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Publication Date:
December 31, 1967
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KLABOCH, L., inz.; DUFEK, Jaroolav, inz.; HAJEK, E., doc., Inz.; REZNICEK,
I@, inz.; ROD, F., inz.; DRDA,'J., inz.; MATOUSEK, H., inz.;
KOUSAL, P., inz.; MANDA, CAIS, 0., inz.; NOVIA, S.; URBAN, S.;
HANKE, M., inz.; VOKURKA, V inz.; FOGL, J., inz.; HROMIR, M.,
inz.; SLEZAK, A., inz.;' TITLBACH, Z., inz.;
DREXLER, J., inz.; HORNA, 0., inz.; KUPEC, J., inz.
Discussion on tensioi4try. Zpravodaj VZLU no.207-46, 69-80
1. Vyzkumny a zkuBebni letecky ustmw (for Dufak, Reznicek,
Manda, C*As, Drex3r.r-and Kupec). 2, Statni vyzkumny ustv tepel:de
techniky (for Klaboch, Rod,, Drb,, Matousek, Titlbach).. 3. Ceske
vysoke uceni technicke (forlfiajek, Solin). 4. Ustav pro vyzkum
motorovych vozidel (for Hanke, Vokurka,.Fogl, Hromir). 5. Vyzkumny
ustav matematickych stroju (for Horns). 6. Moravan, n.p.,
Otrokovice (for Kousal). 4, Mlitotechna, Holesovice (for Novak).
8. Zavody V.I.Lenina (for Urban). 9, Svermovy zavody, Vyzkumny
ustav (for Slez ak).
Chendoal Abet.
Vol. 48 No. 6
Mar. 959 1954
&16 d if I F Is
6 -1 a 011 0 p 840 Biological oxida-
c phenols. Stanj$kv JoLaSjt. Vjjctkv
KAreli.r-M]EIr. and 1114rikaTisecki f%'y%oU-1ko[x
Prague. Czech.). Chem. Lidy 47, W-WIDW).-
Wkia edi cultivated from the Moldavian water de.
50-100 mg. PhOIJA./hr. The degradation of
,.OH anq Is much slower than that of Pholf: o.
P-MeCaOH ore destroyed 2-5 times,
:,H,OH 7-17 times, 2,3-SIejC@I1tOjI 12 times slower
IhOH, 2 4. and 2.5-3rylenals resist degradation even
450 Ws' * An OVOPQrs culture degraded Cool,:
. and a 91
..e.jyletrols, but 3-7-times slower than . Coli,
C" was Isolated to an Intermediate during
inkti2ft.kX _th*OOj&j. Hud Kk
Chemical Abst.
Apr- 101,19541
Biological GbOX1111trY
Biologksl degradation of phanots. U. Am -IlqW4 of
Imocstachol by molds. Stanislav'fAnds Viclar �ofln
and Jilf Ostatt VVYsoki lkols chem., ;-
Ckm. Lisly 47, 1066-70090; cf. C.A. 48. 3445#.-
face-culdrated Pfaicillinqs and submerged cultures
Oftpwa whallate pyrmtechol (3). 11-fore than 14%
ciscis-muegnic aW has bqen Isolated, the amt. and rate of'
forn-flon being drdent on the age of the culture, wWlty.1
and the conen. of Odspera asshnuates I faster than Pexi-@
cilliam. and may Stop the growth of Posicilliam If both anj
=t In the amt soln. of 1. Ca salts decrease and Nfg wIt'
ncresses the degradation of 1. Fc wdts do not InAuewei
ds of muconic acid. The degmdatioa of I with,*
Wh, slower but more general than with bacteria. The
ackilty of sofas. caused by muconk acid Increases the speed.
of degradation. Degmdation of monobasic phenols with;
molds requires atration; I is degraded even without aeration.1
&I. Hudlk4-1
5, HIM. Oiditsm,
oillivabA III
pic-locc gf;(. 461, "flell ",v new (U). A
Wed with floopm sl"ina arvi eratee at M* unfil I dis- I-.
Ne@,_ *r1w ptr Avla r.-7 to S.",
wqxI t,,,, 70,,in,tion oil r1w.-z(vil nwl t-littion with
diN NBAT. Yieiffs (,f I'll, - bast@j 01) jv%y
f I
Czechoslovakia /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-14
and Their Application
Water treatment. Sewage water
Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimlya, No 9, 1957, 31782
Author : Solin
Title : Biochemical Decomposition of Phenols by Means
of B. coli and Molds.
Orig Pub: Vodni hospodar8tvi, 1955, 5, No 7-7a, priloha,
Abstract: A study was made of the decomposition of phenol
(I) by B. coli isolated from surface waters.
Optimal conditions: temperature '28-370, pH
5.8-7.9, concentration of 1 200 mg/liter. Addi-
C ard 1/4
Czechoslovakia /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-14
and Their Application
Water treatment. Sewage water.
Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 31782
tion of NY and Po43- accelerates the process,
addition o nutrient broth slows it down. The
homologues of I are decomposed more slowly
(0- and p-cresZTI by 2-5 times, m-cresol by 7-1
times, 2,4- and 3,5-xylenol are not decomposedl.
At PH 7.0-7.5 pyrocatechol is decomposed, at
first, more rapidly than I, but later on the
process ceases due to a c3@.ting of the culture
with a film of humic and tarry substances. The
Oospora mold decomposes T.., cresolB, xylenols and
pyrocatechol at concentrations up to 1-5 g/'Iiter
(with and without aeration). Rate of decomposi-
tion of I depends on its initial concentration
Card 2/4
Czechoslovakia /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-14
and Their Application
Water treatment. Sewage water.
Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 31782
and reaches a maximum (38 mg/liter per hour) at
3 g/liter (the same with pyrocatechol -- 70
mg/lIter per hour at 4.5 g/liter). on decom-
position of I by molds, acids are formed: muconic,
oxalic, suceinic, mal tarta;:ic, citric and
beta-keto-adipic. Caicwand Ba inhibit the
decomposition of pyrocatechol; Fe24* , Mn2+ , Ni24
Cot+ , S4@' and CN- have no effeet; CNS_ accel-
erates the process. Optimal values of pH 5-5.5;
concentration of 01 in the inblown gas can be
low (;@/, 2.6%). Sewage water dephenolized by
molds contains organic acids and must be sub-
jected to purifying after treatment. On decom-
Card 3/4
Czechoslovakia /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-14
and Their Application
Water treatment. Sewage water.
Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 31782
position of I by molds humic acids are formed on
the filter. -For different ILewage water the charge
of I amounts to 200-300 g/m4 slag per 24 hours;
de@Fee of purification is 90-95%.
Card 4/4
Y; -7-17- -7-
Water Tr,@atiwnent. Sewage water.
,@,bz Jour: Referat Zhur @Iimiaya, N
"o 1, 10158, 17?7
Author : Drab-!k, hruska, Nosek, Ptacek, Solin
Title : 11wifica-Uon of Phenolic Sewage Water of Brown
Coal Gasification
orler, hit-: V(x1a, 1956, 35, No 10, 342-347
Abstract: Description of the purification in cinder filters.
On now filters a process of adsorption takes
place, on filters which have been in cperation --
a process of oxidation, whith 02 of the air. The
cinders act as catalyst. Depth of the cinder bed
Is of 2-2.5 cm. The sewage water is fed at a uni-
form rate onto the cinder surface -from a height of
about 1.5 meters. Technical details are described.
Card 1/1
Removal of trinitrotoluens fromwater. Sbor.pal.vod. VSGhT 1958:237-
245. (]MAI 9W
1. Ykatedra technologie vody, Vysoka ekola chemicko-technologicka,
(Trinitrotoluene) (Water)
SOLIN, Vaclav; KUSTKA, Miroslav
Phrification of vote waters containing trinitrotoluene by means of
ash filters. Sbor.pal.vod. TSChT 1958:247-257. (MI 9:4)
1. ratedra technologle vody, Tysoka skola chomicko-technologicka,
(TrInitrotoluene) (Filters and filtration) (Water) (Ash)
22 '16 9 8'),
Pi-,ter, P., tind Spoustolvel
Sol Ln, V. , kricoach, J-
A J.
Pot j',LV&II
T ITL@' The 1-@urifjcrttion of thr@ Waste 4aters from th@@
of Petroleum
Vodii Hospod, No 2, 51-55 (1959)
0 R Ifi .Puti.
A I RA C T The waste waters contain high concentrations of
inortranic riubritances (up to 2.@' gvs/litcr), phen-
ols, naphthenic acidn, and synthetic detergents.
The B01@oof the waste xaters is 490 mg/liter,
The pre8eace of deterFrents
K'bjDK 2990 mj@/liter.
makes purification extremel.7 difficult, since
they lead to the formation of 6table foamn. Ex -
periments with the purification or the ma3te
waters Ir-y coagiilation with. A1.2 (So' )5 .18H, 0, FeSO,.
711.20, a-ad other iron salts ha%re shown that best
7 89
are Obtainca fl*cjc
a;;,njicatioa of I
C'r1 '000 or@"litnr Rt
0 coaEU'Iv@ion @'-
). The 13 incomplet'e In
neutral fd6dium. The oxygen e,.,-and Of the waste
waters ils redured by 7QV and
of synthetic detergents b f'!'I,' C01'Centratio.,
Y 60-70% followin;z :0-
aP@uiati0r.. Experiment,; w-4tjj the purification of
the paste w@ter6 by the use Of actilated Sludge
i0110;4ing a Preliminary tenfold dilution With
tap water (for the reduct4on of the concentration
46 7.t-.: tier, trv3r-. ia
C" 'A' S G Q
'i 9;11 9.
des,,r:: bed. Th L,
r -An c a -1
fe@@% of addit--ons 01 ir. -,on,,:ertr,3tI.Qr-u
d .3f prel;-Ptinary shsrliual
!r,'/1-@ter an,
tio:: !@,As 91so beer. invei;t-l';,ated. COMPII
IMC";:)L of odors and colors was atta@-ned. r 0
h P-ni ron a i Ii ne was n e VO v e -
phencl tcsr. x,-r.
M&DERA, Vladimir, prof., dr., inz., doktor technickych ved; SOLIN, Ve4av;
VUCKA, Yaclav
The biochemical reduction of trinitrotoluens; tho *our" and Vqp"Oucts
of 2:4:6 trinitrotoluene reduction. Sbor pal vod VSCbT no.3, part It
129-147 '59.
1. Vedouci Katedr7 technologie vody; rektor Vysoke skoly ohemicko-
'- , technologicke, Praha (for Madera) 2. Natedra teohnologis vody V@4oke Owly
chemicko-technologicke, Praha (for Solin and Vucka) ,
SOLIN, Vaclav
Purification of generator waste water by means of slag filters. Results
obtained IV the sanitation works in Dubnioa. Sbor pal vad 'VSCbT no.3,
part 1:149-175 159.
1. Katedra technologie vody Vysoke skoly chemicko-tachnologicke,
Problem of purification of generator waste water by meane of slag
filters; removing of fatty acids by slag. Sbor pal vod VSChT no.3,
part 1:177-189 '59.
1. Katedra technologie vody V3rsoke skoly chemicko-technologicke,
r, -@: ; - f c-' ,.,fttjr, *:%@ - wA ...@ .1-
@ r i. .. - .., .. Lsly 1, , .@ :, ; 63,
"Water Economy in Plants of the Mineral Industry." p. 98. Praha. Vol. 2, no. 4, Apr. 1954.
SO: Last European Accessions List, Vol. 3. No. 9. September 1954, Lib. of Congress
L-MT:!, *.
7"urification of waste waters from plants of the min-ing industryj
p. 11, RUDY (Ministerstvo hutniho prumyslu a rudnych dolu) Prahas
Vol, 3, No. 1. Jan. 1955
SOUI'-C-";-. East Euronean Accessions Lis". (@) Librar-y of Congress..
Vol. 4, Wo. 12, December 1955
"Transportation and cleaning of ore slime in the German Democratic Pepublic." p. 249
FUDY. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 3, no. 8, Aug. 1955.
Monthly list of East Furopean Accessions (EIAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, Jun 59, Unclas.
Sam, - Z.
Czechoslovak steel st-uctures. p. hb
CZSCHOSWVAK HEAVY PIDUSTRY. (Ceskoelovenska obchodni komora) Pragues
CzechoslovaRia. 'Ioi. 3, 1959
Monthly List of East European Accessione (EPAI), TC, Vol. B., No. 7 , July 1959
L.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor
[Technical chemical and microbiological control in the flab cannW
industry] Tekhao-khimichaskii i mikrobiclogichookil kontroll z7bo-
konservnogo proiEvodetya. Koskra, Pishchepromizdat. 1952* 219 p.
(Fishery products-Preaervation) (MLVA 10-1)
USSR/Chemiral Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application Food industry.,
Abst .71curnall Referat Zhur - Khimiya., No 2,0 1957, 6750
Auth-)rj Sollnek, V. A.
Instituti-1-01 None
Title: French Fish Canning Industry
01 igiral
Pub-U catit,n -. Ryb. kh-vo, 1956, No 7, 83-86
Abstract3 No abBtract
Card 1/1
BOLrm, V.A., kand.takhn.nauk.
Investigating the properties of smoke generated for curing fish,
Trudy VNIRO 35:102:114 '58- (MMA 11:11)
1, Nauchno-iseledovatellakly institut mekhanizateil. rybnoy promrshlen-
(Fish, Smoked) (Smoke)
Amount of 3v44enspyrene In fish smoked by different nothods.
Top.ouk. 6 no.10,307 160 (NnA 13810)
(=Mvr (Flo 9 MCM)
Tiktor Alaksandrovich; MAKAROTA, T.I.. kand.tekhn.nauk.
spetered.; NOROZOTA, I.I., red.; IIISINA, Ye.l.,
(Processing sardines] Takhnologiia sardin. Xoskva, Pishcbe-
promizdat, 1961. 19-5 ps (KM 14:4)
BORODIN. Ivan Yvaillyevich, kand.tokhn.nauk, dotsent; SOLINj1j.
inxh.. nauchnyy red.-, EKVORTSOVA, I.P.. red.izd-va; GORIXTIV,
P.A.. red.izd-va; STYPANOVA, Z.B.,
(Technology of building] Tekhnologiia stroitellnogo prois-
vodstva. Moak-va, Gos.1zd-vo, lit-ry po stroit., arkhit.i stroit.
materialam, 1958. 446 p. (MIRA 12:3)
Use of automated filter presses for thb separation of suspensions
In the production of phosphorus salts. Khim.prom. tio.9-.709-710
S 163. (MIRA 16:12)
1* 1 f
..; A @ %@
T"Im ow MSVANG OM b a woo" sbt& F. M
SOLD. _rrady JWSAW, X&M.-Teaf. ISO.
JOALTO, 16, pp. Is@-"; KUM. Rif#ML lim". 4 p-a]
sn itimll. M Ho.
rn, "C"", No.
offolrowlo.;z &POO" I
typo of jobirsom iWA
.. *OwY,,,MI"4%rwdmwmp* 00 14 wo
bol boo
dwly *..* tw *0 ;.M@. 6" far as
odo om*. (so"-
(6 to-)
[Sheet glass drawing on vertical machines] Vyrabotka listovogo stekla
mashinami vertikalinogo vytiagivaniia. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.
materialam, 1952. 93 P. (MIJIA 6:7)
(Glass manufacture)
STNXL = IN, A., laureat Stalineko7 premii; SOLINOV. F.G.. nauchnyy
redaktor; GLADT&WA. S.A., redaktor. ' '- --
Wow we mastered a method for drawing glass without using &2d@-
biteuse.11 Zak my oevoili metod betlodochnogo vytiagivaniia
stakla. Hooky&, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po stroitellaym materialan.
1953. 18 p. (KERA 7:8)
(Glass manufacture)
Tasks of the Glnss Institute in developing glass manufacture. Stek.
i ker. 12 no.9:4-7 S155. (KW 8:12)
1. Direktor Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta stekla
(Glass manufacture)
AUTHOR: None Given 72-2-18/20
TITLE: The Production of Glass in the Ukrainian SSR Must be Developed
(Razvivat' proizvodstvo stekla v USSR)
From the Technical Conference of ftpreeamtativesof the Glass Industry
(S tekhnicheskofo soveshohaniya rabotnikov atekollnoy
PERIODICAL: Steklo i Keramika, 1958. Nr 2, pp. 43-45 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This conference was called by the Ministry for the Industry of
Building Materials of the Ukrainian SSR as well as by the Ukrainian-
and Stalin-Regional NTO for Building Materials and took place on
December 10-12, 1957 at Konstantinovka. The minister for the build-
ing material industry of the Ukrainian SSR, Moroz, opened the oon-
ference and stressed the fact that the production of glass must be
increased. The following reports were further delivered:
1.) Patenko, (Deputy Minister for the Building Material Industry)
spoke about the present stage of the glass industry, and pointed
out what work must be carried out in future.
2.) A21inov (Director of the Institute for Glass) gave a report con-
oerning new kinds of glass products for dwelling- and industrial
Card 1/5 buildings and how they are to be properly used in practice.
The Produotion of Glass in the Ukrainian SSR Must be 72-2-18/20
Developed. From the Technical Conference o' ROPreOentativef
of the Glass Industry
3-) Dubrovskiy (Director of the Ukrainian Branch of the Institute
for Glass) described the work carried out by this institute.
4.) Tykachinskiy (Institute for Glass) gave a detailed desoription
of the part played by the factors determining the intensity of
the process of glass meltin -
5.) Zhirnov ("Proletariy" plant@ spoke about the success achieved
by this plant.
6.) Lev (Representative of the Giprosteklo Institute) spoke about the
distribution of new products.
7.) Alekseyev (Acadenq for Building and Architecture of the USSR)
spoke about the assortment, quality, and value of building glass.
Illinskiy (Head of the Pyrometrio Department of the Giprosteklo)
spoke about the perfecting of glass smelting furnaces during
future repair work.
9.) K.I.Borisov (PEB of the Institute for Glass) spoke about improved
construotions of glass smelting furnaces and flues.
Card 2/5
The Production of Glass in the Ukrainian SSR Must be 72-2-18/20
Developed. From the Technical Conference of Representatives
of the Glass Industry
10.) Solomin, Professor (Institute for Glass) spoke about re-
fractories for tank furnaces.
11.) Pronin (Lisichansk Works) reported about dinas products of
high stability.
12.) Bondarev (Director of the "Avtosteklo" Works, Konstantinovka)
dealt with prospects for building glass.
13.) Firer (Representative of the Gomel Plant) spoke about the pro-
duction and use of glass tubes and foam glass.
14.) Zabkov (Director of the Plant imeni October Revolution) spoke
about the prospects of the production of special glass pro-
15.) Bazhbeyk-Melikov (Scientific Collaborator of the Institute for
Glass) gave a report on building glass blocks.
16.) Abakumov (Chief Engineer of the Skopino Works) spoke about the
production of glass blocks in this plant.
17.) Shatokhin (Institute for Glass), Polik (Institute for Glass
Fibres) , Koryagina (Ivotsk Plant) spoke about glass fibres.
Card 3/5
The Production of Glass in the Ukminian SSR Lust be 72-2-18/20
Developed. From the Technical Conference of Representatives
of the Glass Industry
18.) Perederiyenko (Director of the Glass Works at Lvov) spoke about
plate glass of high quality.
19.) Myasnikov (Dotsent of the Polytechnic Institute of Kiyev) spoke
about the production of glass tiles.
20.) Reznikov (PEB of the Institute for Glass) , Minakov ("Avto-
stek1cP Works, Konstantinovka), Dolbin ("Proleturiy" Works),
Kolesnikov (Plant imeni October Revolution) , Zhirnov (TsM
MPSM Ukrainian SSR) spoke about problems of mechanization.
21: Pod"yel'skiy spoke about the packing of glass.
22 @ Baklanov (Head of the Sovnarchose Stalinsk) spoke about the
development of new building materials in that province.
23-) Potanin (Deputy Chief of the Department for Building Materials
of the Gosplan USSR) spoke about geneml problem of the glass
Decisions were made with a view of increasing the efficiency and
Card 4/5 the quality of the products of glass works and the v7oz+a producing
The Production of Glass in the Ukrainian SSR Must be 72-2-18/20
Developed. From the Technical Conference of Representatives
of the Glass Industry
refractories. On the basis of the Ukrainian branch it is intended
that a Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute for Glass be
established at Konstantinovka.
AVAILBLE: Library of Congress
Card V5
e "'J/ov
AUTHOR: None Given SOV172-58-12-21123
TITLE: Conference of Functionaries of the Glass Industry
(Soveshchaniye rabotnikov stekol'noy promyshlennosti)
PERIODICAL: Steklo i keramika, 1958, Nr 12, PP 45-46 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The conference of functionaries of the glass industry of the RSFSR
was held in the town of Vladimir from October 21-23, 1958. The or-
ganizing bodies were: Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-tekhnicheskiy komitet
Soveta Ministrov RSFSR (Scientific-Technical State Committee of the
Council of Ministers of the RSFSR), Gosplan RSFSR (State Office for
Economic Planning of the RSFSR), Vsesoyuznoye khimicheskoye obahchest-
vo imeni D.I. Mendeleyeva (All-Union. Chemical Society imeni D.I.Men-
deleyev) and Vladimirskiy sovnarkhoz (Vladimir Council o
Economy). The topic of the conference was: Perfection of production
proceBS88, introduction of general mechanization and autoaiatic contzol
in the factories for buildftiig and technical glass, glass fiber, glass
containers and vessels. A.S.Boldyrev,, Deputy Chairman of 'the Scienti-
fic-Technical State Committee of the Cvunr-il ,f Min-4uters of the
RSFSR, in his opening speech termed the elaboration of reasures for
further development of the glass industry by introducti,@'n of the
Card 1/5 latest technical achievements as well as the experience of leading
Conference of Functionaries of the G.1a3s Industry SUV/72-5e@112-21/23
factories to be the most important task. He stressed that the achieve-
ments-of Soviet and foreign science and engineering should be con-
sidered in planning new workb. The following reports ware givens
F.G. Solinov, Director of the Gosudarstven.Lyy nauchno-iszledovatell-
sfffy 'inatitut stekla (Scienti-fic State Research Inatitate for Glass)
reported on the basic tTend of scientific research, oxperinental and
construction work in glass industry.
V.1e. Sheyko, Director of the Vaesoyuzryy nauchno-i.9sledovatells'-'..@
institut stekiovolokna (Al-J.-Union, Scientific Research inctitute for
Glass Fiber) spoke on tha prospeo-ts of development in tte pzoduction.
of glass fiber and its prnducts.
Voshchilov, Deputy Ch-ief-E'dlgineer cf the GPI-3, reported on mechani-
zation and automatic i-- the factories of bottle and vessel
M.G.Stepanenko, Frofess,:,r, Director of the laboratoriya Instituts
Stekla (Laboratory of ihe Glass Institute), reported on the intro-
duction of electric and ga3-electric furnaces,
I.D. Tykachjnskiy, Director of the Laboratory of the Glass Institute,
spoke on methods an" experiments of intensifying the gla93 melting
process by increasing the melting temperature and using che--ical
Card 2/5 accelerators.
Conference of Functionaries of the Glass Industry SOV172-58-12-21123
N.V. Solomin, Professor, Director of the Laboratory of the Glass
Institute, spoke on measures of supplying the Class industry with
high-grade refractory products.
D.j. Rutman, Chief Engineer of the Podollskiy ogneupornyy zavod
(Podollskiy Factory of Refractory Products) dpOke on the ianufacturirg
technology and the properties of refractory products of thi3 factory.
A.G. Minakov, Daputy Chief Engineer of the Konstantinov*kiy zavod
"Avtosteklo" (&onstancinovszciy Works "Avtosteklo") reported on ex-
periments of extension of the furnace working period by artificial
cooling of the furnace brick lining.
V.G. Gutop, Director of the Laboratory of the Glasa Institute, report-
ed on the de.elopment in automatic control of working conditions for
glass melting furnaces.
V.V. -Erlamdts, Deputy Chief of the Otdel stroitellnykh materialov
Gosstroya SSSR %Sectioa for Building Materials of the Gosstroy USSR),
spoke an the demands of building experts to the glass industry.
D.I.Klegg, Chief Engineer of the Gusevskoy stakollnyy zavod imeni
Dzerzhinskogo (Guievskoy GlasBworka imeni Dzerzhinskiy), reported on
the operation of tank furnaces in this factory.
The work of the conference was done in 4 sections: Building and tech-
Card 3/5 nical glass, vessels, glass containers, 61ass fiber and glass plastics.
Conference of lUnctionaries of the Glass Industry SOY/72-56- 12,'1123
In the sections, the following persons were speaking: S-k- brekhov-
jkikh, Gosplan SSSR (Gooplan of the USSR); V.N. Alekseyev, Institut
novykh stroitellnykh materialov Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektuly
SSSR (Institute of New Building Materials of the Academy for Build-
ing and Architecture of the USSR); L.V. Cherevatenko, Bytoshevskiy
zavod (Bytoshevskiy Factory); V.I. Dyat1ko, Chagodoshchenakiy zavod
Chagodoshchenskiy Factory); A.I. Ivanova, Institut steklo@olokna
atitute of Glass Fiber); I.A. Figurovskiy, Gusevskoj khrustallnyy
zavod (GusevskOy Crystal Works); V.G. Chistoserdov, Leningradakiy
zavod khudozhestvennogo stekla i sortovoy posudy (Leningrad Works of
Artificial Glass and Vessels); B.M. Shalunov, Urshellakiy zavod
(Urshellskiy Works); V.S. Lazarev, steklozavod imeni Xo=unistichesko-
go dobrovollcheskogo otryada (Glassworks imeni Communist Voluntary
DetAChnent)j D.P. Kropotov, Moakovskiy zavod imeni Kalinina (Moscow
Worka imeni Kalinin); P.P. burnovo, Tsentrallroye proyektno-konstruk-.
torskoye byuro Ministerstva zdravookhranoniyu SSSR (Central ProJect-
ing and Design Office of the Ministry of the Protection of Health
USSR); K.A. Zelenskiy, Roslavllskiy zavod (Roslavl'skiy Norks); N.Y.
Chernov, Kalininskiy sovnarkhoz (Kalinin Council of JZatj@@C_ Fconomyj
V.A. Kuzyak (GPI-3); V.I. Shakhurin (Scientific-Technicsi. 6zate Com-
Card 4/5 mittee of the Council of kinisters of the RSFSR), and others. The
Conference of Functionaries of the Glass Industry SOY/72-58-12-21/23
members of the conference passed a resolution saying that measures
should be taken for further development in the glass industry by the
introduction of modern technical achievements.
Card 5/5
AUTHOR: Solinov, F. G,, SOV/72-59-4-1/21
TITLE: On the Main Directionn- in the Scientific Research and Experi-
mental Construction Work in the Glass Industry in the Years
1959-65 (Osnovnyye napravleniya nauchno-iseledovatellskikh i
opytno-konstruktorskikh rabot v stekollnoy promyshlennosti v
1959-1965 godakh)
PERIODICAL: Steklo i keramika, 1959, Nr 4, pp 1-5 (U3SR)
ABSTRACT: In 1958 the collective of the Institut stekla (Glass Institute)
carried out a work which is of great importance for the further
development of the glass industry, By the introduction of
melting accelerators and the improvement of the glass melting
conditions the output of the furnaces in the Bytoshevskiy and
"Proletariy" Works could be inereased by 15 @.. rn the Gor'kiy
Glass,cessful work was performed by means of the
electric glass melting method and in the "Proletariy" Works in
the matting of glass by means of rolls. In the Gusevskiy Works
imeni Dzerzhinskiy the 9;rstem of classification of types of
sand on the assembly line ShS-500 could be improved, In the
Lisichansk imeni Oktyabr'skaya revolutsiya. and "Avtooteklo-25"
Card 1/3 Works the production of enameled tiles was introduced,
On the Main Directions in the Scientific Riesearch and SOY/72-59-4-1/21
Experimental Construction Work in the Glass Industry in the Years 1950=65
In the Lionozovskly Brick Works a continuous operation furnace
was installed for the experimental production of the building
material foam keralite. In the course of the coming 7 years
research and design work in the field of the production of
building, container, and quality glass is to be carried out.
An increase in the melting temperature up to 1,5500 as well as
a combined gas-electric heating of the metal in tank furnaces
has been providedin.order to achieve a specific glass out-
put of up to 800-900 kg per 24 hours,, The works are to be
adapted for operation with natural gas and a further mechani-
zation and automatization of the technological processes in
window glass production is to be carried out. The production
of new glass products has also been provided (insulating and
building material). The Orlovskcye spetsiallnoye proyektno-
konstruktorskoye byuro (Orlovskoye Special Design Office) works
-7--the introduction of mechanized assembly lines in glass
insulator production- For the production of container- and
bottle glass., hi&ly efficient glass moldine machines
Linch -10-20 and A-j-6-2 are to be introduced. Por the production
Card 2/3 of quality glass assembly lines in conjunction with the
On the Main Directions in the Scientific Research and SOV/72,59-4@1/21
Experimental Construction Work in the Glass Industry in the Years 1959@65
machines VS-24 are to be established and the output of the
RVM and VS-24 glass molding machines is to be increased, The
Glass Institute will ;ontinue its research of glass structures
by employing the most recent physical and plUsico-chemical
research methods.,
Card 3/3
2 )
I I?
A 1, 1OR S Solinov, F. G., Pankova, is'. A.
T Ill L -7. Invest i @-at ion of the Glass Refining Process 7.7--th. "Le Help cf
Film Cameras
P-AIJL-TCAL: Steklo i keramika, 1959, Nr lo, PP 9 - 14 (USSR)
A. -3 L; TUL C1, The kinetics of the refining process of glass wa-f! invc.-stigated
here by photographing the melting 3tate at hi3h t..-:n@-.-_-tures
in a perpendicular plane on cinematographic film. Tl-.--'c :..,ethod
permits the continuous observation of the aetioi.L t%,:i,;g place
in the Lelt. This work was carried oat together the film
studio for -gakntific-popular films. The films ..-.a(.Ie by the
cameraman P. M. Kosov. Cuvettes of transparent c--tical quartz
were used for the melting and refining of the gla@a. The pic-
tures were projected 30 times enlarg(@d on a scrct@n. In a half-
melted charge, a continuous upward movem.:@nt ot individual
unmelted parts and bubbles of various size takz@:i iiace, as
shown in figure 1 and table 1. The forz.ation of bubbli@s on the
bottom of the cuvette is shown in figure 2, and t"-.e time of
the foraation of bubbles and their separation frc@:.-. t',,rz bottom
is shown in table 2. The average increase of the bub-ble volume
during its upward movement, as well as its decr@_a3e on the
Card 112 surface are shown in table 3. The -_@,,lting and rE@fiinin3 Process
Investi,.;ation of the Glass Refining Process 'Nith the SOV/7,@-)9-10-4/14
Help of Film Cameras
changes considerably when water is added to the charge, as
may be seen from figures 3,4, and 5. The process Of periodic
bubble foriLation on the bottom of the cuvette in a melt with
the addition of arsenic is shown in figure 6, and in a sul-
phate melt in figure 7. The for;.@.ation of foam in a charge with
sulphate addition is shown in figure 8, and the for.ation of
bubbles on the bottom of the cuvette in a melt with sulphate
addition in figure 9. The formation of bubbles on the bottom
of the cuvette may be seen from figure 10. The aatiiors state
in conclusion that the finished melt flows to the bottom of
the cuvette, and the melted parts and the bubbles rise to the
surface. Ifter the charge is completely S@-lted, the process
of bubble formation takes place on the bottom. A of
quantitative measurements were :,-ade besides the visual obser-
vations, which show the course of the refining process in the
courbe of time. The measurement results will be @ablished at
a later date. There are 10 figures and 3 tables.
Card 2/2
SH"IRO, I.Ye.; FROLOVA, Ye.G.; SOLINOV, T.G., nauchnyy red.; bLAROSVETOVA,
V.G., red.izd-va; RIJDAKOV.9.'' K.r.', @ tekhn. red.
[Glass pipes; production and use] Stekliannye truby; proisvodstvo
i primenenie. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhIt. i
stroit.materialam, 1960. 158 p. (MIRA 13:4)
(pipe, Glass)
KITAYGOILODSKIY, I.I., doktor tekbn. nauk, prof.j KACIIALOV, N.N., prof.1
VARGIN, V.V., doktor tekbn. nauk, prof.; YEVSTROPIYEV, K.S.,
doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; GINZBURG, D.B.., doktor tekhn. nauk,
prof.; ASLANOVA, M.S., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; GURFINKELI, I.Ye.,,
inzh.; ZAK, A.P., kand. tekbn. nauk; KOTLYAR, A.Ye.,, inzh.; PAVLUSH-
KIN, N.M., doktor tekbn. nauk, prof.; SENTYURIN, G.G.., kand. tekhn.
nauk; SILIVESTROVICH, S.I... kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; SO-LINgV, F.G.,
kand. tekhn. nauk; SOU)MIN, N.V., doktor tekhn. nauk., prof.; i-EH-X-M;-
B.S., kand. tekbn. nauk; GLADYSHEVA, S.A., red. izd-va; TEMKINA, Ye.L.,
tekhn. red.
(Glass tecbnology] Tekhnologiia stekla. Izd*3., perer. Moskva, Goa.
izd-vo lit-ry Fo stroit.., arkhit. i stroit. materialam, 1961. 622 p.
WRA 140-0)
1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SM (for Kachalov).
(Glass manufacture)
AUT."ORZ: Solinov, F. G., Pankova, N. A.
TITLEs On the scatter of experimental data in the quantitative eva-
luation of the degree of clarification of glass
PERIODICAL: .,(eferativnyy zhurnal. i.himiya, no. 24, 1962, 587, abstract
24K360 (Steklo. Byul. Gos. n.-4. in-ta stekla, no- 3 (112),
1961, 5 - 11)
TEXTt A comparison of dispersions under various conditions has shown that
the scatter of experimental data in tests is random in origin and little
dependent on the stabilization of 12@ tcmditicns thatme examined in the present
work. The tests showed that no great advantage is to be gained by using,
any particular crucible. When there is a large quantity of bubbles the
error in counting and measuring them increases considerably. This error'
can be reduced by recalculating the quantity of bubbles in the specimen.@
FAbotracter's note; Complete translation
Card 1/1
Great success. Stek. i ker. 18 no.IC:4-6 0 161. (FURA 14:11)
1. Direktor Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta
(Glass manufacture)
Rapid rising of the bubbles in melted glas5 under changing tempera-
ture conditions. Stek. i ker. 19 no.2:15-17 F 62. (MIRA 15:3)
(Glass manufacture)
Design of the working end of a tank for drawing sheet glass
without using floaters (Pennvernon method). Stek. i ker. 19
no.6.-4-9 Je 62. (FJ-RA 15:7)
(Glass furnaces)
Experimental determining of the movement rate of bubbles in
the malt. Stek.i ker. 19 no.9:13-18 S 162. (KMA 15:9)
(Glass marufacture)
SOLINOV, F.G., kand. tokhn. nauk; TERHAN, V.B., Inzh.
Changes in optical distortions of sheet glass. Stak. i ker. 20
no.12:12-15 D 163. (MIRA 17:1)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut stekla.
AGGES310il Mt: APLOUL66 S102ghl6h/0021003103971OL00i
AIMHORS: Foridyismakin, B. I.; Solinov, F. G.
TITLE: Thor,--Lal conductivity measurement in glasses of the type SiO2-Li2o-A'203-
Zro during crystallization
SOURCIE: Tepl@A'izika vy*sokikh tomperatur, V. 2, no. 3, 1964, 397-4oo
TOP'-r, -UAGS. ti@,.A propagation, ther.-.-il conduction, inrrarod radiation, glass
plate, volurm miGrocrystallization, calorimeter, microhardness, phonon, x ray
ABSI'RACT: ln @%o "emperaturo interval 34-40C heat propagation in glasses is shown,
to be pri.::Iaxil@, saused by thermal conduction. The glas& actually becomes opaque
to infrared rays above 4.5 micrornoters. To measure the thermal conductivity A,
21 mi diiji-)";or b,'F 3 rT@n thick glass plates were prepared fron, the aysten. SiO -U20-@
Al,)03-Zr-)@). ap,@@oimons wore div-1ded into two groups.. one heat-treated to indure-
voluma rdcro,n-r'-ital-lization and the other left untreated. A was measured on a
dynamic N, JA - calorimeter built in the Leningradskiy instituta tochnoy mekhaxUd.
i optiki (Ljnin@@rad Institute Laboratory for Exact Mechanics and Optics). The
C.'A . I - . - -- - - I----- . ---- - ... @, _j
N?,i 1-2"'O;i2h66
nicrollardnos5 wag moasured on a PI-Ir-3 instrument and the x-ray analysis was
condticted usirv', URS-50-I apparatus. Tile results show j-\ to vary only slightly
with the tomporaturo in the interval 34