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ST--',Fr[TqM, A. A. Hay Nutritive quality of rye hay in relation to the neriod of hay-vest. Form. ba2a -1 No.6,19 Month List of Russi Accessions, Library of Congress, September 1952. TITICLIAOSh-TIM. !17TICIlUl," AA T -L . . .. - M. S Vetch Feed wlue of beaded vetch. Korm. ba 7 2 3 no. 8, 1,052 IE Month List of Russia Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952. MCIISSIF D. 1. STAFIYCHUK, A.A. 2. u5sR (6oo) 4. H&,v 7. Content and di#estibility of general and organic oulfur in hay depending upon harvesting time. Kokl.AK. sellkhoz 17 no 10 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February -1953. Unclassified. 1. OTAFIE'LUX, A.A. 2. US3R (600) 4. Cyanogen Compounds 7. Deterrining cyanogen compounds in plants, Sel. i sem. 20 no. 5, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL -1953, Uncl. STA.FIYCHUX, A.A. Quantity and digestibility of certain amino acids in hay from Sudan grasa and Italian millet. Dop. AN URSR no.4:271-274 154' (;UM 8:4) 1. Ulwains'kiy n.-d. institiit zernovogo gospodaretva im. Kuybyshevae' Predstavleno deystvitellnym chlenom Akademii nauk USSR A.I.Dusheahki- DYTOO (Amino acids) MV) USSR/Cultivatcd Plants FoWer . I'll. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Diol., No 4, 1958, 15710 Author : A.A. Stafiych2j Inst : The All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Corn Title : The Food Value of Ensilaged Corn in Relation to the Harvesting Times* (Pitatellnost' kukuruznogo silosa v zavisimosti ot srokov uborki). Orig Pub : Byul. Vses. n.-i. in-ta kukuruzy, 1956, No 2, 14-18. Abstract : At the Erastovskiy Experimental Field in 1955 corn standing at a plant density of 30 thousand plants per I hectare were harvested in three periods: at the begin- ninC, in the middle and at the end of the milky stage of cob ripeness. Tests of the digestibility of all the ensilaGe was made on wethers, and the ensilaged cobs on Card 1/2 STAFIYCHUK, A.O., kand. Utilization of sellskoldiozyaystvennukh nauk corn, Hauka i zhyttia 9 no-3:34-35 Mr '59. (MM 12:4) (corn (maize)) STAKY GHUK, R.A. Imnd. a PI lskokhoz naiik ca )I I J.'n r_% z . Detor,nining t" qiiality of Y)rotF?in in corn. Dok.I.A) d.ns 94 Tio.6:7-9 159. (Mulu@ i.?:g) 1. Vsesoyuzrv7 nauchno-issladovatn1lakly inntltiit laitcarlizy. Prn(latavlena akadpmikon IB.P.Sokolovym. (Corn(maize)) (Proteins) STAFIY CHU K -Andrwj. . Afanau' I yevich( Stafiichuk, A.0.], kand. sell- '____kNOz.iiau'k; DONTSEV, A.I., zasl. doyatell nauki USSR, akademik, red,; LIVE14SKAYA, O.I.(Livenslka, 0.1.], red.; GLUSHKOP G.I. Hlushkoj- H.I.), tekhn. red. [Using corn as silage) Vykorystannia kukurudzy na sylos. Dnipropetrovslkt Dnipropetrovslke kryzhkove vyd-vo, 1961. 14 p. (NIRA 15:7) le''IMAtor Yeesayu=ogo naudhno-isaledavatellskogo instituta kukmmzy i Vsesoyuznaya akademiya sellskokhozyaystvenMkh nauk im. V.I.Lenina (for Zadontsev). (Ukraine-Corn (Maize)) (Ensilage) Dy"Istless of the polarisistiom of barium fillamola. it _ V. lid . nValkov. ff. A. Stalik-hilk and It. K. Chernyt (I)nepeops- tiovsk Matir V';Ilv.) ' "1141. Tri-IC Pit. 21. 610-17 -The I WIT. Most. @ of HaTiOs wit, measured In I.-CfAlioular at r IInI"IlW% pripluml hir linjiscle III it"[ l"lle ditAllitt a steel V4,141b,l of the -lie I't flip ww*t WIN v-1616-1 -,f it,, Jumokin 4 the islilml1w fmlll K" 109 x 141-0, (1) Within thoi, linsits. the variation of a as a function of the temp. ii unaffected by the lenrlb of the impulse; it at the Curie point is slightly Vftter than In bicb-bequeney (106 berits) m.c. In hanintic tnesia The error inheres t , Ifements in d.e., and title to the cond.. is elieninat"t In the short roetansislAr fitilinlw inethol. (2) a finwob"I nol tile rl IV 60.1 strength K 1-24) 1whm the visitir 1.411t. have a that As to not dur to lw@jooilljr PtA,,TiIk1km At the lower E I, dcnmm- "trati:41 by tile twf%iltence of the slups: a the curve alopt the nuss. its rxt)t,. in imlikh PCCVWUS plAAF44641411 WAI autheuti- tally Ulpnl Out by hC-AtWg to Me between consecutive Ineasur'llituts. In CYVIk VariAtift at E, hallow the Curie Point. the 1-lari"tion is not FcAvluml, t ic Im loop is diissinctly asym. with rspmt to the ax6 of N. but this airnimselry disausisis" in Ir repeated cvvlc4. The spoutAurms PlIblailAtiOll it Of the kv of 4-11.6 X 10's coulocubs/imi. cus. (3) Im contrast. to on Rochelle st1t. flat I-alAtizAtion Q In WT" is not aMitire. III tile pelt", that al omm, E &lilt tcntp. the im"Clisents of Q In rt"trtifivo pill At Introrvali, of linst are in,44 L tit emiplo with Iml-iii-I I'lifferrill knoths, 6 'N it) - .7"X too 'to' with c4ch (64111*1140 ('4tfVV (Akrtt,I,o*n os U X to I - V, e.A, - allvr 1,101mizo,I lw@tius of the stsevilucti. PkA� of Q against the tittle 8. for tile 3 intputw lengths r. show Q at thm "itte total Ito III: much greater with the shorter r. Owinstothis ms".nce of "I'litivity in WTiov. the rAte of poLuisAtka i, tict'l. toy tlleslolw A4 tile curve (XI) At I - 4), is not A true rate even Olmill it 414k.4 give '41for 111-@Iollt Into the Alvitatilk-0 vA tile A, I'T " 'u- M K - :17@1(1 V r - 5.11", \. 10 1 -C., I, .. a fliliVil.91 1.1 lilt ICIIISI, I.I%A%" as the tlidec. coii,t. of HaTiO., with A peak at allaut I'M'. As a lutiction of E. tx-low the Curie point. i ituzma-@v non- listemly with E. ttlyrux. following i - Alt-9. where J And .Are iVIIII)AVIWIlilvilt. lulidittil I)( h'. 111ti-Ild'111.11 ps"i:A60it Alf A mample pt-6-ly hy livotills result* Its a Junin- 6b*Q I tea 4 mill-ilm-sit r1lit.; IIL&t rollers lisr"A-I with III. eh*'@ Cor-11.1t 'U-m- - I.; tile Ollie point all'i 'I'vi"t- , 1,11,611Y Ill.- it. (Wifiv .40 thm Ita It, 1. t. .6 .13pi. ft-l- 116- st.m.-V ..111V lot file I'leti'llve 4 11111"llitiv, Itivilig 0- (k. (I.-C Kt , , it"%' 614"Ift, that Its 1.4mitsti.mi 1, title it, th-11 Ill Lattice try CIELVA-6 IIA ' ' 14041%; fill% CITWI regions tit .1lotitant-ous poLvItAt6a thrmitgla the aetion tit the ilij.'Ir 01141111'.111 4.1 file 'Irl"itfor'l 041. 1*)&,- 1.4110's- 11,41 th.11 all." on 'Spi'lleasioll "I All V%lem'd fivid it tile ?,- mill 44 the of Ime 11.4 loot, With illcma-hir E. tile ise tif tile 'ImIlAill, inctra-4 liallil they vultle into emstact wilh olle i1nother, at "Isith I"tiot Q trAviu-'s statli.; tile vidue of E' at Whk-h tile s.6111. it t...0scil 11houl'I dvermic will% 111"Va'i'll Imptsiltv and the Curie Itafist bhould shift to lower tempt. The I*t iTHIM11C tfCtS. the I"IlAtillAtIOU thfUUKII gn)Wth tit tire I'V9"ll tit SIKKItAn"Mi. 1.11.6fisAtlan Suld rotAtitits ol' their rive. flitiolo tiloment., the illavaxe '11 Q Ill further illipillswo i. 'Ifffil"IIM I I Allm of WeAlily Impulul vlrvflt)llq 41'.6111,1 file I 1 10 IlIC10*41tri .1k4l't ChAtge@ I'lli. 1-1 'it -11 ViVW 6 CUIW6014101 by PfTliuliltAFIF "I'll. 041 1110 11WO-11- tion of the potentiAl in HaT". which bclow the Curie Stoint lettlaias uniforns hile the cunvrst decireAws with little. whrrela 3040' above the Curie point there it no drrrv@,,e @of tile currvit. i.e. no YpAcr dwite. N. *rhou USSR/Zlectricity Dielectrics Dic 51 "Effect of Displacing Field on Magnitiide'of Dielectric Per'm6ability' rind Diel6ctric Losses :Ln.BaTiO3 " Ye. V. S .ityako-6-YeLA.'StafgY= chuk, L. S. Sinegubova , epropetri;@sk State "Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz" Vol,XXI, No 12,pp 1396-14o2 Study of thermal behavior of dieiec perme- ability and losses of BaTiO under effect of aisplacin'g elec fie'ld-sh6we2 shift Of*Cu:@ii point toward higher*t6mp. Found sharp'drop of tangent of afigle"of;di-eied lossef3*and@'din66thing of its characteristic max 'under super@osition of 19 USSR/Electricity - Dielectrics -Dec 51 (Contd) strong displacing field. Obserived distortion of hysteresis. loop imAer displacing field effect. Submitted 27 Jantr,' 198T13 P= r-) E- to u@ v 1 .1 . 31 @-;LAj @'071, Y -:@ . V. ; jTAFTYC' - , '-,' -- . -.1 . . c 'T T, @,a-. , E@ . 1, . Dar-lura T'Ltanate. Authors' reply to rermarks of 1-1. S. Ko3mn on their article "Dynami-cs of polarization process of barimi titanate." Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz., 2jI, No. 2, 1952. I@Ionthly Iist of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952. Unclassified. B008/BO14 AUTHORS: Sinyakov, Ye. V., Stafiychuk, Ye. A._ TITLE: Solid Solutions of Niobates v and Tantalat-esvlof Transition Elements Formed on The-Basis of BaTiO =---'--3 Vi PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 73-79 TEXT: The authors examined niabates and tantalates of Mn, Co, and Ni as well as their solid solutions on the basis of BaTiO 3* The samples were prepared by the usual ceramic procedure. The authors prepared compounds corresponding to the formulas AB 206 and A 2B207 (A = Mn, Co, Ili; B. Nb, Ta) and their solid solutions ranging from 0-5 to 7 mole% inBa= 3 The dielectric constant of compounds of the types AP 2 06 and A 2B207 within the range of -195 to +1950C was found to be independent of temperature. The quantities f and tan 6 are indicated in Table 1. The compounds mentioned are not piezoelectric. Figs. 1-2 illustrate temperature dependences of C for systems of the type BaTiO 3-AB206* Addition of more 3/181/60/002/01/18/035 Card 1/3 t/r Solid Solutions of Niobates and Tantalates of S/181/60/002/01/18/035 Transition Elements Formed on the Basis of BaTiO 3 BOO8/BO14 than 1 mole% of AB 206 to BaTiO3 causes the piezoelectric properties of barium titanate to vanish. Solid solutions of BaTiO 3 with pyroniobates and tantalates of Mn, Co, and Ni (Figs. 3-7) differ greatly in their properties. A strong shift of the Curie point toward lower temperatures may be observed in all compounds of BaTiO 3-A2B 207 under consideration (Fig. 8, Table 2). All solid solutions of the systems BaTiO 3-A2B 207 are piezoelectrics. Some of them have hysteresis loops of a marked rectangular shape and a non-linearity exceeding largely that of BaTiO 3* A comparison of the electric properties of the systems under review reveals that AB 206-BaTiO 3 and A2B20 7-BaTiO3 differ very much in their composition. It may be assumed that the addition of AB 206 to barium titanate leads to structural deformations. This was established on the basis of strongly blurred lines on. X-ray pictures of the samples and on the basis of a strong deformation of the samples after sintering (Fig. 9). Presumably, this deformation may be considered to be the reason for the Card 2/3 85884 9,2180 ll,(,2-) S10481601024101110201036 B006/BO56 22 @) 0 00 113 , 11Y 3) AUTHORS: Stafiychuk, Ye. A. and Sinyakov, Ye. V. V1 TITLE: The Electrical Con f Solid Solutions of Niobates and Tantalates of Mn, Co, and Ni on a BaTiO Basis 3 ;L7 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1960, Vol. 24, No. 11 , PP. 1380 -- 1383 TEXT: The present paper is a reproduction of a lecture delivered on the 3rd Conference on Ferroelectricity, which took place in Moscow from January 25 to 30, 1960. The authors investigated the dielectric proper- ties of polycrystalline samples of solid solutions of Mn-, Co-, and Ni-niobates and -tantalates on a BaTiO 3 basis in variable electric fields, and give a report on the results obtained with respect to the temperature- and concentration dependence of the electrical conductivity, the thermo-emf,as well as of the influence exerted by Mn 2+_ , Co 2+-, and Ni 2+_ ions upon the electrical conductivity of BaTiO 3.,The production of lb Card 1/6 85884 The Electrical Conductivity of Solid Solutions S/048 60/024/011/020/036 of Niobates and Tantalates of Un, Co, and ITi YB05 on a BaTiO 3 Basis the samples had been described in Ref.i. On the disk-shaped samples, platinum electrodes were fixed by means of cathode sputtering. The in- vestigations were made within the temperature range of 50-2000C and with fields of the order of 20 v/mm. The most important results of the mea- surements are given in Tables I and 2. The "compounds" given in the form "A2B 20711 showed a break in the curve log a = f(I/T). The temperature at the break, the activation energy (calculated according to the formula 6 = 00 exp(-.u/2kT), and the resistivity increase during the transition from Mn---> Ni. The results obtained by investigating the influence exert- ed by the various ions upon the ferroelectric properties of BaTiO 3 are given in Table 2. The temperature dependence of the thermo-emf a is shown in the three diagrams of Pig.2 for the solid solutions of the kind BaTiO 3 - it A2B20711 for various concentrations of the additions. The a(t)-curves take a considerably different course and partly also differ considerably only in the case of different additional concentrations. Thus, e.g., BaTiO 3 with 1 mole% "Mn 2Ta207" shows a a decreasing Card 2/6 85884 The Electrical Conductivity of Solid Solutions S/048 60/024/011/Q20/036, of Niobates and Tantalates of Mr., Co, and Ni BOO Y305 on a 3aTiO 3 Basi.s exponentially with temperature, and with 0.5 mol@/04, a increases ex- ponentially with temperature (between 70 and 1500C). There are 2 fig- ures, 2 tables, and 4 references: 2 Soviet and 2 Japanese. Ta6aHga i Table 12 UPH 149.. Teunepa- P nPH 149% TA Cocanneune U. ev. c('-AIIHeH"e ev Us. ev Typa Hazo. Q CH Ata, c CM 3 Table 1 MnTa20, 1,84 1,03.10" 4Mn2Ta._07* 0,54 1,02 115 6.106 CoTa206 1,7 3,57-1011 eCo2Ta2O,,* 0,62 1,16 7127 2.107. NM206 1,68 3-101o oNija207* 1,92 1,56 153 4.1010 ,NlnNb2O. 1,03 2,49-109 eAInjNb207* 1,38 - - 1,6-107 CoNb206 1,56 - 2,99-1010 4Co2Nb.-07* 1 46 1,76 113 5,2-107 NiNb2O,' 1,74 7,7-1011 4iNi2Nb2O7* 1:62 1,19 150 6,2-1011 4 Legend to Table 1: 1) Compo@und; 211 U, 3) resistivity at 1490C, 4) com- pound, 5) U1, 6) U 2, 7) temperature of the breaking point, 8) resistivi-I 0 ty at 149 C. Card.3/6 J C%j C'J'e Cd E-1 Lf'% '01-9, 0,; L' cn Pq Rol -V I - 96'0 9 go;-B'e 8810 to,; c 901-8'6 . . VIT z 0101.1 8_4 6 136'0 1 010;-8,1P z'j El; 910 a'O'qNzujq* sz, S. to; -c'z - ZWO 9 401-6'V - SL'O z GOT -Z,g qq'o Z' I I "ONWOZ)o Ito; -86' 1 W1 t' 1 9 ItQi -sz' c zol T Z91T c ItOT-9 L'O WT Z: 1101-Ve 910 Z81 I I Sol - V g toll z; I I L cj1)T -9, '7, 9610 tol 9 SO I - 6'Z - to' I c ltol-VC - zol I z $to; * 1, Z V; 9911 1 it01-9'L t'o olz Wo llolqNujq OTOT * 9, 1 WO 9L'O 9 0101,6,z BLIO c 110 1, V ; Wo 9;, 1 z 110;*9' ; ZVO 9, 1 901qNoo Itol-WE WO 9,; 9 siol - 9, TWO WT c IIOV@' WO W1 z tiol-8 Z' 1 9, 1 901qMIN sn Cd *.lot A.2 Aa ri U .-85884 - S/00/60/024/011/020/036@ Boo6/3056 Coco m c@ - I I - cq - - - Cqm t- -cqr@o -NMO O"Nmo Ci 1@ E 0 ZZ! co Vz :z v:4 9 v v a;@ :a 0 Table 2 0000 Q C> c@ p 666c'o coaq QSOQ 66SCSOC5 M-cf)U3 -coow-m -"G,)LO 17. co (D I:r @o N @@-7to ca u-., m oo c4 oo u-) to -oco Card -5/6. C%j C14 (1) 05 Cd E-f P, F3 0 WN a) cli H 0 0 El C-) CC) 0 go co UN 00 CC) 00 @O - 901*91Z Lo; 9, : 4- GoP vo; V9 - 0 Cd 60) B,g so;-glz - 4@ Ul CIOP9 Ito; WE ZKO Cj 4- to; Ito; *9 Ito @ , ; F, .11 > GIOT-Vt Go;- I I I Q) 1. so;-LIE 601 *9'Z 0 to 0.14 . i TIOPZ: 0101 *Z 0a] Q4) - %to; , 9, 0101*9,z O C t1o; *2:, c to; 9, C C\J VV lto;*Z,g CIOP-Z, 01; ttoPL,z Olo;,V 9 SWO OIOT*9'Z Vol-L'O 0Q -4 0 Itol-L,; .0;.9.9 ttO;-6'V Goi:s;:G wo Cd 43 96 'RD ITOV9 I 101 c 43 tto;*E,z 0101 2::q 8:0 06 ItOT'L,; : 0101 t I Q 0 C\j .14 itOPWS iOl:z:; V/9 0 4-@ ze; T101*9,z atol t 9 IWO CDm 0 E-4 F4 cd slolls,z rtol.g,z 8:0 go G@l ,of-96,1 L 0 4@ Lr\ @a -0 - 7 'd-Cu Z� 7 t! amovell 3 U m 0 :D (D CH cd mdu Iff .0q; ndu VAd 'In 0 L) 85885 S/048/60/02,[/011/021/056 q, 7 3 000-0 V31 // VS/ //-0@61) BOo6/BO6O AUTHORS: Sinyakov, Ye. V. and Stafiychuk, Ye. A. TITLE: Properties of Some Solid Solutions of the Type -)A !!@T-'03_ "A2B207" in Strong Electric Fields PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 10,60, Vol. 24, No. 11, pp. 1384-1386 TEXT: This is the reproduction of a lecture delivered at the Third Conference on Ferroelectricity which took place in Moscow from January 25 to 30, !960. The authors examined specimens of compositions AO - B205, 2AO - B205- where A:AMn,1"Co,Y1Ni and B4h or4Ta, as well as their solid solutions on BaTi03 basis. The compositions 2AO - B205 proved to be a mixture of meta-compounds with oxides of bivalent metals and are called "pyrocompounds". The nonlinear properties of the specimens were measured at 50 cps with an instrument described in Ref. 6 at temperatures which were about equally distant from the Curie point. The measurement results are graphically shown in Figs. 1,2 and numerically compiled in a Table. Card 1/3 Properties of Some Solid Solutions of the Type BaTiO 3-"A2B207 11 in Strong Electric Fields 85885 S/048/60/024/011/021/03-6 B006/BO60 Position and height of the peaks of the F,(E) curves are greatly dependent on the addition; BaTiO 3 - It Ni2Ta20711 has, e.g., for 0 and 1 mo-Ile-addition about the same &(E) curves, while at 2 mole% the maximum lies at smaller E and is considerably higher, and at 3 mole% the &(E) curve is considerably lower, the maximum being small and appearing only at large E values. Fig. 2 shows the effect of additions upon height and position of the maxima of the 6(E) curves. Investigation results are in good agreement with X-ray and high-frequency experiments. It was found that the introduction of bivalent cations of transition metals causes the tetragcnality of unit cells to drop considerably and that the Curie point is markedly shifted toward low temperatures. The greatest nonlinearity is found in such compounds as exhibit the least tetragonalities, i.e., those with Ni21, ions. Although the ionic radii of Mn2+, C02+, and Ni2+ are not differing appreciably, they still have quite different effects upon the properties of solid solutions on BaT'03 basis, which fact is explained by the different filling of the 3d subshells of these ions. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 7 references: 5 Soviet, 1 British, and 1 US. Card 2/3 85885 FroDEfrties of Some Solid Solutions of, the- S/048/050/024/011/021/0 36 Type';BaTiO -11 A B 0 11 2 2 in Strong Electric' Fields Mo0060 7 3 I moa. % 2 Mon. % 3 moil. 4 Aoda Ma D. -6 X.. -, /a O.,*c EM. -I V IM 0. *c I - I V kv CK CM k L CX 4Xn2Nb2O7* 90 7 10800 1,007, 35 3,3 16000 -25 12 MOO eCo2NNb:O-:* 82 5 12000 1,005, 22 2,2 20800 -70 8,6 7340 eNi2INTh2O7* 73 4,3 9750 1,003, 1, 1,09 32400 -95 6.86 S500 4.Mn2TajO7* 82 7,6 8100 1,006, 44 2,98 11000 8 - - aCojTa207* 85 6,18. 12800 1,004, 7 1,95 1WO , -76 9,23 5200 cNi:Ta?.07V 66 3,2 14900 1,004, - , 7 1,45 28000 -108 4,14, 8040 Lege@d to the Table: Nonlinear properties of the solutions of the BaTi' - AOAB 0 type. 1) Addition. The subscript. m denotes the value'at ' 13 2 6 the C@E) curve maximum. Card.W3 2, (, 'S7b AUTHOR: Stafiychuk, Ye.A. MhV S/185/61/006/002/018/020 D210/D304 TITLE: The problem of the influence of NiO and KnO on dielectric properties of BaTiO 3 i PERIODICALt UkrayJns1kyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 6, -no. 2, 1961-P 277 - 279 TEXT: BaTiO 3was prepared synthetically with additions of MnO bet- ween Op 1 and '7 mol %. The results of measurements are shown@ The system BaTiO - NiQ was studied by Ye.V. Sinyakov, F.F. Kodzhespi- rov, B.K@ Ch8rnyy (Ref. 2: Wauchn. zap. Dnepropetrovskogo gose un- ta, vol. LXV, 36, 1956). it is said that it is possible that MnO in the case of n mol % leads to the partial formation of the hexagonal modification of BaTiO 3 but on the X-ray photogramm of the specimen with 7 mol % MnO no additional lines were found; lt is necessary to know which of the cations in the structure of Card 1/3 2r;442 s/185/6!/006/002/018/020 Tile arob.lem of the influence D210/D304 BaTi()@ is reniaced by the cation of I--- adm:,..--e. The radii of- -ilhe bivalent cations Wln_@_"' and Ni" ave much -mailer than the ra;- dius of the Bal-@ cation, but much larger than ihaT of the Ti ion, The assilmption that NIn and Ni enter BaT103 in trivalent sta-e and repiace the ion Ti 5 1- - is to be rejected due to the bolling tempe- rature of the specimens (13600). Besides, it was proved by hura-9 Simpson@ and Tredgold that these ions enter BaTiO 4n bivalent ++ 3 -4 state. T'n- autl,or believes that the cations Mr, , Co*. g Ni occu- py 'the posi@ ions of Ba ions In BaTiO 3*? and that this view is :-..n- firmed 'b,@r coyi@parlsoxi of the displacements of Curie temner.-Itures for 1 Nio (Ae @- 220C) rtnd fAnO (,I L L _@e = 140C). The compar'son is not rec@ if one assume., that in case of 1 mol % MnO the:_- _-d- Y z 1: -1 re. i, t@ entirely Included into the solid solut:Lo,.,-,, but rom the cor t7 of the curves 8 = f (n%). where n one C 1 1 z a, e s equa.' concen trations of IJnO and NiO 7@1'e -e-a-"."ure is -;i'.-e, in the case of NiO. ktown -.eaT ir. BaTi(.@.. 'I- ,eplaced b,v an -Lon of larger radituS2 -he te- Card 21,442 S/185/61/006/002/018/020 The problem of the influence D21O/D304 perature decreases, and the larger the radius of the replacing ion the larger @ must be. If Mn+1 and Ni++ replaced Ti+-'-++, A 8 for the system BaTiO 3 -MnO would be larger for the system BaTiO 3 -NiO (since rNi ++ < rMn ++) which contradicts the experimental data. Sub- stitution of Ba++ by an ion of smaller radius also leads to lower- ing the Curie point. In the present case (r Ni ++ < rMn++) the de- crease is larger in the system containing NiO. There are 1 figure, and 5 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The refer- ences to the English-ianguage publications read as follows: Sakudo Tunetaro, J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 12, 1050, 1957; I.D. Hurd, A.W. Simpson, R.H. Tredgold, Proc. Phys. Soc. 73, pt. 3, 448, 1959; H.'YL Gandy, Fhys. Rev- 113, s- 119 7959 1959- ASSOCIATION: Dnipropetrovslkyy derzhavnyy universytei (State Uni- versity, Dnepropetrovsk) SUBMITTEM: September 9, 1960 Card 3/3 UL" ;1UTH001: Ye. A. 37937 S/181/62/004/005/026/055 B106/B112 TITLE: Reversible characteristics Of some solid solutions of the type BaTiO 3 A2B207...-:' @J- 0 P7RIO-TCAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. 5, 1962V 1270 - 1273 TEXT: The reversible cha racterist ics of ceramic BaTiG3 specimens with additims S the tpe *% B 0 were measured and calculated in order to explain 2. 2 7 - the chan,;-es in these characteristics with decreasinE Curie point. The disolacoment of the Curie ooint in a constant field can be expressed by. C' j_, ( L_) 1 / 2:; ATC = A. _ B I. The depenuence of these constants A', B, and C on the concentration of the added amount when a phase transition of the first kind occurs %-as also established. The absolute values of the constants B and C increase with the concentration but A' remains nearly constant. The phase transition point is displaced to higher temperatures and the depen- dence ATc - f(E) is linear in BaTiO 2 Ni2Nb 207"' There are 2 figures Card 1/2 VI81/62/004/005/028/055 Reversible characteristics of ... B108/B112 - and 1 table. The most important English-language reference is: W. Merz. Phys. Rev., 91, 513, 1953. ASSOMITION: Dnepropetrovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Dne.propetrovsk State University) 3 U 3 1, 1 T TJanuary 2, 1962 7 ;1 Card 2/2 STAFIYEVSKAYA, T.N. ApoUinarii Innokentlevich Kazantsev. Arkh.anatbgist.i embr. 38 no.3:116-.117'Mr 160. (MIU 14: 5) (KAZMSEV, APOLTJNARII IRIOMTOBVICII 1888..) STAFIUViEdy'l A.N.; BELOGIAZOV, N.K., kand.tekhn.nauk Filter press tiles made of reinforced rdVDer. Kh:,--q.prom. no.6:463-464 Je 162. (MMA 15:11) (Filters and filtration) hUIGARY/taialytical Chemisti-j. tjialysis of Inorganic E Chemistry. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Xhim., flo 24, 1958, 81372. Author Gyenes I., Stafto D. Inst Title Investigation of Certain Iniez=diate Products Obtained In the Preparation of Diethylatilbendyol. Orig Pub: Magyar kem. folyirat) 19581.640 No 1, 16-17. i%.bstract: With the aid of Kofler's micro-instrument the melting points were determined for n-oxypropyophenone (1), for a crystalline complex of pinacone deriva- tive (3,4- dioxy - 3,4 di - n - oxyphenyl-n-hexane) with acetone (II) and of a pinacollne derivative (4,4-bis-n-oxyPhenYl-3-hexane) (III). I was obtained by adding to a solution of 100 gr of technical pina- Card 1/2 36 ".Utamemerictvi. P@.@shis. Vol. 4, no. 4. Ear. 195-4,j St T,3 1,10 7. "(Zemernerictvi. Praha. Vol. Ea-t STAFL, A. Some oroblems of copyright in maj works. p. 141; KART-i@F-AFICKY PREDUED, Prague, Vol. 9, no. 4. Dec. 1955. S): Fonthly List of East European Accessions, (E@EL), LC, Vol. 5, No. 6 june 1956, Uncl. STAFL, A. "Copyright for cartographic works." P. 58 (Kartograficky Prehled) Vol. 10, no. 2, June 1956 Prague, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) W. Vol. 7, not 49 April 1958 STAFL, A. Proper technics for obtaining biopsy material in colposcopic examinations, Cesk. gyn. 28 no.3-.207-209 Ap 163. 1. Qyn@-por. k-1-1n. lek. fak. KU v Plzni, prednosta prof. dr. Vl. Mikolas. (COLPOSCOPY) (BIOPSY) (UTERINE NEOPLASMs) (NEOPLASM DIAGNOSIS) DOHNAL,V.; STAFLpA. Clinical significance of individual types of tissue in the field of examination. Cesk. gynek. 29 no.103-57 F'64 1. Gyn.-por. odd. MUNZ v P12aA (vedouci: InJDr.M.Sedl&) a Gyn. por. klin. lek. fak. KU v Plzni (prednosta: prof. dr. V.Ifikulas). STAFI,'-_'-.`A, STAIFL,A. Mlorphological histochemi Cp 1 4 Mustration of the vascular bad of Lhe eye and it3 accessory organs. Cesk. oftal. 21 no.2- Mr 165 1. Ocrii k I in.-L''Ka (prednost. a. pr I- X. dr. R. Knobloc h, Dr5c. gyn 1-1@-)r. 1,1 ini@a prcf% dr. 11. lekarske f4tku,'Ity ..t@rlwry ty- V PIZ11i. (-Plzen, Capkovo nam. 10; LINHARTUVA, A.: DOfUiAL, V. C-Lposcopic picture of fielding and it.- pathogenesis. Cesk. gynek. U+ no.3:209-210 Ap'65. 1. Gyn.-por. klinilrca (prednosta: prof. dr. V. Mikolas); Si'%-luv uBtav ratologicke anatomie (prednosta: prof. dr. J. Vaiiek, DI-Sc.); lokarske .11akulty Karlavy University v Plzni a gyn.-por. odd. Mestskeho ustavu riarodniho zdravi v Plzrii (reditel: 1,11JI)r. SedlaY). STAFL, Adolf Use of the azo coupling method for identification of phosphatase in the study of the capillary network of the cervix uteri. Cesk',. morf. 10 no.3:336-338 162. L Gyn. - por. klinika LFKU v Fizni, pred-nosta Frof. 14UDr. VladLmir Rikolas. (G,-t,RVIX UTEEERI blood supply) (CAPILLA-HES anat & histol) (AZO COMPOUNDS pharmacol) STAFL, Adolf Methods for the demonstration of the terminal vascular bed in the cervix uteri. Cesk. gynek. 27 no.3:217-219 4 '62. 1. Gyn. por. klin. lek. fak. KU v Plzni, prednosta prof. MUDr. Vl. Mikolas. (CERVIX UTERI blood supply) i .-) " - v - -, "'fhe Neocene of the 31-ivr--rA-,c pla,fol-IM. p. 4b. CASCHS; GDDIL Vol. 121, no. 1, 1952, Prague, 1,zechoslovakia) SO: '.Iortnkv UsU of East European Accessions, L.,;. Vol. 2 NO. 7, July 1953, Uncl. j@p :, @--, "I -- . 'I@ro -encumtions o-" Ice-l"or.-@ed pot holes near itara LZsz,. 01 P. --,( (olbornik) Vol. '-,, no. 3, 1957,,. -Frallia, C--c-c'noslova-kcia. ,58 30: -ionthly Inde-x ol" East L@uropean Accession-s (II-EAT) LC, Vol 7, no. 1, Jan io I t.Z; 0"' 710riod alon4t- t! o" the _11c J S7! allr"i _71'Cr. P. Z-@O' (L'bornil-l') Vol. U2, no. 1041 Czechoslovakia. i"'Uy @ C. 0" liont' 3, @nde:: o-,:' :@ast European Accessions MEAI) Vol 7, no. 1, Jan Faectrical Engineerin )lay .1954 g Abstracts Reactors and Relays IF204. Additiewal lam b owd"yer At. &,LEL. FJektrvtffh. Obior. 6, No. @ @ @M lcifck- Equations for calculating the copper loan In mWO-layer reacton am developed ftom MaxwMills, equadons. 11w differential equations for current- ' density and for the radial and axial magnetic 6" am solved using irdinite ProgreWom, and tbow: referring to ffie cumni density are ftather simplWad @ with the aid of Dcwl faketions and finally trans., formed Into hyperbolk ao- I or A practical ww7wift the = equations is gIvvL Trans ie-it in asynOiro,111, 1-iotor.; ---)n @mCi off y J .1 1 j3Z '4, ao. 4, Apr. 1955, ?--ahu) 5-3; !'onthly LLst of Last Evro-lean Acces3lrnl,(EEj@L), LC, Vol. T Aov- 10,55, "nel. Stafly Y.; Franz2, M. "Additional losses In the screening plates of turbogenerators. p. 69 (Prace, Vol. 6, 1956 (Published 194.7) Praha, Czechoslovakia) Yonthly Irviex of East European Accessions (EEAI) IC, Vol. 7, No. 6, June 1958 PHASK I BOOK EXPL.31TATION SOV/4406 deakoelovenakA akademle vad. Sekee technicki Price dBtavu pro elektrotacKniku 6SAV t r. 1957# Vill (rroceedln@, of the Ins tituto For Electric al engineering of the CSAV Czech- oslovak Academy or Sciences) for 1957, Nr b) Prague, 19@8. 146 p. 1,250 Copies printed. Scientific: Ed.t Miloolav Tayerle, Engineers Doctor; Chler Ed.i Bedfich H-iller, Corresponding Mtmbor, C%anhoslovak Academy of Sciences, Doctor, tng;neorl State Prize Winner; Ed. of this Issuel Karl* MoravcDva; To'ch. Ed.1 Frantilsk Kon8ickj. MPOSEs This collection of articles Is Intended for specialists in the field of high-voltage technique. COVEJUOEI Th. .11.0;ion contains 9 orl,;inal papers devoted to high-voltage technique and to special problem. of heavy-ourrant engineering. The papers deal with calculation of magnetic fields and short-circuit stresses, with the findIng,of turn :hort.tire ults and thermal breakdowna, and with erre@t3 or se,&i- .ndu or coat Lus on wi Ings. The investigation of lightning arrentcra, the transfer or chargea In electrostatic @.aniroa, and od',17-cur-rnt losB03 In maosive nyllnders located ji A mag- netit field are Al3o treated. Raferen,.es acccmpsny 5 a: :h, p"ra. No persorialitles are mentioned. VIZ. L*qnj.VIlem, and rrantl9ek Vlnai. Investigation of 3-park-ovei-Fire star -dharac t@ria_E Ids With Special Con- sideration for Very High Voltages 93 There are 10 roferencest 2 Czech$ 4 English, and 4 aerman. VIII. Hamata, ylmlp@y, @randfer of a Charge In Electrostatic a Disleatrio Tranamitter 121 There are 3 reforencess 2 Czech and I Prencli. 13(. _fit&Ll__MLj2jL Conducting Cylinder in a Magneti@ Fi--ld 137 There are 6 r@ofler-nces-. 3 Soviet, 4 English, and I ru@r--n. AVAIIAMZ: Library of Congress TrMe- STAM , 1'. "The mapnetic field of aconductor located In a cylindrical cavity of ferromagnetic material. p. 1 (Elektrotechnicky Gbzor. Vol. 47, no. 1, Jan. 1958.) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) 1-,C,Vol. 7, No. 6, jun* 3.958 STAFL, Milos Electrodynamic effects of alternating current placed at a distance frm a conducting semispace. Acta techn Cz 5 no.2:124-142 '60. (EEAI 9:8) (Electric currents, Alternating) z/o42/62/000/010/002/oo4_ E140/E435 AUTHORS: Kubrycht, J., Stafl, M., Engineers, Candidates of Sciences TITLE: Experimental investigation of eddy current losses in conductors with rectangular cross-section PERIODICAL: Elektrotechnick@ @asopis, no.10' 1962, 594-.6o6 y TEXT., The authors consider that even in the two-dimensional appvox�mation, previous derivations of.eddy.,_'Icurrent losses In conductors of rectangular cross-section have been based on oversimplified assumptions and nevertheless have yielded excessively complicated formulae. The purpose of the present study was the experimental determination of a simplified formula. The measurements were carried out in a-homogeneous sinusoidally varying magnetic field. The distortion of the field due t 'o the eddy currents was measured in order to assess whether this factor can be neglected. Losses were determined by a calorimetric method. Two formulae are obtained, one neglecting and the other respecting the field distortion. The former may be used with conductors whose width does not exceed approximately twice the skin depth. For arbitrary aspect ratios and angles with respect Card 1/2 112 Z/042/62/000/010/002/004 Experimental investigation of E140/E435 to the field orientation the agreement between the measured results and those calculated by the present formulae Is closer than 10'0. There are 14 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: 'LTstav pro elektrotechniku C%SAV, Praha (Institute for Electz-1cal Engineering Czechoslovak AS., Prague) SUBMITTED: JulY 15, 1962 Card 2/2 STAFLOITA I J. Eye polytest, an Mstur-,;ment for mass examination of eye functions, Cesk. oftal. 21 no-5:422-424 S 164. 1. Ocni klinika lekarske fakulty Karlovy University v Plzni (prednosta prof. dr. R. Knobloch, DrSc.). SUFLOU, Jaroslava Resulte of ophthalmological examination of school children. Cesk. ofth. 15 no-5:329-334 0 139 1. Ocni oddeleni OUNZ v Chebu, prednosta prof. MUDr. Jaroslav Kubik. (VISICN TASTS in inf. & child) (STUIMTS) -fekr-ni k'!, - -k STAFUT!A, j., Ci-A-FL,A. Norphological histochemical illustration of "he va3cular bed of the eye arld its accessory organs. Cesk. oftal. 21 no.2: @'8 Mr 16,5 1. (Mrii k] ini-ka (predncsta, prof. dr. P. Knobdoch, fh,S,2.); gyn'- por. klin-lVa (prednosta.- prof. dr. V. 11111,olas) lekarske fakulty v Fl.zrii. STAFFIN, S. P. (The Five-Year Plan for electrification in the USM) Mloskva, Gos. tekhn. izd-vo, 1927. 31 P. maD- BURKOV, T.; MARINOVA, L.; BEZENSHEK, An..; STAFUNSKI, S. Frequency of some stor-@tologic diseases among the population of the Pleven District depending on nutrition and social and living conditions. Izv Inst khranene BAN 3:227-234 164. STAGNARA., P. Orthopedic therapy of essential scolioses in developmental stages. Possibilities and limitations. Acta chir. orthop. tratim. cech. 29 no-4:298-303 Ag 162. 1. Kliniki pro ortopedickou chirurgii v Lyonu, prednosta. prof. Guilleminet. (SCOLIOSIS) 4L A A GEOGRAPHY & GEOLOGY Periodicals: GEOLOGICKE FRACE; ZPIRAVY. No. 12, 1958 STAHALIK, J. Report on geologic mapping and investigation of the mercury deposits near Malachov and @ajov east of BuanBka Bystrica. P. 59. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, Noo 5y May 1959, Unclass. FILAJDIC, Mirko. dr. in-. (Zagreb); VILICIC, Davorka, ing. (Zagreb)-, STARA!:- c@ Adamovic, Vlasta-.-(Zagreb) Organoleptic evaluation of lipide foodstuffs. Kem ind 11 no.1:3-11 Ja 162. 1. Zavorl -., t-,oznavanje i analizu 7,ivotnih narurnica Tehnoloskog fakulteta Sveucillista u Zagrebu, Zagreb. 2. Clan RedaRcionog odbora, "Kemija u in-lustriji" (fol, Fi-lajdic). STA1111K, STAPIK, J. An arched bridge made of prefabricated reinforced-concrete parts. p. 123. Vol. 1, no. It Apr. 1956 NOVA TECHNIKA TECn-OLOGY Czechoslovakia So: East European Accession, Vol. 6, No. 5, May 1957 I 11,111"'Ir - 'J -.:IQ try -12 c 11, ly/c@)tics K M -*',)s J= -LT A - : Rjf Zhur - Fi--7i-'.a) )g, Flo 95-98 ,@kut-hor Stahl Lidro lAodurn Techniciu,@,s c;-;' -,@-,,3:mduction. III. for D,AQnniac.tioi: af @@llj iripar 1953 1 PaD .1 , 2., Ho 2, .129-132 Xoctract L-,c) cbstract 5TAHL,-..Endre - An invention in the printing industr7. Musz elet 16 no-5:5#6 Mr 161. (ELU 10.-4) (Hungar7--Printing) 84,455 P/034/60/000/007/001/003 A225/AO26 AUTHORS: Morecki, A., Doctor, Docent, Stahl, J., Master of Engineering and Tomaszczyk, T. Master of -E;@nfgln@ n g TITLE. Measurement of Linear and Angular Accelerations in Mechanical Works and Machines by Means of Tensiometric Acceleration Meters PERIODICAL: Pomiary-Automatyka-Kontrola, 1960, No. 7, pp. 252-254 TEXT: The authors describe two gauges which measure the rate of acceleration in machines by means of a flexure-sensitive resistor mounted on a flexible-weight support. One of them serves for the measuring of linear accelerations (Pig. 1), the other for angular accelerations (Fig. 4), They are connected to Kelvin & Hughes graphic recorders. The linear acce- leration gauge (Fig. 1) consists of a mounting made of duralumin (1), Of a bakelite support (2) with flexure-sensitive resistors (3) cemented on, which holds a lead-weight (4) on top. The entire device is protected by a plexiglass cylinder (5) screwed onto the mounting base and tightly clos- ed by the cap (6). The inside of the cylinder may be filled with oil used as oscillation damper. The other gauge for the measuring of angular acce- Card 1/3 84455 P/034/60/000/007/001/003 A225Ao26 Measurement of Linear and Angular Accelerations in Mechanical Works and Machines by Means of Tensiometric Acceleration Meters lerationsis based on the same principle, but here two gauges like the ones described above are mounted on a revolving axle (Fig. 4, 2) which may be connected with the shaft of the measured motor. Electrical connections run through the mercury commutator (3). The measured accelerations may amount to 0.1 - 5 g. The ratio between the inherent oscillations of the instrument and the measuring oscillations should amount to 8:10 (without damping), 2:3 (with damping). The gauge's own oscillation may not be smal- ler than 150 cycles, the range of temperature; -20-to+30 0C. The formula tD for the computation is: G L Cst @ 2 F_ = 12E _b h2 0 Th-@ symbols represent: C static sensitivity of the gauge in cm/cm at I g acceleration; ?_ - SuP@ace distortion at the support base at 1 g acce- leration; G - weight of the lead ballast; L - distance from the weight center*to the point of attachment in cm; E - modulus of elasticity of Card 2/3 STAFL, jan, iriz. Reconstruction of" city communications in Prague, Silln -cprava 13 no.2:2-4" F 16.5, MORECKI, A., doc., dr,p inzo; STAHL jo, m9raq inz.; T014ASZCZYK, T., mgr., inz. Thermometric measurements of angular velocity. Fomiary 7 no-10:403--404 o 161. (Pbysical measurements) SMHL, K. Tasks of Czechoolovak rad-'o en -; neering I r. 15-5- - P- 1. .L b- I Vol. V., no. 1, Jan 1953 SUBOPROUDY QBZGR Frallia, Czechoslovakia 6o: E-astern Eurcrear , .ccession Vol. 5 No. 4 April 1956 -Stahl, F.._ Top organization in the field of construction engineering. p. 342. INZEITYRSKE STAVERY. (14inisterstvo stavcbnietvi) Praha. Vol. 4, no. 15, Aug. 1954. Source: EEAL w Vol. 5, No. 10 Oct. 1956 -STAHL9 Pavel, prof. inz. Education of ;:!qdres in the build,'ng industry. inz stairby 12 no.1,1-4 J'064. 1. Slovensks vysoka skola technicka, Bratislava. Z'yTj'd I L,-d.- Additional information on investigation of fattening capacity. Tr. from the German. p. 365. (Koslenienyei, Budape5t, Vol. 4, no. 3/4, 1954) SD: Montlily list of East European Accessions (EEAL), LC Vol 4, no. 6., June 1955 Uncl ,-'5- TP /-Y )- vV v @S- V, J? STAHUVSKY, Jaro'slav, Dr 200th anniversary of birth of Dr Jan Mayor. 6 February, 1754. Caa.lek.cesk. 93 no.25:693-694 -To '54. (BIOGRANINS, *I(ayer, Jan) 4@tahlik j. :===L-=-- Simple method for calculation of reinforcement load with shearing force. p. 290. INZENYRSKE STAVBY. (Ministerstvo stavebnictvi) Praha. Vol. 4, no. 6, June 10/56. Source: EEAL LC Vol. 5, No. 10 Oct. 1956 STAhl,UiNIN, G.; Liehenow, W. Schonhegen. p. 18. (ARIPILE PATTRIEI- Vol. 3, no. 7, July 1957, Bucuresti, Ruhanii) SO: MontJily List oi Ez@st European Accessions (EEAL) LC. vo:L. 6., No. 12., Dec-2,057. Uncl. 77-- A -EiS.i F.ZhDviol. N!@, 3, 19"g, Ne@,. 11178 AUTF J rva-p. T I T.E ip L: t - "er bs"I WIEP L-1 '1446 arxi -a we're -ilac I tl-e@ 5 7 n 3 T " r, - rarziqU by for C,A-pr- BERITIC, T.; STAIIULJAK, D. Nickol. Lijeon. vjeun. 83 no.5:506- 09 161. (VICKEL toxicW -STAIIULJAKO Dl;-,:BERITICS T. Hygienic problems of swimming pools. Lijecn. vjesn. 83 no.8: 812-814 '61. (SWIMMBIG POOIZ) STAHULJTAK, D. *Determination of lead in'.flo'r and cornt' by [Institut za mediainska istrazivanja, Zagi6b) K. Volocler. Reviewed by D. StahulJak.* Bul sc Youg 7 no.1/2:50 F-Ap 162. 1. Rddacteur d7extraitas "Bulletin scientifique." BERITIC, Tihomil,, dr.; STAIfULJAK, Dunja, dr.; SAR1C, Marko, dr. Electric current injuries. Lijecn. vjesn. 84 no.2:159-169 162. 1. Iz Instituta za, medicinska istrazivanja i medicinu rada i Skole narodnog zdravlja "A. Stampar" u Zagrebu. (EIECTRICITY) JAKSIC, Z.; STAHULJTAK, D. General practice pbysicians in the world and in our countr7. Lijecn. vJeen. 84 no.4*.368-371 162. (GEUMAL PRACTICZ) YJOGOSLAVIA DL- ;`@uaia SMMULJAK (Affillatlan not given) I@The Seminar About Air Pollution." zagrcb, Vicanik, Vol 84, No 8, Alig 1962; pp 81M'iO. Abstract.- Peport an this five-day meeting held -in June 1962 In Leiiitz cr.der the combivied sponsorship 91 the Federal Healrh 1,vititute (Savezznzi zirotod za 7astitu @mdravlja) anfl Lhe HZenka" fou,)Ary' urorks. Each day to a --p"Cific. thene: Comeral Problcm:i al Ait Parhological Mechanism m" Polluted Air on Human Organu, Symptom of VtnmAne due to Air l'ollution, MeLhodoiogy of 'Te6ting Eff@-.cts of Air Pollution on Har, and Tietection of Pollutants in the Air rind 2rotertion @_ro,m Air Pollution. There were 70 registrants addressed by 3_4 listv including Dr Wilkinq of Great Pritain and Dr Rjazanov of USSR. Ki,.:xr year'.,, (1963) seninar in occ@.,iational Medicine will be breld in C- I -p-rit, ard Aevot#@.d to the "Eff-Ct of- the Working Enviromtent on the Cerizral zond Vqripherall Nerv,@?.-rz Sys f the Vorker." N- F b 62 m ,) 2, Bucharest, Frrnncitl, Vcl 71 Tl)-," N*ly-.,h rdition of U@ 3. :.@!@CTJ 3@,V 71, In,-, Y. I*T-Al, Rrd ?--rr% RIVIIA ,, _j A' ; 1,v n-u pp 2. "Thi Pu it' ' ' * @ of tho, r.'t N. pp ?7-79. 3- "InTo4tivatlons In '11,3 1!--ltt1jI-p!r@razlno Serlm-n (111) NItr-3b^ni,,>4o Aclel@ an.1 Elr.@tlntc i,@ll L.,erivutiv,@i with A 7090itle Cardlova3tuler ktlon." C@rif Dr Feri A. Farm JANA !rCTV!;q,, F.xzi ANA G,'.VT a-ld Vann FZ DICA - do V, I Vr (FL@.Ulthtet do pp I- "Twje@tiea@lonn or. -h@ of Certain @r ,hl I. n V112.0 Investiva"!ons on t:o Yz@h Elcoilli.%il" C,>!at C. Dr P. M. tnd r D ? -GAS:; or the Phar@,- , -ut rx Pu.11 r t 5. "mucot am'nc- fr,- Iti 7htrRr.@-A,l pmr I rj@d Ir.F Ch 6. "On tl@ t,,t@ipn.tic r& Aotion or C-i.*-- ta!n Ac-i'.-@27 Nbl-t%,@q! I-Of A. Ur 77% nllil-l ?-of - 7 ' @: ',, y@ r,^,,Pv @ (4 i't P;;i ". 1 end C?. ir. CA 1 7 ,. L Pharriven @,torl c T of th@ Ve 31 @ *- @ut I'l,-0 @n.- co )%.-,l t, a@ -. n- @ 1tv !.,I!Ul Mod 110 -;,rr.AC Ljo : (taoh&r,) pp 917-2,75. 7. "Sodlun Nrfuriai," Fu-n Ch. WIk7U and ZI Farr. r1l, VZr2lJC:i; pp STAICU, G. DimensiondI analysis; stationary convection in free circulation. p. 317 STUDII SI CERCETARI DE ENERGETICA. Bucuresti. Vol. 5, no. 3/4, Jay/bec. 1955. SOURCE: East European Accessions List, (EEAL), Library of Congre", Vol. 5, No. 11, November, 1956. T,@'i I C STAICU, 0. Deduction of Plackett's equation throu-h dirensicnal anal7sis.. p. 85 Vol. 7, no. 2, Feb. 1955 GAZETA MAMIATICA SI FIZICA. SERIA A. SCi---NCE EUCURESTI So. MONTHLY LIST OF EAST EUROT-FAN ACCESSIONS, (EFAL) , I C , 1-01. 4. no. Sept. 10,55, Uncl. Catc.ory ; (L' L - @' i I* _.,/-jonira: "roblems - l-l'cthod and Tcchiriiquc, of _-4 tiL,@,tiou, .,bs Jour .-,,of Zhur - Fizila, l[o 3, 1957, No 5588 'luthol. S taic-1, C.I Titl@, DotrnaJrat@i.(,n o.' ?hysiGal Equations by the Uso of Aiac-asionality. Ori,r Pub i.ot-nl. aj;@. , A56, 3@ do 4. 25-31 Lbs @ract ho abstract ("a 1-1 1/1 of sor,:e relmt-*-)ns -in tire of u-ro @la@v 4.@ 1 s --@ir n@&-.-rcr@s Dr.,4 @--.f@4 --,;Il Acl--!!@@,@:Or, vf! S !,)IT C"i3(.". sli@kTcuj C. Speed determination, through dimensional analirsis, of a bod'v falling into a viscous medium. P. 563. Vol. 8, no. 11, ',,,'ov. 1,056. ,:IAZYTA ',@-ITY'lATTCA SI F7ZTCA. STRIA A. Ihicuresti, PaLmania. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Vol. 6,, No. 4--April 1957 `Iu@!17 o"' e-iall rad@ation, 'TUDLT :'I -:E "T A 7,iu.--ania) Vol. no. T I 'TC'? 0. qf C! of"ast I can Accesi-io, n 6'rAictf) C. Deterrdnation of scrie plVAcochemical relations. 1). 562. 311PUI)II 51 CIM""EMPI DE FIZICA. (kcaderiia Republicii 2opulare Ror'line. institlltul de Fizica.) Bucuresti, Rumania. Iol. 10, no. 4, 11958- Monthly List of East European Rccessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 7, July, 1959. Uncl. STATCU, C. ; BELDRIAN, M. Establishing the heating period limits. p. 109. ENERGETICA. (Asociatia Stiintifica a Inginerilor si Tehnicienilor din Rominia si Ministerul Bnergiei Electrice si Industriel Electrotehnice) Bucuresti, Rumaniaj Vol. 7, no. 3, Mar. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 8, Aug. 1959. Unel. RUMANI/i/OpticB - Filysical Optics K-5 Abs Jour ! Rof Zhur - Fizike, No 10, 1 No 23831 Author : Staicu 0.1. Inst I' Ilot Gi an Title I Dir-onsional Analysis. Investigation of Thorrial Radiation. Orig Pub Studii si corootpri onarg. Aced. RFR, 1957, 7, No 3# 389-4io Abstract Invostigetion was qado of the tharmal radiation by modorn dimansionel anelysls@ bpsed on the soliation of a systom of dicphantino oquationsi The results of the oxporir-ontol meesuromonts are given. The investigation leads to relations thct express the meximun intensity of the spoctru= end re- tain the proportionElity with the fifth power of the abso- lute tomperatures. Relptions are derived for expressing the meximum spactrnl density and roteining the proportionality with tho third power of the ebsoluto tor-potaturos.' The rela- tions satisfy the conditions of the Woin law. Two rolt,,tions are obtained, expressing the spectral density and 1Eading, through intogrrtions, to the goneral donsity given by the Cvrd 1/2 STAICU, C. Formula for tha wear of machine parts. p. 196. @T,T.ILUi'LGL't SI CUISITRUCTLI DE MASIYI. (1[inisterul Industriei 11-letalurgice si Q Constructiilor de 11,@asini si Asociatia Stiintifica a Inginerilor si Tahnicienilor din Rominia) Bucurmsti, Rumnia; Vol. 11, no. 3, Mar. 1959. Ee S Pt. Monthly List of East Europnan Accessions (ZEAI) 1C Vol. 8, No. 9,/1959 Unc-1. STAICU, Con-4tantin 1. Fundamental theorem of general dimensional analysis. Studii fiz . tehn las-I 13 no.2.159-172 162. _J? ACC NRi AP6027337 SOURCE CODE: RU/0018/66/000/001/0042/0045 V AUTHOR: Croitoru, A.; Staicu, Florea ORG: none TITLE: Achievements in the modernization of machine tools at the Bucharest Pump Wor SOURCE: Constructia de masini, no. 1, 1966, 42-45 iq TOPIC TAGS. machine tool, quality control, industrial production ABSTRACT: A survey of measures taken at the Bucharest Pump Work to modernize their machine tools in order to improve the qualit7 and profit-abliaffy--of production. Several of the measures taken would also be useful in other types of enterprises to increase the productivity of the machines. [Based on authors' Eng. abst.] 1JPRS: 36,5593 SUB CODE: 13, 14 / SUBM DATE: none Card STAICU, G.I.J. ing. Diameter of the discharge armature of water pipea, Ener- getica Rum. 11 no.12*.628-630 W63. MANIAL Soil Science. Genesis and Geography of Soils - J-1 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, N, 16, 1958, 110- 72630 Author : Staicu, I.; 02rea., C. V.; bliresanu, P. L. Dist : Rumanian Academq) Baza Timisoara Title : New ContribirUon to the Knowledge of the Solonchaks of the PILddle-Danube Lowland within the Rumanian People'E; Republic 0--ig -',Lib : Studii si cercetari stiint. Aced. RPR. F-aza Timisoaxa. Ser. stiinte a(@ric., 1956, 3, No 3-4, 57-82 "Vost"act : kn exeix.)lary agricultural meliorative classification is cited of saline soils in the lavland, particularly in the 14bresh-Arai-Lm river 'basin. kcid,, neut-ral and weakly alkaline and alkali soils are distinguished. Some physical-chcuical properties of the sail are 1@riefly examin d, arrl iethods of their melloration - lining, use of fertilizer3, L-Insum treatment. It Is -Preposed to C ard 1/2 STATCU, T.. Ti 1AN, -1 Correction of t-he 2xtI.--rnal conventional minimal temperature. p. 619. 'Z- 17 @ITTSTA LOR ST A MUT7'?iAL@MOR D7'@ CO?,',-S@TTj',TII. (Asociatia Stiirtifica a inc-inerilor si Technicienilor din Aominia si @Iinistprvil I- Ccnstructilor si -,] @'arerlialelnr de Oonstr,ictii) Pucurest-i, Rumania. Vol. 1-1), no. 12, Dec. 19-@S. vilonthly List of East European Accessions (E7PAI) ILC, Vol. 8, no. 6, June 1959 Uncl. NISTORYT., dr.; STAIGUJ., -- dr. Sanitaxy and veterinary control of conveyer belts in slaughterhouses. 108-110 Ap'63- animals slaughtered on Ind alizi anim 11 no-40'