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SkVAK, M.Ya.; ARGUDAYEVAp N.A.; NABIYEVy E.G.1 CHISTOVICH, G.N.; RIVLINp M.I.; SEMENOV, M.Ya.; KRUGLIKOVp V.M.; SHALINEVA) A.M.; TITROVA, A.I.; RAYKB, B.N.; MILYAYEVA, Ye.N.; BRUDNAYA,' R.I.; GODINA, I.F.; VOLIFSON, G.I.; SOSONKO S M KOLESINSKAYA, L.A.; VYSOTSKIY, B.V.; MALYKH, F.S.; MIROTVORTS Yu.I.; SYCHEVSKIY, P.T.; GOPACHENK01 I.M.; KARPITSKAYA, V.M.; FETISOVA, I.A.; MARTYNYUK,, Yu.V.; &MINA, I.A. Annotations. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i immun. 40 no-3:128-131 Mr 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Iz Kemerovskogo meditsinskogo instituta i Kemerovskoy klinicheakoy bollnitsy No.3 (for Spivak., Argudayeva). 2. Iz Kazanskogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey imeni Lenina (for Nabiyev). 3. Iz Leningradskogo kozhnogo dispansera No. 1 (for Chistovich, Rivlin). 4. Iz Rostovskoy oblastnoy sanitarmo-epidemiologicheEikoy stantaii (for Semenov). 5. Iz Stavropollslcogo instituts, vaktain i eyvorotok (for Kruglikov, Shallnevap Titrova,, Rayki-s). 6. Iz Ku7byshevskogo instituts. ,.epidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigiyeny i TSentrallnogo insti- 'tuta usovershenstvavaniya vrachey, (for Mi2yayeva). 7. lz Vses.o7uznogo nauchno-issledovateliskogo instituta zhelezno- doroshnoy gigiyeny Glavnogo sanitarnogo upravieniya Minis- terst~m putey soobshcheniya i Detskoy polikliniki st. LYublinO (Continued on next card) SPIVAK, M.Ya - - - - -- (continued) Card 2. Moskovskoy zheleznoy dorogi (for Brudnaya, Godina). 8. Iz Vrachebno-sanitarnoy aluzhby-Severnoy zheleznoy dorogi (for Vollfsonip Sosonlco.,-Kolosinskaya). 9. Iz Vladivostokskogo instituta. e-p-iTeWologii, mikrobiologii i gigiyeny i Primorskoy krayevoy protivochumay stantsii (for Vysotskiy, Ma~kh, Mirotvortsev, Sycherskly, Gopachenko). 10. Iz Yaroslavskogo meditsinskogo instituta_Lfor Karpitskaya). 11. Iz Aralmorskoy protivochumnoy stantsii (for Fetisova). 12. Iz Llvovskogg instituta. epidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigiyeny (for Majrtynyuk, &dina). SOSOHOV, V.G., kand. takhn. nauk, dots. Investigating the dynamics of an electric drive. Trudy Ural. politekh. Inst. no.90:167-182 158. (MIFA 13:2) (Electric motors--Deeign and construction) LTKOT, A., doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk; YANKURV, L., kan4ldat takhnicheakikh sauk; SOSONSKAYA A., inzhener. .1, ~~ Method for intensive drying of building materials. Stroismat.Wel. I konstr. 1 no.12:25-26 D 155. (NM 9:7) (Drying apparatus) SOSOROVA, V. -- "Investigating the Effect of the Degree of Ohemical Nonuniformity of the Glassl~lass on the Mechanical Properties of the Glass .11 Cand Chem Sci, All-Union Sci-Res Inst of Mass, Moscow, 1953. (RZhKhin,, No 20, Oct 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Hicher Educational Institutions (10) BAKTJLOV, I.A.; IGNATOVA, O.V. Book reviews and bibliography. Veterinariia 40 no.2:88-90 F 163. (MMA 17:2) SOSOV~ R.F., Lect.x-Cmd. of Vet. Sci. "On new discoveries in biology." SO: Veterinarila 27(9), 1950, P- 15 SWOV, R.F., dotsent, kandidat veterinarnykh nauk. Shortcomings of a new textbook OVeterinary microbiology". Veteri- nariia 30 no-9:58-62 8 '53. NLRA 6:8) SOSOV. R.F. Theoretical significance of mutation of micro-organisms; in connection with the publication of S.H. Maromtsev's book, 'Variability of micro-organisms and problems of immunity," 1953. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i immun. no-12:3-8 D '55. (MLRA 9:5) (MIGIROBIOLOGY, variability of microorganisms in immun) (IMNMIITY, variability of microorganisms in) SOSOV, R.r., dotoent, kandidat vaterinarnykh nauk. Some remarks on the article on wInfectious ansmiall from the book on "Infectiuas diseases and parasitic invasions in horses." Yeterinariia, 32 no.10:90-91 0 '55. (MMA 6:12) (AMMIL, NWnM INMIOUS) (POMUBSKII, I.V.) (ITANDY. B.T.) SOSOV, R.F., dotsent. Rift Valle7 fever (enzootic hepatitis). Taterinarii& 32 ne.12: 69-71 D 155. (RIFT VALLEY IPZVJRR) (MLRA 9:4) SOSOV, R.F. (Moskva) Relation betw'een noninfectious and infectious diseases. Arkh. Pat. 19 ne.2:75-78 '57 (XLRL 10:4) 1. Iz kafedry spizootologii (zav.-akad. S.W. Vyshelesskiy) Moskovskey veterinarney akademii. (COMMUNICABIR DISFASES relation to non-infect. dis., role of nory. system) (MMVOI~S SYSTEM, in various die. role in infect. & non-infect. die.) SOSOV, R.F., dotsent Unity of neural function in the disease procoss and its protective role. Veterinarita 35 no. 7:21-25 JI 158. (MIRA 11:7) 1. Moskovskaya veterinarnaya akedemiya. (Nervous system) (pathology) SOSOV, R , dots. (Moskovskaya oblaet') True nature of infection; in connection with the publication of I.V. Davydovskiifs NTheories of infection." Arkh.pat, 21 no.6.- 77-80 '59. (MIRA 12:12) (INMTI01W) ('DAVYDOVSKII, I.V.) SOSOV? R.F. "Fathological physiology of farm animals" by M.K. Dalmqto7, A.A. Zhuravell, V.M. Koropov. Reviewed by R.F. Sosov. Veterin,qriia 39 no.10-*89-91 .0 162. (MIRA l6s6) (Veterinn.ry pathology) Dalmntav, M.K.) huravell, A.A.) R (Koropov, VOMP) SOSOV, R.F., dotsent (Moskvw) Disease as an adaptive and protecti-im phenomenon; concerning the publishing of I.V. Davydovokiilis,book wProblew of. causality in medicine". Arkh. Pat. 25 fio..6~,71-74 163. - (IUFLA 17; 1) SOOSOV, _RF.,.-prof.; KOVBA, P.Ya., assistent; SHUPLIKO, N.., m3adshiy nautilmyy tiotrudnik Etiologic and epizootiological importance of Leptospira from the L. hebdomadis serogroup. Veterinariia 42 no.9:28-30 S 165. (MJRA 18%11) I. MosRovskaya veterinarnaya akademiya (for Sosov, Kovba). 2. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-kontrollnyy institut veterinarnykh preparatov (for Shupliko). Name: SOSOVA., V. F. Dissertation: Some features of the infectious process in radiation sickness; experim~.kntal research Degree: Cand Med Sci APP44**AJon: Acad Med Sci USSR, Inst of Biophysics Place: 1956, Moscow Source: Knizhnaya Letopis', No 52, 1956 ,~~3 60- Iwn.XMU,~A, CTIARACTF111871CS OF TORY 6M RUWNSE IN IRRADIATED ANIMAIA. A. E. tvwiv auil F. so wy-3. M d dl l R 1 N ~4 3 10 0 6 6 i~ - o a . o . o. 5 ) Now.-Dec. a an 0( ,- I ia) , , Studies were wade~of,the patWegical anatopl~ c16 anges ;r, to the skin after injeetimo of lite (rAlture of lutestftw ba- Sillus Into rabbits expoued to total-b(Ay irradiation. M.V.J.) ~Q4 z 7, Count, ry ! USSSR Cato.-,Dry !Microbiology. Miatobez'Pathagenio For Man and Animals General Problems. .'Ibs. Jour :Paf Zhur-Bicl., No 23, 1958, No 103781 AuthOr So sov Inatitut, :-- Titlo :The Multiplication of Microbes in the Tiskues of knimals Irradiated with X-Rays !')ub. Or in :Tr. Vaes. konforentaii po med. ra3iol. Eksperim. sod. , radiol. Moscow, 14odgiz, 1957, 160-163 A'bstract !Foci of infla=atioii mare created in rabbits which had been irradiated with massive doses of X-Rays by neana of the intracutaneou3 injection of various dosom of staphyloccoci and colon bacilli; these foci were excised at definite ~ntbrvals for the purpose of studying the dynamice of multiplication of the bacteria. It was established that the intensity of bacterial multipli- cation after the infection is greater the longer the interval between the irradiation,and the infection. During the period when radiation sickn*ss.-io pronounced the inflammation has a nacrotio-hemorrhagic character, and baclerismia. is observed in the aninalm. Similar 1/2 P-36 USSR/General Probleve of FatUol6gy. Immunity U-1 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 13, 1958, No 6og6l Author :Klemparskaya N.N., Sosova-V.F., Dlemirovich-Danchanko O.R.) LIvitsina G.M. Inet :- Title :The Effect of an Active Immunization Against Intestinal In- fections and Tuberculosis on the Resistance of hnimals to Radio (Radium? J. Orig Pub ; Med. radiologiya, 1957, 2, No 5, 65-72 Abstract : :, study was made of a preliminary one stage immunization of mice by tetra-vaccine or by the BT:sZh vaccine, on the course of radiation sickness caused by an irradiation of Roentgen Rags of 400 ch. or by the introduction of polonium (0.1 microcurie per kilogram). lui immunization of this type, es- pecially when made 2 weeks prior to exposure to Roentgen Rays, increases the animals chances of survival (irradiAion) or increases their life span (polonium). A preliminary vaccination, made 4 times on rabbits who had received formalin treated Card 1/2 IYAMOV, A.Ye.;,Re Irperimental bronchopneumonia [with a-mar7 in Miglishl. 3iul.&ksp. biol. i mod. 43 no.3:121-125 Mr '57. (XLRA 10:7) 1. Hauchnyye rukovoditeli.: Chlen-korrespowdent AKM SSSR prof. N.A. Krayevskiy i prof. I.M.K.lemparalcaya. Prodstavlena dey8tvitalinym chlenom ANN SSSR N.A.Skvorts'ovym* (BRONCROPHRUMOFIA. wmer. in rabbits (Rus)) Effect of antibiotics on inflammatory processes in irradiated animals [with summary in English], Med.rad. 4 no.1:45-50 Ja 159- (MM 12:2) (ANTiBrOTICS, eff. on expers inflamm. in irradiated animals (Rus)) (ROIMTGMN RAYS, effects, on exper. inflamm. reactions to antibiotics (Rua)) (INFWKATION, exper. eff. of antibiotics in Irradiated animals (Rua)) SOSOVA, V.F. MOMMON", Theraneutic use of penicillin and streptomycin in inflammatory processes in irradiated animals. Mad. rad. 4 no.4:31-36 Ap '59. (PENICILLIN, effects. (MIRA 12:7) on exper. inflamm. in x-irradiated animals (Rua)) (STROPTOMMIN, eff. name ) (ROANTGNS RAYS. eff eff. of Denicillin & streptomycin on exper. inflamm. in irradiated animals (Ras)) nBMPARSKAYA, N.N.; SOSOVA, V.F. Role of infection and changes In immunological reactivity in the development of the hemorrhagic syndrome in irradiated animals. Ned. rad. 4 no.10:-82-84 0 159. (MM 13:2) (RADIATION INJURT exper.) (Hmenun exper. ) (INFACTION exper.) 17 (10, 12) SOV/16-59-6-6/46 AUTHORS: Klemparskaya, N.N., Sosova, V.F., Alekseyeva, O.G., Petrov, R.V., Chekatilo, G.A. and Nemiro~_rcfPjanchenko, O.R. TITLE: A Study of Some Aspects of the Action of Antibiotics on Radiation Sickness PERIODICAL: Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii I immunobiologii, 1959, Nr 6, pp 26-34 (USSR) ABSTRAM. The article was presented at a conference in the Tsentraltnyy nauchno- issledovatellskiy rentgeno-radiologicheskiy institut Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR (Central X-ray and Radiological Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Health, USSR) in Leningrad on November 29, 1957. It is a symposium of articles by various authors on the effects of anti- biotics on the microflora of the body after irradiation and certain factors of the body's reactivity. Sosova studied the effects of strepto- mycin, biomycin and penicillin on the development of infectious in- flammation in rabbits irradiated with 800-1,100 r of X-rays. Chekatilo studied the effects of per os administration of biomycin in doses of 1 mg for 6-12 days on the amount of microbes contained in the colon of Card 1/3 white mice irradiated with 600 r of X-rays. Nemirovich-Danchenko studied SOV/16-59-6-6/46 A Study of Some Aspects of the Action of Antibiotics on Radiation Sickness the properties of microflora excreted by dogs treated with polonium. Alekseyeva confirmed the antibiotics-resistance of commensal microflora in dogs which received per os slow-radioactive Strontium -90 but were not treated with antibiotics. U.G. Gasanov, M.N. Yegorova, Z.V. Yermollyeva, V.Ya. Kudryavtseva and G.P. Rudnev have noted the great effects of antibiotics on many physiological processes and immunobiolo- gical activity. Alekseyeva studied the intensity of the phagocytic re- action of blood leukocytes in dogs irradiated with 600 r of X-rays, of whom some were given antibiotics therapy. N.N. Klemparskaya, S.L. Krasinskaya, T.M. Kokbanovskaya, Ye.I. Milevskiy, Kh.Kh. Planellyes and N.V. Chumachenko have studied the effects of antibiotics on immunity - with contradictory results. G.A. Mikhaylets has studied their effect on allergy. R.V. Petrov and L.I. Illin have investigated the possibili- ty of forming complex antigen (allergen) groups by combining antibiotics with substances from the tissues of the living organism. From the above works a number of conclusions may be drawn. The introduction of anti- biotics into animals, irradiated with lethal X-ray doses before in- .fection, helps to prevent the development of inflammatory infection. Resistant microbe strains in the irradiated body seem to react to anti- Card 2/3 biotics by increasing in virulency; their number in the tissues and SOSOVA, V.F, Development of inflammatory processes in the lungs following the irrtroduction of metallio niokell into the respiratory system experimental data. Gig. i san. 25 no. 609-91 Je 160. (NICKEL-TOXICOLOGY) (LUNGS-DUST DISEASES) (MIRA l4t2) SOSOVA, V.F.; PETROVICH,, I.K.; MAIMLOV, B.A. Serological and hematological data on remote reaction to vaccination in dogs foUowing introduction of radioactive strontium, IMiobiologiia 1 no.5:742-745 161. (MIRA 14:11) (STRONTIUM-ISOTOPES) (VACCINATION) SELIVANOVA, L.N.; SOSOVA, V.F. (Moskva) Toxicity of finely dispersed nickel dust when inhaled repeatedly. Gig. truda J- prof.zab. 5 no.6:26-29 Je 161. (MIRA 15:3) (NICKEL-TO'XICOLOGY) SOSOVA,-V,F.; PANTELEYEV, V.N. (Moskva) Machine for sawing bones in working with marrow. Probl.gemat.i perel.krovi no.7:59 161. (MARFOd) (MIRA 14:9) ff A 807/a97 N*,- N4. V*P Bosam- teve", and T& Antibakterial'W Imunitat i raai0r'*viUitmtziost.I- (An~abact*rial Mmunity and -30DOI Radi ores istance) [i1cp cowlj, Medgz' 1�63. oblai iminted. Ed&:' S*- P* Umdan- E&* t No A*"Buk0vS"*,;I. PURPOSEt Mdo book in integed for yracticI4 rhyiiaims"fradiologists" lutm- nologists and research vorkers In related. fields COVERAGE-if - The lb4siological igmificance of o4quirod iimuii~ and eme aspects of vaccinatim effects :ytheir ~ e in'Lucressing radiation toler-' ance . and -irradiatim of Immml zed, animal, and. Inoculatica -,e~ffeets - in vivo after radie6ticm expwure-are discussed* Thi followin* perobnalities are men- ticned: P-rq4essor P, D., Gorizcutov, To V.Kalyayeva j M'*'? ' Sbitneva,. 16' N. Uimchevaj, Go A*, Abal Inum, and Os Ve. Smirname There' we'*92L SoViet and 60 nca-Soviet references. O~t4PSF4 SOSOVA, V.F. (Moskva) Patal shock in irradiated rabbitq in response to the administration II of homologous r-globulin. Biul.eksp.biol.i med. 58 no.10:31-33 o 6/,.. (MIRA 18:.U) 1. Submitted July 10, 1963. SOSOVE-C, V. Czechoslovakia iiW.011 U;~ -- U I r&A I Pulmonary Diseases Section, Kilitary Hospital (Pluene oddelenie Vojenskej nemocnice v Ruzomberka), Ruzomberg; Director: S. CYPRICH, MD. Prague, Rozhledy v tuberkulose a v nemocech plicnich, No 8, Sep 62, pp 578-585. "Serum Transaminases(SGOT and SGPT) in Recent Forms of Pulmonary Tuberculosis". Co-author: MAYER, J., Pulmonary Diseases Section, Military Hospital, Ruzomberg. CZEC.-HO S LOYAKI A SOSO'FEC, V; MA'=, J. ,je of t~ 1. Internal 1,1edicine Ward Uary Hoo-oital ~Vnu-'U-orne oddelenie Vojenskej nemocnice), Xosici; Pulmonary Disease Ward of the -Tilitary Hosi.,itai I)_ u I - (Plucne oddelenic Voiensked, nerilocn-ice), Ruzomberk; 0 Central Laboratuor-, of the Military Hospital (Ustredne 1-abora-t-orium, vojensklej nemocnice), Ruzomberk Pr--~,-ue, Rozliledy v -tuu-ber`mlose, No 10, 1963, pp 668-674 "The Electro,~.,'uorctic Pattern of Sem-p- Proteins in Recent Cavitary Fort!is of Pulmon-ar.- Tuberculosis." Djsscrtcl'-'c,rl: "On the Ie'L,'cds of lle,~lsurir,- Deep, Cul-erts In ~ar Ccear,." C.Euitral Inst cf T", zo-clc,!, ~7 ':E fl-21 - 4~ _y SO: 22E" I err ~,- a if a sw'oskir a. (Pro iect i,,"1.T7')3' SOSOYEV, N.N., kandudat tokhnicheskikh xguk. .. Blectromagnetic method of measuring curreats from a ship. Test.AN sssR 26 no-2:76-78 F 156. WaA 9:6) (Magnetism, Terrestial) SOSTARIC, 1. "Impressions from an exhibition; the 20th Paris Fxhibition 1ndicates that V-e French aircraft industry is on a par qualitatively vdth the strongest coun-~.ries,l Narodna Krila, Geograd, Vol 6, No 4, July/Aug. 1953, P. 35. SO: Eastern European Accessions List, Vol 3, No 11, Nov 1954, L.C. SOSTARIC, V. SOSTARIC) V. From the Alps to the Adriatic; the most beautiful trip through Slovenia and Istria. P. 3 THROUGH YUGOSLAVIA Vol. 4, no. 1, Mar. 1955 SO: MONTHLY LIST OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS, (EEAL), LC, Bol. 4, no, 9 Sept. 1955, Uncl. Country : YUGOSIAVa m Category: Cultivated Plants. Fodders. Abs Jour: R=iol., No 11, 1958, No 48973 Author Sostaric-Pisacic, Marlo; Gliha-Botic, Njcgoslava Za FeUnj~m~~ Inst ---~r Title IL-sults of Experimnts with Stubble Feed Cultures. Crig Pub: Arhiv, poijqpr. na-uke, 1956, 9, No 26, 3-27 Abstract: The turni--3 variety Drassica carxPestris rapifera and corn, and --"n --'ndividual localities turnip varieties Drassica napus mpifera and Brassica rapa am cultinated in Yugoslavia as stubble feed cultures. ExpLrimnts were conducted at Zagreb University on the trials of feed cabbage, thousand- headed cabbage (brussel sprouts), Sudan Grass, Chinese suGar canc and sunflowers. In reg:.ons conti- Card 1/2 M-75 SOSTARICS, Gyorgy, muszaki egyetemi adjunktus Regulations for dimensioning railroad vehicles. Jarmu nezo gep 11 no.10:372-373 0 164. SOSTY, Josef; f(UZICKA, Ladislav .. Questionable absenteeism. Pracovni lek. 14 no.1:23-28 162. 1. Katedra zdravotnietvi lekarsk6 fakulty hygienicke Karlovy university v Praze, prednosta. prof. dr. Fr. Blaha. (INDUSTRIAL 1,EDICINh) ,qq~TY,J.,-IfflDr. CSc. The "Oboz" as a form of practical education for medical stu- dents in Lublin (Poland). Cesk. zdrav. 12 no-4:179-184 Ap'61+ 1. Katedra zdravotnietvi lekarske fakulty hygionicke KU (Karlovy university) v Prave. 39712 s/142/62/005/002/015/019 E192/E382 AUTHORS: Romanovskiy, Yu.M. and Sosulin Yu.G. TITLE: Microphony effects in directly-heated tubes PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebny!~.h zavedeniy, Radiotekhnika, V. 5, no. 2, 1962, 268 - 270 TEXT: 1wo microphony effects occurring in subminiature cl�_rectly-heated tubes (such as type _72. - (P2B) ) were investi-~ .-ated experimentally. The test circuit is illustrated in Fig. 2. The 01lVelope of the tube was fixed onto a vibrator supplied -roi-,i zin atiaoga~erator for measLrement of th~-,, `,rst effect. The anode-current ivraveforz, was by oscilloscope and tho electrodes of the tube ~,-,,e_-'e observed by a stereoscopic microscope. 'A curve illustrating anode-current modulation frequency as a function of the vibration frequency was thus measured (PiZ. 3). It was found by means of the i-,iicroscope that the cathode exhibited st--on- mechanical oscillations at a frequency of 3 kc/s. in the second case the fi.lament of the tube was supplied from an audiofrequency source and it was found that the beat frequency observed at Card 1/0 z S/142/6"/005/002/015/019 Z-li--~rophony effects .... E192/E382 'he anode (as a f nction of the filament current frequency) lu analogous to the curve given in Fig. 3. The resonance curve for this case was also identical with the curve for "lie tube subjected to tacclianical vibrations. The appearance of the cathode-fila:-,ient oscillations when this is supplied from -in audio source cati be ex-plained by interactioti of the heater current with the e:~cternal*magnetic field. Tlle above effects can be observed in other types of direct ly-heat ed tubes. Tiaere are 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra obshchey fizilci fL--;ZLr-ie-;kof,1o 'AalCul'tota I-loskovsko,-o gos. universiteta M1. V. Lomonos ova (Department of General Physics of the Pliys:Lcs Division of Moscow State University im. M.V- L6monosov) SUBMITTED: June 10 1960 Card 2/0 -Z. ACCESSION NR: AP4014444 s/0188/64/000/001/0043/0049 AUTHOR: Stratonovich, R. L.; So ]in, Yu. G. TITLE: Computation of the detection characteristics of fluctuiting signals SOURCE: Moscow. Universitet. Vestnik. SeriYa 3. Fix. astron., noe 1, 1964, 43-49 TOPIC TAGS: fluctua.ting radio signal, radio signal, Gaussian noise, signal-to- noise ratio, radio receiver ABSTRACT: A study has been made of the detection of Gaussian correlated radio signals In Gaussian correlated noise. Computation of the detection characteristics of fluctuating signals Is by the approximate Middleton method. Precise expressions are derived for the errors of an optimum receiver for detection of fluctuating signals. The general relations derived -ire used for finding expressions for the errors of a nonoptimum detection receiver. The derived formulas make it possible of to compare the quality operation of optimum and nonoptimum detection receivers. The formulas presented for errors in both types of receivers are precise and cor- rect for the entire range of change of the signal-to-noise ratio, signal correla- tion time and noise correlation time. The formulas also can be used In tabulating detection characteristics by means of computers. Such an undertaking would make it p0 *ble to compare the quality of operation of both types of detector for any Card ACCESSION NR: AP4oI4444 signal and noise parameters. Orig. art. has: 31 formulas. ASSOCIATION: MOSKOVSKIY GOSUDARSTVENNY*Y UNIVERSITIET, KAFEDRA OBSHCHEY FIZIKJ BLYA MEKHMATA (Department of General Physics for the Mechanics of Materials, Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: 13Apr63 DATE ACQ; )2Mar64 ENCL: 00 - SU13 CODE: PH NO REF SOV: oO4 OTHER: 001 77 . -- -66 EW(d)/Vum9_ ACC NRt AF,6002152 (A) SOURCE 'CODE: UR/0280/65/000/006/OOT4/0102j,/ A '0 AUTHOR: Sosulin, Yu. G. (Moscow) ORG: none TITLE: Optimal detection of bomei non-Gaussian gnals in noise SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Tekhnicheskaya kibernetika, no. 6, 196S. 94-102 TOPIC TAGS: signal detection, optimal signal detection ABSTRACT- Equations describing optimal reception of a multivariate Markov process are considered; they cover many, practical cases as any random signal can be approximated, with required accuracy, by a multivariate Markov process. Quasiharmonic signals with fluctuating phase (single -dimensional case) and with fluctuating amplitude and phase (multidimensional case) are considered as examples' of non-Gaus sian signals. The re ceivers synthesized in the - article. include optimal (in Gaussian approximation) nonkinear-filtration units; an optimal detector would be more complicated than the optimal -filtration unit. Such receivers can perform both the detection within a fixed observation time and the sequential analysis; a logarithm Card 112 UDC: L _~6 EWT(d)LInS-2 XM -NR.AP6011438 SOURCE CODE:. up/biog/66/bil/004/0579/0591 AUTHOR: Stratono vich, R. L.; Sosulin, Yu. G. 43 ORG: none TITLE: Optimum signal receptionagainst a background of nonGaussian interference SOURCE: Radiotekhnika I elektronika, v. 11, no. 4, 1966, 579-591 TOPIC TAGS: radio receiver signal reception, signal noise ratio signal interference, filtration, detection probability, Gaussian distribution ABSTRACT: The theory of optimum signal.reception against a background of nonGaussian Interference in the-presence of white Gaussian noise is explained. Equations of the optimum nonlinear filtration and- equations for the probability.ratio logarithm for A wide category of,,'-. signals and interferences..are derived. With the aid of these equa tions for the partial problem of the optimum detection, the optimum receiver is synthesized. In case of low intensity.of white.noise, afi.~,~ approximate evaluation of detection-characteiristics is developed. Orig. arV. has: 3 figures and 23formulas., LBased on author's abstractj. L Card 1/2 uDc:'621.391-172 ACC NR- AP6033943 :AUTHOR: So-ulin, Yu. G. ORG none ME: fttima-l detecti-or, &~ainzt a background of Har)covian noise -~duri n U g discrete time intervals 'SOURCE: AN SSSR. lzv--~;tiya. Tckhnicheskaya k--hlernetika, no. 4, 1966, 127-136 ~TOPIC TAGS: Mzarkov sig,-,zil signal* detection, receiver signal to noise !ratio, d.etection proaal--lity ]ABSTIMCT: The author IreDorts a method for solution of problems .related to the o Iptimal ;detection of Mark-ovian sigMal$ against a backaround of nonadditive Maekovian noise. 'The present work deals wIth the synthesis of an optimum signal receiver crpable of ex- 1tracting 1%larkovian signals from Markovian noise' when the signal and noise are 'bixed" 1 31 :in a,random nonadditive way. The input circuits of this receiver provide optimal non- i,lineav signal filtrat-Jon from noise. The synthesis of the nonlinear filter'is carried !out on-the bas-L~ o-` tha theoz-f foz, -che c-ptimal nonlinear filtration, and the theory ror conditional Zzikovian zrocasse:~. design resulting from this approach Ils intended for sequential datect-~.on, NeiLnann.-Pierson detection', and optimal nonlinear Ifilter detectioz. TIna txaca-4v--:.~ oJLF z::-, nonlinear filter, and a block* 1 ACC NR: APGO33043 Ifor tho gencration of piobability dQr.-._-~y rat2os. Both blocks have feedback delay .loops. Similar unit:~ a:,o also u-sed az tl',c input of the receiver. A block switch- :es the output -,n--o the ~11-.r,:;shold cc-mparator and a signal into the threshold com- ;parrator. These b1ccks make the decision The input is signal or noise. The lw,itthor derives a general recurreat, A-elation for the probability of density ratio, pro- ibability density, zLqd foz, the probability errors of the first and second order. These- !relations are uzed To solve problems of opt_-nlal reception of Markovian signals mixed ;with Markovian iioisa. Examples illustrating applications.of this technique are in- Icluded. The th. *Xj 'R. L. St-Ilat-onovic- for'useful advice and for discussion of The- work. Or-' => ~ISUB CODE: SO UB ii DA-IE: 260ct65/ ORIG REF:. ~ 013 LYUSHKOVSKIY, kand. istoricheskikh nauk, polkovnik; SKORODUMOV, L., podpolkovnik zapasa; SOT. R.. leytenant zapasa Unsuccessful execution of a good plan ("Development of Russian Army tactics." Reviewed by M. Lishkovskii and L. Skorodumov). Voen. vest. 38 no.5:85-89 My '58. (MIRA 11:5) (Tactics) IESIMOYNYY, L.G., doktor istor.nauk; LYUSHKOVSKIY, K.V.j_SQT,_R.Sh.; LUFACH. V.S., red.; BIRPTSOVA, Ye,N,,, (Russian military theory in the 19th and'the beginning of the 20th century] Ruseksia voenno-teoretichealmia myell XIX i nachala.XX vakov. Moskva, Voen.izd-vo H-va obor.SSSR, 196o. 757 P. (xiRA 14:4) (Military art and science) SOTAK, Ladislav ---- t A conference on the construction of the metallurgic work Vychoslovenske zeleziarne. Tech praea 14 no,12:1009-1010 D 162. 1. Tajemnik Krajska rada Ceskoslovenske vadecko-technicke spoleonosti, Kosice. SO=, Ladislav Innovators' Movement. Tech praca 15 no.2:153-154 F f63. 1. Tajomnik Krajske iady Ceskoslovenske vedeko-technicke spoleanosti W, SOTAK., Ladislav Enterprise Branches of the Czechoslovak Scientific and Techriologj:-al Society take over the functions of the technical and economic councils. Podn org 18 no.9:403-404 S 164- 1. Seevetar-f of the Regional Council of the Czechoslovak Scientific and Technological Society, Kosice. ~P_q'~AKOVA, S., doe. Inz. Characteristics of the organic substance composition of oome brown soils in Slovakia. Host vyroba 10 no. 5/6:580-585 My-Je 164. 1. Higher School of Agriculture, Nitra. SOTCHENKO, Zinaida Yakovlevna;- KUDRYAVTSEV, G.P.p red.; GORKAVENKO, I . .. takhn. red. [Specialization in the-metal-cutting tool in inchistry in the Ukrainian S.S.R.] Spetsializatsiia instrumetnallnogo proizvod- stva v Ukrainskoi &9R. Kievq Gos.izd-,vo tekhn.lit-ry USSR, 1961. 112 p. (MIRA 15:1) (Ukraine-Metal-cutting tools) SEREDENKO, M.M., doktor ekon. nauk; ALEKSANDROVA, V.P.; KUGUSHEV, M.F. [Kuhushev, M.F.]; SHEVCHENKO, Ya.O.; GLAMAZDA, A.D.[Hlamazda,, A.D.]; ZABORSKAYA, Z.M.(Zaborstka, Z.M.]; KHOTIMOHENKO, M.M. (Khotymchenko, M.M.1; YATSKOV, V.S.; MEDVEDEV, V.M.[Medvediev,, V.M.1; CHIRKOV., P.V.[Chyrkov, P.V.]; KHARCHENKO, P.F.; SOTCHENKO--Z-Ya.; PROFATILOVA, L.M.[Profatylova, L.M.]; WfI-N, M.O.; -GORELIK, L.Ye.[Horelik, L.IE.]; RIZHKOV, I.I. [Ry7,hkov, I.I.1; ZHEREBKIN, G.P.(Zherebkin, H.P.]; KHRAMOV, 0.0.; LANDYSH, B.O., red.; ROZENTSVEYG, Ye.N.[Roz4W&sveA, IE.N.1, tekhn. red. (Economic efficiency of capital investments and the introduo- tion of new machinery in industry]Ekonomichna efektyvnist' kapitall- nykh vk1aden' i vprovadzhenniia novoi tekhniky u promyslovosti. Kyiv, Vyd-vo Akad. nauk UILSR, 1962. ~60 p. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Akademiya nauk URSRJ, Kiev. Instytut ekonomiky. (Cap-7ital investments) (Technological innovations) DARAGAN, F.V.[Darahan, M.V.], otv. red.; PRIME., K.V.[Prymakj K.V.) zam. otv. red.; DEREVYAhKIII, T.I.[Derevliankin, T.I.1) red.- DZIKOVICH., V.Ya.[Dzykovych) V.IA.], red.; OGANYAN, G.A.(Ohanian, H.A.], red.; PROFATILOVA., L.M., red.; SOTCHENIKO,._~,Y~,~..j red.; BORYAKIN, V.M., red.; REKES,M.A., [Problems of the socialist econory and history of the national economy; based on materials of the Ukrainian S.S.R.] Pytannia sotsialistychnoi ekonomiky ta istorii narodnoho hospodarstva; na materialakh Ukrains1koi RSR, Kyiv, Vyd-vo AN URSRI 1963. 280 p. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Akaderdia nauk URSR,, Kiev. Instytut ekonomiky. DITAGz N, MIN. [Darahnn, red.,. PIREVYANKJN~ T.I. (Oereirliankln,. T.J.], red.,; HIK04CH, V.-fa., 'Dzykovich, SOM VAL], red.: FROFATILOVA, L.M., red., EMW ~ Z.Y a. red.; BORYAKIN, V,M.j, red. [Problems of economics and statistics] Pytann-La ekonomiky i statystyky. Kylv,, Nauko-va dumk-a. 1965. 231 p. (RIPLA 280) 1. Akaden,iya na-ak URSIR, Kiev. Insty-tut ekoncmik-j. ~~qT~4) K - Use of aluminum and its alloys for water cooled reactors. -,Taderna energie 6 no'06.:,W&-~09 ' Old ' 160. - 7 Z /038/62/000/006/004/004 D409/D301 4A_UTFOR: ~otek K. M -, .1-TLE: Results of the first tests w-,,th a small 1,JHD generator at the Polish Nuclear Research Institute P-E'HIODICAL: Jaderna' enervie, no. 6, 19062, 209 - 210 C, =-,~~T: The article, taken from the Bulletin de L'Academie polonaise des sciences, Technical Science Series (1961), no. 10, pp * 559-562, briefly lists tests of direct thermal-to-electrical energy conver- sion jerformed in 1961 by the Nuclear Research Institute in Swierk near ~Iarsaw. The tests, aimed at investigating the behavior of high-t-emperature materials and structures, were made with three t__ - U sim,ole IaM Generators with an open cycle and, argon as operating gasp" and a DD-1, 50 kV1 plasmatron as heat source. Special attention was Daid to the effect of ionizing additions on the conductivity of the operating gas and on the overall generator performance. The first Uest generator vas made of graphite with a rectangular ,,iorking cham- ber and a Venturi the chamber inlet to ensure even temDera- ture and velocity distribution of the entering gas. The oriainal YgO Card 1/2 Z/038/62/000/006/U04/004 Resul-'U-s of the first tests with a ... D409/D301 chamber lining underwent sublimation and had to be replaced by ZrO 21 Al 0 and ZrO 2 3P 2' Sio 2' This first test !as-'-ed 30 min. and showed that, the generator output is greatly influenced by pressure c1l,"nges mea- sured during generator oDeration. The maximum voltage was reached 0.5 - 1 min. after cold-start of the c!enerator. The second test fxe- nerator, equipped with quartz and graphite tubes and graphite e lee- 'X `Zrodes, was used to investligate the influence of gaseous K 27 povde- red KC!, and powdered X 2C03 admixtures to the argon gas. While tests wit.h '-aseous K2 were unsuccessful, it was found that KCI has no ef- I _sect at all, while K 2C0 3 considerably increases the conductivity of ihe argon ~-as. The third test generator with a transversal magnetic CI fielld failed completely, since one of the electrodes was damaged due to overheatiang by flow instability. A larger test apparatus, current- ly under development,, will be equipped with a BR-2, 100 kV/ plasma- t.ron, an. 11 .5 kilogauss electromagnet, and a novel DIHD generator no. 4. There are 4 figures. Card 2/2 SOTEK Karel A new wattmeter semiconducting relay. Elektrotechnik 17 no.71203 JI 162. L IZ783,~,62 AM-1. 'P_ Pra-4/fIr-4. ACCESSION NR: AP3002599 S/01 2W63~~ji%6 13 ,AUTHOR: BotenshjyjL ft. G. TITLE: Design of rubber O-ring. seals SOME: Vestnik mashinostroyeniya,, no- 6$ 1963y 9-13 ITOPIC TAGS, O-ring gasket bydraulid-and:pnaumatic system,, recess section '041 g seals in pneumatic and or 1ABSTRACT. This report is an analysis of rubb n 'hydraulic s.ystem~s. The cross sactions;of the-se'aled.grooves were assumed to ~ba rectangular and open at,gaps S (see.Enclosure 1). Two coiditions~ware _.,7analyzed: 1) pressure P deforms -the O-ring without forcing it into the,gap; ~~2) the O-ring is partly.forced into the gap. A consideration of theoretical ,results and practical observations of O-rings made,of the rubber V-14 led the ~author to the conclusions that,-. these seals may be'recommended onlywhen :the ring is not forced into the gap (a ring partly forced into the gap is rapidly 'destroyed); 2) the durability and efficiency, of an,O-ring seal can be increased Jf: a).opening S is-decreased; b) sealed members are made coaxial; c) radius of. curvature in the groove is diminished or eliminated; d) crosseection diameter ~of ring is increasedl a) thenumber of conscautive.rings is increased; f) pressure-, -card. '/,AA77~ SOTENSKIY,...A.,Q..,,,. ~-- - Movable hoist. I'dashinostroltell no.613.1 76 163. (MIRA 16t7) (No subject headings) SOTER, Edit -------- TU no.11/12:15 161. Man comes first! Hungarian SOTER, Edit Conference of socialist brigade leaders. Hung TU no.6:4-6 Je 162. SOMR,-. Edith Re-slaction of works councils. Hung TU a6.10:2 0 i~63. - ,j : ~ ". , SOTEV, 11-1.; TSURVULANOVA, I.; TASHEV, S. "The time uchedule of the section foreman in cotton spinning." LEKA PRO[4ISHLENOST. TEKSTIL., Sofiia, Bulbaria., Vol. 7, No. 11, 1958 Monthly list of EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS (EEA-L), LC, Vol. 8, No. 7, July 1959, Unclas MM ~~_UVI_IIIYOW SZEKWM JAsZTO; BANHIDI FEMIC; LBKM GERGELTi-MI JMO Effect of caffein on the metabolism of normal and hypoxic heart Miscles. Kiserletes orvostud. 10 no.2-3*.128-133 Apr-June 58. 1. Pecei Orvostudomanyi Zgyetem Gyogyszertani Intezete. (IMART, eff. of drugs on caffein on metab. of normal & anoxic myocardium (Ehn)) (CAMIN, eff. on metab. of normal & anoxic myocardium (Hun)) 7~ ,jy jj~ HMA-W V CATWORY Pharmacnlog7 arA Toxicology. Analeptics No. Nei. 23o56 ARES. JOUR. R&Biol, 1959P MINOR Szekeres, L.; Banhidi, P*; Lenard, G.,4 Sotij, J. !PST. TITLE FXf ect of Caffeine-upon Metaboli= of the Cardiac Musele in a Normal State and in a State.of *paxia 071RIG. PUB. Kiserl. orvoatud., 1956, 10, No 2-1, 128-1-33 ABSTRACT The"use of 0,,> by the sectiona of cardiae muscle of a rat, both, i3nder normal conditions and in a state of hypoxia, greatly decreased under the influence of caffeine. Caffeine did not affect anaerobic glycolysis and the'use of sugar; how- ever, with the aid of caffeine, It was possible to prevent to a certain degree the~decrease of the content of phosphorus ethers (primarily 1/2 C,3rd: 212 KUZNRTSOV , I.V., redaktor; GOLUBTSOVA, V.A., redaktor; GRIGORITAN, A.T., redaktor; ZUBOV , V.P., redaktor; SOTIN . B.S., redaktor; FIGUROVSKIY, N.A., redaktor; SHUKHARDIff, YUSHKEVICH, A.P., redaktor; DDBRORHAVOVA,A.0., redaktor; ALEKSIMA, T.V., tekbnicheskiy redaktor. [His'tory of the science and technology of China; a collection of articles] Iz' istorii nauki i tekhniki Kitaia; 9'bornik; statei, Moskva, Izd-vo Akademli wmk SSSR. 1955. 181 P. (MI-RA 8: 10) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut istorii yeatestvoznaniya i takhniki. (China-Science-History) (Obina--Technology-History) FRANKLIN, Benjamin; ALRKSMY, V.A. [translatorl;~SMIN,-R-S., redaKtor; KLYAUS, Ye.M., redaktor izdatel'stva; AUZAN, N.P., tekhnicheBkiy redaktor [Irperiments and observations on electricity. Translated from the Inglish] Opyty i nabliudeniia nad elektrichestvom. Perevod s anglii- Bkogo V.A.Alekseyeva. Red., statlia i kommentarii B.S.Sotina. Moskva. Izd-vo A-kademii nauk SSSR, 1956. 271 P. (MIRA 9:12) (Alectricity) SOTIN, B.S. -Noftionew"M A description of P.L. Shilling's electromagnetic telegraph apparatus, Yop. ist.ast. i tekh. no.1:246-250 156. (MLRA 9:10) (Shilling. Pavel LIvovich, 1786-1837) 112-57-7-15288 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 7, p 213 (USSR) AUTHOR., Sotin, B. S. TITLE; X. S. Popov - the Inventor of Radio (Izobretatel' radio A. S. Popov) PERIODICAL: Vopr. istorii yestestvozn. i tekhniki, 1956, Nr 2, pp 182-189 ABSTRACT: A scientific, historical, and biographical review on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the death of A. S. Popov. Yu. A. S. Card 1/1 SOTINO B.S., kandidat ist*richeakikh nauk. Benjamin Franklin. Nauka i zhizn' 23 ao.1:59 Ja 156.(NTaA 9:4) (Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790) SMIN, B. S. Outstanding scientist and electrical engineer; on the 100th anniversary of likola, Teela's birth. Priroda 45 no-10:79-83 0 156. (K6U 9: 11) (Tesla. Nikola. 1856-1943) SOTIN, B.S.; TITOVA, V.M. Development of radiobroadcasting in the U.S.S.R. Vop.iat.est. i takh. no-5:96-109 157. (MIRA 11:2) (Radiobroadeasting) SOTIN, B.S. r--~U~aeof `high frequency alternators in radio transmitting devices (from the history of radio engineering). Trudy Inst. ist. out. i tekh. 11:3-71 157. (MIRA 11:1) (Radio--Transmitters and transmission) (Blectric generators--History) SOTIN, B.S.; TITOVA, Y.M. Development of radiotelegraphic co-mnications in Ruasla (before 1917). Trady Inst. lot. -set. i tekh. 11:139-197 157. (KIRA 11:1) (Radiotelegraph-History) SOV/25-59-1-39/51 AUTHOR.- Sotin, B.S., Candidate of Historical Sciences TITLEs A Remarkable Indian Scientist (Zamechatellnyy uchenyy Indi-i) PERIODICAL: Nauka i zhizn', 1959, Nr 1, pp 70-71 (USSR) - ANTRACT; This is a biography of the great Indian physicist and naturalist, Dzhagadisa Ghandra Doze. There is one aketch. Card 1/1 6(4) SOV/25-59-3-36/46 AUTHOR: Sotin, B.S., Candidate of Historical Sciences TITLE: The Inventor of Radio (Izobretatell radio) PERIODICAL: Nauka i zhiznl, 1959, Nr 3, pp 72-73 (U8SR) ABSTRACT: This is a short biography of A.S. Popov, the inventor .1 of the radio, on the occasion of the 100th anniver- sary of his birth. There is one sketch. SOTIN, B.S.; DAVYDOVA, L.G. Ruaslan congresses on electrical engineering. Trudy est.i tekh. 26:3-100 959. (MM 13:5) (Electric argineerine.-Congresses)