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ACCESSION 11R: A1RIO14945 S/0271/63/000/012/BO03/BO03 sour.qCE: RZh. Av+.., tel. i vy*chial. takhnika. Abu. 12B10 AUTHOR: Sotskiy, No M. TITLE: On the organization of information transfer among the element&-zy machines of a canputer system CITED SOURCEt Sb. Vy*chisl. sistemy*. Vy*p. 3. Novosibirsk, 1962, 31-36 TO?IC TAGS: information transfer, computer, computer system, address. addressing, computer 0-alf-organization, computer self-learning a m of information transfer among the, MUNS L.,*% T I ON The author discuss s the proble elementary machines (EM) in a computor systam. in examinin- the organization of' diract links bet-ireen D1, the author proceeds from the asstmPtion that EM must be cormected by N-o-qay communications channals. Men the total n=ber of channels 9 is GqU__ till-1) where N is the total number of EM. Variants of comm-lications 2 system organization among EM with the aid of special addressing are considered. In the coordinative addressing toohniquep each W is assigned a poiut in an Card 1/2 ACCESSION MR: AR4014945 n-dimension-al spaco. The address isan n-dix4ensional vector. The associative, addressing method makes it possible to direct messages to the addressee without precire specification of the address; in this ease, the characteristics daterminill& .the addressee are analyzeds The author points out the possibility of iuvestigating the problems of self-learning and self-organization with the aid of the'information i transfer scheme discussed in the article. I.P. DAM ACQ: .09Jan64. SUB CODEt CP EXCL: 00 Card 2/2 SOISKITO V.A.; FMROV, Ir.l. KDlecular theory of reflection and refraotlon of Ught, Awt I.- Incidence of light from vacum on an Isotropic medium, Opt. I spektr. 4 no.3*65-372 wr 158. (UM U94) 1,* Belorusekly gomadaretyerMy unlversltet. (Ilefleation (Optics)) (Refraction) VE14GLINSKIY, V.V.; DIOTISEITKO, K.V.; SOTSKOV. A.A.; SHPIGEL, A.M.; GMWN, Kh.I.t inzh.o rstxihz-enf;-SHA-M1-AZ-AROV, H.M.j retsenzent; DATON, A.Ye.p inzh,, red.; PETUKHOVA., G.N., red. izd-va; TIKWOV, A.Ya., tekhn. red. [Establishing technical norms in the instrument industry) Tekhnicheskoe normirovanie truda Y priborostroonii; spra- vochnoe posoble. Moskva, Mashg1sq 1962. in P. (MIRA 150) (Instrument industry-Production standards) S30TSFOV, N.- -D-.. HApplication of Fadio-active Isotopes in Diffusion in Metals TheoX7 Problems." A.A. Yukhovitskiy, M.Ye. Yanitskaya, Sotzkov, A.D., Moscow, USSR 6' Paper submitted for presentation at the Int-.~rnational Conference on Radioisotopes in Scientific Research, Paris, 9-20 SeP 1957. ~joscow Steel Inst, Min Higher Educa:tion, SOTSKOV, A.D., Cand Tect, Sci -- (diss) #'Diffusion and autodiffusion in heterogeneous syztems-P was.,195e, 12 pp (h1in of Higher Education USSR. Mos (V'der of Labor Red Banner inst of Steel im I.V. Stalin) L20 cmies (KL, 21-58, 91) - b0 - AUTHORS: Sotskov, A. D., Zhukhovitskiy, A. A. SOV/163-58-1-33/53 TITLE: On the Hydrodynamic Course in Phase xransfor.mations (0 gidro- dinamicheskom techenii pri fazovykh prevrashcheniyakh) PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 1, PP 182-187 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In special investigations the displacement rate between the boundary layer of saturated and unsaturated phases of the systems Ag-Cu, Fe-Cu and Pe-Sn could be determined. The results obtained show that the displacement of this boundary is a consequence of diffusion. The dependence of the displacement between the phases at the time of solidification in the systems Cu-(a+p), Ag-(a+p), Fe-(a+Pe Sn) and Cu-(E+Y) was graphically represented. 2 In the heterogeneous transformation hydrodynamic processes occur in which the insoluble impurities move towards the boundary layer of the crystals. In the system Cu-Fe the rate of impurifi- cation increases according to the increase in the L-phase. There are 4 figures, I table, and 4 references, I of which is Card 1/2 Soviet. SOV/1,63-58--l-33/53 On the Hydrodynamic Course in Phase Transformations ASSOCIATION: Ifoskovskiy institut staii (Moscow Steel Institute) SUBMITTED: October 11, 1957 Ca.!-d 2/2 AUTHORS: Zhukhovitskiy, A. A., Sotskov, A. D. SOV/163-58-1-39/53 TITLE: On the Use ol Radioactive Indicators in Investigating Reactive Diffusion (0 primenenii. radioaktivnykh indikatorov pri izuchenii reaktivnoy diffuzii) PERIODTCAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Metallurgiyaq 1958, Nr 1, pp 211-217 (USaR) ABSTRACT: Investigating the reactive diffusion by means of radioactive indicators makes it possible to determine important charaote:-- istics in the process of reactive diffusion, especially the increase rate as well as the disappearance of a new phase in -the alloys The diifusion coefficient was determined by the following equation: D ml 2 IE where 1 denotes the thickness of the metal platelet investigated, m t e -Ingent of the angle of inclination in the coordinates 1n + 'r, 3, the radiation intensity.of the one side Card 1, 1 2 SOV/1 63 -58-1-39/53 On the Use of Radioactive Indicators In Investigating Reactive Diffusion Card 2/2 ASSOCIATION: Sumel-10 -. of the platelet, and ) 2 the radiation intensity of the other side of the platelet; : denotes the diffusion period. The experiments were carried out in the system Ag-Cu at tempora- tures of 700, 725, 750, 800 and 8500, as well as in the syst,am Fe-Cu at temperatures of 9219, 1000 and 10500- Iran and silver isotopes were used as radioactive indicators. The diffusion coefficient was calculated from the kinetic curves, and agrees with the data in publications. The beginning of the diffusion orocess in the alloys themselves, especially the P-phase, was investigated in the system Fe-cu. The diffusion coefficient was calculated in the system Ag-Cu at temperatures of 75C to 8000. By this method the phase trERisformation rate can be determined conveniently and most accurately (to 0 101,* ). There are 4 figures, 1. tables, and 10 references, 9 of which are Soviet. Moskovskiy institut stali (Moscow Steel Institute) October 3.1. 1957 Jt LA All j 3 Hill t s A, SOTSKOV,-A.Z~ Diffusion in heterogeneous systesm, Izv.Stb,otd.AN SSSR nool:84- 97 6o, . (MIRA 13:7) 1. Noskovskly InatItut @tali Iv6 I.T. Stalina. (DIffusion) 4 I a 0 SOTSKOV, A.D.; GAO I-SHANI; ZHMIOVITSKIY, A.A. Radioisotopes in the study of.diffusion processes accompani'ad by phase transitions and cheinical transformations. Izv.vys. ucheb.zav.;kh3m. i Ichim.tekh. 3 no.3:45~4-456 160. (~MU 14:9) 1. Moskovskiy institut stali imeni I.V- Stalina,, kafedra fizicheskoy kblinii. (Difftsion) (Radioisotopes) ARTEMIYEVA, N.K.; VAYLITKOVA, G.k., OCHNEVA, I.N.; SOTSKOVk A 3 - BORISOV, G.A. Recovery of z:tnc sulfato from settling and plastification baths. Khim. volok. "1o.5:67-68 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Krasnoyarskiy filial Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatel"skogo instituta lskusstvennogo volckna (for Artemlyeva, Vaylukova, Ochneva). 2. Krasnoyarskiy zavod iskussivennogo volokna (for Sotskova? Borisov). a m 41 a qp 0 f 04 oleo*-* 46400 444 1 2 2S V ji'_ 1%' jo K L AA 'fal 00 82 00 A, A dmo dwn ftr um"m s as 00 nkmp ' 00 N 00 00 ow"" in *hub a C. 7i w 00 is 1"%WA the law ft= MIMS md Mn 00 Soft as in awaimot 'Am the d wtuacy of ski bogdoodWdloa LILA. 60, A00 a-IL& AdV ALLUSICICAL LITIOATUOt CLASSWK&TICO A-0 in it-, An A r. a do; 3 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 o o 0o o 0 0 0 41 000 ooo 00 00 Soo 0 66060 66 so eje # a 4 Q 90. q 0 0 0 0 MI ram %=. lei 41) om W" lonow.1we ow 48) ~ 81 go". Wbkb ics:440 &vMm. 404wa 4d MMN"W Us" tow mame bodble A== Idalm in wbkb a wd is pwbd bw 4w POAW ust 419 a cyW time a coppw-eaw- nod"). :0%,thowLdod Tab amv* typro is dwraomd am Akfived moommy f-W 4ftip *mt. SHCHUKIN, B.K.; NOVALIMOV, V.I., retsensent; -qfwwu A-S.. retsonxent; PERMILIN, M.A.. redaktor; SKYORTSOV. 1.N., tekhn-TcFe-91dy redaktor. Elkndamentals of remote control engineariqj %novy takhaW toloupraylanila. Noskva. Gos.energ.lzd-vo, 1945. 403 P. (962A 8:11) (Remote control) M AM SCT-zKCV, B. 101. Institute of Automatics and Telemechanics, Academy of Sciences, USSR. (1A Method for Approximate Time Calculation of' the Flow Process in Circuits with Nonlinear Parameters., 60 ~jz. Ak. Nauk SSSR, Otdel. Tekh. Nauk, No. 12, 1945. Submitted 6 Aug 1945. Report IL-1582, 6 Dec. 1951. g 74 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 rel V f A L-J II V A 1- A Q 0 Et 00 a,! so* ! 00 r .- #fib d ftod Imam 2~ jvab- 00 nw=um OWN& 16W 4 see see And =i goo n LM.A. ow to P, (1, tv It 49 a Of 0 a 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 go 0.0 go of 0.0.0 0 0 0 0 46 0 0 Ift 0 0 0 0 00 0 *00 0 0 ~O 0 *1* 0 a 4:4 0 oioi,* 0 A 0 W9,01 10 S.4 SOTSKOV, B. S. "General Formal for Voltage and Current in the Measuring Diagonal of a Wheatstone Bridge vith Non-Linear Resistance," Avto. i Tele., IX, No. 5, 1948 . - -mm A, Relays 6TM Prqblem of Impulse. Operation of Relays and llectrmagnets,* E. S.'Sotskov, Inst of 'Autowties aha Telems9h, Acad Sci USSR, 6 pp "ATt a emekh" Vol X, No 3 States develoW-ent of "targets" method for Impulse operation,of elactrosiagnetic devices ror came of voltage change In, the) current source, and incomplete closing and openlng of the movablo system (electioupet. armature). Subm1tted 28 Feb 48. "/49T3k SOTSKOV, 13. S. USSR/Ilactricity - PersonmIltiew Doe 51 'AcadmAclan V. S. Xul*bWda (Hig 60&b MrWOW). a V. k. TVMpSMAjOW'O U. p. gfttgmk% B. S. Potraw, N. V. Garekhow. 1. L. Iwjw*jvvdft. Bs_ S,. if; G. Tanuda. 0. N. __�VAgkffi, 0 Petrov. -A. U. Larionov. A. G. IoWlyan, :9. 1;. Bebmi, D. A. GorodeteMy SloktrIchimetwo" go 12. p 88 KulebWdn to weary well kaws LA go ftolds at sloe &%Mae%, Imbso eqwLpmm% waimmiums control, mA 111immimtIng eng4mming mM hwe SpooWUiA top "W'Viowe'lis jmU4jm else equipmont. k mjor gmaral In gm arlAilon ondowing mervios, 10 wiso Iass at 001 feum-lers of the AU-Ualon Moo Zng Inat OrA. Ithim Imat of Autowties wA Telempohma and im headed ch%lrs at the Moscow Pwar En4,- last bawl Molotow atd tbA Air Force Eng Aawl. Iment Zhakovskly. 201"7 SO rST r"373 -3. S. Electric Controllers $~`Iethqd ofcalrulating electromagnetic couplings filled with ferIromagnetic semi-liquid ma3ses, 1-1- . U applied for controlling the velocity and direction of rot,ationt)' Avtomafi Vale No. 4, A,,gust 19'2 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congressy Dependance of the thme of nioticn of a movable relay system or: the relay parameter~4 Avton. i telerq.,12., No. 1., (1952) 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Aurust 1992 Uncl. PiIASE X TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID 731 - X BOOK Call No.: TJ213.S6 Author: SOTSN0--V-P---B#-- S Full Title: PRINCIPLES OF CALCULATION AND DESIGN OF THE COMPONENTS OF AUTOMATIC- AND REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEMS Transliterated Title: Osnovy rascheta i proyektirovaniya elementov avtomaticheskikh i telemekhanicheskikh ustrolatir PUBLISHING DATA Originating-Agency: None Publishing House: State Power En ineering Publishing House Date: 1953 No. pp.: 54t No. of copies: 15,000 Editorial Staff Appraisers: R. P. Kosenko and Yu. S. Shimanskiy PURPOSE AND EVALUATION: The book is written for students and technicianu specializing in the fields of automation, remote control, manixfactur.- ing of electrical instruments, etc. It was admitted as a textbook b:1 the Ministry of the Electric Power Stations and Electrical Industry of the USSR in technical schools for courses on the theory and design of automatic control sy:~tems. The subject is a comprehensive one, and one which shculd be the subject of a separate book. However, it seems that no such book exists in the English language. There are several publications and articles devoted to components of automatic 1/10 Osnovy rascheta i proyektirovaniya elementov AID 731 - X avtomaticheskikh i telemekhanicheskikh ustroistv and remote control systems, but none are wide in scope. The majority are published by manufacturers and discuss exclusively the products of the given manufacturer. TEXT DATA Coverage: The book presents the basic tools necessary for understanding and carrying out the major portion of the design work of the oomponents of automatic control systems. It aldo0presents the theory and caledla- tions of the basic types of control systems. The discussion is il- lustrated with examples of practical significance. According to their purpose and place of location in the control systems,---components are classified into three major groups: 1. Receivers of input signals (relay-type servomechanisms with pulsed data, and transmitters of continuous control data); 2. Intermediate components (feedback ampl:'.- fiers, distributors', equalizers, computing devices [adding, multipl,r- ing, integrating and differentiating elements), and components of remote transmission; 3. Executive components, of which there is a great variety. The book is amply illustrated, contains many numer:L- cal tables, an index, and a list of references. Table of Contents Pages Foreword 3-5 Introduction 2/10 11-15 Osnovy rascheta i proyektirovaniya elementov AID 731 - X avtomaticheskikh i telemekhanicheskikh ustroistv and remote control systems, but none are Pride in scope. The majority are published by manufacturers and discuss exclusively the products of the given manufacturer. TE(T DATA Coverage: The book presents the basic tools necessary for understandtag and carrying out the major portion of the design work of the componeat6 of automatic control systems. It'aldo0presents the theory and calou'la- tions of the basic types of control systems. The discussion is il- lustrated with examples of practical significance. According to the-Ir purpose and place of location in the control systems,.:-components are classified into three major groups: 1. Receivers of input signals (relay-type servomechanisms with pulsed data, and transmitters of continuous control data); 2. Intermediate components (feedback ampli-- fiersY distributors., equalizers, computing devices [adding, multiply.- ing, integrating and differentiating elements]' and components of remote transmission; 3. Executive components, of which there is a great variety. The book is amply illustrated, contains many numeri- cal tables, an index, and a list of references. Table of Contents Pages Foreword 3-5 Introduction 2/10 11-15 .Dis3ort:ttion: Dr Tech Scl, Inst of (7echernyaya Moskim-, "oscow, -Lut~nt;Acs ~trd '2elernernanics, A.,ad Eci US'Sii, l-' Anr 6 Arx SO: SUM 1-9 Oct 1954 TEMNIKOV, F.Ye.,;i(SDTSKQ.V, B.S., kandidat tekhniche-skikh nauk, retBenzent-, KASATKIV,.A.S., professor, redaktor; HORD-', B.I., tekhnicheskiy redaktor.,: [Automatic recording instruments] Avtomaticheskie registrituiushchle pribory. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1954. 370 P. (KLHA 8:2) (Recording instruments) ICRDANq G.G.; BRODSKIY, V.B.; SOTSKOV, B.S. [Using radioactive inotopen for controlling teebnological processes] PrImenenie radioakt-lvmykh imotopov dlia koutrolia tekbnologicheoldlrlh protsesaove NOSkvav 19.55a 17 pjDaRIL 3J.:7) (Radioisotopeo-Industrial app3ications) to .-roi.rol cal Fro --esses~ i'or i~ea,:e er.,evz:, 6wiizerland, SOTSKOV B. S. Doctoi- t-,!' Technical Science~,:. !-L -- - "The Most Imi3ortant Trends in the Developnm!-t of the Theory and Principles of Construction of Automation Components." a parer given at the Conference (in Scientific Problems of Production Automation, Moscow State U. 15-20 Oct 1956. :~f-.'~(-'7 r.- . . IZ - 1.111 . "Reliability of the 1-fork of the Contacts of Rela~r Elements" (Nadeshnost' rl--bo~y kontaktov releynykh elementov) froy. the book National EconorV, pp. 59-70, lzdat. AN SSSi, l'ioscow, 1956 (Given at rieetinr- held in 11 scow, 29 Ncv to 4 Dee 54 by Inst. of Automatics and Telemechanic~ ~--, USSR) 'o 112-57-8-16692 Translation from: Reff.-rativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 8, p 105 (USSR) AUTHOR, Sotskov, B. S. A p--p -1i-c-a -ti o ~no f- TITLE- Nfonciztact Control Elements to the Automatic Electric Drive for Machines and Machine Lines (Primenen'iye elementov beskontaktnogo upravleniya v avtomatizirovannom elektroprivode stankov i stanochnykh liniy) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Avtomatizatsiya takhnol. protses'sov v mashinostr. Privod i upravleniye mashinami (Collection: Automation of Technological Processes in Machine Building. Drive and Control of Machines), Moscow, AS USSR, 1956, pp 120-132 ABSTRACT: Principal characteristics and methods of functioning of noncontact inductive pickups used in various automatic installations are discussed. Pic- torial diagrams of various types of inductive pickups are presented. A com- parison of variable -inductance pickups and variable -mutual-inductance pickups is offered. Analytical expressions are derived which determine the following fundarfiental characteristics of an inductive pickup: the relationship between the pickup resistance and its armature travel, the voltage-current char acteristic Cz Card 1/2 SOTSKOV,B.S. '.~! International Industrial Fair ott Milan. Priborostroenip no.11:26- 28 N '56. (MIRA 10:1) (MURn-Exhibitions) (Instuments) SOTSKGW B.S. Fle nty urz#dzeft automatyki i tolemchaniki (Elownts of installations of automatics and telemechanics) by B.S. Sotskow. Reported in New Books (Nowe Ksiazki.) February 153, 1956. No,. 4. TOPCHIYEV, A.V.,akademik, glavnyy radaktor;,.SOTSKOV..-lit�,a4doktor tekhnichaskikh nauk, otvetstvennyy re ktor; AGMIN. D.I.,redaktor; SUBBOTINA, G.V.,redak-tor; SHORYGIN, A.P..redaktor; YARMOLICEEK, G.G., redaktor; KISILEVA. A.A.,takhnicbeakly redaktor [A session of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. on scientific problems in automatization of production, October 15-20, 1956; scientific principles for setting up technical means of automatization] Sessiia Akademii nauk SSSR po nauchnym problemam avtomatizateii proizvodstva, 15-20 oktiabria 1956 g.; nauchuye oanovy postroaniia takhnicbeakikh aredstv avtomatiki. Moskya, 1957. 186 p. (NLHA 10:5) (Automatic control) TRAPITSYN, Valentin Ivanovich; SOTSKOV, B-4., doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, reteenzent; SABININ, Tu.A., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk, radaktor.- GHFAS. N.A.. redaktor Isdatel'stva; SOKOLOYA. L.V., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Automettiation of production proceeses of industrial equipsiant] Avtowtizataile protsvodstvannykh protmessov promyshlennykh ustanovok, Mosk-va, Oos. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashtnostrolt.lit-ry, 1957. 317 (Automptic control) (KLSA 10:930 8f 0) SOV/ 112 -5 8 - 3 -4 309 Transla.tion from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektroteklmika, .1958, Nr 3, p 128 (USSR) AUTHOR: Sotskov, B. S. TITLE: Major Trends in Development of the Theory and Construction Principles of Automatic and Telemechanical Components (Vazhneyshiye napravleniya v razvitii teorii i printsipov postroyeniya elementov avtomatiki i telemekhaniki) PERIODICAL: Sessiva AN SSSR po nauchn. probl. a:vtomatiz. proiz-va, 1956, Val 3, M., AS USSR, 1957, pp 5-16 ABSTRACT: Major trends and objectives in development of the theory and construction principles of the components and assemblIes for automatic supervision, control, protection, and. regulation, which are to be developed in the next 10-15 years, are considered, The principal theoretical objectives are: (a) developing a theory of transformations that take place in the components and assemblies and (b) developing a theory of reliability of operation of components and assemblies. The first theory should examine all Card 114 8f0) SOV/11?-58-3-4309 Major Trends in Development of the Theoxy and Construction P-rinciples of physically _possible, direct and indirect transformations in order to determine possible ties. between the input and output variables. The mathematical part of the transformation theory should permit analytical determination or synthetic setup of the. functional relations between the input and output variableE or-the bas,-Is of known relations for individual components or subcomponents. A-theory of static and dynamic accuriLCY of transformations should be developee. with aii allowAnce-Ior the internal and external factors influencing the characteristics and.parameters of the transforming device. The reliability theory shoul d be based* on-an investigation of the influence of external factors and functiQnal spe.cific. inechanical, thermal, and electrical characteristics and parameters upon -the service life of components. The reliability problems of components with continuous and dincrete transformations should be solved, as well as.the 'reliability problemsof the schemes and systems with variously connected indi.-viduail compone~nts Methods for selecting the components and Card 214. 8(0) SOV/112-58-3-4309 Major. Trends in Development of the Theory and Construction Principles of . . . . their functions... meeting a specified degree of reliability of the components and the entire system., should be developed. A few groups of objectives that are to be atiai*ned are .1.isted:'.*(1). using the physical properties of semiconductor, conduc..tor, and dielectric miterials;.,(Z) investigating and developing'the componen ts with a number o f intermediate transformations; (3) using the auxiliary physical processes, mainly associated.with various radiations- (acoustical, optical, electromagnetic, radioactive, ctc.); (4) using the spectroscopic, radiospectroscopic, ganima-, and neutron -diffraction methods, and mass-spectrosc9pic methods.,, An* explicit trend is to create automatic devi c es' by comiAning the.. standard ele-ttronic, magnetic, serniconductori and clielectrIc contactless components. The resear'ch into nipw types of components based on utilization of the Hall effect, galvanomagnetic effect, superconductivity 'phenomenon, etc.-, should be continued. The principal trend in developing the final-control elements has. been toward high-power controlled ionic devices, Card 3/4 8(0') I SOV/112-58-3-4309 Major Trends in Development of the Theory and Construction Principles of . . . . saturation choke coils, and control -clutch mechanisms. Pneumatic -hydraulic autarnatic-control di~-viccs have had and will havc a great importance. Other important objectives are: (a) standardization of automatic and telemechanic supervision schemes and (b) finding c,riteria for evaluating the components and carnplete systems... G. V. S.- Card 4/4 AUTHORi TITLE:-. 28-3-5/33 Sotskov, B.S,, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences To.the Problem of Standardization of Rels;fs (K voprosu o standertizatsii rele) PERIODICA Standartizatsiya, 1957, 3, May-June, p 26-31 (USSR) ABSTRAUx General principles-of standardization of relays are treated, i ic relays ch 'osen-for detailed consider- -electro-magnet with,the . stion; The eledtro-magneti& relays are subdivided into groups 'th their I~Mrpose.- for chicking electrical para- in accordance *1 meters (current or voltage),' for amplifying electric impulses are considered separately as to the and for'commutation.- and ' frn and electrical conditions, with choice of mechanical desi, . derivation of equations.f.cir calculation of values. It is said that the.number of'types an4 variations of relays in general ed; there are more'ttlan'300 types and 5modifi- unduly increas has . . cations for one single'elbctro-magnetic relay for control of electric circuits. Some of these are duplications and are ex- pensively.0roduced in small quantities of 100-500 units yearly. ASSOCIATION: Institute for Automation -and Telemechanics of the Academy of Sciences'of'USSR (Institut avtomatiki i telemekhaniki AN SSSR) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 WTH011 -SOTSKOV B. (Moskau) PA - 56o - - - TITLE On Ti ur eria for estimation of electro-magnetic relays. (0 kriteriyakh dlya otsenki elektromagnitnykh rele.- Russian) PERIODICAL Aytomatika i Telemekhanika 1957P Vol 18, Nr 3, pp 256 - 261 (U.S.S.R.) Received; '4/1957 Reviewed: W1957 ABSTRACT A method o9 shown how to determine the essential propirties of an electro-magnetic relay in order, according to given workingconditions, to select a rational relay. First the formula for the general number k 'hi Pharacterizes the properties of the executing and the rec g relay part is derived. Besides this important index the following are of importance for evaluation of the relay: 1. The dependability k of the relay, 2..the weight and size nof the relay, 3,- the parameters of response and switching off, 4- the dependence of these parameters on various factors as well ap orientation.of the relay axis in space, temperature modification of the surroundings, modification of relative moisture and acceleration9' the strfingth of the relay determined by thermal, electrical, mo-chanical.and chemical strength, CARD 1/2- PA - 2560 On criieria for estimation of electro-magnetic relays. 6. Time-characteristics: the time constants of the relay on the occasion of response and switching-off, the time of respbnee-ancl the time of switching-off. 7. The limiting values for the receiving parts of the relay, for instance permissible lizqiting output which in led to the receiving part. 810- The limiting values --or the executing organs (relay contacts): -the utmost --ermisable commutating output within the circuit p - of the.co7atacts -iorresponding to the conditions for forming a stablO are, the utmost permissible current in the circuit -of-the contac ts in the case of closed contacts and the utmost permissible voltage in the circuit of the contacts according'to conditions prevailing for breakdowns of the intercontact space. Output.and voltage depend upon gas pressure.,.of'thd medium. (2 citations from Slav Publications) ASSOCIATION.: not giveni-- PRESENTED BY:.- - SUBMITTED: 6.8. 1956'.'~ AVAILABLE: Library'.of Congress. CARD 2/2 SOTSKQV. B. .,red.; BROUSHTEYN. E.L.,red.; VORONIN. K.P., takhn. red. [Manuel @A elements of outemstic and remote control; slectrowwgDetic relaysi Spravochnik po elementan sytonatiki I tolowkhaniki; elektromagnituys role. Moskva. Goo. onerg. izd-vo, 1958. 285 p. [supplemontj Prilozbonie, 1958. 23 P. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Akademiya-nsuk SSSR. Institut avtowtiki i tolemakhaniki. (Electric relays) ZVORYKIN. Anatolijv Aleki3eyevich, doktor ekon.nauk, prof.; SOTS*KOV, B.S., soktor tekhn muir. nauchnyy red.; FAIALLTWA, T.F., red.; TROYIMOV, A.;., [Automation of production and its economic efficiency] Avtomil- zataila proisvodetva i es ekonomichemimis effektivnost'. NoBliva. Izd-vo OZnnnie,* 1958. 62 p. (Vaesointrioe bashchestvo po rasprostranenitu politichaskikh I nauchnykh xnanii, Ser,3, no, 9/10 (MIRA 11'.6) (Automtion) SffUMILOVSKIY, Kikolay Nikolayevich, prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; MITTM. Lell Vladimirovich, kamd.teldin.nauk; AITIK, I.Y., red-.; VISE01- MffSKIY, S.M., red.; KUMAKIN, T.S., red.; SKIRNOT, A.D., red.: SOTSK red.; SMAXI, Ye.P., red.; IOHDAN, G.G., red*; OUTP., No I e ,, M [using nuclear radiation in imi to for autowtie control of industrial processes] PrImenonle ladernykh isluchonli vimetroletvakh aytomatichookogo kontrolia tokhnoldgicheskikh protsessov. No*va Goseenerg.izd-vo. 1958, 95 p.'(Biblioteka po aytonstike, no.0 (Automatic control) (Radiolootopes--Industrial applications) 9(2) 28(l) PHASE I BOOK MWITATION sov/1434 AkademiyA nAuk SSM. Institut avtomatiki i teleMekhgmild SPruvOchnik PO elemOut&M avtoaMtiki I telemekhan-11d; elekt 1 1- dtnyye role (MaINA1 on COMPonents of Automatic Control and Tbleweban4ce; Blectro- 2sawtic Relays) 1408cov, GOOMW4240t, 1958- 285 P- 15,000 009105 Priated- Rd. t, (Title page): B. *:3. Sotskov, (Thside book):, Bronshteyn, 9. L. j Tech. Ed.*. Voronin, K.P;.. PUMPOSE:' This muml is in+Aixded for engineers and technicians enoWd in design, manufacture ~ qqad operation- of electromagnetic relays. COVERAGE: 'This u*Awa- rlesdrib~g electromagnetic relays used in control, sig- naling and communications. It Is besed on- official governwat nanuals, cat- alogs and specifications and ort the tAcbnical 'documentatiqu of various pl=ts. The manual also p'r6,%-Ides recommendations on the selection'and desiga of telays a~ad includes summary tables for d-c and &-c relays, and polarized and mutral7polarized relays (these incorporate both us tic systems: polarized Card .1/4 Manual on Components of Automatic Control,.(Cont.) SOV/1434 and neutral). It also lists various modifications of relays. 7he avAbors draw attention to the receNt standardization of nomenclature and code nmAbers,, especially as it app es to the new coding in the "NmeniLya Zarya" and VEF .plAmts. Conversion ta listing the old and new code numbers. bles are included, The M&nUal was compiled by I.Ye- Dekabrun and N.H. 7~der under the superv1sion of D. S. SDtskov. The alphabetical index of relays, indicated in the Table of Contents, is appended as a separate supplement. There are 15 references, of which 13 are Soviet and :~ English. TABLE OF GONTEM; From the Rditors 3. Ch. 1. . General TAformLtion 5 1. Instructions on using the manual 5 P. System of coding used in the =42u&1 3- Table of terms and coding 5 4. Classification of electromagnetic relays 6 Ch. 2. Recommendations on the Selection and Design of Relays 7 1. Basic relationships and parameters of relays 7 2. Contacts 9 Card 2/ 4 Mnual on Components of A,_,tomtic Control (cont.) a. Permissible voltap limit between contacts b. Permissible current limit in the contact circait a. Resistance of contacts d. Limit volt-amperwB characte-riatic of contaahs e. Capacitance between contacts f~ Wear of contacts g ' Service life of contacts h. Nbthods of prolonging service life Arc-arresting devices. Spark-quenching and arc-erresting circuits 3. Wchanical systems 4.. ftgnetic systems 5. 'Windings 6. Operating and release time and methals of adjustment 7. Effect of external factors an nelay -parameters 8. A-c relays .9. Pblarized re3Ays Card 3/4 SOV/1434 3-1 11 3.1 12 13 13 14 15 15 15 15 1T 19 22 22 24 26 Mnusl on Components r;T Azz;-,:,zatic Comtrol (V.,-Mt. SOV/1434 Ch. 3. Technical rata 1. Summary tables a. Table 1. D--c relays b. Table 2. A-c relays c Table 3 - Polarized relays d Table 4. Neutral-polarized relays [with both =gnetic systems: ne=bral and polarized] 2. Tables of relay modifications 3. List of d-~c relAys for switching h-l' and vhf currents 4. List of time - delay relays (over 50 msee ) 5. Constructions and schematic diagrams of relays AlPbI it a List of - ftlao - AVAUABIE: Library of Congress aftal 5-5-59 29 29 30 9B no 3.16 U8 223 223 225 Supplawnt Card 4/4 V 58-_-~-3?/38 AUTHOR: 3olomonov, 1-1. TITLE i Role and Importance of M,,_gnetic Elements, Some Fin(Ings of -the All-Union Conference On Malanetic. Elements inkutoulation, Telemechanics and Comp-t-.tur EngineerlrLg (Roll i znacheniye magnitr-y1ch tilemento-ir. Nekztorrye ito.-Ii vsesoyuzno.-o soveshch- aniya po magnitnym elementlam avtomatviki.., teleme-khaniki i vychizlitellnoy teldiniki) PERIODICAL, Izvest~iya Akadp-mii Nauk SSSR, Otdelenive Tekbimicheskikh Naukz, 958, Nr 3, pp ~rj4-175 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This conference was convened by the Institut. avtomatiki i telemekhaniki Akademii nauk SSOM (Institute of Automatics and Teleme-c-lianics, Acad.eqT of Sciences USSR) and the Komissl:ya po magnitnym usilitelyaul i beskontaktnym maGnitnyia elementam ~Commission on fila'-netic Ampl-_fiers and Contact-less 1,.1aSnetic.Dev ices).It was held on Nov. 20-30, 1957 with the participation of 800 dele-ates, representin- 240 research and industrial C1_ ta or-anisations. In the plenary mee-Lings the followi-a- -oaoers LD L.3 0 - - were reads, B, S-Satzkov on "Present state and pr3blems of develc.-pin- rtia-netic elomt-onts for automation and telemeebanics'l ? C) K. M. Poliv~1101'r on "Dyna.:i-ic characteristics of elements of electric circuitsfl; R. V, Telesnin "The J-11-fluence of magnetic Card 1/1~L scooity.on the process of remagnetization of cores"; 1. A. 24-"-,8-3-3?/38 Role and ImDortance of Magnetic Elements. Som,,,: Firidings of the All- Union Conference on Magnetic ElemantsinAutomation, xelemechanics and Computer EngineeTing 01 0. fZozenbdat c%n "Certain factors influencing the, Static and dynami ..- ~~haraC4- .-riStj.OS of toroidal cores"; E. T. Mriernyshev., 14~ G. GLernysheva and E. N. Chedurina an "Present state of the pr,~)blem of testinz ma'-Metic mat.;arials in dynamic re..7imes"; M. A. Rozenblat and 0. A. Sedykh on "Fundamental Drin-Ciples of constructing (type) series of toroidal cores for ma.-,-netic amplifiers and contactless ma,~~netic elements". A nu,::iber of :~ancrs were read in two sectio-as (magnetic am--)li- fierc ai-id discrete mal-netic element-z). Altogethef 80 papers and co~~,rfunicatiions 1,vero preaented. These shovied that 'In re!,,e:it ,,,~t_--ars c_zucce:-_~sfu1 resultils were obtained in the Soviet Union in the field of th(.-rary, development and apPlication of vario,as types of magnetic: elements -to aui 'iomation, telemecham- ization and Corqyutor engineering. Application of rmagmetic elements brings about a uonsiderable im-provement in reliab- ility and stm-Dlifies the design and operation of equipment. Dependins on the type of the apparatus, use of static mag- instea,4, of electronic lt,,ubes, relays, amplidjiies, Card 2/3 24-58-3-37/38 Role and importance cf _1,11,a~_-netic Elements. Somc Findings of the All- Union Conference on 1,11'a-natic~ Elements InAuta omat ion . Telemechanics U and Computer Engin,,-ering etc. results i.-,) an increalse in efficiency, reduction of dimensions, increased speed olf response, a reduced power consumption, an increase in sensitivity. and a reduction in the co'S.U's cf apparatus an~j various 3-ther advantageo. Simul- -IU,aneous utilization of ma~~netic amulifters and semiconductors J1.1 er 4 L nable 41-he solution (;f complicated tech=,al problems and w opens up wide prospects for further ifllPr(~vemen:t of apparatus uced in autoriation, remote cont'-ol, comDut-er and communication engine e r ir qr) Card 3/3 -1. Telanicaivrnicu wzrd Gmaputrr Engizeere-Cmforance-WR t HT fl!" 11 ~j r 'pin l 1 "a a, Fa- 211i I Iiii. 5,111i! 1i p a ~Ojj I i ; R.. -I A-lit fill if! 'INS -j pigs flerula wil- *ai %till! IN im a 616 P-A a 4 . "' 6. a. Eel Im iH e, 5i;r-Hrj--g r1; ff,.i 111 a ~;'HF j '1 "4 E. M 1; a- ILI! Ita :L OR itz KOLOSOV, Sargey Petrovich; prof., dolttor tekht. ~auk, retsenzent; UASOVSKIY, A.A., -prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, retmen'zont; INOZIWSW, S.F., dote., ~mnd. t ekhn. nauk. red.;- LOMA, O.Yet red. izd-va; ROZHIN, V.P., takhn. red. [Blemouts of automtic equipmut for aviation] Blematy avlatelo"nMA& aytomticheskikh ustroisty. Moskva, Goo. izd-yo obor. proWshl., 1958. 382 pe' '(KMA 11:9) (Airplause-Jkluipmnt and supplies) I 26-58-~5-4/59 AUTHOR; Sotskov, B.S., Professor Doctor of Technical Sciences TITLE: The Fundamental Characteristics and Parameters of Contlnuous- Conversion Elements (OsnDvnyye kharakteristiki i paz-ametry elementov s neprer. yvrnym -pre obraz ovaniyem PERIODICAL: Standartizatsi-ya, 1958, Nr 3, Pp*17-20 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The author suggests a system of characteristics and parameters for elements of automati-. and remote-control devices such as -transducers, amplifiers, servo.-mechanisMS2 er'c.' used in various automatic control arrangements. The considered charac- teristics are necessary for a correct selert-fon of transducers or other automatic control elements in. the designing of automa- tic control systems and is important for their standardization. There are 6 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut avtomatiki i telemekhaniki AN SSSR (Institute of Auto- matics and Telemechanics of the AS USSR) Card 1/1 1. Control systems--Stamdards SOTSKOV, B.S., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, otvatstvenriyy red.; POLESITSKAYA. [Terminology of electric relays] Terminologiia roles Moskya, 1958~ 42 p. (Sborniki rekomenduemykh torminov. noo49) (KEA 11:5) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Komitet tekhnicheakoy terminologil. (Blectric relays) AUTHOR: Sotiikov, B. 3. (Moscow) SOV/103-19-01-4/11 TITLE:' On the Problems of Dimensions of Electroinneneti-I ElemelltB ' Ltnykh elementov) (K voprosa o gabaritakh elektro1n!ag PERIODICAL: Avtomatika i telemekhani-ka, 1958,.-V,:;l 119, Nr 9. pp 849-85/4 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Here the fundamental relations between the ()Ders,T-ing capaAM3. -3f an ele-cri-omagnetic system ap 'd the magnetic, electr:teal. and thermal parameters and its life*ie given. It is shown that the main parameter characterizing the properties -if an Plectra- magnetic system, I.e. th---- ~,?opac,.' of th-~ systrem. 113 -IPT)end,-~,rv: on the three conduct the mn-,:~netiz, the vl-ctric, anA the heat conductjviry~ reducing the dimensions at a given (capaci'~y -~" the ma~fnetic system) it is (power) 0-~- A e to r1TLjse the permissible fiai-iriing of the winding. The coil Torm missr be made from zemperatuz-e-sproof materials. Not only materi.. ali wi-,h soitable limiting Lemperatures (sufficient thermal loading capacity) must be selecteel but also harmonizing temper-, ature coefficients for the linear extension of the coil form, of the wire, and of the varnish by which the windings are cover- ed. For the life of the insulation formula (15) is derived. Card SOV/103-19-9-411" On the Frob-lems !' D,.mi-is:ons of Y'lectromagnetic Elements 'Pt.,-?re arc. - Pigure and referpnces, 2 of which are --.~Ovlet. SUBMITTED: Oc-~(,bnr '~S. '997 Car-i 2~ 28(-1) AUTHOR: Sotskov,-D-S. (Moskow) SOV/103-19-12-5/9 TITLE: On the Problem of Lamps Reservation (K voprosu o rezervirovanii lamp) PERIODICAL: Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 1958, Vol 19, Nr 12, pp 1126 - 1128 (USSR) ABSTRACT This is an investigation of the banked connection of two illumination or signal lamps by which it is intended to increase their reliable operation. It is assumed that the surface luminosity remains constant independent of the fact, whether one or two lamps are burning. The requirements placed upon the lamp supply regimen are investigated. The method of lamp reservation investigated is based upon direct banking. This includes the determination of the required voltage values and of the bias resistance, under the, condition that if one lamp fails the optical or emission characteristics of the lamps remain unchanged. This method of computing the supply voltage and the bias resistance is also applicable to a banked connection of vacuum tubes. Finally a method is Card 112 On the Problem of Lamps Reservation SOV/103-19-12-5/9 advanced of estimating the Possible straying of lifetime in such apparatus. There are 6 figures. SUBIVITTED; February 11, 1958 Card 2/2 I ?~A DXKABRUN, I.Ye.; TEDER, red.; TIMOXHINA, V.I., red.; VORONIN, X.P., (Manual on elements of automatic and remote control system; electromagnatic contactors and magnetic starter@] *ravochulk po elementam aytomatiki i telemkhanikl; slektromagaltup kontaktory i xagultup puekatell. $got.; I.SeDskabrunt NoR. Teder. Pod red.. B.S.Sotakova. Moskva, Goe.energ.lsd-ve, 1959. 135 P'. [___.*pplemnt to the "Mamml on elements of automatic and remote control system: electromagastic contactors and magnetic starters.jOl - Priloshenle k Opravochniku po element= avtomatikI I te'lemeirhaniki; elektromagnitnye kontaktory I magnitays pudka- teli. Gosenergoizdat. 21 p. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Akademiya asuk 635R. Inatitut ayto=tW I telemakhmWe (Electric contactors) (Blectric motors--Starting devices) lit iff R a T ka v3 oil Rai jr- i g WN t; k ~41 Ir in r, go :1 Hip lit 23(l) pwz I 6= 9MOITATION , SOV/238) LA Akadealys asuk SSSR. Kamisetya pa takhnOlOgit mashinostraYoniYA 0 AvtO1mtiz&t21y& mashinostrOltol. nykh proteivaeov. t. III Privod build- hi e r M - , ac n y onatkon o rabochimi mash rkmi Uut - I uproylonl p ocess f : or r Ivig Process VaWs Driven and Control Systems e . Ii p NIschinary) Mcocc%I. Ita-vo AN SSSR, 1959. 370 p. Errata s Inserted. 5.000 copies printed. Id.t V.I. Dikushin, Academicians 94. of Publishing HOU4101 D-R- lofrot Tech. Ed.t I.P. Kuzlmtn. PURPOSE2 This book to intended for engineers deallng with auto- Imation of various machine-building processes. 4COVICHAGEt This Is the second volume of transactions of the second Conference on Overall Mechanization and Automation of Manufac- turing Processes hold Soptember 25-29, 1956. The present volume consists or throe p4rts, the first dealing with automation of sed include di seas Orginearing measuring methods.- The subjects i on automatic control of dimensions of machined part", in:pect mothods for automatic production lines, in-proce.. in pection deIvices. application of electronics in automating linear Mossuringpirccosses, and machines for automatic Inspection of bearing races. The second part deal: with automatt,, driven and control systems for process machinery, Including appli- cation of digital computers in the control or setal-cuttIng machine tools, reliability or relay systems. application of gas-tube frequency convertors in the control of induction motor speeds, magnetic amplifiers and their use in automatic hydraulic drives, arl ultrasonic vibrators. Part ms lyst thro d Is ', th mechanisms of automatic machines and auto. ., : matic production lines. The subjects discussed include linkage. Indexing, and Ger*va-whee I -type mechanism#. friction 4PITtat automatic loAding devices. diaphragm-type pneumatic drives, various ausillary devices for automitic production lines, End methods of design and accuracy of cams. No person- Elitist or* mentioned. There are no references. ' I I. X - LV6c9ameSL7. Automatic Control or Dimensions h' 0 k~y _?NW , ,T o io uIlding 3 ALUahul.lar, A.H Determining Optimum Conditions for Controlling the Mean Diameter Of Machined Parts 9 to STWITIch, K- Ye, Lrenin PrizowlnnsZ7. Inspection Methods - - TOF 1 Utomatio Production Lines 29 Dvcr*tgkiY, Is- R- Standard Devices for Active Control 39 LVLKDaan_V_5, Application or Electronics In Automating Linear I Measuring Methods 145 Klusov I A,. Metrological and Statistical Checking or Some _ A ~ iff;% tTe ; inspection and Sorting Systems 5) AWQU_0-_A-, Xt- M. P3nfikln. Experience Gained In Develop- - - WuF. -Ing ftchiree for oi;Atjc Inspection or Bearing Races -62__.. - UXDXD.V.~Z~14. Digital Computers In Automatic Control or Pro- cesses 73 1Kh9tGt=M_Y.A. A. Some Proble'ne Concerning Digital Control of at. "I'81-cutting Kftchine Tools 88 .ZUPPan,y Q,, and r.A. V1AJ_LUOn. Designing Digital Program ' _ _ COntrol Syitems fO r Xa ct~lno Tools 98 P"b"j--la. Problems Concerning the Reliability or Relay Systems LU7 - Labuntsov V.A. ApfILCRUOn of Gas Tube Frequvncy Converters t~hd O"'~61 of md"O"On Motor Speeds by the quency fs Fro fl th 117 AffZ5!1EL_KLL Controlled Electric Drive for Metat-cutting Lovitskly. N.I. Development of the Theory of Mechanisms of Aur3-maE-rc--n&ahI nag 203 Card 3/7 28(5) SOV/28-59-12-4/27 AUTHOR: Sotskov, B.S. ----------- TITLE: The Classification and Unification of Automation Means PERIODICAL: Standartizatsiya, 1959, Nr 12, pp 16-27 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A commission of the Gosuda-rstvennyy nauch-no-tekhnicheskiy komitet SSSR po priboram. avtomaticheskogo upravleniya ob- snehepromyshlennogo naznacheniya (USSR-State Science- Technical Committee for Automatic Control. Instruments of General Industrial Use) has developed a classifica-, tion project for variOUS means of automation. The ar.- ticle contains detailed information on the project and includes a chart illustrating the general classification principles. Various tables show the verbal and digital designations used for mechanical,, acoustical, optical', electricak nuclear, etc. instrume'nts and their sensitive elements. There are 6 tables. Card 1/1 ILIIN, Viktor Aleksandrovich; KUZ1WSOT, N.A.. red.; ANTIK, I.T., red.; M. M. SKIT, S.I., red,-, KULRBAKIN, V.S., red,; MIRNOT, A.D., red.; red.; MFANI, TO.P.0 red,; SMILOVSKITO N.N., red.; LARIONOT, G.Te., (Remote-control systema for widely~-ssparated o'bJects') Sistear telemokhaniki illia rassredotochannykh ob"ektavo Moskyao Ooss enorg.izd-vo. 196o. 110 p. (Hibliotaka po avtomatike n6.15). (;W& 140) (Remote control) VCLOSNIKOV, Vladimir Petrovich; SIROTIN, A.A., kand.tekhn.nauk. red.; ANTIK, I.T.. red.; TESHEWSKIT, S.I., red.; KULEBUIN, T.S., red.; SCMOT, A.D.0' red.; SPFSKCY TMANI, Ye.P., red.; b red.; SHUNZOTMIT. N.N., red,; NIRMT, I.I., [Use of computers-for automating electric drives] IspolIzovanie vychislitelinykh mashin dlia 9vtomatizataii elektroprivodove Moskva. Gos.ener,-,.izd-vo. 1960. 119 p.-(Bibliateka po avtometiket no.17). WRA 14:3) (Automatic control) (Blectronic calculating machines) (Blectric driving) DZILABRUN, Irina Tevgenlyevna; TIDER, Nina Rudollfovna; �%4OV, B.S.. red.; TIMOKHMA, T.I,, redi.; BOMNOV, N.I., tokhn. [Handbook on automatic and remote control elements; t1w relays. programming devices, countin g relaysi and searebars) Spra- vochnik po elementem avtomatiki i tolemokhaniki; role vromeni. programmys ustroistva. role schots, iskateli. Boat. I.I.Ds- kabrtm i N.R.Teder, Pod red. B.S.Sotskovs. Noskva,.Gos.energ. J~ zd-vo, 196oj 136 po, (NIU 13:7) 1. Akedemiya nauk 3=. Institut avtomatiki i telesekhaniki. (Automatic control) (Remote'ecntrol) BONDAIL&NKO, Prokofiy Stepanovich; BYGHKOV, V.P.. red.; AMIK. 1.V., red.; VESH M VSKIY, S.P., red.; KWJWMIN, T.S.. red.; SKIRNOT. A.D. .red. ;. -,�OTSKOV, _B. S. . red.; SMAKI, Ye.P., red.. SKUKILOVSKITO U.N.. red.: BTCHKOV, F.P., red.; VCHONIM, K,P,, [Automtic control of blast-furnace processes by means of computers] Avtomatizatsila protsessov domennogo proizvodstva a primenenlem sclietno-reshaiushohikh ustroisty, Nosk've, Goo. onerd.izd-vo. 1960. 143 p. (Biblioteka po avtomatike. no.20) (xiRA 14:3) (Blast furnaces) (Automation); USOV. V.V., red.; XIJZNWSOV6 R.S., red.; ZOLOTYU, B.N., red.; DJKa=H, I.Te., red.; 11RIT-I VI. Z.B., red.; VORONIN, X.P.. (Zlectrical contacts; transactions of the All-Union Conference on Electrical Contacts and Materials for them]. Blektricheekle kontakty. Trudy Vessoluznogo soveshchaniia pa alektricheakin kontaktam i kontaktuyu materialam. Red.lcollsgiia: B.S.Sotakoy i dr. Moskva, Goo.energ.isd-ro, 1960. 423 p. (KIRA 13:10) 1. Vaeaoyuznoye soveahchaniye po slaktrichaskim kontaktan i kontaktnym materialax. 2d, Moscow, 19599 (Blectric contactors) I SOTSKOV, B.S., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; VOROBIYF.Vlt, T.M.; kand.tekhn. CHUDWVSKIY, A.F., doktor fiz.-mat.nailk, prof.; KAGANOV, Mi-A., kand.fiz.-mat.nauk. Revl4w of I.F.Volshin, A.S.Kasperovich, and A.G.Shashkovls book 05amiconductor thermistors." Itzh.-fiz.zhur. no.1:124-126 Ja l6o, (NIRA 13:4) (Theradstors) ("olosking I.Fe) (Usperovich,'A.S.) (Shashkov, A.Ge) ~~ I WmIllammullmmml immu 2=m~~ 1~,, -- BABAKOV, N.A.; ~UlOkl, O.B.; KORITSYIY, A-V.; 'oAKHARCIV, P.V.; SOTSKOV, B.S.; STUFEL', F.A.; TbYPKIN, Ya.Z. -- Seventieth anniversary of the birth of professor B.1jashura. Elelctrichestvo no.9:96 S,60 (MIRA 13:10) (Vashura, 3-ori~ Fedorovich. 1890-) .5/1U3/60/021/05/10/013 BQO7/B011 AUTHORS: Sotskov U.. S., Rostkovskaya, S. Ye. (Moscow) ? . I '. 1-P 0 TlTLE: Reliabilit Characteristics of Resistors and Capacitors PERIODICAL: Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 1960, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 633 - 638 TEXT: In the paper under review the autliors study the methods of repre- sentine the reliability characterir; ties of resistors and condensors as deuendent on tiie arnblent temperature and the dissipated power or the voltage applied. The fornjula for the desired characteristic C/C = f(Q , P ) for recistors is derived, and is diagrammatically shown N Ox x in Fig, 2. c is the reliability factor, c N is the e-value with rated load PN and admiscible temperatu Ire 90x ~QON; Qx is the heating temperature of the re.rAstor; Q is the e~r!bient,,te'mperature; P is the ro,,-,,er dissipated Ox in the electric resistor, R t is the heat res'i.~Aauce on heat dissipation from the surface to the ambient. 0 ON corresponds to the inaximum V/C Card 1/2 Reliability Characteristics of Resistors S/103/'0/021/05/10/013 and Capacitors B007/BO11 temperature admissible with the rated load P x = PN. Fig. 3 shows the function Px = f(GX). The curves shown in Fig. 2 hold for one type of resistor. A table supplies data for the main types of constant carbon resistors. A formula is derived for the determination of the rated out- put. It may be seen therefrom that it changes somewhat in dependence on the gas pressure and the values of 0 N = ax max - QN. In the case of capacitors, one must take account of both the influence of temperature and that of voltage when determining the reliability of finished pro- ducts. Formula (6) is derived, and the capacitor characteristics de.- termined from this formula are shown in Fig. -5. They express the re-- lation between the service life T X and the admissible values of voltage Uxand temperature 0 x There are 5 figures and 1 table. SUBMITTED: August 1959 V/C Card 2/2 SOTSKOVj B.S., otv. red. toms.; POLYAKOVAp T.V.j teklm, red, (Proceedings of the lot Intoraktional Congrens of U16 International Federation of Automatic Contiol~ Koocowp 1960] Trudy1 Mezbdunarod- nogo Kongressa Mezhdunarodncf*f&deratoii po avtoratiebookom upravle- nift. Moskva# Izd-vo'Akad.-biuk SUR. Vol,4.[Xquipwzt for automatic control] Tekhnichaskie oredstva artomatiki. 1961. 895 pe (MIRA 14:8) 1. InternationalPedoratlon of-Automatic Contro2p lot International Congress, Moscow, 1960. 2. chien-korreivondent AN ism (for sotskov) (Automatic contr-ol) TRAPEZNIKOV, V.A.., akademiks, glav. red.; AYZERM9 1I.A.9 doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; ACEYKIN, D.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; ARTOBOLEVSKII, 1.1.9 akademiky red.; BATRACHENKOp L*F.q inzhaq red,j VORMOV9 A.A.9 doktor tekhn. nauk, red. - GAVRIWVp M.A. v doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; DIIESEMij. V.1., akademikq red.; KARIBSKIY~ V.V.9 kand. tekbn. nao*, red.; EDGAN, B.Ya.9 kand.- tekhn. nauk, red.; MASIVSKIY9 S.P.9 red.; KULFSkMv V.S., akademik, red.; IERNERs, A.Ya.9 doktor tekbn. nauk, red.; LETOV9 A.M.9 kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; MEYEROV, M.V.,, doktor tekhn., nauk red.; PST- ROV9 B.N.9 akademikv red.; PUGACHEVv V.S., doktor tekbn. nauky ro.; SOTSKOVm B.S 9 red.; STEFANI9 Ye.M.9 kand. tekba. naukq red.j KMUMOY~P A.V., kand. tekha. nauk, red.; TSYPKIN, Ya.Z., doktor tekbn. naukq, prof.9 red.; CHELYUSTKIN, A.C.p kand. tekbn. naukv red.; CHILUINy M.G.v doktar -tekJm, nadkq red.; NAUKOV9 B.N.0 kand. tekbn. nauky red.; KASMIAq P.S.P tekbn. red. (Transactions of the International Federation of AutcoAtic Contr 'ol, let International,Congress, Moscow? 1~601 Trudy I MezMunarodnop kon- gressa gezhdunarodn'qi federatsii po avtozwtich9*omu upravleniiu. Mo- skva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR. Vol.2. [Tbe,ory of discrete systems, optimal systeft, and adaptive automatic dontrol systems] Teoriia diskret- nykh~ optimallrykh i samonastraivaiushchikhsia sistem. 1961. 996 P.. (KERA'14:9) 1. International Federation of Automatic Gontrolp Ist International Congress, Moscow, 1960. 2. Chlen-korrespondent A21 SSSR (for Sotskov) (Automatic control) I PETROV, B.U.; 4OTSKOV, B.S.; LJLRIONOV, A.N.; CHILIKIN, M.G.; SYROI-IYATNIKOV, L-A.; BLAGONIZAVOV, A.A.; KRUZHILIN, G.N., TVAIU120KO, A.G.; NAGORSKIY, V.D.; CHELYUSTKII, A.B.; DfWDOV, N.G. ;PETROV, I.I. Seventieth birtbday of Viktor Sergeevich Kulebakin. Elektrich- estvo no.M.90-91 0 161.. - KTRA 14: 10) (Kulabakin, VJktor Sergeevich, 1891-) M PAIIASEIIKO., Valeriy Dmitriyevich; SOTSH.OV,-IL.$,,,__ prof ., retsenzent; GALIFE-ID4, I,TS.J. doktor t~k-~i. 'nauk., nauchnyy red., ODEEROV, I.A., red,,; GARNUKHINA, L.A.9 tekhn. red. [Elements of automatic control and computer engineering; a manual on standard components and networks]Elementy avtoma- ticheskikh ustroistv i vychislitellnoi tokhniki,- spravochnik po tipovym elomentam i skhemara. Izd.2., dop. i peier. Mosk-va, Oborongiz, 1962, 300 P. (MIRA 15:10) 1.'Chlen-korrElspondent Akaderal nauk SSSR (for Sotskov) (Automatic control) (Electronic calculating =L-.-.Lnesi ORSHANSKIY,D.L.,[ITYUNOV, K.B., red.; YORUMOV, A.A., red.; KARANUMV, K.B., red.; KARMSCY, V.V., red.; KRASIVSKIY, S.P., red.; KULEBAKIN, V.S., red..; LOGINOV, L.I., rod.; LUKIN, V.I., red.; MALOV, V.S.f jred.; PAVLF.NKOv V.A., red.; PETROV, Bjf., red.; RAKOVSKIY, M.Ye., red.; SNAGLY, L.V.,. red.; SMIRNOV, A.D., red.; SOTSKOV,; STHFAXI, Ye.P., red.; TRAPEZNIKOV, V.A., red.; TSIUVSKIY, TO.N., red.; LEONOVA, Ye.I., tekhn. red. ..--.CEIKA; encyclopedia of measurements, control and autos&- tion]EIKA; entsiklopediAa izmarenii kontrolia i avtonati- zatsii. Mosk-ra, Gosenergoizdat. No.l. 1962. 243 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Instruments) (Automation) (Mensuration) BALAGUROV, Vladimir Aleksandrovich; GALTEYEV, Fedor Fedorovich; GORDOI, . Andrey Vladimir6vich; LARIONOV, Andrey Ni1colayevidh; SOTSKOVI B.S.. retsenzent; SENMUCH, A.M.p kand. tekhn. nauk., r(~Y-; -M6-R(~z-O-VA,'P.B.,, red. izd-va; ROZHIN, V.P.2 tekhn. red. [Design of e2ecturic devices for aircraft electric equipment]Fro- ektirovunie elektricheskikh apparatov aviatsionnogo elektro- oborudovpmiia. [By] V.A.Balagurov i dr. Pod red, A.I.Larionova. Moskv.a., Oborongiz,, 1962. 515 P. (Mi 15:10) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Larionovp Soukov). (Airplanes-Eloctric equipwnt) 33446 S/119/62/000/OG1/001/011 D201/D302 001t 011131? 1/9 1) AUTHORSt Gri3hin, A.I., Kavalerov, G.I., Nize, V.E., Orshanskiy D_,L,, Pavlenko, V.A., Sotskov, B.S., and Yurkevic A.P. TITLE: Recent trends in the development of instrumentation S06R-:!E: Priborostroyeniye, no. 1, 1962, 1 - 5 TEXT: A survey of recent trends in the development of instruments. tion within the Soviet-bloc is given. The main objective is the standardization of instruments with the aim of simplifying the auto -nation of industrial proVeses. A group of new temperature gauges is based on the dependence of gas viscosity on temperature. Anothe_;:,~ ..class of gaugea is based on the temperature change of a plate re- r siotance, in conjunction with,a comppneating plate and an electro- magnetic circuit. Efforts are 'made to utilize the Austin effect.' For high temperature operation (above 200000)0 graphite p-n June- tion. thermocouples have been developed. New flow gauges have been produced for the petroleum industry. Several interchangeable high- Card 1/4 33448 3/119/62/000/001/001/011 Recent trends in the development ... D201/D302 accuracy feed-bac_~ devices have been developed for measuring vari- oua paramotere olLch as precoure and vacuum gauges I strain gn,.igea, thermomatere and density motors. Nuclear rooonanc, methods 11'~e bo- Ing developed for contactleso flow meaeuremoint. Ultrasonic and ra- dio-interference methods are used for level measurements and recor: dings. All new types of instruments are incorporated in new auto,, tic control systems, developed around them. In 1961, 400 types of electrical measuring Instruments were in production, varying from laboratory standards to high power distributing panel instruments. High sensitivity miniature meters are under development (1 - 2 cm3 -volume, 5 - 10 microcamps range). The a 'ccuracy of portable instru- ments is being improved and their di=nsions are reduced. Digital instruments, both of continuousaLtion. and sampled data types on-, tinue to find more and more applications. As far as analytical in- struments are c8neerned, the main trend is to increase the number of methods of analysis applicable in practice, to increase the dis- driminating properties, sensitivity and speed of operation, to stan- dardize the electrical output, to develop analytical Instruments suitable for automatic control processes, to develop automatic and Card 2/4 33U8, S1119162100010011100110TI Recent trends In the developmen-; D201/D302 semi-automatic instruments. Thoseof interest arestated to be the newly developed series of standardized galvanic gas analyzers based on the micro-concentration of oxygen. Another method has been used In developing a spectrophotometric gas analyzer, with a sensitivity 10 times greator than that of the basic instrumentj the instruments have ranges from 0 - 1.0 volume of nitrogen in argon and 0 - 0.5% volume of nitrogen in helium~ The range of gas analyzers based on infra-red abso:.-ption has been increased by several new Instruments. Mention is made of a new instrument calibrated in 0 - 0.05 % C02P with output adapted to an automatic control system. Xew types of mass-spectrometers have been developed~'with mass number ranges 1 to 600 ME, revolution 300 and sensitivity (argon) 0.002 %. All spectromezers are being revised to form a single range of six In- struments. A radiospectrometer has been developed for the electron paramngnetic particles: Its production has started. Electrometric methods of liquid analysis and control are under developments Of in- terest is stated to be an industrial instrument for measuring and controlling H01 concentration in wood pulp with a varying solid to liquid phase. Other types of concentration meters werealso develo- Card 3/4 33448 3/119/62/000/001/001/01-1 Recent trends in the development ... D201/D302 ped, both for inorganic and grganic analysis: Some are based on spectrometry. As far as the compater technique is concerned, three main trends are considered: The use of universal electronic comp._ ters for scientific and engineering calculations; the use of compu- ters in economics and for processing large amount4 "of information; Application of control computers for the coatrol and automatic con- trol of industrial proceeses. In new computers the exi6ting mercury and CRT delay lines are replaced by magnetic core memories and tu- bes by transistors, Modular technique is-widely used together with micro-miniaturization. A new storage element has been developed be- Sred on the effect of stable internal polarization. Another interes- ting new component is the magnetic triode, consisting of a p-n June- tion, formed by allaying the intrinsic material with lead and tellu- rium. Card -4/4 jr 37780 3/11 YD 62/000/005/004/005 D201 308 AUTHOR; Satskov U TITLE: On tlie problem 0--:' technical and economical estimation of instruments or installations in choosing them for usein automatic control systems PE'R 10 D ! 0 A LPriborostroyeniye, no. 5, 1962, 21-24 TE-M: 'The author considers a method of evaluating the economy of new replacement installations which is different from the me- t1hods previously developed. This method is based on determining the iotal cost of the instrument or installation operation during its li-fettlime. it permits a unified approach to the grading at va- rious relationships between the capital expenditure, running costs and output in the variants being compared and makes it also poss- 'ble t 6 U L -o take into account the reliability of the installation. Two cases are discussed 1) The chan-e-over from one instal- 0 lation to another does not affect the output. 2) The incorporation of a niew-machiner~r affects the output. In both cases the total Card 1/2 S/119/62/000/005/004/005 On the problem of D201 D308 cost is treated as a function of several variables, expanded into a series, the first three terms of which are taken and the corres- ponding graphs of total cost against the lifetime of the instru- rient or -installation are plotted for different values of the series con~AaziLs. The comparison of graphs makes it possible to choose the best possiblevariant. There are 3 figures. Car.d 2/2- 0 KkRIBSKIY,, V. V.-;--jqpTSKOV, B. S. General state system of devicen and technical means of automa- tion. Standartizateiia 26 no.10:3-10 0 162. (MI]RA 15:10) (Autowtic control) SORIN. Ya.; BRUYEVICH, N.G., akademik; GNEDENKO, B.V.,, akad.; SIFOROV, V.I.; SOTSKOV. B.S-. Precise,, strong and lasting* Znane-sila 37 U0,5:10-16 My 162, - ~ (KIRIA 3-5:9) 1. Predsedatellkmiteta Voesoyttznogo soveta zauchno-tekhn:LeheWdkb obahchestv po nadezhuonti i kontrolyu kachestva (for Sorin). 2. Akademiya nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (for Gnedenko). 3. Chleny korrespondent AN SSSR (for Siforov, Sotakov). (Quality control) VASILIYEVA, Natallya Petroyna; VOW)BOYEVA, Tamara Mikhayloym; *tv. x~ed.; POPOV, B.A., red. isd-va; SHEVCHENKO, G.N., tekhn. red, . ~ ~. ? [Contactless components of autgTatic control system) Beskontaktnye elementy avtomatiki. Moskva, Izd-va Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963. 70 (MIRA 16;6) 1. Chlen-korrespond A4'&WR (for Sotskov). (Electric relaA qwliatic control) KOLOSOV, Sergey Petrovich; SOTSKOV, B.S,, retsenzent; SVECHARNIK, D.V., doktor tekhn. nauk,, red.; SHEYNFAYN, L.I., red.izd-wa; ROZHIN, V.P., tekhn. red. [Elements of aircraft automatic control systems] Eleawnty aviatsionnvkh avtomaticheskikh ustroletv. lzd.2,, perer, i dop. ?4oskva, Oborongiz, 1963. 462 p. mim 16:4) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Ak"ademii nauk SSSR (for Sotakov). (Airplanes-Controls) A SO~~SKOV) B.- S.-, MUVOROTCYVA, Ye. S. "The reliability of a coil of an electromagnetic mechanismir Report presented at the Seminar on reliability problems [Reliability Section of the Scientific Council on C~I~ernetics, Presidim AS USSEI 28 Tan - 25 Feb 63 SOTPSKOV, B. S., LE-KABRUN, I. Ye. "Probability of the correct operation of physical models of electric contacts." Report present at the Seminar on reliability problems [Reliability Section of the Scientific Council on Cybernetics, Presidium A.S USSR] 28 Jan - 25 Fieb 63 SOTSK-V., 3. S.; DFYArT,',1'4. -. Ye. "Reliability Problems for Electromechanical Elements." Paper to be presented at the IFAC Congress, to I-,e held In Basel, Switzerland, 27 Aug to 4 SeP 63 174:_ L 1~2A-63 BDS/EWT(d)- AFncAPGC:/ASD Pg-4/Pk-~4/Pl-4N-' IJP(C)/BC ~ACCESSIOH NR: AM01617 46 i/ OWOOOM5/0040/ix S. (COIT06 the oAUTHOR: &&skoik ponding member.of As uw)*; xaiibakly. Vd~l- didate of Teonnicau nces) !TITLE: Basic problems in ostablishing a uaified qutoawtio~. 0 YSUA 'SOURCE: AN-SSSR, Vestnik -46 no. 5 9 1963, 40 iTOPIC TAGS: automatic control oystemg energy parameter, blodk abiemblyt'm6dul I low-cost computer iABSTRACTs Coordinated plarming of automati.c,:control systems: is: hn~ integral part In& ideveloping th? national economy. ICareful attention must b;7paid,:to' "a-types,o !machines an&~qomputers Involved. The actual machines that Produ'g~e the interaction lof energy and matter, +he ways in which data are obtained~and fed into these' machines, and the use' 2 logo__ be, _t~w Thes operate n-c'pn rQ R stood. e devices -wit PEW ameters, known as signals, is a complicated Process. w par era 0 lamet :and output sip Cr _,mals emitted by the computers*receivin transmittLhg, assimilati-n9p iand converting data must be standardized, but substitutingA:sintle.unified control isystem is less desirable than fusina a variety of unified iyatems into a total .Card 1/2., L I 7-~ ACCffi2--;'I' &NINR: Ap3ooi6r 0 U* Aq; 0101-cost whole. Automation systems mill be greatly4mproved by4as* od designs such as block assembl-tes'and modules and by estimating the time required to make these devices operational.: Research should concentrate on comparative analyses of all existing systems of computers# determining the best and most prof-1. itable ones,as well as utilizing the latest discoveries in the fields of physic-s~, chemistry, and electronics to develop modern, sophisticated automation systems. ASSOCIATION: none ENCLI :00 SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQt 21Jun63 SUB CODE: 00 NO REF SM 000 OTHERt 000 2/ ard C