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CheMical Abst. V01- 48 No. 9 14aY 10, 1954 Orvanic Chemistry SSEEMIMI.If. C.A. a. W for Ow s"thesis of arornatk aldehydes by the conversiort of the -CHSCI Vropp Into the -CHO group without the use of strong oxictizing agents was to a series of CICH, derivs. The arokopiw (1) (action of I on the a propriate CICH, deriv. In ale. and hydrolysis of the =11tt ed readily and gave good aldthyde yields e aldehydes were identified as the p-xitropk rasex" (11). PhCHSCI and I in a1c. refluxed I hr. ter was added, heating con- tinued another hr., the mixt. cooled. and the upper layer contg. the BzH extd. with ether. dried. and distd. from an oil bath Save 60% BxH, b, 179'; U, obtained by refluxing 30 min. with p-OjNCjHtNHNHj In glacial HOAc, filterinf, and recrystg. from glaelal HOAe, red tab 192 . The following RCHO, were Wm pre I;A M(h*e anal- ogous RCH,CI JR. b.p. or tu.pny(e ( Fof'and. In paren- thesei, m.p. of III: AfeCoNt. b. 205 . 65 (202*); :,S- Afelcoffs, b. 220*. 69 (186*); P-AfrICI[Q11j, b. 234-5'. 65 (1113*), ONC ' mi 103-50, 692249-501); t-culf?. light t' t Iqu;d of charuct tic odor, his 165% 66(236 '@t hel f!.1 re of the reaction is assumed to be as 7). follows: The Cl deriv. treated with I In ether fonns; a salt of the quaternary ammonium base; upon hydrolysis of this salt the RCHs radical is split off as RCHWHs and I decomp. into NHj a-, d HCHO; the RCHINHI undergoes further reaction and (tchydrogenation according to the L"Annizzaro-Tishchenk-j reaction with the formation of RCII: Nil, which is readily hydrolyzed to RCHO: RCHsCI * (ClitWN4 - (Clf:)o.V,.RCIIICI I [to RCII'SNift + 3 NH* * 6 I1CI1O; RCH,NIf, + IICIIO + 11,0 - RCU.NH + 11.0 Alcoll - RClIO + N114011. NI. G. Moore- A I).,, Coi@il)oulids @;iid iur@hvv C,)iivcrj3ion of C:IormleLhil L u-s vj@ 1, Is-t of 1 - , necro 1- It.-, Ilro o @l Transupor 't L-Ic ii i L. 'Ka-,n..-.:vl,_h, (-@'Il '.110 1!, "'ar @:5) So: Sin. !lo 67,J) 2,2 '3e.t Survey of 3c`.cnLUl*;.c nd cal Disoertations Defended at '.3311 *..!;.,-.':or Ediucatinn--.1 Inot.U,.,t_i,).,!z (11;) KRE'MV, A.Ye.; STFRINA,.-. Ye. Z. Acenaphtholylacr-Ilic acids and their derivati7es. Zhur. pri@-L. khim. 36 no.5:1154-1157 My 163. (MIRA 16:8) (Naphthaleneacrylic acid) Ic Fish culture anl 31 t@j 1 r :3 0 772!i t ",ropear, Accessions FT@ 1 Vol. 8, ',7o. L, A p. ri 1195@, Unelass STERK, E.; SOS, F. A new method for the detection of pinholes in protective coatings. In English. p. 247. ACTA TECHNICA. (Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia) Budapest, Hunrary) Vol. 25) no. 3/4., 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 11, November 1959, Uncl. STi!.@, libor Temporary, glued roofing for wiLter. Magy ep ipar 12 no.11/12: 616 163. STERK., Tiborne Electret. Fiz azemle 11 no.11:340-346 N 161. 1. Tavkozlesi Kutato Intezet. - --- Dr. IIA 3ur.i."llo,iont to t-,,3 )f the Influence of tt;c I'LalleIll T,,,st (I.'.I.T.) on thr@ CO Fixat Te3t (C.F.T.) " Dr, 71@j! - ir st@@r% - t'--Ijor & chief of Vet. Lai). Df Yu.-o 'N.-t 11 Ar c., In 3eo.--rad. SOUPC@: Vet. SVEZAK 2, 1 - 2C , 1953 @-3 1,1. pa 71,111 @@' I - 1, - .. I m -- @' I -.) . if--- @ -if Tu-@-,orc -a] 1- n !@'o -- t*,, 11 --, c 1-1 r- 1 o f '17 . 3 . 1T I foWl . " ;... , - I - TA. 01--l" 4 - `37-3@,3o 1953 .a , i I . Ij fcc@t rot. -in @31ieer. 37 Ucl.1cprivred,3. rc.. b, June 'Em-r,-J, lurcslavinn) -1c] 2, lcbru:iry 195L aseB Of F arm and pang'l 0" j)jc@e ,,cter13 195B 'P'VjP' d 'D @j ,use jol)"r. P ut'aor N fLef stery . I 0 and, Treatment is vrog lay 10' 561 19 of @Joof 'Rot 0 136 19 0 10, In slaD - noctan jeter ans * f a-rims Or'V - rez - t at foar m@- tlre ?I-110' 11a, Oil c 511 J,.Odjde ,,.0 h1orlte A and @,j.e Carl -jci_uM tas t 'Was ca @Jliinl 'PO dL tanin' and ,,eat,aen I PejjA'c f 3.ea I n1co, e Ob- ?or it te 0 , amphe vie-f Cj_jsO4 y ta,jile in.,Ltva chlor e ounds re5ults acj.( 0 $Ulf aln camp I nol) Good f 91crIc n1i tjre sulf ur rIva d at,.On 0 0,.hlorlte acids, teste -re aqvije, salle"J we lc@.U'M hj'P 1.crct ac . trLe 9 thrOU6 1 11 and 0a ta-Ined yjenjcO ji chlora%p stTact Nb card 1/2 YUGOSLAVIA / Diseases of Farm Animals Caused by Bacteria and Fungi. Diseases R-1 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Blol., No 2, 1958, 7303 Abstract: contal Ining no less than 25 percent Of active chloride The rivanol ointment Produced good results only in the first stages of the disease. Penicillin in Powder form for dusting on diseased hoofs had a satisfactory effect, but such treatment is expensive. In any treatment, sur- gical treatment of the hoofs is necessary. The treatment should be given in summer, In dry weather, and all sheep not cured by autumn should be slaughtered Card 2/2 12 SJERX V. ca.@); Civen 1111ames Comnt-xy. Yugoslavia Academic D-I;rceo: /not givenj Aff 4'. LL ii t i o.-@ Z/not givey SOU'rer-, Belgrade, Veterinarski -glasnik, No 4, 1961, pp pl-324. Data: "On Some Veterinary Problem in the USA; I Prophylaxis of Gastrd-Enteric Invasions.4 ,-.@:C7;,RK. V. d.;); Given ra=u C3,,,y: Yugoslavia not given L - A-t@. not given sourc@, Belgrade, Veterinarsk-i glasnik, No 7p 1961, pp 607-610. nOn Some Veterinary Problems in the USA; Ill. Infectious Diseases in Cattle and Sheep.2 Yu;,oslavia A r! not given given :to*,--:- i,!u, Vaterinarski jrlosnik, No 8. 1961 , pp 687-692. "on Sc:za Veterinary Problems in USA; IV. On the Condition of Rosearch-Work.' STF , @Ifl:hi)V, A.P. f,:, :!,h,@r-'Plng "he cuts!de diameters of parts Yay ShInOS 14V-d 1 nC. 11 -.13 N t 6/, (M I RA i8:2 STZRMOV G. Prospects of growth. Prom.koop. no-4:5 AP '56. (MLRA 9:8) 1. Predesdatell prayleniya promeoveta Udmurtakoy ASM. (Udmurt A.S.S.R.-Cooperative societies) STERKHOV, G. Contribution of vorkers of the Udmurt producers' cooperative societies. Prom koop. 13 no.4:6 Ap 159. (MIRA 12:6) l.Predsedatell pravleniya Tdpromsoveta (g.Izhevsk) (Udmurt A.S.S.R.-Cooperative societies) @;TFJWIOV, G. Plans r-onfirmed bv the deeds.,",,1.1 kdiud.promyse 3 no.7 14 J:L 162. OURA 15:8) 1. 14inistr mestnoy promyshlennosti Udmurtskoy ASSR. (Udmurt A.S.S.R.-Industrial organization) ACC NR, 111-6033567 SOU'RCL CON: uB/ol3i~/66/,D~.--,/C)IO/3043/3o4,6 AU-MOR: Pavlov, P. V.; Ster-khov,# V..A. 7OR,G: Gorkiy State University im. N. I. ljobachevskiy (Gortkovskiy gosudarstvenny :universitet) TITLE: Diffusion of indium over the surface of germanium SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 10, 1966, '3o43-3046 laDPIC 11AGS: indium, germaniu;,n, metal diffusion, surface property, transport, property I !ABS71MCT: nic authors report results of an investiGation of the diffuzion and electric ,@transport of indium over the (111) surface of single-ci-latal p-type Ge with resistivi- '@ty 1 ohm-cm and dislocation densitY 3X 103 Ce2. The diffusion was car@ried out at ;60o - 910c, and the electric transport at 500 - 800C. 11"he distribution of the dif- :fusing atoms in depth was determined by a "layered sample" methodp usin3 In2-3-4 as the I itracer, wherein the --ample was made up of stacks of 8 - 10 Plateg 5 x 5 Y 0-4 mm, and the activit-ics of the different surfaces were measured. The experimental data obtained :on the dif;'asion was reduced by the "standard-curves" method described by one of t- h e autIhlors earlier (Pavlov, with V. A. Panteleyev, = V. 7, 2209, 1965). Account. was 'taken of the fact that indiiL% is transported by the electric field either to the anode or to the cathode, depending on the temperature, owing to different de6-rees of electron, 'hole draCging. The values obtained for the coefficientV of surface diffusion., D1. - 2 X 102 1 exp(-54.5/R-A) cm2/sec, agree well with the results obtained by others. The Card 1/2 ACC NRs A@033567 1 a,,ithors thank V. A. Panteleyev and V. A. Uskav for a useful discussion. Orig. art. I ,'has: 3 figures and 10 formulas. I L 22540-66 EWT(1)/EwT(m)/T/ -(t)----Ijp(c) jD/Ga ACC BR: AF6oo965o SOURCE CODE: UIVO1831al,00810031072510M AUTHOR: Pavlovj P. V.; Layner., L. V.; Sterkhovp V, A.; Panteleyev,, V. As +R. ORG: Gorlkiy State University im, N.'!.""'L"oba~che;'sli-(Gortkovskiy gosudarstv i enrVyp universitet) TITLE: On the proof,of the existence of an autonomous diffusion flux along iso- lated dislocations,6 SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 3., 1966.- 725-730 1 TOPIC TAGS: crystal lattice dislocation., physical diffusion, silicon,, single crystal . I ABSTMCT: This is a cont tion of earlier work by the authors (M v. T, 9 E@i@ 22 1965 and v. 61 384, l9ok& V ere it W" showm tha@jniffusion along dislocationn exist in single crystalskbf germanium-kind i@ilicon, addition to the ordinary voluA d-Iffusion. -3@e these results differ from those of MMW others, the authors present, using the diffusion of indium in silicon as an example, new re- sults to confirm that the diffusion along the dislocations is much faster than through the volume. The investigations were made on "sitting" dislocations. p-type silicon samples were usel with specific resistivity 18 ohm-cm and average 1 104 cm-A dislocation density Nd The samples were cut from a specially grown Card .1/2 L 22540-66 ACC BR: Ap6w965o ingot, which contained dislocations of only one kind., "sitting" dislocations par- 'I allel strictly to the growth axis (110]. The diffusing indium was tagged with In,114. The diffusion from the gas phase in quartz ampoules is accurate to 10-4 torr at temperatures 1010-1270C. The distribution of the indium was det b;, removal of layers. In paralle1with this methodj, autoradiographic study o the dif-I fusion was also made to exclude the possibility of simultaneous existence of other diffusion mechanisms. The data yielded for the diffusion coefficient and di heat along the dislocations values of 104 CM2/sec and 77 kcal/molep respectivelyp as against 16.5 cm2/sec and 90 kcal/mole for volume diffusion. A criterion is in- troduced, making it possible to estimate the influence of volume diffusion on the form of the concenteration curve, and it is shown that the diffusion actually ob- served takes place along the dislocations and cannot be attributed to the settling of indium on the dislocations when the sample is cooled. 7he dimension-of the effective diffusion region around the dislocations."is''determined by a@--indepen- dent electron transport methodp and is found to be of the order of 3DO 1. Orig. art, has: 3 figuresp 11 formulaaj and 1 tables SUB CODE: 2o/ suBm DAm 16jul65/ oR3x; mw: ol2/ oTH Rat oo5 Cc 2 @d @d --L-27f)R7-66 EWTM/T JK ACC MRs AP6013382 UOURGE UOIMS XWOMPM/000012/0043PO52 AUTHORt Sterkhava A* No ORGs Aserbaydshan Institute of Virology,_Microbiologr and Hygiene in. 4bejk0y (Azer6Wgs-hanskiy institut viriAologiip mikrobiologii i gigiyeny TITLEs Immunisationlaor humans with M-" live vaccine against SOURCE: Zhurnal mikrobiologii,, epidemiologii i 4mminobiologiip no. 129 19659 48-52 TOPIC TAGSi insunization, man, vaccine, Q fever/m-" vaccine ,ABSTRACTs The immunogenic and reactogertic properties of M-44 live vaccine against q4ever (developed by the Institute of Evidemiolo" and Microbiology imeni Gamaleya acadew-of Mea"I Sgiences IUSSR were tested on kers of i four factories (one meat combine and three leather plants) %hich in 1956- 11958 showed a rate of infection of 4-7%e Serological tests made on this ioccasion (1963) showed a rise to 28.1,10. The vaccine was injected once sub- cu@aneously in the subscapular or shoulder region in 10A dilution (0-5 ml)o I The complement fixation teat im run for all 'subjects just before inoculation and again 56-84 days after treatment. A total of 495 persons were vaccinated; 115 of them showed a positive reaction to Q-Rickettsiosis in titers of I'lil0-1:40, The subjects were kept under observation for 3-5 days and contact was maintained for 2-3 months. No significant 4ifference was noted in the general reaction between subjecte.with positive results and those with negative 1/2 UDCs 616.981.7lM84.47:615.371 -L 27587-66 - ----- ACC NN AP6018382 --- results in the complement fixation test *given' before inoculation. No allergic'-" reactions occurred in either group. Serologidal tests were run on 396 persons 2-3 months after vaccination* In the group negative to Q-fever before vacci- nation.9 223 out of 282 persons were popitive to Q-fever in the canplement 1 fixation test (average titer 3.126-6). The author found the vaccine effective- ly Immanogenio In the dosage used and'harmless. She finds that the vaccine can- be- used -_M4@hout-pr erolozical testing of subjects* Orik@-@'k!- hast 2 tables, Lip- SUB CODEs 06/ SUBH DATEz 25Feb65/ -ORIG r"I 004 r-A 212 t /V 8(0), 15(6) SOV/112-59-2-2387 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 2, p 15 (USSR) AUTHOR. Kalantar, N. G., and Sterkhova, L.- G. TITLE: Electrophysical Stability of Insulating Oils (Ob elektrofizicheskoy stabil'nosti izolyatsionnykh masel) PERIODICAL: Khimiya i tekhnol. topliva i masel, 1957, Nr 11, pp 47 -52 ABSTRACT: For various depths and natures of oil purification, variations of the following clectrophysical properties of insulating oils were studied: dielectric loss tg S' . permittivity & , acid number, saponification value and laboratory- aging deposit. Fresh oils show no relationship between the depth and method of purification and tgS ; the tg-S' varies, depending on the degree of oil liberation from impurities, and is determined by impurity conductance, not by hydrocarbon oil composition. Permittivity of fresh oils decreases with better purification because it depends on hydrocarbon composition. Oils behave differently after aging. With a better purification, the tgg of an oxidized oil Card 1/2 SOV/1 12-59 -2-2387 Electrophysical Stability of Insulating Oils decreases; after a certain optimum, the purification again begins to rise. Oil permittivity plotted against temperature is different for different purification depths. For underpurified oils, the permittivity -temperature curve has a sharp peak between 800 and 1000C. For optimum -purified oils, this curve approaches a slightly drooping straight line. Thus, the optimum oil purifica-- tion can be judged, along with other known indicants, by the shape of the permittivity -temperature curve. For overpurified oils, the permittivity has a dip between 20' and 1000C. Plotting permittivity of oxidized oils against temperature can be used as a valuable method for determining the suitability of oil for electrical insulation. Bibliography: 12 items. Yaroslavskiy neftepererabatyvayushchiy z-d (Yaroslavl' Oil Refinery) imeni Mendeleyev. M. 1. Sh. Card 2/2 *JV WOW. .11JON 6"1 UT 1jud )[DOI ?V190jr). -,j ..t,@4DOTJJ *0 pis "OATU, low .1 f) t"JT .-,@Td ;.14@ J0 w7orojow .0 PuV -?j 'I -M-@21q puV ItTO J6410 J%: @.j .."'o jvj:@@d, JO U071 -,Tr, r@@; tjj,,V@b J.-@97,j 91. j%jTj Su'a Irniz lia@pr V@.mrf .0j; T,.--Pwcs 6,4 OTIT UT, as ruv -ay IjAW -P-3,1i CTTC :v;zods -czci Puv vpKmoduo3 @ @@Uadw@ @q,. .w ou4;q;qdru q ouwulaw 0141 A-1.1,;7 ;ccw-r Aat4l --j !vjO:j.:vO@2PRw jo joiliodoid at4@ zpa-,v I mrx r., I as 4- ve -1-01 %C-O C!CTV '411- &JI 5'*JTfjjJnd Aq (I Wvv .14; ja ITO jawol ou. *: Ogg- dQ vv4 ru. t-.C P4ujV-4Q0 L" Vj v LW. V. 0 ..,@pwd a"@; ci J.. . jo ,.Uo-. J@C-@ r-.-rr rv cc? VOS U1.1. AIVIIIISIP 0142 -mjtr@xvA '01,o z.-..:ndzrT ur4z fvjlv@b Jp^Oj v" T-@ '90AT31PPR ".nbaj 20U PIP C.,10 p4,,jTv!q0 OCI PTMOO j.=t%;vjwj- @zuv;ru- zos 10 ar"D VOLT viv 0.*. =Z; 020-U! ur4. Wa- 02-"Pwd ul f.!UO f-movaDou to" 21- UWJ P&PUD, vlu;od OCCz. ql@TOA Zjjo;;-.r I Paz-%Pojd j" 'CTIC f.@PG c2 r,?-.Tddi cc cpoljl@ &=VV tulod plits--i DQnT puv janj v@,,tlvnz --J@ anij Doonp jo -z , 0. u7j.-S@Iyg ja@; I.: -Cl V*C *,r., ura,. T,*@* u.,43 Cv.1 1%zV. Vjv v;@nedwo: :-.:vzOzV Altau r=Tv-.Uo@ 1.: ".1; @Ojj ITO or@-,Z ;@uv ;C T;vr, P-41 Ot gloade ;I UO.. j4z;;- a4. rjozj &-,TO V" jo lvti-. rug :,j";Dd t@d4i aul "TV el ppq Da arniz cp-,OTf jq .7.rr- -,!d@; vw I.: rz-G -ax INOUCA Pico VIDMV [/a Pico SOV/65-85 - 5 07110_1i"2: Granat, A. M; Grushevenko, V. Ij Pavlova, I. P; TITLE: Carbamide Deparaffination of Distillation 0113 f,:cm, Emba Pet-Loleum (Karbamidnaya deparafinlzatsk.@-,a distillyatnykh masel iz Embenskikh neftey) P7,1@103,.'CAL: Khimiya i Tekhnologiya Topliv i rZasel, 1958, Nr.5. pp. 34 - 42. (USSR). AD3T',IAOT: The Yaroslavl I Plant im. Mendele7ev is processlnj3 various petroleums from the Emba Region. The P-r::- paration of distillate oils with a low solidificatlor. point is based on the processing of high quality petroleum (solidification points of different cils varying between - Q-- ---Ing 60 to - 400C), or by the pr of other petroleums by using the deproLsor ASNII lowers the solidification point of the oils, and at', t*.-Ir, same time impairs such characteristIcs as the 7!olcur*, L electurop'.yalcal propertiest and ash content. Re:;ultti thp ,arbamide deparaffination of of imestigations on q different oils from Ma . petroleums, carried out in the Research Department of the above-named plant, as - /3 well as the principal lay-out of the experimental - t D r d 1 kion vas p 1 1 o t )lant, are discussed. eparaffim '65-S5-,c--,V14 c-.-c- DeparaffinatIon of Distillation Oils -rro-@ Emba PL C carried out with the aid of crystalline carbamile ir. presence of anactivator (ethyl alco'icl); the exper-IL:rental stage lasted for thirty minutes- Physicc;-3hemi@@.a,-. orties of the petroleums - Table 1. R-I:;uIts of the d, Var.,Affination, the quality of the diatillatos, of L the finished oil.3 1301'pro and after d@.,parafff-nation - Tablo 2. The elk j"rta-9 prepared arid satiiifi-,,I tlir.; n-):,uirements of MST 1805-151, and tl@c trarsfoTn,-,or cil, prepared from th ,Ivestigated petrelcum, sat-isfied Lh@@- reouirements of .40ST OP2-56. Investir.-ition-, ara, -zar@,f,@d out at present on the effect of the caillamide duj:araf-fIra-- tion process on the stability, of tranzfo-@.,mer oil acc-Lvd- ing to the requirements of POST qOj-r--. A 12C c-,f lepar--:;Sfinated oil was obtaineil. OnL, '-ype of eum was used for the preparation of a condensell oil. accordin-@- te GOST 5775-51, solidifi.,,ation poir, 4- 7thich had very good electro-ph,Ysical pi,%-.)p@,=rtiAL- sample of deparafflinated oil weighing 100 was l)-re- I)--rcd on the baSis of res@ults obtainod duriiC Vv@ ir- vestigations. Before the deparaffii-,ation, th@- 3clid-ifl- c,itlon point was -50C; after deparaffir"tior, it P-quall-ad r A OC The process was carried out fcr one hour; h;@ SOV/65-@@-65 6/14 Cartamide Deparaffination of Distillation Oils from Bmben k Petroleuir- product obtained was fUtered under vacuiim. This pro- duct satisfied all the requirements of GOST 5546-54 for Freon oil. Results of investigations on the influ- ence of various factors on the carbamide deparaffination are discussed Pjg,1:- dependence of the solidification point of the @il on the quantity of carbamide-used: the influence of the activator on the Solidirtea-0A.-Oft point of transformer oil - Table 3; influence of dis- tilled water on the deparaffination of Freon oil - Table 4. The dependence of the solidification point of Frecn oil on the quantity of activator - Fig.2, and the depend- ence of the solidification on the contact time - Fig.3. Results obtained during these investigations were used for planning a pilot plantp the lay-out of which is 3' .4. There are 4 FIgures, 4 Table3, 3 iven in Fir 5 ef-alrencess. 2 Geriian, 6 Soviet&. Yaroslavl' A33OCIATUOITeOil Refinery im. Mendel-eyev. (Yarosla,,rs%iy neftepere-za- bat7vayushchiy zavod im. 1-11endeleyeva). Card 3/3 KALANW, N.G.; STIMOOTA, N.G. Mlectrophysieal stability of insulating oils. Khim. I takh. topl. I masel no.11:47-52 X 157. (MIRA lltl) 1. Throslavekly nefteperarabatyvayushchiy zavod im. Mendeleyeva, (Insulating oils) ---VPMMhWk-ON',-W.-',"KIR7,OYNVA, N.M. Q favor in Azorbaijan Republic. Zhur.mlkrobioltspid. J immun. 27 no.12:84@8 D 156. (MLIRA 10: 1) 1. Iz Azerbaydzhanskogo inatituta epidemiologit. mikrobiologii i g1glyeny. (q FXVER. epidemiolog7, in Rugsta (Rug)) 17(2) SO V/16-55-1-*@- 9- 30/47 AUTHOR: Sterkhova, N.N. and Akhundov, M.G. TITLE: The Part Played by Wild Rodents in the Epidemiology of Q-fever Author's Summary PERIODICAL: Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii, 1959,, Nr 9, pp 124-125 (USSR) ABSTRACTs Sterkhova, Danilov, Dobrusin, Entin and Mirzoyeva have found foci of Q-fever in rural areas around Apsheron in Azerbaydzhan. Subject authors made a 2tudy of wild rodents in this area in an attempt to detect carriers of Q-fever. The work showed that the red-tailed "peschanka", the Persian "peachanka" and the brown rat in the area could be affected with Q-fever. In the latter case the brown rat is of epidemiological importance since it is often found near human dwellings and around livestock. The brown rat, conclude the authors, may be the natural reservoir Card 1/2 of Q-fever virus and may serve as a source of infection, SOV/16-59-9-30/47 The Part Played by Wild Rodents in the Epidemiology of Q-fever. Author's Summary ASSOCIATION: Azerbaydzhanskiy institut epidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigiyeny (Azerbaydzhan Institute of Epidemiology, Microbiology and Hygiene) SUBMITTEDt July 2, 1958 Card 2/2 ST OVA, N.H.. ENTIN, U.S., Case of collective infection with Q fever. no.11., 74-79 N 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Ix Asertaydzhanskogo nauchno-isaledovatellakogo Instituta spi- doniologil, mikrobiologil I gigiyeny (dirsictor dok-tor maditainakikh nauk B.F. NedzhidoT). (ApsHzaDN P=NsuL&--q yBvim) (ANIMALS AS CARRMS OF DISRASR) STERKIN, A.M., inzh. "Sevastopol'"-t7pe refrigerator ships for industrial transporta- tions. Sudostroenie 25 no.11:1-6 N '59. (WRA 13:4) (Shipbuilding) (liefrigeratlon on ships) GUALIN, G.G.; STEWUN, B.D., nauchnyy red.: TMISHOV, A.D., glavnyy red.; STARKIN, B.D., red.; UEKRASOVA, H.B., red.izd-va: IVANOVA. A.G.. (Industry's demands in the quality of mineral raw materials; handbook for geologists] Trebovanila promyehlennosti k kachestyu minerallnogo ayriia; apravochnik dlia geologov. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i jKhrane nedr. No.25. [Copper] Mod'. 1958. 54 p. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Moscow. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-isoleeovatellskiy institut minerallnogo syrlya. (Ores--Sampling and efitimation) GUDALINv G.G.; STBOMp B.D..j nauchayy red.; ROZHKOVA, L.G.p red. i2d-va; IYERUSALIKSKAYA, Ye.S.p tekkne rod, [Industrial specifications for thw quality of raw minerals; a manual for geologists) Trebovaniia proaWshlennosti k kachestvu minerallnogo syrlia; spravochnik dlia geologov. Moskvat GoB. nauchno-tekbn. izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr. No.42. [Leads zinop cadmiump silver] Svinetop tsilikj kadMiip serebroo Naucbne red. B.D.Storkin. 1960* 68 p. WU 34M 1. Moscow. Vsesoyuzm7y nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut minerall- nogo syrlya. (Lead) (zinc) (cadmium) (Silver) SIKEEIN,.@; ULITSKIY, Ye.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk:, red.; LEONOVA, T.S., red.; RAKITIN, I.T., tekhn. red. (How to prolong the life of machines] KiLk prodlit' zhizn' mashin; sbornik. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanio," 1963. 38 p. (ko- voe v zhizni, nauke, tekhnike. V Serila: Sellskoe khoxial- stvo, no.10) (MIRA 16:5) (Agricultural machinery-Maintenance and repair) STERKINP I. (Rostovskaya oblast') Actuality and possibility, Sell.mekh. no.3:14,16 162. (MIRA 15:3) (Collective farms) (Agricultural machinery-Maintenance and repair) NAUMOV., V.; STFRKIN, I. "Kirovets." Nauka i zhiznl 29 no.2:25-28 F 162. (MIRA 150) (Tractors--Design and construction) HAUMOV, V. (Ryazan'); STMKIN, 1. (Ryazan') IRt's sow a month earlier and get twice as zuch, this is what the corn seeds in paraffin coating can do. Nauka i zhiznl 29 no.4:44- 45 Ap 162. (MA 15:7) (kazan Province-Corn (maize)) (Soving) (Faraffins) YKROSHKEVICH, Ms.., redaktor; TISHZVSKIT, 1.0., tekhni- cheskiy redaktor. [Foreign visitors at the U.S.S.R. Agricultural Zxhibition, 195L@-19561 Inostrannye gosti na Voevoiusnoi Sellskokhziaistvennoi Tystavke, 1954-1956. Moskva, Izd-vo H-va sellkhoz. SSSR, 1957. 116 p. (MIRA 10:11) (Moscow--Agricultural oxhibitione) IIAUI-IOV, Vladimilen Isakovich; STERKIN, Iosif Veniaminovickj_ LEOVOVA,, T.S., red.; ri-ed. [Grain in armor; applying paraffin to corn seeds] Zerno v brone; parafinirovanie semian kukuruzy. Moskvaj Izd-vo "Znanie," 1962. 31 P. (Novoe v zhizni.. nauke) tekhnike. VIII Seriia: Biologiia i reditsina, no.13) WIRA 15-.7) (Corn (xaize)) (sowing) NAUMOV, Vladimilon Ivakovich; STERKD,-,Iosif.-Vcnj_Wjnovic 'ONOVAJ red.; SUMNKIII, P.A., red.; ,AKIIIII, I.T.0 tehhn. red. (Grain in m-morliZerno v brone. flloslcv,@, Izd-vo "Znanie," 19621. ;1-45 p.' (Varodnyi universitet kulltury. .' llnkokhoziai- ,e stvennyi fa"lltet, no.10) (MIHA 15:11) (Corn (1-laizc)) Jbr 19W Mips - Usdlng' Shipping - Industry "Rapid Handling of Ships in the Part of Nlayped," 1. Sterkin, 0 pp "Norsk Plot" No 3 Brief description of degree of mechanization, and measures for efficiency adopted at port of Ilayped vith respect to easy and rapid loading an& unloading of ships. This acccmpliahad by installation of suf- ficient cranes, and training dockhands to accept cer- tain labor and time-saving devices and operationa. Mae examples of this efficiency, for one 716-ton cargo (mixed) there van a time saying of 31 h-- - STMIN, 11. ProsPects of devaloping the Kandalaksha harbor. Hor.flot. 19 no.11:12-14 N 159. (KIRA 13:3) 1. liachalinik Kandalakshokogo porta. (landalaksha-Harbor) STARKIN, N.; STANKEM, V., inshener Lumber transportation in packages. Mor.flot. 20 no.8: 8-10 Ag 160. (MMA 13 S 8) 1. Machallnik landalakebskqgo porta (for Sterkin)o (lamber-Transpor tat ion) I STERKIN V.D. Some characteristics of the tectonics of the central and northern parts of the Heinan trough (Korea). Sov.geol. 6 no.4:133-140 Ap 163. (KIRA 16:4) 1. Yuzhno-kazakhotanskoye geologicheskoye upravleniye, (Korea', North-Geology,, Structural) F A K , . i E ' ',' UK, red. ; '-! 'A'. !A ` -' 'A IS , V 71. , -' . ; 'DO JJJI -1 il , 't e . V , , rea. ; iA*KlYA!;'-,V, V.D.., red. q .4-: @ I t y oC Ko,-e,%. Tranolated Vrom th@ Ko--e?a" Geologrilit f6o.) I of- I Kc, ri,@ i . MoOk-,oi, flAr,i, .19(4. , (,2 11 . (MTh." 18:1.) FIROGOV, Alaksey Gavrilovich; N o Izr ji OV, V.D., _;__WAKH red.i DDWTIYEV, V.A., red. izd-va; GOROKHOVA, S.S., tekhn. red. lCommodity productionp the law of value, and money under socialism) Tovarnoe proizvodstvo, 7Akon stoimosti i denIgi pri sotsializme; Y pomoshch prepodavateliam, srednikh spetsiallpykh uchabnykh zavedenii. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo "Vyshaia shkola," 1960. 46 p. (MIRA 24:10) (Economics) S/262/621000/008JO 12/022 1007/1207 AUTHOR: Sterkopytov, V. V. TITLE: Nlethod of computing po%%er losses in internal combustion engines PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, otdel'nyy vypusk. 42. Silovyye ustanovki, no. 8, 1962, 50. abstract 42.8.255. "Collection tr. Leningr. in-ta inzh. zh.-d. transp.", no. 175, 1961, 112-122 ,rEXT: Empirical formulas are studied tG be used either for a series of engines (restricted use) or for a particular type ofcnginc. A computation method for total losses is described which, instead of using the arbitrary concept of pressure losses, resorts to the concept of power losses. [Abstracter's note: more suitable for the given condi- tions.] The formulas obtained may he used for all types of engines having nonpartitioned combustion chamb- bers. There are 5 figures. 3 tables and 8 references. [Abstractcr*s note: Complete translation.] Card 1/1 MANIKOVSKAYA, N.K.; ZHURBA, A.S.; GRUSHEVENKO, V.I.; TRIANDAFILIDI, I.G.; STERKHOVA, L.N.; FIGULISKCIA, R.I.; MITEL'MAN, B.Yu. Chemical changes in synthetic fatty acids during the rectification process under plant conditions. Khim. i tekh. topl. i masel 10 no.2.-24-27 F 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. UkrNIIGIPRONEFT?. STMOVICZ, Stanislaw Determination of pothrombin level and its clinical value. Wiadomosci lek. 7 no.10:530-535 Oct 54. (PROTHROKBIIW. determination. clin. value) STFMOWIGZ, S@aaUlav Simple methods of determination of whole and fractionated blood proteins. Wiadomosai lek. 7 no.12:631-639 Dee 54. (BLOOD PROMINS, determination fractioned & whole, method) STrMOWICZ. Stanislaw. Quantitative determination of the furbsins sublimate Takata,- Ara test. PolskI tygod.lak. 10 no-34:1112-1118 22 Aug 155. 1. Z Oddsialu Wownstrsnogo I Laboratortum Analitycznogo SzpItala Powlatowego Is. Jozefa Babinskiogo w Laborka: 4rektor: dr. ArknAiunz Machonko. Lebork, ul. Lokietim 1 m.4) (LIVBR, diseases diag.,Takata-Ara test, quantitative deters. of fucheins sublimate) STARKOVICZ, Stanislaw. Attempted numerical interpretation of modified Vuhrmann- Wunderly cadmium reaction. Polski tygod. lek. 10 no.40:1307-1312 3 Oct 55- 1. Z Oddzialu Vewnstrsnego I Laboratorium Analitycsnego 5spitalia Powistowego w Leborku; "ktor Sspitala: dr. A.Machonko. (LIM FUNCTICU TWrS, cadmium, modified Vuhroan-Yunderly modified reaction, numerical interpretation) -1 )- I .,I.- , ,i , , 1 -.: , : ., . " it ",:" :)-o ,'11. :,: -:. 1 -1 ::, :"-. 1 li .: 1. , @' -.!: @,,. !I' @ -,. , - -10:- @ -1 - t , - . .) , @ 1. i 1 1 ;@,.j , : @.- , : - 1, . I 11. . . STERKOWICZ, Stanislaw Hemotherapy of acute viral hepatitis. Polski tygod. lek. 11 no. 27:1212-1215 2 July 56. 1. Z Oddzialu Wownstrsnego A Szpitala Powislowego w Leborku; ordynator: dr. mad. S. Sterkowics; dyrektor Szpitale: dr. A. Machonko. Labork. Szpital Powiatow3r. (HEPATITIS, IMCTIOUS, therapy. hemother. (Pol)) (SIROTHIRAPT, hemothar. of infect. bapatitis (Pol)) STKRKOWICZ, Stanislaw History of planned parenthood in Poland. Polski tygod. lek. 11 ni.45:1927-191?-9 contd. 5 Nov 56. (BIR" CI)NTFd)L historv in Poland tPol)) ", STZR;C@IQC@,, Stanislaw .-L 1,1,ft!u11:@i1qWq1--4"*--A& History of planned parenthood in Poland. Polski tygod. lek. 11 no.46:1966-1968: concl. 12 Nov 56. 1. Adres: Lebork. ul. Lokietica 1/4. (BIRTH OONTROL, history, In Poland (Pol)) .MRKOWICZ, Stanislaw Cor3plexometry in clinical analysis. Polaki tygod. lek. 13 no.47: 1886-1888 24 Nov 58. (NDATWIL in determ. of blood calcium (Pol)) (GALCIUM. in blood determ. use of edathamil (Pol)) STFMUWICZ, Stanislaw Views on the rechanism of action of sulfonylyrea compounds. Polski tygod.lak. 15 no.21:803-806 23 Yv 160. 1. Z Oddzlalu Wewnatrznego A UpItala Powiatowego w Leborku: ordynator: dr mad. St.Sterkowicz (ANTIDIABETICS) STMOVICZ, Stanislaw Evaluation of paradoxical glycemic curves after the administration of sulfonylurea preparations. Polski tygod. lek. 15 noo27:1022- 1027 4 ji 16o. 1. Z Oddstalu Vownstrznego "A* Sspitalla Powlatoweg w Leborku; ordynator: dr med Stanslaw Sterkowiczo (ANTrDUBITICS pharmacol) .STERKOWICZ, Stanislaw Clinical significance of the determination of aWlase activity in body fluids with the introduction of an original method. Polski tygod. l9k. 15 no.49:1884-1888 5 D 160. 1. Z Iaboratorium Analitycznego i Oddzialu Wownetrznego nP Sspitala Powiatowego w Leborku; ordynator oddzialu i kierownik pracowni: dr mod. Stanislaw Sterkewicz. (AMYTASE chem) STEUOWICZP Stanislaw - ------------ -- In memory, of Dr. Tadetm Boy-Zelonaki - a pbyviclan,, writer and sociologist - 20th anniversar7 of his 6eath. Polski tygod. lek. 16 no.26:1916-1918 26 Je 161. (BIOGRA.PHIF.S) STERK(VICZ, Stanislaw, On the rargin of certain anniversary (200th Anniversary of the prubli- cation of the work of leopold Auenbrugger and Giovanni Battista Morgagni). Pol. tyg. lek. 17 no.9:325-32'7 26 F 162. (HISTORY OF MEDICINE) STERKOWICZ, Stanislaw The problem of the adaptation to concentration camps. Pol. tyg. lek. 17 no.11:410-412 12 Yx 162. (PRISONS) (ADAPTATION Physiological) (ADAPTATION Psychological) STERKOWICZ., Stanislaw The uae and value of electrophoretic analysiB in clinical internal diseaaea. Pol. arch. mad. woumet. 32 no,,1:99-118 162. 1. Z Oddzialu Wevnetrmago A Sspitala Powiatowego w Imborku Kisrownik: dr mod. S. Sterkowics i z laboratorium Analityesnego Szpitala Poviatmego w Leborku Kisrownik: dr mad. S. Sterkowies. (EMMOPHORESIS) , !,@ i, @( @,, ! @'. "; " @. - 1 , @ j7 1: - w A j I @ ri s i .Pol. tyr. !f,k. IG n,,. 11"): 7 S 164. 1. Z Odd-,Jqlu Wewnetrznego A Sz,,,Itnla Powiatadego w Lplorku (ord-inntor Oficizlalu: cir med. Stfinislftw SterkowJcz). -f,,ricslic and therapeutic value of tl'.'(, b2ood 'In infectic--s siapatitis, le@'iad. lek. A no.9:725-729 1 6 5 - 1. Z Oddzialu Clhorob Zakaznyc@ (Ordynalor: dr. red. J. Wegrzy- nowicz) i z Oddzlal.u Chorob We,.metrznyi.*h Szpita2a Powiatowego w IpAorku (Olrdytator: dr. med. 5, Sterkovicz), STEPuK(Y,;F'Z, A ouse (;f hialignant grar;uloma of the Eodek!n'.9 sarccma type with atypical course. Pnl. tyF,. I.Pk. 19 no.26:1006-1007 22 Je 164 1. Z Oddzialu We-,metrmych 9 - Szpitala Powlatovrego v Mbork-a; ordynator Oddzialut dr. med. S.Sterkovicz. STEIYOWICZ, Stanislaw , dr. mod. A case of leuko-erythroblastic anemia in myeloosteoselerosin. Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no.5ltl973-1974 21 D 164 1. Z Oddzialu Chorob Wownetrznych Szpit4ila Powiatowego w Leborku (Ordynatort dr. med. S. Sterkowicz). LOTIYICV, B.K.; STWUNINKO, Tu.A. Division of the Chechen-Ingush A.S.S.R. into geotectonic regions., IZV.V.Ys.ucheb.zav.; neft' i Oas 1--no.12:17-22 158. WRL 12:4) 1. Groznanakiy neftyanoy institut. (Chochan-Ingunh A.S.S.R.-Geology, Structural) IDTITEV, B.K.; STERLEITKO, Yn.A. Brief characterization of tectonic zones and geostructures in connection with their oil and gas potentials. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 2 no-7:3-8 159. (MIRA 12:12) l.Groznensidy neftyanoy institut. (Ossetia--Geology, Structure.1) LOTIM, B.K.; STERLENKO, Yu.A. --------- Upper Jurassic complex of the northern slope of the Greater Caucasus. Trudy GKI no*21:37-45 159. (KM 140) (CaucasuB-Geology, Stratigrap4ic) LOTIYEV, B.K,j UPIU.MKO, YusA. Geomorphological and geotectouic foatwon or tho KroanogorakAys area of the Northern Caucastwo Trudy GNI no*21:72-79 159* (t .. I (MIRA 14:5) (Krasnogorskaya region-Geology, Structural) STERIENFO, Yu.A. Predictions of oil and gas occurrences in Jurassic sediments and prospecting trends in Stavropol Territory and ad@acent rer-Jons. IzY. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 4 ,.6:,,r--20 '61. (MIFLA, 15:1) 1. Groznenskiy neftyanoy institut. (Stavropol Territory-Boring) STZRLEIIKO, Yu.A. Origin of local structures and formation of gas and oil pools in Jurassic sediments of eastern Ciscaucasia (as exemplified in the Ozek-Suat and Zimnaya stavka groups of uplifts). Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 4 no.9:19-22 161. (MIRA 14:12', 1. Groznenskiy neftyanoy institut. (Caucasus, Northern-Petroleum geology) (Caucasus, Vorthern-Gas, Patua-al-Geology) LOTIYEVY B.K.; STMIENKO, yu*Ao; SAIAMATINY A.Ye.; MOSYAKIII, Yu.A. Studying lower Cretaceous sediments in StUvropol Territory. Izv. vysh. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 6 no-3:3-7 .,63. (MMA 16:7) 1. Groznenskiy neftyanoy institut i Gromwnskiy nauchno- issledo- vatel'skiy neftya.AOY institute (Stavropol Territory-Petroleumgeology) (Stavropol Territory-4as, Hatural-4oology) LOTIYEV, B.K.; STERLENKO, Yu.A. BaBic tectonic elements of the Pre-Yesozoic basement in Stavropol Territory. Sov. geol. 6 no.7:132-136 J1 163 (MIRA 16;8) 1. Groznenskiy neftyanoy institut. of tl,.e -Ig of 12: 13. @j pA P J. @IroznenskiY ii-Iltyanoy STPAjI.P@P V.A.; STERLENIKO, Yu.A. I'rospoctu for fltid;ng g@ic and oil In the BaJocian-Ilathoninn in, -into of* ,tie KnUirdino-Balkar A.S.S.R. and future trendn ti pro.. A.- :p@cting--drilling operations. Neftegaz. geol. I geofiz, 6 '. 2`)- - 3 5'62'. (MIRA 17:8) 2. C&L r. ouiennMy neftyanoy Inotibit. K 1 V l.a n zt%v. f ti ACCZ'SSION NR: AR4020790 S/0271/64/000/002/BO62/BO63 AUTHORS; Krashenninikov, 1. S.; Kurochkin, S. S.; Shnlgin, Yu. M.; Sterligov, A. A. SOURCE: RZh. Avtomat., telemekh. t vylchislitel. tekhnika, Abso 25389 TITLE: Centralized control system for statistical parameters CITED SOURCE: Tr. 5-y Nauchno-tekhn. konferehtsit po yadern. radtoelektronike. T. 2. Ch. 2. M., Gosatomizdat, 1963, 123-134 TOPIC TAGS: discrete control system, centralized control system, data control, magnetic drum memory TRANSLATION: A discrete control system Is examined for gathering data on the state of many objects of the same type. The control parameter Is the amplitude of the pulses from up to several thousand pick-ups. The system finds and fixes the number of the pick-up In which the signal has Increased by a given relative value. Simultaneously 256 pick-ups are scanned In parallel-sertes search mode. During each scan of a pick-up pulses from the pick-up pass through the input to the magnetic drum memory. The drum has a capacity of 50 thousand bits. The Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AR4020790 exposure time for each pIck-up Is constant, and therefore the memory records a number proportional to the voltage amplitude. During successive scanning of a pick-up the new value Is compared with the mean value of the series of preceding measureme@its.and If it does not exceed this value the number 13 recorded In the place of the oldest number In the preceding series. The numbers are compared in "he arithmetic unit, which averages the preceding values beforehand and computes the threshold numbers. In case the threshold is exceeded, the number of the sensor is displayed on a PBX-type board using stepping selectors, relays, and neon lamps. The circuit of the entire system and one of Its operating programs are discussed In detail. OrIg. art. has 7 figs. DATE ACQ: 03Mar64 SUB CODE: SD, CP ENCL 00 Card 2/2 t STERLIGOV, B.', kand. ekon. nauk-, LAGOS", I., inzh. let's improve economic analysis in the designing of machinery. Mias. ind. SSSR 28 no.6:-44 157. (MIRA 11:1) (Machinery-Design) IAGQ!*A, I..inzh.; STERLIGOV, B., kand. ekon. nauk M-300 sausage mixer and ShKK-2 sausage-caaing machine. Miss. ind. SSSR 29 no. 4:6-8 158. (MIRA U 18) 1. flauchno-iseledoystaltakiy institut prodovolletyannogo mashino- stroyeniya (for legoshe). 2. Moskovekty tokhnologichookiy institut myasnoy i molochnoy promyshlennost (for Sterligov). (Packing house a- -Xquipment and supplies) LAGOSHA, I., inzh.t-~9TM~LICOV,~B.~lmnd.okon.nauk Food mechanism for sausages. Was. ind. SSSR 29 no.5:18-19 156. (sausages) (Meat induatz7--Iquipment and supplies) STERLIGOV, B., kand.okonom.nauk, LAGOSHA, I., inrh. GSh-65 hydraulic stuffer needs modernizing, 1.fias.Ind.SssR 30 no.6:15 159. (KRA 13-4) (Sausages) IAGOSIIA, I., lnzh.; STERLIGOV, B., kand.skon.nauk Improved design of cutting machine. Hias.ind.SSSR 31 no.1:12-13 l6o. (KIRA 13:5) (Meat cutting) IAGOSIIA, I., in2h.: STERLIGOV, B., kand.okon.nauk Sausage industry needs efficient equipment. Mias.ind-556A 31 no.2:10-14 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Sausages) LAGOSIIA 1, STE:-L-,@-OV -Iias.ind. SSS, production 1;m). M 9- - 7) -irlu:-hno - 1-3d. i,, atel '- sk i,:r i eksper I ri.,% kon @c Y n@T" .1@ ro c,@, '34,tpnnogo ; (for inst'itill r,.,o'Lo- La,csha) elo.,-rkovsk tv " , -",I ,,-; - S - STERIJGOV, B.V., general-leytenant aviatsii; ZAKHA11OV, H.V., polkovnik., (Instructions for the air-navigation service of the Soviet Air Force (NShL-47)) Nastavlenie po shturmanskoi sluzbbe aviatsii Vooruzhenrjykh Sil Soiuza SSR; NShS-/+7. Hoskva., 1947. 175 P. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo vooruzhennykh sil. (Aeronautics, Military) AUTHOR: Sterligov, B. V., Lt,Gen., Air Force, retired. 86-8-16/22 TITLE: How the Problems of Air Navigation Were Solved (Kaic reshalis' problemy samoletovozhdeniya) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Vozdushnogo Flota, 1957, Nr 8, PP. 76-84 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this article the author, who himself was participating in research work in matters of air navigation, briefly describes the development of air navigational methods and materiel in the Soviet Union. According to the author, the first scientific institute, the Central Air Navigation Station (TsANS) for research in air navigation problems was founded in the Soviet Union in 1923. The first task of the new institute was to propagate among the Air Force flying personnel the importance of compass flying and to demonstrate its advantages before the contact flying. By 1926 the problem of air navigation by compass in day- time was considered as successfully solved. This was followed by successful demonstrations of compass flying at night. Then compass flying was tested over the open sea. The first time the determination of an aircraft's position Card 1/3 with the aid of celestial navigation was carried out in 1927* How the Problems of Air Navigation Were Solved (Cont.) 86-8-16/22 Card 2/3 First instrument flights in clouds were practiced in 1927. The accuracy of instrument flying made it possible for the author to suggest the bombing of targets with the aid of dead reckoning navigation. In 1929 a successful Moscow- New York flight was made, thanks to the skillful use of instrument flying and celestial ruLvigation. Methods of lead- inglarEp formations, consisting of aircraft of various designations, were worked out and final improvements were made during the special tests of long-range aviation in 1934. The first instrument landing by means of radio navigational aids was made in 1930. New methods of air navigation and new air navigational equipment were tested in combat during the Finnish-Russian War In the winter of 1939-1940. In the post-war years, with the development of jet aviation, the navigational equipment has also under- gone considerable improvement. The author states that now numerous cadres of highly qualified specialists in air navigation matters accelerate the important air navigation service, in ordL-r to insure high precision and reliability in air navigation under all circumstances. The first institute (TsANS) for research in air navigational problems has undergone many changes and now, according to the author, STERLIGOV. B.V., general-laytanant aviatsii v otstavke Pages from the past. Vast. Vozd. Fl. 41 no. 7:76-79 Jl '58. (MIRA 11:7) (Aeronautics--History)