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A11MOYEVAP V. V.; DATAYEV, P. S.; STAVROVSKAYA, V. I.; AKSETENKO, G. R.; BEKZUBO'/A, V. P.; VOPDBIYEVA, Z. G.; GLADKIKH, V. F.; ZIJUXOVA, L. I.; ZWEVA, U. K.; KORDGODINA, Yu. V.; KLIMOVA, L. P.; KRYLOV, A. S.; MASMOV, A. V.; PMUE, A. E.; SADOVSKAYA, G. Yu.; SPER.USKAYA, V. U.; SOLOVEY V. Ya.; TIURC'1114S, M. Ye.; MUMMY, A. F.; SIIIP'TSI?4'A, N, K'; SUIT Field trials of new repellents, Med. paraz. i parnz. bol. no.4t 457-464 161. (MIRA 14s12) 1. Iz entonolorichookogo otdela i otdola sinteticheskikh preparotov InsLituta meditainskoy parazitologli i tropichaskoy meditrivy Iment Ye. 1. Martsinovskogo Ministerstva 7dravookhrananiya SSSR (dir. - instituta - prof. P. G. Sergiyev) zav. otdolami - prof. V. It. Beklemiphev I prof. V. 1. Stavrovskayn) (INSECT BAITS AND REPELLENTS) V - , -,I;- !, - . 1)41"f, . lyt - it; I L.1 I . !I . '~-ietiv.-,,i or Iii.trafiltration with the Use of a Vac-ulzn" - P- 65 Voyerin) IMeditaltisIrly Zhurnal, No. 10, 1962 ACC NRI-AP-60-2999-9 :-U~R/~0-4-1-3-/-6--6-/'0-0-0'/0'1-5iO*2L'6/620C INVEN-IOR: Polishchuk, V. I.; Solovey, Ye. 1. ORG: none TITLE: Device for connecting an electric igniter to a capsule detonator and for clamping the electric detonator along the muzzle case. Class 78, No. 184185 SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov xn, no. 15, 1966, 200 TOPIC TAGS: electric igniter, capsule detonator, ignition, electric detonator ABSTiUICT: An Author Certificate was issued for a device which permits the connection of an electric igniter to a capsule-detonator and the clamping of the detonator along the muzzle case according to Author Certificate No. 153422. In order to automate the process, the rotating table with stationary tongs is equipped with a device for Fig. 1. Connecting and clamping device 1 - Rotating table; 2 - clamping tongs; 3 - feeder; 4 - directional rotary mechanism$4 5 - transport rotary mechanism; 6 - loading rotary mechanism; 7 - electromagnet. um 622.43 S r"Lov EY, Z. M. Vodopedgotovka klia kctellnykh ustanovok. (3. per~.,r. Izd.) Uterverzi.deno v kachertve uchebn1ka k1la kursov rodgctovkl r,,bochlkh kadrov. Leningrad, Gosenergo!zdat., 190. 147 p. di.agrs. iiev. ed. of the aW.orls Vodoockilstka I vodopodfctovka na elektrostalAsItakh. (Feed-water purificaticn and treatment in electric power stations.) (Treatment of feed water for boller plAnts.) DLC: TJ379.S6 1947 SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical FngineerIng In the Soviet Unicn~ L'Alrary of Congress, 1953. 5 .14 -5 0 0 SGV/80-33-2-4/-~2 AUTHORS! Ksenzhek, 0. S., Solovey, Z. V. TITLE: KInetlen of G,aphlte Oxidation With Hypochlorite and ffypochlorous Acid PERIODICAL: Zhurnal grikladnoy khimii, 1960, Vol 33, NP 2 pp 279-2 3 (USSR) ABSTRAO T: The Larticle descrlbe,.- an lnvestl~,,,.-,tion of' the kinetics of graphite oxid'ation with hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite. The effects of the gi,aphite surface area, solution pH, and temperature on the oxidation vate3 are given In Fig. I through 3. Experiments were conducted with three different typen of powdered graphite. The reaction rate conntants obtalnecl using, a large e.~cess of graphite p owde r -At 700 C the graphite oxiLlation rate was founci for, acid solutions (pii < 6) to i)e 7, -- 4-10-7 cmllsec and basic solution.,-, K - 0.6 - 10-7 .11 the gr-aphite oxltlatlon Card 1/4 cm/5er-,. It waS found th _, 4. 0 of Kine t I ~--' Ilypo,~h1orltic' OxIditlot, V11th GL -a P 111 .1 4 .. 1 yr or!hlorc)""~, Ac Irl" 'I P AS" .1,0C 1A 1110 N S)IJBMITTED: TO)f 4/..)2 so v J"'tte In 0 of 2 loll jtc to ilypochlo, C. 25 crice-n, 2 G,~n .1c T- jX "let -o" 771 le", , - -, L -- 'C'n, N john. soc ., 6'(, 1 .~I Iq 4 t,' So--, 'I G) - Id "I I III ititutte Dn e n rop c t rovs'e: Cherilcal n r petroVsklY khtni Y e*j) 0~ D octol)er 31, 1958 Card 2/1j 1 1,,-. lot-, 1-~O;e raph I to i~ 70) '11-actors Type of tractor necessax7 for the cultivati.on of cotton on irrigated land. KUopl,ovodstvo Mo. 12, 1951 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, August 1951,20ncl. L U-kec,,~ cr, noolinv systix-n and lul-rie.,Itir List of Russian Access~jons, Litrary (--r Com 1. A. SCLUVr;YQt I A. KARIWV 2. USSH (600) 4. Airnitere 7. improving air cleaning in -the D-54 motor. M 12 no. 12. 1952. 9. Monthl List or Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April _ 1953, Uncl. SOWVZYCHIKt A.B., kandidat tokhnicheakikh usuk. Improving the air-filter system of tractor engines. Hekh. i elsk.sellkhos. no.40M-55 AP '53. (KLRA 6:5) (Tractors-Notors) 1. soLon'Ych IK' A. 2. U-'--'~ (6C0) 4. & sel Motor 7. ~;eleclv-ing'the angle. 6f advance for the injection in Diesel enj~ines, 1~m 13 no. 3, 1953. - 9. Monthl. List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL 1953, Uncl. m FOLTAK, A.Ya., inzh.; SOWVZTCIII.K, -.A.G., lnzh.; SHCHUFAX. A*D. Yirst results. Makh. i elsk. sots sellkhot. 16 no.3:18-20 158. (MIRA 11t6) l.Vvesoyuxny7 nauchno-Iselddovatel'skiv inatitut makhnatzatail selfskogo khotyayvtva. (Tractors) BOLTINSXIY, V.11.,ukadenik; GE11IMiOVICH, R.I.; XCKWI, Te.A.; 111111FOROV, P.Te. PLISTIXTI , A.A.: POLYAX A Ya.; ~OLOBM41& . - FILIPPOV, A.I.; SHC"AK, A.D.: TAXOBI: H:A. V4~,~ Performunce of machine-tractor units at increased speads, Mekht i elek.sots.selikhoz. 17 no.3:1-19 '59. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Vooaoyuznaya skudemlya sallskokhosynystvennykh nauk Im. Lenina (for Boltinakly)o (Agricultural machinery) SOLOVEYWA., A., kand.takhn.nauk Combining higb-speed T-75 crawler tractors. Tekh.v sellkhos, 21 no*WS-91 Ag 161. (KLRA 107) (Crawler tractors) SOLOVEYCHIK, A.G., kand.tekhn.nauk Concerning the parameters of high-speed tractors. Makh.l. elek. oots.selikhoz. 20 no-4:12-18 162. (MIRA 15:8) I, Vaeasyuznyy naucbno-iseledovatellskiy institut makhanizatsii Bellskogo khozyaystva. (Tractors) - SOLOVEYCHIK), A.G., kand.tekhn.nauk Stroneous and correct analysis of the effect of speed on tbe effl-ciancy of a traGqor. *akt. i selikhoymn h. 33 no.1:14-15 Ja 163. (HIJU 16:3) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issladovatellskiy institut mekhanizataii ael'skogo khozyaystva. (Tractors) I.I.,i SOL,OVLYCIiIKP A.G., kand. tekhn. nauk Traction and power parameters of multipurpose tractors for row crops. Trakt. I sellkhozmash. no.M14-17 D 165. OGRA 18tl2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-Issledovatellskly Institut makhanizatail sel'skogo khozyaystva. DUNAM, A.F., nauchnyy sotrudniki SUVOROVA, Ye.V., nauchnyy sotrudniki SOLUVLY(;HIKJ A.I., nauchr*-j sotrudnik; PODKOPAYEVA., G.M., nauchnyy sotrudnik. Incivasibg the ewisultative role of the polyclinical, depart- ment of a provincial hospital. Zdrav. Bel. 9 no.1:5-8 J163. (MrAA 16:8) 1. 1z 1~t~lorusskogo nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo sanitarno-gi- Liyt-tilcheikogn InutItuta (dircktor P.Motalonya) SERVICES) ,rj.OV*-',YC3MK, Arkadiy lonifovich; rj,%-(j`UW G P.y otv. red.; FIFAYEVA, red. [flundbook for televlsion owners] Spravochnik telezritelia, 1'. .oskva,, lzd-vo 11.11viazl,- 19~4. 62 p. (MIRA 17:6) L 35872-66 E41 (m)ZLAP(t)AT1/E'f1P(k) IJP(c) JP/W1/JG *CC NR, AP6021763 SOURCE CODE: UP/0413/66/000/012/0019/00"19 1971 INVENTOR: Tofis, H. A. Ploarevskiy, Ye. G.; Soloveychik, A. 1. ORG: none TITLE: Manufacture of thin-walled nicbrome juibes. "Oelass 7. No- 182661 S -RCE: Izobreteniya, pronWahlenn: SYR OU rye o razt tovarnyye znaki, no. 12, 1966, 19 SOPIC TAW: n1chrome, nickel alloy, chromium containing alloy, x&Wmmone tube, %ME wAawNctme, thin wall tube ABSTRACT: 7bis Author Certificate introduces a method for manufacturing thin-walled nichrome (Hi-Cr alloy) tubes which Includes drawing and process annealing$ in a vacuum. To obtain tubes with a wall thickness of about 0.01 mm and tolerances vithin 0.002-0-003 mm and to increase the yield, the final draving passes are done on an aluminum mandrel which is then dissolved in an allali solution. (AZI BUD CODE: 1 13/11 SUBM DATE: 25Jun64/ ATD PRES.7.-T'0-9(' LLEA CHU, A.Ya. -�~~POVNYU In reference to 1A.Kh. Averbukh's article "Small central heating and power plants or reGional gae-fired boiler systeriss' Prom.energ. 15 no.4:43-45 Ap 160o (KIfL,- 13:6) (BoilerE) (Averbukh, 1A.1h.) SOIDMCHIK, Bj.L TATIALO, G. - Improve the conditions of beef cattle delivery to mat oombinees Mias.ind.S.S.S.R. 33 no.605-36 162. (MM 16i1) 1. Kiyevskly Wookombinat. (Kiev-xAgeat industry) (Beef cattle) PINION, H.A.f DWLDING, R.S.H.; GMOIHOT. P.K..'Whener EtrouslatorJ; . Inshener [translator); TIKHOVOT, B.I.. Inshener -M%N. "redi ' or-, 8090LOTA, G.F., takhnichsakiy rodaittor (Principles and practice of rods. translated from the Beglish] Printsipy t takhnika radiolokstoti. Per*YtA a sugliiskogs . Norkya, Toon. izd-vo Ministerstva obor. SSSR. 1956. 782 p. (NM 10:2) (Radar) HELOV, Fedor Ivanovich; SOLOVEYCIIIK, Fedor Semenovich; FOSIAVSKIY, O.F., red.; VOJION]2, red. [Problems coreonxing tfm reliability of radio equipment] Voprosy nadezhnosti radioalektronnoi apparatury; obzor truday shestogo simpoziuma po nadezhnosti i kontrollu kschestva radioelaktro=oi apparatury. Pod red. O.F.Poslavakogo. Moskva, Gos.energJzd-vo, 1961. 207 p. (Radio-Equipment and supplies) (MIRA 3402) DOSKOV. Iv.; ORNSIMOY. Van.: SOLOYSICHIK, 1. Cases of right (&typical) Wilson's block and case of Intermittent right (atypical) Wilson's block. Suvrem.mod.. Sofia 6 no.3t5o-56 1955, 1. Is Katedrats, po propedaytika n& vutr. bolemti pri Tisshil& meditsinski Institut T.Chervenkov - Sofila (saveshdashch: prof. Iv.lonkov) (RYAN BIDCK, right at7pical Wilson & right intermittent atypical Wilson's block) TODOROV. B., SOLOVZYCHIK. I. Age factor in the course of rheumatism. Suvrex. mad., Sofia 7 no.5:51-60 1956. 1. Is Katodrata po propedayttka na vutreshnite bolesti pri M-Softia. (Zav. katodrata: prof. Iv. Ionkov) (RHMATISM, physiology. age factor (Bul)) (AGING, age factor In rheum. (Bul)) USSR/General Problems Problems of Teaching A-3 Abet Journal i Referat Zhur - Fizi", No 12, 19561 33613 Author t Soloveychik, 1. A. Institution t None Title : Simple Zxperiments In Physics Original Periodical : rizlka v Shkols, 1956, No 3. 52-53 Abstract I A description is given for 2 experiments which mks It possible to measure clearly and with simple devices the acceleration of a falling body and to show what the resistance of a voltmeter or an ameter should be In order that the operating conditions in a measured Cir- cuit will not be changed when connecting this Instrument. Card 1/1 SOLOVE"YACIUK, I.A. Static electricity in machinery. Fiz. v shkole 21 no.6.486-89 N.-D 161, OMU 1402) 1. Wya shkola-internat., Leningrad. (Electrostaticei SOLOVICYCHII, I.Te., inzhener. - __ ~A ~ tv "~, " High-frequency hardening of streetcar pinion gears. Yest.mash. 27 no.3:62-65 147. (KIaA 9:4) (Gearing) (Steel alloys--Hardening) SOLOVAYCHIK, I.Ye.- ANISHCHUXO, P.M.; KASHAROVA, T.G., red. [Road-out and Its application in modern radio systems; brief review of studies published In foreign periodicals from 1947 to July 19381 Znakovaia indikateiia I as, primenenle v sovre- mennykh radioslektronnykh sistemakh; kratkii obsor rabot, opublikovannykh v zarubashnoi pechati v period 1947 - iiull 1958 gg. Moskva, Izd-vo *Sovetskoe radio,* 1959. 122 p. (KIRA 120) (Radio control) 84914 1911 0 zI 0'Z S/129/60/000/007/014/014/XX 2073/E335 AUTHORS,~ SolovPXi11Wk,__b_.Ye.and Finkel'shteyn, M.L , Engineers 1( 1161 TITLE, Embrittlement teel During Anticorrosion Nitriding PERIODICAL, Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, 1960. No. 7, pp. 52 - 54 TEXTg Production batches of components nitrided after machining became extremely brittle., For elucidating the reasons for this embrittlement experiments were carried out with the same material in the initial state and also after normalisation annealing, high- temperature tempering or quenching.., followed by tempering or without tempering (combination of tempering wit1l nitriding), After heat treatment specimens were produced of which the hardness, mechanical properties, impact strength and microstructure were studied The results of these tests for steels 10, 20 and 45 are entered in Tables 1-5 It can be soon that for the stoqls 10 and 20 the impact strength increased to 15 to 20 kgm/cm- from 1) 7 to 10 kgm/cm- in the initial state after,.normalisation annealing at 600to 340 0C, In the case of steel 45111the impact strength Increased after normalisation. annealing at CAOto 66o 0C from Card 1/3 if 84914 S/129/60/000/007/014/014/XX E073/E335 Embrittlement of Steel Durin.- Anticorrosion Nitriding 5 to 6 k"cm 2 to 10 kgm/cm 2 The experiments have shown that no embrittlement could be detected on n1trided specimens Wwhich have been preliminarily normalisedof cold-rolLed steel 10 aj4d 20i after nitriding the impact strength was 16 to_Mj_k_gM_7c-M_ Preliminary normalisation did not bring about a reduction in the umbrtttlement of ste2l 45 after nitriding. its impact strength was 1.0 to L5 kgm/cm . Preliminary normalisation has less influence on the reduction of the embrittlement of hot-rolled steel 10 and 20 than for the same steel in the cold-rolled state. More stable impact strength values after n1triding were obtained for the steels 10 and 20 after preliminary quenching in oil from 820 OC. The preliminary heat treatment enabled obtaining impacts strength values of 10 to 13 kgm/cm . The brittleness of components- which became embrittled after nitriding. can be eliminated by heating to 820 OC for at least 30 min- followed by quenching in water or o2l, 5and blasting and nitriding agaim By means of this procedure. it became possible to eliminate brittloness Card 2/3 SOLOVEYCHIKO K. I*f USW'140teorology - Adolalstraticaj of Hydro-iote*rological Service Jul 52 'Articles anJ Com,unications" "Mateoral. i G:idrol" No 7,, Vp 23-43 0. Go Ariahaks Cand Geog Sol, Moscou Con Inst or ForecastinSp *Ganetlc C2,assifloation of Clouds"; K. V. Fetisov, Alm-Ate, 'DeterminatIm of Darla Tendevoy"I A. 0. Bu2avko ani H. K. Sorochankovp Ansk,, "Rising Aerial Currents of Unusual Strength"I 51. K. Koeb.cheyev, Novoronalynkp *Abram-Dyurso" Agrometeorol Sta, Morwal Rodeo in Protection or Citrus Plants From Frostall A, A, Dystrow, Sinelaikowo, Agrameteorol. Stag UGHS (Adkdn of !~yjroaetoorol By), Arainian SSH, "Problem of Testing Accelerated Hathade for Drying Sall 1hwing Flold Deterdnation of Its YAI#tureO; Vo No Paresl4n and No So Salows MOMMg, Con Inst of Forecastingg "Setting Up of OR-servaticas of Sam Cover 1n Rogleas of nel& Protecting Forest Delt*'O; A. Do Al'tshulg C-wW Tech Scl, Moscou Constr lust of Moscow Boviatq "Generalisad Formula of Coefficient of Mwzy for O~vn River BW*01 1. 1. 3olVqahik,-Vl*divostok, Far lost Res Hydrometearol. Inste Oftoplifled Schr"n for Ti7m;~t of Daily Cycle of Obserwtion of Currents by the Methol of flaramlo Analysis in Accordance With tho Method of Arctic Institute,* PA 230M 24 4W& 14'snovsklicalsogo mriall" pin "cantor Arktichastate Imathuts, tStripfilied incilmW for the h3trooitir iwArm 0 tfistfrial r-irk-A in J~IvAtiuslf at S" '-- US the pietfi,A .4 th-41101""Aw"i M.ft-olgiat i GJAdpid, Na. 7: 0- &J, I.S2., I Sac. ". DLC-lk~ripip t4 v.-I t..sis-o A-ttim o-I t -,it in deLtir ~stt a far she follo-io, SLIK" at c-Aisputatisw, fed the compulatisio .4 toomiary flitir ir-,injowrias akirij nwi;Nam and porallirlsi for rack" hOUr 44 WILIr 111110 Ilkif 11.1fou'llit: 4.-jit,lit-i al I-aly val.n a( dirmt~^ phave &".I .1*eii 'd maxima"s 'Imly, I'dr. -I'ly valfn~ lim fide (krw and the houtty val"".'k c4 41irks-tio it an, I mw~-j 44 CL'4411441 Mm. Asobjesif I/mJsxgs: 1. Ocean currents 2. 1131. monk amallyglo. -Y. t so SOLOVITCHII, I.I. Standard diagrams for harmonic analysis of one and two series of observations on currents. Trudy Goin no.30:1?1-183 135.(NM 9:8) 1. Dallnevostochary nauchno-Issledovatellskly gidroustearologicht- skly institut. Mdea) (Harmonic analysis) USSR/Fhysice of the Hydrosphere - Dynamics of0 and IAnd Water, N-2 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956; 36254 Abstract: thearticle gives the flow ellipses and a table for the initial values of b + c and BC. Advance calculation with the aid of ellipses reduces to a simple addition of vectors of 4 components. Card 2/2 DUVAIJ1241 A.I., doktor geograf.naukj VINIKOV, M.Pe; CHALTSIWAq N,It kamd, geograf.nauk; SOWVEXCRIXr4vN.1 IWLIVA# R.I.9 kand.geograf,nauk; MDISEYE7, I.N., red.; MIRONENKOI Z.I.p red.1 BRWINAq M.1.9 (Tide tables; waters of the Asian part of the U.S.S.Re wid adjacent foreign areas] Tablitsy'prilivov; vody Aziatskoi chanti SSM i prilelaiushchikh zarubezbrWkh raionov, Pt,l, (Tides in principal ports PrilAvy v oenovrqkh portakh. Pt.2. (Corrections for auxiliary stations and harmonic tidal constants] Fopravki dlia dopolnital'Mkh punktov i garmonicimakie pontolantgre prilivoyo Leningrad, Gidrometooladats, 1960. 191 P. (MIRA 107) 1. Zaveduyushchiy Otdolom schatno-anal-itichookikh ma&in V~ohisli- tellnogo teentra mekhAniko-matematichookogo fakullteta Moskovskogo ordena, Lenina, gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M.V,,Lomononova for VinIkov). 2. Dallnevostoebmyy nauchno-iseledovateltakiy gidrometeo- rologichaskiy institut (for Soloveychik). (Tides-Tables) 5/035/62/ooo/olO/105/128 A001/A1Ol AUTHOR: Soloveychlk, K. N. TITLE: on some methods of water leveling on seas with mixed tides PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodezlya, no. 10, 1962, 32 - 33, abstract 10G172.("Tr. Dallnevost. n.-i. g1drometeorol. In-ta", 1962, no. 14, 122 - 146) TEXT: The first chapter contains the problems of collecting and analyzing observational data and their preliminary processing. A special attention is dram to necessity of excluding systematic errors from the measured values of sea level fluctuations; these errors can arise due to sinking of marks, depth gauges, Mareo- graphs, variation of their zero heigths due to-secular vertical movements of the Earth's crust, errors of leveling and reduction of observational data to th4 uni- V fled zero of the post. Series of observations for at least 40 - 50 years should .be available at some points for a reliable determinationpf the magnitude of the absolute secular rise. Since there are only a few such Ro4ts, the values of re- lative variations over the initial point should be calculated at first. To solve Card 1/3 5/035/62/000/010/105/128 On some metijo(ts or water levelfrig on seas with... AOO11A1O1 I the question on,the permanenceCof the adopted zero of the*post, the leveling data of the given poat should 66 analyzed and compared With the observational results of th-levell from the n6lghboring stations. When the analysis and processing are completed, the basic port for the whole de6 or Its part Is select- ed and the method of conductink'water leveling Is chosen.eThe second chapter con- siders principles and methods bt water leveling. The most'precise results in wa- ter leveling are Purnished by average annual levels under a condition that ob- servations at the starting point and the point being determined were carried out for at least _i0 years. At shorter periods of observations (but not less than years) average monthly levels should be used for water leveling. At still shorter periods, helghts-of full and small waters are used. Data for water leveling are calculated in all cases by comparison using the least square method or by the method of sums, and the problewof linear correlation between two variable quan- tities is solved thereby. Methods of solving this problem are described in de- tail. The third chapter presents schemes and examples of calculating secular rise due to vertical movements of the Earth's crust, reducing observational data to a united zero of the post, and calculatinginitial data-for water leveling by Card 2/3 Sc~IrviYf'HUr,~ 79t'r~r. A ~ q 1, - 'th 4,t,7-n? If ~ry -;~ i Y4 n~).4:rrj . .1 Ap 1Q. ('4; 1 1,;u 17: VO) SOLOVEYCHIK, L. L. (Veterinary Surgeon) ...... . .. "'Disease of paultry caused by a mite [Laminasioptes cy'sticolal in the subcutaneous cellular tissue" Veterinariya, val. 39, no. 4, April 1962 p. 5o , -~ I -5'n ~?~, -- ~,-- ~ ,I SCLOVEYCIIIK, L.H.. kand. skon. nauk. ... .. - Review of the book "Transport and communication in the U.3.3.R." Vest. aviazi 17 no.12:28-29 D 057. (MtRA 10t12) (Communication and traffic) VISIDIEVSKIY, A.A., doktor skonom. nauk# prof.; PODGOUDETSM# I*A.t prof.1 SERGEYCHUK,, K,Ya.p kand. tekbn. nauk) SOWVEYCRIX# L.K*# k&M. ekonom.naukj TOCHILINIKOVp O.Klt kind,,-#kOboA-brWrr" I l P.Ao j propodavateltl TRIYONOVp V.I.# red.; RCF-UGVA: S.r.t tekhn. red. (Sconomico of the co=mication aystem) Zkonomika BviavL. Moskut Goo. isd-vo lit-ry po voproosm oviazi i radiop 1961. M pe (C leation and traffic) (MIRA 3418) TOY"*,"UK, iAv 'JoifleyUlchi il*.,:, IfAzsir' Sitvellysvich; PCPvV, ftJ7,"'n-IV-,- red. ; 114 1 ':A A a. A., red. ; TRISHINA, L. A. , tekhn. red. 'FIxed assets of long-l-listance telephone and telegraph com- minientions and their use] Canovnye fondy meshdugorodnoi to- leforino-telegrafnoi sviazi i ikh ispollzovanis. Moskva, I*viazlizdat, 1963. 70 p (Telephone) jTelegraph) (MIPA 16:8) SOLOVEYCHIK, 1,.M,, dotsent; GORELIK, M.A., inzhener. - Capital production assets of the teloco=,unication economy and their utilization. Vest. sviazi 24 no.2.-15-17 F 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Rnkcvoditell laborRtorit ekonomiki Mo3kovskogo elektrotekhnichoskogo Inatituta svyazt (for Soloroychik). SOLOVEYCIRK, L.M.; GEF.111, L.S.; nUPYANSKIY, F.Yu.; RAZGOVOROVP A.V.; IRAUnENbMG, I.A.; aUBDA, P.M., otv. red.;KUZIMIIIA, R.A..,r,-d. [Principles of the methodology of planning future needs in general usage service] Osnovy metodologii perspektivnogo, planirovanila potrebnostei v sviazi obshchego pollzovaniia; ItXorratsionnyi obornik. Moskva, SviazI, 1964. 77 p, (MIAA 17:12) 0 ~00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 411 0 0 0 0 0 00**1 90460-0901000000 06 0 0 0 0 0 0 O It T ' Al Q 41 V a 'c0 a11 a LA AA I 0041 00 00 00 )-O0 00 v; D"WWANAM d bmwA ING"ll .00 00 .90 mdolvi Is", No. 2, M-18i 00 P, "W fWafra 0 b= is Iffetrd with Ill. the latiff is Omfol. f "%% twil. rtbrw. ULA& to drinkir viA., wxA. As b addrd .00 ' 'a - estndmd 1, " alk4w4 W mWed with gKow P 00 Jl- O Ag . "IN. (prerd. wrordift to two). OfIrr stand" .00 0 Min. I m No mal 1. to dm. to IM-411V fr. W"b 1100. "&pd. o on the welor bsth to 0 chnsimlinalof the pl"r. ethtt t l d Ofth b d h see f ica a a . reve on t e sand both fm I hr.. oUowW to cod, &ad the ASI ia daid. too as unw. The tow tbw is 7-8 bri. and the ; W ~7 00 atmut -0.3%. An app. to drwr"d Mr . b 1111"alnow and ClI r1b r r ratu i nd I it ti 00 . e . n j a a m ag ng M 0 the win. with Coldwriatt ft"torwot with fit. A.P.-C' 00 00 t00 00 486 %A a f1A%wI'K.t klT##.vu4f (t4%%WKAI$C- 008 ' l Igoe l W a ' too 0-1 a I ~ AM 1 0 a l 4 J 1 0 10w 0 bo 4 to a a a 0 ;to !Tl 040 ,4w obf W- I l oo* OM lip-L"XI Wit oo " : 16 " 0 6 4 A41 pus *It mIll 11u, WIN 14,14 1 roo 000 #0411misiva4l lipj *u"I'l-PpOlpil ' o 00 oom NIJP 4q) 441 pus *64n-All 40H 10 0 0 p "64i-p-momwe" 4%L roo 00 00. 00 00- 00 0 -1 0 00 0 00 00 00 00 04P of 1-1 -Vokbq its, of 00 -0-0 -0 q--*w q 4 0 0 4 a 0 *l's Mom n W- t- 0 9 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 v 0 17 r 09-1 1. 00 swuhn" al dw fowl Ve" ju d 0 a 1. M. Rn*kw mW L. S. 008 AwAk d li'm to live M 4 sith atoll an 00 IFf'm The %mIVFIo. Of tbO kwmte. wWb h dWd- Of- .00 0e It. M. emer the amt. of formy, 11-ou 00 Os w too 00 moo bee flow WOO 441 $#moo* 3w v.- 11. 9 w IF a it st d" 0 0 0 * 0 0 00 *a *4 *0 04 U* 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0:-O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 : : 0 A x 1, AI A F 4. a 00 i" S Picot 4Is at seakfe "d belyritte grvilps in aceiii. 0 buivirattis of celislow. L. S. Sokmicivilt Anil V. A. FUUnifina. L411. It tv-11 x I(A 110" i 15 - , . cowl w th mi fri I, 0: Alsoldt" fiv 12 %i%. TfAnqfrf tbip WAII. 1-4 a ' 1 9 M i: f A- WIIFj9 AA S KIUt 211 $. %Ajll ().. AGJ Ifiril WAIrf tit i UJ11-141lail. 1"d slowly. Ithill, nuintisining flit lrvvl in the CA hv"linj wattr thirmighadn)pfunivel, C.41".# ' : the di-tillitte In a Z Sit-nit. fuk ;%V*l litrAte in aliqtuA 0 rii,"im (50 MI1 with A.) N Saolf in the Pirr-rem of plintipiphthakin. Mod the renuining :P111 mt. 4-1 WAII Atut c;,arct 2 tractwas cd ructif jit mi. eAch. ritrA(e rach frActwin with -1.1 N XA011. 11W C~ka. i-de-crob.1, KAmwh 11 A 0 V a 0 W 0 at so a 0 C* &I T 00 "S 0 00 0 .00 0 roo too too too too fjjLL'vG'IEAI tIVISAILAI ctASW It stop &l too* . 7 C.. 4.t sill QK fAQ is 4 It I if go I A0 3 9 u a air 10 H, at Silms WAR it 0 KW 11 1 RA 0 0 0 ejo 0 0 0 a a a 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : Ig 0 S *10 0 0 * 000 * * 0 * 0 * LGo *a -0 0!0 0 a 0 0 0 0*000 iso 4696 A AjWyW* ad polyristlywow, L -C Bait a 0.".4 With 1(m WA. WC, k lisr for br., p -I O di u wn 110%m - I to "t - 1, et distillair. T",i .*. 4 , eel I his with 110SHIC! M-6 f"1. ?" walm.) 4FAI affiltv Ibi, * 4 lifirrajod 11a 4 Ar Sw with 0 g. t ,. M, Xawg,,,,fi *00 00 . , 00 0e CIO's 0 ea aGo 00 goo gi !see see do goo ato-it U- --t ~sij- *$kill So "I ~S -on -OW 0 a 0 1 w u a by go a It x a it of k" f RAO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 6 0 o o 0 o 9~0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 a 0 01 eel 1446 * 0 0 0 Ws 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 a 0 6,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AUTHORSt Soloyeychik, L.S., Nikolayev&, A.P. 32-8-11/61 TITLEo The Determination of Aoenaphtylene in the Mixture Acensphthylen*- f Zhthene (Oprodeloniye atmenaftilena v ameai ateenaftilen-Amen- :o:na PERIODICALt Zavodskaya Laboratorlys, 1957t Vol. 23, Hr 8, pp.916-gi6 (USSR) a ABSTRACT Acenaphthylens is obtained from acenaphthene b d *hydrogeni2ing the latter under different conditiones For a control of the given process the percentage of the acenaphth- ylene content in the samples has to be known. For determining ethy- lene double bonds methods are used which are based on the reaction with mercury acetate in a methanol solution. The acetic acid which becomes free during the process is immediately titrated by caustic sodium after previous addition of the sodium chloride excess, in or- der to convert the excess of mercury acetate to sublimate and sodium acetatet R-CH-CH-Rl+(CH --,vR-0H-CH-R'+CH3COOH 3C0O)2Hg+CH3OH I OCR 3j9OOCCH3 H.W.Martin states that not all ethylene bonds react with the silver Card 1/2 acetate, according to the here given equation. Our experiments for &)LOVEYCHIK, L.7. Trimin# alcohol barrels with the belp of a pump. Spirt. prom. 27 no.6:3,,I-IsO 161. (MIRA 14:9) (DistillinF industries--Equipment and supplies) ----SOWVITr=,-~,--starshIY agronem-erAcimlog Yumigation of bottom layerv of 'bulk Crain at low temperaturen. Hak.- slay. prom. 26 no.10:31 0960, (nu 13: 10) 1. LIvovskoye upravlonlye kblebo]produktow. (Orain-DI919fection) FILETSKIY, KLYSHNIKOV, F.L.; BABADUCOVA, V.I. UITSE21KO, I.G.; KAMINSKIY, Yu.K.; FRIMI , V.I.; KARPOVA, N.L.f red.; DOBROVA, Ye.N., tekhn. red. [Passenger's handbook) Spravochnik passazhira. Moskva., Trans- zheldorizdat, 1962. 367 p. (MIRA 15&6) (Transportation-Timetables) 1~ SPASSKAYA, L#A.., inzh*.-,SOLOUYCHIK, M.It, Insh, I An improved voltage regulator bay, Vest, sviazi 23 no,lsl2-U JTa 63,- (KM 1613; A0 (Voltage regulators) (Telephone) I SOUVEYCT11 :,_L. 1. -L Lunhering Introduce the secticnal raft TSNII for floating timber on the Northern rivers. Les. prom, no. 5, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress, August, 1952 IM. Unclassified. .. SOLADVEYCHIK, IUUai1-,Matveyavich; 1,FYMOVp S.I.,, red.; F-EDOROV, B.M." red. izd-va; SUITS, V.P., tekhn. red. (Building sectional rafts with a sectional log framework and a border cable around the raft)Formirovanie sekt3ionrWkh plo- tov v oplotnike s bortovymi lozhniami. Moskvaq Goolesbumizdat, 1956. 22 p. 04DA 150) (Rafto) Watt 0 sulsar osk do quality of mi viandrots at p(sicing lnift. N. P. ProtAkil and W-Y, Solorrichilt. Liklim;140: Proick4sim Ins, 140. ZU, W".-For CDCCICWg um cue" a I 8 on servke We of 025% C, 0.41 W, OM S1. 1.47 Cr. 2.69 NI c2st mandreb. the 3 content of the swoc beat was In- ettased from 0.025 to 0-'=% S. bat the ay. service life did SOLOVIYORIK Mez 6 IDMAN, H.I.; KHOXHLOV, L.P.; NOVIKOVA, K.I., red.; , P.A., tekhn. red. [Passenger handbook] Spravochnik passazhira. (Xonkral Transzhel- dorizdat, 1958. 268 p. (Him 11909) (Transportation) C)o 41 a z In' ran, k GORDIYMIKO, Vneilly Vasillyevich; , red.; VERINA, G.P., t0din. red. (Hanbook of railroad passenger service] Spravochnik poseashirskogo rAbotnika stantsii. Moskva. Gos.transp.zhel-dor,izd-vo, 1959, 250 p. (MIRA 12:9) (Railroads--Passenger traffic) PILJCTSKIY, V.A.; qqI!ayA'MWQj*j - UMNSK Y, Yu.K.; IJJTSBNKO. I.G.; I & Z I VABADZHANOVA, V.I#;- MMOV, F.L.; FROKAH, M.I.; XHITROV, P.A., [Triweler's guidebook] Spravochnik pasanshira. Moskva, Gov. transp.zhol-dor.izd-vo, 1959. 289 p. (KIRA 12:11) (Ouldebooks) (Transportation) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6124 Koff, Zysya AbramovJch,$oloveychilt-, Vladimir Arkad'yevich Aleshin, Nark lzrailevich Grinshpun. Kholodnaya prokatka trub (Cold Rolling of Tubes). 3verdlov5kj Metallurglzdat, 1962. 431. p. Errata slip inserted. 4,100 oopies printed. Reviewer: V. L. Kolmogorov, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed.: V. P. Kellnik; Ed. of Publishing House: M. M. Syrehina; Tech. Ed.: N. T. Mallkova. PURPOSE: Thio book is intended for process engineers, designers. and scientific research workers. r~011ERAO-E: The book re%4ews designs of rolling mills and the technology of the cold rolling of tubes. The kinematics and dynamics of rolling mills are described, and a basis is given for propez, selection of the main parameters of their parts. Problems relating to the deformation of metal, roll pass design, Card 1/1) ACC %R, GOURCE CODE: 4.turmisn, M. Ch.; Aleshin, V. A.; Pridin, G. M.; GoncliksyOv, V. Y. 1.; 51rotinzkly, 16. G.i Soloveychik. P, M. None T A metho-I'for producing tube* with a 4&-11 thickness which varies with length. Class 7, No. !83696 SOURCE: lzobret prom obraz tov zn, no, 14. 1966, 10 Wil.C TAGS. metal tube. metal rolling Ttii-i A4thorls Certircate introduceb m w-thed for pewucln,% tticet. Vth a wall ttlckne5z which varies with length. Tra: a,?Lhod c4naists or vftrying ti6e diztancc "cetween the rollerc or moving the sardral during rolling. This method In u4rd on a>14 rolling pipe mills. A tube with varying wall thickness is u3ed ln&Le.%d of the blank. Tae LhicAnebG of the wall of this tube Y*ric* according to a law corrcopon;&AS to '.hht ol the finished product. This is done In order to reduce selal pressure on the rullors: &.id to ensure the production of tubes with a significant difference in wall thickness without cracking. CUB CODE3 13/ GUM DAM lUul6h CoM WC; 621.714.3.002,2 L 692R-66 W(k'1-rWA(QVUT( =(Z)IUP(h)IEWP(b)l:-;dP(I)IF,4P(V)IEWP(t ACCES31CM IMs AT5018185 4DIfU VR/3104/65/000/006/0042)10055 IAMTORSs -Zanin, A. Ta. (Engineer)j SoloveZchik P. M. (Engineer) .3 ~/ yt o , ..- '', 0~ TITLEs Wh**l rolling,machin a with horizontal positioning of the formed part &?-/ SOMCEs Ural'skiy mashinostroitolInyy :ayod, Sverdlovsk. Z;auchno-issl*dovatel'skiy institut tyazhologo mashinostroyoniya. Proisvodstyo kruMkh mashint no. 6, 1965. Prokatnoy* oboru4ovsAiyoj konstruirovaniye, rascbot L looledoymiye (Hollins equip- =ntj construotion, desip and Izvestiption); sbornik lWaYe 42-55 TOPIC TAGSs- Zatal rolling mill, wheel forming, wheel rolling m111 S'r' ABSTUCIT: I wheel rolling machine with horizontal wheel positioning, which *limi- nates =M of the disadvantages of existing horizontal wheel rolling --chiness is described. In all, 13 disadvantages ranging from cycle speed to rolling accuracy are mentioned. Details of the design are shown in 3 detailed figures. The rolling station consists or a main roll and two inclined rolls with the former driven by a do motor and the latter drivan through a common drive. The machine Is equipped with an automatic loading, centering, and unloading table which displaces vertically and horizontally. to clear all forming rolls. The machine has the following specific&- tions, c&PacitV - up to 150 railroad wb*el&Aour; 500-2500-ma diameter partal roll C,,d 1/2 ACCESS103 XR, AT5018165 rpm - 160 for inclined rolls, i00 for zain roll; b4drwulic presoure 60-160 ks/cm I size - 13 a long x 10 n wide x 6.6 a h'.&.; weiea - 250 %ora; actors - vain roll 250 kw, 500 rpm# inclined rolls 630 kwo 500 rpz; accuracy - 0.2 = per feod revolution. same or the a4vantages of this %"e of construction &ra discuAstd. Orige &rt. h&at 5 figures. ASSOCIATIONs Ural'skiy rAshinostroitol'W zavod, Sverdlovsk (Ural YAchine Works 1 Sauchno-imeledovatellskiy institut tTszheloja muhinostroyeni-ya institute of Reavy Xachin* Operation) ~/V t5~' SMITTM 00 ESCLs 00 bim C=I Is 2 EtliT(d)/EWI*(m)/E~VP(v)/r/F4P(k)/EWP(h)/~EWP(I j 2U2-66 ACCESSION RR: AT5018185 UR/3104/65/ M /006/0042/0055~ ,AUTHORS: Zaninp A. Ya. (Engineer); Solovey-hik, Pj~_M,__kAigineer) TITLEt Wheel rolling machinexith horizontal positioning'of the formed part SOURGEt Urallskly maehinostr;1tel'nyy zavodt Sverdlovsk. l4auchno-Issledoyntellekly i institut tyazhelogo mashinostroyeniya. Proizvodstvo krupnykh manhin, no. 6, 1965- Prokatnoye oborudovaniye; kongtruirovaniye, raschet i ionlodovanlya fRolling equip- ment; construction, design and investigation); sbornik otatey, 42-55N TOPIC TAGSt metal formingg rolling millt wheel forming, wheel rolling mill ABSTRAM A wheel rolling machine with horizontal wheel positioning,, which elimi- nates mvV of the disadvantages of existing horizontal wheel rolling machines, , tj described. 11, all, 13 disadvantages ranging from cycle speed to rolling accuracy are mentioned. Details of the design are shown in 3 detailed figures. The rolling station consluts of a main roll and two Inclined rolls with the former driven by a do motor and the latter driven through a common drive. The machine Is equipped with ,an automatio loading, centeringg and unloading table which dtaplaces vertically and horizontally to clortr all forming rolls. The machiiie has the following specifica- ~tionss capacity up -to 150 railroad wheels/hour; 500-2500-mm diameter partal roll !Card 1/2 J AT5018185 it -160 k9/cM 2 60 '&CCESSIO11 11R1 - jjji.n roll 250 -01191 100 for main roll, a , w,3ight 250 tons; motor gh. evolution* .pm loo for inclined I h 2 mm per reed r I wide % 6.8 Lccuracy - 0 Grig* art. hast size 13 m long x 10 m 630 kwo, 500 rpm; G otion are discussed# kwt 5oo rpm, Inclined rolls of oonstru 0,,.e of the ad .vantages or this type ovsk. (Ural Uchine Works); 5 figure's 6vod, sverdl, (Soientifio Reseatch Urallskiy maah1n08troite1'nYY = Msehinostroy ASSOCIATION tellekly Ingtitu t t "helogo ine operations geavY Mach SUB COD31 TnetitutO Of ENGL% 00 GUB11ITTED 1 00 40 RU SOVI 004 Cord 2/2 VMb 000 r y I.toorological Abst. Me V:-,I. 4 No. 2 fob- 1953 BlblJogrnp~y on TurbO.Pnt Exchange -126 15 1. $96.175 11. JS I I solnvi,Aik, R .1 0 viiistill viaskostl stmasurr ex rasprostramif tvaks- ETlw ihiluon" lot th'! Vi4,:rmity of the atmelphereon the promptIon of sound.] AkmAtmitid 1 r~ror. i Gmfir.. 7(6)~339-343. INIJI. 11g.. I tables. 3 refs. DLC-An investlitAli,m "If the ;Prablern of the influence of turbulent visco-Ity of Ow iproya of immide. Inveiticat ion sho" that. tAking this factor 1 0.1 .. 1. 1:1-1 "If IS-W-2 f=i4w cofficitnt of turbulent vioczisty dependinig an the ,nt,, of the sourvi -ITe. 531mf3ctify ~An- icidence with experiment achieved. when the law of "4/XJ.'* f0tMd effiPili"IfY bY RICWAXD%0M and Vounded on the theoretical vmrk of A. M. r)PUNn~v, Is asqumed for the foefficient of tuttiulefit viwosity. (Samr Wm 49 1-83, (M. 1930. 31A to.) jobleit 11rarojefly: j. Aceastical prepagatioe L SAPOMMOVA, S.A. SOLOTITCHAM R.I., rtdaktor. (Change In wind veloolty with altitude In the lower layer of the atmosphere] Ismenente skorostl votra s vysotol v n1shnsm sloe vosdukha. Pod red. R.3. SoloveichUcs. leningrad, Oldrome- toorologlohookoe Isd-vo, 1946. 10) p. (Glaynce upraylents gidrometeorologiahaskoi slushby prl Sovets Ministrov Suit. 2~M- 4y nauchno-iseladavotel'skikh uchroshdonit. Ser. 1: Meteorolo- glia, Typ. 13) (MU 7:5) (V inde $Zansonkif UslowdoOth"o whi obledesseWis. Chtetearobocal tic" " A. V., va Icong.j tins Sobvelchik It. F- (a.). TWO -Smoattry. 4 rig 11 CAroone-osodst, 4149 E _*A' "Jito for -74,, 11 figs., 21 t& a. 13 refs.) PLO-4sing I I a 0 11946, p. 52 41 . the se probabioty a Idnq 'M M.", at idng 19ja and 1936, tho aut upon Airviane flights., a a a( id ag am discussed: claialkation ad airplane icing. Ic'.4 A.U.1 the wldl~'611CELdrffect o( number and thickness of ckuds upon Icing, temperature and icing, refarive humidity and icing. king and Mative wind vek,city, and king ;nd symptic-ituittions. Dats ar~pmwnted in tables and gnphs. S*~jtc$)It441i*js:I.I4Wj tobabdify 2.1clAgo(aircralt 3.1djo.-I-L-06i 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 30 a 41 X's 3 4 1 to 9 IS u a 9 1 A-ALILS-11 N 'k I &.A. AL to A oil ..v 4.0 C9816% .0 0 S.4%m"LAX. #ad GarAin. L. S, INGOW&W WOOM Udmbfto 50 018"101 G" bo " A %I oborm ibk rsb*Um 300 4. tFiowl Mrsake rd 0- I-Oarmr-I ll Central Ob-m-story for 194&] Afd-we&6is i C4,ol-csm. -%-,. I.IA Oft. 144 a DWD- The a( Ibc womiom comakled of MWM and oft-1wotal trwromp wt -v.- r"KIrw,4nwivvmAs~AIprobIrfns. T*GPMPMUeIVprVW"IrdAIIh*- -IAIP%VII".- I 00 . , obt wciK"ml niretinp. 3 grmps of probimm urm diwu",rd* I I rupm"wnt- Ath) pr.,hirm- l .1 nwimo op: 21 cbns&uAc" and foremstv; 3) phr%ics and dy7mm" tol Ow aim-14wr, .3 M I o r t 11 ad 1 l f : 9 !, too ,r r . o rts: a so essi ) ersom 2. U.&M 1. Losingtad. Glovasis Get- O v fidgbookais Obw v forts.-C.K. 004 goo too goo 00 "No Vee 4,9" LSTIRATbIGI CLASWKAW 0- go* Aft do a" A## # Saab # $ 6 Aft A S 8 IM in b u w * i 6 0 0 . 0 0 e ~ls :10 o 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1. "; . SCLOICICIAly., It. w. aul ITDIlix Theoroticianop" 110 59 pp 13-21. (I'.o-tearologlya i Gldrcloi;l.'a, I-o J I., ,jnvFj3Ljgatjt)jj,-, L).,,, Uie Suvlot 3etioul o4l' ',"etoorologists- t, ';ov/:,ec 1;^,47) SO: U-1218~ 3 Apr 1953 U=Meopbysics - Z*vporatton, Iteser- Sep 52 voir "Theory of vvaporation From Bounded Reservoirs,* L. S. Gandin, R. E. Soloveychik "DOk Ak Wauk SSS " Vol 86, No 1, PP 55-57 Discusses the eq of stationary turbulent diffu- sion in the atm: uqx = klqxx -i-k2qyy r (k 3q.)z wbere q is specific humidity, u is the wind's velocity, k 1 is coefr of horizontal exchange in the 'Irection of the wind, k2 is coeff of bori- zontal exchange in direction perpendicular to the vindj 234TTI is coeff of vertical exchange, and x and y ~ e horizcatal coordinates (x in direction of wind). Discusses the difficulties of the vari- ous boundary conditions used by various autbors. Submitted by Acad V. I. Smirnov 5 Jul 52. 234T71 I KMCILIYANSKIT, Y.N. [d*ceassd1;3MNZAT, ;I.So; SRIM 1=6 A .9 kandidat j -311or; YASNO- fizieheskikh-m&tem&tIch*skikh nank, otystetvemV7 redak w GORODSUTA, N.M.; rodaktor;BRATNIAL, K.I., takhnicheskly redaktor (Meteorological instrwents; measuring meteorological elements] Keteorologicheskle pribory; isuerente metsorologichaskikh elementov. Leningrad, Gidrometeorologichaskoe izd-vo, 1953. 5W P, (KIRA 7:10) (Meteorological Instruments) SO Lxveyc IA I F77 ;4X`ZADACJM 0 LAMMARNOM iOGRAMCHW" SLOE U PORUTOI STEM. L. S. -ClavAin and It. ciP it. Wavotchilt. PriklAtat. I Mckh, Sopt.-Oct.. !19S6. pp. 663-663. in Ras Study of the prob- lem of laminar bound&EZ layer slang a porous wall. The characteristic feature distinguishing this prob-, low (wom that of Blasius is that the value of the corA ponent velocity in the direction p4rpeguucular to the" Wall is SJUAl to & CjV4A Value of W and nit to sore. The velocity W &ad the velocity of the baste flow U is constant &Ad the Shysts approximate method is used for cbtaiaLKS a solutica, (0e SOV/114 57-9-10501 Translatimi I rum- Rele rativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 9, p 88 (USSR) AUTHORS: Gandin, L.S. TITLE: A Generalization of the Transformation Theory of Evaporation (Obobshcheniye transformatsionnoy teorii ispareniya) PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. gidrometeorol. in-ta, 1956, Nr 5-6. pp 248- 262 ABSTRACT: It is rioted that the currently developed transformation hypotheses of the theory of evaporation take into consideration the heat flux reaching the evaporating surface that is expended on evaporation and on turbulent-heat transfer into the air, as well as the dependence of the saturation humidity on the temperature of the evaporating surface. These schemes, however, do not take into consideration the turbulent heat exchange in the water basin, such exchange being connected with the accepted assumption of the steady-state nature of the transforma- tion processes, This leads to an overrating in the calculated evapora- tion values in the warm seasons of the year and to their underestima- tion during the cold seasons. The paper proposes a generalization of the theory which jointly solves the equations of the convective dif- Card 11Z fusion of heat and humidity in the air and the equations of the A Generalization of the Transformation Theory of Evaporation SOV/12-1-S7-9- 10503 turbulent heat exchange in the water at a given rate of humidity and temperature variation with respect to elevation and time above the shoreline, with a given con- dition of moisture saturation in the air at the evaporating surface (assuming that the temperature of the air and the water at that surface coincide) and at a given heat balance of the underlying suriace.. It is also assumed that the surface layer of the air is "quasi-stationary" and that its vertical air-and-moisture currents are constant with respect to attitude, while in the upper layer of the air the turbulent exchange coefficient and the air velocity are constant with altitude. The solution is being sought under the assumption that the deficit of the specific humidity at the surface of the dry land and the difference in the flows of shortwave radiation absorbed by the surfaces of the water and dry land, respectively, are prescribed periodic functions of time. Solutions for the temperature and humidity of the air and for the temperature of the water are being sought in the form of Fourier series with respect to time, while the equations for the amplitudes of Fourier's harmonics are solved with the help of a Laplace transform along the horizontal coordinate. The solution obtained is analyzed in detail. Numerical examples are not submitted. A. S. Monin Card 2/? GANDIN, L.S. (Leningrad); SOIDTXTCHII, R.I. (Leningrad) One variation of the approximate method of X.R.Shvets. Prlkl.mato i mokh. 20 no.2:295-296 Mr-Ap 156. (KM 9s?) (Approximate computation) USSR Atomic and Molecular Physics. Beat D-4 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizlka, no 4, 1957, 9020 Author :Gand1n, L.S.,-~~ Title :Distribution of Heat in an Infinite Medium in the Presence of a Flat Separation BoundAry. Orig Pub :Zap. Leningr. gorn. in-ta, 1956, 33, No 3, 205-212 Abstract :Bo abstract. Card : 1/1 vp- 441 of. ITIGIOWD a% 77 sib thisf vermcu. AUTEMS: Gandin, L. S. and Soloveychik, R. E. 56-,;j -69-2/16 TIME: A Theory or Evaporation Based or. Horisow~%l Mix1rg (K teorii isparenlys, pri uchate gcorizontallnogn peremeshiNaaiya) (PArt. I) PHRIODICAL: Trudy Glaynoy geofiziebaskoy dbsexnm-~-arll 1957, Nr 698 pp 11-24 (USSR) ABSTUCT: The authors examine the process or evaporation over a limited ares, and emphasize the necessity of accounting for the phenomenon of horizontal mixing, in addition to the usual consideration of veevical turbulence. 7he authors claim that horizontal intermingling is particu-1arly effective in the near-surface Uyer of the atmosphere. 0. G. Sutton and sow fUssi&a s:ientista, such as M. P. Timofeyev, are criticized for their failmv to account for horizontal turbulence in their studies of evaporation rat-ea. The aathors believe tbat horiz,)ttal intermingling takes place with,as well as against the wind. The mathematical formulas deduced make it possible to calculate vapor coacentmtion In the near.,ffurface layer of air and thus explain the process of horizontsl tarbulence. Scee of Vrse Ideas were sug- gested by A. M. Zhuravakly. There a--e 2 figares and 7 references, of which 4 are Soviet and 3 English. This Is tbe. first of two articles on subject of horizontal mixing. AVAUMrs Library of Congress Card 1;L1 ~6-57_69-3/16 AUTHDR: Gandin, L. S. and Soloveychik, R. E. T A Theory of Evaporation Based on Horizontal Mixing (K teorii isp&I,eniya pri uchete gorizontallnogo pemmeshivaniya) (ftr-,. II) PERIODICALt Trudy G]Avnoy geofizicheskoy observatorii 1957, Nr 69, pp 25-35 OJSSR) ABSTPACT: This is the second article on horizontal mixing and its role in the pro- cess of evaporation. The first article offers formulae for calculating vapor conden- mtion over some given area of evaporation. The second article deals directly with the relAtionship of horizontal mixing to evaporation and effers a mathematical solu- tion of the problem. The conclusion essentially is that the coefficients of wind velocity and those of horizontal intermingling depezd i the altitjAe; the effect of horizontal mixing decreases with altituxle., whereas the Importance of vertical mixing increases. There are 3 references, of which C' ze Soviet &nd 1 English. AVAILAZZ: Library of Congress Card 1/1 GANDDI, L.S.; SOWVEYCHIK, ReEs Spreading of smoke from factory chimneys. Trudy GGO n,).??184-94 (KnU 12s4) .(smoke) CWIMWI IWO P6UOWUQQ ON"M 13 or"des doUos ota I" W New-Werft" air oftsov. as lessorms Uwe see am " 'We"Ir-M= bowt"ft =9 As WA be Us onot of Us ows. sum. ow "U"m am via CO! P--Uw -4 owww" 00 MM afteaves"06 ftwoo" Of 06 =14-wM11=1 Mrs air was", sum vita an PM- Of Nbasomp" "Is" "' *swumed sta AMP" &&p=, ad tahoo!" GANDIN, L.S.; SOLOVEYCHIK, R.E. Miltidimensional "etrio delta functions. Zap. LGI 13-15 158. (Symetric functions) 36 no.3: OaRk 16t 5) 3~'09 -- - OTHORSt Gandin, L. S., WV/20-126-1-15/62 TITLEt, The Fffeat of Horizoi7tal Rixing in the Direotion of the Rnd Upon Evaporation From Bounded Water Reservoirs (Vliyaniye gorisontsIllnogo ;eremashivaniya v napravlanil ve-tra na ispareniye a ogranickeanykh vodoyemov) PMUODICILt Doklady Akademii nauk MSR, 1959, Vol 126, br 1# pp 59-62 (USSR) ABSTRACTt An expression fcr the evaporation car, be derived by using the , initial equation together with the solution derived in a previous paper by the authors (Ref 1) (concerning the problem of distribution of vapor over the evaj~orizing surface). The authors investigate - beside the transmission of vapor by the wind and the mixing in vertical diraution - only the horizontal mixing in the wind direotion. The:simultaneous consideration of the horizontal miring in the direction vertioa.1 to the wind causes mathematical diffioulties. The jciut influeence of longitudinal and transverse mixing can be c:onaidered by inserting a cerWn factor into the formula deriva4 in the present paper. The distribution of the vo~por oow-antratio;, xesalts from the solution of the equation Ca d 1/ k ~"I) undor the bo-undary oonditior, qj 2 f(x). + h" 'I- : 2 + r 1 Z: Z Z o X X )1 , Tke Effeat of Horizontal MixLng -in the W"~&Aion of the I!zd sov/20-126-1-15/62 Upon Evaporation From Bounded latex Reservoirs Llso the condition of limitation on the surface has to be considered. The rather extensive solution of this problem is explioitly indl-cated and explained. &.1sequently, some conclusions of general chara-,ter ar,3 made% l')' In the present problem, the exchange Joeffic1ent ard the wind velocity may not be set equal to zero, e-mr, in -the first approximationo for in such a case the evaporation would app-mach Infinity. 2) The formulas derived in the present ;apar pA.-m!t the evaluation of the influence of horizontal miAng in the wind d.L.-ectior on the evaporation as a funotion cf ths Jiimerslozis cf the ovaporizing axe& and the physical conditiaws of the evaporation prooess, The larger the evaporizing area is, the smaller Is the influence of horizontal mixing on the evaporatic!,. 3) Mzst interesting is the case of relatively small dimensions of the wraporizing area. In this oaso, the amount of total evaix-ration does not 4epend on the wind velocity. The neglect of horizontel mixing in case of small evaporizing areas does not only briirig atKe.;t in-ourreut quantitative results, but Gven a wrong order of ma&mit-ide of the decrease in to-tal evaporation (or increase in six-Afic svftroration) with an increase in the dimensions Card Z/PI of the evaFiri%4ng area. The authors thank A. M. Zhuravskiy for 86317 s/o4g/60/000/007/009/009/XX E031/E335 AUTHORS: Gandin, L.S. and Soloveychik, R.E. TITLE: On the Distribution of Radioactive Emanation in the Atmosphere Near theEari-h------ PERIODICAL; Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geofizicheakaya, 1960, No. 7, pp. 1077 - 1081 TEXT: S.G. Malakbov (Ref. 1) has reviewed earlier theoretical investigations into the propagation of radioactive emanations in the lower layers of a turbulent atmosphere. Although the increase in the turbulent diffusion with height is .onsidered, the effect of wind is ignored, Hence this paper considers a stationary distribution of a radioactive mixture established under the action of turbulent diffusion in the vertical plane, taking into account*transport by wind and radioactive decay as a simple first approximation, The wind is assumed to have constant velocity and dire~.tion, The diffusion coefficient is assumed to increase with height according to a power law. A known flow of radioactive mixture enters the atmosphere from a bounded region of the Earth. The concentration is zero along Cnrd 1/3 86~W S/049/60/000/007/009/009/XX E031/E335 On t tie Dist ribut to n of Radioact ivc., Emanat ion in the At mosphere Near the Earth the wind boundary (x = 0) The concentration is also zero at infinite height. The differential equation (1) with the boundary conditions (2) - (4) is solved by introducing a function Q(z;u) which satisfies the differential equation (5) with boundary condition (6). The expression for Q is quoted and it is used as the kernel of an integral transform of the radioactive concentration. This results in an ordinary differential equation for the transform function. The solutton is quoted and inverted by use of the Fourier-Bessel transfor- mation. The final expression for the concentration is given by Eq. (11). The solutior is analysed to clarify the effect of the wind velocity. For simplicity the case of constant flow is gssumed and the comparison of the case of' non-zero wind velocity with that of zero wind velo,: ity is made at the surface Card 2/3 GADDIII, L.S.; �W)MPHIKI -ROZO - Theory of evapnration with an account of horizontal mixings Trudy GOO no.94:127-137 160. OaRA 1315) (Evaporution) G,nNDIN, L.S.: SOWV)ffCHIK, R.I. On the calculation of evaporation from bounded water reservoirs with allowance for horizontal Intermixing. Dokl.a 5,53H 133 no.5:1070-1072 Ag 160. OGR)k-1-3: 8) 1. Leningradskiy gornyy institut imani G.T. Plekhanova. Fred- stavleno akad. IL.jt. Dorodnitsynym. (9vaporation) (Reservoirs) S/83 61/037/003/001/005 B104YB186 AI'OTHOU i Ganlin, L. S., Soloveychik, R. E. 1.1-41"Ut Distribution of raiioactivo contaminants in the atmosphere SOURCE; Leningrad. Cornyy institut. Zapibki. v. 37, no. 3, Moscow, 1961. 'o'.at,2matika, fizika. 30 - 38 The steady distribution ofradioactive contaminants in the two- layer system earth - atmosphere is studied with a new approach to the possibility of determinint; the position and source strength of subsurface radioactive sources from observations made in.the near-surface layer of the attmosphere. Assumptions; The radioactive contaminants come from sources within the earth or on its surfacq, m6lecular diffusion and radio- active decay occurrinG in the earth. In the atmosphere the contaminants diffuse turbulently; their decay ind their transportation by the wind are taken into accoun-t. 'A"he corresponding equations are ,):q + o-.q + Oq~ - ).q = 0 (z 0). D (OX: dy- dzi) and u~q=k,O'q+k,"'!+k" zadq Card 1A dx Vz( (4) S/834/61/037/003/001/005 Distribution of radioactive ... MOW 07) a 0i) =P(Xl A, k with the aid of an integral t,-ansformation- With the aid of the designa- tions k 2a; (4) assumes the form (19), j, Opq +bOq +C aq V 2a a- W-3 -SY-3 1.1(2 x x on the condition that the known function P(X#Y.) is an even function the solution obtained is Card 3/6 S/834/61/037/003/001/005 Distribution of radioactive ... B104/B186 solution is q(x, Y. z)=. x (2 r(y (47)- K x P (I. 'I) I L- - + Ly -7_311 +2 _ ke, ky A +1 K + + k-47& 0. "%Golf, + 2 + + k,, -k,- + Card 5/6 t~,c nt-,on",heric. Cf rnf!jopct r 'L u.; -, vin r af. the 2nd P.11-Unirn Crn--,rcss in Thool-t-len.]. r. no, 2F Jan .,-cb SOLOVITCHIK. 5,; PMOV, 1. At the crossroads of air travel. Rabotaltea 36 no,8:26-17 Ac 138. (MIRA 110) (Sverdlovsk--Airports) 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 F 0 0 a 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 a 1. 10 Is -4 if a I 1 14, a 0 4 st . a 0 0 of w of 0 a 0 a 0 0 , #I , %, od hydreps WA& ad -to NW" 3~do*. 3 , 1. SsAnvichill, I"v~ n d"Nmrvr b 461 v .00 )._ u . W Y& La T for fb4 don. r4 UsS in low nt g4-a br a m&VISed wirthyl. I .00 con-I'law rvwwn CA rift-bet (ON. 16. zmftwll JI% J*-L4.sid by IfecUfalmed MA kweitluans (C. A. 1. op ItkUl. AM II&M 4 CIP9 If flov Mwk MI Stbe wellomf .4 14. IFIl , be ost's,"Imas to its elfti-MIJ I S t V It I -,Vv CI ard d- lie lb.~ as O list kvS wills I 00 SM IWQIIY, mulvIWO Onj Walth AII.,l 11.,011.1 1 F-h to 23146 & 1048-tr 1037 A 30 1 L"Oso 00 ~ . ~ . . . y y 0 * a Ifordwr zo 0 64 a ,.4 0 : 00. 1 too 1 :1*0 0 0 00 S 1 0 0 C .(so* 8, see see :3 1*0 1* 0 0 '00 00 floe 14 00 1-00 boo 00 1 1 ss 01 4 to s" 0 0 0 0 0 0 S S T e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o ::::::i :: : OOOOVOO O oootooooooooooeI t f 000000000 o O .