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3(7) SOV/50-59-6-4/it AUTHOR: Sovetova, V. D. TITLE: Vertical Distribution of Clouds in. the ~~,Frontal Zone Over West Siberia (Vertikallnoye raspredeleniye oblakov v zone frontov nad Zapadnoy Sibi Iyu) PERIODICAL: Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, 1959, Nr 6i ppl;21, 25 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Some results are given here' concerning i~tfie- ~Utiistical;:- evaluation of vertical distribution data i n: 't he frontal cloudiness over West Siberia during th e cold~,iesson ( 6 c t o be r to April). The sounding data of -the atmosphe~~re`, in ISverdlov~k, Omsk and Novosibirsk obtained in 1952_~1:956 froi~mairplapes were made use of..During that time , 77,~Iof all frontsiin- . fluencing the weather in the-said areas'i:4erd sounded.' A com- parison of the data obtained here with those:gi,ven by~K. G.~ Abramovich (Ref .1) shows a go o d agre eme'i,it and p ' ii t s 'the, erm statement that the up?er limit of cloua~.forma'tion ove- r West. - ~ I - - I ~ ; I - : .. , j.1 :- I Siberia is not lower than the 'one over. t e -olains -of the Eiiro - -her pean territory of the USSR. As concerning. Ae frequently, hig Card 1/2 position of the upper cloud~limit in Sverdlovsk as com~paired to other regions, the author is of the opini6n~that this is Vertical Zone Over Card 2/2 Distribution of Clouds in the Prontal 8 Y/50-59 6- M 0 4 West Siberia due to the Ural mountain range. AnAnvestigation is. madIR here of the frequency of cloud mass thickness andAhe thickness' 3A is jho~~ Wn iiith. tables of the "dry" intermediate masses, and 2 and 3 that in Sverdlovsk the uppe:~ cloud limit,is hig4er' and at the same time there is a larger 1~stratilticationtf~ (yarusnost') of clouds; cloud masses are'lesd thick here and the "dry" intermediate masses becomei~more., requent,here'. than on other places observed. This peculiar 'distribution of these elements is caused by the influencte'.of the Ural mountain range * In sounding the atmosphere, cloud's : be'lo -,3-n touppdr .9 strata.were for -the most part not reache.d bylairplanes. ~Table' 4 gives a survey of the cases in:which the clouds of the ci! plan6*, 7ahd those.cases Cs and Co.were pierced through '~y an airp in which this did not happen as well as the cis'es in which the clouds were above -the airplane..On the basi'~of this' table, conclusions are drawn:concerning the atmospheric conditions~ in flights over Omsk,_Sverdlovsk and Novosibirsk. There are, 5 tables and 2 Soviet references. 231 B/014 601/000/009/004/005~_. A052 A129 S70 0 AUTHOR: Sovetova, V. D. TITLE: The effect of the Ural Mountains on the~evolution of the frontal cloudiness PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal Geografiya, no. 91;19601 64: abstract.' 23164 (Tr. Tsentr. in-ta prognozovi 1959 n6-~ 79,-12 -'24) TEXT: The results of processing data from airplane~atmosphere]sOuiid- ing carried out in Sverdlovsk, Omsk and' the cold half~year-' during a 5 years' period show.that in the.direction from Sverdlovsk to Novo- sibirsk the following phenomena are observeds an increased~'!probability of powerful Ns-As, a decrease of wavy clouds of Ac type,~.a decrease of'the I stratification of clouds, an increased probability of,,a ldw"cloudiniis, i'a decreased frequency of the upper boundary of clouds';at tl,4~fieight of~;over 5 km, an increased probability of precipitation reach ,i~g t~~,.48,rth su:rfac,e, and a decreased probability of icing and bumps. Many;.of thOse phenomena- are explained by the location of Sverdlovsk on the ie'64ardsloP6 of~the Ural Mountains relative to the predominant flow4 Here waves are formed and Card 113 2 S 14 v60 /,~6/066/00 4/005 /0 A052/A,129~_~ The effect of the 'Ural Mountains on the.:. . a peculiar distribution of.thevertical air flo*s t 4s which:- cai:xsel the 3tratification of cloudiness, the washing-off~6f_the1dwer preqipit!idon~~i~` zone and an increased icing probability., An i~ve~s~fgitibni~'of the baus as : of cloudiness stratification in Western Siberia and conditi6n~ of the evol"uAim ti i of clouds in Sverdlovsk wao.oarriaLout Cases where.a :6 ra f cation an& 0 clouds had been recorded in all three localities wete~ selected and! iYz d. The stratification was caubed-either by.,the orogr ph bto 1i a y ort: y t e pressure field. In Sverdlovsk in 53% of all cases the effea:i~ofIhe mount&ihs is present; to the East of it-the stratification.of 'elloudiness is affected by , -, t v i~ the Siberian anticyclone. The effect 'Of:theUral X~un ains in Sv~rdl6isk- endiculai:to"the mounl id in' is felt when the wind is perp of no importance. A powerful frontal cloudines's is.:observed'hero mainly during winds parallel to the mountains. The moisture conten in the siratal earth - 850 millibars, a5o - 700 millibars, 700 -~500 miiiibars.wae record-, ed and compared with the presence.or..absence of.clouds in,'d Novosibirsk and with the air temperature. The charts show connection be- tween these elements and can be use6 for diagnosib~And prognosis-6f the vertical distribution of cloudiness. In conclusion:an armlysis: of" twq typ- Card 2/3 -t ,si I I 4~_ "2 IH~ ?_-Ax ~v 4i F Y: N IN -33336~65` JT L 0 MM All A"06ESSION*- A: ~AT5002846 :!7 6 4 95 0311 ("OM i)65 p AJMOR*. Sovetovaj..V&~-D& A~ IT .'Storms' n,t e'nort emL Tart Ji": ijl ~DUR(t. AN-Uki~S y S re oy-g ro a 19sledo va j iQ MPIC TAGS: Icycio ;ne cyc aitne mIe 16 r ttetfi -.~b le l6ni6 tf leiiii Nn ek, 1 4. a, f Leld noarts- -4. -9 J, 41ir A ln&'.,~!,,th ir4t iiiaL,6i a brdl, fLag:,! C888--, kMRACT::; --The c6ndii in the A W4 e It M/sec.) y:1 ri MO-' e. ne a jd Studied. All~cyc on a-reg on d'bi' ;f trSACC 19 -01~ ing the three year per d '' 6h f :-1955-,:.~:-57--.~iib3-:~iticlu e ~,:_t t ai. 11 ~003.-`_;Atnd t thle!" 1, q ~ - __'- i~ jlk~,t, origin, the ihermal:pattern in* "ic~ :at c t t q g develops, the location of the Max'imum'~ jjraiidiIi~&: 6h ~t 01 C;,Sur e-a LIS 7 L- th b olute. -temperatt-~e-d fere6ide-be ,nltho~,6 -aim e_a a twet - j- .-1 1. 1-;,jlw~-... ; , !_ 1 -, i-_1;,j;_-,_ . te'd-- - Sto-r-mi-i-rindi-w-e-te 6 tee'-" 1-.dl-..t 7. -a is made irith. generi4 y-Afte ud ve-i ree ts'" Vhd a c! the dat d* e datIca (IF tcl conditions storm winds are b ~dq6r- i 'a lent E;ene R. pi .'ord. 4 V 0831- I 1A vk 33336-65- L I ACCESSION NR:,:::i&5002846*~1--~.~-","~.!:~~~,~";~~~,,;~,~~,-, V -sea- dt, a Ways u6ve a ut to 'AR t Ansl-A 1,~ cai e d e 5 aI ure 3krms -The.: Ore aence of t e, Ward 0c G illad, Raw ijlt~_ ce ~~conten .6 ijs, --o --the -aik--are--sugge 644~ a ~t e~ --dau n t f e Oikil ~:dfid -46t tile ocean a influ'enc'e: on' -the'%: sigd: a d lmagni u e~of air-te, e", r a e Ian Lire sur 'T - Tr~: Oanges 6 c on- s idered theoret ca ~6` te- of ~'Ae ~-i"~J *~r ga emperature -is -'shown ig, t i uC. o~--, z 11ta er The calcula. io- n,s: s~ov. t6ai, ur acei, ver ci ~,i transf Arge:to P1 role- in - 61d" Liy-4 ~subAahtia ~O i le, lilt, d~t i 1~ in the deve me of:, storith "'t lop w AC AS'ure and 2 tables --ASSOCTATION, dat. to 69S] -1 ut_e___i_,:__Ai4_wUkkSS F I , - i - KS;* lov SD: 7j,'! r I 00, 1:3 :1 ll~,--I- A 004'L,-- 00 REF 'CaM ~2 2:_ 1: q-z,~ V /V I RUIMFIA/Chemical TecllnoloMr Chcxftcal: Products and Their, H-30 Application, Part Varl-dshes, faints., Paint Coatinrgs. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiyr., No 14,1958, 48820, Author I. Gavat, P. Soviani Inst Title Modif ied Phenolaldehyde Plastics. Orig Ptib Rev. chim., 1957, 8, No 4, 264-27o Abstract The preparation of liGht colored oil-~aolublc:rdsins of. the albertal type with an elevated softening,.tapperature (160 to 1720) is described. Those rcsins arepreparea by the interaction of colophony and maleicianhydride with preliminarily prepared tetramcth~lold6 enylolpro- P4 pane or resol resins (condensation products of phenol,~ cresol , or n-tert. -butylphenol -with f6rmaldehidc) at 1500 and following esterification with Caycerin (--t 250 to 2600). These resins are soluble ffi,siceativc~and Card 1/2 71 f7 11011-11 Miami t WL750-66 ACC NR-- AP6032885 SOURCE CODE: HU/0012/65/013/008/0236/0239; AUTHOR: Marek. Nandor--Marek, Y. (Doctor); Szovik, Jozs ef ORG: eged University for'Nedi Dfarekl Institute for Medical Che istr Sz cal, Scien2n,~ Szeged (Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Orvosi Vegytani Intezet); LSz6vikj Hungarian Optical Works (Magyar Optikai Muvek) TITLE: Experiences in the use of the spektromom 201 ultraviolet spectimphotom~eter~ SOURCE: Meres es automatika, v. 13, no. 8, 1965, 236-239 TOPIC TAGS: U`V spectrophotometer, photoelectric cell/Spektromoin 201 UV:,speq-trophpt=e OLI. ABSTRACT: The specifications of the 'Spektromom,:201' ultra4i6lat-spactrom. .photometer (ma'nufactured by Hungarian Optical Works) were diestribii ` in d; detail. The instrument operates in the 190-1100 nm. wavelength ran' .ga; its photocells are British-mada and its light sou ree ir, Geman-made Its operation and calibrating procedures were described and 'some re- sults were discussed to illustrate its accuracy and reproducIbili Orig. art. has:- 5 figures and 3 tables. [JPRS1 SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: 22Feb65 OTH REF: 002 'Cc~d fnis UDC: 535.243~25 !:0 9-26 i yd~~ pu, n*le ALE r,ioxiii bei !j rro Abstract, No abstract. Card 1/1 2-1 (6) AUTHORS: -10/213 Mostovoy, V. I. Mostovaya,* T.1., , Sovinskiy, M., Sa~tykovo lure S.~ TITLE; The Distribution of the Kinetic.Energy ei, the' F r~agme:nt sin the 235 Triple Fission of W by Thermal Neutroiis~ PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya 1959t vol 79 Nr 4, pp~! 372-~74 (USSR): A3STRACT: K. Allen and J. Devan. were theofirst to' investigate the; distribution of the ki]netid. Wff*-dr:fragm,6 nte ln:~ the fiss'i of 235 U with emission of one a(-particle with- a .164 range. Aacozdirjg~. to the results they obtained the distributio :n: of the kinetic energy of the fragments in:a triplefission is, similar td:the' ,found in:double as e: pr distribution usually one T~ eseni; paper gives exact data concerning the.: distribution 6fl~ the kinetic energy of fragments in a.triple ffssion.~i A dq~b,ie, ionizatt -on" chamber with a grid was used: for the pur'pose ~OfL~ detecting the fragments'and Dc-particles with Jong ranges. The.! apparatus L and.L the measuring method are bri .efly de 11 tier.ibed. t~eie~ mtiasui6ments were carried out in the neution beam of Vqk-Lr6actor. A diagram shows the distri*butionLof of the i Card 1/4 fragments in a triple fitision, Alto ethei!, 17!6 cases:o-f 1.4 I I The'Distribution of the Kinetic Energj of'the SOV/ $9-7-4-1 0/?B. Fragments in the Triple Fission of U 235 by Thermal Weu~ro 8 n triple fission were recorded. For purposes of i domparison; also the distribution for double fission, which wds;-measurea under the same conditions, is given..Zven.ifi,jn cdunting,the~ "geometric conditions 2irl' are used: the areas ~ of the trio: i groups of 1 fragments produ ced in a triple' differ considerably from each other. The ratio!~.~bf tfii�~e , surf aceiij four light and heavy fragments,amounts to.OoO2'. Tfie:':~ Sim' 1 e -P geometric conditions of this counting chambers permitted'a reliable determination of the influen e~,;.e'xer'c'i:sed by the B~ -up angular distribution of long range OL-partiC14 on the., efficiency of fragment recording. The i~tio between the: recording probabilitles for a*.ligh-b and.Pa heavy fragment (in consideration of the angular distributi6h~bflx-par~ticlds with long focal distance) amounts to heavy light which explains the observed aifference_!between the areas. The third diagram shows the kinetic energy f4istrlb~tion of 'the,: fragments in the case of a triple ~fissi'on in;. c'onisiderAlion obab e,', 'Ile he~.V: of fragment recording. The most pr and an Card 2/4 light fragments are less by 5. 1 -`- , -!! 7 0. 5. 00 Me i!: SOV/89-7- -101284 The Distribution of the Kinetic Energy,of the. 4 235, Fragments in the Triple Fission of U by ThermU Neutrons respectively than in the case of a double fission* Thiq,. ey,:ican owever decrease in kinetic energy by 13-8 M hot be' e-xplained by a decrease in the, chixrge:"bf I the fragment a ~i6iue to the departure of an aL-partiole. The most probable value of.. ~the total kinetic energy liberated in:iL tripl6, fission iis less by 1 Mev than in double'fission. On thi:;basisI:;;'Lof this result the authors evaluated'the, excitaiion.~energyiof the frsgnrents 235 in triple and double fissions of ~U by thiriiai,.neutrolase:~ Vnder the conditions made; here the. average ~excitation:' 'energy i: of fragments in.triple fission must bell low T 5.87 M~v-than- in double fission. This also'agrees well with;the obtained by V. F. Apalin ~ on the numbe~:j ~'o'f sie'dondary neutrons in the case of a triple fission of uranium.1,11he half-widtlis gy distributi in a~t-A~le ii6si of kinetic ener on an ark le6s by 1.1 � 0-5 and 4-3 t 1.0 Mev rqepe~tively~Aha~ the corresponding half-widths in double fission!.~;There are, 3 f iglim and 8 references, 1 of which is Soviet'.* Card 3/4 /Klebanov, AUTHOR: 'Bents 3.58-5-1'/35 M.K.) and Sovkin, V.F., Dot ~ l --- - ------ TITLE. The Evening Cow-sea..: Have Vide, Prospects,;(U vechernikh fa- ba!tetov - shirokiye perspektivy) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly, 19582 Vr 5, pp 30-:32 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Kuybyshev Industrial Institute can serve As an example for thw, great possibilities in the training.~qf specialists witliout Z separating them from production. 1n.;19509 160 pers.ons'were. enrolled in the evening departmentg, :and in~11957~ 490. At th beginning of the 195q/58 school year, 1,,900 persons were in' training at the evening faculty including'1,000 at .the branch ia~n't siya;: faculty located at the Kuybysheirskay a gidroelektros l , (Kuybyshev Hydroelectric Power Plant). Th'ei faculty:is pre- paring engineers in 6 specialties;,technof6gy of maq~inecoa- - 64ts' f elec-, struction, metal-cutting machine tools a nk.: instrum , trical machine tools and instrument'6, electric plants,~net, zed works and grids. Branches were als or 'fii at'dion~urg, ga ,, Ul'yanovsk and Novo-Kuybyshevsk. The majority of 6tudents - 81- attending the evening courBes, are, 'Pract,1010aers with cop derable experience. The first 66 engine4rs graduated from Card 1/2 the faculty in 1955; this year 180 engine6rs will be turned PeCuliarition of the internal apherical S I 5/6Z [0001000i 7A _j il-I e _ _i- our ac~ a levated quality, nd:good accurac3ro t 6~~gr : WA r9un small specific consumption of:t',,e grinding ool (3) The h6 principa technological factors diffe r substantially in., high-~spee~,I. grfn~ing 4r(ril!those, obtain- ing in ordinary grinding. In particular', the question 6f d-aris 'r% ol actor 4r speed of. the part and of the tran verse'-166- es, ~e co Is--- nolonger the productivity of the grindings~prqcess, Wit th6i: a 't' 'O'f~the:ground- . I;, I - 11 ". 1 Mil 1. 1 . rion forJhe! se vicil. life, ~:j surface, which indirectly:is a crite a6hine-; 4"1) in high-speed internal spherical grinding.a. newdncreapedn,z, ;j, R rUo,:i name y v 0.1125-0.165, reflects e: fundamcintallydiff(i rend atake I of !t tu vfeed/ periph e..npve e s-s. (5) cant inc ea n4i4d-iate~*of "the-p t z,-, till proc r1iis signifi r seA: spe.e. P,gh d gr1nCL ing improves the' surface quality and minimizes:the'appear aot ~6pots. i:T4e__'.-` latter is' attributed to the decrease, in:contactitime' bebween's t -'ani ing disk.: "It i VDII. cm, dt 1: - 1 ana, hence, to a decrease in the..adverse :ZO th6rxiialeffecthi rie~- h 'l; following recommendations are, made~ (a)jn6iea edi6f'th-e_:: se,,.ofithe'pb~rip 0 pe i'd r' p'f the' pdrtt6!,be' grinding disk from 30-40 m/sec t6-50-60 mls'eci thelf6c af6 :(cit-in h ~With a me cha"!nI _- increased from 100-Z50 m/min to:400/456Ixdritii~,-:, j lit cal drive, the transverse feed should be 2.'7-3.2.mrn' riiin.i 16) Mi6 O~ technologicalf., o r- th'! 9 recommendations should-be employed iii:theni de niZ.Ltion,.O e! niahy e3asti! circular grinding machines in the bearing, and tooi* inaxlLs try: and-ali in~ the de: Igh,; and development of a more progressivemod~l of the i JJ3. - (1, 5M) sphexicA --,-R; ~ - - __ , .; _; jrf - Card 2/3 ja, Peculiarities of the inter I; S nal sDherica --m~ SlikrUNOV, M.P., kand.fiziko-ma+.ematicheskikh natxk, dotsent; SOTKIN, V.F.' kand. f A ziko-,za'ai-ii. naiik; 80"'KIN V. .2. kand.. tekhri. wrwk -Ccntact method for the determination of temperatures: a~nd thermal fluxes in grinding. Izv. vys. ucheb., zav.; mashinos~r.`, no,-2:173-;- 180 5 . WIIRA 18: 5) B K""W~V7C, a r C .%4'~LCt nL t-71i, Vz-.",4 rat ficleacy i;t 7,..-a tic., 12, 1'-- - .-Narski Olas.,tk. V61 161 62~ Fr. U37 )0. stvaet- Sure-~CQTIC-Crtr;Rt- IZ-56 I's made by 'Vetari a ry. I C e. n , lls V, v r i n az I`- iZavad'j in "Zonum, -C:Ontains raw protein$, 4 C; irav~cellulose; :~w Vvs "'91, 2.7, P,Ir, anrciblotir,,; a of vlwhins;; 'Ot: ift Id 2~.5 -:~i;d trace, .'ri erimental .-I r of, 20 age e (I VZ-16 -F,:,r 4 man'thf. 3ait-..:!Ll an average of ~,8 m o r e, than.- f CCIMIPMrah-NI COTIMnj.~- fed, an-L-zal proteirls- hetter feed effic-'ency, gain muc-1-i tnorc than cost of additive Three tahle.-i. YUGOSLAVIA S0VLJANSr4,,._ Dr., Assistant; MILOSAVLJEVIC, S., Dr., Professor; PAVLOVTC, S., r. , Professor; In3titute of Preventive Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary I'ledicine, Belgrade "Varintions in Body Teaperature of the Surviving and Dead Young Pigs ormorac~ulation During InvestigqtJon of Th Balgrado, Vetarinorski Glasnik, Vol 20, No 9, 1960, pp 653-658: Abstracti This is a comparative utudy of the body temperature ~~:durinjj tho -i ad the first ton days of life of those nowly born pigglotEi which' aurv. v period and those which died durin -the first ten days Dats.ref 9 or to 99 offspring: of the great white English breed of pigs. Th-~) temperature of the surviving animals fell only during the first hour, following the- birth, and then rose- constantly until -thermoregulation was ~aiitablished~ In those which died, the temperature drop was much larg6r; it book up toi 12 hours for it to rise again, and then flu~ctuaiei~'betwaen:' 305.10 and 37-34 0c. Comprehensive statistical data are. presented in tabular form. There are 10 Yucroslav and 8 Western refeiences.:,~ (14anuscript received 24 Jun 66.) 66 SKADOVSKIY, S.N.; USPRITSKAYA, V.I.; LEVSHINA, Using biocoonness of sedentar7 organisms to Improve the quality of water. Vest.96sk.un.Ser.bial..' pochv.,.geole,,-goeg.-~14 no-1:57-64 '59. JXIMA2:9) 1. Moskovskly gosudarstvenMry universitot, Kafidra gidrobiologii's (Water-Purification.) (Yreah-water.flora)i ' 001 op/oo6l. S/272/63/000~ E073/El55 .4 AUTHOR: Sovova, A dolfina ------- ------ I------- -SbOCI reference electrod TITLE. Solid Sb e vyppsk, Metrol PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal., otdellnyy 0g Y~k �zmerltellnaya tekhnika ~:no.l, i963 , abstract 1.32-312.p. (Czech. pat. C 1~ 42 10 3105 , ; no. 101057, September.:15, 1961) TEXT: Of so lid 56~ This electrode is made of a 1: 1 mixture -'J xed and then presse at a d SbOC1, broken down into powder, mi d j_ l a 1200 kg/cm2. Prior to pressing the mixture is' s:lightly Wette with a solution of KC1 or NaCl, orthe pressed specImens are au "b merged for about half an hour in a KCI solution.;! Th4n the r eied'on, mind electrode is dried at 110 C, a copper wire js 661d i q, the electrode is leached in distilled water until'thi react 3-on: for-. CI ceases. It is then submerged in solutions wi a ious - Pki ~h v r. differ6nces;.. I~ 'ineasur"g values until it stopp reacting to pH , 1 and,K~l: it a the potentials in a paste formed by,SbOC i.W a ound':. F~ that th6 potential is beat established-~for the ratio Sb:SbOC1 Z 1:1. Properties of the resultant :olectrode: the.,~potqential Card 1/2 LMUNIVRY CAT EG, 0 Ry ABS. JOUR. A Z I!'-'h i,.'il .1-., 21 19,59, 76665 IT 'and $ova, TLTL;~', The Chrom-rogrophic charactcrizati6n of"SYntheti Dyes Uai~d in the rood Industry Via, No 5, 261-265 L): Prutuysl Patra 195 -.169a at the Flood Tocbiwllogy Pd: d e t e r-: winatioll of aynthetic food d'yea ai'o d 0 S~; c'~i- i'a e d 3est reaults were oLttained by applic~ation asnording and radial chromatograp4y (AhAysi, d-Aer'minatiouo 'with '75$ 57 (1950) quarititativi-, the -use o .f a photometer give! reli.ixble '.ire Sults at 50) 2./l E: Country CZECHOSLOV"_M~ Ca~e[;Gry: Virology. Virused of 14dn and Anirali. virus Causal Organisras of Equine bi*seases .4 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 23, 1958, No 103522 ,~Uthor Zj~~Olg& Tunova, Bela; Poustim" Frant i r, C k,'- Nemec, Jurnj Inst Til t1c Isolation of the Virus Causal Ment of 0. Disease of the Respiratory PassaGes of Horses. OrIC; Pub: Coskosl. epidc-Ldol., miltrobiol., 6, iio 4, 213-2x ~,bstract: During run epidemic in 1956 in Czech oslovakia, anti- bodies to the virus of influenza type wore f 6ulid in the serwa of convalescezit horses by th6~ hen~~Llu- tination inhibition reaction. In its antiGcni Ca rd 1/2 SOWAI P. S(Yv!A, P. SOURCE- SOWA, Ryszard :, t,I -- 7i~ CHYCKI, Andmej, U~SK014,SKIj Wlad~,slaw,; 1-011h,i2p ghi-p-w:,:ipkr inz.; I I ~ lp , -.. .