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"I J'I' H 0 1-1, Stary, I.
TITLE: Investigation of the Extraction of Metal Salts by Solutions of
Benzoyl Acetone in Benzene
F_~RIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nir lo,
0 ;1
pp 2412 - 2413 (USSR)
A 3 S I'HA C"T 7n previous papers (Refs 1-3) it was proved that it is possible
to predict the extraction conditions for metal salts. For the
determination of the pH which must be maintained for the ex-
traction of 30j"7 metal by a 0.1-molar solution of benzoyl acetone
in benzene, the for-iula (pH, )0.1=12.9- 4 log K.,,,Q is established
(N=charge of 'the metal cation, K H= stability constant of the
non-charged complex compound, Q= partition coefficient of the
complex compound between or.-anic and aqueous phase). The correct-
ness of the values predicted for (~--Hi )0.1 is now confirmed
in the extraction of La, Eu, Sc, and Fe -i.,ith be-nzoyl acetone
Card 1/2 fro,-,a acetate buffer solution. The metals to be extracted were
I~,_ vesti7at`on of t',Ie Extraction of -''eta! Salts by SOV/76-"-1o-39/4o
Solutions of Benzo,-l Acetone in Benzene
I -
labelled with La140 7 EU152, SC 406, Fe506. The results and the
previous data of the extract-Lon of Y, In, Cd, Sr, and Ba are
gi-en in filalare 1. They az-e in good a.-reement with the calcu-
lated valaes in the cases of La and Eu and show small deV4ationS
in Se and Fe. Since 'the or-anic phase of Fe-benzoyl acetionate is
of o-."ange color, whereas most of the metal-benzoyl acetonates
are zolorless, the extraction of Fe with this reagent could be
used for the colorimetric determination of Fe in the presence
of other metals. There are 1 ficure and 7 references, 3 of which
are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION; Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut yadernoy fiziki Mcskovslkago
.aosudarstven.noao universiteta im. 1~- V. Lomonosova,Laboratori-ya
radiokhimii (scientific Research Irstitute of Nuclear Physics
of the 7.1oscow State Jniversity imeni Y. V. Lomonosov )Laboratory
of Radiochemistry)
S U B ~.,I T ~1 E'D October 9, 195a
Card 2/2
ACCESSION NR: AT4035418 S/0000/63/000/000/0265/0274
AUTHOR:, Stary*, 1.
TITLE: An integrating magnetic amplifier
SOURCE: Vsesoyuznoye soveshchanlye po ferritam I po beskontaktny4rm magnitny*m
elementam avtomatiki. 3d, Minsk. Ferrity* I beskontaktny*ye element)nc (Ferrites I
and noncontract elements); doklady* soveshchaniya. Minsk, (zd-vo AN OSSR, 1963,
ToPiC TAGS: amplifier, magnetic amplifier, integration, positive feedback,.
negative feedback, multicascade amplifier
ABSTRACT: The author discusses the theory and uses of a magnetic amplifier em-
S pioyed as an integrator. All three basic varieties of integration: direct in-
tegrat',on, integration with compensation parameters (with positive feedback),
and integration with negative feedback, can be accomplished with the use of a
magnetic implifier. By introducing a positive feedback, an ideal integrator can
be. obtained which possesses an infinite current amplification and preserves a bene-
ficial Integral value as long as the input equals zero. Employing a negative
capacity feedback, another type of integrating magnetic amplifier may be obtained
Card Card
L 23365-66 Erw m
ACC NRi AP6008695
AUTHOR: Knoblokh, V..; Stary2 I.
ORG: Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Dubna (Ohl'yeditiennyy institut yadernykh
i s s 1 e d o v-a n-i
TITLE: Use of complexon III,4n the radiometric determination of metal traces'by
means of electrophoresisf ?~ ;7
SOURCE: Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, v. 20, no. 11, 1965, 1160-1163
TOPIC TAGS: yttrium, europium, trace analysis, electrophoresis, radiometry ,
ABSTRACT: Experiments were carried out on traces of radioyttrium (Y91) and europium
in order to demonstrate the applicability of complexon III to the determination of
traces of radioactive and inactive isotopes by means of electrophoresis. Complexon
III was added -to the yttrium salt in acetate buffer solutions and subjected to elec-
trophoresis. The results showed that radioactive yttrium could be determined in
amounts as low as 10 10 g/ul. The sensitivity of the proposed method far exceeds that
of chemical methods for determining traces and approaches the sensitivity of activa-
tion analysis. The method is simple and rapid and can be used for the determination
of all metals forming stable, negatively charged complexes with complexon III. The
method is of particular importance in the determination of the carrier content in
COM 1/2
UDC: 543.53 : 543545
L 23365-66
,~~CC NR, APG5008695
small --roltimen of radioactive preparations, where the application of other met s is
pi nowed
very difficult. For example, analysis of commercial preparations of eux.0 UM-
that 1 jil of the analyzed solution contained 0.04 jig of europium; this value is in
agreement with data obtained by the substoichiometric method. Orig. art. has; 2
figures, 2 tables, 2 formulas.
SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 24Ju164/ ORIG REF: 000/ OTH REF: 004
Card '2/2
p y y i'T' V
-V~-.r3 n n -K - wj
I I. - a 0-k
C, n r) sp ec rm. Kt"'
gin- che -ko%
nsti`~u'- ne
Category :USSR/Opticz - X-rays K-6
Abs Jour :Ref Zhur - Fizika) No 1i 1957 No 2576
S _j I
Author :Vaynshteyn, E-Ye., _~~tar ~I.B Bril' ?4 -N.
Inst :Inst. of Geochemistry and AnaU Chem', Acad. of Sciences USSR, Odessa
Pedagogical Inst., USSR
Title :Finn Structure of the Fundamental X-Ray K Absorption Spectrum of Titanium
in Certain Dielectric Materials
Orig Fab :Dokl. UT SSSR, 1955, 105, No 5, 943-946
Abstract :A focusing vacuum spectrograph of high resolution was used to study the
fine structure of the X-ray K absorption edge of Ti in rutile, brookite,
anatase, peroAkite, ilmentte, and metallic Ti. A quartz analyzer was used.
The reflecting planes were (101Z). The bending radius of the crystal was
2545. The cryttal'was bent at four points. The dispersion of the instrument
was 2.5 X / mm. The current was 50 ma at 11 kv. The anode was gold. The
derisit--, of the material in the absorbers was 6 -- 13 mg/cm2. The exposure was
4 - 12 hours. The experiiaentally-observed'difference in the fine structure of
the edge of Ti absorption in the metal and in the compounds is interpreted
on the basis of the theoretical concepts developed by one of the authors in
an earlier work (Barin6kiy R.L., Vayn'8hte~-n, E.Ye., Narbutt, D.I., Dokl. AN
SSSR, 1952, 83, 199; Vayashteyn E:ke., Narbutt, K.I., Barinski~, R.L., Docl.
Aff SSSR, 195~F, 82. 701).
Card 1/1
USSR/Physical Chemistrj - Crystals, B-5
Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 060906
Abstract: basis of --heoretical notions developed pre,,riously (Brarfms~iy, E. L.,
Vaynshteyn, E. Ye., Narbut, K. I., Dokl. AN S-9SR, 1.952, 83, 199;
Dokl. AN SSSR, 1952, 82, 701).
Card 2/2
7- 7,
x-tav me fru-tr f
-K-'~eries emission tines' the t m
in the mew and irt Game dielectricrimr1a s
:L"d M
cf. CA. 50
~vf t1" KII. lille It :-"W Lrriter Ili Con'llid'. ;oA cht,
t'~ I !, l',I Ow Illoal ;.rld and 1.1 ft
L q')pt! - ht: K~~ ;III.. i, ,.I lit Ili(. I- , ~I,
In lbt, M~1.11 "Id
fitI~I 1, It',, 1, k" I
!Il'. illf-:villv, jav--clic in
I A and In ("rlljab~
AUTHORS: Vaynshteyn, E. Ye., Brill, Lt. IT., Staryy, I. B. 20-4-14/52
TITLE: On Some Rules Governin- the Structure of the X-ray
K -emission Spectra ofoTitanium in Titanates (0 nekotorykh
zakdnomernostyakh v strukture rentgenovskikh K-spektrov
ispuskaniya titana v titanatakh)
PERIODICAL: Doklady AN SSSR, 1957, Vol. 117, Nr 4, PP. 597-600 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the lines of the K V group of
titanium in the X-ray emission spectra of this element in
brookite, anatase and in titanates of Mg, Ca,.Sr, Ba, Fe,
and Zn. From the barium titanates the monotitanates and
tetratitanates (BaO.TiO2 and BaO-4 TiOd were investigated.
Brief reference is made to the structure of the various
titanates. The investigations were carried out by means of
a focussing X-ray tube spectrograph with a quartz crystal
as analyzer. The prism faces served as reflecting surfaces.
The spectra were photographically registered. The authors
investigated the position, the form, and the relative
Card 1/3 intensities of the lines K,19 K P59 KV and KV of titanium
On Some Rules Governing the Structure of the X-ray 20-4-14/52
K - emission Spectra of Titanium in Titanates
in the above-mentioned compounds. The maxima of the lines
KP, and KP5 of titanium were slightly displaced towards the
longwave side with all compounds compared with their position
in the spectrum of the metal. The energetic position, the
width and the index of asymmetry of the emission-lines of
titanium do not suffer any substantial changes in the
various compounds. The same holds also for the satellites
KPI and K,,,. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 8 references,
6 Of whic are Slavic.
ASSOCIATION: Institu'Le of Geachemistry and Analytical Chemistry imeni V.
I. Vernadskiy AN USSR (Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy
khimii imeni V. I. Vernadskogo Akademii nauk SSSR)Pedagogjcal
Institute imeni K. D. Ushinskiy, Odessa (Odesskiy
pedagogicheskiy institut imeni K. D. Ushinskogo)
PRESENTED: June 27, 1957, by A. P. Vinogradov, Academician.
SUBMITTED: June 11, 1957
Card 2/3
On Some Rules GoverninZ the Structure of the X-ray 20-4-W52
JK - emission Spectra of Titanium in Titanates
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 3/3
z Cancl Chem Sci -- ( cliss) ,ExtraxtiOrl Of
STARY, IrAhiv M of domplexes with &_L__
Rad-io.4'etive Isotopes in the for
C,-- v mos, 1958. 8 PP, (MOs State Uni'v im M, Ve
-Dike tor)r. I
Lomonosov)* 150 copies (KL 40-58, 113)
Akademiya nauk SSSR. Komlssiya po analiticheskoy khimA
Primeneniye radfl-op-Irtivnykh izotopov v ar-aliticheskoy khimii
(use of Radioacti've Isotopes in Analytical Chemistry) Moscow
Izd-vo An SSSR, 1958. 366 p. [Series: Its: Trudy, t. 9 (12)]
Errata slip inae-r`ed. 3,000 copies printe
Resp. Ed.: I.P. Ali-azarin, Co.-responding Member, USSR Academy
of Scienk~es: Ed. of Publishing House: A.N. Yermakov; Tech.
Ed.: T.V.
PURPOSE: The bo--~k is intla-.aded for chemists and chemical
ensinee-7-s concern--d with work Ln analytical chemistry.
COVE-RAjE,: rf"he book Is a collection of the principal papers
presented in Moscow a-L. the Second Conference on the Use of
Rad-ioac,tive lsotoj)a3. The pro"Dlems discussed at the
Conference included co.,-)-"ecipitation, aging, and solubility
of pre c ipi -1. ate s, de -"*,s, rIM-1-na tion of the instability constants
Card l/
Use of Radioactive I30topes (Cont.) SOV/1900
of complex coripol',DdZ, separation of rare earth metals, and
ion-exchane,-e el-n-rouatography. No personalities are mentioned.
The7.-e are _3_rl 175 of w"ilch are Soviet, 33 German,
19 French, 2 Hui,.garian, and 2 Czech.
Lavruldhina, A.K. ~So,.,~.e Characteristics of Radio-
chemical knalysis 5
Shvedov, V.P., a-nd L.Y.. Ivar-ov. Separation of
Some Short-lived isotopes from Complex Ylix-
tures and Purification of the Isotopes 20
Rudenko, N.P., and 1. Star Determination of the
Complex Formation Qns a us of Indlum Acetyl
Acetonate by the Extraction Method 28
Card 2/1,
Use of Radioactive Isotopes (Cont.) SOV/1900
Izmaylov, N.A., and V.S. Chernyy. Study of the Solubility
of Salts in Nonaqueous Solvents with the Aid of Tagged
Atoms 44
Busev, A.I., and V.M. Byrlko. Determination of the
Activity Product of Cadmium Diethyldithiophosphate
by the Radioacti7e Indicator Method 59
Babko, A.K., and P.V. Marchenko. Study of the
Conditions for Precipitation of Microquantities of
Some Metals in the Form of Halogen Compounds With
Basic Dy'es 65
Kuznetsov, V.I., and G.V. Myasoyedov. Organic Copre-
cipitants. 9. Coprecipitation of Rare Earth Ele-
ments (6
Kuznetsov, V.I., and G.V. Myasoyedov. Organic Copre-
cipitants. 10.Coprecipitation of Molybdenum 89
Card 3/10
Use of Radioactive Isotopes (Cont.) SOV/1900
Kolltgof, I.M. Use of Radioactive Isotopes in Studying
Aging of Crystalline Precipitates* 98
Merkulova, M.S., I.V. Melikhov, I.G. Mulyarova, and
B.V. Strizhkov. Study of Distribution of Lead and
Bismuth Isotopes Between the Solution and the
Crystals of Sodium Chloride 115
Morachevskiy, Yu. V., and A.I. Novikov. Copre-
cipitation of Some Elements in Low Concen-
trations with Metal Hydroxides 121
Morachevskiy, Yu. V., and V.N. Zaytsev. Study
of the Coprecipitation of Gallium, Indium, and
Thallium with Calcium Phosphate 135
Shvedov, V.P., and N.A. Favlova. Coprecipitation of
Zirconium with Cerium Oxalate in Nitric Acid
Medium 144
Card 4/10
Use of Radioactive Isotopes (Cont.)- SOV/1900
Illyenko, Ye. I., B.P. Nikol'skiy, and A.M. Trofimov.
Study of the Adsorption of Ruthenium on Ion-exchanging
R~sins from Aqueous Solutions 148
Pozdnyakov, A.A., and A.K. Lavrukhina. Use of Radio-
active Isotopes for Developing Methods for the
Separation of Elements with the Aid of Anionites 161
Yermakov, A.N., V.K. Belyayeva, and I.N. Marov.
Study of the Anion-exchange in the Complex For-
mation of Zirconium and Hafnium. with the Oxalate-
ion 170
LaVrukhina, A.K., K. Yung-Ping, and V. Knoblokh.
Use of Trihydroxyglutaric Acid as a Washing
Solution for-the Chromatographic Separation of
Rare Earth Elements 179
Card 5/10
Use of Radioactive Isotopes (Cont.) SOV/1900
Troitskiy, V.K. Ion-exchange - Radiochemical Method
for the Determination of Metal Traces
Yatsimir3kiy, K.B., and Ye. N. Roslyakova. Radio-
metric Titration with Solutions of Complex co6o
Busev, A.I., and V.M. Byr1ko. Radiometric Titration
of Thallium Cadmium, and Zinc with Sodium Salt of
Korenman, I.M., and F.R. Sheyanova. Non-isotopic
Indicators in Radiometric Titration
Alimarin, I.P., and V.S. Sotnikov. Gravimetric
and Radiometric Volumetric Methods for De-
termining Iron with Ammonium Benzene Seleninate
and Ammohium Naphtaleneseleninate
41imarin, I.P., and G.N. Bilimovicho Use of the
Isotope Dilution Method for the Determination of
Some Rare Elements
Use of Radioactive Isotopes (Cont.) SOV/1900
Yurk-.vich, Yu. N., and G.G. Besproskurnov. Quantitative
.Determination of an Element by Its Known Added
Quantity with the Aid of a.Tagged Reagent 226
Zimakov, I. Ye., and G.S. Rozhavskiy. Method of
Multiple Radioactive Dilution for the Deter-
mination of Small Quantities of Admixtures 231
Gaydadymov, V.B., and L.I. 111ina. Analysis of
Tantalumniobium. Binary Alloys by the A-radiation
Reflection (Reverse Scattering) Method 240
Irving, G. Determination of Indium by the Radio-
activation Method 249
Starik., I. Ye., F. Ye. Starik, and A.N. Appollonova.
The Carbonate Method for Separation of Micro-
quantities of Uranium from Iron 264
Card 7/10
Use of Radioactive Isotopes (Cont.) SOV/1900
Lavrukhina, A.K., and S.S. Rodin. Study of the
Analytical Chemistry of Francium with the Aid
of Radioactive Isotope Fr212 274
Nikolayev, A.V., A.A. Sorokina, and -A.S. Maslennikova.
Use of Radioactive Indicators in the Analysis of
Rare Earth Elements 284
Korenman, I.M., A.A. Tumanov, and Z.V. Kraynova.
Precipitation of Zirconium Dihalooxinate 288
1 AnalysUs Ncte) 294
Privalova., M.M... and D.I. Ryabehikov. Extraction
Mechanism of Tri- and Pentavalent Antimony with
Tributylphosphate 301
Bykovskaya, Yu. I. Determination of Tungsten and
Niobium. in High Alloys 323
Bykovskaya, Yu. I. Determination of Niobium in the
Presence of Large Quantities of Titanium 329
Card 8/10
Use of Radioactive Isotopes (Cont.) SOV/1900
Grizik, A.A., and I.I. Marunina. Methodology of
Using Radioactive Indicators for the Process
Control in the Production of Rare Metals 333
Starik, I. Ye.,, E.V. Sobotovich, G.F. Lovtsyus,
and V.P. Nesterov. Pyrochemical Methods for the
Quantitative Recovery of Lead from Rocks with the
Aid of Radioactive Control 341
Karasev, K.I., and T.N. Mukhina. Use of the Tagged
Atom Method for the Determination of the
Efficiency of Fractionation of Gaseous Hydro-
carbons 349
Krasnousov, L.A., Ye. V. Volkova, #nd P.V. Zimakov.
Use of the Chlorine Isotope COO for the Quanti-
tative Determination of the Content of Hexa-
chlorocyclohexane Isomers in Technical Grade Hexa-
chloran 356
Card 9110
A-MIOR 3: Stary, 1. 2 Rudenkc; N. P. SOV/1505-58-4-4/49
TITLE: The D-1-sso-.iation Constant of Benzoyl Acetone and Its Distribution
Coefficient Between Some Organic Solvent's and the Aqueous Phase
(Konstanta dissotsiatsii benzoilatsetona. i koeffitsiyenty
raspredeleniya yego mezhdu nekotorymi organicheskimi
rastvoritelyami i irodnoy fazoy)
PERIODICALi Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Khimiya i khimicheskaya
tekhnologiya, 1958, Nr 4, pp 624-629 (USSR)
ABSTRACTt The disscciation constant of benzoyl acetone and its distribution
c-efficient betreen benzene, chloroform and carbon tetrachloride
(organic phase) and the acetate buffer solutions (aqueous phase)
were determined at 20 + 0. 10. The optical density and the spectra
,:~f be-.izoyl acetone were measured by means of the spectrophoto-
meter SF-4 with hydrogen lamp. The dissociation constant of
benzoy! --netone, as determined according to the spectrophoto-
metric method, is pK HA=8.74 . The dissociation constant according
to the solubility method is pKHA=8.725 . The distribution
-oeffioients of benzoyl acetone between chloroform, benzene,
Card 1/2 - L .
The Dlss,:~ciati,)r C',.)nstant of SOV/156-58-4-4/49
Benzoy'. Acetone and Its Distribut-ion Coefficient Between Some Organic Solvents
and the Aquecus Phase
carbon ~er*_-achloride and acetate buffer solutions at pH4r--6 are
given ilr table 3. The dependence of the distribution coefficient
of benzoyl a~~etone between benzene and the aqueous phase on the
pH-value shows that in the range of PH=1 '6 the
quant~_ty q,, _s constant. At pH > 6 the quantity qHA decreases.
The d-acrease of the quantity qHA is caused by the dissociation
of 'benzoyl a-_tetone. The dissociation constant of benzoylacetone
_s _-.alculated by varying qHA : PKHA= 8.7
There are 2 figures, 3 tables. and 10 references, I of Thich
ASSOCIATION.- Insti-U4, yaderncy fiziki pri Moskovskcm gosudars'uvennom
-aniversitete im. M. V. Lomonosova (Institute of Nuclear Physics
at the Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov)
SUBMITTED: April 1, 1958
Card 2/2
Extraction method for determining conBtant of complexing of Indium
acetylacetonate. Trudy kom.anal.khim. 9:2&-43_ '58.
(MIRA U: 11)
(Extraction (Chemistry)) (Indium organic compoundB) (Complex compounds)
AUTHOR: Star-jy I.B.
TITLE-. New vacuum cock design
PERIODICA.L:- Referativnyy zhurnal. Mashinostroyeniye, no. 14, 1961, 21, abstract
14xhl_34 ("Nauchn. zap. Fiz.-matem. fak. Odessk. gos. ped. in-V ,
1958, v. 22, no. 1, 95 - 96)
TEXM: The author describes the design of a two-position bellowless vacu-
um valve which ensures a good sealing and a high capacity at a practically unji-
mited service life. The advancing displacement of the rod of the given design
is not limited by-bellows, asit is the 6ase with the prevailing valves. There-
fore, the new valVe possesses a considerable capacity. The cocks were tested at
the X-ray spectrum laboratory of the Odesskiy pedagogicheskiy institut (Odessa
Pedagogical Institute) and the results were fully satisfactory. There are 2
0-. Tolkova
[Abstracter's note-. Complete translation]
Card 1/1
24(7) SOV/2o-122-2-10/42
AUTHORS: Vaynshteyn, E. Ye., Brill, 11. N., St4ryy' I. B.
TITLE: The Fine.-Structure of the X-Ray Absorption K-Spectra of
Titanium in Titanates (tWWWWR, struktura rentgenovskikh
K-spektrov pogloshcheniya titans. v titanatakh)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958,,Vol 122, Nr 2, pp 2ol-203
ABSTRACT: In a previous paper the fine structure of the X-ray emission
K-spectra of titanium in the titanates of Mg, Ca, Ba, Sr,
Fe, Zn was investigated. This paper gives results concerning
the absol-ption K-spectra of titanium in the same titanates.
These sp6retra were investigated by means of a focussing
X-ray tub~-spectroaraph with a curved quartz crystal. The
investigations were carried out by means of absorbers of
various thickness (3 - 14 mg/CM2). The short-wave structure
of the edge appears most clearly and without
the spectra of thin absorbers. The intensity then decreases
and the structure of the long-wave group of the absorption
lines appears, but only faintly. In the spectra of thick ab-
Card 1/4 sorbers, the succession is reversed. The most favorable thick-
The Fine Structure of the X-Ray Absorption K-Spectra of Titanium in Titanates
ness of the absorbers was v5 mg1cm . The absorption spectra
found for titanium, for the above mentioned titanates, and
for rutile (TiO 2) are represented in some diagrams. From these
experimental results the following conclusions may be drawn:'-
1) The X-ray absorption spectra of titanium in titanates are a distinct fine structure which has many
fluctuations. The shape of this fine structure depends on
the type of the crystal structure, on the characteristic
features of the chemical bonds in the compound, and on the
polarization state of the titanium atoms and oxygen atoms
in this compound. The edge of the absorption of titanium in
ZnTiO3 has the simplest shape. 2) In the X-ray absorption
spectra of titanium in compounds which have a crystal slaicture
of the ilmenite type (PeTiO 3, MgTiO3), the shape of the long
wave absorption band and the point of its maximum (with
respect to the energy) remain the same as in the spectra
of ZnTiO 3' However, the'fine structure of the short-wave re-
.-ion of the absorption edge has a more complicated structure.
3) in the absorption spectra of titanium in rutile and in
Card 2/4 compounds of the structure of the perkovskite type, a splitting
The Fine Structure of the X-Ray Ab.,3orption K-Spectra of Titanium in Titanates
up of the long wave band into a doublet is observed. The
structure of the principal absorption edge of titanium in
compounds of the perovskite type only slightly depends on
the nature and on the dimensions of the kation, but it de--
pends to a considerable extent on the polariiation of the
atoms in the investigated compound. The positions of the
centers of gravity of the complicated (with respect to the
structure) absorption bands of titanium in BaTiO 3 correspondo
approximately to the position of the absorption maxima of the
spectrum of titanium in barium tetratitanate. Finally, the
authors compare their interpetation of the above-discussed
facts with the interpretation given by 14. A. 31olchin (Ref 4).
there are 4 figures and 4 references, 4 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii im. V. I. Ver-
nadskogo Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute of Geochemi*stry and Analytical Chemistry imeni
Card 3/4 V. I. Vernadskiy AS USSR)
The rine -J'iucture of the X-Ray Absorption K-SI-ectra of Titanium in Tita-riates
Odesslz-iy pedagogicheskiy institut im. K. D. Ushinskogo
(Odessa Pedagogical Institute imeni K. D. Ushinskiy)
PRESENTED: May 19, 1958, by A. P. Vinogradov, Academician
SUBMITTED: May 159 1958
Card 4/4
24M SOV/2o-122-3-11/'57
AUTHORS: Vaynshteyn, E. Ye., Stary B., Zhurakovskiy, Ye. A.
TITLE: The Fine Structure of the X-Ray Absorption K-Spectra of
Titanium in Carbides (Tonkaya struktura rentgenovskikh K-
spektrov pogloshcheniya titan& v karbidakh)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Val 122, Ur 3, PP 365-366
I-RSTRACT: In the papers hitherto published, the fine structure of the
X-ray Kr-emission spectrum of titanium, and of -the L-absorption
spectrum of molybdenum in carbides and in some other compounds
were investigated. This paper f,,ives data on the absorption
K-spectra of titanium in alloys of the system Ti-C which
contain 12 - 24 weight % of carbon. The measurements were
carried out by means of a focusing X-ray tube spectrograph,
ani the spectra were recorded photographically. The found
spectra (which are the average results of 6 independent
measurements) are shown by a diagram. The same figure shows
and KV emission lines of
the positions of the last K P
Card 1/2 titanium in the same alloys, and also the position and the
The Fine Str ucture of the X-Ray Absorption K-Spectra of Titanium in Carbides
shape of the long-wave absorption band. In the second diagram
the X-ray absorption spe~-Jr,um of titanium in carbide is com-
pared with -the slectrum of this element in dioxide (rutile).
The fine structure of the absorption spectra of titanium in
carbides remains constant in the entire interval of the carbon
concentrations in which there is a one-phase region with a
face-centered cubic lattice of metal atoms. Also the r)osit-iori
and the shape of the long-wave band in the absorption spectrum
of titanium in the investigated group of alloys remain con-
stant. There are 2 figures and 7 references, 7 of which are
ASSOCIATION: Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii im. V.I. Ifernadskogo
Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical
Chemistry imeni V.I.VernadskiyAcademy of Sciences
Odesskiy pedagogicheskiy institut im. K.D. Ushinskoc-o
(Odessa Pedagogic Institute imeni K. D. Ushinskiy
PRESENTED: I-lay 19, 1958, by A. P. Vinogradov
SUBMITTED: May 15, 1958
Card 2/2
Kethod for separating radioactive isotopes without a carrier.
Part 5: Indium. and cadmium bonsoylacetates and the extraction
method for separating radioactive isotopes of indlum by means
of benzoylacetate. Radiokhimiia 1 no.l-.52-59 '59-
(KIRA 12:4)
(Indium--Isotopea) (Cadmium--Isotopes) (Acetic acid)
Methods of separating radioactive isotopes without a
carrier. Part 9: Separation of radioactive isotopes b7 ex-
tracting them in the form of 4-diketonates. Radiolchimiia
1 no.6:700-705 '59- (141RA. 13:4)
(Ketones) (Radioisotopes) (Extrartion(Chemistry))
21(s) 5(0)
A.MOR: A: 5,'V/55-59-3-29,'32
TITLE i T~. lrat~Afi~ri
on Confer*=~4 of Univor.itt- and Coljo~~.
0. 2;41 -=.h-.i TFY-
PERIODICAL: V*,t,lk -*r-ya ma-em,tiki, aalch-&-Ikl.
to... I., ". tkt, khtmil, 1959, Or j-, p., 221-2123 (Us-,-)
ABSTRACIT Thi. oanf*r:n.-.a,,v,is convened by the in!-ittive of the
lab .7 at. r, y riokhimll th-z-choskoeo fakullteta M47 ("b~rj-
aa to b
t"Y ; of -he Z;ptrtmont or Chati.try of.u-,...
,, cl .
?it. Crii,er.l ) anly .& he. a _..low fram A.;r11 20
A r 1 25, 1959.
3; :t ..a by praf .... r., -4
,i!.%if!2 Collaborator. of 32 andf
the Soelet V ion. In ht:..
Do orh3-
ch 10 a- by ... be.. of L--
!y: *-bor&tortya yml-moy ft ztki (LabarO~,ii7 -R.-
Nuc!;,&r,,?hv,icn) :1 P Iulohk~, A Produatt.. of
a r I
or ..Ita
.%i- I..; by m-n- a?X,.. t.-U..
C.r4 1/4 Lak,or4torlyt ra4ickhir.11 (L~borxtcry at ~!~tj ,
Ka"I., L.A.3--: of Rell.-
;at -UL-
;*3 in the lrradj&-.~v. c7
_13, _UZ~
li7- -oil At
B.Shuk'..: of the R.- ..e
cf -Hot - 5.1 ftrac.; it -2 1-th
race ;4T.3a~,r3', A-!!.~~A-qy: The State of
',Ir.."Y 511u
R.dioititl- t. 1.1_3o
7hoaty lf -.he Copre7tyi-ativa
Qf.HAd!omt1ve ='e7-Z-tm 71tZ 3-Lsz=o-;hau3 Crystalline
and -,I
Applia.ti.r. r h7. B*
A. Al I
jkb al!
5epdrA,t.a, of ltc-"' 22" C% '.he 34.1. of he Uonplii 2-224
and 1. 23 K.B.Z.b.romk,,V*~A-5
C-r4 2/4 a.- %he
far -he
1r1vqdt4e;&t1o1 et tho T-eartiatian of rio V-1.3".
K;B;Ztor.rko, 1.-".Bab,ivhk1n. of
t top.,
.y-ompoucdal iaboohkin
rave f~ki
K.r.~k y. MJ:r, anltt~el Dt:-L. at '.a. c r'"Lit, 1,;
of '-1- -u-0
..'n .3 umity--,
.par Proonuri, of Co in Al!t,y. 71th 3.1
Th. 3.h.,t- or
eh- 'r ri.141 ;~*L.~,,
A.V.L.ptt.kiy. Tep,r of 111.btu~
co.11.2. tt.nrnti
of the Typ* B, Weir. n4t,i -,h~,kay kh1m1& (Chair of 'r.-r
Srpx-on of .1r b! It.
BYr". 4 Th%U.: P-dit-
2*1 ry. rat d,it k%'=--- (Ch,ir of Thorr~,.c
Chemistry); Y#.A,
Card P"t
I A: 3"A.
Ct -a,.
V.1. Oiti'y. ,:n:. -I.-
11.41titiol. of Solid. .1 ProF-ti-I
I.Y..W1kh.zl-k. V.!.t3p1tmya: .1sttlpw S%zhxnia in tLe syst'n
-- 7-r
so --t-, -tiki
"23043hXf.4r. kh!7t,h.,k.j, ki.
Chazt-1 Unett
(Ch~ r
3kpplil,ti- .. TrIts- far' t.1. I~Ti
1)*tnrm'nlnC the C~,.t-tj nf thu Sop~rati- Ir
hydrii; C--;,". d.- An -:1 ,.red
tt a
1-hh'd In C,
eh 4. -t-&.t. of
18M SOV/78-4-1-47/48
AUTHORS: Vaynshteyn, E. Ye., Zhurakovskiy, Ye. A., Staryy, I. B.
TITLE: On Some Results of the X-Ray Spectral Analysis of the Physics'
Nature of the Intrusion PhaseS(O nekotorykh rezulttatakh
rentgenospektrallnogo issledovaniya fizicheskoy prirody faz
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 1,
pp 245-246 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The X-ray-K-absorption spectra of titanium in nitrides, in
alloys of the system Ti-C with carbon contents of 9 to 24 Wt
in three hydrides with a hydrogen content of 1, 2, and more
thart 3 1vt %, and,ih titanium diboride (TiB 2) were investigaied.
Some of the-re.q!alts are. shown in figures 1 and 2. The~X-ray
absorption sj4c~ti~i_of titanium in hydrides of various hydrogen
contents have a differentfine structure. The reciprocal effect
of the transition metal and the nonmetal _"n hydrides differs
qualitatively from the reciprocal effect in carbides and
nitrides. The X-ray absorption spectra of titanium in titanium
diboride are very complicated; this is probably caused by the
Card 1/2 complicated crystalline-structure of this compound. In order
On Some Results of the X-Ray Spectral Analysis of the Physical Nature of the
Intrusion Phases
to explain the physical nature of the binding forces in the
borides, further systematic investigations are required,
There are 2 figures and 12 references, 7 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut geokhim-ii i analiticheskoy khimii im. V. I. Vernads-
kogo Akademii nauk SSSR; Ode3skiy pedagogicheskiy -institut im.
K. D. Ushinskogo (Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical
Chemistry imen-3 V. I. Vernadskiy of the Academy of Sciences,
USSR; Odessa Pedagogical Institute imen-i K. D. Ushinskiy)
SUBMITTED: June 4, 1956
Card 2/2
SOV" 78-4 -1 c; -5 7/14?o
I. Radenl.~,o, N. P.
koetorates, of Y'trium and Stron'ium, and a Kat'-cd of
~~,..OractJLve Separation of Yttriura by Means of Benzoy.1 Acetone
P:. C11) 7 CL Zh-urnal necr-anicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr lo,
pp 2405 - 2409 (USSR)
first to
In previous papers (Refs 1,2) the authors were the _L,
Do 4 It
out the possibility of predictir- the conditions for
the e7traction of zietals in the form of complexes with organio
reaSents. They established the equation (pH 1 )1.0 =
1 PH
(pK +lo-q log K (1)E(p_,'1,)1.O_
ffik HA) - 1-1 logq - 771_~N N
for the extraction of 50'50' of the metal by an mononrolar solution
of the rea:rent in the or-anic solvent; K dissociation constant
of the reagent; q = Partition coefficient of the reagent be-
Q HA o
tween water and organic phase; 0-=partition coefficient of the
Card 11/3 non-charged complex compound beteieen organic and aqueous phase,
Benzo,rl Acetonates of Yttrium and Strontium and a Method SOV/78-4-10-37/4o
of Extractive Se~:)aration of Yttrium by Means of 3enz.-yl Acetone
KN s'uab-ility constant of the non-charged complex; K= extrac-
tion constant of the cation . In the present paper the correct-
ness of the predicted value of (pH 1 )1.0 for the e,.traction
90 2
without carrier of yttrium is confirmed. The formation of
inner complex Y-salts with benzoyl acetone and thuir extrac-
tion with carbon tetrachloride, benzene and chloroform was in-
vesti,~ated. The yttrium chloride was labelled with Y90 or Y91.
Figure 1 gives the experimentally obtained data for loaq,
ficure 2 the decree of the extraction in deDendence on the
pH. The complex compound extracted by the organic solvent
corresponds to the formula Y(G 6H 5COCHCOCH3)3' According to
the method of D. Dyrssen and Sillen (Ref 3) the stability con-
stants of the yttrium-benzoj1 acetonate were determined (Table 2).
On the basic of these data a method could be devised to sepa-
rate the radioactive Y90 without carrier. As can be seen from
Card 2/3 figure 2, more than 99.91~ Y can be extracted by means of
Benzoyl Acetonates of Yttrium and Strontium and a Method SOV/78-4-10-37/"40
of Extractive Separation of Yttrium by 1,4eans of Benzoyl Acetone
0.100 mole benzoyl acetone, dissolved in CHCl,, C 6H6 or Ccl4
at pH Q9. As is shown in figure 5, the decomposition of the
extracted yttrium9o corresponds to a high purity of the prepa-
ration (more than 99.99c~',).There are 5 figures, 2 tables, and
12 references, 4 of which are Soviet.
SUBI~'=TED: Sentember 24, 1958
Card 3/3
tudy of Lhe dark background of
used as trpnsducers in recording
ped. inst. 25 no.2:71-73 161.
ctdmium sulfide photore-sistors
weak X rays. Illauch. zap. 0d.
(MIRA 18:2)
, i _,~ ; , . : ~ . 3 " :7 1~1. .1 , - I y (I . K.
, I- ., I 1 -.1- , III 1~, y
I '
GrySLZII, holdur for preclsion bending of crystalline platcs.
Natich. zap. Od. ped. inst. 25 no.2:105-107 161.
(MIR-A 18:21,
S162-*Y56011 35/003/03 3/039
gA 2 v B004 B060
AUTHORS: Vaynshtayn, Z. Yel., Zhurakovsk-iy? Ye. A., and
TITLE; X-Ray Spectrum Analysislo,f Titanium Beryllides1_1
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 135, No. 3,
pp. 642 - 644
TEXT: The authors refer to the obscure points found -in literature con-
, atowi,-% interact.-.on in beryllides of transition metals. They
wan,~ed tc ~_,Iarify this problem by studying the fine structure of X-ray
spe,~tra of titanium beryllides. The specimens were.. besides pure titani-
um metal, TiBe and TiB--, prepared by the Institut. metallokeramiki i
spetasplavrov AN rj99R (Ifistitute of Powder Metallurgy and Special Alloys
of the AS UkrSSR) and placed at the authors' disposal by G. V. Samsonov.
The apparatus used for the X-ray spectrum analysis had been described in
Refs. 8,9. Both the fine structure of the absorption spectrum (exposure
4-6 h at 15 kv, 40 ma) and the fluorescencespectrum (fine structure of
the KP, line) (e)cposure 20-40 h~ 15 kv, 70 va) were photographed- A shift
Card 1/~,
X-Ray Spec;rum Analysis of Titanium S/020/60/135/003/033/039
Beryllides B004/BO60
.2f the Kp,;, line, as well as of points m and A of the edge of the ab-
sorption band was observed in beryllides, as against the T-4 spectrum.
Fig.' illustrates this shift., taking the position of the KO 5 1-ine in
oure titanium as the zern. point. of graduation. The relative position of
these points on the energy scale (ev) is shown in Table 2:
The experimental data are indica-
A tive of a metallio character of
titanium beryll-ides, the valence
ele:.trons being common to both
T, 0 6.7 0.2 17.8 0,5 1 atoms. The donor-acceptor interac-
TiBe 3,6 0.2 7-5 0,2 23,0 0-7/ t.ion between 3d electrons of Ti
'Be~, 3.8 0.2 7,2 0.2 22.6 0~3 and 2s elestrcns of beryllium is
bound to be small. There are
I f-Lgure.. 2 %ables. and 9 references: 5 Soviet, and 4 German.
Card 2/4
X-Ray Spectrum Analysis of Titanium S/020/60/135/003/033/039
Beryllides B004/BO60
ASSOCIATION: Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii im.
V. I. Vernadskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of
Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry imeni
V. I. Vernadskiy of the Acad6my of Sciences USSR)
Odes~kiy pedagogicheskiy institut im. K. D. Ushinskogo
(Odessa Pedagogical Institute imeni K. D. Ushinskiy)
PRESEUTED; June 16, 1960, by A. P. Vinogradov, Academician
SUBMITTED: June 8, 1960
Card 3/4
252W S/200/61/000/007/004/006
AUTHORS: Vaynshteyn, E.Ye., Staryy, I.B., and Tsukerman, V.G.
TITLE: The use of CdS single crystals for low intensity X-ray
spectral analysis
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Sibirskoye otdeleniye,
no. 7, 1961, 48 - 54
TEXT; The aim was to study the use of photo-cell resistance of CdS
single crystals in low intensity X-ray spectrum analysis. Previous-1
work had revealed the sensitivity, durability, stability and conve
nience of these crystals but it had nearly all been carried out
with high intensity radiation. The experiments reported here were
carried out with standard photo-cell resistances, type FSKM2. Fig.
1 shows experimental scheme. A diagnostic X-ray tubet type 2-BDM-
75, was placed 15 cm from the photo-cell resistance, and a roent-
gen quanta counter (nx 64 imp/min) 60 cm from the tube, thereby
allowing direct and indirect measurement of intensity. The tube
Card 1/5
25280 S/200/61/000/007/004/006
The use of CdS single ... D238/D302
was fed from a high-voltage rectifier with a capacitive filter at a
constant voltage of 30 kw. The current passing through the tube ne-
ver exceeded 150 microamps, and copper and aluminum absorbers of va-
rious thicknesses were placed in the path of the rays. The voltage
on the photo-cell was provided by a potentiometer and measured by
a voltmeter. The current'(I F) passing through the photo-cell resis-
tance was measured by a special vacuum tube apparatus, built on a
bridge circuit which could measure to orders of 10-10 amps. All
parts of the apparatus were carefully screened against interference.
The photo-cell resistance voltage was determined experimentally for
each data unit to guarantee the maximal signal background ratio
(I,/I,,) which gives the optimal feeding regime for each photo-cell
resistance (20.:--' UF,-- 40 v). This regime is distinct from that used
to measure high intensity radiation or when these instruments are
used in the visible portion of the spectrum and is independent of
the radiation recorded by the photo-cell resistance. Results in
these experiments agreed with previous reports and confirmed the li-
Card 2/5
25280, S/200/61/000/007/004/006
The use of CdS single ... D238/D302
near relation between photo current strength and the radiation in-
tensity on the resistances for all specimen of CdS crystals studie(b
The volt-ampere curve of the photo-cell resistance did not obey
Ohm's law the discrepancy growing with increase in voltage and pho-
tometric intensity. Important complicating factors in using photo-
cell resistances for recording weak radiation are their sluggish-
ness and the effect of the specimen's previous history on the pho-
to-cell current, which factors become more important as intensity
diminishes. It has been reported that brightening of CdS photo-cell
resistance was useful and this was studied here. The photo current
strength, evoked by the effect of the illumination, an the resistan-
ce was excluded. Illumination influences not only the sensitivity
to X-rays, but also the time taken to reach a constant photo-cell
current value. The exact nature of the influence depends on the
spectral composition of the illumination, visible light of low in-
tensity giving better results than ultra-violet light both as re-
6ards overcoming sluggishness and for decreasing the time for pho-
to-cell current fall-off when radiation stops. For more accurate
Card 3/5
2528G S/200/61/000/007/004/006
The use of OdS single ... D238/D302
results it is better to use a special measuring cell in which the
photo-cell resistance is mounted with some fluorescent material
both being irradiated simultaneously. Work with such a cell is to
be reported~ Conclusions: 1) CdS photo-cell resistance can be used
to register low intensity radiation. 2) The sluggishness of the pho-
to-cell resistance rises as the radiation intensity falls and may
be counteracted by preliminary irradiation of the resistance.
'3) The effect of brightening on sensitivity and inertia depends on
the spectral composition of the illumination. As a supplementary
means of decreasing inertia low intensity visible light is most
effective. There are 10 figures, 1 table and 9 references: 7 Soviet-
bloc and 2 zion-Soviet-bloc. The references to English-language pub-
lications read as follows: J. Fassbender, Annd. Phys. 5, 33, 1949;
AS SOCIATIONg Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy kl-.imii im. Vernads-
kogo AN SSSR; Institut neorganicheskoy khimii Sibirs-
kogo otdeleniya AN SSSR; Odesskiy pedagogicheskiy in-
stitut im. K.D. Ushinskogc (Institute of Geochemistry
Card 1/5)
L 8379-65 EWT(1)/T/EF_C(b)-2 IJP(c)/AEDr-(b)/ASD(,a)-5/RAEU(t) J,
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. IIA262
AUTHOR: Stary*y, I. B., Andrizhiyevskiy. Go K.
TITLE: A crystal holder for precision bending of crystal plates
CITED SOURCE: Nauchn. zap. kafedr matem., fiz. iyestestvozn. Odeask. goo. ped.
iln-t, v. 25, no. 2, 1961, 105-107-
TOPIC TAGS: crystal holder, crystal plate, precision bending, spectrometer,
x ray apectrograph
TRANSLATION: The quality of x-ray spectra obtained with the aid-of x-ray spectro"'.-"
graphs depends to a great extent.on'the perfecti n of the bending-of crystal,platesi
There is described an improved-model-crystal holoder. The material is Dural (low
coefficient of thermal expansion, weak secondary radiation). There in described..
the technology of prep'aring a Dural plate, and its dimens .ionse Before insIertion
Card j112
AUTHORS- Vaynshteyn, E. Ye., Zhurakovskiy, Ye. A., Staryy,- I. B.
TITLE: Roentgenospectral analysis of the force of chemical bond in hydrides
of refractory metals on the eiample of titanium and vanadium com-
SOURCE: Vysokotemperaturnyye metallokeramicheskiye materialy, Inst. metallo-
ker. I spets. spl. AN Ukr.SSR. Kiev;'Izd-vo AN Ukr.SSR, 1962, 19 -
T'rD(T: There are only indirect data available-on the type of, interatomic
interaction in hydrides. The authors attempted for the first time to obtain di-
rect information on the density of electron distribution over the energies in
titanium and vanadium hydrides and to che 'ck by means of spectroscopy the hypo-
thesis on the presence of a metallic bond between metal and hydrogen atoms in
bydrides. For this purpose the authors investigated the fine structure of X-ray
absorption K-spectra of titanium in hydrides with 1.2 and about 3 weight % H, and
of vanadium in hydrides with 0.12; 0.281 0.475; 0.75; 1.1 and 1.45 weight%H.
Card 1/3
Roentgenospectral analysis of the.. A006/A101
Absorption edges of initial metals were also studied. To eliminate undesirable
consequences of heating the specimen during the experiments, the emission spectra
of Ti in hydrides of various chemical composition were analyzed with the use of
the fluorescence method. All the tests were performed on a high-intensity vacuum
tube-spectrograph with Johann focusing. The titanium hydrides were prepared and
analyzed by V. M. Mikheyeva, and the vanadium hydrides by T. V. Dubovl',z and 0. V.
Samsonov. The experiments proved the hypothesis on the "metallization" of the
metal-hydrogen bond in the aforementioned compounds and the penetration of ls-
electrons of hydrogen into the vacant 3d-band of the transition metal. This Is
manifested in the gradual decrease (in comparison with the metal) of intensity
of the long wavelength maximum, within the range of the basic edge of the hydride
absorption band, and its displacement to the short wavelength side with increas-
Ing hydrogen content in the hydrides until this maximum vanishes entirely. A
further increase of the hydrogen content in the hydrides does not cause changes
in the absorption edge structure of the metal in hydrides. As expected, the
long wavelength maximum of absorption in the spectrum of the transition metal in
vanadium hydrides vanishes at lesser hydrogen contents in the alloy, than In ti-
tanium hydrides. Investigations of the fine structure of the X05 -band of titanium
Cer-d 2/3
Roentgenospectral analysis of the ... A006/A1O1
in the hydrides confirm fully the conclusions on the nature of the chemical bond
forces In these compounds. The conclusions were drawn from the analysis of ex-
perimental. data on the absorption spectra of elements in these compounds. How-
ever, the peculiarities of the fine structure of Ti emission bands in the hy-
drides and its changes, depending on the composltion~ of the compounds, may indi-
cate changes in the nature of forces of chemical interaction between hydrogen
and metal in the alloys, which differ in the degree of completeness of the tran-
sition metal 3d-band. It can also be considered that Is-electrons of hydrogen
do not completely lose their "individual" nature when a generalized sd-band is
formed in the hydrides and that the effective hydrogen charge is not equal to 1
and can be different for hydrides rich or poor in hydrogen. This explains also
the incomplete vanishing of the K -satellite in the emission spectra of tita-
nium in the hydrides. There are 9"figures.
Card 3/3
. S/192/62/003/002/002/oo4
The X-ray absorption spectra ... D267/D301
by reducing the respective very pure oxides with B or boron carbide,
were found to contain only the hexaboride phase. The absorption spec-
tra of metals in oxides and hexaborides were obtained with the aid
of a focusing tube spectrographs in the second order of reflection
from the plane (1 OT111) of a bent quartz crystal. A very strong resem-
blance was found to exist for the L II and L Iii absorption ed,-,es bet-
ween the oxides and the hexaborides in the case of Ba and La, and
there even exists an analogy between Ba and La. On the contrary, the
curves for Ce02 differ strongly from those for CeB61 and from the
curves for Ba and La compounds. The fine structure of the L absor-p-
tion spectra of Ba, La and Ce in oxide and hexaborides can be inter-
preted quite satisfactorily as a result of superposition of contin-
uous absorption and of a group of selective lines which arise mainly
due to the transition of the 2p-electrons of metals on the d-symmetry
energy levels. There are 8 figures. The most important English-lan-
guage references read as follows; B. Post, D. Moskowitz, F. Glaser,
J. Amer. chem. Soc., 81, 18C0, 1956; H. Longuet-Higgins, IM. Roberts,
Proc. Roy. Soc., 224, 336, 1954.
Card 2/3
3/19 62/003/002/002/004
The X-ray absorption spectra D267YD301
ASSOCIATION: institut neorganicheskoy khimii SO AN SSSR,
institut metallokeramiki i snetsiallnykh
splavov All USSR, Odesskiy pedagogicheskiy
institut im. K.D. Ushinskogo (Institute of
Inorganic Chemistry, Siberian Branch, AS USSR;
Institute of Powder kletallurgy and Special
Alloys, AS UkrSSR; Odessa Pedagogical Institute
im. K.D. Ushinskiy)
SUBKTTED: July 24, 1961
Card 3/3
S/03 62/028/()05/005/009
AUThORS: Tsukerman, V. G.,.-Staryy, I. B., and Vaynshteyn, E. Ye.
TITLE: Reduction of the time lag of cadmium sulfide photoresistors
wher, weak X-ray intensities are recorded
P-7FIC-DICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 26,.rlo. 5, 1962, 592-594
T_':'XT: The US photoresistor ~-CKM(FSKM) is a valuable tool for recording
t'-e radiation intensity in X-ray spectroscopy and dosimetry, but for low
X-ray intensities time la8s of several minutes may occur. The resistors
are fc~d with direct current, and the dependence of the signal-to-noise ratio
on the aDDlied voltaCe and the intensity of irradiation is studied. It
variias i.rom resistor to resistor but there is always a distinct maximum
at about 20-40 volts. The reduction of the time lag by pre-irradiation with'
X-ra--s is shown in Fie. 3. Before curve 1 was measured the resistor was
kept in the dark for a lonE time. The following curves 2, 3, and 4 show
tile results of subsequent measurement series with the same resistor under
the same conditions where after each series of measurements the resistor
kept in the dark for one hour. The pre-irradiation remains effective
Card 1/12
R-aduction of *the time. . . _B163/B102
-;-or about 5 to 6 hours. Pre-illumination with visible or ultraviolet light
h.,j a simil..r effuct; with infrared pro-illumination sonsitivity is lower.
and the time-lag longer than without pre-irradiation. There are 4 figures.
Institut neorgan;~cheskoy khimij Sibirskogo otdeleniya
Akademii natik SSSR i Odesskiy pedaeogicheskiy institut
(Institute of Anorganic Chemistry of the Siberian Branch of
the kcademy of Sciences USSR and Odessa P_e_dago&.i.c_a1 Institute)
FiE. 3. Variation of the time At
necessary for the establishment of
a stati-onary value of the photo-
current with X-ray pre-irradiation
of a photoresistor (Curves 1-4)
and -for different values of the dark :z
current (Curves 4-6). For the
curves 4-6: 0 - At 45 min;
x - at = 60 min; o At = 120 min.
.Ue'r-end: Abscissa t in minutes, ordinate Iphot* 108 amp.
Car'd ~/12
L 13o11-63 Sb WW/JD
iACCESSION NR: AP30029o6 S/0289/63/66V65i~~6/olos
AUTHOR: Toukerman, V, G.; V"htqyn,__E, Ye.; Stary*y, I. B.
~TITIZ: Utilization of nonocrystalline photoresistance of CdS in x-ray spectral
SOURCE: AN SSSR,1 Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Izvestiya. Seriya khimicheskikh nauki,
.no. 1, 1963, 96-los
.TOPIC TAGS: CdS photorasiBtance, x-ray spectroscopy, x-ray dose measurement, X-rayl
;ABSTRACT: The present study is a continuation of the investigation of the
,peculiarity of CdS monocrystal, The results of analysis of-the photo-resistance oft
.CdS during its subjection to avariable voltage of a freqaincy is describ
end the description of a special dosimetric,construction used in the neasurement of!
.the intensity and the dose of x-ray irradiation is given. The effect 'of various
factors such as the frequency of variable voltage which is fed into the
photoresistance, the dose of preliminary x-ray irradiationo the size of crystals
and the automatic illumination with a visible light were studied. These factors
were compared with the sensitivity and inertness of the monocrysta32ine CdS_
Card 1/2
L 13011-63
photoresistance during its use in the spectral analysis for-tbe re6datratien of tbe;'
weak intensities of the x-ray radiation, An experimental model for meamwing the
'photoresistance has been proposed which has been experimentally tested and which
allows the increase of sensitivity of the apparatus up to 20 to 40 tines as
compared to the existing ones, . A method is given for the Improvement of the
transmitter. The dosimetric construction described in this paper can also be used
successfully as a monitor and as a discriminator in the devices for measuring
,impulses. Orig. art. has: 12 figures, Tformulas, and I table.
ASSOCIATION-. Institut neorganicheskoy khimii Sibirskogo otdelenlya AN SSSR,
Novosibirsk (Institute of ln2~~c Chemistry, Siberian Department AN SSSR);
;Odesskiy pedagogicheskiy institut (OSessa Pedagogical Institutei
suBmrrm: i 4Feb62 DATE ACQ: -24JU163 ENCL: 00
SM CODE: 00 No 1W SOV; 004 017m: 000
,Card f
L 1~7p4-763
!ACCESSION NR: AP3003515 20/0121
,AUTHORS: Vaynshteyn, E. Ye.; ~tary*y, I. B.i Brill' M. N.
iTITIE: X-ray L-absorption spectra for lanthanum, pmeeodymium, neodymium, and
Ia-marium in oxides and fluorides
SOURCE; AN SSSR. Doklady*., v, 151, no. 1,19631 120-121
TOPIC TAGS: X-rays, 'absorption spectrum, lanthanum, praseodymium, neodymium,,
ABSTRACT: Authors obtained absorption spectra of rare-earth element in compounds
of peroxides, oxides, oxyfluorides,.and fluorides with a focusing tube spectro-
graph. Results are shown in a figure and are discussbd. "The authors express
!their gratitude to L. V. Soboleva and L. R. Batsanova for the presentation of some
of the compounds which were analyzed in this'work." The paper was presented by
Academician A. P. Vinogradov on 9 March 1963- Orig. art. bas: I figure.
ASSOCIATION: Institut neorganicheakoy khimii Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademii nauk
SSSR (Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Siberian Department, Academy of Sciences 7
SSSR; Odesakiy pedagogicheskiy institut im. K. D. Ushinskogo (Odessa pedagogical
L 18963 -63 E7dP(q)/EWT(z)/BDS AFFTC:/ASD, JD/JG-
ACCESSION NR: AP3006598 S/0-620/-6J/15~f-/6-0'6/1360/1363,~~
AUTHORS: Vaynshteyn, E. Ye.; Brill, M. Nj.; Stary*y, I_,,
Kost, M. Ye,
TITLE: Some results of of cerium. and lanthan
y d E_j d.~ s ,t\,
SOURCE: AN' SSSR. Doklady*, v. 151, no. 6, 1963, 1360-1363
TOPIC TAGS: electron bond, valen6e, hydrogen bond, metallic
bond, La) Ce, X-ray spectra, hydride preparation,
hydride storage
ABSTRACT: Use of hydrides of rare earth elements in
metallurgy, vacuum technique, and synthesis created interest
f'or additional information concerning the physico-chemical
properties of these compounds. Authors studied the hydrides
LaH,.q.,, LaH2.2 . LaH..,,,, CeHn, CeH2 .4,and CeH2.,, by X-ray:
Spec trome try samples for investigatlion were prepared by
Card 1 / X'Z'
L 18963-63
direct reaction of hydrogen and metals at room temperature.
Hydrides with lower hydrogen content were prepared by heating
high hydrogen-content hydrides. Hydrides were impregnated on
silk cloth and sealed in polyethylene envelopes. Preparation
was acccmplished in a dry chamber, filled with C02 and oper-
ated from outside. Prepared samples were kept in a container
under vacuum. Results of investigation indicate that cerium
and lanthanum in hydride form have three valeiices and valence
energy only partly used in formation of ionic bonds with
hydrogen, while the rest of it is used to produce metallic
bonds. This fact has a direct bearing on decrease of electri-
cal conductivity with an increase cf hydrogen content. Orig.
art. has: 4 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Institut neorganicheskoy khimii Sibirskogo
otdeleniya Akademii nauk SSSR (institute of in.orpn~~.,,
cheinistry. Siberian -Division, Academy of Science
Institut neorganicheskoy khimii im. N. S. Kurnakova Akademii
nauk SSSR (In-stitute of Inorganic Chemistry, Academy- of
Card 2102-,
1111P e)A','/T-(m)/EilL?~-t-)-/EVIP(b) IJP "c-) JD/jG.
ACCESSION NR-.'AP5002800 S/0078/65/010/001/0121/0126.t'~"4!~~
Brill M Staryy, 1. B.~;
AUTHOR: Va shteyn, E. Ye. , Blokhin- S. M,
PadeEno, Yu. B,
ITITLE: X-ray spectral investigation, of the valency state of, rare earth element
atoms in the hexab6rides
SOURCE: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimli, v. 10, no. 1, 1965, 121-126.
rare earth element valence, valence de
TOPIC TAGS: rare earth hexaboride.
-terminationj-x-ray absorption sT3ectrum---------:
o ptio 'sp ------
ABSTRACT: The X-rayt~abs i-L:4 n_-__ ra of the rare- eakthelem nt: hex;~v~-
borides and oxides were compared to determine the. valency:state of thi
element in the hexaborides. The L absorDtion spectra of the Ce, Nd, Prana
Gd oxides and hexaborides were analbgous, with coinciding longwave absorption
line maxima, indicating the hexaborides were trivalent, as were the oxides.
Differences in the short wave ma~cima were ascribed to differences in 'the crystalt.
structure of the oxides and hexaborides. In the case of Eu and Yb, the shift of
the absorption edge toward the long wave by the hexaborides in comparison to the,.
lCard 1/2
X-ray spectral study of the Talence, state of atoms of rare-
earth elements in hexaboridm. Zhur. neorg. 14him. 10
121-126 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:11)
1. Institut neorganichaskoy khtmii Sibirskogo otdalenlya
AN SSSR i Institut metallokerarriki, spetsiallnykh splavov
AN UkrISSR i Odesskiy pedagogicheskly institut imeni 'Ushinsko,go.
Submitted June 11, 1963.
STARY, I.V., profesRor (g. Praga)
Organization of ohipment of light freight on Czechoslovak
railroads. Zhel. dor. transp. 38 no.8:86-88 Ag '56.
(MLRA 9:10)
SUEY, i -
Correction factor at the absolute dosimetry of -'~~-rwjs by means of the Geiger-Muller
counter. p. 90. (Ceskoslovensl-,r Cassopis Pro Fysiku. Vestnik. Vol. 7, no. 1, 1957.)
SO: Monthly List of EsitEuropean Accession (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no- T, July 1957- Uncl.
"The 4310 television receiver. P. 93."
SDELOVACI TECHNIKA. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 7, no. 3, MAr. 1959.
MDnthly list of last European Accessions (EEAI), T-G, Vol. 8. No. 69 Jun 59,, Unclas.
"Extraction methods in anlytic chemistry" bylk". H. Morrison,
H. Freiser. Reviewed by J. Stary. Cham listy 57 no. 5: 550-
551 My 163.
STARY., Jaroslav., dr.
Commercial jet airc'raft,with motors at the back of the body. Letecky
obzor 8 no.2:36-41 F 64.
STARY, jaroslav., dr.
Nonconventional aircraft. Letecky obzor 8 no. 4:101-106
Ap 164.
BARTAK, Stanislav, inz.; BARTUNKOVA, Alena, inz.;_~~AgX,
Jaroslav, inz.
VUST experimental transistor television receiver. Sdel
tech 12 no. 3:89-92 Mr 164.
th 0
co~troj Tber~la 'Proc""m in Imetice
jlutowatlo (jj,a.(ckJ M8IY-
th Fums Kill. The thOOrv end t1lb
04-80tve-r- pitnis
trol a
a-utonlatio Con to in tile furnaaeY -I
Oof, the, princt . d the
fuelj~lr rELt&O ILU
ltrol of the
firo c2nsidered:=~-
16058 (Experiences With Soviet Apparatuses Used for
umacc in t
e N
.) Zkuhnooll ph
zuvfid6ni mo%&skjclt pFimrojils u occlAreuskicls peci v NIIK(;
v Kunilcichj,
Butnicki Listy, v. P. no. June 1954, p.
g gr~
Temperature conLrol cnidpinent and iLq uppration. Ding
4, m4i.
Automtic Control of Open-Hearth Furnaces."
report read at athe Conference on Autountization in ~IstsLl Work, 2Mm*wzf
4-6 October, Liblice.
publ. in ~sperate sympoei=, Doe 1954, 56pp.
Butnicke Listy, No. 3-1, 54, p. 9680
Examining the extraction of a lanthanum benzayl-acetone coWlex.
Coll,Cz.Chem.25 no..1:86-92 Ja 060. (EUI 9:12)
1. I~siitut fur Kernchemie, FaktAtat fur*technische Pbysik und
Kernphysik, Tschechische technische Hochschule, rrag.
(Extraction (Chemistry))
(Complex compmu-As)
Research concerning extraction of U(VI)-complex with benzoylacetone.
Coll ft chen 25 no-3.*890-896 Mr 160. (EEAI 9:12)
1. Institut fur Kernehesde, Fakultat fur tectinische Physik und
Kernphysik, Tschechische technische Hocbschule, Prag.
(Uranium) (Phenylbutanedione)
(Extraction (Chemistry))
Determination of composition and stability constants of metal oom-
plexas by the extraction method. Coll Cz chem 25 no.10;2630-2641
0.160. (EFAI 10:9)
1. Institut fur Kernchemie, Fakultat fur technische Pbysik und
Kernphysik, Prag.
(Metals) (Exgraction(Chemistry))
AUTHOR: Stary, J.
TITLE: Trigger circuit of transistor converters
j3jGRIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektronika i eye pri.meneniye,'.',4
no. '), 1963, 39, abs ract 2V244 P (Chekhosl. pat
kl.. 2ld-11 12/031 21a 35/01, no. 101465, 1-5.11.6
T (Czech patent))
TEXT: In order to c3ztend the teiiVerature range of a tra-n-.'.
sistor converter whose displacement volta- e is give by a divider
g n
connected to a d.c. source, it is su.-%ested to utilize in the emit--
ter-base circuit a semiconductor-triode trigger circuit consisting
of a thermistor in parallel x-rith a s2miconductor diode. The approp-
riate design of the trigger circuit can ensure temperature stabilit
LO y
of the converter under overloads; it gives a low resistance to the
Orutter-base circuit and such a low -lisp lacernen t voltage of the
semi-conductor triod6, that the curreiVc which arises in the emitter-
collector circuit. x-rill be < Ico" Even in the case of short 'brealts
Card 1/2
Trig.-er circuit D405/D301
in the supply voltage the trigg.ering does not reduce.the efficienc
of the converter.
~-Abstracter's note: Complete translation 7
Card 2/2
AUTHtORS. jiloudka, V. ,
TITLE: The extraction of a hexavalent uranium complex by dibenzoyl
PERIODICAL: Referativiiyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 1, 1962, 107, abstract
1V56 (Collect. Czechosl, Chem. Communs, v. 26, no. 3, 1961,
TEXT: The dissociation constant,distribution coefficient and solubility of
dibenzoyl methane (HA) in water, benzene, CHC1 and M are determined.
6+3 4
The relationshii) between the extraction of U by solutions of HA in benzene,
cilci3aad CC1 4 to the pH and the concentration of U and HA is studied. It
is established that a type UO 2An (OH) p - (HA) . complex is formed in the
aqueous phase, and that extraction follows the equation UO 2 + 3(HA)(org.)
= (U0 2A2HA)(org.) + 2H+. The equilibrium constant of this reaction is
Card 1/2
The extraction of a hexavalent uranium ... B156/B101
equal to 3.30-10- 5 in the case of M 41 7.57-10-5 for C6H6, and 9.55-10-5
for CHC1 3' An approximate value is computed for the coefficient of distribu-
tion of the neutral complex UO 2'A2' HA, and a direct relationship established
between this value and the distribution ratio of HA. [Abstracter's notes
Complete translation.j
Card 2/2
r2 lag
IN g
1 0
HU7,111CHKA Ya. rRuzicka, J.), STARY, II. [Stary, j.1; 7E'-LAN, A.
Sul-isloichiometric determination of mercury traces by activation
analysis and isotope dilution. Zhur, anal. kh-im. 19 no.8:932-936
(MIRA 17: 11)
Cheshskoye -,ryssheye tekhnicheskoye uch-J-1-ishche, Fraga, Chekho-
slovakiya. 2. Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy,
Dubna (for Stary).
ic midd2s ear
c.c. yr,,-bac~eriu-- pyogenes ,-,-,,d chron
Ce3k. no.z,:240-242 Ag '65-
IrL-,Yl I I . - I L ~ nu
,,,).Ingicke oddelerii Kra,',Illj(Ll neinocnicki
Bu(k.,lovicich (vodoucl ~,Rll)r~ 14. VeTIC-11k, C, c . ) .
STARY, Y. j. .,,j,.,jm8jjjzation. t,,S:, otolai-jng. 13
-Intannittent deafn6s'3
-no.6s-327--~13() 11 '64
1 0
1. rtolaryag,ol-ngl eke addelani j~rajske nein-oc-n- ' q- polikllnik U
v Cegp-,jrh BAde.jovicich (vedoucl M-DI-- H- -'Tcrcl'k~ C3c')
ltiolog7 and treatment of acute middle ear infla tions In
children In a period of resistant pathogenic flora. Cesk.
otolar. 6 no.2:80-88 Apr 57.
1. Otolaryagalogicke addelent. KM-namocnice C. Budejovice,
prednosta MUDr H. Tenclik Baktortologicka laborator L~. okrub.
nemocnice C. Budejovice. prednosta WJDP V1. Patuzntk.
(OTITIS MEDIA, in inf. & ebild
incidence of penicillin-resist. Micrococcus pyogenes
in infect. (Cs))
otitis media in child. by penicillin-resist. strains (Cs))
VENCLIK, Hynek; ~T Jan.-;.
Iete nnatomical and functional results after tympanoplastic operations
in inflammatory and postinflammatory states. Sborn. ved. prac. lek.
fak. Karlov. univ. (Hrad. Kral.) 4 no.1:85-99 '61.
1. ORL oddeleni KraJske nemocnice s Poliklinikou. v Ces. Budejovicich;
prednosta MUDr. Hynek Venclik.
(OTITIS MEDIA surgery)
Tympanoplasty by the andameatal route. Cesk. otolaryng. 11 no.3:
159-165 162.
1. Otolaryngologicke oddeleni krajske nemocnice s poliklinikou v
Ceskych Budejovicich, prednosta dr. H. Venclik, GSc.
(MIPANIC MEMBRANE surgery) (OTITIS surgery)
1.qhUjB, Jan. MDP, Jaromir, MUDr.
'!ethod, indication & results of surgical treitment for vaginal &
uterine prolapse & urinary incontinence. Cesk-. gyn. 22[~16] no.6:
450-454 Sept 57.
1. Gmi. norod. odd. OUIIZ Teplice, prednosts Dr J. Holift).
(umus. dis.
prolapse. surg.. indic. & technic (C2))
(VA(I UNA. d Is.
incontinence, surg.. indic. & technic (GzA
HU&L;hj~, Jul-omLr;, 5_TAflZ,-Jj.x:-'
SubatoichicKdetric determination of traces of metals by activation
analysis and isotopic dilution. Chem listY 57 no.10:1025-1047
0 163,
1. Katedra jaderne chemie, Fakulta technicke a jaderne fysiky,
STARY, Jaroslav, JWDr.
Dispenear.w care of vorkers at a plant. Pr&kt. lek.. P*-aha 35 no-5:
116-117 5 Mar 55.
1. Zav. lekar savodu W. Rejedleho, Nachod
dispensary care at plant)
at plants)
STARY, J. MUDr (Rachod)
-f --~-
Zxperiences of an industrial physician. Prakt. lek., Praha 34
no.11:252-253 5 June 54.
In Czech.)
STARY,_Jnros,lav) dr.
The HP-115 aircraft. Letecky obzor 8 no.12078-379 D '64.
3TARY, ~.1,-.
: 11 r
i jtecky obzr," 9 r,(,, 1.,23 . 1.
The Blil: 221 alrcl'aft- 1,
MAREK. Jaroslav; SiII'TZ-'IR, Karel.; STARY, Jaroslav
Noczua interposita Hubner, 17?S9 (Lep., Noctuidae) In Czechoslovakia.
Cas entom 61 no.2:190-193 16L
1. Czechoslovak Entomological Society affiliated with the Czecho-
alovak Academy of Sciences, Prague,