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88440 S/056/60/039/006/071/063 Boo6 B056 AUTHOR: Stratonovich, R. L. TITLE: Fluctuation Thermodynamics of 17onequilibrium Processes PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, 11o. 6(12), pp. 1647-1659 TEXT: Hitherto, the most important results obtained in the field of the quantum thermodynamics of nonequilibrium processes have been obtained by using perturbation-theoretical methods. In the present paper, a relation is derived between the two-dimensional characteristic function of the statistical equilibrium fluctuations and the one-dimensional characteristic function (distribution function) of the nonequilibrium process without using the perturbation theory. For the purpose of deriving this relation, the quantum-theoretical apparatus developed by Feynman (Ref. 5) is used. I The relation obtained is (9): 0 8 exp Equilibrium at the temperature T n 1/kA 4' 3kTu' Card 1/3 88440 Fluctuation Thermodynamics of Yon- S10561601039100610311063 equilibriui.,l Processes B006/B056 is determined by the density matrix eW-Aff, where'YE Y (T,a) __ _(~71In Sp e- r1H the free energy, a thermodynamical parameter, the other parameters being defined as usual (cf. Ref- 5), and the Feynman relation e-f~H+uF = exp A(H)s + u(F) ds3 holds. This universal relation (9) between the equilibrium distribution of the fluctuations and the non- equilibrium fluctuation processes leads to a number of new results. In the transition to one-dimensional distribution, an important formula is obtained, which furnishes the quantum generalization of the theory of equilibrium functions by V, B. Magalinskiy and Ya. P, Terletskiy. From (9) it is possible, by differentiation, to derive Callen's equation in the theory of non-equilibrium fluctuations. By means of (9) it is further possible to investigate a phenomenon of basic interest, called "residual correlations", which consists in the fact that in the case of equilibrium fluctuations, the correlations between the values of thermodynamical parameters do not vanish if the interval of time is increased; thus, this is a case of non-ereodicity. The residual correlations and the non- Card 2/3 88440 Fluctuation Thermodynamics of B'on- S10561601039100610311063 equilibriur.a 1'rocez;3es B006/3056 erGodicit,, , coefficient introduced can be expressed by the thermodynLimical functions of Mae _,ystev.. In the case of a proportional increase of the volume of '..:c ,;,iste,,.-. and of the number of particles it contains, residual correlrl'.'on~- .-1: 1. non-cr&odicity coefficient remain finite. If the prin- ciplo of 'U~c. reveisibilitty of the time axis is applied to (9), the reciprocitL- conditions may be derived herefrom. As, in this case, the -mallno-zi c' ~1,c ~crturbation is not assumed, the deviation of the non- equilibriu,:. ~;rocess from the equilibrium process need not necessarily be small, an(: ",-o equation describing a rela,,cation yrocess need not neces- sarily be lin,:ar (OnsaGer equation). It is shown how the Onsaf;er relations can be extended to nonlinear nonequilibrium processes. V. V. Vladimirskiy is mentioned. There are 9 references: 4 Soviet and 5 US. AS:XCIA'.'IO1.: Eo,;kovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow state Unjiversity) SUB11ITT'_D: May 25, 1960 Card STRATONOVICIII -, It'L ; KIM-1011TOVICH, Yu.L. , nauchnyy red., dots.; IVAIIUSHKO,11.D.., . --. SVESIR,'IKOV, A.A., tekhn. re,1. (Selected problems concerning the theory of fluctuations in radio engineering] lzbrannye voprosy teorli fliuktuatsii v radiotekhnike. 1,/joskva, Izd-vo "Sovetskoe radio," 1961. 557 p. WIRA 14:12) (Radio) S/024/61/000/002/011/014 E.140/E113 A =IHOR: Stratonov-ich,_JLj, (Moscow) TITLE: Conditional distribution of correlated random points and utilization of the correlation for the optimal detection of a pulse signal in noise PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Energetika i avtomatika, 1961, No.2, pp.148-158 TEXT: The author considers the general problem of a variable number of pulses with correlation between given pulses in the train and shows that utilization of the a priori knowledge of the correlation permits improved detection of pulses in noise. Let A denote the event in which there are n random points in the signal, displaced a small amount from their true positions in the signal. Then the conditional density distribution for the signal with noise for the event A can be used, with suitable qJ6 passage to the limit of zero displacement, to determine the conditional probability for the n points and this in turn leads C, to the a posteriori distribution function. A number of results given in an appendix are involved in the derivation. Two examples Card 1/2 S11811611003161010081036 )"I'M 0161 M/ 7,116 B102/B108 AUTHORt Stratonovizh,_R~~ TITLEt Statistics of magnetizatidn in the Iaing model PERIODICALs Fizika tverdogo tela, v- 31 no. 10, 1961, 2955 --~ 2966 TEXTs The magnetization probability distribution is calculated for a bounded one-dimensional anisotropic crystal oonsisting of chain moleoules. In the Ising modelp the free energy in suoh a crystal, f(H) --row - MHO is represented as a statistical sum: Z(H) = en"W. M - -avai is the magnetization (the extensive inner parameter), K - the field strength (the intensive outer parameter), t(H) - the free Gibbs energy, Ir (M) the free 0 Helmholtz energytp - (kT)-'. The sought magnetization-probability distribution dons ty is given in Fourier representation by. j,j( Z(H-*-ikTv) dv. e- Me 2n 29686 S/18 61/003/010/008/036 Statistics of magnetization... B102YB108 The Hamiltonian of a one-dimensional Ising chain is given by N-I Ar 'V = -j I ISA-I.-I - 11 - ~H I Si. (9) where ?8 are the components of the dipole moment of the elementary dipole. For N dipoles,Z(H)= chj-o- -x-'-sh2j A"-' -i- ch x -#- sh2 V;hjt -I Vshl il -+- xt A c h 71eS-1 12 -,q - -,- 4-T; X = e-10j, 'I = PI"M results from exact calculation. ZI(H) -A N + AN or, approximately# Z' (H) - exp[pmoflly~H-7-1 + exp r-AM VrH +7 (17) holds for a dipole chain H +H 01 0 1 0 V V forming' a loop. By means of these formulas, the distribution density (7) is calculated with the new variable p - PH + iv. Card 2 25U6 S/181/61/003/0'10/008/036 Statistics of magnetization... B102/B108 11T5 - M2 W M == -L -I. ( I/ ~~ - ) -f- - -4- Mk Mk Afk vk'~-~M' Mk (25) is found, and, with the aid of (17), W M MO M`) F(-H) Mkj1M-1 10 I O-Mv for a closed chain. -+- a (M MO) (M -f- MO) Mo ~iN, Ho kTx/4. (26~ The probability for all dipoles to have positive (or negative) orientation is given by 'ZO(H) (M - +M ), or, for a closed chain eP MH /Z'(H). In the followingp the 0 author derives and'diecusees asymptotic formulas for the probability dard 31 Statistics of magnetization... distribution with large M . With f, (H) 0 as Z,YUUU S/181/61/003/010/008/036 B102/BJ08 mean - -M~fHr+ (kT/M.) fMO"-K It (M) -(kT/Mk) - magnetization of the correlation region) and iv as W(M) exp[pl"(H) +PMH -Alr O(M)] is found with e 211 F(M)-t- -No (-V-MT (37) e- E-3- VM,2, - M2 'tm, F(M)= j -Mt V'jjo~,V2 -ya ThiB function has three minima and, at large M, increases as kT (M2+2M0M); (1 2 . kTM0p/x. For a region which may be considered as 2o2 - belonging to an infinite chain w(M=C;-Ieojw["-4--VH--t.-HO2-L-Ha f(M. (41). kT ORD am] =h H exp [=fz PAIH-- PM. (42) 2 Card 4/5 H" 29686 S/181/61/003/010/008/036 Statistics of magnetization... B102/B108 is found. N denotes the number of adjacent dipoles and M their total magnetization. Multiple magnetization correlations are investigated by means of the theory of the Markov procesees. Approximate formulas are derived for a finite closed chain. In the last chapter the author discusses the applicability of the results to other systems with long- range interaction. The author thanks V. L. Ginzburg for discussions. There are 7 references, 4 Soviet and 3 non.-Soviet. The two references to English-language publications read as followst G. F. Newell, E. W. MontToll. Rev. Mod. Phys., 25., 353, 1953; C. Domb. Adv. in Phys., 9, 149r 1960; B. Kaufmanq L. Onsager. Phys. Rev., 1_6- 8, 1244, 1949- ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (MoBcow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTEDt April 10, 1961 KUM171"OVY P.I.; STPUTOYOVIC11, R.L.; TI.,UIGI.'OV, V.I. (Iloscow) Some problems involving conditional prol- '1--ty and quasi- moment functions. Teor. veroiat. i cc 6 no.4:458-,164 161. (n= a4:11) (Probabilities) AUTHOR: TITLE: Stratonovich, R.L. 2h865 S/109/61/006/007/005/020 D262/D-4;06 Optimal reception of a narrow band signal of unknovm frequency on a background of noise PERIODICAL: hadiotekhnika i elektronikat v. 6, no. 7P 1961# 1063 - 1075 TEXT: In the present artuicle, optimal receiving sy-stems are propo- sed. These are designed using the principle of keeping track of the most probable value of the signal frequency. For this purpose a fre- quency discriminator with feedback could be used. The optimum amount of feedback is determined theoretically from the equations of opti- mum detection. This value varies because of the varying information. Another property of the system is that detuning L from resonant fre- quencies of the discriminator circuits is not in direct dependence on the time ol" the a priori deterir~ined variation of frequency and on the damping of the ccts. There are, however, certain difficul- ties related to the start of observations. At this instanT the fore- Card 1/4 24'65 6/109/61/006/007/005/02C) Optimal reception of a ... D262/D306 quency may be far fron predicted and the ByStC-M Will initially ope- rate in a non-optir,,lal regime. These difficult.Jes are omitted in the present article. It is assumed that the initial determination of Prequency is achieved using e.G. the system of parallel circuits (Ref, 3: Yu.B. Chernyakj obnarusheniye signala s neizvestnoy chas- totoy i proizvollnoy nachallnoy fazoy na fone belogo shuma, Radio- tekhnika i elektronika, 1960, 5,3, 366). The proposed system is then connected, the frequency determined i-nore accurately and its changes followed. The system works in a non-stationary regime. First the dposteriori probability density of frequency is deterni- ned. Initially tle signal parameters are assumed constant and hav- ing the apriori distribution density w (A, cp 9 (,,) = -1 vi (A) vi (W) - pr 21t pr Pr The distorted signal r(t) = s(t) + n(t) is received during time 0 < t--_ T. After reception frequency w becomes a random quantity, determined by the a posteriori distribution density w Ps (w, T) which Card 2/4 I % 24865 S/109/61/006/007/005/020 Optimal reception of a ... . D262/D306 has to be determined. If the noise n(t) is a 14arkov process thbn there is a corresponding functional of probability 17Ln(t))&' Since the signal is statistically independent of noise the joint distri- bution of signal parameters can be written as const wpr w) VI[n(t) from which the aposteriori distribution of signal parameters has* the form of 17 ps (A,cf, w) = const wpr (A, cp, w) 'W[r(t) co.s('Wt + (2) To obtain the aposteriori distribution for frequency Eq. (1) has to be considered and (2) integrated with respect to A andcP&-Several*i particular cases are then given. It is stated in conclusion that the described system is not ideal. This is so because d I da M (too, T) 8 &VT Card 3/4 S/109/61/006/OQ7/005/020 Optimal reception of a ... D262/D306 in particular is approximate only representing the first equation of pL more complicated system, but the gorresponding error is the smaller, the greater the accuracy of the:aposteriori evaluated fre- quency. ~Abstractorfs note; Eq. (28) is the eration of optimum..,fil- tration (detection) in Gaussian.approximation - The author acknow- ledges the interest taken in his-work by Yu.B. Kobzarev and.-A.Ye. Basharinov. In the two appendices the mathematical analysis is.given of the aposteriori probability with the correlated noise as given in 23'q. (2) and also that with fluctuating noise. There are 2 figu- res and 5 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. The re- ference to the English-language publicatiq reads as follows: P,. Bello, Joint estimation of delay, Doppler-and Doppler ratet IRE' Trans., 1960, IT-6, 3, 330. SUBMITTBD: April 28, 1960 Card 4/4 20 S/10)'/61/000-/009/003/018 D20i/D302 AUTHORS: Kul'man, N.K., an.1 Stratonovich, R.L. TITLE: Certain optimum i11,11tililatiOnS fcr detecting a pulse signal (if i-andoin duration in the presence of noise PERIODICAL: Ridiotekhnika i ell-ektronika, v. 6, no. 9, 1961, 1442 - 1451 TEXT: It is assumed tha-~ tho usoful oignal ii a Markov proceas, i.e. the time during whicli trie aignal remains in each of its possi- ble states has an exponentJ~al a priori law of distribution. When considering a stationary problem, the optimum filter may also be designed from the linear Kolmogorov-Wiener theory, but it will be 14 worse than the non- Anear system, designed according -to -the !ilarkov theory, since according to the former an optimum system has to be bound in the class of linear ones, while the real optimum system is non linear. The theoretical expansion of those systems is mathe- matically rather difficuit, jo that the auth-l-,ra restrict their ana- iysis and coraparisoll t-1 an assyletrical signa! and a small noise L9 Card 1/5 S/!;_)q/61/ 006/009/003/013 Certain opt-,aLum D,: O'L / D3 01 1~' level. They prove 'tha,~ in asp of' f -.1 te ring-.:,,,At of a strongly assy- mmetrical rectangular and random signal fr:)m tle background of white noise, the optimum non-iin4~ar and linear kilters are charac- terized by false s,,gna__. del~,_-:On and non-detf~ction. Filtering of a generalized tdiegraph-ir slt,~,nal _9 consIdered composed o", a trei-n of rectangular I)ulsc,% wY,,Io -),. may have values -ta and -a. The pulses have a given number a ar--~ (I of Transitions fr'Dm -a state into -a((X) 4 and from -.a into -ta(V). Th~~ noise :Ls als.1111AMed to be white noif3e with a spectra' density N( T' The a priori probabilities w+_ and w are states -a and --a -and satisfy therefore ,k~ aw" - Bw_ . ;I- = aw +~ - Ow-'. The signal represents ihus a Markov process. The foilowing equation for optimum filtering, in aimensionless parameters is then ob- tained: dz (T Card 2/5 dt Q 2 j-1 5 2c S'/',Oq /6!/'006/009/003/018 Certain optimum installations ... D201/XO2 In it z(t W_" (t w- (t ), where w" the a posteriori pro- 0 Ps 0 ps 0 Ps bability of the signal being in state +a, wp, - a posteriori proba- bility that the signal is in state a(- 1 -~z(t 0 + 1); rl(to) = r(t 0 Wa = s 1(t0 ) + n,(,t0 ) [r(t (11) S(to ) + n(to signal as the input of filter); t = t(a + 0) - dimensionless time; ~z = a/(a + P) - probability of s4nal being in state -a; P P/(a 4- probabi- lity of signal being In state +a (signal); Q N(a + 01/U - the generalized noise to signal ratio. Using the above notation, for a non-linear system of filtering, the number of false signals per unit time is derived as 4- 2 2 Y e (10) n K OA_V~(Q 2 '~ w%ere k is a factor 1im!-,-_'ng the value of noise. For lirear filter- Card 3/5 S110ci /'6-',,/006/"C)0 9/003 /0 18 Certain optimum instal.-'La,---~ns ... D2--.-L/D302 ing A nxp A k 2 ('2) Y + ~) - (b + B A - I A) B2 and D, (T) ~_A AT + c- A-r B- Q AQ Fx(~ are derived for the same where b. b/a. A and B are gi- ven by V, -+Kv A B D(T) is the probabiliy of nori-detection of a positive pulse, I is ~ot defined. It is-ol,..cjwn chat the theoretical evaluation of filter- ing errors shows gcod agreement with experimetital resullos of N.K. Kullman and P.S. Landa (Ref. 6: Radiotekhni-'-a i eiektronika, 1961, 6, 4, 506). From Lhe ob'~aln,~d fcT-mulae for f-J11tering errors -th,? Card 4/5 2,~520 S/10 61/006/009/003/018 Certain optimum installations D201YI)302 graphs are given which show the properties of signal detection for a non-linear and a linear filtering system. There are 2 figures and 9 referencest 8 Soviet-bloc and 1 non- Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-lasguage publication reads as followet N. Wiener, Th.e extrapliation, interpolation and smoothing of stationary time series, J. Wiley, N.Y., 1949. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy fakulltet moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M.V. Lomonosova (Moscow State Univer- sity im. hT.V. Lomonosovo Paculty of Physics) SUBMITTED: October 26p 1960 L'9 Card 5/5 STRATONOVICH, R.L. (Mookim) optimum filtration of a telegraph signal. Avtom. i telem. 22 no.9-1163-1174 S 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Telegraph) (Information theory) 9c,)5 S/020/61/140/004/004/02" 4 0 (10 3 // /9.7 34Lzt) C111/C444 AUTHOR: Stratonovi ch R. L. TITLE: Markov's conditional processes in the problems of mathematical statistics and dynamic programming PERIODICAL. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 140, no. 1;, 1961, 769 - 772 TEXT: Let T = i tk : k = 0,1,2 .... t k - t):-i ='N' to = 0. At, every moment t 9 T a checking decision u t E U t may be made, the choice of -which depends on the immediately preceeding decision ut-, such that U 6 U (11 = Ut(ut_,,), where u a = [u, : a,