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Equations of potential and temperature for conductors in an external
magnetic field. Bul Ac Pol mat 8 no.6:399-401 160. (EW 10:6)
1. Low Temperature Laboratory, Wroclawl Institute of Physics,
Polish Academy of Sciences. Presented by W.Rubinowicz.
(Electric conductors) (Magnetic fields)
(Electric potential)
A method of solution of potential and temperature equations for conductors
in a magnetic field and the uniqueness problem. Bul Ac Pol mat 8 no.11/12:
773-775 160
1. Institute of Physics (Wroclaw Branch), Polish Academy of Sciences.
Presented by W. Rubinoviez.
(Magnetism) (Electric conductors) (Equations)
4. 0 11-3, J -3 B108/B209
TITLE: Th,e equations for the potential and the temperature of
conductors in a magnetic field
PERIODICAL: Acta Physica Polonica, v. 20, no. 1, 1961, 67-75
TEXT: The present paper is a further development of two previous articles
of the same author (Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., S4r. sci. math., astr. et
phys., 8, 399, 773 (1960)). The author uses the formalism of;Callen
(Phys. Rev., 73, 1349 (1948)) who -worked out a theory of thermo- and
Gaivanomagnetic effects. Callen's formalism is generalized to three
dirensional sDace (see L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshits, E'lektrodinamikp-
s-)loshnykh sred., DD. 130-146, Moscow (1957)) since this is'the easiest-
access to the equations of potential and of temperature. The latter for a
non-ferromagnetic conductor in a magnetic field, phenomenoloizically, have
the form
- J = 11 Vy + 112 VT --r 113 IVY, BI + 1. IVT. bi, (1a)
- S = 42 VJU 1. r7T + 11, [Vu, BI + 4.1 [FT, B1, (1b)
Card 1/4 -
The equations for the potential and the... B108/B209
where i denote's the electric current density, S the entropy flux density,
inagnetic induction; 1 the Onsager coefficients,
the electrochemical potential. Effects of @' higher than of first order
--,-e neglected. Application of the steady conditions 0 and
.R gives the equations of potential and temperature. denotes
the thermal flux density T-S". curl 0 inside the conductor (current-
B interaction negle'cted): By neglecting the bilinear B-terms, if.? is
aroportional to B, the conclusion is reached that for an electrically
insulated conductor the equations of potential and temperature do not
derend on the external magnetic field. The_equations assume the form of
IILAI, + 42 AT+ 4VTVIt + 11'2(VT)2 =0, (6a)
112 TAp + 12 TA T + 11 (V1,)I + [1,2 +(IT)'jVTj7j.+(4T)'(VT)1=0. (6b)..
The author uses the folloving boundary conditions: T(a) - f(a) -(7a) and
in = 0 (7b), -where cT denotes a -Doint on the conductor surface, in - the
on the
These boundary conditions depend on
n,ormal cohionent of
. ' - -0
B %7-hen B = 0 then the solution of the Eq. (6) is a system of functions
Card 2/4
The equationo for 'he poltential and the... B108/B209
p(r") and T(?). If T(r") is agiven function, (6a) assumes the-form
�r (18),
Ay + A 10
with the boundary condition h(a) and ji is uniquely determined by the
relation Vp VT (20), except for an additional constant.
introducing (20) J nto (1a) 'with B = 0 shows that F = 0. When a magnetic
field is Dresent, p does no longer satisfy the boundary conditicns. This
quantity is therefore split up into tvo Darts according to.formula (27)
which reads: Vp VT + Vy . The detailed solution of the equations
of the temperature and of the potential is not given, but will be brought
in a subsequent paper. The author concludes that also when a-magnetic
Card 3/4
The eauations for the potential and the ... B108/B209
field is present a unique solution-(except for an additional constant in
the potential@y) is obtained in the case of linear B-approximation.
Calculation of the curl of the current shows that also in the case of an
electrically insulated conductor a steady electric current may occur if the
second derivatives of temperature do not vanish. In conclusion, the
author thanks Professor R. S. Ingarden, Professor W. Rubinowicz, Professor
J- EODUBzan'ski, Profess0? B. Makiej, and M. R. Freud for their interest,
help, and discussions. There are 9 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 5
ASSOCIATION: Institut de Physique de lAcademie Polonaise des Sciences,
Wroclaw (Physics Institute of the Polish Academy of
Sciences, Wroclaw)
SUBMITTED: July 19, 1960
Card 4/4
The solution of the equation of electric conductivity for a thin
plate in an arbitrary magnetic field for a non-constant temperature
distribution. Acta physica pol 20 no.9:753-763 161.
1. Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Law Tempera-
ture Laboratory, Wroclaw.
I AX, 11@
On the oDen electronic orbits in magnetic field for Fermi sur-
face in the form of a net. Bull Ac Pol mat 10 no.7:409-414
1. In3titute of Pbysics, Low Temperature Laboratory, Polish
Academy of Sciences, Wroclaw. Presented by W.Rubinowicz.
On qtatisties of particles which cannot exchange their places,,
Actat physica Pol 22, no,4:335-347 0 162.
I* Low Temperature Laboratoryp Polish Academy of Sciences,
Wroclaw. ,
A one dimensional gas of mutually in-inetrril,19 particles.
Matem fizyka astronom *cclaw 3-93-302 t62.
Open electronic orbits in a magnetic field for the case of Fermi
surfaces in the form of a net. Acta physics. Pol 23 no-3:383-395
Mr 163.
1. Instititte of physics, Polish Academy of SGiences, Low TenWerature
Laboratory, WroclAw.
on the problem of the effective conductivity tensor of a
polycrystalline mixture,-in connection with the theory of
metals in high magnetic fields. Acts, physica Pol 2/, no-5:
651-661 E,163-
1. Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, low
Temperature laboratory, Wroclaw.
Stochastic processes in polycrystalline mixtures and the
problem of effective conductivity. Acta physica Pol 24
no.6t749-762 D '63.
1. Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Low
Temperature Laboratory, Wroclaw.
Infinite agglomerations jr. a polyc7-ystalline mJx+.ur6a the three-
nryotal approximation for the Ithree-dbuensional model of the
polyar-istal. A-^ta physics Pol -';r) nu.42o.211-2:A F T 6-1,
1. Instltute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, law
Temperatare laboratoryg Wtoclav-.
AUTHOR: __Stachowia@___@___
TITLE: On certain boundary problems in the theory 'of galvanamalget-
ic processes in strong:j@@-_%&Aetic fields
SOURCE: Acta physil ca Polonicat v. 26,-no. 2,1964, 217-228,
TOPIC TAGS: dffective conductivity-tensor, gn1vanomagnetic theory,
.strong magnetic field, polycrystalline metal sampleP spherical
single crystal,/open electron orbit, isotropic medium
ABSTRACT: The problem of finding effective conductivity tensors
of polycrystalline metal samples immersed in a strong magnetic field
was-consi-dered. Although-a general theory of galvanomagnetic pro-
cesses in strong magnetic fields exists and the conductivity tensors
for the case of closed electron orbits and for that of open orbits
are presented here, it is stated that the great differences between
the tensors for different crystals make the usual appro,.timation
methods useless. Thus, the approach used in. this pape,= is to deal
Card l/3
L 16581-65
with a spherical single crystal with oDen electron orbits immersed
in an isotropic medium and to calculate the effect of this crystal
on the flowtof a current homogeneous at alarge distance from the
sphere. Continuity of the normal component of the electric field
and continuity of the electric potential are taken as boundary con-
ditions at the surface of the sphere. Expressions were derived
for the electric potential within the sphere and outside it, with
the assumption thot the galvanomagnetic effects parallel to the' - 111
magnetic field could be neglected. The boundary problem is solved
in two parts -- the solution inside the sphere and that outside the
sphere. This method is generalized to conductivity tensors (in the
sphere a and outside the sphere ae) of the form
a' a cr,
ai --7,, a: a 023
"The author thanks Prof. A. B. Pippard, F.R.S. for suggesting the
subject of this investiRation."
Card 2'/ 3
L o9188-67 EWP ( j R M
ACC NR: A127002749 SOURCE CODE: PO/6646/66/011/005/0307/031@
AUTHOR: Wincel, Henryk--Vintsell, G.; K,@c@L i ni@ew--Kentskiy, Z.; Stachowicz
Wa caw
--Stakhovich, V. ; IvAnaL Stefan--Mints, S.
ORG: Department of Radiation Chemistry, Institute of Nuclear Research,,Warsaw-Zeran
TITLE: Primary processes in radiation chemistry as studied by mass spectrometry.
VII. Mechanism of tetrahydronaphthalene radiolysis in liquid phase
- - __ - 1 7
SO1JRCE: Nukleonika,, V. 11, no. 5, 19 61@ 307-317
TOPIC TAGS: radiation chemistry, mass spectrometry
ABSTRJICT: The mechanism of 1, 2, 3, 4-tetrahydronaphthalene radiolysis in the
liquid phase developed on the basis of the recognized elementary radiation-chemical
processes is discussed. The calculated yields of molecular products formed as a'
esult of individual elementary processes and their total yields were tabulated.
The calculated results were critically compared with experimental data considering
the gamma radiolysis of tetrahydronaphthalene. The authors thank Professor,
Doctor M. Magat and-Doctor J. Durup from the Laboratory of Physical Chemistry,
Faculty of Sciences, Orsay, France, for helpful discussions on elementary processes.
1he authors also thank Mrs. D. Korutkowska and Mr.'J. Pachelski for technical
assistance. Orig. art. has: 1 figure, 20 formulas and 3 tables. (Orig. art. in
SUB CODE: (Y7 / SUBM DATE: 29Dec65 ORIG REF: 009 W: 014
Card -1/1-nst
PI)WIERTOWSKI, Hieronlm,doc. dr.; STACHNSKI, Br6nlalaw
Clinical observations on the treatment of traumatic paralysl-,:;-
of the cervical spine. Chir. narzad. ruchu. ortOD. Pol. 28 no.7a
823-831 163
1. Z Klinil(i Nourochinirgil likademil Medycznej -w Poznanlu
Werownlk2 doc. dr,, 11. Powtertowski).
SLIWA, Zdzislaw; KOZAL, Edmund; STACHOWSKI, Jan
Preliminary observation on the effect of feeding silage sugar-
beet @eaves or ge=inated barley to Polish Iaszczynska sheep,
upgraded by Polish merino raw on tl@e-reduction of their fertility.
Roczniki Wyz Szkola Rol Poznan no.12:115-122 162.
1. Katedra. Szczegolowej Hodowli Zwierzat,, Wyzsza Szkola Rolniczap
STACIAIIAK Kazimierz (Szczecin); TEIV,,ZYK, Marian (Warszawa)
The eleven-grade public school in Szczecirj-K1ucz; a building
placed on a spot of very difficult geological conditions. Przegl
budowl, i bud mieszk 34 no,8:467-47.3 Ag f62.,
Isolation of A -sitosterol from thee horsetail weed Equisetum
a--vense L. Rocz chemii 37 no.5:575-579 -163.
1. Zaklad Chemii Organicznej i Biologicznej, Akademia Medyezw,
Terimerature chancres and condensation durina adia'--a'U--'c expansions
- .1
of air saturated with vapor. In English. P. 5. ACTA PMICA P-M-)NUCIA.
le,farsza,,,ra. Vol. 15, No. 1, 1956.
East European Accessions List (MEAL) Library cf Congress
Vol. 5, No. 11, AuJust 1956,
.r%;Mlp. gs haLit!L, 70: 7:1.
IOXIY-at No - 5 @ 1959, Wo. 20595
AUT;ICR KoctlLnan, Jozef; Stachyra, T,
Not given
Data ext Virus Diseases of Plants in Poland
Roczn. nauk rolniczych, 1957, A771's No-2,297-
There are 105 -,eirus diseasea of agricultural
crops described which are caused bY 55 sPecles
of viruses, 11 of which are new to science.
Source materials on the knowledge of plant virus diseases in Poland.
Rocz nauk roln rosl 81 no.2;287-.301 6o. (EUI 9:11)
1. Zaklad Fitopatologii Szkoly Glownej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego.
V,):- L
@m4mmm' Von
Institute for Physical Chowlstsyp Federal Republic ot Genww
(Institut rur -t%yeikalische Chmis, Universitat Beong ikafte-
republik P*utachlmd)p University of Bew - (for bath)
Prague, Collection of Csochoslank ChwAcal Comagnicatiows,
No 12, December 1965p pp 3989-3996
'IrAvontigation of the Mechr-nism of *(:ontanoous eaulattleation
of mercury."
Uodicat*d to th-v 75th birt-bAW of AcedwAcion J- HOYMM4.)
L 4 7196-66-
AP6022444 (A) SOURCE CODE: CZ/0078/-36/000/003/0024/0024
AUTHOR Jelinek, Milan (Engineer; Dubnica nad Vahom); Stacko. J@T
(Engineer; Trencin)
ORG: none
i TITLE: Ammoniur;@nitrate-base solid prope for small rocket motors.
CZ Pat. No. PV 941-65, Class 46
SOURCE- Vynalezy, no. 3, 1966, 24
TOPIC TAGS: solid propellant, nitrate, alkali metal, toluene, cyanamide
ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for an ammonium - nitrate-
base solid propellant for small low-pressure rocket motors. The propellant
manufactured in tableted form, contains 55-751a ammonium nitrate!/10-20-/.
trinitrotoluene, 2-61/o dichromates or alkali metal chromates, ammonium
dichromate, barium or lead chromate, 5-2016 dicyandiamide, and 3-816 [carbon]
black. [Translation] [KPI
SU13 CODE: 16, 21 SUBM DATE: 12Feb65/
Some data on the state.of capillary permeability to proteins in
uVocardial infarct. Terap.arkh- 31 no.10:21-25 0 159.
(MIRA 13:3
1. Iz fakulltetskey terapsytichaskoy kliniki (direk-tor - prof, K.L
Zolotava-lostomarova) pediatricheakago fakallteta II Moskovskogo
meditsinskogo institute, imsul N.I. PIrogova.
STADCHENKO-SIHER., N. A.0 Cand. Medic. Set. (diss) "Condition of
Permeabil'-ty of Blood Capillaries for Protein in case of In-
Iracts of Myocard-ium Owing to Thrombosis and Various Forms of
Chronic Coronary Deficiencies," Moscow, 1961, 18 pp. (Aoad.
Med. Set. USSR) (KL Supp 12-61, 289).