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L 41111-66 1-1 13 T-(1) 11 P '~Cj d5 I-ACC NR, AT6020565 AUTHOR: Stepanov, K. 11. IORG: none TITLE: High frequency heating of plasma SOURCE CODE. UR/0000/65/000/000/0038/0059 SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Vysokochastotnyye svoystva plazmy (High frequency properties of plasma). Kiev, Naukovo dumka, 1965, 38-59 'TOPIC TAGS: plasma heating, thermonuclear temperature, thermonuclear reaction, cyclo-1 tron resonance, magnetoactive plasma ABSTRACT: A short review of high frequency collisionless methods for heating plasma to thermonuclear temperatures is given and a comparison with ohmic heating is made; an ex-' haustive bibliography of theoretical and experimental works is included. The methods reviewed in detail are: 1) Cherenkov heating of ions, 2) Cherenkov heating of elec- trons by magnetoacoustic waves, 3) cyclotron absorption of magnetoacoustic waves, 4) ion cyclotron resonance and Alfven's wave absorption. Heating rates for these proces-1 ses are given and compared with the containment times needed to achieve sufficiently high temperature of the ions (50 kev) for the thermonuclear reactions to occur. it is! shown that Cherenkov and cyclotron heating with weak fields is the same as ohmic heat- ing if the distribution function for equilibrium is reached through collisions. Fur- 1/2 L 11111-66 ACC NRs AT6020565 them. ore, the heating periods are smaller than containment times for machines with p0-: sitive energy balance. In cases where electric fields subcritical with respect to them run-away criterion are used, it is best to use higher densities since -the critical field values are higher and the heating rates are greater. Orig. art. has: 57 fomu- las. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 19Nov65/ ORIG REF: 038/ OTH REF: 011 2/2 11b 1-7 A7CC NR. A SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/00U/01b5/0167 AUMOR: Lominadze, D. G. Stepanov, K. N. ORG: none TITLE: Excitation of longitudinal low frequency oscillations of a plasma by a charged particle beam with anisotropic distribution functions SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Vzaimodey3tViye puchkov zaryazhennykh chastits 9 plazmoy (Interac- tion of charged particle beams with plasma). Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965, 155-167 170PIC TAGS: plasma magnetic field, dispersion equation, longitudinal magnetic field, 1particle beajn ABSTRACT: The excitation of low-frequency electron-ion longitudinal waves i~a sma 1 by a beam of oscillators (i. e., a beam consisting of particles with an identical gyro-, iradius) in a longitudinal magnetic field is investigated. The plasma is assumed to !have Maxwellian distribution while the beam has a similar distribution for its longi- tudinal velocity. The transverse velocity of the beam is taken to be a delta function. iThe dispersion relation for the longitudinal wave is used to investigate the damping co~i_ ;efficients of various waves. A detailed analysis of the "hot" beam and "cold" bean is Made. The criteria specifying the point at wbich the beam satisfies the above desig- inations are established. In the case of the hot beam, only a gnall. fraction of the Card 1/2 L 0 -.6 7 ACC NR: AT6020445 beam particles contribute both to the excitation and absorption coefficients. The lat-4 Aer are explicitly derived. In the case of the cold beam, a similar analysis in which I Ahe problem was broken down into several stibcases was made. At very low temperature all particles were found to'oontribute to excitation; maximum Increase in excitation; I ,occurred at particle resonance. Orig. art. has: 64 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SLON DATE: llMov6S/ ORIG rzr: 003/ OTH PEr: ool 96 L 04836:%67- EWT(l) _.jJTCc)__AjLQD WC M: AT6020447 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0167/0177 AUTHOR: Lominadze, D. G.; qtopanov, K. N. ORG: none ;TITLE: Excitation of plasma oscillations by a beam of oscillators SOURCE: M UkrSSR. VzaLmoodeystviye puchkov zaryazhennykh chutits a plazmoy (lute ac- tion of charged particle beans with plasm). Kiev, Maukova dunka, 1965, 167-177 TOPIC TAGS: plasma oscillation, Larmor radius, plama wave, plasma density 1~ ABSTRACT: Excitation of elas waves moving normlly to an external magnetic field by a bean of with identical Laruor_iiadius (beam of oscillators) to Investigated. The problem under consideration Is limited to short wavelength excitations (much shorter than the Larmor, radius). Growth rate and frequency of the wave am taken to be much greater than the gyrofrequency of the Ions. This permits one to view the Ions as Ing effectively in a direction perpendicular to the external field. The contribution of the beam to the dielectric tensor of the plasm, is described and the sms of each of the elements Is rewritten In terms of suitable integrals. This leads to a simpli- fi*d expression for the elesients In terms of wavelengths, which In turn yields the dis- persion relations. The latter we characterized by the presence of a resonance factor. The presence of ordinary and extraordinary waves is further derived and the special 1/2 L 04835-67 EWT(I'l - : _11 L~ c ~j ' r!L!-, __ - - -. - --- - , ~ - - - - - -- - --- I ALC NRt AT6020448 Y SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0177/0181 AUTHOR: Lominadze. D. G. ; Stepanov, K. N. ':ORG: none iTITLE: Excitation of magnetosonic waves In colliding plasL beans ,SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Vzaimodeystviye puchkov zaryazhennykh chastits a plamay (Interac- ition of charged particle beams with plasma). Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965, 177-181 TOPIC TAGS; MHD shock wave, plasma beam interaction, dispersion equation ABSTRACT: The stability of two identical plasma streams moving along a static magneti field in opposite directions is investigated in the region intersected by the streams. It is assumed that the streams are characterized by an electron temperature higher tha that of the ions. The dispersion relation for the magnetosonic waves is written and immediately simplified by the elimination of small anti-hermitian factors, using, in effect, hydrodynamic approximation. The equations hold for low-frequency oscillations with the phase velocity of the waves being much smaller than the thermal electron velo city but greater than the thermal ion velocity. When beam velocity exceeds the Alfven velocity, transverse Alfven waves are excited; however, when acoustic velocity exceeds beam velocity, acoustic waves are generated. An expression relating these velocities is derived giving the region in which beam instability also develops. It to also show Card 1/2 L 04835767 ACC NRs AT6020448 0 that more complete treatment of the problem predicts wave growth In the region where there is no instability. However, the rate of wave growth is slight. Orig. art. has: 5 formulas , 3 figures. SUB COIDE: .20/ SUBM DATE: llNov65/ ORIG REF: 003 , - ,~ ~i, -,~ 7 1 A.B." . jl~,---"k~ Swiiet physic-'st-I v~-sf-,,nC England. z::,:-g. 19 no.2i 2111-212 fig 165. (Yllp'lt 'L 26977-65 _Z'-JT(1)/_EPA( sp) -2/T/F.E, G(t)/EPA(w) -2/EVIA(n) -2 Pz-6/Po-h/pab-10/pi-6-4 IJP(c) A ACCESSION NR: AP5003250 S/0057/65/035/001/0148/0151 AU711OR: Lominadze, D.C./ SLcT~jj~K.~N. TITLE: On the excitation of magnetoacoustic waves in colliding plasma streams SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiz*.'x~-, v.35, n .1 1965, 148-151 0 TOPIC TAGS: plasma$ plasmar'sti ma~-'l-literaction not "a disp;arsion relation, ABSTRACT, The stability miainst-low-fkequency:loiig-wavelangth oscillations-,. interpenetra-ting plasma streams moving in opposite directions parallel to a magne- tic field is discussed theoretically. The temperatures of the two streams are as- sumed to be the same, and the electron temperature is assumed greatly to exceed the ion temperature. The dispersion equation is written for waves for which the fre- quency is low compared with the ion Larmor frequency, the wavelength is consider- ably greater than the electron and ion Lamor radii, and the component of the phase velocity parallel to the magnetic field is low compared with the electron and high compared with the ion thermal velocity. The antihermitian part of the dielectric tensor, describing Cerenkov absorption and radiation, is neglected. The roots of Card 1/2 ~L 26977-65 ACC2ESSION HH: AP5003250 this dispersion equation are discussed and the region of stability was calculated numerically and is presented graphically in terms of coordinates representing es- sentially the relative velocity of the two streams and the strength of the magne- tic field. The effect of Cerenkov absorption and radiation on the stability region is discussed briefly. 11 formulas and 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki AN Gruz.SSR,Tbilisi (Institute of Physics, AN Georgian SSR) * Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR, XbarFk-o-Y-_FP_bysicotechnjca1 Institute AN UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: 12May64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: ME,EU HR REF SOV: 003 OMER: 000 Card 2/2 L 33167-65 EPA(w)-?-,/F--WT(I)/EEC(t)/EPA(sp)-2/T/EWA(m)-2 Pi-4/P0-4/Pz-6/P*b-10 AT ;ACCESSION NR: APS005219 S/0051/65/035/002/0205/0211 AMOR: Lominadze, D.G.; Stepanov, K.K. TITTZ: On th,,i stab4lity of two colliding plasma streams in a magnetic f Xd 'SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v.35, no.2, 1965, 205 -211 TOPIC TAGS: plasma stptbility, plasma interaction, plasma heating, plasma beam In- !stability, magnetic fteld ABSTRACT: The authors discuss the stability of two plasma streamsof equal density band temperatures moving, through each other in opposite directions parallel to an Vxternal magnetic field. The following cases are treated separately: 1) low-fre- quency longitudinal oscillations when the magnetic pressure is large compared with the kinetic, the electron thermal velocity is large compared with the stream velo- C~ty, and the ion thermal velocity Is negligible; 2) high-frequency longitudinal oscillations when the thermal velocities of both the electrons and ions cre small compared with the stream velocity; and 3) oFicillations that occur when the ion tem-, pe rature is high. In each case the requisite dispersion equation is either quoted from earlier work (A.B.Kitsenko and K.N.Stepanov, ZhTF 32,303,1962) or written Card -1/2 r-L 33167-65 ACCESSION NR- AP5005219 without derivation or reference. The behavior of the dispersion equation is illus-' trated graphically in each case, the stability conditions are derived, and equa- tions are derived for the growth corLstants (logarithmic increments) near the sta- bility boundaries. The instability found in case 1) when the stream velocity Is large compared with the velocity of sound could be employed to heat the ton compo- nent of a plasma, the electron component of which had been previously raised to a high temperature. The growth constant of the oscillations in case 3) is small, but if these oscillations may still be Important in interacting plasma streams because the ions carry the major portion of the stream energy. "In conclusion, the authors express their gratitude to A.I.Akhilezer for discussing the.results and for valu- able advice." 21 formulas and 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskly institut ANUkrSSR,KhakwkoXPhygie--ot,-,-hnfenl--Ln-----,~~m...-- stitute, AN UkrSSR)-, Institute f Iziki AN GSSR Tiflis (InstAtute of Physir's , AN GSSR) SUBMITTED: 049ay6A HKCL: 00 SUB CODIC: la;EH:- NR REF SOV: 004 07MR: 000 Card 2/2 1. 4og4o-65 tW(n)_2/9PA(V')-2/M1T(1)/M(m) P"/h-4/Pz-6/Pab-10 fj-P?c) '0/ ACCESSION MR: AP5007288 S/0637/65/033/b03/0"1/0"B AU`MOFt: La *N. _%Inadze, D.G.; Stepanov, K 570 TITLE: Excitation of oscillations In a plasma by a flux of oscillators SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v.35, no.3, 1963 441-448 ,TOPIC TAGS: plasma beam interaction, plasma electromagnetic wave, plasma instabi- lity, ion stream, adiabatic trap ABSTRACT: The authors discuss the excitation in a plasma of oscillatIM3 propagat-~ ing nearly perpendicularly to an external magnetic field by a stream of ions, all of which have the same Larmor radius. These ions are the "oscillators" of the title. 'Those oscillations of the plasma are considered for which the wavelength is short compared with the Larmor radius of the exciting ions and the frequency is high com_; pared with their Larmor frequevcy.~,The contribution of the ion beam to the dielec- tric tensor Is taken from work of A.S.Kitsenko ab4.--k.K.Stepanov--(Ukr.fiz.zhurnf6,--- ~297,1961) in the form of an infinite series-of Bessel functions whose arguments are] the large ratio of the Larmor radius to the wavelength. The dielectric tensor to ~accordingly transformed to a form that converges more rapidly under the conditions Card 1/2 L hO9:,')-65 ACCESSION MR: AP5007288 of the present problem, and the roots of the dispersion equation are discussed for ordinary, extraordinary and longitudinal waves. The dispersina equation has root3 not only at frequencies near harmonics of the electron Larmor frequency and the hy- brid frequency, but also at a frequency close to the ratio of the ion beam velocity to the wavelength. The logarithmic increment of the longitudinal waves is much grea- ter than that of the tranbverse waves; it is proportional to (n/n)2/*5, where n'aid n are the particle densities of the ion beam and the plasma, respectively. If the plasma contains no ions except those of the beam, It is unstable under all condi- tions. Instability of this type may be expected to arise In high density adiabatic magnetic mirror systems in which the ion velocity distr:.bution -is highly anisotro- pic. "In conclusion, the authors express their gratitude to VLEL&Ighlia for valuable :1 advice and discussions." 46 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki AN Grua., SSR,Tbilisi SSR); Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR,Kharlic4ii(VaysicotechnicaI Institute, AM flerSiqR) 'SUBMITTED: 2Wun64' 14R REF SOVs 005 C.,d 2/2,411/' L EHMe 00 SUB CCDE1 us OMR-. 001 L 40941-65 E1V(n)-2/EPA(w)-2/EWT(1)/M(m) Pj_h/Po_4/P /Pab-10 JJP(c) AT/ --APSW 100 MR. 728 AUTHOR: Lominadze, D.G.; Stepanav, K.N. TITLE: Excitation of low frequency longitudinal oscillations in a plasma b a stream of charged particles with an anisotropic distribution function SOURCE: Zhurnaltekhnichelikoy fiziki, v.35, no.3, 1965, 449-458 IOPIC TAGS: plasma beam interactioa, plasma stability, ion stream A13STRACT: The authors discuss the excitation of low frequency longitudinal oscil- lations of a plasma in the presence of an external magnetic field by a stream of charged particles having a delta-function distribution of velocity components per- pendicular to the magnetic field and a MaxwellIan distribution of the velocity can- i ponent parallel to the field. The dispersion equation Is written without derivation or reference, and its solutions are discussed at considerable length. Long wave- length oscillations occur with phase velocities much greater than the thermal velo_,___ cities of the plasma particles and, in the case of a highly anInothermal plasma, I with phase velocity Intermediate between the Ion and electron thermal velocities. Cardl/2 L 40941-65 'ACCESSION NR: AP5007289 Longitudinal ionic cyclotron waves with wavelength of the order of the plasma ion Larmor radius propagate nearly at right angles to the magnetic field. The excita- tion of longitudinal oscillations is discussed separately for the case of a hot .beam (broad distribution of the velocity component parallel to the magnetic field), and for that of a cold beam. Formulas are derived for the logarithmic decrement (or increment) of the various waves, and the conditions for the stability of the system, are discussed. 73 fomulas. ':ASSOCIATION: Institut f iziki AN Gruz.SSR,Tbilisi (in titute of flWirAg AN Gruz., iSSR11 Fiziko-takhnichookiy Institut UkrSSR,Khai~lkov(Physicotechnica1 Institute, LFkrSSR) sunwimm: 26Jun64.1 ENCL: 00 SUB CCDE-. ME NR REF SOV., 003 OMER: 001 2/2pq~ Card L 49251,-65 EVIT (m)/EPA (w)-2/EWA (m)-2 Pab-10/Pt-7 IJP(c) 'ACCESSION NR: AP5010798 UR/0057/65/035/004/0618/0622 AMOR: Makhnenko, L.A.; PakhomovV.I.; Stepanov,K#N* TITLH: On high-frequency focusing In linear 129jUxatm .SOURCE: Zhurnal tokhnichesicoy fiziki, v. 35, no. 4, 1965, 618-622 1 TOPIC TAGS: linear electron accelerator, traveling wave electron accelerator, high frequency field, reflected wave, stabilization ABSTRACT: The authors calculate the focusing effect In a traveling wave linear -accelerator of a reflected wave propagating in the opposite direction to the electron motion. The reflected wave Is found to improve the focus both with re- spect to phase and with respect to radial motion. The improvement in phase stabil- Ity is shown,,to be negligible in the relativistic case and to be significant in the nonrelativistic case only when the equilibrium phase is close to g/2. The radial focusing is improved at all energies. The radial focusing effect of the backward traveling wave Is equivalent to that of a uniform longitudinal magnett6 field of which the strength in of the order of the wave amplitude. The radial focusing effect was verified experimentally by directing a divergent beam (divergence angle Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP501,498 0. 001 rad) of%5 MeV electrons dow, a 3.6 m long septate wave guide. When a wave of amplitude 56 kV/cm was directed up the waveguids, the average current incireased by a factor 1.8. There was no accelerating wave traveling down the waveguide in these experimonts. Orig. art. has: 32 formulas. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 26Jun6A ENCL: 00 SUB CODEt NP NR REF SOV: 007 OTHER: 002 L 54 -65 E'WT(1)/EPF (n)-2/EW(5(M)/EPA(w)-Z_ ___Pz--6/?q!~4/P~b-1L0/Pi-4 IJP(c) WWIAT ACCESSION NR: AP5015621 MVW57/65/035/00rwflOOW1014 WTHOR: Stepanov, X.N. iTITLE: On the influence of plasma resonance on the propagation of jourface waves In a nommifom-Wa-sm SOUFICE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, vo35,, no.6. 1965, 1002-1014 TOPIC TAGS! plasma, surface wave, plasma wave propagation, surface layer !ABSTRACT: The author discusses the propagation of slow surface waves (on the boundary between a plasma and the vacuum for the case In which Ithe boundary is not sharp* The cases of a semi-infinite plasma, a Ithin plane plasma layer and a plasma cylinder are treated separately ,but in a similar way. hie lasma density is assumed to fall monotoni- Ically to zero in a surface layer that is thin compared with the wave- Ilength, and the wave equation is solved by successive approximationin this region* The effect on the dispersion equation of first order -Cardl/-3 L 54765-65 !GCNWIOI(-NR.- AF502669L terms in the ratio of the transition layer thickness to the wavOl ,is calculated* Only H-waves (the mapetic field in the surface and normal to the propagation direction) are treated because the E-wave equation does not admit surface wave solutions In the case of a dif- ,fuse boundary. Resonance between the wave frequency and the IAngmuIr I~frequency within the transition layer strongly affects the propaga- '!tion of the surface waves and can lead to large damping constants* By t !measuring the frequency dependence of the damping constant one can do-. rive infoimation concerning the density distribution within the tren-~ sition layer. In a final section the author discusses space disperdozi, due to the thermal motions of the electrons. A criterion for the neg- ligibility of space dispersion is derived and the effects or space dispersion are calculated for the case when this criterion is not mets S ace dispersion can contribute significantly to the dampIng when the lefectron collision frequency 18 low* Origeartshass 87 formulas* L 54765-65 /- "' . ACCESSION NR: APS015621 ASSOCIATION: none sUMITTEDs ZlSep64 EXCLs 00 NR-REF Sov: 006 O.7m: 001 1-card-Y3 L 2h68-66, EWT(1)/L,'TC/EPF(n)-2/L-WG(m)/EPA(t,)-2 IJP(c) AT' ACCH3310H NR: AP5020717 tIR/0057/65/035/008/1349/13r)9 AUT71OR: SteRR=j, -K-N-- TITLE, On the propagation of surface waves In a msgne toact Ivo yl asmn UOUTICE; Zhurntil teldintchoRkay fIz1kI, v. 35, tin. 8, 1965, 1349-135R TOPIC TAGS: plasma, aingnatonctive plasma, I)lnqmn olectromognintle wnvo-, plasma wrive propagation, flutd surdrice, st3rfnne geometry AIK3TRICT: The nuthor discusses the propIngrition perpendicularly to rin applied mng- i netic field along the smvarcd boundary between a plasma arid the vacuum of the ex- trnordin-try electromagnetic wave. The plasma demsIty In assumed to fall smoothly i Lo zero within a finite distance, which Is small compared with the wavelength. The' equntionn for the field strengths in the wave are taken from earlier work of M.A. Gintsburg (ZhLTF, 34p 1635, 1958), who discussed propagation along n sharp bounda- ry. The dispersion equations are derived and discussed for the following geonetri-I crilly different cases: 1) the Iblinite plane boundary of a semi-infinite plasma in a uniform magnetic field; 2) an infinite plane layer of plasma of finite but small thIckness in a uniform magnetic field; and 3) a cylindrical plasma In rin Card 1/2 L 2)468-66 ACCESSION NRs AP5020717 azimuthal magnetic field. It Is found that the f Inite thickness of the transition region does not greatly affect the propagation of surface waves with frequencies lower thnn the electron Larmor freqttency. When the wave frequency exceeds the Lnrmor frequency, however, the wave reeonates with the 1,nngmuir frequency at some point within the transition layor and the wave amplitude becomes Inrge. In this ease the effects of space dispersion are significant if the collision frequency is low. The dielectric tensor in the presence of space dispersion is quoted from earlier work (A.G.Sitenko and X.N.Stopnnov, ZhETF, 31, 642, 1956) and Is employed to calculate the wave amplitude in the resonance region. In conclusion, the author expresses his deep gratitude to A. 1. AkhiY46'ze-r' and V.F.AiAi"n or advice and a discussion of the work." OrIg. art. has,. 77 formulas and I figure. ASSOCIArION: none SUMITTED., 28Dec64 EMLt 00 SUB C(IDN* K9 NR REP SOV: 007 OMR: 000 IF, vl~/ 2/2 Card L 12782-66 EWT(1)/EEC(k)-2/ETC(F)/EPF(n)-2/EWG(m)/T/EWP(k)/EWA(m)-2 IJP(c) W( CC'NRs _~_ _____1f_5_026613 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/65_T04_9T0_0_V/l iWi_21T-7 AUTHORS: Sizonenko, V. L.0 Stepa`n/'o'~v ' 'K. N. ORO: Physicotechnical Institute. Sciences UkrSSR Fiziko- tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk UkrSSR) TITLE: Concerning oscillations- quasilinear-relaration of longitudinal plasma SOURCE: Zburnal ek8perimentallnoy I teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 49, no. 4. 1965, 1197-1210 TOPIC TAGS: plasma electron oscillation, relaxation process, dis- tribution function, Ion interaction, plasma resonance ABSTRACT: It is shown on the basis of the equations of qua8ilinear theory that the time variation of the background velocity distribution function of plasma particles is such that the system reaches an equi- librium state at infinite time, manifest by the formation of a plateau on the distribution function of the resonant particles under the In- fluence of three-dimensional longitudinal oscillations. The authors consider the relaxation of the distribution function of electrons moving relative to the ions under the influence of unstable ion-sound --L 12782m6& -AC,C- -,N--R,.-- KP--5-0* 26613 oscillations. It is shown that if the electron velocity approaches a critical value, above which the oscillations are unstable, then the resonant electrons are decelerated during the initial stage of relax- ation to velocities on the order of that of sound, after which a . plateau Is produced along the beam direction. The oscillation spectn then becomes one-dimensional. Whether a one-dimensional or three- dimensional spectrum is produced depends on the volume occupied in velocity space by the electrons at the initial and final instants of time. The variation of the distribution function under the influence of longitudinal oscillations In a magnetic field is also considered. The equations derived are used to investigate the deformation of the distribution function in the case of narrqi,,0M:_dimensiona1 wave packets. Authors thank eq'115.TAkhiyezer.. A. Vedenov,, and V. P Silin for a discussion oT-TT)e- results and useful advice. Orig. art. 37 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 24Apr65/ NR REF SOV: 008/ OTH W: 002 18536-66 S9 (1)/ETC (f )/E FF (n)-2/BVG (m) ACC NR. AP6-667i~- IJP(c) GG/AT SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Aleksin, V. F.; Pakhomov, V. I.; Stepanov, K. N. ORG: Physico-Technical Institute, AN UkrSSR-(Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR) TITLE: Some peculiarities in the radiation -of electromag etic waves in dispersing anisotropic media SOURCE: IVUZ. Radiofizika, v. 8, no. 6, 1965, 1135-1147 TOPIC TAGS: electromagnetic radiation, anisotropic medium, magnetoactive ABSTRACT: The behavior of an electromagnetic field in the wave zone of a III ytt' 5") homogeneous dispersing anisotropic medium (magnetoactive plasma) is theoretically considered. Peculiarities :)f the radiation. in a cold plasma, of a point electric dipole directed along Ho were studied by E. Arbel et al. (Proc. Symp. held in Card 1/2 kCAN'160297 0 Copenhagen, June 1962) for /=/. and The present article studies the radiation, in a cold plasma, of arbitrarily distributed external electric currents, with ;C =,,Cc, In the case a of plasma resonance and electronic gyro- UDC: 6Z1. 371,18Z resonance, the spatial dispersion of plasma is allowed for. Also, with A correlation of fluctuation electromagnetic fields is studied. Here, X is the angle between the group velocity and the external magnetic field Ho. It is found that the radiation field is much stronger along some particular directions: the direction of magnetic field and the caustic surfaces (generatrix of the radiation cone). Orig. art.~ has: 3 figures and 105 formulas. SUB CODE: 201 09 / SUBM DATE: 18Jan65 / ORIGREF: 010 OTHREF: 002 Card 2/2 .Itc- I !,r)n,)R-66 EWTW/T _ IJP(c) GG / AT -~-R/-605 6-[66-1-d5i-1ff17d2'0 IGZ51- ACC NR, AP6024886- SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Barlyakhtar,_ 11. Rudashevskly,je. _,G, ; Swichenko, M. A. ; Stepanov, K. N. -..Wow 7 ORG: Physico-technical Institute , Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR (Fiziko-tekhni-, cheskiy institut Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR) 0 TITLE: Interaction between, electromagnetic, yl ma and sDin waves in anti ferromagneUe semiconductors and metals SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, V. 51, no. 1, 1966, 250- 257 TOPIC TAGS: plasma waye, spin wave,. anti ferromagneticA magnetic susceptibility ~, -'z e I& - a rte o *n 9 C, Aj.F r1 0 (.,u,#) v,,c ABSTRACT: Coupled electromagnetic, plasma, and spin waves in 4ntiferromagnetic 4ezrdconductors and metals are investigated. Since there are two spin waves in anti- ~erromagnetics (unlike lerromagnetics, which have one), the spin and electromagnetic' (plasma) wave interaction pattern in the former is more complex than in the latter._~ However, in anti ferromagneti cs the magnetic susceptibility is proportional to a sm* parameter X0 (static susceptibility) , and the spin and electromagnetic oscillation coupling is therefore weak. In the region in which the frequencies of the noninter-, acting spin and electromagnetic (plasma) braches intersect, the frequency corrections due to wave coupling is of the order of ~' -X_ , and far away from the intersection 0 region they are of the order of xo. Orig. ;rt. has: 32 formulas. ,7 JYB CODE: 201 SUBM DATE: 24jan66/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 004/ ,c L 25(_77'97 (j-) - V6 6U F 'NT ACC NRI AP6007079 UiVO037/66/036/002/0304/0312 'AU711OH: Dushln,L.A.; Kononenko,V.1o; Sizoneuko,V.L.; Skibeako,A.1s; Stepanovix"'I(O OAG: None TITLE: Determination of plasma density distribution by microwave refraction ISOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 2, 304-312 ITOPIC TAGS: plasma diagnostics, plasma density, plasma decay, microwave, electro- magnetic wave refraction ABSTRACT: Format's principle is employed to calculate the path of a microwave bean in a cylindrical plasma in which the density decreases monotonically with imcreasing distance from the axis for the two cases in which the beam lies in a plane containing the axis of the plasma cylinder or in a plane perpendicular to the axis. For each case there is derived an equation that gives the plasma density as a function of the dist- ance from the axis implicitely in terms of the position at which the microwave be= leaves the plasma as a function of the angle of Incidence. It is proposed that these equations be used to determine plasma density distributions from microwave refraction measurements. The proposed techniques were tested by measuring density distributions in decaying hydrogen plasmas at-5 x 10-2 am Hg in a 2 a long 10 cm diameter quartz tub The apparatus Is described in more detail elsewhere by I.Adamov, L.Dushin, V.Xononenko Card 1/2 U)C: 533.9 ACC N-Ri-NP60-070779 and O.Pavlichenko (Atomnaya energiya, 16, No. 2, 99, 1964). Microwaves of 8 ms wave- length were employed, and the radiating and receiving horns were provided with dielec- tric lenses that rendered the beam nearly parallel. For each run the antennas were held in fixed positions and the time after excitation of the plasma at which the re- ;fracted wave was received by the receiving antenna was recorded with an oscilloscope. Many such runs were made with the antennas in different positions and inclined at different angles, and from the accumulated data curves were constructed giving the position of the antenna as a function of the incidence angle for different t:Lmes.* From these curves the electron density lof the plasma was calculated as a furustion of time and distance from the axis. Measurements were made both with the beam in a plane containing the axis of the plasma cylinder and with the beau in a plans perpendicular to the axis. Good agreement was obtained between the different measurements, and It is concluded that the proposed techniques are satisfactory. The techniques can be improved by employing narrower microwave beaus and shorter wavelengths. It Is also possible to vary the'wavelength instead of the incidence angle. Orig.-art. has: 14 formulas and 12 figures* SUB CCDZ: 20/ SUM DATZ: 22Feb65/ ORIG MW t 001/ OM I=: 002 2/9 '~CC Nff'--AiGO18723 SOURCE CODE: UR/0057/66/036/006/1003/.LO07 AUTHOR: Dolgopolov,V.V.; Stepanov'K.N. ORG: none TITLE: Resonance absorption of energy from low frequency oscillations by a cold am- uniform plasma SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fizlki, v. 36, nos 6, 19660 1003-1007 TOPIC TAGS: plasma electromagnetic wave, plasm hosting, plasm magnetic field, longitudinal magnetic field, plasma resonance, WoAfu"Wajerw 04A41"ol ) RE-:,oovfwef_ A 13,70 9 PO 7'~, d*V ABSTRAM, o authors discuss the propagation-in the axial directl of low froauen" electromak-latic waves In a cold radially nonuniform plasa*cyllnder In a longitudinal magnetic field, with particular reference to the resonance region where the square of the refractive Index is approximately equal to the r-r component (in cylindrical co- ordinates r, 0, z) of the dielectric tenser. The plasm Is assumed to be demm (the Langmuir frequency high compared with the Larmor frequency) and the wave frequency is assumed to be low compared with the Ion La. r frequency. The plasm Is described by the usual expression for the dielectric tensor in term of the Ion and electron Langmuir, Larmor, and collision frequencies. Different approximation techniques are employed to solve Maxwell*s equations Inside and outside the resonance region, and ex- pressions are derived for the energy lost to the plasma by interaction of Me plasm Card 1/2 L 40999-66 ACC NRt AP6018723. iwith the radial. azimuthal, and longitudinal components of the electric field of the 1wave. The case when the radius of the plasma cylinder Is of the order of the wave- length is discussed In some detail. Depending on the relative magnitudes of the Ion and electron collision frequencies and the wave frequency, the absorbed energy can neither heat both the electron and Ion components of the plasm, or only the electron !component. The plasma electrons are heated by the longitudinal component, of the !electric field, and the Ions, by the radial component. The proportionality of the I 1power absorbed by the plasm to the square of the current In the exciting windings P 1found by V,V.Chechkin et al. (Vysokochastotnyys evoystva plammy. Bb. Klyev, 1965) in f 1,their experiments on ion cyclotron resonance In a cold plasm to explained, and It is noted that the theoretical results of M.P.VssIl*yev et al. (ZhTF, 34, 974, 1231, 1964) for the case of purely Coulomb collisions when the wave frequency Is close to the Ion I i !Larmor frequency are correct only in order of magnitude because under those conditions Ia certain approximation employed both by those authors asd In the present paper Is not Ivalid. Orig. art. has: 19 formulas. SUB COBB: so SUM DATZ: Wulf& ORIGO RW8 00 2/2 1j I -I - , ,I I . . _.-T, '~r. Y-2/7 71HL~ AT ACC NRI AP6016666 SOURCE CODE., UR/0056/65/049/004/1-197/1210 AUTHOR: Sizonenko, V. L.; Stepanov, K. N. ORG: Phy-sicotechnical Institute, AN UkrSSR (.iziko'-tekhnicheskiy institul,, AN UkrSSR) TITLE: Quasi-linear relaxations of longitudinal plasma o illations SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimntallno'y i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 49, no. 4, 1965s 1197-1210 TOPIC TAGS: plasma oscillation, distribution function, magnetic field ABSTRAC71: Numerous researchers (seat eug*j the survey by B. B. 1KAD0MT*S5V Voprosy teorli plazmy f3-ymp, Problems of Plasmi_Th_eo_r_y7 i4l 180, e re- using the quaol-linear theory have studied th Ilaxation of the "background" function of cases in which the osoll-' Aation spectrum represents a one-dimensional wave packete- They ishowed that the reverse Influence of plasma oscillations on partI.,,: oleo led to a distribution function plateau. The present paper Investigates changes In the "background* distribution function for.' ithe case of a non-one-dimenalonal oscillation spectrum, On the basis of the quaol-llnear theory equations it is shown that for 1: t -W to a-0 lateaull appears again In the distribution function. of--.,,.,- re sonanoe"gWartioles _u.nder ..the _aotion._9f. three -dl none lonal Card 1/2 -"593-3-66- ACC NRt AP6016666 tudinal oscillations. Relaxat ton of the d1str IN tIon function of electrons moving with respect to ions under the action of un- :stable Ion-aooustio oscillations Is also considered, It Is ophown .'that it the electron velocity is close to the crItloal Talue aboY91 ,which the oscillations are unstable, the resonance elootrang will ibe slowed down auring the first stage of relaxation to a veloolty~] .on the order of the velocity of sound., Subsequentlyp a *plateau".-I Is formed along the direction of the beamg and the osolilation ,spectrum becomes one-dimenalonals The paper concludes with (a detailed discussion of the quasi-linear relaxation under the ao- tion of one-dimensional wave packeti, propagating at a 111ven angle to the magnetic field. The authors ihan-k A'. I. Akhiyezer, A.. A. Vedenov and V. P. Sil-in for their discussions of the re-sults and their helpful--suggentions. Orig. art-.TTa-s: 37 formulass [JPRS1 SUB CODEs. 20 SUBM DATE: 24Apr65,, 'ORIG,,REF: .008 OTH REF! 002 66 EPP(n)-2/EW(1)/EWT(M)/CM(f)/EWG(m)/EWA(d Ap6oloqT8 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/050/003/0576/0598 AUTHOR: Bartyakhter, V. G.; Savchenkog N A nov, K. N. 90 ORG: Physicotechnical Institute, Academy of Sciences,Ukrainian SSR (Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy Institut Akadesil. nauk Ukrainakoy-OSR) Z/ 2-jassa and spin we TITLE: Interaction of D ves in ferromagn*t1c semi- conductors and metals SOURCE: Zhurnal okeperimentallnoy i tooretichookoy fisiki, Y. 509 no. 39 1966, 576-568 TOPIC TAGS: spin ways, forromagnetion, magnetic permeability, Larmor radius, magnon, ABSTRA T: B d Oplassa, an _fosagnetic and spin wave's In ferro- Vfel:ct magnetic semiconductors and met lsVJwIth magnetic anisotropy of the ~easy axis" and "e sy planew type are considered. The region of wave vectors k Is investigated In which space dispersion of the magnetic permeability tensor may be sign ificant, but @pace dispersion of the dielectric permittivity Is weak (the wavelength is much greater than the Larnor electron radius and the'phase velocity of the waves is such greater than the thermal of F*rnI velocity of the electrons), The cmd L22253-66 ACC NRj Ap6oloqTe Indices of refraction waves and the transparency regions are doter. mined. It Is shown that bound waves In the plasma In the absence of space dispersion of the c tensor possess normal dispersion)* The spectra of bound cyclotron and spin waves moving perpendicular to the magnetic field are also determined In the case whea-the wavelon th Is of the order of the Larmor electron radius, fc, a BUD COM 20/ BUNN DATzi o7oct6q/ oRiO REFt 0061 OTR RM 002/ Card 2/2 not ACC NR: AP6014040 SOURCE CODE,: URI/0056/66/050/004/0994/1004 AUT110R: Roulands. Dzh. . Sf.7(lnenko. V.- L. ; Stepanov, K. N. OM: Physicotechnical Institute, tVi U!rrSSR (Fiziko-tekiinicheskty institut AN USSR) TITLE: Quasilinear theory of atteniiation of electromag1jetic waves in a magnetoactive plasma SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 50, no. 4, 1966, 994-1004 TOPIC TAGS: magnetoactive plasma, linear approximation, cyclotron resonance, magnetic field, wave attenuation, clectromagnetic wave ABSTRACT: A quasilinear approximation has been studied for Cherenkov and cyclotron attenuation of electromagnetic waves in a homogeneous magnetoactive plasna by taking! illLo account coilisions between resonance particles responsible for the -.bsorption i of waves and the remaining plasma particles. The velocity of resonance particles along the magnetic field may be of the order of or less than the theri,,ial velocity. For three-dimensional wave packets in the absence of collisions, the systern finally reaches a steady state in which either the oscillation energy vanishes or the distribution function has a plateau. In the case of Cherenkov resonance, diffusion of particles on the waves in the velocity space occurs only along the magnetic field,' whereas in the case of the cyclotron resonance diffusion takes place aloti?, and Card 1/2 L 36 388-66 ACC NR: abstrac AP6014040 across the magnetic field. The distribution function is determined in Lhe quasista- !i tionary state when particle diffusion on waves is counterbalanced by collisions. The nonlinear decay decrement is determined. The authors thank A. I. Akhiyezer or his attention and useful comments. Author Dzh. Roulands thanks GKIAE and FrI, AN UkrSSR for their hospitality. Orig. art. has: 4 formulas. [Based on author's ACC N1. AP6024484 SOURCE CODE: LM/0181/66/008/007/":168/2172 AUTHOR: Barlyakhtar, V. G.; Savcheako, M. A.; Stepanov, K. N. -MMMEWNW.~ ORG: none 13 TITLE: Interaction of electromagnetic and spin waves in helicoidal magnetic struc- tures SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 7, 1966, 2168-2172 TOPIC TAGS! spin wave, electromagnetic wave, magnetic structure, antiferromagnetism, refractive index ABSTRACT: The authors consider coupled spin and electromagnetic vayes and their pro- pagation in antiferromagnets with helicoidal magnetic struct-n e and derive &n&.Ly%lc expressions for the frequencies of the interacting waves. The different modes of oscillations that ca4 exist in the antiferromagnet are illustrated as functions of th4 frequency dependence of the refractive index. It is shown that near the points of In. tersection of the spin and electromagnetic branches, the coupling parmeter has an order of magnittderc, while far from this point it is proportional to C(C a gp2S/ Ia3 -, lo-3,- where g is the Lande factor, v is the Bohr magneton, S the spin of the atom, I the exchange integral, and a the lattice constant). Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 15 formulas SUB CODE: 29/ SUBM DATE: 29Dec65/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 002 :ard 1 /1 _J2-aL- L :',ACC NRi AP603 2,17 9 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/0,51/003/0858/C-a67 AUTHOR: -Sizonenko, V. !Lt~gpanov K. N. 1,731 ORG: Physicotechnical Institute, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR (Fiziko- tekhnicheskiy ins'-1-Ruf Akaaemii nauk Ukrain-sTi-dY-SSR)------'----- TITLE. Cere I quasilinear theory and cyclotron attenuation of electromagnetic ri ~ov way~_in a plasma SOURCE:- Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 51, no. 3, 1966, 858-867 TOPIC TAGS: electromagnetic wave, cyclotron, plasma density, linear approximation, electron, external magnetic field, ion distribution, Cerenkov theory, magneLoacoustic wave ABSTRACT: The Cerenkov absorption of Alfven and fast m 'agnetoacousti-c waves in (41,tnoT 1 1) is invej.Aigated in a plasma with a high gas-kinctic pressure a quasilinear approximation. The cyclotronic absorption of fast magnetoacoustic waves is also investigated in a quasilinear approximation by ions and by ordinary and extraordinary waves of electrons in a plasma with a low gas-kinetic pressure [Card 1/2 L 03226-6i ACIC NR_1.__A_PG032-179 is the plasma density, T is tempeiature, and where no 110 is the external magnetic -field strength. It is shown that tile various componentsi of the field amplitude of Alfven waves and fast magnetoacoustic waves, propagating almost parallel to the external magnetic field, possess different damping decre- ments. The decrement difference is of the order of the inverse ion-diffusion time on waves in a velocity space. It is also shown that the appearance of a "plateau" in the ion distribution function may lead to a strong increase of the Cerenkov absorption of Alfven waves (in comparison with the linear theory). In a plasma with a low gas-kinctic pressure, the appearance of a "plateau" would always result in a decrease of the damping constant. The cyclotron decrements of a fast magnetoacoustic wave and of the ordinary and extraordinary waves may also increase with increased field amplitude due to the "plateau" formation. The authors thank A. I. Ahhiezer for his attention to the work and valuable remarks. Orig. art. has': 33 formulas. [Based on authors' abstract] SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: 25Mar66/ ORIG REF: 008/ OTH REF: 002/ Card' 2/2 JZ704- L 07410-67 0yrr1 liNc) 6 k I . PAT- ACC NR: AT6020572 N) SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0109/0117 449, AUTHOR: Sizonenko. V. L,; SteRanav_ K. N. .ORG: none ITITLE: Determination of density distribution and temperature of plasma using rGfr&C- tion and attenuation of the beam .SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Vysokochastotnyye evoystva plazmy (High frequency properties of plasma). Kiev. Naukovo dumka, 1965, 109-117 TOPIC TAGS: plasma density, plasma temperature, plasma beam interaction,,plaMM41 dIa&7 nostics -7-- ABSTRACT: Propagation of a microwave beam through a nonhomogeneous plasma Is considet.- ed as a diagnostic method for determination of the density distribution and electron temperature in the plasma. Fermat's principle is employed to obtain a general expres- !sion for the trajectory of the beam in a refracting medium as a function of frequency 'and angle of incidence. Detailed computation for the case of semi-infinite plasma is !considered and the distance between points of beam entry and exit is found, as well as tho inverse relationship for the density coordinates. This approach is extended to a Ilaboratory plasma of cylindrical geometry. The temperature of the plasma electrons is shown to be obtainable by observing the beam attenuation. The coefficient of attenva- c.m 1/2 L 07410-67 tion as a function of radius is derived for the plama with tlectron-ion and electron- neutral collision frequencies lower than beam frequency. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, -25 fbrmuLim. 1 CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: I9Vov65/ ORIG REF: 003/ oTm mr: 002 Card 2/2 L 074f'12-67 IJP( rjl D .AL c __jArF __ - AZZ NRt AT6020582 SOURCE CODE: ---UR/0000/ -65_/_0__0_0_/_000/0l8*6_ - - - ~Nll~ /0169 AUTHOR: Dolgopolov. V. V.; Pakhomovy V. I.; S 9Z ORG: none !TITLE: On electron radiation in a plasma-magnetic_field boundary layer ,SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Vysokochastotnyye svoystva plazmy (High frequency properties of rlasma). Kiev, Naukovo duoka, 1965, 166-189 TOPIC TAGS: thermonuclear power, plasma magnetic field, electron radiation, boundary layer plasma, cyclotron frequency ~ABSTRACT: The energy radiated by electrvns in the region of a plasma near the plasma- !nagnetic field is calculated. The calculation is made for a low density plasma contai .ed by a strong magnetic field such as in a thermonuclear reactor. The computation in- ludes the effect of the anomalous skin thickness which differs from the case of dense plasma. When cyclotron radiation wavelength corresponds to stabilizing oscillation of ithe plasma and Doppler broadening (of the order of cyclotron frequency) is included, intensity of the cyclotron radiation emitted by the plasma is given by the equa- 3 esn%Tv (0) OB - 7.-.. 4xka Tel- the in lssma temV the We" L 07' 582 c unteld for to V 'ratio) than occu" co energy aves - to & ass the SaM0 5100, -CEC izatiou vest 0 Of Via jectrott saller (bY t'eratjos the Plas a ?01a" of e is 91 a no ge 0-M YET en a rat"o aiation rovide Mb by lo,tron ra hold V ()o3/ decreases cyc relations ~S'hotm -that These OIL'LG ~Tadjatlolp* a loroulas. 19,00v6s/ Art . has' 201 suo V& CDDZ* ACC NR, A P700 58)' 5 GOUPC.E CODE: -- uR/o18l/66/O03-A)12/3574/3577 AUTHOR: Savchenko) M. A.; Stepancyv, K. N. I ORG: Physicotechnical Institute AN UkrSSR, ar'kov (Fiziko-tekhnicheakly institut AN UkrSSR) TITLE: Contribution to the theory of coupled electromagnetic and spin wLyes in hell- coldal magnetic structures SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela) v. d, no* 12, 1966, 3574-35TT TOPIC TAGS: spin wave theory, electromagnetic interaction, forrom%netic resonance,, dispersion equation, plasma wave, refractive index ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work (FTT v. 8, 2168# 1966) where coupled electromagnetic and spin waves in helical and magnetic structureL were in- vestigated In the absence of an external magnetic field at frequencies much higher than the ferromagnetic resonance frequency. In the present article these waves are studied at low frequencies, In the region of the ferromagnetic-resonance frequency. It is shown by analysis of the dispersion equation for this case that the plasma waves and one of the electromagnetic waves do not Interact with the spin wave. For the electromagnetic wave Interacting with the spin wave,, and for the spin wave itselfj the correction to the frequency far from the point of intersection in of the order C - gu2/sa3v/K-K-r (g - imme factor, u - Bohr m4gneton, 8 - spin of atom, a.- lattice constant,, K and KI - salsotropy constants of the crystal; for most known substances Card 1/2 - - - I- I.. - - I --- -I ACC NR, AP7005845 i ~ - 10-2). Near the point of.intersection, the correction is of the order of 4. 1 Expressions are also obtained for frequencies of the interacting waves in the strong-I coupling region# when C ;t 1. Plats of the frequency dependences of the refractive_ index and of the vaye vector are presented. OrIg-* art. has: 4 figures and 14 for I mulas. .I BUD CODE; 20/ MM DAM 2MY66/ ORIG RZFI 002 ACC NRi AP7005125 SOURCE CODE: UR/0126/66/022/004/0498/0505 AUTHOR-. Savchenko, M. A.; Stepanov, K. N. ORG: none TITLE: Bound spin, electromagnetic and plasma waves in ferrites SOURCE: Fizika metallov I metallovedeniye, v. 22, no. 4, 19GG, 498-505 TOPIC TAGS: ferrite, spin wave, electromagnetic wave, plasma wave ABSTRACT: In ferrites, as in ferromagnetics, there exist two spin-wa;ve branches, by con-- trast with fcrroma6-neties, which have only one branch. Hence it is toThe expected that the picture of the interaction between spin waves and electromagnetic and plasma waves in fer- rites must be more complex than in ferromagnetics. In this connection, the article investigates the propagation of bound spin, electromagnetic and plasma waves in conducting ferrites with a sufficiently large number of conduction electrons. If its frequency greatly exceeds the gyro- frequency of electrons, the spin wave feebly interacts with electromagnetic waves: in the neighborhood of the point of intersection between n~ninteracting spin and el6ctromagnotic waves the interaction parameter is of the order of I/ V6, while at a distance f rom this point 1/2 UDC: 537.311.33:[538 +5371 'L~crd ACC NR.- AP7005125 it is of the order of 1/6, where 6_103 is the exchange constant. The spin wave of a frequency of the order of clec~ron, gyr6frequency, -.on the other hand, strongly interacts with plasma and electromagnetic waves (the coupling parameter is greater than or of the order of unity) so that separation of the waves into spin and electromagnetic (or plasma) waves is possible only in limiting cases.'In conclusion, the authors are deeply indebted to V. G. Barlyakhtar for discussion of this project and valuable suggestions." Orig. art. has: 39 formulas. SUB CODE: 20, SUBM DATE: 25Jan66/, ORIG REF: 006/ OTH REF. 002 2/2 i -,; i t % t '-V Ln VEIII, Yu.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk; DOKUCHMEV, V.V., kand, tekhn. nauk; FEDOROV, N.F., doktor tekhn. nauk; Frinimall uchastiye: DYUKOV, A.B.j imzh.;.5TZP-UMr-X.V.p inzh,; NOVITSKIY, M.I., inzh.; AGA, M.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; SAKHAROV, I.V.; VOLKOV, V.N., inzh.; ZABORSHCHIKOV, O.V., inzh.; RYBAKOVA, V.G.; ZOLOTARI, I.A., kand. tekhn.nauk, nauchn. red.; KOSTANDOV, A.I.p red.izd-va; CMMKASSKAYA, FoTo, teklui. red. [Buildings and structures in the Far Northj Zdaniia i soo- ruzheniia na Krainem Severe; spravochnoe posobie. Lenin- grad, Gosstroiizdat, 1963. 490 p. (MIRA 17:2) llfl~ I .." 1- .1. : ,!,. , , ". . . I :anti, *- r- ;: ;- n .n:: ~ . :~ I u ~) ~i i L Effect of voltage and current --r t.r,e oneration Cf ore-3melting electric arc Ifurnace-s. izv. vys. ucheb. .av.; ene,-g. '; no.9:22-27 S 164. (IMIRA 27:11) 1. Kuyhyshevskiy politekhnicheakiy institut ineni V.V. Kuybirshova. 1'redstavlona kaftdroy teoretici,.eskoy i obshchey elektrotekhnikI. MANUSADZHYAM, Zh.,, inzh.; STEPANOV, L., inzh. 11 Reducing the contamination of atmospheric air with exhaust gases. Avt. transp. 41 no,5:19-21 My 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut avtomobillnogo transporta. (Automobile exhaust gas Safety measures) YAGOFAROVt F.Kh.; STEPAVOV, L.A. Granulometric characteristics of lower Carboniferous terrigenous sediments in the northeastern Tatar A.S.S.R. Izv. Kazan. fil, AN SSSR. Ser. geol. nauk no. 7:455&-466 159. (MIRA L'+*.4) (Tatar A.S.S.R.-Rocks-Analysis) AL STEPAHOV L,A~ 1 2 Distribution of Ostracoda in the Akchaghyl marine deposits of the Volga and Kama regions. Dokl.AN SSSR 144 no.3:630-632 * 162. UGRA 150) 1. Geologicheskdy institut Kazanskogo filiala AN SZSR. h,edstavleno skademikom D.V.Nalivkinym. (Volga Valley- -Crustacca, Fossil) (Kama Valley--CruBtacea,, Fossil) STFPANC)V,_-L.A..,-. - Correlation of Pliocene sediments in the northeastern part of the trans-Volia part of Saratov Province. Dokl. AN SSSR 150 no.l: 155-1V My 163. (MIRA 16s6) 1. Geologichaskiy institut Kazanskogo filiala AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom D.V.NalivkInym. (Watov Province-Geology, Stratigraphic) YANKO, F.I., inzh.; STFYANOV, L.A., inlh.; *,,)!., Inzh. Washing of regenerative air heaters of boilers operating on sulfur contRining mazut. Energetik 12 no.302-13 IAx 164. (141.RA 17:4) N-MMUIMM91-AN. %ZwiQf~ .g/E I'M(c)- JD/ L 9582-66 ENT(1)/EWT(m)/ET P SOURCE CODE1 ACC NRi AP6000564 UR 0 0945/610/012/2200/2204 AUTHOR: Dyubuav B. Ch.; Stepanov, L. A. ORG: none TITLE: Thermionic emission of some metal-like compounds in barium vapor,6' SOURCE: Radlotekhnika i elektronika, v. 10, no. 12, 1965, 2200-2204 TOPIC TAGS: thermionic emission, electron tube cathode, ft-fc 71 , ABSTRACT: Results are reported of an experimental investigation of ther nia -i si= and adsorption, In a barium flowof the following metals and their compounds: Ti, Zr, .40 Mo, C, TiSi2, ZrSi2, MoS:6, TiC, ZrC, MoC, TJ13~, ZrN , Mo2Br,. A special 6-cathode, Mo-anode, JO-7-torr electron tube was used for testing the above materials; the anodes had ports through which Ba, sunplied bya special source, flowed to the cathodes. Curves of emission-current density vs. temperature are presented. It was found that the carbides, borides, and silicides of the above metals have a lower emission than Mo but higher than Ti and Zr. Although carbides have a higher melt point than borides, the latter are more chemically stable. Carbides (melt point 3140-3530C),borides (2980-3040C), and silicides (1540-1700C) have low emission in the Ba flow and, therefore, can be recommended as anti-emission coatings. "The authors wish to thank 0. V. SamBonov for his interest in the work and practical help." Orig. art. has: 4 figures. (031 __1 1/4- UDC:537.583s546-431 L 9582-66 ACC NRs Ap6oOO564 0 SUB CODE:.ZO,/// SUBM DATE: 05Aug64/ ORIG REF: 0091 OTH REY: 0061 ATD PRESS: LIKHkCHEV, V.G.-. STIPA.NDV, L.A. Tbird session of the Conference of Ministers of tbo Railroad Cooperation Organization. Zhel.dor.tranep. 40 w.11:88-91 N 158. (NDU 11:12) (Railroads) AKIHOT, N.I.; VOLKOT, S.P.; XONOYALOYA, N.A.; OSINOY:KATA, R.I.; IPLISKO, Tu.Tu.; SIMOT, M.N.; STIWANOTV L.A.; SHCHUKIN, T.Ta.; TORONI- CHET, M.P.. red.; TSARMO. A.P., red.; TIMINA, G.P., [International railroad transportation] Mozhdunarodnye shelesno- doroshnys soobahchanila. Pod red. H.P.Toronichava. Moskva, Gca transp.zhol-dor.lzd-yo. 1959. 242 p. (MIRA 13:5 (Railroads) e, 'JIXHjX!IEV, V.t.r. ; STEPAt"OV, Lit. Fourth sension of the ("onforenen of 14inisteru of the Rail- roads Cooperation Orlanization. Zhal.dor.transp. 41 no.8., 87-89 Ag 159. (14IRA 12:12) (Ritilrondfl-Intorruttional cooporation) M., I . , ~ r,7,1.. ~, Y':N-K~!j I. I o , " w:,~::. ~ -,T, !*~ - , ^. , 15.p-c IF, I fen tures in starti.rig and t J~r -~J~~34 ty~)i ler rjn -quln.Lr bec.,sring, mazut. ota. 15 P~l 16 4 * (,M-',RA :L7tE;) STEPABOV, L.G. Problems in Dreparation and Increase of qualifications of anecologlcal and obstetric personnel. Akush. gin.. Moskva no.5:8-11# Sept-Oat 1952. (CIML 23:2) 1, Director of the Institute of Obstetrics and Qynscoloa-of the Ministry of Public Health USSR. 3 Or,horki Akut3hul-3koy Patol-,OVii 1 OpuratLviloye Aku3hcrstvO sturical -at1'.-1)lo6y xia ---;,jurr1ive Obste-ricq) Pod Aed. L.~;. Stepanov. :1m;kva, :,led6iz, 1)53. 53,~ p. Illus., 31bli.c)L;rap*-iies Tnir)u:7--out. 640-307 1.6 577F v G - M.TLOV, S.A.; STIPANOV, L.G., rukovoditel direktor; BFUSIUM. P.A., professor, nauchnyy Sucking capacity 4A tho newborn and an apparatus for ite determination. Pediatriia no.2:)VP6 Kr-Ap '53. (MM 6:5) 1. Nauchno-iseledovatellakly lnstitut akusherstva i ginokologii Minister- stva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. (Infants (Newborn)) 5;rkpA /V UWANOVA, R.I., kandidat meditainakikh nauk; STZPANOV, L.G., direktor. Clinical considerations on the narrow pelvis. Akush. i gin. no-3:33-37 W-Je 153. (MLM 6:7) 1. Institut akumheratva i ginekologii Hinisterstya zdravookhraneniyu 1116L (Pelvis--Abnormities and deformities) TOIXACHMUTA, L.G., direktor. Treatment of cracked nipples with penicillin aerosols. Akush. i gin. no.3: 42-45 My-je '53. (KLM 6:7) 1. Institut akusherstva i ginekologii Kinisterstva sdravookhranentyu 336H (Breast) (Penicillin) /VO BULTGINA, Ye.A., kandidat meditainskikh nauk; GURIVIGH, I.B., kandidat meditain- akikh nauk; STIPANOV. L.G., direktor. Analysis of the work of joint institutions in 1950-51. Akmeh. i gin. no.): 57-63 W-Je 153. (MM 6:7 ) 1. Institut akusherstva i ginekologii Kinisterstva adravookhranenlys MR. (HOGPIWO) S T-.,r- PA IVO V,4. G - POBICDINSKIY, M.N., professor; STIPANOY, L.G., kandidat meditsinskM nauk [authors]; POIROVSKIY,, V.I-.,-p-F-5fe-*V'r[ reviewer]. OFI~rgiene for women.' N.N.Plobedinskii. L.G.Stepanov. Reviewed by V.A. Pb)crovskii. Akush. i gin. no-3:90-91 W-Je 153. (MLU 6--7) (Women--Health and hygiene) (Pbbedinskil, M.N.) (Stepanov. L.G.) FIRSYMMOV. L.S., professor "Outlines of obstetric ps,tholocr and surgory-, handbook for plWalcians." K.S.Zhimakin, L.G.Stepanov., ad. Reviewed by L.S.Forsianinav. Akush. I gin. no-5:92-Wwff-'rt3W.--" (MLIkA 7:12) (PMNANCY, CCOLICATIONS CF) (05STITRICS-SUR m Y) STEPANOV L.G.; GRANT, N.Ye. :1:117 1~ "Rural foldaher-midwife station.* G.F.Konstantinov, LIA.Dyehkov. Reviewed by L.G.Stepanov, N.M.Granat. Akush. I gin. no.6:87--89 N-D 954. (MLRA 8:2) (MIGINS, RURZ) (MIDWIVBS) (KONSTANTINOV, G.F.) STIPANOV. L.0. Work of midwiveB in rural areas. AkushA gin. no.2:9-15 Mr-Ap '55* (RUR&L CONDITIONS, (NLRA 817) midwifory in Russia) (14INIVIS. rural. in Russia) STAPANOV. L.G. (Mosk-va) 'wife ' The work of midwives in a village. Felld. i akush. no-30-8 Mr '55. (MVIM. (KM 815) In Russia, in rural area) (RURAL CONDITIONS. in Russia. work of midwives) GRAIAT, IT.Te.- STXPANDT, L.G..(Moskva) Work of a rural sidwIfe. 19. Kienitsimia. L. Nel'nikova. Rewimed by N.E.Granst, L.G. St~Wov. Yelld. I akush. no-8:57-60 Ag 955. (MIDWITZ) (KLIMTSUIA, I.) (KLRA 8:10) STAPANOV, L.G. I Tozoplasmomin in obstetrics. Akush. I gin. 32 no.l.-64-66 U-F '56 (KLRA 9:6) (PHM"Y, coapl. tozoplasmais. diag.) (TOXOPIADMOSIS. In pregn. diac. ) KAPUN, Abram LIvovich, red.; STEPANOT, L.G.. red. [Obstetric hospital clinic; a manual for physicians and students] Akusherskala goopitalinaia kl4niks; posobie dlia vrachei I stu- dentov. Moskva, Medgis. 1959. 501 p. (xim 13:6) (ODEffRICS) STIPANOV, L.G. (NDskva) Organizational aspects of the problem of contraception. Akuoh. I gin. 35 no.6:6-8 N-D 159. (NMA 13:4) 1. Iz Instituta akusheretva i ginekologit Ministerstva zdravookh- ranenlya RSPSR. (CONMORPTION) STEPANOV. L.G.,dots. (Moskva) Trichomoniamis In obstetrics mid gynecology. Akush. I gin. 33 no-5:107-110 3-0 057. (MIRA 12:5) (TRICHOMONUSIS, prey. and control) (VAGZNITZS, TRICHUMON&S. prey. mA control) BARTELIS, A.V.; GRAMAT, N.Ye.; NOGINA, O.P.; SALGANVIK, G.N. (deceased]; SHIRNOV. G.I.- STIPANOY L I KHANOVA, T.N., red.; YAMIAVICH, Ye.I., red.; GABXMAND, N.I., . [Lecture course for pregnant women] Kura lektaii dlia beremewvkh zhenshchin. Pod red. L.G.Stapanova. Izd.3- Moskva. Nedgis. 1959. 231 P. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut akusherstya i ginekologil NinisteratVa 2dravookhraneniya RSFSR (for all except Khanova, Yankelevich, Gaberland). 2. Direktor Nauchno-isslodavateliskogo instituta akusherstva i ginskologii Ministerstva adravookhrane- niya RSFSR (for Stepanov). (PRUATAL CARS) 4_ Grigor-!y~evich;--SQYQLISKAYA, E.V., red.; LYUDKOVSKAYA., STEFAIIOV,__49~4 N.I., tekhn. red. (Guarf a woman's health; contraceptive methods] Beregite zdorovte zhenshchiny; o sredstvakh preduprezhdaiushchikh beremennost'. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo med. lit-ry Medgiz, 1960. 9 p. (MIRA 3-4:9) (CONCEPTION-PRKMTION) STEPANOys-L.G.9 red.j KAKUSHEDA9 Ye.A.9 redj A' OV, N.Iip red.1 RAFALIKES, S.B.9 red.1 ZUMA, N.K.9 (Bonmonal. research in gynecology; collection of works of Va Indocrinology laboratory at the Research Institute for Y4dvlfbry and Oynecology of the Kinistry of Public Health of the I.B.IPJA.) Gormonallaye Isoledoraniia. v gimakologiij abornik robot laboratwil andokrinologii Nauchno-ismiledovatellskago instituta akusberstva, i ginekologii Ministerstva, sdravookbrameniia. RSFSR. Nookwag Goo* isd-vo mdlit-ry Medgis, 1960. 201 po (MIRA 34:7) (MnWU)GICAL RESEARCH) (BORKOIIES p SIX) LULAVINTSEVA, A.I., kand. med. nauk; KAZAIISKAYA, N.I... nauk; KASHIIIINSKIY, A.V., kard. red. nauk; LIRI-MOVICH, S.G., kand. mod. nauk; NARBUT, Ye.l., kand. mod. nauk.; FMWVSKIY, V.A.j zE,s1uzhennyy deyatell nauki 11,SFM, prof.; ROWWOVSKIY, RX..q kand. med. nauk; TIMANOVA, Ye.S., prof.; YAKOVM, I.I.,, zasluzhenrqy deyatoll nauki RSFM, prof.; WITOVITS, A.V., prof., nauchnyy red.;PERSIANIIIOV, L.S., prof., otv. red,; BUM, S.14.0 prof., red.; BEIDSHAPK0, P.A., prof., red. (deceased]; MUHL, K.N., prof., red.; ZHOIWAI-IIIA, I.F., irof., red.; LEDEDEN, A.A., prof., red.; I-DITMOV, F.V., prof., red.; TIEPANOV, L.G., kand. med. nauk, red.; SY'ROVATKO, F.A., prof., r:e-d-.-j-FIGUZ'OV-,K-M-.j prof., red.; PORM-KOSHITS, K.V., red.; LANKOVITS, AN., red.; SUCHILO, K.K., tekbn. red. [Multivolume manual on obstetrics and gynecology) 111nogotornoe rukovodutvo po alnsherstvu i girokologii. Voskva, Gos.izd-vo ned. lit-ry. Vol.6. 1961. 679 p. (MIRA 15:4) 1, CiLlen-korrespondent Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Persianinov, Beloshapko Figurnov). (OBSTETRICS-SURCMYJ ( G YEECOLOGY, OFEIRATIVE) STEPANOV, L.G,-- Toxoplasmoois and its significance in medics.2 practice* Kaz. med, zhur. no. 2t89-91 Mr-Ap 161. (KIRA 34:4) 1. Institut akusherstva i ginekologii Ministerstva zdravookhrananiya RSFSR (direktor - prof. O.V. Makeyeva). (TOXOPIASMOSIS) STEPANOV, L.G., dotsent Organizational problems it pediatric gynecology@ Akushei give 37 noalt23-25 061e (KIIU 34W 1. Iz Nauchno-isoledovatellskogo instituta kusherstra I gineko- logii (dire - prof. O*Ve Makeyeva) Ministerstra adravockhraneriya RSFSR. (GYNMUXY) (PEDIATRICS) STEPANOV, L.L,; KSENOYONTOV, A.11. Removing chips by pin conveyers. Stan.i instr. 29 no.6:38-39 Ja 158o (MIU 11:7) (Conveying machinery) STEPANOV, L.K.y kand.tekhn.nauk Big fires and factors determining their sprouding. Inform.zbor. TSNIIPO no.3:29-33 159. (MIRA 14:3) (Fire prevention-Research) - I : I i , ~. . . uis :ert.%-.iun- ll~lelrtviov aC Cotistractj ~n ',~aLerials and Aructures Under Condlitions of high Temperatures." Cand Tech Jci, Moscow Orde~r of Labor ~~ed Fanner ~ngine,,-rlne, Construction Inst imerd V. V. tZ, Jun 54. Vechernyaya ll'osk-.ra, :'05,.'QW Jq 28' I-,iy 54. JJ : ---UM 284, 26 Nov 1954 STEFANOV, L.N. Machine tool for grinding shaped drawplates. Biul.TSNIICHN no.17:47 (325) '57. (MIRA 11:4) l.Laningradekly staloprokatn7y i provolochno-kanatnyy zavad. (Grinding mchines) ST PVOVY 11. ?". "The Act,lon of Drainaf~e on Frozen Soils." Cand Tech Sci, Nortrern Sci-Res Ins", of Hydraulic Ent.-Jneering- anti Soil Improvement, Leningrad, 1953. (RZhB!ol, No 2, Sep 5Q Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR flik,her Educational Trstitutions (10) So: Sum. 11o. h81, 5 May 55 IOFFI, A.F., akademik, rodaktor; SAWTLOV. I.I., akedemik rodaktor; VIRSHININ. P.V., rodaktor; KOLTASIV, F-Te.. redektor; CRUBNOVSKIY. A.Y., redaktor; RXVUT,, I.B.. redaktor; STUANOV. L.I.. redaktor -wm-m~ [Problens to agricultural plWalcol Toproov agroomich*akof fisiki. Pod obahchni red. A.F.1offe I I.I.Sesollove. Red. kollogtia P.Y.Tershiniu I dr. Leningrad. 1957. 327 P, (NLRA 10:6) 1. YessayusoWs akadenlys sallakokhosyaystvannykh nouk imeal T.I.IonIns. (Agricultural pkWsics) RETUT, I.B.; STKIPANOV, L.N. Meeting on coordination and research methods in soil physics. Zemledelie 6 no.9:91-93 S '58. (MIRA 11:9) (Soil ph7sica--Congresses) STXPANOV, L.N., kand.tekhn.nauk -1 ---- Academician Abram Yedorovich Ioffe. Zemledelie 8 no.10:76-78 0 l6o. (KIRA 13:10) (Ioffe, Abram ledorovich. 1880-) STEPANOV, L.N., kand. tekbno nauk (Leningrad) Agropbysics of our days. P~riroda 51 [iget 52) noo5:68-72 163. (NMA l6s 6) (Agricultural p~qsics) NERPIN, S.V.. red.; M-1EPIUKOVA, N.K- red., CHUDNIOVSKJY, A.""'.1 I*ed.; REVVIF, I.B., red,; STEMNOV, L.A.., red.; 111F.: red. [Collection of papers on study methods -In the of soil physics] Sbornik rabot po metodike issle6ovar-ii v oblasti fizIkI pochv. Leningrad, Agrofizicheskii iiauchno- issl. in-t-, l9r,4~ 320 p. (MIRA 17:12) I. Scweshchaniye po ko,-.rdinatsii i metodike nauchnc- Issledo-vatellskikh rabot v oblastil fi.zikJ- priciri, Leningrad. 2. Agrofizicheskiy nauchno-issladovatel'skiy institut, Leningrad (for all excep". Nerp1n), ACC NRi M-16012254 A~ SOUICS COM UR/0349/65/000/012/0079/0081 IMHOIR; Stepanov, L. N. (Candidate of technical soiences) ,tT PRG: none Cybernetics in plant growth ISOURCE: Zemledeliyo. no* 12, 1965, 79-81 TOPIC TAGS: plant growth, cybernetics, biologic conference. biologic personnel ABSTRACT: Cybernetics applied to plant growth is directed toward creating optiiul i" .rowth conditions based on most effective use of land and resources and creating ,ooiimal environmental conditions. Results of initial studies on the application of 'Cybernetics to plant growth were reported at an All Union Conference hold at the 'k:rophysical Scientific Research Institute in Leningrad (date not given). Thirty-seven :papers were presented on the following four basic subjects: 1) general approach to the I :solution of problems and to the principles of applying cybernetics to plant growth; '2) methods of obtaining data on plant conditions; 3) electrophysiological problems of I 1plants related to processes of plant excitability and autonomic processes; and, 4) ~Wthematical models in the study of plant physiological processes. Title of the papers !and authors and a few brief comments are g1ven* Origo &rte has& none* coD:-;: o6, o2/ SUBM DATE"s none Card _1 I STEPANOV, L.O. New regulating valve. Neftianik 6 no.3:22 Mr 161. (MIFA 14:10) 1. Krasnokamakiy neftepererabatyuvayushchiy zavod. (Cracking process) i : STEPANOV. 0'0. Off-center device for repairing# cbeckings and distributing mummoterso Neftionik 6 no,7&23-24 n 161. (KIPA AM 1. TSekh wrmativno-iowritallafth jpriboroy Krasnokamakogo neftepererabatfwayumbWfto savodao (mmonstor) STEPANOV, L.P., inzh. Determining the technological parameters of vibrating grizzlies. Trudy VNIIStroidormash. 32:32-50 163. (MIRA 17:6) ZHUKOV, V.I.; STAPANOV, L.P.; CHASOVNIKOV. A.A. 1. - - Automatic measuring tank designed by the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Metrology. Trao TNID( no.19:76-83 152o (Flovmeters) (NUA 11W 1. - I , . I I % , A I , I - ~.. I , . kIov$Jt9-! Micromanometer with end length-gauge. Tkudy TNIIM -....22.-108-11z, 154. (HIM 10:12) (Kanometer)