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OSIPOV, K.A.; MIROSHKIIIA, Te.M.; SOTNICHMO, A.N. Heat resistance of Ni-Cu system alloys. Trudy Inst.met. no-3:152-159 1 58. (Heat-resistant alloys) (MIRA 12:3) (Copper-nickel alloys) MILLER, V.Ya.; BAZILEVICH, S-V.; RAVIKOVICH, I.M.; KHUDORDSHKOV, I.F.; Prinimali uchastiyer Vernikovskiyj K.R.; POTHICHWO, A.S.; FAKHCMOV, Ye.A.; BRI=A, O.K. Production of fluxed ointer using a high basicity siner as flux* Stall 22~ no.12:1057-1060 D 162. (~rm i5s-v) 1. Nizbne-Tagillskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat i Thesoymn nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut mekhanicheskoy obrabotki polem-fth Iskopayemykhe (Sintering) ;ACCESSION NR: AP401154o B/(-1170/64/000/001/0104/0109 IAUTHOR; Gurevich, M. A.; Botnichenko, B. X :TITLE: Critical thermal conditions in combustion 'SOURCE: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnalr7no. 1, .1964p 104-109 7S-j OTOPIC TAGS: solid fuel combustion, critical combustion condition .ABSTRACT: Certain general features of critical thermal conditions in an exothermic, Ireaction in a plane layer with boundary conditions of the first order are examined, IThese features are important in problems of rapid transitions of ignition and ex- Itinction involving sudden jumps from low to high temp-ratures and bark. It is ;shown that 1) a critical condition necessarily requires a maximum temperature With-1 .;in the layer; 2) a critical condition is impossible if heat yield decreases with t fincreasing temperature or if it is independent of temperature; 3) if the heat Yieldl. ,depends on temperature as Tn, a critical condition is impossible if the exponent 'n < 1; and 4) the well-known Zelldovich postulated according to which ignition 0c_! :curs on a high-temperature surface of a layer when there is no heat transfer..)is '~invalid for any function of heath yield even as an asymptotic approximation.. Orig. iart. has I fig. Card 1 2 -1 , - T GUREVICII, M. A. * SOTNICHFAIE0, B. I. "The criticall r-egime and stability of the tLermal-combustion regime; first- kind boundary conditions. " report submitted for 2nd All-Union Conf on Heat & Mass Transfer, Kinsk, 4-12 may i964. Leningrad Polytechnic inst. SOTNICHINKO, L. A.; EYDEL IMAN, ". R. ; GPMNFa ID, A. A.; NIKOIAYEVA, V. L. ; MAKAROGMINA, V. I. "Data on the healthy carrier of dysentery." Report s,ibmitted at the 13th All-Union Congress of Hygienists, Epidemiologists and Infectionists. 1959 LATSINIX, Te.Ta., prof.; SHARAPOVA, O.K.; SUSHKO, S.R.; MAM, D.Te.; .1 SOTNICEUM, L.A. Pbculiarities in the clinical aspects of the pandemic influenza of 1957. Vrach.delo n0-3-.287-289 Mr l6o. (KIRA 13:6) 1. Gorodskaya infektsionmya bolluitea, Odessa. (ODBSSA--INYLUINZA) GONCHAHUKP G.M. [Honcharuk, H.M.1,; SOTNICHEITKO, L.O., prozektor Periartdritis nodosa in AdIcIren. Ped., akash. i gin*, 22 no.427- 29 160. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Kafedra infektsionnykh bolezney detskogo vozrasta.(zaveduywhchiy - dotsent N.G.Stepina (Stepina, N.H.D Odesskogo meditsinskogo instituta im. M.I.Pirogova (direktor - zasluzhemyy deyatell nauki USSR prof. I.Ya.Deyneka) i Klinichoskaya infektsiomaya bollnitsa (glavnyy vrach - L.T.Zhidovlenko (Zhydovlenko, L.T.]). (AMRIES DISMSES) LATSINIK., Ye.Ya.,prof.; NOTKIN, D.L.,; SLOVESNIK, R.S.; SCSNOVSKAYA, L.A.; BACH114SKIY, D.Kh.; SOTYICHMKO, L.A.; WMSKAYA, L.I. (Odessa) .......... Characteri3tics ot the clinical course of Asian flu (jO) in the 1959 epidemic. 38 no.3:59-63 Nr'60. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Iz Odesskoy gorodskoy infektsionnol bollnitsy Leninskogo rayons, (glavnyy vrach L.T.Zhidovlenko . LATSINIK, Ye.Ya.g prof.; SUSHKO) S.R.,- SOTNICHMO) ~.A. (Odessa) Some characteristics of the course of dysenterial peritonitis,- 39 no.3t62-65 Mr 161. (mm 14t3) 1. Iz Gorodskoy infektsionnoy bollnitoy (glavryy vrach L*T. Zhidovlenko). (DYSEVTERY) (PMITONITIS) SOTNICHENKO, L.P. Partial substitution of sold fungi for grain malt. Spirt.prom. 21 no.1:39-40 155. Oc4VA 8: 5 ) 1. Moskovskiy spirtovyy trest. (Molds (Botany)) (7armentation.) c U3SR Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Appli- 1-28 cation. Carbohydrates and Refinement. Abs Jour :Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 3, 1957, No 10195 Author :Sotnichenko, L.P. Inst :Not given Title :Basic Outline ofthe Development of the Sugar Industry During the Sixth Five-Year Plan. Orig Pub :Sakharnaya prom-st, 1956, No 5, 6-9 Abstract :No abstract. Card 1/1 SOTNICHENKO, L.P. Basic means for the development of the sugar industrr in the sixth fivo-y,ear plan. Sakh.prom._30 no.5:6-9 ~Zyz- 136. (MIJU 9:9) (Sugar industr7) SOTNICHENKO, L.P. -1 ~ - - ON* I Work of the State to the developmen 77-78 Jl '56. Plan commission of experts on problems relative of the sugar industry. Sakh.prom- 30 no.7: NLU 9: 11) (Sugar Industry) (.-SOTNICHEI,TKOP L.P. postwar development of the augur industry of the Ukraine. Sakh. prom. 35 no.4:77-78 Ap 161. 04IRA 14:3) (Ukraine-Sugar industry) - SOTNICHERKO, T.S._.__ Conditioned vascular and food reflexes following castration. Trudy Inst.fiziol. 8028-335 159. (MM 13.*5) 1. Laboratoriya interoteeptivuykh uslovnykh refleksov (zavedu- yushchly - I.Sh. Ayrapettyants) Institute. fiziologii im. I.P. Pavlova AN SSSR. (GONDITIOXKD IMSPONSI) (G&STRLTION) AYRLPETIYANTS, E.Sh.; VASILEVSKAYA9 N.Ye.3 SOTNICHENKOq T.S. Limbic cortex and visceral reflexes. Report Condition of the interoceptive and exteroceptive alimentary and acid conditioned reflexes following extirpation of the cortam of the anterior section 0 of gyrus einguli. Trudy Inst. fiziol. 9:261-267 160. (MIRA 114;23) 11 1, Laboratoriya interdtooptivnykh uslovnykh refleksov i LaborpL,~oriya vyvahey nervnoy deyatellnosti Leningradskogo gosudarstvannogo univer- 6itets. (zaveduyushchiy - E.Sh.Ayrapetlyants). (CONDITIONED RESPONSE) (BRAIN) SOTNICHENFO, T.S. (Leningrad, V-4, 6-ya liniya, 39, kv.51) Morphological data on intracortical connections of anterior and posterior limbic and motor areas of the cat brain. Arkh. anat., gist. i embr. 43 no.8:3-10 Ag"62. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Laboratoriya morfologii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR prof. N.G. Kolosov) i Labor'ator-4ya interotseptivnykh uslovnykh refleksov (zav. - prof. E.Sh. Ayrapetlyants) Instituta fiziologii imeni Pavlova AN SSSR. DO'BRYAIISKAYA, Ye.; SOTNIK, A. Driving through an incline by using deep blast holes. Mast.ugl.2 no-11:17-li 9 153. (MLRA 6.-11*), 1. NauchW sotru&nik DenUGI (for both). (Coal mines and mining) (Blastij4 SOTNIK,A. 125 meters of an inclined shaft in one month. Mast. ugl. 4 no-1:14-15 Ja '55. (HIJ?A 8 :6) 1. Nauchny3r notradnik Donetzkogo nauchno-iseledovatellskago ugollnogo instituta. (Voroshilovgrad Province--Shaft oinking) 1, lr,-014-67 EITPH/ ACC NR; NI'6026364 SOURCE CODE: UR/3209/66/000/001/0022/0027 AUTHOR: Obraztsov, V. I. (Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences); .5otnik, B. (Aspirant)- ~ORG: none 'TITIZ: Same experiments on increasing the actual stability of 'SOURCE: Ukraine. Ministerstvo vysshego i srednego spetsiallnogo obrazovaniya. Mezh- ivedomstvonnyy respublikanskiy nauchno-tekhnicheskiy sbornik, 1966. Akustika i ulltraz- *k (Acoustics and ultrasonics), no. 1, 22-27 TOPIC TAGS: ultrationic vibration, liquid atate, vapor pressurn, boiling point, cryn- tallization, solid phase, wettability, nurface prope-rLf ABSTRACT: The influence of ultrasonic waves on the actual stability of various liquids over time periods up to 280 min was studied according to the method of Pease and Blinks. in this approach, ultrasonic waves`~itate the liquid at the saturation pressure of th~ vapors and the results are given as the degree of superheat in the individual liquid. Experinents were conducted at constant temperature and at a gradual heating rate up to the boiling point of the liquid. The absolute superheat values ranged from 0 to 290C for 12 different liquids. The ratio of absolute superheat to the difference between the boiling temperature and the crystallization temperature ranged from 0 to 0.39. W L loo84-67 1 ACC NI: A76026364 ithe rxcep-Lion !quids (0.07 to Ied insoluble ,particles were ivalues of superheat Ibenzol was caused lAfter the ultrasonic ,posed to the ,no change in ~the soluble gas lity of the liquids. i solutions of loccurs if the phases of benzol (0.39) 0.16~.-Some experiments on the above this ratio was relatively constant for all of the li- were done to test the effect of finely dispers results. Metal chips.and 2,4-dinitr pAenyl_hy_qrazine added to tolyl, methyl alcohol, benzol, and ethyl ether. The abso~i~iW' did not change except for benzol. The decrease from 14 to 20C for by the weak wettability of the addition (2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine treatment, the test was stopped so that the liquids could be ex- free atmosphere, and the ultrasonic experiments were repeated; there was the final results. Since the ultrasonic waves remove gases from solution introduced by stopping the treatment did not affect the actual stabi- Based on these results, the experiments of Pease and Blinks an crystallizing substances were analyzed. It was concluded that cavitation crystallizing substance has a highly wettable surface; however, this ppens not because of the formation of stable surfaces as postulated by Pease and inks, but because of disturbances of continuity in microvolumes, which turn into vitation centers. Orig. art. has: 3 tables. CODE: - 20/ SUBM DATE: none/ OTH REF: 004 Card 2/2 60, Machine-Tractor Stations Our machine-tractor station is ready for the spring so-wing. V pom.profaktivu, No. 3, 1952. Monthl- List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1952. Unclassified. SHNEYEROV, Ya.A.; SAVCHE'NKOV, V.A.; PANICH, B.I.; ,'OIIAEHJVA.L.V.; SOTNIK, I.S.; SOKOIDVSKIY, P.J.; ITOLLN, N.I. Using reinforcements of S'U.5ps semi-killed steel. Stall 24 no.11: 1025-1030 N 164. (14IRA 18. 1) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metallov, TSentrallnyy rauchno-issiedovatellskiy institut stroitellnykh konstruktsiy i Nauchno- issledovatellskiy institut betona i zhelezobetona. (M W (d)/-kVP L alt~99-66 EWT )/90(- )/EWA F'W t ACC Ngs AP6021533 SOURCE CODE: UR/0135/66/000/004/6661766(-W AUTHOR: Legeyda, N. F4 (Engineer); SavcheAkovg V. A (Candidate of1technJca2 scienceO." Sotnik, I. S,-(Engineer) ORG: Ukrainian Scientlfic,-Res~arch Institute-of Met%IA,(Ukrainskiy i2auchno- isoledovateltakiy institut metallov) TITLE: Weldability of quench-hardened St. 3ps steel SOURCE: Svsrochnoye proizvodstvo, no~.' 41966, 1-4 TOPIC TAGS: weldebility, metal.hardening, metal welding, impact strength, steel/ St. 3PS steel 14 -910C in-w ABSTRACT: Quench hardening of St. ~ps steeltom %e temperature.:range.890 lowers the:cold brittleness creases itFIVBtrength by at least 30% reshold to 6oc: raises thej%mount of pseudoeutectoid in the steel., and markedly Mduces the grain size. After rolling and hardening, St.,3ps steel was found,to have good wel bility. Hardening considerably increases notch toughness in the weld-adjacent zone- at low temperatures, lowers the nil ductility transition temperature .(NN), widens the range of efficient welding conditions, and .lowers the sensitivity of the steel t6 arc burns. St. 3ps welcbd after hardening is resistant to the development Of cracks in the weld-adjacent zone. SUB CODE: n/ StMM Mn: nonet Card 1/1 S, E WA (c IJP(c) ACCESSION NR: AP5022348 UR/0135/65/000/009/0013/0015 621.791.011:546.831:669.15-194 AUTHOR: Aa-v_chenkov V. A.' (Candidate of technical sciences); tnik (Engineer);_!;Rvaje (~, V. s. (Engineer) _jk TITLE: Effect of zirconium on the weldabilit of low-carbon steel -1 2-1 SOURCE: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 9, %65, 13-15 TOPIC TAGS: zirconium, low carbon steel, weldability, brittlenem Tact strengtk.i rupture strength, ferrite, pearlite ABSTRACT: To clarify the conflicting available data on the effect of zirconium on the weldability of low-carbon steel, the author investigated the effect of Zr on the properties of the metal of the near-weld zone, weld metal, and-welded- joint metal, as well as on the resistance of the weld metal to the formation of hot cracks. MicrostructuraL examination of specimens taken from 11 experimental melts cQntaining different percentages of Zr (0.05 to 0.35%) revealed that in all I- cases the structure was ferritic-pearlitic. The properties (impact toughness and, the temperature of brittle fracture) of the metal of the near-weld zone were Card 1/2 L 1302-66 - ACCESSION NR: AP5022348 investigated by means of impact tests of notched specimens (notche& at the fusion line). It was found that in the specimens containing more than 0.1% Zr the impact strength and yield point decrease while the critical temperature of brittle frac- ture increases, as a result of the decre asei n~t he amount of the pearlitic com. ponent, owing to the formation of zirconium carbide and the increase in the brittleness of Zr-alloyed ferrite The properties-of welded joints and weld metal were determined by means of tenalie, beading. and impact tests of manually and I automatically-butt-welaDA Specimens containing from 0.05 to 0.60% Zr and were found to follow the same pattern as in the case of the imetai of the neAr-weld zone: as the percentage of Zr increases, impact toughness decreases and critical temperature of brittle fracture increases and the weld metal's resistance to the formation of hot cracks decreases. Conclusion; zirconium adversely affects the weldability of steel. Origo art.has: 4 figures, 2 tables. -ASSOCIATION: [Sotnik].Ukrainskiy institut.,m.etallov (Ukrainian Institute of Meta,14 (Kbvalenko~ Donetskiy institut chernoy metallurgii .(Donetsk InstituteoT Fft_r_r_0_qa__ Metallurgy) SUBMMTM: 00 M(CL-. 00 SUB CODE*. NK, 19 NO UF _30V: 004 irnnd SOTNIK, R.K. . Adapting the VAKOPP electric saw for saying thick lumber. Rats. i izobr.predl.v atroi. no.50:4-6 '53. (MLRA 7:2) (Saws) SOT14IKY P. ,days for increasing the profitableness of the tanker fleet. Mor. flot 25 no.2:12-13 F 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Kapitan teplokhoda "Ashkhabad" Novorossiyskogo upravleniya nefteflota. GAMEIMANI A.F., doktor f&rm. nauk; prof., SOTNIK, V.P. Map-q of the distribution or some wdicirial plants. 'Nlidy Lon. khIm.- farm. inst'. no..",.,24-28 161 (MIRA 3.8--1) -SDTNIK,Yu.V. With the medical personnel of the Caspian. Zdorovle 6 no.10:29 0 160. (MIRA :L3; 9) (CASPIAN SFA-FISMMMEN--~WICAL CAM) SOTNIKOV, A,A. - -, 0.7" Assistance to designers. Standartizat2iia Is-3:69-71 Py-je 156. (VISA 9:9) l.Rukeyeditall gruppy inspekt6ii OGK ps traktorestroyeniyu. (Cheliabiank--Machinery--Design) ~OV,jh dots.,kand.voyennykli nauk,, po:Lkovnik; SMGEYEV, -ETIT ,u D. , polkovnik; MURZAYEV, N.I.,, red.; ZUDINA, M.P., tekhn. red. [Military use of rocket weapons] Boevoe primenenie ra- ketnogo oruzhiia. Moskvas Voenizdat, 1964. 75 P. (MIRA 17:2) SMIPPOVI A.I.; SOTNIKOV, A.A. I- .Impermeability of grey cast iro-n for castings of hydrauiic equipment parts. Lit. proizv. no-4:25-27 Ap 64. (MIP,A 18-7) SMIRNOV,.A.I.;.SO.TNIKOV, A.A. Airtightness of gray cast iron for casting hydmulic ayitem parts. Lit. proizv. no.6:27-29 Je 164. (MIRA 18:5) BROVKINA, Ye.P.; SMIRONOV, A.I.; GRISHCHUK, N.S.; DOTSENKO, P.V.;,~MjL(LV,_A.A~__ Effect of sulfur on +he wear-resistance of cast iron& lzv.vyso ucheb.zav.; chern. met. 8 no.42183-185 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Odesskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. C- 'T N % v, 101-58-2-7/8 AUTHORS. Pochivalov, V.P.; Malyasov, A.D.; Sotnikov, A.G. (Volkhov Plant) TITLE.- Heconstruction of Rotary Cement Kilns at the Volkhov Aluminum Plant (Rekonstruktsiya vrashchayushchikhsya tsementnykh pechey na Valkhovskom alyuminiyevom zavode) PERIODICAL; Tsement, 1958, Nr 2, pp 27-30 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article provides information on the method recently applied for the reconstruction of rotary cement kilns by enlarging them from 3-0/2-7/3.0 x 127.5 m to 3.6/3-0/3.6 x 127.5 m. The re- construction work was carried out. by the Leningrad machine building plants. The time required for rebuilding two kilns was 28 and 21.5 days respectively. As the kilns had to be taken apart for reconstruction outside the building, many tech- nical problems had to be solved, such as the use of railroad cranes on specially built tracks, the lowering and raising of pillars, the reinstallation of the rebuilt kilnel etc. When put into operation, each of the reconstructed kilns reached an output of 25 tons of clinkers per hour. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION; Volkhovskiy alyuminiyevyy zavod (Volkhov Aluminum Plant) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. Cement-Production 2. Rotary cement kilns-Construction NIKITIN, Yu.P.- YESIN, O.A.; KUYNOV,, V.VtI 5 KOROMMOK01, A.A. P _ :OTNIKOV,-AJ~p Electrochemical investigation of the burning out of carbon. Izv. VY3. ucheb. zav.; chern. zet..5 no.5:16-24 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. lirallskiy politakhnicheskiy institut. (Liquid metals) (Electrochemical analysis) NIKITIN, Yu.F.; YESIN, Ferrotungsten recovery from vaste slags with the help of electric currents. Izv. v7s. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no,2:12-15 163. (MIRA 16:3) 1. 'Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. (Slag) (Iron-fiuvaten alloys) (Electrocapillary phenomena) SOMKOV, A.I%j..TWIN2 G.A.; NIKITINp I-Pe *on Slow Discharge in Molten Oxidesel* Report presented at the 14th meting CITCE., Intl. Comm. of Electrochemical Thermodynexift and Kinsticas Moscow,, 19-25 Aug 63. Polytechnical Institute, Sverdlovsk, U.S.S.R. SOTNIKOV, A.I.; YESIN~ O.A.; NIKITIN, Yu.P. Electrochemical investfgation of the decarburization reaction in kinetic conditions. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no.4A�-23 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. SOTNIKOV, A.I.; )TSIN, O.A.; !4IKITIN, Yu.P. Chemical polarization at high temperatures. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no-5:1-173-1176 0 163. (MIRA 16;12,) 1. Urallskly politekhnicheskiy institut im. S.M.Kirova. Predstavleno akademikom A.N.Frumkinym. T*Lvm~~erature dependence Df tn,~ dclubl" -f~iyer cf!Fa~-it:j in oxideB. AN SSSR 158 no.-5--1149-11 "'! () 164. (MIRA 17:10) 1. UrallskIly polite-khrrilcheukiy inst-Itut 1m. FredsLaylano alcadem.4-kcm A.N.Frum-kinym. S A.1- (I'verdlovsk)-, EESIN, O.A. 'Sverdlovsk"; NIKITIN, Yu.F. k (Sverdlovsk) Studyir,g the kinetics of the desulfuration, of cast iron by slag, by the method of alternatin,-. current polarization. Izv. AN SSSR. Met.'32-38 Ja-F 165~ (MIRA 18-5) FId-:141YEVA, O.V.,- SO-LITIKOV, A.I. (Sotnylctov, 0.1.3 lbtliod for feWirg tho aclheoivo -.v:Lt in folding the ekan of choc-upper Wts, Leh. prom. no.4-.4C.49 O-D 065. OWLN 19 -. 1) Mongolian pika In the northeastern Balkash region. lsv.AN Kszakh*SSR*Ser.%oolezo.6:133-134 147. (mLRA 9:6) (Balkhash region-Plkas) -Chemical au4V-xa=hzm1cd-d ds- - 6fthe--c : -V , SotWkov ad Ltn re k on A - - :- - - t . , , , g p -N --Sauk Wasakh, S.S.R., 67-MliSd-ow --- --- s (1953Y%id Russlqny~Th~ fhe6. and Chem. Thi thiiriges~ of tn*~ I o &EL6 'land, aie cphstdFre emmarm or tne wa erg or~tne..V4 " , ' - ,- h T ~w nnd at Astrakhan t at diid. were ~Stn t MY zrad .~ the chem. 'denudation of-tbe regicin-annuaU t1fe y V tn. earth's surface by approx,AG14~inm.~ b '70,000 yean. Data for.both mtch wid,chtwe~ , 7 in lab 1k 1, -. z - ~.i2 P44) " :~~ - " ~ 6;41 w.- SYDYKOV, Zh.S.; SMOKOV, A.V. Formation of the chemical composition of Albian artesian waters in the 14upodzhar Hills region. Izv.Alf lazakh.SSR.Ser.geol. no.4: 65-78 158. (MIRA 12:4) (Hugodzhar Hills region--Water, Underground) - SOTHIKOV.-A.-V., SYDYKOV, Zh. Mineral vaterd in the northern Aral Sea region and their formation. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. geol. no.2:102-111 160. (MLRAS-13:8) A (Aral Sea region--Mineral waters) 4, PAVLOV, A.; PAKHOMOV, K. ; LOBACHEVSKIY, S.; SOTITIKOV, B.; KALININ, Y. PeoPle of the seven-year -nlan. Stroitell no.2:10-11 F 160. (YJRA 13:5) Lifachallnik otdela truda i zarplaty tresta Kignitostroy (for Sotnikov). 2. Nachallnik Nauchno-issledovateltakogo sekt-ors. tresta Magnitostroy (for Lobacbevskiy). 3. Brigadir komplekenoy.brigady konechnoy produktsii tresta 14oBstroy-17 (for Kalinin). (Construction workers) SOTNIKOV, B.; PEPRIIITSEVA, N. Worthy of the high-rank, Stroitelt 'S no*5:24 My 162. (MM 25:7) (Magnitogorsk-Building) LORBERG, M.G., Inzhener; MINAYEV, A.F. (Leningrad); SOTNIXDV-j~-L3J'-- 0 -';" ENGELI, B.V.; RADOSTAYEV, N.I., VOROBIYEV, A.S.; HINASN I.S.; BAKSED&TEVA, S.I. (Moskva); KORDCHANSKIY, Y.K. (Mos;;a). Combined work teams as an untapped resource in raising labor productivity, Stroi, prom- 33 U0,11:5-14 N 155- (XLRA 9:2) l.GPI Leningradskir Prometroyproyekt (for Lorberg)*2.Xagnito- stroy (for Sotnikov).3.Liskhimprometroy (for Bngell).4.Tagil- stroy (for Radostavev).5.Trest Kaspmorstroy (for Voroblyev). 6.Stroitelinoye upravleniye No.3 tresta Asbeftezavodstroy (for Minasyan). (Construction industr7) Afforcst!iti-m Lr:,:riine Results of persistent work . Les i step', no. 4, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, August 1952. TYXIIASSIFIED. S j 2i I 'J.", 2. 1. School ~"~(,UrWlon!,, Excurs;-on to -I co-al. ~At- shkole, no. 3, 1952 Monllilv Lizt Of Russian Acr-essions, Library of Congress, November 1952. UAG~'ASSI'Fi-.-M. BOGOT,YUBSKIY,'N.; BORISOV, S.; GRIGORIYPRV, N:; GUSAROV, X.; GUSIV. L.; ZHAROV, S.; ZBNTVIN,' N.; ZAI43GIN, S., ZQI&OV. G.; INOZEKTSliV. H.; ILINMIYICVA, i., MMOV, A.; KDSHACEMV~ V.; UPTEV, V.; IWMONOSOV, V.; NIKHATWV. A.; NOVIKDV, I.; MTSNV,,M.'; PROKOPPVICH, P.; ROMANOV, I..; RUMINSUU, R.: SVIRIDOV, G.; BOTHIMOV, G.; SUBBOTIN, A.; TURTANDT. I.; CHESNONDV, S.; CHICHKIN. K.; CHIKHANOV, I. Grigorii Karkelovich Illin; an obituary. Metallurg 3 no.10:36 0 '58. (min 11:10) Ullin, Grigorli Markelovich, 1894-1958) -TATSURAL, A., inzh.; SOTNIKOV, 1. Hot air ventilation unit for drying ear corn. ftk.-elev.prom.26 no-5:18-19 MY, 160. (MIRA 34:3) 1. Toesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institlit zerna i produktov yego pererabotki. (CM(W34-Arying') SOV/ 137-57-11-22515 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 11, p 269 (USSR) AUTHOR: -.Sotnikov TITLE: An Investigation of the Microstructure of BN Babbitt (Mikro- strukturnoye issledovaniye babbita "BN") PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchno-issled. rabot stud. Stavropol'sk. s.-kh. in-t, 1956, Nr 4, pp 162-168 ABSTRACT: The results of investigations conducted confirm the neces- sity for strict observance of the engineering procedure recom- mended for melting babbitt and casting bearings. P. N. Card 1/1 UM /Ingineerin L666motives Steam Boilers Feb 49 "Gas Burning in Locomotive and Locomobile, Boilers," A. Sotnikov, Rhergop~qyektneft, 4 pp "Eherget B~ulm No 2 Tests were conducted on a remodeled FD-type locomotive. Fuel was natural petroleum gas, and about 900.ou m per-hour per boiler were necessary to process 10.tons of steam per hour. Described system developed vhereby gas could be.burned for ma-rimum effect. 42/49n4 SOTNIKOV, I.A. Removing oil from the condensate. Bnerg.biul. no.10:20-22 0 157. (MIRA 10:10) (Feed-wat er pur if ic at ion) S o T/0 Kd V, T A - AUTHOR: Sotnikov, I.A., Engineer. 94-3-3/26 TITIE: A Condensate Tank with Automatic Removal of Settled Oil (Kondensatnyy bak s avtomaticheskim udaleniyem otstoyennogo masla) PERIODICAL: Promyshlennaya Energetika, 1958, Vol.13, No.3, PP. 5 - 0 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In oil refineries, condensate is often contaminated with petroleum products. The Ministry of Power Stations (Ministerstvo elektrostantsiy) requires that condensate returned to a heat and electric power station should contain not more than 10 mg/litre of oil, but in practice the figure is often exceeded. This article discusses and describes the design of settling tanks used to remove oil from condensate. The separation is best when the water is hot, when the standing time is long and the rate of flow of the cond nsate is not too great. A settling tank for a flow of 25 - 30 m /hour is illustrated diagrammaticall, in Fig 16 The condensate is received at a temperature of 85 - 9; C. A barrier in the tank divides it into two sections It can easily be arranged to withdraw oil from the tank auto- matically. A sch matic diagram of a condensate station to handle 500 - 600 m~/hour is given in Fig.2. If the ground levels are favour- able for gravity flow, it is best to instal one condensate card 1/2 94-3-3/26 A Condensate Tank with Automatic Removal of Settled Oil station for the entire output. The stat on illustrated in Fig.2 has four metal tanks each of 400 m~/hour- Three are settling tanks and the fourth is a clean condensate receiver. The tanks are so connected that the three settlers can work in series or in parallel. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Giproneftezavod AVAILABLE: Library of uongress Card 2/2 BOCHAROVP V.I., inzh.,, otv. za vypusk; SHESTAKGV, A.N., lnzh.; I A FROLOV, K.I., inzh.L�_QZNIK inzh.. SYSOYENKO, N.A., inzh.; YOISEYEVA, V.G.,-Nzn.; SpItAKOV., V.14.1 inzh.; PREDKOV, A.G., inzh.; KHITROVA, N.A., tekhn. red. [Album of drawings of electric machinery and transformer equipment for the VL60 electric locomotive) Allbom. cher- tezhei elektricheskikh mashin i transformatornogo obora- dovnniia elektrovoza VL60. Moskva, Transzheldorizdat 1963. 353 P. (MIRA 16:121 1. Novocherkasskiy elektrovozostroitellnyy zavod. (Electric locomotives-Design and construction) SOTHIKOV. I.,kELnd.tekhn.nauk ,AO Train specialization on graphic train sheets. Zhel.dor.tran 36 no.6:43-4,6 Js '55. WRL 12:470 (Railroads--Making up trains) I- 6"7 7A i A - , " ~, ,;", 1--c " SOTHIKOV, I.B., dote., kand. tekhn. nauk. II-q --- -Tffg-~Mciency of various systems of operating locomotives. Trudy HIM no.86.-167-203 157. (MM 11:1) (Locomotives) SOTNIKOV) I.B.) kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent Specialization of freight train timetables. Trudy MIN no.lLl*.142- 156 t59. (MIRA 14:5) (Railroads-Timetables) (Railroads-Freight) KOCMM, Fedor Petrovicht daktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; MAKSBIOVICH, Boris Mikhaylovichp kand.tekbu.naukv dotsent; SOTRIKOV Isaak Bentsionovicht kand.tekhn.nauk., dotsent; SIHONOVt - -P -Ei!a-.tekhn.naukp retsenzent; MANYUKOV* G.S.9 inzh.9 red.; BOBROVA, Ye.N.p [Problems concernimg the organization of train movement] Yoprosy organizatsii dvizheniia, poezdaw. Moskva, Vses.izdatellsko-po:Ligr. obledinenle H-va putei soobsMheniia, 1961. 23-1 p. (KEU 14:6) (Railroads-Traffic) (Railroads-Signaling) w 0 SOTNIKOV, I.B., dotoent . , - -- - e 7 Through trkin timing for long hauling distances. Trudy ',UIT no.161:92-113 163. (MIRA 17:4) A SOTNIKOV, I.B., dotsent, kand. teklin. nauk Designating permanent basic train pathes in the train sheet. Trudy 14ITT no.203:103-121 165. (MIRA 18: 6' L 12889-63 EP.F(c)/94P(J)/WT'm)/BDS ASD/AFFT1 C Pr-4/?C-L, AP3001425 S/0138/63/000/004/0001/0005 Shatalov, V. F.; Gostev. Kr Y*lova, I. A.; Artemov V M.1 Shestakova, Korbanova, Z. X.; qlfikin, A. D-; Sotnikov, 1. V TITLE: Low-temperaturepolymerize butadiene-styrene rub~-er with a carbon black- oil filler SOURCE: Kauchuk i rezina, no. 4, 19% 1-5 TOPIC 'LAGS: polymerization, carbon black filler, oil fillers butadiene rubber, styrene rubber ABSTRACT: Studies were.condua-ked on the preparation of stal-le dispersions of various types of carbon blackV%rith and without surface-active substances. The ;'latter included pbTa-sslum rosinate, Leukanol, and ammonium caseinate. The d4s-. persions were prepared in ball mills, in jet mills, and by means of a vibrat':~-. The kinetic and aggregate stability of the dispersions were* determined. Pot.-,zAur~ rosinate and Leukanol produced dispersions w~!ich did not separate for sever-,! days. The oil emulsion was prepared with the aid,of stearic acid and triethanola.-dine. lhe carbon black dispersion was mixed with the latex of butadiene-styrenei rubber Card 1/2 L 1,2589-63 ACCESSIO111 NR: AP30014.25 and into it was introduced the oil ermulsion. The coagulation of this :rass -was achieved by pouring it into a 9% solution of sodium chloride containing '1,., acid at 40~,.' It was found that the introduction of carbon black into the lat~,x .aVon had a favorable effect on the technolocric~l properties of Previous to coa;ul I :,.he vulcani ate permitted the processinm of rubbers with a hiaher no.'eculn. z d lve-L~ht. The KhAFVirand of carbon black and the use of potassium rosinall-a as fier produced vulcanized rubbers of superior strenc;th and a-rasive p~:-opert.les, g hi.7,her modulus of elasticity and with a better adhesion to the cord. Pasy*nkov, N. V., Bondaryev, A.-Ye., and Gergasevich, T. . participated in the work. Orig.. art. has: 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Voronezhakiy zavod sinteticheskogo kauchuka i Voronezhskiy shinny*y zavod (Voronezh Synthetic Rubber Plant and Voronezh Tire Plant) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 30,%,ay63 ENCL: SUB CODE: 00 NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 002 Card 2/2 d SHATALOVP V.P.3 KHLOPOTUNOV, G.F.; SLUKIN, A.D.; ZHILINI-KOV, V.I.; SOTNIKOV I.F. Investigating the process of colophony hydrogenation on a palW:Ium catalyst, Gidroliz. i lesokhim. prom. 17 no.6t22-24 164. (KRA M12) L.lol83-66---. D1T(m)/EWP(J)/T RPL -W/-RM ACC NRt AP5028492 -I SOURGE,CODEs UR/0286 /65?~W/020/0066/0067 AUTHORS.- An #111r; 1/41, -~ F.';' Piotrovskly, I. A.; ger ;, LL G.; Xuzlminsk~j, A. S.; Kovrizhko, L Sotnikov, I. F.; Ivanova, Z. V. "Se ORG: none TITLEi Method for obtaining synthetic rubbeF. Class 39,, No. 175�2 Cannounced b7 ~gxrqrie;hlactory for SIRI btic Rubber im, S. M. Kirova (Voronezhakiy savod sinteticheskogo kauchuka)_/ ff1sir SOURCE: Byulletent izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 20, 1965, 6647 TOPIC TAGS: rubber, synthetic rubber, polymer, copolymer styrene, butadiene ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a methqd for obtaining synthetic rubber via an aquo-emulsion copolym rization7of butadiene with styreneFor c~-metbyl styrene in the presence of known emulsifiers, initiators, regulators, nd buffers and with the use of polymerization terminators. The latter are introduced into the system after obtaining the desired do ee of monomer conversion. To increase the variety of polymerization terminators,,' used as polymerization terminator. The polymerization process may also bb terminated by using o2ynsozons along with known polymerization ter-Ina e.g., sodiua d1metby1dithiocarbanste. SuD com n/ SUBM DATEs l4Jul64 Card VW2 678.762.2=jA.'622 pOS1,LWT , ZL HKO L, a' . , y M.M. Yul,,RIZ $ KRYLOVA. 1.A., GW-FV, SOTNIKCV- K.A.; p-T,:~YNKOV, Ep-,? ive agents on the 3tr6r,9t" f Cct ~)f surface-ac~ bon 'clpck extended SKk--'OAPK yubber. ..)f the vulcanizates of car Yauch. i rez. (M-JFA 18:12) 1. ln2titu'~, fizicheskoy khi-w-J-1 ssSR i Vo-cne~zhskiy LP-'J-,d Fir-,tetiz~heskogc-, kaur~huku im. 3.M. Kirova. L 05648-67 EWTW/EW'K IJP(c) R M ACC NRt AP6026759 QM SOURCE CODES UR/0138/66/000/005/0003/0004 AUTHORS Goatev M M - Bryantsevp V. V.; Kovrizhko, L. F.t Sotnikovg L k., ORG: Voronezh ~7nthetic Rubber Plant-lVoronezhskly zavod einteticheakago kauchaka); Vorone~h Tire ant Uoronezhakly shinnyy zavod) TIT1411 Oil-extonded stereoregular cis-1 4-butadione rubber SUURCEt Kauchuk i retina, no. 59 19661, 3-4 TOPIC TAGS8 polybutadione, filler, plasticizer, vulcanization ABSTRACTI The conditions of preparation of oil-extended cis-1,4-polybutadione and the relationship between the methods of extending the rubberand the properties of the ,,s were studied. Aromatic M-61"and taU oil were used aa rubber mix and vulcanizate plasticizers and flllerj.VbThe properties of the oil-extended rubbers were studied in a special tread mix of the composition (in pts. by wt.): cis-13,4-polybutadione 100; sul- fur 1.6; Santocure 0.9; zinc oxide 3-0; product 401ONA 0.5; Antilux 1.0; XhAF-type c bon black (Vulcan 3) 60.0; oil 13.0. The workability of the mixes was determined from thoir millability. The tread mixes were vulcanized at 1430C. Rubbers obtained by in- troducing the oil at the solution stage displayed a better workability than those pro- pared by adding the oil in the mixer; their tensile strength and resistance to crack propagation were also higher. *It is concluded that the good workability of oil-extend~ Card 1/2 UDCj 678.762.2(4&.5.583).004.12 ,4w L 05648-67 ACC NR: AP6026759 ed rubbers permits the preparation of tread mixes from 100% cio-1#4-polybutadiene. Orig. art. hast I table. SUB CODE: 11/ SUBM DATSs 06Nov65/ ORIG Ws 002/ On R91 010 Z As _4 t qq1'%4 44 "f- 1 1, 1 .~l I kCC NRj AP6021772 SOURCE COM UR/0413/66/000/012/0032/0032 JU INVENTOR: Shatalov, V. P.: Velikanove, L. A.; Volovodov. I.: Kovirishko, L. F.; Kudryavtsev, L. D.; Sotnikov, 1. F.; Koalova, M. N. i ORG: none yr ene TITLE: Cati~yst for the hydrogenation of eth~lbenzeJ to at Class 12, 9- No. 182697~[announced by Voronex Synthetic Rubber Plant Ji. S. M. Kirov - (Voronezhokiy zavod sintaticheskogo kauchuka)l SOURCE: Izobreteniya. promyshlennyya obrastay, tovarnyye anaki, no. 12, 1966, 32 TOPIC TAGS: dehydrogenatlon,**I.hylbanxenestyrene, improved catalyst ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been Issued for an Improv 4 catalyst for the dehydrogenatioa of ethylbenasne to styrene. To Increase the activity a Iad mechanical strength of iron, chromium, potessits and calcium ozlda--bwed catalyst, the method provides for the addition of 5--10Z mWeelum oxide to tba composItIm.1 too] SUB COM 07/ SUBM DATZ: MayGS/ ATD FM8s S'oz6 ROZANTSEV, Ye.S.; MRIMIN, A.N.,- SOMIKOV, T.V. Searching for and improving methods to control. sudden outbursts in davel.opmen~ workings. Vop.bezop.v ugoll.shakh. 4%75-100 164. (MI RA 18 -11) SOTNIKOV. L. The master miner is the Innovator's assistant, Kast.ugl.3:12-13 Mr 154. (MM A 7:4) 1. Gornyy master shakhty wKrasnaya zvezda' kombinata Stalinugoll. (Coal mines and mining) GINZBURG., A,G.; OSTAPENKO, K.A.; BUREOV, A.N.; YI-LIKHOV, A.D.; ZINOVIYEV, B.; LABINOV, A.F.; SOTNIKOVr L.L.; POTAPOV, N.M.; KHRAMTSOVP V.V. Information and brief news. Veterinariia 41 no.1:117-126 Ja 164. (MW 17:3) SINELINIKOV, A.S.; TERNKROV, S.L.; SOTMIOVI M.A. StudYing the descent of fuel and movement of gages in shale retorts using nonworking models. Trudy VMIPS no.6:51-63 158. (NIPA 11:8) (Gas retorts) (Oil shales) zAsypKIN, I.G.,; SOTIIIKOV, energ. 16 no.4:9-11 For the Saving of electric power. Prom. O-JJRA 14:9) Ap 161. (Karaganda province-Electric powar) JL- I BE2-!OZGIN, E. S.; NEIMCHENKO, A. G.; SOU11YOV, L-M.A.; SHAPIRO, R. N. It I Teuperature and pressure distribution A the separate zones of shale gas generators. Trudy V14IIT no. 1105-41 162. (MIRA 17:5) POLDZOV, V.F.; 7APEVALOV, N.11,1,; SCANIFOV , , , I - - I I , , ~ - i ~ . - , , - , Breaking down kerosine in mcm?ntary ttlent, ..! Trudy VNIIT no.13:45-65 164. J 4 !1 in lie p. cf ~-.n --. L. 29111-5 ispolbzovaniye oborotnvl,-h sryedstv shvyenykh fallrik. liyegkaya pro--stv, lq,g, ~,'o - 5. S - 4-5 G. KozlVevyennaya promyshlyennostb. Oburna.;-a proWshlyennostb. Shornoye-proizvodstvo. SO: LvTOPIS No. 34 - SOTRIKOV.N.L. ' . 1 -1-1 _ .11-11 il The specialization of sewing plants is a way to mobilize in- dustry's hidden potentialities. Leg.prom 15 no.4:4-12 AP'55- (Clothing industry) (KLRA 8:74 S0T-'IK()"I' 11T.L. SOTNIKOV, N.L.; VARSHAVSKAYA, L.S., redaktor; KOGAN, Y.V.. tekhnichaskiy I -- TRV16r CSpecialization and cooperation in the saving industry] Spetsisli- zataiis i kooperirovanie v shveinoi promyshlonnosti. Moskva, Goa. nouchno-tekha.izd-vo K-Ya legkoi proaWshl. SSSR. 1957. 63 p. (Clothing industry) (MLRA 10:8) SOTNIEDV, N. L. Prospects for the development of the clothing industr7 in 1959-1965. Shv.;tjLn. prom. no.1:4-10 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:6) (Clothing industry) SOTITIKOV, N.L.; KARELIN, B.D.; KHIRAMOVA, N.A. Eliminating the shop as a unit in clothing factories in Moscow and Moscow Provinces Shvein.prome no-3:7-10 My--Te '59. (MIRA 12:9) (14oscow Province-Clothing industry-Management) (Moscow-Clothing industry-Management) SOTNIKOV, N.L. Basic directions in the expansion of the clothing industry for the 1959-1975 period. Shvein.prom. no.1:1-3 Ja-F 16o. (NIRA 13:6) (Glothing indistry) KARELIB, B.; SOTPIKOVL-HL-- Measuring production volume and labor productivity In the elcthing 0 industry. Biul. nauch. inform.: trud i zar. plata 4 no.1,23~--2,7 161,, (MIRA 11p.3) (Clothing industry-Labor productivity) 10" SOTNIKOV, N.L. (Moskva)' Creation of consolidated firms in the clothing indu~w- Shvein.prom. no.6:10-15 N-D 162. (MM 15:12) (Industrial organization) (Clothing industry) SOTNIKOVJ. N.L. (Moskira) Improving the planning in the clothing industry. Shvein. prom. no.3:23-28 My-Je '63. (MIRA 16:8) SOTNIKOV, N.L. (Moskva) New.norms for the processing costs of mass-produced clothing. Shvein. prom. no.5:1-4 S-0 163. (WRA 16:12) SoTNIKOV, N.Ya., mostovoy master (st.14orshansk, Moskovsko-Ryazanskoy I'-- ~-- wdlw gi) Painting bridges. Put'Ii -put. khoz. no.5:8 97 '59. ' (MIRA 12:8) (Painting, Industrial) (Railroad bridges) Some data on the statics and dynamics of the structure of the Schmidt-Ianteripann inclsures. Arkh.anat.gist. i embr. 48 no.3:31-42- Mr 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Tafedra norrallnoy anat-omii (zav. - pros'. V.N.Murat) i Icafedra fiziologii (nachallnik doktor med.nauk A.S.Mozzhukh-4n) Voyenno- meditsinsk-:)y ordena akader-ii fimni Kirova. M KIYATKINY Petr Filippovich; SOTKIKOV, Petr Dmitrilevich; MMUKAYEVA, A., recl.;- ABBASOV, T., tekhn. red. (Increase wool yields from Gissar sheep] Povysit' sher- stnuiu produktivnost' u ovets gissarskoi porody. Tashkent, Gosizdat UzSSR, 1962. 24 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Uzbekistan-Sheep) DISTLER, G.I.;,,SQTNIKOV.,-~.P. KORTUKOVA, Ye. 1. Effect of the structure of polyvinyl alcohol films on the mechanism of their pyrolysis. Dokl. AN SSSR 156 no. 3:652-653 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Institut kristallografii AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V.A.Karginyin.