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SWACHKIN, Tu.P. [tranalfttor]: @@ red. Phonphatnn of carbohydratom (from "Qumrt.Reva.," 71, 61-85, 19.57) A.G. Fontar, U.G. Overend. Usp. khim. 27. no-7:891-914 Ji 158. - (MIRA ll.-q) (carbonydrates) (Pbosphates) (Foster, A.G.) (Overend. U.G.) -V,L 010 of ax@t ,tdre aolfco 195B OT tl3,e osti) rel qa9l,@ seqe7 ,tel% foT a.el tICLe T sses t.1lis 'r, SVL) e & Z131TL "rit 4Lt -I a 'Ovy ax@ . ines;rt j.0a v%ofPjSte%j- 5 01:. -pe osr- 'rt. 010 V9 tIOTL tipas O_j fre- e ,)-revs"s, trs,-- ,3.sea. A@Ar Ille.a3.0.c- cov@ V06's _,,,cea OT dO, to 0 61- test CO-S I-C At eat T Lt q: axe& 05 reS 06 e%t CIAV e 6 3@ ,Teat t-@,ov, Icr;e-c c to Is sov: 0-,Icu Dy? ,,,Ce AS to T e Tocess a -to T e ,:,&e ,,.Ie t 0 te ce Ilt Tea _AOSeS 'ec :,te. j)-vr CO e .. e@ Ze po best a@.ff & 1:31e -ae 009P- Oer- tue j)D@@ at -Div A. str es 6 te so oao te te& SU eOlel':@ 5 .qlaosps@ os aLlac. tae ttle VLOTIOP'tiolk t Of -f Ola$3zf S119PS Osklav .tevL el's tAoqa -e tge ttLe ef . sso SIZ ,;p_eV' ts a . M . -be so,- @-fe ,g@.JeUr-I spg-te of. e ose OPO Ilk On ZSC a New "Yeast" Stimulan of Cardiac Activity 2o-119-3-43/65 contains perhaps any highly active admixtures. Beside the Imown ingredients (ref 3) Sodium DFF contained phosphorus glyceric acid and in some series 6-fructose rhosphates according to the paper chromatography. The effect of these admixtures in small quantities on the heart is not'vorth mentioning. Therefore other highly active admixtures-are. sought in the preparation in question. Sodium DFF solution was treated with activated charcoal in the case of different liff-values, the adsorbed admixtures were elated under various conditions., the extracts were studied chromato- graphically and controlled biologically (by action an the heart). After longer work the attempt, to isolate a substance which was highly active (in a concentration of approximatively 1:100000) and homogenous, was successful. The authors denoted it ZZMostimulator cordis, in short ZSC, till the exact detection of its structure. After this substance had been chromatographically pure state its chemical structure could be detected. Then the isolation of ZSC frcm fructose diphosphate and from the.. yeast fermentation mixtures is given with the biological Card 2/4 On ZSC a New "Yeast" Stimulant of Cardiac Activity 20-11.9-3-43/65 effect. The detection of uracil in ZSC was carried out by means of the investigation of the absorption spectrum of the ZOC solution in ultraviolet light. This spectrum has a selective absorption with a mw:imm at 260 n@u(figure 1) which is characteristic of adenyl- and aridine ccimpounds. Figure 1 shows that the mentioned maximum. vanishes in consequence of a treatment with brcmine water (ref 6). This means that the empound in question is a wacll derivative. Furthermore the chemical nature of ZSC was proved by means of hydrolysis up to the liberation of the pyridine base in a 45 % HC102 for 2 hours. By means of chromatographing a spot with Rf = 0.461 was found in the system of the solvent isopropanol-alcohol- 10 n HU (21:3:3)- Uracil was chromatographed in parallel with the hydrolysate as well as adenine and guanine, the Uracil having Rf = 0,62. Pentose was determined with orcine according to ref T- It is bound here to the pyrimidine base. Finally a rati 'o of 1:2 was proved between the not acid-proof phosphorus and the total phosphorus. Thui ZSC can be considered as uridine derivative. Card 3/4 It is also possible that the terminal radical of the '@@@@"; ROZWBLID, Ye.L., red.; KUMMSOV, A.A., red.; SAVVATEYEVA, T.I., red.iz4-va-, POLYAKOVA, T.V., (Carbohydrates and their m@etabolism in animl and plant organisms; materials of the conference held Jan.28-30, 19581 Uglevody i ugle- vodnyi obmea v zhivotn8m i rastitellnom orgenizmakh; materialy konferentsii, aostoiaveheisia 28-30 ianvaria 1958 g. Moskva. 1959. 270 P. (KIRA 12:11) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Laboratoriya fiziologicheskoy khlmli. 2. Laboratoriya fiziologichaskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR, Moskva. (for Stepanenko, Rozenfelld). (Carbonydrate metabolism) STEPANENKO, B.N.; KUZNETSOV, A.A. Chromatographic study of some sugar phosphates [with summary in English]. Biokhimiia 24 no.1:25-32 Ja-F 159- (KIRA 12:4) 1. Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow. (FRUCTOSE PHOSPHATES) (CHROMATOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS) Sea VLeastl 0 O@ ,0 sr QVIO 0 ts &OS eAe'r, eule'tl Or-jy-yl -tell el ) -. 150 @0 -C@e , TS I a@ r 8.01) eble'as @be[S'l 5ele tes -90'9 trje 't;v, --ro tfe oil "ala.-ra -aGlelo 01 'ajoal VN't . O@ 5Tb 0 Ala ,ae . on. -, I OV. ce,31 ,-Y-% e-0- e 0ro, -U-3. -.ranyla., taf, 0.0 -,,Tel@ 8,et ewlbs ro-kis &0-15 to cO t,(@e.le ).:ae ece av O@ ,, ry- 'r ,,,Te-J -Be VI OTL sl OTL 10 S13. a-rs" ty_ef@ -03-16 . O-q 0 tre e Ve& t t le at'l. I . a. . & -ro. 0 sef' -re tj', @ 1, .acl -re -as 3. 01 @@Zla:__ 0 Oa ,,,Le IL_ A -fte 'C@C- a I() V oae t -ble 0.15 1G OT- Yje ......0 O@ cbta.- tl@o lao TO &e t ar's C, OTS. Iota t1je . Gal T-4 el P's VLe &B. V-to-A ILI etTo- cl@er,1'3- t,%%e 5'a -reoc:,tle a-ra tes I voj& it 10l 'Mee e te IYLJ . ty" t-.x-0,0 % SG QjLe. T,@@O te I a-r"DO & '01 _eG - 5 1 * &e-r T se @15) 5. )-a0 0 are 'oe lota te 0c. &bsol' a. 0C, OVIV Va 69 Ip"10, 3 0 t e I el a -oaS t i:r- 'te-res as 0. Pj 07: e VaTS Oil 'e,eS to -r 'PTS 'I va 'GO TW T_rl ti-C, tIlra 0,& 0 is ca r es"9 .9 va sr@eT -rT 0 01. ?1 0 0 P,-f'J ta - GiAs A soo*4 taro U a U &- .1-rea&_J to.Ti-r- ty@e O-E a.@- t 9-T Ite'r t -@ OIL ,r has e ;trUCtUre ky@e -,cars (Refs 1,8,9). of 'various con- A ,ccal methods are applied to 'a fmations Of suears and their de- _____,f@e@jnvestication Of a number of che- -_--sucars supplied valuable material on their the other hand it is also Possible to explain _x ic process of numerous chemical reactions by thewas of conformation. During the past years Possible to separate a numbe - a- r of new mono .1d diphosphates of sugar, in particular ketose phosphates. The method of prepara- tion of Stable preparations of the sodium salt of fructos; di- phosphate (sodium DFhF) (Ref 26) worked out by the author is worth mentioning. The outstanding role of sugar phosphates in many biological processes is due to at least two reasons: to the energetic (Ref 27) and to the structural-chemical (Ref 28) one. The reactions of the transition of a part of the phosphate Card 2/6 molecules in form of an "active" glycol aldehyde and the "acttl-ive" On Several Achievementain the Field of the SOV/74-28-5-2/7 Research of Carbohydrates dioxyacetone which were developed during the past years are of outstanding importance for the understanding of the role played by the phosphates in the course of biochemical processes. The first reaction takes place by means of transketolase (Ref 29), the second with the aid of transaldolase (Ref 30). In this con- nection it is important to point out the recently discovered breaking of the hydrocarbon chain of sugar phosphates which proceeds under the splitting off of acetyl phosphate (Ref 34). In addition to the already known reactions the discovery of this new reaction of "phosphodesoolysis" provides a more con- prehensive understanding of the carbohydrate transformations under biological conditions. On the basi-s of papers (Refs 36- -38) it was found that beside glycolysis there is a new pro- cess of carbohydrate decomposition which Engeligardt called the apatomic or oxidative process (Refs 39-42) (Fig 3). Apart from the glycolytic and apatomic, process of the decomposition of glycose, in 1952 a third type of the decomposition process was discovered to take place in microorganisms, some-times named after the discoverers _%tner and Doudoroff (Ref 44). Se-,reral Card 3/6 papers (Refs 45-47) dealt with the clarification of the inter- On Several Achievements in the Field of the SOY/74-28-c-2/7 Research of Carbohydrates mediate stages of this process. The new type of decomposition is supposed to be of great importance and to occur not only in microor anisms. Saccharin phosphates play an important role (Ref M (Fig 4) in photosynthesis besidestheir part in syn- thetic processes (Ref 50). Another extremely important field of chemistry and biochemistry of the carbohydrates are the glyco- sides, above all the 0- and N-glycosides. Recently, a large amount of natural 0-glycosides was separated and their struc- ture could be determined. in this connection very peculiar mono- saccharides were discovered exhibiting a peculiar structure as well as other peculiarities, among them ramified chains. After 1950 special attention was paid to new groups of N-glycosides of phosphorylated sugars which are free nucleotides (Refs 58-60). The presence of "makroergicheskiy" phosphate bonds in nucleo- side polyphosphates causes their high activity in biological processes and in particular their taking part in a number of reactions of phosphorylation. Apart from these general traits coenzymes apparently exercise a number of specific functions (Refs 72-79). Recently the author succeeded in separating an Card 4/6 uridin stimulant of cardiac action (ZSC - zymostimulant cordis) On Several Achievements in the Field of the SOV/74-28-5-2/7 Research of Carbohydrates from a yeast fermentation mixture and the preparation of the sodium salt of fructose diphosphate (Refs 60-81). Nucleotide polyphosphates may not only serve as initial products for the biosynthesis of nucleic acids, they also guarantee the process of the elementary reactions of metabolism. There is good reason for the assumption that the production and use of nucleotide polyphosphates will be of outstanding importance in future che- motherapy. Takin& into acQo1.;:at the difficulties arising in the chemistry of polysaccharides, the success achieved in this field during the past twenty years is simply aamazine. Only re- 0 cently it was possible to clarify the structural type of many highest homopoi-ysaccharides as w.-11 as the decomposition pro- cesses and the biosynthesis of most JmpGrtant poiysaccharides. A detailed investigation of all. these pro@lems is not possible in this paper (Refs B7-89). The invc:stirrations of amyloses (Refs 90-91), glycogen (Refs 92-107), dextran (Ref 108), the achievements in the field of the chemistry of cellulose (Refs 109-112) are mentioned as well as a paper on chitin (Ref 113)- Card V6 Furthermore, the papers on the investi--a'io-ns of the biological .j On Several Achievements in the Field of the SOV/74-2.8-5-2/7 'Research of Carbohydrates decomposition and the biosynthesis of homopolysaccha-rides are dealt with (Refs 114-130). During the past years great succes- ses were achieved in the field of the chemistry of heteropoly- saccharides. In this connection special emphasis is to be laid upon the mucopolysaccharides (Refs 133-137). Some of their most important representatives are described: chondroitin sulfuric acid (ChS acids) (Refs 138-140). Recently it was confirmed that several ChS-acids exist. They are either contained in different sources, or in the same sources but in different quantity. Thus, ChS-acids - A, B and C - were separated (Table) (Refs 152-155)- Recent investigations deal thorou'-@Ily with the research of muco- proteides (Refs 156-159). Among the achievements of the last five years are the findings in the field of the biosynthesis of mueopolysaccharides. It is, however, not possible to explain de- tails so that in this connection only several data concerning the biosynthesis of hyaloronic acid (Ref 141) are given (Fig 5)- However, not all problems of the biosynthesis of mucopolysaccha- rides have been solved. It is, therefore, to be assumed that these problems will be solved within the near future. There are 5 figures, 1 table, and 167 references, 48 of which are Soviet. Card 6/6 BOBROVA, L.N.; STEPM1190, B.N. Iffect on the cardiac muscle of phosphotriose, phosphoenolpyruvic acid and ZSC - uridine yeast stimulator of the cardiac function. Biul.eksp.biol.i med. 47 no.8:71-75 Ag 159. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Iz Laboratorit fiziologicheskoy khimii (dir. - prof. B.N. Stepa- nenko) AN SSSR, Mosk7a. Predstavlena deyetvitellnvm chlenom AMN SSSR S.Ye. Severinym. (NUCLMSIDV,S AND NUCLEOTIDES pharmacol.) (YEASTS extracts) (TRIOSF-S pharmacol.) (PYRUVATES pharmacol.) (HRART pharmacol.) 17(3) AUTHORS: Stepanenko, B. N., Bobrova, L. N. SOV/20-125-3-56/63 TITLE. A Comparative Investigation of the Effect of ZSC, UTPh, UDPh and ATPh Upon the Contraction of the Cardiac Muscle (K sravnitellnomu izucheniyu deystviya ZSC, UTF, UDF i ATP na sokrashcheniye serdechnoy myshtsy) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 3, pp 662-665 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors succeeded in isolating a substance from a yeast fermentation mixture and a fructose diphosphate preparation which is capable of restoring the function of the tired cardiac muscle in very small concentrations. As long as its structure was not clarified the substance was called zymo stimulator cordi s (ZSC). Its structural components are: uracil, pentose and phosphoric acid. Half of the latter acid is unstable. Thus, ZSC is to be considered a uridin derivative, possibly near or identical with UDPh (uridin diphosphate). The present paper deals with the comparative study of the effect of ZSC and uridin polyphosphates upon the heart. At an earlier time the opinion was expressed that UTPh (uridin triphosphate) does not exert any direct effect, but favors the re-synthesis of adenosin Card 1/3 triphosphate (ATPh) on the action of a ferment of the type A Comparative Investigation of the Effect of SOV/20-125-i-5611/63 ZSC, UTPh, UDPh and ATPh Upon the Contraction of the Cardiac muscle "Nudikill. ATPh then acts upon the biological object. Comparative experiments with ZSC, UTPh, UDPh and ATPh on a "whole" i-solated heart served the purpose of "biologic identification" and detection of any possible specificity of the influence exerted by nucleotide polyphosphates. The experiment was made with an isolated heart of the grass frog Ran& temporaria, which previously@was exhausted by a Rin,,,,*erfs solution at .7-50 for as long as 24-48 hours. As had been hitherto the case (Refs 1, 2) ZSC at a concentration of 10-5 led to a strong increase of the -6 cardiac contraction amplitude (Fig 1 A). The same also holds at 1 (Fig 1 B). The amplitude does not in-crease abruptly but gradually after the ZSC introduction. UDPh (Figs 1 V and G) acts at exactly the same concentrations and in a simi-lar wa-y. Also UTPh acts in a similar way 2 V). The characteristic and well-known 3-phase effect 3 A) appeared in experiments with ATPh (10-5 _ 10- 6 ). Above results have only a provisionall value. At any rate, they give evidence of a great similarity of the ZSC effect to that of uri-din polyphosphates, especially of Card 2/3 UDPh. At the same time the Pl-r-hors determined a fundamen-tally A Comparative Investigation of the Effect of SOV/20-125-3-56/63 ZSC, UTPh, UDPh and AM Upon the Contraction of the Cardiac Muscle diverging type of effect of uridin polyphosphates and ATPh, namely, the first three have a I-phase effect, whereas ATPh at equal concentration shows a 3-phase effect. Such a sharply marked specific effect scarcely allows the effect of uridin coenzymes to be explained by its transformation into adenine coenzymes. There are 3 figures and 14 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya fiziologicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Laboratory for Physiological Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: December 23, 19589 by A* I. Oparin, Academician SUD?,,'ITTED: December 23, 1958 Card 3,13 170) SOV/2o-126-5-58/69 AUTHORS: Bobrova, L. N., Stepanenko, B. N. TITLE: On a Guanine Derivative of Yeast Origin Stimulating the Work of the Myocardium ( 0 guaninovom proizvodnom drozhzhevogo prois- khozhdeniya, stimuliruyushchem rabotu serdechnoy akyshtsy) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Nr 5, pp 1118 - 112o (USSR) ABSTRACT- The authors reported in previous papers (Refs 1,2) that they isolated a highly active stimulator of heart activity ZSC (Zymostimulator cordis) from a yeast-fermentation mixture and the fructose-diphosphate preparation (FDPh). By its nature, it is related, or even identical, to the uridine-diphosphate. It was interesting - besides the further investigation of the ZSC - to look for other possible admixtures which are also present in very small quantities but exert a strong biological effect. Re- cently it has been possible to isolate, from the FDPh-prepara- tion, another substance stimulating the heart activity in a concentration of 1 : 100000; it is a guanine derivativet apparent- Card 1/3 ly a guanosine polyphoSDhate. The further text is divided as On a Guanine Derivative of Yeast Origin StiLlulating SOV/2o-126-5-56/69 the Work of the 11yocardium follows: The m e t h o d of i s o 1 a t i o n consists in the adsorption of the admixtures present in the FDPh in coal, etc (Ref 1). After a threefold chromatography, the chromato- graphically homogeneous guanine derivative was used for in- vesti-atina the chemical nature and t@e biological effect. D e t e c t i o n of g u a n i n e. The presence of the guanine derivative was proved by a blue flaorescence in the ultra- violet li-ht after the treatment of the chromatogram with HCl vapors. The absorption curve showed minima and maxima which are characteristic of -uanine compounds (Refs 3-5). Figure 1 shows that also the optical density at different wave-lengths speaks for the presence of a guanine derivative. The d e t e r m i n a t i o n of p e n t o s e was carried out with orcin according to Massart (Ref 7) before and after bromination. It has been ascertained that a pentose bound to a purine basis is present. D e t e r m i n a t i o n of p h o a p h o r u s. The ratio between the acid-labile and the total phosphorus was 1 : 2.6. The above results lead to the conclusion that the compound, with respect to its effect on the heart, is a sub- Card 2/3 stance which contains residues of guanine, pentose and phos- On a Guanine Derivative of Yeast Origin Stimulating SOV/2o-126-5-58/69 the Work of the Myocardium phoric acid. There are polyphosphate (pyrophosphate )residues present. From the above paper, it can be concluded that the active guanidine derivative apparently is a compound of the type of nucleoside polyphosphates, perhaps a gaanosine-diphosphate. The e f f e c t of the g u a n i d i n e d e r i v a t i v e on the f r o g - h e a r t i s o 1 a t e d according to S t r a u b was tested as in reference 1. Solutions of the gua- nidine derivative in question were stimulating in a dilution of 1*':100000 (Fig 2). It can be imaged that substances of this type will constitute representatives of a new group of heart stimula- tors. There are 2 figures, and 7 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Laboratoiiyafiziolo-icheskQy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Labora- 0 tory of Physiological Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESIENTLD; March 17, 1959, by A. I. Oparin, Academician SUBMITTED: March 16, 1959 Card 3/3 PARNAS, Yakov Oskerovich, akademik [deceased]; DZBANOVSKAYA, A.Ye. (translator]; ROZENGARD. V.I. (translator]; TOLKACHITSKAYA, N.Y. Etranalator); OWA.M.WK.0 ,; BRAURSHTM, m m Am A.Ye., red.; KOTILINUOUG-A.T.. red.; USTER . S.Te., red.; BBGELIGAM , V.A.. red.; KOLPAKOVA, Ye.A., red.izd-va; FCLXNOVA, T.P., (Collected works] lzbrannye trudy. Moskva, Izd-vo Aked.nauk SSSR, ig6o. 491 p. (MIRA 13:7) (NITROGM-ANALYSIS) (NAPHTHOqUINONE) (BIOCHENISTRT) ___ STF.PANFJ1KO"B..H.___' Some results achieved and outlook for fature study of carbo- hydrates. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.biol. no.2:294-312 Mr-Ap 160. (NM 13:6) 1. Institute of ]Biochemistry, Acadev7 of Seiences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow. (CA OHTMTNS) KUZNETSOV, A.A.; STEPANENKO, B.N. Fate of fructose-1.6-diphosphate and fructose-6-phosphate introduced into the animal organism. Biokhimiia 25, no-4:705-715 JI-Ag '60. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Institute of Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.p Moscqv. (FRUCTOSE PHOSPHATES) (PHOSPHORUS METABOLISM) T @,3, -in T'.a s t@r-ve e t e 1::, a u- 2L, e s in PI ants -!-)rt r-e.,3nntn-J alL Uw-:-, Int"ll. STEPANRIKO, Boris NikolayevichL - _prof.; KUVSHDISKIY, M.N., red.; KUZIY;D-IA, U.S., tekhn. red. (Course in organic chemistry] Kurs organicheskoi khindi. 2. izd. Moskva, Medgiz, 1961. 595 P. (MIRA 15:2) (CHENISTRY, ORGANIC) MXIIYANTS, I.L., glav. red.; BAhUUOVSKIY, G.Ya., zamo glav. red.; FAJSEV, AJ., red.; IIARSHAVSKIY.- Ya.M., red.; GELIPERIN, N.I.39 red.; DOLIN, P.I.,, red.; KIMEV, V.A., red.; MERSON, G.A., red.; MURIN, A.N.., red; POGODI14, S.A., red.; REBIND&R, P.A., red.; SLONIMSKIY, G.S., red.; STEPANENKO, B.N., red.; EPSHTMI, D.A.j red.; VASKEVICHp D.W.-p naucF5iY7-'reT._;G_ALLE, H.R., nauchnyy red.; GARKOVE11KO, R.V., nauchzWy red.; GOD.U1, Z.I., nauchnyy red.; MOSTOVENKO, N.P., nauchMry red.; LEBEDEVA, V.A., m1adshiy red.; TRUFTANOVA, M.Ye.,@ mladshiy red.; FILIPPOVA, K.V., mladshiy red.; ZFAROVA,-Ye.I., red.; KULIDZIUIIOVA, I.D., tekhn. red. [Concise clemical encyclopedia] Kratkaia khimicheskaia entsiklow- pediia. Red. koll.: I.L.Knuniants i dr. Moskva, Gos. mauchn. izd-vo "Sovetskaia entsiklopediia." Vol.l. A - E. 1961. 1262 colurms. (MM 15:2) (Chemistry-Dictionaries) STEPPI]ENKO., B.N.; ROZENYELID, Ye.L.; PAVLINOVA, O.A.; 4@NEVICH, L.I. Firpt International Colloquium on C@rbo@ydrate Biobhemistry in Gif-sur-Yvette, France. Bioldiamiia 26 no.3;567-568 My-Je 161. (MIRA 14:6) (CARBOHYDRATES) (BIOCHEMISTRY) STEPANENKO. B.N.- BAKSOVA R.A. j Production of crystalline d-mannose from a new raw material - the polysaccharide eremuran. Biokhimiia 26 no.5:855-858 S-0 161. (@@MA 14-12) 1. Institute of Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. and the Ist Medical InstituteP Moscow. (EREI-WRAN) (MANNOSE) STEPANENKO,___#.N.; SLOZHENIKINA, L.V. Study of intermediate products in the hydrolysis of eremuran. Dokl.AN SSSR 138 no.6:1460-1463 je 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Institut biokhilnii im. A.N.Bakha AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.I.Oparinym.' (iMURAN) (HDROLYS.19) I - STRPANENKO, B.N,; SERDYUK., O.G. Kinetics of the acid hydrolysis of certain phenol and chlorophenol glycosides. Dokl. AN SSSR,139 no.5:1132-1135 Ag 161,, (MIRA 34:8) 1. Institut biokbimii Im. A,N. Bakha AN SSSR i Kafedra organicheskoy khimii Pervogo. Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta im. I.M. Secbenova. Predstavleno, akademikom A.I. Oparinym, (Phenols) (Glycosides) (Hydrolysis) _SlgE_ otv. red.; SEVERIN, S.Ye., red.; DEREVITSKAYA, V.A.2 red. itOZENFELID, Ye.L.J. red.; KUZNETSOV, A.A.2 red.; PARITES, Ya.A.., red.izd-va; MAKAGONOVA, I.N., tekhn. red. [Carbohydrates and carbohydrate metabolism]Uglevody i uglevod- 0 nyi obmen-; materialy. Moskva,, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, lqA9, 335 P. KIRA 16: 1) 1. Vsesoyuznaya konferentsiya po probleme "Khimiya i obmen uglevodov."2d, Moscow, 1961. 2. Institut blokhimi4 im. A.11. Bakha Akademii nauk SSSR (for Stepanenko). 3. Institut biolo- gicheskoy i meditsinskoy khimii Akaderdi meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Rozenfelld). (CA-*--tBOBYD.'7@ ATE METABOLISM) STEPANENKO, B.N. Now area of stereochemistry-of sugars, the study of their conformations. Usp.khim. 31 no.l2sl437-1452 D 162. (KMA 16:2) 1. Institut blokhimii imeni A.N.Bakha AN SSSR. (Sugars) (Stereochemistry) ZKIENKOVA, V.V.; STEPANENKO.-B.-IT6--- Synthesis of certain aryl-N-glycosides. Dokl.AN SSSR 1" no.2:349-351 Yq 162. (KERA 15:5) 1. Institut biokhinii im. A.W.Bakha AN SSSR i Pervyy moskovskiy meditainakiy inatitut im. I.M.Sechanova. Predstavleno akademikom A.I.Oparinym. (Glycosides) BOBROVA, L. N. (Moskva); STEPANENKO, B. N. (Moskva) Methods of separating and investigating nucleotides. Usp. biol. khim. 4:134-156 162. (MIRIA 15:7) (ITUCLEOTIDES) SjRPANF,NKQ,,,$ Yevi-jh;KUVSHIKSKIY, M.N., red.; MIRONOVA, . _@@iR N@@qqjj A. ... tekluri. red. [Organic chemistry] Organicheskaia khimiia. Izd.3., ispr. i dop. Moskva, Medgiz, 1963. 411 P. NiRA 16:5) (Chemistry, Organic) . SI'EPANEINKO, B.N. Modern concepts oil the structuxe of starch Fc,!-- :acc`arides. Usp. u 's I biol.krLim. 5.171-181 163. (MIR-A 17:3) ST.EPANENKO, B, V.; IGNATYUK-MAYSTRENKO, V.A.; CHFNTSOVA, M.G. Hydrolysis kinetics of some N-glycosides. Dokl. AN SSSR 154 no. 3:650-653 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Institut biokhimii Im. A.N.Bakha AN SSSR i Pervyy Moskovskiy meditsinskiy institut im. I.M.Sechenova. Predstavleno akademikam A.I.Oparinym. KU7N`ETSOV, A.A.; STEPANENKO, B.N. Acid phosphatase from the roots of some Eremurus species. Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no. 3:694-697 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Institut biokhimi-i im. A.N.Bakha AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.I.Oparinym. STERVENKO, B.N. A new domain of carbon hydrate stereocheaistry; a study of their conformation. Analele chimie 18 no.3:123-142 Jl-S 163. STEPANENKO, B.N.; SHCHERBUKHINA, N.K.". Chemical nature of so-called salep mannan. Dokl. AN SSSR 151 no-4:967-970 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Institut biokhimii im. A.N.Bakha AN SSSR. Predstavleno alademikom A.I.Oparinym. - (Mannans) SLOZHENIKINAJI L.V.; SHCHERBUKHIN, V.D.; ST.EPAN&iKO, B.N. Studying eremuran and mannan. from salep by infrared spectro- scopy. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no.4.*96G-963 D 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut biokhimii im. A.N. Bakha AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademi.kom A.I. Oparinym. PTEPANENKOY B.N.; SERDYUK, O.G. Kinetics of alkaline hydrolysis of some phenyl and chloro- phenyl, gl7cosides. Dokl. AN SSSR 154 no-4:877-880 F 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Institut biokhimii im. A.N. Bakha AN SSM i Pervyy Mookovskiy meditsinskiy institut im. I.M. Sechenova. Predstavleno aka- demikom A.I. Oparinym. 13 AFANAIS',[@vt,,, ye-@-!-; Pc--ysac?ha:` ;as roots o-- a desPI-t SS! no.6-.147l-'.,473 1:7 Institut biokhimii im. A.N. Bakha AN SSSR. Predstavleno alla-der!@*-korr. -.!. Oparlny-n. STEPANENKO, B.N. (Moskva) Some advances in the biochemistry of carbohydrates. Usp. sovr. biol. 59 no.1:77-100 Ja-F 165. (MIRA 18:3) STEPANEINKO, B.N. Sixth International Biochemical Congress in the United States, Izv- AN SSSR. Ser. biol. no.4g03-6i3 il-Ag f65. (MIRA 18:7) rc-, 'n e r iy' - spe3t,ra off soDm;ti phen.y-' -- and -IC and their Zhur . on. kh-'- 3;@' (mlpk C) STETWIENK02 B.N., otv. red.; KOCHETKOV, N.K., red.; hUDRYASIIOV, L.I.- red.; KUZNETSOV, A.A., red.; ROZENFELID, Ye.L., red.: IIASIL'YEVA, L.N., red. [Chemistry and metabolism of carbohydrates; materials] Khimiia i obmen uglevodov; materialy. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 351 p. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Vsesoyuznaya konferentsiya po probleme "Khimiya i ob- men uglevodov.11 3d, 1963. 2. Institut khimii prirodnykh soyedineniy U SSSR (for Kochetkov). 3. Institut biokhi- mii im. A.N.Bnkha AN SSSR (for Stepanenko). 4. Institut biologicheskoy i meditsinskoy khimii AMN SSSR (for Rozenfelld). STEPANENW,. B.N.; SHGIERBUKIIINA, N.K. ---ll----'.-l --- - --- --- I Study of so-called Isalep-manna It. Biokbimiia 29 no. 1: 1 4-1-46 Ja-F 164. (MIPLA 18:12) 1. Institut biokhimii imenj A.N. Ba-kha AN SSSR, Moskva. Submitted March 2., 1963- AFANASIYEVA, Ye.M.1 SHCHERBUKIIIN, N.)r,,; SHERBUKFIIN, V.D.; STEPANENKOf B.N. @ 11--l- -- --- -- @' @m t- - Polyeaccharides in the roots of various Erenurug species during different periods of vegetation. Prikl. biokhim. I mikrobiol. 1 no.2:198-205' Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Institut btokhimii imeni A,N.Bakha AN SSSR, Moskva. -ACC NR. AP603165o SOURCE CODE& Wdo_2ii/66/1'7O]/001/di21/0!24 AUTHOR9 Stepanenko, B. N.; GreshrUth, R. D. ORG$ Biochemistry Institute in. A. N. Bakh, AcadwW of Sciences, SSSR (Institut bic- khimii Akademii nauk SSSR); First Pbscow Modical Institute In. 1. X. Sechenov (Pervyy Moskovskiy meditsinskly institut) TITLEt Syntheses of certain N-al1q1glyoosylamines SOURCE: AN SSSR. Dokluly, v. 170, no. 1, 1966, 121-124 TOPIC TAGS$ aninep glycoside V 'ABSTRACT: The purpose of the work was to prepare and characterize the following alkylglycosylaidnes: methyl-D-glucosylamine (I), methyl-D-galactosylamine (II), methyl D-arabinosylamine (M), ethyl-D-glucosylamine (IV), ethyl-D-galactosylamine (V), ethyl-D-oWlosylamine (VI), batyl-D-glucosylamine, (VII), butyl-D-galactosylamine (VIII) and butyl-D-xylosylamine (IX). The method of synthesis was that of W. Sorokin (Ber.9 20,'783, 1887) and in the case of othylglycosylanines, that of G. E. Votocek and F. Valentin (Coll. Czechoslov. Chem. Comaun., 69 77p 1934). The yields, melting points and specific rotations of the compounds obtained are shown in Table 1. IR spectra showed that the compounds do not contain C=N bonds, I. e., are not Schiff baser.. The change-in optical activity during bydro3qsis indicates that the compounds are 0-glyco- pyranosides, with the exception of N-nethyl-D-arabinosylanine, vhIch Is probably an Card 1/2 UDCI 547.91 AP6031630 CL-glycoside. The p"r was presentod by Ac&&vdclALn Oparint, A. L 9 2410- Dea 65. cric. art,* hass I t@b3 Table 1 [SID 1 84 76-78 -3,11"; +t3,r.. 11 70 lit-in 4w;.+*,Vi +w V. ZIZ 72.4 fW -0.10. -45.r; -47.4* XV 83.3 17-78 V In-Ito +U.r; +U.4P V1 M.9 46-70 -26.411 -4.v VII 0,7 W-W -Ir. Vill 0W-M +14.01 +P'll's +m.r Ox *Speciflo rotation 'in'water -daterodned SUB CODEs SM DAM 14D"3/ MM MWO 002/ OTH WS 008 I Card 2/2 STEPANENKO, B. N.; TiGNATYUK-MAYSTRENKO, V.A.; CHENTSOVA, M. G. "Studies on the Hydrolysis of Glycosylamines." report tombs-submitted for the 6th Intl Biochemistry Cong, New York City, 26 Jul- 1 Aug 64. 4gAIIBIMO@. @D.P M MM Edibility of plants in Alpine sheep pastures of the Kirghiz Range. Uch.zoLp.Biol.-pochv.fak.Kir.un. no.3:26-28 152. (W-RA 10:5) (Kirghiz range--Pastures ai4d meadows) (Sheep--Feeding and feeding stuffs) STERVIRMO, D'. P. _ .. I--- @ - - Yields and productivit7 of the mint-varied grass pastures of the Kirghiz Range. Uch.z&p.Biol.-pochv.fak.Kir.un. no.3:39-53 (MLHA 10:5) 152. 1 (Kirghiz range--Pastures and meadows) (Shoap--Feeding and feeding stuffs) USSR/Cultivater-I Plants Fruits. Berries. m-6 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 7, 1958, 29996 Author : Stepanenko, D.P. Inst Title : New Fruit Varieties in Kirgizia. Orig Pub : Uch. zap. Biol.-pochv. fak. Kirg. un-t, 1955, vYp- 5, ill-119. Abstract : Description is given of the cultivation method for nr--..T varieties of Rayka Tyan'-Shanskaya and for the hybrid plum from the Japanese plum (Prunus salicina Lindl.) x P. divaricata, called the Kyzyl Pioner. Card 1/1 Pir.,'ogyy Faculty, Sirgiz Owi- wlipat and 1j.8 Conzt-.olle-a Cii1tivation. MIA. ffik. KAI 1G. P U3. wi-t, 1957, vyo. 8, 3-12 '-fter f'o,.,r years of' culitivation in the wlntter! Slo-,-?irg at Oic Botptni@--al Graden al' Riz-giz Uni- vesityt the Chull population wa3 classified Among fhe Erythro:spermum and and Grecum vari- ccie"3 hi winter planting tae Greciun began sbau'i@-,,f; one week sooner tlian Erytlrotspermwu and ripened 2-3 daYs earlior. in -@umi-er plaitting \'MF@rch, June) Grecum. d3velcpe-@cf nor- r.tially as (t aum.i@er crop, wrid y-lelrled a barvest. Orythro-sparmum w1hen planted in M@-7@rch yielded 1/3 STEPANENK). D.I"-dalunt Characteristics of hybrids produced by crossbreeding Pollish and branched wheats. Uzh. zap. Biol.-pochv. fak. Kir. un. no,,7:3-17 '58. (MIRA 15:10) (Kirghizistan-14heat brooding) STEPANENKO, E.M., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Colorimetrie determination of aluminum and its compounds in the air. Gig. i san. 26 no.7:66-69 Jl 161. (YlIRA 15:6) 1. Iz Leningradskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta gigiyeny truda i professionaltnykh zabolevwAy. (ALMINM) (AU@-ANAIYSIS) (COLOFJMTRY) KOMAROVA, Ye.N.; STEPANENKO, E.M. ,Jcal characteristics of the products of thermal decomposition Toxicolop 11 of IISN-2811 and SN-28P" materials. Plast.massy no.1209-40 163. (KRA 17:2) PEREGUD Ye.A.; E.S.; BOYKINAq B.S. .0 _STEPANENKO,_._,--- Determination of ver7 Bm&U amounts of acids in air, Zhur, anal.khim. 17 no.62770-771 S 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Leningradskiy nauchno-isgledovatellskiy Institut gigiyeny truda i professionallnykh zabolevaniy. (Acids) (Air--Analysis) STXPAITMIKO, F.N., inzh. (e. PsIstov). ..., . Technological methods for efficient use of marshalling aystems. Zhel. dor. trannp. 39 no.12:71-72 D 157. (MM 11:1) (Railroads-Hurip yards) ROGOVIN, D,A,, inzh.; @TEPANENKOY F.V., Inzh. Using gamma rays for checking the quality of welded joints. Mashinostroenie no. 2i76-77 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 17:5) fw(,(T@ 1.11, j) j@ . ; F.V . I I Sef.aration of dust, from -Lt -rl@- S" @A- I @ --. prol z7r. no.3:30-40 (-!T?@ -P:C,) , , 164. . -. @ - I ,.L MUREPANOV, V,.; STEPANRNKO, G.; KARPOV. S. Experlende-'in copper-canting. Izobr.i rate. no.8139 Ag 158. (MIRA 11:9) 1. Sotrudniki Karagandskogo nauchno-iseledovatell.skogo ugol.1nogo instituta. (Suggestion systems) STEPANENKO, G. [StepanerLko, H.1, inzh.; LESHCHDF-R, B., inzh. Increasing the refractoriness of bitumen. Bud. mat. i konstr. 4 no.2:45-46 Mr-Ap 10'2. (MIRA ir-:9) (Bitumen) AKRAMOVA, A.S.; GLUSfff.NKOVA, A.I.; MARKMAN, A.L.; STEPANENKO, G.A.; UMAROV, A.U.; CHERNENKO, T.V. Oilseeds of sow species of leguminous plants. Uzb. khim. zhur. 8 no.6-. 31-36 164. (MIRA 1814) 1. Institut khimii rastitellnykh veshchestv AN UzSSR. MOULY, V.G.; STi@PkL;NKO, G.D. Role of formed elements of the blood in protein metabolima. 1 .1 Izv. AN Kir. SSR. biol, nauk 3 no.2:25-31 161. ("11 tA 14: 12) (BLOOD GLLLS) (PROTEIN 1-LOTABOLISM) LARTSU, German Grigorlyevich; S23PANENKO. Gennadiy Georgiyo-viqb;___ GORMOV, V 0 1. . o tv. re -S.- red.izd-va; CHASOVIKOVA, Z.I., (Ways to reduce the cost of temporary timbering in mines of the wKaragandashAkhtastroig Combine] Puti snizheniia stoimosti vremennogo krepleniia na shakhtakh kombinata OKaragandashakhto- stroi." Alma-Atao nauchno-takhn.informatsiii, 1958. 11 P. (MIRA 13:8) (Karaganda Basin--Nine timbering--Costs) CHEREPANOV, V.V., gornyy inzb.; STEPAMMKO, G.G., gornyy inzb. Performance of a cutter-loader brigade in Karaganda mine 30,37. Ugol' 33 no-11:35-36 N 158. (MIRA ll.-JI) (Karaganda Basin--Coal mining machinery) STYPA14RINO, G.G., inzh. Efficiency promoters improve working conditions. Bezop.truda v prou. nn.1:33 Ja 159. (MIR& 12:3) (Mining engineering--Safety measures) STIPANNNKO, G., iazh. Afficiency promoters improve labor safety. Bezop.truda prom. 4 no-3:19-20 160. (KIIU% 13: 6) (Coal mines and mining-Safety measures) L 09066-67 FWP(o)/EWT(m)/T/EWP(t)/ETI/EWP(k) IJPW JD/WW/JG/Dj/w11 ACC NRo AP6030609 tv) S'OURCZ COM UR/0413/66/000/016/0095, rw@J@- INVENTORI Rabifkovtch,_.jtS_ S.; S@Ar M el'sk Mov, A. M. I ykqkqpt@kIn,_L. 1. 1 gado -Yp -*Y-L-- I. _k.; Klimenko V. H.; @qq@ sksyn, L. D.; Stepananko, G. M.; -kqkov7. 1@ ORG: none tITLE: ermet It ialsL. Class 40, No. L85OAelannounced by the Institute of _n _er (Institut problem materialovedeniya AN UkrSSR)j SOURCEt Isobretenlys, promyshlonnyye obrastay, tovarnyye snakit-no. 16, 1966, 95". TOPIC TAGSt Iron cast Iron steel lip-, ABSTRACT: This Author ertificate Introduce~ a intered material containing (for better weer esistancei060-610Z Iran povdve 20 03OX cast Iron powdert and 10-129 ateel-powder, such an Kh-301%teal powdsrA'b7hI@ material is used for extending ihe service life of stators and disks '57-rotary double-action pumps, SUB,003i ll/ BUNN DAIM 27jvlG4./ ATO PM81 3077 _46 Cwd 1/1 not VDQ 669,011,231 _LUILM.2 S11211611000100610021012 D040/D112 AUTHORS: Zaychenko,'I.Z., Konovalov, V.M., Myshlevskiy, L.M., and Stepanenko, G.M. TITLE: New long-life vane pumps PERIODICAL: Stanki i instrument, no. 6, 1961, 6-lo 9 TEXT: New vane putps for the hydraulic drives of machine tools have been developed by ENIMt in cooperation with the Yel6tskiy zavod'stanochnoy gidro- apparatury (Yelets Machine Tool Hydraulic Equipment'Plant). The new "r-11 (G) series pumps will replace the old "A 11 M pumps, i.e. J14 (LlF),-fl 3cp (L3F), and J7 5 K (1,510, that have h' h hydraulic losses. The article gives detailed design description of the 1@12-2 (G12-2) and f-12-4 (G12-4) and dimension charts of other pumps of the series. The maj6r-share of leakage in the old design is through the passage q3 (Fig. 2), i.e. from the groove under vanes into the intake space through the butt-end gap between the rotor and the discs. This explains why wear on the-butt faces of the distributing discs raises oil loss so much. In the new desi (Fig. 3) the distribution discs (8) and (7) are made of case-hardened 2 0 r(20Kh) steel with Rc 56-52 hardness, and the disc (8) is floating, i.e. it is pressed to the stator (3) Card 1/6 3/121/61/000/006/002/012 New long-life vane pumps D040/Dll2 by springs (9) at the start of operation, and by oil pressure during opera- tion. In Fig. 3, 1 is the pump casing, 2 the cover and 5 the rotor. This makes the assembling simpler and eliminates the dang6r of jamming. The output and intake ducts are open, the rotor has no -trunnion. The G12-4 has eight vanes (4) and the G12-2 twelve. The rubber sealings (10) and (6) are standard. The stator profile and dimensions were chosen in accordance with recommenda- tions by I.Z. Zaychenko (Ref. 2: "Stanki i instrument", no. 8, 1956). When coupled, the G12-2 and G12-4 Pumps (Fig. 4) have one intake and two separate outlets. Calculation of the pressure on the floating disc is given. The G12-2 pumps of 5-50 liter/min capacity can work at up to 1440 shaft rpm. The life-time of the new pumps is 4-5 times longer than that of.the old they are replacing. Pressure on the floating distributing disc (pressing it to the stator) must have a certain value (c:4-) that is obtained when the floating disc surface area under the effect of intake oil pressure (Fin) exceeds F. 1.19 times, i.e. the following condition must be satisfied; F. in 1. 19. FO 1101 (5) Card 216 New long-life vane pumps 3/121/61/000/006/002/012 D040/Dll2 The maximum work pressure of the G12-4 tyme pumps is 50 kgf/cm , and of the G12-2 - 64 kgf/cm . The G12-4 is smaller than the G12-2. Both are desiGned 41or application in new standard-unit power heads developed by the M-1 for Stankozavod im. S. Ordzhonikidze (Machine Tool Plant im. S. Ordzhonikidze) as well as other hydraulic drives where minimum size and weight are impor- tant. There are 12 figures, 3 tables and 2 Soviet references. Card 316 S/121/61/000/006/002/012- New long-life vane pumps D040/1)112 Fig. 2: The paths of leakage in the UP vane pump. (q3 the path of highest leakage) 0 t q's Card 4/6 New long-life vane pumps S/121/61/000/006/002/012 D040/D112 Fie- 3: The G12-2 and G12-4 single pumps (1) Intake; (2) Pre3sure. 1 Q, J Card 5/6 New long-life vane pumps Fig. 4: Dual G12-2 and G12-4 design. (3) - drain. (1) - Bcacwdo-que S/121/61/000/006/002/012 D040/D112 (1) - Intake; (2) - pressure; - .1 Card 616 ST)WAMMO, G.N., inzhener (at. Fastov II). Improved brake shoo release. Zhol.dor.tranap. 37 no-1:80 Ja '56. (KLVA 9:3) (Railroads--Brakes) STF*PAW,NKOO G.P. (Kiyev) Laating strength and creep of clays und@r uftiaxial. omproosion. Prikl. makh. I no.5.-105-110 165. (MIRA l8s7) 1. KlyBvakiy inzhenorno-straitolinyy imititut. L 42172-66 ovip(j WwrWIT RM/DJ ACC NRs /V) AR6014533 SOURCE COLE: U-i/0081/65/000/019AO22/PO22 AIMHORS: Nemkov, A. V.; Kazanskiy,--V. L.; Stepanenko, G. S,; Badyshtova, K. M. TITLE: Pre@aration of a now viscosity SOURCE: 'Ref. zh. Khimlya, Abs. 19P152 RZF SOURCE: Tr. &bynhevsk. n.-i. In-t neft. prom::itivY?_ 25, 1964, 101-017 TOPIC TAGS: viscosity additive, lubricating oil, catalytic polymerization, indus- trial condition ABS'1%CT: Experiments (performed first under laboratory conditions and then in a factory-2 experimental runs) led to the development of an industrial process for polymerizatAon f butanelbutylenelgaseous fraction from thermal cracking. The pur- Ao pose of was to develop a viscosity additive of molecular weight ^-1 3000 to _I-Abricating oils@\ The optimal conditions for the polymerization of this fraction ar temperalu-re -30C; pressure 0-2 atm; reaction time 7-9 hours; catalyst AM 3' Approximate characteristics of the process (based on the sum of unsaturated C. ) are: yield of the final product 70-80%, consumption of the catalyat 0.5-1.0%. *A. N. @5ranslation of abstrac2t SW CODE i ll/ STEPANENKO, I., general-mayor aviatsii, dvazhdy Geroy Sovetskoao Soyaza On courses of head-on fligh-ts. Av. _1 kosm. 47 nc.11:81@46 111 '64. (MIRA l't : ll) STP,PANFNKO, I., dvazhdy Geroy Sovetskogo Soyuza, general-mayor aviatsii The flight comander, the first instructor of pilots. Kom. Vooruzh. Sil 46 no.906-38 W 065. (MIRA 18:7) MANSILILIN., V.V.; AGAFONOV, A.V.; MANAKOrV, N.Kh.; VASILENKO, V.P.; MASLOVI I.Ya.; KNYAZEV, V.S.; STEPANENKO,-I.A.; Prinimali uchastiye: VHL', Yu.K.; NEMETS, L.L.@ bELOUSOVA, I.V.; I STOLYARENKO, Ye.G.; YEMELIYANOV, A.'A.; RYABOVI V.M.; BEMOVSKIY, V.D.; ZMROVA, Ye.G.; CBMOGIrLOVA, Ye.F.; SOLOTSINSKIYI S.Ye.; BOLISHAKOVA, K.A.; KHRAMOV, A.Ye. Catalytic cracking of raw heavy distillates on a microspheric catalyst of Troshkovskiy clay. Khim. i tekh. topl. i masel. 8 no-3:1-6 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut po pererabotke nefti i gazov i polucheniyu iskusstvennogo zhidkogo topliva. (cracking process) (Catalysts) MAIISHILIN, V.V.; PIVIAKOV, hI.Kh.; AGAFONOV, A.V.; VASILENKO, V.P.; IMASLOV., I.Yai; KNYA7M, V.S.; Priningli uchastiye: BELOU-SOVA, I.V.; BERF,ZOIISKIY, V.D.; BOLISIDIKOVA, K.A.; YRELILOOV, A.A.; ZEFIROVA, Ye.G.; NEMETS, L.L.; OKINSIEVICH, N.A.; RYABOV, V.M.; STOLY-UENKO, Ye.G.; SOLOTSINSKIY, S.Ye.; laffwrlov, A.Ye.; CBZLOGUZOVA, Ye.F. Engineering development of a new system of catalytic cracking in a fluidized bed. Khim.i tekh.topl.i masel 7 no.6:41-50 Je 1 52. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Vsesoyuzny-.f nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut po pererabotke nefti i gazov i polucheniyu iskusstvermogo zhidkogo topliva. (Cracking process) (Fluidization) TITKOV, V.I.; ALEKSANDROV, A.M.; S Study of hermetic seals In floating roof tanks. Trudy VNII NP no-5: 86-99 '56. (YJJU 9:8) (Tanks) (Petroleum--Storage) BORISOV, M.D.; ZYKOV, V.G.; STEPANENKO, 6,,; TERNOPOL, A.M.; -r-,.V. @ PADALKA, V.G.; BRZHEC RO, L [Plasma production by the radial compression method and measurement of certain plasma parameters] Foluchenie plaz- my metodom radiallnogo szhatiia i izmerenie ee nekotorykh pararnetrov. Khartkov, Fiziko-tekhn. in-t AN USSR, 1960. 277-294 p. (MIRA 17:3) AIMHORS: Box--sov, M. D. (deceased),.Brzhechko L. V., Zykov V. G., Padalka V. G., Stepanenko I. A., Ternopol,A. M. TI-ITF: S-uec-cxroscoDic measurements of ion temperature and ion density SCHRCE: Fizi]ka piez-my i problemy upravlyayemqgo termoyadernogo sinteza; dok-lady I konferentsii T)o fizLke plamy i probleme upraviyayemykh te=moyade=,yk-h reaktsiy. Fiz.-tekh. inst. AN Ukr.SSR. Kiev, !zd-VO AN U,,