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On cond-ItIlDr,51 effecting `.-he yields ... A057/A129
(Ref 3' ZhPKhi 31',,-1-150 (1960)) the present authors observed that the
strun,Vuxe of the in'tial monomers is of particular importance for the
viscosity and yield of tha obtained polyamides. This was confirmed by the
present experim9rt3. It can te seen from results presented in Table I that
the effoot of oonoentratl= of initial monomers or of mixing of the com-
ponents is vary low, while subs Id-itutolon of adipylahloride by sebacyl-
-ohlorida shazply irioreasea visocsity and yield of the polymer. This effect
can be explained by hypotheses concerning phase interface polycondensation
:developed by P.W. Morgan (Ref 49 SPEJ, 15, 485 (1959)), i.e., by the dif-
fusion of diamine from the aqueous into -.he organic phase where polyoon-
d.ensation ooiars. SebanyliDhloride, cnaatainirg a longer molecular chain,
is.more hydrophobi,~ than adipylohlo;ide. ThuB the latter diffuses much
more qui:,kly from o:,-ganic into aqueous phase emerging from the reaction
zone, whioh dec.-easea yield and viscosity of the polyamide. Hence phase
interface polyoondensation using adipylahloride hardly seems reasonable.
Experimental results in Table I demonstrate also ;he favorable substitution
of hexamethvlene diamine by piperazine. In the previous work (Ref 3)
formation of a cyclic diamide in polycondensation of adipylohloride and
Card 2/6
Cn conditions effeating the yield, ... A057/iI29
hexamethylonediamine was observed. Aacordinglyv '6n the present experi-
ments a oycli~_ diamide (melting point 2250-.226oc) was isolated from the
polycondensation prodnat of sebaoylohloride and hexamethylenediamine. By
co-pol,yocndeneation of caprolactam and salt Ar (AG) products can be obtain-
ed which are soluble in alcohol solutions and have low melting points. In
the present investigations a corresponding :,-oD*lvmer was obtained by phase
interface polycondensation. It was observea rhat the properties uf modi-
fied polyamides depend not only on the structure of the initial monomers,
but also on other factors, partio-alarly on the degree of destruction of
structure reg~ularities in the polyamide. In order to increase the effect-
iveness in dezzease ~f the structure regularity of the copolymer, the
present authors a-abst.14Pited napr_-~:aotam by polyamide caprone in phase
interface polyaondeasatiin with hexamethylenediamine and obtained poly-
amides completely soluble in hot alechol solutions. Polycondensation
without mixing was carried out in the present experiments by the removal
of the film formed in the phase interface of the aqueous solution contain-
ing diamine and alkall- and the benzene solution containing the chloroan-
hy&ride of d_'-_arboxyli,,, acrid. The cyclic diamide was isolated by a method
Card 316
On conditi,~Ps effeatiLng the yield, AO57/A129
described prevLaaely (Ref 31). Diffusion _-ate of the chloroanhydride was
determined (~-ojperatj'Lon ctf M.P. Vasil)yev and V.D. Shakhanov) by measuring
th4 chlorine :,aatf;nt In t.Ls aqueous phased Poly-condeneation of hexamethyl-
enediamine (I! and (II) was carried out (cooperation A.V. Budy-
lov) by heating 11.,~ g kT-I) ana 23.3 g (I at 2650-2700C for 6 hrs in a
sealed ampoule. Then the exiess (I) was distilled off, 1.2 g of the re-
sidue was diluted in 25 ml HOO and 0.78 g NaOH was added. On the other
hand 0.3 g adipylohlorids (III) waa dissolved in 25 ml benzene. By mixing
the two solutions the polymer is precipitated with a 55-7% yield, having
a melting pcint of 210`-215~c. The polyamide from (I and-caDrone (IV)
fiber was obtairad by heating 2.20' g (IV) and 2-32 9 4) in a-sealed
ampoule at 2650C foT 9 hrB. After that the excess (I) was distilled off.
The following oharacteristics are given for the polymer obtained with
(III): viscosity of the 0-5% solution in tricresol q = 0,875, melting
point 1600CO readily soluble in 90% ethanol. There are 2 tables and 6 re-
ferences, 5 Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloo.
SUBMITTEDs June 11, 1960
Card 4/6
AUTHOR: Py*rkov, L.M.; Korzhavin, L.N.; Sorokin, A.Ya.; Frenkel'. S.Ya.
TITLE: Preparation of concentrated solutions and the removal of air in an
atmosphere of solvent vapors
SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 37; no. 8, 1964, 1802-1807
TOPIC TAGS: solvent vapor, concentrated solution, polyvinyl alcohol, synthetic
fiber, spinning, polyacrilonitrile, dimethylformamide, polymer
:ABSTRACT: The authors describe a simple laboratory method for the'removal of air
:from spinning solutions of polyvinyl alcohol (PVS) and polyacrilonitrile (PAN).
~This method can be easily adapted for other systems and technological conditions.
Both solutions were prepared in a laboratory device. The Initial components of the
isolution were introduced into a container which was placed inside a larger container
filled with solvent and equipped with an electric heating element. The solution
container-was covered by an isolating glass cover. The cover had one opening for
the introduction of nitrogen and another for a thermometer. The glass cover has a
bottle neck which contains a bearing and a mixer with a waterproof seal. A nitrogen
flux is injected during a period of 5-10 minutes. Then the solvent is poured into
.Card 1/2
ter 'AN
sov I("
... ..........
N.G.i pyl-(Kot,", L;0ROF-TNp A.Ya.,., F.R4,TKEL', ;,Ya.
Orientation draft of polyvinyl alcohol fibers. KhJm. volok.
no-5:2-4-27 '65. (MIRA 183101
1. lnutit"It v7sakomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR.
L "0072-0- EWT(w.)1UVP( i )/T I TP(C) 3M
ACC NR' AP6012417 (A SOURC-E-CODE: UR/0183/65/000/006/0022/0026
AUTHOR: Sorokin, A. Ya.; Andreyeva, N. A.;.Volkova, L. Kol1tsov,_L-_i-;
Rudakov, A. P.;-Fyrkov, L. M.; Frenkell, S. Ya
1 17,
ITLE: Correlation of structural and mechanical characteristics of
olyvinyl alcohol fibers.15 Investigation of supermolecular arrangement
n chemical fibers and means of increasing their_strengthj.~,
OURCE: Khimicheskiye volokna, no. 6. 1965, 22-26
OFIC TAGS: polyvinyl alcohol, synthetic fiber, polymer structure,
longation, rupture strength, correlation function, NMR, X ray analysis
ABSTRACT: The structural and mechanical properties of polyvinyl alcohol
fibers were investigated using the range of thermoplasticized stretch
as %the controllable variable. Correlation between these properties
was shown. Linear correlation was established between the overall
orientation of the machromolecules in the fiber and orientation of the
crystallites; between rupture strength and maximum relaxation stress, an
also between these values and the reciprocal half-width reflection
uDc: 677-744-72
ACC NR- Ap6ol2417
and the amount of elongation (up to 450% elongation tested). It was
shown that the parameter(~5,-j,,),describes the previous history of the
samples with respect to macromolecular orientation. NMR studies showed
the basic conformation of the polyvinyl alcohol fiber macromolecules is
flat trans-zigzag. A combination of different analytical methods (NMR,
X-ray, isothermal heating) can be used to study in succesaion the
structure formation processes at different stages of fiber formation.
Orig. art. has: 4 equations, 8 figures and 2 tables.
SUB CODE: 07,11/ SUBM DATE: 09Jun64/ ORIG REF: Oll/ OTH REF: 003
L 22492-66 EWT(m)1tVT(J)1t'_ RM
~'Acc M' _' P6ooq6~9 SOURCE- CODE:--- uivoi8i/66/boB/003/o647/06~oi.,.~
AUTHOR: Ginzburg, B. M. Qor
_91dnA, Ya.; Frenkell, S.~ Ya.
ORG: Institute of Macromolecu lar .. CompoundsiAN SSSR, Joeningrad (Institut vysoko-::
molekulyarnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR)
TITIZ; Self-orientation of structural elements during heat treatment of fibers
of Polyvinyl alcohol
SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela,, V. 8y no.: 3, :L966, 647-6
TOPIC TAGS: polyvinyl polymer structure., x ray diffraction analysis I
organic crystal, crystal orientation
ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of,earlier work by one of the authors (Frenkell
DAN SSSR v. 162, 836, 1965)-dealing with multistage self-ordering of polymers. In.
i the present study) on the basis of the analogy between solid andL liquid states.,L
the authors investigate the increase in the orientation of.crystallites, resulting,
fr of
om a short-duiation heating previously oriented freshly formed fibers of poly-,.
virjyl alcohol, which do not as yet have high crystallicity. Most earlier experi-
mental studies of orientation at increased temperature were made in the presence of
mechanical stretching. The authors studied a fiber of - polyvimyl alcohol produced
in acetone and subjected to some orientation during the shaping process itself,
The crystallite orientation vas studied by x-ray diffraction in apparatus in vhich
liCcard :L/2-
. -1. 1
SOROKI14 A.Z.; AVERBAKH, M.M., red.; MATVMVA, M.M., tekhn. red.
[Tuberculous trochanteritis) Tuberkuleznyi trokhanterit.
Moskva, Medgiz, 258 p. (MIRA 16:7)
Factor analysis of intellectual work during and without fatigue.
Arh hig rada.11 no.3:203-220 1-60.
-1. Institut za.madicinska ist7~azivanja i medicinu rada, Zagreb.
SOROKIIIP B.,inxh. (Omi3k)
HagnetizAtion of relAy magnetat Zholwdor.transpq 36 A0.6:85
Jo '55. (11190tric relays) (NIFA l2t4)
LAKHNO, R.P.; A-V-EkIELUOi, `-i.; -QOFOKIi, B.D.
Specialize, ~jutojaotive tranuvortation for petroleumi productso
Nef t. khoz. 4-9 no.6:67-70 Je 1641. (!dRA 17:8),
ACC NR. AIP7002649 SOURCE CODE: uR/o41s/66/000/02-3/0197/0197
INVENTOR: Mineyev, Yu. I.; Chernigin,-Yu. P.; Golov, Yu. S.; Sorokin, B. I.
ORG, None
TITLE: A hydraulic servo drive for rudder control. Class 65, No. 146667
SOURCE: Iz'obreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 23, 1966, 197
,TOPIC TAGS: marine engineering, hydrofoil, rudder, hydraulic device, servosystem
ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a hydraulic servo drive for controllini
~the rudders on hydrofoil boats. The unit contains a slide-valve device for distribum- i
,tion of the working fluid to the cavities above and below the piston in the power . -j
~cylinder, a hydraulic pump and a system of check valves. The technical and economic.
:indices of the control system are im-proved, design is simplified and reliability is
increased by using a plunger pump connected to a c on hydraulic system. The PUMP
rotor is linked to the steering mechanism while the suction and discharge lines are
!connected to the master hydraulic cylinder. The master cylinder is rigidly fastened
ito the power cylinder and the master cylinder rod interacts with the slide valve. Thet
iva.lve housing is linked to the hydraulic power cylinder of the tiller unit.
CODE: 13/ SLMM DATE: 2lSep60
AUTHORS: Kim, D.G. and Sorokin, B.I., Engineers SOV/118-58-2-10/19
TITLE: The Boring of Drainage Holes with the Drilling Rig DS-3
(Bureniye drenazhnykh skvazhin stankom DS-3)
PERIODICAL: Mekhanizatsiya trudoybmkikh i tyazhdlykh rabot, 1958, Nr 2,
pp 28-29 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Giprouglemash designed the drilling rig DS-3 for drilling
the rising drainage bore-holes in the waterlogged coal de-
posits of the Moscow region. It was tested at the mine Nr 36.
of theStalinogorskugoll trust of the Moskvougoll Combine.
Installed o,i a special trolley, it can move along the mining
galleries and drill bore holes up to 40 m deep and 75-108 mm
in diameter. It is powered by two electric motors; the ro-
tating machanism - by the motor K11-4 of 4 kw, and the dril-
ling mechanism - by the motor TAG-31/6 of 2 kw. The rotary
pump is of the LlF5 type, its capacity - 5 liters/min.
Various types of drilling bits are used for hard (1imestone)
and tough (wet clay) rocks typical of the Moscow region.
Its drilling capacity: in coal layers - up to 6 m/hr; in clay
Card 112 7 to e m/hr and in limestone - 1 m/hr. Fifteen bore holes .
The Boring of Drainage Holes with the Drilling Rig DS-3 SOV/118-58-2-10119
of a total length of 300 m were drilled during the tests,
which showed that the drilling rig DS-3 could be adapted for
the drilling of rising bore-holes.
There is 1 photo and 1 diagram.
1. Mining engineering 2. Water-Control 3. Drilling machi4es
Card 2/2
MAKAROVA, O.K., red.izd-va; PTATAKOVA, N.D.,
(Soviet agriculture; a statistical mam2all Sellakoe khosiaistvo
S=1; statisticheskii abornik. Moskva, 1960. 665 p.
(MIRA 13:5)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) TSentrallnoye statisticheskoye uprav-
lenlye. 2. Upravleniye statistiki sel'skogo khozyaystva TSentrall-
nogo statisticheskogo upravleniya SSSR (for all except Kakarova.
IGOLKIN, N.I., red.; GRIGORENKO, M.G., red.; STANKEVICH, V.A., red.;
B.S., red.; BYALOBZHESKIY, G.V., red.
[Technical specifications for the maintenance and repair of
automobile roads) Tekhnicheskie pravila soderzhaniia i re-
monta. avtomobillnykh dorog (VbN 22-63). Moskva., Transport,
1965. 264 P. (MIRA 18:10)
1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Ministerstvo, avtomobillnogo
transporta i shrisseynykh dorog.
Sovremennye metody kholodnoi shtampovki. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1950. 271 p. illus.
Bibliography: p. 269-(270).
(Modern methods of cold stamping.)
DLC: TS253.P6
SO- I-lanufacturinq and Mechanical Engineering In the Soviet Union;
Library of Congress, 1953.
SOR ;N ria-Awat)aureat Stalinskoy premii; ZVORONO, B.P., kandidat
"~-tekhnicheskikh nauk, reteenzant; TOMHOV, A.D.,' kandidat
tokhnichookikh nauk, rodaktor; KLMYNVA, Te.H., tekhnicheakI7
redaktor; TMHMIOV, A.Ta., tekhaicheskiy redaktor.
[Dies for automobile body parts) ShtazW dlia oblitsovochnykh
detalei avtomotilei. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. Izd-vo mashino-
stroit. lit-ry, 1951. 217 P. (MIRA B-1)
(Automobiles--Design and conatruction)
(Dies (Metal-working))
Neuzeitliche Methoden Der Spanlosen Kaltverformung (Von) S. M. Polyak und B. V.
Sorokin. Berlin, Technik, 1954.
256 p. Illus., Diagrs., Tables.
Translation From The Russian: Sovrennye Metody Kholodnoy Shtampovky, Moscow, 1950
"Literaturverzeichnis": P. (246)-247.
SO: N/5
-5~7 ""-, __ _~ . - .- - - -
SaROKIN,B.V., kandidat tekhuicheskikh nauk
. 1., 1 ~
Investigation of prestressed reinforced concrete croasties. Bet.
i zhel.-bet. no.6:219-225 S 155. (MM 8:9)
(Concrete, Prestressed) (Railroads--Ties, Concrete)
SOROKIN, S.V. kand. tekhn. nauk
Compacting vallast during track work. Zhel. dor. transp. 37
no-8:59-61 Ag '55. tMLRA 12:8)
(Ballast (Railroads)) tRailroads--I~-aek)
- -SOROKIN,-~o,V
. _j~, kand. tekhn. nauk
Concrete ties for industrial tracks. Pat' i put. khoz. no-5:13
147 158. 04IRA 13:3)
(Railrcads--Ties--Conerete) (Railroads, Industrial)
SCROKIN,B.V., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk
Organization and maintenance of narrow-gage railroad tracks
for the peat industry. Torf-Prom-32 no-5:6-8 '55.
(KIRA 8:10)
1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiv institut Ministeratva
putey soobshcheniya
(RailroRds, Narrow-gage) (Peat transportation)
~ I C / c- -L 'T ~- ;t;,7 . L.- ,
SOROKIN, B-"V.. kand.tekhn.nauk
Surfaces for platform tracks. Put' i D 157.
(MIRA 10:12)
(Railroads --Track)
Nikolayev, Viktor Vasillyevich, and Boris Vasillyevich Sorokin
Proyektirovaniye profilirovochnykh rolikov; opyt avtozavoda im. I.A. Likhacheva
(De ' n of Rolls for Cold-Roll-Forming; Experience of the Likhachev Automobile
nl~ M ow, 1959.
Pla t osc /+2 p. (Series: Moskovskiy dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoy
propagandy. Peredovoy opy-t proizvodstva. Ser.: Progressivnaya tekhnologiya
mashinostroyeniya, vyp. 10) 5,000 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agencies: Obshchestvo po rasprostraneniyu politicheskikh i nauchnykh
znaniy RSFSR; Mloskovskiy dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoy propagandy imeni.F.E.
Ed..- N.I. Tyurin; Resp. Reviewer for this book: R.R. Yustus; Tech. Ed.: R.A.
PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for designers and operators of cold-roll-forming
COVERAGE- The authors discuss the sections adapted to the cold-roll-forming pro-
cess. They describe the machines and the stock used and discuss the principles
and steps to be taken in designing the sets of forming rolls, auxiliary rolls,
25(1,5) PHASE I 1300K RIPT-OTTATION ZOV/2294
Koscow. Dom nauchno-tekhnleheakoy propagandy ImnI P.R. Dzarrhinakogo
Novoye v takl=ologii ryookoprol-vaditeltnoy listovoy shtampovk ij
abornik trudov konferen-all (Now Peatures in the Yathodo of
Hilgh-productivity Sheet ?%tal Sta.zping; Collection of Conf*.-
Transactions) Koscow, Mahgiz, 1959. 22
op a printed.
Sponsoring Agencys Obahchostvo po rasprostraneniyu politicheaklkh I
nauchnykh zn&niy WSX.
Reap. Ed.: V.T. Mashcher.4n, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Proressorl
Eds.s V.D. Golovlev, C&ndldate of Technical Sciences, Docent, &04
. or
Technical Sciences, Docentj
Ye.Y. Lanskoy, CLndldate of
Publishing Housei G.N. Sokolevj Tech. Zd.a B.I. Nodel-I
YA=girtg Ed. for Literature an Heavy YAchino Building (Nashgiz)t
S.Ta. Golovin, Engineer.
PURPOSEi This collection or pap re is intended ror anSLnsore and
technicians In sheet metal at=lng. It may Llso be uBsful to
students of vuzes and tekhnLk=&.
COMAaEt Thin collection deals with the design " features or
come current problems In sheet metal stamping. Also discussed
are processing methods still in the experimental stage. Several
articles deal with the mechani=ation and automation or stamping
processes and describe recently developed methods, such an
explosion formIng, the use of automatic rotary transfer lines,
and press blocking with the.use or radioactive Isotopes. No
personalities are mentioned. References follow several of
the articles.
~-rte!-a!X. S.I. tEnginser, C;Ox'kiy Motor Vehicle Plow.
New Features in the Automation of Sheet Metal Stamping at
the Corkiy Motor Vehicle Plant
The article discusses device@ for autowAtic removal of
formed parts from the press, device$ for automatic food
Ing of sheet metal inco the die, and devices for complete
automation of the forming process.
Nikolayev V V
:ndJW-'~,Z2LQkWAvtoz&vod imeni
j .. ~
8, Qv
a, Ho (M-scc~ MOrc"Veht--l- P181-C imeni Likha-
che~ Experience of the Motor Vehicle Plant imeni
Likhachev with H.%gh-productivity Progressive Die Sets 169
Compound. combination. and progressive die sets with
rectilinear and circular feeding motion of blanks ace
described. Machanitacian of feeding and removal of
stamped parts and scrap are discussed.
-RI I.S. tEnginaer, Zovod "Krannaya Zarya," Leningrad
"Red Sunrise" Plant)). Transfer Machine for
Mixing Contact Springs 199
Arrangement and operation of a universal transfer
machine for making spring, for flat relays is described.
Reductionsin costs, time, and vies-hours are sham.
OncvalOya~ I.I. (Engineer, Zavod "Met&lloizdeliye: Leningrad
nlngrad Metal Products Plant)]. Transfer Machines for
Making Safety-ragor Blades 206
Fabricating processes and machinery for outometft lines
are described. and informetion an tool life, host treat-
ment, grinding. and packing of blodem to given.
Lanskmoy Ye N. 1C& ndidare of Technical Sciences, Docent,
* Tool and Instrument Institute) . Selection
of a Crank Press for Required Force and Work Paramecers 217
The author discupses flywheel effect. the me4min& of
nominal fore* (,&Pacity). the magnitude of force at
various angles of the crank. the work delivered by motor
and flywheel, and the work of deformation. Rec~ndstLans
for selecting the proper ?rose for a given stamping
operation are presented.
AVAILABLE.- Library of Comqrses
Card 9/9
SOROKIN, B.V., kand. tekhn. mauk
Improve the laying of reinforced concrete ties. Pat' i put,
khoz. no.5:9 My '59. (HIM 12:8)
(Railroads-Ties, concrete)
SOROKIN, B.V., kand.tekhn.muk
A.ttention should be paid to this problem. Put' i pLt.kho2.
nooll:45 N '59. (MIU 13:4)
(Rallr oads-Sani tat ion)
SOROM, kand. tekhri. nauk; PMOVAy V.L.9 red.; BOBROVA, Ye.N.9
tekhn. red.
[Straightening tracks on reinforced-concrete ties; during regular
maintenance] Vypravlm pati na zhelezobetonrqkh shpalakh; pri te-"
kushchem soderzhanii,- Moskva, Vsqo. izdatellslco-poliar. obvedinenie
M-va putei soobshcheniia, 1961. f0 P. 5&A 14:7)
(Railroads-Maintenance and repair)
SOROKIN, li.V., kand.tekhn.nauk
Important proLlem. Put' i put.khoz. 5 no.12:16 L) '61.
(.MIRA 15:1)
SOROKIN, B.V.,,~and.tekhn.nauk
The correct way to take dynamic actions into account in the
evaluation of tracks by the level. Put' i put.khoz. 7 no.9:
35-36 163. (MIRA 16:10)
SOROKIN, B.V., kand.tekhn.nauk
. Ways to prevent the infiltration of impurities into the ballast
bed. Put' i put.khoz. 7 no.7:29 163. (NIRA 16:10)
SORO~~,,,B.V., kand~ tekhn. nauk
.Ch~ra,ctgris'tics of the maintenance of trackswith reinforced
concrete tiea. Put' i put. khoz. 7 no.110-6 t63. (MIRA 16:12)
AUTHOR: Sorokin, F. A.
TITLE: New measuring devices with digital indication
PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, no. 4, 1961, 49-53
TEXT: High demands are made on control- and regulating devices,
especially in their quick operation and reliability of reading. It is,
therefore, endeavored to change over from devices with pointer reading
to such with digital indication which have a npmber of advantagess high
precision and rapidity of measurement; high reading speed, excluding
reading errors; possibility of "self-control" and long-distance trans-
mission without loss of accuracy; issuance of the measurement result in a
form suitable for further processing in digisal computers; possibility of
automatic storage of measurement results. Automation combined with com-
puter technique is impossible without digital instruments. The digital
codes are built up according to various systems. The combined binary-
decade system is most widely used. The digital instruments can be used
for instantaneous measurements or operate as integrators. Analog-digital
Card 1/4
New measuring devices with... B129/B206
voltmeter with 4 digits, type LM902 by the same firm, has five ranges:
0-0-1599, 0-1-599, 0-15-99, 0-159.9, and 0-1599 v. Error 0.01%. Duration
of one reading 280 msec. Voltmeter by the firm of Blackburn Electronics,
with 5 digits, has an error of 0.01% and permits 3 readings per second
The digital voltmeter by the firm of Nash k Thompson has four measur14
ranges: 0-1, 0-10, 0-100, and 0-1000 v. Error +1%. The voltmeter of the
type V-1 by the firm of Scientific Furnishing operates according to the
stroboscopic system and has five ranges: 0-0.25, 0-2.5, 0-25, 0-250, and
0-2500 v. Error +0.5%. The frequency measuring device with 6 digits of
the type BA21A by:-the firm of Reykel Instruments for a range from
10 cycles to 1 megacycle with built-in generator for the comparison
frequency, has a storage device and can be complemented with pressure
devices. Of interest is the combined oscilloscope of the type 425
(Allen Du Mont) which permits reading in two coordinates) amplitude and
time. The firm of Bristol Aircraft elaborated a universal decoder with an
accuracy of 0.5%, which has 8 digits. Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft
produce small converters from comparison form into digital form and vice
versa. They are intended for high conversion rates (50,000 per see) and
have 8 digits. The microconverter by Nash Re Thompson is intended for low
Card 3/4
SOROKIN, Fedor Fedorovich; TSYUHUPA, A.L., inzh., nauchn. red.
[Mobile construction yards in rural construction] Pered-
vizhnye poligony v sellskom stroitellstve. Moskva, Strol-
izdat, 1964. 123 p. (MM 17:6)
Horizontal slicing and filling mined .areas with rubble concrete.
Blul. TSIIN tsvet. met. no.6:2-5 158. - (MIRA 11:7)
(Mining engineering)
BU DIN!,;V i (J I , 13. B. ; O'C"I"OK I t I p i,,~ -) ~
Stand for testing and regulation of the electric equipment of
ZIU-5 trolleybuses. Rats. predl. na. gor. elektrotransp. no.9:
-2- 4 -2 5164. (MIMk 18:2)
1. Depo No.! Trawayno-trollaybusnogo upravlleniva Leningrada.
Stand for testing the electric driving of the windshield wipers
of 71U-5 trolleybuses. Rats. predl. na gor. elektrotransn. no.9-
25 164.
Stand for testing and regulation of electropneumatic pressure
regulators. Ibid.:26-27 (,'.IIRA 18:2)
1. Depo No.1 Tramvayno-trolleybusnogo upravleniya Leningrada.
'E'%frSovsKly, V.f3.; SOROK.11,412 V'X.
Lathe attachment for tuln-linz- the armature of electric traction
moto.- collectors. Rats. predl. na gor. elektrotransp. nc.c,*:
27-28 164. (MIRA 18:2)
1. Depo No.1 Tramvayno-trolleybusnogo upravieniya Leningrada.
Illuminate progressive prac ices with knowledge of the vorlr Ovork
organization of the main brigade operating printing machine@ in the
cotton industry" V.I. Naleev, V.A. Davidovich. Reviewed by T.I.
Nellniko,ra, F.S. Sorocia. Tekst.prom. 16 no.6:68 Je 156.(KLRA 9:8)
1. Nachallaik pechatzogo teekha fabriki iment, rabochego G.I.
Ziaovlyeva (for Mellaikova); 2. Kaster pechataogo teekba fabriki,
Issai rabochego 7.1. Zinoylyeva (for Sorokin).
(Textile printing) (Naleev, V.I.) (Davidovich, V.A.)
AUTHOR: Sorokin G.
TITLE: Problems of Calculation of the Divergence between Prices
and Costs in Drawing up a State Economy Balance (Voprosy
ucAta otkloneniy tsen ot stoimosti pri sostavlenii
balansa narodnogo khozyaystva)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik statistiki, 1959, Nr 2, pp 62 - 69 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author discusses the methodology of calculations
used in the process of drawing up the state balances
and plans, which is not yet sufficiently developed,
and the different views existing in this complex
matter, such as the idea of "calculation prices" by
Academician S.G. Strumilin. The views of the Direc-
tor of the Institute of Economics -of Poland, Bronis-
lav Mine, and two other authors Ref 1, 2, 3-7, con-
sidering the "calculation prices; as being practically
sufficiently accurate for statewide plans)are mentioned.
Card 1/2 He points out..that the already available experience
On the basic economic law. Vop. ekon. no.l:)g..;52 Ja 162.
(MIRA 15:1)
Some problems of the international socialist division of labor.
Vop.ekon. no.793-15 Jl 162* (KIRA 15;7)
1. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR.
Obtual economic assistance council)
(Europe., Eastern-Division of labor)
SOIROKIN, G.A. (Odessa, ul. Tamilavskogo, d.3, kv. 2)
A rare form of inguinal hernia (hernia Littrica). Nov* khir. arkh,
no.2:114-115 Mr-Ap 159. (MM 12:7)
1. Xhirurgicheskoye otdeleniye (3&aahallnik-- dotsent A. N. Tsellarius)
OdeBskoy dorozhnoy klinicheekoy bollmitsy.
(Khotenichi$ ~Ioskovskaya oblast')
131-OgTessive form of disease incidence recording. Felld. i
akush. 28 no.4:32-Ap,163. (MIRA 16:8)
ansportatioa in the now five-
[Plan for developing industry and tr lic lecture] Plan
year plan; verbatim tran8cription of a Pub iatiletke. Wskva
razvitlia promyeblennosti i transporta v novol P (14IRA. 12:0
1946. (Runsim--Industries)
solloid", t, j . 1 --, .
, OROKR., G.M. ~t--lirskie piatiletnie plany. Moskva, Gosplanizdat, l';46. 74 1,-
- - I
Cty ,'ICU. - MH Nic NN 1111C
SO: LG, Soviet Geography, Part 1, 1951, Uncl.
SOF0=11, G. M.
Sotsilaisticlie3koe planirovanie narodnogo khoz Is'va SSSH. Cmoskv2a,
Gospolitizdat, 1946. 97p.
DLC: HC335- S566
Cst-11 cty MH 11M, NNC
SO: LC, Soviet Geography, Part 1, 1951, Uncl.
SOROKIN, 0. rm J
Planning in the Soviet Economy, by G. SOROKIN, semimo per Bolsherik, No. 24, Yfoscaw.0
30 Dec W, pp. 12-29.
SOIIOK .1 55'. N. - I ; WIRYAYFiV, Yu., red.; CHEPJRXVA, 0.,
[The seven-year plan as a new stage in the development of
communism in the U.S.S.R.] Semiletnii -plan - novyi atap
stroitel'stva komTminizma v SSSR. 14oakva, Izd-vo sotsial'no-
ekon.lit-ry, 1959. 67 P. (MIRA 12:9)
(Russia--Economic policy)
SOROKIN Ge Mikhayl-ovich; GLYAZER, L., red.; KOMMA, Ye.9 red$;
~GRIGOMIYEVAML, =aWy red.; KOROIEVAl A.# *mladshiy red.;
NMTENKOI, T.9 m1wishiy red.; MOSKVINA R.9
[Planning the national economy of the U.S.S.R.; problems of theory
and organization] Planirovanie narodnogo khozia'istva SSSR;
voprosy teorii i organizatsii. Hosk7a, Izd-vo sotsialluo-okon.
lit-ry, 1961. 1+58 P. I (MM 34:6)
(Missia-Rconomic policy)
SOROKIN, G.M., doktor Ekonom.nauk
- Laws of the development of the world socialist system. Vest. ;-',-
SSSR 31 no.10:3-8 0 '61. (,qR..A 14:9)
(Communist countries--Economics)
DEMCHINOV, V.S., akademik, otv. red.; KAFENGAUZ, B.B., red.; KLI1.21KO,
K.I., red.; MINTS, L.Ye., red.; OBLCMSKIY, Ya.A., red.; PASHKOV,
A.I.) red.; PROBST, A.Ye., red.; 174WEIV, G.M.4-red.; UHLAIJIS,
B.TS., red.; KHOKYAKOV, A.I.j, red. izd-va; VOLKOVA, Me.,
tekhn. red.
(Problems of the national economy of the U.S.S.R.; on the 85th
birthday of Academician Stanislav Gustavovich StrumilinIvoprosy
narodnogo khoziaistva SSSR; k 85-letiiu akademika Stanislava
Gustavovich Strumilina. Moskva,Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSRy 1962.
417 p. (MIRA .15:12)
1. Akademiya nauk S59R. Otdeleniye ekorcmicheskikh, filosofskikh
i pravo-vykh na-ak.
(Strumilin, Stani3lav Gustavovich, 1877- ) (Economics)
'14e.thodology of planning major national economic proportions"
rer,ort to bc.- tted fur, the UaitcO-. F~nlAuw COdl-,fercr-ce cz M,a
11PP11"Atio.': or srlct~,~e a-~A for the It of the css
Develolr-d 4-po Fc.7i 63
SOROKIN -M,; OLEYNIK, I.P., doktor ekon. nauk; RYABUSHKIN, T.V.,
doktor ekon. nauk; DUDINSKIY, I.V., kand. ekon. nauk;
MIROSHNICHENKO, B.P., kand. ekon.nauk,- SERGEYEV, V.P., kand.
ekon. nauk; TARNOVSKIY, 0.1., kand. ekon. nauk; STOROZHEV, V.I.,
kand. ist. nauk; KONOVALOV, Ye.A., kand. ekon. nauk; GERTSOVICH,
G.B., kand. ekon. nauk; POPOV, K.I., kand. ekon. nauk, red.j
ZEVIN, L.Z., red.; NIKOLAYEV, D.N., red.; PAX, G.V., red.;
GERASIMOVA~ Ye.S.., tekhn. red.
(The building of communism in the U.S.S.R. and cooperation among
the socialist countries]Stroitellstvu kommunizma v SSSR i sotrud-
nichestvo sotsialisticheskikh stran. Pod obshchei red. G.M.Soro-
kina. Moskva, Ekonomizdat, 1962. 334 P. (MIRA 16:2)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut ekonomiki mirovoy sotsialistiche-
skoy sistemy. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for
(Communist countries--Foreign economic relations)
ALLAKHVERDYAB, D.A., Prof.; AMINOV, A.M., doktor-ekon. nauk; AGLAS,
M.S., prof.; DIYACHENKO, V.V., dots.; ZLOBIN, I.D., prof.;
KADYSHEVY L.A., dots.; KARNAUKHOVA, U.S.,, prof.; KOTOV, G.G.,
prof.; LEVITANUS, I.M., dots.; LIVSHITS, A.L., dots.; LYAPIN,
A.P., prof.; MAKAROVA, M.F., prof.; MASLOV, P.P., prof.;
SONINY M.Ya., doktor ekon.nauk; SO %hlR,-4,X-,:_STRUMILIN, S.G.,
akademik; TUMANOVA, L.V., dots.; TUROVTSEV, V.I., dots.;
FIGURNOV, P.K., prof.; MOKHOVA, N.I., dotis., red.; SHCHERBAKOVA,
V.V., dots., red.; SHVEYTSER, Ye.K., red.; MURASHOVA, V.A.,
takkn. red.
[The economics of socialism]Politicheskaia ekonomiia Botsia-
lizma. Izd.2., perer. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo ffVysshaia shkola.,
1962. 614 P. (min 16:3)
1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Sorokin).
(Economics) (Communism)
"The basic trends of economic developnent in the Socialist Countries of Europe."
paper presented at the Conf on Economic Development of European Socia-list
Countries, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 30 Nov-6 Dec 64.
We" and breakdown of supporting surfaces of small dianeter bits.-
Trudy MINWIGP no.29:3-10 160. (MIRA 13:12)
(Boring machinery), (Mechanical wear)
Wear and breakdown of small-diameter bit cutters. Tru4 XIAMQP
n0.29:11-18 160, (MIRA 13M)
(Boring machinery) (Xecb&nical wear)
Breakage of roller bit teeth. Trudy 14MTHEP no.31+:59--68 161.
WIRA 14:12)
(Boring machinery)
Interaction between the roller teeth of a drill bit and the well
bottom. Trudy MINXHiGP no-35:8-13 '61. (14M 14:11)
(Boring machinery)
Relationship between the blunting of the teeth of small-size bit
rollers and the Fenetration rate. Trudy MINKMiGP no.35:42-49
#61. (MIRA 14. 11)
(Boring machinery)
Method of experimentalstudy of the mechanics of bit tooth breakage.
Trudy MINKHiGP no.35:109-119 161. (MDU 14:11)
(Boring machine~ry)
New steel for the production of bit rollers. Trudy MINfHj-Gp
46slOl-104 164- (MIRL 17 -.6)
Wear and failure of the ieetn of bit rollerS. T~z-.,. -rfs. ucheb. zav.;
neft' i gaz 7 no.7:95-99 164. OMIRIA 17:9)
1. Maskovskiy institut neftekliLmicheskoy i gazovoy prorryshlennosti
im. akad. I.M. Gubkina.
VINOGRADOV, 11.N.; SHMBER, G.K.~p SOR11111114_~__
InvestAgating wear and failure of the teeth of bit rollers,
Neft. khoz. 42 no.7:12-1j.-17 J1 164. (MIRA .17-.8)
l-, 1 .1. ~
- .-1. Increasing the efficiency of internal combustion engines during
partial load by means of preheating intake air. Izv.AN Kazakh.
SSR.Ser.energ. no.4/5:109-127 154. (MIJU 9:5)
(Gas and oil engines)
larangrad. Politekhnichookly Inatitut
Inergomashi.mostroyonlye- (Power
-Machinery Construction) Moscow.
M"hgIx, 1960. 161 p. (Sorlest Ito% Trudy, no. 204) Errata
slip Inserted. I,bW copies printed,
Sponsoring Ageneys ASPSH. Nlnl*torstvo vynahogo I aradnego spetaIN21-
Doan obMicranlya.
Swap. Ed., V.S. Sdrcm, Doctor or Tachn1coa Science*, Proressor;
Zd.i V.I. BulanIn, C&ndldjkt* or Technical Sciences, Docent; Tech.
Zd-r P-3. Frumk1n; monating Ed. for Literature an the Design and
operation or Machinery TAningrai Vivicion, K&shgIz)s P.I. Petl-
PURPOSSIt Th1A book is Intended for workers at scientific research
instl utes and factory doeign offices. It may &.180 be useful to
students of advanced cou."as Lnd aspirants specializing in
power-machlAory construction.
CGVV.AQgt Tne collection a 17 articles deals with an&lyses or
gao-turblne inst4alations and theoretlc&l and oxperl=antal In-
Toot1gations of the operation at power and transportation machinery,
"eluding turblnoso compressorso and Irternal-coctbuntion engines.
A damorlption is given of recent thea"tical and experLment&I in-
'41-t1gations undertaken by the Department of Power-KachLnory 'a~
structioup LenlAgmdskly politekhnichookly inatitut (LeningrL~-
Polytochalcia Institute). The Investigations Include analytes
of parsumeta" for Insuring high economy, of operation and the par-
Z~Tt~ftga:f athods Of OLICuIL'ing and designing new power equip-
as fo
at farallood Ilow severva of the articles.
5. DLUOX" V.I. Some Pastures of One Type of 0"-Turblm Sy*-
t" 43
IS. L V Calculation of Transition Procassoa In oss-
urb igAi;;
Tur 62
Ulaxnev, K.F. On the Question of Similarity or Temperature
VIolds In Turbomaahlnar7 Klement* 67L
Valtrovskly. V.A. 04 the Determination of the Souradorion or
V ftleas 016sol-Cagize Compressor* TT
9.. J(-Ostin, A.R. Investigation of the Stste of Thermal Strata In
%6~ftrow Engine a 84
10. Mikhaylov. the Combustion Process
i?,a. Investigation of
ttw G&AM ation of the Pulverized-Coal Flame In Pu2m&c4 nre
bwt" With Liquid Slag Removal 99
22. ftlyzaakLy.-M.Ya. An&2yaim of the Mapermion of Dollar
Lsludge 245
22. iolyanakly, X.1a., " X.V'. Nechikov. On Chemical Deoxygonl-
Nation Of Foodwater for-low-Proaaar-a Steam Boilers 215
13. Sorokin 0 V and Tu.?. Volkov, on the Question of ftel
RidromachanIcal Tronamisslon 120
14. Oalyshavs T.D. On the C&lCUILtion of Cert&in Paramters of
_WA XMIdAi tMQe2G In a Moving 378ttM 228
25. Xrrakov A 0 Synthesis of Planet&ry Oearx With Three Do-
ViFSK"Vig;d. -- 133
16. -VFYQJwv. A.D. axpdrimentia Investigation of the Efficiency
of Planot"T Rechwhism With Two begro*~ of Fmedoca 151
IT. *693j'ahavt V.D. Comparative Testing or the Wear Resistance
cf Matjcn~Ljnjr4o in Read Rra:ceo 159
ATATTAWN3 JAb7W7 Of Congress
KOVALEVSKIY, M.M., inzh.; PROSKURYAKOV, G.V., inzh.; REVZIN, B,S., inzh.;
GRECHUKHIN, Ye.M., inzh.; G,,_N., kand. tekhn. nauk;
TYTVISHKIN, V.G., kand. tekhn. nauk-
Results of the heat tests of the GT-6-750-TW gas turbine
operating on liquid fuel. Energomashinostroenie 11 no.4:
1-5 Ap 165. (HIRA 18:6)
SOV/ 137-58-9-19745
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, NY 9; p 232 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Kot., M.V., Sorokin, G.P.
TITLE: Electrical and Optical Properties of the AlSb Alloys (Elektri-
cheskiye j opticheskiye svoystva soyedineniy AlSb)
PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Kishenevsk. un-t, 1957, Vol 29, pp 183-193
Card 1/2
An investigation of the temperature relationship of the con-
ductivity in AlSb films (F) obtained by the Vekshinskiy method
or on massive single-crystal and polycrystallic specimens.
The optical properties were studied on F only, The specimens
differed in magnitude and character of initial conductivity. The
thickness of films was 0.05- 1.0 ~t. The F exhibited hole-type
("p") conductivity in a vacuum, but upon exposure to air the
mechanism of conductivity in F with an excess of Al changed to
the electron-type ("n"). For such specimens an energy system
is adduced with the aid of which an attempt is made to explain
the phenomena observed in air with F with an excess of Al. An
AlSb alloy with an excess of either Al or of Se but without any
admixture of foreign atoms has a hole-type conductivity mech-
anism in any temperature range. The activation energy of
SOV/ 137-58-9-19745
Electrical and Optical Properties of the AlSb Alloys
electrons from the impurity levels constitutes - 0. 15 ev and decreases upon
an increase of the concentration of the im urity. The a- of the alloy under
vacuum and at room temperature is -17mho/cm.' The activation energy
of donor levels formed as the result of absorption of air is -0.8 ev. The T
of F of the AlSb alloy decreases to a mere fraction in air. The breadth
of.;,.. for the alloy lies within the range of 1.4- 1.55 ev.
Bibliography: 10 references.
L. M.
1. Aluminum antimony alloys--Electrical properties 2. Aluminum antimony alloys
--Optical properties 3. Aluminum antimony alloys-_'Lemperature factors 4. Thin f-i'Img
--Analysis 5. Electrons--Energy
Card 2/2
Translation f rom: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 8, p 203 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Soroki
'TITLE: Relationship of Photoconductivity to Temperature and Absorption
of Thin Layers of AlSb compound (Temperaturnaya zavisimost'
fotoprovodimosti i pogloshcheniya tonkikh sloyev soyedineniya
PERIODICAL: Uch. zap, Kishinevsk. un-t. 1957. Vol 29, pp 195-200
ABSTRACT-, The photoconductivity (P) and the absorption of thin films (F)
of AlSb, obtained in one case by the evaporation of solid speci-
mens close to the stoichiometric composition, in another by the
Vekshinskiy method, were studied. !n thin F 0. 1 - 1. 0 [L thick
obtained by the first method, the P in the visible portion of the
spectrum is comparatively low and increases sharply upon tran-
~tion into the region bounding on the infrared, attaining a maximum
at 0. 95 ~i .In the long-wave port-ion of the characteristic a
weakly expressed second maximum is obser%,ed at the 1. Z ~L
wave length. The border of the red photoeffect is somewhat above
1. 6 Ii . For F obtained by the Vekshinskiy method, the max-
Card 112 imum of the curve of integral photosensiti-vAy (PS) corresponds
SOV/ 1~7 58 8 176-113
Relationship o! Photoconductivity to Temperature (cort- I
to the stoich'-Iometr'Z'l.c sector. At a more than 15/o excess of the component in
F the PS becomes immeasurably small. With a decrease in temperature from
200 to 900 the PS of the F of the sroichiometric ccmpo5if~'cn :ncreases slowly;
from 900 to the temperature of liquid 02 the increase acquires an exponential
character. The relationship of PS to the light. iri.ens,tv has a Imear character
for all F, The P of the films depends on the time of their exposure to air;
the spectroscop,c character of F after heating in a .-acuurn is displaced to-
wards the shorter waves- On the basis therect it is concluded that ;n AlSb
(stoichiometr-Ic composiikon with an Al excess) !here are two t~..,pes of absorp-
ti o n, n a rn ely, an addition absorption and a seliahsorption. P w;th an excess
o; Sb no impur,ttv conduct-vity is noted.
2.'"Im. in-Liv-,~ntinony---Terrir~ei-ature
3. antimony-Absorbtion
1, Thin filrisknalysis
Card 2/2
S&,OKIN, G.P., Cand ?hys ;Aath ici -- (diss) "Electr
conductivity, optic absorption)and stationary photoconductivity
of fine layers of the Al-Sb systt. 11 Odessa, 1958, 12 pp
(Min of Higher Education USSR. Odessa State Univ im I.I.
Mechnikov) 100 couies (KL, 29-58, 128)
- 12 -
AUTHORS: Kot, M. V., Sorokin, G. P. SOV57-58-8-06/37
TITLE: --tty-of Al-Sb System Films Prepared
Electric and FhotoconTucriv
by Vekshinskiy's Method (Elektroprovodnosti i fotoprovodimost,
plenok sistemy Al-Sb, poluchennykh metodom Vekshinskoggol
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 1958,~Nr 8,
pp, 1657 - 1661 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: References 5 and 6 give a study of the electrical, optical
and photoelectrical properties of films consisting of AlSb
compounds condensed on cold and on heated bases according
to the method of Vekshinskiy, Member, Academy rf Scielices,
USSR. In these papers the above authors investi-ated the
properties of AlSb films which did not deviate from the
stoichiometrical composition by more than 1%. For this reason
it proved to be necessary to subject the properties of thin
films of this compouad to a closer investieation. This has been
done in the present paper. The conditions for the preparation
of the films are exposed in reference 5. The results presented
permit to state the following: 1) When thin layers of Al-Sb
are condensed onto cold glass plates only one AlSb compound is
Card 1/3 found which exhibits semiconductor properties. 2) When kl-Sb
Electric and Photoconductivity of Al-Sb System Films SOV/57-58-8-6/,37
Prepared by Vekshinskiy's Method
is condensed on heated glass plates probably two compounds,
AlSb and Al Sb are found. The latter is unstable at
temDerature2 below 2300C. 3) The width of the forbidden zone
in the Al 9Sb compound is about 1,6 eV. It is wider than in
AlSb. The npecific conductivity of AlSb is smaller by two orders
than in AlSb. At room temperature it is 1.1o-5
These compounds exhibit a hole conduction, 4) The photo-
conductivity of newly prepared Al Sb samules is at room
temperature by several times grea2er than that of AlSb. 5) A
hypothesis is outlined concerning the causes of the dis-
appearance of photoconductivity in massive samples and their
destruction in a moist atmosphere, The causes are apparently
connected with the compound : Al Sb. The decomposition of
Al9Sb may in the presence of humiRity lead to the formation
of aluminum hydrate which promotes destruction. 'When the
massive polycrystalline samples are kept in evacuated and
tightly soldered ampoules for one year, no destruction occurs.
Card 2/3 There are 3 figures and 7 references, 6 of which are Soviet.
Electric and Photoconductivity of Al-Sb System Films SOV/57-58-8-6/37
Prepared by Vekshinskiy's Method
ASSOCIATION: Kishinevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Kishin.ev State
SUBMITTED: August 2, 1957
Card 3/3
Akademlya nauic Ukratnnlcoy lnulr,~. r1;JkL
Potoelektrichawklyn 1 yavWnlya v poluprovodatkakhl
PArVQ9Q vAeA0yuzno9o acv.i3h,utanlya p0 fot0u1&ktrI0hexkIX
1chOMkIal YAVleniYAm v poIuprnvodnL11ikn. 9. KIYev. 20-26
noYabrya 1957 g (P=tzeloocrtc and (3pttcrnl Phcnom~na In Sdml-
cgnductora~ of th.t VLrat Conroron~..- on Photoelectric
And Optical Phonomenu In Samianndantora... ) Klyev, 1959. 403 p.
4,000 copies print".
hdditional Sponsoring Agency t Akademlya nauk SSSR. Prozidlun.
d XoMI34IYa po poluprovadniltsm.
Xd. or IhAbliatUng Ho.Ases 1. V. KL*Lna; Tenn. Ed.i A. A. KMtV6y0hu1c;
Reap. 84.j V. Ye. Laahkarav, AcadmIcian, Ukrainian SJR, Academy
or scivocas.
PURPOSEs This book In Lnitandod for scientists In the field or semi.
conductor physics. solid ntate spectroscopy, 4nd nemLeanditator
devices. The colleatiori
.tudn to 17M
universities And InatItatus cC hLF%ar'technical training
lallsIng In the prtyalca and toonnical application of see&-
COV)CRAaXz The collection contains reports and Information bLilletLna
(the latter are Indicated by a3jrt~kxq read at the First All-
Union Conference on OptLoal anA Pilowoloctric Phenomena in Semi-
conductors. A W14o scope of problems In semiconductor physics
and technology are conALderod; photononductIvity, pnoteelectro-
active forces, optical properties. photoelectric calls And
phatoresixtors, the actions OT hard and eorpuscular radiations,
the proportion or thin filma and cmplex acmicondactor systems,
*to. The materials iser-e prepared far publication by E. 1.
Rashboys 0. V. Snitko, K. B. Tolpygo, A. F. Lubchanko* and M. K.
Sneynkman. References and discussion follo. each article.
(cant.) SOV/3140
Fhatseleatric And OptI.&I thanome" 233
And Chlorine Znfra _"d Cond-tivity 3peQtT%M of 237
1~._ Sef1d. Jxf
?him Lead 1 r,,-r,d Candu.tivity Spoatram Of Thin 240
jL2 jejuaX2-d.T~J,~ L*nd Telluride Films
LeillS lri a a I
Optic al, and
n. 5b System
I... 'o Films of the Al
"ho her
Exchange or Semiconductor$ With 255
JT.arbsd ko~"-Qulas photoel*atroxotiv* To'b"'A 268
". XI..tIcs of
in HoMogen*ou
Card ll/ 16
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, 1960, No. 11, p. 39, # 41748
AUTHOR: Sorokin, G.P.
TITLE: T~heDep~en4en~ceof ~e Properties of Films of the Al-Sb System on
Their Thickness
PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Kishinevsk. un-t, 19,59, Vol. 39, pp. 63-67
TEXT: The electric resistance of Al, 3b and the compounds AlSb and AlqSb
decreases exponentially with an increase in the film thickness of the substance,
attaining a constant value, which is cha.racter~stic for massive substances, at a
certain critical thickness d (1,000 A for'Ar, 1,500 A for Sb and 800-1,000 A for
AlSb at room temperature). A temperature increase of the base layer shifts d to
the lower side. The temperature coefficients of the electric resistance of the
samples were also studied.
V. Neshpor
Translator's note, This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract.
Card 1/1
Electric properties of Cu 2Se S/l39/6i/(,)o/oo6/O2l/023
with subssquent slow cooling and holding for 8 hours at 800'C:
The produced layers were dark grey, fine grain with a metallic
sht-er. brittle and easy to machine, The specimens i(-ere
reclaugular parallelepipeds of 20 x 12 x 8 mm, Furthermore,
similar measurements were made on films of material produced from
the same charge in a vacuum of lo-5 - 10-6 mm fig, One of the
aims was to compare the properties of massive specimens with
films of equal composition of thicknesses above 2000 A, It was
found that the massive specimens were impurj ty -semiconductors with
a width of the forbidden zone of 1.1 to I,'-' eV- The specimens had
a p-type conductivity, the qijantity Of iMpUriLiec; being 1018 to
19 ~-Z
10 C M.. In investigating the films it was foi?nd that films of
equal thirliriess produced under different conditions of thermal
d-.stjil,:~t*~on from one and the same uniform massive Sn.ecimen had
irqual properties- The specific electric conductivity; the thermo
e-rii,f, coefricient and the mobi-Ittv of the ciirrnnt carriprs of
-1hin layers %.gns found to depend strongly on 1he thickness for
films less than 2000 A thick., However, 1'or films with thicknrPses
abovv thim limit, the properties remained unchnnged- It. was found
Card -4/.,
Electric properties of C12 Se S/139/6i/ooo/oo6/jD21/023
that both massive specimens and thin films have the same electric
properties, provided the films are thicker than 2000 Some
numerical values are given in the table herewitht
Film thickness Specific conductivity
a, Ohm-I. cm-1 Thermo e.m.f.
coefficient a,
ILV/deg Mobility u,
d = 300 5.0-10-3 +6
d = 800 7-10 +3?. 6o
d = 1000-A 3.1-10 450 Igo
d = 1500 A 10
9.0 +70 550
d = 2000 A 2
1 0 10 -&78 620
d> 2000 A 1:0.102 +79 630
Massive 1.2-102 +80 750
There are 2 figures, I table and 6 referencesa 5 Soviet-bloc and
1 non-Soviet-bloc.
Card 3/4
Sorokin, G. P.
Some properties of thin layers of Cu-Se and Cu-Te systems
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no.,8, 1962, 21, abstract 81137
("Uch. zap. Kishinevsk. un-ta", 1961, v. 49, 123 - 128)
TaT: Thin layers (-~ 0.5 /L) of Cu-Se and-Cu-Te alloys were prepared by
simultaneous evaporation of electrolytic Cu and spectrally pure Se and Te in a
vacuum from two spot evaporators on glass backings at temperatures ranging from
room temperature to 3500C. The dependence of the passage of monochromatic light
and the specific resistance of the thin layers in Cu-Se and Cu-Te systems upon
their composition was studied. In the Cu-Se systefti a Cu2Se compound (38 - 39,11.' Se)
and in the Cu-Te system a Cu2~e compound (50% Te) are being'formed; a Cu4Te3
compound was not revealed. Compounds Cu2~e and Cu2Te are extrinsic semiconddctors
with a hole conductivity mechanism. The specific resistance of a thin (0.6/-c)
Cu2Se layer is 1 at room temperature. Activation energy at 200 - i
2.500C for Cu2Se and Cu2Te is equal to 0.5 and 0.15 - 0.18 ev, respectively. There
are 7 references. Z. Rogachevskaya
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
69 /005/00-5/001-/00,1
SOS OTL alli0i:W.
',LS 01:
-ao .151
Ia.f A'a
-1- e UebvLllr~ V -SeS Of
, o "
0 r- g-3-10L I r- LN -C
t Vy 101%L010 te-tj~je tue a ti.OTL
te -.~. a a. OTL tae
s t -i-y &-J~Laya 1110 ioj~s tjje
e r -Jes e Of
t 0 t "Yo. rl~ of
Tol e -ae er ji 14,1 to~
'PoToD EL of: 3. terM3~ Prop 21' d,
VOL 'alt 5 to de tile -01V 0 au
.r)!. res a for 0t-.1- . vi-tly 5 of
TyLe Vo i-rl the P,151o a%' .ble T"he a cx,-%ct3. ) Val wr e tyLe
ats of 00'a rovLS ress
Me ilMS r,S-Poas 00,1 5,C, d, 'P OTL tye
ree .,,, f ar e 0.9 0 5b 0" of a"'
tYL3. Ses -%Xao eler' 8 to :X1 ejLCO 0-.f.-I S -1
O%V -3, G 2;a ar- t1-L e (0 . ty 0 1:1,a t of
'her r on, 0a . -IMS jr3- -1%1
atmos rre ir f -.I. tYjO P t1le tha- j,%XeV60e'
e OLTtd" t1jia to thaLt ally
tralSf VOL OWC of tyle . -i.OTL 11010% e5se%vtI. Soall
.%40, ter . 'r -itl r elBLt V OL S S -i. S -very
.,.,,,te Ses- e-)Cer
S06 Of. tiLle t-3~9;a +ed
res ert-ies e 9
0t e
C06 r
it toos Y
r ov~ of t1li-11
Influence of atmospheric ...
experiments the action of oxygen on the resistance.of the films
had fast and slow components. In the first few seconds after
placing the films in oxygen, the-conductivity decreased rapidly
and then more slowly reaching a near saturation value after
.40 minu.;es. At pressure below 1o-3 mm Hg,,the oxygen did not
cause any effect on the resistance and photoconductivity of the..
films. It is postulated that together with the adsorption of
oxygen on the AlSb surface the sorption of oxygen in the
intercrystalline regions of the film begins to take place at a
certain pressure. The latter phenomenon has a diffusiona'l-
character and takes place much more slowly than the adsorption
process. It was observed in all cases that the sorbed oxygen
strongly decreased the conductivity to previous
reports. It is assumed that impure A!Sb samples were used by the
previous investigators. The impurities (excess Al or Sb) increase
the conductivity of AlSb and make the films insensitive to oxygen.
The photoconductivity o~ the films in vacuum Is &lmost nil#
but it increases rapidly after placing the films in air.
There are 2 figures.
Car:d 2/3
L 8579-66 EWT(m)/EWG(m)/EV1P(t)AwP(b) lip(c)
ACCESSION M: AP5021182 0 0 014
AUTHOR: AgrokIng Go P.
TITLE: Electrical operties of Cu2Te
SOURCE: IVUZ. Flzilm~ no. 4., 3965,- 10-143
TOPIC TAGSt copper compound, telluride, forbidden band, electric conductivityp.,
:carrier densityp hole mobllity~
ABSTRACT: The electrical properties of polycry-stalline bulk samples and of evap.
,:orated thin films of Cu2Te were investigated in the range of temperatures from
-183 to 75OC- Spectroscopicallypure components were melted at 1200C in quartz
ampoules. Parallelepipeds of 10 x 5 X-3 mi were cut. Two,samples were measured
(one of them contalneda larger excess of.copper). Difficulties were encount d
in evaporating the films because of the strong dissociation of Cu2Te. Inyestiga,-
tions showed that a tellurium-rich layer~forms on the substrate and a copper layer:
on the surface. It has been,established that,the compound is an impurity semicon- il
ductor with a forbidden band vidth.of 0.9--.1.0 ev. The samileo obtained exhibited
p-type conductivity and a carrier density of 1018-3.0" ce The mobility of the
current carriers at room temperature depended on their concentration and amounted
Card 1/2
Experlencs of A.A.:Zakharov's boring brigade.
.18-19 Ap '57-
1. Leninogorskiy polimetallicheakiy kombinat.
(tor'jng) (Zakharov. A.A.)
Gar. zhur. no.4:
(MIRA 10:5)
- t
Outlook for working with more than one rig at the same time
in drilling blastholes in underground workings. Gor. zhur.
no.11:7-10 N 162. (MIRA 15:10)
1. VBesoy-uzM7 nauchno-isoledovatellskiy inestitut taietnoy
metallurgii (for Tarancy Mayyer). 2. Leninogorskiy polimetal-
licheigkiy kmbinat (for gorokin).
(Boiring-labor productivity)
AUTHOR: KovalevskLy, Me No (Engineer) t skMzn!M, G. V.-(Z g&.r I ReysinB, 3
(Engineer); GrechuMiln- Too Me, (Engineer)t-S_c_gqMHjC~G4r',I4~-' Wadidate of
V. G.. Candidate of tedudcal sciences)
ORG: none
TITLE: Results of the gas turbine host testa at the ar-6-750 rAZ liquid fool p2ant,
SOURCE: Enerf;-VInshinostro"ni". he 1#' 1965': ]-'5
TOPIC TAGS: ps-tVrbins, thermometer, resistance theraDmeter, tadionSter . Wi
ronometer , t=11:1,ine 0,onpressor
7he wrtide
ABSTRACT., restdU obtained in this fifial stage of'
thernotechrAcal testing of the 6 megawatt gas turbine installation Intile
plant. A schematic diagran of the measuring set-up and Instrmentation Is
shownt. it consisted assentiaUy,of a mercury thermometer, a resistance
thormonet4r, a manometer, a standard manometer, a tachoaotor.and a laboratory
wattmeter. At a temperature of ~600C before the high-pressure stage am with
a efficiencie
6 xW output at 62M rpm , th a were 86.0 for the high-pressure
atage (894 dasign value) and 914 for -the Im-pre-93mra, stagive (90.5% design
value). All the equ&Uons are shown for calculating power losses, heat bal-
ance and officiancies. The caqpressor -w-as also tested at Qe.sms Undo IN
rosults are presented'in the flom of curves, These. show the overall
I- CaM 1/2 UDCs 621,438,001,41
22752-6~, T:Vll(m)/FWR(j)/T I JR(-c) Rm
CC NR: AP6010111 SOURCE COD'E.--/0190166/008/003/0476/048O..
AUTHORSi Sorokin,-G, V.; Name tkin N. -S.; Perchenko, N. N.
ORG: Institute of Petrochemical.Synthesis, AN SSSR (Inatitut nefte
khimicheskogo. aLn-teza AN
+ Al -C4H9)3 cat
TITLE4 a yf
PolyierixatioAt ethylenelusing TLC14 ("0
in the presence of, s:Llanes. '5 ;~
SOURCE: Vy+aokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 8,.no. 3, 1966, 476-486"
TOPIC TAGSt ethylene, polymerization catalyst, polymerization rate,.
silane, chain polymer, polyethylene., -silicon
ABSTRACT: The effect of silanes of various structures on ethylene
polymerization with TiC14+ Al 400 C4H6)3 as a catalyst was analyzed's
The maximum polymerization rate was observed at the.equimolar rati
the AI(iso-C4H9)3 and silane. The activation effect of silane with-
one hydrogen at the Silatom is much higher than that of silaues with
two hydrogens at the Si atom, which~ could be, thd"chain
termination caused by.the entrance of corresponding silanes with two,~-
hydrogens into the polymer chain. It was shown that the content-.of SL
in polytethylene samples prepared with TiC14+ Al (isO-C4H9)3 depends,
on the nature of silanes. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 1 table,
1/2 i 66,095,26+678.742