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SOV/ 114-58 1-1409 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mckhanika, 1,358, Nr 1, p 17 ) (USSR) AUTHOR: Stol'nikov. V. V, Ir.... - -- TITLE: Investigation of Concrete by the Resonarce Method (Issledovtn.-'re betonis rezonansnym metodom) PERIODICAL: Izv. Vses. n. -i. in ta gidrotekhn. , 1957, Vol S7, pp 166-177 ABSTRACT: A brief presentation of the history oi the subject, accompanied by a derivation of formulas for the assessment of the modulus of elasticity of a material in terms oi the natural @ibration frequency of a specimen brought to the resonance cond-,tion in a "mod-JIemer" (modulus-of elasticity meter). Test -e5,ilts obtained by the author are described and analyzed. 7t ;s cstd1,1I';shed that WiWn the I"mits of the experiment the naturdl -, ibration lreq,-ency el a specimen drops with increasing concrete temperature. It is shown that this phenomenon cannot be explained solely by the changes in specimen dimensions. Poisson ratio, and void ratio of the concrete which accompany the temperature changes, The basic cause of the drop in natural vibration frequency e, oked by an increase in concrete Card 1/2 temperature appears to be a reduction ir its modulus of elasticity SOV/124-58-1-!409 Investigation of Concrete by the Resonance Method brought forth by the generation of structural defects in the cement texture as a residt of changes of the psychro-thermal regime. The author also examines the behat-,ior of the nondi3integrating grains of clinker in the cement texti,ire w;th changing temperature. It is established that the natural vibration frequet,,cv of coricrete specimens saturated with water tip to constant weight exceeds substan- tially (by up to 4Z.69o) the frequency of specimens dried down to constant wett. The increase in natural vibration frequency (increase in modulus of ela3ticit s produced by the self -compac Lion of the concrete. !t is established thdi the grow#@, curve of the natural vibration frequencies of the concrete ir. the course c,f its saturation with water lags with respect to the curve of the growth in weight -per - ,,n;t volume. rhe self -compaction process of the concrete proceeds more Slowly than the process of water saturation thereof. Bibliography: 14 references. Yu. Ya. Slitaverma" Card 2/2 SOV/ 12-1- 57-9-111 35 Tratislation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957. Nr 9, p 173 (USSR) AU HIORS: Stol'nikov, V. V., Giibar', A. S. 'r n, i- E: lnveSti!@,Zktion of the Effect of Surface-active Additives on the Stability of Cement Mortars in Aggressive Sulfate Media (Issledovaniye %-hyaniya po,6-erkhnostno-aktivnykh dobavok na stoykost' tsementnykh rastvarov %- agressivnykh sullfatnykh sredakh) PERIODICAL: Izv. Vseg- n.-i. in-ta gidrotekhn.. 1957. Vol 57, pp 178-197 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card I @II 98-50-5-19/3) AUTHORSt Stollnikov, V V., Professor and Doctor of Technical Scionces and _7.5ukho 5=y , @A . V, Engi no e r TITLE: From the Experience of Engineering Abroad (It opyta zaru- bezhnoy tekhniki). On the Construction of Some Dams in Italy (0 stroitelletve nekotorykh plotin v Italii) PERIODICAL; Gidrotekhnicheekoye Stroitel'stvo, 1956. Nr 5, PP 51-56 0339) ABSTRACT: The article deals with hydroelectric constructions in Italy. Statistical data on international and particularly on the capacity of Italian electric power is given. The con- struction of the Kampo-Moro Dam in Italy and the Flumendoza and Mvlardzh dame in Sardinia is also described. There are 5 tables, 4 schematic drawings, 4 photographs and 1 Italian reference. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 AUTH, I R @,,tol Inikov, V.7., Doctor of Technical "3-iences. '7,j1,hotnkiy, ngineer IITLE: Scientific Research Works in the Field of Hydrotechrieml Con- structiona in Italy (Nauchno-issledovatel'skiye raboty v oblasti g1drotekhnicheskogo stroitellstva v Italii) PEIRIODIVAL: Gidrntekhnichoskoye stroitelletvo. 195S. Nr 0. PP 56-59 (US5H) ABSTRACT: The article deals with the organization of the research work in Italy in the field of hydrotechnical constructions. There are 3 photor and I Soviet references I. Scientific research--Italy 2. [lower plants-4taly 3. Dams --Italy Cnrd I 1. 9 1 Dc to ro .>f Tech- 0 v , 2 a r. v ic-liences and Blor@- il @e*ine Ir 7', `U': 1-.;drnu11c --ngireering 'Works In 7,.Arkey 'Gllrotekhnicheskoye A stroitel'stvo v 7urtsli) 10 t@ C A 1, 3'Adrotekhniches@oye stroitellstvo, 1959, Ar 9f pp 49 - 50 ( "'." s' @- ') APS7RACT: The a-@thors describe dams alrafiiy existing in Turkey and those now under construction. -&,.rkey!s econ=lc depend- orce on forelign capital is stressed, 7here are 4 diagrams and I photo. Dam--Turkey 2. Economic owAitions--Turkey Card 1/1 @;-:@7 -90-55-; 0-7/16 AUT'HORS- Stol nikov Vj_.__Toctor of -.echnicsl Sciences, Frofessorl bnachko-lavorakiy, Candid"te of Technical Sciences TITLE- Blast Furnace Na.9te @'@lag as a Filler for Hydrotechnical Con- crete (0tval'nyye lomennyye shlaki v kachestve zapolniteley v gidrotekhnicheskom betone', PERIODICAL: Gidrotekt-nichesVoye stroittl'stvo, 1956, Nr 10, pp 27-294 (usip) ABSTRACT: The authors consider the use In the UZSR of blnst furnace waste slag as a filler for hydrotechnical concrete. Research work on this Is being carried out by scientific Institutes and bijilding construction firms. The need of finding a new local source of fillers for hylrotechnical concrete is quot- ed ns an important problem for technologists and builders. Cast crushed slag production amounted to 000,CCO cu = in 1955 and had reached 1.210,C00 cu m in 1957, Existing re- gulations in the ZYSSR reco-mend the use of bleat furnace waste slag as filler for usuml concrete and rood building only. Experiments in using blnst-furnRce vaste 91mg as a Card 112 filler for hylrotechnicAl concrete are now being carried Blast Furnace 'wiste 7,lag As a Filler for Hy4rotechnical Concrete out by VNIII imeni B.Ye. Vedeneyeva (MIG iineni B,Y9. Veie- neyev). First results of this atudy have proved the stabi- lity of crushed and ground slag Against freezing And Rtmo- spheric effects. There is 1 photo. 1. Slags-ApplIcations 2. Concrete-Preparation 3. Concrete --Mat *r I -iu; Card 212 STOLINIKOV, T.T., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; GIRMO, TS.G, starshly sotrudnik, kand-takhasnauk 1. Winter concreting with tho use of air-ontraining &Seats and small domes of calcium chloride. Isv* MIG 60s28-38 158, (MIRA 13t6) (Yrost resistant concrete) STOLIXIXOT. T.Y.. prof,, doktor takhasmauki GUMRI, A*8-& stariihly nauohM sotrudalk, imnd.tekhoonauk Investigating the sulfate resistance of concrete by the resonance method. 1xv. TWIN 60:89-104 158. (NIM 13:6) (Conersto-Testing) 110 STOLINIXOT, Y#Vo, prof., doktor tekhn.noLuk; SUDUOT. T.B., insh. Determining the tensile strength of concrete, Irv. TXIIG 601 128-141 138. (XML 13W (Concrete-Uating) 'Y40p, 14(10) 70V 10/'19 , Doctor of TechnIcAl @*ctences. AUTTIOR: 7, tol I ni@ov,_V. V. rrofee'sor TITLE: Problems of Ilydro-Fngineering Concrete At V-P rth Tnternational Congress on Targe nans PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitellstvo, In59, !Ir 99 pp 52-@5 ABSTRACT: The avthor reviews some papers denling with concrete used for construction of hydraulic structureag pre- sented at the 6 th International Congress on Targe Dams, held In September 195S in new York, Among the papers read., was one by Va. lto] Inikov on -3oviet structural-engineerlng practice. There are 2 41agrams. Card 1/1 STOLINIKOYj T.Y., doktor takhn.nauk; ZKAMO-TATOLIKIT. I.L.. kand.tekhns nauk Using dump furnace slags as aggregates In mking concrete for hydraulic structures. Strol. mat. 6 no.9s25-28 S 160. (Ulm 1319) (Concrete) (SIN g) ZTQLINIXOVI,, Vladimir VIndimirorich (Effect of the age prop eftAes]VlAants nicitesk!ie svoistya. (Concrete-Testing) 'N Df concrete on its basic engineering voirasta, betona a& ego ossoyn" takh- Moskva, Goseenergoizd-vo, 1960. 66 (MIRA 16:3) p. STOLINIKOV, V.V., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk Problems of hydraulic concrete at the Sixth international con"s on Wge Dam in New York and the construction of dam on the Missouri River, IzvVNI16 63:41-72 160. (MIFA 14:5) (Concrets) (Missouri River-Dam) oil STOLINIK(-)V, V.V.j prof,, doktor tekhn.rAuk; GINZEU@Z, TS.G., starshiy nauelmv sotrudniks k&W.takhn.nauk; LITVIKOVA, R.TO*p OtarghiY nauchnyy sotrudnik,, k&*nauk Stiff concrete mix for the interior are" of hydraulic structures* Izv.VNIIG 63:73-83 160. (MIRA 14:5) (Concrete) (Hydraulic structures) STOLINIKOV M., prof., doktor takhn.nauk; GURARI, A.S., starahly nauchnyy sotr@@n1k., kand.tekhn,naukj SUDAKOV, V.B. Nrluence of age on the principal characteristics of hydraulic concretes, IzV*VNIIG 6405-65 160# (KM 105) (Concrete) Oij I 0 *4 tv 4r - Con tip. 16 tn for to. ee ro' f _r'v n'i PA good 1 4@. n Z' -1 in t K 1@ r I tA I The az@ u n - f g Th,@ r-ot ,.Ypf_ t@ me e STOLINIKOVI V..,V., doktor tekhn.nauk, Prof.; KIM, V.V., kand.tekhn.nauk Using fly ash from thermal electric stations as cement additives* Gidr.3troi. 31 no.6:18-22 je 161. (XVIA 14M (Fly ash) (Concrete) STOLINIKOV$ V.V.) doktor tekhn.nauko prof. Concrete in the construction of large dams in Japan. Gidr. strol. 31 no.9:51-57 S 161. (VIM 14:12) (Japan-Dams) STOPNIKOV, V.V., doktor tf+hn.nauk, prof. Cboosinp, preparing, and assigning the requirewents for concrete arprogates for large dams, Cidr. strol. )2 no.1,35-Y) Ja '(2. (M1RA 15-.)) Orgregates (Wildinp materials)) (Dams.-Congres3es) STOLINIKOVP V.V., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof. Cements for hydraulic concretes, Gidr, stroi. 32 no.2:24-27 F '62. (Cemnt) (Hydraulic strwtures) (MIRA 15t73 STOLINIX .Y.V,,Aoktor takhn.nauk,, prof. , --.- !-4w Third Coordination Conference on Hydraalic fbgineering Concrete. Gidr.stroi. )2 no-4.-61-62 Ap t62. (KIPA 15 W (Concrete--Congresses) STOLINIKOV, M., prof., doktor takhaswuk; SUDAKOVp V,B,l insh. Aspects of using a resonance method in studying concrete, Bet, i sbel#-bet* 8 no@893364-357 Ag 162. (KIM 1,5:9) (Conarete-Tosting) I a lVibration) 13 t u-@ Exc - Mt@, I:A'. cil ". T L I '1 1, , - , . , ;,,%& @(*@r ' o44L.,i. i6i;A ; '.*TV IN,, 4 A, It. -I q . 0 '- , --$ _ Q Lp-,A.a CA v - V4 f0"iA. i..' Z3. ILLJ , staroi.iy uiucknyy A.A., inzn. F.,ifountion or the t-rack resistalice t@.f cement zortars, Ity, '16:61-76 164. (MJLFA 18: 1( @l i;;,NATFN',K, illipp Vasillyevich; @ZITOLINIKGVA, G.p -qd. (.','ubimr.lace drainage of soils) Zakryty! drenAzh poeh,7. t'u.Awt, Kolos, 1965, 199 P. (Xr@.'.A 191l) if s S R C., "I T-F Ofstlue an 44@c"Pmldam d ritauuns c' V A- V-,%,v;Lnta. V. V Zvf-.c yunt, tc4 Moil R. olida- tkAl Of ascr4lbic add In glucvn@e tabkt-.t, so does dtiioc@ " whIcb shoWd not be focmubted wirli mscv;lk m6l fDr this rcasall. MC41tUft 460 C-AtAly-tC-4 thP P-13 Ckf j!1J9,WiW Ift tAbUff, bUt Chrk " h" no effect on this deciwilm, wlilch appft," tO OMSM In S P)MAtifM Of it &hiff 4--ft. MA ;j76rf&7-jj of .1, -.-Ilip'l I , - , . '! " 4 tt- -4 , z @ I A -. %@ I I f I- . . I @ I, [ 1, 11 , I J 'A - I I -I @A -1V A I - 1, - , - - - - - , @ @l : -, @ : @ @-T@ - --- - *Tc -- - - - - - - - - - , - - -, - I I - ---- - ', , , , -k- A --, - --- - -- - - I . . -- - j -;-T , --1 T - 7--, f T - -I t' I- ET@, . I 'k -; --.7 1 %7 Z7,- -.,;V ACC 101. AP6035652 HW SWRCE CODE: UK/0133/66/000/01111014/1015 1! AUTHOR: SmIrnov, V. S.; Panilevskiy,, 0! keandrov A. A. Stol'nyyp V. I,; Kagan, E. S. ORG3 none TITLE: Manufacture of clad plates by rolling evacuated packs SOURCE: Stal', no. 11. 1966, 1014-1015 TOPIC TAGS: metal cladding, clad plate, titaniu Vj;;&"Vf III pi-A StLA./C ABSTRACT- A meth9d ofclaLdd@nX of steel plates (45 x 1300 x 3500 m) with titanium with a 2,@r :@;xiAVli- i been dei(g,@oped. Cladding was done by rolling islu tarlayer has a pack composed of an St.3 steel slab, a VT-1 titanium cladding plate, and a magnesium oxide interlayer. To prevent oxidation of the titanium, the edges of the pack were sealed by welding and all the air was evacuated from the Inside of the pack. The pack, preheated to 1030C, was rolled to the desired thickness. Th ur- face of the cladding plate was found to be smooth and even. Ultrasonic IP!k@--@Olon did not reveal any lamination between the titanius'and steel. Introduction of this m,thod In the Industry would help In production of clad plates of good quality and eliminate the need of vacuum rolling pills. Orig. art. has.* I figure. bimetal jA r% SUB CODE: 13, 14/ SUBM DATE., none/ ORIG REF.- 007/ ATD PRESSI - 5104 COrd 1/1 UDC: 621.77 .6 a L t b a a A omma m so "G waw. A. 6@ %low* 6164 The .00 00 sc wo, It om cbw r4 tato it on ta 4 OW 00 4 I g . V . Oka 8410 OW bellied to 116% the* Slimed to Orldr m 00 8 that &,oop. lot 4 Iwo. TU so thes 4-berard -4 -00 the 41mmV d"i-viro op Tbr me. pail Pm lbel 00 Im *led to tall &% JA beli Ifle gas rmialrd up to 1.101 002 RO 16 60 W- 46 OW slidill pbkb With a blalic"wU-4 av AW f um b d t 00 of , was . e r e o o Wed dadw) of qbF b0% WW wwrw im"llf"I. while lbr ' 1"l-li bed a AMY ead fut"v-mv Arg-waswr. C.&C 00 *ad 'Awe"Wif to* Owal"m the *take 10 Is"'. Ilw $&T- oo mt 44 tbr phial Is smell Ibe ogivistOws 0". numir .414 mimed fralp A A ILelith"ali too 400 004 '00 So too 00, 03 WWR o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 o 0 0 0 0 q 0 d ll 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 a 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0: 4 @90 @V# 0@ -4 IS k A go R"Nns of chil - as a one got 06" ftoostifloo "a 4 famiswif KW#. A@ I Alagarv oW A. 1. ewkw. AwrlosiolmWoo4w .' 11-12. 113 MIlrorwirs-I 0-1 of"okor IsM ligir &Argrift so ft 11100, Istelolge" iumh ZIA% votmMoll Ago Inset, polar 144"1 V. 0 c"0146" ff.@W% 151", b" 1.1s. ad vv"if## 041 t** toot. IhA " ' #4 M. doftf 11.4 1 '. j 41,04 a nol; I the fw.*ro wit 4 AN rarrood tow as 1.4hron: nw Org# "Ir owalk preh"I"I I't ito fio- tonsig rbu" oragno. Amd IgIv loom was adevowsgi few godtlath'a 2 3 Mon, brhwr abor Ir"41 C4 low ch o Fl Mal F? f * d u n t M or , o w raft FMI wkr Was wwalf.1 0.0 fill ISP tvv low 04w" wists Pror 4 a Iwo olsol 0. f N moo .W@ t-ttir #hot nwo@wsl o t fl i d l 1 b = oo a orls con trow ow AM-1 ors J og , Gobi tbr wrof r .1 I'V 4 d 4 m M 44%. rmwv o4or or borals" 0 obw fts"Movid wrI fwt WAS relturd ""t d"WIT .1 so)-ter fem to 24 so It at* orted few file pov" M arM ogg. Tbr omorwoo so* 4 46W 44di kept &I jlIr to% 2 3 krs'. floor warovorm VMS twu v%q%v%rr#w%I &M sit sign was looraostl wo Vol 4,40' Lq ; -.00 it Al bog . dwolute ows"Wo too" lakell qv"v 4 agtg@ The moo C"br wits flowbats"I air* 4A he- Tito, '411, 064 PSOW4 into NA&h *148.1st Ifflorgo g-Tt"Olow of-wh) bavisks. IV$, 014 0 S d in iourtgot O 1. agaiiholgrow aci s 4* wM two 19. owid ft- 04 "Plottoraw Swbh 140 7 glad 04-01tat d 3 ' o t k 7 fi milli to" l a w me- goos" 0 1 pad s . %, 11W Ovadwi c"&"wd on -4 IS iota I he aboy" 11@0* So* .4 bag! ww M. C4 slor vwt CM aw of ""Irchrook , 7 wisis 140.7; q woo em WV "'Pild"sw me got 4 P i woo O l u a o a 4 1 * so 0 Is to to a 0 to j M4 * & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 9 0 0 f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o & Off 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,4111 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t t to v 4 0, A - l a l the 0 jl@ * , SO i s 1 @ A #A pl tube v0s, A. 1. btalav &.-1 1. 1 mwv Awid"Oh4*44% .%*#.,I a-# r 0 4 -liess-s 24rv f* wr @Mqfnh"w fur#&-" md K"We" furftm"4 mkvi tutamv to I*,, mIA14wl Im A or. ns .14to mftm. 161'r OwHir q A It goo see #so moo too 46, j", .1 ' @ve v of v a i 2 10, 0 0 0 a so 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 * 9 0 0 0 -w-w-w- " @Wlr 00 64 too. I%PWA ortivi 14*w as@ J fe 0 Al I'llbs"if amp tso rk4.. flu, S.-I'M A V@. 1, . I-- ol'4000XV; brut #-ws'fJN# IF *wet IPSIC"VT owro*m of 4pp- T. 1W., Plit1w. & tomboadtim of lbr 1"W-4 %sib G I'C'. t"Mumv alliTtall'al .0 J@ 4941"t ! @017. .00 .00 see 41! too 00 to 1 lit, -I le is 0 It '1 4 0 t a a .4 4 4 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a Illie 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 lo~09.0*00000eooooooooooo0000000000000040.00000al BASTULOV. Ara"nly Aleksandrovich, ka-A.tekhn.nauk; ST rt dM -OWTO Alfb .1sralleylib-- KRIClEM'Fedor AbrimovIch; KnLISPIKOTO 7. red.,- WX A. Y.T.. tokha.rod. (Ways of reducing, loss@% of p"troleum products In roftnorteal Putt sokrashchentia poter' nefteproduktoy na nofteps,reraba- tyvatushchikh save4akh. [Oro*rWi) Grosaonskoa knishnae lad-vo 1957. 175 p. OaRk 12#.l$ (Petroliu*-Rafining) PHME I BOOK MWITATION 1094 Bash1lov, Arsenly Aleksan4iVvIcb,, KvochkIn, Fedor AbramovIchp and fto it Allbert Izrailevich --------------- Kompaund-trovwdye motornykh toylly (Blending of Motor Fuels) Moscow,, Goetoptokhl- zdnt, 1958. 138 P- 2,500 copies printed, Zd.: Sukhanov, V.P.; Exec. Ed.: Yefremova, T.D.: Tech. Zd.i *Abina,, CA, PURPOSE: This book is Intended for the engineers and other toahnical works" em- ployed in petroleum refining plants,.commodity transportation offiess.,petrolem supply nM storage enterprises of various branches of Inftstry,, automotive, Vater and air transportation, and In agriculture, COVEWE: This book,gives theories and methods for blending fuels and the charac- teristics of basic components of automobile and aviation gasollws,, tractor kerosenea, and diesel and reactive fuels. Problems of sthylating wA inhibiting motor fuels, practical calculation and Industrial examples of blended fuels ob- tained from slightly sulfurous and sulfurous petrol4K=, autoNation probldmS and safety techniques during blending are also discussed, C"*,M .bTULOV, AOI.; ZINOVITIV, V.P. Doubling th~ capacity of prossure vac=n apparatus. Neftlanik 5 no.10W*L6 0 160. (XIIA 13;10) 1. Sotradniki Grosumskogo nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo, neftyanogo Instituta* (Distillation apparatus) ! 0A A HII j'YI*N( V , 1 . @@h. ; 6TOD-A' P A. 1. ; .1#7*-NA , 1 .11, Efficient field crops growth stimulant from ;,,@trcleum refining wastes. Nefteper. i neftekbim. no. 063. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Groznenskly neftemaslozavod i Groznerer-kiy t-,auchno- lasledovatellskiy institut. lomr-mtatlon of Zrrors in Norraniform Yeamwownts Formulas for Computation of me-an squAre and mean arithmetic errors witliout computing the me.,an value, but using only the Afference betw-@en two consecutive meAsuremsnts, Are derived. The wim method may be rip- plied In "nonuniform nr-risurements," i.e,o masurinc with different ic- curaTi. (RZhFiz, ','to. So 1955) Uch- Z.-ip- KAZarnk- Im-ta, 113, Ito. 99 1`53# 145-153. 301 Sum. No. 71V@, 8 Dee 55 - Supplemantary Survey of Soviet 3clent'ific Abn-'racts (17) 7f USSR/Optics Of@t Ai@,a.t K,.tt@-- u@,*,. ,,@ k7,0-r, iIn trkzvent-, 7 Abs J(-,i)r Reft:rat 7-)L-.r N.- 42 Author Fishmn, I S., Sto,.ov, A.L. I @t- - I Title ChlcuLati.,n of In Spentral Aralyalir by O=Tent Orlit Pub InP. IfArwt@:'@- 'e@-ta, L955, W,, li, @P, 57-'0 Abstract Contimmtion c!' Ivor? In thi Uv.. (Scienti- fl@(@ n'Aeqf C-r -@"L' 1-@wvi-' 130"J. 9@ i45. Usi,:F 1@k. -'Lew-, 3,re Jb- tain-ed ft@r thc arr'@O:@@ if, 1-e aralyz,!s @mcu plottine., graphs u3ing the method of GtaiuIards ard the metLod of con- trol stard&:'d. Mit- aivsjysis of jhe!;a exT-resslumi mde A -.1r,il, Lhe Uhree- -7,tendard e- n., up!,, I@jf true mlrawa 1!.,rv)r Is ottaimad when t-.@;z! 4;t&riiar!s Aee pla--@4 41 Ubc endq cl Card 'L/2 . STOLOT-- /'-_L- - -.- Spectrum analysis of games In flash discharges, Uch,sap.Lasqunf 116 no.1:118-120 155. (NLRA 10:5) 1.Kafedra solskuly&Mkh I teplovykh yavleMy. (Spectrum analysis) (Electric discharges through geese) Name; STvWV. A. L. Disnertation: Degree: 416 t fXII4&Sf6n,. Defeme Date, Place: A spectrwcopic atudy Of elementary proceoses in a high- frequency jet discharge CajA Pn@-a-Math Scl 14L) Hi6hcr ElucAtlon ULLU, Kazan' Order of lAbor Red banner State U imeni V. I. Ullyanov-Lenin iq)6, Kazan' Source: Knizhnsyn IAtopis', No 45, IV@6 At3 Jour R,.:t*erat ?h-ar lCilnnuya, IN,,) 2, 1071'@J. Va,93 oyt; U@rz. Ffl &.,3 ) f I@xlnl s a f N2 @ C(.;-, v r, I CO * cerve n -1 2 analytical mipl-,x. BI m,.=:; o,,' 3.ardarl mixtirea con- talning from 1.5 to 33-@ N calltration gmphc havi- bcen plotted In tho coordlmtcs Itz 1. ,./ L-11-lan-IF C1,11. Error _@V analysir. in w,.@.hin 1.1-2.151. -a-Aalytical lincs: -1,6,@, - co + 2@p.5; ul),-@' 42i'8.1 - CC * 2897-5; 2 35 2 2 if 35 9 - C10 2 2 331"0-0- Card 212 - 20 - STOLOV, A.L.; MOCHALOV, X-11. Investigating elementary processes and chemical reactions In a torch discharge* Fiz.obor. no.4:323-327 158. (RIM 12:5) 1* Mazanskly gosudaretyennyy univorsitet Iment Tsl,Ul'yanova- IA Lanina i Thsanskiy khtmiko-takhnologicheskiy Institut Ineni S*M*Kirova* (Blectric discharges throu6 #pses) AUTHORs Stolov, A.L. SOV/51-5-5-23/23 TI T L13 Suec'.rua of a Gloys Discharge in Nitrog3a-Hydror;on Axturasat HiCh Prossures (Spektr tlayushchego.raw7ada v azoto-vodor*dqwkh swesyakh pr;L vysokilc4 davlaniyakh) F'ItIODMLsOptika I Spaktroskopiya, 1958, Vol 5, Nr 6, pp 626-628 (U$,5R) ABSMAM The suthor studied spectrau of a glow diachirSe in nitro6en In order to find th3 rrAt4r* of ewission in vArious parts of the discharge. 4.--%AjL®Aantd rare made in a wide range of pr3aijures (1-76 ca Hgj using d.c. discharges (0.1 arip, 900 V). Spaccra, obtained using spectro6raohs ISP-22 and ISP-51, vrars fryand to be tns swas for three typos of discharg9as high-fraquancy (13 Lels), double-electrode and sinf;la-aloctrode. In the positive column and negutive emission spectra first and sOcOal POsitivO GYvta6A8 Of N2 bands were observ-A at all pressures. On addition of oxygen those bands remain only in the+ ua&xtive-amission region. bands of thos first nag:&tive systau of N2 and Ionic nitroGen lines wird observ3d only in the ne&ttlve-saission portion of tha disch@tr;a- !-. hii;h prsssures small aamants of organic 13 sub3taucas prodice inlonss bands of ths violet s@rstqa of Z ill the Card 1 6; .30sitive 001ULM. L rz band at 3914.41 also appears in the positive XV/51-5-5-23/23 @pactraia of A Glo" Discharge in nitrogen-flydrogen i.AxIbires at High Presvirea colwAn and its inwnsity Lucreades wit,i Increase, of the organic itapurity ooncoutrutiou. b"nJs of the 3aydoa-Jar-isn singl3t syst" wiro obseryod In th3 n46.,A'1Ava-v-A*;;ton riblon 4t high pressAras- The of tn )9,3 trinJs .Able on p 627 41ves the uvalengths together with tl@elr Int3naitiss. 4peatma of a glow discharge in hydro6en Jow not differ fro-i that doscrib&d by Feiut (Of 1). Diacharges ta nitrogen-hydrogen i4ixtairss and in aib-toala produce Intonsificition -if tne Ja)doa--,3*t-:Au bunds 1) and ?)I this occurs in the negative -%alas ton reZion. !T1tro6%n-hydr06*4 And &wcul& spectr-i contain also the second positive %tid first narttive systems of nitrogen. ani 3360 and 3240 119 barAdS. In thd positive colu@m and the surrouadla,; shaft of the al*ro-on-Wrogea and a..ijonia discharges 4L-bzLnds of IM2 and 3chastar bAnds (%@ were obmerved. The SOuster bands aro particularly strong for dischArgas In flowini; a-saonis. The swAo ragions of the discharge sinit contia.10Qs rAdlation in the yollow-rsd portion of '.,%a speatran. This suission ind Card 2/3 tha a-joonia bands Are rouiaad in th* dischtge afterglow which lasts es at WV/51-5-5-23/23 Spactrxu of a Glow DIbaharj;9 14 r1iO:roZ;*u-Hydrogen AxtAr High Presxrlres for 10-'3s*o. 71@e fiCare on p 628 shows a &low discharge spsotr4a In aiamoniat the QD')4r pirt represents nqZativq scission, the lower part posilAve-oolumm "asiou and Iron lines are shm in the aiddle. "%ora %re I Tdbl3, I t1bure and C, rafirancss, 2 of rhich ire SoT19%, 2 Snglish, I ^Jor.,an aijd I tnAiLelation. 5 U Bla T..'ED sJune 4, 1938 Cnrd 313 1. Gas mixtures--Properties 2. Slow discharges--Spectra 3. Hydrogen --Prnpertles 4. Nitrogen--Properties Li 314 10 AUTHOR: Stolov, A.-L.-. TITLE: Tii@ ves-tigation of in an Atmosphere PERIODICAL: Izvestlya vysshikh 1959, Nr 3, pp 66604 3011/139-59-3 -21/29 the Peripheral Zone of a Glow Dls:@hargp Of C02 uchebnykh zavedenly, Fizlka, 143-11+9 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author studied a glow discharge at 150--,60 mm Hg pros,jure in CO,,; the peripheral zone of such a dW.1harge was known to have some features In common with the ordinary flame of CO in 02. The discharge was produned in a metal tube shown in Fig 1. The tube contained two hollow copper electrodes with polished copper hemispheres attached to their ends. Both the tube and the electrodes were cooled with running water. The spectra were observed and photographed through a quartz window. The external voltage was supplied from a rectifier through a ballast resistance of 3000 ohms. During discharge the current was 180 mA and the voltage across the tube was 800 IV The gases used in these experiments (CO-, CO and 0--) were produced, purified and dried In the usual way. The discharge was photographed by means of a mirror camera and Card 1/5 the spectra were recorded using Hilger and ISP-22 spe-,trographs. The intensities were measured employing,,--' (1611AC, SOV/139-59-3-;,1/29 Investiga@ion of the Peripheral Zone of a Glow Discharge in an Atmosphere Of C02 the usual photographic photometry technique. Four separate zones could be distinguished tn a glow disrharge at high pressures. These zones were: the atiode and cathode spots, a bright channel (positive column) and a diffuse outer zone. In the spectra of the anode and cathode spot3 and the positive column the CO bands of the Ingstrom and the third positive zystems were obser7ed. The cathode spot emitted also the C02, C02 + I CO+ and CO bands of the triplet and 5B systems as well as C 11 lines. In all the zones of the discharge the OH bands., whose .tntensit'Les depended on the degree of dryness of the gai. were also observed. These features of the cmls3lon by a glow discharge in J02 do not differ qualitatively from the spectrum of a high-frequency "flame" (point-to-plane) discharge (Ref 17). The peripheral zone apectrum consisted of a continuum from about 3000 1 to the red end of the spectrum, with a systerl of bands superimposed on it. This band system (Fig 2b) was identi(@al with that 11-1 ob3erved In the flame of CO burnin., in 0-, (Fig 20).6 This 2/5 identity indi.7a-tes that the same p oce3s of re-@-,mblnatl 45-1*" 6 0 r. r) 'A GOV .13 9 - 59 - 31 /2' 9 Investigation of the Peripheral Zone of a Glow Di3charge In art Atmosphere Of C02 of the products of decomposition of C02 occurs in both cases. For the sake of comparl-,.*on the author (..YbtaInP1 also a spectrum of the glow discharge -in pure oxygen (Fig 2a). The latter spectrum had 02+ bandr, @,f the f trst negative system an4 0 H lines In the c-athode spot regll'.n, The positive column and the peripheral zone of the glow discharge in pure oxygen emitted Schumann-Runge banfis e..' 02, which were due to recombination of atomic oxygen, (Ref 18). These bands differed strongly from the band structure observed in the spectrum of CO flame and in the peripheral zone of a glow discharge in C02. Moreover the maximum of the oxygen spectrum was displac9d with respoct to the maximum of the spectrim of CO flame towards a shorter wavelength. This meanj that the characteristic opectrum of CO flame and the spectrum of the peripheral zone In CO- discharge cannot be identified with the Schumann-Runge system Of 02*t this concluslon was found to be supported also by results of further experiments or. (;ard the effect of H20 vapour (Fig 3) arA of 'C'0 and 02 (Figs 4 3/5 aj)d 5) on the spectrum of the peripheral zone of a Elcy dis,:@hargq in C02. The author points c.,ut also that, ap4xt 66604 SOV/139-- 59-3 - 2112-9 Investigation of the Peripheral Zone of a Glow Discharge in an Atmosphere Of C02 from the band system shownin Fig 29 very weak 02 bands are observed at 3200-3500 X in the spectrum of the peripheral zone of the ^02 discharge. This does not, however, affect the conclusion stated above. It follOW3 that the mechanism of emission by a CO flame and a C02 glow discharge (in the peripheral zone) can be given by the following equations; CO + 0 -) C02* -4 C02 + h-4 co + 0 + M -4 CV + M -.10 C02 + M + h v As a result of the first of the above processes a continuous spectrum is emitted, and a band spectrum is produced by the second process. The CO and 0 are products of dissociation of C02 molecules in the Interior of the discharge, which diffuse outwards Into the peripheral zone. Apart from measurements of intensity the author determined also the temperature of the Card Peripheral zone from the distribution of intensities in 4/5 the rotational system or the first lines of the Ql branch of the OH bands for C02 and 02 mixture this ZIK 66604 SUVI 139-59- 3-21129 Investigation of the Peripheral Zone of a Glow Discharge in an Atmosphere Of C02 temperature was 1670 t 30 OK. There are 5 figures and 24 references, of which 15 are Soviet, 8 English and I translation from English into Ru3sian. ASSOCIATION: Kazanskiy gosuniversitet imeni V.I. Ullyanova (Lenina) (Kazan' State University imeni V.I. U11yanov (Lenin) SUBMITTED: November 18, 1958 Card 5/5 11-K 30) AUTHORS: Baturova, G.S., Pominov I.S., @07/33-56-2-6/27 Stolov, A.L., Smirnova., IN.H. TITLEs Spectroscopic Observations of the Corona Nring the Total Solar %clipse of June 30, 1954 I'MODICALt Astronamichookiy zhurnal,1959,vol 36,!Ir 2,pp 247-255 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The paper contains an evaluation of the obnorvations of the expedition of the M; ; position of the expedition stilnites Novo - Rozhdoatvenskaya of the Lrasnoiar dintrict, ',"'39544* westward from Greenwich, q a + 45053 210 ; time i June 30, 1954. The results of the evaluation of two spectrograza of the corona in visual region are (;iven (taken by I.S. Iloninov and N.H. Smirnova). The obtained spectra contain five coronal lines with the wave lengthi 6375, 5303, 4312P 4232, 4097 1 . A-be electron density of the solar corona wan calculated according to the method of A.F. Bogorodakiy and %.A. Xhinkulova for I - 1.05 to 2 from the coronal component of the continous spectrum. The decrease of the electron density with Incresaine I is somewhat slower than obtained by Dogorodskiy and Khinkulova. G.A. Shayn is mentionei. The authors thank Professor Card 1/2 ;nQctroscopic Ob3orvatione of the Corona Durin-, the 007/133-36-2-6/27 T@tal Solar Sclipse of June 30,15,54 D.Ya. Martynov and N.D. Kalinenkov for their assistance. There are 5 fieures, 5 tables# and 16 references, 9 of which are Soviet, 4 Germang I English, 1 French, an4 I Japanese. ASOOCIATIONt Yazanakiy gosudarstvennyy universitat ineni 7.1. U11yanora- Lenina ( Kazan'State University inneni 7.1. Vllyanov-Lenin) SUMUTTEDs MaY 15, 19 59 Card 2/2 S/058/61/000/007P23/086 AOO1/A1O1 AUTHORS: Stolov, A.L., Izosimova, S.V, TI=1 Investigation of spectrum of inunderwater arc PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no, 7. 1961, 138, abstract 7V286 ("Dokl. Mezhvuz. nauchn. konferentaii po spektrookopit I spektr. analizu". Tomsk, Tomakly un-t, 196o, 64.- 65) TEM It is established that In underwater are spectrum a tonalderable enhancement-of lines of ions is observed, which takes place because of the rise of plasma temperature. The peculiarities observed can be explained by the In. creasing specific power of the underwaterdischarge which burnsP at equal other conditions (amplitude value and duration of current pulnes),,at considerably smaller interelectrode gaps than discharge in air. Tfie proponed interpretation of underwater are peculiarities Is supported by observations of speotra of an arc burning In CC14 In which a sharp enhancement of the lines of loas In also noted. M. Britake [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 S/139/6o/ooO/03/028/045 203�/ .A314 AUMORS: .'Stolov, A.L. and Dolsojeolova, TITLE; The Infra-red Spe2w @f a Glow Discharge truml PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Fizika, 1960, No 3, pp 154 - 157 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The infra-red spectrum in the region 650 - 6 500 cm-1 -as obtained with the aid or the IKS-11 spectrometer incorporatlng NaCl and LIP evystals. The detector was a vacuum thermocouple, having a sensitivity of I V/W. The source of radiation was the positive column of a DC glow discharge. The use of DC discharges led to a considerable reduction in the noise level and the pressure in the discharge vessel could be increased right up to the atmospheric pressure, thus increasing the intensity of the source. The discharge was excited in a metal tube with a N&Cl windfw and water-cooled copper electrodes. The discharge was operated at 1 000 V, 150 mA. The spectrum of a glow discharge in carbon dioxide is shown In Figure I and Cardl/3 is identical with the flame spectrum of CO + 02 (Refs 6,7). The upper trace was obtained with LIT and s/139/6o/ooo/o3/028/045 J012/9314 The Infra-red Spectrum of a Glow Disch r a the lower with NaCl. The slit widths were; I - 0.4; 2 - 0.3; 3 - OJ9 and 4 - 1#0 mm, respectively. Figure 2 shows the spectrum of the glow discharge in air. The arrows show NO, N02 and N204 bands. These I occur at 1945, 1583 and 1815 cm- respectively. In absorption, the corresponding wave numbers are 1878, 1621, 1749 cm- I, respectively. A study w:s Poo made of the intensity of the C02 band at 2349 M_ as a function of pressure. It was found that the behaviour of the curve depends both on the re-absorption of the radiation and on the distance of the particular section of the discharge from the axis. At greater distances from the axIs saturation of the curve occurs at lower pressures. Re-absorption has a similar effect and tends to accelerate the saturation of the curve as the pressure is increased. A calculation was made of the probability of transfer of a vibrational quantum on coll6sion Card2/3 between C02 molecules. The result is 0.2 x 10 which S/139/60/000/03/028/045 The Infra-red Spectrum of a Glow DischargeZOWKU4 is smaller by an order of magnitude than that obtained by Terenin and Neuymin (Ref 2). The discrepancy may be ascribed to the fact that reabsorption and peripheral regions of the discharge were not taken into account in Ref 2. The above results for the probability, on the other hand, were obtained by investigating the CO2band at 4.6 p, where reabsorption is practically absent. There are 4 figures, 1 table and 14 references, 12 of which are Soviet and 2 English. ASSOCIATION: Kazanskiy gosuniversitet (Kazan State University).- SUBMITTED: MulY 17, 1959 Card 3/3 84444 S/057/60/030/009/009/021 B010054 AUTHORt Stolov, A. L. TITLE: The Problem of the Entry of Subotance Into a Discharge krcl PERIODICALt Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy f1z1kIj 1960, Vol. 30, No. 9, pp. 1061-1063 TEXT: The author studied the entry of substance and the discharge stability of an arc discharge in the course of the combustion phases of an a.c. arc. For this purpose, a beam from the central part of the arc was directed onto a photomultiplier. The latter was connected with an oscilloscope, and It was possible to record the radiation intensity during each half-life period of the arc discharge. Fig. I shows an oncillogram of the intensity of a Zn arc, and Fig. 2 represents the fluctuations ,@I/I of the Intensity In percents as a function of the combustion phase of the are for the metals Bi, Pb, Al, Fe, W, Zn, C, Cu, $I. These metals can be divided into two groups as to their intensity fluctuations. The first group includes Al, Bi, Pb, In which the fluctuations are large at Card 1/3 84" The Problem of the Entry of Substance Into S/05 60/030/009/009/021 a Discharge Arc B019YB054 the beginning of the combustion phase and become smaller toward the end of the phase. The remaining six metals belonging to the second group show only slight intensity fluctuations. The mean values of fluctuations of this group lie below the minimum value of fluctuations of the firit group, Further, it appeared that the smallest intensity fluctuations were ob- served at a discharge current of 4 a, At lower and higher discharge currents, the fluctuations were stronger. An exact study of the lu,mines- cence of the arc discharge with a quickly passing photographic plate (6 m/sec) and a suitable focusing made it possible to Investigate the intensity variations during one half-life period of discharge. Fig. 3 shows that the entry of substance depends on the polarity of electrodes, and is diffcrent for different metals. A steady evaporation of substance can be observed with C, W, and Fe.. An irregular ejection can be observed in a number of photographs, particularly with iron. The irregularity depends on the amperage, the electrode spacing, or the electrode pre- heating time. Closer investigations of Bi. Pb, and Al electrodes clearly showed that strong brief jets existed during the individual discharges. Card 213 - SMOV P A. L. Concerning a variation of the wthod of quantitative spectral analysis, 7AY,lab, 28 no.gslO16-1017 162. (MRA 15111) 1. Kazanskly gosudarstvannyy universitet, (Speotrum analysis) S/046/63/027/001/013/043 Absorption of optical crystals in ... B163/B180 V'ex-* borm~WINI ,O.K 03'K 103*K 2"'K Y4'K dwx LIF 2100 7.ts 7.01 6.8 6.38 5.97 7,45 477 G$ FS WWI 10.0 9. 72 9.53 9.3 8.34 tO NO M15 4-m U'S t2lt It.s 11.1 lo.11 12 76 240 SrFj 0,03% ErF t2OO t2,2 It.M 11.44 It.t 9.75 12. fij 240 Srr$ (1,11% E;F" t U 12.28 11.96 11.38 11.0 98 12 HaFs 1000 13.3 12.9 12,44 12.0 10:64 13:61 240 Le,renl : 1j crystal, c n for 2730K, continuous absorption Lafre r Cari 5/3 16606 s1o331631o4o1oo11ol61ol6 3, ..Ur11O.'(3: Kalinenkov, N.D. and StoloVe A# TLTI.C.: An intensity-recording microphatompter 11;'RIOVICAL: Astronomicheskiy zhurnal, v* 40, no* is 1963, 171 - 175 The principle of the device is illustrated in Fig* I* The characteristic curve of the negative I , which is in the form ol' a tranf;parent curve on an opaque background, is illuminated throttigh the condenser 3 by the lamp 2 * It in then projected onto the screen 6, which carries a narrow alit 7, by means of the objective It and the galvanometer mirror 5 * When the mirror is rotated the characteristic curve 8 @s displaced at 1-i-islitangles to the slit 7 If the current from the photocell, ilittininated by light transmitted through the Cleasured part of the spectrometer is fed through the galvanometer poll, then the imago I,? or the characteristic curve will be displaced relative to the --tit and the displacement will be proportioqal to the.angle of rototion or the mirror and therefore to the transmissivity of the pikrtictilar part of the spectrogrant. The hetg@t at which the Card 1/3 1 S/033/63/04o/ooi/oi6/oi6 The intensity-recording .... r032/9344 of the characteristic curve on the slit 7 will cut the littter will depend on tlie displacement or the galvanometer mirror, so that the displacement of ttio curve 8 at rightangles to the Ix !; lit 7 is tratisformed into tho displacement of a luminous point atoti!@ 7 witi, ttin iavr or transformation def4ned by the form of the characteristic curve I A platehol(br 9 Is placed behind the slit 7 atid the photographic filn. in displaced at r 'ightanglon to tlie n1li; Di nytichronism with the displacemer%t of the spectrogram tin(,er investigation. Tito coordinates in which the curve on the !,hoto,gral)itic rum is recorded will depend on- the transformation curve 8 . In particular, the transformatiqiR law may be arranged to be such that the final result is recorded dArectly in terms of the intensity. There are 6 figures* ASSOCIATION: Razanskiy gosudarstvonnyy uniyeTsitet (Nazan' State University) 6UDI-AITTED: February 12, 1962 Card 2/3 m S/03/63/00/001/016/016 Tito intensity-recording *.a. W32/2314 F i r. 1: 4 Card 3/3 .4 I ACCESSION NRt AP3004324 S/0033/63/040/004/0697/0699 AUTHORt Stolov, A. L. TITLE: Relative spectrophotometry of some chromospheric lines during the total solar eclipse of 15 February 1961 SOURCE: AstronomichaskLy shurnal, v. 40, no* 4. 19630 697-699 TOPIC TAGS: chromospheric line spectrum, line spectrum, chromosphere, spectrophotometry, relative spectrophotometry, solar eclipse. solar eclipse ISFeb6l. H sub Bets line, H sub Gamma lLas, H sub Delta Ila*, C& #up +K. Ca #up +H ABSTRACT: Spectra of the chromosphere, obtained during the total 0olar eclipse of 15 February 1961, were used for computing the mean gradients A of the formula E (h) . Z (0) 47oho Here h is the height of the moon's limb above the photosphare and 9 (h) is the energy of a column of the chromosphere entering the --Wrd 1/2 ACCESSION NRs AP3004324 spectragraph. Computations are made for the lines Hig ki H&I G4+10 and Ca+,q. The derived values of 0 for the hydrogen Linda are close co those fou.nd for the 1945 solar eclipse. Orig. art. hast 2 figurts and 1 table, ASSOCIATION: Kazanskiy gosudarstvanny*y universitat (lasso State Uni- versity) SUBMITTED: 05Jun62 DATE ACQt 20Aug63 EXCLt 00 SUB CODEj 00 NO REF SOVs 003 OTHERt 003 Card 2 / 2 L 31986-66 5'-T (M )/EA F (w )/Ei;IA (d )/!/En P (t )/H 1 ACC NR.AR6Wf)65 SURdE'CODEs UWC437/6V0O0/O1W103VI033 AUTHORs Tagirov, R. B.; StolovL A. L.; Mashkovich, S. A.- TITLE1 Measurement of the work function of glectrwo for certain alloys SOURCE1 Rer. zh. metallurglya, Abe. IZ246 Ra SOURM S'b. Itog. Suchn. konforentelya Kaxamk- un-ta so 1963 ff. Sskto-s aramagnitn. rezonanse R I f1s. Volimerov. -r-a-MOTIS S astron.6 blon, 7+a TOPIC TAGSs steel, brass# bronsop mollbdoomg electron Interaction# nonochrmatIG radiationg work function ABSTRAM The work function of electrons of a number of alloyelhas boon me"wrad by photooffect observation using the coercive-field method. A awlet placed In the center of a spherical capacitort was Irradiated with monochromatic radiation. The measurements were carried out In vacuum 4, 1" = Hg over t*6 wavalogtke. The vork function of electrons (av) was mejour9d for L-421'(3-9)v)LS-M!:M1X3.6) and.LAI (4,A) brass,-St Xhl8N9T (4.0) and �LIOF14.2) &too =t-1=-2(3-9 bronse, and AD (3 molybdonum.. Mor -hollt-resistant allore with an No baseg, the work function of electros AUMOR: stoloY, A. Le 101 TITIS: Tmverature and equWbrim in the h10-frequaday N'qA' d1sobaro p4aaft and discharge In ozonizero SOMS, Murnal f1siobaskoy kbiallp v. 38* no. 6.. 1.9(Ap 1530-1534 TOPIC TAGS: electrical dischargep molecular spectrap rotational tevVerature, vibrational temperature, plump ozonizer# ozonizer discharge, SLIdIng diseh&rp Plams ABMACT: The purpose of this work was to Investigate sy"trus as well " rota- '-tiodeLAWLAbrations' toWersture -of nitrogm solecules in a gliding dIscb&rV InAu'l--0 tlaaj_@@ of Interest to conpare the spectral chaiijitirls cham was produced between a steel needle #zA a flAt c*Mr by a 2 m glass plate* The whole set tV was pUgod Into & glass contalmr with a quartz window, The owt&inor was cotmecteiS with a pme by a UAgVod mmawt*r and the souves of gas. The ozoviser dischaqp was produced betv*w two coaxW I Card g1we tubeei w1th a dischaM goo* of the order of 1 =* The internal #MetnAe vas a 30 = long a1uninum cyUMer and the external electrode was aluminum f0114 The nature of equilibrium in discharges wo elucidated on the bssis of the compGA- son of temperatures weAured from rotational wd vibratimal structures of molem- lar spectrum. The rotational twperatuRe of discharges M messurld frM the intensity distribution in the N2 h _3371X bond f rom Unes with rotational quantum num1mrs j from 28 to 44s free frm overlspe vith lines of other boods. ror the determination of the vibrational temperature the use vas made of 19 moat intense bonds of the second positive fystm. The intensities of bonds in the 2W - 4060 region were wasured taking Into secount the sVeatrul distribution of the smaitl- vity of the pbotographic plate* It was fouvA that for the g1JAing discharge the diffe e betvwm the bigber vibrations' temperature end rotational U%arature increases Atliltbe docrea" of pressure frm kW to 2200 Co For orom1w 41sch&M this difference remaina acestaut at 1OW C9 Orig. art, baw 4 f1pres. ASSOOIATICINi KazaankLy GOGUM&M, j univeraltat Im, To 1. Ull t4aftit* an 81tat4@ !k4T$V! Card . ......... 1'1@ L 6644-65 ACCEMCO MR: AP404IT54 suaurm: 2wuu63 MM CM: GP, GC I DATS AOQ: 00 NO Jw ww: 008 I II AI Card 3/3 - i I L 18765-66 ACC NRS AP6003776 SOURCE CODE: Un/ol8l/66/008/001/014L>/0147 ,AUTHORS: Gillfanov, P. Z.; Livanova, L. D.; Stolov. A. L. @ORG: Kazan State University Im. V. I. Ullyanov-rAnin (Kazanskiy 'gosudarstvennyy universitet) 1TITLEs Investigation of CaP21Gd3+ centers with positive compeneatore ISOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 1, 1966, 142-147 ITOPIC TAGS: fluorite, gadolinium, activated crystal, optic spectrum., Icrystal symmetry, luminescence center, epr spectrum .ABSTRACT: The authors obtained experimentally the optical spectrum !of Gd3+ centers in CaF2 with rhombic symmetry, compensated with Na+j, I + yl- !K , and Ag+ ions. The crystals were grown in an Induction furnace b Ithe Bridgman method. The luminescence and absorption spectra were iexcited with a high intensity lamp and recorded with a diffraction spectrograph (1200 lines/m, dispersion 3 R/mm). Introduction of the:Z Card 1/2 L 18765-66 ACC NR: AP6003776 ,compensators gave rise to changes in the structure of the spectra, ,with suppression of the spectrum of the noncubic fluorine centers, lintensification of the spectrum of the cubic centers, and simultaneout production of spectra of new centers, which differed somewhat for the ;different compensators. The results are compared with those deduced 1 2+ Ifrom EPR spectra. Replacement of two Ca ions In the lattice of the 3+ ,fluorite with Od and compensator Ions causes production of centers of cubic and rhombic field symmetry, with the parameters or the rhombic centers depending on the kind of compensator use. The apec- itroscopic data indicate that the compensator ion In rhombic centers js located in the third coordination sphere, and distorts relatively 'little the cubic field of the fluorite lattice. The causes of the easy replacement of the F- centers In the lattice are briefly explain- ,ed. The authors thank M. M. Zaripov and V. 0. Stepanov for supplying 4ata.on the EPR spectra of the crystal and for discussing the !results. Orig. art. has*. 3 figures and 2 tables. ,SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATEt O6ju165/ ORIG REPt 001/ OTH REFt 004 cm 2/2 41X L 2153L-o E1VT(1)/EWr(m)/r/Ei1A(h)/EWP(t) 11P(c) JD ACC MR: AP60061AO SOME COM: tWO139/66/000/001/0048/00$3 AUTHORs Aysenbell, 1. B.; cillfanov, r...z.; stololv, As L. ORG: Kazan State University Kazanskiy gosuniversitst) TITLXi Absorption and luminescence spectra of the trivalent Pr Ion In a calcla tungstate siNlie crystal 4 SOURCE: Iva. rizike, no. 1, 1966, 48-53 TOPIC TAGS: calcium oompound, tungstate, single crystal, energy band structure, praneodynium, energy level ABSTRACT: The authors study the absorption and emission Vgctra of a calcium tuns- state crystal with trivalent praseodymium impurity ions to determine the position of some of the energy levels for this Ion and the magnitude of their Stark split- ting In the crystal. The ways numbers of the energy levels for the Ion as well as the transitions observed during absoTption and luminescence are given in the fjg@ twes. The Intensity of most tras s1tions Is given as wall as their polarizations r (along axis C##), a (perpendicular to axis wo (without polarization). Several Card 1/14 L 21537-66 ACC Mll woooluo 'P. lp. T.1 111111 11 1111111111 -74C- I V@ 1, IV# I" NO *" LL I I I t IN S IN a N n a m " re , L 21537-66 ACC XR: AP6008110 relatively weak lives with an intensity which varies frtm specimen to spechm ;not included In the energy diagram. Stark splitting of the levels by the crystal 'field Is greater than splitting of trivalent prassodysim levels In other crystals. 1he authors are grateful to L. Ya. Shokun for proposing the topic and for constant linterest in this work.@ Orig. art, has: 4 figures. Ilk) r @BUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DAT11 18may6h/ ORm REF; 002/ OTH RIF: 016/ ATD PFMB., IUA Card 4/4 AU.' j_tVs Ad* 0:@Z Ulyar,@r;- Locnin (Wanskiy go.A*udarntvcs-.nr_,r ? centers with hydro)qjl compenration, 2UC.@@CF i @,.'x tvt@rilo@,,u tela, v. 6, no. 4, 15k@6, 1165-1167 TOP'lc calclui,it '.*luoride, activated crystal, optic center, crirtal, -:,'i'-ctru:-i, optic, trunsition, line cplitting,, Stark effect) 0,70oL -' &'-i i'('i IA. 0 'iliic authorr. p-11r.' rut that previously produced crystals with 01- cen*crs A were r,-&1)Jcct t-o (icfects whic'.4 led to erroneous results. In the present in- vesti,-ation 'Oji@y r-,Iu@ftjrcel, cry:,tais with sir.-,je sjm-.etry due to OA cornipenza- tion, wit'I @,nod optictil pro,)er1.1eG. '.'he CaF, + Gd:103 crystals were grown frix* the rlClt ir. ILLAI j.-AIUC'@JGrl @@-.-;- nicc by the droi-plrC crucible method in a vacutul of 2 x 10-4 r,.,n J@G. -'I'C C nta'..- Cr'-"4:i contained In addIllon to cent rY I - %I era vit@ fluorine compenaation, al:;a centers. The Of centers were produced by introduck-,,* YOH or :;aGit In tiva chari;e. Anzvlysia of the field constants, obtained by the E11B miethod, ohrwed that the 0,* ccnters obtained in these crystals were identical with thoze by J. Q'ierro (J. Chem. Phys. V. 34, 2163, 19()l)- 7be luminetcence spectra of tLe G(13+ In the UiC centers were measured at room temperaturel and at liquid-nitro6en tenperature. @Yansitlons were observed from all the Stark Cotd 112 L 29955-66 ACC W, to the ground st4tc. Ahe lu=inescence linez ver components of "11- narrow and t..(: oc-r-eVr-at Ue intensity of luminescence froci centers of t-A.4'.v I-- t6,@ concentrations. 17he wave numberz; and the splittilk'r of -,lie possible model of the-Oil- c(!ntcr is discussed 'An a-:1 il. Is a%4;gcstcd that the Oil ion In located In tile ion zrhc-*e# thus producing centers with a single the splittirk; can be reconciled with the relation dei-i-CtAl 'U-J,* Jj.@ Ui Z v -@.- 11 C r77a" V . 6 0 142., 1966) between the tera splitting kir.,', G6.3-1' ion and the co*ensator. The authors thank V. G. i@ar.Qv fue ix.,1- wtlh 'he 'work. Orig. &rt. has: 1 table. SUB CODE: 20/ G6QSciA;51 Card 2/2 ------- onG Ru: ooil oni rw s oo6 L 16743-66 M(1)/? lip(c) ACC N11 set=# aml W/WrO/6S/OWOW/OlAV" AUTHMs (IU'ftWVO li,A! I LAYMMS-1 -1-14; 093EA Ai Is - Oflal: Immkimatan Of 014109 cut"" am": mristaucgrefim W. U, no. g, IW gO@M., TMO ummo imminsfamem, arylua grOAb* Cole uAmilklan Opul" I elpislaroo AMOVACTs Ids Is a amAlwantlan of aulla vark by V* or,uw shopi" To 20t 99p 1966) 6WOtAd ILO thO OWIXM I ly Aludift vW adlon In as os% IAUUOP Wd to WO at nmarlmd@ma O"Mars. 7be pr*seft nlhft Is devotod to WIml centms P edw I 1--injame4w F30 1 . 14=8 Into vW 1AUGG u4stbar vl+A VW fl=ftm cWtus. n In dmm Oak in a& , dition +,o tho trigaud aq coutersp Wch bm be= previonsly dmmv" 1W vwim workwep allm aptima cautwe we Wao , , c A go ek saw ct 41tw ad Wk Of"m in In speafts ak &U# or appeared vM vask2re So A%P wows VMS awa In an ladmolm funace brl the Pridem n*Uw& 2be aboorAlm =A tux's saa at qui&n1tv via a fraction posts c4p elb (DIG-6-1# disparsim 6 JViW e as ms miud 1W, a h4A vrtsmare xems luve 2be arp"I growth me In = ad&40426 tavs"*We 06 L 26?43-66 ACC Nlb two differmMam pmeares. I* results Wowed UA Ore* at VOW are prodm*d the" cirometamedq two at Web 000tv us Idtla of the arsW mg as third mews at the Md of the grol"the Aul"40t tvmm@ -tiom md -Sles amon4bed to the diffft4mt 91 an lammufted IV co-taml Em mp"trOMMW NA taftUted. An amays-15 at the" *00tors don tus aw we either trisom, mmmetry centers vith affinmmm Oca4maw"m at the d*WP W an constitute Centers praftiled bythe ine"Xidw to the 010 1AMOOD bas 3 3 figum and 9 tabl"O S leb*Al cm m Ow on MWI 20/ 41,1 J 2428o-66 NxT(m)/E-WP(t) M-RE-D5006999 SOURCE CODE: -iw~o-,o5--W66/6~6166~lO-2B370-LA AUTHOR: Gillfanovy F. Z.; Dobkin&, Zh- S.; St!jnj A. Lj,- Livanoyal L. D. OFO: none TITLE: Absorption and luminescence spectra of Od" In Hera SOURCE: Optika I apektroskopiyap v. 20, no. 2, 1966, 283-292 TOPIC TAGS: absorption spectrump luminescence spectrumi Stark effeetp gadoliniue4 electron paraagLgnetic reaonance, line width, luminescence center ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation was to identify the terms and the Stark structure of the energy levels belonging to the Ions Gd3* in crystals of MeFg (No - Cd, Ca, Ba) on the basis of analysis of the emission and absorption spectra of the Gd3+ in these crystals. The optical spectra were measured t t tures 300 and TTKj* using a spectrograph (DFS-8) with linear dispersion 6 Vme.mpTerhae nature of the hosts of the Gd-"+ ions and their approximate concentration were determined by an electron paramagnetic resonance method. The Stark structures of the OP7/2, @/2 and J7/2, belonging to GO+ ions in crystal fields of various rymetries) Verb identi- fied. The results showed that both the luminescence and the absorption spectra of tb Gd3+ hav narrow lines in the ultraviolet region, with widths usually not ex- ce:ding O-T 1. The lines narrow down by a factor 2--3 times on cooling to 11qU1& nitrogen temperature. A large number of the lines and the variability of their re- lative intensity in different samples with different Gd3+ concentration point to the presence of several types of optical centers. Orig. arti has: 5 figures and 3 tabli kUB. CME: _ ?0/ MM DATE: 21&rA/. OPM MW: 007/ OTH MM 005 L 0837@-6?__EWT(2)/EWP(t)/ETI IJP(c) -JDIJG ACC NRI AIR6028149 SOURCE com umloo5816 rd_00T0_0T/ff0_6f/1f66 AtMIOR@_Taglrov H. B.; Stolay, A. L.; Mashkevich, S. A. J-- TITLE: Measurement of the work function of electrons for several alloys SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fisika, Abe. 5Zh477 REP. SOURCEt Ob. Itog. nauchn. konforentelya Kazansk, un-ta &a 1963 9s Sektos per&- magnitne resonansa. spektraskopil I f1s. poliar-OTO i"i4idseq astroneg bions Kazan# l"h'. 15-27 TOPIC TAGS, work function, pbotoeffect, brass, bronze, steel,, molybdenum# surface finishingg refractory alloy ABSTRACT: The method of delayed field and red boundary of the external photoeffecib vere used to men re the work function 4 of different brands of brual steelq bronze, _. - s9e measurements were made in an instrument can- ph-e-H-cU and molybdenum., stitutIng a 9 capacitor in vacuum of 1v 10-6 mm Hg. It is established that In most cases # decream following surfs. e finishing of the metal. When the surface to cleaned, the quantum yield y greatly Increases; y decreases when the samples mv kept In air, owing be appearance of s, rface oxides. Investigations of a group of -refractory 14LOZ824,01 -a' molybdenum revt #led appreciable changes in # , frm 3.6 to hA *To depenang on she composition act, beat %reatuent conditions at the anop. (Translation or awtract) WB CODIC: 20 ACC NU 'P6031572 Gil, f"ov, i. Z. L. Z. ; Ila3yrov, 1. K, 30tolov, A. L. Kazznl State University in. V. 1. Ul'yanov-Lcnin (KazQnskiy goaudarstvar.AY/ -Aeni@crature dependence of the wiutw cand chirt3 of phononless absorption lizes, in criatals of fluorides activated witii Ca:wilnimm tCZ; Fizika tverdogo tela, ve Bo no. '10, !966. 3070-3374 TC@2:C abzorpt4@en Iine, line shift, line width, activated crystal, fluoride, tc:-.@?eruture dependence, Stark effect, optic transition 3 7 @'A 71cc xut.@.orzi investii:atcd the wiqth., w-.CA s'.Aftr. of the absorptior lines of aF -no on G-43* in C 2', :;r7,, zu-.d BaF, crjata@s, corrv:;,-oi@41'nj; to p --, less *r"zitions "IevelS 01, tne tems6r5/;2 tuid 6? from theAgrowld state 0 to Stark GUU 7 7/2' as functions of the concentration and temperature, Une was made of the ener6y levels of Gd3+ in t*Ae4e crystals, corresponding to different sym.Actry centers, published by the I%e content authora earlier (Opt. spektr. v. 20, 99, ;966; F74 Y. 8, 142, 1966). ', vas 0.1, 0.3, and 1.0 at.50. 7he alizorption. a;.Vctra vere obtained vith a diffra-ion spectroZr&ph The crystals were grown by cryst&llization froa the nelt. 'n the interval 76-3WK. Al' line vidthe increase vith Ahe =easurements were mad -Card ACC NRt AI'6U33572 temperature in ne.-rly linear faihicn. 'i*ne rz&x'.-,= wIdth rur,@,e from 2 to 6 C:4-1 at nitro6en Luid room temperatures, respectivcly. Line anifto occur with In- crea@ia,--; tenperature, azountlrq; to 1-4 cm-1 A , at all vaye1enths. Mie line width is propirtiona! to the Cd conceLtration. The didtho and ahlfta increane with lowerins of t-.-.e cryst.-a uy=etry. 'I"he ba-sic metal does not affect the resultz such. A forauls li; Le.@Aiyad for the temperature dependence or the widths rAnd shirts of cubic centers .n matu--'lic fluoride Gnd is found to explain tho observed experimental data. Orig, art. haz: 3 -ligures and 5 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUDX ZA7S3 15Dac65/ ORIG MF: 003/ OqII MY3 005 Card 2/2___ ACC NRI AP7005879 'crystals with lithium vanishes, and only the complicated EPR spectrum observed with copper is seen. The maximum at 6805 A In the optical spectrum becomes stroWer. 14Me results do not lead to any unique conclusions other than that the excesG CP charge ie compensated by the Up Na, or Cu in a nonlocal manner, Orig. art, has: I figure l anl 1 formula. (WA-14) 1021! sm DATE: 28jun66/ OTH REF: 002 Cwd 212 , I I . !. @ @ @ - , , @ @ I@ - " , -@ - , I , , , . :@,, :i j - @ k '. @ '.., I !, , ; VMLU. UL; TZYWOV, D.T.-. MINTS, A.L; VITRIU, X.X.;VODOPITANOV; V.A.; GASHXV. N.A.; 23TDLITS. A.I.: ITANOT. P.P.; ROLOWSTIT. A.A.; XOM", Ys.Q.; "r4M, I.F.; KOW&M. JLA.- NUTAUSEIT. I.Kh.-. PITMOT. V.A.-. RLDINOVICH. M.S.; GUMMKIT, SA.; Sl- NKLINIZOT, K.D.I__STOUN. A.M. Ton Bev energy synchrocyclotrom 'built by the Academy of Sciences of the U. S. S.R. Atop. anerg. no.4:22-30 156. (KLU 9:12) (cyclotron) STOLOV A.M.2 FOMAR, E.G.0 MDNWZON, N*'A., TITOVj V.A., SHFAKM9 V-M. =J-Z-6 1-1 - "Experisental Ring-Shaped 200-650 MOV StOng-FOcusiftf Proton Accelerator," paner presented at CERN S7uPG9iwA* 1956,, appearing In Nuclear Instruments# No. lp pp. 21-300, 1957 M.-I GAST "F, M. A., KOMR, E. G., MONOSWN, N. A - p SPEVAYOVA p F. MI. "The Power Supply System Of the 10 GeV Synchrotron ElectromWet," paper presented at CERN Symrosiumt 1956, appearini,, in Nuclear Instruments, No. 1, pp. 21-30, 1957 ZHURAVLXV. A.A. : XCKAR. Te.G.: MOZALIVSKIY. I.A.: XONOSZON, N.A.; STOIAT. A.K. Kagnetic characteristics of the 10 Bey Droton synchrotron operated by the United Institute of Nuclear Research. Aton.energ.supplevent no.4:15-26 157. (KIRA 10:10) (Synchrotron) ARKHANGILISKIT, F.K.; GASHKV, M.A.; KOMAR, Te.G.: KALTSHIV, I.F.1 MONOSZON, N.A.; STOLOY, A.M.,, STRILITSOV, N.S. Zlectric enrineering and design problems it constructing large cyclic accelerators. Blektrichestvo no.11:25-34 N 157. (MIRA 10:10) (Cyclotron) VLKSUIIIRP V.J.; VODCPJ;,I.'C-V, A.F.j JEMEHOV, D.V.; HINC, A.Z.; VEISBEIIIj, H.M.1 GASEV, N.G.; ZXJDLIC, A.J.1 IVA11OV9 T.P.; XOUXLI;SKIJI A.A.1 KCHARp E. G4 KALYSE4r, J.E.; 1*,OIWZON, M,A.; IC'VJAZSKIJ, J.Cb.1 PETUCHCV, V.A,; RIDDOVICP V.A.; RUBUICKI.T. S.N.; SMF IrIKOV,, K.D.; SjqjPY_L A.M.; KULT, Karel.. inz. The synchropbasotron for particle acceleration to 10 BeV energy of the Soviet Acaderq of Sciencen. Jaderna energis 3 no.lt5-9 Ja 157, L Ustav jaderno fysiky (for Kult)* 4 -1 - 4 I tT 1 wA -it v % -24 4.z. tid-l- 'ji -uj 44 o"a Its S"t 4X&LUKAMS. *u1swe"o) aftalwast -,ItLz in 0" 30 pw solog" aggs IV 1*41sovi ItemolklmI-1-olou @=:Zvlxsn It 0" "A.PT) I "S ".%z *09 0 10004 U" 0." a _11'emsTive of -"I ell MOTsesess ***so:. .10 wom Isvemb .0"t -% 41.41's vNI-It-Obcoft we at -Owvt# a* Otowiolvess v O"j ove -IM"O" ItT11". jo 0:WLSO." Oil OORA .004OWSTO so Sil-ma" Oil see$ .6 O"Jud, Tv",41 0 of*% ,So, a,""vive *is O"j set"%* 0.006"To W&I I*$$.I serves 0111ouPow woo 048100t* Oil $0 "Ovemsomwee 0"$ 11-110 MS.** wommte Post 9 1* Somy Oil *1 ftloo "To"* Olin .%a -""W.0tv c"frolveab v*Tsr"*a"JT*G 0 so VMS% ?W4,wsP 0" elk I."ema.cme Ive Ov "Jows" 9 Am "%"is" VOR soI%*-*"A -11 "s .." .*J.yv. 94 SOO, 1,61AXOV OUS"TIR OSSMOU0600 f.0-19 " owro.'O " Ill V-silee "Is *"Ms. "I is O-Irlse, P" om-01.7m, "ItS "%P -IT*%** in V"Iawo -,w &J.,wasts wess-9 v is ows.opme wou -$.1%- 0 11 V-tws@dea *I use, -M8wAO*%*Qd 0 in assio el o"S "is" w. ."Iess is ..Tewr 19 p"a-le is -Tew" A-1119% .,vjjwsqm,..: ;-A Sem. 4-1 9% V-sup"d Oj* *""We -IC U-091 so VII-13 - "Pus "S"twe v- w1ol p" Ift Mo 1@ 01-2 s". so .^*.mad - Iv, O-W"1419 .1 o0swoomil, pro MO"vXQ mile P-1,113 &I 8.1,W". -41 11@"l --- v -7 0 1 :0 J*S-TV VOISPOO-Se"S &.001 wevoo t-; j- a-sessip - Int. Sesm,"S l"I"Ov - 01 O-SavIrm, > vmb T-4 .-d-UPTI ft"r-d ..j - 1jazvoo" 1 !4=a low"S T.WWRI V-s'ems" vj.@V. "I"WS 90"14 :Inat& .1 A ..mrses."d .-T", V;01/4 M4 71 V,@ ki I ill 1161 11 s 141