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B/166/60/000/004/008/008 Phenomenon of the.- B112/B202 at room temperature. Diameter of the beami 1.5 mm; current Is 6 ma; 7oltage V; 500 v. Fig. 3 shows the dependence of the activation on the previous treatment at a current I - 6 ma. There are 3 figures and 2 Swi--t- bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy fiziki AN UzSSR (Institute of Nuclear Physics of the AS Uzbekskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: May 28, 196o Card 2/5 s116 C1 1 IYC222 AUTHORS: Starodubtsey, S.V., Academician of the Academy of Sciences Uz @eksk@aya S@@, and Blaunshteyn, i-11,- TITLE: Radiolysis of Some,Inorganic@ Combinations in the Field of an Intensive Gamma Radiation PERIODICAL: Izvestiya--Akademii nauk Uzbekskoy SSR, Seriya fiziko- matematicheskikh naukt 1960, NO-5, PP-77-80 TEXT: Pulverized and gaseous inorganic co6binations were radiated by e--rays of Co 60 in 'a glass cylinder. The results are given in the following diagrams: Card 1/ 5 S/166/60/ooo/oo5/006/008 C111/C222 Radiolysis of Some Inorganic Combinations in the Field of an In Gamma Radiation tensive @V/ AV J0 Figsl.: Relative change Of the presstre in the volume for a radiation of the objects in dependence on the dosage of the radiation [for glass and quartz the coordinate origin is removed into the Point (0.1)1: Card 2/5 5/166/60/000/005/006/008, C I I Radiolysis of Some Inorganic Combinations in the Field of an Intensire Gamma Radiation I. Ba Cl (Cl II Ba U'0 the 2 2); 3 (CO'02N; I,, Mg 0 (02); IV B& 0 (02)' parantheses contain the composition of the gas separated during the @adiation; V Zn 0; VI Si 0. powder; Na Cl, Cu, Cl, glass. 4 .. ,C & 3 4 t. - 0 Ja@v P_ Fig.2. The dependence of the separation of gas of 1 gram of salt on the Card 3/5 311661601000100510061008 C111/0222 Radiolysis of Some Inorganic Combinations in the Field of an Intensive Gamma Radiation dose of radiation for a decreasing (from I to VI) specific surface. AV 2 200 40a 500 800 1 '?,CW? 100 290 309 490 a Fig-3. The dependence of the separation of gas of 1 gram of salt on the specific surface (a) and on the most probable diameter of the particles of a different order of magnitude (b) for the same radiation. The curves I,IItIII,IV correspond to the radiation dosages 30, 50, 70, 100 million P. The complete results for Ba Cl2 are given in the following table; Card 4/5 S11661601000100510061008 C111/C222 Radiolysis of Some Inorganic Combinations in the Field of an Intensive Gamma Radiation radiation absorbed number of separation of dose energy 21] appearing chlorine molecules million p ev A 10 chlorine molecules per 100 ev of absorbed - 16 energyp 0 @.- 103 N Y 10 30 1.14 6.17 4.30 50 2.40 1.2, 3.85 70 3-37' 11.80 3-55 100 2.88 4.80 13-90 There are 4 figures, I table and 9 references: 4 Soviet and 5 American. ASSOCIATIONs Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN Uz SSR (Physical-Technical Institute of the Academy of Scienoss Uzbekskaya SSR) SUBMITTEDt July 9, i960 Card 5/5 S1166J601000100610081008 C111/C222 AUTHORSs Ablyayevy Sh.A., Teriatov,,- S*Ye. and Stamduhjtsevp S.V.t Academician of the Aoademy'-of Sciences Uzbekskaya S TITLEs The Influence of the,Gamma Radiation to the Adsorption Properties of Vacuum Materials PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii nauk Uzbekskoy SSR, Seriya fixiko- matematicheskikh nauk 1960, No. 6, PP. 93 95 TEXTt In (Ref. 1) the authors showed @hat the-adgorption properties of silica gel are changed essentially by 'r-- rays Cc 0. The present papoir is a continuation of (Refo 1). The authora inventigat* the adsorption properties -of the types K C K (KSK) and -A C )'I (ASM) of the silica gel `@O and of the alumosilleatoso It was stated that the adsorbing capacity of alumosilicates'after a radiation increases somewhat and the adsorbing!"" capacity of the silica gel increases strongly. Card 1/ 4 010001006100810M S116616 , C11f/C222 The Influence of the Gamma Radiation to,the Adsorption Properties of Vacuum Materials ; F j fr,. r, r fr r 3r I J 4 A ---- Y-1 OF dt N Ir I*%% r .9 7 j Fig. 2 1 Influence of1he temperature', of the radiation-to the veloci of the adsorption process. The isothermal lines of the adsor tion of the considered silicis gal were obtained for -two gases (H and 0 for-room temperature and for the,' of fluid nitrogen. .temperature . The discovered properties were used in order to construct a thermos bottle. -Card 3/4 S1166J601000100610081008 C111/C222 The Influence of the Gamma Radiation to the Adsorption Properties of Vacuum Materials which contained silica gel between the walls and which was submitted to radiation I thereby it was reached that the velocity of cooling of the content was diminished essentially. There are 6 figures and I Soviet reference. [Abstracter's note i (Ref. 1) is apaper of the authors in Doklady A Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol .- 129* P- 721 AS80CIATION: Fiziko-Tekhnicheskiy institut AN Uz SSR (Physicotechnical Institute of the Academy of Sciences Uzbekskaya,SSR) 50; SUBMITTEDs August 29, 1960 Card 4/4 21.8100 783_33 SOV/89-8-3-18/32 AUTHORS: Starodubtsev, S. V., Ablyayev, Sh. A., Generalova, V.V. TITLE: Gamma-Ray Radiation Dosimetry Utilizing Changes In Optical Activity of Certain Hydrocarbons. Letter to the Editor PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energlya, 1960, Vol 8, Nr 3, pp 264-265 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Basic shortcomings of chemical dosimetric methods are their complicated nature, length of chemical processing after exposure, nonuniqueness, and low accuracy of results. The authors investigated radiation effects on solutions of succhavose and glucose with the aim of achieving a simple method which would also be sensitive to very large doses. In the water solutions used, the dosimetric property is the optical activity which varies under the influence of Y-radiations. The ChDA brand of glucose and saccharose was dissolved in doubly distilled water. 7 ml samples were irradiated C ard 1/4 by means of 7-rays of Co 60 of 2.100 Curies of activity. Gamma-Ray Rndiation Dosimetry Utilizing 78333 Changes in Optical Activity of Certain SOV/89-8-3-1-8/32 Hydrocarbons, Letter to the Editor The largest power used was 1.1 Mr/hr. Optical activity was measured by means of a sensitive polarimeter while doses were measured using the ferrosulphate or methylene blue method. Fig. 1 shows the typical variation of the angle of rotation CL of the polarization plane in saccharose and glucose solutions with 45% (curve 1) and 20% (curve 2) concen- trations. Yieasuring device was 10 cm long. Fig-- ure 2 represents the same relationship but in ins a/ic units, where I - is the length of the light path and C the concentration. The simplicity of the investi- 8 ,gation after exposure, wide range of doses (up to 10 or 109 r) and independence from the power of the dose Induced the authors to recommend this method. Glucose seems to be the better material due to Its better overall stability. In -case of saccharose, the variation of angle of rotation is very much dependent on temperature, and increases very much with the in- Card 2/4 crease in temperature. There are 3 figures; and 11 G,-,11R1i,':1-Ray Ractiation Y, 5 -@5 DO.'lilliefPY Ut,1l1:Jn,-*, rl'hanges in Optical Activity of' Certciln sov/89-8-j)-18/32 Hydrocarbons. Letter to tfie EdItor references; 2 Soviet., 2 French, 2 U.K., and 5 U.S. The 5 most recent U.K. and U.S. references are: T. Hardwick, Canad. J. Chem., 30, 23 (1952); E. Weber, R. Schuler, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 74, 4415 (1952); M. Day, G. Stein, Nucleonics, 8, Nr 2, 311 (1951); S. Goldblith, B. Proctor, Nucleonics, 7, Nr 2, 83 (1950); H. Andrews, P. Stiore, J. Chem. Phys., 18, 1165 (1950). SUBMITTED: October 21, 1959 CaL-d 314 78333 78333 SOV/89-8-3-18/32 % 30 17 - 24- 21 - 12- 0 Fig. 1. Variation of the angle of' rotation of the plane of polarization versus irradiation dose. Card 4/4 (6a) 36 3? 28 24 0 x 40 so 89 laq Ma 140 ISO MO WO Dole, Ate. Fig. 2. Variation of the angle of rotation of the oolarization pi-ne of glucose solutions versus irradiation dose: (in %) (1) 5; (2) 10; (3) 20. M 40 SO 80 /00 ZZO 140 ISO ISO ZOO Dasu A,. I /z "d C @ '/. 6 6 0,0 AUTHORS: TITLE: 8/05Y60YOW/02/09/061 B006 BO11 Makaryunas, K. V., Starodubtsovi S. V. Investigation of the Reactions (a,01)p (app), and (apt) on Lithium Nuclei 7? PERIODICAL: Zhurnal skeperimentalluoy i toorsticheskoy fialkip 1960, Vol. 38, No. 2, PP. 372 - 378 TEIT: The investigations dealt with in the present paper were conducted on the cyclotron of the Loni W adskiy fisiko-tekbuichookiy Inatitut (Leningrad Institute of PhX&JSM_Az"11KMn1ng.Y). a-partialea with 10-15, 11-5, and 4.3.2 Mov were used for the experimenis. A scattering chamber of 50 om diameter was connoot*d to the cyclotront and the target was placed in its center; this was surrounded by photographic platen con- tained in special boxes. The plates were of the typo 34-2 (Ya-2) with an emulsion thickness of 100 p. The target consialed of metallic lithium in natural isotopic composition (0-75 - 1-1 mg1cx4) and was situated in dry carbon dioxide The latea were evaluated by means of a microscope of the type "614-3 iXBI-3@; the track lengths were measured, and the Card 1/4 Iaveltigation of the Reactions (a, a (at P) 0 -1/05@6NI R381021091061 and (a, on Lithium Nuclei Boa Boll t) BI particle energy spectra as well as the angular distributions of the particle groups were determined. The deviation* of the absolute values of the differential cross sections from the mean values did not exceed 30-40% in the various experiments. Results concerning the angular dis- tributionx of the various reactions are outlined in the paper under re- view. Angular distribution of reaction L17(*qa,)Li7* N - - 4.61 NOT): Fig. 2 shows the angular distribution of a-p&rticles undergoing in- elastic scattering on L17,, at Ra M 13.2 Nov. The cross section calou- lated from an integration of the angular distribution from 15 to 900 (in the center-of-aass system) was found to be 147 160 ab. A com- parison (Fig. 2) with Butler's theory (Ref- 3) shown that the parity of the 4.61-Nev level of the Lif nucleus is negative, and that it has a spin of 1/2. 3/2, 5/2, or 7/2 (ground state of 3/2-)- Angular dis- tributidne of the reactions U6 OXP)JO9 (Q a -2.13 NOT) and L17(aPp)]Ml0 (q _ -2-56 Rev): Fig. .3 shows the angular distributions of protons originating from these reactions in the laboratory system Card 2/4 Investigation of the Reactions (u,al)q (a,p), S/056 98@836/02/oq/o6i Boll and (a9t) on Lithium Nuclei BOO691 ASSOCIATION: Leningradakiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Leningrad Institute of Physics and Technology of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: August 7, 1959 Card 4/4 Investigation of the Reactions (a,al), (a,P), 5/05@6@j 8/02/09/061 Doll and (a,t) on Lithium Nuclei Boo6 Doii at Ece M 10-15, 11.5, and 13.2 Mov, and Fig. 4 the angular dietribution of protons in the center-of-mass system at lot a 11-5 Nov. The angular distribution in the center-of-mass system in strongly anisotropic and asymmetrio with respect to 0 a 900. The angular distribut ,ion of tritons originating from the reaction L17(aqt)Be8 (Q - - 2-56 Nov) is shown for Ea - 10-15 Mev in Fig. 5, and also, for comparison, the distribution curve calculated according to Butler. A curve-calculated according to the stripping theory is shown as well* It is very similar to the one of the knock-out theory. The authors finally thank.the cyclotron team headed by A..B. Girsh'n, and also the collaborators of the laboratoriya yadernykh reaktsiy LFTI (Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions of the LPTI) for their assistance in the experiments. There are 5 figures and 14 references: 2 Soviet, 9 American, 1. British, I Japanese, and lPolish. ar Card 3/4 84961 S/056/60/039/003/047/058/XX B006/B070 1944pa 0 AUTHORS; Velyukhoy@,__a.. Ye., Prokoflyev, A. N.y Starodubtsev, S. V. TITLE: Capture Reaction on F 19 , P31 , and S32 Nuclei .1."___174 __/Y1 - 7 1 PERIODICAL. Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki, 19601 Vol. 39@, No. 3(9), PP. 563 - 565 TEXT: The authors had established in Ref. 1 that the differential cross sections of the reactions F9(n,d)O"' and p3l (n,d)Si 30 coincide if the transitions to the ground levels of 0 18 and Si30 take place at' En - 14-1 Mev. If it is assumed that this is due to the last protons of F19 and P31 being in the same statev a similar result should be expected V11"t for the reactions Ne 20 (n,d)F 19 and S32 (njd)P31, since also in this case the last protons of Ne 20 and S 32 are in the same state (2S 1/2) . To clear up this, the authors studied eimultaneously the (Ixyd) reactions on F 19 Card 1/3 Bhq61 Capture Reaction on F 19 P31, and B32 B/056/60/039/003/047/058/XX Nuclei Boo6/BO70 P312 and S32. For this purpose a new method was used, which is described in Ref. 19 and which makee possible a better separation of the deuteron group. The reaction S32 (n,d)P31 was investigated on a target with natu- ral isotopic composition and the deuteron energg spectrum determined. Fig. I shows this for an angle of emission of 0 in the laboratory sys- tem.-Q was found to be equal to (-7.7 1 0.!)Mev@ and the differential crose section at 0 0 was (20.4 � 1@5)00_ 27 CM2/ateradian. The differen- tial cross section of the reaction F9(n,d)01" at 0" was found to be (2-11-4 + 1-1).10-27 cm2/sreradianj and q - (--5.9 4 0.3) Mev. The cross section of the reaction S32 (nvd)P31 was found to be (21.80.2).10- 27cm2 and Q - (-5.2� 0 ;2)Mev. The deuteron angular distributions of these three, reactioriLq- for 0-30 are shown in Fig. .2. The reaction cross sections de- crease rapidly with increasing angles. Finallyp the authors discuss a calculation of the reduced transition widths according to Butler@s theory. The angular distributions calculated theoretically agree with the experimental results for all of the three reactiona at an lnteract@on 2/3 Capture Reaction on F 19 , P31, and S32 Nuclei 8hq6l S/056/60/039/003/047/056/XX B006/BO70 radius of 5.1-10-'13 cm. The authors thank A. P. Pulin and A. M. Tsvetkov for assistance. There are 2 figures and 3 references: I Soviet@ 1 US@ and I British. ASSOCIATION; SUBMITTED: Leningrddakiy Fiziko,-tekhnichaskiy institut Akadamii nauk SSSR (Leningrad Institute of Physics and Technology of the Academy of Sciences USSR) April i6, 196o Card 3/3 S/020/60/132/04/19/064 B014/BO07 AUTHORS: Starodubwzva. V., Academician of the AS Uzbekskaya SSR, Kh1zn1cftenko, L;"-Fop Domoryadg 1. 1. TITLE: The Change of the Constants of Elasticity of Q2artz Filaments Under *the Action of the GaMa Emission-jof Co 60 /7 PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 132, No. 4P pp- 803-805 TEXT: The filaments investigated here by means of high-precision methods were produced from molten quartz. Determination of the constants of elasti- city was carried out by means of torsional oscillations of the filament sample generated by a magnetic field. Two methods of recording the number of oscillations were tried out. In the case of one of them, the time signals of the Tashkentskaya astronomicheskaya observatoriya (Tashkent Astronomical Observatory) and the zero passages of the light beam reflected by the mirror of the loop oscilloscope were simultaneously recorded on the photographic film of a loop oscilloscope. With the other method, the oscillations per unit time were counted electronically, in Pqrd 1/3 ! 1. 1 The Change of the Constants of Elasticity of Quartz Filaments Under the Action of the Gamma Emission of Co 6o 5/020/60/132/04/19/064 B014/BO07 hich case a chronometer was used. The second method was found to be more : Xact (error of 0.02%), and by means of this method the main results were obtained. Measurements were carried out with six radiation doses within the range of from 81-106 r to 845-106 r. Fig. 1 graphically shows the values of A G/G calculated from the measurements (G is the modulus of elasticity in shear) as dependent on the dose. In curve I the linear deformation has not been considered, whereas in curve II it has. Curve III shows the change of A 1/1 (1 is the length of the filament). It was found that the modulus of elasticity in shear increases steadily with an increase in the dose; with a further increasing dose this increase becomes less. An increase in the modulus of elasticity by 0.16 + 0.02 % was found with a dose of 8-10a r. The increase in the modulus of elasticity is explained by the occurrence of ordered domains in th 'e structure of the molten quartz. There are I figure and 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 STAID-ip=lM'--.S.V.) blad., otv. red.; ABDULLAYEV, A.A., kand. fiz.- mat. nauk, red.; ABDURASULOV, D.M., doktor mod. nauk, red.; ARIFGVJ U,A*, akad.., red.; BORODULDIA, A.A., kand. biol. nauk, red.; IVASIIEV, V.11.., red.; IKRAMOVA) G.S., red.; KIV, A.Ye., red.; LOBRIOV, Ye.M., kand. fiz.-mat. nauk, red.; NIKOLAYEV, A.I., kand. med. nauk, red.; VISHANOV, D., kand. khim,. nauk, red.; SADYKOV, A.S.,, akad.., red.; TAIANIN, Yu.Ne. kand, fiz.- mat. nauk, red.; TURAKUIDV, Ya.Kh., doktor biol. nauk, red.; GAYSIIISKAYA) I.G., red.; GORIKOVAYA, Z.P., teklm. red. [Transactions of the Tashkent Conference on the Peaseful Uses of Atomic Energy] Trudy Tashkentskoy konterentsii po mirnomu is- polizovanii,u atomnoi energii, 1959. Tashkent, Izd-vo Akad.nauk Uzbekskoi SSR. Vol.l. 1961. 410 P. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Tashkentskaya. konferentsiya po mirnomu ispoltzovaniyu atomnoy energii, Tashkent, 1959. 2. Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSSR (for Starodnbtsev, Arifov, Sadykov). 3. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Sadykov). 4. Institut yadernoy fiziki Akademii nauk Uzbekskoy SSR (for Arifof, Lobanav), 5. institut krayevoy eksperimentallnoy meditsiny Akademii nauk Uzbekskoy SSR (for Turakulov). (Atomle energy--Congresses) jSTARODUBTSKVj S.V.,, akademikv otv. red.; GAYSINSKAIA., I.G.v red.; SOKOLOVA, A-.K-.v--5a-.-*-XARABAYEVA, Kh.U.P tekbn. red. [Some problems in applied pbloics] Nekotorye voprosy prilrladmoi fiziki. Tashkent, 1961. 107 0. (MIRA 24:7) 1. Akademiya nauk Uabekskoy SSFLv Tashkent. Otdeleniye fisiko- matematichoskikh nauk. 2. Akad.emiya nak Uzbekskoy SSR (for Staro- dubtsev) (Pbysics) 33080 S/638/61 01/000/002/056 04 B102[B13@0 AUTHOR: Starodubtaev, S. V. TITLE: Study of the changes in the properties of matter in strong nuclear radiation fields SOURCE: Tashkentskaya konferentsiya po mirnomy ispoltzovaniyu atomnoy energii. Tashkent, 1959@ Trudy. v. 1. Tashkent, 1961, 26-34 TEXT. The author studies the effects which, in the interaction between y-radiation and electrons with solids, will lead to permanent changes in their properties. These changes are due to the release of energy in the solid, causing the formation of, e.g., Frenkell defects. All possible ways of releasing the energy necessary for the production of defects are discussed. The new formations observed in the solid are due to secondary processesp e.g. electrons which have formed as a result of the Compton or photoeffect in the material. Besides the new formations of ions, molecules, and radicals, excitation centers are also formed which may cause catalytic processes or chain reactions. The processes may be Card 113 Study of the changes in the 33080 S163 61/001/000/002/056 B102YB136 divided into three groups: (1) Primary interaction between quantum and atom for t - 10-18 see; (2) Secondary processes which lead to the forma- tion of slow electrons, excitation centers and molecular fragments, and which last some psec'. (3) Aftereffects which determine the phystal and chemical properties of the system and which may last a few hours or a few years. The physical processes comprise electric and optical effects, and changes in dimensions and mechanical and surface properties. The chemical processes comprise destruction, formation of radicals, liberation of gasp and catalytic processes. If a biological substance is irradiated, biological processes occur which may be considerable at small doses@ In the radiation physics laboratories of the Institut yadernoy fiziki (Institute of Nuclear Physics) and of the Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut AN UzSSR (Physicotechnical Institute of the AS Uzbekskaya SSR) a group has for a number of years been conductirg methodological research studies in the fields of radiation physics. Amongst other things it was found that y-irradiation of saccharose and glucose causes quite a considerable change in optical activity. Radiation effects are especially strong in semiconductors, those in Ge and Si being well-known. In CdS a large number of excitation centers are formed which disappear on IR-irradiation. Card 2/3 33666 S/058/61/000/012/021/083 A058/Aio 1 AUTHORS: Starodubtsev, S. V,., Khrushchev, B. I. TITLE: Energy dependence of the angular distributions for B 10 (d, p) B11 reactions PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 12, 1961, 1173, abstract 12B595 ("Tr. Tashkentsk. konferentsii po mirn. ispol'zovaniyu atomn. energii", 1959, v. 1, Tashkent, AN UzSSR, 1961, 89-97) TEXT: There were- measured the angular distributions and integral cross sections of 4 long-range proton groups for the BIO(d,p)Bll reaction at deuteron energies of 5, 5.75, 6.5 and 7.25 Mev. The angular distribfitions are analyzed in detail, and numerous data from other authors are adduced. Best agreement is found with the stripping theory taking into account exchange effects. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 33090 S/63e/6i/ool/000/012/056 B102/B138 woo A.UTHORS: Starodubtsev, S. V., Makaryunas, K. V. TITLE; Elastic and inelastic scattering of 13.2-Mev a-particles on lithium, and the reactions L16'a,p)Be9 and Li7(a,p)BelO SOURCE: Tashkentskaya konferentsiya po mirnomy ispolizovaniyu atomnoy energii. Tashkent, 1959. Trudy. v. 1. Tashkent, 1961, 98-102 TEXT; The authors studied the Li-a interactian primarily to clarify the mechanism: of nucleus formation in which important parts are played by "direct" interaction such as a-tripping, pickup, knockout, inelastic processes. The various possibilities are thoroughly discussed@ Bxperi- ments were conducted on the cyclotron of the Leningradskiy fiziko- tekhnicheskiy institut (Leningrad Physicotechnical institute). 14-20 thick metallio lithium targets of natural isotope composition were bombarded with 13.2-Mev a-particles. The target was in the center of a 50-cm diameter scattering chamber designed by S. V. Starodubtsev, Ye. M. Lobanovq and I. M. Shcheglov. 20 cm from the target were 100-g photo- Card 1/3 33094 S/638/6!/001/000/017/056 B104/B138 t@o U AUTHORS; Velyukhov, G, Ye., Prokoflyevy A. N., Starodubtsev, S. V. TITLE: Study of capture reactions of light nuclei with 14.1-Mev neutrons SOURCE; Tashkentskaya konferentsiya po mirnomy ispollzovaniyu atomnoy energii. Tashkent, 1959, Trudy, v. 1. Tashkent, 1961, 129 - 134 TEM The reaction T(d, n)He4 was the neutron source for studying the reaction (n, d) with 14.1-Mev neutrons on a number of isotopes@ The deuterons were accelerated to 260 Mev in a Cockcroft-Walton generator. The neutron yield was determined with a CsI(Tl) monitor measuring the 4 ,.-.-Darticles from reaction Vd, n)He . The telescope consisted of a single chamber into which was placed the target of the test substance, the boron counters, the unseparated foils and the NaI(Tl) crystal, To study angular distributions the whole chamber could be rotated about an axis running vertically through the target. The chamber was filled with a gas mixture Card 1/3 33094 S/638/61/001/000/017/056 Study of capture reactions B104/B138 composed of 95% K2-1 5% CH41pressure 150 mm Hg, Three reactions were 1 18 -,33 studied: F 9(n ,d)O ; P31(n, d)Si30; 831,34(n, d)p3l . Teflon (CF 2_CF2) targets with a density of 5-1 mg1cm2 were used for the first 2 reaction. The neutron flux was 2-109 -neutrons/cm " Red phosphorus deposited onto a platinum backing was used for studying reaction P 31 (n,d*-@ 2 9 2 Density was 4.45 mg/cm neutron flux 2-10 neutrons/cm The natural isotope mixture was used for studying reaction S32934(n'-d)p31'33. The target was made by depositing sulfur onto a tantalum backing. Results are tabulated. There are 5 figures, I table, and 14 non-Soviet references. The four most recent references to English-language publications read as follows: Thomas R. G., Phys. Rev., 97,224, 19551 Glenn, Frye, Phys. Rev., 93, '1087, 1957; Carlson R.9 Phys. Rev., 107, 10949 1957; Ribe F. L. Phys. Rev., 1o6, 769, 1957. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR (Lenin- grad Physicotechnical Institute AS USSR) Card 2/3 33094 S/638/61/001/000/017/056 Study of capture reactions ... B104/B138 Table. Measurement results. 27 2 Legend: (1) Reactior@, (2) c-I(Q-10 cm /sterad, (3) q, Mev, (4) 9 angle at which the ebergy spectrum of the reaction products was, taken, (a) authors' data, (b) data obtained by F. L. Ribe (Phys. Rev., 1o6, 769,, 1957)- Q. MIS e- I..11cmeparT Tma peaKU11H H7..1 all jjaW @1 padOTIO iia H Pa6d IP T, Aam"e. 1101 AaHH (101, 101 Fla d) 018 26,2 24 - 5,9�0.08 -5,79�0.08 0.039 0,036 S Pat d) Siso 32,5 - - 5,2�0,2 0.051. - S. S.17,34 d) p31,33 - - - 7.7�0,1 3 !@2,34 d) Plix - - -10,1�0,1 S Card 3/3 33097 0 3/638/61/001/000/020/056 _Z ta " / B104/B138 AUTHORSt Niyazova, 0. R., TITLE: Formation of activation centers in CdS single crystals by X-rays SOURCE: Tashkentskaya konferentsiya po mirnomy ispoll zovaniyu- atom- noy energii. Tashkent, 1959. Trudy. v. 1. Tashkent, 1961, 155-159 TEXT: The activation of CdS single crystals by X-rays, the migration of excited centers, and the deactivation of single crystals were studied. A steady current is quickly established if a single crystal is irradiated with a broad X-ray beam. This is due to uniform distribution of carrier and activation centers throughout.the crystal. Irradiation of a local zone in the crystal center causes a slow current variation which largely depends on the previous history of the crystal: (1) If the crystal is pretreated with a broad X-ray beam, the current passing through the crys- tal quickly reaches its steady value; (2) If the crystal is not first irradiated, conductivity increases slowly in the course of some tens of Card 1/3 33097 S/638/61/001/000/020/056 Formation of activation centers ... B104/B138 hours. At the beginning of X-irradiation, the weak roentgenoluminescence of some crystals caused a nearly inertial-free increase in the current passing through the single crystal when a voltage of 300 v was applied, This is due to the extinction of roentgenoluminescence by the electric field, which produces a narrower probe characteristic, The activation centers exist for several hours and migrate into the crystal. Since the electric field shows no essential effect on the migration of activation centers, they are bound to be electrically neutral. The activation level rises with the dose of local X-irradiation. If the excitation is suffi- cient the centers produce new ones while moving. The current in X-irradiation increases even more rapidly as the activation level rises. The excitation produced by irradiation can either be thermally extinguished or by exposure to infrared rays. The extinction is accelerated with in- creasing temperature. Equilibrium between the generation and annealing of activation centers is established even at 60 - 90 OC. At -1500C, the crystal is no longer activated by irradiation. A discussion of results reveals that the activation is primarily caused by atomic diffusion within the crystal. Estimation of the rate of this kind of diffusion shows that Card 2/3 33097 S/638/61/001/000/020/056 Formation of activation centers ... B104/B138 diffusion may lead to prolonged periods of current increase. There are 4 figures and 12 references s 7 Soviet and 5 non-Soviet. The two refer- ences to English-lang-age publications read as follows. Frerichs R., Phys, Rev., 76, 12, 1 '39, 1949; Broser I., Broser-Warminsky R., J. Phys. Chem. Solids., v. 67 P. 3869 1958. ASSOCIATIONg Institut yadernoy fiziki AN UzSSR (Institute of Nuclear Physics AS Uzbekskaya SSR) Card 3/3 33661 S/058/6 1/WO/O 1@/015/083 P-72 0 IZ 321-2- A058/A 10 1 AUTHORS.- Ablyayev, Sh.A., Generalova, V.V., Starod-abtsev, S.V, TITIEi Concerning gamma-dose measurement from variation in optical activi- ty of carbohydrates PERIODICAL- Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no. 12, 1961, 70, abstract 12B230 (Tr. Tashkentsk. konferentsii po mim. ispolizovaniyu atomn. energii, 1959, v. 1, Tashkent-, AN UzSSR, 1961, 159 - 163) TEXT. Radiation effects in sugar and glucose solutions were investictated in the dose range 0-200 million roentgens. The coefficient of optical activity was monitored'by means of a sensitive polarimeter. Results showed that the angle of rotation of the polarization plane decreases linearly with irradiation dose. The effect of concentration incident to this variation of the specific rotation was investigated. Glucose solutions are recommended as dosimetric liquids in view of their long preservability, the constanay@of the changes that take place in them and their insensitivity to temperature. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 33099 S/638/61/001/000/022/056 Ll 6 0() 2Z011 17-I's B104/BI38 AUTHORS: Blaunshteyn, I. M., SLtar@odubt@ TITLE: Radiolysis of some inorganic compounds by intense gamma irradiation SOURCE: Tashkentskaya konferentsiya po mirnomy ispollzovani3fu - atom- noy energii. Tashkent, 1959. Trudy. v. 1. Tashkent, 1961, 163 - 168 TEXT: The gas yield duringf--irradiation of KKn04, LiH, CaCO 39 BaCl 29 glass powder, quartz, and other materials, was determined in preliminary tests. Thermally stable BaC12 was most sensitive to X rays. Its gaseous radiolysis products were analyzed with a mass spectrometer. A weighed amount of BaCl 2 was sealad into a glass cylinder, and degassed by heating at 300 OC for several hours. After sealing off pressure was , 10-4 mm Hg. After several days it was irradiated with a Co 6o source (330,000 r/hr). Maximum dose was 150 million r. BaCl fractions were prepared by 40 - 811- Card 1/3 2 33099 Radiolysis of some inorganic S/638/61/001/000/022/056 B104/B138 mesh screens. The authors determined the gas generation (Cl 2 ) as a func- tion of particle size and dose, as a function of specific surface for one dose, and as a function of the most probable diameter of particles of various fractions. Results: Dose, Energy Amount of chlorine Molecular yield per million r absorbed, molecules formed, 100 ev absorbed energy, ev@10_21 Cl 2' 10 -16 N0103 30 1.14 6.17 4.30 50 2.40 9.25 3.85 70 3.37 11.80 3.55 100 4,80 13-90 2.88 The reduction of gas generation with increasing dose is attributed to in- creased recombination in the presence of a large number of dissociated molecule s. The energy absorbed seems to be dissipated on several simul- taneous processes: re combination, diffusion and overcoming,lattice po- tential barriers, de-e xcitation of excited molecules, heating the lattice? Card 2/3 S/638/61/001/000/023/056 B104/B138 AUTHORS: Gurskiy, M. N., Sizykh, A. G., Starodubtsev, S. V. TITLE: Variation in optical properties of T-irradiated benzene SOURCE; Tashkentskaya konferentsiya po mirnomy ispollzovaniyu atomnoy energii. Tashkent, 1959. Trudy, v. 1, Tashkent%_ 1961@' 168 - 171 TEXT. Benzene was purified by drying over sodium, fractionally distilled, and twice recrystallized. Its purity was checked from the optical refrac- 20 tive index (nD = 1.5011 � 0.0001), and then it was poured into glass ampouls and irradiated with a Co 6o source. Initially colorless, it turns yellow at 5-106 r. With higher doses, insoluble yellowy-white precipi- tates are formed which can be removed by centrifuging. According to I@ V. Vereshchinskiy ("Deystviye ioniziruyushchikh izlucheniy na neorganicheskiy i organicheskiy sistemy", AN SSSR, p@ 234) and M. Burton (Journ, Am. Chem. Soc., 76, 10, 1954), separation of the benzene end leads to biradicals of the type R(C H )R. Developed chains with con- 6 6 n jugate bonds are characteristic of luminescent substances. Irradiated Card V2 S/638/61/001/000/023/056 Variation in optical properties ... B104/B138 benzene luminesces bright green-blue. The luminescence was excited by an Hg lamp wit4 Y(IC-4 (UPS-4) filter. The initial preparation showed no luminescen6e''in the visible range@ Intensity of luminescence increased with the dose increasing from 0.6 to-16-10 6 r. At the same time, maximum intensity shifts to the longwave range. The behavior of irradiated benzene is similar to that of diphenyl polyene. This suggests polymerization during irradiation. There are 2 figures and 7 references: 3 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. The four references to English-language publications read as follows: Sten G., Weiss J,, Journ. Chem. Soc., 3245-3351, 1945; Patrick W. N., Burton M., Journ. Am. Chem. Soc., 76) 10, 1954; Gordon S., Van Dyken A. R., Doumani T. F. Journ. Phys. Chem., 62, 1, 20, 1958; Gibson G. E., Blake N. and Kalm M. Journ. Chem. Phys., 21, 1000, 1953. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UzSSR (Physicotechnical Institute AS Uzbekskaya SSR) Card 212 S/638/61/001/000/024/056 B104/BI38 AUTHORS: Vakhidov, Sh. A., Starodubtsev, S. V. TITLE.- Phosphorescence of crystalline quartz under gamma irradiation SOURCEs Tashkentskaya konferentsiya po mirnomv ispollzovaniyu atomnoy energii. Tashkent, 1959. Trudy, v. 1. Tashkentp 1961, 171 - 174 TEXT: On crystalline quartz from Pamir, Volynskaya oblast, (Volyn oblast') and from Ferganskaya dolina (Fergana valley) the authors studied the decay of phosphorescence excited by gamma rays, and the effect of electric treatment, heating, and ultraviolet light on phenomena connected with phosphorescence. They used a Co 60 source with a radiation efficiency of 10 6 r/hr. The decay of phosphorescence does not follow an exponential law, and differs for quartzes of different origin. All gamma- irradiated quartz samples capable of coloration phosphoresced a few minutes after gamma irradiation. The more intensively blackened parts phosphoresced more strongly after gamma irradiation. Crystalline quartz plates were placed between carbon electrodes. Electric current (6oo v, Card 1/3 S/638/61/001/000/024/056 Phosphorescence of crystalline ... B10013a 400 - 5000C) was passed along the principal optical axis for 10 hrs. After cooling to room tempera@ure, the samples were irradiated for one hour. The phosphorescence of the crystal plates changed considerably. Irradiation of gamma-irradiated samples with ultraviolet light produced new phosphorescence in those crystals which had phosphoresced after gamma irradiation. In the electrically treated samples no phosphorescence was observed after irradiation with ultraviolet light. These results are ex- plained according to V, L. Levshin (Izv. AN SSSR, ser. fiz. nauk, 2, 3, 1948, p. 277); The energy of absorbed radiation lifts electrons into the conductivity band. Electrons entering the conductivity band pass into their normal state due to emission of light or heat energy. They are partly trapped on shallow localization levels. They can be thermally ex- cited on these levels, thus causing the second phosphorescence. Insamples heated to 4000C, all electrons are localized on trapping levels. In the course of geological periods, electrons pass over to the valence band, making it impossible to produce phosphorescence on natural quartz by ultra- violet light. There are 4 figures and 9 references: 5 Soviet and 4 non- Soviet. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows; Tutagami T. Proc. Phys. Soc. japan., 66, 20, 1938, P. 458. Card 2/3 Phosphorescence of crystalline ... S/638/61/001/000/024/056 B104/B138 ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UzSSR (Physicotechnical Institute AS Uzbekskaya SSR) V/ @ Card 3/3 S/081/62/000/002/017/107 B140102 AUTHORS: Lblyayev, Sh. A., Yermatov, S@ E., Starodubtsey, S. V@ TITLL: Alteration of the adsorbint, properties of silica gel under -.1ne 0 action of gamma radiation PERIODICAL: Jleferativnyy zhurnal.. Khimiya, no. 2, 19062, 915, abstract 2B682 (Tr. Tashkentsk, konferentsIL no mirn, inpollzovariiyu atomn. energii, 1959, v. I. Tashkent, Alf UzSSR, 1961, 174 - 177) TEXT., Alterations of adsorbing pro erties of silica gel (SG) (VL k(KSK) grade) on gamma irradiation with C090 have been studied. Th 9 radiation dose was 15150 - 350.000 r/hr, with a total dose of up to 2-10 r. The irradiated gel adsorbs additional amounts (in micromoles/g) of the following gases: H2 12, N2 8, CO2 18, NH 3 1, ethylene 0.5. On heating the irradiated gel the original properties are restored; at room temperatuxe. properties resulting from irradiation are not altered over long periods of time, The effect of temperature on the radiation efficiency has been investigated, A hypothesis is advanced that an gamma irradiation of SG Card 1/2 S/081/62/000/002/017/107 Alteration of the adsorbing... B149/B102 there oc@;ur surface*processes which favor tin increase in adsorption properties, viz, (1) destruction of OH- groups and formation of free --ralencies; (2) formation of electrically charged active centers; (3) 1--,' breaking of bonds between free radicals. LAbstracter's note: Complete -I translation.3 33118 S/638/6!/001/000/045/056 B116/B138 AUTHORS: Vasillyeva, Ye. K., Starodubtsev, S. Vz TITLE: Effect of gamma rays on adsorption of complex cobalt compounds on silica gel SOURCEt Tashkentskaya konferentsiya po mirnomy ispoltovaniyu atomnoy energii. Tashkent, 1959. Trudy. v. 1. Tashkent, 1961, 277 - 279 TEXT: The authors studied the effect of gamma rays on the adsorption of cobalt ammoniates on silica gel, using tagged CoCl 2, To produce complex compounds, the CoCl 2* 6H20 solution was oxidized in he presence of ammonia. According to A. A. Grinberg (Vvedeniye v khimiyu kompleksnykh sovedineniy (Introduction to the chemistry of complex compounds), L.-M., Goskhimizdat 1951) it is mainly the complex compounds Eqo(n 3)6]C'3 and [Co(NH 3)5 cijci2 which are formed under such conditions. The water 4 ammonia ratio in the solution was 3 : 1, The silica gel was dried at 2000C. and,together with the solutior,sealed into ampules (5 9 of silica gel per 20 ml of solution). Hall' the samples were irradiated by a gamma source (3-103 r/hr) with dosesof Card 1/3 33118 S/638/61/001/000/045/056 Effect of gamma rays on B116 B138 20 - 60,106 r, The other half was used for control, Adsorption time was 120 hr. Activity was measured on a 5-2(B-2) apparatus, The adsorption of complex cobalt ions on silica gel was found to increase with concentration of the solution during irradiation. There was a tendency for the same state of equilibrium to be established in irradiated samples after irradiation as in those which had not been irradiated. The color change of silica gel during irradiation indicates that the ions here adsorbed during irradiation are of a different composition than under usual conditions. This is attrib- uted to the establishment of new ion equilibrium during irradiation. The absorption spectra of the irradiated solutions shift toward the long wave side@ It is suggested that the ions absorhed by the silica gel during irradiation contain no structurally bound water. The ion composition also changes when the silica gel is irradiated after adsorption. The stability of cobalt ammoniate solutions decreases during irradiation. Processes were observed, similar to those in a thermal treatment (formation of cobalt hydrates). When dry silica gel is irradiated without an adsorbent, the adsorption of complex compounds does not change@ There are 3 figures and 6 references; 3 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The three references to English- language publications read as follows: Taylor, E. H,, Wethington., I, A., Card 2/3 333a8 S/638/61/001/000/045/056 Effect of gamma rays on ... B116/B138 J. Am, Chem. Soc-p 76, 4, 971, 1954, Taylor, E. H,, Kohn, H. W., J. Am. Chem. Soc,, 79, 1, 252, 1957; Smith, G. W. Jacobson, H. W., J. Pbys. Chem.@ 60, 7, 1956. Card 3/3 S/638/61/001/000/046/056 B116/B138 AUTHORS: Keytlin, L. G., St@@rodubtsev, S. V. TITLE: Variation of absorption bands in the spectrum of dyed polymethyl metbacrylate under the action of gamma rays SOURCE- Tashkentskaya konf erentsiya po mirnomy ispol zovaniyu . atomnoy energii, Tashkent, 1959. Trudy. v. 1. Tashkent, 1961, 279 - 281 TEXT: According to M, I. Day and Stein (Nature, 168, 644, 1951), the color change of dyed polymer during irradiation is due to fixation of the dyestuff of electrons (which are separated out during irradiation)@ This present paper endeavours to clarify this theory. The color change of thin po3ymethyl methacrylate plates was studied under the action of gamma rays using benzene-azo-alpha-naphthylamine as the dyestuff. To study the effect of admixtures, both plates without admixtures, and with dichloro ethane or benzene, were used, They were irradiated in vacuo at a dose rate of 3.5-10 5 r/hr. Under irradiation of the dyed polymethyl methacrylate Card 1/2 :3/638/61/001/000/048/056 B*16/BI38 AUTHORS: Starodubtsev, 3- V., Azizov, S. TITLE., Variation in linear dimensions of molten quartz during gamma irradiation SOURCE@. Tashkentskaya konferentsiya po mirnomy ispc,-. zovaniyu atomnoy energii@ Tashkent, 1959. Trudy. v,. 1, Tashkent, 1961, 283 TEXT4 Molten quartz was exposed to Co60 gamma radiation, Measurements wer* made on a Y011- 210IM-21) microscop* with about tO-I% accuracy. Tho 7 linear dimensions increased with the dose, reacting a maximum at 9.10 r. At 18-iOf rg the dimensions decrease again, finally reaching their original values. The shrinkage observed at doses of 18 - 28,107 r corresponds to statements made by G, Mayer and J. Gigon (Journ. de Physique et le Radium, 189 2, 109 - 114, 1957) and William Primak (see below), Only a slight Card 1/2 S/638/61/001/000/048/056 B, 1,38 Variation in linear dimensions ... .16/B change occurs on increasing the dose up to 36-10 7r. There are I figure and 2 non-Soviet references. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: Primak William. Phys. Rev., im, 6, 1240 - 1254, 1958- ASSOCIATION-. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UzSSR (Physicotechnical Institute AS Uzbekskaya SSR) Card 2/22 2297*0 311661611000100210011006 B112 B217 AUTHORS; Stafodub'tsev, S. V., Member of de Academy of-Scienceo Uzbek--',Zaya SSR, Ablyayev, Sh. A., Bakhramov., F., Keitlin, L. I., Yusova, E.*N.@ TITLE: Study of molecular gonversions in a natural Eas, produem'.1. by high-frequency electuric dischar.-cs PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akaderqii hauk UzSSR,. Se.-riya nauk, no. 2, 1061, 3-11 TEXT: The.stndy of chemical conversions is to continue studies of a-ifferent radiation effects on methane. A high-frequency device of the tnicirE-36 (LGE-ZB) was used for heating the dielectrics. Th-- experi- mental arrangeinent is schemt(tically represented in Fig. 1: A is a gas tank, B a rheometer, T a discharge tubeJI (L) a trap, P a reservoir, is a manometer, H a bulb,"*a-in'-d---D---ani_3.D are catarrhometers. T)ie reaction j 2- products were analyzed spectroscopically. The @IKC-l 4(IKS-14) spectro- ' -1 graph usdd has a measuring range of 600-10000 am and prisms of LiF and Card 1/5 22970 S1166J61100010021001loo6 Study'of molecula@ conversions in a... B112/B217 M.- The "as con6ined. 98 @a, methane. The amount of energy absorbed on 0 passage through the gaq discharge -tube was,-determined from the temperature difference T 2 -TI at the ends of the discharge tube. E = 2.6 iol?m C p(T 2 -T, ). ev, vhere NI is the mass of the gas, and C p the specific'heat 'at constant .pressure. Fig. 2 shows the absorption spectrum of the gas. The dashed line (1) refers'to a gas not subjected to electric discharge, -,hilst line .(2) refers to' a -as subjected to electric diucharge. The effect of 0 el ectric discharge on the Z4s resulted in the formation of liquid products -which ttirned out to be derivatives of alkyl benzenes'. The basic products are formed as follows.; L H+ + C H4 --i, CHs 3 C 4 + CH CH* CHi + H 5 2 CH4* + e CH4 CH3 + H 4 CH4'+ CH4 C2H.5++ H2 Card 2/5 3 22970 S1166161ldOO100210011006 Study of molecular conversions in a...' B112/B217 + + e CH3 CH 5 2 CH+CH-qH, CHI + CHI C2H4 CHj + CHj - C2H4 + H2' There are 3 figures and 26 references: 8-Sovietu-bloc and 18 non-Soviet- 010C. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-t6khnicheskiy institut AN UzSSR (Institbuite of Physics and Technol-ou, Academy of Sciences Uzbekskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: JanuarY 7',, 1961 Card 3/5 25105 3/166/61/000/003/004/004 4) B102/B202 AUTHORSi Azizov, S., Starodubtsev, S. V.) Academician of the AS Uzbekskaya SSIt TITLEi Effect of gamma radiation on the linear dimensions of specimens of molten quartz and seignette salt PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko- matematicheskikh nauk, no- 3, 1961, 83 - 85 TEXT: Molten quartz and seignette salt are widely used in scientific studies; their radiation stability is still insufficiently investigated. In this connection the authors present data on the change of the linear dimensions of specimens of these substances caused by gamma irradiation. The samples were irradiated from water-shielded Co 60 source (2000-curies activity) with a dose rate of 109 r/hr. The linear dimensions of the molcen quartz specimen were determined by mefts of a microscope of the type An-21 (UIM-21) warranting an accuracy of 10-3%; First, an expansion of the specimen is observed. The maximum of relative elongation is Card 113 25105 5/166/61/000/003/004/004 Effect of gamma radiation... B102/B202 attained at 90.10 6r (41/1 = 6-lo-3). With a further increase of the dose, contraction occurs, the initial size being attained at 18OP10 6r; d I/l, 6 however, decreases further and, only in the range of (260 - 360) 10 r, size remains almost constant. The change o- the linear dimensions of seignette salt were studied by a device of the type 1438-1 (IZV-1) (accuracy 0.001 mm). Plates cut in two different directions straight and oblique were studied; in both cases, a linear increase of A 1/1 was obseived beginning at doses of about 50,106r. The two kinds of plates differed in the following: In the oblique onesy 41/1 increased in the same way in direction a and in direction b at increasing dose; in the straight- cut ones, the relative extension in direction a was considerably less than in direction b. The inclination of the straight line in the latter case almost agree with that obtained for oblique cut. The anisotropy entails a decrease in mechanical strength leading to the decay of the specimen at (150 - 160).106r. The authors further studied the dependence of the melting point on gamma irradiation. The following was observed for seignette salt; from 0 to 40-10 6r the melting point dropped from Card 2/3 25105 S/166J61/000/003/004/004 Effect of gamma radiation... B102/B202 74 to 650C, from (40 - 185)-.106r it dropped from 65 to 5300. The two sections of the curve ran linearly. In seignette salt a seperation of gas can be observed already at relatively low doses. The corresponding studies were made in a vacuum chamber (10-3 MM Hg), the separation of gas was determined manometrically (error 0.05 mm Hg); recording was made by a device of the type 31TBIW-14 (EPVI-14) and was checked by a device of the type BT-2 (VT-2). Irradiation was made with a dose rate of 103 r/hr. In the range 0.6 - 6.6-105r, gas separation increased linearly wiih the dose. At (40 - 50)110 6r, the curves showed a break. V. A. Yurin is mentioned. There are 4 figures and 5 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloo. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: Primak W. Phys. Rev., 1958, 11o, 6, 1240 - 1254. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UzSSR (Institute of Physics and Technology of the AS Uzbekskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: March 6, 1961 Card 3/3 27146 S116 61/000/004/005/007 B112YB102 AUTHORS: Domoryad, I. A., Starodubtsev, S. V., Member of the AS Uzbekskaya SSR, KhnniEenko, @L.P. TITLE: Precise method of measuring the changes of the elasticity characteristics of glass-like substances PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko matematicheskikh nauk, no. 4, 1961, 57 - 62 TEXT: The authors describe a method of determining the relative change. AG/G of the shearing modulus G of glass-like substances as depending on the relative change 4,)/V of the frequency V of torsional oscillations. This dependence is given by (2); AG/G = -ML/L + 2,av/.j (2) L is the length of the thread-like specimen. The method described here is highly accurate for several reasons: on the one hand the authors use an experimental arrangement which permits a precise (automatic) measure- ment of the frequency I (frictionless suspension of the thread, excitation of the torsional oscillations by a magnetic field), on the other, the Card 1/2 271h6 S/166/61/000/004/005/007 Precise method of measuring the ... B112/B102 authors demonstrate that the unevoidable deviation of the thread shape from the cylindrical shape does not change relation (2). Proof: if the radius R of the thread is approximately expressedbyarelation R = R e the following relations hold: 0 aG/G = Zj L/L + A S/S + 2AV1,0 - AR/R 09 (13) VK 6S/S = (1/ln R/R 4R4/(R4 _ R4 )) (6R /R - &R/R). (16) 0 0 0 0 0 For L R0/Ro = A R/R A L/L. a S/S = 0 and formula (13) goes over into formula (2) for a molten quartz thread in the experimental arrangement describe- here. The authors mention G. I. Kazakov. There are 6 figures. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk UzSSR (Academy of Sciences Uzbekskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: April 25, 1961 Card 2/2 273)47 S/166/61/000/004/006/007 B112/BIO2 AUTHORS: Stprodubt _ sev. S. V., Member of the AS Uzbekskaya SSR, 1A-- @17, 0 V . 6 TITLE; Change of microhardness and melting temperature of Rochelle due to gamma irradiation PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko- matematicheskikh nauk, no- 4, 1961, 67 - 69 TEXT: Experiments showed that, upon gamma irradiation, the microhardness H of Rochelle salt-changes considerably. A radiation dose of 4'jo7 - 5-10 7 r, causes a relative change A H/H in microhardness of -35%, a dose of 5*10 7 _ 12,107 r of -600A. The authors also studied the change of the melting temperature of Rochelle salt in air under the action of a gamma irradiation. Figs. 2a and 2b show the temperature change as a function of the heating time, at a heating rate of 20C/min. The three sections of the melting curves (steep - flat - steep) correspond to the phases of the salt /solid - melting - liquid). Fig. 3 shows the change of the temperature Card 1/4 STARODUBTSEV, 6.V.f akademik; ABLYAYEV, Sh.A.; YERMATOV, S.Ye.; FULATOV, U.U. . Change in the adsorbing capacity of ailica gel induced by high-frequency discharges. Izv. AN Uz. SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. nauk no.6:7?-78 161. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UzSSR. 2. Akademiya nauk UzSSR (for Starodubtsev). N STARODUBTSFV, S.V.; TIKHOMOLOVA, M.P.; AYZENS11TAT, Ye.L.; TASHMUKIW-IDOVA, K. Effect of ionized radiation on carbohydrates. Partf: Formation of formaldehyde and 1,3-dii-ydroxyacetone in the course of gamma-raying of aqueous solutions of Flucose, fructose, and maltose. Zhur.ob.khim. 11 no.9:3115-3118 S '61. (MIRA NO) (Saccharides) (Gamma rays) 5-.2LI QD_ 25716 3/'020/61/139/003/015/025 @@_ ', L @10 B103/B226 AUTHORS: Starodubtsev,-_S, V., Academician AS Uzbekskaya SSR, 5-omoryad, I., A., and Khiznichenko, L., P. TITLE: Change of 'he mechanical characteristics of amorphous selenium under the act-ion of gamma rays PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 139, no. 3, 1961@ 594-595 TEXT: The present paper gives the results cf a study of the effect of gamma rays upon the internal friz@ticn Q-1 and the shear modulus G of amorphous selenium, obtained from the legarithmic dearement and the frequency of torsional -,tibrations, respectively (see the authors' paper Ref. 1; Izv, AN UzSSR, ser. fiz., No. 4 (196,))- The data on the mechanical properties of seller.Wm, especially the elastic properties of irradiated selenium, are not contained in the literature, Measurements viere conduGt4d with selenium threads -drawn cut of the melt. The fused-off ends of the spe-@,,imens had a characteristic shape and served for holding the specJ&men, Thus, "he point where the clamps were attached was prevented from friction- Tbi@ len.ath of the thread was 30 mm, its diameter Card 1/4 25716 S/020/61/139/003/015/025 Change of the mechanical characteristics.1. B103/B226 20 -100 LP@ The longitudinal stress acting on specimens having different diameterg was between 300 arkd 1500 ff/mm This 'is much less than the tensile strength of _qelenium, threads 0 1.5 kg/mm2) found by the authors in a spencial tr-st,. ThA d4formation of the specimen go investigated did not exoeed io-5. U Jhp sper@imens were irradiated in a Co apparatus with a dose (if 700' r1hr., Fig,, I shows the dependence of.1he relative change of the shear modulus G and of the internal friction Q on the duration of irradiation, Therefrom. @t can be seen that G of glass-like selenium increases monotcnically with the dose up to saturation. In this case, the maximum change of the relative value AG/G amounts to 10 % at a dose of about 20-10 6r, wherea-_1 q-' is changed more strongly, i,e., it decreases by 40 %, In crder to clarify the radiati-e disturbances in selenium. the irradiated specimens were heated and kept at the given temperature for a certain time interval Measorements were conducted at 170C. The authors established that in the ocuree of 10 days no notable annealing occurred@ The properties of selenium are partially restored by subjecting the specimen to a temperature of 25`0 for 15 min (Fig. 21; later on, however, the crystallization process probably goes on increasing, A further heating leads to a further increase of G LAbstraoter?s notet Sext at the end of Card 2/4 25716 S/02#611/139/003/61'5/025 Change of the mechanical characteristics... - B103/B226 P- 594 interrupted.1 The radiative changes-of G and 9- observed in amorphous selenium are apparently due to the peculiarities of its- structure. At present, glass-like selenium'is assumed to have a ring structure Se.. TIFhile drawing threads the authors,'however, established advan@ageous conditions for a predominating ori6ntation of -Se-Se. chains. Due .to the varying speed of drawing and irregular cooling of'the specimens at individual spots, a rupture of the chains, deformation of the rings, and different kinds of uncontrollable distortions occurred, whereby a non-equilibrium state in the 4ruoture.of the thread was-caused. As is shown by the experimental results, G is gamma irradiation, 'while Q is decreased. This correspon'ds,.as it were, to the, transition to a more equilibrated, crystalline state of the substance. Accordingly, the authors assume that the penetrating radiation compensates, all possible distortions in glass-like selenium and, thus, arranges its e'tructure.. There are 2 figures and 2 Soviet-bloc references. SUBMITED: April 21, 1961 .Card 3/4 STAMDUBTSZV S !!@Ovlevich; LITVINOV, N.D., prof., red.; [Short course on chemistry] Kratkil kurs khbali. Hoskva, Mosk. energ. in-t, No.4. 1962. 108 p. (MIRA 16:9) (Chemistry) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6309 Starodubtsev, S. V., and A. M. Romanov Prokhozhdeniye zar_yazhennykh chastits cherez veshchestvo (Penetration of Charged Particles Through Matter) Tashkent, Izd-vo AN UzSSR, 1962. 226 p. 2500 copies printed. Addea t. p. in Uzbek. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut. Ed.: I. G. Gaysinskaya; Tech. Ed.: Kh. U. Karabayeva. PURPOSE: The book is intended for staff members of research institutes, teachers at higher educational institutions, and students of advanced courses in physics departments. COVERAGE: Theoretical fundamentals of the interaction of charged particles with matter are presented, and the results of experimental investigationS on the penetration of charged particles and electrons through matter are examined. The basic emphasis is on problems concerning the loss of energy and the ionization produced by charged particles. No personalities are mentioned. There are 520 references, most of them to books and journals in English. ----------- STARODUBTSEV, S _ -gLk emik.. otv. red.; SOKOLOVA, A.A.. red.; _�.V,, ad ---'-----ffAEI-TSKAYA, AN., red.; GORIKOVAYA, Z.P.p tekhn. red. [Problems in modern physics and mathematics] Voprosy sovremen- noi fiziki i matematiki. Tashkent., lzd-vo Akad. nauk Uzbekskoi SSRv 1962. 275 P. (MIU 15:7) 1. Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR, Tashkent. Otdeleniye fiziko- matematicheskikh nauk. 2. Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR (for Starodubtsev). (Physics) (Mathematics) Konobeyevskiy, S. T., Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences USSR, Reap. &I. Deystvive vaderavkh izluoheniv na materialy (The Effect of Nuclear Radiation on Materials). Moscow, Izd-vo AN,SSSR, 1962. 383 P. Errata slip inserted. 4000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Otdelenly4ekhni- Otdr f1tiko-matematiches kh nauic cheakikh,nauk; -Ioniye R?sp. Ed.: S. T. Konobeyevskly, Deputy Reap. s A. A. Adisinskly; Editorial Boards P. L Gruzin V. Nurdyuuo%# B. M. Levitakiy, V. S. Lyashanko (beoeasedl,/ li.Nartynyuk, .,Yu Y,u. 1.'Pokrovskiy, and N. F. PravdyUk; Md. hing V, House: M. 0. Makarenko; Tech. Was T. V. olyiLkova I. N. DorokhIna. Card 1/14 T 961 The Effect of Nuclear Radiation Nont.) sov/6i% PURPOSE: This book is intended for personnel concerned with nuclear materials. COVERAGE: This Is a collection of papers presented at the Moscow Conference on the Effect of Nuclear Radiation on Materials, held December 6-10, 1960. The material reflects certain trends in the work being conducted in the Soviet scientific research orginization. Some of the papers are devoted to the experimental study of the effect or neutron Irradiation on reactor materials (steel, ferrous alloys, molybdenum, avial. graphite, and nichromes). Others deal with the theory of neutron irradiation effects (physico- chemical transformations, relaxation of internal streades, internal frictiOn) and changes in the structure and proper- ties of various crystals. Special attentlob In given to the effect of Intense T-radiation on the.olectrical, magnetic, and optical properties of metals, dieltatrico, and semiconductors. Ca-d 2/14 ew" A. The Effeot of Nuclear RAdiation (Cont.) SOV/6176 Konozer%o, 1. Do, and V. 1.4istlyinov. Iffeat of Y-Rays bn Properties of CdS 31ngle Crystal$ '318 Titov, P. P., A. K. Kikolin... an A. Ye Buz Stimulating Actlon or,x- and Y--Rays on 71o aeon j29 Byalobzheakiy,-A-V... V.-PVAJDjay.. and V,_N. Lukinskaya. &fect of-Raaiation on 'Cor*osion Propertlis of Metals wd-- 332 2AIWIAAX-@-, P. 0. lAtovehenko, and V. 1. Unt'yanove ethods of Investigating Proper a-i of Smiconduotors Irradiated by Y-Oaanta' 341 Starodubtsev, 3. V.p So Ag--Azlwv, 1. A,,Domaryad, Ye. V. Pr-o-pp-r-ties of -SdEe-dklida 3ubjected to Y -Fadlation 347 Card 12/14 -6 The Effect of Nuclear Radiation (Cont.) SOV/6176 CStarodub F ,'M. M. Usmanova, and V. M. Y4khaelyan. Change in Certain Electrical Properties of Boron and Amorphous Selenium Under the Action of y-Irradiation 355 @-S@tod@ubts,@--v.S@. -tarodubtsev,_i;@@ and Sh. A. Vakhidov. Luminescence of dr-ya-ta7l-@ -art z 3ubjected to WV- and y-Rays 362 ,,Starodubtsev, Sh. A. Ablyayev, and S. Ye. Yermatov. krn-Cf,--O-r-y---R-aj on Absorption Properties of Vacui 4m Materials 366 Cbange in abzc@i,@tive prqq@erties o2f, various silica gels and alumosilicates, subjected to Y-ray d6ses of 150,000 to 350,QOO* r^- , w,:xa. investigated.. t, Trinkler, E. 1. Effect of Y-Irradiat@ion on,Permeability of Some Ferrites 370 Strel'nikov, P. I., A. 1. Fedorenko, and A. P. Klyncharev. Effect of Proton Irradiation on Microbardness of Iron and Steel 374 Ca-T-d 13/14 L 13o6o-63 BD,5/EWT(1)/ZWQ(k)/EEG(b)-2. An`T(;/A8D/ESD-3 -.,-,Pz.;;4.. A IJP(Q)'. PCCESSION M AT3003005' T/ S/2927/62/ 900/600/0P14/OP17 AUTHOR: Niv, A. Ye.; kiyazova, 0. H.; Starodubtsev, S. V. TITLE: Sonde characteristics of semiconductors under continuous excitation conditions (Report of the All-Union Conference on Semiconductor Devices held in. Tashkent from 2 to 7 October 19611 SOURCE: Blektronno-dy*rochny*ye,pereldiody* v poluprovodnikakh.@ Ta--,h-ke;it, Izd-vo AN UzSSR 1962, 214-217 TOPIC TAGS,. semiconductor sonde characteristic ABSTRACT: A theoretical interpretation is offered for.a photo-conductivity s- chaxacteri vie of a semiconductor Muminated by a spot light (sonde). Dif f erentlal equations describing the steady-state distribution of carriers are'set- UP.- e- condition expressing additional carriers is introduced, and'the set is sol,@ed for. i(x sub 0), the sonde characteristic. Relative positon of the maxim= of the sonde... characteristic is determined. Orig. art. has: I figure and 14 formulas. ASSOCIATION; Tashkent St. Un. .-,Ccrd L 2440-66 EWP(e) /EPA W -2/EVIT W/EPF (c)/EWP(i)/9PF (n) -2/EPA M -2/EWPW/ E%iP(b)/EWA(h)/EV1A(l1@ IJP(c) JD10101GSAM jo ACCESSION NR: AT5023817 IIR/0000/62/000/000/0347/0354 Lit- AUTHOR: Starodubts." V.; Azizov, S. A4.,@Domoryad, 1. A44 &D Peshikov, Yes V'; Khizniche U, TITLE: Change in the mechanical characteristics of certain solids exposed to gamma radiation SOURCE: Soveshchanive Do Probleme Deystvive vadernvkh izlucheniy na. material Moscow'_1960%@),Deystviye yadernykh izIucheniy na materialy (The effect of nuclen radiation on materials); doklady soveshchaniya. M.oscow, Izd-vo,A14 SSSR, 19620 -354 3 47 :7: TOPIC TAGS: gamma irradiation, quartz, shear modulus, irradiati!bn effect, dielectric property, solid mechanical property ABSTRACT: The effect of Yradia on an certain mechanical and dielectric pro. rtz fiberst?! petties used qua , Rochelle salt crystals, and ceramic bari titanatArsAvatudied. A 1.25 MEV Cobt) I sourcewwao employed at a dose rate of 10b r/hr. The shear modulus of fused uartzlin reases with the dose, and at 1.5 x 109 r, the change AGIG is 0.227. +70-7.Z.;. Gamr- irradiation also changes the iine&v dimensions of fused quartz. These changes in elasticity Card 1/2 .11 /zwp L 24'@9_66 @'JP(a)/@,WTW/ EPF(c)/z-k-IP(i)/ETC/~OPF(n)--4",-(t) - (b)/O'IG@m) IJP,' c) RDU/JD/GG/GS ACCESSION NR: AT5W3818 UR/0000/62/000/000,10355/0361 AUTHOR: Starodubtsevp_@_@_K.; Usmanova. M. M.; MikhaelLan, V. M. TITLE: Change in certain electric properties of boron'@nd amorphous under the influence oft radiation SOURCE: Soveshchanive Po probleme Dey@Lv@j@_yA4!@rU@h izlucheniy na materialy, Moscow, 1960. Daystviye yadernik-h-lz-lucheniynamateri~iiy-(ffi76-'.i-f-fe--C--t---Of-'ii6ile-i-t- 355- radiation on materials); doklady soveshchaniya. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962j 361 _7 TOPIC TAGS: boron, selenium, gamma irradiation, irradiation effect, electric conductivity, dielectric loss, internal friction ABSTRACT: The effect of powerful radiation on the electrical conductivity of. of polycrystalline boron-and amorphous (vitreous) selenium and on the stability this amorphous modification is investigated. A technique was developed for j preparing polycrystalline boron samples from its amorphous modificati6n@by hig-h- -Y temperature vacuum.sintering and refining. A marked increase in the electrical conductivity of polycrystalline boron exposed to they rays is noted. Irreversible and pronounced rhanges in such structurally sensitive pla-rametters as the electrical conductivityt dielectric lose) and internal friction are observed in vitreous Card 2439-66, ACCESSION NR: AT5023818 0 selenium following Irradiat ion, a result of the rearrangement of the amorphous modification into a crystalline one. The experimental findings indicate that e irradiation does not m6rely induce the excitation of 'charge carriers and the filling of traps, but also the formation of new defect states R) re@sponsible for changes in the coifductivity. Origi arti has: 6 figures and 1 . table. ASSOCIATION* none SMITTED- l8Aug62 ENCLI. SUB CODt NPj, ;C NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER*:@ 005 @P. L-244146 EwT(1)/WP(e)/WT (M)/LWW/EVf(t)/n?W/N"(h)* IJP(c) ACCESSrON NR: AT5023819 - UR/0000/62/000/000/0362/0365- AUTHOks Starodubtsevp S. V*; Vakhidov, Sh. A. TITLEt Luminescenc @dl"crystallina_quartz exposed to tiltraviolet aiid rdyq /7 SOURCE-. Sovesb6haniye p ._probleme Deystviye yadernvkh izluch]@ni na materialyo-!. u Moscow. i460 N-Daystviye yadernykh izlucheniy na materialy (The effect of .puclear radialion on.piaterials deklady saveshchaniya. Moscow$ laid-vo AN SSSR* 19621 362-365 TOPId TAGS: ther'mialuminescence, quartz crystal, gamma irradiat-loni-W-irradiatiov,1 color center, electron transition# electron energy level ABSTRACT-...,In order to investigate the nature of-the centers responsible for the. xo1br of quartz crystals and for the appearance of various thermoluminescence peaks, quartz vafere measuring I x I x trere exposed to COO.gamma.radiatift .(60d r/sec) at liquid nitrogen-and 'room temperature, thens'afterbeing.removed. froin the radiation field, cooled in liquid nitrogens and left standing for 20-30:.' hr, they wer@ illuminated with.UV light#--On the basis of the results obtained.'.-. and findings of.other is'.@poatulated that'the thermoluminese enc processes occuqAng in crystalline quartz @ subjected. to-, iwdzing- radiation - are-.,., t6lated to dlectron trdnsitione-betveen,-varioUsil6dal'atatesi~.-.*A'n~-explanation"'"@ ?_441.66.@ . ACCESSION NRI AT5023819 nsit 0" 0 pirodess in termo Ithe4a tra C"Ce A WS of the thermolUD l reeb has: 3 figu Orig. art.. none ASSOCIATION3 CODES SIM ENCLI -00 1BAug62 SUMITTED1. j, asp SOV1. 000 OTMI I J . e - 'A. N1 . J. air 2A L 2442-66 EWTW/E@F(@)/tF t)/ LJF(c) JP/qq/(?E ACCESSION NR: AT5023820 UR/0000/62/000/000/0366 /0369 @4 AUTHOR: Starodubtsev, S. Ablyayev, Sh. A.; Yermatov, S. Ye. 14 TITLE: Effect of amma fluxesl6n the adsorptive properties of vacuum materials SOURCE: Soveshchaniye po probleme Deystviye yadernykh izlucheniy no materialy. Moscow, 1960. Deystviye yadernykh izluchenty,na materialy (The effec-t-o nuclear radiation on materials); doklady soveshchaniya. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR# 1962, 366-369 TOPIC TAGS: silica gel, aluminum silicate, gamma irradiation, irradiation effect, gas adsorption ABSTRACT: The article continues the study of,.X-ray-induced changes in the ad- sorptive properties.of KSK and ASM silica-&4@1*4nd plant-produced.aluminosilica.tess Oxygen and hydrogen were used as the adsorbed gases, and the radiation dose.' t rd a was (150-350) 1W r/hr. All the results showed an increase in adsorptive capaci- ty that was much more pronounced in silica gels than in aluminosilicates. The, temperature dependence of this radiation effect was investigated between +100 and -130C, and the adsorptive capacity was found to increase with decreasing tempera" ture (this increase was much greater than that of nonirradiated samples). The adsontion isotherms were found to be linear both at room temperature and at the Card 1 L 2442--& ACCESSION NR: AT5023820 liquid nitrogen temperature. Curves of the time dependence of the adsorption showed that equilibrium pressure is established after a certain time interval, i.e., the adsorption is not instantaneous. The data indicate that to a first approximation the additional active adsorption centers produced bythe Y rays obey the same laWB as ordinary centers on silica gel. The property of silica gels to thus increase their adsorptive capacity was utilized for the creation of a greater vacuum in Dewar flasks and'thermos bottles. Tests showed that the rate of cooling of hot water in pre-irradiated thermos-bottles containing a' silica gel compartment was slower, and after 20 hr. the temperature of the water was 5 to 80 higher than in nonirradiated bottles. Orig. art. has: I figureso ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: l8Aug62 ENCL: DO, SUB CODE. NPI HT NO REF SOV: 001 OMER: 000 Card S/844/62/000/000/118/129 D207/D307 I'LU-THORS: "iturodubtsev, S. V. and Blaunshteyn,, I. M. - - - ------------ TITLE: Changes in the magnetic properties of inorganic solids in a field of intense r radiation SOURCE: Trudy II Vsesoyuznogo soveshchaniya po radiatsionnoy khi- mii. Ed. by L. S. Polak. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR., 19629 683-687 TEXT: Ionic and ionic-covalent crystals as well as semiconducting compoundsord elements were subjected to C060 r ray irradiation (0-33 x 1 r/hour) and changes in their mUgnetic susceptibilities, W, were measured. The chan6e in X was taken to be proportional to the change in the force acting on a sample in a nonuniform magnetic field of 104 oe. The force was measured with analytic balances BA-ZOO (VA-200) to within 0.02 mg. The susceptibilities of BaCl, KIO NaCl and KBnO 4 were not affected by irradiation. The diamagnetic susceptibilities of NaNO 3 and KNO 3 were reduced and the compounds Card 112 Changes in the ... S/644/62/000/000/118/129 DLA07/D307 were partly radiolyzed by 4- rays. L.Lrge changes of -X- were observed in antiferromagnetics: lit U-- .-,e2039 Cr2039 F eC12 9 Fe ClP and TPeS the paramagnetic susceptibility increased to the stray ferromagnet- ism of radiation defects, while in Co,O and CoOW1 the paramagnetic 4- 3 3 susceptibility decreased because of compensation of the sublattice magnetization by radintion-excited 0 and Gl atoms. In CuM the d-*La:-- magnetic 3UBCpetibility decreased in air (but.not in vacuum) owing to the formation of paramagnetic centers in tht@ form of CuG1 29 or CuO and GUOC1. The diamagnetic moment of CaO, ['41-0 BaO and ZnO in- creased after irradiation owing to impurity oxygen formed by radio- lysis, which strongly affected the electronic properties of these compounds. .;emiconducting compounds and elements (CdSe, oe) exhibi- ted a rise of their diamagnetism after irradiation. The results re- ported are of qualitative nature but they indicate that the change in the ;Jagnutic susceptibility after irradiation can be used to ob- tain additional information on the-nature of radiation defects.- There are 7 fi-l-ures and 1 table. C, __A6SOCIATION: Fi-iko-teklinicheskiy institut AN UzbSSR (Physico-Tech- Card 2/2 nical institute, AS UzSSR) 6/844/62/000/000/119/129 DLIOVD307 AUTHMi: _@;tarodubtsev, S V. Ablyayev, Sh. A.9 Vasillyevaq Ye. K. and Yurmatov, 6. Ye. TITLE. Effect of r radiation on adsorption properties of sflic"a. gels SOURCE: Trudy II Vsesoyuznogo .9overjhchaniy po radiatsionnoy khi- mii. Ed. by L. 0''. Polak. MoLiaow, Izd-vo AN 68SR, 1962, 669-692 T-LEXT: Pactory-made silica gel of XCV (KSK) grade was heat-treated in evacuated ampoules and thEn subjected to d- rays at dose rates up to 340,000 r/hour. Adsorption was thcrL investigated by admitting a gas or vapor to the ampoules held at temperatures from +200C to 11- quid-nitrogen temperature. On cooling, the adsorption ability of silica gel increased even without irradiation, but rrays intensi_ Tied this increase. The amount of oxygen adsorbed rose linearly with pressure of the admitted gas or vapor in unirradiated and ir- radiated silica gel, indicating the same nature of adsorption cen;.- I;ard 1/2 Effects of radiation ... 8/844 62/000 000/119/129 D207YX07 ters in both cases. Tile silica gel surf ce became saturated with ad- sorption centers at doses of 2 - 3 x 109 r. Gamma irradiation raised the amount of heptane va;jor that could be adsorbed on silica gel (this effect %,.,as S!:Mllor th,1n for tile majority of gases) but made no d-ifference to the adsorption of benzene vapor. Irradiation of aque- ous Bolutions of ammines of the LCo(NH 3)6]C'3 type in direct co@tact with silica rel raised the ariount of liquid adsorbed because of ra- diation-induc"ed chemiqal reactions in the solutions rather than due to changes on tile Silica 6el Surface. Gamma-ir.-adiatioi--. raised a-so the amounts of oxygen and hydrogen that could be adsorbed by alu- minosilica rel. A oractical application of these observations con- b sisted of Placing Cactiv_ated silica gel between the %-,,ails of a thermos flask. This improved the vacuum between these walls, by ad- sorbin,- more gas than UnirradJated silica gel, and thus reduced heat transmsiion through the walls. Such thermos flasks were pre- pared at the 111slikhabadskiy stekolInyy k6mbinat im. V. I. Lenina (Ashkhabad Glass Combine im. V. 1. Lenin). There are 7 figures. -ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-leklinicheskiy institut AN 1jzbSSR (Physico- Tecl;nicz,1 Inutitute AS UzSSR) Card 212 3/84 62/000/000/129/129 D204YD307 AUTHORS: Starodubt8ev, S. V., Gurskiy M. N. and Sizykh, A. G. TITLE: Optical-spectroscopic methods for the study of the irra.- diation of benzene SOURCE: Trudy II Vsesoyuznogo.soveshchaniya po radiatsionnoy khi-. mii. Ed. by L. S. Polak. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962, 747-750 TEXT: In continuation of earlier work on the radiolysis of benzene- (DAN SSSR, 129, 307, (1959)), mol,3cular optics and spectroscopic methods were used;to determine the initial stages of the forma- tion of a polymeric product resulting from the irradiation of ben- zene. The scattered light method was used, measuring the variations L/ in the degree of depolarization (,@) and in the intensities of the olarized components of scattered light as the dose was increased r irradiation, 76 - 543 r/sec). This method proved the most sen- f sitive. For unevacuated samples & @ecreased linearly with increas- ing dose, from -0-42 at 0.075 x 100 r to 0.25 at -0-95 x 106 r; Card 1/3 3/844/62/000/000/129/129 OPtical-sPcctroscopic nethodu ... D204/D307 the isotropic component of the scattered light (I isotropic) in- creased, while I anisotropic 'remained essentially constant. These effects were amplified by freezing the samples imr..ediately after irradiation. The decrease of A was less pronouncbd in degassed sam- ples, showing that a lesser amount of the polymer is precipitated under these conditions. Irradiation of unevacuated samples with ultraviolet (5 1/2 hours) gave results analogous to those of r ir- radiation. With higher-amounts of the radiolysis produc-lu-s (doses -107 r), the reactions may be followed by spectroscopic methods. Luminescence spectra may be used to detect an increase in the mole- cular weight, i.e. tile formation of the polymeric product when ben- zene is irradiated. dith low dosages of a' rays 0 x 10 5 r) and under irradiation over 5 1/2 hour's Cunevacuated samples only), clearly, defined peaks appeared at -5625 A. In the case of v-irradiation, the maximum for evacuated samples was less intense. There are 3 fi- gures and 2 tables. -I-- Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AR4ol5667 5/0081/63/000/021/0489/0489 SOURCE: RM Khimiya, Abs. 21SICS AUTHOR: Arifdzhanov. A.; Starodubtsev, S. V.; Sultanov, A. S. TiTLE: Polymerization of acryionitrile in solutions,iunder the influence of gamma rays CITED SOURCE: Sb- FizIka I khimlya prirodn. I sint4tich. polimerov. Tashkent, AN UzSSR, vy*p. 1, 1962, 143-148 1 TOPIC TAGS: acrylonitrile, acrylonitrile poly'meriiation. dimethyl formamide. sodium rhodanide potassium rhodanide, polymer'transttion depth, finished strand solution, gamma radiation, radiatio@ polymerization ABSTRACT: The polymerization.of acrylonitrile was studied in aqueous solutions of *K, Na and NH4 rhbdanides. as wet) is in dimethyl-forifimide. in order to obtain fin- ished strand solkyt,ons;O,Total transformation can beiattained during polymerization in such solutions as of 4000 rad), but the' solutions cannot be used directly for spinning in,,vigw of their lqw ;pecific viscosity. The value of &I does not vary with the degree of transformation. Polymerization in mixtures of dimethyl fat d water (up to 25%)tO"s not lead toincFeased values of char& grainide 2n cteristic 1 2 .13/166j62/000/006/006/oi6.'~:~-. Bioi/BW, AUTHORS# Sta.rodubtsev, 5.-V., Ablyayev, Sh. A.j Bakhramov, F.9 Ziyatdinov, Sh., Kevtlin, L. G. lar conversions in natural gas under the TIT LE i Study of molecu action of electrodeless high-frequency discharges. III.. Effect of the wattage of high-frequency discharge's and .gas pressure in the discharge tube on electrocracking PERIODICAL% Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR. Izvestiya. Beriya fiziko- 0 matematicheskikh nauk, no. 6, 1962, 53 6 TEXTs To clarify the basic mechant6im of electrocracking, methane was cracked at various wattages (20 - 180 w), preisures, (20 - 60 am Hg), and@: contact times 1 (0-01 - 2-4 Aeo-); total cracking and the yields of eth ethylene,.acety,lene, propane, propylenep butylenes, qnd hydrogen was-det .er- mined. Total -8rs@@_king_ increased -With wattages the rise was gradual,up id J. @J30 w, 'I . 0.65 sec, steep between 30 and 100 w, and then gradual again&'. The steep section,of the curve corresponds to the range where a chain. mechanism.operates. The threshold limit of.the wattage at which the rise sets in decreases with increasing i. The yields of ethane and Card 1/3 8/166/62/000/006/006/016,. Study of molecular conversions ... Bioi/Bie6 ethylene fall with increasing wattage for.-v consta, No C H, or C H in 2 6 2 4 f-ormed at 140 - 150 w. The yield of acetylene increases with the wattaget passes a maximum at a certain wattage depending on T, and then falls '54 steadily. The maximum C H yield is 11% at 50 w and I = 0.8 see, and 22. 2 2 at 100 w and i - 0.3 sec._-Diacetylene forms *at low wattages.. More and more liquids are formed with increasing wattage, and diacetylene aisappears due to forma'tion of cyclohydrocarbons. For propane and propylene, there is also a maximum at 50 w and i - 0-4 see which vanishes a't high wattagesp probably being shifted toward very short T. The yield maxima for C 3H6 and-, H begins.@! C 3 6 lie in the range where intense decomposition of CA and C2H4 Butylenes-form only at low wattages, they are no longer detectable at'140-wo.:,.. The hydrogen yield, however, rises continuously with w and -r. The specific- energy consumption for a tube 2-5 cm in diameter and for -r - 0.3 sec'was .70 w-hr per mole of cracked CH 4, and 280 w-hr per mole.of resulting-COV-1 i - 0.3.sec were The corresponding v7alues for a diameter of 9.1 cm and 65' and 260 w-hr. Increasing pressure has the same.effect an increasing wattagp on the cracking and the yield of decomposition,products., Experiments with tubes of different diameters d s owed that total cracking dep.9p4s linearly. Card 2/3 8/166/62/000/006/006/66. Study of molecular conversions ... Bioi/BW on the surface/volume ratio. Total cracking in two tubes of different.d-- 2 2 in proportional to d /d which explained by the termination on tw@, 2 1 walls of-the tubes. Furthermorep the yield of the individual products depends on d, and this req'uires further investi4ation. Thor* are 7 f Ig, ures and I table. ASSOCIATIONs Piziko-tekhnicheskiy ins titut. -AN UZSSR (Physicotechnicdl Inetitute AS UzSSR),' SUBMITTEDt July 13, 1962 Card 3/3 S/16 62/000/006/007/016 B104YBI86 AUTHORS: _S!arDAubjsevj__a Ablyayev, Sh. A., Alimova, L. Ya., Sokolova, Yu. B. TITLE: An-investi-gation of the molecular transformations in natural gas opeurring under the action of electrodeless high-frequen'CY dischargps. IV. Study of the.kinetics of transformation and destruction of some free radicals PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko- matematicheskikh nauk, no. 6, 1962, 61-65 'WC11 -51 (ISP-51) spec TEXT: An investigation with the trograph is made to elucidate the formation and destruction of,the radicals H,-C and CH 2 which are formed in natural gas, containing 96% methane, at 0.2 3.0 mm H91, under electrodeless high-frequency discharges. Results: The CH radical is formed principally from the methane molecule by electron bombardment. The acetylene molecule is formed from this radical. The C radical 2 results from the RC radical by splitting off the H atom. The acetylene 2 Card 112 S/166/62/000/006/007/016 An investigation of the molecular B104/B186 molecule is formed also from the C 2 radical. There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UZSSR (Physicotechnical Ins titute AS UZSSR) SUBMITTED: July 13, 1962 Card 2/2 AR!FrjZHANOVF A.; MOOPUBTSEV7 S.T.; SULTANOV- I.S. Polymeari2ation of atsrylordtr.Ile in 8olutions undar the *.Ppeier, of f--ray's. Mi-Lm. i fiz.-khim. pr1rad. i sint. polim. nc.l.. U:3--U,8 162 (MIRA l8sall) 33362 S/18 62/004/001/038/052 B104YB112 f @(, 2k" 00 3 5-, /0 9(3, //S AUTHORS: Peshikovq Ye. V., and Starodubtsev, S. V. TITLE; Changes in the properties of irradiated Rochelle salt single crystals (in weak electric fields) PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v- 4, no. 1, 1962, 239 - 245 TEXT: Rochelle salt single crystals were exposed to Cc 60 radiation of 6 0-5-10 r/hr at 10 - 200C in a waterproof apparatus. Their dielectric properties were determined with fofxl electrodes on X-cut plates 0-4-0.9 mm 2 thick and 0-3-1-0-cm large. Measurements included the temperature-depen- dence of the capacity and loss angle of crystals irradiated with different doses, the variation of the Curie point as a function of the dosest the effect of annealing on the tan-3 of the irradiated crystals, the effect of irradiation on their nonlinearity, their resonant frequency, and their Q-factor. Their specific properties were substantially changed by irradiation. The interpretation of the changes is very difficult due to the complex relationship between the measured characteristics, and due to the Card 1/2 'X 3/166/62/000/002/003/066 B112/B104 AUTHORS: Starodubtsev. S Niyazova, 0. R., Matyskin, V. I., Kiv, A. Ye. TITLE: Alpha-counter characteristics of cadmium sulfide single crystals PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR.K Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk,"no. 2, 1962, 42-45 TEXT: An alpha probe was used to examine the amplitude of alpha pulses in CdS crystals as a function of the applied voltage. The X-ray conductivity.l..@-'__ and the counting rate were determined by means of probes. The maxima of the X-ray conductivity and of the counting rate have been found to coincide. It is concluded that the distribution of charge carriers in the crystal during pulse formation resembles that which occurs under-local X-radiation in the steady state. An analysis of counter charactoristics shows that the pulse maxima for n-type and p'-tvpe semiconductors are near the cathode and the anode, respectively.@ There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION:, AN UzSSR (AS..'UzSSR) Card 1/2 42094 S/ 166/62/000/005/003/008 15, B108/B1806 AUTHORS: Peshikov, Ye. V., Starodubtsev, S. V. TITLE. Gamma-induced aging of BaTiO 3 ceramics PERIODICAL: Akadeniya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR.@,Izvestiya. Seriya. fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk !4. no. 5, 1962, 37-3.9 TEXT: The effect of gamma irradiation upon the electromechanical and dielectric properties of BaTiO 3 at 20+0.20C in weak electrical fields was studied. A resonance method (E. A. Ceber, U. F. Koerner, Proc. 1. R. E., 46, no. 10, 1731, 1958) was used to measure the resonant frequency f i/v#(1_02) and the resistance equivalent to the electromechanical r D F losses, R ; The latter was determined from its relationship to the 0,:Z r . D is the diameter of the specimen, E is Young's Q-factdr nRCf 2 r Card 1/2 ST.ARODIU.BTSEV S-V.*, ABLYAYEV Sh.A.; KEYTLIN, L.G. ,@T I Study of molecular transformations in a natural gas caused by electrodeless high-frequency discharges. Izv. AN Uz. SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. nauk 6 no.5:50-57 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Fiziko- tekhnicheskiy institut AN TJzSSR. (Gas, Natural) (Electric discharges) STARODUBTSEV, S.V.; ABLYAYEV, Sh.A.; BAKHRAMOV, F.; ZIYATDINOV, Sh.; KEYTLIN, L.G. Study of molecular transformations in a natural gas caused by electrodeless high-frequency discharges. Part 2. Effect of certain physical factors and impurities on electric cracking. Izv. AN Uz. SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. nauk 6 no.5:58-65 162. (MIU 15:11) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UzSSR. (Cracking process) VASILI'LEVA, Ye.K.; qTARQDIJBLwNI-S--%V-- Simultaneous adsorption of h ,ydrogen and oxygen on silica gel. Izv. All Uz. SSR. Ser. fiz.-OWI. nauk 6 no.5:66-68 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheBkiy in-btitut AN UzSSR. (Silica) (Hydrogen) (oxygen)