoptoe," Budapest, Orvosi Hetila2, Vol 107, No 36, 4 Sep 66, pages 1708-1711, Abstract: [Authors' Hunrarian summary] Based on the data of 2 years of patient material hospitalized at the clinic for hemoptoe, the diseases are enumerated which must be considered in a case of hemopton. The large Majority of the patients do not have active tb. Among the tumor patients, hemoptoe was not an early symptom. In the presence of hemoptoe of unknown etiology, the possibility of viral or parasitic diseases of the lung as well as of disturbances In blood coagulation must be considered more often than Is currently done. Hemoptoe is a symptom of severe dieGass in most of the cases. These patients must be sent without delay to the pulmonary ward for examination or treatment. 8 Eastern European, 39 Western references, 1A 9 STREIBLOVA, Eva On the question of jaxonomy of Endomycops-is javanensis (KI*6cker) Dekker. Folia microbiol. 8 no.3:170-175 '63. 1. Depart:aent of Technical Microbiology, Institute of Microbiology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague 6, (CLASSIFICATION) (SACCRAROMYCES) STIEIBLOVA, 5va) ELE; -W, K. Types of Multiplication Scars in Yeasts, Demonstrated by Fluorescence Microscopy. Folia. microbiol. 8 no. 4.221-7 J1. 163 J.Department of Technical Microbiology, Institute of Microbiology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague 6 (T-:ASTS) (SACC1WHOMYCES) (MICROSCOPY, FLUORESCENCE) LIERT VA, Jitka; BERAN, K.; STREIBLOVA, Eva Fractionation ofa population of Sa=haromyces cerWisiae yeasts by centrifugation in a Dextran gradient. Folia microbiol. (Praha) 9 no-4:205-213 15 Je'64 1. Department of Technical Microbiology, Institute of Micro- biology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences., Prague 6. scars 't iai,.4D:,atory of 1~ o tron 1, ~scory, Mill. r ftwv~- otmi d Z ddl P d i 6 ag affB w c a rve m ot avA ywao y 11. PMg Aa R ihi P A t d) s n . acsn a wovero - I =Hig. 3, 119--W1952).-A new method was de- iveloped for dctg, the acidity of cottage cheesr, as an Indi- cavou of Its quality, and the values obtained were cotn- p" with theorganottptic properties of the samples and - .. of cheese (weighed on a semiana- 11tical. balance to the nearest 0.1 g.) 13 crushed with 10 ml. Of distd. water at room temp. In a parcelatin mortar of 8-10 cm. diam. The water is taken fron, a 150-ml. graduated cylinder, the remaining 40 mi. is used to wash the Chem plu2 water mist. into a 300-ml. Erlcnmeyer flask and to ohemiaal Abst. rinse the mortar 3-4 times. The sample is left alone for IS-20 min. with frequent shalcing, then 2 ml. of 27p neutral ' lude henol hthalci "n it and a titrati I add d t n Vol. 49 110. . . p n s e o o p follows with OIN N&OH till a light pink color Is obtain-ed. Apr. 259 1954 The. It is multiplied by 2. Every sample was tasted by Foods 5 different personso and the water content was detd. by Irying a crushed mist. of cheese with dried sand (Krause) Zonclu3ions: (1) the simplest method of acidity dem. is th~ lAration of dit total aciditv with the above method, ex- ., "asing the residt in pcrcca~tgc of lactic add; (2) the total _ I cidity of the cuttage Chem should not be 15 degrcft to &%sure the proper taste; (3) tfie awept-? bl idi d I e ac a n ptreentege of lactic acid, for an ty, expresse edible cheese should range 0.72-1.37% and not 2-2.5% as giv= In the litemure or 1.8% as assumed by the old eai- pkkd standardm. a cheese destined for a further pToceninc con contain 3.1&4.05%c( acidity; 4) the water content. 'should not ==d 08 6 (rapid d=) tion), but should' ." lower than W (bad taste, %IMcuIty In utilization)., 4 . Henry W. lAwenda-.1 POL methodical evaluation of deteriorating magazine. e 7 lpit SOJOC1301ch and Elzbleta Strelch (Sanitary-EpIde- .mlol. Sta., Starinogrod;-To-tgt-crT--IU-7cnibi PaA4:au;-cja Zakiads Rig. S. 227-34(l 4XEtigIM summary).-Good 05 correlations were obtained b t"eca organoleptic evaluation of margarine samples and the deta. of titratable acidity (1). lthel.eano.(11 4W the reducing no. (111). Freshmargazine . 1 12-511, and 0.0-1.5 IU. Margasiucwhicit showed 0,0-1 , f_ had a tendcvey to deteriorate and which shovrol a rancid Odor and a .11?htly soupy flavor gave 0.0-1.21,5-7.5 11, and 1.5-3 UT. Margarine which had daterioruted and which id d nd t bitt h d h d fl ara er avor s o owe a asoapy, ranc a pungen . QX-1-6 1, 7.5-IS 11. and 3-8 M. The reducing w. gives the quantity of volatile substauces from demTpd. fats obtained from 6 X. margarine which In 2 1 ffit- a6 soln. of uc6l chrornium sulfate, of ab". O I., KLJRUC, F.; STREICHER., T.; KRAJCOVIC, S. Mercurialentis. Cesk. oftal. 20 no.5:382-385 S 164. 1. Ocne oddelenie v Bojniciach (veduci MUDr. F. Kuruc) a Zavodna poliklinika CRUP v flovakoch (veduci WDr. J. Hudec). (P!Z7~=T=lin MN"Orgasit I'distivoKyto Zak- lads Hig. 1, 21*-13, French summary. 214(19&)).-The I detrA. utfe madt by using atc. u4n. of vtwwitv4 (jtmes and jonts, Casunnif Pratfur and Coxtrol. 1937, P. W., W *A. 31. 44W). and 10-11. Zn/l. milk coull Im at-terlod. The tinilent varied drVending on the length tit time that milk has breit stimed in a Zn-t-macd can. PYCIM. Of FF And ~Xlx re to air accek-rat"I the s.An. The first trams i-I In be bled atft~ 3-4 h-' t-x- STREICHSBIM, Stanislav Development of end milling cutters with a shank. Stroj vy-r 12 no.9:61,8-623 S 161 1. Zavody presneho strojirenstvi National Fnterprise, Gottwaldov. GAVRILESCU.St,, dr., candidat in stiinte medicale; ATHPI;ASESCU.10, dr.y candidat in stiinte medIca-Ie;Sj7jEjAHU,r, ch- ; CORLUTU, Gabriela,dr.; &bTANCIU, I@ , dre X Z" Aortic valvulograpby during prolonged diastole, an experimental method of study of aortic regurgitation. Red. intern. (Bucur.) 16 no-41435-439 AP164. 1.Laboratorul de explorari functionale al Clinicii I medicala, Timisoara (director: prof. H.Aubert) si Serviciul de radiologie al Spitalului clinic orazenecs nr.1, Timisoara. STREIPA, I. Content of chlorine, bromine, and iodine in Latvian plants and soils. Vestis Latv ak no.11;103-106 159. (EEAI 9:11) (Latvia--Plants) (Latvia--Soils) (Chlorine) (Bromine) (Iodine) ST;UEIPA~ P. ; KAUE13, A. ~qstill,-,tion. Ln tLe Minsk and P'l I-fecid1w 03 C"' re~,l ~l and rCLOl't:3. an y . JAIST s FS L L. SIM- FOZ VlU. (Latvija R Zinatnu akademija. Diologijas Zinatnu nodala) "if-a, Latvia, Na. 16, 1956. In R,ussian. I-onthlv liot o~' East ~`uropcan Accessions (11AI); LC, 'Vol. F, No. u0j, Aui-ust 19519. ulleln. "7 1 *1 ,.. .j I I!, l'ineral Deposits - Puiz7itp-, -,,f the Urals," kolvc. and 'Jtrei-ss, 11 pp kr G~Clll 'No 2 U--als i-A A165 BUDUESCU, M., ing. tehnolog; ABRAMOVICI, J., ing. tehnolog; HAIM, E., ing. tehnolog;-STREIT, E., ing. mecanic; IONESCU, I., &rh. Complex planning and designing helping a systematic introduction of new technics in the rubber industry. Industria usoara 3 no.10:416-420 0 156. "Itrelt, -4 1. Mechanized fill-ing of joints in the reconstruction of old tunnels. P. 135. INZET-rP-')KF STIAVEY. (Mdnistmrstvo stavebnietvi) Praha. Vol. 4, no. 3, Mar. 1956. Sourde: EFAL w Vol. 5, No. 10 Oct. 1956 st--v'ry/ Vol. no. Aug. 1~67, fraha, Czechoslovakia 7 .-.:A ACCES3lC"---'S (L2/,!) LC, VrL. '?, NC. 1, JL,': STR71T, Jiri Pouziti malty Aerocem Specielni zpusob a nanaseni vysoce provzdusnene malty. (Use of the Aerocem Mortar; a Special Method and Use of a Highly Air-Trained Mortar. illus.) Pra~;ue, Dopravni nakl., 1957. 87 p. Ae,ocem is an air-trained mortar having a series of valuable Droperties. Its manufacture is a British patent. The manual contains an analysis of its properties, instructions for its manufacture and application in underground injections injections of the soil and slopes, the reconstruction of old masonry, mechanical making of joined masonry, the cement-gun process, making of plasters, shell constructions, etc. Bibliograficky katalog, CSR, Ceske knihy, No. 35. 8 Oct 57. p. 756. en N '3 0'--. ry c 0 2C~v a'. in. Acade--dc rx-,grees: Affiliations /not ~--ive.!/ Source: -' ra,-ue, S*-.ornik Vol 606, 1.0 4, DQtAI Wonrlprp of top Old PrAinie Di.VY qtare Prahy.) Prai=,-ue. ct.(ia Pronta 'L"ub 1 -1 Sin, Louse, ~)fai-,es- 2d ed. Jiri ?eviel-'er: C-ta r.Po 9e'6*3 - T - t,, - 7 - -.- : 1, 1 n -7 "1 -' , 7al -~-- -1,.; , p ~r;,- Sr,~! h r Flik " -- Y;;:"- , ~ - - , If- -r,n5tr"ct:c,n of v.,:e Pr ., , -, 0 21 '(~/ ,t,cr,. 12 r, .12'. P-9-1, ~LREUAND2 Joachim, doktor na filosofokite nauki Institutes and establishments of axial sciences at the German Academy of Sciences in Berlin. Spisanie BAN 5 no-3:86-91 160. (EEAI 10:5) (Academy of Sciences, Perlin) (Germany, Eastern-Social sciences) STP.F,JA, M. (Bukhnrest), STOIANOVICI, St. (Bukharest) lichinococcus of the kidneys from -Chi-mrgla" [Bwhnrest], 1957, No.5, pp.728-734). Urologiia 23 n0.3:83-86 YY-Je 158 (MIR-A 11:6) (KONRYS-MATIDS) OLANESCU, G.; DUMITRESCU, D.; STREJA, M.; IAMANDI, C. I Contribution to the solution of the problems of eystoophincterometry. Probl. ter. 10 no.1:47-56 159. (BLADDER physiol) (UROLOGY equipment & supplies) OIAIMCU, G.; DUMITRESCU, D.; IAK&"I' 0. Contribution to the solution of the problems of cysto-sphincterometry. Probl. ter., Bucur. 10 no.1:48-56 1959. (BIADM sphinaterometry, appar. method & problems) CIUCA, M., academician; POPOVICI, Marcela; NESTOMCU, M.; STWAN, G. VAIRRIU, A.; WRINBACEI, R. geological relationships between bacteriophages (double-stage symbiotic and lytic) and Lyso-sensitive bacteria of the Nnterobacteriaceae family; conditions favoring the transfer of lysogenesis between heterologous strains and species. Stud. cercet. Inframicrobiol., Bucur. 6 no.3-4:341-373 July-Dec. 1955. (BACTIRRIOPMX transfer of lyeogenesis from 1. coli to Salmonella typhosa in combined cultures) (BSMMICHIA COLI (same) (SAMONELLA (game) F T-t StEcjc_L: NAvrhy regula cmh PrW4e;---.-;NTL. 1053. +10 49 f.(*r. R,!vinvctl 11. Chots. iisly4g, 11020954). :7~ -~,ihr6z. -). 52 Praln2. Vol.. 'I(': Monthl:,r of East Furopean Acce~-ionss, (ETia.), if,, voi. 4, %To. ~ 11, June 19~~5) -C1. Streje, V. What we expect from the measuring and regulating technique. p. 187. Vol- 5, no. 5, May 1955- CHEMICKY PRUMYSL SO: Monthly List of East European Accession, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 99 Sept.1955, Uncl. ~ - ~ -IT -1, , 'i . -.ontrol circuits with Patial tirr.~- const~ints. In '-jerrran. p. -156- (,rCT A~ J--l" iol. 11 -3- 4, l)57, I'rahri, Czech~slovnkia) 33: I-z,~nthly 1-ist of -*q,3t --'-Urorean ,.accessions- LC, Vol. 6, ":o. 12, 1ec 1957. 'Uncl. -7.Z .T,- -7 I Approxiir~ation olf aperiodic transient characteristics. P. 565- ( "L!- - 1`P;KUDY - - --'~ iR - )(Praha, Czechoslovakia) Vol. 16, No. 6, Aur. 1957 SCI: 1-oriti~ily Index of Last birope,,n Accesslicn LC. Vol. 7, NO. 5, 1958 MSE I B, -OK FOMITATI(Iff CZRCH/3715 I-LZ- Engineer; Milan Balda, Doctor, Engineer; and Candidate of Technical Sciences, Engineer P'."tK cy , slov4 ap"ci (Industrial Use of Automatic Control) Prahay PrUmv nak2ad. technicke lit-ry, 1958. 174 p. 2,200 copies printed. Teak- Bd.. Marie KrLova"; Reap. Rd.: Vladi-i Sp9il, Engineer. nd'.s 1,ook is intended for general technical vorkerB engaged fj- and design of automatic control systems in chemi,;aly and related industries. Th-e book deals with examples of application of control and regu- in production units of the chemical industry. The p&c-~- .3f the book presents practical information, useful general rtaaep aimple discussions about control circuits, indispensable elementa IwLi,'on of automation problems in industrial production. F-'Ite s~i] 4 z-,. -f th--. book presents the solution of several examples from many e',f ]RratAical experience in designing and building industrial -w 'ons for autcmatic control and regulation. In the coLclusion., t"r1azenr"m-1 observations on the economics of automation are simmarized., S'~; V. 'LC!;",L X'j I' Periodical A~ I' No. 11, 1,11ov. 195~:. Sj".jEjC, '~ . Carjtroller!3 iziteract-il.cii and pos,-,J*1?4liti( s o~ their use. p. 377. -L - Vlont'-Jy LiSt of Last 1"uropean Accessions (*--'I:ILI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 3, March, 1959. Uncl. '10. A NEW METHOD OF APPROXIVATING THE DIEEEBZN--- ---TIA6LJ4-"~=ft F C9=OL SysTA YVITH AN ARBITRARY INPUT BI NAL'" "trels. Slaboprnud~ Obzor, o 9, No. 7, 440-5 (1958). in Czech. The problern consists of determining approxf-at IV the dEfferen- tial equation of A control system, It Its transient response to a given input function is known. It in assumed that the system is linear and can be described by a n-th order differential equation. The coeffici- eats at the equation can then be found by successive Integration& of the iiput and output functions, but this method becomes very Inaccu- rate If it Is neceasiry to determine more than three coefficients. flowever, even threi coefficients are sufficient, owe they peimit the determination of the order and of a multiple time conshtnt for the required oquatAon. The method Is verified by means of two ex- -rA wnples and it in found to be adequate for differential equations un to the t rd order. hi R.S.Sidorawl 136. THEORY OF LWAAR FJOIMA3XM- V.Strefc. FAekUvt eh. Obzo~, Vol. 47, No. 7, 330-46 (195O."SOMETcb. Revi. basic theory sowd discusses most important methods for the det rmlnaUon of the properties of linear regulating circuits. TA Describes trtefly authors' Approximation methods for simple and r-Ination of the cb%ncteri#Ucs. N.Wein S/194/62/000/008/030/100 D201/D308 AUTHOR: Strejc, Vladimir TITLE: Results of investigations into the optimum control ~)rocesses PERIODIC,AL: Refcrativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 8, 1962, abstract 8-2-145 u (Souhrn 7praci- o auto- inat:,)1959, Prague, 1961, 59 - 76 [Czech-.; sum-mary in Eng TEXT: The author determines dynamic properties of automatic control systems with given input and output signal's and having a monot response to a stepped input. The optimum c-ontrol process for such systems is analyzed. The selection of parameters for the optimum system of the nth order with equal time constants is carried out wilvh the aid of a system of the second order with different time constants, which approximates the former system. The most suitable Method o ,f analysi8 of optimum control processes was found to be the "optimum modulus" method. This method was checked on a system of the tenth order containing a delay element, also on a system with Card 1/2 3/194/62/000/008/030/100 Results of investigations into ... D201/D308 zero position error and a delay element. [Abstracter's note: Comple- te translation.j V/B 0--rd 2/2 PHASE I BOOK EXFLOITATION SOV/4938 Strejc.L V~~Lmir, Engineer, Milan BaldaY Engineer, Docent, and Miloslav Krampers, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Engineer Primeneniye avtomaticheskogo regulirovaniya v promyshlennosti (Industrial Appli- cation of Automatic Control) Translated from the Czech by B. N. Barbarov. Moscow., Gostoptekhnizdat, 1960. 228 P- 7,200 copies printed. Ed.: G. M. Ulanov, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Exec. Ed.: A. A. Gorlkova; T_-ch- Ed.: I. G. FL-dotova. PURPOSE: This book is intended for workers, foremen, and technical personnel in industry. COVERAGE: The book describes the present state and the prospects for further development of automation in the chemical, fuel, and raw-materials indus- tries. The information contained in the book is based on the experience of Czechoslovakia and other countries in automation systems. A series of general problems and methods of automation of some industrial processes are presented. Basic technical requirements are systematically reviewedY and layout diagrams for industrial automation, methods of measuring Card 1/5 Industrial Application (Cont.) SOV/4938 signals, and information used in industrial-control systems are studied. Simplified evaluations of the technical and economic efficiency of auto- mation and the design elements of automatic-control systems are given. The present state-of-the-art in automation in Czechoslovakia is discussed in the preface to the translation. No personalities are mentioned. There are 151 references: 103 Soviet, 21 Czech, 17 English, 9 German, and 1 French. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface to the Translation 5 From the Author 9 A. Introduction (V. Strejc) 1. Importance o-f-a-UT-o-m-a-tic control 11 2. Basic concepts of automatic control 14 3. Methods of automatic control 22 Card 2/ 5 Industrial Application (Cont.) sov/4938 4. Multipulse control systems 29 5. Technical conditions for automatic control systems 33 6. General rules for the selection of automatic devices 37 7. Selection of location for control and central supervision 44 8. Cabinets and control boards 46 9. Assembly and maintenance 56 B. Relay Networks 10. Relay components 61 11. Symbolic circuits 67 12. Automatic signaling 70 13. Blocking 73 14. Cyclic connection and disconnection 77 15. Series connection and disconnection of automatic devices 83 16. Remote control 88 17. Examples of automated production 92 C. Examples of the Automation of Production Processes 18. Heat exchangers 1o6 Card 3/5 Industrial Application (Cont,) 19. Control of boilers (M. Balda) 20. Automatic regulation of driers of (V. StreJc)_ 21. Regulation of air conditioners 22. Regulation of refrigerators (M. Balda) 23. Regulation of heating 24. Regulation of steam suction-exhaust 25. Regulation of conamrpt1on and of consumption relationships (M. Krampera) -6. Regulation of the shaft speed of machines (M. Balda) 27. Servomechanisms 28. Regulation of evaporators (M. Krarrpera) 29. Regulation of distillation columns (V. _e ,W,jc) 30. Regulation of composition (M. Krampera) 31. Regulation of neutralization processes (V. Strejc 32. Regulation of processes under high pressure K Krampera) D. Economics of Automatic Control (V.._B:tPu0 33. Determining the economic effect of automatic control SOV/4938 112 124 12-7 133 155 137 139 145 149 151 163 176 181 190 194 Card 4/5 Industrial Application (Cont.) 34. Examples of economic computation E. Selection of a Regulator for Specific Instances of Automatic Control 35. Simplified computation of control systems 36. Examples of control system computation Bibliography AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (TJ213-S747) Card 5/5 SOVA938 200 203 911 222 ,TP/dfk/os 4/lo/61 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4387 V 'k Kotek, I.rejr-.' VLadimir, Engineer, Miroslav Salamon, Doctor, Engineer, Zdene of Technical Sciences, and Milan Balda, Docent, Er.glae,-r, Candidate of Technical Sciences ts~:,rii avtomaticheskogo regulirovaniya (Basic Theories In Automatic R4gula"Aon) Moscow, Gostoptekhizdat, 1960. 332 P- 5,200 copies printed. Trar)st,tfed from the Czenh. TraD.Plator- G. M. Golldenberg, Engineer; Ed.: M. P. Simoyaj Executive Ed.: A., A. Gnrlkova; Tbch. Ed.: A. V. Trofimov. Thie book is Intended for topchnical personnel engaged in the automatic regulation ~~f industrial processuxs. COITERAGE- The bc,:~k -Dresents the fundamentals of the theory of automatic regula- fl.-Dn rJI.' linear and nonlinear systems, and of intermittent types of regulation. P!umvr:,,-.q methods of axalyzing regulation systems with regard to the stability riegul%Uonprocesses and the determination of the optimum adjusting of P-ast.-' The--ries -Th (Cont. ) SOV/4387 feg~-Iatoraq reviewed. No personalities are mentioned. References ac- -M '~e pwly M, ctions of the volume. An additional list of references con- '71P-1-729 .59 tlitleG, 16 %:)vlet, 9 Czech, 8 English and 6 German. TPUBIE OF CONTENTS: K. The regUat;I.,:),a syst-em 5 V!~.:-Iable values- of the regulation system 8 Di--r--n-f:,Icn]jeLs equations of the regulation system 12 B. Linear Regt~L%Uon Systems 4, SclLt.-Ion of differential linear equations with constant coefficiental.6 5, lap-Ir-,ce-Wagner transform 25 6, "I'ables of Japlace transforms and inverses 27 of differential equattions of regulation systems by means ot the LW #transform 32 Fre,-,~vensy-msponee characteristic and transfer function 34 9, Algebra f?f transfer f~jnctions 41 1, Serl-eE connection of components 4i 2 IIbrv&II.P1 connection of components 42 5. C~-lumection of components by means of feedback 43 AUTHORS: TITLE: Strejc, V.j and Ruzvicka, J. 29563 S/024/61/000/005/003/009 E140/E135 (Prague) The theory of autonomy and invariance in multiparameter digital systems PERIODICAL, Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk. Energetika i avtomatika, no,5~ ig6o, 51-71 TEXT; Autonomous automatic control systems with mutually coupled multiple parameters are those in which variation of a single control quantity affects only the corresponding controlled parameters while the remaining parameters are unaffected, However, noise appearing in any particular branch of the systems affects all of them. In invariant systems noise does not affect the controlled parameters. An ideal system is therefore one in which the :onditions of autonomy and invariance are satisfied simultaneously, This has been previously studied for continuous systems, but the authors are unaware of publications on the theory of multiparameter digital :ontrols, This is the subject of the present study, Card 1/6 S/024/61/000/005/()03/009 The Lheory of autonomy and invariance.-E140/E135 The authors employ the method of analogy between the matrix equation of a multiparameter system with the equation of a single parameter system. The following results are obtained, In multiparameter digital control systems the form of the control transfer function permitting a finite number of control steps f~3 found. The requirement for a finite number of control steps coincides with the requirement of autonomy. The autonomy condition c;an be fulfilled only with e = 0, where c is defined in Fig,l. After a finite number of steps the autonomy condition can also be satisfied for c /- 0 for certain constraints on the transfer function, The treatment of -4nvarian~e is similar to the treatment of autonomy, It is found 'hat the invariance ~condition can be satisfied only if c = O~ The requirement of a finite number of control steps cannot be iat-isfied in the presence of noise in the time intervals C = 0- In order for an invariant system to be stable it in netessary that the numerator and the denominator of the determinants of the system matz--~x be Hurwitz polynomials, A di-tailed solution of a numeri.-al example is presented. It is shown that the ca-,~! 2/4 295b3 The theory of autonomy and .... S/024/61/000/005/003/009 E140/E135 transient behaviour of multiparameter systems can be improved by the same means as in single parameter systems. There are 7 figures, 3 tables and 17 references: 12 Soviet-bloc and 5 non-Soviet-bloc. The four most recent English language re'ferences read: Ref.9: D.J. Povejsil, A.M. Fuchs. A Method for the Preliminary Synthesis of a Complex Multiple-Loop,Control System. A.I.E.E. Appl. and Industry, 1955, No.19, p.129. Ref.10: R.J. Kavanagh. The Application of Matrix Methods to Multi-Variable Control Systems. J. Franklin Institute, 1956, v.262, PP-349-367. Ref.11: R.J. Kavanagh. Noninteracting Controls in Linear Multivariable Systems. A.I.E.E. Appl. and Industry, 1957, v-76, PP-95-100. Ref.12: H. Freeman. A Synthesis Method for Nfultipole Control Systems. A.I.E.E. Appl. and Industry, 1957, v.76, pp.28-31. SUBMITTED: April 25, 1961 Card 3/T STREJC, Vladimir, C.Sc., Engineer The general theory of autonomity and invariance of linear systems of control. Acta techn. Cz 5 no-3:235-258 160. (EW 9:10) 1. Institute for Information Theory and Automation, Czechoslovak Akademy of Sciences, Praha. (Automatic control) 3 1 1, 18 S/M9/61/001/000/003/019 IL'?'Oo -31 / 3 D2741D364 AUT11011t Streje, V., Engineer, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Cvi-6hosl v vakia) TITLEs Tabulation of optimum control processes and results obtained so far SOURCE 8 International Federation of Automatic Controlo Ist Congress) Moscow, 1960. Teoriya nepreryvnykh statem. Spe.tsicLlfnyye matematicheskiye problemy. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR9 1961. Trudy, Y, 12 123-139 TEXTs In systems which involve heat processes, fluid- and gas mechanicso as well as in chemical incListriesq the dyaamic properties of the controlled object (process) are deitemined by the transient characteristic and not by the frequentY charaeteristii;. As the transient characteristic cannot be readily determined,, effective methods had to be developed. Thus, the Institute for Information Theory and Automation of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences developed approximate methods for determining the transient Card 1,18 31318 S/569JOI/001/000/003/019 Tabulation of optimum., 1~274/D304 characteristics and of the general cur-wes of input- and output signals of linear systems. The approximate methods involve second-order systems with different time constants and n-th order systems with similar time con- stants; such methods satisfy all the requirements and make it possible to take into account transportation lags 1u order to determine the parameters of the optimum control process for objects vhose dynamic characteristics were already adequately approximated~ a corresponding method had to be selected. The method of "optimum modulus" was found to be the most conveni- ent. This method was used for single-loop systems with approximating equations up to the tenth order and transportation lag, with all standard types of continuous controllers. The obtained results are listed in a table ready for use by engineera. The systems considered have usually a monotonic transient characteristic.. If the system has no parallel loops and feedbacks) its tranafer function is F,, (P) = SO... (I + PT,7 The dynamic properties of such a system are described by linear equations Card 2/8 Tabulation of optimum, with constant coefficients: n t) ;118 S!b J'N'1/001/000/003/019 ~274 D304 (2) whe re t) is the input variable, Ct) (t)-the output variable, mV - constant coefficients, a--the order of the equation., The corresponding Pr -transient characterisiie is expressed by A-0 / D H t) + C e .. T (3) 21 where /-J() is tb+ step change of input variable, TV are time constants, and V.. .--integration constants which can be expressed by Card 3/8 I 13 1,9 Sr/mg/61/001/000/003/019 Tabulation of optimum. D274/D304 V (4) n [I (T~ Fr~)m Eqs,. (3) avid (4), it is evident that the form of the transient charac- teristic is determined by the Jarger time constants of the same order. Hear,e, the dynamic characteristics should be approXLmated either by sys- tems with n aimilar time constants or (if n ~,. 2) by second-order systems with different time constants. Both methods vere tested (at the Institute for Information Theory) and found satisfactory- The method of determining the approximating functions is very simple and has been described in detail in literature. If the system has parallel loops and feedbacks, it is necessary to determine the dynamic characTeristics of the various elements to which the above approximation method is applicable. Taking into con- sideration Out .r(.ry often it is impossible to experimentall-y determine Card 4/8 31318 S/569j6l./001/000/003/01 9 Tabulation of optimum..o D274/WO4 the transient characteristic, it is convenient to evaluate the general curves of the input- and output signals. If the above approximation's apply, then it is enough to determine the constants a., a, and #2 of Eq. (2) ; hence, T1 and T 2 can be found (or n and T). If the general input- and output signals can be successively integrated (for systems not higher than second order), then &0, a, and 82 Lau be found from 2 b (j = 192s3p ... (6) j With the notation 2 2 2 (t)dtJ - S( Card 5/8 A 1 1 313.18 S/569/61/001/000/003/019 Tabulation of optimum-. i274/D30'4 where *, I atul t 2 are the initial- and final moment of the general input- and output signal (t), one obtains %Oj a j) (t 2 1) S (co Ij ; 2) -7T-Z-711- - j-1 a2j V(td - T'(tl) (7) (t 2 - t, P-1 (t t,~') j-, S 2.1 '(f2) "d (j - 2)1-- J-2 bj Si (!~L) The method is also applicable to systems with non-monotonic transient characteristics. Assuming the dynamic properties of control systems with Card 6/8 'f 318 S/5`691 /61/001/000/003/019 Tabulation ol optimum..., D274/J)304 a monotonic transient characteristic to have been mathematically formu- lated~ the optimum processes for such systems can be calculated and tabu- lated. For this purposeq the method (c titerion) of "optimum modulus,n originally proposed by It. C. Oldenburg and H. Sartoriua was adopted. The "optimum modulus" conditions were extended by J. MarAik to certain types of transcendental equations. This method can be applied (in its generalized formulation) t,3 all types of linear networks and also to networks with transportation lag. If, however, the control time is such that the con- trolled variable is less than � 4% of the value of the change in input variable, then the "optimum modulus" Driterion no longer yields satisfac- tory results: in such a case, the square in.1egral criterion has to be used. The two criter,.d are complementary. Graphs show the properties of the two criteria. Further. the influence of a change in the point of application of the input variable is~ considered and of the influence of various forms of inpat signals, It was found that for practical purposes it is sufficient to tabulate the values of the chosen constants for the most incoulrenient casi; this restmets considerably the number of tabulated variables. The above simplifications make it feasible to use computer-i Card 7/8 3131.8 S/569 61/001/000/003/019 Tabulation of optimum. i274,~D304 for tabulating optimum processes. Thereby,, all the necessary variables e,an be plof,tt-d--in the case of a simple control system with continuous controller. f-3r exampla--on ten diagrams only. Fu.,rther, one of these diagrams is shown. In the case of complex control systems,, it is more Wr convenient to numerically sol-ve the problem for each particular case separately. There are 7 figures. 4 tables and 12 referencess 5 Soviet- bloc and 7 non.-So vie t-.blo.r;. The".raferon4es to the English-language publications read as follorb~ ~J. 0. Ziegler, N~ D. Nichols, Optimum settings for automatic controller#, Trans. ASME, 64, 1942, 759-7681 K. L. Chien, J. A. 11rones, J~ B. Resvick, On-the automatic control of generalized passi-ye systems, Trans., ASME2 74, 1952V 175-1851 P~ Hazenbroeck, B. L. van der Waerden, Theoretical considerations on the optimum adjustment of regulators. Trans., A 72. 1950^ 309-315, The optimum adjustment of regulators, Trans,, ASME, 72, 1950, 317-322; R. C. Oldenburg, H. Sartorius, Auniform approach to the optimum adjU3tment of control loops, (collections Frequency Response, The Macmillan Co,, New York, 1956). ASSOCIATION3 Institute for Information Theorv and Automation of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague Card 8/8 41h6o S/044/62/000/009/057/069 A06O/AOOO AUTHOR: Streje, Vladimir TITLE: Evaluation of general signals with non-zero initial conditions PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 9, 1962, 41, abstract 9V217 ("Acta techn." (CSSR), 1961, vo. 6, no. 4, 378 - 391; English; Russian summary) MYT: The problem is considered of determining the coefficients of the linear differential equation of an object with constant coefficients if its in- put function i.L(t) and the output function cp (t) are known, under the condition that the order of the equation is known. If the differential equation is inte- grated between the limits tj and t2, one obtains a linear algebraic equation with respect to the coefficients of the original equation with coefficients'be- ing functions of t2 t2 (Y) (t1)' T(Y) (t T (t) dt, (-LY(tJP (t (t) dt t1, t2, T 2)1 2)1 tl dard 1/2 3/044/62/000/009/057/069 Evaluation of general signals~with .... rAO60/AOOO Under two-fold integration [first between the limits (t~ t2), and then (tl, t2)] one obtains one more algebraic equation, and so on. As a result it is possible to obtain as many equations as there are unknown coefficients. A sufficient precise solution is obtained only in the case that the values of (A (t), (p (t) and their derivatives at the points tj and t2 are.known with sufficient preci- sion. The author eliminates ihis difficulty by multiplying i-L (t) and cp (t) by the function rJ (t) in such a manner that the functions - M = ~t (t) d M and 7p (t) = -' (t) d (t) themselves and a sufficient number of their deriva- t tives vanish at the points ti and t2. In that case one manages to obtain alge- braic equations which do not depend upon the initial and final'values of (.L(t) and cp M - E.M. Braverman LAbstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 STMJC) V., inz.,, C.Sc. Ensuring the control reliability in complex automation by means of digital automatic computers. Automatizace 5 no.5:123-128 My 1612. 1. Ustav teorie informace a automatizacep Ceskoslovenska akademie ved. G/033/62/000/007/001/009 1029/1229 I)THOPI: -S-t V M Kjejq I _,, Dipl.-Ing., Candidate of Sciences and RUI(tka'J., Dipl.-Ing. T iT ILE Ontimnl control of multiple-parameter control s-yatem3 with digital computers G D 1 C A L : ZeItsohrift f;ir Mes3en, Steuern, Regeln, no.7', 1962, 289-293 6 _'7 - futtire digital computer techniques will ba widely _.' 1.: in tho noa. uv! t! d to control complicnted processes. The synthesis of nultiple-parameter contrql systems with continuous control line and discontinuous automatic regulators, using digital computor tachnIques, iz discussed and formulated for the case df optimal command vilth regi-rd to a finite number of steps and dis- .turbance-food-forward. A~ illustrative example is worked out. There are 6 figures# Card 1/2 G/033/62/000/007/001/009 1029/1229 optimal control of multip16-parameter&ee ASSOCIATION: ~~esko-slovensk~ Akademie V Ustav toorle informace a automat.*,iace (Institute of Information Theory and AutomAtion, The Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences), Prague Card 2/2 S/271/63/000/003/015/049 A060/A126 AUTHOR: Strejc, V. TITLE: Optimizing multi-paramf)ter processes with the aid of digital Com- puters PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika, telemekhanika i vychislitellnaya tekhnika, no. 3, 1963, 59, abstract 3A337 (Automatizace, 1962, v. 5, no. 7, 182 - 185; Czech.) TEM For optimal control the computer should carry out the computations; n satisfying the equati dT' on r dyif = 0, where yij = y01, ..., Yom YM1, i =t ynm are the input signals of rhe control system; I is the characteristic function of the optimizer and dependent upon the input and the output signals. It is assumed that this dependence Ls determinate and has an extremum. In cer- tain cases a better optinality criterion is the extremum of the integral of (t), or the extremum of the mean values of the function -1 (t). In that Card 1/2 5/?71/63/000/003/015/049 Optimizing multi-parameter procesEei with the A0601AI26 ~:1~6 thb Tbtf8H 19 ~df;J4~d 86t by thO tir:d df the Wibner;:Hopf integral equatim; There are figures and I reference. Ye. G. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 ACcESSIOU MRS AT4040382 AL'THOR., Strejc Z/2503/6j/()00/0 TITLE 1 0 Vladimir (Streyt, 09/0169/0,8111 'Theory of 0 Vladimir) a digital the SOURCE, comPuter and Synthesis 11 mu'ti-parame "Posed toft a ter system c G t r-0.1 U. Caskos lOveniska akad,,,, 0 action Of random Signal ontaInIng, Stro, jo nn zpracov,,, ved. TOPIC TAGs- InformaCIVYzkumny usta system 9 Yatem Gyntile.j., o no. 9 " matematfck dt'Ita I comPuter control syotem # 1963, 169-18, ych , random ABsTRAC2-, synth The article R SfPn.1 MultlParameter eBizIng a Ives C Or' t ro c"Puter and tile derivat 'au I t I P a ra me t e r least mean . acted U Control Ion of a Reneral which guare Pon by random theory F Is known deviations -Ignanystem fncludfn,~, 4 digital or is extended In In the sen "- 'rile theory a the field of se tens that to hybrid Mul continuous Of Wiener This from the:i 1 eqU4t satisfying tile co tiParnmeter cont filters w. theory i Ion Ld not ndl rol Ith one I with digital aUffIc Ientlo"s for a0lvIn tems . Pnrameter,11 t to It Is a Card correcting I men 12 naure Stabg tile Wiener-11opf hovn 1/2 a e to- The aulllty Of a Integral thor proP . COntro, 1 sea sup 1117stem P ementing the dete f rom A74040362 The XCCESSIOV conditions LtrOl in the rith Stability of hybrid cor , the deviations value 0 eris conditions hoots r1manCe. crit these theory Of the 'Ynt mean squarG the perfOlminative synthegise minative least I as one of Irl no of the solution based On thee accepte, ral theory Of dete conditio 4 figures, ,r can b the uiene in the gene conditions and art. has" sense of n be OPP'Lied invariance is showna origo which cl ation between eviations hutomations The ean squarc of least M t ,, .formation 7heOrl T-LO1i I In stitu a jenceG 00 demY Of un64 'SSOC'JA &CA czachookova uhu hcQt IBI ,SRI 002 OT 662 EDS 03&u 001 SUB141-TT No REY sovs SUjj'C0D9t C,,,j 2 2 Vi adimill r Tre de ~ ermin Ls -, i a rn of :.-,u: c ont ro 10OFs by a digital comput 'pr according to the mean va:i,.,! of the clk~,-rarjLeri~~ti- ve-riable. Str~j na zprac inf 10:141-151 '64. I. institute of Inforr%qtlori Theory ana Automation, Czechoslovak 1 Academy of Sciences, Prague. _Z(f_C_1TR_: AP6030185 SOU-RCE- COD-Z. C*',-/008,3/u5/'OOO-/,305/0399/0409 ~Trojc. Vladi---ir-c~nginoor; Doctor of sciences) 0.-., GInstituto of Information Theor and Autoration, CSA11, Prague (Uatav toorie inform-ico a automatizace TIM: Physical roalizalbility of an op'Cli=%, C.;anma-pararxiter, discrete, linear control sy5ton determined in Wiener's sonso SOURC7.,~Ak~ybernatika, no. 5, 1965, 399-409 TOPIC TAGS: linear control system, autonatic control theory ABSTRJZT: The theory is discussed of the synthesis of linear loops with a continuousiy operating controlled syston, and vith a discretely acting controller. The input signals of the loop are cross-correlated random signals. It is assur-nd that the controllers, or the discretely acting correcting riemlors, are roalizod'by an automatic computer di-, roctly comiocted in the Ifoedback of the controlled syston. Attention is drawn to the-) fact that the normal synthesis procedure according to the minimum of mean square deviation may lead to physically nonrealizable transfer functions of closed con- ,trol loops. It in also shown that there are different conditions of physical .realizability for loops designed for optimal controlling action where operative co=ar,d signals are distorted by disturbances, and for loops designed for the optimal compensation of disturbances where the command signala are invariable. Card C/ L 40861-6b-- ACC NR. AP6030185 Thle method is demonstrated by which it is possible to decide in advance whether the resultant transfer functions of closed control loops will or will not be physically realizable. For the latter case a modified synthesis procedure is presented by which it is possible to ensure the conditions of physical realiz- abil-ity. The theory of synthesis in thls sense has been worked out in general -for multi-paramter, linear control loops with cross-correlated input signals. It is assumed that disturbances may act at the same points as the co=and sig- nals, or at any arbitrary input points of the controlled system. The results car, be easily applied to simple control loops, e.g., single-parameter loops. In conclusion two examples are presented to illustrate the proposed modified synthesis procedure. In both examples the normal procedure leads to a phyOcal- ly nonrealizable sqJut;on. orig. art. has: 2 figures and 40 formulas. LBased on author's Eng. abst./ LJPRS: 34 1497 SUB CODE: 13 / SUBM DATE: 23Apr65 / CRIG REF: 002 / SOV REFs 001 OTH REF. 001 Card 2/2 -/' (:~~ ACC NRI AT6029408 SOURCE CODE: CZ/2.503/C)C)/000/01')/0169/0183 AUTHOR:- Strejc, Vladimir- Strejts, Vladimir ORG: Institute for Information Theory and Automation, Czechoslovak Academ of Sciences, Prague TITLE: The theory of the synthesis of a multiparameter,- hybrid, linear control system exposed to the action of stationary, cross-related, random input signals SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska akademie ved. Vyzkumny ustav matematickych stroju. Stroje na zpracovani informaci, no. 12, 1966, 169-183 TOPIC TAGS: automatic digital computer, Laplace transform ABSTRACT: The author analyzes the definition of optimum transfer functions of a multiparameter linear, or at least linearizable with a sufficient approximation, I hybrid control system. The term ".hybrid control system" is used here in the sense that the controlling function is realized by discrete correcting members .(discrete filters) on the one hand, and by continuous acting controllers on the other. The theory of synthesis is expressed in the discrete Laplace transform and quality Card 1/ 2 ,--A~cc N-R-;-A-T__6-0-2-940-8 control is assessed according to Wiener. It is proposed to realize the discrete filters with the aid of a computer. It is supposed that the input signals are cross correlated. The transfer of the command signals is partly determined by condi- tions of stability resulting from the theory of regulation with the aid of automatic computers described in another work (Strejc, V. : Zajisteni spolehlivosti pri komplexni automatizaci samocinnym cislicovym pocitacem (Ensuring Reliability ip Complex Automation by Automatic Digital Computer), Automatizace V (1962), no. 5, pp. 123-1261. The synthesis method is illustrated in an example, given by,'' the author, which determines the optimum command transfer junction's of a two- parameter control system with cross -correlated random stationary command input signals of zero mean value. Orig. art. has: 61 formulas. [GCJ SUB CODE: 09, 12/ SUBM DATE: 20Feb64/ ORIG REF: 002/ SOV REF: 00 1/ OTH REF: 00 1/ I Card 2 2 Flotation properties of organic !LUTface-active compounds. M. DolefIl. J. Bulandr, and Z. StrejC kv Rumn, U!;Iav a. Prague) . W35-T-Prague) 6. No. 4, 1-8 z' -4,958R- P-aurface-active compds., which are used as collect"s, frothcrs, emulsifico. 65persers, etc., were studied. Lj The conco. of these coznp&. in l.. was detd. volumetri- cally. The Burface-active Ions present in some of these couipds., as well as their behavior as strong electrolytes, were established. 1. Ilypr_. - ------------ 19 6 5 WP(01 /fVT(,P) ZWJD ACCESC-10H MR' AP049955 z /0059/61/000/001/00 59/1:0ov, AUTHOR: Strejeek, A. (Engineer, Candidate of sciences) TITIZ; Contribution to the problem of radlal cracks the base of the lock of ,the disk t% SOURCE. Letnarg. VY7k=y a zkwebnI _tqcV ustay., Zpmvodaj v%lu, no. 1p le 1964, 39-W- 1 TOPIC TAGS: turbojet engine, lwk base, disk lock., radial crack, pressure tens cycle disk lifetine, disk rim, plastic defo=atica -ABSTRACT.- The article analyzes the problem of calculating pressure-teUsiM cycles in the rim of the turbine disk of e. twto,Jet ezaine during Gimulated MeAt opera- tion on the test block. The study was umlertaken because the published results of