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RODOVSKAYA, M.V. , otv. za vypusk;, ~~tJq!~~S p A.P.p red.1 KHITROVA9 N,A*t --I wI-. SPANOVSKAYA. V.D.;.GRIGORASH. V.A. BOGOSLOVSKIY, B.B,; GRIGORASH; V.A.i LYAGINA) T.N.; _SPAIIOVBKAYA; V.D. SPANOVSKAYA, V.D. spmiy, v. SPANY, V. :21341, Z/014/60/000/012/002/095 POOVA126 AUTHOR: 8phny, Viktor, Engineer TITLE: The over-saturated transistor and its performance PERIODICAL: Sd;lovaci technika, no. 12, ig6o, 449 - 451 TEXT: The article describes the performance-of a transistor-in impulse operation, with special emphasis of delay time. The author~pointq~to a special. case, not yet mentioned in literature, which~occurs, when:thcs emitted junction with its recovery time t , behaves during the time-delay like amunsaturated 2 collector circuit. In response to an impulse, atransistor reacts'with a time delay, caused by the surplus of minority carriers in.the base region. This time delay is primarily determined,by the level of input signals., which the oversaturation of the transistor, secondarily by transistor char.ActeIristics.~ To calculate the time delay, it is essential to determine the'iinverise, parameters of. the transistor. The response of an unsaturated transistor!to az~~impulse is.given by an exponential equation which is generally applicable to leading and trailing edges of the response pattern of the funation6f(co), which represents either a' voltage or a current impulse. There is no substantial differende"in the duration Card 1/ 6 2134T-. 2/d14/60, 012/002/005 The over-saturated transistor... A205/M~6., of leading edges in common-emitter or commbn-ba on; wheh~'signal currents We connecti,01, have the same value (Ib'-y Ie). The wiring of a transistor,icontrblled by r6ctan~ gUlar impulses of the amplitude (EI) till over-saturation, is shorn in.Figure 3.; The collector junction is open (i.e. during impulse duration; the'base potentiali of point [B] will be lower than that of the collector in pointlkl).' Due to:'theT surplus of minority carrierg, which float the junctions, th~vpot~niial of point (K) does not drop immediately after.the end of the input.s.ig'nal,':Wt requires.a certain time delay (to) till it starts dropping, and reache'sthezfuAl.,value ~f the external source (E) after a certain recovery time (tz)..!~ Afte~r;;Ithe time of impulse duration (ti), time delay (to) and recovery time (t~), the~~transistor and duration of'. operates in the active region. The pulse leading-edge timeT I(tp)~ to and tz are primarily determined by the cutoff current (Is). Thetime delay t~ can be calculated by the equation to -f, In Ih I Ih Id (6) oz,, more precisely, by the formulb~ derived by J. L. Moll Card 2/6 21-347,, Z/914/66/000/012/002/005 A2, 1.2; 6, The over-saturated transistor... 05/A W + 12 to ln TI./A) - 12 which also considers inverse transistor parameters. To verify th6:applicability, of these equations, test measurings-were made.with a %NU70" af transistor.~ Wt6r en6y measuring regular parameters and the inverse cutoff frequ c _t e~Input cirduit4z of the transistor was modified (Fig. 5) for measuring the time delay.' Rectangular impulses'of a length of 50,usee and a negative amplitude of170 v. ~,(against ground) were fed to the input (A). The diode (D) secured zero-level of input signals in: the circuit;. measurings were made at R =co. The time delay calculated accord-'~ ing to Equation 6 is 41.2,&zee, calculated according to Bquition;7 it is 49.6,~ and the time delay, actually measured is 52-5*6ec. A very~inter.`6sting effect, so far neglected in literature, was observed when the-base is negatively biased.:' Excess holes in the-base region are absorbed partly by the regular~collector~ partly bry an artificially created collector, which, in the instance: of the negetive voltage influence, replaces the denser emitter junction. titer, when ,the collect_ tor junction is being desaturated, the response changes. Tl~e imjiuise duration (ti) is followed by the time delay (to) which can be subdivided into periods (ti)~an& (t2). Daring (t1), both junctions are ovetsaturated, during (t2),~the emitter Card 3/6 21347, 00 voi 6 O/P12/002/095 The over-saturated transistor... A205 126 junction is already desaturated (Voltage drop.on the resist9r R),~w)iile the; collector junction is still oversaturated, which Appears, a~' if base and collector were shorted. The oscillogram shows, that the collector pattern follows the base potential throughout the entire period (to), and it is only~Afterl.that,time,~has elapsed, that the recovery pattern (t.) appears also for the' collector circuit, In this specific case, differences between calculated and measureCtime delV are even bigger than in the aforem-ntioned experiment. There are 9 figures and~l. no-n-Soviet-bloc reference. The reference to the English-laiiguage.7~publication, reads as follows: R. F. Shea a int: Transistor circuits, John Willey, New York, 10 (Abstracter's note: there seems to be a misp'rint-in the name~of the author) Card 4/6 S/194/62/666/oog/91 3/100'! D201/D W AUTHOR: Sp&ny, Viktor TITLE: A universal thermal relay PEaiODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal.-Avtomatika i:.radioelekctr~onikap no. 9, 1962, abstr.act 9-2-14 tq (Ciech.~ pat., cl. 21 99 4/05, no. 98648,' February 159 1961) TTEXT: it relay is proposed which repiresents a.switch-6ver circuit consisting of an unbalanced bridge-and-two translisto'r6 connected~' in series with the emitters connected togetheir'slIA therm-istor is connected into one arm of the brida,,e. The diagofial ]~,oints ofithe: bridge are connected to the bases of tranbi tor the'~thermistor' arm conducts when the bridge becomes balanced owing,-~o a-changge in the thermistor resistance. An ialectro-magnetic-i-elay is placed in' ~Ab-~ Athe collector circuit of one of the transistors~' 2 figures. stracter's ndte: Complete translation.-7 dard 1 /1 25136 P/03 61/000 1/009/003/004 D247X302 AUTHOR: 9painy, Viktor, Engineer TITIZ~, A symmetrical circuit with comple mentary transistors PERIODICAL: Pomiary, Automatyka, Kontrola, no. 9,r~:1961, 382-384 .TEXT.- The author gives several theoretical transist9ir circuits using complementary transistors. The basic emitter coupled circuit. is shown in Fig. E If voltage source ul- and are ~ifidependent u Plibl IP'2ib2 - ie (1) and b (2)~ then 13 l/ P2 ib2/i,,' 1. are correct. The ratio of collectorcurrents is;~,give'nby ikl L,2(i -L W1 Ik2 P2 - and is symmetrical. An improved version of the,circuit is then given with only one independent voltage source.;~ Cir6lAt .(Fig., 0.1 nation. T T 0 tages ul can be used for phase discrimi and and u2 were applied respectively,(Fig. 3). -ourrent, ithrough the Card 1/4 25136 P/034/61/000/009/003/004 A symmetrical circuit... D247/D302 collector of Tj flows if ul > u2. The angle of o~eningljs equAl to. p phase angle. Only in this period both transistois~are'~ c:onductifig. Fig. 5 shows the cross modulator. Primary windings Li.~~'..I,4 are wound in the same direction and black.dots denote~l,theilri~short. ~~Figo are non conducting. 9 shows the flip flop circuit if T, and T2 then R, Rk, Rl, R2 make an unstable bridge and base Of T2 is Posi-, tive in relation to the base of Tl. To fulfill this 6ofidition~ (Rk RI)2 R > (5)~ R2 R (6): and R Rk 2 must be satisfied. The application of this circuit is~~.then shown as a thermal relay. In the design care must be t.~ken',that the 1 oot--!~ ential of b2 > bt. None of these circuits has been u'sdd in prac tice. There are 0 figures and I Soviet-bloc reke'rence." ASSOCIATIM Slowecka polytechnika w Koszycach'', (Slovak Polytech-' nic at Koszyce) Card 2/4 23574 E192/E382 AUTHOR: 9pSny, Viktor, Engineei TITLE: -junction Transistors-in Switching (Fiip-flop) Circuits PERIODICAL: Slaboproudy' obzor, 1961, Vol. 22i, No. pp- 231 239 TEXT: A large number of switching circuits based on junction. transistors are reviewed. The following four types~of switching circuit are distinguished: 1) circuits with transistorsof the identical conductivity type, with collector coupling; 2) emitter-coupled circuits with transistors of identical conductivity type; collector-coupled circuits with complementary transistors; 4) emitter-coupled circuits with complementary' tiranslistors.', p;. With regard to the circuits of the first grou. 'tiie..basic item is the classical bl-stable circuit shown~in Fig. 1. The circuit is slightly modified by introducing small resistances _'Lnto the emitters of each transistor; these reisistances are Card 1/8 23574 _Z/03q/6!/o22/oo4/003/603 Junction Transistors .... E192/z382 bypassed -uith the capacitance C (Ref. 1). The purpose of this modification is the elimination of the int!'egrating effect of the colledtor-b&se coupling capacitances which perform the memory function. '.L'he circuit of Fig. I &lso has thia;advanta' ge that it is very sensitive with respect to theitTligger 'ing pulses, since its input impedance is Increased',by connecting the resistances into the emitters. If the DC' Fig. I is replaced by capacitive coupling,the circuit, ig 0 2) becomes a free-running multivibrator. Such a'~ul ~ribrator 5 0 can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical but::Lt uffers fr~m the integrating effect so that it is diffi-cult!to obtain the: rectangular wave form at the collectors. Thls,Aefi6iency can be eliminated by adopting the multivibrator circuit;given in Fig. 3. It is also possible to eliminate this:effect by introducing suitable resistances in the emitters of,.the transistors. A further modification of the basic circuit will result in a monostable multivibrator (a un* *b tor,').;A 3. ~; 1. anj~i ra 6. pf6ducds~a short: circuit of this type is shown. :Ln' Fig. output pulse of stable duration. The basic ci~rcuit can also~be' Card 2/8 23574. Z/039/61/02.2/064/003/003 Junction Transistors E192/E3821 modified to produce triangular output pulses o.~.macie~~ into ,a free-running multivibrator gene.rating:a.symmetrical 1, triangular waveform. The basic representatives7of the second group are shown in Figs. 9 and 10; the first,..6f these circuits. is a bi-stable emitter-coupled pair, while the~circuit.of Fig. 10 is a bi-stable pair with limiter diodes. The operation of the circuit of Fig. 9 is as follows: first, Tg'~ :is open. and T is closed; the second stable state isachieved by driving Ti into saturation since -r. cannot b'e..completely, closed. The basic circuit of Fig. 9 can be used to, devise such systems as free-running multivibrators, Schmitt triggers, mono-~ stable circuits and high-speed bi-stable c1rcullis., The devic~es,' based on complementary transistors are characterised by the: fact that both transistors become opened (or closedYduring the:' transition. The representative circuit with a~'collector- coupled pair of complementary illustrated in Fig. 18 (Ref. 14). This is a bi-stable circuit. Free-running multivibrators and monostable circuits based on th3*.si- Card 3/8 :23574 Z/039/61/022~604/003/003 Junction Transistors complementary arrangement are also possible. 4~simple, circuit based on complementary transistors with:emitter-I coupling is illustrated in Fig. 21. This is a.~univibrator I Fpsul, ain the. which is triggered by an external pulse which~ t operation of an electromagnetic relay connected in :the: collectoroPT2 The circuit of this type can~be modified into a bi-stable pair or a free-running multivibrator wfiIic~h can be used as a frequency divider. There are 23 figures and 30 references: 5 Czech and 25 non-Czech. ASSOCIATION: VST, Ko;ice SUBMITTED: January 5, 1960 Card 4/8 23 3 97 Z/039/61/022/011/004/006 D291VD304 V Spany, Viktor, Engineer TITLE: New coupling of two transistors with con.,plementary sym metry PE'RIODICAL: Slaboprbudy obzor, v. 22, no. 11, 1961,1,671-67-4. TEXT: The author describes the.perforinance of a novel flio-flop in a. bistable, n~ztable, and non-regenerative state. The pr~inciple of the novel i.e. collector coupldng of two compler"entai-Y. tran-3- istors in &%!ries with common collectort is shown in Fig. Id.:,: This circuit has t-.-;o stable states and is, therefore,: capable of re- generative action; the astable and monosiable state r1specii'vely can be adjusied by the choice of circuit parameters. In its'astable state ~,.the new circuit is capable of sawtooth generation; the p& -to- ak volt , pe age is then nearly equal to the voltage of the source feeding-the circuit* Thus, the circuit performs as a "free-running" phanta'~,tron'lytith a greater linearity than can beachieved by the negative feed6ack of a Card 1/ 2 28397 Z/039/61/022/011/004/00f) "cw coupling of two-... D291/1)304 Miller integrator. The very effective synchronizatign shows that th(i Tn' no neY d;--vice is suitable for impulse-frequency division a n-re-' generative state, two complementary Iransistors with commo.n.,collector can be used for generating triangular, trapezoidal aid sa-,:;t6oth pulses, eventually for multiple.integration. There are 9 figures and 3 Sovidil- bloc references. ASSOCIXVION: Vysoka ;;kola technicka', Ko-Sice (Institu:tc of TechnoloGy in Kosice) di Fig. ld 'Call ector ~coupling; May 24, 1961 of two cbm-pleizientary trins-' istors:in' seri e:s, r.Ath COMIlon collecior.. card 2/2 35276 Z/039/62/023/004/005/010 D291/D303 AUTHOR. Viktor, Engineer TITLE: Oscilloscopy of the transistor amplification, factor PERIODICAL: Slaboproud~ obzor, v. 23, no. 4, 1962,~_218-223 TIM: The article describes an instrument for oscilioscooic indication of the transistor current-amplification factor f(I ) byta novel method using the derivation of the transfer characteriaties,l ~r f(II k b The instrument is based on an oscilloscope circuit for indicating d,~~ f(I ) by the well-known modulati n principle, described in,Rider-Uslan (Ref. 1: Encyclopedia on cathodle-ray oscilloscopes~and their uses.s London; Chapman and Hall, 1959, pp 19-16). The'nove,l cir, cu it-is modified inasmuch as the modulation-signal source, filters,'the frequency filter5 and the demodulator are omitted. TheAransistor input is,~excited by saw;- tooth waves which also serve as fime base. The output siginal of the col_~ M is presented' on the oscillos- lector is derived and the, function b cope tube. The described circuit is suitable for measuring n-p-n. Card 1/2 Z/039/62/023/004/005/010 Oscilloscopy of the ... D291/D303 transistors and can easily be adjusted for-measuring.of P-nc-p transistorso The author now gives a more detailed description of the instrument cir- cuitry,, its calibration and experimental results achieved immeasuring the current-amplification factor of T&SLA103NU70 transistolri. In con- clusion the author states that the described method permits: tk comparison and determination of optimum current-amplification oflitransistors, and the indication of dependencies I = f(Ib ) and f(I by mereswitch- k b overo It is especially suitable for transistors with~,small-cut-off fre- quencies, since the basic sawtooth frequency lies near the:'.m9'tion-p_iM,ure,' frequency and a modulation frequency of some kc is note required. There are 12 figures and 3 references, 2 Soviet-bloc and ].'Pon-soviet-b loc.: The reference to the English-language publication reads as 'follows. Rider-_ Uslan: Encyclopedia on cathode-ray oscilloscopes and their uses. London., Chapman and Hall, 1959, pp 19-16.. ASSOCIATION: Vysoka '-4kola technickg, Kodice (Institut~tl_of,Technology, I V Kosice) SUBMITTED,- January 51 1962 Card 2/2 ACCESSMI IM: AP40293911, Z/OP39/64/m/ AMM: Spany, Vildor (Shpany*yj, V.)(Do.,ent,, Engineer),' TITIE: Bev rinC; counter with tl=el diocLes S=MCE: Sldboproldiy obzor,, v. 25, no.. 4, 1964, 216-218 -~P triGger pulse, pulse =plitude, yu3--e TOPIC MGS: ring counter $Uunnel dio d=ation, current supply, couating circuit, transistor, counter ABSMP,CT: The desiCpLi and perfoi-mance of a~ rins counter N,dth tiumel diodes iiq, ,ers of mm and'jpublishe types described. Cmpared vith the ring count IM .d - .91 thi'S -imtcr is not sensitive to amplitude and duratica of the't-riwerind pulse, nor to curront, supply variaticns.. Another -a&vantage is in the easy..*desian of the counting chain and the small number of semiacnauctor devIces necessary for its. working. Fig. 1 ofo the*Enclosure is the basic schematic. Orig., art. has: I figure. Card 113 7 ACCESSICEI Hal: AP40293% ASSOCIATICN: Vysoka skola technicka Higher Te6haical S~1001-) P Kosice SUMUMM: 120et63 DATE AC(Z-.* 0214ay64 ENCL:. 01 SUB CME-. EC -NO SOV IW: 004 000 P~-, - t, ortsy-Im"W, ptFUR4.511 2~- L ACC NRt AP6028003 SOURC9 CODE: CZ/001,2/65/000/009/0513/0526 AUTHOR: Spany, Viktor(Docent; Engineer; Candidate of sciences; Kjosice) ORG: Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Institute of Technology, Kosice (Stroj*nicka -V fakulta, Vysoka skola technicka) TITLE: Limiting cycle of oscillators SOURCE: Elektrotechnicky casopis,~no. 9, 1965, 513-526 TOPIC TAGS: electronic oscillator, electronic coriponent, relaxation oscillator,: electronic circuit ABSTRACT: The article describes a neivr method for, the calculation of the principal parameters of the limiting cycle of osciflators, that is, the amplitude and frequ6ncy..,' An ex- ample of a relaxation oscillator with a single reactancje ele- ment is also given; although with that oscillator, the.~,ampl-V-.~' tude of the oscillations is defined, it is possible to 'draw general conclusions about the behavior of the circuit!~from per was presented. byT the expressions for the period duration. This pa Stransky. OiiG ~R. has-. 13 figures and 62 formulas. ZBaied on author Is Eng. abst./ LjPRS: 34,691/ SUB CODE: 09/SUBY, DATE: OlApr65/0RIG REF: 002 Card 1A /-14 -7ZAF1 --ACC W, ---AP6031563 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0039/65/026/008/0469/0475 AUTHOR: SDany. (Docent: Engineer) Yjkt ORG: Technical Institute, Kosice (Vysoka skola.tachnic"), TITIE: Quality of active circuit elements SOURCE: Slabop~oudy obzor# v* 26, no* 8, 19659 469-475 TOPIC TAGS: electronic circuit, circuit design ABSTRACT: The article contains a formulation of the principle's to-be'appliedAn the,. designing of dual circuit diagrams with regard to the active:elemstta4b The dualiza-, tion cf the graphic interpretation of corresponding'circuits i's explained with: concrete exasmiese Orig. art* has: 15 figures an4 3 forsulAn.9 (4s-ed on a4hoOn Eng. abst.) [JFFLSI SUB CODE: 09 SUBK DATE-. 250et63 ORM IM 002 OTH FdW: 002 wt 22,3 62w Y a 0 0 0 6 9 411 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 a 0 I 1 0 to It u 13 m 111 11 0 1 a is x Nil U13 34536V 311.10411 IV 41 44 As; "4 a j- A m ~L J~L 1,410"Ists Age PROP41114% INNS IiVWta- dd ba aiiiod? 4, 11- (1047).~_ appke 5711-0M let and Ammaripm on saw ZA)~ nk F MPA# cow & of P* Do 229w omronmm than kff , chm. tirmstrat, an whr" jam wr 109 008 Mib*wy 41 inwrod III cbm", on " cqwdlt& fit flow itimm 110 Ort"I twitr 00 400 IL cwt wee We se?ALL~&L 1,11111114111,111t CLAUPWATIMIN To- N~AA.~- a.- alit ~~.011111 am 4mv 106 IN u a av go 190 t's 'A I 1 9 rd a sil~w 0 9,0 0 0:0 g g go 0 * 9,40 0:0,0 0 0 0 0 6o,oio;;,q 0 he~ 04: th wfif me i. dtth .0 1 " d Ot joil 0 16 ma-pur -C. jK 4r v e. I. J., KA ~'t'c J~ RIX. I h I ' 'Wile 4L AN- Y( M!2 1~i~qk i4ith- tilt: -a Present tiiiatlici-:~ir~-,~t(14~_ n,--pi-quat t 111allnU - CVCII Idglij Polarograpbic: Oetdiiifiiiiiiqi~~;_ ~~thvi nfi~ite rom t Wa duced by the i&wtidix :nink b6;jxj.,Uk4 J foin t W Jk by 111calls of Ji:1 reacitost thsa. -31itritemilil ilitirA16 V fk!su, )s I f-4 - jilay be ddt&11lfil4i Miiwltnn'eoiisl~ by A lpolaro'g~u fo#aPhkA~- 'j;1 procedure. lh~re' fit oftable Ipp ar t ut ate.-- After-: the!! I nihtaLvzu.,,'4pf; iii _thL the TT . ..... . coli graphle ni6- -ntn4 V. f6r Hici estlin lift 7 cy 0,1 contMned Jii2 0-5 -all; comliOlictiL. h rqtL#ls'' pxci~iw fif-fl- itioli d tbe~ cbh6l ecets preC,Oitlited by!t1je: ,j aTe 0__ the -dctetnifti4 a ilud- _tNT6 tti me this thod f r faii- ~hffly itfltable,~ fort';.the,i espel nie -j;lfq trit In, pickling ~vf w, 4 d Now" 44a, 1 0. all= AUAMo PF." 'WA V~Jsbnt fret P;yf ecipt UP of eth P,,, vmt M%lit biV13gapt, di m t 'I La 3.84 64 TAlleratod. famm 4~:,I nitiditter, w, 4of Inert gu~ ~d iii p,d bo r*W~E%tk:4 P,01411.0 F. C -'bbt4-ud ~y 4rell a t ha N ~s 4e )17 - . .ni~ ow r 'j,4 �UNYLL,-Eaj , Janosne- BLAZOVICTI, Marta; DEMEL Ervinne; KUTZ, L KHWI 7 1 IDRINCZ, Ferenc, dr.; SPANYAR, Pals.-dr.; KIESELBACH,,'Gyula,, dr.; KAZAR, EiCERPTA 14EDICA Sec 6 Vol 13 1726. E'FFECT OF BLOOD-SUGAR VARIATIONS ON GASTRO-DUODE.No- .11-,'.IUNAL. KINETICS - Uinflueiice des modifications de la glycetnic:sur la cin6tique gastro-duod6no-jflunale - Spa rchez, T. , Stoi chitza S. Stanciti 0. Gheorghiescu Tr-Une-Irrriin L. V. Clin. s%lAd.'. 1101). Vasileft~aita, Bucarest-Airli..%Ij%L.Al'I'Aft.l)lCs,,1958, 47/3(135- 144) Graphs 4 The relationship between blood sugar and Lite dynamics of digestion in mai; is bas- ed, according Eo Pavlov's conception, on the 'alimentary centre'. There is 6: triple connection between glucose and the dynamics of digestion: (a) a rise of bl6od:sugar brings about an inhibition of digestive kinetics, and a fall of blood sugar reinforces digestive kinetics (by tnodification of Lite excitability of the ali mentary centre). ~ (b) u Introduction into the duodenurn or jejunum of a hypertanic glucose i6lution ca sea e inhibition of gastric'motility by a reflex mechanism, (c) Introduction of a It r- yp tonic glucose solutit.-a into the duodenum or the small intestine Is f6ilowed'by it- I n hibition of motility of the small intestine (due to direct actionof the glucose o the t digestive cnnal). The close connection between blood sugar and digestive kine ics It has made it possible to perfect a physiological test (viscerographic test).whic shows the value of vagotomy in man and distinguishes between the hypoglyeaernic LYUBINSKIY, N.I.; SHIRYAYEV, I.N.- KNIZHNIKOV, M.G.; GLADYSFIV, S.S.; KIVEER, V.F.; SPARIN, V.I., aggronom Use advanced cultivation practices for sunflowers. Zemledelie- 27: no.4:47-51 Ap 165. NIRA -18:4) 1. Orenburgskaya cblastnaya sellskokho-,yiiyr,~vennaya:o~ytnaya,. stantsiya (for kyubinskiy). 2. r-redsedatel"kolkhaza imeni Kiroval 01-.tyF-brlskogo rayona., Orenburgskoy oblasti ~.(for Shii7ayev). 3. Predsedatell kolkhoza "Pwnyatl, Illicha". Dinsko'go rayona, Krasno- darskogo kraya (for Knizhnikov)-, 4. Glavny~' agronon kolkhoza "PaWat' Illicha", Dinskogo rayona, Krasnodarskogo k~aya ('for Gladyshev).~. 5. Starshiy agronom Pologskogb proizvodstvennogo,upravleniya, Zaporozhskoy oblasti (for Kiver)& 7i~, - ". I z . I I - ~; , i q i p i U331-VGencral ane. Spocial Zoology. Insects. Insect. p anC. !~Jlito Posts. Fruit an,~ Berry Crop Posts., Abs Jour Rof Zhur-Biol., No 20, 1956", 92263 .Author Sparsiashvili, D. G., lfiloflobadzo, V. PS Inst T itle The Agrjtochnical Mothot"' of Controlling the Spi~ler Hite. Orig ub Vino(1011iyo i virio~radarstvo SSSR): lgr/,,, No 41- 42-43 Abstract Mites -which hibernatod unclor the -loose bark of the grapevine movo to tho loaves (about 95 porcotit of thom to th,,::first three bottom. leaves of the shoot),. Upon 0-(1420 removal be4-1meen 10 M Udy oflallt'loa- ves C-anc! burying them in the ,,round)' the, Card 1/2 47 1_; I ~ _T 1_1 11 1 1 r-r-T-V T 1--r-- 11 T-T USSR/Physics Aerosol particles dipole moment FD-2983 Card 1/1 Pub. 146 - 24/28 Author Spartakov, A. A.; Tolstoy, N..A. Title higid dip`o"L7e-1m*o`mxent of aerosol particles Periodical Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz., 29, September 1955, 385, Abstract New methods of investigating electro-optical phenomena in hydro- phobe colloids (N. A. Tolstoy, P. P. Feofil6v, DAN,SSSR, 66,;:617,; 1949; N. A. Tolstoy, DAN SSSR, 100, 893, 1955) which are.based on the study of the modulation of light passir~-perpieindicularly~to the lines of an electric field through a planar condenser fed by rectangular voltage impulses show that colloidal p~articles in,a-" queous media possess rigid dipole moments of quit6ftonsiderable magnitude. It is assumed that this rigid dipole moment is caused by spontaneous orientation of water molecules ads6rb'ed on the sur- face of the particle, which have arigid di~ole-~;The unipol~rity (in the mean) of this orientation.permits one to~liken'the_ water' film adsorbed on the particle to a surface piezoeiectric. The present writers carried out similar experiments with aerosol,~ and found that the electrooptical properties of!the mist can be per-, fectly similar to the propel-ties of hydroph6be colloids. They state that the establishment of the dipolarity of'mist particles'. can possess significance for the explanation of the mechanism gov- erning the aggregation of noncharged particles in~mists. Institution : Leningrad Technical Institute Submitted : May 12, 1955