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* 0 0 0 0 9 * a 0 0 * 0 0 0 -- 11 1 ---- - -V--- * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 6 a og:: *** 00,4MM. A 11 L A 4 00 f 6- 1 A L 0 0 f It I I V .9 A I I 4A If U 0 U 0 A . I,I,!~ 161#41 v tempers OSWb" Of matMea by a4eme It madtfol ' ",too,S I buldwafilblk- J 6111, 4 *$-- " "H ' S' 1 oe #,t#. grli&. 10,j). Of. 7 00 . 4t"1 14f I 0 lie l,r,- IN 1 -4 I't MA. IL. j.,n .4 Citt) fwt MA119411 Its 41 whi 1%1 Cog 00 j 0 -00 0 900 00 Igo ze fee x9e age -go oo A A L A 4..... id Of(ROOf ctjiwK.TKR A t too of :".. too r f VIA A) 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 06 A lit *6 jidam- 1: - OW se 00 0 C I . - v4saramak" al Ons"W a& is 444mw AkAalk Xbows. 1. Ift-ft 1946).-T9 44. sovAW ad in prolwi 1 thr kow iaebiwr mid In phaneesciewticul pftp".. G&I bi 6 "d. Walter Meg a lita r emwbim is t OAWdfjVb is 11W mm WST. CAJr. 41W rvftkm how x - Of I + is - doMeto - aJ 1, where x is lbaeancft of a q m1w il 1 the th & i I ~ m o s ~ 4 e cuml q MMS . c uW Ant SOOKW4, and is, 00, W4 0. Wr tbr v"Im. CA Up 041 et ,:=a H mtr 2 led. -A thr mmpk* #)w let IWAMUM ,r TI l b ( . StAxia t MENO a 4lasudiardsolm.,Mp. Red oolim. is vivirle ansipio am he a"A&4 by rt4cvmv to lsbk-% compbd for M ennHW a& &W for 21 of I" t. bitmovelm Thew tal4m; contain The Ilso ther far "41101 IPVMW cd gamem Imm 0.4% 4we to a cvwu. at which fee a # rumleim was kwoW. For The alk stedimed, tha 9m*4- oew livily of this 1 -1, 1 wo 0AUe%23-OAll"* by vmL; it i- too 00 A v Md. iminfirroemv- =vAd, diM. mid mer. WK) d SM Th b t L 80 0 r r I to e I 3o. . an mg. per . nmp. rerbalm of sisrhics, emsiori to cones. in 1100 for ppre 1. " 0 dill. abd tow ails vva~ deed. mid is eirtme led aft cursv, Tbmcwv c*mWvwdimi&"ytkddetn%. M.)Iuwh 4 0 0 INOIS 400 A I A. I L A IMIALLONS" L#W"AVWI CLASINWAIIIIII on $1144118v. me A I a N 0 a 6 1 ff av 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a V: :10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SOMIUMTK9 S.T. Central. Sci. Res. Lab., Alcohol Ind,.;stry, (19L6) CentrPl Pharm. Sci. Feq. Inst.j (1-11.6) I'Quentitative Analysis ef Esacntill Cils in AqTeous Alcohchc and Aquecus Solutions (Frag- rant Spirits, Waters arml Infestons)" Zhur. Analit, Dim., N,.3, 19h6 I ~)L.1_ v 1~ Y - - - 1 .:1 1 1 U11.11" _. i. ~, Li I IJ . ~hcz~-_ Le 1 . Dis se 1-ta t ion: "Determintition of the ~tuarititatlve Content of' Essential Uila In Alcohol-Vodka Solutions and Aqueous Solutions." Moscow 1nst of Find Chemical Technology Imerd .1. 1J. Lomonosov, 19 May 47. SO: Vecherriyaya Moskva, May, 1947 (Project #17836) AID P 5038 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 103 - 9/22 Authors Zagolikhinskaya, E. L. and Ya. S. Soloveychik Title Fitting and assemblying Internal polishing spindles on anti-friction bearings. Periodical Stan. I instr., 4, 28-32, Ap 1956 Abstract The authors describe the analytical work carried out to establish the most efficient method of putting together the internal polishing spindles in anti-friotion bearings. These bearings were installed in the automatic lines at the First State Bearing Works (1 GPZ), the Moscow Plant for Polishing Machines (MSZ) and Bureau-6 for Design of Machine Tools (SKB-6). Eleven formulae, 11 drawings and GOST standard. Institution : As above Submitted : No date to I L-J I A-j--IL I 00 41 Otto. eot; lose & mw V. A. lee Ialli-20247).-IMmisivor 2 stoll. t old umpk im S) W. bm lee S" 25 Nd- Od N '41401 JICI in sk. aftf boil 1-1 hm; d=W- On Pptd, PWrVisyl sk. in 0[)~',o wj.'f lee w & swo. Turaft am -00 0-3 -V NOON 60 a =Khr, armw ow powt. keel a Ow FSIPDIL 0ow W. of 0.6 N Alsoll OA144 bet FrQL M. Kam6pus lee goo Joe so go moo 400 goo '100 0,0 40 see gob, II ~v too i; 170A j V 0", 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a f a 0 0 0 0 0 Wo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 O~o 0 0 a 0 a 0 ol~ Ostitalsoo of potaffin dtot'llati, % 11 Chww 1-1V tft~%. /W~ /',jkW AA,w 1 1, ApIdwsl Chrito 1 1). 1.C.41 '0' I I to."o IPor.."no 1.4r4flits Itarl"ou a 0 ".8% tualsoird I" XI.- 4pit by am Itleysing al :311. Into. A 1.11) 410 its lpirwiter fit t4rigniq Imisholw"or &Kbl %if#* 4% CAI&Ilr%ls, Mu Daft 61 OW IS -1. t?W 1190.1 111141010 41MIAift"l *I% Or--- nwow hvilros-4dotorso i I 1, 4.11-; naplothrew livolotit dflowis. 4nd 34% Aiphi% .~ RAW ItAFAIlin tia wkidttv% %cry lovaly arwl ywpl. roluo It 1.41. me Owl 61 14-11) hrs~ the produt I 1u. 11W A. 0.1 IMP, -4 104103r 'I 1131t, MAI JWT it. If I %if fWMWUVftI the re's,1111sill oxx~jtli- 109WIP Madillf AIPI gt*'% A IhV 1AIr 'd I" ii-oal too. unit- I*r hr. 'Ihe rrimpial,of I t.ikbtw oith If,-4% IfrAl"W"I --porilln. At *Of'. Atol the swtolu4l ".411AIts. I W; mutual I shw-h Air tupt V"v I,- It.. ..%I. 'I".. The frisidAlwas 44 411,10lat"01 by I 1~ vau-) Arxily fly isrol"111141#01 a# artarLatir h4ial, fur fireirr il 1.11 I'S TAT111 IIIN 111,bUIP"I fir.tilasotg 431 otw A40% ltv trwAn% 4 AIL, lkf%�%r, ItTAIL&I A414111 44 thr 4-AtAl" " 16CI&Pfl.l. 1;. AU h~616A /I R ~t kw Osidedw of a Waft-wils OnWho. A. Ii. brafAs" rwb* 11assinsrad Tnbnni. Intl J. J, IMI Z, X t L.Mo , I pgw I ., I VS M. 2J. 14"IWO1AKnjjL tra"06- ilsixt, I*e C.0 46, Mwk- allc Z~ -T. USSR/Chemistry - Petroleum may 51 "Investigation of the Composition of Patty Acids From Oxidized Paraffin," A. Ye. Drabkin, Z. V. Soloveychik, Leningrad Tech Inst imeni Lensovet "Zhur Prik Khim" Vol XXIV, No 5, Pp 502-508 Sepd from oxidized Groznyy paraffin; number of in- dividual monobasic acids of normal structure be- longing to unbroken series CnH2n021 vhere na 7 to 23. 183T38 TU o"Pedow of Imy #Wds ded"d bw owdlied aft A, R. fkahkin and Z %..%4mvcbik-(Lcn%s%% t f .w." Tvwhnnl . lgingrwl, J I pr4W (*k,.' ('.% '% m 24.1%19 AIXIMI 411 sl Ifth4mo-m - S~ CI 46, 1 IOU, 11, R. PROSVJRrAKOV, V. A- -, PJWA ENTSKIT, A. G. - SOLOVIYCHIX, Z. V- Flotation of ores of the Borislay deposit Report No.l. noOW22-134 159. (MIRA 13$8) (Bortalav--oxocerite) (Flotation) Trudy LTZ CHISTYAKOV, A.N., SOLOYSTCHIL Z.V. Separation of elemental sulftLr from a spent bog are by flotation* Trudy LTI no.51:145-149 139,. (MIRA 13:8) (Sulfur) (Ore dressing) I PROSKURYAIMVt V.A.; RE.MBASI.EVSKIYj A.G.1 SOLDMOKKa Z-V- Flotation cleaning of Volga scales. Report No.1i Flotation cleaning of Obahchly Syrt shales. Trudy MIT no.100-22 161. (KIRA 1513) (Obehebity *rt-Zhale) (notation) PROSKURYAKOV, V.A.; SUD-VEYCHIK Z V - Prinimnli uchastiye: TROSTYANSKAYA, .-j-".. -!f A.G.; KMIYANCIIIX, A.D. Oxidation of oil shales by atmospheric oxygen. Report Noo21 Oxidation of Gdov shales in continuous air feed, Trudy VNIIT no.lOtSI-90 161. (KMA 15:3) '(Gdov--Oil shales)(Oxidation) 11-1,6SKP,~YAKOV, V.A.-. FFOO~BA-IIIEVSIKIY, A.ts.; 7.V. - -I - Flotat!onal enrl,--h.:~ent of 0111 sha2il. Rosuo-t ?io. 2- Shale of Qe Kashpir field. Tri-dy VNI-~T no. 11:5-19 162. (M TRA 17 - 5'~-, -1-7 IV features vel'yevka Shale 5af-j Fioultion enrichment Of Sa dy V1*1:- n-- JG-21 ~~;f concentrates Gf Volga shales. II.V. ; - ~ - ?, - - r, - A 'e,, - -~- ,'~' . A . p- ~' 11 1 .:D, ",f * -i 11' " i i K ,t, of t~~o Gdo7 OtAle in a r,-aqj;;ecus 38 no.3.-632-*,38 Mr 165. (MIRA 1801) 1. 1,~.-,irdrwradskty t4hrologlt!~.eskiy insill.ut Lmenl Lonsoveta. Aj,r~l. 20, 1964. GAVRILA, I., Prof.; COKIS. L., conf.; SZEEBAN. I.. &r. dra; OHIDALI, N., di.; PIRVU. C., dr.; INPURIM, dr.; BUCIU, M., dr.; URCAN, S.. dr.; WCA, I., dr. Interpretation of blood sodlmntation rates In infectious diseases. god. int., Bucur. 8 no.4:525-532 Aug 56. 1. Lucrare ofectmta in Clinics do boll contag1we dir. Cluj. (IMMTION. blood In sedlimentation rate. determ. & relation to Intensity of die.) (BT,DOD SADIMMATION. In various die. Infect. die.. determ. & relation to Intensity of die.) (COMMUICABLE DISUSIS, blood In sedimentation rate, 49tern. * relation to intensity of die.) ,~AVALA, I.; G0,11'IS, L.; Plitl/U, tl,.; S LOVI-EY,114- 0 j),e role ol' anti6lotics and corticoid preparations in cux-rent trcafrxnt of' (11plitherle Stud. cercet. mod. intern. 3 no.2:189-195 162- (DIPitFi,.'%AlA therapy) (LARYNGITIS tharapy) (AflTIBICYNGS therapy) (ADINAL COMEX 1101IN011'.1s theralY) (WIM-1 SLAMS tlioapy) GAUIL~,, I., prof.; MU1dZUJ1U,, T.-, dr..4_,- 3.OLOVI~,V, M., dr.; SUCIUt 0., dr.; BALAW1 ,V. The clinical aspect of Salmonella typhimwim Infections. Mod. int-Irn. V. no.6:653-658 Jo 162. 3. Lueraro ofoctuata, in Clinica do boli contagioaso,, LH.F.,, Cluj. (SAIMIELLA IMMONS) (SAWOMIA TUMMUMUM) R"i 11 GAVUU, I., Profossor; IGNA, U., IIID; GO?j=i, V., '-*D; i~,OLOUZVI, MD; IIBGOIZREAIMj, T., MD. Clinic of Contagious . Dizecases (Clinica. do boli contagioaso), CluJ; Directors Professor 1. Gavrila. - (for all) Bucharost,, Viata Madicala, No 5, 1 gar 63, pp 313--322. wTho Accidents in Corticothers;V in rafectious P-thologroO RMOWNIA GAVRILA, I., Prof, and SOLOYIEV M., Dr. Work performed at the Clinic for Contagious Diseases tOlinica de Boli Contagioase), Cluj. "Epidemiological and Clinical Remarks on Anthrax in Cluj During the Last 13 Years (1950 to 1962).11 Bucharest, rlicrobiologia,--Parazitologia, Epidemiologia, Vol 8, No 5, SeP-Oct 6-3, pp 445-449. Abstract LAuthors' English siur-mary modifiedJ: Between 1950 and 1962, 152r cases of anthrax were treated at the Cluj Clinic for Contagious Diseases, of which 12 were children. N)ne of the cases was lethal; all presented cutaneous localization, 8 with malignant edema and 76 with malignant pustulae. Sources of infection were animals or their products in 39 cases, insect bites in 10, other causes in 3 and unidentified in 32 cases. It is pointed out that the morbidity rate has been falling to no cases at all in Cluj during 1962, and that mortality has been brought down to zero from 6%. since sulfonamides and espe- ciall antibiotics have been associated with serum therapy. Lcludes I table and 7 references, of which 1 Russian and 6 Rumaniane 1/1 3 GAVRIiA,I., prof.; SOLOVIEV,M., dr. Epidemiological and Plinical considerations on anthrax In Cluj In tho past 13 yearB (1950-1962). Hicrobiologia (Bacur) 8 no.5:41,5-449 S-0163 1, Lucrare efectuata. in Clinica de boli contagloase, Cluj; prof.I.Gavrila. O3Ti%OVSr%'AYA, N.N.; SOLUVILV, N,!V Uectron microscopy o" pha(,t., IpIB of bruv,11no- J. hYu?. 6 no.D24-29 162. 1. N.Y. Gamaloya, Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Academy of Medical Sciences of USSR, Moscow. (ijk"'uC.:'LLA) (LIACu.".iOFuu') ('kuC.'."iCOk'y iuCT-0:1) SOLOVIEV 0 A.[Soloviyev, 0. A.] Distribution of magnetic anomalies In metalliferrous and nonmt&3.U- ferrous formations. Analele geol geogr 15 no.4359-66 O-D 161. (Minerals) (Magnetic properties) e , c) r/ /P.~V USSR/Pharmacology. Toxicology. Toxicology. V-10 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur-Bioloe., No 6. 1958. 28279. Author : Solovina V., I. .--Yo-t given Inst Title :Restoration of the Organism's Life Functions in Acute Intoxication with Carbon Monoxyde, Orig Pub :Patol. fiziologiya i eksperim. terapiyal 1957, 1, No 1, 12-19 Abstract Of seventeen dogs intoxicated by CO and for a period of 12 seconds to 4 minutes and 30 seconds in a state of clinical death, in 14 it was pos- sible to induce a rapid restoration of cardiac activity by the application of the V. A. Negovsky method of revivification. Later, however, all the card 1/2 SOLOYMY, Alekwandr Dmitriyevich, dotse kand,tokhnonsuk; GOUIBKOVAO To.$., rod.: KOGAV, Y.L., takhn.rod. (Manual on connecting lines of a road to points of triangulation nnd polygonometryl Posoble po priviazko trasey dorogi k punktax triangulistaii I voligonoustriis Mos"a, flauchno-tekhn.tad-To aytotranap. lit-ry, 1957. 48 p. (HIIA 11:4) (loads -Svzvey Ing) unV I , 5/207J62/000/004/005/M 1054[1242 S A ir, H OR Giisov,, V.V., Pridant3ov,, A.I,,, Soloviyevo A,N. (Moscow) TITLE: Detormination of the coefficient of heat trans or-'to boiline liquids with a continuously changing heat flux -,,hlirnnl prikIndnoy mokhaniki I takhnioho3koy fizikio no.4, 1062, 111-114 7_'~',:T: Vin diffloultins in obtaining heat trnnsfor coefficients for boiling liquids, prirticiAnrly the problem of measuring the tompnra- Lure of the honting aiirfnoo are explained*. A method to overcome thaaa difficultins Is propo3ode It is assumed that the heat trans- for follows tho law A = Cqn and the orreetivo temperature differ- anai 1.9 given by t -~, tf = q/j = 1 '.1-ne Since the thermocouple W U q Is situated a certain distnnco under the surface the relation 4~tw2 = Klqm - K2q = (F(q) is obtFtined, wharsitwl is the tomperatuve difference between the fluld and the thermocouplo junction* The Card 112 1-b- .14: thal gal C."Ok. 761'ti~mf 18 v K&rI L. Svsb. 00 00 00 00 31, oto 1 00 to 00 *0 Of It ' , It IN If&a v go a *to a 0 gut a I* Pat,# I of I I -if A. -,sawv&*. m % 1 et. 0~ 4, %0j). It iftriali.- -1 sylor GkOd the #1w, Ahnio,", It Is cb~tOMd by pl. v of C&O ow" lgiall 00 the . brift am", gumis .10. alki.jew 3'.. . 6 W to 43. b"itir isp to a.3i.w -00 6 "h w"'Way Wile. pylita, 1 il"IM 11 Z , 00 A I1 1 1 . goo i 200 i . 190 4 sit too,%%& allatt4*4041 w1#4104 W6109611" 111 TV -W o 1126026011 610000GS00*1 to#I.t40 i V AN, A 0 00000 goo a I v tt is to A-A--f- A fit 1.0 cools$ 04011*44t 00 Appsiftims tar dw dwwmbwim ad ww miessaus 900 A_,N_3Wwkjm.'%mW&d Node ton Se 06 . MANd mrlhWof wider err A, A. Pfticmn 0* 4 00 a - 00 f l *a J, 00 a 00 ji so. 00 a 1 s # e v 14 v 00 S, At v11114, died tsdie* 4 A I 0'. _P4 .00 is .00 *00 too too :Iuoe ' 11100 1 1-00 I Go* see !see too dote, .4, 4 v 41, AA a % I NO 0 a a 1 0 Il 9 a4 1 u IN At 10 is wro"Ited GaING gag no Iso 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0~90 *1* 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 070 o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 04 " r it 0 a v 6-4 0 1 v to 4 Oro 4 4 .4 - 6.4 OOA "IP 00 0 ~09 60A Imst. Aw. .00 A. son. No. -06 000 2. N FJ; Saim. ftbw. Zkor. low. 0. 2. ds,-TjW app. mm"m flim Viol. 40 so o-o-1 04 A - no . of the b l b J-00 eel cu mate jubwa s ** schl ekber k ibe cuM at orkh *00 f I*% a bow K"rdk io 4f f dbb -00 *o *, " M. Tbit bpwr on 411 t1w "06ri subitse % -00 and the bwwt we li, im Tbt lin. , w 1.00 O e *fit at am Ed 0 A bmaker w. see low 44 tbasommar. ZOO thro"b S:ee the 176how "d a j.. rv"* T1ff b 1 b 41 b W % * sea . IS " m r,.s m 1 m t p = Id I" p few h init b the bauft mm bwW. Aftei ibr Pda tlw startak 16 Z311011woodind d%b* t% intop. r"4, o* "SUN HN b MWkvd) 00 sed a onemmi OW b 1bftF Ahm t u COMM to mor"A"m #06 ded dw op. me so ad I* tb Wt*W to up. TW 11,0111 at an dws db$60W eel fbi kvtb of !.Go wo @s ed mW the is iw db The &%In* ov "i lbp vd. of the 1mk "Mills of the &tso a et wen -100 . r withfin W. R. He" goo I wee le 4-0 old III SO to 4, 41, SOLOVKIK, A. A. 'On the Ace of the Intrusions of the North-Aastern Part of the Little jausSAusm Dok. AP, 43, No- 5, 1944; *Now Data on the Occurrence of Oreq In the Intrusion of the Little Caucasus (AterWWoshan SSR),' ibid., 48, go. 8, 1945; *Analcime Rocks in the Little Can- casug (Aserbaydshan SSR).0 49, No. 1, 1945; *Qtxarts In the Jurassic Deposits of the Southern Slope of the Xain Caucasian "mange (Azarbaydshau SSA),' Ibid.. 35, No. 2. 1946; 'Intrusions in the Aref between the Torter and Xyprok-Char Rivers in Aserbaydshan SSR,* ibid.; 'The So-Called QIhmrtz Forphyryl of the Little Caucasus (Aserbaydshan 65A), ibid., No. 8. 1948; "Cretaceous Volcanlam und the Stratigrapbjv of the Cretaceous Period In the Bastern Transchucasug," Is. Ak. N&A* SSSR,Ser. Geol., 2, 1949. 'ii, MM1000106d *Amlaim Rocks In the LIttle Cauca=a (Azarbetijan MOP" A. N. Solovkin, S? pp OCR Acad Sol" Vol XLIX, No I Dwent Investigations In the east*= foothIlls ef the Little Caucasus, shmIM presence cf amlolm rooks sod aidlng pr*dlctim ct the pMltlcn of temobenite factom In tho folW zcn" of Transcaucasla. SOLOVKINt A. N. rA Alw 1948 Qaarts "Quartz In the Jurassic Deposits of the Southern Slope of the Main Cauc"Jan Range (Axerbaydzhan SM), P A. N. Solovk1n, 4 pp 'Dok Akad Sauk SM, Nova Ber" Vol LX, No 2 tresente me part of the work or studying the petrography of the southeastern part of Greater Caucasia, as source on formation of the stratigmphy of Apsheron. No mineralogica description of tho Mesozoic lVere. Describes the role of quartz In complex deposits of southern slopes of the Caucasus range. Submitted by Academician D. S. Belyanki , W" 19h8. 62"5 SOLOVE-L-, A. IT. !A USM/Geoloff Apr 19W Tectonics Petrology "Ltstrusions in the Area Between the Terter and Qrurok-Char Rivers in Azsrbaydzhan SSR,* A. N. 'Soloykin, 2k pp "Dok Ak Haut 888R" Vol Up No 3 Composition and characteristics of subject intrusions which were studied by author during 1945. Submitted by Acad D. S. BelyankIn 14 Fab 1948. -77"0 A. It. PA 7ST23 USSR/Geological Prospecting im 1948 Quartz "The So-Called 'Quartz Pcrpbm' of the Little Cauca- sus (Azarbaydzban SSR)," A. N. SolovkIn, 3 Pp *Dok Ak Nauk SWRP Vol LI, So 8 Reg1m encompasses about 1% of terrltorv that falls under the classification of the Mesozoic couplex of the Shakhdagakly and Marovd&tskly ranges. Briefly .describes some characteristics of this quartz por- pbjvry. Submitted by Aced D. S. Belyankin 19 Apr 194& ~. N. Solovkin, A. 'i. - of ancient river v,!! .9 in tnt region of the southeast.-ro ;-uensus", ijoklaO~, (Akad. naLk Azer-Layd-h. SSI,), DO, No. 2, lp. 51-li, (Rcm.,ie In S~): LAM, I'l J~,Jy !,;3, (Leto.-As lZhurnal Inykh 3tstey, No. 1), Us?). t a SULTANOV. A.D.; SOLOVKIN. A-N.; SAIDOT, A.G.; SULICTMOV, D.H. MStudy of sedimentary rocksm by G.I.Teodoravich. Reviewed by I.D.Sultanov and others. Ave AN SSSR& Sere geol. 25 no.2-.109-111 F 160, (MIRA 13:10) (Rocks, Sedimentary) (Toodorovich, G.I.) vxi~t4o~ in i~ltlt6 bet'w,-oon dw iout" 0 ) the "tion).-Ste C.A. 40,1463A duo -and P,- - ---------- - Reactions in solution between zirconium iltrAte and Iodates of the alkali metals. 1. 161, L. Konarcy silo -MTO-VI'M. ZAUr' ObSkAtt %iQWvQCU2kL in an aq. sotn. cimtg. liNQj (Zr concn. 0.6,06.~ K7.Twi%MT1 Wates Ppt. hydrat--d Zr hydrutylotlates with I to 3 Wate groups C41 one Zr atoin. (Thttetralodao!(rinnert thul icn unstable.) The (rcAly fornicii lipt. was washed with M J1NO#. with ale.. and with ether. Muld xir-dtiell.. C0111pri. of vpt. depends upon concns. of INNO1 and X104 In the 101n. With low "ity, variation In K10. coam. has little effect: thus st pH 2-3. Zr(OJI410,AjI#O w" Ppid, from soIns. cmtg. OXjW-0.181 moles/l. of K104, in bigher HNO, concus. (u ISM) by varying the KIO, oc=o.. ppts. I to3 klate Smps were obtalneil. AnAlyjhoftbe6r.~ lAtedtrilc-dategivath 1omul&ZrOlI(I0AAHvO, the Is dilodite could not be 13olated. altbough presertt in ppts. M M. Anderson 70 ON THE REACTIONS D1 SOLUTION BETWEEN ZIRCONIUM KMATF AND THE ALKALI METAL IODATES. U. ON THE COMPONTION Or THE PRECIPITATE Or IM- x SETrLm FROM THL SOLUTION CONTAINING POTASSlUM 10GATIC~AjajWW" "JAA_~ Zbnr. Obshctwi KNm: 24(841, WO-82(ifilroo -A", to W-1w, TIw omposttion of frestill gmipltatqd Z01011, was *d&MIMW. After prolonged standtag to the snotbar solm- 1166 UW PMIP14M* C0306 WtLh KK)j &A iddid SCM 40 (Offid the hexalodsto md wallaftto. OW ft 90 o**w*vt4d traft the amorpto" to LM cryaLalltr.4 tormi. Tho wmk"* to formed at kkk coacentratim of kobts tons. A mixtwea the two Wat" is woro oft#* found, howtYwr than Dw slasU spewAos of *Wwr, (i-S.R.) kil-told.-ttho in sakidoo W-" INA& M madils as the MOM 4 Ue'zk;Qum lodAto and the ptod0titim reacdm. 14. 1. Koaa"v asid A. I. Gen. MON. U.3.-, tiou).-Sce C.A. 419, 44-7.7m lot, Lawton OrcWdult: alusle and of the sikall jjitial.,. Ill. Th* eloct of the clkag etaN on the co-n-,,o~ition of the litconium 1104111its, Ond the prVilAtAtIon t-00611. m. 1. Kommv,siod A. S. &4ovkin, ~,.Amr. mjk~kel Khios, 24. WtWn a .V4. ~.tltt~ Ii A-Lied. 701w 411#0 Is fiximl. At rill 0 07 4-f i!i hiat, r IWO, cam" j:d Z(Ofi- fue I'mad. F(viianal ppin, wilb moil, (I ;,.Aue givt% zt~(-Jli 110,411A MOHN(MV- 41f-0. 8,0 --Of, Ibw mly the mom-- antl iWkv!~,te orre Wtt*~ Widu 1341h ", cowls.4 j;tcrk -tic,' *,%Ihe t4kxIat2. After ptt4anSc4 statut mic ia 4 mot her 1,4mt 4-tmtg. I i 10v sh- triWate is converted' av mjir:di pactal Wate hv Ila"4 htptnlobte. in - -6 1 ":n-ItIrt 6 mmfuly~ We ri~,irmt t, 1'0~, NaIO. KI Nqjr4. tj,-, 13 j I C. Co~.._lcx Ccripound, _istry No 2, lg,,7, 4C88 Abs Jour Rcf~rat Zhur Kliralyay e p- J, V.V., antelayeva, A_N Author Konarev) C1 19XX1"Pw"nft'""Pof the Nature of t,10 Ac d On the a V T1tlc I the Influe cc _precipjt_,t,-(j rceniu, Iod-t r Conpos,t,011 Of Frcshly Ai, 1956, 1, No 3, 392-399 Orig Pub 7,h. reor in. khin I TiMI(him, 1955, 5483, 23536, 26023) Abstract A contiMation (Sce Zr 4 o~jater, . From nitric-) hy- Of the investirt-tio rchloric --lid solutions Zr wvs prect- Aroch1f)r1-1 t1r,1 Pe ) (1), z and pitritud as Zr(011)3 (10 3 rW1)2(103)P_ (IT). VrQctjO:jnl pr,-,._,jpitation of Wj1vt- Zr(CH)(10 ) dual hyd14-10dates in possible. The authors attribute the fornation of precipitates of varying corq)ocition (from I to 11) to the Rresence, in the solutions, of the 2 3 1 V'th vh'ch 103- loits 2:r_(Cij)-1+, Zr(OH)e--t'and Zr(CH) + Card 1/2 8 L `P IT n"a lers I Lmg PreciPitates are I-o,.nj With bacic stjfnter " whIC11 a" "to CO tile prcsence of laree c ~taljl 1- 'Xcesc; of the precipitating-agcilt, cn i nerease of the concentration of VIL, %cid to 11, Only I is foluld Li the precipitate. From nore acl_ dic solutions are precipitated tile iodates Zr("3;)4)2' 112S04-+_ 4103- `2Kr03--� 7a-103 )1j.2Kjo3-1- 21f 4 +- 35042- alill Zr(S0j,),,.H2 -044- 41o 3- 4- 2KI03 + K103.211IC3 Zr(ro 3KIO .2111C 2% 9 , occurerl, - A 3 3 -#- 2H++ 3S04 . IL . L, of, 1011c; Z,.02+aid Zr4+- i1 tile 50171tions urder study wau not dotected. Cari 2 12 9 AUTHOR: Solovkin, A, So 78-3-18/35 TITLE: Determination of the Hydrolysis Constants and the Complex-Formation Constants of Zr4* with Nitrate and Chlorine Ions by the Extraction Method. (Oprodelaniye Kon tant Gidroliza I Konstant KomplekBoobrazovanlya ZrU s Nitrat- I Xhlor-ionami Metodami Ekstraktaii.) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Neorganicheakoy Khimii, 1957, Vol.II, Xr.3, . pp. 611-622. (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this investigation extraction with tributylphosphat* from nitric acid solutions with an Ionic strongth of four was used for studying oomplex-formation of ziroonium with the nitrate ion. The metal was extracted in the form of the complex Zr(NO3)4,tributylphosphate. For the reaction constants of complex-formation between zirconium nitrate and chloride and tribulylphosphate were found to be (0.65:tO*l) and (2*:0.2).10 , respectively, the value for reaction constant for complex-formation with tenoyl- trifluoroacetene, being (1.2tO*2).109. Complex-formation constants for Zr(NO.3)3+, Zr(N03)22t Zr(NO3)*,3 and Card 1/2 Zr(N03)4 were found to besqual to 2 .2:tO.05, 1.3 t0.05 55 C, L 0A / A~ 713-1-40/43 AUTHORSt Povitakly, 11. S. , Solovkin, A. S. Shilin, 1. V. TITLEt Extraction of Perchloric Acid With Tributyl Phosphate (Tift) (Ekstraktoiya khlornoy ki4loty tributilfo4fatom) PERIODICALs Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy Xhimii, 1950, Vol. 3, Ur 1, pp.222-224 (TISSR) ABSTRACZ* The second author proved (reference 1) that with zirconium- -extraction from perchloric acid containing solutions HCIO passes over in analyzable quantities. Their complex-formatign with TBPh was worth investigating in view of their application for the maintenance of a constant ionic density. Perchloric acid was extracted from water by TBPh oolution In benzene or petroleum. The phases were equal with all toots (23 ml). The equilibrium was attained within 10 to 15 minutes. Tn tests on the distribution of perchloric acid between water and 3,67 mol TBPh it was found that with increasing concentration of BC104 in the initial solution the quantity pasaing over into Card 1/3 TBPh increases also (table 1). With the mixture of the phases 70-1-40/43 Extraction of Perchloric Acid With Tributyl Phosphate (71BPh) an exothermic reaction takes place which is most Intensely In the case of stronger acid solutions (table 1,tuat 6). It was tried to compute the equilibrium constant of the reaction of complex-formation of UC10 with TBPh (Kj), ftm the obtained results. It is shown in thle I that K I is variable within vast limits. This is apparently achieved by the ionic density of the solution which flutuates under the influence of the chan- ges of concentration of the acid. With a constant iric densi- ty K1 remains sufficiently constant (6,7 � 0,5)-10- - In this case the equilibrium constant of the reaction of comtlex for- mation of HNO with TBPh(K 2) anounts to 0,16 + 0001 table 2). The K -valuo Is neither changed by usin- solu-tions which are dilutid by benzene or etroleum, if the ionic density of the solution is preserved tr43) (table 3, 4). The value of K In- creases with diluting the TBPh-solution3 up to 0,22 + 0,82 (little different from references 3 to 6). It is noticeablo that the TB~h-dilution with petroleum lead to the formation of a third phase after the extraction if the HNO -content In the initiallsolution was small, compared with that of T11clo (table 4, test 1). The light organic phase (d250 - 0,750) is Card 2/3 formed of a1most pure petroleum with only a small admixture 1- ,01A 8- -+3 7 Extraction of Perchloric Acid With Tributyl Phosphate (TBPh) 25 0- of TBPh and contains no HC10 . The heavy organic phase (d . 1,001) is a solution of HCIO 4 TBPh in TBPh. The third phase appears also with the mixtures of 0,49 n HC10 with 0,25 mol TBPh in petroleum. The heavy organic phase dAsolves in petro- leum after TIC10 was re-extracted in water. It is not formed with the TBPh-dilution with benzene. There are 4 tables, and 7 references, 4 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTEDs May 22l 1957 AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 3/3 L (C A'/ 78-1-41/43 AUT11ORSs Shevehenko, V. B. # Shilin, I. Solovkinj A. S. TITM Extraction of Perchloric Acid and Uranyl Perchlorate With Tributyl Phosphate (Ekstraktsiya khlornoy kieloty i perkhlorata uranila tributilfosfatom) PERIODICALs Zhurnal Neorganichaskoy Khimii, 1958, Vol. 3, Nr 1, pp.225-230 (USSR) A;3STRACTs It 13 Cenerally maintained in literature that the perchlorate- -ion has no inclination to form complexes with the elements of the actinide serios (reference 1). Perchloric acid and itsa)luble salts are therefore often used for thqmaintenance of the ionic density when the inve3tigation of the m tuivof the compounds existing in aqueous solutions is required (e.g. extraction in tributyl phosphate). The transition of 11C10 into the organic phase is usually neglected. The auth- ors proved however (reference 4) that the value of the equi- librium-constant of the reaction of HCIO 4 with TBPh N ) can Card 1/4 be compared with that of HNO 3 with TBFh. The investigation of T8- 1-41/43 Extraction of Porchloric Acid and Uranyl Perchlorate With Tributyl Phosphate the distribution of HC10 4 between its aqueous solution and the TBPh is continued in the present paper. Exl2orimental part. The methods for TICIO were previously described (reference 4)- The tests were carri6d out with a constant ionic atrongth of the aqueous phase (00 to 3). The solutions were produced in such a way that - after the extraction of the uranyl per- chlorato - the HC10 4-content in the aqueous phase is approxi- mately constant and equal to the prescribed ionic density. The TBPh-concentration being in equilibrium In the organic phase CTBPh) was determined by taking account of the changes of the phase2volumina. Since a number of conditions of the uranium-extraction from perchloric acid solutions which were not described previously, was clarified meanwhile, the ori- ginal aim of the paper was modified and the tests were con- tinued for clarifying the following questionst 1) The influ- ence of )L on Kptlo (CIO ) between water and TBPh. 2) Influ- 2 102 of once of the concentrat n the same compound on TBPh with constant ionic density of the aqueous phano- 3) Influence of the salting out on KpUO (CIO ) (LiClO4 and HaCIO4)- 4) In- Card 2/4 fluence of the diluters wh eh aie added to TBPh on 70-1-41/43 Extraction of Perchloric Acid and Uranyl Perchlorate With Tributyl Phosphate XPUO 2(C'04)0 L'he test results are given in tables 1 to 3. They show above all that U(VL) is extracted to a considerable extent from porchloric acid solutions by TBPh thouah the va- lues of the coefficients of distribution here, with equal other test conditions were muc*maller than with an extraction from nitric acid solutions. Nevertheless uranium passes com- pletply over into the organic phase (table 2) at high TBPh- -concentrations in the organic phase, or when a salting out- -salt is present in the aqueous phase (e.e. VaCIO ) after a single shaking. It became evident by further testl that the Craphical method of the determination of the composition of the complex compound extracted by TBPh cannot be applied in the ca3e of perchloric acid solutions. Hence.. it does not follow that the mechanism of extraction of 11C10 and of UO (CIO ) differs substantially from that of th nitric acid soMions by TBPh. It can apparently be expected that HC10 and uranyl perchlorate pass over into the organic phase WhicA contains TBPh, as solvents HCIO -yTBPh and UO 2(C'04)2- Card 3/4 -xTBPh. There are 1 figure, 3 tablesi and 12 references, . . 78-1-41/43 Extraction of Perchloric Acid and Uranyl Perchlorate With Tributyl Phosphate 8 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: May 22, 1957 AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 4/4 SOV/78-3--,-30//4'8 A UT 11012,5 s A. S., Shilin, 1. V. TITLEs ion Of the rs-n,;~,j Perchlornte by Ueans of About the Extract Tributyl il',aos,jh~~te (K ekz'6ra,,ts',i perkhlorata uranila tri- bitilrocfuto,a) ?EhIODICAL: 'Uhurnal neorg,.nichtskoi khi:zii, 1958, Vol- 3, Nr. 0, ")P- 1945- 1)67 (UrSR) ABSTRACT: The distribution of uranyl perchlorate between water and a solution of 1,2 mol. of tribut;rl phosphate (TBP) in M 4 was studied as a function of the concentration of the salt in aqueous solution (Table 1). It was shown that XPU0. (CIO 4)2 increases with a ri3e of the urarj~l concentration in the so- lution. When uranyl perchlorate iu extracted bj means of tri- butyl phosphate an increase of tfh~ water contents occirs in the or,;anic phase. In virtue of the experiments it is assumed that uranyl perchlorate is exuracted b~, tributyl phosphate in the form of the following compound: U02(ClO 4)2.2H20.2TBP. Card 1/2 There are I fiCure, 1 table, and 4 references, 2 of which are SOV-06-3-e-30/48 'uout the Extraction of t*;,,;- Uranyl Perchlorate by Leans of Tributill Phouphate Soviet. SUBMITTLD: February 28, 1958 Card 2/2 SOV/7e-3-9-i6/38 AUTHORS: Shl'in, Shevchenko* V, B.9 Povitskiy, X, S.,_~ I. V., Luniohkina, X. P., Tsvetkovaj Z. X. TITLE: The Extraction of Nitric Acid With Tributyl Phosphate (Ekstraktsiya azotnoy kisloty -,- tributilfoafat) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheakoy khimii, 1958, Vol 3, X, 9, pp 21,09-2112 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The distribution of nitric acid between the aqueous and the organic phase containing tributyl phosphate in dependence on thp aqueous phase and the nature of the solvent of tributyl phosphate was investigated. From the results may be concluded that K consider~.bly depends on the nature of the solvents of p tributyl phosphate. The influence of the nature of tho solvents on the distribution of nitric acid between water and tributyl phosphate was investigated In the case of an ionic strength of the solution of 11 0,5 and 3, The maximum value of K p in nitric acid solution with the ionic strength of 3 is obtained if toluene is used as solvent for tributyl phosphate. The Card 1/2 by the nature of the solvent In the case of an change of X p SEVCENKO, V.B. [Shevchenko, V.B.]-, POVICKI,,',, N.S. (Povitskii, N.S.); SOLOVKIN, A.3.; KORTUS, J. [translator] Some peculiarities In processing the burnt out fuel elements from the first atomic power plant in the Soviet Union. Jaderna energie 4 no.11:342-3" N '58. PTIAN I sm E)MIOrrmoff SOV/5084 International Conference on the Peamiul. Uses of Atomic Energy. 2d, Geneva,, 1958. Doklady sovetakikh uchenykh. [t.41 Xhimiya radioelementov i r"iatsionnykh prevrashcheniy (Reports of Soviet Scientists. v. 4-t Chemistry of Radio- elements and Radiation Transforsations) Moscow,, Atosdzdat., 1959. 323 P- 8,000 copies printed. (Series: Its: Trudy) Zd. (Title page): A. P. Vinogradov, Academician; Ed.: V. 1. Labaznov; Tech. Zd.: Ye. 1. Mazell. PURPOM: This collection of articles is intended for scientists and engineers interested in the applications of radioactive materials in science and industry. COVERAGR.- The book contains 26 separate studies concerning various aspects of the chemistry of certain riadloactive elements and the processes of radiation effect on matter. Those reports discuss present-day methods of reprocessing irradiated nuclear fuel.. research in the chemistry of mercury.. thorium, uranium, plutonium, and americium, problems related to the sorption and bury- Card -1/9~ Reports of Soviet (cont.) SW/5084 ing of radioactive wastes., the rediolysis of aqueous solutions and of organic compounds, the mechanism of polymer chain grafting, and the effect of radiation on natural and synthetic rubbers. V. N. Prasakov edited the present volume. Most of the -reports are accompanied by references. Con- tributors to individual investigations are mentioned in annotations to the Table of Contents. TAZZ OF CON79M: Vinogradov, A. P. Meteorites and the Earth's Crust (The Geochemistry of l8OtGpe3) (I*port No. 2523) Shevchenko., V. B., N. S. Pbvitskiy, and A. S. SOLO~v some OpecW Problems in the Reprocessing of frisdiate7liat-Producing Elements of the First Atomic Electric Pcwer Plant of the USO (Ibport No. 2182) 28 [The following personalities are mentioned as having taken part In this investigations Z. X. Indikov, K. P. Lunichki . Ye. V. Ukraintsev, Z. N. Tsvetkova, and V. V. Chubukov.] Vdovenko, V. H., and M. P. Kovallskays. Separation of Uranium and Pluto- nium From Fission Products by ixtraction With a Mixture of Dibutyl Ether and Carbon Tetrachloride (Report No. 2216) 34 C&rd-49- - SMCHNIIKU, V.B.; SOLOVIIN, A.S.; SHILIN, I.V.; KIRIUM, L.t4.; RODAOmv, A.V.: BAIA=Ul V.V. 'Eff-ct of thm nature of thn diluent on the extraction of uranyl nitrate by tributylphnsphate. Radiokhimlia I no.3:257-269 #59. (Kim 12:10) (Uramd nitrate) (Butyl phonphate) 5W BOV/78-4-6-40/44 AUTHORS% Solovkin, A. S., Povitskiy, N. S., Shilin, 1. V. TITLE: Or. the Influence of the Nitrates of Barium, Nickel, Cobalt, and Copper on the Extraction of Nitric Acid in Tribatyl Phosphate (TBP) (0 vliyanii nitratov bariyal nikelya, kobal'ta i medi na ekstraktsiyu azotno~r kisloty v tributilfoafat (TBP)) FZiIODICAL: Zh-,Arnal neorganicheakoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 61 PP 1454 - 1456 (USSR) ABSTRACT- The distrib4tion of nitric acid between the aqueous and in- organic phase of the eolution of TBP in kerosene was inveoti- gated in the presence of barium-, nickel-, cobalt-, and copper nitrates in the case of un ionic atrength of the aqueous phase of 1 and 1.5. The results are SUM-13rized in a table and given in figures 1 and 2. The nitric acid extraction in the orgaLic phase increases with the rise of the ionic strength in the solution. A low distribution coefficient of the nitric acid is obtained by the use of barium nitrate as salting-out coapound. The same effect is obtained by cobalt-, nickel-, and copper Card 112 nitrates as salting-out compounds in the case of the nitric On the Influence of the Nitrates of Barium, Hickel, SOY/78-4-6-40/44 Cobalt, and Copper on the Extraction of Nitric Acid in Tributyl Phosphate (TBP) acid extraction in the tributyl phosphate- and kerosene phase. The extraction of the nitric acid in the organic phase TBP-: kerosene in the caae of the use of salting-out compounds does not go under the ideal distribution law. Yu. F. Zhdanov and Z. A. Siayk assisted in the experiments. There are 2 figures, I tablet and 4 references, I of which is Soviet. SUBMITTEDt March 25, 1950 Card 2/2 ir 5(2) 05894 AUTHORs Solovking A. S. SOV/78-4-11-47/50 TITLEs Zirconium Iodates Precipitated From Solutions and Containing L4ss Than One Chlorine Atom to One Zirconium Atom PERIODICALt Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khinii, 19599 Vol 4, Nr 11# pp 2642-2644 (USSR) ABSTRACTs Publications do not contain any data on iodates containing lets than one iodate ion to one zirconium atom. The data on the composition of zirconium sulphates, -chlorides and -nitrates (Ref 1), however, suggest that the zirconium Iodates form such precipitations. The preparation and analysis of zirconium-iodate precipitations are derjribed In references 2. 3. The present yaper reports on precipit-.tion of iodates from sirconium-chloride solutions containing 0,92 and 0,35 chlorine stoma to one Zr-atox. Such solutions can be obtained by repeated evaporation of ZrCl2_solut!one while hydrochloric acid volatilizes. These solutions poor in chlorine are stable for months as had also been stated by L Ya# Bashilov (R*f 8),, The Zr-iodates were precipitated by means of KJO 3 from of)lutions containing 0,105 and 0#21 mole of Card 1/2 Zr. In the solutions with a ratio of Cl- t Zr a 0.92 and 0,35# 0589L Zirconium Iodates Precipitated From Solutions and SOY/78-4-11-47/50 Containing Lose Than One Chlorine Atom to One Zirconium Atom the equilibrium was established after three days (Table 1). Table 2 gives an analysis of air-dry precipitations* The ratio of JO" s Zr depended on the concentration of the KJO used for 3 3 precipitation, on the concentration of Zr# and on the ratio of Cl- : Zr. The precipitates had no constant composition. Under the conditions described# Zr evidently forms polymeric ions representing an uninterrupted series with the general formula Zrn(OH)*4n-m . The average charge of these ions varies in a dependence on the Zr- and Cl-conoentration within wide limits but is mostly smaller than 1. In solutions with a ratio of 01- s Zr - 0.35, Zr occurs as a hydroxidet in agreement with references 11, 12. There are 2 tables and 12 references, 5 of which are Soviet* SUBMITTEDs November 4. 1958 Card 2/2 L,~ -.11 XLOVKIItj A.S. (Bxtraction of clectrol.,,-tes fro7-. nitrt,t%.e solutions with neutral organopho~iphorus solvents. Calcultition of distri- 0 bution curves] Ekstraktsiia elektrolitov neitraltnym f s- fororganicheskir.1 rastvoriteliarA iz azotnoki!31ykh rast- vo---ov. ianchet krivyk-h rasprodelen-.1a. ,.o3kvaj Glav. up,.. po isjol'zovnniiu, atornoi energii, 1960. 23 P. (WRA 17:1) (Nitrates) (Extmetion (Chemistx"j)) (Solvents) SHXVCHMO, V.B.; WLQTJC% A.S.; SHILIIF, I.V.; KIIUIJLV, lo.M.; RODIONOV, A.T.; BAIANDINA, V.V. Affect of hydrocarbons of the aliphatic and aromatic series an the extraction of U(VI), Zr(IV), and C~(III) vith tri-n-butyl- phosphate from nitric acid solutions. Hadiokhimiia 2 no.3:281-290 16o. (XVU 13 - 10) (f1ydro car bons) (Itxtraction (Chemistry)) (Butyl phosphate) 661io BOV/78-5-1-13/45 AUTHOR: Solovkinp A.- TITLE: On'- the -4arro'eyanides of Zirooniumil PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheakoy khimii, 1960p Vol 5, Nr ll pp 73 - 73 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author investigated the reaction of zirconium nitrate and zirconium chloride with potassium ferrocyanide by the solubili- ty method and by the measurement of light adsorption. Sxp*rl- mental data (Table 1p Fig 1) reveal that the beginning of 1he_/ precipitate formation depends on the hydrogen ion concentra- tion, and precipitate with varying composition separate (Tables 203)- Pure Zr[FO(CN)61 .6H20 was obtained from soid no lutions only. The light extinction curve of the solutions (Fig 2) does not point to any compound with constant composi- tion. The forming precipitates are initially whitst but turn yellow Lu green under the action of light in consequence of the formation of free iron ionst which are co-precipitated with /2 the zirconium forroeyanides. These results confirm the already Card I 683.10 On the Ferrocyanides of Zirconium SOV/78-5-1-13/45 known tendency of Zr to hydrolysis and to the formation of difficultly soluble compounds which are dependent on the hydrogen Ion concentration as to their composition. There are 2 figures, 3 tables, and 22 referenceev 9 of which are Soviet. SUBXITTED: August 18, 1958 Card 2/2 SOLOVKIII, A.$. Ixtraction of nitric acid with the diisoamyl aster of mothylphosphinic acid, Zhureneorg.khim. 5 no.6:1345-1357 Je 160. (MIU 13:7) (Nitric acid) (Iktraction (Chemistry)) (Phosphinic acid) saumm, A. s. Ixtraction of sulfuric acid with diiso&Wl mtbrlphosphonate. Zhur. neorg. Ithim. 5 no-S.-1857-186o Ag 16o. (Kin 1319) ( Sulfuric acid) (Phomphonic &old) SOIAWK IN. A. S. ; KONABJIV, X. 1. ; ADATIV. D.P. Axtraction of uraal nitrate vith diisoavql mothylphomphonate. Zhur. neorg. khim. 5 no.8:1861-1867 Ag 06o. (MIRA 13:9) (Uranyl nitrate) (Phosphonic acid) S/078/60/005/009/01VO17 B015/BO64 AUTHORS: Solovkinj A. S., Povitakly, N. S., Luniohkinat K. P, TITLE: Formation of the Third Phase in the System UO2(NO3)2 ' HNO 3 -H 20 - Tri-n-butyl Phosphatel- "Kerosenell PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol* 5, Not 9, pp. 2115-2118 TEXT: The formation of a third phase of the system mentioned in the title was investigated. The uranium content was gravimetrically determined, and the tributyl phosphate content in the organto phase (after separation) was colorimetrically measured with a Cd~-2V(SF-2) spectrophotometer. All experiments were conducted at room teaperaturs. It was found that them formation of a third phase was independent of the concentration of uranyl nitrate (at sufficiently high acidity) (Table 1). A decrease of acidity below a certain point leads, also in the preseno* of large amounts or uranyl nitrate, to the vanishing of the third phase (Table 2). Absorption spectra (recorded by L, V. Lipis showed that uranium appeared In the organic phase as neutral, non-ionized molecules UO,(NO solvated sith Card I/e, SOLOVKIN, A.S. Zffect of demalting agents on the distribution of aranyl nitrate between the aqueous solution and diisoamyl methylphospbiaate. Zhur.neorg.khtm. 5 no.9:2119-2131 S 160. (MBA 13:11) (Uranyl nitrate) (I?hosphLnic acid) SHFVCtLMMD-** V.B.; RMIARD, I.Y.;-SOWVXIN, A.S. Utraction of trihydorxyglataric acid Into tri-n-butyl phosphate. Zhur. neorg. khim. 5 no.10:2350-2353 0 160. (Hru 13:10) (Glutaric acid) (Butyl phosphate) SHEWHEINKOP V. D.; SOLOVIUN, A. S.; KIRILLOV, L. M.; IVANTISOV, A. I. Effect of saturated monoatomic alcohols and others on the extraction of I!Z , Pu 1Z , Zr LV j COLT, and Nb7:vith tri- n-butyl phosphate from nitric acid solutions. Radiokhinia 3 no.4:35-6 161. (MIRA 14S7) (Extraction(Chemistr7)) (solvents) 3/078/61/006/002/015/017 B017/BO54 AUTHORS: Tsvetkova, Z. H.,_42~ Povitskiy, N. S., Davydovt I. P. TITLE: Mechanism of Extraction of Zirconium Nitrate by Means of Tri-n-butyl Phoaphate From High-acidity Solutions PERIODICAL: Zhurnal, neorganioheskoy khimii, 1961, Vol.6, No. 2# pp. 489 - 492 TEXT: The distribution of many heavy metals between nitric acid solu- tions and tri-n-butyl phosphate (TBP) takes place according to the equation: X+ X+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 4 + pa4 pp M + xNO 3 + nTBP =;t M(NO 3)XTBP# 1i U02 "W2 PU02 P The extraction of Am 3+ o Th4+0 Cr4+ and the rare earths from highly con- centrated nitric acid solutions does not take place according to the above equation. The extraction coefficient grows with rising acidity of Card 113 Mechanism of Extraction of Zirconium 5/078 ,/61/006/002/015/01-i Nitrate by Means of Tri-n-butyl Phosphate B017/BO54 From High-acidity Solutions the solution. To explain the extraction mechanism of zirconium nitrate with tributyl phosphate from high-acidity solutions, the authors studied the effect of the hydrogen ion concentration on the extraction coefficialL The extractions were conducted by the method described by A. S. Solovkin (Ref- 3)- Carbo*n tetrachloride was used as solvent for tributyl phos- phate. The zirconium concentrations were determined with the aid of the radioactive isotope Zr95. Results are given in Figs. I and 2. The authors discussed the possibilities of increasing aZr by changing the hydrogen ion concentrations. It is assumed that the extraction of Zr(NO 3)4 with the organic phase occurs as Zr(NO 3)4' 4(HNO3)-TBP and Zr(NO3)4* 2(HNO3 )-TBP. Fig. 2c:hoj %air ias a function of concentration. The presence of zixyvaiJum acido mp e n the aqueous phase hardly influences the extraction coefficient. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 8 references: 6 Soviet and 2 US. Card 2/3 Mechanism of Extraction of Zirconium Nitrate S/078j6i/006/002/015/017 by Means of Tri-n-butyl Phosphate From High- B0171BO54 acidity Solutions to SUBMITTED: January 20, 1960 lot LIgend to Figs. I ana 2: a) water# b organic, c) TBP 'L./41-40 41"6j 9 Card 3/3 Pne. I Pat. 2 GOLOVKIIIJ-A,S. - 1-1 Hydration and activity coefficients of ions. Zhur.fiz,khim. 35 no.9;2123-2124 161. 1 (MIRA 14s10) (Electrolyte solutions) (Hydration) SOLOVKIN, A.S.; TSVETKOVA, ZA.1 POVITSKIY, N.S. Study of complex formation of zirconium with cro'. and f-aminopropionic acids In nitric acid solutions by a method involving extraction. Zhur.neorg.khim. 7 no.4t937-939 A 162 (MRA 1594) (Zirconium compoundel (Pr;pionic acid) 5/074/6Z/031/011/001/001 A057/A126 AtMi6ils, ~;,Aovkln, A.S., Tsvetkova, Z.N. "M,rI.F,: The chemintrY of aiueous solutions of zirconium salts (Does there exist a itirconyl Ion?) il~."MGDICAL: Uspokiii khlizill, v. 31, no. 11, 1962, 1,394 - 1,416 TEXT. A systr-matic survey of literature data referring to the chemistry of In aqueous solutlons Is given. In a subsequent discussion of the propertles of aqueous and acidic solutlons of zirconium salts (generally chlor- Ides and n1trateb) It is shown tinat the theory assuming the existence of a zir- cony'i Ion Is erroneous. The existence of zirconium trichloride cannot be ex- plalned. rol, Instance, by this theory. The ln~ccuracy of the assumption of. zirconyl and dIzIrronyl Ions can be proved by the results given In several pub- lications. by X-ray Invvstigations of crystalline zirconium chloride and bromide .samples and their solutiorts. Prccesaes occurring during aging, or during heat- Ing of' zirconlum-salt solutions are explained by the authors according to the theory of Tomas cited by L. Pokras In J. Chem. Educ., v- 33, nos. 4. 5, 6 (19561 Card 1/3 S/074/62/031/011/001/001 The chenlst.-j of aqueous solutions of .... A057/A126 I.e., by hydrolysis mid formation of hydroxyl, and/or oxide bridges (with simul- tanpous proton evolution) In the fIrst stage of condensation ( of olation"), am further di-,5oeiatloti (ac~~or~ipanled by proton evolution) ("oxolation"). In solu- tions containln4 I - ~14 HC10,40 ut 250C and a zirconium concentration of about 10-J4 to O.OZ4 the olation procqs5 occurs stepw1se Unding with the formation of t1le trImer Lzr,(011),J~+ and teu,aao.-r [Zr4(0W131 . The latter In the pro- vallifi,; fovm of- ?Irconluai in its aqueous dichlorlde solutions at a 24 concentra- tion. A transformation to the oxi-foims occurs in the abcence of strong complec- Ing agents. lit solution.9 contalning strong complexing agents there exists, ap- pare,sLly, only the mionomolecilar form of zirconium. The process does not end ,jIth the formiation of the trimer hna tetrwner in weakly acidic solutions, but occtjr3 conUriuouoly untl] polymers with a high molecular weight are formIng. A -haiige A A , of the charge ol tne ions may occur In hydrockilorlc, nitric acid soliALions, or after addition of neutral salts with the same anion. An inversion of the sign of the charge often in hydrosols of zirconium oxide, thus resulting lit an "Identification" of nonexisting zirconium complexes. The speelf- Ic chemical behavior of zircorilun, and of processes which occur in solutions and In the rolld phane have to be alno considered In the preparative chemistry of Card Z/3 S/074/62/031/011/001/001 The chomIstri of anupous solutiona of .... A057/A126 Hence, the authenticity of analytical formulas for so many zirconium. cori;,ounds with unuz;ial composition (especially sulfates) have to be considorm-., caut!ously. Severai data from articles publishe4 after subject paper was cuncludod, are prezent(.'d ris an addition. These data are In good agreement with the conelusions presented In the present paper. Card 3/3 SOL0,111111P A.S. Extraction of electrolytes from nitric acid solutions by neutral -,r-f , -?nosphool-Iorus solvents. Cajetaettl-nn of iftotritmtion curves, (MLRA 15:9) ":ntr.; teo~-;,,prinepapps no*2:47-57 162o (Electrolytes) (Extraction (Chemistj)) (Phosphorus organic compounds LUNICHKINA, K.P.; POVITSKIY, N.S., !OLOVKINAA. Three--phase demixing in the system U02(NO3)1 HN03 - H20 -- diiBoQm7l eater of methylphosphinic acid - kerosine" in the presence of oxalic a-,Id. Zhur. neorg. khim. 7 no.8t 2019-20PO Ag 162. (MIRA 1646) (Uranyl nitrate) (-'Ystems(Chemistry)) SOLOVKIN, A.S.; TSVETKOVA, Z.N. Chemistry of the aqueous solutions of zirconium salts (does a zirconyl ion exist?). Usp.khim. 31 no.11:1394-1416 N 162. (KMA 15:12) (Zirconium salts) (Zirconyl Ion) SOLOVKIII, A.S. Determina'ion of the surface density values of the arrangement of water molecules in the first coordination layer of ions from data on the activity coefficients. Zhur.fiz.khim. 36 no.lo12219-2222 0 10. (YJRA 17W INDIKOV, F.M.; TIPIKI'l, A.S.; TIFTFRIN, E.I.; SHESITRIYOV, N.N. Demixing in the sYst6m HC1 - H20 - tri-n-butyl phospliate(- tilluent. Zhur.neorg.khim. 8 no.912l87-2189 S 163. MIRA 16:10) 60LOVKI"i) A.S. __ Detorminatit,n of the ion activity coefficient# in electrolyW mixtures. Zhur.fiz.k4im. 37 no.2:447-1,~.9 F 163. (KIPA 16.5) (Activity coefficients) (Zlectrolyte solutions) SULDHIN, A.S. Calculation of the extractIon constants of strong and weak electrolytes. Zhur. neorg. khim. 9 no.3.,746-753 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:3) - f -~, I A -(. Lf-Jp ,-- t -v4 ty ~ -o' -- -.tsi emplat," bydraticn rxnbers# &M trampor nmt,4~,r3 -)f iorvi Li srjueoug solutIcna cf ElektrokhWia (KM 1819) ' no.8;988-999 Ag 165. In !3yofem I!'-' d I I uon t.. ZhursnvorR.khJm# Al no. 11 (MIRA -18&1-~?) 1. Stjbn~j ',AAd fleoember It-,, 1'~,164. 1 : ; , , - ." .. ~ 7. .) . . : " ", . 1'i . - . I . ., , - . . 9 . I NP H' ,,, , r-Ii. ; "'.3. ; " , HI ; ..I. ; '"i I in the svote-, ~(-bljtyl Pla,silate-diluent .. ~h,,.r. nt:org. irchim. 9 1, 164. OuA 11': 1 ZAYDELI, Mirlotins EduardoVrA starshaya prepodavatellnitoa 11WNEVIr,;KI1L,$ I06if i;;1OW1Qhp kand.tokhn.nauk., dotsent SOwVKI1;,2da~rd IsaWoriabs, uspirant Device for testing the cores of self-saturating magnetic amplifers. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; alektromakh. 4 n0.31140-- 156 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Kafedra obahchey elektrotekhniki Moskvskogo onargoticbeekogo instituta. (for Zaydell,, Solovkin). 2. Kafedra Uoreticheakikh o9nov elektrotekhniki Moskovskogo energeticheskogo instituta for Negnevitskiy) ;(agnetic amplifiwi) Mrex(Electrioity)-Testing) S 6 3/024/002/014/020 0 20 8 DQX3 AUTHORS: ZaYdel1j-.Kh.E, evt. Z' L' i eldy X.B~r 9" i and Teareva, M.K. (MO act m) TITLE: Dynamicdemagnetization curves of coree _,og self- saturating ~aagnetic mg~litiera PERIODICAL:. Avtomatika -i telewekhaniikaj, v, 24 t' no* 29 1j63 t. 248-254 TM,'.T: The ' authors-sho Iwthat the ~dynaimic demagnetization Mign curve, as used in the.'Roberts method Of -control of MasTotic __ - 'li fiers, makei it,posaible to cal6%4ate, with an accuracy sufficlent for practical pitrposes*, the input ;output: characteristic of 4k selfdW saturating magnetic, amplifier aod may be, thus tised for the amplifier design, contm.1 and core selection. The priftciple of the-dynimic ' b h k l demagnetization cui-ma has been used at t e -Hoa ovski as- o y enexSet kiy int; titut Moscow Institute of Power - 14%ineering), i n tho ftsign of special equipment for the 'analysis of tape and toroidal come ot various dimensions and at various frequencies. The results obtained i Card 1/2