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IAIRSKOVAY V.N.; VOYUTSKAY-A, M.I.; STARKOVAG..A.; TARASOVA, N.I.; TRETIYAKOVA, K.I.; RAYEIM, I.I. Study of antitoxin losses in the purification and concentration of sera bythe diapherm-3 method. Zhur.mi obiol.e d.i imraun. 31 no.8:1.';,.9-141 Ag 160. MIRA 14:6) 1. Iz vermskogo instituta vaktsin i syvorotok. (SERUM) BULENKOV, T. I.; @I@ARKOVkj,@A, Photocolorimetric determination of some 10-substituted phenot-hiazine (derivatives] in tablets. Med. prom. 16 no.3:31-35 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Institut farmakologii i khimioterapii ANN SSSR. (PHENOTHIAZINE) (COLORIMETRY) STARKOVA Irena- VOTRUBEG, Ctibor y Map of population-distribution in Czechoslovakia 1 : 1 mil. Sbor zem 68 no.1:84-86"63. 53T@URKOVAI i"'. F. 208,20. S'U--rkr,,,ra, K. F. Metody proizvodstva -kinyga. Sbornik dok-ladov Pervoy Vsesoyuz. Konf-tsii po moloch. delu. M., 1-949, s. 229-35. SO:L- "TIS ZHUMAL SLIM - Vol. ?8, Mosk-.ra, 19,49. - -1 @' -1 "A,- -ftl.@-, Q'@ - '1@ -,1mzmpF - lr-.-,". I @ 5 . - - -11 - - ST!uiK@VA, F. "The Effect of Maintainance Conditions on the Development of Romanov Lambs and on Their Skin Characteristics." Cand Agr Sci, (,No Inst Given), Moscow, 1954. (RZhBiol., No 2, Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (13) SO: Sum, No. 598, 29 Jul 55 BAY11AROVSKAYA, Yu.V.; ,-I)BRAZIR2,111SKAYA, A.'-!.. STARK1311A. L.M. SEVASTIYANOVA, ye.30 Obtaining a gv:)v@',, sth-ulant from the ci-In of Pe:n Province. Nefteper. i nof.,ekh-im. no.7:8-9 10 (IMIRA 11747) yu,3hcAily KOLYANDR, L.Ya.; FOMENKO, G.M.; STARKOVA, L.S. Obtaining industrial carbon disulfide of a higher quality. Koks i khim. no.9:"-46 ?62. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Ukrainskiy uglekhimicheskiy institut. (Carbon disulfide) (Coke industry-By-products) KOLYANDR, L.Ya.; FUMENKO, G.M.; STA,RKOVA,,,4.S. Ways to increase the yield and i=--ove the quality of dicyclopentadiene. Koks i khim. no.12:29-34 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Ukrainskiy uglekhimicheskiy institut. AUTITOR; Starkova, .D., Engineer SOV-91-58-01-6/29 TITLE: ---AMY-5n-1-um-@`o_di-um Cationizing of Limed Water (Ammoniynatriy- kationirovaniye izvestkovarnoy vody) PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1958, Nr 9, PP 17 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For softening limed water for use in turbines, ammonium-so- dium cationizing can be effectively used. Experiments have shown that the filters may bpst be regenerated by treatment with a solution of sodium chloride and ammonium chloride. The processed water must always have a residual caustic so- da content and the feed water to the turbines must contain caustic soda and ammonium 1.5-2.5 mg/l. There is 1 table. 1. Feed water--Impurities 2. Water softeners--Applications 3. Water filters--Regeneration 4. Sodium chloride--Applications 5. Ammonium chloride--Applications Card 1/1 8 (6) SOV/91-59-4-10/28 AUTHOR: Starkova, M. D., Engineer TITLE: Treating Feed 'Nater With Ammonia (Obrabotka pitatellnoy vody ammiakom) PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1959, Nr 4, pp 16 - 17 (USSR) ABSTRACT; The author's power plant performed the ammonia treatment of boiler (85 atm.) feed water for about 5 years and obtained good results. Prior to adding ammonia, the iron content of the boilers had increased to 0 .2 mg/l at pH.6.a-6.9, due to the introduction of injection regulators of the superheating temperature, whereby it was necessary to abandon the phos- phatization. of the boiler water. By adding an ammonia solut- ion of 0.03-0-035% to the boiler water, the iron content was reduced to 0-05 mg/l. The experience showed that it is possible to maintain an ammonia content of 0.7-1.5 mg/l. The brass tubes of the condenser were not effected by corrosion and the copper content of the boiler water amounted to Card 1/1 0.004-0-007 mg/l. Acczss-LoNit miz: Ap4o25736 S/0184/6h/000/ool/CO09/0011 AUTH010: Popandopulop Yu. Go (Engineer)j Swmrin) A.' A, (Engineer); Starkova, He Go (Engineer) TITLE: Installation for the regeneration of hydrogen ,SOURCE: Khimicheskoye mashinostroyeniye, no. 1, 1964, 9-11 TOPIC TAGS: hydrogen, hydrogen regeneration, hichrome catalyst., silica gel,9 dr7ing unit, heating unit, reduction furnace, cooling unit V ABSTRACT, NIIkhinnasli has developed an installation for the regeneration of hydrogen from reduction ovens of tunr@str-n and molybdenum recovery plants. The estimated capacity of the unit was 200 m3/hr hydrogen with a residual moisture content of 0.15 gm@, which corresponds to a dew point of -40C. The hydrogen from the reduction ovens is passed through a contact apparatus containing nichrome C, catalyst to bring the oxygen content down to 10-% It is then mixed with hydrogen from 'he system's leak traps. From there hydrogen meves to a cooler where most of the moisture is condenged at 12-14C and is subsequently purTed by a rotary blower to an electric oven where it is heated to 300C. The final step consists 'In Card 1/2 ACCESSION NIR: AF4o25736 passing the hydrogen through two drums of O-75m3 capacit:r., filled with silica gel.@i The first drum contains hydrous silica gel, while the second, separated from the first by a cooling device, is filled with anhydrous silica gel. During passage through the first drum the hot hydrogen removes the moisture irom the silica gel and deposits- it in the condenser. The capacity of this instellatioil under working'. conditions was 420-450 m3/hr., the oxjpen conbent, of the inflo-wing hydrogen avcraged 04'0".. and the moisture content of the regenerated bydrogen amounted to 1-2%. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 1 tableo ASSOCIATION: N11khimmash SUBMITTED: 00 SUB CODE: IE, CH' DATE ACQ: 3.4reb64 FAIM-., OqI NO REF SOV:' 000 OTOR: 000; Card -2/2@ POPANDOPULO, Yu.G., inzh.; STARKOVA, M.G., inzh. Separation of secondary steam in evaporation apparatus. Khim. mashinostr. no.4:17-19 JI-Ag 163. (KRA 16:9) (Evaporating appliances) STARKOVA, M.I. Changes in the number of.thrombocytes and in the thr=bocy-tic formula in initial forzas of cancer of the cervix uteri. A30.1sh. i gin. no.l.,112-115 065* (MIRA 18.ilo) 1. Kafedra.akusherstva i ginekologii (zav.- doktor mod. nauk prof. V.A. Lositskaya) Zaporozhskogo inatibuta usovershenstvovanlya vrachey imeni Gortkogo. STARKOVA eningradskaya obl., pochtovoye otdeleniy-- 14elinichnyy .Ruchey) Protection of television receivers from certain types of in- terferenc'e. Radio no.4:5@- Ap 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Television--Interference) T ATABEK, A.A.; STARKOVA, N.T. (Moskva) CliUiCa,l significance of the cortisone test in diagnosing virilizlng Adromes.. Probl. endok. i gorm. 2 no.6:3-7 N-D 156. (KLRL 10:2) 1. Iz kafedry endoktrinologii (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki prof. AN A. Shereshevskiy) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvo- vaniYa vrachey. (ADRENOGENITAL SYNIMME. diagnosis. cortisone test (Rus)) (CORTISONA, test in-diag. of adrenogenital synd. (Run)) MOSKOVICR,N.G., STARKOVA, N.I. Treatment of diabetes mellitus with sulfAnilamide preparations Sov,med. 22 n007:34-42 JI 158 (NIM 11:10) I; Is kafedry andokrinologii TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstTovsk- niya vrachey (sav. prof*' N.A. ShereshcTskiy) na baze Moskovskoy qorodsko.v ordena Lenina 1111nicheskoy bollnitsY Imeni Botklua tglavWy vrach - prof. A.N. ShAbanov); (ANTIDIABSTICS. in various dis' ffulfs-illamides (Rus)) STARKOVA, N.T., aasistent Diagnoels and treatment of the Itrenko-Cushing syndrome. Xaz.-med.zhure 14 no-2:29-35 Mr-Ap '59- (MIRA 12:11) 1. Iz kliniki ondokriWkh sabolevanly (zav. - prof.B.A. Zherezhevokly) TSentrallnogo Inatituta usoverehenetvo@aniya vrachey, na baze andokrinologicheakogo otdeleniya bol'nitay imeni S.F.Botkina (glavvrach - prof.A.M.Shabanov). (CUSHING SYNDROME) STARROVA, N.T. Problem of Mrsultism. 16o. Probl. endok. i gorm. 6 no. 3:104,1110 MY-je (14IRA 14: 1) (HYPERTRICHOSIS) STARKOVA, N. T.9 CAND MED SCIV "CLINICO-PATHOGENETIC I "I I I ",ia-) -1 AND DIAGNOSIS OF VIRAL SYNDROME,"'Moscowl 1961. (SECOND LlOaCOW STATE MED INST im N. 1. PIROGOV), M, 3-61, 235). 467 STARKOVA, N.T. Diagnosis and therapy of the virilizing syndromes. Sav. med.- 25 no.5:16@-22 My 161. (Mllk 14:6) 1. Iz kliniki endokrinnykh zabolevaniy (zav. - zasluzhennyy dayatell ..nauki prof.@ N.A.Shereshe-iskiy [deceased]) TSentrallnogo institute usovershenstvovaniya vraahey (dir. M.D.Kovrigina) na baze andokrino- logich6skogo otdalaniya:bollnitsy imeni S.P.Botkina (glavnyy vrach - prof. A.N.Shabanov)O (VIRILISM) KRYMSKAYA, IM.L.; STOYOVA, N.T. Some forms of sterility and their treatment vilth prednisolone. Akwsh. i gin. no.1:3-8 163. (MIR A 17: 6) 1. Iz endokrinologicheskogo ota'eleniya (zav. - prof. Ye.I.Kvater/., Natichno-issledovatellskogo instituta alkusherst.v-- 1 ginckciloy,-U -C-1, *0, (dir.-prof. O.V. Makeyeva) i kafedry endokvit. :3gii @zav. - dotsent D.N. Anosov) TSentral-Inago instituta u6nvc rs liens tvol.,a-niya vrachey (dir. M.D. Koyrigina). N.T.; URUNOVA, Ye.V. Stein-Leventha,l s@mdrome. AloAsh. i gin. no.1:48--52 163. (MITLA 17:6) I.Iz kliniki endokri.nn,*h zabolevaniy (zav. - prof. N.A. Shereshevskiy (deceased]), kafedry patologicheskoy anatomii kzav.- prof. N.A. Krayevskly) TSentrallnogo inst-Ituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey j na baze bollnitsy imeni Botkina (glavnyy vrach - prof. N.A. Shabanov), Moskva. STAJIK@@@@_,. Pathogenesis and diagnosis of virilism. zhur. no.3: 53-58 ltr-je 163. (MIRL 16:9) 1. Klinika endokrinnykh zabolevaniy (zav. - prof. N.A. Shereshev,skiy [deceased] Mentrallnogo instituta uso- vershenstvovaniya vrachey. (VIRILISM) STARKOVA, N.T. Malignant and benign hormone-produc-ing timors of the adr-,.-.@tl cortt@-x and ovaries. T!rudy ISM 62:338-345 163. OMJRA 28z3) 1. Kafedra endokrinologil (ispolnyayushchly obyazannciti dotsenta L.N.Anosova) TSentrallnogo ingtituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. M-I@ STARKOVA '@ .,.j,T.T.; KONAREVA, M.V.; MAROVA, Ye.I.; RYNDIINA, MeG. Urinary metabolites of corticosteroids in primary toxic goiter. Probl. endok. i gorm. 11 no.5:34-37 S-0 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Kafedra endokripologii (zav. - prof. Ye.A. Vasyukova) TSentrall- nogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey, Moskva. Submitted August 21, 1964. STARKOVA, N.V. (Yudino) Changes in the concentration of penicillin in blood serum caused by the combination of penicillin with corticosteroids. Kaz-. med. zhur. no.5:86 S-Ot63 (MIn 16:12) STARMA, lu. Dynam---s of the t-iters of and G-reactive Protein fol-lowIng cowdssurotoviy. 'Iauch. trudy Kaz. gos. med. inst. 14:553-554 164. (MIRA 18:9) 1. K.2fedra fakulltetskoy terapil (zav. prof. Z.I.Malkin) Kazan--kogo med--tusinskogo instituta. STARKOVA, T. A. if Use of Liquid Media for the Isolation of Koch Bacillus Cultures From Pleural Exudates," Zhurnal. Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii No 1, 1953 Chair of Microbiology of the lst Leningrad Medical Institute imeni I. P. Pavlov I I. ST OVA, T.G.; MITAR, I.D. Hyaluronidase in tuberculous pleural exudates; author's abstract. Mzur.mikrobiol.eP1d.i J-1n. no.11:44 N 153. (MLRA 7:1) 1. Is Imfedry mikrobiologii (saveduyushchiy - professor V.N.LosmodamUn- skly) I Leningradskogo vieditsinskogo instituta im. akad. I.P.Phylova. (Tuberculosis) (Insymes) @ I SHUVALOVA, Y#3.?., dote.* BASIMICOW, N.A. L -in the resistance of dysentery bacteria to synthmycin and leromycetin. Trudy LMI 2:258-266 155 (MURA 11:8) I. Knfedra mikrobiologii (zav. - prof. V.K. Koamodamianskly) i Kafedra infel-tsionnykh bolezney (zav. - prof. K.T. CrIukhor Edeceased]) Pervogo Leningradskogo mediteinskogo instituta lueni al-adAmika I.?. Pavlovao fSHIGELLA PARADYSEIMMIAR) (CHWRC.V,YC-,--f M) SHWALOVA, Ye.P.. dots. STARKOV.A, T.G. Clinical And bacteriologieml datp on the treatment of dysentery with synthomycin. Trudy LMI 2:251-257 155 (11TRA 11:8) 1. Kafedra infektoionrqkh bole%ney (zav.-prof. K.T. Glukhov EdecenseAl i Xafedra mikrobiologii (2av. - prof. V.N. Koemodantanskly) Pervogo LeningradRkogo meditainakogo instituta imeni I.P. Pavlova, (DYEOFFERY) (CMIOROMYCEMM) STARKOVA T.G.- SHUVALOVA, Ye.P.; SOLDATOVA, V.M.; TKACHEVA, T.V. @@d) leucocyte reaction and immunological indices in rabbits in response to teh action of X rays. Med.rad. no.7:87-88 161. (MIM 15:1) (X RAYS--MSIOLOGIGAL M?nrT) (LEUCOCYM) (IMRwITY) STARKOVA, T.G. Study of Ahe immunobiological reaction complex follo4ing the admini6tration of tetravaccines during hypothermia. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i immun. 33 mo*3-2!130-138 D 162. (MIRA 16:5) 16 Iz Pervogo Leningradskogo meditsinskogo institda imeni I.P. Pavlova. (VACCIVATIOlq) (HYPOTHEMIA) (IMUROLOGY) I -- -J--, V. '.. - I -.-@ 0 "Influence of Meteorological @actors -:nd Ground Level on the Growth in Dip-meter of Oak and Ash Trees, Ordinary and -Pennsylvania Under the Conditions of Kamennayzi Steppe." The-=i!s for degr@.e of Cand. Bioicgical Sci. Sub 30 Mar 50, Irst of For@,-try Sci USSR SummarY 71, 4 SeP 52, Dissertations Presented for Degrees in Science and Engineering in Moscow in 1950. From Vechernyaya Moslcv;, Jan-Dec 1950. STARKOVA, V.N., kandidat biologicheskikh nauk. @ .. -.111--l hne plantntions on nandy soils In Ofttyvdinskly District of the, Xomi A.S.S.R. Trudy Komi fil.'AN SSSR no,3170-82 155. (KLRA 9:10) (Komi A.S.S..R.--Pine) (Reforestation) I USSR / Forestry. Forest Crops. K-3 i Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Blol,jj No 6, 1958, 24896. Author StA rknua r N Inst Not given. Title Development of.Pine Seedlings in P a.ntings on the Clearing of Lichen Pine Forests. Orig Pub: Tr. Komi fil. AN SSSR, 1957, No 5, 115-125. Abstract: The morphologo-habitualchanges of the@pine seed- lings at the age of l.- 7 were studied oln the sandy soils of the Syktyvdinskly region, Komi ASSR. It was established that.,during the first seven years, the growth of the separate parts of the plant in the whole takes place irregularly. In Card 1/2 STARKOVA, V. N. Effect of conifer moths (Bvetria) on the formation of the pine trunk. Trudy Komi fii.Ag SSSR no.8:154-159 '59- (MISi 13:11) (Pine-Disewfts and pests) Am VAVILOV, P.P., kand. sellkhoz. nauk, glav. red.; LAZAREV, N.A.2- kand. sellkhoz. nauk., zam. glav. red.; GALASIYEV, V.A.p red.; MDISEYEV, K.A., kand. biol. nauk, red.; PODOPLEIDV, V.P., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; STARKOVA, V.N., kand. biol. nauk, red.; TARASENKOV, G.H., kand. geogr. nauk, red.; TON, D.S., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; TIKHONOVA, N.V., red.izd-va; VDOVINA, V.M.v tekhn. red. (Forests and the lumbering industry in the Komi A.S.S.R.] Lesa i lesnaia promyshlennost' Komi. ASSR. Moskva, Gos- lesbumizdat, 1961. 394 p. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Komi filial, Sykty-vkar. (Komi A.S.S.R.-Forests and forestry) STARKOVA, V.N. New data on the resin gallmth (Evetris. resinalla). Isy.Kond fil.Geog.ob-va SSSR no.7sl27-128 162. (MVA M12) (Moths) PTASHKIN, A.A.; qT@@OVA,_ V-le_. * sp A.B. L LI Determining the real aBsi on of feed calcium by karakul .eti sheep vith the help of Cal . Uzb. biol. zhur. 6 no.1:57-62 162. (MIFLA 15:3) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut karakulevod- stva. (KOWL SHEEF-FEEDI14G AM FEEDS) (CALCIUM-ISOTOFES) @ellcilr.. na.-Il dc)tr- ST 0 VA , Ye . S, In z h Iffpct of active d7,93 on rha r-h- lccmechan.;ca@ proFertie,= of E I , B @ I . the., fur hair coverind, Report NO.3. Nauch, trudy IWITLP no-30: 5 t64. 18,.0' afr- - -n 1 kozhi Moskov3'r-lego tekhno-'.'.cgicheqkogo @ d-ra LeU olog - C, -Iris"Ituta legkoy prcimyshlenn.,--@:,@J. swia0w, Z. Starka, J.; Starkova, Z. "The Microbiol of frozen Custards." p. 170 (Prumysl a PotravIn, Vol. 4, no. 4, Apr. 1953, Prahof SO: Lonthly List of East Euronean Accessions, Vol. 3, no. 2, Library of Congress, Feb. 19154, Uncl. C ik I @Y, 1? 1 r!:,t To; T',(' c". f f- ',)IT I-, -r, (f A tixns c@@ Is, Vi tnmi -As. @kritjj@jo t-ics AES. j9'u'F. 1121-Thim.) Y--) 1,17 1-959, NO- i 'I'- A 7 G 6 AU'-E:!,',,R Barfox, V. ; Jlasik, A. 3t@rkova, Niatos@,ovrv, A. 1T,'STT-j',j7Z-, ME - TIT nl on rl()F, 5 4@; ibi 1 i ti es of 'i?rin Deri veil from Flax-Seed it) Certified Vleflicines. '4 r- F,,rmncia (CS11.) 4 38, "7, 19, 3G1-'3-,8 J.c As a r!)@;i-lt of ex-oerimeiits rerformc(l nii enimt!-13 is demonstr.,tc-(I th--@!t of 1111'eiv, 0-f-ri-ved From, flux-Seed, lpnr@-tllers (iffeei'. or inni'lill. F)rv-loyrrent of tle in 10-lith livdror-els of -vair -nralvnP-i@ its t. i un ---is w c ITl@e --ctik-n (,,f muc-in on blood nuessure --n(l on tle 1'ire@stive circre-tis Rind slizo I.OXiCitV Of tl'e f1E-11taMQ't,fiOT?iUf" in t1ds rem-.1*lilts co-,,@,rs il tl.41 r @ es. Yukesh Card 49 STARKOVSKAYA V. Tube-type gauges with a contraction at the exit point, which produces resistance. Vep. gidr. no./,:29-35 162. (KUU 15: 10) (Irrigation canals and flume) (Water meters) Of' -in "iJr. @3, T STARKUS, K. Effectiveness of the use of powdered stabilized vitamin A concentrate in mixed foods for chicks. Vit. roe. i ikh ispa no.6:168-173. 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Litovskiy nauchno-isaledovateltakiy inatitut zhivotno.- vodstva. Starky, P.;Navak, K.; Skuhravy, V. Entomofauna of the clover and its development. P. 3. RNPRAVY. TAKA I-iATEIATICKO-PR.IFODOVE-DECKA. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 69, no. 7, 1959. I-Ionthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAI) LC, Vol. 6, no.. 10, 1959- -Octe LbC1. STARMAGH, Janusz (Irakow) Spawning of Gottus poecilopus Reckel as observed in an aquarium, Wszeehswiat no.4:100-103 AP 162. STARMACH, Janusz, m9r Tadpoles of the Carpathian rivers. I. Acta hydrobiol 4 no.3/14: 321-343 162. 1. Zm%lad Biologii Wod, Polska Akademia Nauk, Krakow. STATIMACH, janusz, ingr Occurrence and characteristics of the minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus L.) in the basin of the Mszanka stream. Acts. hydrob'Lol 5 no.4-, 367-11,81 163. - 1. Zaklad Biolcgii Wod. Polska Akedemia. t1auk, Krakow. STARMACH, Janilsz, dr II CoWdae of`-ths Carpathian rivers. Pt.2- Acta hydr3biol '7 no.1:109-140 '65. 1 1. Institute of Hydrobiology, Krakow, of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Submitted April 6, 1964. zV qn. ,I vi.pj, of ,@j noint '01w W4 nd) arF7,a kD 17 nn. 12, jec - Von!lr STA P@, M A /(N POL41M/Microbiology. Sanitary Microbiology. F-3 Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur.-Biol., No 7) 1:958, 28956. Author Starmakh. .wo Inst Not given. Title Purification of SewAge Water by Biolog:Lcal Methods. Orig Pub: Ochistka stochnykh vod biologicheskimi metodami. Chronmy przyr. ojcz., 1956, 12, No 6, 3-8. Abetract: No abstract. Card 1/1 Tlie trainiq, of cadres for sanitary lildrobiology. :).14-0. UAZI Zr?@r3szerile Cazownikow, 'Jodocinfowcow i Technikow 17 ol. 3@-;y no. 4, Apr. 1956 So. East Em-ol;-=an Accessions List `701. 1, No. 9 3euitember 1956 STARMACH, K. "Hydrobiological bases of the use of water from shallow river reservoirs by water-works" P. 9 (Polskie Archimum flydrobiologii., Vol. 4, 1958, Warsaw, Poland) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. I., Jan. 59. STARMCH, K, E@ydrobiologlcal studies of surface water and their relationship with microbiology. Acta Microb.polon. 8:21-26 1959. (WATIM POLWTICN) -STAFMCH, Karol, prof., cir, CvLwutn Ities of algae in the stream Piekielmik near -Tablonka. Acta bydro- biol 3 no.2/3:143-149 161. 1. Zaklad Biologii Wod,.Polska Akademia Nauk,, Xmkow,, ul. Slawkwaka 17, albo Katedra Hydrobiologil, Uniwaraytet Jagiellonaki, Krakowo u.1. Grodzka 53. Naczelny redaktor *Acta Hydrobiologica". STARMACH, Karol, prof., dr. Blue-green algae in drying out puddles on the road. Acta hydrobiol 3 no..4:213-215 161. 1. Zaklad Biologii Wod, Polska Akademia Nauk, Krakowj. ul. Slawkovska 17,. albo Katedra Hydrobiologii, Uniwersytet Jagiellonski,' Krakow,, ul. G--odzka 53. (Poland-Algae) STAMACH, Karol, prof., dr.; ROSOL, Edward ......... Morphometric characteristics of barbe:Ls Barbus petenyi Heckel from the waters of Upper Vistula. Acta bydrobiol 3 no.4:217-224 161. 1. Zaklad Biologii Wod, Polska Akademia Nauk, Krakow, ul. Slavkowska 17. (Poland-Barbel(Fish)) STAWCH, Karol The Institute of Hydrobiology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow. Kosmos biol 11 no.3:368-373 162. STARRACH, Karol, prof. dr New and rare blue-green algae in the plankton of a fish pond. Acta hydrobiol'-@!4 nd.3/4:229-244 169, 1. 7Aklad Biologii Wod, Polska Akademia Nauk, Krakow, ul. Slawkowska 17, and Katedra Hydrobiologii, Uniweraytet-Jagiellonski, Krakow. , STARMACH, Karol, prof. The work of the R*warch Center for Hydrabiology. Review Fol Academy 7 no.4:45-48 O-D 162. 1. Head, Research Centre of Hydrobiology, Krakow, Slawkowska 17. STARMACH Kar prof. 2 T94 Activities of the Laboratory of Hydrobiology. Nauka polska lo no.5:67-74 S-0 .'62. 1. Kierownik Zakladu Biologii Wood, @rakow. Kklro nrof. dr I I -) i i NL 1 -w specles of the crdez, I nococcales (Pyrrhophyta) from the @Lvardowski "lave in Krakow. Acta hydrobiol 5 nc.4037- 342 163. 1. 7aklad Biologil Wod, Polska Akademia Hauk, Krakow. e STARMACH) Karol Blue-green algae from the Tremadocian of the Gory Swietokrzyakie in Poland. Acta paplaeont Pol 8 no. 4: 451-463 63. 1. Department of Hydrobiology., Jagiellonian University, Krakow. STARMACH, Karol, prof. dr Algar, an damp coastal rocks at Varna, Bulgaria. Acta hydrobiol 6 no.3:159-170 164. 1. Department of H@rdrobiology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow. STIRWECIVA, FOLFSLAVA3 Starrachowa, Boleslawa, Biologia owocow nasion. Wroclaw, Ksi2-znica-Atlas' 1950. q1t p. (Biblioteczka biologiezria, z. 16) (Biology of fruit and seeds, Illus. SO: Monthly list of East European Accessions, LC, Vol. 3, No. 1, Jan. 1954, Un6l. STARRACHCRA, Bolealawa, (Krakov) Tropism and taxis in funci. Vbg&achawlat 7/8,.152-159, JI-Aw 164 STARNOVSKIr, L.N. ganization of ra-pid mining of raises in the Tashtagol mine. Gor. . zhur. no.3:8-12 Mr 155. (HIBA 8:7) (Tashtagol-Kining engineering) STAFEYEV, Aleksey Nikiforovich; -NikoUyevich;_, SHALIMOVI Aleksandr Petrovich, retsenzen-t; GOLUEYATNIKOVA, G.S., red.izd-va; KONDRATIYEVA, M.A.,, tekhn. red. [Comprehensive labor organization in mines) Kompleksnaia organizatsiia truda na rudnikakh. Moskva# Gosgortekhiz- dat, 1963. 22 p. (MIRA 17.-2) (Starobs, J.1; SMORDA, Y. Lsimorda. J.]; SPINAMI. Y.L. nelatorl; SKMOV, V.A., red.; TINCKHI11A, V.I., red.; BUMOT, N.L. (Static electricity in industry] Statistichaskoe elektrichestvo v promyshlennosti. Pod obshchei red. V.A.Smirnova. Moskva,, Goo.onarg.izd-vo. 1960. 247 p. Translated from the Czech. (HIM 13:12) (Blectrostatics) STAROBA@ Joserf Radioaetiveair ionipere usable In plastics. ;aderna energie 9 no.9s293-294 S 1. Vyzku=y ustav gu&arenske a, -plaituarmk@p, t io6ologie, Gottwaldov, GIB i- ". @ T . '4 . ; GRO*@-@(,V , 1) . 1.1 . tL ,, . ;S PAH 1",!l StludyIng the U6+extraction by the tri-n-octyiamine solution " 4 , i in the presence of Fe2+ and lin'+ ions. Tmdy t@CVFI no.1,7:145- 150 16/,. ("IEW. 18:9) ZHENILGV, B., instruktor uchebnoy yezdy, (Yaroslavl'); STAROBAKIN N.; LUKIYArISEVY P., prepodavatell mashino-i6.deniya I_a-v-MeI-a'Mutsk); MALOFEYEV .7 YU., shofer-ekskavatorshchik (Lodeynoye pole); 'IVANOV, N.; slesart; OIXYNIK, N. (Yoshkar-Ola); IVANOV, B.,, mayor militsili BORODINI M... sportsmen 1-go razryada,,.gvardii starshina; XMLIYANOV, Yn. sudly"alVses,@oy,uznoy kategorii , .1 (@bskva); STaLIGHIK, M. (Nbskva); YE14EL'YANOV, L, shofer (Astrakhan'). Our discussions. Za rul. _19 no.4:8-9 Ap 161. (MIRA 14;7) 1. Nachallrdk@2-to gruzovogo avtokhozyaystva, g. Tomsk (for Starobakin). 2. Starshiy inspbktor Gosavtoinspektsii Len@grada (for B.Ivanov). 3. Predsedatell Federatsii vodnomotornogo sports. SSSR, (for Yu. Yemelfyanov). -(Automobile drivers) (Automobile racing) VOLODIN., Boris Grigorlyevich; GANIN, Ilikbail Pavlovich; DINER, Isay Yakovlevich; KOMAROV, Iazar' Borisovich; SVESHNIKOV, Aram Arutyunovich, doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; '@MOBIN 'Kalman Perkovich, RG, R.I., kand.tekhn.nauZ.,_ -retsenzent; , GDZBU CHEREDNICHENKO, N.Ya.., kand. tekhn.nauki retsenzent; SHAYKEVICH, I.A.Y red.; KONTOROVICH, A.I., [Manual for engineers on the solving of problems in probability theory; collection of basic formulas, typical solutions, and problems for exercises] Rukovodstvo dlia. inzhenerov po resheniiu zadach teorii veroiatnostei; sbornik osnovrjykh formal2 tipovykh reshenii i zadach dlia uprazhnenii. [By] B.G.Volodin i dr. Le- ningrad, Siid romgiz, 1962. 422 p. (MIRA 15:7) Urobabilities) VOLODIN, B.G.; GANU, M.P.; DIIIER, I.Ya.; K01"AROV, L.B.; S-VESIUIIKOV, A.A.,. zasl. deyetell nauki I teklinik! HSF@@t, doktor teklin. nauk, prof.; J'M'19 I I , . .' DIJU-L@,-KJ.; EPNCHWO V V red.; BLAGOVESHCHENSKlY, Yu.N., red. [Problems in probability theory, mathematical statisLies, and theoi7 of functions of random variables] Sbornik za- dach po teorii veroiatnostei, matematicheskoi statistike i teorii sluchainykh funktsii. Moskva, Naak-a, 1965. 632 p. (MURA 18; 10) STAROBIN, 14, -iJwQWAc Awbk Miscalculations in designixg and organization. Prom.koop. 13 no.11:14 N t5q. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Glavary inshenar artali "Stanicoinstrument." Loningrad. CLeningraa-Machinery industry) /'WW @469-66 EPF(n)-2/EWT(m)/EWA(d)/T/,';,WP(t)/ETC(m)-6 IJP(c)-R?VJH NRt V6017368 SOURCE CODE: UR/0363/66/002/OC!3/OW/0417 AUTHOR: Veselaya, Ge,No; DjLbinin, G_ N-,, Ruzinov, L. P.;-Starobina, T. M. ORG: Mosco* Aviation Institute (Moskovskiy av-iatsionnyy:Lnetitut);-Giradmet 'Jof the chemi TITLE: ThermodE!amics cal reactions occurring during the-'surface saturati of metals with certain elements SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganicheskiye materialy,, v. 2, no- 3,, 1966 JW-417 TOPIC TAGS: chemical reaction,,thel-imodynamics,, equilibrium oonstantp tungsten# J, rheniums titaniums iron, silicons aluminum,Lchromiums zirconium At the present time the application of diffusion Saturation is being;, _WTRACT:. principally develo ed in studies on gas saturatione This method of saturation p fPermits the creation of initial conditions most suitable for the process, which( are characterized by a high percentage yield of the diffusion element from its ';halogenide compound on a saturated surface. iccurring during surf&o*": Thus, the equilibrium constants for chemical reactions saturation of tungsten AMn,_-I@ @jjlicon, &JUminum L -1/rheniumPor hromium, and i @coni@um from th -gas phase were calculated. ,An analytic calculating method for the equilibrium transforMtjon7.based on the i Descartes theorem and McLauren. method is propo"44- 'Data are recommended fo' conducting the diffusionNaturation teabnical 9380@ Mrg. art. has: 3 formulas and 1 fi@le_* [JPRS1 Z---. S CODE: 20 7 SUBM DATE: 28J=6@ ORIG REF: W5 OM.MF: 004 Qrd 34 UDC: --66_-921 STAROBINETS, A.Ye. Problem of the existence of the Margab transversal uplift. Neftegaz. goal. i goofiz. no.8:44-49 163. (MIn 170) 1. Nauchno-isaledovatellskaya Sredne-Aziatakaya geofizichfiskaya ekspeditslya. Conceri1jr- @'I.strlbv,'J..-@ri c,'L the U---,sr Jiura5Fic saline-gypsum- wlhyd-it-'@ f"'nnat"C' 3 On Isj,,rJt--)ry central, and southeLtstern 'I'lirkinerlistan; ac-,,urdlng to mna terials from refraction oarrelaI.Jun iwiestigations. NeVt@-Faz.geol. i geofiz. no.12:27-32 164. (MIRA 180) 1. Niwo!ino-issleiovatells@aya e fiziches a . i ro, o kay ekspeditsiya kontonY "Spetsge,,-Mzlka". ACCESSION NRt Ap4o4O291 S/0202/64/ooo/oO3/0032/0038 AUTHORS: Staroblrietp,, A. Ye.; .,Starobinets, M. Ye. TITLE., The wave field in Turkmenia from seismic prospecting data SOURCE: All TurkmSSR. Izv. Ser. fiz.-teklin., k1tim. i geol. n., no. 3., 19641 32-38 TOPIC TAGSi wave field, seismic wavej geophysical prospecting, geology ABSTRACT: The authors point out that refracted waves may not only P;ive informa- tion on the nature of interfaces but may also ahod light on lithofacios variations. Several refracted waves have bem recorded during refraction surveys across Turkmenia. The authom tabulate@ these, showing where they are found and what theJr velocities, intensities, attenuation characteristics, and related properties are. From tl-ds information, five regions in Turkmenia may be distinguishad. The authoiB outline those on a map. Within each region the picture of refracted waves remains unchanged, and, in comparison with the geology known from surface work and from deep borehole examination, interpretation of rock types and geologic structure is possible. The authoxsdescribe in some detail the specific rock sequences that underlie each region and 'that give rise to the individual refracted waves. Orig. art, hasi I figure and 1 table. Card----l/2 -------- ACcEssioN NR: A?4o4o2gi ASSOCIATION: Sredneaziatskaya geofizicheskaya skspeditsiya "Spetsgoofizikill (Central Asian Geophysical L)cpedition of "Spetsgeofizikall) SUBMITTED: 18Jul63 ENCL% 00 SUB CODE: ES NO REF SOVt 009 OTHER: 000' Card 2/2 !, , 1 4, . " . ;@jTARt,- bi fk:TS , G . L . .,!. ".., it ; ) --- Anion Axchange of fatty acids- of normal struct-..ire. Dokl. PJl BSSR 8 no.12099-801 D 164. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Inititut obahchey i neorganichoskoy @himii AN BSSR. -" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a w W-w- a _v_ 0- 4v-'*' 3A066 00000 0000009 1990 uuUnIfivifin.; 41 4. 41 a ace 0 0 00 -00 0 pAkum b"WOM but cd vaporiftuan MW 1-00 Gurb" WE". U. L @41A.Rtixzsxn and v. p. -046 (J. Clan. Cbi@.-Kuw -IMM181-460- 00 1 -00 I Lly fts + 146.3h + + W-c"11461% 00 whrm 1, - + MW + k-Tv + MI. 14 - 140.0i. Z .1alent 1"t voplwiftti(m. y - Aliffs'.0 b. e. d. A. 41MI i am the no. ut C 0 atoms, Off ampe, ribm"I 0 atoms. c 00 at-a. f am briv, Is sh"Wil to holij for a fut. of :0 OM. compoundle. bw rzprqWm wrves for dw valmilation of L fo* liqW& i&W aveotropic mixtum, Alld Of thO h"t of expasnion of liquids. It. T. 500 '00 f Soo @hoo 1,00 At. $1 DO A I. An I I a 'w 0 1 v 41--- - -- -w( T I-VTr- 0 11 1 v a it at MAO n II. At n ti ON Ad K It K 9t PC a 00*900090909906060006*0 000000000000000 o~141:00000io0oooooooooo*00000:iloooooooooo*oeoooooo::.~A it L 'Addit*6 PrqWUMS al kg y/L, md, the calcul. 01 mOlsOw"r T-MUN., G. L. STAxonivrm F. ROMION (J. Gen. Cfij6.-R-",--M ._ V'-20ffi)--IU radius of ". is given bv 00 O-WM/y, where L is the mol. heat of valrPtii, *Go and y in the surfam tension at lhe b.p. A S aS L 4f 1ALLURGICAL E@TEPAIVI CLASSWKAIIC" 0 U SS A- '0 wo A I , q@ t, C, :, U Ot a K 9 K CK tt it 09 0 0 0 0 0 *is 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 * * 0 0 0 * 0 0 00000 1* 900 0 0 **sees 09-0-0 00-0 zoo see swe a 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *1 460000 0 000 000600000000001COCO"C C9CSO9OOO#Ooq::::::'O 0 14 b III IT a it' 1& 21 u 11 .4 P V1, 5, t- it Pe 00 00 -A opo of 00 -00 /V -00 -00 0.0 00 -00 00 1 Deasky of the wartme bqw, nuAwWw din=. 0 r : siams, *M the Gibbs adewpum. eqmasima. G. L. -00 0 STAW"Wigim-(J. Gen. Chan. Raw., 1938. 8, JtW- 00 15").-Forniube expremming the no, or moi, per unit area of the Wwr n la r d the mdiuo of I mol ti 90,1 . . o an ye p solution in ex- m dil are detluoed Athor tion fr ;;00 0.1 . . o p premed by r = 2((/4 - U)IL, where U, awl V Are :0 - . the iourface energy in pure wilvent awl solution, 00 respectively, And L, is the mol. latent heat of var ation of the solvent. 8 T@- ii :zoo Vo 0 @ 00 1.0 0 60 1 -_Oo 00 0 it A'V ;D; i* 00000 -zlkv 4-1 I S a 3- .0 1 tv r it W a It U a I[ III n I @u 0000000000000 0 100 00 0 Oto 0 0 00 000000000000000 0 0000 00 0000 411 0 0400 0 0 414 00000 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 0SOC: IS 00 0: I Suk! L OSA 00-4 0 A 4 C 0 006 004 MOO a -PsartANS "gas ThIs dINAP auto- Asiliwarptift sit the beembday MO. 11"m 0. L.4@ ccaK* Ileff.. pamung I SJ@La And A. V. Pamdbv. J. 00181=1. (U. awptiou with temp. is attributed to the fact That the en. all argy of the beat nievrmaut of the mots. In-* end the degree of arientallua al the tools. III the wriam layer dir- ul A a cundejusiticas of the man taleft ph= 1@0= few of ackma- Ary Irquid-VAIKV, 1. C.. automorpibm is PIC Thstmlqo@ "Weast With faLTIA." in tesup. The dec -Pli*n Value Is antAll In substimincrIs cmpaped'61 mompolar tim 6 the reasom, for the decrease In J. In the suffax layrr Of slightly POW IRA$ (A N Cis CCL)v &W Is jarp h3 sub.,mW for the decrease In autcomption bccause the nu. of Misam comp-d ofst;;" pdw am (*6.. valarl.' molt. par sq. cm. of the sutfam of the liqattl-vaptw btmad- Va"W4 (X 10-") W RUIONWWWO 14,10qpk@ ary decromms with tacream In temp. The Imp. of aria At the h, P. ars )ileoll 1 415,117.3- Um, Water 4.111, It 1 3N autowp4w ISO* tat appirvai.. the - (IN an liquids PtOlf I-1111, AvOll O.N. W.Buoll 1.3k SMOWt& jj4, VAvw tcd, Twe mile 6( thit tem of Arm autawp- 0.77, alimmet" I to the crit. temp SPPLM. 11,11 for Plitud 0.3-1, 0 0.50, N OZ. C(_ r"VO.004%. 00-011k nortuil ds. For asiscmi. liqu t this ratio 6 slightly 6.1 ' _'i ClICI@ 0.40, PhNII, 0,341. begemsigith OX, higher. Liu., values ot 7,.-w r% at RiA. colts ects, I1hCI1 Sf t4)Ac om. ej 1. IhIend 0.41. an ICIOAc. "Isthyl Imniste. 16tvOll and H101 fr. rr@ 0 ; 1410 UAL A,m-wj,tI,mj d,.w% *je&djly O.M. 711. 0.79. 0."2. 0.93 siml 0.93. Prviath',im, Imp.: 11 av-at law and the Stclan Law am exp"wd by Un allptuachind the crit. temp.. It be- f-I the pmmnm of autimAwptWn at the bowidiry Uquid-vmjKv. At xm autasurptkm the Siclan low is obV. 11 n4rr- VVVM 11run /--leftego -4 @vm@ 7K, U Is AT 10 Al $@do NOWLAY _41111111 at ANY lot a -45 a v .0 0 -00 00411, -00 .0e .00 4141141 see A t a A, I Z I+f _j -I- Al hr.-% A- U-.Y- v A @A -L-AL, U F C ft A--A II of -96 d dnb* ks hmmobonow A. V. Pamfilov 00 "Oft K V. Gm. 1041. IL Sol a 0 &W G. t- !::= pv@ft the 7 of $Dow volutio" ()7mtw o tbA Ana UMIMA. P, OIL. .4 beoll i. Aft I. mm--d at Mr. 3o o o pw c.c.) ar* al"scot 40% mw Curves Kw 7-- I - oo 116"t I" jum And equation, 00 0. for tbq now &kabob. The @uW dh&W aftwisted with the transfer of a CH9 imp int* thO "HACO IA fw POP -3 t'"m Al: ,v " Am Fbow. -10imbo's "is bow for "law' lot I&* coo- I s J. J- J-3inmte&dof2a$InUoQ- 002) ibI "J: A S aS L A bETALLUPGICAL LITCOATURIE CLASSIOrKATIC16 'Jo- SIIIJ1,1A OMOV s.1064 .1k 'I.. r.F- 99 a it a K ct cz It or mw n I IN 0 0 0 0 0 of* 00 0 o 0 a ils 0 goo*000 00 000 0 0 0 0000000 000000060 wwA,-wwstry Oct 415 CbwdsU7 D 'OAdsorptive Were In Nonaqueous'Systemo: III, A11pMtic Acids on the Diphenylavaine-Air Bowdw7, r-4 G. L. Stardbinets' A. V. Putilov, G. G. Devyatykh. G. A. Lazerko, Bell'oruaslap U, Inst Chen, Mlnokp PP, IwZhur Fiz Xhimil" No 10 Mbesures surface tensim. of solution3 of Propionic, butyric, leovaleric, lsocaprolc'and oleic acift In diphenylamine in the neigbborhood of its 14P. i Deter- alms depression of YP or solutions studied, end calculates- &CUTIty ar,'Its" 0@@ft hadstry Fatty Acid's,:A sorption .00t (Contd) diphonylalmine--air bounda;7 from curves Ad'-- a@- using Gibbs' eqxiat'i6n. Calculates constants of Ratamted adsorption layers. Submitted 20 Oct 47- LC 21/149% MINNUMUZZMEMEMM STA.1111L@E-IIZZ, G. L. G. G. Deviatykh, A. V. Pamfilov, G. L. StarabineU', Adsorption layers in anhydrous 5,ystems. Alcohols on the boundary diphenylamine-air, P. 1512. The surface tensions of solutions of etlrjl, isopropyl, butyl, isobutyl, isoamyl., octadecyl and benzyl alcohols and cyclohe)mnone in diphenylamine over a wide range of con- centrations from 112 a 0 to N2 ff 0.9 at temperature 600C have been measured. The freezing point loirerings for these systems haVe been determined and from these data the thermodynamic activity of the solution has been estimated. The A. A. Zhdanov Industrial Institute Gorki September 17j. 1947 SO: Journal of Physical Chemistry (USSR) 22., No. 9., 1948 STAROB=S, G. L. Mbr., Industrial Inst. jin. A. A. Zhdanov, Gorlkiy, -c1948-. Kbr.. Inst. Chem, g Belorussian . Univ., Minsk, -1947-- "Absorption Layers in Nonaqueous Systems: II. Alcoholds; between . Diphenylaxrdne and Air," Zhur. Fiz. Mlin.., 22, No - 9, 1948; "Abs6r s in Nonaqaeoug ._ptive Layer Systems: III. Aliphatic Acids on the Diphenylamine-Air Boundary," ibid.. No. io, 1948. jTAR681NMt' 6. t. 6. L. Aarobinetz, A. V. famfilov,.d. d. Deviatykh, and 6. A. lAzerko, Adsorption layers in anbydrous systers. Ift. Patty acids on the surface diphenyl-amine-air. Pp. 124Q-5. The surfac6 tension of solutions of propionic, butyrict isovaleric, isocaproic, and oleic acids in diphenyl amine were measured near the melting temperature of diphenyl amine. The lowerings of the freezing point of the solutions were deter- mined and the thermodynamic activities of their components were calculated. BYelorussian University Institute of Chemistry, Minsk October 20, 1947. SO: Journal of Physical Chemistry (USSR) 22, 10, 1948. jjn! Cbew.) 2.61 x lo-A now/*", 6.c N. T. C-A Adn"m & PC didw. mm a swin Md 'PM IIAN& #A S' reution: us as at 110 _ *rbe p.- d, MdL, Z6 skoMW Tft van by cow OWN* md - - om IN t4bkL . 7w mim 181:1W --) 0 the ak.-Ok inn 41 re (MIL/sq, the V" of re U* x -*-. Tbr pahwimadimi 46 x IN OWL at f (a.) = .WL- (74.3) 44thrpt.## (WA). I% a W& himu W) f1w as d n1c;ft (dw his wmd*@dowtm) as - to filvm@llldkl ant 40 im" awd. and 19 domr " OhNot No the mdL d "I tLthwilt-U.- kkbm dii@i; bm tbr - alkbtb* to, Room swhai@w inds, in a 1@ Skw InYm dift* J, wwftdw System wh" :61" : I left net* (Lenin Usiv.: absir.-Surface tension. ditlec. const.. anti d Varlowt ales. in P-dichforobertume were detd. at 55'. The Attv-4. to"I were ;Wopyl (1). isn" A M. isobutyl (M). i.%41nyt (M. heptyl (V). anti octadecyl (VII). Dataarvob- ljiei@f Iw1ween No @ 0 And Nt @ I fUt all bilUkrY $Out. ON- ept I,* VI (up in NJ - 0.3). The activity of The tons- w (.1111m A.I.W1,11ml I' at thr "All.-Ak Interface. 1*,,f the Aim and solutea an OLW. F%1'11-610 "It-A. Valu" tire siven In 14 tables, Allsyvtotn% . 1". IrVhjtI.'jj Ifill1k limmilt's law which is at I'M the shoft-chaill ales. So apprtchible qolvatitm= pl-v. The dipole rikuncist x (in U.) of the various a". 6 CAM. by, extrMpoution Oledestmod. ". 23. atm): 1.68 (1). 1.73 (11). 1.63 (M), 1.64 (IV), 1.72 (VI). For EtOlf, jv = I.M. These vain" of a coincide with the values obtained in the gas phase. The admorpim pm@ hrmgb a itus. which Is very lwonouneet for KtOll. important for IV amd Is absent iu the cate of V wkl V1. The mx. values of the admorWion r. x low oug./sq. cus. are 9.7. MO. 5.9. and 4.4 for 1, U, M, and IV, resp. Thus, m is the caw of MR. awfAce-active Inol. compkm we formed. Indeed. wbcu a ms. is 1wrtent on the r corve. It it also (WHAt ON the P C11rVV- HSAX. YAIUCS 01 P In Ct. We; 11. 161.3 $1.0 M 0. W 3 for 1. 11. Ill.mid IV. trap. No 1121beserielmooll. - 1. U. M. FV, the moo (r. - r,)'(P. - Pol. what The sub. scri t 0 Were to OW pure aic., 1% Approx. etwilt., 0.24 0 @M 07 O.Z. 0.32 .w. These findinas cAn be ex@Un'cdl as in the can ;I Htoll. Michel no~ A 41111MIN11110" klm "d &We$&* rkn"U" ad "heds" a#- - skabsk in bentame. G, I.- Staroblut,(s. K, S. ;M=nrts and L, A. Univ.. MWA). zhiff. fig. KUM. 25. IING-10(lussiji- SA"larr scissions It. densities d, and thelev. mtoz. I, writ., inctrawd At 25* liver list: whole 1114Ae-fruthill (8) Wallop: 11"Jill 0 to 1. fur NOWY 1101"s. of liftoll. R(Oll. PfOlf, mild Buolf, ill Wis. 1, rout the mcassured 4, the atilt*. 1'. ul the a1c. In the admIrbed surface Liycr wvrv w1cil. by 17, - (Mla.1M.RT) (doldal). where a - activity, jalul the auto.. wripts I and 2 refer to Wis and the Ale., resp. By isp- @P[Ying lu like mea,urgu"U of Is Kirkwood's (C.A. 33, 9MI) equation which. In thb instance, is of the form - 1) (Zv + I)/Njj(.V'M' + 'V'jf')1jj - st P, + is [where the Polarization of the a1c. A - Po + P. + Vh) WN sslgl3k 71. the correlations parameters j were cialed. and plotted as a function of X" along with curves of at as a function of Ns. All as(.V3) curves show a continuous head. over to a more newly huriawtal portion with a slow Aupe relative to the %x6 of libscissits. At about the qatue N. at which 4, bends o7rr. the curve of twnlgt@ its slope, going over into a rectilinear porlion. W portions of the curv-_% below the bend-over am taken to correspond to the low- concu. range where (be usual chain structure of the liquid ak. 6 dbrupted by the solvent; along the more nearly horizont. J braneb, the no. of issol. gr Puprs of the a1c. ebanges wily very slowly, and the main chcA'ngc is that of the di- menslorts of the groups. In McOll the sitructure is par- tie"larly pstwounLeA and is distrupted usily (in Ado. 01 45 mol. % CA; with the hk*t alcs,@ ibb diarWinal ad the structure txrurlt at lower concrus. of Coll.. No Millisis"M I the4lVs) curves, at least n-A above S. - 0.1. CX"b"Wiamnites t t the Ittailicla. Is of the mine nature as in the III= Despite the very little and apowun. verist. (abinst 5 days/r"O diftre see of It of the Pun COMPOnGEt the max. rat the 90111, /Air IJOUTIIIATY vArk-A firom 11.9 710-- for I&ON to 2.6 X 10-0 molc/@q. can. fuss HuOH. This trend pandlels the tendency. decreasing hvm MeOli to HIAOH, to layering into 2 phaws. which parallels the trend of the dope of the nearly horizontal the as (No) curve, which incressm Irout McOlITZOOMI: Hifb irs, con4equently, means high tendency to formation of MCI. Oproups. In the expression for surface activity G - (dW/ ON.RawildiN.), the numefutor. Vwk@, Very little for the diffemt alco.. whereas the denominator as a flanction of Xt paws through a min. at the N, at which r. is at its insix., wul I's is greater, the deeper is the min. of 46,4XI. Coa- ".uently. in %@,%tem% in which auocn. prtdominates -j%w- w"Clutingly over solvation. Vt can be very high eve's if the a of the contponents differ very We. The mass. re for EtOlf in the temp. range IG-78% increatift fineady th 11T. which parafle's the analogous temp. dependence of 1. This means that with rising tetup., mass. adisorw tion timrsula as the structure is increassinfy dial 7U rs of EtOH at 46". and of BwOH at 23 . am approx. @ewqiual (- 3 X 10-0). which mrsuis that the isbucturE is i preserved to about the same degree sit these 2 diffese t tessapis. N. Those STARCSMTS, G. L. Rubber Abstracto Narch 1954 Vulcanised Natural Rubber 1173, Distribution of components of-M-n-Sry "an b 31ween @ high, kqbMer aqd the solution Battelle Tech. Rev., W53, 2, jwvs vulcanitictl rttbb@ ri were %sscil its %he 11i,,li lik,lymcr h(tso ftild nurill-al alcullok In livilleve as tile 10111010gOSS WItItiOlt 14135e., 111,1riblitilm ill tile entire rcgioil of Comimitio;I variatioll of Ot hillary I juirstures at 20' C. wits studied. 7- -3608. kinetics *1 swelling 0 It In birinry mixtures of satilralej v Patin. ILA STARODINETS and 1. Y. LvmmTsKilo trehilye -Zapisk"do7mir. Univ., 1053, No. 14, 64-71; Rejeral. Zhur. Khim, 1951, No. 2SO41; Chent. Abs., 49, 4319. The capacitance-weight method outlined ii based on detcrmining, in the coune of swenhig, the changes of tile Capacitance of a con- @denser of which the diOcctric ii the studied liquid linixture. The ratio heiween tht. quantity.of liquid taken and the wizight of itibbei i:i such that the tchangn in capacilavive do nel, c.-iceed ilia Ifinits of the straight line section of a curve far the relation between ctpacitiluce anti eowpoaiti,m of the binary mixture. The swelling of Yobber in tile saturated upotirs, of inixtures of linzenc with uthyl and with butyl alcohol is studit.A.