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P: d oil Al all lilt VOLIFWN, V.I.---(Continued) Card 2. and deposital Oanovnye voprooy i metody izucheniis struktur rudnykh polei i mostorozhdanii. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr, 1960. 623 P. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut geologil rudnykh mostorozhdonly, petrografil, mineralogil I gookhimii. 2. Moskovskiy institut tavetnykh motallov i zolota (for Dyukov, Biryukov, Druzhinin, Kuz- nateov). 3. Institut mineralogil, geokhimii I kristallokhimii redk1kh elementov AN SSSR (for Oarmash), 4. Akademiya nauk Armyonskoy Sm (for Karamyan). 5. Balsyzoloto (for Sidoranko). 6. Inatitut geolo- gii rudnykh mostorozhdoniy, petrografii, mineralogii i gookhimii AN SSSR (for Kalinovokiy, Nevskiy, Pavlov, Chernyshov). 70 Moskovskiy geologorezvedochnyy institut im. S.Ordzhonikidze (for Ronenson). 8. Veasoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy institut minerallnogo syrlya (for Samonov). 9. Voronezhakiy universitet (for Sopko). 10. Kollskiy filial AN S= (for Tudin). (Ore deposits) BAYMUKHAMOV, Kh.N.; VOLOYSON, F. I.; ZAKIROV, T.Z.; KOROLNV, V.A.; UUYZER, Y.H.; KUSHNARET, I.P.; LUKIN, L.I.; NEVSKIY, V.A.; UIKIFOROV, H.A.; PBX, A.K.; RUUNOVA, O.D.;,SON'YUSEXIN, Ye.P.; CHaNYSHEY, Y. F. ; SIMTHAN, P. A. Aleksel Vaslllevich Korolev; obituary. Jreol. rude mestorczh. no.4:134-135 Jl-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Korolev, Aleksei Vasillevich, 1897-1960) VOLfFSONO F.I.; KU6J1I,;JC.V, I.P.; LUKIN, L.I.; SMOR'.'HKOV, 1.Ye.; , IP -1, Ye.P.; TISHKIN, A.I. _�.O LUSHKII - Some problems of the formation of hydrothermal uranium deposits. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;geol.i razv. 4 no.9:12-24 S 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Institut tavetnykh metallov i zolota ineni M.I. Kalinina i Institut geologii rLdnykh mestorozhdeniy, petrografli, mineralogii i geokhimii AN SSSR. (uranium ores) GI ) ;(.i: ! " . .*.. , , : %!: , "i',l 1 , , , . : . ; 7 1 ;-, T, J .11 1 . I I : j , , . . 4, -, -'n I . -, I.. . t @ !-.@ @ ` -' t ' -. n:i o f' ve i r.-, @ I -; na t-jdl ni _.,m oves cf :. y - @, s - o t; -, e r-A 1. o - i -@l 14 r, . @', c o o "-, . r -; ,' . , -; f ; , @: -, r , , @ I : , (-- r , o . I : , 1 3 - 51 0 J a - F (Mlw@ 1,1:111) GRECHIN, V.P.; CHUPRIN, M.N.; FROLDV, A.V.; Vacuum metallurg7 of nickel alloys, Issl,po zharopr.splav. 8:224-229 262. (KW l6tQ (Nickel allays-MetaUurgy) (Vacuum metallurgy) Lk ;,7 7, '44 Aj RAdbacttvity o(' t m &I ir w * h " fA tht r"foaq W r w # i Oradea and Ru ao d oA r s vi i m lt w yl ). AMA( (T and t" A - Sri- Romia*, BNJ. 11'Uni. r).-'7ta survey the r ty of-rutneml waters La RoavLala was continued With h the d Mid water wdU In ata. of th6 Ra and RA In the i t k tl F 1 b l N l l iver e resorts V otnietly D t el ta teaU ( e t %) ( y) o- i ;dc and G :BOW 8 6 t th i f b l th I l) c e x@ n on o t a' cop e reg . 9 Rea BU xteslav wells at In She rcsiou Ilmirdoam, "c a 6* f Th 7 8 t i . awa er M at 4 . t Victor a Bow 1 ,000, 2y t d R 0 406 71 10 i /l 3 Con 195 a ne . HIJUC. n, ., Q , X , th e' There wai little chan 2 e In the radioactivit . l g y wattra ainto IV213, The thervial sv&tcr wells at B ile I Mgt d R a content (A have a Rn tonteat of 0.1"A rape.11, an a , -W d t l 2 l l G - wel ernia uce T s at toag u pro .0 X to ff./I. ' t' t 3 32 1 Th f 0.1- -at- ey cou- ratj!s o u water-a . - 3 /tu . . I --a d-4 d -f 2-s u di R i i 0 18 3 f - r ra n t oact v rom . n, .2 zW.A. ty, 21 X 10-11 s t i n d d f 0 21 t 8 P o /l . . . ezr e or o u t u g. , u A 1 P X 10-11 ti I f OA5 th ki R t . t" a a conten erapeu o c pac np, ff,/g. (dry) at Bille Victoris, 1.1 X 10-Is C./C. at hille I 1 10 3 . X, k4o, and COUNTRY :HUNGAM ii CAT=EY tChemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Apnlications. Synthetic Polymers. Plastics. ABS. JOUR. :RZhKhim. - No 17, 1959,, No. 6?74S3 AUIMOR Sz abo, A. -ioo, A. t o,oft t%ki , L INbMTUTP. TITU New Commercial Application of Ureaformaldehyde Resins. ORIG. pUB. Kolo7svnri, epy@-I. ';ozl. Termeszettitd, soy. , 1957. 21 No 1-21, W1_112@i ABSMCT The iircaformaldeLyde resin was obtPitted by con- donsation of uren (in vrater solistion with nnnrox. 1@",' concentret07n) nnd formuldelyde in a malal ratio of 1:3. Tf@e condetisatirn reaction was eon- d"cted at the boiling point in the cotirse of 10 hotirs (nil of 6.? - 6.5), then the resin was con- centrated by eNo-orplion at the residual -ressure of 11 mm and COO temnerftture, It is -nroposed to em,11oy the oIA-ined resin in T)Ipce of the nitro- -glue in the shoe industry. Stability of the gluo resin is 2-3 weeks. --L. Pesin, Card: 1/1 COUNTRY ..,,,ni-u ry CATZ!@ORY AFJS- -YOUR. RZXhl'@11-, -10- AUTHOR -11; 3T. T ITLE 10- . PUB. 19 39, '.70. 7 Y -)JO I.; t. i I' , Zle T t JS poSSJI -4 B S T 11A 0 T t 0 thc on ii( of ace!. S. 'hov:n'elld. .1c a -, id CARD: 2/2 Geoctemistri * D 64131- c osmoc, 195B I jW01AIN @jy dr o 0 110 -191 -Rer swxv-o, 'KIneTI&I OXIT or of Nbs ad tivitir 14toev N-rp diose arid Tts . I-Vevl 'Ra I, RVLO 5 x1ttor 'got 6 'Ment or t1le "t 'Reso j4esSure tte lk?'R SO Ilealth ter a In dlaents and TT va and se S,OV&ta vaters of tyle Nead. So,arees tav 1. Oblui - al.1j. at rzeree 1.35 -1142 10ta W, IAO 1-20 of tile So ot4,blc OrI6 951 r the Vatp-Tll to vlot dete Oti.V It-I 0 .11. thst jt T91dios 1-6 so SOB pLbStrs@t- salt card 1./3 ---I sA.-, RUMANIA/ CO smi_)@h Clain tr@YJI GC@Ouhl#_!L" Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya., No 10, 1958; 32117 Author A. Szabo A. Soo Inst Academy of Sciences of Rumania. Title Study of Radon, Radium and Uranium Concentration Degrees in Mineral Waters and Calcareous Tuffs of Singeorz-Bai (C1uJ District). Orig Pub Bul. stiint. Acad. RFR. Sere mat, si fiz., 1957@ 9, No 1, 159-163 Abstract The results of Rn concentration measurements in carbo- nate waters of the health resort Singeorz-Bai (from 0.63 to 29.9 Mach units) are presented. During these 30 years the Rn content has not changed noticeably. The content of metallic Ra is 8 to 20 . 10-3-2 g per lit in water and 12 to 15 . 10-12 g per lit in calcareous Card 1/2 Card 2/2 16 SOOP A.; GIURGIU, M.; CADARIU, 1. Ch@omatographic studies on the basic complexes of chromium. Studia Univ B-B S. Chem 8 no. 2s6l-74 163. FEOFIWV?; ", K.M.; SIPOVSKIY, Operation of a phenol separation Shale Processing Combine. Khim. no.11:246-258 162. G.V.; SHMAGIN, Ya.G. tar-refining unit of the V.I.Lenin i tekh. gor. slan. i prod ikh perer. (WRA 17:3) KLESWArp I.R.; SW, K.M. Use of water vapor in the distillation of shale phenol$. Mix. i tekh. gor. slan. i prod..ikh pe;*r. no.11:307-316 162. (W RA 17 13) Soo, PYZSOI "Az erdelyi Meznseg floreje.. Prodromus florae regionis Mszoseg (Transailvantae Centralia). Debrecen, Editio. Institutl Botanici Univereltatis Debrecen, 1949. 125 T). (Florae Pannonico-Cpmeticae (Olim Hungericce) criticae, 7) (Flora of the Mezoseg in Transylvpnip)." SO: Past EuroDean Accessions List. Vol @, No 8, Aug 1954. -1.1- - .A t f .. . "Modcrn Principleo of Fhylcgen;@ in the Fiew Zystam cf Flcwerirc, -.,Ial-.ts," p.257. (Acta Bic crica Acaulemiae -7cij@-Ptiarx= Hurraricae, Vol.-I, Ec.3/4, 1@53, BI-la"pest.) East Eur@,pean VElb.21 No6? Congress" I SO: Month List of Accessions,/ r ry 1953, Uncl. SOO, R. Universal botanical concept at the International Congress of Botany in Paris. p. 497. TERMESZET ES TARSADALOM. Budapest. Vol. Uh. no, 8. Aug# 1955o SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL)., LC, Vol. 5j, No. 2p Feb. 1956 -@Vlot Irl t r T, Jy i L 1 vol. l"ns (FZAI) "0" 9P J,n. of ccess Mint 'UNCL Soo, R. A botanical congress in Leningrad; the more important botanical institutions in the Soviet Union. p. 213 BOTANIKAI KOZLEMMEK. (Magyar Biologiai TarsaBag. Botanikai Szakoaztaly) Budapest, Hungary. Vol- W, no. 31h, 1958 Monthly list of East European Accessions (FEAT), LC, Vol. 8, no- 7, July 1959 uncl. SOO, R. A study trip in Rumania. p. 220, DOTANIKAI KOZLFMNYEK. (Magyar Biologiai Tareasag. Botani"i Szako3ztaly) Budapest, Hungary. Vol. W, no. 31h, 1958 Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8,, no. 7j, July 1959 unclo NYARADY, E.I., Aakdemiker; 500# Rezso .0 _ , , , On Academician Rezso Soo's article-"Notes on the Flora Republicii Populare Romine (Flora of the Rumanian People's Republic)" in Acta Botan. Hung. v4., 1958. Rev biol 4 no.2:183-192 159. (EEAI 90) 1. Mitglied der Akademie der Rumanischen Volksrepublik (for Nyardy). (RUMANIA--FLORA) SOO. R., prof. Studies of Ophrys. In German. Acta bot-Hang. 5 no-3/4:437-471 159. OMAI 90) 1. Ord. Mitglied der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, System.- Geobotan. Institut der L.Jotvos Universitat, Budapest. (Ehngary@Ophrye ) - 5004, B@. S7stematic survey of the Pannonian plant society. II. In Germn. Acta bot.Hung. 5 uo.3/4:473-500 159. WAI 9:5) 1. Ord. Kitglied der Ungar. Almd. der Wissenschaften blyatem.-Ge6botan. Institut der L. Notvos Universitat, Budapest. (Hungary-Plants) SOO, R. Present estimation of the formation of vegetation in the Alfold. p. 1. FOLDRAJZI ERTESITO. (Magyar Tudomanyos Akadenda. Foldrajztudomanyi Kutatocsoport) EWapest, Hwngar7. Vol. 8. no. 1. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EUI), LC, Vol. 8, no. ?, July 1959 uncle. SOO, Rezoo, dr., akademikus Evergreen parks and botanical gardens in the Soviet Won. Elovilag 5 nr,.3:3-13 Jl-S 160. SOOp R., prof. -L.- What is Paeonia banatica Rochel? Acta bot Hung 6 no.1/2:139-141 160. (EW 10:3) 1. Institute for Plant Taxonomy and Ecology, University of Budapest. (Rumania_-Peony) SOO, R.; SIMON, T. Re@iXs__@W'the southeastern European Fraxinus and Dianthus species. Acta bot Hung 6 no.1/2:143-153 160. (EZAI 10:3) 1. System.-Geob'otan. Inst. der L.Eotvos Univer3itatp Budapest. (Balkan Peninsula--Plants) (Ash (Tree)) (Carnations) SOO, R. On the South European Salicornia. Acta, bot Hung 6 no-3/4:397-403 t6o. (Ew lo:6) 1. System.-Geobotan. Institut der L.Eotvos Universitatq Budape3t. (Europe--Salicornia) NYARADY, E., acad.; SOO. R6z3o, acad. On demician Rezso Soo's article "Notes on the Flora Republicii Populare Romine (Flora of the Rumanian People's Republic) In Acta Botan. Hung. v.4, 1958. Studii cere biol veget 12 no.ltl35-143 16o. (EEAI 10:1) (Rumania--Flora) SCO, Rezso (Budapest VIII., Illea u.25) @Jame changes of species and subspecies, and more important corrections In the authors' names in the "Handbook of Hungarian flora." Botan kozl 49 no.1/2:145-171 161. BORHIDI, A.;,SQO,-Rqjso,_prof. Supplement to Ophrys studies; discovery of Ophrys apifera in the Buda Mountains. Acts. bot Hung 8 no.3/4t241-242 062. 1. Systejo.-Geobotan.Institut der L.Eotvos UnIversitat, Budapest. 2. Redakteur, "Acta Botanica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricas" (for Soo). SOO, Rosso dr prof., Ord.Mitglied der Ungarischen Akademle der - -'@@@@n;c'haf ten A systematic survey of the Pannonian plant associations. V, Acta bot Hung 8 no.3/42335-366 162. 1. Systeit.-Geobotan.Inatitut der L.Iotvos Universitat, Budapest, und Radakteur., "Acta Botanica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae." 800, Rosso (Budapest, VIII.j Hassum korut 4A) To the xwoory of Lejos Timerp 19WI956. Botan kasl 49 no.3/4t 175-179 162. S009 R0280 (Budap*stjVIII.,M&ssu% korut 4/a) Phytocoonologioal problessj an aecomt of the 1962 mjmposl@ bold in Stolmnaa. betan kosl 49 no.JI-4sl83-1" 162. STRAUB, F. Brmneq dr..,akademikus; -00 Razso, dr., akadomikus; TOTO, Izare, dri) akado.aikus; DUDICH, Endre, dr. An account of tile work of the Division of'' Biological Sciences.. lun- garian Academy of iciences. Biol oszt kozl WIA 6 no-3A:173-215 163* 1. Magyar Tudomanyoj Akademia BlaWiai "udomanyok Oszt&lya titkara; "A Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia biologiai Tudo-nanyok Osztalyanak Koz- lemanyel" szerkesztoje ffor Straub). 2. I-Iagyar 'rLdomanyos Akademia lovelazo tagja (for Dudich). SOOP R.9 Ord. Mitglied der Ungarischen Akademin der Wissenschaften Systematic survey of Pannonian plant associations. Pt. 6. Acta, bot Hung 9 no.1/2tl23-150- 163. 1. Systex,-Geobotan.Institut der L.Eotvos Universitat, Bndapest; Rednkteur, "Anta Botnnica Academiae Scientiarum Mingaricae." S001 Rez8o, AkademIker Species at combinationes novae florae Europe praecIpue flungariae. Pt. I. Acta bot flung 9 no. 3A419-431 163. 1. System.-Geobotan. Institut der Lorand Eotvos Universitat, Budapest; Schiftleiter, "Act& Botanica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae." SOO, Rezoo, dr., akademikus wFlorek of the Hungarian regions*,, edited by Balint Zolyomi. Vol4l-.2; and "Phytocoenological relatiops of-tba-downy oak bush forests in Southeastern Europe* by Pal Jakuce. Reviewed by Rezso Soo. Foldrajzi ert 12 no.1:138-11+0 163. BARA TI, i IZoltan, tanarveged; SO.O,, Rez-so, _dr'., akaderAikus; YJWATI, Zoltan.. dr,p tanszekvczeto egyetuum , a biologiai tudomanyok doktora; '.t7I;RPO, Andras, dr., agyeteml docem-, a biologiai tudonanyok kandida- tusa Flora investigation i-n non-cultivated vineyards. Poldrajzi ert 12 no.3:3/a-356 163. 1. Kortoszuti ej SzoloszeLi Foiskola Noveny-tan! Tanazeke (for Ba- rath and Karptt). SOO, Rezoo Oupplements and con-eations for the chapter entitlod Ofic- manclatural changes relatIng to cpecing and sub"ciesp etc.,, In thn 075@rJ'v,,r;k o@ l4lmr-@irlw) Wiwi k,)-,l- 50 no.l@l 189-195 The Interrat@rinO Goide '203-23.1 1. Eotvoo Loa-wi6 e,3 Vr- vil@. veziyfoldrajz,i Taxinze'Val i@llapectj Muzeliak-orut 4,1v. Soo, Romo, akademikus, ogyetemi tanar Ristory and present-day research work of the Budapest University Botanical Garden. Magy tud 70 no.8:526-535 Ag 163. 1. Egyetenl Botanikus Kert Igazgatoja, Budapest. SOCY Razsal akademikus ,he Ranuncubua aurizowas L.emend.Ko.rsh. species group in the flora of Hungary and the Carpathian Mountains. Ac'.a bot flung 10 ro.1:221-237 164. 1. System.-GeobotA- Institut der 1-Eolwon 11ni'versitat Budapest, Redakteur, "Acta Botanica Acadamiae Scien*@Iarum Hungaricae." Subm-ced December 28, 1963. 130f). '.:@Z30, g1kadernik-us (Blldnpest) TaxonomJc remarks about Margit Kov.--.c", 1--nazological paper dealing with the vegetation arcun-4 arad-1, Asta bot Hung 10 no.1/2:213-215 164. 1. hedakleur, "Acta Botani,@a Academiae 3'nienttartm tfungarizae." Submitted October 18, 1963. !3300, vo ;@- t r('@ I d I ;rl..) nktf,i I -in" , i-v .-,t : " ['..I I -t - j, t It Rtaowwrh on thf! H,jnif,@rlin I IIiv, W-,r,;.-" h- A ,I @ nl, 1 -nill eco-crv. Term tud kczl ) I.Ix I@j5. GIMSIVSKIY, A.G., VASILIYZVA, V.F.. ZAKS, M.G.. SOKOLOVA, M.M., SOO, V,A. Method for determining changes In elasticity of the female bre"t. Akusho I gin.' 34 no.5:104-106 S-0 158 (xrRA llao) 1, Iz Instituta akusherstva I ginekologit (dir. - chleu-korrespondent AMU SSSR P.A* Beloshapko) AMN SSSR i rnstitut evol7utsionnoy fiziologii imeni I.M. Sechenova (dir. - eked. L.A. Orbeli) AN SSSR, (BREAST, physiol. capacity furot., method of determ. (Rue)) SOO, V.A. aspirant. Pree,nancy and labor In diabetes. Akmah. i gin. 34 no.6111-16 N-D 158, (XIM 12:1) 1. Iz Instituta akusherstva i ginekologii ANN SSSR (dir. - chlen- korrespondent ANN SSSR prof. P.A. 13oloshapko), otdaleniya fisiologil i patologii beremennosti (sav. - prof. S.M. Bekker) i endokrinologiches- kogo otdeleniya (zav. - chlen-korrespondent An SSSR prof. V.G. Baranov). (PREGNANCY, in various die. progn.) (DIABNM MILLITUS, in pregn. progn.(Rual) SOO, V.Ae. aspirant Ghanges in the elasticity of the mammary glands it women. Akush.i gin. 35 no.5o.22-27 S-0 159. (MIRA 13t2) 1. Iz Institute, akusheretva i ginakologii AMN SSSR (direktor - chlen- korrespondent AMR SSSR prof. P.A. Beloshapko) i Inatituta evolyutsi- onnoy fiziologii imeni I.K. Sechenova AN SSSR (direktor - almdemik L.A. Orbeli). (BRICAST, pbysiol. ) O"OODAMKOV. K.A, Sugar industry of Kirghlzistan. Sakh.prom. 38 no.2:10-14 F 164, (MIRA 170) 1. Institut ekonomiki, AN Kirgizskoy SSR. S/081/62/000/023/018/120 B156/B186 AUTHORS: Szabadka, 6., J6200f, G., Koml6si, Judit, S66ki-T6th, G. TITLE i The part played by adsorbents in separating gases by the gas chromatography method PERIODICAM Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 23, 1962, 118,.abstract 23D867 (Veszpr6mi vegyipari egyet. k6zl.t v- 5, no- 1# 1961# 53 - 62 [Hung.; summaries in Ger., Eng.s and Russ.]) TEXTt Aluminosilicate when used as a solid carrying agent has different specific surface areas S (2e6 - 75 m 2/g), as -det.ermined from the CHCl3 ad- sorption isotherms, according to the sintering temperature (800 - 9000C). The relationship of the retained volumes 6f 0 3 and 0 4 hydrocarbons (propww, propylene, n- and isobutane and butylene) to S and to the fixed phase con- tent (dimethylformamide, dibutylphthalate, and silicone and paraffin oils) has been studied. If the relationship of the logarithm of the specific retention volume to the content of the fixed phase is plotted graphically, it is found that, except in the case of paraffin oil, the curve consists Card 1/2 The part played by adsorbents ... SloaV621000102310181120 B156/B186 of two straight lines intersecting at an obtuse angle. The point where the direction changes corresponds to the formation of a monomoleoular layer. In the case of paraffin oil there is no point of change in direc- tion, because of its non-polar nature. As S changes, so do the slopes of the lines and the position of the point of change in directions [Ab- atracter's notea Complete translation.] Card 212 SOOKIKp V. 5749. Krolikovodstvo. tallin, estgosizdat, 1954 76$14' s. ill. 20on. 5-OW ekz. Ift 5k. Bibliogri a. 74. -Ya aston. Yaz.-(55-610) 636.92 +(016-3) SO: Knizhnaya,, Iatopisp Vol. 1. 1955 HUSZAK, I.; MEZZI, B.; SOOKr, A. ........ Removal of arelographic liplodol through the sacral canal. Orv. hatil.. Budap. 92 no.49:16oi-i6m 9 Doc 51. (CIML 21:4) 1. Doctors. 2. Clinic for Nervous and Brain Diseases (Director-Prof. Dr. Istvan Huszak), Szeged Xadic&l University. lipip , Dr. ; ;SUOKT, Andras , Dr. ; GSKP?RiTO. 11orvi, Dr. DOBI, Su-ndor. Ijr. Some data on the chemiBtry of cerebrospinal fluid in the pathonechanism, dial,nosis and prognosis of schizophrenia. Orv. hetil. 100 no.37:1332- 1336 Sept 13 59 1. A G.,,,txlai Megyei Be]47ogyaszati Oaztalyanak (foorvos: Hermnn Bela dr.) (is Elmegyogyaszati Gstalvanak (foorvos: Sooky, Andras dr) kozlemenye. (SCHIZOPHRENIA, cerebrospinal fluid) (CMEBROSPINAL FUJID, chem) SOOLYATTE, V.I. Medico-cosmetic aid under the conditions of dermatoloeical dispensary. Vest.derm.i ven. no.Si32-36 161. (mix, .15..5) 1 Iz 4ozhnogo dispansera No.1 Sverdlovskogo rayons. (glavn.,,,y vrach V:I.Sooly'atte) Leningrada. (DWiATOLOGY) (BEAUTY CULTURE) SOOLYATTE, Val:.-ntina Ivanovna, kosmetolog; LIMBERG, Alla Aleksandr-mna,, khirurg; MUKHIN, Mikhail Vladimirovich, doktor mod. nauk, prof.; BONDARCHUK, Anton Vasillyevich, n,@yrokhirurg, laureat Gosudarstvennoy premii, doktor med. nauk; KRI'1OS!TYEV, Vasilly Ivanovich,; KOZIIEVNIKOV, Petr Vasillyevich; ZYKOV, N. A new type of plastic aurj@ciry. Nauka i zhizn' 30 no. 601-83 Je 163. (MIRA 160) 1. Otdeleniye chelyustno-litsevoy khirurgii Leningrradskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo institute. travmatologii i ortopedii (for Limberg). 2. Voyenno-meditsinskaya akademiya imeni, S.M. Kirova (for Mukhin). 3. Zaveduyushchiy khirurgicheskim otdeleniyem Leningradskoy kosmetchesko'y polikliniki (for Krivosheyev). 4. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Kozhevnikov). SQ0LIAITE, V.I. Work experience of a dermatological dispensary in the control of w/coses of the foot. Vest. derm. i ven. 38 no.1105-56 N 164. (HIRA 18:4) 1. Kozhno-venerologicheskiy disperse- No.1 (glavnyy vrach V.I. Soolyatte) Vasileostrcvskogo rayona TAningrada. S0014, G. Te. Using suspension wire scaffolds in insulating steel pipes. Prom.stroit W no@3;63-64 mr 159. (HIRA 12:4) (Scaffolding) SOOMAN, Kh.: SOOMAN, Kh.: "On the role of bacteriolo,7ical investigation in complex evaluation of the stability of butter". Tartu, 1955. Kin Higher Education USSR. Estonian Agricultural Academy, Chair of Zoohyglene. (Dissert.-Ations for the Degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences.) So. Knizhnaya leto@)Isl. No. h9, 3 DecemDer 1955. Moscow. r I? I , SOCCA1,43. Be careful with feeding the refuse left from cleanirg grain. P. 353, (Sotsialistlik Pollumajandus) Vol. 12, no. 8, Aug. 1957, Tallinn, Estonia SO: Monthly Index of East European Acessions (FFAI) Vol. .6, No. 11 Novem'ter 1957 U.71 S "0117, Soornar, Eli. :-!Ujjjty c,' our-Grearr, Butter !,,(-.pending on the C, r e. konferent, R po rnolo-chn. delu, M. , S @) j @7 - -.@ @'-' DI ?sert;it @ on: -)-- `,irltir 'pati-il Structures." Tneil Sr-J, --tLilin P,)I.,.tecqnic I-v-t, Tallir, 195-- )f @@wd, A-rr 510 .. '- V. .3 SO: SUM, 24'3, Ig Ort lq@")4 L 24679-6k-- EWT(d)/W(m)/W(w)/M4(d) MQ?eb M P(k)/l ACCESSION NR: AR5o01022 /V@O0(3%0 63 /010 SOURCE: Ref. A. Meldianika. Abs. 1OV446 Oro AUTHOR: Soonurm. E. Yu TITLE: Torsio;a Miilatfon of thin-walhd ro a with a closed profile Talli -ta, v. A, no. 200, 1063, 81-133 CITED SOURCE, Tr. nsk. politekhn. In i4. TOPIC TAGS: thin walled rod, torsionally stressed. rod, closed profile rodg stressed rod cal6ulation, Vlasov shell theory# direct stress distribution TRAfSLkTj0N-. The article presents the calculations of an open-spang thin-walied rod of co tant cross section, atringer-braced and characterized by a closed rectangular Proft vilth two axes of symmetry, acted on by an inversely symmetrical transverse load distrLeuted along the rod's length and positioned In planes of two opposite surfaces. The Interk]. forces and the stresses, contour point displacements and generatrix curvature corresponding to such forces are determined. Calculations are based on theorems stated in the semi-momentless V. Z. Vlasov theory of prismatic sheRs, They are carried out in two stages. Initially, the red to considered to be a statistically definable system. Card 1/2 SOOSP A. Synopsis of the papearctic species of Callicorixa, B. White S. L. (Heteroptem : Corixidae). Acta zool Hung 7 no-3/4:4,67-476 161. 1. Zoological Department of the Hungarian Natural History Muneumo Budapest. SOOS2 A. A review of the species Czernyols, Bezzi., 1907 (Diptera:Clueiidaeo) Acta zool Hung 8 no.3A:449-457 162. 1. Zoological. Departracht of the Natural History Museum, Budapest. Direktor: Dr. Z. Kaszab. SOOS) A. (Budapest, VIII,,, Baross u.13) I- Prohendelia (Prohandelia) Freyi opec.nov.,, " some notes on the genus Hendelia Czerny vol. (Diptera:Cluaiidae), Acts. zool Hung I no.1/g:177-182 163. 1. Zoological Department of the Hungarian Natural History Museum., Budapest. Director: Dr. Z. Kaszab. SGOS(' Arpad I.-Ihat kind of leech species can be found in the Hungarian fauna? Allattani kozl 51 no.1114:125-133 164. 1. Museum of Natural History, Hungarian National Museum, Budapest. 5000- , i- SOOS. B. Ex3mining the relation of the yeild from the hackling process and the character- i5tics of flax y,trn. p. 287. No. 8, Aue. 1956. MAGYAR TEXTILTEr,"iNIK- (Toxtilipari Muszaki es Tudomanyos Egyesulet) Budapest. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EKAL) Vol. L, No. 4--April 1957 SGIIAY, Geza; GIBER, .'anos; TA@M, ozsef; SOOS, Demeter Kinetics of the titration of methane with nitric acid in gaseous phase. i@t. 4. Magy kem folyoIr 65 no. 9:351-354 S 159. 1. Budapesti Muszaki Egyetem Fizikai-Memiai Tanszeke es Ipari Szerves-Kemiai Tanszeke. 2. "Magyar Kemiai Folyoirat" szorkeazto bizottsagi tagja. Ir 0 crr,!,;(7 ai@ , " " , " ii @ @,::" : f ? , I - " -* r I "@ r., .,j f (" 4 li n @- 1@ r@ '. @" @ , , I @ , !., @ ". @ ["o 1. @' @', , , A 1 Lcu,. I . : I I t e, , .., I ". UF, ,, ", @, ;@f @,Jj 7@ u I I .). I r@ : I .. I @ ; I i P. , - I I . I SOOS, Gabor.. dr. Tabdomyositis of brickma era. Muz#avedelem 6 no.1/3:24,26 160. 1. Orszagos Munkaegeszoegugyi Intezet. \ W V, V MANDI, Andras, dr.; HUTAS, Imre, dr.-, SOW, Gabor, dr. Treatment of cardiorespiratory insufficiency with hypothiaside (dih.vdrochlorothiaside). Orv.hetil. 101 no.48:1700-17003 27 N160. 1. Orazagog Mnnimegeezaegugyi Intezet es Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, Tudogyogydetati Klinika. (PUIXONARY HEART DISEASE ther) (CHWROTHIAZIME ther) BALINT., Istvan, dr.; SQRS, _Gaboi@,_dr.; MURANYI, Mihaly, dr. Role of psycbogenic factors in the development of peptic ulcer in stocking )mitting industry. Orv. hetil. 102 no.13:593-595 26 Mr 161. 1. Orazagos Munkaegeszsegugyi Intezet. (PEPTIC ULCER pBychol) (OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES psychol),i vnlriil. husbandry of I v i -r @7. 14 Vrx Inn no. n cf@ no. LIU -I.,- SOOS, G. Followin? the example of Soviet arriculture. p. 1. (M&[7ar Mezogazdasag, Vol. 1-1, no. 5, Mar. 1956 Budapest) SO: Monthly List of East European Accession (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 7. July 1957. Uncl. our c ustlitj -)rk for plr.nt -r,t-@@tlrn in tii -F@. ;l@uro,.4_-!n kcc,sql,-@n, Vol. 6, ';o. 2, @eb. l?57 11, @o. 19'6 t @.a-,t -,%n ;,ccetsion, Vol. 6, ':0. 5, 1'--Y 1957 Jut 'ra txd PO, it t-a Gcnc,- Pi I F-olli ca3a C ye No. 1545 or i,lant Cul tj-tation Tn !Iung.%ry 1957, 9, Nc,-7, 7-14 c s tr.'c of I lAnt c ul tl I qo lgj*?. The attalminentib in ii-Aividurl jC-eldn are ine-ac-irr-6 Pks %4cll A.4 tbe rask.,4s - - I ,,J, reittly con.-roating agriclult;ural axjprEq. SOW, Gabor, dr. ; MAIIDI, Andras, dr. Study of -ftv effect of try-psir. aerosol --riYalatlior, therapy cn silicosis. Or-7. hetil. 106 no.21:992-994 23 My '65. 1. Orszagos Munkaegeszegug-fi Intezet (igazgato: Timar, Miklos, (111'. ) . Poisonings EUNGARY (.abor, Dr., ROMANEGY1, Istvan, Dr., and 11101MAN, Eva, Dr., for lail"ir Ityoiotie (Orfizagos 1,:unkaegeszsegugyi In- "Our Diagnostic and Prognostic Experiences Regarding the Adr,11rilrILraLlon l -EDTA in Ca,,e of Lead Poisoning" I Ca o Budapest, Oryosi-Hetilap, Vol 107, No 30, 24 Jul 1966, p-p 1413-1t,16. Abstrnct: The test developed involved the determination of the ammount of lead excreted after the administration of 2 g of EDTA intravenously in 24 hours. The test is based on EDTA's ability to form complexes With the lead in the system. The test was given to various individuals some of iql-,om were hcalLhy and so;,.ie of whom had been subjected to lead poisoning. The average amount of lead secreted in the case of poisoned individuals was 4076 y, on the average. Healthy people scored 650 y or less. The significance of the test in diagnostic and prognostic practice was dis- cussed. 41 references, including 6 Hungarian, 11 German, 1 Czechoslovak, and 23 Western. ROYAN, Eva, Dr, FODOR, Yargit, Dr, SOOS, Gabor Instituto (dirootori TIVAR, Fiklos," LJ_r1_ X&tiOn&1 labor Mygions ffi-) (Orazagoi Munk&ogesZ895u6yi Intetet), Budapost. "Industrial DiCitalis Intoxication." Fudapest, Orvosi Hetilap, Vol 107, iio 36, 4 Sep 66, pages 1704-1707. Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian summary] A case of industrial digitalis intoxication Is reported. Similar reports could not be found In the litera- ture. The Patient never received diqitalis as medication. Her complaints, determination of the digitalis elyco-side content of the vomitus and the constantly chan@_ina EKG were characteristic of diffitalis intoxication the hypc-1--lyce mia, glycosuria and leukocy-tosis ijer'e also indicative of toxic damail.P. The industrial nature of the poisoning was confirmed ty the work-history of the patient and by the demonstration of digitalis-glycoside impurities in the air of the room. In conclusion, the problems of pre- vention are discussed. 7 Hungarian, 17 Western references. So-_ lo6r. A und So6s Gy. Vber afflazusammenhingende blannigfaltigk-elif-R'VWHyperflichenelementen, insbe- sondere deren Aquivalenz. Acta Sci. Math. Szeged 16NC, (1955), 29-42. Let H. be the manif2l(.1 of hypersurface elements belonging to a differentiable point-manifold P.. An element of H. is the pair (z!, isj, where u, is a hyper- surface element at the point x1. In H. the authors assume the existence of an invariant differential of a vector density. This establishes H. as an affine extension of the Cartan space in which H. has a metric L(x,y). The authors develop the tensor calculus of such a space' including covaria-ft differentiation, curvature, and tor- sion. They also give necessary and sufficient conditions for the equivalence of two U.'s. C. B. AUendaryler. TM Too 29"2 kt (1956 1 CWnCCW vulibl. %Ith'DcbeceA 4'i L in af f Ily C. This paper Concerned Wited with a "talents: X, endow, u of X wata s re i@040UP (A automoqhisal letic transtomatio". alone and fil the grpu homotheti6 t rc 0 s author a -that the 0 of alfine transfo OW up of tions is a sub= _0. then no pf 'Stant curvatuj:@_. R;,@ he sformation exists. H X X has mothetic trap the J@nfinitesimll hc f affine trandormt-10 an r-parameter grol@p 0 - i I , - .-I, 'L-N CeSSAry m4 Sut itch are lit coitditions wl oltip of homcl, author roves Ltain a sub is gmup to @ov ficient C. tflo2rnstfho tIT @ It 1. iA Al 1_,Pber eine spezielle Masse von Finslerschen G lGiumen. Publ. Math. Debrecen S (1957), 150-153. The author generakes the concept of symmetric spaces to Finsler geometry in terms of requiring that the covariant derivatives of certain tensors vanish. He is particularl interested in what he calLs the quasi-symmetric case. For triese spaces he proves that there always exists a positive dimensional continuous group of affine transfor- mations. L. Auslander (Bloomington, Ind.). On a Special Class of ginaler Spaces SOOS, Oy. (Budapest) On the homothetic groups Hung. 10 no-3/4:391-394 (Groups. Theory of Finsler spaces. In German, Acta mat. 159. (UAI 9:5) of) (Spaces, Generalized) som . Gyula I)ata on the theory of Finaler opaces. Mat kozl MTA 13 no.l: 17--64 163- '. t '. SOCS, 1 Tron ore mines Pnd foundries in the 1hikk '11buntains In the 1Pth century. P. 427 Vol. 10, No. 7/q, July/Aug-jc-55 Puderest, Funpary AUTO ,r-,op 'T: -onthly List of Ep-st Furopean Acces-3ions, (ErAT'i, lr@ Vol. @@ i@o. 3, "arch, SOOS, i. LOOS, 1. Ore mining in Rudabanya from b-ie period of Rakoczi up to 1880; a fragment of Rudabanya ercbanyaszata (Ore Mining in Rudabanya), a mono,@Taph to Le pub- lisned Dy the Hungari-an 1-=mng and IreTaTIu--rg-1=cociety. P. 373- Vol. 11, No. 6, June 1956. BAN'.ASZATI LAPOK TEC'4,-T'-OLOG'I' Budapest, Hun6ary So: East European Accession, Vol. 6. No. 2, web. 1957 710, n r I hu t 11 on 3 to p o na c !.,mi s try ; c ob a I t ( I Iaml re P- . 3 A@raal St :assy I ln@ nc.2:149-1-@ I ' , Chair of @nalytt:: &nJ lnorgintc @hc-.mlslry, Faculty of "'ho-minvy I u bim. I *, t e dMay 2.,3 - HORVATH, Imre, dr.; JEKKEL, Magda, dr.; MOSONYI, Laszlo, dr.; SOOS, Ilona, dr. Attempted reversal of antibiotic-resiatance in hospital-borne bacterial strains. Orv. hetil. 102 no.14:634-637 2 Ap 161. 1. Fovarosi Bajcsy-Zailinszky Korhaz, II Belontaly es Laboratorium. (ANTIBIOTICS pharmacol) SOOS, Ilona; VAWIELYI, Csaba; SOMAY, Magda Contributions to the chemistry of polythionates. Pt. 1. Studia Univ B-B S. Chem 8 no. 201-60 163. (5272) A Didapesti Tudomanyeeyetem Elmo as Idegkortani Klinikajarol. Adr@tok az agykerei vogetativ ko--pontok elettanahoz Contributions to the physiology of the cortical vegetative nuclei Orvosi Hetilap 1948, 89/481-4-95 (490-495) Graphs 7 The vegetative nervous symtem was examined in five cases before and after prefrontal loucotomy. Tho bloo(I sugar levels were below normal (54,56,60,76 mg. per 100 ml.), and remained low for 1-2 months. It Is suggested that prefrontal contras play a part in regulating sugar metabolism, and that emotional factors act through such centres. Spipathomimatio drugs, such as adrenaline, amphetamine, and metrazol, have a much-reduced effect on blood pressure and on the pulse, following loucotomy. The action of acotyleholilm morphine and acopolazdne remains unchanged, howover. Iseekutz - Budapest So: Excerpta Modica, Vol. II, No. 10, Sect. II, Oct. 1949 SOOS, I. Clinical observations on retroollwary @of toning. Nagy. belorv. Arch. 4 no.4:185-190 1951. (CIAL 21:4) 1. Doctor. 2. Psychiatric and Neurological Clinic (DIrector-Prof. Dr. Gyula Ny1ro) of Budapest Universit3r. SOOS, I. The spinal fluid syndrome in discopathy. Orr. hatil. 93 no. 31;881- 886 3 Aug. 1952. (GIML 2315) 1. Doctor. 2. Brain and Neurological Clinic (Director -- Prof. Dr. Gyula Nyiro). Budapest Medical University. SOOB, Inre, dr.; SZENAST, Joseef, dr. Pathology of the hypothalamus vith special reference to the pro'blem of central death. Ideg. exemle In KW. belorre arch* 7 no.5:65-70 Oct. 54. 1. A Budsposti Orrostudomanyi 1gyatem Blue as IdegklInIka, (Igasgato: Nyiro Gyula dr. egyetoui tanar) as X. oz. Oyermakkltnika (igasgato: Kiss Pal dr. egyetemi tanar) koslemanys. (HTPOTHALANUS, neoplasms infundibulona) i An e KLIHIS. Karoly. dr.; SOOS, Imre. dr. Difficulties in diagnosis of brain tumor. Orr. hatil, 95 no.30: 821-825 25 July 54. 1. A Buxisipesti Orrostudomanyi Iffetem Blue- as Idegklinikajanak (igazgato: Wiro Gyula dr. egyatemi tanar) kozlemenys (BRAM, neoplasms diag.) IIYIRO, G.,profosuor..; SZOBOR, A.,dr..; SOGS, I.,dr. Contributions to diencephalic autonomic epilepsy, with special reference to a case cured with chlorpromazine.Ther. hung. no.l: 19-23 1956 1. Clinic of Psychiatry Neurol. (Director: Prof. Oyula Nyiro) Univ. Med. School, Budapest. (EPIURPSY diencephalic autonomic, pathogen. & chlorpromzine ther.) (CHUMOKAMI. ther. use epilepsy, diencephalic autonomic) FORNADI, Ferenc. dr.; SZO30R, Albert, dr.; SZM,R, Janos, dr. Contributions to the pathology of hepato-cerebral degeneration (HCD). Ideg. szemle 9 no.3:85-90 June 56. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyt Igyatem Ilme- as Idegkortani Klinikaj. Ogaz.: Nylro, Gyula, dr.) as II oz. Xorbonctani Intezatenek (igaz: Haranghy, Laszlo dr.) kozl. (H]WATOLENTICULAR DZGMNIRATTON atypic, pathol. (Hun))