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CZECHOSLOVAKIA RASKA, Jr. K; JUROVCIK, M; FUCIK, V; TYKVA, R; SO@K.1?.VA&_;LSORM1' F. Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague - (for all) Prague,, Collestion of C26040810'rak Chemical No 7. July 1966, pp 2609-2815 "Metabolic effects of 5-asacytidine In isolated nuclei of oalf-thymus cellsew UZU JA k. JUROTLO'll:t %A'4';@kp K. Jr; 3O1C'OVA,_,.Z; :30I.-.p F. Institute of Ora--mic lie-mi-try and 'Dioc:ic.-.i'rjtry of t1w, 'zec*'Aot;l')va]': AOaLiC:.1y of Sciences, PraSue (for Ul) ';ollcction of Czec,iuslovak Chemical Jolmuni cations No 10y 1)65Y i-P 3370-3376 "Anabolic Trunaforaation of a 1.ovel Anti;,.ietabolitc, 5-Azacytiaine and Evidence for Its Incorioration into Ribonueleic Acid.11 TIMAKOV, S.; KIMASK. r-.- KIRSPUU, V.; HIZNJAKOV, V.; SOKOWV, A.; PAUUW2 NO; S&WS, E., red. (25 years of Soviet Estonia; a statistical abstract] 25 aastat, Nbukogude Eestit; statiatiline kogumik. Tal3-irxn, Eestl Raamatp 1965. 173 p. (In Estonian] (MIRA 18:12) 1. Estonian S.S.R. Statistika Keskvalitsus. ROMWIIA / Human and Animal Physiology. General Prob- T lems. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 5, 1958, 21828. Author : Brauner, R., Sorn E. Demayo A. Inst :Not given. _::@ Title :The Role of the Hyaluronic Acid-Hyaluronidase System in Collagen Disease. Orig Pub: Med. Interna., 1959, 19 No 3, 323-337. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 solumvi Ylj-, UWR/ Engineering - Machine tools Card 1A I Pub - 103 - 6/23 Authors I Soloshenko, V. P., and Sornevj YUe As Title An automatic machine for a face-grinding of bearing races Periodical I Stan. i instr. 8, 17-20, Aug 1954 Abstract I The editorial gives some iniormation. concerning the operation wd performance of an automatic machine,, type 02334 designed for I - - face-grinding of the inner races of cone roller-bearings. General description of the structure and individual characteristics of machine components are presented. Illustrations; di&V-an; drauings. Institution t ..... Submitted : SOROCEANU, D., Ing. - AchievAtits in the -field of surface constructions in the mining AOtor. Rev kin 15 no. 5/6t22&231 My-Je 164. 1. Chier Engineer, Institute of Mine Planning. SOROCKANUY D, v u t. 'Ise COns'r " c;liding !.-, r.--'rir-g ind stry ccn3f-ru!@tlol J.-i aic it, po.71-211)3 24 0 04 3, Erigimer, Inat-l-,ut-3 of Mdne j3u,-,hare3lo USSR/ Analytical Chemistry - General Questions G-1 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Xhimiya) No 4. 1957) 11967 Author : Senyavin M.M., Sorochan A.M. Inst : Commission on Ana-Mic9l-dGemistry of the Academy of Sciences USSR Title : Determination of Free Acid in the Presence of Different Salts Orig Pub : Tr. Komis. po analit. khimil AN SSSR, 1956, 7(10), 246-271 Abstract : On the basis of critical review of different methods for determining pH) It is shown that this quantity is not cha- racteristic of the content of free acid in salt solutions, due to the dependence of the activity coefficient upon na- ture and concentration of salts present in the solution. The proposed and experimentally checked procedure of deter- mining the free acid content on the basis of results of con- current determination of pH and conductance (to evaluate the magnitude of activity coefficient) of the solution being Card 1/3 Citric Acid Complexes of Ytterbium. 78-2-8/43 These complexes have the following stability constantst [YbOHCi@ - 10- 16 , [Yb(OH)3Cit] . 10-36 and [YbCit] - about -8 10 . From the course of the stability constant of the citric- acid complexes of ytterbium follows that different complexes of different composition simultaneously exist in a solution. There are 3 figurest 3 tables, and 19 references, 3 of which are Slavic . SUBMITTEDs April 11, 1957 AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 2/2 647-2-66 ENT (m)/F-TC (f )/E1VG(m)/EY1P(t) IJP(c) DS/JD/JG/DM/RM _L _ ACC NR: AP6005530 (N) SOURCE CODE: UR/0089/66/020/001/0040/0046 AUTHOR: Nikashina, V. A.; Senyavin,_N. M.; Sorochan. A. M,.; Alekse enko, V. A. ORG: none TITIX: Ion-exchdnge separation of uranium and rare earth elements 77 SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 20, no. 1, 1966, 40-46 TOPIC TAGS: ion exchange chromatography, uranium, rare earth element , sorption ABSTRACT: Sorption of uranium and rare earth elements from a mixture on KU-2 cation exchanger is calculated -to determine the optimum conditions for ion-exchange sepa- ration of these elements. The calculations were based on solutions of hydrofluoric, hydrochloric, nitric, sulfuric axid perchloric acids of various concentrations. rorm- ulas are derived for determining the coefficients of distribution in the various systems on the basis of chromatographic separation by simple displacement and by the use of complex-forming reagents. The cases of cation sorption of positively and negatively charged complexes are considered. A comparison of theoretical and ex- perimental data shows satisfactory agreement, and the proposed formulas are recom- UDC: 543.544.6!546.791 + 546.65 Card 1/2 L 16472-66 ACC HR: AP6005530 0 mended for predicting conditions of chromatographic separation of arbitrary ion mixtures. Orig. art. bas: I figure, 3 tables, 2 formulas. SUB CODE: 67/ SUBM DATE: 24Mar65/ ORIG REF: 008/ OTH REF: 013 ;ar4.-2/2 M ,, 7 iC-C@i-.- --AP6020202 SOURCE CODE: UR/0070/66/011/006/11410/1415 AUTHOR: Sorochan,A,_@_,; Seny-avinA-M.-M... ORG: none TITLE: Stability constants of the citrate complexes of ytterbium and lanthanum SOURCE: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, v. 11, no. 6, 1966, 1410-1415 TOPIC TAGS: rare earth metal, complex molecule, stability constant, lanthanum com- pound, ytterbium compound ABSTFACT: Stability constants of the citrate complexes of ytterbium and lanthanum )3 [Yb (La) citrate , were determined by static, chromatographic, and potentiometric methods. In the chromatographic method, a solutionof the rare earth element's chlo- ride (PH=3) was passed over a cation- si 'KU-2 which was equilibrated with _@xc @!,!in a complexing agent; the column was then washed with a solution containing the complexi ing agent. In the static method, the solutions containing chlorides of the rare earth elements were contacted with KU-2 cation exchange resin. Under the potentiomeii tric method, the excess of the complexing agent in the solution was neutralized. Al@! experiments were conducted at 200C. In all experiments, citric acid served as a com@ plexing agent. Excellent agreement was found among the stability constants determinjd- by the three methods for the citrate complexes of ytterbium and lanthanum. OrIg. art' has: 3 figures, 6 tables, 2 formulas. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 070ct64/ ORIG REF: 008/ OTH REF: 005 Card I /I lr@ UDC: 546.668;541.49+546.654:541.49 SOROCHAN, I.D. Status and prospects for the development of therapeutic service in the Moldavian S.S.R. Zdravookhranenie 5 no.4.#3-7 JI-Ag 162. (MRA 15:9) 1. Zamestitell ministra zdrevookhraneniya Moldavskoy SSR. (MDLDAVIA-MMPEUTICS) Ilesults of the November Plenum of the Central Committee of the GFSUI the sixth Plenum of the Central Comaittee of the Moldavian GoaLaunist Party and tasks of the public health of the liopublic. Wravookiwaneniye 6 no.1:3-7 J-F'63. (MIKA 16:8) 1. Zamestitell airdstra zdravookhraneniya Moldavskoy SSR. (MOLDAVIA-PUBLIC I=TH) KOZIMIN, Filipp Kuzlmich-, SMOLDYREV, A.Ye., red.; SOROCHAN, I.P., red.; ATTOPOVICH, M.K., -- LInstallation and o eration of crushing and brinding equipment in ore dressing plants5 Montash i ekspluatataiis drobillno- I- razmollnogo oborudovantla obogatitel nykh fabrik. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tovetnot metallurgii, 1957. 333 P. (MIRA 11:1) (Ore dressing) (Crushing machinery) MOLOTKOV IAQt3I:,I, KUM.:. t,!?jIrI. fluak; nau@ Y Su.,LUGUNY N.G.; PI@DZH,&.111 polo Wayo of increasing th( output of rolled ;@ro@iuc'@3 acceptable for their mechanical properties during, Lite rolling of M6S, 3t.)!4, and 15FISND steel on universal mills. Stall 24 na.9:824-827 S '64. (MIRA MOLMKOV, L.Y.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, doteent; YUMOV, Y.M., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nAuk. dotsent; TSUKANOT, G.3., inshener; CHXRNZVICH, Ye.M., inihener; BOEMOV, Ye.M.. inshener; SMOCHAN, N.G. Improving the mechanical properties of structural steel for bridges. Stall 15 no.10:930-937 0 '55. (KIRA 9:1) 1. Dneprodserzhinskiy s6tallur icheskiy institut i sayod ineal Dzerzhinskogo. Isiteel, Structural) Wmt &I tbe I)wsWmW WorkL not t centval works labor cry lh@A helped i; tho adolition d Mw- =1 rodiwtiall &A utifilatk r sint-reduc4bUsty date atwu buW to lmpm-td Bommier etAITEd r(Alod strip q4wity aqt@ (net monomy.-=r-E MOLUMOV, L.F.@ YUk'EROV, V-M-; KH12HANMKIi, A.L.; SHAFW;, I.K.; DOICUNOV@ Ye.M.; SOROCHAN, N.G.@_;_.@VZHAH, N.I.; VOHOBIYEV@ AJ. investigs.ting pressurea during the roll-Ing of universal stripe, Izv.vys,ucheb.sav.j chern.,met. 5 noo4s76-81 162, (MM 15s5) lo DneprodzerzhinBkiy meta.Ilurgloheskiy inatitut i Zavod Lm. F.E.Dzer4hinskogo. (Rolling (Matalwork)) (Pressure) GOLOVASHCHUX, S.I. (Holovashchuk, 5.1.1; SOLOLOVSKIT, I.L. [Sokolovalkyi, I.L.1-. BOBDARCM, T.G. [Bondarelrak, Y.H.1, akademik,; DTATKOVSXATA, N.P. [Dzitkivelks, N.P.J. red.-lokolkograf; BABIMS, A.B. [Babynets', A.I1.1, kand.geol.-mineral.neuk, red.; DTADCHfaMO. M.G. (Diadchanko, X.H.], kand.geol.-mineral.nauk, red.; KAPTARMMO-C OUSOVA, O.K.. doktor geol.-mineral.nauk. red.; NOVIK, 1.0., red.; PISKORSIKA, O.K., red.; red.; USMO, I.S., kand.geol.-mineral.naukg red.; SM'dj# PqL@ (Shullha, P.L.3, doktor tool.-mineral.nauk, red.; SHMIKAN, I.P.. red.izd-va; BUNIT. R.O., (Russian-Ukrainian geological dictionary;.19000 words] Russko- ukrainskii geologicheskii slovar'. 19000 terminov. Sost.S.K. Golovaahchuk I I.L.Sokolovskii. Kyiv, Izd-vo Akad.nauk USBRO 1959. 280 p. (KIRA 13:6) 1. Akedemiya nauk USSR. liyev. 2. AN USSR (for Bondarchuk). 3. Chlen-korrespondent AN USSR (for Novik). (Geology--.Dictionaries) (Ukrainian language--Diationaries-Russian' language) (Russian language--Dictionarlea-Ukrainian language) ArLENVERG, D.Ye. [Aizenvere, D.IX.1; MIANOVA, N.M.; VEUICH, M.F.; GCLTAK, L.M. [HollaLk, L.M.1; GCRAK, S.V. [Horak, S.V.); DIDKOVSKIT, Y.Ta. LDidkovolk7i. V.IA.]; ZMIIISLAYA, V.0. (Zelinalks, V.0.1; ZMIRSKIT, B.F. [Zemetelkyi, B3.1; KAPTARENKO-C OUSOVA, O.K.; KRAYEVA. Ye.Ya. (Kraieve, MIA.]; KRASMINNIKOVA, O.V.; KWSIBA, A.M.; LAPCHIK, T.Yu.; KAKAREMO, D.Ye.; MCLUVKO, G.I. [Hollavko, H.I.J; MULIKA. A.M.; PASTIOWK, S.I.; PICAMYAKOV, V.V.; ROMODANOVA, A.P.; ROTMAN, R.N.; SLAVIN. V.I.; SOKOLOVSKIYg IoL,;A O.A.; SYABRYAY. V..T.; TKACHENKO, T.O,-, SHULIGA, P.L. (Shull PoL.Je do __ktor gool. -mineral. nauk; YAHNICM109 I.M. ClAmnychanko, I.M.]; BONDARCHM9 V.G. (Bondarchuke V.H.Ij skade. m1k, [Atlas of paleogeographical maps of the Ukrainian and Moldavian S.5.R. with lithofacies elements. Scale 1:2,500,000] Atlas paleo- geografichnykh kart Ukrains'koi i Moldavalkoi RSR z elementamy litofateii. Kasshtab 1:2,500,000. Sklely D.19. Aizenverg i dr. Za zahaltnym kerivnvtstvom V.N.Bondarchuka. Kyiv, 1960. xvi p., 78 col.maps. (MM 1):12) 1. Akademiya nauk USSR, Kiyev. Institut geologicheakikh nauk. 2. Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN USSR (for all, except Bonderchuk, Pasternak, Slavin). 3. Insty-tut geologii koryanykh kopalyn AN URSR (for Pasternak). 4. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat im. Lomonosova (for Slavin). (Ukraine--Paloogeography--Kaps) (Koldevia--Poleogeography--Uaps) SOROCUN, O.G. -:1 1 Peculiarities of monsoon circulation in eastern Asia. Trudy 000 no.70t 92-109 157. (MIRA 10:11) (Asia-Monooons) 36-71-14/16 AUTHOR: Sorochan...O. G. TITLE: Ref' 'ections or. the Nature of Suwjer Monsoons in.Eastern Asia (Nakotox-j-ye socbrazheniya o pr1rode letnego mussona Vostochnoy Azil) PERIODICAL: Trudy Glavn--ly geofizicheskay-observatorli 1957, Nr 71, pp. 184-209 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A synoptic-climatological altuation analogous to the stable air flows of the summer monsoon of Easter Asia is pre- sented as a problem In monsoon climate and circulation. This P,omplex air circulation pattern is of considerable scientific interest and has great practical significance for India and Eastern Asia where large amovilts of rain during this time re- sult ir. large crops. Air currents which change their direction seasonally due to the differential in warming-up of land and sea surfaces create corresponding barle fields. The author gives examples of monsoon formation in high-pressure areas over margi- nal seas and discusses the causes of ridges and valleys of pressure. Three trends are noticeable in the study of monsoons. One is based on climatological considerations, i.e. long-range Card 1/3 Reflections on the Nature *f S=umer (Cont.) 36-71-14/16 observations of temperature. aIr pressure, wind direction, precipitat4on, cloudiness and moist-a-re; 'the second is synoptic and is based on formation of centers of atmospheric action and processes such as anticyclonic movements along standard axes, sequences of synoptic situations, etc. The third is the hydro- dynamic approach and consists of studying circulation and applying the equations of hydrodynamics to the analysis of monsoons. Complex study of Ithis ;henomenon leads to the fol- lowing conclusions: the summer monsoons of Eastern Asia rep- resent undivided streams in the general atmot,jheric circulation; they are created by the interaction of the orography of Eastern Asia and the thermal irLhomogeneity of the underlying land and sea surfaces, frontal activity in tropical latitudes and the formation of a subt1rople maximum. The complexity is greatly pronounced due to two contrasting media, the marginal seas and their 11ttorals and the 'Iarge areas of the Asiatic continent adjacent to the P3cific. Summer monsoons develop as a result of the destructive West-East; transfer of cold air over the cor- responding parts of Eurasia. for the troposphere (0-3 ka); there is another current, higher up. In the second place a summer monsoon is possible for a troposphere o-6 ion. thick. Card 2/3 Reflections on the Nature of Summer Monsoons (cont.)36-71-14/16 There is no difference in monsoons at tropical or temperate latitudes. They are interconnected and in one case under the influence of thermal factors and in the other under circulatory factors. There are 17 figures, 7 tables and 33 references of which 21 are USSR. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 r t'- i'% ' 36-72-8/13 AUTHOR: Sorochan, O.G. TI TIE Summer Precipitation in the Monsoon Area of Eastern Asia (K voprosu o prirode letnikh osadkov mussonnoy oblasti Tostochnoy Azii) PERICDICAL: Trudy Glavnoy geofizichaskoy observatorii, 1957, Nr 72, pp. 92-109 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Summer precipitation in the moderate latitudes of the monsoon area of Eastern Asia is closely related to cyclonic activity and in character- ized by the two stages of the summer monsoon. During the first, precipitation originates from continental and marine polar masses (stationary from April to June over adjacent seas), and is triggered by low-humidity cyclones from the NW and W; during the second stage it originates from marine tropical and, to a lesser extent, from continental polar and continental tropical air.masses and is started by cyclones from the'SE, S, and SW, whose displacement towards the W is related to the displacement of the Pacific maximum towards the W. The maritime air masses brought into the subtropic and moderate latitudes during the second stage have a high moisture content, sin-,e Card 1/2 they arise and are formed over the warmer SW regions of the ocean. Cwlt Geog. Sci - (diss) "Certain of xxx atmo3@iieric circkl.-@Lion in.monso n clim-ate of Lhe " , @' tl- @-P#m latiVides of l-,asT. Asia." Len, 19-)@, 13 '.rj D^-o@ @--@t of Hydrrmeteorolwical --ervice @;nder tn'7- '@ovtpt of 1.1iriBtler-, Vain (Yeov@lv:ical lkst@rv:iv)ry im A;I. Voyeykov) 11,0 co- ies (?'I,, - 23 - SOROCHU, O.G. Clillatological features of sumjer monsoon In the Par last, Trudy GGO no.84:44-67 '58. (MM 12:4) (Soviet Yar East--Monsoons) ." - All-Union scientific mpteorolopical conference dedicated to the fortietl anniversary of the hydrompteorolorical service of the Coviet Union. Izv. All SSil. Ser. eeog. no.5:124-1-28 S-0 '61- (MIRA 14:9) (MeteoroloFy--Congresses) SO'ROCI!AN' O.G. Preliminary data on principal characteristics ov,@r Eastern Siberia and t@e Far East. Trucy (Siberia, Eastern--liumidity) (Soviet Far of moisture circulati-)n GGO no.111:1.5-23 '61. (M1RA 15-1) East-hunidity) DROZIM, aNtUIAN, O.G. Brief survey of works on the characteristics of monsoons completed in Russia and the U.S.S.R. Trudy GGO no.111:49-63 '61. (MIRA 151:1) (Monsaons) SOROVAN, O.G. Seasonal characteristics of moisture transfer in temperate latitudes of Asia during the period of winter monsoons. Truay GOO no.111: 64-70 161. (KIRi 15:1) (Asia--Humidity) (Monsoons) SOROCIIAN., O.G. Effect of thermal factors on the development of su=er monsoons in eastern Asia. Trudy GGO no.122-.3-11 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Asia-44onsoons) SOID)CHAR , I * G. Analyzing the conditione of atmospheric eircu2ation during the July 1958 flood In Tranabaika?-'&. Truey COO no.323:79-92 161. (14IRA 14:8) (Tranobaikalia-Floods) (Meteorolog3r) SOROCIIAN, O.G. Temperature conditions in Transcaucasia. Trudy GGO no.132: 93-120 162, (MRA 15:8) (Transcaucasia-Atmospheric temperature) SOROCHAN, O.G.; LUSHCHINSKAYA, H.I. Conditions for the transfer and transformation of masses producing pr-scipitations over the Asiatic part of the U.S.S.R. in the spring. Trudy GGO no,133t55-72 162, (MIRA l6s2) (Ruissia, Asiatic-ftecipitation (Meteorology)) SOROCHAN) O..G. Characteristics of the trMsfer and transformation of raincausing air masses over the Asiatic part of the U.S.S.R. in the vinter and summer seasons. Trudy GGO no.148:3-27 163. (MIRA 16:6) (Precip0ation (Meteorology)) SOROCIIAN I . . - I . J- qlp - c Analysis of'tfie conditions of thd forming of rain-causing air masses over the 4iatic part of the UIS.S.R. in the autumn. Trudy GGO no.148:2&-37 163. / . L (WRA 16:6) 1 (PrecAtation (Meteorology)) L24487-65 EdT(1)/FCC GW__ ACCESSION NR: AT6002952 010 6/2531/64/000/263/0033/0046 AUTHOR: - Sorochan@ 0. G. Shevchenko, T. Ni _Xoku-ta Si L a. TITLE: Climatic charapteristics of air masses In East Asia In the spring and autumn, SOURCE: Leningrad. Glavnaya goo- fizich-e-slciily--a--ob--se-rv-at-o riya. Trudy,-no. 163, 1964.----,-- Voprosy klimatografil (Problems in climatography), 33-46 TOPIC TAGS: a Ion -:_climatology- tmospheric circulation, monsoon, cyc e, air mass, air ----ABSTRACT: The authors- define -the'principal typos-of --masebe over East Asia present datit on die charactoristics of the development of summer and winter monsoonc Until now, there has been no clear criterion for defining die sequence of the advanco"and retreat of the summer and winter monsoons, the limits of their penetration onto the continent-or ocean-and their-rater of-moveinert.---The~-key-,oriterion used-in--this-study-is--7- -e--q-u-i--v-ale-n-t--p--oten-tial-t-e- mperature (0% 9-irtLthor--6:016-characteriatte-of -the properti"_@7 of air masses. For the first time, 01 was computcd for the entire area (85-175*E 30-70*M using acrological data for a 3-year period (1957-1959) for the principal iodbaric surfaces (1000, 850, 700 and 500 mb) from 58 stations. Results of a study of the advance and retreat of the suinmer monsoon during the periods April-May and September- October- are-shown- iwTart-in Fig;-1 of-the-Eadlosurei--It is-shown-that 9--typea-4of-air-.- C.,d 1/3 Marx- --- -------- 91 Ste 0 U jerle oe$ to to 0 tej@, c IP000ases t No's tue tue 91 @ 01c, Sdh j@%e ot Over o0k, "' '1601" tot V V'Ot Ot SIT ate"' a006 oost'i eve 15-7 7,,45, All tu so. aead 0& to veco 3000 @ejtu Ookfiwr @,Owve jOITOeA . olet Ot PTO t 0, 06 elcolaa@.. osee ONO I tue 9 .10 gig Ot Vulb ites"Ot 90 L awoo Sooes JOUN STt 'A' eac % @VOL,.,v ell avot" e PiT 0 is oleo 069% 1? thes j- ,eAO" -oe I? jr too @6voj@- fb. 00 90 o1c t -Oeiov@ t tu Oses 130 vkt to ti ove so actevi ck r VIA% ot tu vlea at vIto; a o9 eace w C114. -awc SSOVL%l Ve 0%, Osl@ Nots, I 'Ovo %09,91 obtle 0 j@ou also c Se e $06 , u - C)TO lc 0 Sst f@06@0!,,bleo S%Ab UO &4t ooco 11 aes a, 10 logo ox% 11, so -ZA-5 9,0"' v tec -to " iaoeo, aws eve ke Stela ,I Ov@ .15L 96 to t o @ .00 ob CoDS' too 9,419, . j 0 SAO a. Lb e'f Ueaval@ geste tOO t it%to %9,6 Soo Oj 0 J6 -------- - SOq .00v 2 Fig. 1. auturnn. a ?p the SUM cot Wer monsoon In, spring am CO,d 3/3 SOROUT"N'. : . I @-r '-!ic propert 2s of t e a-*r masses of East th Asl-a Iijr@ng w1wer and nii-mmer. Trudy GW no.182:i6-37 165. (MIRA 180) Z'USSR/Physical Chemistry - Electrochemistry. B-l",_ Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Xhimiya, No 6, 25 March 1957, 18692 Author Fridran Ya.D. and Sorochan 11.1. Title On Gxidatian and Reduction P tials of Sul;hurous and Oxygen Corrpounde of Antimony in Alkaline Solutions. Crig Fub Tr. In-ta chiraii, AN KirgSSR, 1956, vYP. 7, 29-38 Abstract Potentials (E) of Sb-electrode were measured In sulphido- alkaline soluttt@ns at different content of Na SbS qH20, N a"O.YV., anc. 11@.OH, and 270, 4oo and 800 in X X 1 . N2' It is established that the system SbS3- 4 3e = Sb+ 3S 2- does not determine a potential. It was concluded that in solutions which have been examined Sb-electrode behaves like a complex electrode of the "film-pc7e" type. In the presence of NaOH oxygen compounds of Sb are for- med and (E) is displaced toward the negative side. Card 1/2 - 298 - 20POCITAII, R. T., Cand TecIrl. Sel (diss) -- "Plectrolysis of s,ilf ide-alkell pp fAcad Se-A TISS, Tnat of Xetallurgy solutlons of antimony". Moscow, 1040. 11 % Im A. A. '-1aykov), 17' coplea (KL, No 10, 19('0, 132) SOROCHAN, R.I.; FFJDMAN, Ya.D. Effect of current density on the decomposition potential of sulfide- alkali solutions of antimony. Izv.AN Kir SSR.Ser.est.i tekhtnauk 2 no.2:121-129 160. (,,URA 14: 10) (Antimony) (Electro2yo&) @9 69012 AUTHORS: fridmLa, Ya. D., Sarbayeve Dzh. S.9 9/078 60/005/04/007/040 Sorochan, R. I. B004Y3,007 ---------- el TITLE: Investigation of the Equilibria in Golutione of Complex Compouna of Metals. Mixed Halides of Lead and Heterogeneous Cadmium PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol 5, Nr 4, PP 791 - 804 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors describe a potentiometric method of investigating the equilibrium in solutions of complex compounds containing two different halogens. They mention the following experimental data: Table 1: Electrode potential of Cd-am&lgam in chloride-bromide solutional table 2: the same in bromide-iodide solutions at 2501 table 3: the same in chloride-iodide solutions at 500; table 4; electrode potential of lead amalgam in chloride-bromide solutionel table 5: the same in bromide-iodide solutions. The potentials were measured by means of a PPTV-1 potentiometer. On the basis of ex- perimental data the equilibrium curves for mixed halogen compounds of cadmium (Figs 1-3) and lead (Figs 5,6) at 250 an well as at 500 (Cd - figure 4, Pb - figure 7) were drawn at a constant ion strength of 5. The authors found that in the solutions of t Card 1/2 halogen compounds of Pb and Cd compounds of the type XX 3-J Yi and 69012 Investigation of the Equilibria in Solutions of Complex B/078/60/005/03/007/040 Compounds of Wale. Xixed Halides of Lead and B0040007 Heterogeneous Cadmium XX y2- exist (X and Y - Cl and Bri Clp and J, Pr and J). The 4-S i conditions for the formation of these compounds were determined and their dissociation constants were calculated. On the basis of the results obtained and of published data the authors arrive at the conclusion that the equilibrium constants (Tables 697) of the reaction of the consecutive substitution of a coordinate halogen- ion by anotherp decrease with the number of ions substituted in the coordination sphere. Consequently, complex ions of the type MY z- become stabilized in the solutions. These phenomena M-1 are also confirmed by the data (Table 8) determined by means of various methods and by various research workers concerning the equilibrium of mixed halogen compounds of Cu (I)# Agp Up Cdf Pb, Sb, and Bi. There are 7 figures, 8 tables, and 12 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk KirgSSR Laboratoriya tsvetnoy metallurgii (Academy Metallurgy) SUBMITT-ED.- November 20, 1958 Card 2/2 FRIDMAN, Ya.D.; SEREBRYAKOV, V.I.; SOROCHAN,-.A,A,!. Obtaining zinc oxide from low-grade products of acmplex ore dressing. Izv. AN Kir. SSR. Ser. eat. i tekh. nauk 3 no.3: 135-149 161. OMIRA 15:3) (Zinc-Metal-lurgy) Ya.D.; SCIROCIU,111, R.I.; DOLGASHOVA, N.V. Stability in solutions of mixed thaijium and indium halides. Zhur.neor kh:*Lm. 7 r-c.9:2127-Z33 S 162. (MIRA 15:9) @gallium halides) (Indium halides) FRIDMLN, Ya.D.; VKHESOVA, R.A.; DOWASHOVA, N.V.; Pq@@HA@,_R.I. Formation of mixed comples compounds of metal oxalatoo to othylenedlamine solutions. Zhur.neorg.khim. S-ooO:676-684 Mr 163. (MM 1614) 1. Akademiya nauk Kirgizakoy SSR. (Oxalates) (Complex compounds) (Ethylenedimizw) SOROCIUM, T.D. ,-, -- - Mechanism of the recovery of cardiac activity in the elimination of shock by rhy-thmic distension of the arterial walls. Zdravo- okhranenie 6 no.5t52-57 B-0163 (MIRA l6t12) 1. Iz kafedry normallnoy fiziologii (zav. - zasluzhennyy do- yatell nauki prof. A.A. Zubkov) Kishinevskogo meditsinakogo instituta. 60-29-12/14 AUTHOR: Sorochan, V. A. TITLE: w Contact Time Recorders (Novyye kontaktnyye otmet- chiki vremeni) PERIODICAL: Trudy Geofizicheskogo instituta AN SSSR, 1955, Nr 29, PP. 89-93 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article describes mechanical time recorders with contact arrangements used in "ABPM"-type clock mecha- nismsand marine clocks. In the first instance the con- tacts are set on the lever escapement of the clock move- ment and the pallet is grounded with a soft filament; this closes the electric circuit at the guard pinswhich are insulated from the body of the clock mechanism. The recorder registers at 0.4 sec. intervals when 1 pin is in contact, and at 0.2 see. when 2 pins are switched on in parallel. The second type of contact device is a drive mechanism with ratchet wheels which are fixed on the axes of the second, minute or hour hands. Such re- corders operate at intervals of 3 sees. to 12 hours and Card 1/2 New Contact Time Recorders (Cont.) 60-29-12/14 1 make it possible to regulate the closing of a circuit for widely differing periods of time. There are 6 figures and 2 USSR references. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 SGROCHAI, To *.6 inshener; SUIRWHIT. I.A., Inzhener. Precast concrote foundations for apartment buildings. Sboro *at. o nov. tekh. v strol. 16 no.10:1-6 154. (XIBA 8:2) (Youndations)(Procast concrete construction) MOLYAVKO, G.I.; BARAVOVA, N.M.; DIDKOVSKIT, V.Ta.; SOROCHAW, To.A. Miocene bentonites in the Volyn-Podollan region. Bent. gliny tlkr. no.1:5-14 '55. (MIRA 12:12) l.Institut geologichaskikh nauk AN USSR. (Voly&-Podolian Upland--Bentonite) KURSK. N.M.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; SOKOLOV, N.M., kandidat telthnicheskikh nauk; KOPCHUGOV, V.A., kandidat takhaicheakikh neuk; ZAMORIH. P.I., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk;j 04 01A inzhener; GAROVNIXOT. V.I., inzhener, nauchny3@t2aWk%ojr; MAX0 B.A*p redaktor izdatelletya; GUSIVA, S.S., takhnichookiy redaktor CU 9 of arecast foundations in building construction] Primnenie ob:rrWkh fundamentoy v stroitalletva zdanii. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-r7 po stroit. i arkhitekture, 1956- 77 P. (KIRA 10:1) (Foundations) , A OP SOROCHAN, Yes A. Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) 'Certain problems *& rational use of ," 'k I- , _ Jr*P prefabricated foundations in civil construction." Mos, 1957* 18 p@pi6,c,;,O- ,-- (Aand of Construction and Architecture USSR. Soi Res Inat of Bases and Subterranean Structures), 100 copies. (KL, 13-57, 99) -34- r SOROCHAN, Te.A., inzh. Discontinuous precast footings. Noy.takh. i pered.op. v strol. 19 no.6:14-16 Je 157. (MIRA 10:10) (Youadations) SOROMIAN. Talenm.Andreyevnn LSorochan. O.A.J; MOLTAVXO, G.I. [Hollavko, H.I.I. kand.geologo-minoral.rnlik,; HELINIX, G.F. (Mallnik. H.F.J, red.izd-va;SIIZARD7A, V.Te. (Skliarove, V.I:i.j, (Middle Miocene stratigraphy of the Volyn'-Podolian slope of the Ukrainian crystalline shield based on pelecypods] Stratygrafiin sorednIomiotsenovykh vidkladiv Volyno-Podillatkoho skhylu Ukrainalkoho krystallichnoho shchyta za faunoiu peletsypod. Kyiv, Vyd-vo Akad.nauk URSR, 1958. 31 P. (HIRA 13:1) (Volyn'-Podolian Upland-Deology, Stratigraphic) tVolyn'-Podolian Upland-Larin1libranchista, Fossil) SOR09C tekhn.nouk; SOKOWV, N.M., kand.tekhn.nauk. Mir, 4o.Pnd rinimali uchastiye: SNqURTAWff, R.V.; POLISHIN, D.Ye., knnd.tekhn.naAc. MUNITS, A.P., red.izd-va,- BOROYM, N.K., tekhn.redo (Instructions for using precast footings] Ukazaniia po primeneniiu sbornykh lentochnykh fundamentov. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam. 1959. 28 p. (MIRI 12:10) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvannyy komitet po, delam stroitelletva. 2. Nauchno-iaeledovateltakiy inatitut oenovaniy i podzemnykh soorushaniy Akademil stroitel'stva I arkhitektury SSSR (for Sorochan, Sokolov). (Foundations) (Precast concrete construction) sOR3cHAN, Ye., kand. tekhn. nauk Discontinuous precast foundations. Stroitell no.4:20-21 AP 159. (KIRA 12:6) (Foundations) (Precast concrete construction) KRUTOV, V.I.; SOROCHAII, Te.A. Designing and constructing large-panel loans soils. 09n.. fund. 1. mekh.grun. buildings on sagging, no.6:3-5 159. (MIRA 13:4) (LoaRs) (Foundations) SCROCH.0, Te.A., kand.tekhn.nauk Problems in using raft foundations. (Trudy) NIIOSP no.40:28-45 159. (MIRA 13:9) (Foundations) SOROCILA14, )ro.A. , kand.tekhn.nauk ----- Using vibrators in compacting soil. Mekh.stroi. 17 no.2:8-11 ,6o. (MIRA 131.8) (Vibrators) (Soil stabilization) SOROCHAN, Ye. A. Cand Geol-Min Sci - (diss) "Stratigraphy of Central Myocenic deposits of the Volyno-Podol'skaya Platform and fauna of peli- cypods." Kiev, 1961. 22 ppl 1 page of tables; (MLnistry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education Ukrainian SSR, Kiev Order of Lenin State Univ imeni T. G. Shevchenko); 180 copies; free; (KL, 10-61 sup, 209) SOROCIIAN , Ye. A. Strains in stru'-Aure built on swelling clay soils. Osn,, fund. I mekh. grun. 3 no.1:13-15 t6l. 04L?A 14:3) (Soil mechanics) (roundations) ABELEV, Yu.M.; BRAYT, P.I.; KRUTOV, V.I.; �CEOCHAN, Ye.A.- Deformations of a large--panel apartment howo on sagging ooil with artificial wetting of the footin@, Oan,, fundei mekhogruno 3 no.6sl2-15 161. (MIM 15:4) (Apartment houses) (Foundations) SOROCHAN. le*A* Instruotions for using SN 58-59 preoaat oontinuoum :00t of Omne., fund.i makh. grun. 3 no.26 161. ilKMA 14: 5) (Foundations) k J Ii V" i; SOROCTIAN, Ye.A. Swelling Khvalynian clays as fc1pdations for structures. (Trudy] NIIOSP no.46:9,J-110 161. (MM 15s2) (Caspian lowlm-A-Clay) (Foundations) .pQLLipql.IAN,-.Yi3vgeniy--Androyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; SHERS"BUKOVA) M.A., red. izd-va; TEMKINA) Ye.L.p tekhn. red. (Precast foundations for industrial and residential buildings) SboMe rundamenty promyshlem3ykh i zhilykh zdanii. Moskva# Gosstroiizdatj 1962. 125 p. (VIIRA 15:6) (Foundations) (Precast concrete construction) ABELEV, Yu.M.; BRAYT, P.I.; KRUTOV, V.I.; KULACHENOX, B.G.j 9MOCHANO Ye.A.; EYDUK, R.P. Testing a series 1-48D-P large-panel apartment house erected on settling soil. Osn., fundA mkh.grun. 4 no-20-5 162. (MIRA 15W (Zaporozhlye-Apartment houses.-Testing) SCROCHAN, Ye.A.; BUROV, E.S. Preparation of the bed in construction of structures on swelling soil. Osn., fund. i mekh. grun. 4. no.3:14-16 162. (MIRk 15:7) (Soil mechanics) (Foundations) KRIGER, N.I.; IMUTOV, V.I.; 4 A -OROCHAN Ye@@A.; TARASOVA, I.V. _ Conference on problems of building on settling soil. Osn., fund. i mekh. grun. 4 no.3:29-31 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Soil mechanics--Congresses) SO?.OLGV) (Joktor tekhn. nauk; 1A.MFOLISKlY, G.E., kand. tokhn. nauk,- SO ZO .4QCIfAlfl X.e.A., kand. tskhn. nauk,- FUl' I,; kend. tekhn. nauk; YEFIREVOV, M.G., kand. tel-hn. nauk, retsenzent; ZHURAVLEV, D.A.j, red.; SIMCHEZIM, T.U., teklin. rod. (Fowidation eriginceringl Osnovaniin i fundamenty. Sokolov i d.-. t-,oskva, Goqstroiizd.,it, 1('63. 295 Pi6 (XJRA -.12) (Foundations) SOROCHAN, Ye.A.; MALIGINA, S.M. Evaluating swelling clayey soils. 08n., fund. i zekh grun. 5 no.2t29-30 163. (KRA 16:3) (clay) SOROCHAN, Ye.A.; BUROV, E.S. Pile foundations in swollen soils. Osn., fund. i mekh. gran. 5 no.5:17-19 163. (MMA 16jlO) Mkiday MA-Ilaylovich, . rlauk; K.Vvilrl, L ". I vlauti.,ill. Ivanovich, kLnci. tclkhi. Yevg(!niy Andreyevich, kand. tt!ktl:-.. %-,uk; [conutruction of large-pa.iol IAilciligs on saptring, grctu.dl Stroltollutvo krupiop.,@tioxlnykh z-firttill iut protnadoelillykIi gru It Lukh. 1--otipwi@ 3troijVdato 19f.,5 .191 1) ("'I(A IW) J, M. I @t y Ik V I A@,,4 O.A.' New '14nd ol "aiina In the 3andy sedlnEns of i,@r I e s. Geol . z@:ur. 25 no. 3 -@ 11.5 -I'l "11 4"1 7k rl@ MARTSYNOVSKIY, L.; SOROCHAN, Yu. State standard for coupling dimensions of saddle tractors and semitrailers. Avt.transp. 40 no.9:39-40 S 162. (KRA 15:9) (Tractors-Standards) SOROCHAN. Tu.F. The K&Z-600 dump truck, Avt.i trakt,prom. no.4:47 Ap '57. (KLRA 10:5) 1.Vsesoy=ny7 nauchno-iseledovatellskiy iristitut avtomobillnogo transporta. (Dump trucks) SOROCHAN, Yu.P.; KOROSTASIMVSKIY, M.S. Combined automotive-water transportation in dismountable van bndies (in foreign countries). Biul.takh.-okon.infore. no.8: 93-96 159. (NM 13:1) (Transportation) SOROCHAS, YU.P.; MARTSYWVSKIY, L.Ya. Mixed automotive and railroad transportation abroad. Bjul.tekh. skon.inform. no.11:93-96 159. (NIEL 13:4) (Transportation) SOROCHAN 9 Tu, P. Foreign designs of supporting and coupling devices. Avt.prom. no.7:32-35 Jl 160. (XnU 13:7) (Tractors-Iquipment and supplies) KARTSYNOVSKIY. L.Ya.,SCROCHAN. Yu.P. Conference on high-roadability tractor trainee Avt.prome no,7:39- 42 ji 16o. (KIRA 13:7) 1, Gosudarstvenn.V sovuzn.V ordena Trudovogo Krasnoeo Znament nauchno-issledovatel'skiy avtomobillnyy i avtomotornyy institut. (Tractor trains) SOROCHAIT, Tu.P., inzh.; YOROSTAS*-XVSKIY, M.S.. inzh. Haulage in senitrallers vithout reloading in case other means of transportation are used. Kekh.1 avtom.proizv. 14 no-3:54-55 Mr 16o. (miRA 13:6) (Transportion) SKERMHEV, A.I.; MAIMYNOVSKIY, L.Ya.; 6OROGW,_Yu.F. State standard for the dimensions of coupling devices of tractors and semitrailers. Avt.prom. 27 no-8:4!@-47 Ag '61. (14IRA 14:10) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy avtomobilinyy i avtomotornyy institut. (Tractor trains) SOROCIIAN, Yu.P. Uing electric drives for high-roadability tractor trains. Avt.prom. 27 no.11:25-28 X 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy avtomobillnyy i av-tomotornyy inatitut. (Tractor trains-Electric driving) @ ;. -j tri--h. I @ OIA l-E, @.r@-ins composed of trAlers equli@i-ad vith driving I- r . I 39 no.3.56-58 Mr 161. CZMA 14-1@ Y . . (Auto::iobile trains) ,@,_ RJG I !,%"; , y I I., irlll.@! . Tractor trains In tht? U.S.A. Avt.transp. 39 no.9:59-6c, E '61. Oliw@ volo) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy avtomobil*nyy I avtomotornXv institut. (United States--Tractor trains) ,.A--MINOVI"KIY., L.Ya,o inzh.; SOROCIUM, Yu.P.,, inzh. New agricultural trailers. 14ashinostroenie no.3:99-100 My-Je 162. (MIR-A 15:7) 1. Moskovskiy nauchny)r aytomobillnyy i avtomotornyf institut. (Truck trailers) SMOREV 13 T VS K ., A.I.j -S.OROCIIANI._Yi@ej@j MART VIC Iyj L.Ya, The NAIII-787 single-axle tractor trailer with a driving axle* Biule- i tekh.inform. no.4:65-67 162. WIRA 15:7) (Truck trailero) MARTSYNOVSKIY, L.Ya.; SKERDZHEV, A.I.; SOROGRAN, Yu.P. The 790 semitrailer for panel transportation. Biul.tekh.-ekon. inform.Goo.nauch.-issl.inst.nauch.i takh.inform. no.5s75-76 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Truck trailers) MARTSTNOVSKIY, L.Ya.; SOROCHAN, Yu.p. The NAMI-793 and 785 agricultural tractor trailers. Biul.tekh.- ekon.infom.Gos.nauch.-issl.inst.nauch. i tekh.infom. no.6:62-64 162. WRA 15:7) (Truck trailers) SOROCHAN Yu.P. - -P- @ - -- Transportation in containers in capitalist countries. Biul.takh.- ekon.inform.Goo.nauch.-issl.inst.nauch.i tekh.inform. no.lislOl- 104 162. (MIRA 15sll) (Transportation) MikHTSYNOVSKIY, L.Ya.; SOROGIIAN, Yu.P. Wheeled and track-laying combination vehicleD for difficult terrain. Razved.i okh.nedr 28 no.3:54,-59 Mr 162. (KM 15:4) 1. Gosudarstvennyy soyuznyy ordena, Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni nnuchno-isaledovatellskiy avtomobilinyy i avtomotornyy institut. (Transportation, Aut=otive) I,M?SINOV6YI7., L.Ya.; SUPOGWI., Yu.P.; SK-EOZHEV, A. I. Tractor trains with great tractional capability. Trakt.1 sell- khoz-h. 32 no.4:19-21 AP 162. (HIR& 15:4) 1. Gosudarstvemyy soyuznyy ordena, Trudovogo Krasnogo Znamoni nauchno-isaledovatellakiy avtomobilinyy i avtomotorrqy institut. (Tractore) SMOCHAN, Yu.P,, inzh. Piggyback transportation in tho U.S.A. Zhel.uor.tranap. 4.1, no. 5; PC--91 Mv 162. (MIRA 15:5) (United Stateo-Truck trailerap Demmtable) (Freight and rreightap) . - - ... @ . i i 1 @ I . . . . j . , :,01. k - 1 '. :@ I '. ,@' , , . I , . I i f - -. i . . ; 1 -Z , i @ o : i ( ,: I , @ 11 - )I I.: I u I , ra. , L ,, k-,lrv@. 0 @ n r z fi i i t, a J, I-, [Traicto-* tnnirisl AV'60@0031DYO Fr,04"Tl- --r)Ok-v rio- s t, rot? ni e 1 1965. 317 p. (:: I RA IS: 3) SKERD" IEV 0 "I A.I.; MARTSYNOVSKIY, L.Ya.; SOROCHAN, Yu.P. Evaluation and standardization of traction and speed properties of motor vehicles and automobile trains. Standartizatslia 29 no.3: 18-22 Mr 165. (MIRA 180) YU.P. Chani7ing weight parameters of the future makes of Soviet motor vehicles, trailers, and automobile trainn. Stan- dartizatslia 29 no. 11*252-54 14 165 (MT.RA 191l) 1. lfse:3oyuznvy nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy institut po rorma- I Izatsil v joanhijiostroyen U. MIR"'VIOH, )J.AJ;SOROCHWo F.G.; UVAROVA9 Z.S. 4%, 1., , -, .. @ - [Phyar9i"e'xeraines for young children; medical m4wrylsion, organization and methods. A manual for physicians and teachers] Fizichaskie uprazhueniia dlia detei rannego vosrasta; Ymohabuyl kontrol, organizatelia i metodika. Pbsobie dlia vrachei i pedagogov. Moskva, Kedgiz, 1958. 253@ p. (NM 11:9) (PHYSIUL IOUGATIOW POR CHUMM)