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SARAGRA. M.; CZOPP. H.; KADIR. H.; !@S @N.; MORARIU, D. Experimebtal study of the pathogenesis of dynkinestas of the hopato- billar7 tract. Bul. stiint., sect. med. 6 no-3:519-565 July-$opt 54. 1. Comunieare prezentata do S.Iagnov. membru correspondent al Academist R.P.R.. In Seviunes, Sectiunit do stitnte medicals a Acadexiol R.P.R. din 22-24 ianuarte 1954. (BILIART TRACT. diaeases wrper. hapato-biliary dyskinesia, in dogs, pathogen.) (LIVER, diseases eWper. hopsto-biliar7 dynkinesla, In dogs, pathogen.) STERESCU, N. Research on the eosinopenic conditioned reflex. P. 895, ACADEFIA REPUBLICH HOPULARE RoMANE, Rumania, Vol 5, No. 5, May, 1955 SO: E',:AL, Library of Congress, Vol 5, No. 11, August, 1956 STRRESCU, U.; VAI@;LM, L.; COSTINER, E. The neuro-hunoral nechanism of the eosinoDenic..actjou of Insulin. Probl. ter., Bucur. 3:255-281 1956.- (INSULIN, effects eosinopenta, neuro-hiLmoral mechanism of action) (CF ,17PRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. physiol. role in eosinopenic action of insulin) ED SINDPHIL COUNT eosinopenia induced by insulin. neuro-humoral mechanism of action) SARAGM, K.; MAYBR, H.; CZOPP, H.; STXRXSCU, N. Sxperimental investigations on hepato-biliary functional disorders (summok Y). Thimanian M. Rev. 1 no.1:12-20 Jan-VAY 57. (BILURT TRACT, dis. d,vskinesia, hepatobiliary in dogs) (LIM DMWM, exper. same) RUIqLN1A/Hu1=m and Anirml Physiulo-@7, (N-@rmal a;id T-8 The Liver. Abs J,.,ur : Ptruf 7hur - Biol., No 11, 1956, 5og4i Author : Sterescu, N., Liuigeanu, I.I., Tabirca, A. Inst : Acndc,-Iy of Sciemes Ruminian People's Republic. Title : The Effect of Folliculin upcn the Motor Activity of Vhe Gall Bladder. Orig Pub : Studii si cercetari fiziol- Acad- SFR, 1957, 2, No 1-2, 211-220. Abstract : Administering estradiolic boazcate (in doses of 10)000 n units for 20 days) V@, female dogs inhibited the cintrac- tuions of the gall bladder and produced a complex reflecto- ry activity phase of a food stimilant (milk). It did not, 1,.,-)vovcr, affect Gall bladder contractions by pruducin,,7 a nourocheraical phase or sp3ntanc contractions. Card 1/2 - 69 - RU,@1NTA/Hur.i.m and Allinal PhysiolotZr (11:)mal and Path,)JoL- The Liver. ical). T-8 Abs Jour "('f Z"u-1- 1958, 50941 Vic return to a norml state Occurred 3 mnths after the lnJect@ons were disc,DjjtijjLjud. Card 2/2 RUMANIA Human and Animal Physiology. Internal Secretion. T-7 Abe Jour :Rof Zhur - Biologiya, No 1, 1959, No- 366c Author :Parhon, C. I.; Jstrati, F.; Stercscu, N. Inat :Not given Title :Plxperimontal Study of the Role of the Nervous System in Vaginal Response to Estrogenic Hormones Orig Pub :Fiziol. norm. si patol., 1957, 4, No 2, 100-105 Abotract :Exposure of castrated female rate to light somewhat sensitizes them to estrogens, as expressed in a shorter latent period of the estrus stage. No change in the sensitivity to estrogens vas observed when the animals were kept in a dark room. 55 :a.L - T-7 whiui;i/lannn an,' Aq G-,ncral rroblons. i'Llus Jour ilcf Mur - Diol., 110 18, 1956) 84304 Title Cuerent J- robluz of Enc;j(:i:i.n,.,.l Glanul Mjsiol)%_.y aild 'Catliophysiolo'--y. -z"I.A. norr'. si Patol-, 5, ro 1, 1-14 Abstract 17--@ 'Lbstrnct. Card 1/1 STMSCU, N.; VOICULET, N.; ZIKEL, H. Studies on the actiig mechanics of the thyrootropic hormone. Note 3: Influence of chloropromazine on the biosymthesis of th7roidal hormones under the influence of the thyreotrope stimulus. Studil cerc.fiziol. 4 no.3.'313-320 159. (nAI 9:5) (HORMFES) (THTROID GLA19D) (GEWRODIMMHYLAJIINOPROFrLPHXKOTHIAZ INN) STMSCU, N. Increased excitability of vasomator centers under the action of the thyreotropic hypophystal hormone. Studii cerc.fiziol. 4 no-3:359- 363 '59. (MUI 9:5) (NERVOUS STST3X) (HORMOITBS) (THTROID GLAND) STANCIU, Alexandr; STMSCU,_N.-.-.-,-- Phasic mo4ifications of the excitability of the vagus nerTe and effector structures in the course of insulin hypoglycemia. Note TI. Studii cerc.fiziol. 4 no-3:371-375 '59. (UAI 9:5) (PNVJMGASTRIC NM-,B) (HTPOGLYCHVIA) (INSULIN) STERESCU, N.; STANCU, Alexandra; SERBAN, Margareta; GHIZARI, Eugenia. Bearing of alloxanic diabetes on the biliary secretion. Studii cerc fiziol 4 n,3.4:529-536 159. (Ew 9:9) 1. Institutul de fiziologie normala si patologica "Prof. Dr. D.Danielopolum al, Academiei R.P.R. 2. Comitetul de redactie, Studil sl cercetarl de fiziologle (for Stereacu) (DIABATES) (BILE) All STERESCU, U. The action of thyrotropic hormone on the functional state of the vasomotor centres. RamantAn M. Rev. 4 no.1:65-68 Ja-Kr 160. 1. *Prof. Dr. D. Danielopq@uO Institute of Noimfil and Pkthological PhysioloE_v of the R.P.R. AcadeaW (Director: Acad. Gr. Benetato). (THYROTROPIN pharmacol.@ (BWOD PRASSURN physiol. ) STERESCU, N.*. GkBRIELESCU, Elena; BORDEIANU, Aurelia Influence of the physical effort on the development of the experimental goiter with the aid of synthetic antithyroid preparations. Studii cerc fiziol 5 no.1.247-254 160. (EEA! 9:12) 1. Institutul de fiziologie normala si patologica "Prof. Dr. D.Danielopolu" al, Academiei R.P.R. 2. 0omitetul dq redactie, Studii si cercetaft de fiziologie (for Sterscu) (GOITER) (KMMTHI(XJRACIL) (THYROID GLAND) STERESCU, N. Studies on the mechanism of the increase in excitability of the vavomotor centers under the action of the hypophyseal thyreotrope hormone. Studii cere fiziol 5 no.1:255-260 160. (EEAI 9:12) 1. Institutul de fiziologia normala si patologica "Prof. Dr. D.Danielopolu" al Academiei R.P.R. (NERVOUS SYSTEM) (HORMONES) (CONDITIONED RESPONSE) (PITUITARY BODY) (THYROID GLAND) STERESGU, N.; ISTRATI, Firita; VOICULET, N. Action of insulin upon the inclusion of the radioactive phosphorus (P32) in the testicle of an impubic rat. Studii cerc fiziol 5 no.2: 383-387 6o. (EEAI 10:2) 1. Institutul de fiziologie normala si patologica NProf. Dr. D.Danielopolu" al Academiei R.P.R. 2. Comitetul, de redactie, Studii si cercetari de fiziologie, membru al Comitetului de redactie, Studii si cercetari de fiziologie (for Sterescu) (INSULIN) (PHOSPHORUS) (TESTICLE) (RADIOISOTOPES) STERESCU, N.; COVASNEANU, Zenobia; STANCU, Alexandra Influence of the acLte physical effort upon the functional conditions of the thyroid gland In rats; study with the aid of the radioactive iodine 1'31. Studii, cerc fiziol 5 no.3!509-514 160. (EEkI 10:2) 1. Institutul de fiziologie normala. si patologica "Prof. Dr. D.Danielopolu" al Academie R.P.R. 2. Comitetul de redactle, Studii, si cercetari, de fiziologie, membru al Comitetulul de redaktie (for Sterescu). (THYROID GLAND) (IODINE) (RADIOISOTOPES) G,,*..;3.;,-II-:1,E,I;CTT,, :,'Iena; :,CI;DEIANG, Aurella; STE'!@ESCIJ, 11. Ifistochemistry of thy-roid proteins in the acu-Ile and chronic effort; histophotometric determinations. Studii cerc fiziol 5 no. 4:747-757 6o. (1, Protein metabolism 2, Thyroid gland) 1. Institutul de fiziologie normala si patologica "Prof. Dr. D. Danielopolull al Academiei R.P.R. He-ribru a Comitetului do redactie "Studii si- cercetari 2 de Ciziologiell (for Sterescu). , N.; COVASNEANU, Zenobia; S'.ANCU, Alexandra Comparative studies on the fixation modifications of t@-q radioactive phosphorus (p32) and radioactive iodine in the thyroid gland of the rats submitted to physical effort. Studii cere fiziol 5 no. 4:759:766 160. (1. Thyroid gland 2. Metabolism) 1. .1ristitutul de fiziologie normala si patologica "Prof. Dr. D. Danielopolu" al Academiei R.P.R. 2. Membru a Comitetului de redactie "Studii si cercetari de fiziologia" (for Sterescu). ROSNER, Beatrice;, STERESCTJ.--.Il.--- Variations of the concentration of acetylcholine in the thyroid gland of guinea pigs submitted to physical effort. Studii cere fiziol 5 no-3: 51.5-521 v 6o. (EEAI 10:2) 1. Institutul de fiziologie normala si, patologica "Prof. Dr. Danielopolu" al Academiel R.P.R. 2. Comitetul de redactie, Studii si cercetari de fiziologie, membru a! Comitetului de redactie (for Steresca) (THYROID GLAND) (ACETYLCHCLINE) -STERESCU, N.; COVASNEANU, Zenobia; STANCU, Alexandra Modifications in the fixation of radioactive phosphorus (p32) in suprarenal bodies of the guinea pigs submitted to physical effort. Studii cerc fiziol 5 no.3:615-621 160. (EEAI 10:2) 1. Institutul de fiziologie normala si patologica "Prof. Dr, D.Danielopolu" al Academie R.P.Ro Z. Comitetul de redactie# Studii si cercetari de fiziologie, membru, al Comitetului de redactie (for Starscu). (NADIOISOTOPES) (PHOSPHORUS) (ADRENAL GLANDS) I S'ri@idiSGU @ N.; KUB ;NIANU, S.; SbL1110U, A. Featuresiol' thyroid gland iAhibiti,- during physical stress; U studies j,i rats and gubiea PiEs with t-e aid of radioaccive iodine (1-131) and radiophosphorus (P3@). Rev. sci. med. 5 no.3/4:2.'5-239 160. (TMOID GLAND physiol.) (STRESS physiol.) (IODINE radioactive) (PHOSPHORUS radioactive) B-ZNEWO, Gr., acad': VASILSSGU, V.; 141ULESCU, Viorica; GHUIISPAN, M.; COVASNIEANU, Zenobia;_PTERZSCU, N. - On the output and rate of adrenocortical-pituitary secretion in dogs. (Experimental investigations by means of the "isolated head and brains" perfusion method). Rumanian M Rev. no.1:85-93 Ja-Mr 161. (ADRENAL CORTEX physiology) (PITUITARY GLAND physiology) (CORTICOVLOPIN blood) BENE'TATO, Gr, . acad.; VASULCU, V,; HAULIGA, I. ; GRUNSPM11, M. ; -STERESCU, 1.1, GOVASN'X1U, Zenobia; CLEJAN, L.; DUMITRIU, S. A Audy of tie chemical rediators of adrenccorticotropLic ne-archypophyseal secretion. Rumanian M Rev. no.1:94-95 Ja-Mr 161. 1. The "Prof. Dr, D. Damielopolu" Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, Academy of the R.P.R. Director: Acad. Gr. Benetato) and the Chair of Physiology of the Medicopharmaceutical Institute, Bucharest. (ADff--'NAL CORrEX *physiology) (PITUITARY GIAND physiology) (PARAS)ITATHOLWICS pharmacology) (Sll-IFATHOLUICS pharmacology) (HISTAMIN11; phaniiacology) GABRIZLESCU, Elena; BORDEIANU, Aure3.1a; STEREWU, N. Influence of pbTsical offort on the tbyroid histochemieal substratum of the rats treated vith methylthiouracil. Studii care fiziol 6 no.1:99-106 t6l. (Em 10:9) 1. Institutul de fiziologie noi2sla 91 patologica *Prof. Dr. D. Danielopolu" al Academisi R.P.R. 2.Membru al Comitetului do redactio, "Studii Bi cercetari de fiziologie" (for Sterescu). (HISTOGMgSTRY) (THrROID GLAND) (METHYLTHIOURACIL) STERESCUP U.; COVASNEANU, Zenobla; STANGU, Alexandra Experimental studies on the functional state of the thyroid gland In posteffort period of rest. Studies with the aid of 1131 and P2. Studii cerc fiziol 6 no.L107-113 '61. (EFAI 1049) 1. Institutul de fiziologie normala al patologica wProf. Dr. D. Danielopolu" al Academiei R.P.R. 2.Membru al Comitetului de redactie, "Studii si cercetari de fiziologle'Olor Sterescu). (THYPOID GLAND) (REST) (RAD.41'OTSOTOPES) .(IODINE) (PHOSPEORUS) STEFESCU, N.; ROSNER, Beatrice; STANCU, Alexandra The influence of physical wors- on cholinergic metabolism in the thyroid gland. Rev. sci. med. 6 no.1/2:117-121 161. (THYROID GLAND metabo-lim) (EXERTION physiology) (CORTICOTROPIN metabolism) STERESCIT, N.; VOLANSCHI, D.; VOICULEET, N.; LECCA, Mioara Experimental studies on the reactivity of bypopbysis, tbyroid,, and suprarenal glands in the primary stage of the postnatal ontogenesis; studies with p32. Studii cerc fiziol 6 no.2:273-283 161. 1. Institutul do fiziologie normala si patologica "Prof. Dr. D. Danielopolu" al Academiei R.P.R. 2.14em"o-ru al Comitetului de redactis, "Studii si cereetari de fiziologie" (for Steresou). (PITUITARY BODr) (THYROID GIAND) (ADRFITAL GLANDS) (ONTOGENY) COVASNEANU, Zenobia; STANCU, Alexandra; STERESCU, N. Seasonal modifications of the thyroid response to physical effort; studies with the aid of radioactive iodine and phosphorus. Studii core fiziol 6 no.2:325-341 161. 1. Institutul do fiziologie normala si patologica "Prof. Dr. D. Danielopolu" al Academiej R.P.R. 2. Membru al Comitetului do redactie, "Studii si cercetari de fiziologie" (for Sterescu). (THYROID GLAND) (PHYSICAL FITNESS) (RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCES) W I III I XR, D. ; 2 IM 1 Of! (Til C T , k!. ; S TF2M- C LT , N. v.) varne reserpine phencmena In mice. Salc@,-1,7ve nnIuagonism 4. !P. A-,.@Ion of.s7np hormones. Stud. cercet. fiziol. 9 no,50. 467-_"73 '64 SAI IVA R D, Sunda; MOLN A R , 11 . ;U, N. ; M P i i A! i , E If ina; (*,0-!iGE.-;GI! , C.M; WR 11 ER , J ancta; NA HTINA , @. Evaluation of the delayed effect of some hormonal Lreparations. Stud. cercet. encocr. 15 no.2:97-105 164. STERESCU, N. On the current status of the problem of the physiology and pharmacology of vasopressins. Fiziol. norm. pat. 6?4ql-498 1 64 1. Institutul de fiziologie normala si patologica "D.Danielopolu" al Academiel .,epublicii Populare Rorrdne (dire@@Lor., acad. Gr. Benetato). @'TERE I @ -1 - . . 3 T-'@,.10,11.; STV,'CU-ARDFLFAfjLJ, 3A6VARD, Sanda The action of reticulin on radlophosphorus (P 32) uptake in various organs and endocrine glands in L-itact animals and animals with subtotal hepatectomy. Stud. cercet. fiziol. 10 no.1:43-47 165. STF-E-MGUI ;., Cluxacteristicup of crdocrlre homeoctan.'s In the aged. Stud. cercot. de fiziol, 10 no.2tlO7-116 165. TONFISKU-MIMPOSHO, K; GOHODNICHANU, F.; ZAMPIRESKU. K; KLICIN. R.; NCfMjjCH G.; BUSHILS, V.(RWnskaya Narodna" & dPvib kaf Coxsackie virus isola-te@ from faces of a child suspected -f polionormlitis. Pediatriia no-3:19-23 MY-Je '55 (MIaA 8:10) (COXSACKIP. VIRUSES, Infect. Isolation from feces In diag. of polio in inf.) (POLT014MITIS, in infant and child diag.isolation of coxsackle viruses from faces) BAIS, Yitei; MHANINCU, Fl.; STIR`&;CU. P.; POP-MM, T. Tetracyclin (hostacyclin) treatment in septic complication of measles. lb=onian M. Rev. I no.4:41-42 Oct-Dee 57. (MEASL35, compl. septic compl., ther., tetracycline) (INFISCTIONS, in inf. & child septic com)l. of nensles, ther., tatmayeline) F -L'IM',/Pharnp-cology. Tbxicolojg@. Chemotherapeutic Preparations V W A) Antibiotics. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 11, 1958, No 52055 Author :Bals M., Serbanesu Fl.,,Z*er--eeu-M.,-Popef;cu T. Title :IkAracycline Therapy of Septic Capplications of Mensles Orig Pub :Pediatria, 1957, 6, No 1, 62-7o Abstract ;Tetracycline (I) was administered to 59 patients with compli- cations following measles (bronchopnelmoniu -40, dyspopsi---8, otitis-11 ) In doses of 50-80 mg/kg for a period of 2-5 days - in total doses of 5 9. General improvenent, mid a fall of the temperature to normal within the first 24 hours was observed in 16 cases with bronchopticumonia. Mia t:m- perature returned -to nornal in 33 out of 40 patients d@.,-rine, the first 5 days of I therapy. The average duraticn if bronchopneumonia wa3 2.12 days against 3.25 of therapy -dith. penecillin, streptomycin and aureomycin in the control grou-p. The patients tolerated I well even in .1arge doses.-E.'.1. Card 1/1 Sheynbaum SERBAMCU, Yiorl(,a; STYJMCU, P.; CONSTAIURCHI, D. Frequonry of t)athogenic colibacilli in acute digestive disorders during inenslen. Hed. int. Bucur. 9 no.11:1665-1670 Nov 57. 1. Incrare efectuata in Clinics, de boli contagioase I.P.S.K. - gColentina.6 (arof. M. 113als) (MEASIAS, complications intestinal infect. caused by I.coli, Hicrococcus loyogenes Bacillus dysenteriae) (T-ECHERICHIA COLI, infections intestinal, in measles, incidence) (GASTROIN' TIN&L DISAASIS 1. coli, micrococcal & ah1gella infect. in measles, in- cidence) PAUNSSOU-PODMO.A.; DINU,L; GIORGXSCU,I.; STJFMGU.P. Research on the mechanism of action of phenylb-,tasone in rheumatic diseases. Probl. reumt.,Bucur. no.6:57-64 155o. (PHAffYLBUTAZONN, pharmacology) (01AIATAS, blood) (URIC AGID, metabolism) (RBIUMATISM, therapy) t7TLaLSCU-VOLAN3I'HI, IM.; HERTEANU, H ; FWRU; R. I Experimental studies on motor neuroses of ani=F-1s; experimental tics. P. 1749. Academia Pepublicii Populare Romine. C(MUNICAPILE. Bucuresti. Vol. 5, No. 12, Dec. 1955 So. East Diropean Accessions List Vol. 5, No. 9 September, 1956 RUMANIA/Human and Anim' Physiology - The Nervous System. V-10 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 2, 1958, 9075 Author : R. Floru, ff. HertWu, M. Sterescu- Inst Title A Study of the Mechanism of Motor Neurosis. II. The Effect of Injecting Caffeine or Decreasing Food Reinforcerient on the Temporary Connections of the Motor Analysor. Orig Pub Studii si cercetari fiziol. Acad. RPR, 1956, 1, No 1-2, 171-122 Abstract Increasing the excitability of t@xe feeding center through a reduction in the food reinforcement of conditioned motor reflexes produced in dogs an increase in the nimber of scratching or shaking conditioned reflex movements. A rise in cortical excitability also resulted upon injection of appropriate (depenrling on the type of nervous system) doses of caffeine. In this case the latent period of the co "ndi- tioned reflexes was shortened. Large doses of caffeine Card 1/2 F04ANIA/Hum@,m and Animal Physiology. The Nervous System. V Abs Jour: Bef. Zbur-Biol., No 6.. 1958p 27434. are reproduced. Br strengthens and concentrates the ii@'-,--'bitory process. Card 2/2 RUMANIA/Human and Animal PhysiOlOgY- The Nervous System. V Abe jour: -Ref Zhur-Biol-j, No 6,9 1958.. 27444. Author M. Sterescu-Volanschi Inst Title An InvietigatiOn Of the mechanism of Motor Neurosis. 1II. Inhibition of Temporary Connections of the Kinesthetic Analysor. Orig Pub: Studii 91 cercedri fiziol. Aced. FPR, 1956, 1, No 3-4p 415-429. Abstract: In two dogs extinction of conditioned scratch reflexes occurred very slowly, and the inhibition of the conditioned reflexes disappeared rapidly. Recovery of the conditioned reflexes occurred rapidly both after reinforcement and spontaneously. Card 1/2 Country :RUMANIA V Catagury :Pharmacology and Toxicology. Tranquilizers l Aba. Jour. Rof Zhur-Biol, No 19, 1958, No 89809 Author Steresou-Volanschi, M.; Floru, R.; Popesou, 1.9 InctItut. Title :Pharmacodynamic Study of Higher Nervous Activio ty. II. Effect of Reserpine upon Higher Nervous Activity i Orig Pub. :Piziol. nom. si patolelp 1957, 49 No 5, h2-7-439 @Abatract :Experiments were carried out on dogs with an alimentary conditioned reflex acquired either under conditions of normal motor activity of the animal, or in a special soundproof chamber. I Reserpine in doses of I mg. failed to modify the acquired stereotype; higher doses of re- serpine disturbed it, depressing In particular the PqBitive conditioned reflex acquired under * Herteanu, H. 01 a r d 1/2 Ref Zhur-Biol, No 19, 1958, No 898og TItIc jOrts. 2111b. Abstract condItions, of normal motor activity of the ani- mal, as well as the motor-alimentary conditione reflex. Conditioned reflex salivary seoretion did not change. The unconditioned alimentary reflex was inhibited. It is the opinion of the authors that reserpine weakens the processes of excitatlon in the cerebral cortex. Card: 2/2 FLCRU, R.; ZAPAN, Gh.; BITTW, E.; COSTIN, A.; FLORU, Margareta; POPESCU, Irina; STERESCU-VCLANSCHI, Margareta Physiological and psychological tests used in the comparative study of the fatigue of people who are working with calculating machines. Studii cere fiziol 5 no.1:103-117 160. (EEAI 9;12) 1. Institutul de fiziologic normala si patologica "Prof. Dr. D.Danielopolu" al Academiei R.P.R. (FATIGUE) (CAWULATING MACHINES) MAGHERU, Alice; STERESCU-VOLANSCHI, Margareta; FAUR, Yvona Modifications of the superior nervous activity in albino rats following the intracerebral inoculation of the endotoxin Bordetella pertussis. Studii cerc fiziol 5 no.1:213-218 160. (EEAI 9:12-) 1. Institutul de fiziologle normals si patologica *Prof. Dr. D.Danielopolu" al Academiei R*P*R. (WHOOPING COUGH) (BORDETEU4 PERTUSSIS) (TOXINS AND ANTITOXINS) (NERVOUS SYSTEM) (BUIN) COSTIN, A.; FLORU, R.; POPESCU, Irina; STERESCU-VOL.ANSCHI, Margareta. Influence of various degrees of physic;.l effort upon the activity of conditional reflexes. Studil cerc fiziol 5 no.1:283-288 160. (UAI 9.- 12) 1. Institutul, de fiziologie normala si patologica "Prof. Dr D.Danielopolu" al Academiei R.P.R. (CONDITIOM-D RESPONSE) -FLORU, R.; COSTIN, A.; STERESCU-VOLANSCHIp Margareta Experimental neuroses In free behavior. Studii cerc fiziol 5 n@.2: 333-340 160. (FEAI 10:2) 1. Institutul do fiziologie normala si patologica "Prof. Dr. D.Danielopolu" al Academi.ei. R.P.R. 2. Cnmitetul de redactie, Studii. si, cercetari de fiziologie, membru al Comitetului de redactie, Studii si cercetari de fiziologie (for Floru) (NEUROSES) (MOVEMENT, PSYCHOLOGY OF) AU,*W, li.; 6T-,, "-(;U-VO"'jSCjjj, ll-largarota; GOSTIN, A. New data concerning the psycliophar--acology of chlorpromazine and reserpino. Rev. sci. med. 5 noJA:14@?-152 160. (CIJIOH?iiOl4AZIl'k, pharmacol.) (RESEAP11HE pharmacol. ) (REFLEX C01MIT1017,LD) FLORU, It.; COSTIN, A.;,STERESCU--VOLANSCHI. Margareta Experimental studies concerning the mechanisms of action of nouroloptics on temporary comections. PaLmanian M R-ev. no.1;154@155 Ja-Mr 161. 1. The 11@rof. D.Danielopolu" Institute of Normal and Pathological Ph,,,siology Director: Acad. Gr. Bonetato. (T.'ANQUILIZING AGENTS pharmacoloi;y) (CENTUAL N-.,,RVOUS S'!S.*--'I,l phar@=cology) FLORUJI R.; COSTIN, A.) STEMSGU-VOLA.NSCHI, Margareta Modifications of the superior nervous activity under the action of noradrenaline. Studii cerc fiziol 6 no.24265-272 (61. 1. Institutul de fiziologie normala si patologica "Prof. Dr. D. Danielopolu" al Academlei R.P.R. 2.14p-mbru al Comitetulul de redactie, "Studii si cercetari do fiziologie"(for Floru). (ARTERENOL) (CONDITIONED RESPONSE) I TL' ". @, 1 -1-1 - 5 ,@+---tiu, ?,@. ('(! 7ine. (I. ed. N(laresti) '-eitvra Technicap a .*. 1@1@1. (!*ir,.i!,.,- -aralal. Vols. 1-2) S C: Ycnthl.-, LiA c't, @-*.ast @;',Iircpean Acc(,s:ii, ns, L. C. Vol. 3, no. c;, M-a:l@ 19",);/U'ncl. STEI All, . IG -@q_ Atkinson's sign in morcury poisoning. Aa-h. hig. rada 13 no.2:123-126 ,62. 1. Centralni dispanzer za profesionalne bolesti i Ocna klinika, Ljubljan.g. (KERCURY POISONING) (EYE MFNIFESTATIONS) (LENS, CRYSTALLINE) Zarav. ve.@-tn. medl-Int;ke Ir. i^,Illnerl STERGARSEK, A. STERGARSEK,, A. Basis of the Vuzenica-on-Drava Hydroelectic, Plant and an outline of its construction. p. h8l. Vol. 92 No* 9/10, Sept./Oct. 1956. MEXTROPRIVREDA TOGIRIOLOGY Beograd, Yugoslavia So: Fast European Accession, Vol. 6, No. 2, February 1957 Country : MWID. Category: Analytical Chunij stry. Iaialysis of Inorganic Substances Abs Jour: RZhKhim., "0 17, 1959, tio. 60508 Author Banu, A Inst Title Spectral Deteniinction of Zirconium in Uluvial Sands Orig Pub: Rev. chim., 1958, 110 7-8, 461-463 Abstract: The finely ground sarTle (1-2gr) is mixed with KOH and KNO3 and fused in a nickel crucible. The melt is dissolved in i1cl (1:1) and diluted with water up to 500 ml. volume. Several drops of the obtained solution are placed on carbon clcctro- Card 1/3 Country : RMANIA 2 Category: Annlytical Chemistry. Analysis of rnorrtnic Substanevs Abs Jour: RZhKhim., No 17, 1959, No. 60508 des and Induce spectra in the discharge of a con- deneed spark at a capacity of 1500 nf, self-induc- tion of 0.02 ragn, and current of 1.4 a. For the photographing of spectra, a medium q@=@z spectro- graph ISP -22 is employed. The analysis is con- ducted in accordance vith the method of additions using a graduated plot in the I / I coordinates C following the lines Zr 3273.04-Ti 1239-03 A (Prokof'yev, V.K.-Photographic methois of quan- titative analysis of metals cnd alloys, M.L. 1951, Part II, page 198). Due to low concentra- tions of Zr in the solution present between the values of Il / 12 and C, the direct proportiona- Card 2/3 E-14 STERGHIU-FRIMESCU, Maria; SANDULESCU, D. Applied chemical spectroscopy. I. Spectral apparatus. Rev chimie Min petr 12 no.12:710-717 D '61. (Spectrochemistry) (Spectrograph) STER,-jHIU-FlIPTF3CTI], ?I.; SANDUTLEACU, D. Arplied chemical srectroscory. Tbev chimie !'in petr 13 no.Al: 30-46 Ja 162. STLERGHIU-1-TMESCU) M.; SA17DULESCU, D. Applied chemical spectroscopy. III. Sources of excitaticn. Rev cbirde Min petr 13 no.2:96-102 F 162. STkMGIIIU-k-RIkE3CU, 14.; SAf.'DUU;SC',T, D. Applied cheraical spectroscopy. Pt. 4. Rev chim-le Min petr 14 no,2:104-.109 F 263, STERGHN-PRE-1ESCU, M.; SAIMULE.XIJ, D. Applied chemical spectroscopy. Pt. 5. Rev chimie Min petr 15 no. 3: 149-155 Mr 164. JEWP( j) 1@r ACC N91 AP6FW278 SOUXE CODE: UR/01843@65/000/005/0035/0037 AUTHORS: Stergiu, G, Ko; S Fogosov, Yu. L ; Afthodahayelyt B, L ORGi S_cientific Research Institute for ChemistrLAnd Z to __pf_Cotton Cellulose qq ,hr _jqgy Tashkent uc@4o-issledovatsl I skiy institut khimii i tokhnologiJL khlopkovoy _11Q - Wo SS V zol 1W/ q_1 q TITLE: Protection of cellulose materials from destruction during the act-ion of light-weathering SOURCE: Khimicheskiye volokna, no. 5, 1965p 35-37 TOPIC TAGS: cellulose# cotton textile, textileg light ag ABSTRACT: The properties and the experimental conditions for obtaining copper and I-acetyl-2-thioglycolurea derivatives of cellulose are described. The investiga- tion is an extention of the previous3.y reported work by G. K. Stergiu,, Yu. L. Pogosov, B. I. Aykhodzhayev, and L;.' sXqnnik va (avt. svid. 1666"; Byull. izobr., No. 23, 1964). Cotton fab 121/c @t8fi fibers, viscose rayon, cellophane polyvinyl alcohol, and starch were treated with an alkaline copper solution and I-acetyl-2-thioglycolurea as described by Zh. A. Rogovin and N. N. Shorygina Mini" tsellyulozy i yoye sputnikov, Gookhimizdat, 19539 atre 210). The fabric assumed a khaki coloration. It is proposed that the reaction leads to the forma-Lion of the following compoundsi UDC: 677.463-.021-.34 ACC NRt AP6000278 "OH N-CO CHj(@-Oli. CU/ (OH)s X \OH HI si@ or' H H (