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3(7) SOV/50-59-6-4/it
AUTHOR: Sovetova, V. D.
TITLE: Vertical Distribution of Clouds in. the ~~,Frontal Zone Over
West Siberia (Vertikallnoye raspredeleniye oblakov v zone
frontov nad Zapadnoy Sibi Iyu)
PERIODICAL: Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, 1959, Nr 6i ppl;21, 25 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Some results are given here' concerning i~tfie- ~Utiistical;:-
evaluation of vertical distribution data i n: 't he frontal
cloudiness over West Siberia during th e cold~,iesson ( 6 c t o be r
to April). The sounding data of -the atmosphe~~re`, in ISverdlov~k,
Omsk and Novosibirsk obtained in 1952_~1:956 froi~mairplapes
were made use of..During that time
, 77,~Iof all frontsiin-
fluencing the weather in the-said areas'i:4erd sounded.' A com-
parison of the data obtained here with those:gi,ven by~K. G.~
Abramovich (Ref .1) shows a go o d agre eme'i,it and p ' ii t s 'the,
statement that the up?er limit of cloua~.forma'tion ove-
r West.
- ~ I -
I ~
I - :
.. ,
j.1 :-
Siberia is not lower than the 'one over. t e -olains -of the Eiiro -
pean territory of the USSR. As concerning. Ae frequently, hig
Card 1/2 position of the upper cloud~limit in Sverdlovsk as com~paired
to other regions, the author is of the opini6n~that this is
Zone Over
Card 2/2
Distribution of Clouds in the Prontal 8 Y/50-59 6- M
0 4
West Siberia
due to the Ural mountain range. AnAnvestigation is. madIR here
of the frequency of cloud mass thickness andAhe thickness'
3A is jho~~ Wn iiith. tables
of the "dry" intermediate masses, and
2 and 3 that in Sverdlovsk the uppe:~ cloud limit,is hig4er'
and at the same time there is a larger 1~stratilticationtf~
(yarusnost') of clouds; cloud masses are'lesd thick here
and the "dry" intermediate masses becomei~more., requent,here'.
than on other places observed. This peculiar 'distribution of
these elements is caused by the influencte'.of the Ural mountain
range * In sounding the atmosphere, cloud's : be'lo -,3-n touppdr
strata.were for -the most part not reache.d bylairplanes. ~Table'
4 gives a survey of the cases in:which the clouds of the ci!
plan6*, 7ahd those.cases
Cs and Co.were pierced through '~y an airp
in which this did not happen as well as the cis'es in which
the clouds were above -the airplane..On the basi'~of this' table,
conclusions are drawn:concerning the atmospheric conditions~
in flights over Omsk,_Sverdlovsk and Novosibirsk. There are, 5
tables and 2 Soviet references.
B/014 601/000/009/004/005~_.
A052 A129
S70 0
AUTHOR: Sovetova, V. D.
TITLE: The effect of the Ural Mountains on the~evolution of the
frontal cloudiness
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal Geografiya, no. 91;19601 64: abstract.'
23164 (Tr. Tsentr. in-ta prognozovi 1959 n6-~ 79,-12 -'24)
TEXT: The results of processing data from airplane~atmosphere]sOuiid-
ing carried out in Sverdlovsk, Omsk and' the cold half~year-'
during a 5 years' period show.that in the.direction from Sverdlovsk to Novo-
sibirsk the following phenomena are observeds an increased~'!probability of
powerful Ns-As, a decrease of wavy clouds of Ac type,~.a decrease of'the I
stratification of clouds, an increased probability of,,a ldw"cloudiniis, i'a
decreased frequency of the upper boundary of clouds';at tl,4~fieight of~;over
5 km, an increased probability of precipitation reach ,i~g t~~,.48,rth su:rfac,e,
and a decreased probability of icing and bumps. Many;.of thOse phenomena-
are explained by the location of Sverdlovsk on the ie'64ardsloP6 of~the
Ural Mountains relative to the predominant flow4 Here waves are formed and
Card 113
14 v60
/,~6/066/00 4/005
The effect of the 'Ural Mountains on the.:. .
a peculiar distribution of.thevertical air flo*s t 4s which:- cai:xsel
the 3tratification of cloudiness, the washing-off~6f_the1dwer preqipit!idon~~i~`
zone and an increased icing probability., An i~ve~s~fgitibni~'of the baus as : of
cloudiness stratification in Western Siberia and conditi6n~ of the evol"uAim
ti i
of clouds in Sverdlovsk wao.oarriaLout Cases where.a :6 ra f cation
an& 0
clouds had been recorded in all three localities wete~ selected and! iYz d.
The stratification was caubed-either by.,the orogr ph bto 1i
a y ort: y t e pressure
field. In Sverdlovsk in 53% of all cases the effea:i~ofIhe mount&ihs is
present; to the East of it-the stratification.of 'elloudiness is affected by
, -, t v i~
the Siberian anticyclone. The effect 'Of:theUral X~un ains in Sv~rdl6isk-
endiculai:to"the mounl id in'
is felt when the wind is perp
of no importance. A powerful frontal cloudines's is.:observed'hero mainly
during winds parallel to the mountains. The moisture conten in the siratal
earth - 850 millibars, a5o - 700 millibars, 700 -~500 miiiibars.wae record-,
ed and compared with the presence.or..absence of.clouds in,'d
Novosibirsk and with the air temperature. The charts show connection be-
tween these elements and can be use6 for diagnosib~And prognosis-6f the
vertical distribution of cloudiness. In conclusion:an armlysis: of" twq typ-
Card 2/3
4~_ "2 IH~ ?_-Ax ~v
4i F
Y: N
-33336~65` JT
L 0 MM
A"06ESSION*- A: ~AT5002846 :!7
95 0311 ("OM i)65
AJMOR*. Sovetovaj..V&~-D&
IT .'Storms' n,t e'nort emL
~DUR(t. AN-Uki~S y
re oy-g ro a
MPIC TAGS: Icycio ;ne cyc aitne mIe 16 r ttetfi -.~b le
l6ni6 tf leiiii Nn ek, 1 4. a,
f Leld noarts-
-9 J,
ln&'.,~!,,th ir4t iiiaL,6i a brdl, fLag:,! C888--,
kMRACT::; --The c6ndii
in the A W4 e It
y:1 ri MO-'
e. ne a jd
Studied. All~cyc on a-reg on d'bi' ;f trSACC
19 -01~
ing the three year per d '' 6h f
:-1955-,:.~:-57--.~iib3-:~iticlu e ~,:_t t ai. 11 ~003.-`_;Atnd
t thle!" 1, q ~ - __'-
i~ jlk~,t,
origin, the ihermal:pattern in* "ic~ :at c t
t q
develops, the location of the Max'imum'~ jjraiidiIi~&: 6h ~t
01 C;,Sur e-a
7 L-
th b olute. -temperatt-~e-d fere6ide-be ,nltho~,6 -aim
e_a a twet
- j- .-1 1. 1-;,jlw~-... ; , !_ 1 -, i-_1;,j;_-,_ .
te'd-- - Sto-r-mi-i-rindi-w-e-te
6 tee'-"
1-.dl-..t 7.
-a is made irith. generi4 y-Afte ud ve-i ree ts'" Vhd
a c! the dat d* e datIca (IF tcl
conditions storm winds are b ~dq6r- i
lent E;ene
4 V
1A vk
I ACCESSION NR:,:::i&5002846*~1--~.~-","~.!:~~~,~";~~~,,;~,~~,-,
-sea- dt, a Ways
u6ve a ut to
'AR t Ansl-A 1,~
cai e d
e 5
aI ure
3krms -The.: Ore aence of t e, Ward 0c G illad, Raw ijlt~_
~~conten .6 ijs,
--o --the -aik--are--sugge 644~ a ~t e~ --dau
t f e Oikil ~:dfid -46t
tile ocean a influ'enc'e: on' -the'%: sigd: a d lmagni
u e~of air-te, e", r a e Ian Lire sur
'T - Tr~:
Oanges 6 c on- s idered theoret ca
~6` te- of ~'Ae ~-i"~J *~r ga
emperature -is -'shown ig, t i uC. o~--, z 11ta
er The calcula. io- n,s: s~ov. t6ai,
ur acei, ver ci ~,i
Arge:to P1 role- in - 61d"
Liy-4 ~subAahtia ~O i le, lilt, d~t i
1~ in the deve me of:, storith "'t
lop w AC
AS'ure and 2 tables
dat. to 69S]
-1 ut_e___i_,:__Ai4_wUkkSS
I , - i - KS;*
lov SD: 7j,'! r I
1:3 :1 ll~,--I-
00 REF
'CaM ~2 2:_
1: q-z,~
V /V I
RUIMFIA/Chemical TecllnoloMr Chcxftcal: Products and Their, H-30
Application, Part Varl-dshes, faints., Paint
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiyr., No 14,1958, 48820,
Author I. Gavat, P. Soviani
Title Modif ied Phenolaldehyde Plastics.
Orig Ptib Rev. chim., 1957, 8, No 4, 264-27o
Abstract The preparation of liGht colored oil-~aolublc:rdsins of.
the albertal type with an elevated softening,.tapperature
(160 to 1720) is described. Those rcsins arepreparea
by the interaction of colophony and maleicianhydride
with preliminarily prepared tetramcth~lold6 enylolpro-
pane or resol resins (condensation products of phenol,~
cresol , or n-tert. -butylphenol -with f6rmaldehidc) at
1500 and following esterification with Caycerin (--t 250
to 2600). These resins are soluble ffi,siceativc~and
Card 1/2
71 f7
11011-11 Miami
t WL750-66
ACC NR-- AP6032885 SOURCE CODE: HU/0012/65/013/008/0236/0239;
AUTHOR: Marek. Nandor--Marek, Y. (Doctor); Szovik, Jozs
ORG: eged University for'Nedi
Dfarekl Institute for Medical Che istr Sz cal, Scien2n,~
Szeged (Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Orvosi Vegytani Intezet); LSz6vikj Hungarian Optical
Works (Magyar Optikai Muvek)
TITLE: Experiences in the use of the spektromom 201 ultraviolet spectimphotom~eter~
SOURCE: Meres es automatika, v. 13, no. 8, 1965, 236-239
TOPIC TAGS: U`V spectrophotometer, photoelectric cell/Spektromoin 201 UV:,speq-trophpt=e OLI.
ABSTRACT: The specifications of the 'Spektromom,:201' ultra4i6lat-spactrom.
.photometer (ma'nufactured by Hungarian Optical Works) were diestribii ` in
detail. The instrument operates in the 190-1100 nm. wavelength ran'
its photocells are British-mada and its light sou ree ir, Geman-made
Its operation and calibrating procedures were described and 'some re-
sults were discussed to illustrate its accuracy and reproducIbili
Orig. art. has:- 5 figures and 3 tables. [JPRS1
SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: 22Feb65 OTH REF: 002
'Cc~d fnis UDC: 535.243~25
!:0 9-26 i yd~~
n*le ALE
bei !j
Abstract, No abstract.
Card 1/1
2-1 (6)
AUTHORS: -10/213
Mostovoy, V. I.
Mostovaya,* T.1.,
Sovinskiy, M., Sa~tykovo lure S.~
TITLE; The Distribution of the Kinetic.Energy ei, the' F r~agme:nt sin the
Triple Fission of W by Thermal Neutroiis~
PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya 1959t vol 79 Nr 4, pp~! 372-~74 (USSR):
A3STRACT: K. Allen and J. Devan. were theofirst to' investigate the;
distribution of the ki]netid. Wff*-dr:fragm,6 nte ln:~ the fiss'i
U with emission of one a(-particle with- a .164 range. Aacozdirjg~.
to the results they obtained the distributio :n: of the kinetic
energy of the fragments in:a triplefission is, similar td:the'
,found in:double as e: pr
distribution usually one T~ eseni; paper
gives exact data concerning the.: distribution 6fl~ the kinetic
energy of fragments in a.triple ffssion.~i A dq~b,ie, ionizatt -on"
chamber with a grid was used: for the pur'pose ~OfL~ detecting the
fragments'and Dc-particles with Jong ranges. The.! apparatus L and.L
the measuring method are bri .efly de 11 tier.ibed. t~eie~ mtiasui6ments
were carried out in the neution beam of Vqk-Lr6actor. A
diagram shows the distri*butionLof of the i
Card 1/4 fragments in a triple fitision, Alto ethei!, 17!6 cases:o-f
The'Distribution of the Kinetic Energj of'the SOV/
$9-7-4-1 0/?B.
Fragments in the Triple Fission of U 235 by Thermal Weu~ro 8
triple fission were recorded. For purposes of i domparison; also
the distribution for double fission, which wds;-measurea under
the same conditions, is given..Zven.ifi,jn cdunting,the~
"geometric conditions 2irl' are used: the areas ~ of the trio: i
groups of 1 fragments produ ced in a triple' differ
considerably from each other. The ratio!~.~bf tfii�~e , surf aceiij four
light and heavy fragments,amounts to.OoO2'. Tfie:':~ Sim' 1 e
geometric conditions of this counting chambers permitted'a
reliable determination of the influen e~,;.e'xer'c'i:sed by the
B~ -up
angular distribution of long range OL-partiC14 on the.,
efficiency of fragment recording. The i~tio between the:
recording probabilitles for a*.ligh-b and.Pa heavy fragment
(in consideration of the angular distributi6h~bflx-par~ticlds
with long focal distance) amounts to
heavy light
which explains the observed aifference_!between the areas. The
third diagram shows the kinetic energy f4istrlb~tion of 'the,:
fragments in the case of a triple ~fissi'on in;. c'onisiderAlion
obab e,', 'Ile he~.V:
of fragment recording. The most pr and
Card 2/4 light fragments are less by 5. 1 -`- , -!!
7 0. 5. 00 Me
i!: SOV/89-7- -101284
The Distribution of the Kinetic Energy,of the.
Fragments in the Triple Fission of U by ThermU Neutrons
respectively than in the case of a double fission* Thiq,.
ey,:ican owever
decrease in kinetic energy by 13-8 M hot be'
e-xplained by a decrease in the, chixrge:"bf I the fragment a ~i6iue to
the departure of an aL-partiole. The most probable value of..
~the total kinetic energy liberated in:iL tripl6, fission iis less
by 1 Mev than in double'fission. On thi:;basisI:;;'Lof this result
the authors evaluated'the, excitaiion.~energyiof the frsgnrents
in triple and double fissions of ~U by thiriiai,.neutrolase:~
Vnder the conditions made; here the. average ~excitation:' 'energy i:
of fragments in.triple fission must bell low T 5.87 M~v-than-
in double fission. This also'agrees well with;the
obtained by V. F. Apalin ~ on the numbe~:j ~'o'f sie'dondary neutrons
in the case of a triple fission of uranium.1,11he half-widtlis
gy distributi in a~t-A~le ii6si
of kinetic ener on an ark le6s
by 1.1 � 0-5 and 4-3 t 1.0 Mev rqepe~tively~Aha~ the
corresponding half-widths in double fission!.~;There are, 3 f iglim
and 8 references, 1 of which is Soviet'.*
Card 3/4
M.K.) and Sovkin, V.F., Dot
--- - ------
TITLE. The Evening Cow-sea..: Have Vide, Prospects,;(U vechernikh fa-
ba!tetov - shirokiye perspektivy)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly, 19582 Vr 5, pp 30-:32 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Kuybyshev Industrial Institute can serve
As an example for thw,
great possibilities in the training.~qf specialists witliout Z
separating them from production. 1n.;19509 160 pers.ons'were.
enrolled in the evening departmentg, :and in~11957~ 490.
At th
beginning of the 195q/58 school year, 1,,900 persons were in'
training at the evening faculty including'1,000 at .the branch
faculty located at the Kuybysheirskay a gidroelektros
(Kuybyshev Hydroelectric Power Plant). Th'ei faculty:is pre-
paring engineers in 6 specialties;,technof6gy of maq~inecoa-
f elec-,
struction, metal-cutting machine tools a nk.: instrum
trical machine tools and instrument'6, electric plants,~net,
works and grids. Branches were als or 'fii at'dion~urg,
Ul'yanovsk and Novo-Kuybyshevsk. The majority of 6tudents
attending the evening courBes, are, 'Pract,1010aers with cop
derable experience. The first 66 engine4rs graduated from
Card 1/2 the faculty in 1955; this year 180 engine6rs will be turned
PeCuliarition of the internal apherical S I 5/6Z
_j il-I
e _ _i-
our ac~
levated quality, nd:good accurac3ro t 6~~gr
: WA
small specific consumption of:t',,e grinding ool
(3) The
h6 principa
technological factors diffe r substantially in., high-~spee~,I. grfn~ing 4r(ril!those, obtain-
ing in ordinary grinding. In particular', the question 6f
d-aris 'r% ol actor 4r
speed of. the part and of the tran verse'-166- es, ~e co Is---
nolonger the productivity of the grindings~prqcess, Wit th6i: a 't' 'O'f~the:ground-
. I;, I - 11 ". 1 Mil 1. 1 .
rion forJhe! se vicil. life, ~:j
surface, which indirectly:is a crite a6hine-; 4"1) in
high-speed internal spherical grinding.a. newdncreapedn,z,
;j, R rUo,:i name y
v 0.1125-0.165, reflects e: fundamcintallydiff(i rend atake I of !t
vfeed/ periph e..npve
e s-s. (5) cant inc ea n4i4d-iate~*of "the-p t z,-, till
proc r1iis signifi r seA: spe.e.
P,gh d gr1nCL
ing improves the' surface quality and minimizes:the'appear aot ~6pots. i:T4e__'.-`
latter is' attributed to the decrease, in:contactitime' bebween's t -'ani ing disk.:
"It i VDII.
cm, dt 1: - 1
ana, hence, to a decrease in the..adverse :ZO
th6rxiialeffecthi rie~-
h 'l;
following recommendations are, made~ (a)jn6iea edi6f'th-e_::
se,,.ofithe'pb~rip 0 pe
i'd r' p'f the' pdrtt6!,be'
grinding disk from 30-40 m/sec t6-50-60 mls'eci thelf6c af6
:(cit-in h ~With a me cha"!nI _-
increased from 100-Z50 m/min to:400/456Ixdritii~,-:, j
cal drive, the transverse feed should be 2.'7-3.2.mrn' riiin.i 16) Mi6 O~ technologicalf.,
o r- th'! 9
recommendations should-be employed iii:theni de niZ.Ltion,.O e! niahy e3asti!
circular grinding machines in the bearing, and tooi* inaxlLs try: and-ali
in~ the de: Igh,;
and development of a more progressivemod~l of the i JJ3. - (1,
5M) sphexicA
--,-R; ~ - - __ , .; _; jrf -
Card 2/3
Peculiarities of the inter I; S
nal sDherica
SlikrUNOV, M.P., kand.fiziko-ma+.ematicheskikh natxk, dotsent; SOTKIN, V.F.'
kand. f A ziko-,za'ai-ii. naiik; 80"'KIN V. .2. kand.. tekhri. wrwk
-Ccntact method for the determination of temperatures: a~nd thermal
fluxes in grinding. Izv. vys. ucheb., zav.; mashinos~r.`, no,-2:173-;-
180 5 . WIIRA 18: 5)
B K""W~V7C, a r C
.%4'~LCt nL t-71i, Vz-.",4 rat ficleacy i;t
7,..-a tic., 12, 1'-- -
.-Narski Olas.,tk. V61 161 62~ Fr. U37 )0.
stvaet- Sure-~CQTIC-Crtr;Rt- IZ-56 I's made by 'Vetari a ry. I C e.
n , lls
V, v r i n az I`- iZavad'j in "Zonum, -C:Ontains raw protein$, 4 C; irav~cellulose;
:~w Vvs "'91, 2.7, P,Ir, anrciblotir,,; a of vlwhins;;
'Ot: ift Id 2~.5
-:~i;d trace, .'ri erimental .-I r of, 20 age
e (I VZ-16 -F,:,r 4 man'thf. 3ait-..:!Ll an average of ~,8 m o r e, than.-
CCIMIPMrah-NI COTIMnj.~- fed, an-L-zal proteirls- hetter feed effic-'ency, gain
muc-1-i tnorc than cost of additive Three tahle.-i.
S0VLJANSr4,,._ Dr., Assistant; MILOSAVLJEVIC, S., Dr., Professor; PAVLOVTC, S.,
r. , Professor; In3titute of Preventive Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of
Veterinary I'ledicine, Belgrade
"Varintions in Body Teaperature of the Surviving and Dead Young Pigs
During InvestigqtJon of Th
Balgrado, Vetarinorski Glasnik, Vol 20, No 9, 1960, pp 653-658:
Abstracti This is a comparative utudy of the body temperature ~~:durinjj tho
-i ad the
first ton days of life of those nowly born pigglotEi which' aurv. v
period and those which died durin -the first ten days Dats.ref
9 or
to 99 offspring: of the great white English breed of pigs. Th-~) temperature
of the surviving animals fell only during the first hour, following the-
birth, and then rose- constantly until -thermoregulation was ~aiitablished~
In those which died, the temperature drop was much larg6r; it book up toi
12 hours for it to rise again, and then flu~ctuaiei~'betwaen:'
305.10 and 37-34 0c. Comprehensive statistical data are. presented in
tabular form. There are 10 Yucroslav and 8 Western refeiences.:,~ (14anuscript
received 24 Jun 66.)
Using biocoonness of sedentar7 organisms to Improve the quality
of water. Vest.96sk.un.Ser.bial..' pochv.,.geole,,-goeg.-~14
no-1:57-64 '59. JXIMA2:9)
1. Moskovskly gosudarstvenMry universitot, Kafidra gidrobiologii's
(Water-Purification.) (Yreah-water.flora)i
001 op/oo6l.
AUTHOR: Sovova, A
-SbOCI reference electrod
TITLE. Solid Sb e
vyppsk, Metrol
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal., otdellnyy 0g Y~k
�zmerltellnaya tekhnika
~:no.l, i963
abstract 1.32-312.p. (Czech. pat. C
1~ 42 10 3105
no. 101057, September.:15, 1961)
TEXT: Of so lid 56~
This electrode is made of a 1: 1 mixture -'J
xed and then presse at
d SbOC1, broken down into powder, mi d j_
1200 kg/cm2. Prior to pressing the mixture is' s:lightly Wette
with a solution of KC1 or NaCl, orthe pressed specImens are au
merged for about half an hour in a KCI solution.;! Th4n the
electrode is dried at 110 C, a copper wire js 661d
i q,
the electrode is leached in distilled water until'thi react 3-on: for-.
CI ceases. It is then submerged in solutions wi a ious -
~h v r.
differ6nces;.. I~ 'ineasur"g
values until it stopp reacting to pH
1 and,K~l: it a
the potentials in a paste formed by,SbOC i.W a ound':.
that th6 potential is beat established-~for the ratio Sb:SbOC1 Z
1:1. Properties of the resultant :olectrode: the.,~potqential
Card 1/2
CAT EG, 0 Ry
ABS. JOUR. A Z I!'-'h i,.'il .1-., 21
19,59, 76665
IT 'and $ova,
TLTL;~', The Chrom-rogrophic charactcrizati6n of"SYntheti
Dyes Uai~d in the rood Industry
Via, No 5, 261-265
L): Prutuysl Patra 195
-.169a at the Flood Tocbiwllogy
Pd: d e t e r-:
winatioll of aynthetic food d'yea ai'o d 0 S~; c'~i- i'a e d
3est reaults were oLttained by applic~ation
asnording and radial chromatograp4y (AhAysi,
d-Aer'minatiouo 'with
'75$ 57 (1950) quarititativi-,
the -use o .f a photometer give! reli.ixble '.ire Sults at
50) 2./l
Ca~e[;Gry: Virology. Virused of 14dn and Anirali. virus
Causal Organisras of Equine bi*seases .4
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 23, 1958, No 103522
,~Uthor Zj~~Olg& Tunova, Bela; Poustim" Frant i r, C k,'-
Nemec, Jurnj
Til t1c Isolation of the Virus Causal Ment of 0. Disease
of the Respiratory PassaGes of Horses.
OrIC; Pub: Coskosl. epidc-Ldol., miltrobiol.,
6, iio 4, 213-2x
~,bstract: During run epidemic in 1956 in Czech oslovakia, anti-
bodies to the virus of influenza type wore f 6ulid
in the serwa of convalescezit horses by th6~ hen~~Llu-
tination inhibition reaction. In its antiGcni
Ca rd 1/2
S(Yv!A, P.
SOWA, Ryszard :, t,I
CHYCKI, Andmej, U~SK014,SKIj Wlad~,slaw,; 1-011h,i2p ghi-p-w:,:ipkr inz.;
I I ~ lp , -.. .