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YV,VDOXIIIUVA, it.l.; SOMMMKO, A-Al. Plastics based on othvlcellulose and butyrate acetate cellulose. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no.1:10-12 159- (MIRA 12:2) (Plastics) (Cellulore) MOD 87652 5/191/60/000/003/001/013 Bo16/BO54 AUTHORS: Pechenkin, A. L., Yevdokimovaq A. I., TITLE: Plastics (Etrols) on the Basis of Cellulose Eaters PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy, 1960, No. 3, pp. 2-8 TEXT: The authors report on their study of compositions and applica- tions of etrols. 1) Acetobutyrate cellulose etrol (ABCE). Resistance to water and frost, and compatibility with plasticizers increase with in- creasing content of butyryl groups in this eater, while its heat resis- tance decreases. The physicomechanical characteristics as dependent on the plasticizer used are given. Hence, the authors conclude that, among 4,1 all plasticizers studied, dibutyl sebacinate offers the strongest re- sistance to frost. Triphenyl phosphate gives a higher hardness and strength in static bending. Dioctyl phthalate gives better characteris- tics of resistance to heat and toughness. The following plasticizers were also tested: dibutyl phthalate, dioctyl sebacinate, tricresyl phosphate, dibutyl adipinate, and EA-242 (YeD-242). Salol, as well as mixtures of resorcinol dibenzoate with 1,3,5-tritertiary butyl phenol Card 1/3 87652 Plastics (Etrols) on the Basis of cellulose S/191/60/000/003/001/013 Esters B016/BO54 (ff-23, P-23), and of salol with P-23, proved to be the most efficient stabilizers. Besides, the authors studied: p-octyl phenol# p-amyl phenol, resorcinol disalicylate, and resorcinol dibenzoate. The authors give the physicomechanical characteristics of four ABCE types developed by NIIPP (Scientific Research Institute of Plastic Products): A943-45-20 (ABTaE-45-20),and ASP-38-20 (ABTaE-38-20), both for lining steering wheels and for the production of small workpieces; ASO-38-12 (ABTsE-38-12) and ASq3-45-8 (ABTsE-45-8) for the production of thin- walled workpieces without reinforcement and larger parts of motor ve- hicles in temperate and tropical climates. This substance is also suited for the radio industry, for the production of musical instruments, spec- tacle frames, incombustible toys, and the like. 2) Acetopropionate-cellu- lose and tripropionate-cellulose etrols, as compared with ABCE plastics, have better mechanical properties, resistance to heat and water, can be easily dyed with various colors, and have a more decorative look. Best plasticizers for them were: mixtures of dibutyl phthalate and dioetyl phthalate. The following types were tested: 00-48-30 (APTOB-48-30), -48-15; -33-30; -33-20; T94)-64-20 (TPTsE-64-20), and -64-15. They are suited for the production of motor-vehicle parts, door handles, radio Card 2/3 82774 SOV/184-59-5-1/17 AUTHORS: Soroche Korobchanskiy, O.A., Engineers TI TLE An Automatic Filtering Centrifuge With Sediment Removal by a Knife PERIODICAL: Khimicheskoye mashinostroeniye, 1959, Nr- 5. PP. 1-3 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The first industrial model of the "Ar-1,2OO-2Y " (AG-k2OO-2U) filter- ing centrifuge with sublayer regeneration by outside washing is described. The centrifuge was manufactured at the imeni Frunze plant in Sumy. It was tested on the regeneration of foundry loam under unfavourable conditionsbecause the pulp had a clay component and the sand had sharp edges. In the standard periodic action automatic filtering centrifuges the sediment cannot be removed entirely by a knife. The authors designed a specii! rotor and a sublayer regeneration device for centrifuging suspensions with both soluble and insoluble solid phases. The filtering base is a shell formed by a helically wound wire of trapezoidal cross-section having a clearance of 0.2-0.3 mm between wires. This sieve is fixed in the rotor (Fig. 2). The regeneration of the filtering base and the sub- layer is performed by a strong water jet directed from outside to the rotor. The water sprayer moves reciprocally parallel to %he Card 1/ rotor axis. The servomotor and the water supply are switched ::. -,i V@ 82774 sov/0-59-5-1/17 An Automatic Filtering Centrifuge With Sediment Removal by a Knife relays. Tests were carried out on the "Ar -6oo" (AG-6oo) semi-industri- al centrifuge, confirmed the possibility of separating the molding loam suspension under conditions of full automation. Figure 6 shows an operational diagram of the AG-;2OO-2U cMtr1fuge. The washed sand passes from the classifier into the container M-4th a mixer (1) placed 1,5 m above the feed pipe of the centrifuge (2). The pulp Is fed to the centrifuge through an automatic charging valve (3) In the bottom of the container. The separated liquid and the washing water are drained through a common pipeline into the settling tank. The centrifuge worked under the following conditions: RPM - 4.30; sandlayer thickness - 85 mm; sublayer thickness - 8 mm; pulp composition; sand - 68%, clay - up to 2%, the reat was waterl water pressure for regeneration in the.sprayer - 6 kg/cm2j the--- removal of the fine solid phase with the separated liquid - 23..5'9/1. The different phases of one operating cycle of the centrifuge were; charging - 20 see, centrifuging - 60 see, discharging - 25 sec, regeneration of the sublayer - 60 sec, total - 2 win, 45 sec. The efficiency of the centrifuge was 4,600 kg/hour of sand dried to a humidity of 3.8 4.8%. Characteristics of the centrifuge are% Card 2/3 rotor diameter 1,180 mm; rotor speed - 430 rpm, electricmoto- 8277h sov./i84-59-5-1/1'7 An Automatic Filtering Centrif).ige With Sediment Removal by a Knife 10 kw; rotor volume - 240 1; weight of the centrifuge - 7,600 kg. During 100 hours of industrial tests the knife and the comb of the level regulator (easily removable steel parts with a hard alley surface) had to be exchanged once. Other parts exposed to the pulS@ had no noticeable wear. The relatively low speed of the rotor is sufficient fcr the purpose described because of the good filtrability of sand. For centrifuging intermediate products of the plastics production, e.g. polyvinyl chloride resin suspensions, polyethylene and others, the rotor spted can be increased to the values necessary for each particular case and the liquid pressure for regeneraticn can be increased to 8-10 kg/'cm2. There are 2 photographs, 2 diagrams and 2 graphs. Card 31@ Meteorological Abst. 4.8-157 Vol. 4 No. 8 Bulavko, A. C. and Sorochenkov X. Ke Vookhodis#hehie Aug. 1953 vozdGVn-yapotok1 re -o----s-iTy-.' Vertical air current Part I of unusual force.) Meteorologiia i Giarol;g-Tra-t-lo. Pressure and Wind 7-.28-30t 1952. DLG-Two parachutists were dropped over the Borisov Region (Minsk province) at 5:30 p.m. of August 1, 1950 and landed, the first after 40 mint and the second after 2 hrs. The probable lift of the second one is assumed to be 3 km. The region was located in an area of diffused pressure fieldo with secondary cold frcnt passing by and powerful cumulus clouds. The two layers of cumulus had bases at about 1200 m and 3100 m. Air temperature near the soil surface was 18-20'C, lapsc rate was 0.7-080. Thunder activity was reeistered In the region from afternoon to 8-9 p.-n. Sub#ect Headings: I. Vertical currents 2. Borisov Region. U. .3. S. R. --4. T. Z. SOROCHEKKOI P. Two hundred houses for collective farmers. Sill. bud. 7 no.5.-4-6 Kr 157. (NMA 13:6) 1. Predeedatell soveta methkolkhosnoy Btrottellnoy orgRnItat- sit to.1 Cherkasekogo rayona, Cherkseekoy oblasti. (Charkasay District--Yarmbouses) SONC111=01 P. flow we achieved success in our Vork. Sill.bud. 8 no.2:7-6 F 158, (MIRA 13:7) 1. Predsedatell soveta Cherkassko7 mezhl-olkhoznoy stroitellnoy organizateii No.1 Cherknoskoy obInstlo (Cherkassy Province-Builiing) zn F, UWRAkstronomy - Radio AstronomW Nov/Dee 53 "Interference Radio Telescope," V.V. Vitkevich and R.L. Sorochenko, Phys Just im Lebedlev, Acad Sci USSR Astron Zhur, Vol 30, No 6, pp 631-635 Discusses an antenna system consisting of a series of separate antennas of small dimensions and coupled electrically. He compares this diagram of radio reception to optic Interference pattern by a diffraction grid. Considers this system. as more advantageous than others. Rec 20 Apr 53. 2T3T75 C,ttegory USSR/Radiophyaice - Application of radiophysical methods 1-12 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957 No 200B Author Chikhachav, B.M., Sorochanko R.L. :Apparatus for the - -_ _jhe 21-ca Hydrogen Radio-Wave Spectral Line Title Orig Pub :Tr. 5-90 soveshchaniya PO vopr. kosmogonii. 1955, @-, AN SM, 1956, 546-549, diskus. 550-553 Abstract :The apparatus is based on the principle of the frequency radiometer with double frequency convarsion. A balanced method Is nied, in Vhicb tvo nor- row-bond filtere.soparated in frequency and two second heterodynes alter- nately switched at a modulation frequency of 360 c*lesp are connected to the output of the second i-f stage. Ma this caseoscillstions'froa one oftva fixed portlons of the spectran under investigations Are alternately passed through each filter. The Ofference in the intensity6f the noise at the outppt of the filters is?,vopbzrated by a balanced detector. Tho &-c campoment at the modulation frequency appears at the output of the belanced dotwtor only in that case, vhen the spectral densities of the noise in the fftiid por- tions differ from each other. The search for the line is effectt4 by varying the frequency of the first, heterodyne. The frequendies of the first and second heterodyn6a and the n&rrrv-biuA filters are crystal-stabilized. fte, accuracy of the meaeurement of the line frequency in 1.5 kc. The sensitivity t@ 11' 2 86 31W 14 /60/OW/ CX@t/fX5 lVj,' 0 AjoF,/Ao26 AUTHOR: S(,--rochenko, R. T ITLL,, conve I*SdL loll Ovmr 1a) Light Years PERIODICAL. Znaniye-Sila, Ic,)60, No. 8, pp. 6-7 TEXT: A new field of science - raciloastronomy - started Its stozmy develop- ment. Standing in t,17e middle between radlo--physics and astronomy it may, te3ldes astronomic problems, solve the riddle whether there is life in other parts of the Universe. The first step toward this aim is to get signals from the Universe; an artificiall signal, not a natural one. Radloelectromagnetic tests lately proved that space surrounding the earth intensively emits waves, the inter-sity increas- ing with the length of the wave. The most favorable wave for cosmic radlocommu- nications seeM3 to be the length between 3 and 30 cm. Within this range thore Is the 21 cm wave being of major importance In radioastronomy, because this wave Is used for, transmission by interstellar hydrogen. Every atom of hydrogen Is a midget radiotransmitter, emitting a "portion" of electromagnetic energy of fixed magnitude, the frequency be!ng conditioned by the inner structure. The Intensity of this transmission is not too high and may easily be covered by an artificial signal. Hydrogen is tb-@- mo3t abundant element in the Universe. Not Card 1/3 ,/ 86286 S/004/60/000/006/005/005 Conversation Over 100 Light Yeare A105/AO26 long ago, American scientists logica.!;y- pr,!.qupposed that Ir there should ext.,st, a civilized community somtwhere on other plwimtary systems Investigating space, it would draw the same conclusions and consequently choose a 21 cm wave for communication; furthermore, If such civilized community Is In possession of a system of guided transmission Into all direotions, It coull get a contact with our solar eyatem. As for the range, the level of our electrote@lhnical know- ledge permits realizing contact over a distance of 100 light years. Some months ago, an outstanding radlotachnioal experiment has be,!n ac!@omplished by radiolo- eating the planet Venus. In this experiment a transmitter sending 265 kw waves was used. An immense anter-na was concentrating waves Into a beam directing t1".em to Venus. Thus, the effielency of transmis.Aon was amplified more than seven thoueand tlmes,i.t., two million kw. Sptuolai receivers for weRk signals achlevad an enormous sensitivit@. Thty WOT'k. Wltb huge antennas collecting signals on an area of thousantbof km Amplification of Tte- rtcnived sigpial is done. by spe,Dial molecular and parametric devices. Inzide the sphere with a radius of 100 light years there are about ten thnusand start@. Only few of them have planetary sys- tems, and consequently. a basis for the exI.!Oenct of life. There is eoms.4 pr-,r,3,. bility that at least one of these stars has a olvilized comrinitj with a Mg)-ay developed culture and technical '@n the USA, a tpecial apparatus is under constru@*'Ion at, pr,!-sent. for trar,.Wliqion of oilgrt&la cra 21 @,m OK, Card 2,13 8L S/02bj6o/132/01/21/064 B01 4/BOI 4 AUTHORS: Vitkovich, V.V., Sorochenko, R.L., Udal tsov, V.A. TITLE: Radioaetronomical Oboe-.a'.1r-8 of the Second Soyiet CosajL_lg" PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 19tO, Vol. 132) So# It Pp. 85-88 TEXT: The frequently used method of -.-aalointerference was employed for oNeerving radio signals of the second Soviet oo.mic rocket. The angular coordinates of the container were measured by means o: -%e wientific instrwients, furthermore the power of the signals received and its vEriationa with time, A buzzer signal was i-A because of the increased stability of the instruments, the first and aeo -eterodyne were stabilized by means of quartz. The distance 'Ket'.Teen the antE @s of the radiointerferometer, which were directed to the east, was 175-P m. The angle between the perpendicular on the line o3nneoting the antennas and the direction to the signal source was measu ,-;'A by means of the radiointerferometer. Formula (1) is given for the determina-cion of this anglep and formula (3), in which the Doppler effect is considered, is derived for the azimuth of the signal source. The radiointer0ercAeter is adjusted according to Card 1/3 \11 V 811K60 aadicastronomical Observations of the Seooild S/020/60/132/01/21/064 50-Tiet C03Mic Rooke. BO14/BO14 the irtsmait- of ac-smio radio sources. This a., - ;um permitted exaot determination 0j. the momdui at which tLq Soviet rocket hit the Moonp as well as of the place at which the container is located. Fig. I shows a copy of the rooorded signal in the final stage of the rocket's flight to the Moon. It Is shown that the reoording loot its sinueoidal --iharacter (oaused by interferences) as soon as the eontairter hit t@- Moon., The rooket reaohed the Moon on September 14s 1959, 0 h 2 min 22 aso, The place of the oo..tainer was established from formula (3) and is shown In fig, 3, The power of the signs' received was determ:Lned by oompVIng it with the Intensity of the cosmic radio souroo of Cygnus-A. Fig. 3 Parther Illustrates rp@ordivgs made during the last days before tho arrival of the rooket on the Moon. Periodiz intensity variations of 45 soc-onds, 45 minutes, and 10 -- 13 minutes aere observfd. In this connection t%e authors r0ifer to the periodic variation in the orientation of the container and to the Faraday effect detected in the ionosphere. There are 3 figures, I table, and 8 references, 7 of which are Soviet, ASSOCIATION; Pizioheskly institut im. ?,I. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR @hysics Institute Imeni P.R. Lebedov of the Academy of Sciences of Card 2/3 V@ 2W8 s/36o/61/000/007/002/010 3, 0 0 (/ 0 E032/E114 AUTHORSs Vitkovich, V.V., Kuzlmin, A.D., Sorochenko, R.L.9 and Udalltsov, V.A. 'rITLE; Results of radio-Astronomical observations obtained with Soviet space rockets PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Iskusstvennyye sputniki Zemli. No.7. Moscow, 1961, pp. 23-31 TEXTt An important problem in satellite and rocket experiments is the determination of the coordinatps of the space vehicles. Since the satellites and rochttm usually carry a 4tabilized transmitter, the problem is reducr-d to the determination of the position of the radio source and is analogous to the radio- astronomical problem of the determination of the angular coordinates of discrete sources. Such determinations are usually carried out by the radio-interferometf@r method. The present authors have used this method in the observation of the radio signals from the first, second and tbird Soviet spal-e rockets. The use of radio astronomical methods ba.4 enabled them to measure the intensity of the signals as well. The (0j.,;ervations were carried out on 183.6 Mc/s. The apparatus jr1l thp e?xpertmental Card 1/8 26653 Results of radio-astronomical .... s/56o/61/(100/007/002/010 E032/E114 method employed are described by the present authors in Ref.1 (Radlotekhnika i elektronika, 1961). The impact of the second space rocket container on the lunar surface oi-curred on September 14, 1959, at 0 hr 02 min 22il sec (this time is corrected for the time of propagation of the signal). rho selenographic coordinates of the centre of the region of impact were found to be: latitude 300, longitude -30 (crater Archimedes). During the observations of the first and second space rockets use was made of antennas with horizontal polarization. It i3 clear from the records obtained that in addition to a "quasi-sinusoidal" intensity variation due to interference there were also faster changes,which were apparently due to the rotation of the container. The period of these changes was 30-50 sec for the first and 40-60 sec for the second rocket. Comparisons of the records of signals from Soviet space rockets with those for known discrete sources of radio emission were used to estimate the intensity of the signal throughout the entire period of observations. The Cyg A source was used for the comparison. Figs. 4 and 5 show the variations in the intensity of the signals (slow component) in units of the power reduced to an isotropic emitter at the distance of the Card 2/8 26658 Results of radio-astronomical s/56o/61/000/007/002/010 E032/E114 rocket. A consideration of these curves shows that in addition to the fast changes mentioned above there were also slower variations in the signal ftm the first space rocket (characteristic periods 8-12 min and 40-60 min). In the case of the second rocket there was a period of 45 mim reducing to 10-13 min. These changes may be due to the rotation of the container and the Faraday effect in the earth's atmosphere. In the case of the third rocket antennas with both horizontal and vertical polarization were employed. Typical records are reproduced. Analysis of the intensity records with two mutually perpendicular polarizatiors showed that there was signal fading on October 11, 5, 6, 12 and 1.7, 1959, with a period of about 3 min. In addition there was a signal variation reducing the amplitude to about 509o' which had a pertod of about 1.5 min. These variations are apparently diie to the rotation of the automatic inter-planetary station. There was some evidence that there was a further variation with a period of 20-30 min, and this may be due to the Faraday effect. The energy flux p was calculated from the expression P = J&f m Card 3/8 26658 Results of radio-astronomical s/56o/61/000/007/002/010 E032/EI14 where j Is the energy flux from a litecrete source with a cont inuous spectrum, 6 f Is the bandwidth of the rece-I'ver used to record the discrete source, and m ts the ra t it) or the space rocket to discrete-source signal. V@- emitted power P was calculated from: P - P47R2 where R Is the distance from the earth (isotropic source emitting equally in both polarization components". There @re 7 figures and 7 references: 2 Soviet and 5 English. The four most recent English languags references reads ReC.4: P. Moore, Nature, V.184, 502, 19@9. Ref-5: H.P. Wilkins, Nature, V.184, 502, 1959@ Ref.61 G. Fielder, Nature, V.185, 11, 196o. Ref-7s G. Whitfield, Paris Symposium on Radio Astronomy, Stanford, California, 1959, p. 299. Card 4/8 W" 2851 @61/006/009/001/018 D201/D302 4.41. 3 x 0 AUTHORS: Vitkevich, V.V.0 Kuzlmin# A.D.9 Matveye%ko, L*I#o Sorochenko, R.L., and Udalltsovp V.A. TITLE: Radioastronomical observations of Soviet- cosmic rockets PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 6f no# 90 1961t 1420 - 1431 TEXTs This is a description of a apecially designed radio inter- ferometer with phase modulationj as used in tracking the first three Soviet space rockets. The principle of a two channel phase divergent reception was used to detect changes in the signal ampli- tude, due to relative changes of the position of transmitter with respect to the lobe of interference diagram. In receiving a signal with continuous spectrum the fluctuation sensitivity in units of temperature (Ta) of the antenna is given by the well known equa- tion Card 1/7 ox 2@)518 S/109/61/'006/009/001/018 Radioastronomical observations D2_011D302 ST a n '1'o'e V_@EfT (7) where ct a dimensionless factor depending on the properties of the receiver, T 0 - standard ambient temperature; Pe = + T in)/ /T - the equivalent input temperature determined by noiLe of the 0 1 %;, receiver; Tin = (F - 1); F - noise factor of the receiver; T - r Ir!, a antenna temperature; T - time constant of the output cct;I@f - passband between input and detector. The bloc diagram of the recei- ver is shown; the operating frequency was 183 .6 Me/a, that of the transmitter in the rocket capsule. The interferometer had two pa- rabolic antennae 8 x 16 and 11 x 28 m, spaced in the E-W direction by approximately 176 zi. Total length of both antennae was 8 m. The antennae were reilluminated from their focal points by specially designed radiating systems, assuring best possible illumination for two linear polarizations perpendicular with respect to each other. Yu.P. Ilyasov participated in their design. A schematic of the LAY Card 2/7 S/109/61/006/009/001/018 Hadioastronomical observations D201/D302 illuminating system is also shown, the three resonant dipoles were connected by equal lengths of a PK-20 kRK-20) cable to a common feeder. The directional patterns and utilization factors of the an- tenna areas were determined from solar radiation. For both antennae, the area utilization factor was about 0.5. Phase modulation at a frequency 72 c/s was alieved by changing the phase by 1800 by mean!5 of periodical variation of the electric length of the wall connect- ing the local oscillator with one of the mixers, so ihaL ths re- ceived signal was amplitude modulated at this frequency. The phase modulator was designed around a standard hybria switCh. The switch- ing elements were light house diodes type 6A 39 (6D3D) driven by the sinusoidal modulating voltage. The attenuation introduced did not exceed 2 db. The change in the diode slopes by way of changing .he bias and the inser-tion of the modulator into the local oscilla- tor circuit permitted the parasitic amplitude modulation of earlier systems to be reduced considerably. The modu:ator used permitted the radio meter with pnase moaul'ation to be changed into that with AM, this was achieved oy suppressing the modulating voltage at one of the diodes. The s-@gnaIs were preariplifted a-.. UHF by amp.Lifiers Card 3/7 S/1,39/6 !/ 006/009/00 1 /018 Radioastronomical observations D20./D302 placed directly at 'the antennae. The noise factor of UNP preampli- fiers was 5. The amplitied signals from each antenna were changed after buffer stages ro :IiE let IF of 6.95 M_-/s and fed into two channels with a 90',; phase shift between them. A double frequency conversion was ueed. Tbs! 19C% 554 mc/s frequenry of the first 1c- cal oscillator wac pr:a,.-c-@tj by a thermostatically controlled cry- stal oscillator workinp a@t 9,074 mc/a with subsequent multiplicu- tion by 21. Its re_@a-,!ve njtabJL.'.ity was '&_6 and hence the pass- band of a monochrom,,t-c aignal was chosen to be M/s. To secure reception with. ths. s-_gna ., frequency ahlf-cing due to the Doppler effoct, step tu.-ling vv_@ "nI-. k".1 Kc/s was p.-ovided formed by 5 1-ezc- nant circuits datuncl, in @ irl,/s steps. On -:cp of the firet L.O. co,.@!d be @-_ontin-_iou_zly -cu:_=d with-'n t 31.2 Xcls. For calibraticn pur- poses, when a %,@nder-pouas:and ;.s required, @he second amplifier Iass band could be swit@:hea _f'_-,Lr, 2 '.o 10 Kc/s wi-.hout affecting -.uning and gain. The signal, dei-cted by a synchronoas detector, was iuken from an R0 outp--i'?, :'11-ter -iixh :ime constant- -c @ 26 see. TiIi, s -4a- lue permits ac;UeY.L,-,j; -@hc requ_red fluc-tua-.ion sensi-,.ivituy and in practive does no: affe-.t - he ;.nterfference am.--itutle. All power 6up- Card 4/7 S/169/6-1/006/009/001/018 Radioastronomical observations ... D2011D302 plies were stabilized with a stabilizati,.)n factor of about 103. The signals were recorded on electronic automatic recorders type Ma-9 (EPP-0@) monitored by one minute time markers. The experimental da- ta of'the receiver sensitivity are tabulated. The experimental sen- sitivity was about half that calculated from Eq. (7). The maximum sensitivity Of the interferometer, corresponding to the minimum detected power levels, are also tabulated. In making final adjust- ments (M.V. Gorelova particiRated in the final adjustment method evaluation) constant and timevarying parameters had to be conside- red. The constant parameters are y - angle between the horizontal plane and the projec-tion of the base onto a vertical east-west pla- ne, 9 - angle between the east-west direction and projection of the base onto a horizontal plane and D - e of the interferome- ter distance between the antennae*P'l- are delprmined by fixea antenna geometry: @ = ff)n/X on the ot4er hand :.s determined by electrical lengths of the cables and phase charactel-ist--ce of Input stages and can vary with time. A geodesical survey gave the following re- sults: D = 175.896 m; 21044 1@ 0 Al so that the exp.res@,,iinn Ix Card 5/7 S/-@09/6VO06/009/00-/018 Radioastronomical observations ... D20-,/D302 for the azimuth of the source is given by A - 1790461 - a r@ ui nf Q-0-0--V-Q-06n S Ln Z k." 0 N' - 0.047669 c-.g zJ, where n - is the number of the lobe and z the zenith angle of the sou"e. The parlamet-r - was determined from L tr tA 8ource where T - the periodtf the interferen::e '.-ob-_--, t he calculated r and tA source - the real instant at which the sour-,e passes throt*# the maximum of the interferenze diagram. Owing to the finite value of the output cct time constant, the instant - at which 'A source the source crosses the maximum of the diagram does notftrrespond with t representing the maximum deflection of the seconding instra- Card 6/7 20J'c18 S/109/61/006/009/001/o18 Radioastronomical observations D201/002 ment. L T thus was introduced, as given by AT = t t = T(1 _ A_@ (I)2it (i2) A Ascurce 3 T in adjusting the arrangement* The above VAstrument and method of observations were applied to .3 tracking the first, second and third Soviet- space rocketsp launched January 2# September 12, and Octo- ber 4, 1959, respectively; measuring their angular coordinates and measurements of the intensity of the received signal were also carried out. There are 8 figures tables and 11 references: 5 Sov- iet-bloc and 6 non-Soviet-bloc. T e references to the English-language publications read as follows: @ most recent G@ Fielder. Nature, 19609 185, 4705, 11; H.P. Wilkinsp Nature, 1959, 184, 4685. 502; P. Moore, Nature, 1959, 184, 4085, 502; J.G. Davies, A.G.B. Lovell, Nature, 1959, 194, 468;, 501, ASSOCIATION: Fizzi-cheskly Instilut im. P.N. Lebeceva AN SSSF (insti- tute of Plivsizs im. P@N. Lebedev, AS USSR) SUBMITTED: October 4,'1q6r, Card 7/7 X SOROCIfF,,;Ko, !1.1. Radir) astronomical research and instruments. Vest. AN SSSR 31 no.11:88-93 14 161. WRA, 14:11) (Radio astrono.V--Congresses) luAwtihaLul Alim, preliminazy results of observations 'dn the wave @jff 21 cm. of a Milky Way region vith the center kz 20bl8m., (@'w 4V 301 * As tron. shur * 38 no.3:478-482 W-je 161. (KEU 14 a 6) 1. Fizicheskiy institut imeni. P.N.Lebedeva AN SSSR, (Milky Way) Q1 ;FO4/62/017/000/004/0011 104611246 AVAIORS: Sorochenko, R.L. and Ariakin, V.I. MILO; Opace distribution of neutral hydrogen in Cygnus SOUCE: idtademiyu nauk UZR. Fi;;icheakiy institut. Trudy, v. 17. ?Ioacow,1962. Hadioa.stronomiya, 115-127 TUXT: The work refers @o the 21 cm radinmeal3urec,@nts in the area defined by 20hOO -,-' 0( ,, 20NO and 3bo z*rs represents considerai.,le '-A'iffi- culti-o. Tht@ anoun'.. of orcanic subst.-tnee @v the ore -,@wi not . )f. -ntirp hu e rses of si -icient to transform the a iron oxide material into a fe'rrous o:,Ide stiste. Tt orl:. suf- fi,@rd to orwure t@e reduction of ea2ily redncible iron, oxide und-Ir the formation of chamoisite, that -i!, to ray of CA- Joid massej of iron oxide, rhich penetrated the fine -ehInD, - quartz-like ore substrate. As regards the stxzge of formation C.'ard of the ore deposita it c-in be maintuinedv thnt in PlIrticular 2o-4-52/67 The ?.Aticralogy and the Conditionn of Formation of the 1"arl-Green Iron (Tes of Rorcbl their hiph concentration 18 due to the activity of the rurf. There rjre 2 fipures, I tnble, and IP referencets, 11 of thich are Soviot. AS-, -)C 1AT ION i(oF3to,.,ski.,,-n:,.-..,oru gov-iidnr@.,tvmnyi. univerl-it-It 4'ioetuv-m%-Donu .-Aitte"Univer-i'Aty) ?"j,..j;1T!@ D&*nuury 17, 1958, ny N. @-. @:trvkhov, Academy of .'@ciencez, Ui"A SUBMITTV,D: January 15, 1958 1. Iron ores--Geology 2. Iron ores--Properties 3. Iron ores ---Structural analysis 4. Iron ores--Materials @7ard 3/5 -SCROCHINSKIY. A.F., kmadidat weditzinskikh nauk (Stavropoll); KVITASH, T.A. .UP IGORTSIV, S.D. (Stavropol'). Discontinuous sloop and local therapy of certain skin diseases. Vest. ion. i dorm. uo.@!51 My-JO 154. (SKIN-I)IS]"as) (BLUP--THnAPZUTIG VSX) I.- SCROCHIIISKIY, A.F., podpolkovnik med.aluzhby, I Use of sloop In some skin diseases. Voen.-med,shtir. nO.12i8i D'55 (MMA 1211) (SKIN-DISSAM) (BLXZP-MMAPBUTIC UV) GALOPHRIN. Abram Isayevich; NIKOUNKO. Viktor Filippovich: AQjO(ZINSIgY.__ A.M., red.; GALMICIWOVA, Te*N.t [Transportation or long items] Perevosks dlinomernykh gruzov. Moskva, Houchno-takhn.isd-vo 9-ya sytonobillnogo transp. i-shossainykh dorog RSM, 1960. 50 p. (KM 14:1) (Transportation) ACC NRt 626@/6_@/660/001/0060/606@_,' AP700611b SOURCE CODE: UA/ AUTHORS: Snitkovskiy, A. (Candidate of geographical sciences); Sorochinakiy,, X, (Candidate of geographical sciences)j Pshenichnerj B, ORG: none TITLE: The satellite searches for hurricanes SOURM Aviatsiya i koamonavtikap no. 1, 1967, 60-63 Z.ON 0 /?,go C E TOPIC TAGS: meteorologic satellite,,weather forecasting, storm, heat radiation, meteorologic research facility ABSTRACT: Meteorologic satellites are put into orbits of 600--800 km to relay information and advance warning on the formation and location of hurricanes and cyclones. The satellites also relay information on the distribution of solar energy for long-range weather forecasting and on the distribution of the ultraviolet sector of the solar spectrum for determining ozone content and for studying the optic properties of the atmosphere. Kosmos-122 measures atmospheric radiation,, ra,'-' from the earth, elements of radiation balance, and radiation in ranges microns and 8-12 microns. Cameras on board take infrared pictures on day and.night sides of the earth. Computers reduce the data for a global chart showing distribution. of radiation intensity. Plans call for launching additional weather satellites which Card ACC NRi AP7006118 can bo manouvered to designatod positions Vy signals (Folet-1 and Polot-2). Orig, art. hast 1 sketoh and 1 photograph. SUB CODEs22AO4/ SUBM DATSa' none LCard 212 DEGTi,;V . G, F. ; SAVICHP T. V@ I SOROCIIIIISKIY Y. R.A. Mechanized painting of metal articles. Mashinoatroenio no*3:8143 Mly-Je @ 62. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Dmpropetrovskiy inzhenerno-stroitellnyy institut, (Painting, Industrial--Equipment and supplies) DEGTEV, G.F.; SAVICH, V.V.; SOROCIIINSKIY, M.A. Automatic painting and fryIng of parts. Mashinostroitell no.6s 15-16 Je 162. (MIRA 160) (Paintingo IndustrW--Equipment and supplies) I %V,f-!r I!. IT :, n I k ;:. I . 7; . 1,@ i. 11, , 1. r.0 i I .-Trii- drive fr;r paintirg in an el,@.ctrlc fie'Id. MarhinogLrol tell r.c.. 1. 28 ja 165. OMM@ 18:3) SOROCHINSKIY, M.A. Changes of jet streams in conrection wIth the development of cyclones on February 13-17, 1962. Meteor.i.gidrol. no.9:24-31 S 163. WRA 16.-io) 1. TSentrallnyy institut prognozov. SOROCHINSKIY, M.A. On the tracks of a hurricane. Priroda 53 no.3:118-120 164. (MIRA 17%4) 1. TSentrallnyy institut propmozov, Moskva. ar L s4034_65 ACCESSION M. AT5W9165 0/0000/64/000/000/005210060 Aurwiti SoMbinskLZi N +1 TITLE: Pressure changes due to geostrophic and actual relative vorticity SOMCK: AN Uz9SR. Institut natematiki. ChLolennyye matody prognosa pogody I Voprosy sinopticheakoy meteocologii (Numerical methods of weather forec*isting and problems to synoptic meteorology). Tashkent, lid-vo Nauka Uz$SR, 1964, 52-60_._,- TOPIC TAGS: geostrophic vorticity, real relative vortiefty, atmospheric pressures numerical forecasting ABSTRACT: The quasi-geostrophicity-principle -is widely-used during the develop-- ment of methods for nmerical weather forecasting. However, In nature, the air particles Are not always in equilibrium and the real wind is often significantl7l different from its geostrophic counterpart. The author compares the values of the aciual (January and July of 1960) and geostrophic vorticities at the 300 mb level above the surface centers of @Yclones over the entire period of their exis-;, 'tence. (A'similar study was made earlier by R. Z. Pettersen fi. of Hateorol.,', no. 4, 19k77'at the tOO ob level.) He also analyzed Oressure changes at the 300 mb level due to vortex advection during the antics developeent of the cyo@tonaoj,@!@-" The correlation coefficient-of.this study was somewhat smaller than the one CGrd 1 54034-65 NF, ON NR: ATS009165 bcained by Pettersen. The VIMSUltS 3how.that: 1) 'the difference between the 0 actual and geostrophic vorticity to approximately 44%; 2) tfie mean.square vorti -city error from. pilot- ba-Roo n data- to __ half - the-correspondbig- geostco ror; _phic er 3) the correlation between'the'true and calculated pressure change to very However, pressure changes due to the vortex component calculated from pilot bal- loon data are much closer to the true ones than the quantities obtained from thi Liplacian of the pressure; and 4)'the targest deviations between the calculated and actual ressurd changes are'observed in stage 11 when the cyclone is below .:he@ high fronM zone containing the largest ;@epptrophlc components. Orig. Irt# hass 1.6. formulas and 4 tables. ASSOCIATION; none CU...OO SU34ITTED: -140ct64 IN SUB CM: KS _j WO RU SOVt 003 d OTIMR I 001@ Card 2/2 .988-65 EVIT(I)/FCC AEDC.(a)/iSD(a)-5 GW L 29 ACCESSION NR: AP5001816 S/0050/65/000/001/0040/0045 13 AUTHORS: SorochinskjX, M, A. Z TITLEi Dependence of the intensity of near-earth cyclogenesis on the kinetic energy flux at the level of maximum. wind- SOURCE: Moteorologiya I gidrologiya, no. 1, 1965# 40-45 TOPIC TAGS: cyclone, energy distributionp jet stream\-/ ABSTRACT: Since the maximum wAnd velocity changes considerab3,v alone the vorti- cal, it should be proper to consider the kinetic energy reserves in 4he t stream, not at the -isobazic 300-.mb- surfam (or at any- other such- surfacojebut the level of =ximum wind velocity. The author traces the change in kinetic en- ergy flux at this level for a period beginning 24 hours before cyclogenesis and ending with full generation of the cyclone. He-plots the changes In kinetic on- ergy during this period and points out that an investigations show cyclog)neois to be accompanied by air-ilar changes in kinetic energy at the level of maximum wind velocity. The energy begins to increase 12-18 hours before formation of the cyclone and reaches a maximum at the instant of complete formation. With Growth of the cyclonep the kinetic energy decreases, and a maximum is reached at Card 1/2 L 29988-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5=816 greatest development (maximl Laplacian near-surface pressure), The author0o 4mrov+4rm*4-v% ol%-cro +Uft+ a I-- @--4--A -- 4-1- .-IA .4A. -P 4-U- 4-4. 7 tT 'I *i';-. e "Witt ip" 711, 'ACC NR,-AT6032989 -__ SOURCE CODE: UR/2546/66/000/149/0092/0096 AUTHOR: Sorochinskiy, M. A. ORG: none TITLE: Slope of the maximum wind surface SOURCE: Moscow. Tsentrallnyy institut prognozov. Trudy, no. 149, 1966. Rezul'tat ispytaniy razlichnykh sposobov kratkoarochnykh prognozov pogody (Results of analyses of various short-range weather forecasting methods), 92-96 TOPIC TAGS: maximum wind level, jet stream, wind speed, cyclogenesis, ageostrophic wind .1 cv'r^-'@o C_ ABSTRACD. Although the angle of slope of the maximum wind surface to the horizon 0 is very smalli it plays an important role in the develop- ment of atmospheric processes, especially in jet-stream development* Analysis of 100 profiles of maximum wind levels (vertical sections through the center of a cyclone in the direction of flow) showed that prior to cyclone formation, the surface-level cyclonic dis- turbance was beneath the ribing branch of the jet-stream axis, and in the period from its formation to the maximum development stagel it was beneath the descending branch of the axis. This indicates-thAt thereis a connection between*change@ @!j "o slope '!ACC NR, AT6032989 AUTHOR: Sorachinskiy, 14. A. ORG; none UR/2546/66/000/149/0092/0096 SOURCE CODE: TITLE: Slope of the maximum wind surface SOURCE: Moscow. Tsentral'nyy institut prognozo Trudy, no. 149, 1966. Rezul'tat) ispytaniy razlichnykh sposobov kratkosrochnykh prognozov pogody (Results of analyses of various short-range weather forecasting methods), 92-96 TOPIC TAGS: maximum wind level, jet stream, wind speed, cyclogenesis, ageostrophic wind cu/A-@o ABSTRACT: Although the angle of slope of the maximum wind surface to the horizon 0 is very small-, it plays an important role in the develop- ment of atmospheric processes, especially in jet-stream development. Analysis of 100 profiles of maximum wind levels (vertical sections through the center of a cyclone in the direction of flow) showed that prior to cyclone formation, the surface-level cyclonic dis- turbance was beneath the rising branch of the jet-stream axis, and in the pevlod from Its formation to the maxim= development stage, it was beneath the descending branch of the axis. This indicates that there is a connection between changes in the slope Cqro 2@ L - __LL ACC NRs AT6032989 SUB CODE: angle of a jet stream and the rate of ground-level cyclone forma- tion. Results obtained indicate that the angle of slope 0 is affected only by accelerations in the direction of flow; prior to the forma- tion of a cyclone, there is a continuous buildup of kinetic energy at the maximum wind level; and this contributes to the development of ground-level disturbances-into a cyclone. After the cyclone has formed, the kinetic energy of the jet stream is spent in maintaining the cyclone formation, and the total kinetic enp.rgy of the maximum wind layer decreases. When-the cyclone reach*a its maximum, the kinetic energy on the maximum wind level increases since the thermobaric field no longer contributes to further development of the cyclone. Ultimately, the'situation returns to one similar to that*existing prior to the formation of the cyclone. Thus, surface cyclone formation involves reorganization of the Jet-stream system, after which the disturbed equilibrium is .-50; restored. WA 04/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORTG REF: 001/ LCord_ 2L2 ACC W AR6035262 SOURCE CODE.4 UR/0169/66/000/009/BO231BO23 AUTHOR: Sorochinskiy, M. A. TITLE: Maximum wind surface inclination angle SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. 9BI61 REF SOURCE: Tr. Tsentr. in-ta Prognozov, vyp. 149, 1966, 92-96 TOPIC TAGS: wind velocity, jet stream, wind, maximum wind inclination angle, wind surface Inclination angle, inclination angle, cyclogenesis, surface boundary layer ABSTRACT: An analysis to made of the incline of tne surface of maximum wind to the horizon, variations in the angle of inclination as a function of variations in wind velocity components, and the relationship between the angle of Inclination of a jet stream and cyclogenesis in the surface boundary layer. [Translation of abstract] (SP) SUB CODE: Vi UDC: 551. 553 SOROCHIIISKIY. TS.M. Significance of slow and controlled pneumoencephalography in the diagnosis of cerebral tumors. Top.neirokhIr. 20 no-317-12 156. (M1M 9:8) 1. Iz otdola neyrorentgenologii Nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta neyrokhirurgii Hinisterstva, zdravookhrananiya USSR. (BRAM, neoplasms diag.. pneumooncophalographv) GWHISKAN, Ta.l., prof.; SOROCRINSIU, TS.H.; TANANATKO, P.G. Delayed and controlled pneumooncephalography in subtentorial tumors [with summary in English. P-54]. Vop.neirokhir. 22 no.6:3-7 N-D '58- (MIRA 12:2) 1. Ukrainakly nauchno-issledovateliekly ins-4-itut neyrokhirurgiis (BRAIN NEOPLASMS, diagnosis, subtentorial, pneumo@-encephalogrsphy (Rue)) SOROCHINS4IY,_TP.@;t .................................... I'-- Pneumoencephalographic peculiarities of extracerebral and intra- cerebral tumors. Probl.neirokhir. 4:149-159 1590 (MIRL 13:11) (ENCEPHALOGRAPHY) - (BRAIN--rJNM) GRYNTSM&N, la.I., prof.; SOROCHINSKIY, TS.H.; DANIIMO, G.S. Graniography in the diagnosis of brain tumors. Vrach.delo no.8:809- 813 Ag '59- (MIRA l2tl2) 1. Otdol neyrorentganologii (zav. - prof. Ya.r. Geynisman) Ukrainskogo instituta neyrokhirurgii. (BRAIN--TUMORS) (MaJLI,-RADIOGRAPHY) @-, t HTN-KiY, T-1. MI. . ; Cand Med Sci - (diss) "Retarded and direct pneumoencephalography in turtiors of the cerebral hemiSDhere." Kiev, 1961. 14 jDp; (Ministry of Public Health Ukrainian SSR, Crimean State Med Inst imeni I. V. Stalin); 200 CODies; free; (KL, 6-61 sup, 240) SUHOCHIbl4u.-Y,@, @ The working capital of collective farms. Den.i kred. 14 no.2: 22-25 F '56. (KM 9:5) (Collective farms--Yinance)