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:L 54611-65~ i-ACCZSSION URI AP5011336 *ad a more -moderate character below 1100-1200 Z. The transtrion-1- from one mode to the other~-is little-afiected by the nature of the Muento The effect of the boundary layer also appears to 4-mial At 1250-2300 K, the linear dependence of log v (where v to Ignition delay) on the reciprocal of the temperature corresponds to an &cttvV,.ttQi- stion energy of 33 1 1.7 Kcal/vols, At temperatures below 1200 K there is- a sharp drop In Abe reaction rate. up to delays 4ft exces; OC 10-3 gGC7~ It is concluded that branching occurs via the reaction CH + 0 1- H30 + 0. rather than through Intermediate formation of 3 2 .1ft formaldehyde* ASSOCIAT I-- otHelenLyeAkademi ITIS t I-.t-IU at- nau"SSR 0- Sciences, SSSR)-- SUOHITTEDi 249ov64 EXCLI 00 Sun ~CODRI FPO Mr- NO REY SOVt 004 OTHM 004., ATD PRISS, 3239 ACC Nks AP5026034 SOURCE CODE: UR/0405/66/000/001/0112/0114 1.2- AUTHOR: Soloukhin, R. 1. (Novosibirsk) ORG: None TITLE: Schl leren method for the measuremeat of density discontinuities shock mes q SOURCE: Nauchno-teckhnichosidye problemy gorenlya I vzryva, no. 1, 1965, 112-114 TOPIC TAGS: shock wave, shock wave analysis, shock wave front, discontinuous flow, fluid density measurement, measuring instrument, Schlieren photography A 11STRACT: Density discontinuities in shock waves are investigated usually by Inter- ferometric methods. However, such an approach Is quite complex and requires com- plicated high qualltv optical equipment. Ilie present note describes a simple niethod for the determInat Ion of density discontinuities In plane shock wave fronts, based on light beam ro- fraction within a 15chlicren device, during its oblique Incidv_ilce on the discontinuity (see Fig. 1). Card 1/2 To amplifier Fig. I Prinelplo of the density dis- continuity measurfug device. ACC NRs AP5026034 I shadow device; 2 - tube; 3 - shock front; 4 constant light source; 5 - alit; 6 - screen; 7 - pliotomultiplier. The sensitivity and error estimates are carried out on the e-xamrAca of 1) a shock wave with a constant density behind the front; and 2) a shock wave with a density gradient behind the front. 'rests In argon and argon -oxygen -hydrogen mixtures show a good agreement between the calculated and measured values of the ratio of density discontinuities In the Incident and reflected shock waves. The author thanks G. A. Zavarzin for his help In the measurements. OrIg. art. has: 3 formulas, 4 figures, and i table. SUB CODE: ME, WA/ SUBM DATE: 30Dec64 -Sard 2 SOWUKHIN. VlaUmir Alaksa7evich; KLMAYBVA.0. redaktor; UWROVA, I., , , , "irt tekhn. re or. (Across the blue seas) Za min-sioriami. [Moskva] Isd-vo TaK TIMM *Nolodala gvardila,' 1956. 182 p. (MM 9:7) (Albania--Description and travel) "TILOUMT.', 711adbi:ir .-Aloikauyuvich (1924- I-IaAMAYPVA, 0., rod.; 01IRKUVA, L., toklin.- red. (Postcards fror. Vietnam) Otkrytki iz VIetnama. Moskva., Izd-vo TsK VLKS14 "14olodaia gvard"ia,," 1961. 126 p. (MIRA 15W 1. Korrespondent zhurnala "Ogonek" (for Soloukhin). (Vietnam, North-Doscription and travel) SOIA)UKIIIN, Va. ---- - - - W4~ .!~-, Hydraulic gear brake designed for testing engines under changing operating conditions. (Trudy) XM no.29sl42-160 154. (XIM 8:5) (Hydraulic brakes) (Ingines-Testing) --7 , !, . i ; ,4 1 . ~Oq ,esj:)l 1~ V,)Zul, t, i'f', ~ L,~cf):~,ot ICorin trtjc t Ion) Ewsi vt~, ktsh~,' - , - 1 l'i P. Illus. , , 'I"al., lfjc~ 7YP,!ljfl-;,3 U,:~~Jlil ofi. '~4) -,iA. SOhOUKIIIN. V.V.. kandldix~ tekhniche*kikh nAuk, 1-itgent. Using Professor A.N.Shelest's thermal capacity equation for thermal calculation of piston compressors, [Trudjr] XVTU no.64:)3-41 1 3. MMI:8) (compressors) I I . 1, ~ .. : .;.:.! : CIV, ". ... I . " ". ~ 1: . It. - , , - '. -.1 " - .- - ~ ; I . ., . t , , :* , . . I I . I . , .. . , , . ,0 - , % 0 p. 1.. .I 1 0 , v - ~* -~- : ". , IV VAPGAEOV, I.; SOLOV, K.; PEHONKOVA, M.; MUMA, C.; VASSILEV, I. On the association of cy-t=egalic inclusion diseasoo jnew,0- cystis Carinil pneumonia and endomyocardial fibroelastosis In. an Infant (based on the obervation of a case). Folia med (Plovdiv) 7 roeltO-66 165 1. Institut de Pautes Etudes Medicales "I.P.Pavlov* de Plovdiv, BUlgarie, Chaire de Maladies Infantiles (Directeur: prof. 1. Andreav); Chaire d'Anatomis Pathologique (Diricteur par Interim.: prof. Ju. Tocherr)- Centre regional do Pueri- culture (DirectricF, Cv. Rlnevai- SHILIV, P.; SOLOV, K. Considerations on caloiflod Kalharbe's spitheliama and report of tyo caseme Suvreme made, SoM 5 no.6:86-90 1954. 1e Is Instituts, po obshch& pstologil I patologichne, an&touits, pri Neditainskata. akadanii& I.P.Pavlov. Plovdiv (direktor: prof. As. Prodahov) (CYSTS, .Wherbas apithellona. case reports) DIMITROV, D.A.; SOLOV, K.A. Observations on clinical ana patho-anatoatcal modifications In a case of allicotubarculosts., SoM 6 no.8:113-117 1955. 1. Is Katedrats, po ftisiologlia (sav. prof. As.Shopov) I Utedrata po, obeha patologtia I patologichna anatomita (say. prof. An.Prodanov) pri Vieshila maditsinski institut, I.P.Pavlovi-Plovdiv. (TUBIMUIDSIS, PUIJUNART, allicotuberc., clin.-h pathol. aspects) (SILICOSIS, allicotuberc., clin. & pathol. aspects) SHILEV. F. -, DRAG1,WV, M.; AOOPIAN, K.; SOIDY, K.; HILEMOV. Khr. PRthOlOgiC&1 eX8M1DAtiOn Of child mortality from 1949 till 1953. Suvres. nod., Sofia 7 no-8:3-7 1956. 1. It latedrate po patologlia I patologichna anatomils, pri VMI I.P. Payloy-Ploydiv. (Zav. katedrata* prof. A. Frodanov). (VITAL STATISTICS mortality of child. In Bulgaria) SOLOV, K, Pathologic and anatomic observations of bemorrbagle nephroso- naphritis. Suvrem.,,med.. Soft& 7 n0-10:34-42 1956. 1. Is Katedrats, po obshcha patologiia, I patologichna anatomiis, pri VHI 1. P. Pavlov-Plovdiv. (WIDEMIC HMORRHAGIC FIM, pathol.) S01,070 K. ~- ,- AprDT,os of the clasaification of pneumonia in newborn lnf.~,:-,ts. Akush.Ginek. 3 no.304-40 164. 1 '. V Can,',-.'--- !hs'.s I-n newhcrn Infrints . If.rk'n o put. n~~. I 60-63 (M T~A !7: 1 J, 'Kafodry pi,ologl 4,,askoy aratomii (rukovodltell - prof. A. -cdimov [dm,(--cFAqnd.) Vyq,-bego tiedit-drif-kogo !iistlttita !m--n~ Ph-11r,va, ?,OlFar~yq- SHIRIR, P..K. (Hookya); POV . L.D. (Moskva); KAKWW. M.O. (Moskva); BARCH, I.Z. I in h. (KMrokov); PUSHKAW, Vey* (Novosibirsk); HAIAR", A.,. Rrlkov); DZHIOUT, I.X. (rhartkov); RUDINSM111, R.Z. (Ibarlkov); RTABCHICH, V.7. (Magnitogorsk); SOWTAR (Uzan'); KHODOROVSKATA, O.R* (11mr1kow); we"* Diseuo3ion on plans and regulations for the organisation and the technology of buildiage Strol, prom, 35 no,12:5.-20 D 1570 (Architooture-Damigns and plans) (Kru 1111) (Construction industry) tilt I Ai. Veit oil' for the r, t - ar-i c 1G!. -...-inuttl for .t.udL IT. --c; ny e wava- 4.elal alllar~- , 1 in~ 17:11) ,(, I Ine t 1 t ir.- t S .qtxf)P.p11r.oF-*O in.;tltuta (fcr ,,rirov1vc-,r' TiMCMIROVO V.1.1 LEVIN, B,V.; MBCNOVA, I'v.; SOLWDV vM Precipitation of peroxide cozpaunds ci~' zirconium from sulfuric acid solutions. Zhur. neorg. kh1m. 7 no.8:1860- 1868 Ag 162. (MM 16t 6) 1. Institut obahchey I neorganichaskoy khimli Iment N.S. Kurnakova AN SSSR. (Ziroonium empounds) (Peroxides) jT,OVETS, M.S. Sugar MachLnery Syst,,,iAtIzIn.i- repair of reflnerles. Sakh. prom. 26 no. 4, 1952 MonthjX List of Russian Accessions Library of Congress, July 1952. UNCT"IFIM. SOLOVEY, A. P .hotography - Apparatus and Supplies For skilled hands; wide-film enlarger. Tekh.molod., No. 2, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1952. Unclassified I - -- -- I- - ;-.- ,-_ - I I Ii. ,II , - - SXOVROIISXIY. Yikentiy Antonovich; SOLOYXY. A.D.. red.; BALLOV, A. 1. . [Practical exercises In veterinary pharmacology and proiscription writing) Prakticheskle zaniatila po vaterinernot farmakologit I rateepturs. Moskva. Gos.tzd-vo sellkhos. lit-ry, 1957. 251 p, (MIRA 11:2) (Veterinary materia zedics and pharmacy) A. i "Inveutigation of V- I-rocess of 5owlne Vogr-tablq Ical Sci -E,Anrus~:jlan "liA, Deet).-.trtnerit of F17slcomatYC'Iatlc-31 arid T,,-chnical Sci!:!nc.-)s, XAnsk, 1~~56- (Di;sertition for tha Derree of CandldAte of Tec)-mical ,civne,~s) .SC: :.'a -A, Gctom-r 1,:!~1-6 .1 Aleksandrovich, Bezopasnost' truda pri rabote na ustanovkakh s generatoracLi energii vysokikh I everkhvysokikh chastot (Safety measures During the Operation of Installations With High-and Superhigh- Frequency Generators) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1961. 63 P. 7,000 copies printed. Reviewer: M. G. Anialmov, Engineer; Ed,; 3, P. inozemtsev, date of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: A, Belevtoeva; Tech. Ed.: P. V. Shcherbakov; Managing Ed,: Krasillnikov, Engineer. JURPOSE : Thia booklet is intended for safety engineering per- sonnel in Industrial establishments and for production person- nel engaged in the adjustment, maintenancep and operation of hf and shf Installations. COVERAGE: The booklet describes installations with high- superhigh-frequency generators as possible sources of Card 1/-4- Safety Measures During the Operation (Cont.) SOV/5619 tric shock. The effect on the human organism of electro- magnetic fields and of soft X-rays encountered while operating high-voltage and electric vacuum devices is explained. Prob- lems of safety measures and industrial hygiene In the operation of such installations are discussed. The author states that safety problems concerning high-voltage technique are regulated by the publications Pravila ustroystva elektroustanovok (Rules for the Arrangement of Electrical Installations), Oosenergoizdatp 1957; Pravila tekhnicheskoy ekspluatateii elektroustanovok promyshlennykh predpriyatiy (Rules for Technical Operation of Electrical Installations in Industrial Establishments), Gosener- goizdat, 1954; and Pravila tekhniki bezopasnosti pri ekspluat- ateii elektrotekhnicheskikh ustanovok promyshlennykh predpriyatiy (Rules for Safety Measures in the Operation of Electrical Instal- lations of "'ndustrial EstablisbAents) Gosenergoizdat, 1956. No L personalities are mentioned. There are 14 references, all Soviet. Card'2/4- XTSHKIN, N.Y., prof,, doktor vaterin.nauk; WWVNT, A.S., red.; MOTOVA, A.Y.. (Contagious diseases of young farm animals) Zaraznys bolesni molodninka eallskokhosiaistvannykh xhivotnykh. Koakva, Goo. Iri-vo sallkhoz.lit-ry, 1946. 45 p. (KIRA 13:1) (Veterinary medicine) GANMHKIN, H.S.. professor; SOLOVIT. A.S.. rsd&lrtor; PMSTPKIXA, Z-D.. takhnichookly redaktor-- "' -:,' (General spisootiology) Obahchata apisootologlia. 39 dopi I i9pr. isd. Moskva, Go@. izd-vo selkhos. lit-ry, 1954. 335 p- MILRA 7:9) (Communicable disease* in animals) 4 AXATIVSKIY. Anatoliy. Iyanovich; KRIVITSYN, Dixitriy Yakoylevich; SOLOYNY. A.S., radaktor; VZSKOVA, Ye.I., takhnicheskiy re(Uktor [Physioloa of form animals and basic anatomy] Fizioloo6ia sallako- khoxisistyennykh zhivotnykh a o9novaml anatomii. Izd. 2-oo, parer. Moskva, Goo. Ltd-vo sellkhos. lit-ry, 1956. 343 p. (XW 10:4) (Veterinary physiology) FOYAZHINKO, Ivan Temellyanovich, profossor; SOLOYNY. A.B.. redaktor; SCKOLOVA. 5.M.. tekhaichaskly redaktor- .. [General vtterinary surgery] Obshchsia Yetertrarnals khtrurclia. Kooky&. Goo. izd-vo sellkhos. lit-ry, 1956. 366 P. (NIMA 100) (Veterinary surgery) AWIPIN, D.N., doktor vateriuarnykh nauk. professor; TIM3HOV, V.S., doktor vaterinarnykh nauk. professor; ZOIWARIV, N.A., doktor votartnerafth nauk, professor; SALIATIV. V.A., doktor veterinarnykh nauk, professor; SOUVIT, A.S., redaktor; VISKOVA, Te.Z., tekhaicheakty redektor [Parasitology and festations of farm animals] Paresitologlia i Invazionnys boleznt sellskokhostatetvannykh shivotnykh. Pod red. V.S.Irshova. Moskva, Goa. Izd-vo salkhoz, lit-ry, 1956, 478 Ps (ParasLtos--Domestic animals) (KLaA 9111) KIDUADIV, Iva& Dwitriyevich. professor; SOLOVIT. A.S.. radaktor.- TRUOTA, TO.I., tekhnicheskly redaktor [ftsical methods of tr"tawnt In v*torimry medicluel Fistchaskle ustody lecheatle v vetertuarii. Isd. 2-os. parer. Moskva$ GO@. izd-vo selOkbos. lit-ry, 1957. 270 p. (KIRA 10:7) (Voterinury medicine) 'tLQ~ q h'), VANOV, Ivan Yilippovich, prof t VXYO A.S.. red.; BALLOU. A.L. talhn. red.; YNDMOVA, A.Y., - (General histolocy with elements of the embryology of domestic animals] Obahchais gigtologita 9 o9novami embriolorii domeshnikh shivotnykh. Moskva, GoeAzd-vo sel4hox. lit-ry, 1957- 328 P, (Histology) (MtRA 11:3) (Veterinary embryology) * ---.- -1 - ----- BOW, Boris Knrlovich, prof.; SOIOVXy, A.5.. red.; ZUBRILINI, Z.P., (Patlionnatomical dissection of fnrm Animnlal Patologoanatomi- chaskoe vskrytie sellskokhozipistvannykh zhivotnykh. lzd.4-os, perer. Xoakvn, Gos.izd-vo sel'khoz.lit-ry. 1957. 115 p. (MIRA 11:1) (AUTOPSY) REVO, Mikhoil Vasillyovich, prof., doktor.,zasluzhennyy deystell nauki USO; ZHUXOVA, Harlya Dm-ttriyevna, dotsent, knnd.vaterin.nank; SOLOYET, A.S., red.; FYXMUVA, A.F.. [Veterinary microbiology] Vaterinarnnia mikrobiologlia, Moskva, Goe.izd-vo sellkhox,lit-ry, 1958. 455 p. (MIFLA 13:1) (YTF INART BACTZRIOLOGT) GAIIJ4,usilK I I), M9 t v uy S o I cm ono% I. Ch, c r cur -. SOMUEY, A. 5 - , r ed. . ; B ALLOD, A. 1. , tekhn. red. [31pizootic diseasei -and principles of microbiology) lbizootologiia a ounovami mikrobiologit. Moskva, Goo. ird-vo sellithot. lit-ry. 1958. 558 P. (Communicable diseases in anininle) (MtFtA 11:11) DOMUCHXV, Georgiy Vlodimirovich, prof., zosluzii.eleyatall nauki H.70 [decefiaedJ; SHARABRIN, I.G., prof.; SKIRNOV, S.I., prof.; CRAM, V.0o, prof.; KUYNBOX. Ya.I., prof.; LTAPUgEIN, A.K., prof.; MMSFIKIN, W.R.. prof. (deceased]; ONEGOV, A.P., prof.; IMUSTALZV, S*Agg profe Edeoeasedj; CHKRTASOV, T.A.o dotsent; SCLOVIT, A.S., red.; PROKOFIYZV, L.11*,, 'Pathology and treatment of internal noninfectious diseases of farm animals] Patologiia I teraplia vnutrennikh nazaraznykh boleznei sel'skokhoziaistvennykh zhivotnykh. Ko3kva, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1960. 503 P. (MIRA l):II) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Veasoyuznoy akademii sellskokhozyjystvennykh nauk im. V.1.Lenina (for Domrachev). (Veterinary medicine) DALKATOV, Mikhail lonstantinovich; ZHURAV31LI, A.A.; L*OPOV. V.m.; S(MOVBY. A.S., red.; PROKCFIYZVA. L.N., DRYEVA, Y.M. , [Pathological physiology of farm animalsj Patologloheakals fisiologiia sallskokhosiaistyannykh shivotnykh. Izd.2., parer, i dop. Nookys, Gos.~.*xd-vo sallkhoz.lit-ryj 1960- 511 P, I- a rok" (MIRA 13:9) 1 '~r OPOt ar nary pathology) MIKHAYLOV, N.; SO A A. I LOU .0 Television center in Leningrad. Radio w*5:3-5 Vq 161. (KIRA l4s7) (Leningrad-Television stations) SOLOVEY9 B.9 inzh.-kapitan Vehicle maintenance for night marches in the mountainso Voeno vesto 39 no. 1:26-30 A 160. (MIRA 14:2) (Tanks (Military science)) SOIAQVIJ. B., tnzh.; CHISTOVICH, kand.tekhn.nauk (Lnningrad) P. Automatic thermostats for apartments. Zhil.-kon.Phoz. 9 no.11:21-23 '59. (KIRA 13:2) (Thermostat) CHISTOVICH, Bergjy Andrayevich. kand.tekhn.nauk; SOLOVIT, Boris Favlovich, - , -I% Inzh.; DrUSKIN, V.I., doktor tekhn.nauk, o-"?IChIY-?W(T.T OrSIWT- D.I., red.izd-va; LILTUKEIN, A.A., (Automatic regulation of the teMmrature of hr ted buildings] Avtomaticheskoe regultroyanie temperaturnogo, reshima otapli- vaeaWkh pomeshchenti. Pod obahchei red. T.I.Diuskina. Moskva, Izd-vo K-va kom;mn.khoz.RSFSR, 1959. 150 p. (MMA 12:8) (Heating-Regulators) -,:jQL0 YNY. L,Poltovn Grovinetric Observatory In the systs3n )f the Imperialistic russification drive against ukrainian sci- ence conducted by the Central Committee of Ithe CPSUI Pol- tavalks gravimetrychus observatorits v systemi imperilallstych- noho rusifikntsilnoho nastupu TsK USS no Ukrainolku neuku (vidbytkn z tyzhnevykA Oftraln*slki v1sti," no.43 so 1960 r.) Novyi U11m. Zakh. Rimechchins. 1960. 15 p. (MIRA 14:) (Poltava-GeophyRical observatories) SDLOYff, D.Ta.; YAVORKOVSKIT, L.I., Immediate results of treating chronic x7elosis with m7leran. Soy.ved, 23 no.llt58-62 1 059. (KIRA 13:3.) 1. 1z gematologlebestogo otdeloniya Rishokoy respublikanskoy klinloho- skoy bol Initey (glavV7 vrach Z.N. Shelemina.). (WMWAN therapy) (LWMIA NTXLOCTTIC therapy) XAVORKOVSKIY,, 1.1 SOLOVEY, D.Ya. Cases of familial leukemia* Problo gemat, i perel. krovi 5 no. 12:49-50 160* (KIRA 14t1) (IZUKEM) YAVURKOVSKIYI L.I.; SAN=, G.P,; SOLDMj D.Ya,p- FAEGLR# A*G. Problem of Moglohainsmia. Terap.arkb. 1, Iz gematologichookogo otdoloniya (save Yavorkmkiy) Respublikanskoy klinicheskay Fe Stradyrqao (GIDBULIN) 33 no.ls96-101 161. (KM 1413) - kandemodenauk L*Io bollnitay imeni D.YA "Investigation, r.f Hydrcgen Diffusirn Thrcugh Carbcm Steals Dur ng Dinvolution in Acidti with Inhibitors." Memis fcr do, eree cf Cand. ChemicalL Sci. sub 8 nay 11510, Mc8CCW SUto PedaCoClcal Inst. imeni V-1. UMIn Summary 71, 4 Sef 52, Dissertations presented fcr degrees in science and engineering In Moscow in 1950. Frcm ~F~a a moaKva, jan-Dec. .195o Y, i.) tie, Dwasmism of hydiription ism amels via Miprest starbili c" tootis is imid "Ith S, A, lialexis and 11. Vis, 96#n 1 1 ibit-4.0 state I11..S I~Mfilflnst,). PO&Wv Abod, N. M, 15, x 11 141 - With dislip 4 vothrin elm. will) t, twilt"p. I 1 1.0 1 w% oullikelrd in llw sisrskm sit 'A The IhAl -#.w *I-Ir ill. ittlif jUrt 411 it CIINUWS Ill the ICKM ill 11 A1411010 Ohil-11111 the (114 44"1 i. "Moitted so Hs on The ollset %life ,ill Iq i spi. ,1 14 - it As. willidblistif .."'s 1111.1b.oills jW4tA A *Ikl A.1hodsol. I'llpf".44 -fill -0. is" I* 1#P It- Obbilit to ll`~. 06" $-0.. v ill. ..,"1 1.1 Ill to v ,, two In N N It-. #,. A 11.04, A dal.w., its site ;.Ab. 11.1.1kap. lots .4 m.guills-le, I, bottlJolm, file the still. 11 of 11, Stplir 0144-tiall Jibe 464, 11.1 .411 thirtillith A UIAII~ at A.-Ut I-W ..11"biltsboo 0 Ill C. last I he m., 0 11wh itiltre. 9-91.- ki - IAAO 4,9 Allilit. I spil It. is AIMUI 9 lljl-r~ its N. the IASOF I %ISU JWJVA~ stely Sjj%WjgIV Is.m) 11-V 10) A Varmj. lost. in ruillf"I so II.SO.. the rate 11 It, fill' city timer its 5 S thAn in N JIM between 3 N jam, It's. .14A1, ie. Itt-fit 210 tip 2" liffects al 4ifferetit in. Aft III. . I S v 11:46t. folm". o a ... I .1."I4 she "llor wittrill, whi-tral the OrAL 11.1hitIll.-I dkillsWullAw uplocasirs 11 niush %too, wil-iltliv iby a faclug 4 10 1;.1) thAss I (tsy a f4cum td 31, Illt 1411, indfinw4r.-I. dwilivianifint, pernsculinn isif It. to Jfw "lls" i-ohr .4 the .6h lit-gina lip be olm"volple. in S N 11,50., only Jilt at-ituf 4 lot i ft%." site *lost .4 the AltAck 44 she At W, 0 sism Ism site sib, to fura , &M %1 6 Awatirst =,..Uv .1 ph, 1 JjC toot Pat. -4 1 he DIV IA. Its lost I hot Apff`O' o I - -~lisal' em4hiffabir qIrls, III. to tho At-wr 04 Whilmitessr. dnif low strut. it ft"Ve'se. "hitirld"Ir.4", Twk ismillil."10.1 to sib ll,,Suhwbv%%I*nIly lo%mildrollsw lirt"Wisloostil #I $tie Alisbk~ In ths. livitas -w oil 11~4i, the r4wil. Q toutgAw% tal*tlv with the mrsen. 14 the Mill And wills lise t7 omimt. 1#1 high V Orvl% *#I- 1" 410", #4 all she fit prwvfow~l -blIss- thimigh Out .11 , %%'fill l1w OlAt"I stoic of lbs"w's, 1 0. 4 fit 11 1 " I T #1- 1.40 .4 sib. .4 Islibq the Of. whilot'v 4.1-IM1.04.4 basis, -silb. I. lose ill ell" I ill It. A4 "we Whibit.o "Ch%j," .1ti-wtv 11 Ininhil"Ird "ll'a Muo. with 4 .... Us -psif~ 1. .4 I%, fitil -let" test Airf 4 5 hm in V, Aml j," I" I I biro, in & N 110, it cmtintwq few VNIPT tv"m awl town llfft~tiltrlsr Own F4.4v.. H; .1plurr"lly. is wl, -,$,"1 Isivirtrilmilly Imit Ill, -4 #140 "&r#pI mf.rr- A n.sau .4 to.. is.. #j,btjlt,q. bitl- #.I *I,l,.. 121hilvils cifeclowdy Ist"li I .4t"I thus $*"Cut. em firill1rabrut, SULOV-:,Y, D.,*lu., mauk Strangth of reinforcement In autoclaved concretes. Sbor. trud. ROSIMMS no.17-93-,108 *60. (14INA 14 : 12 ) (Concrete reinforcement) SOLOVEJ~ kand.khim.nauk; SORSKAYA, E.M., inzh.; KAZAKINICH, Ye.3., inzh. Corrosion resistance of the reinforcement In air-entrained silicate concrete, air-entrained cinder concrete and keramzit concrete. Sbor. trud. ROSNIIMS no.2006-83 161. (MIRA 16t1) (Concrete reinforcement-Corroolon) (Lightweight concrete) SOLOVEY D,Ya,,, kand.tokhn,nauk; Prinimali uchastiyei XOBZEVAp L.I., takhnik; YUSOVA, V.I.0 laborant; BLIOU, M.B., laborant Protecting the reinforcement from corrosion In autoclaved silicate concretes. Sbor. trud, ROS4IKS no.2Os84,89 161o (MIRA 161l) (Concrete reinforcament-4orrosion) SOWWY j_p,jg,.2.-karx1.khimichoskikh nauk; Priniff-li uchastiye: ROGACHEVA, 0.1., inzh.; TELEGINA, V.V., inzh.; KOBZEVA, L.I.p takhnik; BLIOXH, M.B., laborant; YUSOVA, V.I., laborant Corrosion resistance of reinforcement in silica concrete. Stroi.mat. 8 no.lz7-10 Ja 162. WIRA 15:5) (Concrete reinforcement-Corrosion) SOLOVEYP D.Yal,-,__-. .ubarculln teat's in chron!c latikemils. Probl. gemat. I perol. k,ovl 9 ro.603-34 'a 164. OCRA 18 t 2) 1. Gematologicheakoye otdelenlye (zav.L.I. Yavorkovskly) Respublikanskay klln!cheskoy bolln!tay Iment P. StrAdynya glavnyy vrach L.G. Shcherbakov&), Riga. SOLOVEY, Fedor Maksimovich. New machines appear In the fields. Znan.sila no.10:9-10 0 15). (KUL,L Ono) (Agriimiltural machinery) SOLOVET, F. X. Now Model Beat Planter - Ttov,, Pravda Ukrainy,, 7 May 54* The Firovogrdd Frasnaya Zvesdanant has shipped the first lot of SK-18 beet planterst designed by F. M. SOLOVEY, Stalin Prize winnerp to beat- planting MTS throughout the country. The now 18-row plantor has mny advantages over 12-row boot planters now being rroduced. SO: SUMIY42 Nov 1954 SOLOVIT. Y., kand. takhn. nauk, laureat Stalinalroy premli According to nev agricultural methods. Znan. ta pratsia no.4:8 Ap 159. (Sugar beets) (MIRA 12:10) F;DVU,-F.1,I.j kand.seI'skokhozyayutvcnnykh naW-; fETEPV-7,, P.P., kand.seI'skokho:yay9tvenny'k-h nauk Machinery for cultivating and harvesting sugar beets in continuous operationn. Mekh. i elek. note. sellkhoz. 19 no.4:8-15 161. (141M 14:11) 1. VoesQyuznyv nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut mokhanizataii sellakogo khozyaystva ;Sugar beats) (Agricultural machinery) ~4sgu__&r, EPA (s)-2/Ewr(m)/EPF(c)/EpRA:wp(j)/tA-%A (C) pc-or-48-ot-10 WWAM ACCWSION NR: AP5008143 9/0286/65/ooo/oo5pon/0022 f t F. .Orlov. ALITHOR: Minaker, Ye. I.; Solovey, G. G.; Borisov, TITLE: A method of preparing polyaj~pinodiorganosilqxanes. Class 129 No. 168689 SOURCE: By-ulleten' izobreteniy I tovarnykh znakov, no. 5, 1965, 22 TOPIC TAW; elastomer. polymer, aluminum, containing polymer, polysiloxane ,ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate Introduces an improved preparative method for ;aluminum-containing polysiloxanes utilizing dihydroxypolydiorganosiloxanes and methylpropylsiloxy-bls-(O-chloroalkoxy)-aluminum and triphenylsiloxydiLsopropoxy- :aluminum. as starting materials. This results in a product vith ipproved thermal stability. ASSOCIATIOH: none SUBMIT~ED: 29Dec63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE! 06,C*90 NO REF SOV: 000 unm* ooo ATD PFMS:3 2 11 .1 Card 1/1 -1 -. -., ~ I ~1'1. '- - *k' "", y, : . .I . -~ zirnnstoykosti yachmanp, paliidum R, ivmenernogo v )z,,myy. V ',Auch. tr-j~.fy 'Ffesojoz. in-ta isn. [Vsenka, it., OL9, 3. 22'1-~]. b1ol. nauk. Phaaio development of grape seedlings. Dokl. AJmd. sellkhow 23 no.8:38-42 158. (MIRA 1118) 1. ToeooyuzniLya nau h ideledovatellskaya protivoftloksernsys, stantsim Teesoy=nogo urruchno-issledovatol'skogo Inetituta z a shchity rastenly. P~redstavleua akademikou F.G. Kirichenko. (viticultuxe) SOWVKY, G.T., kand.biolog.nauk Methods of o1joinating the prodomination nf wild typos in Interspecific crossing of grapes. Dokl.Aked.sel'khoz. 24 no.9:18-23 159. (HIM 13:1) 1. Vuesoyusnaya nauchno-isoledovatel's1mra protivofillokeernWa stantelya Vaosayusnoy akademil sel'skokhozyaystvannykh muk Im"ni V.1.1,enina. Prodstavlona akademikow F.G.Kirichanko. (Viticulture) SOLOVEY, G. T. Doe Biol Sci - (dies) "Immunity and effective methods of develop- ing phylloxera-resistant varieties of grapes." Odessa, 1961. 28 pp; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education Ukrainian SSR, Odessa State Univ imeni I. I. Mechnikov); 200 cop- ies; price not given; (KL, 5-61 sup, 182) kamd.biolog.nauk Developing remistant varieties of grapes.Zashch.rast.ot vred. I bn~l. 4 no.4t46 R-Ag 159. OaRA 160) 1. Vaesoyuznaya nauchno-is3ledovatelvskaya protivofillokeernaya stantsiya, Odessa. (Phylloxera) (Grapes- Disease and peat resistance) SMWIII. D.G.; KORNOV, F.Ta.; YUSHOTICH, G.I.; SILINA, L.D.; MOISHMA, Ye.l.; BLAGODAROVA. T.U.; BIRTMOVA, M.S.; MIXOTA. T.Te.; TEY SZTA. Z..A.; DATMVA. I.T.; SATICHNTA. 2.U.; KUUSTOTA, A.K.,, CNconomy of Kuybyshev Province for 1958-1959; statistical collection] Narodnoe khoziaistvo Kulbyehevskoi oblasti 2a 1958-1959 gody; sta- tisticheakii sbornik. Xuibyshav. 1960. 174 p. HERA 14:1) 1. Kuybyshevskaya oblastI. Statisticheakoye upravleni.". 2, Nachal'- nik Statinticheakago upravleniya Kuybyshevskoy oblasti (for Seredavin). J. Statisticheekoye upravleniya Kuybyshavskoy oblesti (for all, except 111austova). (Kuybyshev Province-Statistice) SOLOVEY, Ivan Flakalmavich;-KRAGEL'q Ye.O.[Kr&bsl',E.O.10 red.j IMUSH,M.M.l ~' (The young amateur photographer] lUrqi fotoliubytell. Kyiv, Derzh. uchbovo-pedagog. vyd-vo wHadianalka shkolap" 1961* 253 p. (Photography) (MIRA 1514) KUtG!:1NSKIYI pi-of., doktor toklm. ntuk-; bYMEOVSKIY, V.A., knnd. tek1w. nauk; FAVLYK, V.S... DWI.; 4~~PV SU1,11:CV, N.A., !:Ctl'GVA, L.S., inzh.,- SHIM, L.p red. izd-va; AUDAKOVA, N.I.J. tekhn. red. [Inatructions for determining the seismic load for vertical equipment and oxamples of calculation] Ukazanua po oprode- lenilu LeIsmicheskoi nacruzki dlia vertikal'rWkh apparatov I prirory rascheta. I-Ioskvaf Gosstroiizdat, 1961. 30 P. (ML(A 15:8) 1. Akadeviya stroitel'stva i arkhitektux7 SSM. Institut stroite .1'rWkh lkonstrukts3y. 2. TSentrallro-y nauchno-issledo- vatellrkiy inctitut stroitelInykh konstruktsiy Akademii atroi- tellotva i arkhltektury SSSR (for Korchinskiy, 41:hovskiy, 1-avlyk). 3. GosudarstveruW-y Institut po proyektirovaniyu nef- tynxr/kh tavodov pri Gosudarst'vonnom planovom kor-itete Soveta Pinistrov SSSR (for Solovey,-btrninav Kotova). (Earihquakes and buildings SOLDVIIT, I.N. Water chestnut in reservoirs of Polesys. PrIroda 43 no.g-.97-99 3 154. (nn 7!9) 1. Institut velloratsit, vodnogo I bolotnogo khosymyetya Aka- devii nauk BSSI. (Polwsy*--Fr*sh-w&t*r flora) (Presh-water flora-Polesys) USSR/Soil Science - Soil Genesis and Geography. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 19, 1958, 86TO6 is 10 to 13%. The soil contains 2.77% N, 1,92% C3 Al-A also K and P. In layers at the bottom, deposits of car- bonate sapropel characterize the peat-marsh soils under pine-mixed-grass associations. The dcgrec of peat decom- position is 30 to 35%. The ash content of soils in sedges is 8.5 to 11%, the degree of peat decomposition is 30 to 50%. The peat-march soils of the upland type are distin- guished by peat thickness of up to 10 meters. At the top occurs aphagnums and sedge-sphaEpum peat with 10 to 11.7% degree of decomposition and 2 to 3% ash content. The cot- tonsedne-sphagnum peat occurring lower has a degree of de- composition reaching 35% and an ash content to 3.4~. The sedge-hypnum peat which occurs in sandy grounds, has a thickness reaching 2.5 metersy degree of decomposition 20 to 30% and ash content reaching 6.48%. In the top layers of upland type soil, the P content is 0.03% in an absolute dry weighed batch. -- S.A. flikitin Card 2/2 SOLOVEY, I.T.; GRISH1112 1.11. Lymphosarcoma of tho mnall intestine in children. Zdrav. Bel. 7 ho.3:62-63 Mr 161. (MIRL 14:3) 1. Iz khirurgicheokogo otdeleniya Gluzsko7 rayboitnitay (glaym vraoh G.A.Paolko) i khirurgichookcgo otdeleniya Bobryuskoy gorboll- nitsy (glavnyy vrach V.D.Zarudnyy). (HODGKIN'S DISEASE) (INTiSTINES-MORS) 60), 7(7) SOV/108-13-12-3/12 AUTHOH5: Gertsenshteyn, 11. Ye., Fokras, A. L., Oolove)r, L. G. TITLE: Multi-Channel ~ysten of Parea2el Selectica Wayeauides with Variable Couplings (Mnogostvollnaya sistema parallellnoy selektsii 3 reguliruyemymi svyazyami) PERIODICAL: liadintekhnika, 1956, Vol 13, Nr 12, pp 20-25 (USSR AB6TRACT: gith relatively narrow bands or not too high claims with respect to the adaptation, the problem of dividing or joining the channels can be solved by means of a system of shunted series- resonance circuits. The various filters are connected, in par- allel to each other, to the common conductor by a simple or compact tap. A simple method of setting up a tap for the shunted series-resonance circuits is given. This method is based on the calculation data without intricate experimental work. At first, the paralleling of the resonance circuits is investigated. The obtained formulae (3) and (5) show that the tap must be tuned jointly with the filter connected to it, with one element. The input resistance of filters with several elervnta is then in- vestigated and it i* shown that the mutual influence of the Card 1/2 -ariouschannels is determined esuentially by the input resona- /108- 13- 12- 3/ 12 QV 31,0 ti-Channel Syst#~.m of Prz-%Ue-" SelectiOn. Waveguides vith Variable C-.-up3.ir_gz tors. Therefore, the input rejonators of the filters with neverul el,~:ments muut also be tuned vrith the taps. The connec- tion of the filters to the common line Is then investigated. The connection to the main waveguide iu made variable by means of screws with a steplike cross section. By means of the method given in this article, a simple waveguide tap is worked out for a system with shunted series-resonunce circuits with an input transient wave factor of',--0.95 in the middle of the band. There are 7 figures, 1 table, and 3 Soviet references. 6UBMTED: June 1. 1957 Card 2/2 ~, 4 ;?,: -;.A.; ;, . . I r 4 - ~ 1. - ., , m. Y,~: . ; , i-Go. I . . . features cif ~:ne ra Live circuit synthesis. Rad"C'lek' I f!lektron. Q nc).10:1763-1768 () '64- (MIRA 1,1:11) "'UIX-V !.,*'.' IA', .I . 4 ro-PtflleX Con- Cr3rld t,*c,,d -1c' - (diss) "Several mecharisms of neu 12 Dp; trol of lactic acid in the blool." Krasno.-!arsk, 1(61- (Omsk State Med Inst); 200 copies; price not Fiven; (KLj?-61 sun, 2e:;") ~A red. of Ar --ote- f o of ultra- Wcolen o,' ill sonic veo in uality 01, chrorpo 0~ o , q I - V. L r- Lf~,-j of ineny. . ea ho., straps ~ Otodn obi-nix;tki UYL-1.1r.1 v :: crovol . fnbr!xn nn v tekhrlolugli vtL"kl k I r I - L , kn a n--,zh tf,-: A OiJA i7. i0) SOLOM, A. G. OThe Use of Breakfast (;@real for theFractional Study of the Stoma& by a Yine Probe,* Sov, Ned., No. 1, 1948. Maj Xed Sv. Therapeutic Yield Hoop. -c1948-. In S010*17Y. :I. I'. C911tic Chrr)nic calltic i-)f v,-H-u-, -t1-)!-. -~Y .V-12. 1'0, 9. Monthl List of Russinn Accessions, Library of Congress, >cp-mbpr 195?-l;UAU Uncl. snw';Yj M. 0. Mf-,Uctne-Practice G. 1. Sokol'skiy and his comments on Hufeland'3 "Textbook on Medical Practice." Soy, Mod. 16, -io. 6, 1952 Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September 1952- Unclassified* S010M, M.G. kand.medenauk - ~' siological method for making a simultaneous study of the phy secretory, motor, and excretory function of the stomach* Toene- med.shur; o.8929-32 A 156 (X;A 12:1) ts"TOMA092~aLZU(S) CHMOV. V.I.; SOLDVAT. M.P.; ZRASHOVA, 3.B. functional state of the cardiovascular systen in andocarditis oblitersame Trachodelo, no.ll-.1171-117) N 156. (XUU 10:3) 1 I# Kafedre propedertichaskoy terepil (saveduyushchly - doteeat Y.I.Chernov) L'yovskogo neditainskogo institute. (211DOCARDITIS) (CARDIOTASCUI" SYSM--DISUSIS) SOLOVBY, M.G. Protein decomposition products in the gastric juice in some urological diseases. Urologils 21 no.1:29-35 Ja-Kr 156. (MLRA 9:12) 1. Iz terapavticheskogo I urologichaskogo otdelonlys Klinicheskoy ordena Lenins bollnitsy iment S.P.Botirins (glaynyy vrach - prof. A.H. Shabanov), 2-y tarapevtichaskoy kafedry (zav. - prof. B.Ye.yotchal) i urologicheakoy kafedry (xav. - prof. A.P.Frumkin) TSentrallnoro institute usovershenstvovantya vrachey. (GASTRIC JUICS protein decompostition products in ural. dim.) (PROTBINS protein decomposition products in gastric juice in urol.dis.) (URINARY TRACT. dim. protein decomposition products in gastric juice) SOUNIT,j,X.G. ~ 1. Method for determining protein In pancreatic juice* liabod*lo 6 Ci,**41 no.4327-28 J3o-Ag 158 (MIRA 11 sq) lo Is terapevtichookogo otdoloniya (save - profe B*Tee Totchal) Klinicheakoy ordens. Lenina bollnitay Imeni S.P. Botklua# Moskva) (PANCRIAS-SECRETIONS) (PRMBINS) SCLOVEV, M. G. : rx:c Med Sc' I (diss) -- "Clinical and oxp-3rlmontal utt,~-rlftl an Une rol-j cf the s4,mach In thn metabolism of the or~~nirm". Moscow, 1959. 15 Pp (Min FofiltJi Contral Tnst for the Advanced Training of PYysicans), 200 copies (KLj No U4, 122) SHAPIRO. F.M.; SOLOVEY, M.G. (Moskva) Gastric changes In various types of hypertensive disease. Arkh.pat. 21 no.3:28-34 159. (KM 12:12) 1. Iz patnlogoanatomichookogo otdalenlya (2&V. - prof. Ye.Ta. Gartman- berg) 6-y Xoskovskoy gorodsko7 klivicheskoy bollnitsy (glaynyy vrach N.S. Shevyakov) I terapevtIcheskogo otdolenlya (zav. - prof. D.Ye. Votchal) klinicheekoy ordens, Lenina. bollnitsy iment S.F. Botkina (glav- W vrach - prof. A.N. Shabanov). (HT M TENSION, pathol. stomach changes (Rae)) (STOMACH, pathol. in hypertension (Ras)) soLon'T.-x.a.. kand. mod. nauk. Stomach and its relation to water metabolism. dov. mod. 23 no-3:36-39 Mr '59. (KIM 12:4) 1. Iz ternpevtichaskogo otdolenlya (zav. - prof. B.Ts, Totchal) Noskov- skoy gorodskoy klinicheskoy ordena lenina bolaltsy imeni S.F. BotkIVA (glavnyy vrach - prof. A.N. Shabanov). (BOW YWID BAIARM, gastric regulation (Ihs)) (STOMACH, pbYsIole body fluid balance regulation (Itue)) I SOLOUYP N.G. (1-loskva) Motor and avacuatory function of the stomach in renal insufficiency. Vrach. delo no.9:25-30 S 161. (MIRA 14,12) 1. Terapevt1cheskoye otdoleniye (zav. - prof. B.Ye.Votchal) klinicheskoy bollnitsy imeni S.P.Botkina. (STUA CH) (MXEYS-DISEASES) SOLCIVEY) M.G. (Hoskva) Stomach and water-mineral metabolism. Kaz. med, zhur, nool: 67 Ja-F'0'3. (KW 16:8) (140 SUBJXT HUDULS) SOLOVJEV, H. Use of Foma 'Neomodix: rilm in gastroenterological skiagraphy. Preliminary report on the results of 21 examinations. Cesk. rentgen 17 no.2:132-136 Mr f63. 1. Centralni rentgonologicke oddeleni, Statnich lazni v Karlovych Varech, vedouci MUDr. L. Svab. (GASTROIlMSIVU SYSM) (RADIOGRAPHY) (RADIATION PROTECTION) country C At Abs. J-),Al' Author lwtltut. T1 t I,- Pab. AbnLract Card: USSR 601C'70- Ica 0 'Y 11'o Jc,-; Uri,,, 1~ybri4 Pigso 13 Dol-A c 3 k, ;L(,Va) 1~5'171 vyp. C-.71 6~201-10r:" of the lonasst M15311.c o" 'he- and ,, - 4._ o-f the I)j--ild.tal Of 4-L" M p 0: "Iro-orod hybTI~L; witll 1-j-3 Jar,,,,.) k' . t"n-it werr) obtni-m-d bv cros- orced ar.-2, of Pii;s rAg hybritis V11t1- tll~ Br I -lit I s bi%eed %he A&es 4 ona- ~L-'O' 15 daysi 11 61 P9 12, itid 18 nthr *7.6-e tc~m%ri frolm F's-11 ?Vhoso -i-oups. m o %delition to hirtolo-icla the t of mus--lu f-IbErs (--C0 flbepn fro-1 '7'as noted ;XAI.-~'A:~ev. T~ WSR/Frr, Lnirnle. Svino Q-3 "#be Jour i Rof Zhur - Biol.p 11c 6, 1953, No 35637 ,Iuthc.,r I V.A. Inst t 11A Given Title i Tho Grcvrth rnd Dovolcprcnt of the Mucous MaiiLrnno of tho Sta-mch in Swino un!or Conditions of Furobrod Raising rnd Crcusine of Tho-~ (Rcst I rrzvitiyo slizistcy obelochki zholui- kt ovinoy Fri chistoporodncy- rpzvodonii I skroshchivnnil ikh) Orie- rub i Dokl. Mcak. a.-kh. rkM. iv. K,A* Ti;-iryr-.cvrp 1957, VYP. 27, 321-326 Abstrrct t At ell ctri-,cs cf dovolcpront, tho thickness of the layer of ~lendulcr opitholity-, and the weight and dirionsions of rtcnrchn woro 6onvidorrbly grattor in the hybrie. swiijo (Mirgccrod X Lp-rro White i-nd qirvcrcd X Largo X Breit) then In the purebred Mirp-rc-d brooll. It is possible that in tho hy~rld cwino the dirosting r-:wor of the 3tor-rch is higher thrn In the purobrode. Cord 1 1/1 ~SOLOM' M.ya., kaud.biologicheskikh nauk; MMY, V.A., kand.sell- skokhoz.,ra7stvenn.ykh nauk Growth and development of musete tissues in purebred and crove- bred swine. (with summry in 1bglish). Izv. TISMA no.4:143-155 16o. (MMA 13:9) (Swine) (muscles) EXTU40 Y,.A., kand. seliakokh. nauk; SOLOW, M.Ya., kands b1ole nauk Development of zazmmary glands in purebred and hybrid swine in ontogenesio* Isve TSM no,5:216-228 162& (KIRA 16:7) (Ma=mry glands) (Svino-Physiology) SO WVNY, it. I. Mothodn for raDrocassine, capron waste for molding auxiliary Obm.tekh.op7t.[)CP1 no.20: parts of textile machinery. 26-28 '56. (MIRA 12211) (Plastics--Mnlding) SOLOVEY, O.P., kand.tekhn.nauk Wev tillage machinery for orcharde. Mekh. sill. hosp. 12 no. 4:12-14 Ap 161., (MIRA 14:4) (Fruit culture) (Agricultural machinery) ZWAJ-1;:T, O.V. 1 Ai3diotintr.-r method enplo:ring speech. TnAy goo. navich.-Isal. Inst. likha. gorLt I no9a. 6:211-222 '55. (MINA 12:10) 1. Ig Aknifittchookoy laboratorli Fiziologicheakago otdela (zav. - prof. 11.7.limofeyev) Goaudaretvannogo nanchno-lusledovatall- akrogo inatitiAn, Wdia. gorla i nosa. (AUDIOMMY) KAST3NXO, P.M.; SOLOVIT. V.1.- (Solovel, V.I.] Now KMI-2 potato harvester. Makh. oil'. hoe. 9 no,4:29-30 Ap 158. (MIRA 11:5) Now XDN-2 potato harvester. Mekh. all'. hoe. 9 no.4.-29-30 Ap 158. (KIRA 11:5) 1.Ukrainslkiy naitkovo-doalidniy institut mekhanizatsit millalkego gospodarstva (for Nastenko). 2.Ukrains'kA mashinoviprobuval'rA stantsiya (for Solovey). (Potatoes--Harvesting) BONDARBUKO, M.G. (Bondarenko, H.H.1; YORONEZHSKIY, V.I. (Voronezhelkyi, V.1j; KITAYTSBYA, Z.P.; XOTALI, X.M.; KOLODA, V.D.; KORSAKOY, 0.0.; EMINSKATA, TG*D. [Kreminalka, X.D.1- UMA, O.M. [Kukta, H.M.). insh.-mkhan.; PIVOVAIR, S.G. (Pivovar, S.H.); soiam, V.I.; OLzri- RMO, G.A. [Olefirenko, H.A.], red.; GUUMMO, 0.1. [Wanko. 0.1.1. tekhn. red, (Now agricultural mchines) Novi sillalkohospodarelki anshyni, lyiv# Dersh.vyd-vo sil'alkohospodarelkoi lit-ry URSR. 1959. 231 p. (NIRA 13:4) (Agricultural machinory) 501-OVYY, V.I., starshiv nauchnyy sotrudnik PnOumtic grain cleaning and conve7ing ma~-hine. Mekh. Bill. hoop. 11 to.9:27-28 3 160. (MIDA 13:9) 1. Ukrainskaya mastiinoioprtatelInaya atantaiva. (Grain-handling -schinery) SOLOVIT, V- I-, inzh. FSA-2,5 truck-mounted manure sproadero Kekh. oil'. hoop. 11 no.ll,., 26-27 N 16o. (MIRA 1):11) (Yarn equipment) SWMMX, D.S.p inzh.; SOLOVEY, V.I.v inzh. I ~.. ..... --- Neu feed distributors. Mekh. all'. hoop. 12 no. 0;~9-30 Ap 162. (MIRA 14W 1. Kiyevskoye spetsiallnoys konstruktorskoye byuro po sellsko- khozyayotve=ym mashinam. (Feeding and feeds) (Farm mechanization) 4