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4 I . J'i7.' N7.-j'U.i.jr 1 Y' 1'.. C'. ". tj'@I'm (6w) 4. Fachlue-Tool Industry 7. 1,owering the auxiliary t1me factor. Stan. i instr. 24, No. 2, 1)53. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, YAY -1953. Unclassified. . I., @ . - t I , . @ -I I . -7. 1 - ( 6f,(- ' , 4 1 I . 3up, I., 4 . . I ". :@o'ar uial-er hnattir, I:T3 13 w). 5, 11/53. 1 9. Monthly List 2f, Pussitm Accessions, Library or Congress, %Phll @ 1953, Uncl. PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION POL/4224 KaZa energetyka; biuletyn., Nr 2 (Lav-capacity Paver Engineering; BLIlletinp No, 2)* Krak6v, Tovarzystvo naukowe dja wykorzystania Ir6del energetycznych v Polace,, 1958. 131 p, 3,000 copies printed. No editors mentioned. PUMME: This bulletin is Intended for paver engineers wA technicians specializing In the development of low-capacity natural resources and for users of such power resources for local agricultural and Industrial applications. COVERAGE: This collection of articles to devoted to the problem of the utillia- tions for local consumption of regional power resources other than coal and oil. Such energy resources Include vaterq windj, sunp tidesp natural and waste gases, peat, shale, hot springs and others less known or as yet unexplored. The study of such resources and of their use Is presented In a series of articles concorning achievement* and experience in Poland arA other countries. There is a detailed bibliography, largely of non4;oviet and non-Polish source material# at the end of the book. No personalities are mentioned. Card 1/6 Lov-Capacity Power Engineering (Cont.) POL/4224 available power supply is not accessible,, a muLU local electric generating unit is desired. She then presents a short account of the state of electrification and., in particularL. of low-capacity pawer developments in Belgluml Denmark; Great Britain, Holland# Swedent Ovitterlands the German Federal Republic., the Oermn Democratic Republic.. Austria., Finland,* France (Continental and Algiers), Greecep Turkey, Yagoslwriap Italy, the USA., Czecho- slovakia., Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria.. Albania and the LIM. _StolbushkA'j_3jOA,_ Engineer (translated by Jerzy Kublatowskit Engineer), XTr_f asor Installation VXU-3-5 The author describes an experimental air compressor installation VKU-3.5 designed by V.V, Savotin and built by the Special Bureau 'Str,,yvodpnevmatikam of the Ministry of Railroads. USSR. The VKU-3.5 installation was successfully tested in 1952 at the North Catacasus Experimental Machine Station under emmer and winter operating conditions. This installation Is intended for pumping water from mountain wells, It is equipped with a wind wheel 3.5 m In diameter which drives the compressor. The author given Card 3/6 Low-Capacity Pbjer Engineerin4 (Cont.) POL/4224 solves local problem of electrification., water supply,, irrigation, etc,. Hanusz.. Tadeusz. Xaster of Engineering., Krakov. Calculation and Design of Wind Motors 60 The author gives detailed illustrated Instructions to non- specialists who intend to design vind motors for their (AM use, Kublatawski,, Jerzy) Engineer. Soviet State Standard Pbr Wind Motors 65 This it; an illustrated translation of OOOT 2656-55 Drozdowski, H.,, Professor. Where and Nov to Install a Wind-Motor (on the basis of the book by A,V, Karnishyn) 93 The article deals vith the methods of finding wind velocity wA gives a scale of velocities. Card 5/6 Xb'YN]aN, G.K., insh.-, STOLHWiMU. N.As, inzh. Cimparative tests for V.P-34M P-rA IYA"-56 tr".tors. Makho I olek.sotn.sel'khos. 1'7 no.3:20-72 159. (HIM 12:8) 1. Sevoro.-Navbtsaku" mnshinoispytatelluayn Ptnntstyne (Tractors.-Testing) STOLDUSHKIN9 N,A* Provide agriculture with high-cepacity machinery. Trakt, i sel4- khozmasho 33 no*814,-5 AC 163* AMIRA 16sll) 1, Vqeaoy@znoye ob"yedinenlye Soveta Hinistroy SSSA po prodashe sel'skokhoiytystvannoy takhniki,, zapasnykh ehastsy# mixwNalno- tekhnicheakikfi-sredstyp organizataii remonta. i ispolizovaniya shIn v kolkhozakh I sovkhozakho I 1 8, 1K., almdoulk; IMC, 2d.. doc.Dr.; IMST. lvaa. Drel STOW, Jq# primer Dr.; TOM, Taclov, Dr. ------ Pathagenowls &nd elialc&l aspects of &mchaoiditis In children. Cos. lok. Cook., 95 no. 9:236-239 2 Mar 56 . (AIMINOIDO disawoo 0, Arskimolditle in child. (02) I STOLC. J. After the Trade-Union Congrorso p* 193* (HutnArPe Listy, Vol. 32, no. 3, Harch 1957. Brw, Czechoslovakia) 50. Monthly List of Fast European J%cce3niong. (EF-AL) LC. Vol. 6. No. 6. June 1957. Uncl. un o r nf@ 15 Mr 16 v r* o., i'@ n er, .1, o- V'107 o sk 0@ r ft c 0 It r, k f, 0 q SOM U in tav Lok a -. v k fn6m I f y Vn i It-, z t y K v it- I r, @q o v edu o I - iwk q d e!-@ I k c 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 -4 09090099009:604 111 fsr.# 1 1 M 0 . 1 7r 0 @.A 1 a A A 8 a p . a p w a is a a r * 0 a A- L - A. 4, S I, a gf4. A s A sI, t i 1 0 -j- j o 4, a 0 1 4 . j ; , - -9 , low"tts, , r A 34 4.4-4K IWO) -711- , vf- wroctwx" oft IS 0011191140 -'" S"- a 0 r ftrw* pro, w "mud - rot-ow-gl ibM a ."&w bb" ofth bwo&k a" bm*mw "W.; MOO WI w -00 W 1. .. . nt arwKwo ok o * a" so- PPU is tI* bo'ba 0 i -00 m Im owl W'dtl , memo tw bffm -jc No ma orlwift's wk P" eft dw "M d so r _bk tw W" 001 x d ee the CW&majj@ *Wang w" 001 v 110)4 004 wn : n s see age t nw gt,"Xto ow"W it gmcb kwW". an all& "d tu o oo* I oe t bm" 077 to l g goo be* 4"- 04W .9 0 0 'D 0 0 0 00 0 o a 0 o 0 0 0 0 EXcjRYrA nti-A Sqc 2 Vol 12/8 Physiolor kuf 59 3311. NEW TECIMIQUES OV DETECTING I0DIZF;0 AMINO-ACIDS ON C11110MATOGRAMS - Nov04 sp6soby drlrkcI@)e5dov&nYch aminakyselln no chromatograme - it Endoltrinol. Ust. Slovenskej Akad. Vied. Bratislava . PRATM. LEK. LISTY 1958. 38(U)IS (324-3271 Tables I The use of 14 new reagents for the detection of Iodized compounds on chromato- graphic paper is described. The spots contrast well and are stable, The sensitiv- III of some reagents to such as to suffice for the detection of as little as 0.01 pg. of thyroxine. In this way it Is possible to detect the hormones of the thyroid gland and their metabolites after chromatographic partition, even in physiological con. centrations. S 5 tc,2r, V, Activity Ary) rrta@-Iimm of homoms in t1he pitultarv lodyo Ps W& "10I.f.r,"A, Frratlr-lave, CzccYosIovaYIs, Vol. lhp no, 7p 1959. Yrnt@,ly list of X"t Furcq@can Accessions (FEA11 LC, Vol. 8p no* 10,, Cet,, 11959 thele S?OLC. V. Nature and determination of radiolodint In the blood. Cas.lok. cook. 99 no.43:Lok led& Zahr 226-231 21 0 160. 1, IndArtnologicky ustay SAY v Bratislave, riaditel, dr. J.Podoba. (IODINE radioactive). SIMULTS) V. (StOIC,V.] Wratisla*ft) CimiArlson ol&O different methods of dateralaing iodine in bloloUical :.Aterial. Probl.endok. i gorm. no.2:56-62163. (ULU 16:7) 1. 1.-ndakrlralcOcbwkiy Institut Slovatskoy akadomii nauk (di- rektor - kwi,,Aj."t amitainskikh nauk Yu.Podoba) (IWI?a@-,CALYSIS) STOLC, V. Partial inhibition of the first phases of biogenesis of thyroid hormones* Phyw1ol.. bobemoslov. 12 no.203-% 163. 0 1. CSAV, Institute of ZWoorinology,, Slovak Acawq of Solenceb, Bratislava. (THMID HORMONSS) (METABOLISM) (THYPMWWUN) (IODINE ISOTOPES) (IODIMS) (THIOURACIL) (THIOCURATES) (MMUTHIOURACIL) I STMZ, V, I LANGER,, P. Dio"mtheeim of thyroid homons, following cabbage feeding in gulnea pigs. Physlol. bohemoslor. 12 no.1-0251-257 163. 1. Institute of Endocrinology, Slovak Aosdogy of Sciences, ftatislava. maTs , zDrBLs) (TNTROID HOMM01M) METABOLISM) (IODM ISOTOM) (IODINE) STATXSTICS) (TyRosm) (DrIOMMOSINS) @ A A ol :;Ci(t:(-ts :$ra 1* Ir -A V I! c c zi o c...% a uct; ro;-. kla s c iiyd ro I ys i s o cons-.n.,. a t a i '0.72 L c o r. i@ 37 3, C c : I v @ I c-,nz-,--( ,,a:; ra:@Ildly c t v a t c t I .Ta.Af-, 2 2 and 3 rc,.cr4,ncCS. 22 63 4, u 1 21 n@. 1 7 C v U a 11-27 5@1'6fCr 7 C L C CC C L D r)S 7-.t:.e S I I S j@ c e t 11 L, r c I I; i:a r; C zai'Irs, 21 ------------------------------ ......................................... th-v 1A."not in t' the, 6,( vik Aervio-my ur Of I.M KI.OPP,J.; S-imc, 7. Autolodoproteolyels of 1271-thyroglobu'Lin in ritro. Mys"ol. Bohemoslov. 14 no.2tlB6-190 165. 1. Institute of &docrinology, Slovak Acadwy of Sciencesp Bratislava. tin 4 ty.,@ ser@.m. Bra t 12 P1. lit, 3 -krjrj!crIcky ustav SlovenPkOl (Haditel. !Ur,'r, j. Yodoba, Ullr.,@ KNOPP, J.p i",1OLG, V; EndocrInological Institute, Slovalk Academy of Sclenens (MabYHholoricky Ustav SAV), BratislaVa, Influ,!nce of "S" in 111vo on A,,itoiodoprotoolysis of 1127 Thyreo- i-lobiflin In 111tr').11 --lysiolo"ip, Vol 15, No 2, Fob 66s PP 103-10t; Abvllpnit Th-i'@troph%c hormono Aribinon II.V.Orgonon was admin- t 1o rr@'.s c1hronically or only once. @Iimultftneously ar, 111 31 anntr-A.Mnj@-, c-)mpovu-id was also acb-Inistered. The one-dose -!,-ed in an increased level of I in the serum. ca-,isod !131 ace-Imulation b-t the thyr-cid, a c,,)naontratlon In -.ho thyroid# increased ser= 11@v(:I, .@tn; tic e,l 27 - th7rvo!@lobulin proteolysis nnd ara intrea-nd in t1ip woi.,,:,i6 of" ri,@ thyroid. 1. Wo3tern, 1 Czech ra@--fr,@rpnce. Submitted at "16 Days or Physiology" at Kosice, 28 Sep 65- STOLCESCU CZECHOSLOVAKIA STOLC, V. STOLCOVA -, 1@ndocrinoloj@ical Institut4 Slovak Aci'd-emy of Scidlldldf-o 0 r nologioky ustav SAV) Bratislava, IfIntake of IodineA Food, Water and ;'.ilk by a tint and its Young, During Lactation*' Prague, Cosko3lovonpka r)raiolorio, Vol 15,, T.*o 2, Pob 66, Abstract: 15 rat families were studied ror hO dap following the birth. Lactation lasted 30 days. Iodine balance in the rat mother is discussed. The young rats got the mRximum amouw. of iodine on the 16th day. The mother rat takes the maximum amount of food and vew botwe*n the 14th to 16th. days of lactation, 1 Figure, 2 Westornt 5 Czech references. Submitted at 1116 Days of Physiology" at Nosicep 27 Sep 65. 1/1 GAZAi "-, Frnatlack; i'L(IKAL, Zdenck; STUL"NA, L Iska W, -1 -!@k --- Role of the midwife In the preparation of oxpectant mother for labor. Cook. C@m. 27(411 no.;5063-366 Je 162. 1. Por.-gyn. odd OUNZ Smperk, prednosta dr. Fr,Gazueks iLuo, 1) (RINMS) KAP,KLLv-R, X.1 CIAMPOR, F.; STOLCOVA, M.j UROCUMA, 14,1 BAHER, Vo tAi;AbUT rplanchnia nerves In the dog. Cook. worf, A3 no*3020-,227 065. 1. Instituto of Anatoxy, Modleal raculty of Amensky Univeraltyp Etratislava, Cze-:hcalov*kla. @@O @ MUDr. Principal problome of health services In school In Czechoslovakia. Cook. sdravot. 4 no.7:341-364 July 56. 1. Yodotict odboru pAce o %anu a dite. itinisterstvo sdravotntetvi# (SC-DOLS. noi. soory. in Czech. (C&)) Tbo ow at 1 Wow 014 o4stwo is swat ofthavifti, F& and ). bostraistolk. Losty a ws,~ alo. co a 4yk I -Ir4w Ilustivoll with Ar"ll bum the &wt*ws oervot mared that an of XI-rt ekvtnv4n vmb a PA4,111itat 0 far tau-Ali". For lkfttiog AoSaw " w Ir"aw -he vatcla K MM(36 They kww a n -Pt ate 4 IMM "twortmv. ~rdobr Ara prolmird"acoMWonfamamor,tt"ginebr mr I bcml of jessarvA y 4 Ck -@ tialy Q. I 's 1, Vs 4,4; @. M pLairs bu#*iW hy a Om wi am s,lr@vastar for dw film rulitwed Acoat the tilt" af%f kaird. Frank Nfar"k WoO Sol--4 ,f Aca" C. b #no 00 deg W"b T tm ,a.,- No ob" ;Wei do ow -b...06 Vol =- - be 00 .to GO& djwwm@ d - - k. fag. a. ,. il 4.6my be iwt@ r= saw .w of ? t fit 1. 4 A tu 4 1w-ocrotl- Ot" A J,v t ( I I 1,v mv or. ilhi A ot h I V I C I A .1, @j #,f (1W Aj-qj,,'tZ k (4 jj,.j,W4.j f,V I.Lr 'If.. J.4; .4 1. lonvik, a ON, if -It% pto'clilk.l. 1, STOLOWAf Z- /Fli" 0110y C'& SOA pecus- 1"3. 15, 119 --- ulk-cls 163, -Ifis - * dMf-'. I ettettlic a - .%N,t [mi. -nth IL tlnw LA he@t,,,K. Lrol _ma- 4 ,Pd J"JIWI - and ell-A I'mr (A ";@i tt,, c"Ottatrati-4 I,mm'nK @Ctio%4 a ,tk he C. it" .I Ict:lb of IN, "AdfUllif J&ti4l'ur, -P",P- "A "i'd by 4,- by fI)ii#4'1 E At 0 h txtt 11 1,45 tv Ve to in# fill! moll, - -IJ,nK ashi oil Is'llificaliiAl k : it I*tt)li) are roo"I"I owtt%*ls t)i iim k, r ZAHORAX. Amil, XUDr. , obvodni lelmr, Hapajed1a; STOUWART, Jan, Mr., zavadni lakar, Aapnjedla Work In a combined factory & territorial health commmity center. Cask. zdravot. 7 00-5:262-265 June 39. 1. KM Gottvaldoy, re4ital dr. 11adisir Dwek (199MTRIAL HTGt= In Czech, factory (Gs)) (PMLIC HNOTS in Czech. (Cs)) STOLU, D.D. , in*.hemer. Turning-on hot water heaters for ware air curtains. Prom.energ. 10 no.5% 21 my 153. (NMA 6:5) (F&ctorles-H*&tlng and ventilation) STOLIR, D.D.(Sverdlovsk) Selecting the type of air curtainso TOM *AD-tokho no-3s29-32 Xx 160. (XVA 13s6) (kir curtains) STOLER, D.D.,, inzh. (Sverdlovsk) Hiking calculations for the aeration of hot mill . VodA san. tekho no*3s23-25 Mr '629 (KMA l5s8) (Factories-Beating and ventilation) STOLLRv D.D. , inzh. 1-1 1 Use of infrared gas radiators for heating industrial shops. Prom. energ. 18 no.lOsl5-19 0 163. (MIRA 16:10) SOV/23-58-3-5/11 AUTHORSs Fayngolldt S.I.# Candilate of Technical Scienctel Stoler,!,G.p Shurak, R.D. TITM On the Consumption of Zine Chloride at the Catalytic Treat- ment of Oil Shale Tar Q0 Rankhods khlorlstofo tainks. rri kataliticheskoy pererabotke slantsevoy emoly, PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii nauk Fstonskoy SSR, 1958, lir 3, pp 206 219 (USSR) (Serlys tekhLicheskikh I, fizOr-mat4ematicheakikh ABSTRACTs The article deals with test results on the Influence of the quantity of zinc chloride used as the basic catalyst In the catalytic treatment of oil shale tar by the method of the Chemical Institute of the AS Estonian SSR, Since 10A of zinc chloride was used In the raw material in former tests, the possibility of diminishing this amount is considered. The raw material consisted of a mixture of industrial tar fractions from tunnol-oven licht oil and oven benzine. The material was heated, torether with the catalyst, at r&w , 100 C up to a drop of the bromine number to 60 - 62, followed by a separation of the formed complex from the catalylato &rA a distillation of the catalysate into benzine, a traction of Diesel fuel, a fraction of sewing oil and a residue of va- Card 1/3 cuum distillation. An increase of the concentration of sine SQV-23-5e-3-5/11 On the Consumption of Zino Chloride at the Catalytic Treatment of Oil Shale Tar chloride resulted In a shortening of the process, and in an improvement In the quality of the refined products. An in- crease of the catalyst concentration to 15 to 20r@ permits the catalyst to be used four times. resulting In a 3.75 to 4% decrease in the total consumption of the catalyst. The most economical way of carrying out the process of jinc- chloride refining, in the use of a 10 to 15% catalyst, and its repeated use with an addition of 2% of fresh catalyst before every subsequent cycle. The quality of the obtained products is satisfactory. The consumption of the zinc chlo- ride, before Its regeneration, is reduced by up to 5%. The exhausted catalyst to extracted In the form of an aqueous Card 213 solution of zinc chloride &mounting to 55A of the original SOY/23-56-3-5/11 On the Consumption of Zinc Chloride at the Catalytic Treatment of Oil Shale Tar amount. The total consumption of zinc chloride amounts to 1 to 1-5/4 of the raw material. There are 13 tables and 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIM Institut khimii AN Estonskoy SSH tTh( Ci9tds+rj Institute of the AS Estonian SSR). Proyektnyy I nauchno-isaledovatell- skiy institut Ministerstva mostnoy I alantae_khtmichookoy promyshlennosti Estonskey SSR (The Planning and Scientific Research Institute of the Uinistry of the Local 011-Shalt Chemical Industry of the Estonian SSR) SUBMITTEDt August 3, 1957 NOTE- Russian title and Russian names of individuals and Institu- tions appearing in this article have been used In tho trans- literation 1. Tars-Catalyals 2. "t-linc chlorle(--Cstalytic p.-opertlea 3. Petro leumop-Prod uc t ion 4. Zinc chloride.--Conswrptior Card 3/3 tN kl I, T, 0'1157-67 A" FiKi ARGo16462 (14) AU711OR: TITLE: ,SOURCE: SOURCE CODE: U1i/0l2h/65/O0O/012/BO67/BQ6T Butakov, S. Ye. 'Ptoler, V. Z. Momentum of a circular turbulent et In an efferent flow Ref. zh. Mekhanika, Abe. 12B479 REF SOURCE: San. tekhn. Otopleniye I ventilyatsiya, vyp. 1, 1965, 88-92 TOPIC TAGS: turbulent jet, motion mechanics ABSTRACT, The authors give data from an experimental determination of the momentum of a circular jet perpendicular to an efferent flow. The mmentum was determined an a special Installation by weighing the reaction force. Relationships are derived for the relative reaction of a screen (the ratio of screen reaction for a jet in an effer- ent flow to that for a submerged jet) as a function of the angle of inclination and relative velocity of the jet (the ratio betvoon the velocities of the jet sod efferent flow). A. S. 01nevskly. (Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 20 i Card 1/1 SCHAMEL, Hubertj STOMIK, Lubomir (deceased) Effect of the liver fluke on specificity of the intrademd tuberculin toot in eattle. Vaterinarni nedicina 7 nools)9-42 162. 1. Katedra pro parasltologii a Inrazal choroby, VeterinamL fakulta Vymoka skoly semedelake Prnoj Vaterinarna idravotni nluzbct jQtek Jihlavokeho Prux7sin maBneho,, Xr-bill c u Telce. STIOURMAN, S.S. Miners of Vorkuta, are trying hard to implement the seven- year plan. Ugoll 40 no.gil6-18 Ag 165. (MIRA 18te) 1. Glavnyy Inzh. kombinata Vorkutugoll. W-ARK, 1) , ing.: STOY EM), S@, InIf. Ircurling at zero in low-terslon networks. Ererpptica Rum 8 no.4@153-158 Ap '6). STOLEP U, B. , ing#; TE,,EA, 0., Irg. Utilization of rigid bars In external stations of 35 ky. Energptics Rum 9 no.6s20-247 Ja '61. STOLZRUI B" I metallic substatios transformer. Energetic& Run 9 So,51 214-216 My 161, VOINEA, Dinu, h4,; STOLLRU, Horiv,_.Ing. Aspocts of some typification problems in Rumania, Energetic& Rum 10 no.7:265-275 J1 962. 1. Inginer spocialist la Institutul. do studii si proiectari enorgetice (for Voinea)* 2. Seful atelierulul do tipizare din Institutul. do studii ii proiectari energetics (for Stoloru)o If.0 vf t,.44 (-W I I: it (t- ACCMSICH MR3 ArS014865 US/0133/6510001006/0549/9550 AU111OR: Crebenshchik."s, A@-Z--I-Lyadova A.@.j Kaufman, 9. M.1 Gloybers, Nodev, E. Q. KukArskikh,. ii-aii".-Y.- A. TITLF: lAtbric&r&t for tube rolling,in a continuous will WIRCE: 6, 1965, S49-550 TOPIC TAGS3 graphite lubricant, continuous tube sill. smokeless lubricant# antifriction, nine high sill. Inorganic compound, samaless tubing. hot deformation, ABSTRACT: I"bricAnts consistlog at graphite and different petroleum products are widely used in the production of sainals tubing by bot-ileformattoo method~, g Aith Ions Sainarols as well of In particularly In the continuous rollip -!qkl paver presses. Although these Tubtfiants are relatively MGtMVVltijMt0d# it IS known that graphite at high temperatures (9Wl200"C) lased Its datitricties properties* Besides, the combustion of the patrolem products in the lubritoote contaminates the otmosphefe and equipment to the shop. There also exists the vitreous type of lubricantol used only for the pressing of twb*o from higb-alley ste*lo. and equally difficult dad expensive to fabricate. 1%4 teebei" of ejjlyjyj the lubricant are of "Jar importance, and their socks"natioO Is ACCESSION Was A?3014665 advisable, pAtticularly In the modera automatic coatte4out tube falling. ruth4fro the author describes tests of nine selett#4 lubricants, Iftcludits those voteatly devaloprd on the basis of Inorganic compounds -- salts of chlort4o Ana pbosph&4. (I'liosphorus - and chlorine - containing lubricants form phosphi4es &ad chloride-i on the contact surfaces and the resulting bcundary film prevents tits Int. r1ocking of metals, reducing the friction toelfteient.) The effective- nest of 0,e selected lubricants was t*st#4 whits, rallIng tubes In the 16 a Iong cia drel of a continuous nine-htrh mill with nine IrALvidual power iftivess the lubricants being *valuat64 and compared according to the load on the moterre of the principal stands of the will (6th to Ith) jkpi the sliding C:Mto xf tube frum the mandrel. Compared with the-4RdqhEfu0l all lubric t 9 an4 the other nevvn lubricants tostoil, lubricant I proved to be the i;-#t affeetive, The exact composition of this lubricant Is not described, but the author states that it was developed 90 the be ato of 0(601gante tompoun4s" SPA has a density of 1.63 S/cu cm, bulk weight *I OAA toolce a. voltiag point of 350-00% and solwbillty of 64% In water. This smokslass lubricant displays the best antifriction, properties and isasures 4 "noll rellial process. Its component$ do $at consist of stated falteftele and therefore Cora L-53% ACCESSION Nit, AP5014863 0 it to considerably (abovt six times) lose expossive than graphite-hot oil lubricants. Ofig. art. heal I figato, I table. AsSOCIATUMI Goes SUMMITMOt 000 UCLs 00 M C0081 rr* $0 RU $011 001 =all 001 C." 313 !n#; on crnftnl@ous 'a. STOLET111Y, M.F.; GIYYDFF`G, A..-. Correlation between the length of the mandrel and the pipe in rolling on a continuous rdll. Trudy IPI no.243:186-190 165. (MIPA 113s6) STOLFTNIYJ, M.F. Calculating t@.e kinematics of a reduction =111's with a differential group drive. Trudy LPI no.243:179-185 165. (KIRA l8t6) KAVr'YF7V, fii.M., do'ktor tokhn. ti,iuk, VYi-@N, VA , JAtor tekhr. r1oluk) FINKF11SHTEYN, ya-S.0 k,,md, teihn_ nqtjk; KAUFMAN, M.M,, knnd. te)Lhn. nauA, G!.@@.SFRG, A.@., lrani. t*mkhn, nauk; NOVIK07, A.G., Inzh., SITNINOV, L'T", !zzh,; F,C.. Insh 5 TOL@TN IT, : -'l 7s'.- - - ,- M.F.,Inzh.; 3TFRN, V,k,, Inth.; FRUMAN, 11.5@1 Operating conditions and wear of mervirelg en tho continuous bIllet mill of a 10-102 pipe rnlllng unit. .9tall 25 no.10, 930-934 0 165. (MIRA 18;11) KACIA1110, I.Y., uchitell; STOL@-JlEtj'X, N.G. (U.Marovsk)! SViOVATEO, A.D.0 uchitel@; GAPONEUD, I,M, (Novozybkov)l SYROT-EA"'HKIII, I,T,,' uchitell Letters to the editor. Khim. v shkole 16 no. 3t87-89 MY-Ja 161.@ (MM 140) 1, Zhel9zno--lcrozhnaya shkola No,35,, at. Zdolbunovo (for Kachanko), 2. Shkola rabochey molodezhi Hod, g. Dnepropetrovsk (for Syrovatko), 3. Srednyup B11-kola No.13, Kuybyshov (for SyroyezUln). (Chemistry-Study and teaching) BMWICIMSKAYA. Nina Alaksandrovns; ZAVALISHIIIA. Ilatallys GrIgorlysYns; STOLMUTA, Anna Karklanovus; GILIMinTy, L.L., otvred.; TROPIXEMO, A.S., a textbook of ore dressingj Khrestowtlie po obogeshchaniiu polesnykh lnkopaeuWkh. Kharlkov. Izd-vo Kharlkovskogo goo.univ., 1959. 102 p. (KDU 1411) (Readers and speaker*--Ore dressing) DITHAN. Irinn Alekneyevna; KEDYSM, Lyndnila Doltriyovna l=QL=NYATA. TR Or KUT-1 ,Aa2g Markienovna.- GZLIYZNBM, L.L., oty.rod.-, I lKIN s 7.r. m @@ [Mining: a reader) Mining. Khrestomntiis po gornoot dolu, Ktwrlkov. Izd-vo lhnrlkovskogo ordens Trudovogo krasnogo snamni 4,os.univ. iment A.M.Oorlkogo, 1959, 120 p, (Text In Anglish with vocabulnry). (MDtA 12:12) (Mining engineering) Dlit-WIP 1rinti V01b"I'U'll"Pl, :@lana Ew."rinlelma; @TWVII)Kt, Lyudr.11-i Lbitriptvnaj aWL1711111AXA, Ama Ya *rkianovw; TERPIGORVA, VS.p rotsenzent; BELOCHNIN, A.G., otv. red.; PARTSEVSKIv, V.N., red.izd-va; NUhnKHAYlDO%'Af V,F,p red, izd-va; PROMADVSKAYA, V.L., takhn. red. Ore mining. Voolva, Gosgortakidzdat, 1963. 162 p. [Text In English with vocubulw"ll (HE U 17t2) PHASE I FOOK EXPLOITATION 811i" Stoletov, Aleksandr Grigorlyevich -Sobraniye sochinenly. t.3: Vvedeniye v akustiku i optiku. Teortys teploty. (Collected Works. v- 3: Introduction to Acoustics and Optics. Beat 7heory) Moscow, Gostekhizdat, 1947. 623 p. 4,000 copies printed. Ed. (title page): Timiryazev, A.K., Prof.; Ed. (inside book): Kollchenko, G.N.; Tach. Zda Akhlawv, B.N. PURPOES: This book, the third and final volume of Stoletav's collected works, is intended for teachers and lecturers on the high school and collelp levels. COVER40: The book contains a course of lectures delivered by the author in 1881 1882 at the University of Moscov. 7he volume consists of tvo parts the first of which "Introduction to Acoustics and Optics", was published in 1695. The second part, "Heat Theory" was not previously published, and was available only in the form of lithographic notes distributed among the author's students, one of whom, D.A. Collef r, an outstanding phyaLcist himself, and lecturer In physics at the Llbiversity of Kazan', assembled and edited this part of the book. Th his foreword, the original author states his book presents in a wacise and Cars-i,tq 6Ud&Gf U@'Sh / eny';'lu'a C,", 2 VA - i614 ,m;JTHM Lr'LC'LhjhKOV' M.G., !"UnU.-mv, Z1.1j., TiUb The eolkrisation of kTotons wiLn tne energy of 660 MeV on the 9ccasion of Nuclear bcattering. Vr@UOWCAL Zurn.ekspo I toorel'is, 31, fasc.3, 361 - 37U (1956) Issued : 12 / 056 The present work investigates such polarization effects of protons with the initial energy of 660 UeV. At firs t the production of @21arized protons is discussed. The first scattering of protons occurred In the 6 m synchocycLotron on a 4 cm beryllium target (polarizer)j which protrudes into the circular orbit of the 66U MeV protons* Reasuring method: The secondarily scattered protons were registered by me" of telescopes which consisted of two and three scintillation counters connected for co- incidence. The measuring order for secondary scattering consisted of a circular phase angle disk of 8GO win diweter in the center of which a scatterer-analyzer was fitted, Experiments consisted essentially in measuring the angle dependence of asymmetry. bumm@,g of experimental results: At 660 UeV the polarization of protons occurs on the occasion of diffraction scattering and also on the occasion of quasielastic collisions. In both processes the spin has the same as in the case of free (p-p) scattering. Tne values of asymmetry lound at an angle of 900 on the occasion of the scattering of polarized protons with )620 kel on nuclei of Be, V, Alp Fb and Bi were equal to one another within the limits of measuring errors. A comparison of data at present available on the twofold scaLtering of protons by beryllium gave the following results: a) Tnt maximum value of the polarization of diffractionlike scattered protons does not cnange noticeably if energy is increased from 300 to 635 VeVs Cr@%D 2 / 2 k-A - 1-14 L.urn.eksp.1 teor.iis, 31, LaSc-3, 361 - 370 (L?@-6) and amounts to at least 60";,at 635 kle'l. b) Tne polarization of protons on tt,.e occasion of quasielastic (p-p) ,@cattering increases to at@out double its value if energy increases frcm 2:;5 to 635 kei, and attains values which are only little lower than those of polarization on the occasion of free (p-p) scattering. 4parently the polarization of protons on the occasion of free (p-p) scattering at 300 and at 635 MeV is approximately of equal strenfth. However, tne data obtained by this work are as yet insufficient. INbTITUTION: Institute for Nuclear Probltmms of the Academy of bciences of the U.-bH. MF,31fCHERYAKOVp M.G 0 56-7-6/66 10 1 A r 1 Y.It L i o., 3 ca t te r ('u1jarisitaiya V - rasseyanii pri 635 ;.6' TAeoret.Fi::ikij1957t'1o1 33#A'.r 7,;@.-, 3 J T @-i A"T 3 Y of !@ si,j,le and a j. 1@ t 1c,- 6ular distribution uf the polarized rro-tons in )Iartic rijq was ,.ea,@@rLj ;-ithir. ti@c a:j.-al@ir rar,e uf .Lh@: priiary @,roton beam had an uner, of 635 "cV ruie a @ol, riz,14, i , , C of C,56_+v,o3.,i*.ith Vie hel:) of thtu opticil -.oi@ 1 of (p-I) the reaalts of tho determination of thc@ differential crcii, 00(6#)of the clastically scattered but not polarized itrotons w637 11OV) xan anotlyzed. In this way it was poenible todeteri.lLe the cM@.-aatvr of the i@terference between the anplitudes of CoulL.7,b-@nd nuelcar acati.-erin@;. The polarization fo@-d can berepresented a;,@ro- xL-.atively by the 11,,inctiont do(6)P(&)-ein6cos6xL3,2o.P *3,13 ?2(cos 6)+1 t2o P (coub -C,12 P6 cOS(L9)1 .10-27 am2yater. "Ile o prcoence of the terl., qfn beos OP (con r. ) tonu i to ahow that !n r 'cat f terir-, the trilotlike F-state p ays a ccrtair. :,irt. It wan .44rtlivr fOLZnd that on the occasion of the by .3 e on 1 -1 e-85,; of the protons Volirived or, tho occasion cf Scftttrr1.-..-- bi H n-e polarized in thift case. (2 tabl.,4 ill.,O Slavic jj 1: r 1 T,,,r* T C'" ji.ited "iclear U-search Institute. (Obwyodinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy) 16-4-1957 16 7A 1 L A.3 L@-: Librarl of Con-reoo . 24(5) rOV/56-35-6-12/44 AiMHORS: Kumakin, Yu. P., Veshcheryakov, M. G., Huruchevq S. P., 'itoletov, G. D. TITLE; Triple Scattering of Protons at 660 Mev (Troymoys, rasseyanlye protonov pri 6gO Mev) 1. Measurement of the Depelarization 1'araoeter D(90 ') (I. Izneroniye parametra depolyarizatail D(90 )) PERIODI7AL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy I teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1558, Vol 35, Ur 6, Pp 1398-1401 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This paper deals with the contents of a lecture which van held at the 4. -ession of the Scientific Council of the Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh iseledovaniy (United Institute for Nuclear Research). The parameter D was Introduced by Wolfenstein (Vollfenaliteyn) (Ref 1). It holds that a (I-D) - ' 12 + JH12, 1r,-N-B where 0 is the scattering cross 0 . section of the nonpolurized proton beam In hy4rogen. The amplitudes G, N, R, 11 are functions of the scattering angle ani of energy. In the present paler the genults obtained by Card 1/3 D-meaourements in pp-scattering below 90 in the center of 50V/56-4@5-6-12/44 Triple ScatterInr of Yrotona at 600 May. 1. Measurement of the Depolarization Parameter D(90 ) mann system at 640 Mev tire given. Work was carried out on the six-meter synchrocyclotron of the United Institute for Nuclear Research. The first scattering of the 660 Vey protons took place in the external chamber of the cynchrocyclotrot% in the beryllium polarizer target (4 cm thick) and gave a proton beam with P1 - 0.50 + 0-03 and EP a 640 + 12 Yev (7-105 protons/cm 2sec). The second scattering occurred in the hydroGen target (liquid H 2 In a glans container, 12 cm dia- meter). The mean proton energy in the center of the target Ss 635 Mev- Whereas in the first pattering the gnglo was , it was found that 0 2 - 41 + 2. (i.e. 90 + 5 In the center of mass system). The energy after scattering van 315 + 40 Mov. The third ocatter@ng occurred finally in a cnrbon analyzer target (0 3 - 12 ). The two variants of the experimental arrangement usel by the authors are shown by a figure. It is described and discussed, ani the size and arranee- ment of the 9 coTinters In riven. Card 2/3 It holds that D(9O 0 6 /E the two asymnetry values were 3n 3; 307/56- 1 2/A A Triple Scatter@ng of Proton3 at 660 VICv. I. llcaiurenent of the Depolarization Parameter b(,.,o ) determined as amounting to 6 3n - 0.200 + 0.032 and 63 ' 0.276 + 0.012, respectively, and thus :)(90*) - 0.93e.17. These re.?ulti agree well with thoae obtninei by other authors (reference 3: Epa 310 Mov; reference 4: EP is 415 Mev). The reault indicates tha.@ pl@-.jca_ttering at an angle of 900la .-ninly due to the C(dI + a2)n torn- in the scatterine matrix. In @ornls opf@roxirzation this term corresponds to pure spin- orbit coupling (Ref 5). The authors finally thank Ya. A. Smorodinskiy and ft. U. Rjndin for (Hicussiona. There are 1 figure and 5 references, I of which is Soviet. AS30CIATION: Ob"yedinennyy :nstitut yadernykh issledovaniy (United Institute for Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED: July 15, 1950 Cnrd 3/3 21(1) SOV/51 -36-3-3/7 1 AUTHORS: Zreluv, V. P., Stoletov, "0. D. TITLE: The Range-Enorgy Ratio for rrotona of 660 :Iev (Sootnoshraniye probe'f- - crier'-@iya dlya protonov 660 MeV) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimontallnoy i teoretichcs%oy fiziki, V)5), Vol 30, I'Tr 3, pp 658-@,6r) (um) ABSTRACT: In t.':o introduction the fact is discussed Unj,t, accordin'@,- to the theory of ionization looses, the average ionization potential I of the matter through which the charreJ particles pass, is as:tumed to depend only on the atomic properties of matter but not on the volo,:ity of the Farticles pasninj through it; actually, however, experimental data show (as 9@1-.ovn in table 1) that for elements with :1 > 13, 1 has the tenlency of Increasing with an Increase of iurticle veliocitj. The prosent paper contributes towards e2:plainlng thene conditions by neans of an experimental investigation of the ranre-energy ratio in copper in the case of a proton energy of 660 Mev. The proton beam., which in homogeneous up to.14 vau produzed by t--e synchrocyclotron of the OlYal. Fii-ure I ahova the experimental arrangement, which is, however, not further de- Card 1 scribel. The mothoi i-. based upon u3ing thu Cherenkov effect. m-;tio for J,rotonn or 61JU ""ev 30"; 3,@ - Y Determination of proton velocity was carried out by the exact measurement of the anj7lo of emisvion of Cherenkov r@liition In plexi-glass. Whereas, in tl@o cace of a flux of 10) @,rc- 2 tons/cM nec comparativoly thick emitters (2.9 gl'cn ani an exposure of 3 vAnutea was necessary (Ref 11), it vaj 0 sible, by increasing intensity to 4 ' 107 t 2.1,:'c" to J@ro(ona/cr red,tice exposure to 3 - 5 seconds (Ref I ca:@ora used had a "Jupiter-3" lanal n"Mv0:nt1.v-A" film w4th a nennitivity of 'W COST-units wan unel.) !*easure:ac@nt of rofraction Indices was carrie cou'. by means of Vie re- frnctofaetor THF-23 for A - 5,161 1 and aiountal to 1-4@26 + 5.10-4 (absolute). The an;@le of eninaion of Chor:.,nkov radiati8n was determined for this A as a.%ountini- to 9 - (34 0-59 � 3', and proton ener,-y accorlini-, to for--lila W as 938.2 ':ev; for the at-Atter center 654.9, and, if alowin@7 down was taken into account, 653-4 Zev was measured. The error & F, is j,iven us artjoi.;ntinp to + : I Yovs Toi,ethar with proton energy neasurement, the total rang? in comer was measured as amountin': to (257 � 1.2) g-/cm . ','Fi@-,jre 1b ahows the experimental arran. ement). Pesults are iiqcuanel in Jet.-Al. C,-rd 2 From the results obtained ty enerr _Y- ar.3 ranf;e The Ranre-Eneri7 Ratio for Protons of rj@'10 M-ev SOV 5@-3 '-3-3i'71 _Y 1) the ionization potential in then calculated in the follovin;,j- accorlin@: to E R a E)_ dE (dL x (it - proton rangeoin r,11 cm2 , dE/dx - ionization losses in ,.Iev/g; dE:/dx in obtained according to the Bethe (Bete) for-mula (Ref 15))- It is determined as &mounting to I - (30521O)OTt a value which agrees well with that obtained gy Mather and Ser,rb (Mazer, Serre) (Ref 6). The va1ue was calculatel on the nasumption that the ionization potential In independent of particle velocity, Finally, Vne authors r,71ve resulta concern- ing measurements of the relative stopping power for 11, Peo C, Fe, Cu, Cd and W for 635 Yev protons (Table 2) ani I.Iey discriminate results ir the last paragra':h. They thank Yu. D. Prokoahkin and 1. M. Vasilevokiy for discussions ani for data concerning the abnolute enerp-,y looses of 650 Vev ;To tona. There are 4 fij-,uroa, 2 tables, a,-,d 2!J r,@ferences, 5 of which are Soviet. ASS)OCIATION: Ob"yedinennyy yadernykh inalelovaniy f Joint Institute Curd 3/1 83581 S/056/60/038/(105/014/050 B006/ .070 AUTHORSs Kumekin, Yu. P., Neshcheryakov, 11. Hurushly.-S. B'. Stoletov, 0. D. TITLE; Triple Scatterinig of 660-Mov Protons. II. The Angular Dependence of Depolari2ation PERIODICALs Zhurnal ekspertmentallnoy I teoreticheskoy fizlki, 1960, Vol, 38, No- 5, PP. 1451-1455 TEM The authors have shown in an earlier work (Ref. 1) that 640-94v protons are slightly depolariz*d when they are scattered through an angle of 900 in the center-of-mase system. This shows that under these conditions the pp-interaction is relatively seldom accompanied by a change In the spin orientation. Further investigations at other scattering angles (54, 72, 108, and 1260 in c.m.s.) gave two independent relations between the amplitudes of the pp-scattering matrix, and two relations for the angular dependence of the differential cross sections and the polarization. These investigations are communicated in this paper. The work was done on the ix-meter synchrocyclotron of the Obl'yedinennyy inatitut yadernykh : ard I/j 6-7 33581 Triple Scatterine of 660-Mov Protons. II.The S/056 ,/60/038/005/014/050 Angular Dependence of Depolarization B006/BO70 Issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research). The experimental arrangement shown in Fig. I to the same as that of Hof. I. The proton beam had an energy of (640t12)Mev and a polarization P i * 0-5810-03. First, the beam was scattered to the left through 90 by a beryllium polerizor target inside the synchrocyolotron chamber, after which It was scattered In a cylindrical vessel filled with hydrogen, again to the loft. Tho average proton energy at the cantor of the hydrogen target was 635 Nov, the flux was 7.105 p/soc.cm2 in the beam 3 cm thick. The depolarization parameter was determined from the scattering angle 92 (second scattering) every 180 in the range of angles investigated. After passing %brough a three-counter telescope, the beam fell on a carbon analyzer target froz&@' which it was scattered on both sides through 02 a 120 in the laboratory system, The normal component of the polarization vector of the doubly scattered protons was determined from the left-right &symmetry t 3n of the py@:"-ons coming from the C-target. This was done by rooording the fivefold coincidences of the counters (cf. Fig.). The depolarization parameter was determined from the relation D - (E 3nA 3)(I+P IP 2) - P2/P1; (P2ia the Card 211 83581 Triple Scattering of 660-Mev Protons. II. The S/056 60/038/005/014/050 Angular Dependence of Depolarization B006YB070 polarization after the first scattering; 1 3 is the left-rigbt asymmetry of a proton beam with P I and having an energy equal to that of the doubly 5cattered be m E2, after scattering by the carbon target). The exvrl- iro-rlilly det:rmined values of e2' E2' E39 f 3n , and D, together with 0 ,crrections, are collected in a table. The values obtained for e in Ref. I are also given. In all cases D bad 11 po Itive sign. kcgo;dling to Wolfenstain (Ref. 3), D may vary between -1+2j;2[6 D@6 t1. The results show that the normal component of polarization to only slightly altered for pp-3cattering at 54, 72, and 900. Referring to Wolfenstein, the authors now show that the sum and difference of the depolarization para- meters for scattering angles that are symmetrically situated with respect to 900, may be interpreted in terms of the amplitude of he pp-scatt ring matrix. Also, the probability that [D(540)-D(1260)) and M720)-1)(10080)) do not vanish may bt calculated (80 and 86%). Ta.A.Smorodinakiy, S. N. Sokolov, N. P. Klepikov, and R. M. Hyndin are thanked for discussions. There are 1 figure, I table, and 9 references% 2 Soviet, 6 US, and I CERY. Card 31J C9 r-;-.rl. pren-mt*A at !1o Int', C(7r*.P-.mnce cr. R.'g, Eanr&:r ii.pdcr, Corn, r-,-n,-vn, 4-11 July 1962 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, lAborstory of ?;@j-lrmr Il"blr= 3/056j62/04 3/005/017/058 B102/BIO4 AUTHORS: Kumekin, Yu. P.t Meshcheryakov# M, G.t Nurushevo S. B,# Stoletovq G. D. , TIM: Triple scattering of 660-May protons. III, Angular dependence of parameter R PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy I t,eoreticheakoy fisiki, v. 439 no. 501), 1962, 1665-1671 TEXT: Further experiments on triple scattering of protons were made within the scope of the program of reconstructing the pp-ocattering matrix for EP . 660 Nev (cf. 1: Zhh'TF, 35, 1398# 19581 11: ZhETF, 58s 1451, __r 1960). The change in primary-beas polarization P1 was measured which dependo on the polarization tensora Dip and K Iq of the scattered and recoil protons, respectively: CarA_1/.& S/056/62/043/005/017/058 Triple scattering of 660-Mev protons B102/BI04 + 1) P 'P(O'+K P P'P to it .P24 to to f-TP-2161P. I + P101P, AU101 1=1.P0 X Z A 0. -Z RP, lnjkll 4- AP,kg, R - Z sin (0/2) -; Y cos (0/2), A - Z cos (0/2) - Y sin (012); P,kj - RPI 1n,kj1 + A'P,ks, R' = - Z cos (0/2) + X sin (012), A* - Z. /2) + X cos (0/2). The subscripts p and q refer to,t@tojeasured polarization components of scattered and recoil protons is the polarization arising when an unpolurized beau. In scattered, the subscript i refers to the initial polarization of the Incident beam. The geometry of the experiment may be seen from Fig. 1. The parameter R is related to the asymmetries b_v R - 4591(,5sinf,) where E 3 0 P1P30 138 a RP 1P3sinf2 - Oq L-M n)/(NL+NR)l for - If2-900(which Is the case in Fig. 1) these relations are simplest. The experiments were made with protons of 64002 Mev and with Card 2A S/056j62/045/005/017/058 Triple scattering of 660-Mov protons ... B102/B104 ?, - 0.58 + 0.03 from the six-motor synchrocyclotron of the 01Y&I. The experimental arrangement or monitorl targets and counter telescopes was ouch an to satisfy the geometrical demands. The results were used for a phase-shift analysis and for determining the Modull of the scattering matrix Mpp . For 0 a 900 and E p--640 Mev: I A. (0.24 � 0.11) lCris' Aft, I= (0.51 � 0,05) 10-11 cm, I MIt I. (0,40�0,06) - 10-111 cm co "fol.10 --0.96+024 and coo 0.84 + 0.42. There are 5 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh iteledovaniy (Joint Institute of Kuclear Research) SUBMITTED: June 309 1962 ICard 3/6 S/056/62/043/006/039/067 B1251BI02, AUTHORS1 Azhgirey# L. S.# Kumakin# Yu. P.# Neshcheryakov# M* 0*# Nurushey, S. B., Stoletov, 0. D* TITLE# The nucleon-nucleon scattering asplitudes and the oomplexity of the spin-orbit potential of interaction between nuolsons and nuclei PERIODICALi Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i tooretichoskoy fisiki# V. 43s no. 6(12), 1962, 2194 -2198 TEXTs Information as to the nucleon-nuoloon scattering at high *n*rgies., can be obtnined from experimental data on the scattering of nucleon* by nuclei. The differential elastic cross sections of protons scattered by.-, carbon nuclei through small angles and th e polarisation of the & protons: were determined by L. S. AzhSirsy st *I. (USTIft 44t it 1963) :t EP a 660 Usy. The real and imaginary parts of the Born asplitud*s vers obtained from these cross sections 0(0) and R(O)t and the relations Card 1/4 S/056/62/043/006/039/067 The nucleon-nucleon... B125/BI02 G N (klko) [ 14- A I (q) + -4@ A, (9)] .(3) 11(9) 1N (Idk,)' K CI (9) + Ir CO(q)] between the amplitudes of nucleon-nucleus scattering end the NN-scattering amplitudes following from the-superposition model load to A 'q (0) - -'/, A,"' (0) 4 '/. A." (0) - - 0.36 � 0.03. ;711 (0) = 8/4 A' (0) + 1/4 A.' (0) . 0,72� 0.04. (4) 0 (0) - 3/, CR (0) + 1/4 C' ' (0) = - 0.33 � 0.28. 00) = '/, Ct' (0) + 1/, C.' (0) - 0.77 � 0.20. for the real and imaginary parts of the amplitudes JL and 00 averaged over the isotopic states. q is the momentum transferred. The subscripts I and zero refer respectively to the isotopic states with T - I and T - 0 of the two-nucleon system considered. The negative sign of the real part AR(O) Card 2/4 3/056 ,1621045100610391067 The nueleon-nucleon... B125/2102 of the zero-spin amplitude is due to the effect of the repulsive hard core in nucleon-nucleon interaction. In first Born approximation the spin amplitude F(O) corresponds with the spin-orbit potential of nucleon- nucleus interaction, an is shown by comparing experimentally obtained data on NN-scattering with the phase shift analysis. Between 40 and 660 Key the energy dependence is described satisfactorily by A'(0) - (7,20:@ 0,20)1 E.. + (4,68 � 0,@6)- 10-6 E.. . ,- A" (0) -t-- (0.673 � 0,03) (6,88 � 0,35). 1 0-1E.. (5)- 4C 1 (0) = (0. 188 � 0.038) + (3.86 � 0.70)-JO-2E,,. ,. C"' (0) - (2.45 � 0.42). WxE,. (1.97 0.84). 10-1E,'. The energy E in the o.m.s. is given in Key and the amplitudes in - 13 U'. M" -1 10 cmo The amplitude A describes mainly the energy dependence of the total cross sections of nucleon-nucleon interaction (averaged over the A isotopic spin). The energy dependence of A (0) leads to the relation o(O) /(kat/4%) 2 for the nucleon-nualcus scattering cross section through Card ; 4 5/056/62/045/006/039/067 The nuoleon-nuolson... B125/J102 0 1 the angle 0 , It also implies tbo existence of a pure shadow scattering at N400 Mov in the lab system. 71(0) is positive throughout the enerSI r3nge investigated. Hence up to 660 May the real part of the spin-orbit potential V SH of nucleon-nuolous interaction has the some sign as in the shell model. The parameters of the optical potentials, determined from the nuoleon-nucleon scattering# are tabulated. The data obtained on nucleon- nucleon scattering indicate 'that the real part of V SR diminishes with In& creasinS energy. According to nucleon-nuolson experiments the Imaginary part of V SR is likely to be non-soro. There are I fl8uro and I table. ASSOCIATIONo Ob"yedinonnyy Institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) I M.V SUIWITTEDs June 301 1962 ic 'Is/, M#V Table .6:E2.9 of 52�4 11� .9104 @ -065 09 33�4 �3 1 0:2 , 1� -0:58 :07 31 17�7 � 2 # @ to I _%3 ' / � 3� :48 %,ar . 4 4 S/020/62/145/006/006/015 B161/BI02 AUTHORSs Azhgirey, L. S., Kuzekint Yu. P., Reshcheryokov# ]do Go, Corresponding Member AS USSR, Nurushev, So B.# Stoletov, ID.0 and Huang Tiah-chliang TITLis Excitation of C 12 nuclei by 660-Mey protons Fi@RIQDICALi Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 145, no. 6, 1962, 1249-1252 TEXTt A gr3phite rod, I cm thick, was bombarded by protons having energies of 660 + 5.q 14ev and a flux density of about )410 9 P/cm2 Deco The protons scatTered through -C-2, 5.2, 7.0, 9.1 and 10-70 were deflected m3gnetically and then conducted through two quadrupol-e lenses and a collimitor into an ionization chamber with three scintillation counters. The inclantic diffusion scattering *rose section for 70 is 130tIO-27c22/Bte- rAd. The maximum energy distribution of the inelastically scattered protons in connected with the energy from the giant photoresonance of the 12 C nuclei, but is much wider.Interaction between the incident proton and Card 1/0 G 12 Excitation of C nuclei... 5/020J62/145/006/006/015 B161/B102 the bound nucleons zay. cause stab le collective excitations of the nucleus, i.e. spin, isospin, and spin-isospin 'eaves (Zhi;TFO 450 no. Of 1962). Giant photoresonance excitation and excitation of the nucleus by spin waves of the giant resonance energy saay set in sizultaneously. This is probably what causes the widening of the curve. There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATIONs Obl'yedinennyy institut yadernykh iesledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITUDi May 11, 1962 Card 2/0 1', The longitudinally polarized 5/089/65/014/001/004/015 3102/BI86 P1 ia the p'llark-ation of protons elantically acattered from carbon 1111111111. 11) lo thl, protoll n'.11"lleti" ft-oment in termn'lif nuclear mni-notonn, I! itj the proton velocity In c-unita, ani 1; in the angle of deflection of the proton benn in the magnetic fiell. For 90' only the longitudinal component -,xintty. ii;y a3@iitable ch@)ice of 4 300 for proton primary energy o' 06-0 .@ev) i t i v, poss ible to 1-orive 1. he whole beam longitudinally polari,ze I .A A' I U xof ?!10U c --,2nec coull be a%tainel for an enerr4 r., 61219 Yev. The anele of prec-,.3rlon unJer these conlitions is n9:2 . 50. 7'he valfle i"1.0-45!0.03 nerees well with the data published in Zh. ekoperim. i teor.fiz-,,444,no.1,1963. There 'As I figure. SUBMITTED: October 16, 1962 C-tri -)/'? 16369 S/U56 63/044/001/034/067 )Lt BIBB ISO AUTHORSt Axhg1roy, L. S.o Kumokint Yu. P.0 Moshohoryakoyl 9, 0.# Hurunhov, S. B., 812jet Do @m" a D. -toyan TITLEi Elastic small angle scattering of 660-Mov-protons by carbon nuclei PERIODICALs Zhurnal okeparlmentallnoy I tooretiohaskoy fisiki, T, 44# no. 1, 1963, 177- 191 TEXTs The differential elastic scattering cross section of 660-Mov protons by carbon nuclei was measured In the range 0.80 k 0 h 90) where nuclear and Coulomb scattering interfere. The polarization of the scattered protons was also measured# and the results were used to oal- culate the scattering amplitudes and the corresponding nuclear potentials of the optical models Determination of the energy spectra of the 11 cattered protons shows that Inelastic competes with elastic scattering at small angles also. Reliable results on elastic scattering cross @so- tions at high proton energies can only be obtained It inalastioally 13 cattered protons or* carefully separated. Here this is done by defloo- tion in a magnetic field. Pig. 4 gives the differential cross section r"ri 1/4 3/056/63/044/001/034/067 Elastic small angle scattering ... Blee/Bieo measured for elastic scattering, and Fig. 5 the polarization of scattered protons as a function of the scattering angles Hence# the components of "cattering amplitudes obtained by the method of least squares are (in 10-13 om )' 9SR(o) - - 5.05 i 0.45 9XI(O) - 15.26 t 0-45 hXR(O) - -10.4 .1 15-3 hXI(o) - 37.6 t 9.3 The corresponding radii of the central and spin-orbital @otentiais are 2 _@.487.@i,04)406'12 cm. (14 IL) 2 @rt (2 83 � 0.16) -10-IS cm, (14 b). h ' 6 hThey are much larger than when determined from electron scattering. The vahics of the integrated potentials of the optical model according to the Dorit npproximation areo cetif.ral potential U ((-1271. 12) + 1(257 4:14)).10-31 MeV.cul, 22 spin-orbi tal potential W a '((1.1.8 � 3.9) + 1(6.3 � 5,4)).10-06 McV.c*6. @22b There are 5 figures and I table# Card 2/4 5/056/63/044/001/034/661" Elastic small angle scattering BIBB/BI80 A"@39CIATIONt Oblyedinennyy Institut yadernykh Issledovanly (Joint Insti- tute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTEDi June 30, 1962 Fig- 0 Differential scattering arose section for 660 Nov protons by carbon. 0 - secondary protons with more than 60 MovI 0 elastics' Ily scattered protons. Solid ourves calculated values. Legends (1) do/du 10-24 cm 218 torAd, (2) 9, degrees. Fig. 5s Polarization of protons Fig. 5 (primary energy 660 Hey) after elastic scattering by carbon nu- clei. The P value at 6-30 was taken from ZhETFs 35o 89P 19581 boldl solid curves calculated values with optimum adaptationj hatched areas range of error. Legends (1) 0, degrees, Card 3/4 5/056/63/044/001/034/067 Elastic small angle joattoring MONO Fig. 4 Cartl 4/4 AZHGIPZY, L.S.; RUWAIN, Yu.P.1 NMHCInYAKOV, M.G.1 KMLUHEV, S*B*j SMLEMV. G.D, Nuoleon-nucleon scattering amplitudes and the complexity of the spin-arbltal interaction between nucleons and nuclei., Zhure ekep.1 teor.fIz. 43 no.6t2l94-2198 D 162. OaRA 16il) 1. Ob"yedInennyy inst1tut yederiqkh issledoyaMy. (Nucloon"cattering) (Nuclear reactions) AZHGIREY, L.S.; KLEPIKOV, N.P.; KUMUIN, YU.P.; MESHCHICKYAKOVp M.G.; NURUSHEVP S.B.; STOLF6TOV, G.D.; SARANTSEVA, V.R.,, [Phenomenological analysis of pp-interaction at 657 May) Fenomenologicho3kii analls pp-vialmodalstvils pri 657 may. Dubnat Ob"adinennyl In-t ladernykh isale4ovanil. Pt.1, 1963. 3 P. MRA l6s6) (Protons-Scattering) AWGIREY, L.S.; KUWAU, YU.P.; M&SIICIILRYAKjV, M.G.; NUIWSHEV, S.H.; STOLETOV., GD.; KHUAI4 DF-TSUN &oall-angle elastic scattiring of 660 Wre protons on carbon nuclei. Zhur. eksp, i teor. fiz. " noelsl77-191 Ja 163. (KIM 105) 1, Gb*)odimiyy Institut yadernykh issledovaniye (Proton&-Scattering) (Carbon) AMIREYS L.S.; XUPIKOVO N.P.; KUK-IIN,, Yu,?.; 'I"H'-fiMYAXUV,, 14.G,i 11DW-MVP i.B. ; STOLL-,OV G.D. Phenomnological analysis of pp-interaction at 657 @%Y. Part 1. Zhur. eksp. i teor, fiz. 45 no-WI-74-1182 0 163. (KUU 16:11) ACCESS10N NR: AP4018357 B/0120/641000/001/0025/0030 AUTHOM Biktinlirows S- Kh.; Kum*kint Yu- P-; Nurumhsvo 8- 3,; Stoletov, G. D. TITLEs outfit for polarization studies with high-energy proton scattering SOURCE: Pribory* I tekhnika eksperimenta. no. 1. 1964. ZS-30 TOPIC TAGS: proton, proton study, high energy proton, proton scattering, polarization study, triple proton scattering ABSTRACT: An outfit (see Enclosure 1) intended primarily for measuring the triple -scattering parameters In cases where the scattering in hydrogen takes place in a horizontal plans Is described. The outfit consists of two rigid trusses 4 and 5 which can rotate around a stationary vertical column 2 being supported by a common base 1. A hydrogen target 3 which serves as a second scatterer is mounted on the column 2. A number of scintillation counters forms two card 1/4 ACCESSION NR: "40183S7 telescopes which record the charged particles emitted from the hydrogen target at angles 01. and 0j in the laboratory coordinate system. The angles can be measured by means of a dial 6. Thus, the outfit can measure the parameters of triple scattering for both above angles. The segments 7 and 8, together with the target analyzers 9 and 10 and with the scintillation counters that record triple- scattered protons. form polarineters. The segments 7 and 8 can be not either vertically or horizontally. To reduce the random- coincidence background. the protons not scattered by the third targets 9 and 10 are recorded by special scintillation counters J13A and f13A connected for anti -coincidence with other counters. In a typical triple -scattering experiment. the cross -section of a polarized proton beam had a circular shape with a 4-cm diameter. The members 4 and S were so adjusted that the protons scattered in the hydrogen to the left and to the right within a 90" angle would be recorded. Target analyzers of 3. S S/cm were used, With a polarized-beam intensity of Zx 101 protonsisee, the count rate of the triple -scattered protons was about I protons/min In a&& of tha four channels. Correlation coincidenc es were counted at & rate of about 0. 1 cod ACCESSION NR: AP40183ST events/hr. The background in the absence of the third targets was about 1616 of the total count ratel the background in the absence of the liquid hydrogen was IS or less. "In conclusion, we wish to thank M. 0. Meshcheryakov for his guidance of the work. We are also thankful to L, V. Budkin, V. L Nikitim, V. M. Pribors and 0. V. RAov for their help'In building and adjusting the equipn-Ant. 11 Orig. art - has: 3 f igur e a and I table. ASSOCIATION: Obl'yodinenny*y institut yaderny*kh issledovanly (Joint Nuclear Research Institute) SUBMITTED: 23reb63 DATE ACQ: l8Mar64 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: PH, NS NO REIr SOV: OOS OTHER: 002 card 314 . Acczss io" wit AP4018357 0 14 IV 7 I . I- .--4. J17- i-zl I - - - , - ., I outfit for stodun Idth blo-amr- w seatterl" IKUXUU 14)1 to" #14' ACCESSION UR: AP4012522 8/0056/64/046/001/0050/0058 AtrrHORSt Kumekino Yu. P.1 Meshcheryakov, Me 0.1 Hurushev, S. Set Stoletov, 0. D. TITLEs Triple scattering of protons at 660 MeVe IV. Angular do- pendence of the parameter A. SOURCEs Zhurnal eksper. i teoret. fiz., v. 46, no. 1, 1964* 50-58 TOPIC TAGSt pp interaction: proton triple scattering, triple seat- tering parameter, angular depandencei phase shift analysis* pp, scat-@ tering matrix ABSTRACTs continuing their investigations of pp interactions near 660 MeV (ZhETF v. 35, 1398, 19581 v. 38, 101, 19601 v. 43, 1667, 1962), the authors describe the apparatus used in further experi- ments on proton triple scattering and report the measurements of the triple-scattering parameter A (characterizing the transverse po- Card 1/0 71 ACCESSION NR: AP4012522 larization component arising upon scattering of a longitudin ally polarized beam) for c.m.s. angles 54, 72, 90, 108, and 1260. The data obtained are used in conjunction with results of other experi- ments to reconstruct the pp scattering matrix and for comparison with the results of several phase-shift analysis variants. "The ,bt%! authors are grateful to L. S. Azhgirey and S. N. Sokolov for useful discussions." Orig. art. hass 4 figures, 11 formulass and 3 tables@ i4L'.. ASSOCIATIONs Obwyedinonny*y institut yaderny*kh issledovaniy i(joint institute of Nuclear Research) SUMITTEDs 1WU163 DATE ACQs 26Feb64 It' Ms 02 SIM CODEs PH NO REF SM 020 OT 009 2/4 9.1 @17_11_ N VAA