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Publication Date:
December 31, 1967
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1, st AcQvr,.Lj2j)11, Lil-rary of Con, vo:3~--
Decenyor !~.S:
, - '. I
- I
,I I :: - IF 11 :'-:0
t? 1- , k '.1 v. ~ I - I
~ J, I -!now, " -~ t. ! vcl c,~r.,- -ri 4-, Cn7,! tr.- '~rn .A% .-, `;R W; -t 19'2
Nonthly Unt of Ruisian Acceisions, library of Cnnjrrc-,s, Decembcr 19'2. Unclassified.
UW Geology Rock formation
Oard 1/1 lub. !~6 - 10/19
Authors ISolollyev, V. Yo
UU0 IBelief and structure of Apsheron rook
PeriodicalIIzv. AN SSSR. Sar,, Vol. 5. 127 - 138, Sep Oct 1954
Abstract IIn the article the facts concerning the relief and goologloal structure
of the aibmerged barrier separating the central W southern basins of
the Caspian Sea are explained* The author considers the Apaboron rook
as a combination of three structural alomentso the sinking of the Tertiary
folding of southeastern Caucasus, the sinking of the folding Of the West-
Turkmen depression and struatures of the Krasnovodek peninsula-Falsozole
platforms with a younger covering. Ton Soviet references ( 1934 - 1952)o
Drawingal maps.
Submitteds January 29 1953
-J' Y - J
USSR/ Geology - Soil composition
Card !A t Pub. 86 - 17/40
Authors i Soloviev, Va F,
Title t Limy encrustations on the shore of the gulf of Kara-Bopz-Gol,
Periodical t Priroda 43A, 89-91, Apr 1954
Abstract : An account is gLven of observations made on the shores of the
gulf of Kara-Bogaz--Gol from which it was learned that this body
of water has a lower level than the Caspian sea from which it is fedp
and has a constantly receding shore line.. on which flwdble paperlike
encrustations appear that consist mainly of calcium carbonate but
contain several layers that act as a binder. A theory is presented
on the movement of particles of various elements which results in the
formation of this encrustations Illustrations*
Institution :
Submitted t
Card 1/1
Authors I SolovIev, V. F. and Kulakova, L. S.
Title i Undor-water mud volcano.. "Unks mud, volcano" in the Caspian Sea.
Periodical t Dokl. AN SSSRj 95t 6t 1293 - 1296, 21 Apr 54
Abstract i The article tells about the Ogurchinskiy island and underwater
mud pots located in the southeastern part of the Caspian See* The
mud po'.9 are active volcanos. They erupt hydrocarbonio gas** every,
15 - 20 minutc3p the eruptions usually last 15 cdnutes. A wd pot
called "Banka mud (gryatevoy) volcano"p besides hydoocarbonic Psest
erupt* yellowish mud and pebbles permeating the air with a petrolem
odor. The article contains a table w.-dch gives the chemical cor-
tents of pebbles erupted by the "BankA mud "Olc&nO"o
In3titution : Inste of Geolog, Scs, of the Acad. of Sce of the USSR*
Submitted : 15 Fab 54
Formation of red colored strata of the went Turkmen depression.
Dokl.AN SSSR 96 no.1:167-170 NY 154. (KLRA 7:5)
1. Institut goologichaskikh nauk Akademli nauk SSSR~
Predstayleno akadenikom D.I.Shcharbakovyu.
(Turkmenistan-Geology, Stratigraphic)
(Osology, Stratigraphic-Turkwenistan)
f I--
Tectonic chart of the underwater slope of the morutheasters shores of the
Caspian Sea. Dokl*AN SWM 96 no.3:605-608 My 154. (KLRA 7:6)
1. Institut goologichookikh nauk Akadexii nauk SSU.
Predstaylano akadenikom N.B.Shatskim.
(Geology. Strustural-Cespion Sea) (Caspian Sea-Geoloeyo
0 V -
USsR/ Geology Caucasin
Card 1/1 Pub. 46 - V21
Authors I Khain, V. Ye!; Shardanoy, A* N.1 Soloylyev, V. F.1 and
Grigorlyants, D. V. 0081 1 1 1 - I DIM 1-00
Title g Thu tectonicposition of the Apsheron peninsula in the system
of Greater Cnucnsla
Periodical I Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geol, 1, 80-92, Zan-Feb 1955
Basing their oonsiderations,on the comparison of already known
new factual geological material obtained in recent years, the
authors analyze the question of the tectonic position of the Apsheron
peninsula in the system of Greater Caucasia nnd arrive at the
conclusion that It lies within tho limits of the eastern boundary
of the zone of the southern slope of Greater Caucasia, Eighteen
referencess 17 USSR and 1 German (1864-1953), MaPs-
Institution o
s February 17, 1954
USSR/Geology - Tootonion
Card 2/1 Pub. 22 - 42/34
Authors I solovy", v4 Fj and Skorvqak&mo X. S.
MW f
Title I Tootonio scheme of th* mderwitter dip.of the western shore of the
central part'of the Caspian Sea
Periodical i Dok. AN SM 102/5# 1009-1012p Am nj 1955
Abstract t Geological data are presented regarding the tectonic stmaturs,of tbw,.-
underwater dopressim In the vestern phors Uns of the conti*1 Caspin
Sea.,seven USSR references (1934-19%). Dmbg.
Institution I
Presented by i Aesdardaimn N. S. Shatskly, JT&mmu7 199 1935
6 V V, V
BATURINJ.P.; XOP M.~.K.;TJla=0VICH,G.I., rodaktor;TOPCHIM.
A.V.. akademik, redaktor; MIRONOV,S.I., akadenik. rodaktor;ALIM9
M.N., redaktor; AJMXBM,G.A.. redaktor; VARMSOF.Mole, redaktor;
DNI!ERIYEV,Te.Ta.. redaktor; DOIZWCLM,I.N., redaktor; ILOIN,A.A.,
redaktor; MMMITNV,Sh.F., redaktor; MOZZSON.D.L., rodaktor; PUSTO-
TAIM,L.V., redaktor; FOHII,A.V., redaktor; NOSOV,G.I., redaktor;
XISKMA.A.A.. tekhnicheekly redaktor
(Recent sediments of the Caspian Sea] Sovremennye osadki Kaspllskogo
morla; Moskva, lzd-vo Akademll nauk SSSR. 1956- 302 p, (MW 9:3)
1. Deyetvitellnyy chlen AN AzSSR (for Allyev) 2. Chlen-korrespoudent
AN SSSR. (for Varantsoy, Pustovalov) 3. Ilachallnik norskogo otryada
Azerbaydzhanskoy neftyanoy ekspeditaii SOPS AN SSSR (for Klenova)
(Caspian Sea)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologlya, 1957, Nr 7,
p 77 (USSR)
BJTHOR: Solov1yev, V. F.
TITLE: The Chemical Composition or the Sediments in the
Apsheron Region (Khi-,Acheskiy sostav osadkov Priapshe-
ronskogo rayons )
PERIODICAL: Dokl. tN AzSSR, 1956, Vol .12, Nr 10, pp 709-715
k3ummary in Azerbaijanian)
ZBSTRtCT: The tpsheron region embraces a shallow-water belt, up
to 25 km wide, adjacent to the t..psheron Peninsula in
the Caspian Sea. The recent sediments of this region
are muds, sandy muds, muddy sands,, and sandsp according
to the classification of M. V. Klenovoya, Byul. Gos.
okeanogr. in-ta, Moscow-Leningrad, 1951. A crust of
cementation and a layer of coquina are also widely
developed In this region. The chemical composition of
the sediments changes from north to south, from the
region where the Pliocene bedrock is being decomposed
Card 1/2 and disintegrated to the region where sediment is
Naruzhnre Kamni Islands In the Caspian Sea and their place In the
Tertiary monoclins of the Azerbaijan-Caspian Sea reGion. Dokl. AN
Azerb. SSR 12 no.1138554360 156. (MULA 1013)
1. Institut giologichaskikh nauk AN SSSR. Predstavleno akodomikow
AN Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR.M.A.Xashkayee.
(Caspian Sea kegion--Geology, Stratigraphic)
AUTHORS: "Joloviyev.-X-417-1 Kulakova, L.S., Agapova, G.V.
TITLE: Mountain Ranges on the Bottom of the South Caspian Sea (Gor-
nyye khrebty na dneyuzhnogo "aspiya)
PERIODICALt Priroda, 1958, Nr 0, pp 80-62 (USSR)
ABSTRACTt In the Inst few years soundings in the Caspian Sea have shown
that the existing conception of the Southern Caspian Sea Basin
au a flat bowl is not correct. The measurements were made by
the expedition ships "Professor Soldatov"t "Norskoy Ge6log"
(sea Geologist), and by the hydrography ship "Seketan". A
profile ha3 been worked out with a horizontal scale of
I : 200,000 and a vertical scale of 1 1 100. In Figures 1
and 2, two typical profiles of the area are shown. The mor-
phology of the continental shelf is very pronounced. Its
average depth in the west is 75 m. in the east 110 m. A
series of mountain ranges on the bottom of the sea has been
detected alternating with depressions. In the west there
are 4 ranges attaining altitudes of 200 - 500 m above the
bottom. In the east there is 1 range with ridges of 250
400 m above the bottom. The eastern part of the South Cas-
Card 112 pian Sea is sinking in comparison to the western part. The
14ountain Ranges on the Bottom of the South Caspian Sea
central part of the area is sinking in comparison with the
northern section of the Apsheron treshold and the southern
section of the Elburs ridge.
There in 1 map and 1 diagTam.
AS"JOCIATIO11- Kompleksnaya yuzhnaya geologicheskaya ekspeditsiya Akademii
nauk 33SR (Complex Southern Geological Expedition of the U3SR
Academy of Sciences)
Card 212
Ain]10:~ So1WYey,. V..F,..--Kulakova. L. 6OV/20-129-5-46/16it
Agapova, G. V.
TITL,6i Recont Data on the Tectonic Structure of the Bottom of the
South Caspian Sea W
PERIODICAL., Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 129, tir 5, pp 1126-1129
ABSTPACTt The deeper places of the southern Caspian Sea have hitherto
been insufficiently investigated. In the course of past 2 or 3
years profiles of the bottom relief (Fig 2) as well as a
bathymetric and tectonic scheme (Fie 3) could be constructed
by means of self-writing sonic altimeters in these places.
Thereby an extremely complicated atructuro of the bottom and
new hitherto completely unknown data wore detected. Table I
characterizos the relief of the shelf and of the slope.
V. L. Pisachonko took part in the-work. (1) The shelf breadth
differs from the shelf-ice belt at the western- and 'at tho
eastern shore. The shelf-ice belt is in the west cloas to the
shore, the distance is a proximately 43 km; in the east
approximately 130*km. (2~ The depth of the shelf-ice belt"
Card 1A fluctuates between 23 and 158 M. In the west it is lower (85 m),
Recent Data on the Tectonic Structure of the Bottom of SJOV/20 -1229 -5 -4 6/64
the South Caspian Sea
in the oant greater (121 m), The reason for this difference
in a more intensive sinking of the eaztern part. (3) The
lowest depth of the shelf-ice belt correoponAs to tho anti-
clinal elevations of the sea bottom, the greatest depth to thi
synclinal doprossions. The depth of the course of the shelf-
ice bolt may to a certain extent serve as a criterion of the
recent tectonic moversonts (Rof 11). (4) The depth of the
cholf-ice bolt docrearca in the direction of the Apsheron
rise and the 611bura mountains (ind incroasea in the central
part of tho southern Caspian Sea. This proves that the two
first mentioned regions are more intensively elevated than the
middle part of the southern Caspian !3ea. On the bottom of the
couthern part an entire system of submeridionally proceeding
4U0-500 m high subaqueous mountain chains was discovered.
Figures 1 and 2 show that the relief and thus the tectonic
structure of the western and eastern part of the southern
Caspian Sea differ sharply. This proves a different*
geological character of these two-parta. In the weet there
are narrow, extended, and so to speak compact elevations and
Card 2/4 depressions; in the east there are undisturbed, not steep,
Recent Data on the Tectonic Structure of the Bottom of SOV/20-129-5-46/64
the South Caspian Sea
and blurred relief forms.. All relief forms are very weakly
marked on the shelf. Shelf is nothin&, else than an abrasion-
accu.-iulativo plain of intracontinental waters. The codinen-
tation is most intensive here and 1,1evelf; the relief. Tho
authors present the following total.picture of the bottomi
the structures of the onticlinorium of the Apsheron archipelago
in the west and'.the structures of the tectonic main line of
the Pribalkhanskaya depreasiodin the east collide
approximately in.the central part of the Apsheron rise. A
series of tectonic lines on the mainland an well as in the
coautal zone of thp. son bruich off from thu two'montioned
atroxtures. the south thoir (Iii-ection becomes more
.ind raoro submeridi6il*al. Unce no dc..a arc available on the
southernmost part of the Caupian Son the authors assume a
pooviblo adOition of the mentioned structures to the system
of the El'burs (e^ variants). They thank A. L. Yanohin
Academioian,,for valuable comments on their work. There are
3 figures, 1 tablie, and 12 Soviet :teferences.
Card 3/4
Looent Data on the Tectonic Structure of the Bottom of SOV/20-129-5-46/64
the South Caspian Sea
ASSOCIATION: Inetitut geologii i razrabotki goryuchikh iskopayemykh Akadsmii
nauk SSSR (Institute of Geology and Xining of Mineral
of the Academy of Sciences, USSR)
PRESENTED: June 13, 1959, by N. S. Shatskiy, Academician
rSUBMITTE.~~: June 12, 1959
Card 4/4
nAS I 9= 91rWITATICP W,00,5331
INUMSUOVAI 600169teal Courreeb. 218t. 'CAPvuhag". 1".
NorskRys, geologlys (Pturine Geolocy) X08cow, lad-vo AN V-SR. 1960.
M P. 2.500 coples prIated. (Sarless Doklsdy oavatsklkA
Vologov. problum& 10)
Zdltorlal Boardi P. U Bezrukov. Itesp. Ed.s A. T. 2hivaso, T. T.
ZonkovIch and 0. B. VdIntsey; Ed. or PublIshing Sousai T. 3.
Sho7mmani Toch. Mdv T. Urpor.
FUL4ZZi ftla, book Is Intended for gooloasts and octanogra;Nhers.
COVXRAaRs The book eantalnu 18 art .1cles rvpre----ntlnr the reports
gIv*n by &ov,1*t toologlets at the 22st. internaticnal 0~102,0.Acxl
Congress. Xndivldual artle2ep deal w1th the bottc*,A tcne;,rr;~hys
sedliventatto"s and tectonics of ozoans (West nm racine tv-4
touthern Indlim)# as wall as the gvc,%or,)hol*4y and te:Vonics or
the Black and Caeplan Stan au-.4 Sorlat &-ctor3 of the Dultle.
An 10mg1loh runs accompanlou osah artIcle. No porsenslitle*
JMLMxj-T,-x ff.. I Ye Mh I P.- . 0 11. VdInteev, I P
L- LInIj k.
AndT17-rWo luirt r" 1. Lizziiis or
11 0 *'1ii17urx C:us* und*r
Sees and 00-Pans 35
1do,a Kh K 3tratlgrap" or sedirent, -r4 the ral"C~Ograp,4
WIG '1:k0R-;t*M Pacific " the rar F~J"rn Stag of the
kcc*'-Alng to 3to-bottom ForemInlrers 59
ftrLStIOn Of Sediment& In the 3outhern
Z141an Oceans 69
I&vIn%.,X__N.. and It. A. Below. Bottom 3641montation con-
d1tro-F-i in ths, Aratla Ocean aa
rochnov. bottom Gvcmarpaolog7
4 Tu. ?. Rep
of the Blank Boo 94
L 3 Kulakova " 0. T. js~* Roller and
;~IituN-Fm ;., 105
vIeh -VTA, Recent &*'*If Pewalts In Us PArgital
O:r: no Fe-ast-Asle,
Eanova. X. T. The Gooloor of the Barents Sea 3.23
Gorshkova. T. 1. 3edIxento in the Poravglan Sea 132
_R_T. study or the Diagentala of Some Kerins
Zonkowlet. V P 0 K lAontlyev. and yg. W. lievegs"y. The
Development or the coastal Zone of SovIet Sea& 254
Aybulatov. W. A.. T L ft;dj,,t-v, and V,? Some
-i:eiiii KA
Pud2nOv V ~Plln, and V. 3. %!ftdvedsv.
Movements ofseii.Scris - - Tn-
It the gbV:Qt Vr.- 3.75
K. Types and Pormatlon or Lagoons an Recent
death a
Modern tectonic structure of the bottom of the southern Caspian Sea.
Izv. All SSSIL Ser. geol. 25 no.4:7-15 Ap 160, (KIRA 13:11)
1. Institut geologil i razrabotki goryuchikh lskopayawykh AN SSSR,
(Caspian Sea--Submarine geology)
-SOIDvoymy, V.Y.,, imnd.geol.-win.nauk
Search for *big oil." NaukR i zhizbn' 27 no*2;22-27
r 16o. (MU 1316)
1. Uchenyy sekret&r' Otdolonlya geolego-gsaaaficheskikh amak
(Petroleum) (Gas, Natural)
Manifestations of mud volcanism in the deep section of the
southern Caspian. Dokl. Ali' SSSR 140 no-5:1163-1166 0 161.
WIRA 15t2)
1. Institut, geologii i razrabotki goryuchikh iskopayer7kh
AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom D.I.Scherbakovym.
(Caspian Sea-4tud volcanoes)
Mariya Vasillyevna, SOLOVIYEV, -V~Ad_ _' . ppov
Udr _~~lj ichj
ALEKSINA, Iya AleksEO VINMEIKO, Nina YAkar .ovna;
KULAKOVA, Lidiya Sergeyev-na; MAMp Yegor Georgiyovich;
RIKHM) V:Ladislav Gavrilovich; SWUMAKOVA, Hadezhda
Sergeyovna; ZENKOVICH, V.p.0 otv. red.; LEOIITIYEV, O.K.v
red. izd-va; IADYCHUK, L.P., red, Izd-va; GUSIKOVA, O.M.,,
tekhn. red.
(Geology of the subsurface slope of the Caspian Sea]Geolo-
i henkoe stroonic podvodnogo sklona Kaspiiskogo roria.
Byc] M.Mlemova i dr. Mookvaj Izd-vo Akad. nauk SMR,
1962. 636 p. (MIRA 15:9)
(Caspian sea-Geology)
(Caspian Depression-Geology)
6HCHERBAKOVP 1). 1. , akademik; SOLOVIXIL-VI?~
Decision of the Bureau of the Department of Geological and deograpkical
Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. on the results
of the 11th Session of the Commission on the Determination of the
Absolute Age of Geological Formations, Izv.AN KAzakh.SSR. &*iWl,
no.5:113-114 162. (MIRA 15 t12)
1. Akademik-eekretarl Otdoleniya geologo-geograficheakikh nauk AN SUP
(for Shcherbakov). 2. Uchei*y seki-#tar'Otdeleniya geologo-geogrAft-
cheskikh nauk AN SSSR (for Solov'yev).
(Geological time)
1OW111*21KO, P.I., kand. mad. nauk; SOIDVIYJV, V.F.; POPOvIyAlM, j.6.
Use of potentiated anesthesia. Vest. kh1r. 82 no.6:109-114 Ja 159.
1. Iz V-nkogo vo.-ennogo gospitalys.
BoBt efficiency promotoor of the Automatic Control and Measuring
Squipment, Deeign Department. Heta-Uurg 8 no.6:35-36 Je 163.
(KIRA 16-7)
1. Chelyabirwkiy metallurgichookiy zavod.
(Chelyabinsk-Iron and steel plants)
(Automatic control)
SM-GYRYNT,, Vladimir Georgiyevich; PANARI , Mikhail Mikheylovich
I---. .. . - .1 - - --, .1 ~
[Collective labor agreements at enterprises] Kollaktivnyi
dogovor us prodprilatli. Moskva, Profisdat. 1939. 78 P.
(XDLA 14:4)
(Collective labor agreements)
XOZLOV, Mikhail Rodionovich; PANARIN, Mlkball Mikhaylovich; SOLOVITEV,
Vladimir Georgiyevich; POPOV, A.S., rG& ; ANDRYEVA, L.S.,,
tekhn. red.
[Collective labor agreement in an enterprise)Xollsktivnyi do-
govor na predpriiatii. Moskva, Profizdat 1961. 61 p. (Rib-
liotechka profsoiuznogo aktivista, no.241 (MIRA 16:3)
(Collective labor agreements)
Some problems of the origin Lnd churucteristica of polymetullic deposits.
Trud.v VSZGZI no.2:25-41 150. (MIJU 6:6)
" I ,!,! , I -, ~, ~. t~ .: , 7
Z, , - )
, rr -n-, ., 5 1 r. , i;~, -.. "" - ! , 10 ! n -r. ,
I :. . r. ~ . - ~ . I . ,
-f , ryr% p)t,
,101, gt~, 'f4
4 . rtit. ,, pi~:Iiat. - - %:!MA 11E. (,
L v~5oo_65 ga(m)
AMS'SIM NR: AP4048632 3/0048/64/1D28/010/1599/1616,
AUTHOR: Solov'Yov. V.G. ; F~_9t1_'U_P_-j_ X
TITM, Investigation of octupole states of strongly deformed even-even nuel I ffie-!
port, Fourteenth Annual Conference on Nuclear Sntro~cM hold In Tbilisi 14-22
rob 196.V
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izv. Seriya lizichoskaya, v.28, no.10, IM, 1599-1616
TOPIC TAGS-. nuclear physics, nuclear model, nuclear structure, excited state
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a systematic theoretical investigation of the oner-
gies and structures of the octupole excited states with X n 3 and p w 0,1,2,3 in
strongly deformed even-even nuclei. The calculations are performed on the basis of
the suporfluid model by the method of approximate second quantization. The derived
secular equation is simplified on the assumption that the three oatupole-octupole
interaction constants (for the pp, nn, and pn interactions) are equal. Calculations
were performed for the even-even nuclei with mass numbers between 150 and 190, *ad
between 228 and 254. Nilsson wave functions were employed, with the deformation
parameter 5 assumed to have the SAM value Oi3 for all the nuclei-in the lighter
L 145oo-65
group, and the value 0.2 for those In the heavier group. The octupole-octupole In-
toraction was also assumed to be constant within each of these two groups; the In-
toraction constant was so chosen as to give the best agreement with the experimn-
tal energies of the 0- states. The first two roots of the secular equation vere~'
calculatod for the 0_j-, 2-, and 3- states, and the energy values, together with.
the energies of the first and second bands and the corresponding experimental data
(when available) are presented graphically. The calculated values of the energies
of the lowest l-, 2-; and 3- states agree well with the experimental values, pro-
vided the effect of blocking is taken Into account when it Is important. The octu-
polo-octupole interactions are usually important for 1- and 2- states, and are usu-
ally negligible for 3- states. The structures of the octupole states aru illustra-
ted by tabulating the contributions of the various two-quasi part tole states for a
number of selected nuclei. In most nuclei the lowest 0- state is strongly collecti- -
vized, whereas the I- and 2- states way be collectivized but are usually rather
close to two-quasiparticle states. The 3- states may be regarded an tw"umaipar-
t1cle states with less than 1% admixture of other than the principal state. Re-
duced electromagnetic transition probabilities were calculated, and a future paper
is promised in which these will be discussed. "In conclusion, we express our grati-
tude to N.H.Bogalyubov for an Interesting discussion of the article, and to X.M.
L 14500-65
zheleznov L.VKorneychuk and G.Yuniklaussen for aselstanco in performing the nu-
merical calculations. Orig.ort.has: 19 formulas, 9 figures and 13 tables.
L 14490-65 EwT(m) DIAAP/A-F6VSSD/ESD(t)
ACCESSION NR- AP4048633 8/0048/64/028/010/1617/1630
AUT11OR* Pyatov, N.I.;,polov'yev, V.G.
TITLEi Energies of the excited states of some strongly deformed even-even nuclei I
with mass numbers between 164 and 190 ~Icport, Fourteenth - 61
Nuclear Spectroscopy hold in Tbilisi 14-22 Feb 1960
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izv. Seriya fizicheskaya, v.28, no.10, 1964, 1617-1630
TOPIC TAGS: nuclear physics, nuclear model, nuclear structure, excited state
ABSTRACT: The energies of a number (averaging 19 par nucleus) of non-rotational
states of each of t;e following ovon-evon nuclei were calculated on the basis of
the superfluid model with blocking taken into account and the rosults are tabulated:
Dyl64, HrlG4, Ybl68, ybl74,,ybl76, 11f176, W1,84 and Osl8G. The-structuros of states
containing more than 5% admixture are showni in tables. Bota-transitions to levels
of four of the above nuclei *!a_r_a_aALa1yzod and the results--of-th"D
dad -in -the - respective -tables. --The same system -of -averago-f leld -levels-was emplayed
for all the calculations, i.e.,It was assumed that the nuclei are all equally de-
formed. The level system employed is very similar to that given by S.Nilsson and 0.
L 14490-65
Prior (Mat.-fys.Modd.Danske Vid.Selskab.32,16,1960) but has been slightly altered
to take account of more recent data concerning the single-particlo levels of odd
nuclei. The parameters employed in the calculations are tabulated. Many features of,
the results are discussed in detail, and a 'number of previously proposed assignments
are questioned. Since superfluid model calculations of two-quasiparticle excitation
energies are performed separately for the neutron and proton systems, It Is possible
to obtain the energies of two-quasipartiole excited states of all nuclei with 00
N C 110 and 62 C Z 4 76 from the results of this paper together with previously
published data (C.J.Gallagher and V.G.Soloviev, Mat.-fys.Skr.Danske Vid.Selskab.2,
No.2,1062; N.I.Pyatov and V.G.Solovlyov,.Izv.AN SSSR,Ser.giz.24,11,1964).
has: 2 formulas, 2 %figures and 11 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya toorotlcheaRoy flziki Ob"yedinennogo instituta yadorny*kh
Issledovanly (Theoretical Physics Laborator:4, Joint Institute for Nuclear Eim-rQUL-
ACCESSION NR: AP4042397 S/0056/64/047/001/0252/0261
~AUTIIOM Liuo Yuan; Solov1yev, Vo.-Go; Korneychuk, A. A.
'TITLE: Energy of quadrupole states of strongly deformed even-
even nuclei
SOURCEI Zh. okspers i teor, fiz., v. 47, no. 1, 19649 232-261
,TOPIC TAGSt beta vibrational state energy# gamma vibrational state
;energy, dyaprosium gamma vibrational state, arbium gamma vibrational
~atate, dysprosium beta vibrational state, erbium beta vibrational
stateo strongly deformed nucleus, erbium, dysprosium
ABSTRACTi The energies of beta- and gamma-vibrational states of
even-even strongly deformed nuclei for 152 < A 4 186 and 228 4 A .4 254
,have been calculated. A satisfactory agreement was found between the,
:calculated and'corresponding.experime tal data for a case when
jtp C J( a 4. where I WWO in the first region and
12 A 473kw in the second region. In accordance with experimental'
idata for isotopes Dy and Er, the energies of gamma-vibrational were
found to be lower than energies of beta-vLbrational statese It was
Card 1/2
ACCESSION NR: AP4010752 S/0020/b
AUTHORS: Solov,yev, V.G.; Fogel', P.; Korneychuk, A.M.
TITLE: Energies of cotupole collective states with I X 1 - 0
even-even strongly deformed nuCle4
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 154, no. 1, 19b4, 72-75
TOPIC TAGS: energy, octupole collective state, deformed nucleus,
superfluld model, excitation state
ABSTRACT: Research based on approximate second quantization was
conducted on properties of atomic nucicl. Results were realized in
the area of spherical nuclei where energy ctates and probability of
electromagnetic transitions were computed. It was found that re-
search in the area of strongly deformed nuclei is limited, but basio
equations are cited and the question of excluding the heated state
is studied. Based on the method of approximate second quantization
in limits of superfluid models of the nucleus, energies were caleu-
lated for octupole collective states with ZL K =1 - 0 of even-even
Card 1/2
strongly deformed nuclei in areas of 152.1 A-& 186 and 228(xA:E254.
The behavior of collective octupole state energy with K7L=.O is ex-
plained by introducing one new constant TE ; all remaining parameters
are specified earlier. Microscopic treatment of the state based on
the superi'luid model of the nucleus differs strongly rrom the
phenomenological treatment of the unified model of the nucleus.
According $to the treatment of the superfluld nucleus model, the
octupole states in single nuclei are relatively low (lower than
andl'of vibration states), and possess clearly expressed collective
properties, but in other nuclei such states have high energy values
and are inherently similar to quasi-particle excitation states. "In,
conclusion we are deeply grateful to academician N.N. Bogolyubov 'for,
interesting discussions and to G. Yunklaussen for his help in con-
ducting numerical calculations." Orig. art. has; 2 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Oblyedinenny*y institut yaderny*kh issledovanniy
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Res*earch)
SUB:-11TTED: 06Jul63 DATE ACZ: 1OFeb64 ENCL: 0
SUB CODE: PH NO R~T--' =i: 004
L 17689-65 MT(M) DLkAP/SSD/AFW4/ESD(t)
ACCESSION NR: AP4049482 S/0020/64/159/002/0310/0313
AUTHORS: Solov'yev. V.
TITLE: Structure of excited states with Kpi = 2+ even-even
deformed nuclei
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 159, no. 2, 1964, 310-313
TOPIC TAGS: even even nucleus, excited state, nuclear physics,
nuclear spin, nuclear structure
ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work by the author
(wit 'h Liu Yuan and A. A. Korneychuk, ZhETF v. 47, no. 1, 252, 1964),
and is devoted to the calculation of the energy of the two lowest
states with angular momentum projection on the symmetry axis equal
to 2, and with positive parity, of even-even nuclei in the mass-
number ranges from 150 __ to 190 and 228 to 254. TheProperties of
these states are investigated with allowance -for blocking,_and_the______-.---
Card 1/2
3~ 17689-65
ACCESSION NR: AP4049482 '500,
relation between the collective and two-quasiparticle structure as
studied. A unified description is obtained, within the framework
of the superfluid model of 'the nucleus, for the two-quasiparticle
and collective nonrotational states of deformed even-even nuclei.
of the lowest states with K = 2 are collective, and which are two-
quasiparticle ones. "In conclusion I thank N. N. Bogolyuboy nd
P. Fogel! for interesting discussions, and A. A. Korneychuk and
G. Yungklauzen for the numerical calculations." This report was
presented by N. N. Bogolyubov. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 1 formu-
la, and 1 table.
ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinenny*y institut yaderny*kh issledovaniy
(joint Institute of Nuclear Research)
Card 2/2
SOL-OVIYEV, I.G., doktor fiz.-matem. nauk
Structure of the atomic nualsua. Prlroda 54 no.302-36
Mr 165. (MIRA 1814)
1. Ob"yedinannyy inatitut yademykh issledovaniy, Dubna.
ACC NR; A,,7005Z.42 .17)GU4'iC7" (Xi!)Z: UIII03671661W).,.lCk3lC)~2i,)ICJ~0.-"6
"'ilov, :,. A.; PoLikanov, S. M.; 30100yev, 70 G.
lnstlitute for Nuclear ReseiiraW-CUS- "yed7~ennyy In3tiltut yadernykh
Structure oil' spontaneou:-,ly fissionable isomers
3, 1966, 528-536
E Y,,d#--r;-,,-,ya flzika, v. ro
'-,%CS: excited state, isotope
AE:6'7"'-:;'tC;7 Excited states with equilibrium doformatIons S. A.
than the ground state equilibrium deformations 60 of
t "
no corresponding nuclei are investigated. Isomers With
6'0 are con-31darod and It is shown that isomers of a
'N'p, Am. and Bk Isotopes can exist having
.Mmbo- of oid-odd Pa,
111ko-times which with respect to spontaneous fission, are
short-e-- o." of the same order as those with respect to V-trans-
14. t I on IT'he ererFIcs of' such Isomers are calculated and
nualai are In which the ocourence of --pontaneous-y fis o
isomers Is most probable. It 13 asserted that previously
discovered, spontaneously fIssIle Isomers are two- uasi-partiele
exc.itud statas with X X = 12-, p5O5^1 n606 "I". and Kq~r - l1-.
P505-~-no'lr with the equilibrium deformation 0.32. it
Is, shown tnat the probability of flndirZ spontaneously fissilo
i s ve ry srta
somers im &Jld ~trd even-ever, ruclei * 11. 7he authors thank G. N. e r o v
V. Strutiris?-*y ard P. ~rogci for Iriterestirig discuss',
A 5 ob i chi e v oky or.3. A. Giorso-
"o isomors. Orig. art. ~,aa: 2 figures, 'A. for-mula and
~A~O U orj~ -to- -1,Uh A.
L Z 38176,
,? 1 41
20 SUBM D477: 22Ja~,66 / CRIG REFF: 014 / OTH O'U
u S S R V---
wintlye CwMWO to tw fifitim q(tw 1e.
JnZ ~Yprr. law. fle., 27, No. 1(7) -112-14 (1954) In
R uuLtn
An aittrnalive nk-thod is given for deriving Lbe
sdi~tioW tem V in tbe Ugranatan cwtespotbdW
to a pL smkr numo-audeon Interaclian (pompam
Abar. 2014 (1930), 3M J1951)). Usirg Veyaman's
method the radiatnv cottedion is worluod out. 7ba
MCI ior becomes r -, - w ww,,A) II
+ (7141r)(eiAr)l
fa"S. W, 1. SWiAT%'Xl
USSR Nuclear Physici - Pi mesons collisiono with nucleons PT--878
Card 1/2 Pub. 146 - 15/26
Author Solov'yev, V. G.
Title Letter to the editor. Bremsstrahlung during collisions of pi-
mesons with nucleons
Periodical Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz., 29, August 1955, 242-245
Abstract The present communication is based on work completed in 1952 in
the Institute of Nuclear Problems, Academy of Sciences USSR (V. G.
Solov'yev, Otchet MY AN SSSR, February 1952). Bremastrahlung
during scattering of mesons on nucleons, which radiation occurs in
virtue of Coulomb interaction, was calculated by R. Christya and
S. Kusaka (PhZs. Rev., 59, 414, 1941); however, because of the strong
interaction of mesons with nucleons the main role is played by brems-
strahlung on nuclear forces. The authors, therefore, in the present
note calculate the cross section of the process of radiation of gum
quanta during scattering of pseudoscalar pi-mesons on nucleons at
nuclear forces both for pseudoscalar and also for pseudoscalar bonds
of mesons with nucleons. They carry out the calculations in the third
order of the theory of perturbations in nonrelativistic approximation
Gard 2";', M-21376
for nucleons. They Investigate the revults of calculations of the
croDs section of the process yr # p -4 x-+ p + separately for the
case of pseudoscalar and pseudovector bond3. 1rhey thank Prof. I. Ya.
Pomeranchuk and I. M. Shmushkevich for their guidance. Five references:
e.g. V. Berestetskiy, I. Shmushkevich, ibid. 1951-
Institution : Institute of Nuclear Problems. Acad. Sci. USSR
Submitted : Apr 18, 1955
SOWVlYEVv V. G.z "The construction of Green's approximate functions
in the pseudoscalar Pmon theory." Moscow Order of
lAnin State U imani, M. V. Lomonosov, Moscows 1956.
Wshnaya letopis
No. 359 1956. Moscow.
Solov"ey V. 6 On a certain raodel In the at
iheo so ' Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR (I S.) 103
041 1044 ' (Ru--Wan)
1heRall, ~tnorlli-,,rl
(.'FA(J.WS 41 Model of a quantum fivid theory
of interaction of a somewhat different t)lx front those
studied previously. (A model is by definition a theory
Which .atisfies s,Ane but not all of the re uirements one
%VUUld inipose on a rclativistic (juantuin X-ory of field-;.
e.g., T, 1). Lee, Phys, Rev. (2 95 (1954). 1329-1334;
NIR 16, 317. and G. Uldn . V Pauli Danske Vid.
,M& Mat. F)-s. Medd. 30 (1955), no, 7; hiR 17, 927.] lie
Writes down a history-integral for the nuckon Green
function in neutral pseudo-scalar, ino--rm-throry with
l)3%:udu-~,caIar coupling. He then calculates it approxi-
Inately ii-ing [lie double limit technique of Abrikosovand
lialati-6kov'(DoM. Akad. Nauk SSSR (N.S.) 103 (1955),
99-3-996; NIR 17. 565] and the assumption that the
limiting incion momenturn is zero and the limiting
nuch:on monitntum infinity. The model referred to in the
Iitle ii olitained by regarding this approximation proce-
'lure ai defining a theory in which the procedure is exact.
After runormilization, the nucleon Green's function of
the m4;(h:l satkfics all the gk~ncral requirements
1))* p-"ilivi: of the scal,ir pra)(IULt .11111 rcla-
I k it, iliti'Ll imlck-~ . I S, 11*1 (1'l
TITLE On a Model in the
PERIODICAL Dokl. Akad. Nauk,
Publ. 6 / 1956
CARD I / 2
Quantum Theory of Fields.
108, 1041-1044 (1956)
reviewed 9 / 1956
PA - 1240
The model investigated here may be derived from the two-limit t 0chnique
(A.A.ABRIKOSOV, I.M.CIIALATNIKOV, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 103, 933 (1955)) by
putting the boundary momentum A of the meson equal to zero and making the
boundary momentum ~ V of the nueyeon tend towards infinity. In this model
the equation for the GREEN'S function of the nucleon can be rigorously
solved. The here investigated interaction of paeudoscalar neutral mesons with
nucleons is characterized by the LAGRANGIAN L(x) - gy(x)ty(')?(X) + M(x)
where M(x) depends only on the operators of the meson fieid T(x). M(x) may
contain a term with "classical source" I(x)9(x) and also counterterms for re-
GREER'S function of the nucleon is here ascertained by means of the formulae
by K.K.BOGOLJUBOV, Dokl.Akad.Nauk, 22, 255 (1954). On this occasion the GREEN'S
function G(x,y) is expressed by the GREEN'S function G(x,yj p) of a nucleon In
the classical field T and then transformed for momentum representation. In X(x)
only the counterterms for renormalization are left over.
In the example studied A is equal to zero and A T tends towards infinity. At
first an expression for
approximated GREEN'S function G(kJO) of the nucleon
E- V, V 6- SCL, V,
TITLE The Function of the Extension of the Nucleon in Quadratic
PERIODICAL Dokl.Akad.Nauk,111,fasc-3, 578-581 (1956)
Issued: I / 1�-5-7
The present work investigates GREEN'S function in the pasudoscalar symmetric
meson theory with pseudoscalar coupling in consideration of the mathematical
side of the problem. It explains the basis of the now method for the construc-
tion of approximated GRESN'S functions in quadratic approximation. This method
is destined to be applied within the domain of low energies. The present work
determines the function of the extension of the nucleon G(kjO) as well as the
ummit parts r? (k1q) and F (kjq) in quadratic approximation. F (k1q) is
s 5 ;11" d4j-
here made use of for the purpose of acquiring knowledge concerning the magnetic
moment of the nucleon.
Because of the very complicated nature of the equations for GREE 19 functions
only the linear equations for GREEN'S functions are Investigated heroo I.@. all
closed nucleon-antinucleon loops are here neglected. It in shown that FEYNUNIS
conclusion as to a considerable influence exercised by pairs applies only to the
domain k2 >> m2 . The GREER'S function of the nucleon Gtx.00) is connected with
the GREEN'S function Gkl(x'yl9) of the nucleon in the classical field 9 in case
Dokl.kkad.Nauk,lll,faso.3,578-581 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1796
of a neglect of the polarization of the vacuum an follows:
G(X,ylO) - < T [Gkl(xyy/'P)l > B9 i.e. by averaging the T-product of
Gkl(xlyly) over the boson vacuum. By making use of the translation of the
nuclei- of the functionals the equation for 0 kl (kIT) is written down as fol-
lows: k - (d A 6 (dpTA
m_J,~, ,12 p1r (P)lGkl(kl9)- 1
p,1 '? (p) 99A (P) 5
Here g/(2a) and m denote the mass of the nucleon. Instead of the usual
matrices of the isotopic spin T A the matrices defined by the relation
9 A d T gO 9 are used. It Is then true that:
G (k 3-, k + fdp 4" p T A 6 (k/9)- I
kl (p) _69_7_(j,) + gt5-[$9 (P)Jokl
Next, the equation for G kl(k IT) is given. As this equation cannot be
accurately solved, a simplified solution is used, on which occasion the recoil-
and the interference term are neglected. The solution of the functional equa-
tion is here expressed by a function which satisfiea a nonlinear equation, The
solution of this equation, in turn, is represented by the solution of a FR3D-
HOLM integral equation of the second kind. Finally, G(kjO) is obtained in form
of an integral over the determinant of a MDE04 integral equation with four
independent variables. -Next, the summit parts and G are explicitly given,
their computation entails oven greater mathematical di iculties.
INSTITUTION: Institute for Nuclear Problems of the Academy of Science in the
AUTHOR SOLOMET T.G. 56-5-14/55
TITLZ -In-Y-0-a-figatioa of a Model 1A the Quantum Theory of the Field.
(Issledovanlyo odsoj modeli r kyantavoy toorii poilya.- Russian)
PERIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperim. i Tooret, Flalki 1957, Vol 32, Ir 5,
PP 1050 - 1057 (USSR)
kBSTRACT In the model Investigated In the paper under reviewo the
equation for the Groom's fumotiou of the fermloa can be rigorous-
ly solved.
JLG n4tuArof the model: The author investigates the interaction
of peaudosoalar (for reasons of simplicity, neutral) bosoas with
formions. The Lagrangian of this interaction reeds
L(x) - g: V(x)
In this 00 text, N(x) depends on the operators of the bosaa
field V(z): and It can contain both a term with a small "olas-
sical source" J(z)?(x) as wall as oostraterms for $be resiormall-
satloa.. In the model under considerationg the classical bosom
field does act depend on the ooordin&te'*. In the sense of the
two-boundary-value t9ohniquo employed by Abrikosov and Khalat-
alkavp the model investigated in the gaper under review corresponds
to the following case: The boundary impulse of the bosom
CARD 1/~
Investigation of a Model In the Quantum Theory of the Field.
equals zero and the boundary Impulse of the formion ) W tends
towards oD. In the paper under reviewl the Gross's function of
the formion is determined with the aid of formulas devised by
Bogolyubov. In the model under consideration the boson is, so
to say, *soared over the entire x-spaoep whereas the fornion
In viewed as punotiform, It is possible to view the expressions
for the Green's function of the formion as obtained in the paper
under review as a certain approximate Green's function of the
nucleon of the quantum theory of the field# If we have In the
first approximation VW - comet.
The one-partiale agproximation is reduced in the wav of oxpres-
sion of the Psysmann diagrams to the neglecting of the closed
formion loops. In this approximation, the Green's function
*(k) is connected In a very simple way with the GreeaOs function
Gk1 (kit) of a fermion in the classical field f.
The exact Green's function of the fersion: It is possible to find
the exact GreenOs function of the formion for the model under
discussion, without neglecting a single 7eynnann diagram. The
author of the paper under review first of all Investigates the
nonrenarmall2ed Green's function G(k). The renormalisation is
16 - I') 114/55
Investigation of a Model in the Quantum Theory of the Field.
accomplished in two stages. The model discussed in the paper
under review permits to conceive a mental picture of the behavi-
our of the Green's function of the nucleon of the peou4osoalar
meson theory in the d main k2p X2, j,e~
2 2 far from the pole
k a 2 .
(No reproduction)
ASSOCIATION: Institut* for Nuclear Problems, Academy of Sciences of the USSR
M5075D BY: -
392WT79D: 13-5. 1956
AVAILABLE., Library of Congress,
CARD 3/3
L 1-7
A1VTHOR soloy'lev, Y.G. 56-2-34/47
TITLE On the Conservation of Combined Parity.
(0 sokhranonii kombinlrovannoy ohatuosti.)
PERIODICAL Zhurnal Uperia. I. Teoret. lisiki, 1957, Vol. 33, Wr 2MO
pp. 53T-538 (USSR)
ABSTRACT The author develops and investigates the following
hypothesis: When constructing the Lagranglan of the strong#
el*otromagnotio, and the weak interaction of the elementary
particles, invarianoe with respect to the operator* 10
and T must be demandedg only the conservation of the
combined parity. In certain cases the conservation of
combined parity leads to the conservation of spatial
parity, but In other *&see spatial parity to not conserved.
The LWaxeian of Interaction, whioh is Invariant with
respect to the operation 10, can be written down An the
following form: L - L + L , where L is invariant with
respect to spatial re
on, and L' is responsible for
the conservation of the parity 1. The author here oontents
himself with studying the strong and the elootromagattio
interaction, in which oase the oonnsotiom between spin
and statistics is assumed to be known. The here obtained
CARD 1/2.
~Ou the Conservation of Combined Parity.
renormalized and gradient-invarinat Lagranglan of later-
action of the nucleon field with the electromagnetic field
and with the particles with spin serois here explicitly
written dowal it is invariant with respect to operation IC.
gore two additional vertices occur. In the case of quantum
slootrodynamios invarianoo with respect to the operation
IQ, because of the gradient invariance, automatically
leads to Invarianoe with respect to I and 0 separately,
i.e. to the conservation of spatial parity. However, in
the meson theory terms occur which load to the non-
conservation of 1, which, in principle, offers a possibilitj
of experimentally re-examining the hypothesis developed
here* There is no figure and 1 Slavio reference.
United Institute for Nuclear Research.
(OV-11yedinennyy ingtitut yadernykh isoledoyanly.)
may, 17, 1957.
Library of Odngress.
@ASP 2/2
AUTHORs Solov,yev, V.G.
TITLE: On the Lagrangian of the Interaction Between K-Meaone and Hyper-
one (0 lagranzhiane vzaimodey9tviya K-mezonov i giperonov)
(Letter to the Nditor)
PERIODICALi Zhurn I Ek;perim. i Teoret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol. 33, Nr 3 (9),
py. 7;6 - 97 (USSR)
ABSTRAM The present paper investigates the conclusions of the hypothesis
relating to the interaction between K-mesone and hyperons that
in all interactions only combined parity in conserved. J. Schwin-
ger proposed the existence of a strong X-1-i- interaction for the
explanation of the experimental facts. He succeeded in the con-
structing the Lagrangian of this interaction on the assumption
that the K-mesons have no fixed parity. The hypothesis of the
conservatio*f only the combined parity leads to the following
Lagrangian of the strong K-11--interactiona:
ig K*K. KY.* ~ *J. Here K, K. and ~ denote the
K,_ 0
LKY - itf
operators of the K-fields and the pion field. This Lagrangian
is not invariant with respect to the rotations of the isotopic
Card 1/2 spin within apace. Thus the local Lagrangian of the direct
On the Lagrangian of the Interaction Between K-Menona and Hyperons
K-1-1-interaction (which Is invariant with respect to the opera-
tion IC) cannot be written down in i6otopic-invariant form.
A. Salam (Nuclear Phys., 1956, Vol. 2. P-173) with respect to
the operations 1, C, T, succeeded in finding an 1wariant La-
grangian of strong interaction between nucleons and hyperons
with K-mesons and pions. With respect to the operation IC the
author here constructs an invariant addition L' to this La-
grangian# where I and C remain unseparated. The renormalizable
interactions in which I and C remain unseparated, can be writ-
ten down in charge-invariant form, if they only contain certain
vertexes given here. There 4 references, 1 of which is Slavic.
ASSOCIATIONs United Institute for Nuclear Research
(Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh iseledovaniy)
SUMITTEDs June Of 1957
AVAILABLEt Library of Congress
Card 212
AUTHDRj Solovyev, V.G. 50,-5-2;V46
TITUs An Equation for Green' a Functions of a System of Fundamental
Particles (Uravneuiya d1ya funktsiy Irina sistany fundamentall -
nykh chastits)
PRUODIcALt Zhurnal Eksperim.i Teoret.Fizikit 1957, Vol- 33, Wr 5,
pp. 1215-1220 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The entire system of equations of Green's function for fundamental
partioles is derived theoretically. On the basis of the lagrange
representation, which describes all strong interactions of the
mesons and barions, closed systems of equation for Green's function
are obtained in variations dependent on the exterior cuss t, Viz.
for the threedimen2ional as also for the fourdimensional space of
the isotopic spin. There are 6 references, I of which is Slavic.
ASSOCIATION: United Nuclear Research Institute (Ob"Yedinennyy institut
yademykh isoledovaniy)
SUBMITTED: May 3, 1957
AVAILMLEs Library of Congress
Calt 1/1
~i,-,LOIVYLV, V. -G.
laboratory of 'Ibeoretical Physics. j-)j.,jL 7--st.
*11je Hypothesis of Conservation of Combined Parity only in Strong,
Electromagnetic and Weak Interactions," ~.,clear s rdAn
N11 _ LrLvs1.cs, 6, 4, 1958. m te
abet: The hypothesis is considered that only combined parity IC is conserved in
strong, electrocagnetic and weak interactions. It is demonstrated that the
406fth9pothesis is not inconsistent with available experimental data. However,
more precise polarization experiments are required for a proof that the
hypothesis is correct. It is shown that gauge invariance in quantum
electrodynamics and isobaric invariance in pseudoscalar meson theory lead
to Invariance of renormalizable interaction lagrangians under space
reflection I. RenormaLizable and Isobarically-invariant Lagrangians for the
interaction between X-mesons and baryons are obtained which are invariant
under the operation Ic but not under the operation I.
wc, Ciaszej of T.-c-raction, L,~grarj;i!,,~a Ova k1no3a La,:rarizhianov
V~- -.Inode R/
i teare t ic ..e3%cy
Tic o4t',.or t!.c of t~,e otronc Inter-
i,, -. 13 c- I; i.-yoiio -.icjj,-s whicl-. m,-intlair, V.eir irrotopic
sal.-I. Hef 1), The runre fun-Aions of particles
0!"(1 -If~d t,-.e -,,Lane isotckne multiplet in, all trars-
in t way. T~,.e of the utron,-,
i-AcErnetloi. %re Into two classec. Thooe interactionn
~:,DI )r.j, t,.) th-~~ whIc!i cont-An at le-ist 0110 vertex,
t'~,7 ferni~,T-. nc,.-.c of it~i :-.-ain (.,!aSOp
e1c-.-tr,.c ar e. This inclidez' t~~O u e,: t r ot,.n: e t i c-
I;. L e I,r n of t-e,; aiti. t,;e nii~.,Ie=. of
-.e, 1.!icirt3 wit'- t, -2 wit". V-;e
nucii intoractIms th'.ch
only at t~p fer-nion alterz, at Icalt
I., n-I I!, - 1 3, V 4 1
ir o, c r t i c-, j e r; t erar! t i o, i) Are I - e i ti t er -
ren i rmd %I I intura ct i ons
n.-. -,y i t i. 11,trjo~ ~,i, T,.o ir, I e vm, t, i on Lq,,,rani,-i ati _- have
f, vitl!, t,:c t;pin 0, different f~,nns
Wl~ Otimy are r, *c,, aown).
into ea-l"i ot,:Icr, A, a v
Tl,e -A ion i,. of t, (., z-.vcor,,I cl a 3.,; de 'I c 7-1 k, the
'no fer,-ion!-~ whi,:h it, t' . e c,-Lve of certain
t"Ie ~J-q ')1-10~ factoro, T.-ii,r tvc of
k!.,.1 ey_iw:t.; typo of t, interaction
i. div of t',,e o.-,;er;.t'or of boron
of t!ie recond claj:,. a CO, of
t --t 1r a-A of t..,#-, vr3ctnri:d couplin,,-, io 1,~,ojviblu c r - i s
n o! i of t~~e Lu-rauCi-r~s of '..*-.~? ovecond
"y o whioh with
Invor",lo'n ,~f t~x tini? is invarlayJ. an be t3een:
(4 1 The
P .4 " 5 ~ I
*2 ~'2 2~ 2 q'I 6
1, oni cd T':e L: 1.
i. - of the interaction
irycor': nt, c which !salon, to the first i~lacs. tire
o I v f. - I y ci e t. u rm 1 01 F,:~r t~,e of tk,~, ~"Qcona Claso
C 0_41' -tn. L,,.;;ranrian
Cl-,rvej of L%
6 SOV/56-34-5-4a/61
of the vtron.,~ interaction of t,,.e barjons an4 necons, which with
re.. rd to .11 ti:-~e inversion is invari_nt, is defined unlq~iely.
2'ilel'O '12*0 4 refere::ces, 2 of whic.1i are Soviet.
14 "1 C 7 f~ T I ON - Ob" ,vedinennyy institut jadernykh innledovaniy (United Institute
of lazclear Research)
S IV I M, I II ED J,~.iL:t:y 2:10, 1956
1. Particles-.Properties 2. Particles--Mathematical analysis
3. Particles-Electromatic factors,
car!~, 7/3
(I( FM
"fil Icz
- Sol&w$ "
an TOWVVV% as% V%q*W"-Mf
rve mearves"i-T-C &j.Sle;.A4 .*too-swv, MIT C. 0 parea
Jot) .*W"sjloc P" .0ttX
t is *a Pat W"evS " V-,*Tt*%vw W" emaj
0) swassat &OX 0"-Ws%m 11 10,14411 "UNION
"Ji 4-9 Otl~ 2 "Is 40tollive 0 4o on an,
"Is- *#"a OU swi%,,em ~%Aaowv vmv evesdom.. 6 jo
vot'alt. Iolts eveswe Dj._%vTj JS *As*"
." *at% secat"I w"I as eqL 10 OofsI%<.q) awst"A velreofts
so O~Msdvv .11 jo U41%"Oj 1j,up"064 0 jo STWO"Ols
14 sp-Aeoloo we-ses"d "a OM&O *a
94-0 "a 'Up'CAS - "M VeRI In 64 tv
IST jo
wesis smisvor"s OU .4 P4 . r(O" 31 441
I'D at js gaws"-* -%v i0j) 1% I's . AlMean
a! 11M46 21v)6at%T 44 C19 - W (3)'"ST $1t t . &t
2-0) IS! IT SIR PC - 1!12) "C"Ins it - sits-la)4,18T
ftim ;z -,;*(I, W0,9401tv *40SISPO-4,
woaj $"*%0vt 01,141,100 Om
q,11194 ove 11 .. I, I IT(IMITI),"M
't". ZMIJ POV7111416 got* WaS 19 rm . Ir jib
4,4% VaU 'I'vIrsom 9 ft 4w,'"
11.7v4 JO 2010trost a" 'tOMMV0 04-0 t9")
- .. W as 011 11w; J solftemom jo
a 04 vi. Pea UVIII)TE *6910
49 1 -r,,d ."w VoTrA j# 0"I &"TWA* "M
-vt *tcc, - M, 'n joO totaivs, 1.04 pre"Im
I" Volvo MIJ0,001, *J`w ek"rTzecra joeve I~ozd wors 92 -a-,Ttuwv
as *Cc t9&
.0;6. "VIIIJ 0,1002 1 :7tar=rmw
(CISS.O. RMT100".
I_*q%-a! ... silta.;C-4 sit -1111-* 1 *total' " T,61RONO
xv;-4 '4711 ps *-Sssao o4 swouva"amw
"J~c reel I- T%,tglg via"-et avel"s "Opsom" 'E%M
-4 -^61"arn L1W
A U-THOR i SolovIyev, V. G. SOV/20-123-3-15/54
TITLEs On the Possibility of the Appearance of the Superfluid State of
Nuclear Mat ter When Wking Into Account thei p-p &n&" or
the n-n-Interactions (0 vozmozhnosti poyavlenlya averkhtokuchego
nostoyaniya yadernoy materli v sluchaye ucheta p-p- i
PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR9 1950, Vol 123, Nr 3t PP 437-439
ABSTRAM This paper deals with the deduction of the conditions which must
be satisfied by the potential of proton-proton interaction if
there is a superfluid state of nuclear matter. The author
investigates only proton-proton interactions (The p-p-inter-
actions are assumed to be equal to the n-n-interactions) and
neutron-proton-interactions are not taken into account. Thisoaso
is obviously the most interesting one for the transition from
nuclear matter to a finite nucleus. The author investigates-only
that part of the Hamiltonian of interaction which is responsible
for the appearing of the superfluid state of nuclear matter.
Card 1/3 The following model Hamiltonian is explicitly given&
On the PoBsibility of the Appearance of the SOV/20-125-3-15/54
Superfluid State of Nuclear Matter Wheri TWdng Into Aa6a=t-the
p-p- and of the n-n-Interactions
tE(k)-I~,j a'.a J(k,k')a* a' a a
k k. + k+ -k- -k- k
k V ktk
V denotes the volume of the system; a parameter which plays
the role of the chemical potential and which# In the normal
state, is equal to the.onargy of the Fermi surface;
a+ a the operators of creation and absorption of a
k+ k+ -
proton. The signs + characterize the direction of the spin.
According to V. N. Bogolyubov (Ref 2), the nuclear matter is in
the superfluid state if the equatione
21 E(k) - EF1 ly (k) t ' .1; J (k, V) 41 (k') - E 4( (k)
V k
have solutions with negative eigenvalues 2 - -26 96 > 0.
The author investigates the asymptotic solutions of these equa-
tions for the case in which J(k,k') together with E approaches
Card 2/3 zero. An approximate equation is then invostigated and
2117) SOV/56-35-3-51/6- I
0,01ov,jev, 7. G.
7ITLE: On the Interaction of Nucleons Which Lead to the Occurrence
of It Super-Fluld State of an 4tomic !tuclaua (0 vzaimodelat-
viyakh nuklonov, privodyaahchikh k poyavleniyu averkhtekuchef;o
sontoyaniya atomnogo yadra)
?M-10DICAL: Moirnal eks?erimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1950,
Vol 35, Nr ~, pp 123- 825 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The pre3ent paper deals with the occurrence of ouper-fluid
otates in melium- and heavy nuclei. These states are with re-
spect to energy more favorable 'than the states of a complete-
I.v degenerated Fermi-gas (normal state). The author for this
oirpone us,.!d the variation principle of Bogolyubov (Ref 1)
anl the mathematical methods developed in the theory of super-
conductivity (Ref 3)- Do,,olyubov's variation principle is
a -,eneralization of the well-known rethol developed by Pok
(.qef 2). By making use of the shell model of nuclei the
author investig&tes the weak interaction of the protons (or
neutrons) on one and Cie some 3hell with equal or inverse
Card 1/` vn';uea of the projection of the moment m on to the symmetry
On the Interaction of Nucleons Which Lead to the occurrence of a Super-Fluii
St'ate of an Atomic Nucleus
axis of the nucleus. The Hamiltonian corresponding to this
moiel is written down and explained. Hextt the mean value
T1 - with respect to the new vacuum a ICO - a I a 0
0 m Mo 0
is determined. One then obtains equations for the "new" un-
known funotion C (a). In ooncluoion, the difference AE,
between the first excited state an.1 the super-fluid ground
state and the difference AE between the auper-fluid and the
normal state are calculated. According to these calculations,
the super-liquid state is, with reepeot to energy# more
favorable and is separated from the normal state by a gap.
The interactions between the protons on one and the same
shell and equal and opposed projectiors of the moment lead t-.
the oocurrence of a super-fluid state of the atomic nucleus.
The author thanks 11. H. Bogolyubov, Academician, for the
constant interest he displayed in this work as wall an for
his most valuable comments. There are 5 referencest 4 of
which are Soviet.
Card 2/3
:3 07/56 - 3 5 - 3 - 5 -3 61
the Interaction of ilucleoi,3 W"hich Lea-I to t,'-.e Occurrence of a
Stlate of all Atomic Nucleus
ASS OC TJ,*,,TIOII: Ob".yedinennjj inntitut -,aderny~,h 13-slelovaniy
(1-7nited Inotitute of Inclear :Iesearch)
U TIM IT TED July 29, lt,)5,9
Card 3/3
SN120. .123- ~ 4,,P~l / 53
On the Formation of the Supp-rfluid State of an At/al-C Thitlear,
detrrmll.~,^d vlltb. respect ttj the t4w wttjum atate r., . The r;,OurSe
~~r 4'a atep by 14TAf ~ ~M r1sult
is obtaiaed~ ?.~,r tt- W,:-jP~ae
beha-T-lor ..,f Ile state ;.f tzt auu-1,jus from
t-he .,5e Pad the
u "A top um
&Jtj S f t te j
_ng P%r. P_,f PI
'.a4-.-.ry. The
k'Ref 6)
tt.y p-isvll:~t t.., inpIALu
jsuwl~e U'Le ftrAl~ --ro.-paxtirle
-La tomr. 'J,f ir-t*;nAjt ,,.r t)~,-e s~iperrLuid
vat-- :4 -the &-,,Aal-*~ -,t,* -,v~ -,f ixV- is
r,z? en-,*rgy gap, wA ix. the .'~-asc or %-".1tatJ -,!L, t-man 1 P! v-13A vitILIn
t,h* ey.4,e7L.&'! vill; t-- f7lm ij~tbir tloziks
t'~'r ruowre are
Card 2/3
A -
5011 / 2o- 1 2.~' -4
On Vie rormation of tiio Si,,perfluid sAste of an A'.cnic
ASSOCTATION: 01)"yedinenny-i injtitut -radernvkh iusledovanty
' JoInt Institute for Nuclear Ronearch)
1',TM7)Z?!TED: JI;1,7 2), 1958, by N. t!. 71o,-oly-obov, Acalenician
I WITTED: July 17, 1959
Card 3/3
L 0 v
3 'i
I -. - , 0 ~ E I -;~ I "1. -0-
, .4. a
eal w,
!.-c 4
a. its
"On the Superfluid State of the Atomic Nucleus."
Nuclear Mysica, Vol. 9, No. 4, 1959, 655-664. (No. Holland Publ. Co. Amsterdam)
TAb. of Tbaoratical Physics, Joint Inat. of Nuclear Research, Dubna, UM
The variation principle proposed by N. N. Pogolubov and the metbematleal
methods developed in the tboory of superconductivity uv employed to study the
properties of the atomic nucleus. Weak interactions betveen protons (or neutrons)
located in the same abel.1 are treated on the basis of a nuclear model in which
nuclacms of the Plopod internal shellA are assumed to produce a centrally symettrIcal.
field which in some what distorted by nucleons in the outer shen. It 1e shown
that the Interaction between protons in an outer shell give rise to a superfluld
state of the nucleus., the main role being played by Interactions between protons with
equal and opposite projections of the angular momenta on the nuclear symmetry axis.
The energy of the ground superfluld state and first excited state In evaluated
and it is shown that in the case of an even number of protons in the shell, an energy
gap between the superfluid and first excited states should exist, whereas no sush gap
exists If the munber of protons is odd. This permits one to expinin the energy gap In
heavy even nuclei. Conditions for the appewrance of a superfluld state in an atomic
maxin nucleus have been obtained. Tbey reduce to the requirement that attractive
forces predominate between interacting protons located in the saw shell near the
Femi surface energy. The critical teW6r6tUrG for the pMae truwition of than
nucleus from the superfluld to normal state ban been determined.
A ", T 1; 0 *.t: 1, 7 SOV156- 31-5-1-42/62
TITLEt The Conditions of the Superfluidity of an At(.;=.ic 'iuc_CU3
and the Teml:erature of Phase Transition (Uslovi.,!a
sverkhtekuchqsti atomnogo yadra i tx3mperatura ft_~;-io;,c
PERIODICALs Zhurnal eksperimentallno,7 i tooreticheskoy fiziki, 1959o
Vol 36, Nr 1 , pp 293-294 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: By means of a variation principle sug~--ested by Bogolyubov
(Ref 2), (which is a generalization of his statistical
variation principle), the author determines the conditions
for the occurrence of the superfluid state of the atomic nucleus
and the temperature of the phase transition from the superfluid
to the normal state. According to these deliberations, the
energy of the normal state has no mirimum as Ion; as an
equation, which is given hero, has solutions vital negative
eigenvalues. That is also the reason why a a-aperfluid state
occurs. Like in the case of the Ferm'--aystems of a metal
(Ref 4) or in nuclear matter (Rqf 5), the aupe.-fluidity
conditions are reduced to the postulate that t1ae attractive
Card 1/3 forces prodominate in the energy of the Fermi-surface* The
The C-~nditJA.;,ns of the SuFerfluidity of an Ato=--~: 807/5 c' ;4-1 -4 2162
Nucleus and the Temperature of Phase
condition of superfluidity is gl7en via J (a olm of M0)