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STA'7nVA, J. -"Contributi,)n to the Studv of the "PInufacture of Strrtns in Oraweaving Dr-ys". P. 11, (C-7SKY LID, Vol. 4;), No. 1, Feb. 1953, Fraha, Czech,--. slovakir ) .1 SO: "onthly List of -t.-fit Eunipepn Accessions, (77-kL), T.C, Vol. 3, 110. 12, Dec. Uncl. STAIMOU, Jitka Slide rules. Pokroky mat fyz astr 5 no.6:669-675 160. 1. Fakulta inzenyrskeho stavitelstvi, Ceske vysoke uceni technicke,, Praha. ,--l-)t-,Alvxov4 1 /,-t, STAKKOVA, 1413ena,inz. International conference on forest growth increase in Czechoslovakia. Vestnik CSAZV 8 no.12:659-662 161. $TAVKOVA,--,MilGn,O,, ..- Problem of improvemcnt of v tzrr: oak forests, ard 'lie use of low .@ C, _ LI L qualir,y oak vood. Vestnik CSAZV 9 no.1:30,-33 STANKOVA, Milanal. inz. For increasing the wealth and beauty of Czechoslovakia. Vest ust zemedel 10 no.5:188@-190 163. 1A B r n f o r bo Z.V Uranyl TY, =ul AUTD)R- FAY',N!BERG,F3.!r,.. ST.NiKOVA S.K. TITLE: Analysis of the Slags of Coppd-r----MM-Ue-aU-Me-Mngs. (Ana-".-"'-- mednoyi sifintsovoyplavok, WlSgiM) 4 @ '2 S-i MIODICAL: Zwurodskaya. Labort@tor@ya., 119157, Vol 23, Tir 6, pp 647- 5 (U S. - -) ABSTRACT: In this paper an aooelerated form of an&4sis is recomended which makes it possible to obtain results of undiminished aaaxmoy by employing photocolorimetrioal methods. For this purpose it is re- oomended to melt a slag binding in an iron vat with an addition of alkAli and, in the solution obtained, to carry out photocalorimetric investigations to determine the content of aluwin= ocddez, silicon dioxide, magniun oxide, and the volme ratio of oalcium ccicide. I+ im thus possible, by the addition of metal alkall fluorides, in indi-iijus.2 slag amounts deoqWosed by the action of aoidv to aetanaine the content of im, n, copper, lead, ard zino according to known methods. For the colorimetrio determination of alumimm a reagent recommended by V.I.KUZN'YEZOV in 1950 is suggested, vddoh reaults in piWdsh-md color in the case of PH = 5,,2 - 596. For the datandmation of magaiza o3e--de colorimetric w1th titanium iron is reconmended, :L-.% which came 't isp however, necessary first -to elimirate diatuiting elOMMto from the solution. For the detenainat-lon of oal--dum acida a method de7alopad by A.M.DXKOV and Mm. E.T. ROZHKOVA is recommended, which is based uv,@n the Card 1/2 SOV/137-58-8-18158 T,arslation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr8, p,179(USSR) AUTHORS: Faynberg, S. Yu. , Blyakhman, A. A. , Stankova, S. M. TITLE: Analysis of the Dusts of the Lead, Copper, and Zinc Industries (Analiz pyley svintsovogo, mednogo i tsinkovogo proizvodstva) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Gos. n. -i. in-t tsvetn. met., 1958, Nr 14, pp 29-50 ABSTRACT: The analysis of dusts is begun with the determination of As and Sb, after which Sn, Se, Te, and Mo are determined. At an Sb contents of < 0. 50/o the colorimetric method is used with the violet crystalline [ filter ( ?); Transl. Ed. Note] , or the iodide method after prect itation of Sb on copper foil. When the Sb contents is > 0. 5FO, the volumetric bromatometric method is used. In determining Sn, the As is first distilled off in the form of the trichloride, Sb is precipitated with H2S, then Sn is precipitated together with Fe hydroxide by ammonium. The residue is fused in an iron crucible with a mixture of Na?02 and NaOH, and the determination of Sn is completed by the iodometric method. Se is separated from Te, Au, and other Card 1,12 elements by distillation in the form of tetrabromide which is SOV/137-58-8-18158 Analysis of the Dusts of the Lead, Copper, and Zinc Industries collected in water where it Is decomposed with the formation of selenious and hydrobromic acids. The amount of Se in the distillate is determined iodomet- rically, Te is reduced with SnCl? in the solution remaining in the distillation ilask after the distillation of Se. The determination of Te is completed iodi- metrically, The determination of Mo is carried out color ime tric ally with NH SCN and thiourea in the presence of >, 10 mg of Cu, if there is up to I mg of ge and up to 0. 25 mg of Te. Otherwise Mo is separated from Se and Te by sulfur dioxide or by sintering with a mixture of Na2CO3 and ZnO. Ni is det- ermined colorimetrically upon preliminary concentration by precipitation with solid dime fhylglyoxime (1). The test sample is decomposed by acids with the addition of an alkaline--metal fluoride, the solution is evaporated with H S04 and after dilution the insoluble residue and the Pb sulfate are filtered oh. The mineral acid is neutralized and Ni is precipitated from the acetic-acid medium with solid 1. After prolonged settling the precipitate is filtered off, the I is decomposed with HCI and H2S04, and in the resulting solution the Ni is determined photocolorime tric ally. C is determined by burning in a current of 02' 1. Particles (Airborne)-Colorimetric analysis K. K. 2. Metals-Determination Card ?/Z ACC NR: AP6033250 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0043/66/000/002/0115/01, AUTHOR: Konigstein, Joze --Kenigshtayn Y. (Graudate chemist; Bratislava); Stankoviansk .y. Saiao--Stankovianaki, S. Professor; Engineer; Bratislava); e ova erkeleva, M. (Graduate chemist; Bratislava) ORG: [Konigstein; Herkeloval -Institute of Chemistry, SAV, Br i�:L emicky 4t@ qyq__(Ch ustav SAV); [Stankovianskyl Depa tme-n_t___o__f Analytical Chemistry jac!@1V__!@L Natural _qciences,__Comenius University, Bratislava (Katedra analytickej chemie Prirodovedeckej fakulty Univerzity Komenskeho) TITLE: Polarographic study of the formation of mercuric ion complexes 11 vrith the and racemic forms of 2.3-diaminob t e SOURCE! Chemicke zvesti, no. 2, 9 6 15-123 TOPIC TAGS: nolarotTaphic analysis, 6rAanomercury comvound, chemical stability, ABSTRACT: %%e authors derfved theoretical equations for the cal- guldti-6ri 6f the complexity constant of the complexes --,hat the ,gorcuric ion forms with substances of the complexon type, whcre .the ratio of the mercuric ion to the ligand in 1:2. The dia- @nociation constants for the amines were determined experimentall 'by potentiometric methods* When the stability of the amine cam-.: plexes is compared to that of complexes formed with tetrancetic acid# it is found that the meso-form given a more stable amine; complex, while the raoemio form gives'a more stable tatroacetic acid complex6 Structural formulas of the complexes are suggesteds!@ Orig. art.-has: 4 figures, 9 Pormulas and 1 table.- 1JPR5-- 36,0023 eSUB C04: 07 / SUBM DATE% 050ct65 / ORIG REF: 009 Cnrid I /I blF meso- @Q- 4-q a 0000 0 0 of 0 0 i a 2%6 0 A to is u -mm Ll A1@11- A."A.- L-. t -L@ o:-.k. 1- .4 1 1 1 i q f 00 A it, 4@?.M copm lsp!fj@ 04(m(titi$ Akp P11014filk :hIlf- Appg"-.W addettoM tsim mwcwy gl9dre" In 00 lln4, i MI)',. @ A -Wa-8 Wlop"l whkh was smoftivir and pvt A Amolxh PoLifolfaill AlIji is suit:,I)le for flll@kl, 8nd QUAut. ImbFIWNI,hY. A 0-capillary r1rctrimIc wit h for"d regulack"I of (ift"" was lAs"I. 'I. Mick. It 04P 00 00 A 4', a ILJ% wo- lit a" no In An J. S a FA 0 o I I- O:o:o::Oooo 0 0 sees see zoo. -00 ZOO moo MOO =tgoo 00 0 None 39 143911 *lei 99966:091 $else 96A IlAttjkA &Lvuic4l. (AWntion (st'Amlar. . Am. COMORNXA- 15. 734-"J0&)XIa Geruutu); CAWM. zessli The GYnchlQuisAtiOu Of n'*rCuFY dropil (at PoWormphic putpllims by a mcreprr. (st,le Tevil. 3, dw9pillS oftirodes we attached symant"ty to a Coutumn JIS remavoir. A anudl motor-driveli -, f0tatins in the meter of the circle of coollarin defacbm the drop Irm r.ich fis tum. Ily 06% triftus the ptyanometer Owillali'Mill .am gfrally rejumd MIRI a twokl inctraw Its ma"mitivity I* ,,vvutf%l. DifferviAd gwUrograuts can tie swuml eltb 1.0 sitigle CApillatift. each with Its own WrAlwi, (Ole two impm shouki be synchmaired by a frictiLm drive frotit a k*tmlltkm Illotor) In two postiumis of thelmone wAn. I'mils 1290. STARNINK-0-4-1-14 OF MEM I AM M POLA2"UA&L 'PI SM91W (Coll. Trove "UAKL. -A ACR"T me chim. Tchocosl*q 19W, IS# ?34-?W)o- A-AftPV114 9C. electrode to described, eOnsistftg of 6 capillaries arranged in a circles the dropp"c tips being "t by a rotWy jeraper. Polarograms obtain"d with this Apparatus are shown which are free from the copealty- current kicks shmm by a sift1s, electrode. An accuracy of AtO.6% In wavo-hatcht memouramout to claimed. Aa opporptus for differential polarography employing the rotary scraping principle on twovingle electrodes It described. Sreator "nottivity a" compensation of caMity current are claimed. J. S. Meat @',T !*'.- 5 '07-T, ', ' !;iK'f ,'3 . -, ? () D, A-' ; 7' )11 . "Polarographic deterinination of bi- and trivalent iron in wine; @@ontxol of the ferrocyanide treatment.'t Praha, (77echoslov--ikia) P. 433 (Acta3 701. ") 10.10, 3-957, 7-TonthW index of Eas' vuropean @ccessioris (.gEAI) @C Vol. 7, no. 9, 11 A - SeDteri@uer 1*)58 STANKOVIANSKY,S.; KUBIN, J. Application of the chromato-polarographic method to the analysis of inorganic substances. I-IV. Acts. r nat Univ Com 3 no.2/3:. 59-97 '59. (EW 10:5) (Chromatography) (Polarograph and polarography) (Inorganic compounds) ST-oV-!KOVD-'.ISKY, S. 8th Mendeleev Con.gress of General and Applied CLeraistr-f in Moscovr. P- 385. CH=,,CKE Z-VESTI. (Journal on ap lied chemistry issued by the Slovak AcadeiP7 of Sciences and the Slovak Chemical Society. Monthly) Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 13, -No. 7/8, JUlYlAug., 1959. Monthly List of East European Access-Lons, (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 12, Dec. 1959. STANKOVIANSKY...--S,- PODANY, V.; KALUSOVA, A. Polarographic behavior of gold, palladium, and platinum in the solution of ethylenediamine citrate. Coll Cz Chem 25 no.12:3173-3178 D 160, (ZFAI 10: 9) 1. Institut fur analytische Chemie, Naturwiseenschaftliche Fakultat, Komensky-Universitat, Bratislava. (Polarograph and larograpby) (Gold) (ftlladium) (platinum) rcitrates) (Etbylenediamine) STANKOVIANSKY, Samo, prof., inz. (Bratislava, Smeralova 2) Reaction of (N]k)pSO-j and NH4RSO3with the formaldehyde. Chem zvesti 16 110.3:210-216 Mr 1W 1. Katedra analytickej chemle Prirodovedeckej fnkulty Univerzity Komenskeho, Bratislava. STANKOVD! 241mc), prof., inz.; RUSINh, Rudolf., inz., C.Sc.; LZABADOSOVA, Katarina, promovana chemicka P 0 lv-r,DFaphic exarlination of isothiocy ates n:)nsoluble in Uater naphtylisothiocyanates and "Sm 1-@5 -naphtylisothiocyanates. C],34 Zvesti 16 no.8:6211--632 Ag 162. 1. Katedra analytickej chemie, Prirodovedecka fakulta University D.-menskeho, Bratialava, Smeralova 2. STAIIKOIMNSKY, S.; KONIGSTEIN, J. Polarograpliie determination of complex constants of mercury compounds with some new complekbuilding substances. Coll Cz Chem 27 no.8:1997- 2001 Ag 162. 1. Komensky-Universitat, Bratislava. STANKOVIANSKY,.S.; RUSINA, R.; FAITHOVA, E. 1@ - Examination of the complex formation of co*er vith ethvlonediamine. Pts. 1-2. Acta r nat Univ Com 4 no.11/12:45-.665 160 [publ. 161). 1. Katedra analytiokej chemie, Universita Komenskeho., Ooralovp, 2. RUSINA, R. [deceased]; '61ANOW i prof... inz.; SZABADCOSOVA, Katarina I*'WP"IIIOj ., promovana chemi Folarographic examination of-isothiocyamtes nonsoluble in water. Ft. 2. Chem zvesti 17 no.5:300-306 963. 1. Katedra analytickej chemie, Prirodovedecka fakulta University Nomenakeho.. Bratislava,, Smeralova, 2. I i7202-63 BDS ESD,3 -AW ACCES8IMI ITR: AP3003058 Z/0043/63/000/006/0411/0417,1 AUTHOR: Stankoviansky, S.; Carsky, J.; Halada, S. 5.7 1 TXTLE- Chelates of resorcylidine-4-phenylthiosemica;rbazone SOURv@E: Chemicke zvesti, No. 6, 1963, 411-41-/ phenylthiosemic~~bazone,preparation, metal salt,;.- Cu f TOPIC TAGS: Desorcylidine-4- 1 90, Pb, Cd, Ni, chelate iBSTRACT: Resorcylidine-4-phenylthiorerdcarbazone prepared from resorcinaldehyd and -chenylthiosemicarbazide reacts with metal salts as a mono- or dibasic acid. Preparation of salts of Co, Pb, Cd, Cu, and Ni is ds'scribed. Theoretical and ac-: luall obtained.analysesare compared.- Co- yields--2- ch8lates; om is neutral and- onic 3; -4th h @@r'ould,:b&_'at-@_. Pb.shows,,a coordination mimber.. of -the iond 'that. one-ani -it'-was not oss tached to a wa:ter molecule could not be proved,, as a hydrate. Cd shows similar structure, but the +th bond'is attached to a water _3 molecule which, however, is easily removable by drying. Cu and Ni complexes. show th@ 4th bond attached to ammonia and pyridine, respectively. Orig.@art. has: formulas. AS-N- Chair of Analytical ry of.the Faculty Natural Chemist @f sciences". at the Comonius University. STANKOVIANSKY, S.; RUSINA, R.; JANTULOVA, A. Pola 0 etric determination of cobalt, nickel, and copper with _resorcylidenthiosemicarbazone. Acta r nat Univ Com 7no.10:535-544 163. 1. Katedra analytickej chemie, Univerzita Komenskeho, Bratislava, Smeralova. 2. ST,U-IKOVTANSKY Samo, prof., inz.@ BIELY, Perer, prom. cham!': M L rode '- e rraina ti on rf f-I i: or Ide -3 ur irc-@ with 1-he aid of the -process mineralization. Chem zveSti 15- no.4:272-280 165, we@ 1. Chatr of AnalytL,,,al Chemistry of thn Faculty of Natural Sc]'Iances of Kcmensky Un.Lrer3ity, Bratisla-vi, Smaralova 2. 2. Editorial 3oard 113hamdcke zvez-1.1V' (for Starkoviansky). tibma'Al.ed June 10, S 1964. S STANKOVIANSKY, Samo, prof. inz. "Quantitative chemistry" by J.Waser. Reviewed by S.S-,,a-rIkovJ.arsky. Chem zvest-i 19 no.4:324-325 165. 1. Chair of Analytical Chemistry of the Faculty of Nat--al Sciences of Komensky University, Bratislava, Smeralova 2, and Editorial Board Member, "Chem-eke zvesti." 9TANKOVIAB "F:- S.- KOVAROVA, H.- MA-DWOVA, V S';",ady Gf reat,-tions of some derivatfves of ',,3 Indandione with rega!-d @@o arr-1-ft'.cal -use. Pt.l. Acta r nat Univ Com 9 rto. 5@@ 273--284 165. 1. of Analytical Chemistry of the Faculty of Natural Sr@.'sn-@es of Comer.4-as Universi@7j, Bratislava. Submi@ted Decemlber 20, 19631. L 10838-66 ACC NRt' AP6004"l SOURCE CODE: CZ/0043/65/000/004/0272/0280 AUTHOR: Stankovianskys Samo-Stankovianskis S. (Professor; Engineer); BielysPeter ORG: Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University Bratislava (Katedra analytickej chemie Prirodovedeckej fakulty Univerzity Xomenskeho) TITLE: Microdetermination of fluorides in urine using mineralization in solution SOURCE: Chemicke zvesti, no. 4. 1965, 272-280- TOPIC TAGS: microchemical analysis, fluorides solution propertys excretions biochemistry ABSTRACT: jThe mineralization is J a.Chi6iWiid;-4iih fd@ orio acid: 2'volumes of this acid to I volume of urin.e .are-used. The ,j'I- acid is first heated to 200-20500 and urine added at such a rate- ithat the temperature does not drop below 19500. The distilling H? Is absorbed in NaOH and determined by back titration. The method @s'faster than concentrating urine and oxidizing the dry residue.. In 10 ml,of urine a concentration of 1 mg of F per liter-may be mined with .an accuracy of.4.9%. OAg* art'. has: 2 figures and 3 t 'f"PRj' deter ables. J S SUB CODE. 07, 06 SUBM DAiE: 10jun64 ORIG REF: 002 OTH REN 008 SOV REF: 001 -7= Cloy /eq, KAPIP6111001111 On contfol ot Koffit miloett harmlist to Culti rated plantsm St,.uL.j%-w -.1 111,it-ic Sis,erni du-,tto, Out larvar -ul lah. pun'tata ATv _11'stm. 1'. B I I Ag'. 7 6.4.1 1, 1, rsah is pwod,, lj@mc I., .,fld I Lst@ Im. did owt Kni, m-fjvt.,rv !mmt st s- ,-%pt, ill Ilse 1.4h.alld inwlwaf ItIlk"c"t 11'e" "U"'C"1401Y AVAillSt AejWjWj,,. lilfc usrd at "' 4471-1, (NAIIII('1W -4-mefts wi-cieforily. Ilse emo am nW tO DDT. Ojc grjplie@jinl of Illic K-lee wwy mow.mults in alfdfa ficid. "by-.-'a Grasshoppm mug, in &M, Darf-Mid-birms *'*at. w I'At- were fie, tvs%fUUY with 2.5 kg./hi.. ()( nife appliL4, ss,Ih Alec! .11- nile,f SPIMI". a 111rcil.k. C,14,lvl A- STANKOVIC,, A. "A Contribution To The Study Of The Interrelation-Of-Pollination, In Pears" P. 149. (Arhiv Za Poljoprivredne Nauke.-Vol- 5,-no. 8. 1952, Beograd.) East Europ"n Vol. 3. No. 2, 50; Month List ofAMUM Accessions, /Library of Congress, FeTaruary, 1954 ISO, Uncl. STANKOVIC, A, Taxaphene, an insecticide unharmful to honeybees. p. 45 (GLASNIN, No. 3, 1956 (Publisbed 1937) So" "Onthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec. 1957 Uncl. Category: Serbo-Croatia (Jugoslavia)/Geliera-l Division. Congresses. Meetings. Conferences. A-4 Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Biol., 1,o 6, 25 March, 1957, 21367 Author Stankovich, A. Ostroiich, N. Inst not gLvl--,-L Title European Conference on Problem of Plant Protection in Luxembourg. Orig Pub: Zashtita bila, 1956, 33, 108-110 Abstract: One conference was held fro 'm September 6 to 10, 1955; 350 people were present; 14 sections participated: on toxicology, p1hytopharmaceutical production, terminology, standardization of biological methods, in fungicide inves- tigation, insecticides, rodenticides, section on biometry, and others. Special attention was aroused by Professor Trakhaut's report on investigation of factors causing plant cancer and an measures for combating them. Card 1/1 -pp- STfi A@ )C 0 L) j"Ll. @4, YUGOSLAVIA/Goncral aarld Special Zoology. Insocts..Injurious F Insocts and Ticls. Posts of Fruit and 3orry Crops Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Biol, , No 11., 1958, No 49692 .,'iutlior:Staffkovic A., Dok-manovic S. Inst- : Ta-tlo : An Exporiiiient in theControl of tho Larvac of Loaf- Horned Beatles on Sandy Soils of tho RoGion of Sovernaya Bachka (Yuroslavia) Or i,- Pub :Zans'litita bil'a, 1956, No 36, 53-58 Abstract : In 1955, on an aroa of 8 ha, an oxperimant was conducted in the control of larvae of leaf-horned bootlos Polyphylla fullo, Lnoxia oriontalis, and AnoDala dubia var. acnoa, which hiohly davlr-.L*:-o tho young vineyards. At the planti4rS of Grape stalks, 75,14o,195 and 260 rr, of the Gam_m-isomr of h@Dxachlorccycloaoxano (HCCH) and 1,1.5,2 and 3 g of tho technical HCCH were used in one holo. Card 1/2 83 YUGOSLAVlA /' Farm Animals. Honey Be(@ Abo-jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 3, 1958, 12212 Author :.Slarilcovich Aleksandr Inst Title Toxicity of Phytopharmaceutical Preparations to Bees (Toksichnost' fitofarmatsevticheskikh prepara- tov dlya pchel) Orig Pub: Napr. pchelarstvo, 1957, 14, No 1-2, 38-41 Abstract: The studies conducted by the Belgrade Institute for the Protection of Plants showed that all chlorinated carbohydrates with the exception of toxaphene, are highly toxic to bees. Chlordan, heptachlor, aldrin, endrin, isodrin and dieldrin cause death of the bees 5-6 hours following contact, and DDT after 18-24 hours. Phosphoro-organic and thiop4osphorlc com- pounds are also highly toxic. However, the plants Card 1/2 STAITKOVIC, Branku Some aperience with "'Aktivin,* an unrusting preparation* Brodogradnja 6 no.4:163-165 155. STANKOVIC, B. Yugoslavia (430) Technology Some observations on the problem of specifications and markings of steel. p. 37, STATIDARDTZAbIJA, Vol. 1, no. 2. Sept. 1950. East European Accessions list, Library of Contress, Vol. 1, no. 14, Dec. 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. ;e6tin,,7 or the subcormiLle on wcldir-l?. of vaEt- E'uro,nean Accessi.:)ns, jacl. fj,,@'ct, 0, of onerat, onal calc-ulils 'Voi. 6, 19554, L;Iao,,-r--d, Yuc-oslavi--) -0 -4, L- s t. of c;urone,@r: 'cces. ions, Vol 4, U! c 1. STMTKOVI C, B. Inversion and invariants of Hankel's generalized transformation. In French. p. 37 Srpska akademija nauka. Matematicki institut. PUBLICATIONS. Beograd'. Yugoslavia. Vol. 8, 1955 Monthly list of East European Accessiona (EEAI) LC, Vol,, 8,/1959 Uncl- nhovM B Sur une classe d'6quations in ta -FIN - %Mii T@ SrPska Akad. Nauka. Zb. Rad. 43. Mat. Inst. 4 (1955). 81-130. (Serbo-Croatian. French summary) ral e uation f the inte Th l ti n e so u o o ! g q oo f o is given, where K(x, t@=K...(v, -V; -tx-j, and. (P(P, gq; z) is Wright's function which is a general- ization of a Bessel function - [E. M. Wright, J. London Math. Soc. 8 (1933), 71-w-88]. The functional transfor- mation dx Jj, t\ F K 1 A l h i di d ere s stu e , w , n e )=x egan ). (ujx ,,(x, derivation of:the soluti @ T i on of the lunctional equation - li n d i h h l (x ) - u es w t ven. c e paper co is g app cations of t he results to a problem in physics, and with. the derivation of certain relations between the Laplace transformation and Wright's function, mentioned above. H. P. Thielinap. (Ames, 1@@. STANKOVIC, B. Nieczysta Icrew (ImjWe blood), by B. Stanir-ovi6. Reported in &v Booice tNowe Lsizaki), tj- 6, March 15. 1956- STAMOVIC. B Publication of standards for standard numbers. p. 223. STANDARDIZACIJA. ( Savezna komisija za standardizaciju) Beograd. Vol. 6. No. 6. June 1956. SOURCE: East European List (EEXL) Library, of Congress, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1957 10L b .06 -A Y u. r(1,4 -ji His method depea& on- dked use of,*@-jlw -q -'th RopresonVition of Certain Operationn by Means of the Tj4o-,'@ Dimenslonal. Laplace Transfom. r Operaflonen C 9L=ransformatiozi@, Acad. Serbe Sci. Publ. Inst. Math. 11 (1957), 1-8. Writing (D(u, Y; z)= L.-o r(k+ tjr@t+vkj, and -uz-,,,,/(x, y)d-dy@-TU(x. y)] 011 V)=f"Of it is proved that A If O'f 0' where A(-) @(Doi, v; -@O), B(,) =(l)(fl, p; -nyP). The parameters, it, v are not necessarily integers, 'in fact /j>O and r>-1. The result is thus ageneralisation of formulae, p. 186 (40) and p. 187 (5 1), of D. Welker and G. Doetsch. Die zweidimensionale Laplace-Transformation [Birkhduser, Basel, 1950; AIR 12, 699]. L. Gr@llilh (Kensington). ch. 53. t-,ral @xajsf n -t@L n F r;@m s j_n )f j_ IT' 'T,5. -1 u _:Pl 7!atei@-ntield Last PITIT 12) 1(9@'*- li,-:,t r)f, Fast Eumr,,eman cf--essions (71,,J) lv-,o"-,. "0. 1959. S/044/62/000/009/022/069 Ao6o/Aooo AUTHOR: Stankovib, B. TITLE: on a system of dual integral equations PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 9, 1962, 54, abstract 9B25T ("Publs. Inst. French) math. Acad. sebre sci." , 1959, v. 13. 95 -. 112; TM: An effective so lution is given'for the system of dual integral equa- tions 00 OL J, (YX) X_ f (x) dx (y), 0 < y < 0 J (yx) f W dx (y), y > 0 based upon theorem 1: Let a function u (y) admit of A representation -Card 1/3 s/044/62/000/009/022/069 On a system of dual Integral equations A06OIA000 u (Y) y cs@ + (Y) 2,) (Y) where y is a function continuous at th point y 0, equal to zero at y = 0 and satisfying the condition (y 2,-,E (y)]ji) _ 0 (ylo-i) As y _4 0, where = 1, 2, and Co '>- 112 + 2 V W > 0. If, moreover, 0 < y I the following integral converges: J@ (YX) X- x12 dx A (t) ft J-@+Or/2+1 (tx) dt S 0 0 where x -)+,(12+112 [t2,1 A (x) (t, dt 2-72 r (oc/2 + i) cix x 0 (x2 t2 then f (X) x 1/2 A (t) J. (tx) dt J V +d12+1 x12+1 0 Card 2/3 STAMOVIC, B. (Novi Sad) The invariants of the Fourier transformation. Ves mat fiz Srb no.12:3-.12 160. STANKOVIC, B. Certain nonequations on a lattice group. Glas SAM 12 no.2:219 160 (publ.162]. c etion of the Riesz groups. Glas SANU 12 no.2:217 lz@plcpubl.T621. Hr,'jl4.AN , J,)*i a Spi,3 r; t. r c,pbc tome @;r ic -I tlud 7 c! I ror, r ofrpl!@ x -4 -1 -:@, mandeLhydroxaimic 1. In3-4itute or lnork;An I'c arti" Ano,@I.-tic Ghem@ stt-jr of ;I-.a 11harinaccuLl-cal Polgrada. Suhrd ttrd ,%, vtmr- : 6 Ot TY-IJGOSLAVIA R. NIKOLIC, C. STAUKOVIC and S. LUKIC rAffiliation not given] "Histomoniasis at the Petrovac Turkey Farm." Belgrade, Veterinarski Glasnik, Vol 17, No 2, 1963; pp 159-161. Abstract : Outbreak of histomoniasis meleagridis in August 1961 at the cooperative poultry farm housing about 6000 birds. Necropsies confirmed diagnosis. Phenothiazine-nicotine (against Reterakis gallinae) in feed and Enheptin in water brought about recovery. other measures included transfer of all hens (gallinae.) When slaughtered later, 30% of all birds had cecal signs of histomoniasis. Vo outbreak so. far in 1962. 37 YUGOSLAVIA S. LUKIC, R. NIKOLIC and C. STANIKOVIC [Affiliation not given] "Incubation of Turkey Eggs at the Petrovac Farm." Belgrade, Veterinarski Glasnik, Vol 17, No 2, 1963; pp, 163-164. Abstract : Only around 50% of the eggs put into the incubator eventually hatched out of a total of 6 batches and.16000 eggs. Main problems are detailed study and appropriate measures removing difficulties newly hatched birds seem to have in getting out of their shells. Other desiderata are artificial insemination and stress on early (April - May) laying. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Epizootic of Feather Pecking at a Turkey Farm-If narski Glasnik, Vol 17, No 2, 1963; p 165. Belgrade, Veteri Abstract: Outbreak of pecking bared backs of large proportion of all many subsequent wounds, infections; some fatal. Otie of ercrowding. No the contributing conditions was considered to be ov housing and feed ectoparasites could be found. Feed was poor. When were improved, the phenomenon stopped. ARNOVIJBVIG, V.; SAROVIC, K.; STANKOVIC. D.; ANAP. M. Distribution of radiaphomphorms in organs of hypophysectomizea and adrenalectomized rat@. dlas arpoke akad. nauka, odelj sod. 211 no.7:1-9 1953. 1. PrWjeno na XIV skupu Odelj. med. anuka ad 30 IX 1952 god. (PHDSPHORUS, radioactive distribution in adronalectomized & hypophysectomized rate) (PITUITART GIAND, off. of excis. on radiophosphorus distribution in rate) (ARMA GLAMS, off. of excis.. on radiophomphoran distribution in rate) STANKOVIC, D Modifications of internal milieu in hypothermia In homothermal animal; PH of the blood in dogs In deep bypothermia. Glas orpoke akRd. nauka, odelj me&. 211 no-7:69-?3 1953. 1. Primljeno na XV11r skupu Odeljenj& med. nauka od 18 XII 1952 god. (BODY TNXPXRATURB bypothermia. exper., off. on pH of blood in dogs) (HYMOGEN 109 CORMTRATION of blood, off. of exper. 17pothermia in dogs) (BLOCD pH, off. of exper. 17pothermia in dogs) STANKOVIC, D.; RAMADANOVIC, D.; PUCASIVA, T. Bffect of vitamin C on physical work In hot enviroment. 1. Vitamin G level in blood in workers exposed to heat. Arh. hig. red& 5 no. 2:185-192 1954. 1. Higijenskl savod, Swmjevo, R&Wa prWjona 16.111.,1954. (VITAMIN C, In blood In worker@ exposed to heat) (RUT, *ff . on vitamin c in blood In workers exposed to heat) (33LOM vitamin 0, in workers exposed to beat) STANKOVIC, Dragomir, doe, dr. A case of chronic vaturism after the intake of large quantities of drinking alcohol. GIF-s. hig. inst. 10 no.3/4:41-48 Jl-D 161. 1. Centralni higijenski zavod - Sarajevo Ode1jenje medicine raft. (LEAD POISONING case reports) (ALCOHOLIC INTOXICATION compl) ,nGOSLAV.TA STAJEOVIC Dr D ';_ I Labor Medicine Department (Udeljenje Hed .1cine Rada@ CHZ Z-abbreviation not clarifieA7, Sarajevo. "A Contribution to Study of 6tandard blood-count Values un- der Our Circumstances, Nean Values in the blood Count of Industrial Workers.11 Belgrade, Glasnik Zavoda za Zdravstvenu Zastitu i4R Srbije, Vol 11, 11os 1-2, 19627 pp G1-71. Abstract: TAuthor's Serbocroatian summary. modif ieV I'he author lists the mean value of hemograms in certain branches of industry covering 3811 nale workers, 321 female ,viorkers, and 1650 apprentices (including boys and Girls both). The mean value of the red blood cells and ziemoglob- in is substantially loiver than that cited by foreign auth- ors. There i,- considerable lymphocytosis and a duction in the number of polynio@phonuclear leukocytes in comparison with foreign works. ihe blood count of the Yugoslav population should be thoroughly studied as soon as I'/i/PoBsible for use in diagnosis. Soviet, Western refs. 10 STAITKOVIC, D., doc., dr.; BEUC) M., dr.; RADONIG, S., dr. Contribution to the study of Kienboeck's disease. Med. arh. 16 no.22 19-26 162. (OSTEOCHONDRITIS case reports) (SEHILUNAR DONE dis) S IN STAPIKOVIC, D,, dr.; SAVICUIC, Moy dr@; PETROVIG, Lj,, dr. Contribution to the study on the influence of manganese units on the value of hemograms. Med. arh. 16 no.2-179-84 162. (BLOOD CELLS pharmacol) (MMIGPITESE pharmacol) S I. STANKOVIC, D., doe. dr. A critical review of laboratory methods in the diagnosis of early lead poisoning. Med. arh. 16 no.6:51-57 N-D 162. (LEAD POISONING) I Tr, C, SUMV I A lj(-'@@tar- Dr D@ D,:-p4rtment G-@ 0,1-,upational Medicine (Odvl jenje- 'rm d 1 @.Izt@-.,:!:ane Institt.tte (Cancralni higiJEwki za@0(15 ITI-aanostic Val-ue of Laboratory T,@-.ts in Detecting -arly Stages of I.cad latoxicaticn.!: Belgrade, Med-icins'