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STOLTA'ASKIY, L.L., inz~i. Actly1tr of the Leningrad Province Adzinistration of the Scientific and enginearinr Society of the Shipbuilding Industry. Sudostroente 24 no.11:79 11 '58. (MIRA 12:1) (Leningrad Province-Shipbullding) LUSUOV, Natan Lazarevich; RAZAff. Ireliks Iranovich; SHPXYZIW. Bouloolo KetTOYOVich; VITNOARTIN. A.M..; STOLYARSKIT. L.L.. red.; TSAL, R.K.. [Hydrogen In welded *ease and its eliminationj Yodorod v evartykh shvakh I bor'ba o nim. LenlMrad, Goo.solume Isd-vo sudoetroit.prouqshl., 1959. ~5 p. (KIRA 12-7) (Blectric weldine) GAYSENCK, A.A.; IMMIN, Ta.G.,; CaPOIXAM, KOIq# 9tve red.; HlblaMICH, G.I.. red.; STCLTARMIT, L.L., red.: FRWIV, P.S., [How theY built the atomic Icebreaker "Lenin") Ink byl postroan atomnyl ledokol *LenIn.' LenIngrad. Gos.solusnoe lxd-vo sudo- stroit.proaWshl., 1959. 62 p. (Knu uo) 1. Admiraltaynkly sudoistroitallnyy savod (for Cmyeanok, Terdans Olozmnn). (Lenin (Atomic ship)) BUM. Tnl"ntin Filippovich; SATANOVaIT, Ta.G.. nauchnyy red.; STCLYARSUT. L.L,, red.; XRASITOVA, N.V., Lspecialization and cooperation In shipbuilding) Spetsia- lizatelin I kooperlrovaule v sudostroonil. Leningrad, Goo.soiuznoe Isd-vo gudoetrolt.pronyahl., 1959. 71 p (6U l)-.2) (Shipbuilding) Alekannar Ivnnovicn; -'r'cHTA!i'JKIY. Tu.V., nnuchnyy red.; L.L., red.; TSAL. H.K.. t5mil vessels built of plyvood and enrdboardl Malkim sudn tz fnnory i kirtona. Laningrod. Gos.soiixznoe izd-vo alido"troit.promyshl., 1959. 10) p. 041RA 1321) (Boattpiildin,--XquITn-wntt and alippli"R) BWIUIINl N.A.; ADLWHTM# L.TS.t inzh.#; STOLYARSKIre L.L.t naucbxvy red.; SIIISHXOVAp L.M.# tekbn. red. [HuU assembly on the shIVAW] Opyt stapollnoi oborki, Leningrad# Goat soiusnos izd-vo sudostroit. prov7shl., 1960. 40 p. (KIRA 140) (Mdph"ing) FlIsUbl. Uqnrikh N.Adimnovich; DRW4HZIIN. I.M., inih., retsenzeat; -'2DiAYMyZ-i, K.M., roteonzent; STCLY^%'IT. L.L,, red.; SHISUOTA, L.K., tekhn.ret'. Corgunization of rapid floating dock repairing of shipal Ores- nizatalle skorostnogo dokovogo ramonts sudov. LeuinVad, Jos. soiuznoe ixd-vo tudostroit.promyshl., 1960. 75 p. (KIRA 13:11) (Ships-MaintenAnce nnd repair) LUCHAWAIT. loalf Alakjandrovich; TANUVAIT, Alaknandr AlsksandrDvich; WTUMAS, Y.F., namchnyy red.; WOLIARaIT, L.L., red.; YRIMIN, P.S., tekhn,red, [Ships with wingal Suds no krylliakh. Leningrad, Gos.soiusnoe izd-vo sudostroit.promyshl.o 1960, 109 p. (KIRA 13-.11) (PlauLng hulls) GALKIV, Vladiair Alakanndrovich; SIPUIN. P.M., nauchnyv red.; SMTARSKIT* L.L., red.; KAMOLOVA, Y.M.. [Device for assembling and welding hall structures) Prisposoblenile Me eborki i tvarki korpusnykh konstruktoll. Leningrad# Go#, solusnoe isd-vo sudostrott.pronyahl., 1960. 133 P. (KIRA 13:4) (Shipbuilding-lquipment and supplies) (Hulls (Naval architecture)-Volding) IZONTIYEVO V&Ie-lieLn Harkovichl inzh*; FF.OLOV, NikolLy redoravich, inzh.; I Rl*ZF.j A.I., inzh.j, retsenzent; FUKELIVA!',, V.L#. lnzh,, retconzont; KUZIYM;XOO V.K.., dota., Lauchn.-y rod.j fiTOIXARSM,__._ L*L*j inzhep nauchM red.; FPLIIKDi, F.S., tekhn. [ToOmology of shipbuilding and ship repal.-v] Tokhnologiia sudo- stroenila i sudoremonta. laningrad.. Gov. wiuznoo izd-yo sudo- strolt. prorlshl.p 1961e 435 Ps (MIRA 15t2) 1. Prodretraya konissiya 111koloevskogo suJostroltellnogo takh- nikums (for Pukellman). (Shipbuilding) (Ships-Maintenance and repair) I ',~ A Y.ti!I T I "I&I -1 11 y4, . " . 1-nt-r,-ad Frj-,Inc*b Hoport -nl Els-ction C-)?,f,-renf-e. :~jdovtrmenle 27 no.11:77-70 AF '~I. (111.4A 14:9) I I . Lf-~-ny- r-kri-tar' L-ni-rrad!,koro oV-listn-.,ro t)ravlpniya ot,F~ihpstva sudostroitol'n-,v pr:3-wHen-oati. Nau ~ ( SMLYAH3YIY, L.L. Results of the ccmpetition in the Leningrad ?egional Adainistration or the Scientific Technological Sccietj for ShipLuilding. &Aostroenia 28 no.4t82 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Ucheny/ sekretarl LA-ningradakogo oblastncgo pravleniya hqurhno-tekhn1cheskogo oLshchestvR sudostroltallnoy promyshlennosti. (Leningrad-Shipbuilding) BENVA Yully Yullyevich; XORSAKOV, Vadix Mlkhaylovlcb; ABLETEV, G.X., kand. takhn. nauk, reteensent; L-vPIXSllr, V.A., lnzh., retsensent; ASHIK, V.V., prof., maucbW red.; STCLYAFM IT, L.L., red.; KRYAKOVA, D.M., tekhn. red. (Vessels on an alr cushion)Suda n& vosduahnol podushke. Lenjw- grad, Sudpromg1s, 1962. 119 p. (MIRA 160) (Ground-effect machlnes) L A F:: 40 A -k. ay InZh*1 retsenzerl.; I all i* "A. IMER , A. I nzh, If. i I r4, .3 tM a f r hl v I id, - nl,:~ rl 1. 1~,t Yr-v~~ro?tuy#., rabo--r pri it,,Gtrr,'Ake 1 ILI t! 1965. 59 P. (MIJA 18tel /0 14 AUTHOR: ..TLF: Fll~aIODICAI: 69181 -/147/60/000/03/019/020 .0 D047/DGO2 Stolyarskiy. M.T,, Engineer Operation of a Centrifugal Compres or Stage Under Uneven Flow Conditions at the Inlet Izvestiya vysshikh_uchebnykh zavedenly., Energetika, 1960, Nr 39 PP 134 142 (USSR) ABSTRAGT: This gives general propositions on the operation of a centrifugal compressor stage when flow at the inlet is uneven. Investigations were carried out on a stage of the intermediate type (with reversing apparatus) and a compSessor-type wheel. The outlet angle of the wheel was 48 . Experiments were carried out at a peripheral velocity of 170 m/sec. They showed that operation is stable when flow at the inlet is uneven, In the zone of low rates of flow and rates approaching the design rate, even very marked unevenness --2used no drop in '"ard 1/3 11 69181 S/143/60/000/03/019/020 D047/DOO2 Operation of a Centrifugal Compressor Stage Under Uneven Flow Conditions at the Inlet pressure of more than 5% or a drop in the efficiency factor of more than 2-3%. However, in the zone of high rates of flow, the effect of unevenness was more pro- nounced. Unevenness of the flow is confined to the vicinity of the working ywheel. The distribution of current parameters behind the wheel, even if the flow at the inlet is verk uneven, is almost the same as when flow is even. This means that when a group of stages is operating, unevenness occurring before one stage (most often before the first) will not spread to others, The results obtained from investigation of the given stage with a bladeless diffusor are thus applicable to similar stages with different types of diffusor and guiding apparatus. When the velocity field along the periphery is uneven, the limit of hunting moves towards Card 213 69181 S/'143/60/000/03/019/020 D047/DOO2 Cperati%,n of a Centrifugal Compressor Stage Under Uneven Flow Conditions at the Inlet the zone of lower rates. There are 1 diagram, 6 sets of graphs, 2 graphs and 2 Soviet references. AS~-'70GIATIU'A: Tsentrallnyy kotloturbinnyy institut imeni I.I. Polzuno- va (Central Boiler and Turbine Institute imeni I.I. October 23, 1959, by the Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya sekt- slya turbomashin (Scientific and Technical Section of Turbine Enwines) s/114/60/000/009/002/007 0 E194/E435 Mlfoil: Stolyar3kiy,___~jj,0 Engineer L'ITLE: The Operation of a Centrifugal Compressor Stage Vnder Conditions uf Swirling Input 'ERIODICAL: Energomasliinostroyeniye, 1960, ,4o.9, pp.15-18 "'EXT: This article shows that there are changes in the dimension- L,.-ss characteristic's of a centrifugal stage and In the flow lynamics at input to and outlet from the runner when the input fwirls. An equation is given to determine the amount of swirl set .ip by radial gijide vanes and an approximate method of constructing 11itionsionleas characteristics of a stage with swirling flow. .k Sketch of the compressor rig used in the tests is given In Fig.1, .he peripheral speed was 180 m/sec. Dimensionless characteristics if adiabatic affici ency 1,;) and head * as function of output Ior various rates of swirl at irlet are plotted in Fig.2, in which 'til is the blade installation angle of the inlet guide vanes. :t will be seen that with positive swirl, in the direction of .-otation of the runner, the head developed by the stage drops with )tegative swirl, the head first rises and then falls off. This Card 1/~ S/114/60/000/009/002/007 The Operation of a Centrifugal ... E194/E435 t-ffect is explained on the basin of Euler'n equation. At low outputs, the efficiency is higher with positive swirl and at high outputs with negative swirl. Changes in the flow structure when swirl is applied are discussed and Fig.5 gives graphs of the distribution of radial and circumferential components of velocity across the blade duct: (a) with positive swirl, a = +20; (b) without swirl, a = 0; (B) with negative swirl. a = -20*. It is seen that inlet swirl has negligible influence on the flow ~~tructure beyond the runner. The following expression is then (!erived for the momentum of swirl set up by the inlet guide vanes G, tg (A (10) %here the following notation is used: CO - the inlet velocity; G the rate of flow by weight; a - the blade installation angle; bo see Fig. 1; y 0 - specif ic gravity of f I uid. This expression was used to plot the graph of Fig-7 which gives torque as function of flow for various blade angles. Experimental Card 2/1 11 i-~115 R S/114/60/000/009/002/007 he 01-vi-.1tion )f a Centrifugal ... E194/E435 ;~4jint.s art! 1.1otted on the theoretical curves and agreement is good. -c corill t ny I y, i t is poss ible to wake a quant itative assessment of lie ijif ltv,!nce of inlet swirl and to develop art approximate method ,-U c oni t ruc t ing dimonsion less characteristics of a centrifugal :Aage witli swirling input. It is assuated that tile stage characteristics are known for the came of input without swirl and 'lie essence of the method consists in determining the appropriate (orrections to allow for swirl. The procedure adopted for making *he corrections to the efficiency and head characteristics is ixplained. The following equation is derived for the correction: SAO -0 4tr +'% T1 11AS's-0 (25) iliere the suffix T denotes theoretical values. If, as is i.sually the cane, the change in efficiency is relatively small, ,lie simplified E(I.(26) may be used. Card 31i AV *, T, SAO -0 Atr - (26) 4. 115 0;(0/009/002/007 S/114/60/0" 111L, operation of a Centrifugal ... E194/E435 Values are recommended for the efficiency correction based on experimental data. Successive values of the head correction are calculated and the now characteristic is constructed, the efficiency characteristic is constructed fron, the tabulated values cf correction. The method, though approximate, is sufficiently accurate for practical purposes. There are 8 figures and 3 Soviet references. Card 44 STOLYAIOKJYp M.T. Method for regulating the productivity of centrifugal air compressor* Gag.pron. 6 no-5:41-45 My 161. (MIPA 1435) (Air compreasors) - STOLYAIL;KIY,. 11, If ~ . inzh. Study of the structure of the flow in a centrifuga.1 corpres2or stage with a twist In the output. Izv. vys. ucheb. zaT - enorg. 5 no,1:77-494 Ja 162, (MIRA 151i1 lo TSentrvllnyy kotloturbinyy inatitut imeni I.I.Pol2unova. Predstavlona prezidlumon nauchno-teklinAcheakogo soveta turbinnoy aclUll. (C=pressors) STIOLYARSK."i, M.T. Cer".ain methode for ahanging U.6 c1larv.-terAlstics of contrif al 2440-43 163. . I pumpo. Gaz. prom. 8 no. (KMA 17 a STOLYARSKIY, M.T., kand. tekhn. nauk Study of losses and oVtIz= operating conditions of the spiral chamber of a centriftgal blower. Toploonergetika 10 no~7:22-26 JI 163. (NDU 1617) 1, TSentrallnyy kotloturbinnyy institut. (Compressors) STOLYARLKIYP F.T. Efficiency of the basic tYPOB Of inlet evi"I fer centrifural pumps. Gaz. Prom, 9 no.413C-34, 064. (! I PLA 17:13) M,',, ~4-,'.', Cqe-R~',-)n if a contrifugdl bl,)i."r with R bladeless d'Affuser ArJ a 7o~lfizlllng ch&mbor. Ennrgomnshlncatroenl,~ I!) r. n . ~L' - 4Mr a GRA - j - I '% ~ ; I , ACc NR1 3 "A 3 COD'_-': AUTHOR: Stolyarskiys yj. r. (Candidate of technica' science3) ORG: none TITLE: Characteristics of centrifugal compressor impellers with various ; In.'et angle3 53URCE: Energomashinostroyeniye, no. 9, 1966, 19-22 TOPIC TAGS: c e n t* -A lfugal conpressor, centrifugal compres3o.- Inpeller, o N an ;Ie, ie.-odyrzzic characteristic, cozpressor sla(;e -13T7 RACT: -he -3M has conducted an experlmental Invest I r;a%_'*n of t'.-ic effect of a variation in tho flow Inlet angle on the aerodynamic ct,.aract.'crlotlcs of a centrifugal compressor impeller and a compressor 5 Lal;c 'Aczts -acre conducted with three Impellers with inlet angles 31 - 25, 3331, a.--` 430 at peripheral speeds of 190-200 n,/sec. The obtained Innelle.- characteristics are shown in M. 1e T!';e results s.'-,ow that a'V large inlet angles, the characterist c curves are shifted to t1%e region of large flow rates, high pressure head, and wider range or', Q-ta'Zility. The performance c1-6aracteristics of a centrifugal compressors S.aga with impellers having different inlet angles are shown In Fig. 2, .Cord -.!-/-3 UDC; 62-253.621.515-533.6.ooi.5 ACC NA: 3 13 9 U 0.; 'A A 10.7 Oj 0171 -waio 4n ajo bi go wive" ~Fir.. 1. Characteristics of can- Fig. 2a Characteristics of i trifugal conpressor impellers with centrifugal Compressor stage various inlet angles. with impellers having different,' inlet angles. nad Adi"'.-jtic efficiency; head coefficient; Had adia- Stage with vanaless dif- t, atic head: u2 - peripheral speed; fumor and lateral collection 9a - discharge coafficientl chamber- t a with ordLnary" CO - inlet velocity. dlffuse;l;;; :olfaction chambers -Cord--2/ 44 ACC NR: U, u J 7- '0~ Old' -Z COnC' U310-5 a.-O rea,~',;Cd: Z; C 0C 0P.-t~ C 0 r , 4 avious irlot. angles con, V. ldera~)".y exp an-J.- th a po3 _- ib-' It lc.3 o f , cff_'%;!cnt centrifugal comp.res3or. stages. "A hu ir. _-rca5e I n dCs ini- the Inlet angle for the impellera tested with a con3tant exit anZle results in a shift of th4c optimal regi-nes toward the regioln of h!&her ,zow ra~*cz and lar-er pressure heads, while maintainin- a maximal U 6, adiabatic efficiency or 93-941m; the stable operation zone also expands, since the position of the surge point remains prac:~_'cally unc'-anged . 2) 1~ he most erficient u3e of large-angle impeller3 is In sta,gea In which the exit elements have a flat loss dependence curve under off-desi,,;n regimes. 3) 'Arn a number oal cases, It is expedient to increase tiie Inlet angle along with the change In Impe:ler width since b:,,th of these modifications have a sinilar effect on the flow rate. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. 1WA-761 SUB CODj"Z: 211 SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: co6 -Cor.d. 85-58-2-a '36 S., Maj,.r General of Aviatim (Fatired) 0' Naval Mirs (Bceo-,w^ slava morskikh letchikov) 1958, 'Ir 2 pp 20-22 (TSM) vb-Dae f1yizzig record dates back to the Favolution and to-Us of early S-rdet na-ml aviation units wA War (LA7), L k + 11C~i i4 11, A( f-4 IT J i ro ACCF-331014 111ti AF5DO82-80 S/02-26/65/000/003/0094/01 AUTHOR: Stolyazh, S. TITIX; Electric torminnIs Ag CdO produced by tho solf-oxidatIon method SOURCE: Poroshkovayn metn1lurglya, no. 3p 1965p 94-132 TOPIC TAGS: Ploctric torminnl, oxidation, x rny analyals, silver, electric are, ABSTRILTz The self-oxidation of var I m atlver-,Ad 1xt"'r S. in which th-3 silver aorved as nn oxygen carrior 1,, forming cadrLiwa oxide't %-as atudiad under various processing conditlon3. This work, a continuat n of the study of self- oxidati-un started in 192-0, produco-i InSormition usefu-1 in the production of elec- trical terminnIs. The CdO particlu,3 (n nonuniform Inyer distributed in the Ag mnaa) are forrwd at a rate do"nding :,n '.he diffusion spoed of oxygen in Ag. The oVgon concentration and the GdO lainr thick-nons depond on the WmTlorature. The reaction spood Is characterizzod by ths) CdO layor thickness (x). It was found ti~qt x2is proportional to the oxidntion tine. This parabolic relationship was r,tiidlod for Ar,4,d iil.xturee whnre thn Cd c,,~nten" vary from 3-20%. The process "s carriod out by throo r*tho4n In U-ej raVo 300-M. Since CdO "Aporates Card L ~)3JUI'1-65 ACCEGSION IM: AP500~12CKJ 4 at nlif;htly ovnr 10COG Lr; forr-Anr, a gaa wifli 10 timj,3 thIn vAnlimv) of the initial CdO particle, it offoctivaly ox"Ingul:!h'~s nlpn'ric axc.3 form In electrical torminaln with tomporatures over 200(C. 11.o- nf ~~(j "',-,-CdO tLrrdnnls dopond strongly on the size and distribul.lon of the ~,,10 ivir~Jf-.I(jn in t??rj Ag. Thoso factors cnn be controlled by tho produ-tiwn nvM-di unco in formlng tho 11rea production methods w~ira studlod: 1) the j-,renslng of an Ag and C ) powder rilxturo, sintorlng It In a ro-Iliciiij, and oxid1zlivP tt,-,~osphore, standard- Ization, and nolf-oxidizatiDn; 2) the oxidation of A& nntl Cd powder mixture3; 3) the pra,,~-iratlon of Ag-Cd al oyn, rollirir,, annialing, self --oxidation. In the first rothod the f)9.9()/',' ~';'d In ovular nl,npod pnr t4 Cle'l jina L added In amounts particl 0% t o nonurifomly shaped as. After iiixinR, tho powder was pressed 2 in a Dtool 10 x 1D-mm die at prensures 10-100 kn/cm . The specimens were sin- tered In both a hydrogen and an air atmosphere. TI-A extent of oxidation was indicated Ly surface coloration. The spaoimans were standardized by pre3sing at 50 kn above tho initial preroure. The surface structure was studied by micro- OCOPIC Oxaminatiqn, tar etching, and tho co--position. of the mass wRo deter-r&need by x-ray analyals. I11%%Irin the second method, the powders were oxidized at various -rur 2 &M 8 hours, and the extent of ox1dization was diternined b7 ri pe r =aur e a the weight increase of the apecimns, In the third method, an alloy of AC-Cd was firit foroad in a caking furmoe, In all three methodep the chamCe in Cw4 213 AGGESL51011 KR: AP5008280 d-i", nsions aftor sintoring and atandardization, the hardnase, the wf)16ht incrianse, the increase of the oxide layor thickness, and t',,-.o ~-Ilcrcstructvre wore stuliod. It wan concluded that: 1) oxidaticn of tho Ag-Cd was must be produced after slnterinr- and before standardization to obtain n sufflolont CdO Increase in the surfnce In7or; 2) the oxidation of Ag--Cd powdnr --1-xttxes Is complete at 400C; 3) ujlr:,~ !) tandardi z-a Lion in the powder wt-n1lurry 1-rodi;rtion of electrical tor- mirzli their re3iol-lir-)7c-o-C-.~WO-I-L-.--t,,"..,.Clr,l..2 effect of electric ero3ion; 4) thti t-M.cknoon of the oxidiz-A Jayor &qniA,; the proresning conditAlLma; 5) bnca-no of tholr porcnlV, i,~t of oxida"lon In the Ag--Ccl uln- la Frwitor tbnn for tlho 6) nIectrical tarni-nals pToduc~ld nn 1,3~7cril)od he.-o,Ln aro auif--iblo f,,-, "' c-krronta of 4Cft, Grig. art, hao: 3 f-nblon ar~J 11 fJgurou. AS~30GIATIG!li none 0SUDHIMD., 25Aug&3 EN"MI Oj Sun COVE1 xf16r- Ilia i1EF SOVI 000 071011 WS Card z I It A . , I . I , - I - I I t 0 . 0 - I I - ~ re,., . -,. 0 1 - I*I - , I , .11 . j G F . - 1141- ,. ., (Veterliury Surgeon of the Far EAst NIVI) Thp postvnceinal i=unobiological activity or bovine bl:x-d In trucellrsls 33, ac). ~?, September 1:~)161 pp. 23 'i Ld 'A F.' TA M , 3; 1 8 lo! 12 12 Neurology Feb 59 n_,n~ I.' r It ICAL ACT IV[ TY (IF 'I It V CT I(LIM A I. (('R I EX 1% t 1 111,1414 A I AlUrf.11110SCLEROSVi WITH MENIAL DIS011101-AIS (Hu-t,41.'n t. 01 a c, v G. V. - Z11. NEVROVA1. I ISIKIIJAI. 195". 57 -fi I o,1 _'#f,fj) I;jrj~ Forty-seWr~'j~~Uihtx suffering from cerebral arterios,ler-,%im a, , -rt.1-aniol mental fisor1ers, without definite syrt+lomii anct high examineo. Hils)lar leads frorr the frontal. teriq..ral and wripital nd %,,tvln,Ptri( ;it ltirts --f the 2 hrrvinjheres *err used. 'I tie chAtlrg-j6 in Wr LI-Ji orre tregstiterril IIIAler tile influrtwe M stimulants - cle'lril 119111, 1111,1AM 014111 .%wl raffeine. In the (i)ntrol grotip (W) regular a-rhythm of nirdmin and high ivq,:&jjr was reKiatered In the mcipitAl area. under tile influence of light the tvaAn rt,%tiori, was dislim ily depressed with Inconstant subsequent rise; mental Ott Alit AM - af- feine had no effect on the UEG. In the patients with incipient arterion; l(tosis (,III) I" amplitude of the a-rhythrn 4ccreased and It btCAMC Irregular . and io,metimes 0-waves and asymmetry between the hernisl4wres were observed. Clinical im- provement was accompanied by the normalization of the EEG; the stimularitt in- creased existing changes or revealed them. In the group of jailients with 4 onsider- aHe defects of memory and intellect (15). in addition to the decrease in amplitude and irregularity of the a-rhythMthere were also marked and frequent appearances of P-waves and asymmetry together with feeble rea(tions to the stimuli. Almost complete disappearance of the a-rhythm, persistent presence of the 0-rhythm and asymmetry betwepri the hemispheres and absence of reaction to the stimulants are characteristic of pattents with marked arteriosclerosis, Thus. the changes in the LEG correlate with the extent of merstal changes, with the increase of the patho- logical process the reactivity vanishes gradually (according to EEG datal. Golland - Moscow (V111,181 5TCUM, A.A. (Hogilev) '-J,hview of a ggozet- textbook for the 60 graia or public scho-ls In the Rumanian People's Republic. Aat.v shkole no.4: 73-7~3 ii- A 16o. (MIR., 13:9) (!Lu,-,%ant.i--Go,~metry--Texthooks) I .- I . . I I .. . ~ I . I I I v . .: I I . , . . . ,. . . . ; I 1 11 . - I . -1. 1 ~ 0 0 1 . I . I . . ? , v ~~ (6-, ) l4, . Mi I ~7 - f, o - #- 1 -11 -., :n 7-, - , . L ad.lient-Is - - I'D. 1)50 7. InAc,lvrition !ind o,' it ni ' & Ii Acet-srions, 'I"..viry of Con#,-re%r;. Y-irch 1,95), Unc-Irissifird. 9. Munt?~13, Li!-t of - 1. iTCIIII"-",~, N , - ". -,. - 1, KI., 7. 2. US.-IR (60-) 4. Diet in Disease 7. Iffect of diet on the course of experimental tuberculosis. Latv.PSH Zin.lkadjastls. ~ no. 11, 19 50. 9. Xonjkj AW &C ib4sel Accessions. LIbrqr7 of Congr-%%a, Rarch 1953, Unclassified. I I ";lIP I Yf*#'.il ! ~ , ; . 2. I.. o~,r.m .I,.ln-~rvvvd I t i m a~ A a-. - I icaticli of vacciner, ArA !hers. Latv. ?,';!, Zin. Akal. ;estim No. 12, Month~,v iivt of i~ussian Accesslifms, Librari rf Ccrwress, March 1~11-3, Ullr!lassified- 1. I~M Ci ..; U.-M-31 E.; 1AMBNAp VO jL_~~ ~ 2. U.52 (600) 4. Diet in Disease 7. Influence of diet on the course of *xperisontal tuberculosis. Part 111. Laty. PSR Zin. Akad. Vestis. 11 1951 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress. Januar7 -1953. Unclassified. S R Wei aAtur" ifttwiuvrd kites esultally into f'obbits am rwvt-a 01.1 cokiew4l tv ttk Fw- (J tulvmusoU4 tubLiJe.. 'Viv U4-1"'A'Frk gulftlawill were nOt destrMA ift 10 fain. at UY) *. lbethrIM&FIyUl-aled filtraft Camed 4on ark mkrjrmtv%trA*Oqqll. powmmtAthe 4"lem, such efAwle"0111 was M*l In -b-tk- Cub-a All" CAU-1 by BCO womfiso dw W.A pmwt ON tt..' mAtkM GOd- lnf*CDCV W filu"d At. t" or M. W&*wWjU ,4t-6-0- It is eCftC6&4 that Imm the pf"ame so tobil. C161*pzk ftba &]a%* it is not =to tap dw vkld- aM P***C-khr of 4 Mwo 1:,:Pm&M.* loldoeh mbir"N" wv Sorivow- dwUl ftwtio T oajnvo" Owls sms M. PAW, An&t* S Y ------------- 1 i mw m r M add go Its'OfAxIlce OICIA"WAI to- It. Cm Io 14 iga ). Vq-voly 141JAIjou 14, t.. .1 it~ 14:1 Vi, Ott.. ji,~ L."K mil 1" 14. VIC '111,1A Im III LSY G-4-filfic to . K. IV av') UP K if'o!'Lly aft( r Iffl. i's- it tr~if. klir, It -43 111 It 10,411 Jitf d(fillift I'll I.IN; Vila ain III, itknawd 11W In Ow, 1, r , i0y. N m rW4. t"*x" CIO L%t r o o tut*;=404c 't-. &ad C A T*R~41, OmArdtln t - ---------- - - ri 7 7 f A 41 7 f I A 4v, t, II"", i ~V ./ I /x 0 USSR Atcrobiology. Medical and Veterinary F-6 Microbiology. Abs Jour: fleferat. Zh,-Biol., No. 9, 1957, 35710 Author : Stolygvo, N.S. Title : Concerning the Immunological Reorganization of the Organism, Which to Caused by the Filtering Forms of Tuberculosis Bacteria Orig Pub: Lstv. PSH zinatnu akad. vestis, Izv. AN LstvSSR, 1956, No. 4, 83-96 Abstract- on the basis of his research the author considers that the filtering forms of tuberculosis bacteria (TB) can play a significant role in the patho- genesis or tuberculosis. The presence of various forms of tuberculosis germs In the sputum or sick persons depends on the physiological condition of Card 1/4 ?4c,dtcnl and Veterinary F-6 USSR /Mcroblolop" j. MlcroblologY. Abs Jour: Ileferat, Zh.-BiOl., W). 9, I)S7, '~5710 to a h,~-IFhtenlng or their resistAnce to tuber- culo.ils Infectlon. Card 4/74 woeru" al tow'do bwn in WON" d dwr dmkowut ham fitirmw ekm=u.'~Ss' XAuA. Lati- 3 S R , MI, 21;~%, 12, c . r.--FTf-.Fw, za. alit, 19". AN't. N~>- 04'M -- G,~ii~.% pio4 bA n ditt vitiol Imicul4u'l "1't, 14t-4111 Olt! ~rgkl'l Of Otbet $wiW-A whzl- hsd bf~f, 'Afe, txA -iij', Rtr~svijj Lia;"a futwTCO tj~kjjjl III ia lr~L- tit- AL mtv-t f'!' wal Chezj~'I 14"A i jw.~4 H sc~gia ,gv.*~"a*';~~V-j actIV4%y of tho ktimill -WaA WA tvm~;-l 0~1 11% WAi &13L~ sh,t, mt~t Uut it dxw,p",gMi rr, r.-rr4 Gev~ -zi I, gu MIODICALSS .VgSn.1 Nos la 1958 lo! t, ean CC4~ - z GRUSIMM, V.ya. orl.steinat V]; KWW19, X.X.; ZAY9VAj 8 X.S VISMS, A.P.1 GEMWE, S.X. ALBERTA, M.A.;P;k~ou -0-1 TWKE, V.A., ZZLCHA, S.& lzelca' S.] Tubercolestatic properties of mixed thiosmicarbasone guanyl- hydrazone 1.,3-indandione, a representative of a now type of antitubm-qndar subetancese Dokl. AN SSSR 147 no.5t1083-1095 D 162. (MIRA 160) 1. Thatitut. organicheakogo sintess, I 1notitut skeparimentallnoy I klinicheskoy meditsiny AN lairriyakoy SSR. Predstayleno aka- demikom A.N. NA=OZ=OVYM- (TUEEP=IAM) (ANTIBIOTICS) (KEWIM) STCIhYHWO, Eugonla. Iffect of maternal W on maturation of daughter*. Act& physiol. polon 6 no.4:459-460 1955. (AGING, physiology, off. of maternal age on saturation of daughter$ (POW (Pwwy. off. of maternal a4o on saturation cif daughters (Pol)) (KATUX ITY, ago. off. on maturation of daughters (Pol)) ail `1~.S~3; pr,wia fri(.,k'. (mi; isall azinierz P-rcriisl;iv Jaslck~ t Pawcl 6ik,),,a. 'Krrclaw. (kansti,(--.p ',,veawn. Laukcule) 1W,. A'kade.-Aa 'akllad 4ntr-,-1~,-ii, Faterialy i prace IT-. I Mw arittirorcl-cical asLccf- If' 4ilesla; ristrict. in DW 5( 11-ionthly Index of "ciast hurqvwn kc-cession (E~Al) 1Z Vol. 79 No. 5s 1956 BetiMyKt Dybowskl. * 5raclaw, (!-hterln'~r i F-rli-n vitro-cloA-Me, nr. (A centur-y of' anthrorw)loi-j, 1356-195~~- :~nj-li~h rm7ram;. -Po rt . C1,13 DL-C -,ouithly Inlex o,," Ir'diror-e-kn Accci-iion l-' Vol. 7, No. 5, 19SR up(j I c-4/1 r-4 PY A,-'! 1;.~ I ON trl; AP5015~71 UR/OZM/65/OOD/009/005 1/0(* V,7:11 :~:,s Arkint Yo-j. A.1 ChAMI V Yot-f Vwtk"*~Ijy, Ye. ?.I llorokin# X. A.1 Gv. ry!~&KnT laij AJ?_ B.; _jIlIt'Ye, A. V. ~Ii A tvirbrn,YlAoi*~,ir jovnp. Cliss 117. No. 170&V. r, ~ 1 lzohrntanij, i tnvtrrjkJ% zntk')-e. 1965, -V41, Tk",~,i vi.,-irim i-imp, WrbovqIr,ens'It%r vacuum 'R=P AII.~-IA77i 'Itiq Authrir C-rtificate Presonts a turbomol*,-.ul.'%r vacu,M ;xAp with a -itr-L, rntt,r tnil ftn ol-ctric drive mounted in the fore-vacuum chimber (no* Fig. I r,n thr T~ increivne its reliability, efficipncy, and the power coaffi- ci-nt, ths Plf~atrio drive conaints of two saxiliary high-freqjurncy electric motors nf t-1-iM N. x-r, mountwi on the ah&ft britckets. Th-osj motors mV b# switched in to w,)-.k tr.;rith-r tn accalerntin6 the shaft up to its full ri-a in s% desired period of tinv, vhoreui~~n on* of thra to disconnected. To strengthen the Inadation am to dir-Lnish t4oi g-va soparationo the winding and the oore of Wo oloctria motor stators ar r . - cat!-,~j'lwlth an e29-.Lr-*.s-izPwIth a filler of low vapor tension. To diminish the ,ribratiorns and to Inorease the reliability of bearing supports, the latter ars Card 113 -ST-OLMIs 1.0.- Use of helicopters In geodetic operations* Good, L kart. no, 12142-43 D 160, (MIRA 1W) (Aeronautics in suzvoying) STOLTYPIN', A.S. Zconmic advantagea of a composite mino sume; not made by the Regoczi mothod. Nauch. trudy MG.? ro. 34:111-115 'Alo. 1-4:4) (Mine surveyine) LTOLYPIN A. CAnd Tech Sot -- "Modern methods and "WaLsAft ) 7~~ 4, -~ Ia., rj"j ~1 -.mAmvo,-*urvo pilations under conditions of the northeastern regions y4~ trianir (MagmdAnskaya Oblast)." Sverdlovsk, 1961 (Min of Ifirher and a-leoondtry Spe- cialized L"luefttion RZF6P. Sverdlovsk Mining Inst Im I V. V. Vakhrlishey). (K1,, 4-61, 201) -243- STOLYPIMP IA. ~j * Combined a I", ~ % ~ , ; Y All '!143.9 fri&nk:ulVA-,n not b~r Rngfic r 107 sui th,) .. G-3ext. i kart. n,~.9t17-30 S 163. ( ~-,u 1~ 110) :i~, -i , r r T ` ~T ~ Dissertation: ""he krospects of Introducing Certain Varieties of ACricultural ilints (Vegetables. l'otatoes, Legumes) Under U,e Agricultural-Climatic Conditions Prevailing in the Georgian SM.* Cand Agr Sci, Georgian Agricultural Inst, 28 Jim 54. (Zarya Vostoka, Tbilisi, 13 Jun 54) SO: SM 318. 23 Dec 1954 ts -j ,i 4 tilt 1 TSMI SVADZI, Sh. 1. : STOLM.10", N.P. At-ronlImAtic chnroctorlstles of corn clAtIvntion In TrAnscAlle"Alfis Triuly Tb11.N1GM1 no.4*.172-179 159. (MIRA 13:14) (TranscaucAsta-Corn (Matza)) (Crops and climate) mmiu, H.P. Agroclimatic conittions In the Taberda Valley ani the upr,er luban Vnlley. Trudy Tbil.111'Ml no.5:101-11)9 159. (Kin 13;6) (Taberda Valley--Crops and climate) (Kuban VaII07-Cropi and climate) E'-' 'V A V r ti :;A;jb TN I Y.,~Td* V Sri- -n bo vi,,r ta ri--A the malzi hr4o vemseas) Miz-argila ykti maKintre ~rrikh Moditriina, (FIBA M7) 1. Akade-ii,,ofi reiritts'Ansk4kh wlu~ Inntitut A C~ !!1". - !!-,I ~,G kt- n1,- g 1 ;-O"d I KO*,' A :,G f rvi: N V A. S prof -,A: r- ! r-- Y a d r.dl.; Yu.y'~..' Frof.' red.; J-11"Cl."'I ill, I i . G. , rv,,ucYLr,. ::ctr.' red.; red.; A.V., rhuclx. rotr., r,~A,; X.h., nat3chn, oot.r., red.; kiAlOVp A.").p red. [.juri*!(,nl treatrent of ~:ornrary ulorinsd Khlrurglcheskoe ~-'07c'ns)rl.ol 60lom"llo Xoik-.!!,, 'Fedit.-IrA, 1940. 69 l'. 0-T.-A IS:I) 1. In.itituti. khirurg.11 A: (Corr Kolez~nikov). l.; ':JLYFJN, V. Yibjl-.k:; ) ~'a V White F-aissian innovators share their experiences. Stmitell E no.3:11-21 Mr 162. (:-!I;-A 15; 8) (White Run a ia-Buildir,&-lechnological innovations) STOLTPIN, V.. Inzh. -, . ..... --.1.1- .... Technological (~.harts for mechantled OArthwork. stroitell n0.1:15 -Ta 159. (PUU 12-3) (Urthwork) 14k AUTHOR s Stolypin, V.A., Frgineer TITLEt Stamdardl,e,;hnolocical Ch,:.rtu Ccncerning r'3rth 71orki on Main Pipeline Cor.3truction.) (0 tok*;-.rolctii~,hao; .1kh k!irtakh rabct na .3troltal'stvi? trubo;.rovcdcv) PERIODICALt Stroltellotvo trutcrrovclov, 1555, Nr .1. rp 30-31, (-LS",P) ABSTRACTs In the Stute Designing Ingtit*4te Sputantrcyfro,,ekt cf the Clavapetapromstroy of the 1:1nistry of Constru-.tior. of the .11-FSR A special ~ob consiats in mL&kini; upstamdard techno- charts pertaining to =2c .%.,niza*icr. cf eArth vorks. The3a charts il"ustrnto the U~"f,~rent irorqi;oes of ear-h ork In vakin,, tr-,nelhes, pit-., c..vea et,. vni 11av :cnt.iin other useful informa t 4on or. *,.?.e vima of of certain proce~;:iis, or, or.-%ni,"til~,n ani Lf wcrk, Oil aculdont on of on tona work, or. fiv!l nd lub-iQ~tlcr re,uir?rent.3 et,~. 7 In e article al3o shoal L-. ar, vx- "~ lo tno rq)roduc1.ici-. ef as StAnAWA tochrological chart. There is I 3chem,%tio STOIJPIN' V.A., ,.n7'- Stan.-Urd tvirus for m-,hanized earthwork. Nov. t*14h. T.nnt. I 9,-Ats, rab. v atrr,i. "i T " 59. ()CI RA 12 : I) % I 'lar.hwort" WIL inzh. Mechanization of operations In laying pipeline nains in rocky soil!. Nov. tn-h. mont. I sp-ts. rab. v strol. 21 ro.B.,U-18 Ag '59. (WRA 12:10) I.Gosudaretynnnyy proyaktnyy institut Spetastroyproyekt Yinstroya ISM. (Pipelines) MiR / Cultivated PlAnta. Cereal Ormpn. X-3 A'M Joar : Pof Zhur - 1111eigiYup No 13, 195A,, M-, 54572 Author L Inat I Uzbeklstad Agrioultlxml tnatitute Title t Erfactlver~Is Cf ?horphatee for Rice Cultivation Orig P,.Ab : Vauchn.' tr. Uz6. s.-kh. in-t, 9, ch- 1, 137-147 Abatract : Effectivemis of fertilization of rice sming with raricue for=a mf phcaptcric fertilizors - Pa., phosphorite fortilizer or borA) mal, wt.44ch wore introduced in doses of 100 kg P205 yer hectare, was studlede The experizent, took place in 1949 - 51 on rea4cvv-zarsh.Y soil, which was poor In humus and In dissolved phosphates. PC Produced ar. Increase of 21.4~ in yield on a 3 year average when nitrogen fertilization vas uaad an a 'back- ground, Introduced In doses of I~Clkg X per tect&re. Without a nitrogen background, tho Incro"s vns U.9%. Card 1/2 OT, vr I w" . & t ST,AYPINP 'le. 1. p ot.~ nauk; i. ri. t~., I.., L~,Als. Zemdedolle 25 no.10:39-40 0 163. (HIM 16:11) 1. YR ~)blb,m ! ~.UYU J';i,'.tSlya. S/056j62/043/003/o23/U63 B102/D104 Sr,-,31s!rAnk!y, G. A., Yudin, V. M., Sherl Ye. S-9 P~olyp_ln' Yu.Ye. i F Antlferr~:--n%(-notic ;roperties of some perovskites Zhurnal ekj;ericentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 45, 1962, 877-40 'It"Idied the magnetic properties of polycrystalline j L a ~ r0 and BIFeO saz~les by measurinG the temperature ( and of the spontane~~us o!' tho m-~'netic susceptibility 'k, of 1/1 moment M". The X(T) curves of both corpoundn showed sharp 0;~' Nrol point, DUO 3 had no apontaneous fer~omngnetic moment, 11till th,,,J of LaCrO wari very small but could be Increased by thermomagnetIc t rt, i t;;~ (~, 1) t .The weak ferromagnetism of these perovskitee Is &.sumed to be c-t~,!)-!l zininly by an aniaotro,,ic indirect exchant;e interaction. It is ~-Ur!~(-'It~!A lhts-t the exchani;e Interaction is responsiblo also for the Card I/C' C/05 62/043/003/023/063 A ii, i ferrom it gnetic projertie a of... B 102YB 104 nnn:~olirioarity of tlip spin mor-snts, which is assumed to be the cause of 1117 teinp observed In BINO 3* There are 2 figures and ASSOCIATION: Inntitut poluprovodnikov kkademit nauk SSSR (Institute of Semiconductors of ihe Academy of Sciences USSR) April 24, 1962 Ca rd / 2 L A THORS: -,lypin , N*. V., 'F- i. I ~LL Synoptic Ccn-itticu.-I of ti-~- ill tile Black Sen (Sinoptich,-,sklp, 1~.:illovi;a vozb-jzh-JiEn1ys, mikroacisr, v Chernom more). FE-RIODICAL: MAeorolotlpt I U);,53, jfir 12, 1,it. 27-."0 N53R) ABSTRACT: At pri!!;eut th" M~tt,ol 'A" IrAvAlntitation of rjt~.-,rns at 4eis "a iiktro,Nr,!d iti the hyiromooteorologtcal service. The succeas of the practical apill~;.AtIon (I this method 1,~.-penls to rk frt!mt ext4~nt on the krc-*I~Age of the conditions ot the excitation of m1t~rc,:!,As=1c4AY- In i3pite of r.,umqr.-,uj, Invi-itif,!itioni Oarried, out in thIs field several ba3lv pro~,lemn have riot yet been Iiyeatigated. How- ,)ver, there is VO 14.00,t th,'it t~#.- iTlt(.D31fi-.,-ttion of =Icro- ~1-t!iimlc co-rmctionn of thc i.-rounl witt. s duration of 1-10 sec. In aorn#-ctA w!t?. the of ryclonen aLove neas and Ocearlo. protlecs ~,oncernlnj: thty location of the (!xcitntion area cf micron~-,isrmicjty ir~ rr~lsitlon to the centre of the cyclorkt- the fron", tht! tratinfomation cf wind I-C . . : osrillutlrria of the terre- 'y into of t-,triaj crilat, t1,,! of microgeismic C11tri 1/4 150- j 11ol-ti (- C;, il'it t I i)1.11 ''r tio. Kx (' i t;i t i o1i of wit ~Ironelnmit~ i ty 2 in the bltck Sou omtlr~,,t -tc- are atIll cq.,nr. her In the pr--:3ent papf!r none re3ult.i of tko! finalysis of microneismicity ob~iervol oi. th,4! Crir,-~r, in connection with synoptic conAlitionj are Tlh-~ of the erouni whi~~h wt,z,(- rocor,1-1,i-t b,,- the ti,~-iomic obnervatory of Yalta In 19-2 wt!re 3tudled. In 1,)~,2 electrodynimic seismographs were installel In Yalt,i by Kirnos r;s6rilflei periods of 1-10 seconds in the ditkpfoion by 1~CO times. This apparatus wan sen3~tive to terrestrial o3cillaticrin of near sources of short perioda as well aa to einillatlonn of distant sources of long purioln. In the course of the Inventientlon the mean values of the amplitude and of the pt;rloda of doninating connection3 of the ,Fround were recori,,,d or ,L graph for .1 periC43 of 2,1 hours I? UC 11 . On the 3rtm-~ graph ani for the samt-- ,~riod3 the data on cyclones occurring- above th,~ Plack Sea KLd the Atlantic Ocean were Th~~ latt,!r were as most probable sourcea of commotioiii of the rroand on the Crimea. C,, r1 2' Tle analyzti.-t of eraph.-, the perioi of synoFtic Conditionn of Ll~:It;iticrl of 1.1irr, -0- " -;,/i 2 In the Black Sea terrestrial oscillations in Yalta fluctuates between 2-8 see sind that the maximuz amylituden change from 0,2 - 10M4 With the intensification of m1cronein=ic oscillations In Yalta always cyclones or fronts passed simultaneously above the Black Sea or the Atlanti~;; on this oasasion the microneismicity was well correlated with periods of 'Less than 4 seconds with cyclones and fronts above the Black Son. The terrestrial os--illations of a p-rio4 of more than 4-5 seconds usually were obaerved at "he time of action of deep cyclones abovo the North Atlanti,;. On f1(;.1 the average monthly amplitudes of terrestrial oscillations of a period of less than 4 sec wero~ compared to the date of each mouth when cyclone or front centr,.~s paliaed over the Black Sea. On fie. 2 the datt~ is k-raphically represented when cyclones passed over the Atlantic ani terrestrial oncillations of a period of rzore than 5 nec were .~bjervjd in Yalta. In both cases a nufficiont aereument of the shapes of the curves was observed which Indicates to two main fields of the exci- tation of oscillations obaerved on the Crimea as well as to Card 11/4 their connection with the Rcticn of cyclonen above the water STOLYPINA, N. V., Cand Geog Sel -- "EvolutIon of barytIc r i'oriations depending upon the character d daily 6kbaft"'i of pressure at otandqrd i4aOts,01 Lon, 1961. (Min of Higher an.4 Sec Spec Ed RSFSR. LenlnrH~droxeteorol Inet) (KL. 8-U, 232) - 95 - .,TULYi,I,'Uj A.P., red.; "LTI;'.I" AP .1 ~ -KC~V, L.V. , red.; Z, I.M., (6volution of baric formations as related to the nature of day-to-day pressure mriations, at standard altitudool 6voliutsiia barichookikh obrazovanil v zavisixonti A kharaktara iw3thdunutochnyM Lzmennanii daylanil-la no standartnykh vysotakh, Moskva, Gidrowtaorg izd-,Yo (Otdolenie), 1961, 75 p. (11auchno- inaledovatellskil institut aeroklimitologil. Trudy, no,13) (MIRA 14:8) (cyclones) PR06TYAKVI, S.M.; N.V. Calculation of dynamomtecrological claracterietics using punched card computers. Trud.-,r NIIAK no.21-171-214 163. (HIRA 17.3) T. 331 F~7 1 FC (U 04.4 1V 11 WCES-SION -Tit: AT5 "00.'.)/028/OnAq/oOq5 AWTHOM 8 r rT 1, Y' The (IIStHbUtIon of vortlefty, tvnq)(,-rnture advection, and the components of the geoqtrophiv Wind Rvoraged aloug the pirallels and mf-ridianf4 In the northern hemisphe-re 'OURM Mom-ow. im-4titut acrakdIrnatologil. Trwiy, no. 29, 1964. Voprasy avroklimatogrnfif wwernogo jx)luqhar1ya (Probleniti In the avroclimato. - graphy of the Northern Ifernisphure), RO-95 TOPIC TAGS: tcuilicrature advection, rmstrophic wLnd. vortIcIty, nhsrfl~~t- relative vortIcIty, amonpherte eircii1ation/ ABSTRACT- '17he auChor mmified vh~4~~znje-a-n-tno of. ily values of the vorticfly, a dIVertion, and lon"Itudinal wit! latitudin.-al crrrnpx)nentr~ of ffie jr,-.e-o-atropble wlrg~, g the jinrallels Risd meridians, in 0-w iv~rfl-wrn hczni~~phf~rv rkt sea level and at tl~t 500mb koh.1ric '-wilrOre (absolute topograph'O In -J.,inuary awl Jully for the per-lod 19'A tbroq~;i'. 1953. Shf- jK)ht.,; out that "A rreat dval of. in thc pri,paration (if inaterial for th(- Mu(i the dit-,trilititifw and inti-rdvpendenev of j1,)r,-noi.wnz in th4- northern hf~rni '~;ph.-rq- of dYnarntc meteorological ehariwterktlc~; k t~(Anjl c;%rrIco nri ILI tho, prcsent. time VWi "kid of pune-hed Card Computern lit the Ot-Irl of chmatolog3r) of NIIAK. " Values arv Otritnvd for ri,~vth from 25 to 95 at 4r, C07d 1/--) Z/g PJDD 000 V00 *,AOS d'HIl ON 93 :14aoa MIS 00 :'IDNI 00 :W41.1.111010S (apiIjis,ul- uaauak~-;)-j ~6yav) mwatiolv Jn:jjb-uj *sajn2lj Z :uutl pu t1jo *ajaildvo - ijU JLrj .!(Jj RMUI UOIJU111DAID ~jUt.(pjjjt4 u1 sousa.)o-Id 3jjt:#qfIu0mju j0 salpillopUJULIJ SM)IIIIA )If) JO t;3fjXlj:UU )Lj,)j)U,)d3l).j-)jUj it)) ()Z)DU '.)ill s0luj1pul Gal(11,111"A JILUUMA'j) JI) JUIII,'IljlJ,)Ul ()ULI IL'Ijl'() a4) 10 gaahjulki oqj jutil papI113U03 iSI 11 'IJUIUM13 0) IJ1111M U101) t-Wr,311JUI 02UIDAV JbIlUJI'll-10M 0111 '1~)WUMU (,)I 1,)IUIA% 111()~Ij ~~JJDJJJOA Jill JO AUJOAL! 113111I)IIIIjul ou L 'Uvjpj.')tu oE4)j)UV 61.)IJUjild atil "Imufu 1~'J.Ijjjj) S1101110A 0q) JO bdfIJUA A141MIM UUOM aqj 1;--k twflepeA jjq W."'Jol J)-!U 01):111jul till,%% 01111 j. p jp I )A:lLlt;q,) Xjl.) puu Opido-11,woll o1j) 10 ILI"Modulo') Icutp,11111:1 OLIJ JAU!", Aj!,',jJJUA Oill )o U-31)[1111113MUI A11 'JU111 otLiLw q) 1 V -ki,.-Ppn)jAuoj imu uq~mjjul aj)],% A1.1111kilp 110I)JOAIM 'PI) (mv pul'% oly.101-piwIl Jtp jo Immoult-110a ICUTpljatu -%)ill jo k;t)pn)luYviu oill juti-I punoj ul 11 *J11411'a 614110 UEJ&J2 041 U) UJAI21 ).ILI V~)VU10AU ICa.(-JAlj SILIO '01)IIJIMU01 JO SJUA.10JUI IIN -f~- , - -,7~ - r - r, ~ -, -, ~-.. 7 T .; wu',z, E . -i -~, I ;. i- - , Y. . ~, . # '9, 6rvu,1.. .1. ,~v- --Z ~- , "Magnetic Properties of Magnetic Oriented Powder Spadmens :s1th 111gh Coercivity,- a paper submitted at the International Cor-ference or Physics of Magnetic Phenomena, Sveddlovsk, 23-31 MaY 56. 2193 I&"-$-FboOW 6" to bus" vni" &IW / N-=ndw WFort tin, A I~ral. A Za-%~k sm4 1 %"s (1(mlavy ~ . Pracue A3 mmv-4 BjAys .4'AS' IOU, is (1), Iii -TZ "'"Imary "ratim of io".1-ylacetic acbd from 15 mal al ohm sci&&44 with acetic Acid It #$Ktrd on #w Ing C4 a Misters of equal parts 01 cha"cul and sibca. which is then datO4 with 10 ml Ol - Nil.-owtharA CAS:fAl, The dust* is evaporated to 4t)-own. the residue is dk*WYW In &A mal of wolar and 25 pJ aze chromate- graphedonpaper. r)rvckqmmt is with *~bota" - o" "If. =03: 1: 41. im wkkb tjw RO Value 1.0-47. ylatetic acid is dderted by the red C04owr fortmed am eprayiNg with I tent FrO, in sMk &64. r1l r' %RAW ;1, M. ; "IM7A 0 M. *0 1-74A L, j. A. ; "". ISSE , A. ; S TOIZ, - 1. Po!.nrverAphic (literminn".ion of nrocnnir! ncid In sweat. Can. lek. cesk. 97 no.27-28057-861 Is July 58. 1. 11. iintav pro chezii loknrmkou KU -,r Prn2m, )rednostn prof. Dr. A. F. Riehter. tratav teloyvchovneho leknratyl KU v Praze. preduosta i,rof. Dr. J. A. Mral. 1. K., Prahn 2, Solmovskn (IMIDAZOLPS, determination, urocnnic nf-Id. In sweats no1nro,;rAuhv (liz)) (SWRATS urcennic Acid, volnrogrophy (Cs)) 7"C,Llt.Y of 0- beaneho 00 " ou ~MtJLO" of loal U" in -,i-"nW CA* 1,;aooo 9ftori-nj To&zn our -'crrltOr- P17RIKOVA. J., Dr; POW, I., prof. Dr; STIOLZ, J., prim. Dr HomeoplastIc and hateroplastic dyseribryoz&s of the thorax; seques- tratton of the right lower lobe of the lung on &bormnt arter7. Caj. lak.cask. 91 ne.45-46:1337-1311J, 14 Nov 52. 1. 2 plicni kliniky V Pra2e, prednesta. prof. dr. Jaroslav Jedlicka. 7. chirurgickeho odd. stat. oMast. necocnice v Prass III. prodnosta prof. dr. N.Polak. 2 prosekturv at. *11)1. nemoc. v Praz" III, pred- nosta prim. dr. J.Stolz. (LUNGS, neoplasms carcinsearesmai (CAMINOSAIRCOMA. lungs) KOSTIMASXT. Antonin: STOLZ, Josef Urachal cyst simulating cancer of the bladder. Roxhl.chir. 34 no.1-2: 81-87 Fab 155. 1. Z chir. klInIky lek. hyg. fak. Praha 111. preda. Prof. Dr I.Polak. Z prosektury st. obl. nos. Praha 111, predn. prim. Dr Josef Stolz (URACHUS, cysts differ* diago from cancer of blaider) (BLADDIR, neoplasms differ. diag. from urachitl cyst) (CYSTS urachus, differ@ diag, from cancer of blad4or) NESMU. Pavel. STOLZ, Josef Heart aneurysm In relation to x7ocardial Infarct: experiences in 1951 and 1952 in )-mart departuent. Cas.lak.ceek. 94 no.20:53P-5u! 13 May 55. 1. Ze statni fakultnt namocnice na, Kral. Vinohradech. (MRT. aneurysm$ In Czech., incidence. relation to nyocardiod Infarct) (KYOCARDIAL INYARCTO epidentoloff, in Czech.. relation to hmart aneurysm) CZECHCZLOV,'.YlA/,'.l I orri Abs Jour % Rof Zhur - 91c1., Niz 6, 1958, No 27626 Author i Skmonrmr., B., Stoltz, J. Irlst i "Ict Givon Titlo i Ro,-erkc cn tho Papar CnlloJ P,)tcticns to Irgntyrin' by lic,ronstoin nnd 14inter. Or i g Pubi Coskosl. dorr.;ct-A ., 19'%, 31, Nf- 2, 77. Ab-;trr.c4. "hen butylpyrin (n co~-r6,ml si,-Jlnr to irfcpyrin) was uec4, thoro wora n,-: sort-us cci:pliections during tho couraq of tror.t:,ont with oxcortion or mo donth cr a prttunt with linb4uton =4 rho%rntiw-. Tho nuthcro baliovo that trortcott .plicrtoi by dinbot9s with butylryrin i- con- Card 1/1 a 15 Vol 9 11 Chest :130al-c"s NOV ~'6 v X I e'! v til '7 T "i" ~-c I I CH TA VL. ; STOLZ, J. .alignant granuloma. Gesk. otolar, 7 no.1:1-13 Fab 58, 1. Otortnolaryngologicka klinika a patologickoanstoxicky ustay hypienicks fakulty Karlovy university v Prate, Preduosta profs Dr, VI. Hlavocak a doc, Dr J, Stolz, (YACA, dis, midline facial granulomatous ulceration (Cs))