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8/05y663/M/001 /048/067
Bi 02 B1 86
AUTHOR3: Deminag M. V.p Yevtoyevp V. L., Kovalenkot Vo A-p
L, D.9 Khrenovap R. A.# thlen Tsfung-mo
TITM Derivation of the photoproduction amplitude from the diipor--
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal sksperimentallnoy i tooretioheskoy fielkig T. 44o
no. .1, 19639 272-283
TEXT: Expreiaions for the low-eneray photoptoduation amplitudes of pions
on nucleons are derived when nucleon recoil is taken into account and the
possible influeno~ of the unobservable region is considered* Only the S..;
and P-wavea are takent these being obtained from the one-dimensional
persion relations by the usual integral method (which yields the Intelgrel
am litudes) and by a differential method based on an expansion of the
amplitude, near the threshold of the momentum transferred (that yields the
differential amplitudes). The latter method offers various advantages ' . ',J
over the integral method. The formulas are simpler and the contribution
of the unobservable region is not explicitly contained in them* In the'
Card 113
Derivation of the ph9toproduotion ... B102IM86
Inte8ral methods because of the narrow r*sonance,zthin contribution to
very small below the resonance and very large above Itj it Id then
comparable with the total 'Contribution of the 4ispersioN Integrals A
continuation into the unobservable region by way of a 11hits number of
Legendre polynomiale'does not involve any notabl4 Okfbfi 16 the parfial*
amplitudes if th4 energy is below iesonance, but abois Wilts error
Increases with the energy. At 460 Mevt however, it in n04- bigher, that 1-20-,.
for the contributions of the dispersion integrals in the 3-wave amplitude ;
and 10-20A in the P-wave amplitudes. The error &rising In the differential
method due to setting equal zero of the higher partial waves i'a " i0 for"
the dispersion integral contributions in the S-wave amplitudes and ^00%
in the.p-wave'.amplitudes, If nucleon recoil In ignored the differential
aXd the iniegril. methods yield the same results, Jf it is' takeni Into
account the results are very aimilar~ at low energies. The ag"res,nent between.
the theoretical results and,experimental data'is rether,poorl for further
.Investigatichal it is suggested that stst-interaction be taken into acoount.~,'
There'are 5 figures. The most Important Lnglish'-language reforenoss ares
L. D. Solov1yev et al. Nucl. Phys.P 4P 427P 1957; 51 256p 19581 J. 8: Ball's
Phys. Rev. Lett., 5, 73, 1960; G. F. Chow et al. PhYs. Rev. W6, 1337v
Card 2/3
Derivation of the photoproduotion ...
S/056 63/044/001/048/067
BI 02YBi e6
1957 and A. V. Yefremov at al. Nuol. Phys. 220 202, 1961.
ASSOCIATIONs ObOyedinennyy institut yadern kh iseledovaniy (Joint
Institute of Nuoltar Research~
Card 3/3
July 31p 1962
AUTHOR to Solov,lypy
TITLE: Dispersion relations In qi,iantum electrodynaxios
Pa IOD IOA 1, j Zhurnal ekepartmentallnoy I teoretiabookoy fisiki, v. 44,
no. 1, 1963, 306-310
TEXT: A method for writing, down the dispersion relations in quantum
eleotrodynamlos is; conalflered. The proof iv conducted In the lowest orders
of perturbation theory improved by the renormalization group, The
following three canes are oonaidered: infrared singularltisa, varier
functlon (vertex with three enda)o Compton effect9 and electron-positron
A!3SOCT AT! ON -Oblyedlnennyy institut yadernwykb ieeledovaniy (Jolat
Nuclear Research Institute)
SUBMITTED i July 31, 1962
Card 1/i
AUTJOR3: SolovIyev, L. D., Khrustnlev, 0. A.
171,Z: Infrnrefl singulnritiet; and Regge trajectories in
VER TODICAL: Zhurnal eknperimentallnoy i teoratiches).oy fiziki, v. 44,
no- 2, 1963, 750-76L)
consequence or -A dinperaion relation (L.D. SolovOyev, ZhETF,
44, 304, 1963) for photon-clectron acutterine over a ReCee trajectory
for the electron-ponitron-interaction in discuncei theoretically along
%ith :% Ceneralization of thir, consequence for the case of particlev %ith
unel.i3al naunen. The matrix element AA A for photon-electron scattering,
Ahich r,,nults from inaerting a ohoton "mass" FA into the Green photon
function, can be %ritten Mh exi) fF(t))M, where
dk ( 2je k 2p-k
,F ((P, - Pr) (2)
Vard 1/4
Infrared peculiaritieu anJ Re-Ce B163/B186
m A6
b - (3)
t C 2m' dr (4).
In these equations, a, u, and t denote the Yandelotam variables for the
direct, cronaed antl third channel, respectively, and a is the fine
atrncture constant. The first term in equation (3) is for large s a
term of the Rerge type with an exponent a(t) 1 + P(t), which is
represented in the figure. The Regge equation a(t) 1; 1 - 0, 1, 29
determ,inev bound states in the t-channel, i e the electron-positron
system. It has solutions only for 0 N' t 4m~ Where
2j arc1g.
1 Rm" - 1) (7)
These results are generalized for the case of particles with unequal
1.ard 2/4
Infrorei peculiaritten ar.1 Regro B163/B 166
mariser, uning dimenaional analysis. If a particle with charge ze, m
nnil initial nnd final momenta p -kn,,l p' reacts %ith a particle correnpon-
dinCly chnracterized by Ze, M, P, on-l P', the bound ataten or ti-e.,;e
part-iclea are found bj atudyinr, the nnymptot-ic behavior of ;he tnc,~,!,~ring
,matrix el(.-ment 10Xf or t- oD , which nuot contain a term t-'(t/X) ,(0).
T.Lun, in order to del-ermine P(a), it it; aufC.Icient to conaider the
infrare,l of AA,~. Zrorn thi-, Elie llegre exponent a(s) is
derivf,dj %shich is e9ii-il to
I + -.1- 1 + 2S - MIR -M areig s(M - M? (14)
n ---k -(s) -kv)
2 (m +,%1)2 T
i r ( m - L .1; /-i 1hU athe principal Rogge trajectory can be
obtained, taking into account linear terms in a which onablea a deacription
of the Gou'Aomb interaction. There is 1 figure.
,%3"JOC TATION: Ob"yedinennyy inatitut yadern kh isaledovaniy (Joint
Institute of Nucle.-ir Research
Card 3/4
InfrareJ pecul inrl ties and jl(q;rc
3UB,,',I-ATED: November 16, 1962
-'-ird 4/4
I 1v , V.A. I&MENOV, L.L.; SOLOVI&Vp L.D.
VD-zhilidityAKU )
TneT'+ N*rt-oll reaction and the constants of photonroduction
'inri'.pevona. Zhur. eksp. i tooor. fiz. 45 no.W188-
of r-1, -mesons i F-
_rl A-
1191 9 163. tmLRA 16;Ll)
1. t' . - Li.cvny; iiisLitut yadernykh iauledovaniy.
6C)Luvl,f:-Iljp L.D.; RLAUNSP Yu.ya.
Infrared charactvistics of -atrix elemnts In scalar tlectrody-
namica, 4hure c'Kip. I teor. fiz. 45 no.4:1202-1207 0 163,
(mlyu 16:11)
1. OL',yc(ffic;iuyj in;ititut yadernykh lsulr-,dovaniy i Matematiches-
kly institut AN
]ACCESSION NRs AP4046424 W0056/64/047/003/1043/1049
iAUTWRs aolov,vevl,L. D.
ITITLIcs Asymptotic relations betwen crone sections with account
of electrouagnotic interaction
.80URCEs Zhurnal eksperimental'ftW i teoreticheskoy fixiki, v. 47,
Inc. 3, 1964,, 1043-1049
TOPIC TAG82 12ion proton scatte scattering crone section,
asymptotic property, electromagnetic interaction, differential cross
iABSTRACro To explain the difference between the cross sections for
-n -p and ir+-p scattering at 20-30"BeV, wherein the difference in
'the scattering crone sections diff6re by several per cent, whereas
iit has been shown theoretically by,h. A. t4gunov st. al (Preprint
jOrYals R-1353-;- 19631 MEW v. 46, 1079, 1964) that the differential
Card 113
L 11058-65
'cross section3 of these processes should be asymptotically equal at
,high energies, the author checks wbetber thin discrepancy could be
idue to electromagnetic interaction. An examination of the analytic
,properties of the amplitudes for four-particle processes shows that
if strong and electromagnetic interactions are taken into account,
zhe ratio of the differential cross sections for particles and anti-
,particles still tends to unity at high energies, provided that these
cross sections are measured with identical (and sufficiently high)
,energy resolution. The assumptions made concerning the behavior of
!the amplitudes at high energies are analogous to those made by
:Logunov in the discussion of strong interactions. "The author is
'grateful to en Van Kh,1YeAi,_ 31-.- Is -Todom, and
:for discussions." Orig. art. has: 38 formulas.
ASSOCIATIONt Ob"yedinenny*y institut yaderny*kh issledovaniy
~(Jqint Institute of Nuclear Research)-
card 2/3
L 1996-66 E4TW/DIA(h)
ACCESSION 1IRs APq02O263 UP1030/63/Oq2/O1O1/01A/0130
AUTHORS HashcbeUakov, V. A. Nemenavp Le D~..; strokaeb,
7kebuchava, F. 0.
TITLEt Mechanism of emission of hard I quanta in the reaction o + n - a 4 7 4 N
SOURCZt Yadernays, fizlkap v. 2, no. lp 10% 124-1N
TOPIC TAM: photon emissionp pion proton interaction., nuclear Interactiont plan
pion interaction
ABSTRACT: The authors analyze the mechanics of hard-photon emission vhen pions in-
teract with nucleonse The contributions of different Feynmen diagram to the cross
section of this process are first anLlyzedp and It is shown Ivy ca*arlson with ex- 1
perimental data that varicus contributions and interferences of the high-order die,.!
grams can be neglectedt From the experimental data on the reaction xm + p, - Ir I
+ 7 + P the authors determine the Interaction constant for the reaction 7 + g - X 11
+ sj, and find it to be equal to C2 - 0*9 1 0.5. Only the single-meson diagram
are taken into account# and the contribution of diagram with rescatteriM are
neglected. Diagram in wbich y quanta are emitted by nucleons us likewise neg-
lectedo The solution of the dispersion equation for the amplitude of the procell
in question is obtained in t&is paper as a function of only a single eowrtentp
Card 1/2
OL 1996-66
~blch facilitates the analysis of experimntal datap inamch an they an too
ocanty for the determination of tvo constants. "The authors thank Do Me Papte-
,,-~~or interest in the vork WA L. X, lapidus for mamable hintso *$
3 figures and 22 form"no
has I
ASSOCIATION% Ob"yedine=W institut yader:Vkh Issledovaidy (Joint Institute or
RoAaear Researchl
sumw= t o4Deo6k ENCL: 00 BUD Cms XF
NR MW BOV 1 005 OTMI 005
Cm, 2/2 0 /0
.. ... . . .........
ACC NRt AP5027991 SOURCE CODE: UP/O3M/65/O(r2jOO`7/O3V'/6317
AUTHOR: Babayev, Z. R.; ZaoEalcrvLit.~; Solov'Yev, L. D.
ORG: Joint Institute of Nuclear Researchicb".vedinennyy Institut yaderrWkh insleTo.-
TITLEs Electromagnetic properties of mesonsAA broken SUM symmetry
SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimental*noy i teoreticheakoy fizikl. Pialms v redaktaiyu.
(Prilozhenlys), v. 2, no. 7, 1965, 314-317
70PIC TAGS: strong nuclear Interaction, quantum field theory,, vector meson, radi-
ative decay, magnetic moment
ABSTRACT: It is shown that the relations between the radiative-decay probabilities
and the magnetic moments of vector Mesons, obtained from unitary symmetry broken on-
ly by electromagnetic interaction, remain unchanged when account is taken of medium-
strong interaction that leads to observable mass splitting within unitary multipletse
Within the framework of both SU(6) and SUM symmetry, the electromagnetic current
describing the radiative decays Is a linear combination of octets and singletsp made
up of the tensors of vector wA pseudoscala meson$ and of a tensor that corresponds
to the medium-atrong interaction* In th ca a of SU(6) symmetry It In necessary to
make up all the possible tensors I a of the 35-plet of mesons M and the tensor
I + aTp where T corresponds to the med um-strong interaction. By separating the con-
tributions that transform in accordance with representations (8,F 3) wA (1, 3) of them
L 9812-66
ACC NNs AP5M991 Z.
group SUM x SU(2)p and using for T the tensor aVloyed in the derivation of the
mass formulas (M. A. Beg and V. Singh, PIVs. Rev. latt. Y. 13.. 418, 1964).. which is
a combination of parts of the 35-1 lbg-s and 405-plets that transform in accordance
with the representations (1, 1) and (8, 1), an eWession in obtained, taking
C-invarlance into account, for the Lagrangian describing radiative decays and the
scattering in a magnetic field, an wall an for the currents The latter is shown in
the general case to lead only to the relations of SUM rymmstry- If the current is
assumed to be an octet, then the two schemes give, generally speaking, different re-
sults. It is perfectly feasible to check these relations experimentallye V. Zaaira,-
loy is grateful to 0, A.-Rogm r int of her paper dealing with al-41a
problems# Orig. art, hu: 9 forwalass-
IL 43744-65 EWT(l)/EEC(t)/T/EED(b)-3 -P1-4 IJP(c)
WCESSION NR: AP5006526 S/0056165/0418/002/0731/014]L
1ALYTHOR: Solov vev. L. D.
ITITIX: rnfrared characteristics In local field theory
SOURCE: Zhurnal lesperimentallnoy I teoreticheskoy fizlkl, v. 40, no. 2, 19650
;TOPlC TAGS: quantum electrodynamics, Compton scattering litude, infrared
asymptotic Green function
ABSTRACT: The first term and an estimate of the following term In the Green
,function expansion for a charged particle in the infrared region am obtaind using
local field theory, including quantum electrodynamics in all e-orders:
G(rj)-z2,(-x)y-,(t,+o(z))+const, where Z2, =2 ZA exp(- CY) A similar eiq)anslon
is obtained for Compton scattering amplitude with a fixed Imparted mamentual
F(81' const.
Card 1/2
IL 43744-65
The method Is based on the use of dispersion relations and expansions of the
current matrix elements In terms of momenta of soft photons. The applicaticn of
the obtained expansions to nonelastic processes is investigated and the first term
of the bremsstrahlung cross section are found:
do (A E). ME + g M In X eip (- Cd + D) do'+ AE
I + d AE
r(i + d)
IThe problem of- factorization of infrared dfip"ersion is studied. It'Is shown that,
this factorization is a simple result of spectral cliaracteristics and of the
absence of infrared properties, if momenta of the char ed particles do not va
9 ry
Orig. art. has: 53 formulas.
JASSOCIATION.- Obl'yedinennyy bwtitut yademykh issledovanly (Joint-Institute-For--
Nuclear Research)
SUBNIMD: 3lJu164 ENCL: 00 SUB COM I Kro 0P
NO REF SOV: 016 QTHERt 005
Card 2/2
L 00597-66
ACCESSION NRs APS016568 UR/0056/65/048/006/174,0/131041:~
AUTHORs Solov'yev, h.
TITLE: Infrared asymptotic form of the Green's function
SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 48,
no. 6, 1965, 1740-1749
fl TOPIC TAGSz Green function, asymptotic expansion, IR phenomenon
quantum electrodynamics
ABSTRACT: The author has shown in an earlier paper (ZhETF v. 48,
731o 1965) that the infrared asymptotic Green's function has in all
orders in the interaction constant the form
G, 4,A) + 0 + const,
and this paper is devoted to finding an explicit form of the func-
tion 0()~T). The result is a formula which contains in explicit form
L 00597-66
the infrared asymptotic value of the Green's function of a charged
;particle with spin 0 and 1/2, including all singular terms in the
infrared region, to all orders in e, without using perturbation
theory, and taking complete account of the electromagnetic interac-
1tion. The Kallen-Lebmann representation is used, and the expansion
of the matrix elements of the fields with respect to the momenta of
the soft photons takes into account the method employed by the
author earlier (preprint OlYal, R-1692, 1965; Nucl. Phys. v. 64,
657, 1965). These matrix elements do not contaiLn infrared diver-
gencies. it is shown in the conclusion that the method can also be
used to find the infrared asymptotic expressions of the vertex func-
tions and the matrix elements of scattering in all orders in the
coupling constants. This means, in particular* that scattering at
small angles obeys Coulomb's law for arbitrarily small energies.
lorig. art. bant 78 formulas and 2 figures.
!ASSOCIATIONt Ob"yedinennyy inatitut yadernykh issledovaniy (joint
L M597-66
!Institute of Nuclear Research)
q Y. 400,
.NR REP SOVs 013 OTMIRs 003
,-Card _3/3,____.
4 L 2212- EWT(m)1T1EWk(.)-a
rMal GmvJa-angle scatte I
rj.M_~q~Md rticles
SOURCE: Mnwnal eksperinentallnoy I teoreticheakay i"11tip V. kq, in. is 190,0
TOPIC MAGS t scattering amplitude,, Coulomb scattoringv elastic acatterIV& seat-
tering crosis section
ABSTRAM A "lativistin formda, Is derived for the evall-angls olactLe gft"~,S+t
cross A-ectIon of ebe-reme olezenttry rwtIclca x the bacle of ralAtirLat-lo
field t"oij-. Rad1ntive correctiona of order a - 11137 Oro tab-on Lew towunts w
is t1-- intftrf"evra bf7lrrri thn mselvr rn-,l Ccvl-.zb tb&
Tr". 1-i 41h.,!rs -TrtrbT1rh-.%1 fe)r +Ir Drtl~= nvr~tt-~~Arg rapI1116-rAc Pur t1c cl=fca yar-
A 1-I'VI Interforc."Ca trherl, n - r..'qMt '"Iftio r-uQwr i1ankE
n tsrT$~., Or. P
Mwle&r Real
JM W ONO 002 L-
uo OL
lt(lBi-Y,-.V ~ k - V..;.; 30LOVYLVO L.U.
I . . 0 . -
Electruragnetic proportion of mesona In dlaturbed SU(6)-symwetry.
Pial. v red. Zhur. eksper. I teoret. fiz. 2 no. 7:314-317
0 f65, (MIRA l8il2)
1. Wlyodlnennyy institut yadernykh Issledovaniy, Submitted
it-ly 4'-8, 1965.
AUTNOR- Solo;'Yev. L. G. TSveKkoV-,A._A.. IN
MG: Institute of Occano AN SSSR (institut occanologii AN SSSR)
rrru-.: Experience of using the oximeter for continuous determinations of
oxygren forming in the proccHs of photosynthesis
SOURCL: Okeanologiya, v. G, no. 3. 1966, 542-547
TOPIC rAGS: oximeter, chemical laboratory apparatus, chemical absorption,
alga, photosynthesis
ABSTRACT: The Solov' yev oximeter (Device for estimating oxygen content
Oheanologiya, -1, no. 1, 1961) has been used together with a special laboratory
apparatus made of chemically inertial materials for evaluating the photosynthetic
process. The alga Rodomonas has been used for the studies. Oxygen isolation
and absorption by this alga have been shown. The accuracy of determining the
Card 112 UDC: 541:464. 34/621:541. 14(26)
ACC NRt AP6020991
oxygen content is 0. 003 ml/l. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 2 tables. (Based on
authors' abstract) JNTJ
SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: none/
solk)vly-rv, 1,.G.
3lectrodod fOr Olectrommetic current, raterp. TrAy lriilt* Gir-in,
'15:92-101 '59. (win
(ocean currento) (Zlectrodos)
31020161 /138/002/023/024
3 -0. 3/Mb
Au~ t SolovIyev, L. G.
TITLE- Meauuring of electric field,3 in 'lie sea
PERIODICAL: Ak4demlya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 111jAJ. no. 2, 1961, 445-447
TEXT! The Invufficient attention pk-ld by several researchers of the USSR
to the experimental methods of measuring electric currents In the sea Is
crltJzed and poasible consequences are pointed out by the author.
Particularly, if no attention is paid to the fa-.,tors determining the
eleitrocheml~.-al state of the current anl potential measuring devices,
errorv m4y c,,~rur which surpass the me.,.iaured values. From the Nernst
formula E = R-T In a, where E - electrode potentlal, R - Rydberg's constant,
T - tempera%ur4~-, F - Faraday's numter. a - aztivity of the solution (in
'he preser,t ca5e T and a may be variabla), It is ev-4dent that the state of
an e1,Potr,-jdv _q defined by 2 factors: the temperature anJ 2) by the
3"Alt corv;er.. *.ration. It has been shown 6y iriIoratory tests that the
variutior, cf the temperature of an ele.,trode is able to vary its potential
Carl I
S 020161113810021023,11024
Meu:uirin,-r of elestric fields in the sea B103/B220
by an averaj,? of O~45 to 0.55 mv/deg, and that thisi -;alue is not the same
for all elocti-vi,s. A test in the sea showe-1 a difference of the electrode
p -
,otentialo o~ 3.2 mv for a temperuture difference cf 140C. On the other
hawl , i t li.a-! been shown by experiments made in the Ins% Itut okeanologii
All SSSR (Inslitute oF' Oceanology AS USSR) that the difference of the
.iotentials of t-ho electrodes is not dependent on a pressure gradient up
It, io atm, v.e author emphasizes that a pctential difference develops
between -41P,~trudes, even in case of sitr,,,iltanacus variation of temperaturel
dut, to their individual properties. The value of this difference is
indeterminatE~ and should be stated by exact exps:riments and eliminated from
the resultr, Besides the influence of temperature. further factors have to
i,,e considereJ, aiich as rate of flow, its dis-.ribution as to depth, velocity
anal Jirectio-i of the drift of the ship, etc. The a.-ithor studied the
electric field intensity in the Blank Sea between the Feodoeiyokly Bay and
Caj,eIndokr,pa,,j (Caucasian Coast). He mado use of silver-obloride electrodes
dejigned at the Institute of Oceanology AS USSR ani equipped with
*'I rmometers which were conne,,ted to u differential circuit.
resistance . e
The le--peratire difference between the electrodes was recorded by means
c' a vott,.nt ~A ter, whereas the seco-J potentic--eter re0orded the
Ca r A
S102 '6'/138/002/023/024
Measuring of eA'ectric fields in .he se~j ~B220
difference bet-seen the potentials of the posi*ions oil the two electrodes.
The vector of the electric field intensity was determined by measuring
the intonuity ~,rudient8 In 4 directioi3n normal to each other- In order to
eliminate the influence exerted by th-_ electric field of the ship, the
baoit, elentroue was suspended from a b-.ioy made of foam plastics in a
di.qtance of 40 to 100 m from the ship Tables ' and 2 summarize the
values measured In the Black Sea. The differpnoes between the electric
field interiaity in major depths far from the coast and that in minor
depths in th.e coastal zone show satisfactory agreement ;,ith -the data
obtained at Cape Indokopas and in the North-sestern Pacific for the
determination of the correction coefficient K related to )MAT (EXIT, not
explained). Thereby, it has been stated, that the value of K begins to
~A'er oDnn in qmall depthsq but remains constant i~n major depths. In
~oithorlv opinion, this is due to the general ctiara':!ter of the varia-
tior. r)4. the electric field intensity in the sea as -Rell as to the
dependence of the field intensity or, tte flows and on the depth. This
fact may not; bp regarded as variation ~,f short diiration, but as a stable
procc~39. Cr)11."!~usiona: 1) In the Blaolk Sea as well an in the Pacific
O:zear it br-en stated that the electr,,!, f4,eld ntensity ir, -.aj!.-r depths
cavd 3//t-,
Me:i.q,jrjr,g of e1P(.,trjc fields in the semi B103/B220
(Joes, no' oxc-ed ,in average of 10 MV/km. In the North-eastern coastal
.,onw,j or, u;o B1;o-,!k Sea in a depth of 30 to 70 m fif.Adu riere meunured in
the Autet, attaining 90 mv/km, and on th~,, lt~ot!om 140 mv/km, 2) An analysis
of the data that these fieldi are determined mainly by the movement
r)f the fiu~er 1~r., the mawnetic field of t~p e,-trth The influence of the
ertrth currents is considerable in the bottom zones of tile seas.
Tne te.,%perature coefficient of the -almium, and silver chloride
1 ectrodes u t fa i n a 0. 4 - 0- 5 mv/deg. Fc~r tnis re.r2son the temperature
correcticiis A' the electrodes have' to be 7crisidered and eliminated. This
i9 r-)f particilstr importance for tile lefiniticn of the vertical component
of the ele,~tric field intensity. Therp ure 3 tables anrl 6 Soviet-bloc
PRESENTED: 3,,itober 16, 1960, by D~ I, Shcherbako~., Acaiemician
SUBIN1,11, TED :)otober 171 , 1960
Carl 4/t
De71C03 for the determination of the oxygen content in son water.
Okennologiia 4 no.1:149-155 164. (MIRA 17W
1. Institut okeanologii AN SSSR.
LiD( V*
UtUlzmt-lon of Van Dam's m1crowthod for de',--.rmlnlng tha
ln-~,-asity of oxyg"n ccns~.-mp',on by fish embryos. Okeanologlia
5 ro-511912-917 165* (?G R4 2.8: 11)
noltut morfologil zhlvo-iykh AN SS-1
W 0 ;R i rnstitut okeanv-
ACC NRI AP6030464 SOURCE CODE: UR/0213/66/006/004/0715/0722
AMOR: Solov'yevj L. G.; Gulidov, M. V.
ORG: Institute of Oceanology p AN SSSR (rns-titut okeanologii AU &6R); Inrtitu-.o of
iloq4torphologr, AN SSSR (Ins titut, - morfologii zhivotnykh AM SSSR)
,TITLE: Polarographic method for determining the intensity of oxygen consumption by
!fiob embryos
1SOURCE: Okeanologiya, v. 6, no. 4, 1966, 715-722
4a-'eV~ 0 Of e- 1CeA1XVajf0r10A)
TOPIC TAGS: Arespiration, fish egg, oxyge%, electrode , polarography,t3t,054ENS~'~
ABSTRACT: To determine the intensity of respiration of fish eggs, they were placed
in a closed chamber with a sensor attached to the bottom. The sensor, which records
polarographically the oxygen content of the water, consists of platImum and
chloroargentic electrodes submerged In a potassium chloride salution, 7be pl&tinum
jeleccrode it; separated from the respiratory chmber by a polyethylene film. Conditions
~were obtained under which a linear relationship between the maxl=jm current value
iand the 02 concentration is observed. The respiration intensity Is measured at a
!constant temperature and definite speed of water mixing. It was established that the
sensorls operational stability remains constant for several weeks. A formula to
suggested for computing the respiration intensity that may be used to introduce
-kCCN-A -- - --- -- - - -- ---- -- - --- - I ~ I
1 AP6030464
corrections for the amount of oxygen reduced during the experiment on the platin=
cathode. Orig. art. hass 6 figures. t
ISUB CODE: OS/ SVBM DATE: 270ct65/ ORIG REF: 009/ OTH REF: 010 i
SIMIN, S.Kh., inzh.; SOLOVIYEVv L.I., inzh.
Lint control on circular knitting machines. Tekst.-prom. 20 no.3s
53-56 Mr 160. OU HA 14: 5)
(Knitting machines) (Dust collectors)
23(l) SOV/115-59-9-13/3571
AUTHOR. Solov'yev, L.I.
TITLE; __~~~~~isplacements of Reversibly Rotat-
ing Links of Machines
PERIODICAL~ lzmeritellnaya tekhnika, 1959, Nr 9, pp 27-28 (USSR)
ABSTRAM For recording the angles of rotation of reversibly
rotating parts, the author developec4 manufactured
and tested a special transducer at the Leningradski
filial NIILTekmash (Leningrad Branch of NIILTekmash
This transducer is basically a thin collector disk,
whose contacts are connected in a certain sequence
to four different sections, as shown in Pig 1. The
sectionsare connected with each other by resistors.
The last section is grounded thru another resistor.
The feed voltage is applied by a brush thru a vari-
able resistor. Consequently, when the collector
disk is rotating in one direction, the current re-
ceived by the brush from approaching contacts will
rise in steps. During a rotation in the opposite
Card 112 direction the current will decrease. Fig 2 is an
-0V /1
Di:upl-Icei.iento ol' Reversibly Rotating a of
oscillogram obtained by this method. The -ai.ho!- de-
ocriboo the components of the device in more detail.
There are 1 diagram, I oscilligram, tina I tabl.-3.
C a r d 2 /2
1. SOLOVIEV; L. I., Eng.
2. USSR(600)
4. Post Industry
7. Performance of electric cutter machines ESM-7 on top layer peat fields.
Torf. prom., 29 no. 12, 1952.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1953.
ii firAd wkb the rtaction prod"ct of furfurautWe cmd 711~-I%
M 110
137 - 58 - 4 - 6980
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallu.-gtya, 1958, Nr 4, p 95 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Mitrenin, B. P. , Burdiashvili, Sh. S. . Sh.,mba. N.A. , Volkov,
V. P. , Kovyrzin, V. K.
TITLE: Obtaining Single Crystals of Silicon by Extraction From a Melt
(Polucheniye morokristallov kremniya metodorn vytyagiwtniyt iz
PERIODICAL: V sb. : Vopr. metallurgii i fiz. puluprovodnikov. AN SSSR
1957, pp 24-34
ABSTRACT: The possibility of obtaining large single crystals with a speci-
fied orientation from material purified by acid washing or ob-
tained by reduction of SiC14 by zinc, and the dibtribution of cer-
tain impurities in the extracted bar was investigated by the use
of tagged atoms. The apparatus built employed high frequency
heating of a base in which there was emplaced a quartz crucible
containing the Si, or by means of a graphite resistance heater in
the center ot which, and on a quartz base, there was placed a
graphile holder with the quartz crucible having the St. A vacuu M.
of 10-" mm H8 was maintained in the apparatus. The crucible
Card 1/3 was free to rot~tte at a speed of I rpm and the seed in A direc-
137- ~'8-4-t)980
Obtaining Single Crystak tA Silicon fy Extraction Frim a Melt
tion opposite to that of the rotatior. of the crucible at a rate of ? rpm. The
rate of extraction was 0.5- 1 mm/rnin. It was established that whcn a slag
filrn existed at the surtace ot the melt it was not possible to obtaill Vly single
crystals, as a tiurnber i,1 tmall c rystals appeared at points of accumidation of
slag and at the poitit of tni,,.tilaliov. Repeated extractions after c.trelul etching.
and upon rernoval (4 visible stag ;r;clusicns or. the surface of thL ba! by emery
and cutting away of its rn~tde it possible to obtain single crystals of IS-
20 tyini thameter and iviigitiz, ~ip to 240 min. Bcfcre pulling the crystal the
nielt was held for IS-20 tnit "I the pulling temperature in order for equilib-
rium to be established. The opinicti is Mered that the polycrystallinity of a
drawn bar is also due it) the formation , film of SiOz wher the vacuum is re-
duced below 10-4 mn-i Hg, additional ce-ers of crystallization heing set up
thereby. One of the possible c.,kises of further increase in vacuum is the re-
action of quartz and graphite, and therefore the crucibles in the apparatus Cm-
ployed were placed so that they would touch the bases only at three points. It
was observed that Vibration of the apparatus facilitated twinning in the single
crystal being grown. Radioactive isotopes made it possible to determine that
Sb and Al.) (respectively 1.1; and t).1 mg per 40 g Si) were completely distilled
from the rnelt and were not to be found in the crystall Ta ( 12. 5 rng per 40 g
Si) remained in its entirety in the zone. and was the last to, while Fe
Card 1/3
1 17 - 58 - 4 - 6980
Obtaining Single Crystals of Silicon by Extraction From a Melt
(46.6 mg per 40 g Si) undergoes virtually uniform distribution through the b&r
in the process of extraction, the bulk of it remaining in the rnelt.
I S,
I -'ingle - 1-'i t'i Oil 2 Silicon
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Valtsevq V,K., Oziashvili, Ye.D., and,�2IQX!X_aX".K-
TITLE: Zone crystallization of lanthanon compounds from cer-
tain molten salts
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye, Izves-tiya,
no. 2, 1962, 53 - 57
T_-0.'-.-T; Description of an investigation aimed at clarifying the ru-
1es prevailnent during the zone crystallization of complex systems
of lanthanon compounds from fused ITH4 NO3 and Nil 4CNS (as oxideD) and
!.:6C12 and BaC12 (as chlorides). The following mixtures were tested
(1) La 2.5, Pr 8-11, Nd 86-84P Sm 2-3, and (2) rr 3.66, Sm 29.3
2u 1.0, Gd 24.3, Dy 5.77, Ilo 0.5, Eb 4.7, La, Tb, Yb 11 Y 25-2-
The melts were cast into rods which were then zone crystallized 6-9
toir,es, Passing the zone at 5 am/hr. The experimental ructliod for
chloride melts is indicated; for the other two the procedure was
that used earlier. Sections of rod were then analyzed spectrogra-
phically for the lantphanons. The results are tabulated and diacue-
Card 1/3 1 Y
Lione cryst-alliz~4tion of lanthanon D204/D301
sed. In 17,11414103the heavier elements tended in general to concentra-
te tit the end of the bar and the same was observed for Sm (mixture
(1)) in thc- 111V113 malt. bimilar tendencies were observed for the
chloride melts aithough the reaulto were only qualitative. It is
concluded that (a) zone crystallization from N114NO3 o r 1.114CNF* in
pro:Asing owing to the low temperature of the DI'OCess. The chloride
-,rocess is further made difficult due to the nygroscopip. properties
of the lant'.hanon chlorides. (b) Concentration of the heavier ele-
-;en's al the end of the oar is probably due to their lower n-p.'s
aithou'l-h discrepancies to this rule were observed. (c) Relative
proport- ions of the lanthanons (mixture (1)) in NH NO -,ind
4 3 '114"S
mul tz -.,iere relatively unaitered after zone crystallization, T e dis-
t.ribution is probably affected rather more In the high temp-orature
chloride process. Analytical work was carried out by R.Rs Shvangi-
A-adze. There are 3 tables and 5 references; 4 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-
Soviet-bloc. The reference to the Enr
.,lish-language publication
reads as follolys: H. Reed, B.S. Hopkins, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 57t
1159, 1935.
Card 2/3
of lanthanon D204/D301
"one crystallization
ASSOCIATIO111 Inntitut neorganicheskoy khimii sibirskogo otdcleniya
All SSSR, Novosibirsk (Institute of Inorgani-iChomiatry
of the Siberian Branch of the AS USSR# Novos birsk)
SUMITTED; September 30P 1960
Card 3/3
VALlr;hV V.K.; ZIA.AWILI, 7l-'i,.L).,- ~
-,)OLI)V,y-l%,l L.K.
Zone c r
yntn--Ilznt~on of' cimpound3 of rare earth elements from
somp moltsm sal*.q. Izv. Sit). W. All BSSR no.2:53-57 162.
(MIRA 16tIO)
1. Innt.1tut neorranich-I-.3koy klim!.i SlIbirskogo otdelpnlya
AN 5'30011,1 NclvF)3ib!r;.,k.
A?~~ SOURCE COD&I Ualwl/6(,/ooo/ow,/'s',~63/5063'-
AWHORS Solov'yova. L. K. KamenskiZ I. _'V.; Xorsh~!~kV.
i TITLE1 Dotormination of the influence of admixtures and heat treatment on the degree
of curing and thormomochanic*1 characteristics of a plastic prepared frc", ~12xy poly-
mors and a miLeral filler
SOURCEI Ref. zh. Khimiya, Part Ill, Abe. 8S417
REF SOURCE t Tr. tiosk, ..khLrt-~ekhnol. Ln-t!_ D. 1. Mondoleyeva, vyp. 48 9 1965 p 218-219
TOPIC TAG31 epoxy plastic# thermomechanical propertyl fillerp plasticizer
AWTRACTI The deeree of curing (content of extractable substanoes)q which character-
izos the process and order of forMAtiOn of three-dimensional structures of composi-
tions based on an epoxy binderl was invostigati-A by extracting with acetone In a Soxh-
lot extractor for 6 hr " study1ne the thermomechanical curves recorded with a
!jZhurkov instrument. Into the compositiong based on (in parts b7 weight) 3 parts of
-jj~~rosin cured at 200 for 1.5-2 hr and 0.45 part of polyethylenepolyaminesp were in-
7-troducod I part of fiber Class, I Dart of asbestos and a lasticiror,(,(PL), 0.15-0.6
dibutyl phthalato. The effect of heat treatment was stuano'by-pre-Ko-ating in a ther-
mostat (5 hr at 500, 10 hr at -5009 and 6 hr at -1200). It was found that additional
heat treatment of the "lea sharply lowers the content of extractable substances
(a. g., in the sample without PL it dropped from 5.4 to 2.3%) " creates a compact
Card 1/2 Ace
ACC NRs AR6026773
structure, which is manifested In a decrease of the initial deformation and a rise of
the temperature at which it starts. The presence of PL In the compositions insures a
uniform distribution of the components in the mixture and increases the amount of ex-
tract. A rise of the PL content increasea the deformation and lowers the temperature
of the start or its Increase. Further heating of the samples (6 hr at 2000) does not
affect the content of extractable substances or the magnitude of deformation, L*
i Kotlyarevokaya. (Translation of abstract]
[Card 2 2
13AILIAKOV A.'.; L.L.;
"I'llAIMILI . Yu.!,.; SfTLY-,',""G"-9
i'*,;'- j.; 1) A , AJ, a "s A,
.07 jjy~C,
I I YL:: Y'W 11; KC, f;-1. F. ;F
Inventions. !!et, 1 gornorud. pro::.. 110.4:0
Acid pickling of steel with the use of a now additive.
Stall 24 no.5%451-452 My 164. (MIRA M12)
1. Dneprodzerzhinskiy metallurgicheakiy zavod-vtuz i zavod
ACC NRs AF6o~�05b SOOICE CODE: UR/O413/66/O00/U14/O0Bi/-oo62
INVENTOR: Averchenko, P. A.; Alekseyenico, M. F.; Babakov, A. A., Babitskya, A. N.;j
XiiL . V.
Batrako~v~~ Bondarenko; A. L. i Giabu G. Kh.; Yelltsov, K. S.; Kula
Swly V. F.
U7Mj__!_ J1. Orekhov, G.-N.; Pridantsev, M. V.; Sklyarov, P._I.., i6y.
0 Yu. Pd;-W Ye. 1.
Scroko, L. N. ; Solov 'yev, L. L. Aran tsov _V.. -P-. ; Shamll _!~hkavich
iFatanov, B. S.
ORG: none Xv
TITLE: Stainless steel. Class 40, go. 183947.
SOURCE: Izobret piyjm obrat tov zn, no. 14, 1966, 82
TOPIC T41GS: stainless st(
nitrogen containing steel,
ABSTWtCT: 'This Author Cer
chromium, molybdenum, and
the following composition:
0.2-0.6$ Mo, 0.04-0.15 N
v1, chromiu= titanlim steel, molybdenum.containing steelt
titr4nium containing steel e.-I
-'.cate Introduces a stainless steel containing
trogen. In orde- to improve welds Ility, the steel h"
.08% C, up to 0.8% W, up to 0.8% 81, 15-18% Cro
0.4-1.2% Ti, up to 0.035 S, and up to 0*030 Ps (WWI
SUB CODE: ll/ SUBM DAM arVan651-feA ~A5, , sv-s
MC.-I - .- A62-1L0AJL- .662 ~ 15 1
5 L. M.
olkv I YEV,
SCID-1v I Y.1k, L. i,',. -- "Dyn&-,ics of the Pesotration of Endocrine !~unctlon
Af ter Chronic ProWln Insufficiency." Sub 11 Jun 52, Acad Med Sci TZSR.
(Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Y.edical Sciences.)
50, Vechernaya, Moskva January-December 1952
"Anextb"la in TonaLlectoW ~by jnj m9hm or
Novocalm'" Cand H" Set. L. IL 802AMIYow" C3,2230 of
Ear, Ikmes, and Tbrost Dise"es, Nier 11ed Imstj
Pelt of Jkr, No", and Throat Diseases, Xiew City
clinical Zosp imeni October Revolution
"Text Ow4lino-Laringol" val xIv, No 3, vp 51-53
Applicafton of anesthesia produced by electrep-
boreals tbeorugh the sIdn of the meek of a 50
soln of navmaiu In WO a1c: is palmleass reftme
bmarrbW during the operation of tonsilectoW,
and does not interfere vith the healing of -am I
Infiltration anesthesia Vith a 0.5% soln. of wro-
cain Aus adrenalin. delays the bealln of vounds
roxatlag from the operation and is therefore
?~ 1)
A 0
Outstanding scientist of the Ukrainian
AlakeandrovIch Shvartsberg; 40 years o
pedagogical and social activity. Vast.
K-D ie
3.$.R., Professor IAkov
medical, scientific,
oto-rin. 16 no.61796-80
(MIJIA 8: 1)
1. Po poruchentyu kollektiva klinl1ri bolesney ukha, gorla t no&&
Kiyevskogo maditeinakogo institut&
MILOVITEV, Lev Nikolayevich; b-dAKHBAZTAN. Sh.A., retisenzent; KALITEV,
D.A., red.; ZHEMKOV, I.V., red.izi-va; KARINTUX, N.V.,
[Por young grinding-machins operators] V pomoshch' molodoma
shlifovshchikas Rostov-na-Donu# Rostovskoe )mishnoo Izd-Tos
1959. 73 P. (Grinding and polishing) (KIRA 13:5)
SOLOVIYIIV, L.N.. inshener.
Chip-breaking In drilling. Vest-wash-35 no-1008-59 0 155-
(DrIllLag and boring) (KrAA 9: 1)
Sixtb conference on lumtniscance. Inzh.-fit. thur. no. 6:115-117
ja 158. (MIRA 1!.'7)
Karat and recent tectonics of the historic period in the
surroundings of Sukhumi; theses* Novskarsi opals no,2:60-62
'61. (MIRA 1519)
(Sukhumi region-Karst)
(Sukhumi region-Geology, Structural)
How the ~~Con Marketw will affect workers. Soy. profko'iuzy
19 no.60-10 Mr 163. 1 OaRA 160)
1. Sakretart Vaesoyusnogo tsentrallnogo soveta professionalinykh
(European economic comiunity)
~ jil., y. ~ ., (, . ~ . . ~;C: (;v I A.
0--, .. - -, . .
Arial-Irs I - u" I no t; t A-. z at.' cf' k o!,,' vY .1 114 tli.L Z .Stw!. ' Instr.
I- Mr I i_- Z. . ~MJA -'r I
3 5 no . 3 ; ~ I
4:.1 , .
- I
The p.-irty's -in-i -ov- to!; concern for th-3 h~l,,Itki of 5ovlc t cltizc-s
Izd. 2. , dop. ', o 5 k v.-.1 '7* if liz-1at, 1950- 3~ P.
rnternat,Lonal ,n1ty of the working class, V pom. profaktivu, 13, No. 8, 1952
Monthly List, of Russian Accesstonp Library of Congressp July 1952, Unclassified.
. - ( f ( - I" fl
I ..j ~ 1, 1111V 11.
2. IJ:;-'R (('10)
4. PRace
7. Movement of the partisans for peace is growirg stronger and broader. V pom.
profaktivu 13 no.20, 1952.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January - 1953. Unclassified.
SOLOVOTEV, L., sekmtart.
Mi. I" . ,, --
Under the banner of proletarian internationalism. Soy. prefsolusy
1 no.1:15-20 S 153. (HLRA 6:12)
1. Vessoyuzayy teentrall"y sovat professionalinylch soyuzov.
(Trade unions)
I . IT OLOV eFV,-Le cr: 1 d
2. TT S,--P (600)
14. Insuranco, social
7. Social Insurance and s curity in the Sovict 'Unions Voem. prof.,
dvizh. No. 4, 1953
9. Monthly LI-st of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May -1953. Unclassified.
SOIDY'UV. Leonid, sakretar'.
Concern of Soviet trade-unions for the well-being of workers. famprofo
dvish. no.IA:27-31 S 153- (MUtA 6:8)
1. Yeasoyusnyy teentrallmy sovot protsoyuzov. (Trade-unions)
1--171T47, "
--1.1-1-inie- rnati.onal relations of Soviet trade unions. no.9:
23-26 my 154. (KMA 71Q
(Trade unions)
I- !, -
tinder the banner of proletarian Internationalism. 0 155. (KLu 911)
(World Federation of Tr^de Unions)
Militant tasks of Soviet trade unions. Say.profsoiusy 4 no.4t
13-26 Ap 156. 0 (mm 917)
1.Zamostitell predeadatolys Tessoyusnogo ftentrallnW lowsta
professionalluykh soyusov.
(Trade unions) (Russior4conomic policy)
,- ...... I- " ~
Kilitant program of the struggle of the working class.
olusy 4 no.11:78-81 N 156. (KIRA 10:1)
0 Camentit"ll predsedifttelyn Tsmsoyusnogo tsontrnllnoro sovets
profmosimannIlikvkh sorizov,
(Soft&--World Yederation of Trade Unions-Congress)
Congress of militnnt solidarity of the internntional proletnriAt.
Sov.profsoluzy 5 no.11:77-81 N '57. (MIRA 10:11)
1. Umeatitell predsedatelys Vaesoyuznogo tsentrallnogo soveta
(IJOIDlig-TrAde unioni-Congresses)
ConCress of InternatiorAl unity. Vaem.pTof.dvIzb.[uo*6j:6-5
Je 160. (KIIU 13:6)
1. Sekrebarl Veesoruznogo teentrallnogo soveta profsoyusov.
(World Federation of Trade Unions)
3010y"TAY, L.N.
University of Friendship of Peopleso Sov.profsoiusy 16
no.8:17-18 Ap 160. (XIIA 13:6)
1. Sekretarl Tessoyusnogo taoutrallnogo soveta, profsoyusovo
(Russia-loreign relations)
(Moscow-Universities and colleces)
Internationalism is our banner* Veeme prof* dvizhe noo,88st
Ag 161. (HIM 14:8)
1. Sakretart Vsesoyuznogo tsentrallnogo soveta profeenionall-
nykh soyuzov. (Trade unions)
Internationalism is our banner. Soveprofmoiusy 17 no*12sl-4 is
161. (MIRA 14 j6)
lo Sekretarl Voesoyusnogo tasixtralluago Soveta profesoional'al"
(Trade unions) (Internationalism)
1n the nam of workers' peace aW happineag. !;ov. profsoivz7
17 no.23:1-4 D 161. (XIRA 14.12)
1. Sekrotarl Vsusoyuznogo tsentrallnogo sovota profesaionalInykh
(Trado unions) (World politics)
111.0, 1" .. I , , ,,, , i r V ,~ . ~ 'I .
I I ,~ , ~ ? .
: ~~Ijslv of the paramp-ters Find arrangement or a new serles of
rf,11-tuming lathes. Stjin. i Instr. 36 no.110-11 11 065.
(MIPA 18ill)
- - I, f . "",.
Study of modifications In flotation properties of the surface of
sulfide* under the effect of gases and reagents. Trudy Inst.gor.
del& no.2:193-203 155. (KM 9:3)
1. Chlen-korrespondent AN S= (for Plaksin)
(Flotation) (Sulfides)
.:~iqzo v ~~kl- /-. P.
On hydraulic cleaning of castings, Lit,proizv. no.1:31-32
Ja '55. (MIRA 80)
(Youndrjr machinery and supplies)
WCle#nW by UOntdle Esud-Bl"Use. L. P. Mov'tw.
(LITAX-M ',l 1055, (3), RO-13). [in gum
Invept, U, cxnw 0014 witli & specint "XINcrurwoud im=
]At ion 11*11,
No J,4v wrm Allnwv.-d ta imrinev no a
w. ram of stftl tho rcm-iltUix Ions in w,~irht at theos
bring wed to wirr,&W flie, efTcct~en-wx vf the pnslicular
wrAngonwM. nostle wtar al o Wng dowrrni~l. 71,e tlwting
nf st4m4, irm, pm! non-ferroui malinwo. suid of sibw at~l
20 and 10 rnr". thirk. by hydrAulic SAMI-bl&stirg W&4 stuth.A.
C~,mpmrioKm with dry mand ',thAtini; W~vrtA that tht produe.
ti Of the hydr ulif.~ tr4tt:iA waw 4-"-o flw-o r
AUTHOR% Suloylyev, L.P., Enginee-
TITLEs On the Problem of Cleaning Castinga
PERIODICAL: Liteynoye proizvodatvo, 1959, Nr 10, pp 33--35 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The nuthor presents short abstrat-ts with critical remarks on
books nnd articles (Refs.1-0). S~eireral data from these studies
*,' it, c-ompared in tables. The author state. th(it the ciaterial given
in these studies Is not sufficiently worked out. Important recom-
mcndations on the syn.hronqus use of chitmbers with high and low
pressures are not sound. In this cont,-~.xt, the economic fav(or is
e8j)LCially important. There are 7 tnblt.,.-3 and 1.3 Soviet rerecencea.
Caid 1/1
AUT11ORt Solov'yev, L. P.
TITL:~t Hydraulic and hydraulic sand cleaning of castings
PERIODICAL: Liteynoye pro-A*zvodstv,), no. 10, 1960, 22 - 23
TEXTs The author compares the efficiency of low and high-pressure
hydraulic insiallaiions for the cleaning of castings and points out that
the productivity of such installations can be nearlv doubled if the pres3ure
of the water jet in !00 atm instead of 25 - 35 atm LRef- 21 V. L. Volynskiy.
Fovysheniye prolzvod!tellnosti truda Y liteynom proizvodstve ~Increasing the
labor productivity in foundry practice), v. 30, Mashglz, 19551. Table I
shows a detailed comparison of the te:,hnological parameters of various hy-
drauliq cleaning irstallations used in the USSR plantsg besides th. com-
parative data of a USA installation are given (16). Some of the hydraulic
cleaning chambers in operation have been designed as hydraulic sand clean-
ing installation3 but, according to the author, they have so many deficien-
cies that hydrauii~; sand cleaning cannot be carried out on them. In parti-
cular, the mixing tanka of these installations do not meet the requirements,
Card 114
60/ 1000/010/0 1010 1 6/XX
JJ- nd a and c I eanini; of - AO 3 3~t 3.1 -
ydraulic a, ixture is e ither too p 0 or in sand or too rich But
au that 000 Uand-slater m. -reaseS the cutting
if,,jtj ot, ound to the hyLlraulic water 'lot inc
cq* the ELL,, art whieh Points to the further
sin_ ,o it is th13 f
abilit,44es by a far,;,~.Ir Of ne th,? effIciency Of
the main factors determini
as,:-Volopment tren-A.Unl- Of 111ty of shaking out the
hyjraulle 3and CJ~ELT--Irlg IngtallatiOns Is the far, increasing tho water
cores from the raitings- Tnis problem can be solvej by content Of the water
150 atm and higherg by raising the sani itior,. The
"t prq3sUrf' t Ld by m0aifying the core mixture comPos Bokolov,
jet '10 ties of a USA plant [Ref. 61 A. V. O&echani-
,~O It,&;, of i%-j vcl,lme af
q,e cleaning prac i ochistke lWY&
author cites i lbot p0 obrubke effi-
3iKiy, UekhanizatBiya ra the highest
A. M. Lipini ions), 19571 which shows R installs-
Zation Of casting clesning OpOr&t mparlson with the USS
azzlef i.e. 3.35 tOns/hour, in CO I metal are
at 7.6 - 8- 4 gram/minute Of Purlto 9
-lienoy per n0 Increases _ 10
n example he states th while this figure tigations
tions. As a The inve8l
r,oved if the sand content is 41 3et of 504A PrOzvO(1-
re the watet ,
,t a sand content in LRef. 91 A. Zh- Khov%un- esstings).
gram/minute R plant have shown -6121 precision
of the Staro-Kramatorsk otlivok (production of big 19583 that &
stvo krupnylM %ochnykh teynOgO proZvodstvst KhOkov,
5b. PeredovOye tekhnOlOgii
Card 2/4
one/ SAWur; cost price
-.Livruoles and kopicks; "Lens t&nkoli t 11 (after
1Y~)-4TJ-_-'9) test installation of the Plant im. Ordzhonikidze; 10) Kolomens-
kiy stankostroitellnyy zavod (Kolomna Machine Tool Plant); 11) "Kompres-
sor" Plant; 12) "Lenstankolit" (UP to 1954); 13) Uralmashzavod; 14) model
385 (NIILITUASh de 9ign~; 15J Kharlkovskiylatankostroitellnyy zivod (Kh&rl-
-kov Machine Tool Plant 16 USA plant; 7) the cleaning efficiency and
costs are given according to the output per nozzle; 18) the cleaning costs
per ton of casting are convdntional, assuming the hydraulic monitor operatcr
wages to be 3-5 rubles/hour; overhead costs - 200,14, electric power costs -
20 kopecks/1 kwh, water costs - 50 kopecks/-a3; 19) including cleaning from
scale and scab.
Card 3/4
UM/ physics wave propagation
Caw 1/1 kub. 22 - 18/49
Authors I Burahtayn, E., and Solovley, L.
Title I On propagatiun of a phase velocity (wave) between parallel surfaces
PlsriOdiftl I Dok. AN SSM 10113. 46.5-468o Mar 21,1955
Abstract I A method Is presented for determining the phase and group velocities of
*basic* waves propagating between parallel well-conducting surfaces,
The method in strictly analitica and consits of a solution of the Hs:-well
equation with the application of Lame's con stants. Your refer*nc*sk
I Germ., 2 USSM and I Engl. (1935-1940.
Institution j .....
Prevented by Academician 1-1. A. Leontovich, December 1. 19.54
S01.0V'YE-\1, L.. S.
3UBJECT "USSR / P*IYGICS P 1, t 2; PA - 1427
1ITLE On the Diffraction cf a Finite Bunldl.,~ of fav~-s in
a Cylindrical Obstacle.
P-2010DICAL Dokl.Akud.'Nau~, 109, fasc.3, 473-476 (1956)
Issued: 9 / 1956 reviewed: 10 19';6
On th,-- lbftai~; of the known solutions of the twodimensional problems 0,11 the dif-
frttotioti of it plane wtive incidlnE: vertically on a cylindrical obstacle tilts dif-
fracti4~,n Is here computed by the mothod of the oupcrp4onition of plan-) waves. Nore
only ->nv tundle of the incidine wavea io stu4ietl in *htch the fioltla In the cross
rf~ction z - 0 "for the comDonents Z and H ) depend only on the coorlinute x and
are (11tJermined by the function (~(x). (The ox axis is parallol to tim. i:enarator
of tho cylindrical obstacle). 7he distribution of the field P (r) is represented
by a FOURIER integral; foo 4vx
(X) dv or with the substitution
Co 4~xsin
,V ~ ksinq (k-(,o/c): ~ (1) k f(P)003P e, Here ~(v) - f(.'0, and inte-
u'ation is carried out in the complex. The atimuthal component of tile diffracted
field ort tile occasion of the incidence of it plane wave under the anele P towards
tile X-axis is: u ik(x ainp - r C03 0) If the roint of
obser7at:.:,n Jr ir. the wavt~ 20nt- of raiiat-on, the u~ 41-, in the case 1-ander olbser-
-S 1) t. 0 V, Y ~: ~V) i, . Q~, ,
SIUBJECT USSR nysics CARD 1 2 PA _ JA613
ID Ft SOL071 EV, L. S.
7ITLE On the Theory of FocussinG with a 01;anEe of Sien.
PERIODICAL DokI.Akad.11auk, 1 0 , fasc-4, 721-724 (1956)
Isiued: 10 11 1 reviewel: I 1 1 19 5 6
7-'-p computatlon of such a focussinC in accelerators and s4vt~ral other problems
II~sd tf) ii differontial e-.tuation of the type; k + Ep(ft,Q)i + q(tt,G)Ix - 0.
ioro) E denotes a. sm-till param,~tur, p and q - periodic functions with the Fireu-
~:.ent 0, ();/dt - 'r (tt). The coefficients of this equation are "periolic" as
functions of t Nith nlowly chanvine lla.nplitudel' and "period".
Here two llnearly Independunt solutions f n(t) and ? n (t) of the above equation
(f~~r any n-th "period" of IV-he coefficients p and q) are assumed an known. The
duration of the n-th period is here denoted by T n- The solution of the above
equation in the n-th period and its derivation are represented in the form:
x ~ af (Q + b9 (t), i - afl + byn' (t" because of the linearity of this equa-
% j n n j
tion. f and are selected In accordance wit!i the initial conditions
f ~ Here the values of the required solution and
n(()) - ~,'(O) 'Ifn(0) - Yn(O) ' 0'
of Its derivation are to be determined at the teGinning of the n-th "period".
The coefficients a of the equations x 0 -
ik +1 'Ilxn+'12;~' ;n+10'21'n+'22n
L _J
Akademlya nauk SSR. Inatitut atomnoy energii
Ftzllcs plazmy I problema apravlyayemykh termoyadernykh reaktsiy$
t. IV. (Plasma Physics and the Problem of Controlled
I -rm,:or4)j,,,lear Reactions,, v. 4) [Moscow] Izd-vo AN SSSRO 1958-
4310 P. 3,000 copies printed*
Resp. Ed.i lAontovich, M.A., Academician.
PIMPOSE: ThIs collectinn cxitaJns pv-~viousiy unpublished work of
Members r.-f the Institut at~.)mroy ene.rgi4 (Distitvzte of Atomic
En,~,rgy) #:~.f the Academy of Sclencas of the USSR. It is intended
1--;~r a~;Ian+.Ist intere3ted in this field.
COVERAGEi This book is the last of four volumes of previously
,inpliollshed work of membersof the Institute of Atom1p, Energy
d-ari-ng the period of 1951-58. The exploitation cards an the
o*,her volumes in this series have been released under the
n,.mbers- 1241, 1242, and 1243.
Card 1/8
F isma Phyb1cs and the Problem ~Cont-) S G 'V,, ~'l 2 4' 44
oe~,vtts. S.M. Containment of a Plasma by a Travel-41--ig Magnetic
F 1-e Id 3
rFu:Att3ev, B.,B. Hydrody-n-amiss of a Low-pressure Plawa 16
B--ng!..n-,skJA.y, 3.1., and Kazantsev, A.P. Magnetoh,--'j-.-,.:,dy7taM1c
Wa-ves In Delute Plasma 24
Solovlyevp L.S. Motion of Charged Particles in a Magnetic Trap 32
Vpder!~,ii. A.A., and L.I. Rudakciv. Motion of a Charged Fartl-~-Ie
Jr% Rapidly Alternating Electromgrieti,: Fields 42
Or-Linskly, D*V. Stabilization of a riasma With the Aid of a
Systerd of Rods 49
Care, 2/8
Y1t;3!,k% Physlcs and the Problem (Cont.) SOV/1244
T.F. Oscillations and Surface Stability of a Plasma
-;,hp- Field of a Traveling E1,e(;+,roragner,1-,,, Wave 109
B6tzbatohankr,, A.L., I.N, Golovin, F.I. Kozlov,. V.S. Strelkrov,
and N.A. Yavlinskiy. Ele~-,,?'-'Pode less Dis--harge W.'th High
C,.k` In a Toroidal Chamber With a Longitt~diral
Magnetic Field n6
V.I. Mea.4urement of the Electron Temperature and
Ion Cori.,. -ntration by a Dc.--.~ble Floating Probe in an
Kt;-:;trc:de1e-9s Discharge 134
S-,----*&.kcj-,. V.S. Investigation r.Z the Radiation of an Electrodeless
Discharge In Deuterium 156
Pet;r-.)~'~ D.P.,~ N.V. Filippov.. T.I. F111ppova, and V.A. Khrabrov,
Pcwerfvl Pulse Gas Discharge in Chambers With Condasting
walls 170
Ca rd 4/ 3
Plasma Physics and the Problem (Cont.) SOV/1244
Kc-gan~ V.I. Widening of theSpectral Lines in High-temperature
plasyna 258
Trubrilkov, B.A. Relation Between Coefficients of Absorption and
Em-Ission of Radiation for Plasma Situated In a Magnetic Field 305
TV-,.Ab7JkOV, B.A. Behavior of Plasma in a Rapidly Varying Magnetic
F I ~-- l (1 309
Mcrozov, A.I. Cherenkov Generation of 14agnetcsonic Waves 331
Kadomtsev, B.B. Magnetic Traps for Plasma 353
Kadomtsev, B,B. Instability of Plasma in a Magnetic Field in
the Presence of Ionic Beams 364
Kadmotoey, B.B. Dynamics of Plasma in a Strong Magnetic Field 370
~.Iard 6/ 8
Plasma Physics and the Problem (Cont.) SOV/1244
Kadmotsev., B.B. Convective Instability of a Plasma 380
Sagdeyev, R.Z. Nonlinear Motions of Dilute Plasma In a Maganetic
Fleld 384
Morozovo A.I., and L,S. Solov'yev. *Damping of the Oscillations
Of a Plasma Filament 391
Shafranov, VeD. Derivation of the Tensor of Dielectric
Permeability of a Plasma 416
Sagdeyev, H.Z. Absorption of an Electromagnetic Wave Propagated
Along a Constant Magnetic Field in Plasma 422
Shafranov, V.D. Index of Refraction of a Plasma in a Magnetic
Field In the Region of Ion Cyclotron Resonance 426
Sagdeyev, R.Z., and V.D. Shafranov. Oscillations of a Plasma
711ament Taking Into Consideration the Thermal Motion of Ions 430
Card 7/8
Plasma Physios and the Problem (Cont.) SOV/1244
List of Previously Published Reports on Plasma Physics and
Problems of Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions Made by Staff
Members of the Institute of Atomic Energy of the Academy of
Sciences of the USSR 436
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (QC794.A38)
Card 8/8
Morozov, A. I., Solorlyov, I. S.
The Integrals of Drift Equations
Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 128, Nr 3, PP 506-509
When tho electromagnetic field slowly changes with respect
to space and time, the travel of particles in it is defined
by an approximate equation, i.e. by the drift equation. These
equations are obtained by taking the mean (N. N. Bogolyubov,
Yu. A. Mitropol'skiy, Refs 1, 2) of the fast revolution of
the particles In the Larmor orbit, and they may be written
down as the following equations fLr the center motion of the
Larmor orbit (the principal center):
-0 -0 ] MCV
dr_ H It I -
'[1(-! 7 fit, IV M1
dt VO H 2 4 3
H eH 2eH
d 2) d'r MV2 m2v2). 2 2 m0
1 ~L. ( L
(mo E dt 2H aty dt VN+YLI 717 OT
The Integrals of Drift Equations SOV/2o-128-3-20/58
v and videnote the longitudinal and transverse component
of the particle velocity with respect t the magnetic field
The time dependence of the unit vector i H was also taken
into account for the deduction of the above equations. The
.1he motion of 'he pr.Ancipal center along the
latter define b
line of force H at t4e drif t a=oss
Is velocity v-H1H as W:1 aad , the voec~)nd
-th*,Iines of force of . For time-indepanden an
and third equation of the above atit may be represented In the
form of the laws of conservation mc2 - e ~ - E - conat ani
M2v2 /M2 H J-L - conat. The following expression may thus
.1 0
be written down for the longitudinal velocity:
V11 Y JLH -2 . For the drift equation in the constant
fields Y and 'N, the relation curl(myj) - MY, curll.~V(Mv,
results, which can also be written down in the form
-% J-9 -0
dr H OH t ev H). In determining
R curl - curl(mv,-,
dt - H R eH
the in le of 'th~ drift equations the authors restricted
Card 2/4 t~gra
The Tntegrals of Drift Equations SOV/2o-128-3-20/58
themselves to the case (Icurl it) - 0 If the second Urn in
the above equation becomes equal to zero. The equation is
thus r6duced to the expression
.0.T a
Ar 9 + "'11 -A The authors then introduce the vector
di curl _;_H_ )*
potential T + SH 4 1, and write the equation for the
trajectories of the principal center In the Lagrangian form
d (20 . OL , Where L dr -r) Is assumed. By using
rt a4, dqi dt
this Lagranglan form, various integrals of motion may be ob-
tained for the eel of drift equaticrison the basis of the sym-
metry of this problem. Since drift equations are differential
equations of second order, th1jr.L egrals provide the aqua-
tionsof the trajectories. At rthe resultant formulas
_4e lines of force of the magnetic
preaen_t the equItions of I
field H - curl'A. At curl H. J 0. drift equations are difficult
to solve even in the presence of oer;uin symmetries. The
article is concluded with an investigation of the motion of
Card 3/4 particles within the field of a cir~;ular current J which is
The Integrals of Drift Equations S01112o-120-3-20150
superimposed by the fieli -r i an-.ralght vire with the Current
1. Finally, the authorn than' Acri %1. A. Loontovif1h
and Academician L. A. Ar;slmovich,f~.-r uBeful 01VIC-0. Thero
are 2 figures and 5 Soviet referencep.
PRESENTED: %lay 27, 1959, by N1. A. Leonto"ich, Acadenician
SUBMITTED: May 5, 1959
Card 4/4
TITLE i Motion or Fartlele.,j In la Cr1mp,%d Toroidal Ma'r-,netic
PERIODICAL! Zhi-wi.ul tekbilichookoy P1.,,-1Lk1) 1~,60, Vol '~O) 1jr 3.,
pp 261-270 (USSR)
A133TRACT The vtuthor.,3 lnvc~:Aigated motion of' charg-d particlea
it crimped "Goruldal m1agnetic field and ohowed
trap is abselutt-- In dvJft e4uatlon
Tiivy c:.t1l a magnf-,tic trap aboultite whei-i. tIl particles
or 11 n; f rom aregion V0Inside the trap, wIth
v #:- I'D ~., I t,.L,!.,3 o farbitrary dinec~tion but of bourded
Pemaln irislde a firilte volwne V12 It, the
reE;1r)n of th~e trap. Such an absolute trap iz
t~-nted by an ziniform, or crimped magnetic field,
r&t -1 tj try to
lnfl.,~AJ in th~~ Zdiree tior- .It i3 n, ur.A C
Motion of 77 `7
Invest.LZate such fleldo whi~n thoy are bent Into a tor*,-I-'%
of' :.71.X-Vic-le-ritly larie radlus R. Since the crimped
torol~lad does not posoes syvnetrleo, It lo
dill.'ricnilt,to uze exact equations, and
th" ec~thuvo 1111nit tlhcvac-lvvo to the order of' accuracy
of lllho~ dvIrl, ~~cprttluno. D-iot,,ad of startDir, rro"l
0 (' (11.1 R , tiv.. -aut-hor..; litart I'm-, thf? 130-
1-0.i.,iturlinal adlabatle invariant, Introduced by
and Lom,;mlre (see ref'orence) and Kadomt.3ev
(1~1,-,llka pla"Illy Vol 111, 1) 2F5,
dt. M
k1pyl " If v"': r, fl ld If* Ulf,
I'Ayl I w-. thv~-kwjt," thf,