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LUSR / Human azA Animal Physiology. Vervous System. T-10 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 1, 1959, No- 3886 Author oldatenkov _;-S M @e Inst 8@t @Ove@myof MoBe c y of Veterinary bbdicine Title :Higher Nervous Activity in Ruminant Animals Orig Pub :Tr. bmk. vat. akad., 1957, 20, 104-1.10 Abstract :A conditioned reflex hypoglycemia in response to the effect of a aound that was combined with administration of insulin appeared in sheep with the 22 - 33rd conjunction (i.e., alover than in dogs). In the tagil breed of cattle, conditioned reflex changes in respiration and interchange of gases appeared with the 7 - 14th ion- Junction, changes of cardiac rhythm and ECG with the 7 - 13th combination of a bell with administration of adrenalin. As compared with dogs, the more rapid ac- quisition of temporary connections is explained by the Card 1/2 SOLDAT . IT WIN vReX&.Urrd1ovsk). S -dooft - GUnditioned reflex regulation of basic functions In ruminants. Trudy Inst. okean. 23:65-79 '57. (MIRA 11:3) (CONDITION-a MB)NSS) (MIXOTIA) SOLDMITOV, P.F.,,-prof.-, doktor b1olog.nauk; FILATOVICH, V.V., kand. --.-'sel-,@6ZO@oz.nauk; KOMOVATOV, V.S.; BOYCHEM, P.Ta.- Butterfat content of milk In Tagil cattle dopAnding on the amount of fat and protnins in feed rations of growing calves. Agrobio- loglin no.1:349-3-5? W-Te '59. (AIRA 12:9) 1. Sverdlovnkly Rol 'okoktozyayRtvonnyy institute (Calven-yeading and feede) (Ailk) SOLDATXHKOV, P.F., prof.; PWTNIKOV, II.P., kand.vetorin.nauk, qtarshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; STUZYUMOVA, L.M., mladshiy muchnyy sotrudnik 'INature of natural disease resistance of the organism of calves and meantires for increasing it" by V.V.Nikol 'skit. Reviewed by P.F.Soldatenkovo N.P.Plotnikov, S.H.Stuziumova. Zhivotnovodetvo 21 no.9:96 S '59. (14im 13: 1) @. Zaveduyushchly kafedroy riormallnoy i patologicheskay fiziologii, Sverdlovskogo sellskokhozyaystvennogo instituta (for Soldatenkov). 2. Sverdlovqkly rAucbno-isBIedovatolIskiy institut po profilaktike pollomiyalita (for Flotnikov). 3. Institut biologii, UraltHkogo filiala All SSSR (for Syu2runova). (Calves) (Imiminity) SOLDATENKOV, P.V.; TRITME111A, Ye.P. Changes in the morphological composition offhe blood during postnatal development. Trudy Inst.oorf.zhiv. 16o. (Blood) (Calves) in Taf-il calves no.31:75-84 (MIRA 13:6) SOLDA-TEVKUV,, F.F., prof., doktor biologlebeekikb nauk Dynamics of the morphological c,:wposition of the blood of Tagil cattle in ontogenesis. Zhivotnovodstv'a 234 no.7:82-84 J1 161. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Kafedra normallnoy i patologicheskoy fisiologii Sverdlovskogo se1'skokbozyayotve=ogo instituta. (Ural Mountains-Cattle.-Physiology) (Blood-Analysis and chemistry) !30LDATENKOV., P.F. "Carbobydrate metabolism in the walls of ruminants gastrointestinal tract." Report submitted, but not presented at the 22nd International Congress of Physiological Sciences@ @elden; the Netherlands 10-17 Sip 1962 .PPATEMV-,-P-E-,prof. Sapropel in agriculture. Priroda 51 no.4:76-77 AP '62. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Sverdlovskiy sel'skokhozyay;tvennyy institut. (Sapropels) Sclill":', i 11i )ra An -in,.i a f 5 ri o 14 P4 1 5 M i1" 1 pa L j v BOGDAWUN, A.S.; BOGURODSKIY, A.A.; VINGABIR, H.B.; GORBUNOY, V.I.: GORBUNOV, V.R.; DUROY. Y.K.; TMMAKOY, A.L.; IVANOV, A.A.; Ka;-WYA, N.I.: KOBILTAXOT, I.M.; KOZLOVSKIT, H.I.; MARAKHTANOT, K.P.; MIRWYAN, G.N.; NEn""KTOT, G.P.; HOVIKOV, A.G.; CLIKHOWKIT. K.I.; PASTRYAKOV, A.I.; PCLAPANOT, A.T.; 12MURL"(SLATA, Te.Kh.; ---kQRATAI@@OV. S.I.; SOROKIN, Ye.M.; TRUSHINA, Z.T.; FEDOTIOV, P.P.; FADOSSIET, 1-.R.-;-MOG, N.P.; 2WitirAT, G.P.; TANOV511r, T.Ta.; 016WHOY, A.D., spetered.; JETEVA, T.M., (Handbook on now agricultured machineryj Spravochnik po novoi tekhnike v sellskom khoziaitttva. Moskva, Goo.izd-!-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry. 1959. 364 P. (MIRA 13:2) (Agricultural machinery) BJUIN, Yu.L., inzh.; PAMVSKIY, D.Ys., inzh.; SOROKIN, Ye.H., Inzh.; KARAKOVA, N.I., iuzh.; SCLDATZNKOV,_@@.@,, inzh.; BAR=OV, A.F., red.; PECHMIN. I.Y.,, (New tractors and agricultural machinery; results of tests conducted in 19571 Novye traktory i sellskokhoziaistvannye mashiny; rezulttaty ispytenii 1957 goda. Moskva, 14-vo sel'sko,-,o khoz.;SSSR. No.l. 1959. 277 P. 01IRA 13:9) 1. Russia (192)- U.S.S.R.) G:Lavnoye upravleniye mekhanizataii i alektrifikataii sel'skogo khozyaystva. (Tractors) (Agricultural machinery) 0 floe 0 9 0 6 6 6 0 0 0 6 0 lb 03 1 1 1 6 1 4 1 13 it is V 0 AIJim Bain lip it a a V U Ad a a U 0 a a of 41 A 111 8 I I I at 8 0 A III L-A I . .. A -P- -9L- li-0 ;'i A . - Go The of ot4i skew to dba dposing of ewmi,". 0 f!-V-S2Ldstrnkov and M. (I. Kmbli. compt. rma. ec&d. i U - - h 1. W70" Mile" W1110)(1934J.- - ) nr tv- It W 4k - Pff hwWwvd g. a fruit w4 1Z IM1 d Z 'll causr* 11% 11-17 daY4. T 1 . i kw%ttoi %top growth and ripening mquim 2D days. Un- .00 1"ird fruits require over 28 days. Fwty-visht % sk. gave A am%, acceleration of ripening. Ale. va In o .00 40 rorwn; 01 I VC. POT 10 1. witb an exposure of 24 r.. sav r ti A00 , lV m ns am"litm (4 ripelifts. it. Rathr"ano 400 off age $00 egg too All 800 The I as* o':1 00 '00 J111*01,81 CLASSIFICATION 921- see ' ' ' Sol 40 @- &S, .111 of " a, 09 " a ad a a 4 1 is 0 9 .1 "' I.; n dM7. a* .0. 00 0 0000 0 * ; ; 0 0 Y : 00000060 o 0 0 : l 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 ot O 0 a 0 0 0 a io-O 0 0 WO a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a a 9 0 0 On I v it v u m 4 is u a10 I - Im- !!T if-Olell 0,10CMIS ..a 04,016141 -VIS of OOA 0 0 a Id A m v 0 At 'I m a j! lob 4.0 la jPQMW jj, SUbbVpkal tMit by akeW "d Art" Compt. read. 4cad. AM RM, V. R, S. 1. 5, i Mar.). pmim" I Piolpylor Aoki,L.) an Ife riPrwd in 3-4 days by rwb)' with a mid. ak. smin. 4 cut um in a wskd -Part egg C.1f.. wh"ema, mdy I pt-i- of the C.Ujroly@ ripen 25-M, 090 s. necris4ary with twunicts can tw similarly ripened in 4-10 days. H. C. A. *0 4r LA SITALLUICK141, LIYWNAILAE CLASSMICATION PaW 11 OIL" t go., 60. 1V ;414dj W&P awl 19C -*W a" scAs WI va In, V I I 'V I 111 0 a I I W so A 5 a u a AV W9J a it" 0 O_e 0 0 00 goo 0 see* 0 0 a 0 0 oi -00 gee a coo goo oleo C 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 r 4 o o 0 q is it 12 1) u is it 17 is A Z? 2, 11 .1 1. is is a a a- 4; 'see -AL 'L r It I I L A DI ?,-a A_s I- __tlo * W ..r. ).c_r'4DI.5 -00 00 OF--- go go tj 00 a 00 ' 66 Data M dw d6W of of &fdsdjkl rip"ISS *I the 00 japmese pwd@ a MM U. s V. Sol-, bdatealum . OWN; Physial. AhsVadj 30, 50-S), cf. C. A. 30. I 2NU , - Persintroons exposed to the vaparv of a mitt. tf i d th l b i l i i h A, a a r. an e ene ecome r pe ant ow t t r astringency in y 00 a 72 but-1, if they we tightly packed. only the Astringency di h i coo mppearts. T e r a1c. content itstd. by addn. 4 K, C ( d If i S" d i 4 00 rt h an trat . an l on 4 excesis K.Cr,(h bY Fe- . 00 - 40.) was increased timing normil rl in# anti arliIIJA i 77 a** a r pening by ethylene-ek., a1c. wid Hence there is bl 00 Proba y no difference in the chemistry of normal anti arti&-W ripmicg,.ak. being produced in both casm through antiefobiosis. R. Itante doe boo 00 t: o-ILA % -- --- - MIALLOWAL LIMAILISI CLASIOICAVION I--- - - - @ - --_ @ -- A0 1100 too. siv,411w. %ofto4i -4 a. z- 'I, leg V A L 1 4 aw 4 1 w 8. 1 a 3 0 U 11 11 m3 L, r " , " , , ; " , o ' t @ 0 0000 : 0 0 0 0 Ole q 0 0 94 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ejo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 It 9 0 0 0 Oi l 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 4 6 0 0 a 0 a M. A. h L X 1,J A A L. a 01 A- or 't If I! 9 Atctlersdon of tbf 61001119 of tomato" Ito %.111 ' , 0 3, A 1937.11.4124; if I 0 u 111.11 Ill 4 sd4v- 411 till dim -"Oof .',ou it, foric a It, till, itt-i'ln'ticts"I felt ... liti"It I .r - ..1" .4 file Atilt- I b. - 111-ote I off 1 9 "q 11, : 0 ,! tile I% th,- 1., alle aomn . : .1, loth Atilt. 3-4 lj,VS 'Iloov A 11"A' 1.4" "t ' 0 j tile with the sisalmottic 0: 00 00 -00 tnqans of it'll . f kip" "Illov, 1., -00 Ill #1 " to.. - 0 i. Is Alt'. 0 a. "t'll$ 0 4111 -4 Ib, .41 .1 4,11"11 M. 1 , ' 1 4416 400 A 0 00 :' 00 I.TC-111-1 It WOK41-:- s live to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00600411169411110900000 0 0 0 0 0 04# 6 6* _*_ I ;__6 10 1i-tjv - @@_q - - T. 0 0 PIll Mr-4-f! @17'16_R 0- -4 -AS or j 1 4 5 a r a t 4 it 11 it it 4 it U a It a it 9 9 P a 4f tj a a a ic 11 hi 11 10 "it It JJ7 Is So 5 As V Al is f it IL -1A VV 1I-m-, acc cc CE I IL a a C. a I K 111-A I -r-00 'r .." ". 111tKIVIRS ...0 -loot., It to. Arcititraticia at the tripming of citrus fruits by means of :99 ethylene. 3.-V.Saidmevkm.O.A.(.revhukllifl&Attllk. 00 ir Kb. Tuietsksys. Uthonyo Za like Leatafra. G"Tudir'i. .00 Unit. Stir. Big. 17. No. 35, f(Kl- 141in I:ngli,h. 10, 1n) i llii@.-Maudairiw stem trest.1 "th ClIf. ill 47.54. 00 plywood boxes Vii con1g, tfilh,l .00 h Sh loot 1090 fruits I Ir hexpt. Fromtheend IneI 00 At Octobe@ the E5.:(iE.S. Iw in fruit left on 11w .00 of I, r r 00 trreftl1off9spidly. F 21 to OtT. '0 the Glut. I'l 000 .1 n qucTow doubhtd. ik=lt 10 dAY1 Of K"OHOW '00 0 * the fruit acquAd the Ed ri mandarrini. It a nratly in 00 ripe fruit is krp@cio the tm I a longer time it incres*t-4 001 I k cha, in size. but th hCro. compo changes very little. For 0 mandarins pirr.'s, rri@@."=Jpu tell. C.11, freall"t-tit c4" age 00 fir.uluce all the c of natural rittene" evvi'l 0 00 the sugar content (thedifference do" not @xcev4 5*0 'I g The sug;Ar content cannot lin increased aft" t1w fruit has 00 a liven taken off the trvc. I'lie collor of rifir fritit w4i In--- 4100 duced by CjH# treatment ufter 4-6 -chargm- in X to, 04 (lays. Me. solins. of CIH4 pvc the same restilts. tiEctlit ^ 4401 0 that the *o1n.-treated fruit spoiled 9" cr i-,winif to the effe"cifatc.). C,11. bad no marked effect on the contenti of nugar, acid and vitamin C. Lemons were treated in the same mann r as mandwins with CII14 and its atc. eoln. age In gencral.ethe effect Was the Same Be With MAndArins. W. R. Ifenn :00 00 ASS.SLA 811ALL"GICAL LITINAT6111 CLASSIPICATION %*Joe, It a.. 13*1 sill 11 gii" AS I VXA an S V CM 0 a a I W is q A 1 11 (Wrote as Egg its "Ititt HUMID% I i" *'a 0 0 9!0' 0 0 * a 0 a 0 a 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ce 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 0 0 00 00 00 go 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SC-Lmm-nov, S. V. (The rc-le of oxvgen in the ripening of fruits) (Leningrad) Leningradskii Fos. tLniv., 191il. lC9 P. a 1 1000000 A 0 000000 : W,e A A_L A JL_J a it u M a " ly 0 " a a L .,GL -a 31 it" Jim ail spoil U" Iddlto of 00 t!P- tv-j"Wf_ 0140clsoll ago eveffet-t# -094 ed I , Soo con Oft -00 - aim"" "wooldomew d d IWOMM dp". VMM Sto" T, __ ROX, @, &so 91, L 19. 1.60 .00 oil -loss. I t I ASO-ILA .4TALLUIMICAL LITERSTLOC CL4110FICATOON 141401 .99 a.. I M 0 ; "It v" 0 A u a AV I, ,I 0001;; 90 og *If 00 0000000000000000009 8001.v &it a I IF dM1 S S R he famuttlon of and chuges In the organta attda of sprouting cw*Al toads. @ S. V. Saidatenkov, A. H. Pante. key, end T. A. Maturq4.-17T40'Lftivt#*d. Obtkhextss EsUstroitpywdel 70, No. 3, 4"7(IM), cf. CA. 43, 1224W.-Mona-, di., and tricarboxylic acids are always present In cereal seeds andsprouts, In the grains of wheat and rye their COatCUt 15 0.27-OM%, and in some varietics of corn as high as 1.19 In the ]VOCUS Of Need JI)TOUting. together with hydroIll of stared proteins and starches, then is, an energetic: process of org. sicid formation which may Incr- 3-Uold Vie original contest in Vic seeds. Ninety of the usimocaboxylle acids of ivini seeds h rtpreicute Y an unidentified Matils: org. acid. Among the di- and tricatboxylls: acids malic acid is piedombunt, white citric and acoaltic acids are found In smaller quantitit.i. In siting corn seeds a profound shh't In the quaint. ratins of S C-01,99 ackis takes place, the di- and tricarboxylic types In. 1244-fold and the innnocurboxylic 3-3.6-fold. The rantcnt of monocarboxylic sicks In lite Icavcs of sced. lingit is much lower than in titearigitud Cralivi. bithc(e.tvc-i of wheat and rye scedliugs grown It, ass 0-Irve atin., Jacie iscid is also formed. Me luctic acid was found utuIcrtiiuiLLr carbatylk seld vms foaud In the roots. In an 0-free atm. 41carboxylic "s sLre not formed In stedil"s at Its leaves of 4LdUtC VISOU. Ttwi process of normal rcipiratfutt of higher plants hchemia0frepresented as fwjQ-"'C.HVA + (h COOHCHICHOH,6-OOH + CHvOHCUGi+ HA. C0011- CHICHORCOO + 30t, - 4COS + MIA CH90HCHO H 20, - W4 + Igo; and thus Cslf,X@wx - ficch 21 ly, In the ant stage rA P t su r Ott fr"1146 ike land glywWdeb de sko'",= The kit of Ac is a double one: 111) it- bKrncj vsklized m4k W, knely t&CA + Hgo, Wcumuladug In the. PIMt in Its un- dutuged IOM to it tubw ettent only., (2) ll@ WASWk and In ka otm - of C% It mal accumulate In the phat'la1trge AmtA. Glycolaldthyde may (t) oxidize to Vl@ aad'Ifr)j. (2) be- -Come resymtheshed into carbohydrates; and (2) iusidize to Slytolk.arvialii! acid. Thefori=flon of citrir loci, t dicin: kally Is nAt-dire.11y word. With the ptnocat of, rLspimtkn), It can be as the product of 41trim-1 iouIx (ifttrji malk wid And IlycolaIdWeyde oxhiited it) gi olic U61 U-1 pation: 0-001101 C11011CO011 I+ 91C119011CO011 cAr boamum S. P. p@ -4a -A , '94 W le. 2gS 31TO61) nkov 01 -'S"v- ?,:;@.@Ph. li. prkstley. ti" in mkrobloloff. r 7 , - , , @ 4, r , @@ - @: -, , , - Ix , ' --!,i- @ r,,,,4 :': @ .1, . , @ " 1,, I - . @- L @ I .. . I . .9' 21 . _ . 0V a,proumig 4114. ripening of x0i-- t ,.eeda. .4, V. k))4j1v:kt;sv iaA T. A. (A. A. 19 ' ; o bud wirster %wie- "i@* of following IC--'N) dAy% at Sprutit- ing aud at final tanturiv. Arctic, Ina4..' dirfe. and TIMMIC weto fou-j.1 !it thu frnm,t; ;lwi Amil- IN ni -k te,voo',ar,' mo,tituent wis 1wvil is) thestirouti airly. Ps tL- ]!@Iay md ,prouui (fret: jr(win rouri) tile roll- trat. of avul was inerciwd .1-13 fold uid of citria! 21 .3, f.J'J. jwrc@.'It (if tim- loull 06- alld it, v;%rboxvUe avida ill t.l@ Nprf -tit F, A@Ozmim; ot m;"Ililic @-.@id. @itiic achl prv,Limi., 11'a ;I. tll@ mpture bu" (ol'Aitutelt Only 10-I&I"V of tij-:npl-cwts. %-tile seeds ne,-Ir tjmtu-@ ac"d wiJ the percelitaZoi nf otber , V ------ ----- @@e effect of Ught on the c"Veind" of organicacids of Ivar So ov ova nd T P ' e ul l nts S V t . . . a . . c en . p Goji Unir. im. A. A. Go.1, ! 6 @A r5a. 17 ye Zo 1 7= . MO, Nask No. 39, MM N .6% 7 The authors Iz,vestigated the rati of digestion of th Dry tyllum (1) and Bcl4wria (M in light ad, "s of v on,3 an i the ab- natural d in the absence of CO:- 19, con f COj-, org. acids art a natulal source of cafthydrates "net 0 for photosynthesis. The dizestka of the acids Is accons- Mwed by the forwat!on of sigitificant quantities of Ol. of chloro- nds an the amt ids d f di ti f Th t . on o ac e ra e o eW ges phyll In the leaves and is 5-10 Ones as great in I as in 11. @An Increase In the coucn. of CO, In the atm. sharply reduces the digest Ion of acids. The redetim doft not occur in powd. leavft. - The digestion occurs -1-97-20 t1mcs-More MPICHY Its- Hg4t than In darkness. 7- SOLDATINKOV, S.V.; TUGANAYNYA, N,Kh.; ZONOV, D.I. Zffect of ecological conditions on the quantity and composition of protein in the Diamant spring wheat variety. Uch.zap.Len.un. 186: 121-2.28 '55. 0" 9: 8) (Wiseat) (Proteins) (Plants, Iffect of minerals on) SOIDATANKOV. S.V.; MAZUROVA, T.A. Yormation of organic acids in the seeds of leguminous plants during germination. -Biokhimiia 21 no.5:573-5?6 S-0 156. (MLRA 9:12) 1. Ufadra fiziologii rastaniy Leningradekogo goeudarstvennogo univorsitate Imani A.A.2@idanova (AGMS, ORGANIG) (GARMINATION) (IAGU".I) SOM)ATINKOV, S.Y. MAZUROVA. T.A. New acids an products of primary oxidation of angers in leguminous plants [with Baglish summary in insert]. Biokhtnits 21 no.6:652-662 V-D '56. (KW 10:7) 1. Kmfedre fiziologit rastenty laningradakogo gosudaretyennogo universitets imeni A.A.Zhdanove. (ISGUKSS) (ACLIM. ORGANIC) (SUGARS) ril- SOLDATINKOV, S.Y.; MAZUROVA, T.A. 1--. '. * @6@ - @ . W.. .' , i@';o J6 C. acid in 11, uninous plants Lwith summary in Anglighl. Biokhiniia 22 no.112045-350 J&-J 157. (MIRA 10:7) 1. Kafedra fisiologit restonly lAningradakogo gosudoretyennogo univerattets in, A.A.Zhdanavo. (MAIMIC ACID) (LIGUNINOBAR) SOLDATENKov, S-V-; RaTJROVA, T.A. Quantitative determination of di- and tricarboxylic acids by paper chromatography. Fiziol.rast. 6 nO,1:112-117 Ja-F '59- (MIRA 12:2) 1. Department of Plant Physjolog7, Leningrad University. (Plants-Chemical analysis) (Acids, Organic) (Paper chromatography) Soia)ATENKOV, 'S "A brief coarse in plant physiologym by N.A. Makelmov. Reviewed by S.V. Soldatenkov. Piziol.raBt. 6 no.1:126-128 Ja-F 159. 'k- (MM 12-.2) (Plant physiology) (Makalmovo N.A.) r LDATENTOV, S.V. W Sergal Dmitrinvich Llvov., obituary. Yiziol.raat. 6 no-2:255-256 - - tfr-Ap 159. NIRA 12:5) (Llvov. Sergdofmitrinvich, 1879-1959) SOLDATN4KOV, S. V., MAZUROVA, T. A., (USSR) "The Formation of Acids from the Primary Oxidation of Sugars in Plants and their Utilization." Report presented at the 5th Int'l. Biochemistry Congrea3$ Moscow, 10-16 Aug 1961. SOLDATEA-I'MV, S.V.; CHZIIAO 3YAjTI.-DIMN [Chao Hsien-tuang] Role of kidneybean ard corn leaves in the respiration of roots deprived of oxygen. Fi--iol. rast. 8 no-4:385-394 161. (MIRA 14:1.1) 1. Department of Plant Physiology., A.A.Zhdanov Leningrad State University. (Plants-Respiration) Beans) rn(maize)) t SOLDATENKOV, S. V. Organic aelds of higher plants and their conversion in metabolism. Trudy FBI no.19:35-56 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Laboratoriya fiziologii i bioldhimli rasteniy Petergofskogo biologicheskogo instituta. (Acide, Organic) (Plants-Metabolim) BELOUROVA, L.S.; SOLDATENKOVY S.V. Transformation of organic acids in illuminated succulents. Fiziol. rast. 10 noo2:212-218 Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. A.A. Zhadanov Leningrad State University. (Acids, Organic) (Sitaculent plants) (Plants-149taboliam) SOLDATENKOV, S.V.-, BYKOII, O.D. Formation and transformation of acids of primary sugar oxidation in plants. Fiziol. rast. 11 no. 3t515-521 164. (MIRA l7s7) 1. Kafedra fiziologii i biokhimii rasteniy Leningradskogo gosudarbtvonnogo universiteta imeni A.A.Midanova. @HIRKOVAI@ cx-f-r cormuction from leaves to roots kept under anaerobic condlt!ons. FIZIol. rast. 12 no.2.M6-225 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA l8t6) 1. 1 biok,Almil rastenly Leningradskogo ordena 1,01,4 Tj -r.,;.vc-rnogo univeri;iteta Imeni Zhdanova. .1 _ F_,BiiOa &INS11TEM, N.A.; SOLDATENKOVI S.V. Effect of sodl= fluoride on tho respiration of boan :ObveB wid thq formation of acids in them. Vest. IM 20 no.9%1.13-- M 165. (14-TRA 18.6/1 S01.114TENKOVS S.V.; MIRYAKUBOVA, M.G.; HAZUROVA, T.A.; KALUGINA, Ye.V. Sugar compounds with organic acids in dormant and germinating corn and w-heat seeds. Fiziol. rast. 12 no.3:457-462 My-je 165. (MIRA 18t:LO) 1, Hafedra fiziologii i biokhbaii rasteniy Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni A.A. Zhdanova. L 10814-63 EWW/Pn4k) BDS/Mt:q-2~ES(w)-2,AFFTC/A�BND-3/AFWL/__._ &)--Pz-7 7 MSCSION IM: AP-3000COT 8/0057/63/033/W5/0544/0549 AVIHOR: TITLE: S07JRCE: Demirkhmov, R. A.;, Outkins T. I.: Soldatenkov, T, R Contairment of parti6lea in a fluted-systes vith current . ZWmal tekhnicheakoy fisiki, vs 33# no. 50 1963a 544-549 TOPIC TAGS: plasma containment,, fluted awgnstle fieldl,, toroidal drift ins*,!! AMOMACT: Drift equatlow an used to dosoribe the motion of a p"'ticle, in a fluted magnetic field vith longItudinal current taken into account. A cylIndrical rather than a toroidal coordinate system in used,, permitting siq@lificatiou of the analysis, as drift aigle can be considered the same in both toroidal and cylindrical systems. It to shown that under certain coni1itions of current, magnetic field modulatlon,, vad periodielty, resonance particles which lead to Increased losses can be eliminated In a closed system vith afluted magnetic field by a longitudinal current along the axis; charge sepaxation and toroidal drift of particles to the vans are thereby'prevented. card 1/2! i L 10814-63 C:2 ACCIMSION IMs AP300000T Both bUh- and lmr-veloolty particles m tLff*ot*A; MA the -ccutaining rtles of the system are coasiderably increased* "la ooncluelcu the authors wmr*ss. their to A, 0. Kirov for Us repeatAid wA useftl disoussions," Orig, art. has., 29 equatlMse ASSOCIATICUt Piziko-teldinleheskiy instit%Vl, AN Oruziiwkoy SSR SUkhUAi (DWISO- te hnical Institute AN Gruzinskoy SSR) SUBMI=-. 21jua62 DATE ACQ: 12jm$3 EWL-. 00 SUE CODEt PH,SD 90 BEF SOY: 003 000 ACCESSION N1t: AP4013412 8/0057/64/034/002/0266/0268 ,v':AVn1GR: Demirkhanov, R.A.; Outkin, T.I.; Soldatankov,_T.R. ;TITLE: On the equilibrium of a plasma In a spatially periodic magnetic field I SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnefize,v*34, no*2, 19640 266-266 @TOPIC TAGS: plasma, magnetic field, periodic magnetic field, plasma equilibrium, me.gnetohydrodynamics, pinch, linear pinch, resonance particles .;ABSTRACT: A solution of the magnetohydrodynamic equations is obtained which des- cribes an equilibrium state of a plasma filament in aspatially periodic magnetic field. Such a solution in considered to be of Interest because it has recently been shown that the resonance particles that occur in these systems can be removed by , means of a longitudinal current (R.A.Demirkhanov, T.I.Gutkin, T.R.Soldatenkov,ZhTF,- 33,544,1963). The solution 'was obtained with the aid of an equation derived by R. Last and A.SchlUter (Ze.Astrophys.38,190,1955) and under the assumption that both the current and the pressure gradient are proportional to the magnetic flux. For a certain value of the longitudinal current, the periodicity of the magnetic field In;' the solut1on obtained disappears, and the solution reduces to that for a linear Card 1/2 ACCFMIOM NRI AAOIAU .!pinch. When the longitudinal current vanishes, the solution reduces to on* jiven :by LUst and Schluter (lococits). 0r).l.airt.has: 14 formulas@ ASSOCIATION; none STJBUX'MZD; 31Jan63. i DATE ACQ: 2611obO4 EWLi 06 SUB CCDE: Pit -NR RIF SM C*3 O=Rt 001 2/2 Cord ICCESSION I'M: AP4020571 S/0057/64/034/003/0448/0453 AU77IOP: Berezin,Yu.A.; Gutkin,T.I.; Lozovslciy,S.N.; Soldatenkov,T.R. TITLE: Interaction of a plasma with high I!requoncy fields in the presence of a constant uniform magnetic field SOURCE: Zhurnal takhnicheskoy fiziki, v.34, no.3, 1964, 448-453 TOP::C TAGS: plasma, plasma in alternating fteld. extraordinary wave, plasma in mi- crowave field, skin effect AMMMCT: The interaction of an axially symmetric plasma in a uniform longitudinal magnetic field with an axially symmetric ht-gh frequency electromagnetic field is 6. discussed theoretically. The high frequency field is assumed to consist of a longi- tudinal magnetic field and a transverse eloctric field (extraordinary wave). The caso of a longitudinal high frequency electric field and an azimuthal magnetic field iins been previously discussed by others (II.A.Boot, S.A.Self and R.B.R.Shersby-Harv*,5,435,l958; E.S.Woibel,lbid.5,435,1958). The motion of the ions and electrons is saparated into a rapid compontmt having the frequency of the applied altornating fiald and the slow component that remains after averaging over a period Card 1/3 ACC.NR: AP4020571 of the alternating field. The system is described by the two-fluid hydrodynamic Jquations and Maxwell Is equations. Longitudinal and transverse temperatures and pressures are distinguished. In the "zorovi approximationto, quasineutrality is as- sum-A and the non-linear hydrodynamic tormi, the-pressure gradients, and the Loroatz forzes due to the magnetic component of the variable field are neglected. To these zeroth approximation equations is adjoined the sum of the "first approximation" eq- uations of motion averaged over a period of the high frequency field. From the re- sulting equations the pardcle velocities and two of the three components of the al- tezmating field are eliminated. Two differential equations are thus obtained for the plr.sma density and the azimuthal electric field as functions of the distance from tho symmetry axis. These equations were integrated numerically for several values of' the parameters, and some of the results aze presented graphically. There are two resonant frequencies. For sufficiently dease plasmas these frequencies are approxi-@ mately the Langmuir frequency and the geo:xotric moan of the ion and electron Larmor, frequencies. When the frequency of the applied field is larger than the mean Larmor frequency, the plasma density increases and the alternating field decreases with ap- proach to the symmetry axis. The mathematical simplification that results when the :. skin penetration depth is small compared with the radius of the plasma filament idi@_ discussed briefly. When the applied frequency is smaller than the mean Larmor 2/3 Card .".CC. Mi. A24020571 frequency, the extrziordinary wave penetrates the plasma. In this case the azimuthal electric field amplitude is an oscillatory function of distance from the axis, and the plasma density increases, with superposed oscillatians, as the distance from the axis is increased. The criterion for the validity of the approximations employed is t,hat t1io electron velocity be small comparod mith the product of the frequency of the applied field and a characteristic length which may be either the skin penetra- rion dapth or the wavelength. "In conclusion the authors express their gratitude to R.A.Demirlchanov for his i;terest in the work and for discussions." 20 formulas and 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: none SEMMI7-,MD: 3lJan63 SUB CODE: PH Card 3/3 DATE ACQ: 3lMar64 NR 1W SOV:'003 ENCL: 00 OMR: 002 @U t7 k-ki ACC NRI AP5025883 am= aDws WMI/63/033/010/1749/lm "I P-1 N P AMER: Sidorov, V,Fp; Soldaten1tov, TA, G Ong I none TITLE: Entrainment of a plasma by a rot&tLng electronagnstio field SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy f1x1kI# v. 3:5, no* 10, 1965, 2749-1754 q it Y 14, TOPIC TAGSt III&=& @tabIII!Zj plasma dynamlijo, mNMtobZjrod1ynm%Ics, rotation, rots- tint isacnetic field ABSTSiCr: The entralment of a plasma cylimler In a uniform magnetic field by a ro- tAtit4; electromagnetic field In discussed in the magnetohydrodynamic approximation., The calculations were undertaken because rotation of a plasma cylinder can be useful in prolonging its life, in suppressing flute instability, and possibly in beating it. The rxitating electromagnetic field discussed is that due to currents proportional to exp i(ft + mG) in the z direction on a cylindrical surface coaxial with the plasma cyl- Inder. Here r, 0, z are cylindrical coordinates, f Is the frequency, and a In an inte- ger. The magnetohydrodynamic equations are solved by a suacrisive approximation method based on expansion in powers of the ratio of the strength of the alternsting magnetio field to;1that of the uniform axial magnetic field. In the zeroth approximation the plasma is assumed to be at rest. The first approximation describes the distribution of the high f requenoy fl !J#s In the plasma, bitt the plasma notion aMarm only In the Card 1/2 VDCt 533st ACC NRi AP5025883' second approximation. In order to obtain the second approximation it Is assumed that the en-trainment time is long compared with th3 period of the high 9,?aquency field, and all qu;iLntities are separated into slowly-vary-ing and high-frequeney parts. In the second approximation there appear radial and jazimuthal notions of the plasma, a radial electrAc field, and an azimuthal current. Tho second approximation describes only the initial stages of the plasma entrainment because the reaction of the plasma motion on the Mild appears only In higher order approWaAtions# which are not calculated in ge& eral form. The entrainment time is estimated under further restrictive assumptions. The efj!ect on the entrainment process of the finite plasma lifetime and the.possibilit: of instabiliV an due to the rotational velocity gradients azimuth% L - , pmats must be furthtgar Investigated. The authors thlink R,A,DemIrkh and TALA or ZL m_wa, suggesting the problem and for their stimulating Intertmt# and A.A.X*bad*-41i*T- 'has s 41 forn (@ ,!Eovp ard D.P,Zostanarov for valuable discussleuse Orig. art. lu 860 OUR COE23 ME/ GUBM DATIS 09X6v04/ ORIG MWJ 001/ OU MYS 002 1/2 L ----"M02-66 E'-'!Tk 1)/E ju@ t)/ tpj*k n) -zf rrr-3km, 1jr%'_1 r% i 'ACC 11R' AP6007071 UR/0057/66/036/002/0246/0249 AUTHOR: Soldatenkov T,,R@ ORO: none TITLE:: The notion of charged particles in constant and rotating magnetic fields SOURCH: Zhurnal tekhnichaskoy fisiki, v. 36,, no. 2, 1966p 246-249 TOPIC TAGS: plasma confinemento rotating magnetic field, longitudinal magnetic field,, magnetic mirror, ABSTIULCT: The author is concerned with the notion of a plasma In the simultaneous presence of a constant longitudinal magnetid d and a rotating transverse magnetic field, This problem is of Interest in connection with the confinement of plasma In a magnetic mirror system. The motion of separitte charged particles In combined constant and ratating magnetic fields has previously been treated by A. Legatowicz (Nuclear Fusiox@, 1, No.3, 161, 1961) and the motion of a plasma has been treated in the hydro- dynamic approximation by V.P.Sidorov and the author (ZhTF, 35,1749,1965). In the present paper the notion of a plasma is treated In the drift approximation under the iassumptions that the strength of the transverse rotating component of the magnetic field is small compared with that of the cons,tent longitudinal component and that the field rotation frequency is small compared with the Larmor frequencyo It is found 1/2 ACC Nlt: AP6007071 -:2. that when the rotation frequency of the field exceeds a certain value the motions of both ions and electrons are finite and independent of the direction of rotation of the magnetic field. At lower field rotation 2requencies (or higher relative strengtim of the rotating field component) the motions ore finite only when the angular velocity vector of the rotating field component is in the direction of the constant field com- ponent. In a plasma with a finite number of particles and a sufficiently low collision. frequency there develops a condensation of eloctrons in the plans of the rotating.coa- ponent of the field. This condensation rotatos with the fteld and can drag the ions along. The author thanks R*A,Demirkha6oy and T.I.Gutkln for discussing the resultse Orig, art, has: 9 formuli-se SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: O9Nov64 ORIG. REF: 002 OTH RRF: 003 @.,OLJ'ATENKOV, V, In2h. Now machines for roadside tree planting. Avt. dor. 28 no.0- 30-31 6 16@$# (MIRA lgilD)- SOLDATEITKOV. V.Ye., Inzho Blectric geophysical exploration used in winter surveying. Avt. dor. 21 no.12:20-21 D 158. (MIRA 12:1) (Roads--Surveying) -'r /1 7 :@.UT 10.1- 001@.ate kov, V.YC. T I'@ -,,@_Yoeriencc '.';'i 'I h "lcclur-* c; PF.I EG]'I C_L: .1,@zvcdha i ok:.irana AC-49 t)rof;-()octinr-, in wint,:r. '`Lc, t',,@n u@-.Ual a @ou' 1.2 to lo.@, C.- of co.-Iic@.l to ff'.cilitatc t,@ " r i,.- i o t-: i: i1ri:1 Or. U -.U@;t a r.L -to to to C:: it it@; 1@-xtr-.c'ion. -hen. a lorc.os or cc zlectrc,60 '10 UCD! +he ..ole -u:-,u bc, ;:!:@fc -@;Jt:- a -;'eel el;%cti-o,'@ of thc o,.. -'ic-: r, is t C- urll@@ Cv_..Ce t"IC, C!l o r-- zv:),,,.,% at@ L; SOLDATENKOV, Y.Te., Inzh, Electric logging operations In bridgm construction. Avt.dor. 22 no.8:24-25 Ag '59- (14IRk l2sll) (Ioogging (Geoloj7)) (Bridge construction) 'JOLDATENKU'V) V.Y,I.p metnodist Radie-wave method of electric geological exploration. Trarsp. stroi. 14 no.10:48-49 0 164. (MTRA 18:31 1. Vystqvka dostlzheniy narodn5go khozyaystva SSSR. P-15 CT-2'.. 17:12) clo t1zhenill J!" for (fo.. :;o -aul r 4'. in o t I "OLL)ATENKOV, V.Ye., inzh,-geofiz'Lk Exhibition of the Achievements ef the National Economy helps road irurveyors. Avt. dor. no.lCt32, 3 of cover 0 164. (MIRA M12) 6L JL 12290-66 AM NRO Ap5o28787 SUURCK CODEt u0no/65/m/@/WWWO (Engineer) AUTHOR:@ Soldatenkov. Institute (Severnyy nauchno- ORG.- Northern Goverment Scientific Research issle el'skiy institut 1ITLE: Snow compactor for winter road construction C RCE: Transportnoye stroitel'stvo, no. 9, 1965s 50 OU S TOPIC TAGS: roadbuilding equipment@ construction machinery, snow/ KDM 100 tractor 7/for winter road construction is described. ABSTRACT: A snow compacting machine It consists of four major components: a tractor (KBH-100; 100 hp),a snw loosener consisting of a toothed cutter,, a heating chamber in which fuel from six injector nozzles is burned, and a vibrating compactor with unbalanced rotating weights. The machines specifications arei width of paths 2*8 m; cutter speeds 300-350 rpm; vibrator frequency, 25OD-30DO cpm; 8 m long, 1.8 m highs 3 m wide; 9 1hr capacity; compacted snow density (for 70 cm deep snow layer) 0.62-0.64 EWcm3; weight,, 10 tons* For snow depths < 50 cm the road path has to be C*rJ 1/2 UDOt 625.08 L J0290-66 ;PJ'JC NR: AP5028787 prepared before the snowfall to remove tree stwnpa., etc. The snow compactor forms a compacted snow-ice layer which will support conventional vehiclos after 10-12 hours after passage of the compactor. The compactor provides 2--2,5 times labor saving and 1.5--2 times economic savings over existing methods* Orig, art* hias: 1 figure. SUB COM 131 SUBM DATE: none ic - W:, - -1--'I LiAkolay Favlovich; PASTUKHOIVA, ZinaJda Vas4,I'yuv-,w; SOLDATENKOVA, T.A.p red. [Radioactive molybdenum isotopes] Radioaktivnye izo.- topy molibdena. Moskva, Atondzdatp 1965. 46 p. (MIRA 18:12) !M'hov, Hem. Vlktorovich; MIETSKAYA, Yu-11ya @Akhaylovnix; SOLDATENKOVA, T.A., red. [Transplantation immunity and radiation chimeras] Trazisplantatsiorwyi immunite@. i radiatslontrye khimery. Vookvii, Atomlzdat, 1965. 230 P. (MIRA -19:1) BAHUROV, Vasilly Garastmov!.,@b; LUTSENF.0, Inna Kirillovwi, SHASHKINA , fladezi,da Nikc layewe.; KOLYCHEV, B. S. v red.: SOILATENKOVA, T.A.2 red. Nadloactive wastes of uranium plants] Radicaktivrge ot- khi@dy- uranovykh zavodov. Mosk-va, Atomizdat, 19(5. 150 P. (MIRA 18:?) -@Ikl.,Iii L?-@avich; SOLDATD-IKOVA, T.A., red. [Control and automation of ore grinding and crujh-:ng processes] Kontroll i avtorati:3atsiia protsessov dro.- leniia i imellclieniia rud. Moskva, Atomizdat) 1965. 439 p. (MIRA 18:9) SOLDATENKOVA, Yu.P'..'- Some data on the vegetation in the Salekhard region (Cape Angallskly). 'lest. Mosk. un. Ser. 6: Biol., pochv. 20 no.3:53-64 My-Je 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Kafedra goobotaniki Moskovskogo universiteta. SOLDATENKOVA, Yu.P. Temperature ba)-ince of soil and temperature of the grround cover of varioun plant canmedtico in the Salekhard region. VcSt.Molk. im."Der.6: Biol., po(@hv. 20 no.4-.49-58 Jl-jV,, 165. (1,111RA 18:121) 1. Kafedra groobotaniki Moskovskogo univeroiteta. Sulmitted 0 January 29, 1965. BELMSOV ,, G.A*; 12WAVTSZV9 N,I,; MISIMAMO, N.M.1 $2LDATK:T A.I.; SHARUVWHq L.D.; Prinina.U uehavUyess FROLOV,, S.Ya.; SHISTOPALOV,, I.I.; PWNHOVA,, Z.I.p- STOLBUNSKIY,, L.Z.; USOV,, V.I.; GIAM, P.L.; VOLKOWA, A.Yao; ALDOKHINA, V.P.; VOLOSHIN, re.T.; SIUKLKOV,, I.S.; ZAPOROZHETS, N.P.; SMAMHNIXOV, V,P.; GOWHAROVAp M.Ta. ventigation of blast furnace smelting using natural gas. k all 22 no.6:483-1,A% Je 162. (MM 16:7) (Blast furnaces-Equipmont and supplies) KOROSTIK) P.O.; KOTELINIKOVP LV.; PAN's'V, G.A.; KUSAWSEV, N.I.; 11-ye-; YkiOSHEVSKIY, S.L. POPOVY N.N.; DUNAYEV, Blast furnace smelting with cok,,- made of a chaige having an increased content of gas coal. Met.i gorn,Drud. prom. no.(117-10 N-D 163. (MIRA 18:1) ROSTEMBERSKIY, A.V.; SOLDATKIN, A.I.; WOROMETS, N.P. Use of chalk lime for the intensification of the sintering process. Mstallurg 8 no.8s5-6 Ag t63. (MDU 16:10) 1. Donetskly filial Ukrainskogo nauchno-igsledovatellskogo instituta metallov i Yenakiyevakly metallurgicheskiy zavod. ROSTEMBERSKIY, A.V.; KANFER, V.D.; SOLDATKIN, A.I.,, kand.takhn.nauk; KUMANI, B.G.; CHERNOV, G.I.;-MZIMtOY,--V~.S.~f-ZAPOROZHETS, N.P. Increasing t..e productivity of sintering plants and improving the quality of the sinter. Met. i gornorud. prom. no. 2t2O-22 Mr-Ap 64. (MIRA 170) I Ar IdikIng salf,1fiU!;X;i%MA a -ere sinter. A_-L-* NVA--"- 'J'kin. Stal* I y smelting relin in a I furnace, it was ob;;;;@ that, before being rediced, _115.t till the ?*fnO dizolved In the slag which contained In the boshes 4()-M% MuO aird that CaO in the slag re- duced Its satn. with Mal). This suggested the use of linter high in CaO. Mat-sctle siatering expits. were conducted '-by using are carrying TstirO GSA, Sio. 0.28.and CaO 1.03 The Influence of moisture,- thickne%s of sintering layer, content of the mix, dirniiisions of coke and litnestune parti- cles, and the percentage of returns were examd. as a func. thm of Sint". quality atid production. Effect of moisture was detd. by using a chirge of ore 71, returns I% limestone 14, and C 5.3% held. In a layer 350 mm. thick. Best gan permeability, optimum dittering speed, best yield of good linter, min. ofO-43-mm. fin", max. contraction of thecharge, and highest temp. of,the waste gases were recorded with 7-8% moisture. Best 11tickrim or sintering layer for the same charge was 350-40) mm. and optimum C content 570. -mm. sieve and limestone smaller Coke irrou ad to pass a 5 than 0 mm. produced ficst av. results. Proper temp re- quires the use of returns, but more than 15% of them hail no 1. D. LEM, "A t 1-Y I& 4 c IMU F 7: Jf material balance In f mXz- r.-- 4rudy Zen tnff- *rms,@ 1, 111MV, Vera 1883.-M;tLrial bal-3110's for ag of M. 0' fifutneration are 0"t flux and with addii. of 14% 11fil' found that without adda. given. it was f Mns04 td Aino 0 - of "me consWerable reduction of currcd@ while With Unit part of ?q @,xidizcd to Un c nO was 04. Agglomeration rj!mov -75% S.: by-product gitse5l W eA -6 as cha fad tent Of COt and CO. The cumulitive 47 Was higher than atm. 4; 'k; i", 1 % '1 24 lr@, 6P ;o ')7, @je @j A AUTHOR Tyutyunnikov, Yu.B. (U.Kh.I.N ), Soldatk4,q, Aj.'@U.I.M.)I Dvuzhillnaya, N.I.I. (Don U.G.I:), Rodshteyn, P.M. (Zhdanov Coke Oven Works), Muguyev, G.D. and Tarasov, D.A. (Azovs-ball Metallurgical Works). TITIB: The use of gas coals in blends of the Southern Coking Plants. (Ispollzovaniye Gazovykh ugley v shikhtakh yuzhnykh koksokh- imicheskikh zavodov.) PERIODICAL: "Koks i Khimiya.1 (Coke and Chemistry - @ 2, pp. 20 - 23, (U.S.S.R. 195?, No. ABSTRACT: An experimental blend containing 30';'o' of gas coals instead of the usual 15clo' was used for one month in the Zhdanov Coke Ovens and the coke produced tested on a No. 1 blast furnace in the Azovstall Works and No. 2 furnace in the Illich Works. The composition and properties of the usual and the experi- mental coel blends (Tables 2, 3), coking-balances (Table 4), and propeities of coke produced (Tables 5, 6, 7) are given. Opexational data of blast furnaces on normal and experi- mental cokes are given in Table 8. The mean size of coke decreased from 60-85 mm to 58.74 mm. This decrease in the size of coke had only a small effect on the blast furnace operation. Thei@e aie 8 tables and 4 Russian references. J) f) 18(5); 25(5) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1574 W.v. Ukrayinalkyy naukovo-doslidnyy instytut metaliv Vprc)vadzhennya novoyi tekhniky i tekhnologlyi n&XQt&1urbiyDYkh. zavodakh 1fkraYinY; zbirnYk, t- 3 (Introduction of' Now Techniques and Technology '16n Ukrainian Metallurgical Plants; Collection or Articles., Vol- 3) KYY1v, DerzhtekhVdav URR, 1958. 192 p. 1,000 copies printed. Exec. Ed.: H. Afon1na; Tech. Ed.: P. PatsaJyuk. PUIU@OSE: The book is intended for metallurgists employed in rolling and alabbing operations. COV-MME: This is a collection of 11 Ukrainian articles., compiled by 22 authors, some of vhom. are referred to an eminent specialists. The subjects clealt with in the articles are: use of limestone-fluxed slag in making pig 1ron,- use of blast-furnace gas under increased pressure, use of oxygen in -making steel in open-hearth and Bessemer furnaces, description of a nev inethod of Ifintensifiee squeezing of sl%bs in blooming mills. Sane design details, with direct references to actual plants and certaln operational Card 1/4 jX. Introduction of New Techniques (Cont.) SOV/1574 -)ractices are also featured. Introduction of full mechani ion of roll- ing processes at steel-works is taking place. Numerous diagrams accampagy -the teict. Sme articles have bibliographic entries, mainly Soviet, TABLE OF CONTENTS: For--word 3 Ono-ariyenko, V.P., and N.Ye. Sydorov. Quality of Limestone-fluxed Slag and Its Use in Ukrainian Metallurgical Plants 6 Ono:priyenko, V.0.0 I.S. Lysenko, A.I. Soldittkin. and B.A. Petrukhin. Fluxed and TAmestone-Turtle Stone 21 1331ag Obtained From Kerch' Ir@n-Ur-e Pokc7shkin, V.L. Formation of Metal and Slag in Blast Furnaces 39 Zqytsev,1.A.qame. Pxd)aems in the New Technology of Runni n the Hio- :phosphorus Fig Iron in Open-hearth Furnaces Under Application of *jWgen 58 Card 2/4 25(l) PHASE I BOOK ZXPLOITAIIOM SOV/213-1 x1sev. Ukrainakty K&Uchna-issiodavatel-SkLy Institut setatlov Tekhnologlya p-oizvodstva I voyltva chernykh attallov; abornik (The nLnufacturm And Ch&r:cterlmt-lca or Ferrous metals; a collection-'- of articles) Xhar* Khar-kovaidly 60a.univ. In. A.M. Gor'kogo, 1958. 271 P. (321:6'; Its: may. vyp. 4) Errata slip in sorted. 1.000 copies printed. Zd1tarlal Starr or thl* boakt ?.a. A.I.keandrav, C.S. Xazarnavukly. N.I. Kurmanov, X.F. laws. V.P. Onoprlyenkc, V.A. Tlkhovskly. sr4 To. A. 3hnoy*rovs Zd.s 3.3. Llb*rman. Tech. Ed.: K.O. OurIn PURPOSEs The bock In Intended for the scientific p*raonnal of InNtltute# And for engineers and technicians or metallurgical enterprises and other branches of the industry. COVWtAazs The collection of articles reviews the work carried an at the institute or netais on the technology or blast furnace$. open- ces, li-ilso dwals---"' hearth turns. and rolled stock Production. .ig problem In notallography. best treatment or ferrous m*tals and methods for theIr study. Particular attention Is devoted tol the preparation or charge& and blast rurnace practice with Increased sag Pressure, open-hearth production with oxygen blast and rolling of light profiles. So personalities are mentioned. References accompany each article. TABLZ OF COr=TSs BIAST POXNACZ PMD=1011 pmp&r%%jon or Eigh Fluxed Unter rrou Manganese Or! 9 Brusaw, L.P. Method or Estimating th* Reducing and Therrial GAA .Ork Ina Blast Furnace Wtth Different Charge$ 71 Goncharov. D.P. Study of process** in the Hearth or the Blast ftrnaee -With Incroas*4 Blast Furnace Gas Pressure Steel Making 77 Sladkoahteyev, T.T. Slag-forming to an Open-hearth PUrn&C4 With ftygen-Blaot 105 zaytsev. I.A. Effect of Smelting Temperature 8@6106 on the D*PhOs- oarl@ttom Proms& 119 RabinovIch. A.T. street of the Technology or the Working Period of-w-Dauld-Open-hearth Smelting an tile Hydrogen Content In Metal 135 KoYrA121917. V. B. And F.P. STLrldwako. Effect of the Working Period Of Phosphorous Cast 1740 R*4UCt1cft M YaLrltnq Cracks And Beans It Ratio 155 2014.110 AlAknandrov-P.A. Structure and Mechanical Properties of Rolled Steel In Blooming lagots 165 aunift. I.T. Now Light I-Beans 179 Dolthonkovl, Por-ard Slip in Xolllag Heavy Strip 189 plllppov. 9.N. Comprehensive Investigation. Generalization. and IntradkictloncfProgrevelve Methods And innovators, Foremost Working Methods on Station Rills 203 Card 4/6 CNOPRIYENKO, VJ., kand.tekhn.nauk; LEBEDEV, A.Ye., kand.tek!,n.nauk; ZiOLDATKIN,_A.I., kandtr-khn.nauk; LOZOVOY, F.R., inzh.; PEMLEFIN, B.A., inzh.; AROUZOV, V.A., inzh.; Prinimali uchastiye: FUMAN, D.M.@ KONOPLYA, M.V.; KOTOV, A.I. Pilot-plant production of sinter with a basicity of 1.2 from Yerch ore concentrates. Biul. TSIICHM no.10:17-22 '60. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Ukrainskiy institut metallov (for Furman, Konoplya). 2. Kar%vshbu- runsk@y kombinat (for Kotov). Mintering) (Kerch Peninsula--Iron ores) I SOLDATKIN, A.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; Prinimaldi uchastlye: PETRUIJUN, b.A.; ____HADv_ A.A.; SllkihEVICH, L.D.; VYAZOVSKIY, Yu.V,; GIUSAW, L.M.; EIREYEVA, K.K.; PAVLOVA, V.D.; PRISFUTJVA, ViS. Preparation of fluxed sinter from Kerch ore concentrates Trudy Ukr. nauch.-issl. inst. met. no.7:36-5o 61. WRA 14:11) (Kerch Peninsula--Iron ores) (Sintering) BELEVTSEV,, G.A.; GAVRILENKOI N.Gle; GRINENKO, I*M,; KDROSTIKp P,O.; RUrELINIKOV ' I.V,; KRASAVTSEV, N.I.,, kand. tekhn. nauk; MISHCHENKO, N-M-; POPOV, N.N.,, kand. telchn. nauk; SEMIK, I.P., kand. tekhn. nauk; TOTSIKIY, G.,P., kand. tekhn. nauk; SIMTOPALOV,, I.I.; Prinimali uchastiye: SOIXATKIN, A,16; SOLCKKO, V.P.; SOLOMATIN, A.A.; BOLOTSKIY, V."-;%'06fiahETS,, N.P.O- BESSCHASTNYY, A.Ye.; SIIVETS, N.Kh.; LIKHUNlN, S.D.; SHUMSKIY, L.B.; VASIKOVICH, N.A.1 YEROKHINA, A.I.; GELYIJKH, B.k. Desulfuration of pig iron in it fast-revolving and continuous dr=. Met. i gornorud. prcm. )10-4:3-5 JI-Ag 165. (MIRA 18:10) TMOKJEOVp N.N.j SOLDATKIN, A.I., kand. tekhn. muk; VAZHIW3KIYp V.I. Length3ning the service life of blast furnace air tuyeres, Met. i gornomd, pran, no.4:10--ll J1-Ag 165. (Mim 18tio) RATIER, G.L.; SOLDATKIII, B.K. Closure of a defect of the interauricular septum using an ivalon obturator experimentally. !!.ksper. khir. i anest. L, no.6:14-16 11-D 164. ("IMA 18:7) 1. Kafedra fakulftetskoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. G.L.Ratkner) Kuyby3hevskiy meditsinskogo inztituta. l')Ibjk'jD !,..! . (..i. A 41 r ', e f @ -,, n , @ -)f- .I@ - @ : @jj-16. r,,rouir` ia'; St:)r'nj"7 I -4 . .1 1 "', f I J .10, _@: 41 -4 (Gas, liatural-Storage) , i . @-' @ -1 ( ;- A, .' Z.@ I I - - @l '-' " G. 1. of -rage Gfiz. 13 TZ IV; S.N.; -INYKIN" YS.V.; C@I, Buffer and volizieg 1r, -.@.e storage sf gas in,:; beds. Gaz. prom. 9 nc.11013-38 16 -J. (MIHA 17:12) ; , i@.A. ; S@Al)@.TKLN, rt. i . I !,emilts of th,@ cxr-;C@rimental wj-.-jdrP-WTt' of gue froi:! LhP, Underground gau reservoir. Gaz. prom. 9 no.8:31-35 164. (Mll@-,', 17:9) NOVOKRESHCHENOVA, N.S.; SOLDATKINO I.S.; DENISEMO, L.K.z MARTENS, LA. Use of radioactive carbon for tagging fleas. Med.paraz.1paraz. bol. 30 no*1:72-76 Ja 161, (MIRA 140) 1. Iz Gosudarstvennogo nauohnuu-issledovatellskogo instituta mikrobiologii i epidemiologii Yugo-Vostoka SSSR (014ikrobn) (dir. instituta D.G. Savostin), (FLEAS) (CARBON-ISOTOPZS) (INSECTS, MARKING OF) SOLDATKIN, I.S.; NOVOHRESPCHENOVA, N.S.; RUDYNCHIK, Yu.V.; OSTROVEY1Y, I.B.; LEVOSP-IIIA, A.I. Study of the feeding activity of fleas of the greater gerbil under natural conditions by the use of radioactive indicators. Zool. zhur. 40 no.11:1647-1650 N 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. itll-Union Research Institute "Mi*ob", Saratov and Anti-Plague Station of Nukus. (Fleas) (Insects--Food) NOVOKRESHCHENOVA, N.S.; SOLDATKIN, I.S.; LEVOSHINA, A.I. Method of radioactive indicators used for determining the comparative frequency of feeding of various species of fleas under laboratory conditions. Vop. skol. 4:135-137 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Vsesoriznyy nauchno-isaledowatel'skiy institut "Mikrob", Saratov. (Fleas) (Insects-Food) (Radioactive tracers) ACC NR, AP70101090 U,N) -SOURCE CODE.-_ UA/043SF/66/0045/004/04u, AUTHOR: Soldatkin, I.,S.; Rudenchik, Yu. V.; Ostrovskiy, I. B.; Levoshina, A. I. 1OR(J: All-Union "Microbe" Antiplague Scientific Research Institute, Saratov (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'Bkiy protivochumnyy Institut "Mil-crob"); Nukus Antiplague Station (Nukusakaya protivochumnaya stantsiya) .TITLE: Quantitative characteristics of the development of plague lepizootic In Rhombomye optimus colonles SOURCE: Zoologicheskiy zhurnal, v. 45, no. 4; 1966@ 481-486 TOPIC TAGS: t=nkav F 14 me := - :7 plague, disease vector, flea Pn R/9 6#0Y;C4907'1od_06 Yl 1A1J0,PC z"of- /9 Ilu 11 .1"119 4- 0 / 5Efi5z " Ro 0 E- ou 7- ABSTIRACT: The process of the infection of fleas infesting diseased gerbils (Rhombomys optimue) was studied using radioactivity labeled materials to simulate disease agents in a model experimeni. Results were compared with those obtained with plague-infected gerbils. The number of fleas feeding on one ger*pil were recorded.. as well as the distribution of these fleas after five or six days. Calculations based Card 1/2 UDC: 599-323.4 Rhomboni$s; 616.981. ACC-NRS XPTOO on experimental data showed that the mean number of gerbils that can be inrected by one sick animal to 0.3-0.6 in summer and winter and 1.7-2.5 in spring and fall. Orig. art. has: 4 tables. IWA-50; CBE NO- 14 CLPi SUB CODEt 06/ SUBM DATRt none/ ORIG REPt 007 Card 212 XARA XV9 D.M., inzh.; SOLDATKU, L.D,. inzh. Use of rubber coatings on spinning machinery. Tokst,prome 18 no.10150-31 0 158. (MIRA 11111) (Spi"ing machinery) SOLDATKIN, L. -D, Intmr factory 00hool for practice exchiinges# Taket. prom.19 no-5:97-98 W 159. - (WRA 12:10) l.Starshiy inzhener proizvodstvemlogo otdela Upravleni7a. tekstillnoy i legkoy prom7shlennosti Yaroulavskogo oovnarkhoza. (Textile industry-Study and teaching) SOLDATEIN, L.P. Designing lever linkages connected with a three-bar cam mechanisE. Trudy Inst. mash. Sem. po teor.mash. i mekh. 23 no.99/90:W.-155 162 (cans) (Mechanical movements) (muk 35:.6) SOLDATKINp L.P. Design of cam-lever mechanisms based on the given rule of motion of the working element with a minimized maximum pressure in the higher pair. Teor. mash. i mekh. no.92/93: 128-141 162. (MIRA 16:11) - I - @ i ,; @ .I - @ -! -,, . 1 @; " " i , F I -. rcr,;.%@ L*fj!@@' - @f' @, J! j . 1, , -- - j t;, I - . 4 :L@.'k h . r@ .-I , .1--li.- @.,- '. , , -1@5 - , . (: 11 "1 A l lo@; -1 ) __ SULDA'IXIN, M.T., dot-sent, kand-tekhn.naidc; POTA-POV, V.A. ; SHINUVICH. S.K. Recommended methods for ventilating fiber dveing plants of cloth combineeo Sbor. nauch. trud. Bel. politokh. inst. no-74:28-47 %59. (MIRA 13:8) (Textile factories--Heating and ventilation) 5C,LDATKIN, M.T., doteent-A', kand.tekhn-nau ; SYCHEV, A.T. Investigating the electric conductivity of bricks in relation to their moisture content. Sbor. 4,Auch. trud. Bel. politekh. inst. no-74:80-85 '59- (MIU 13:8) (Moisture--Measurement) (Slectric conductivity) (Bricks-Testing) SOLDATNUt M.T.9 kand. teW. naukj dotsent; MUKMp O.A.9 assiotentj AN- MTEMY9 A.K., Otsent; KURPAN9 M.I.p kand. tekhn, nauko dotsent; ODELISKIYP E.Kh.v doktor tekhn. naukt prof.j ANDKSMOM9 A.11.t kand. tekhn. naukq dots-ant, red.; KONTSEVAYAj T.V., red.; KUZIMEKOKtP,T. takhn. red6 . I (Laboratory exercises in 16atingo ventilationg and gas supply] Labor&- torrqi praktikm po otopid"niiup ventiliataii i gazoonabWmaiiiu. Pod obshchei red. E.Kh.Odellskogo i A.K.Andreavskogo. Minskp Redaktoionno- izdatellskii otdel BPIv 1960. 21+3 p. OURA Ut 7) 1. Mi@aM. BelorusO* Politekhnicheakiy institut. Kafedra flTeplogazo- snabzheniye i ventilyataiya." (Ventilation)i (Heating) (Gas--Heating and cooking) R)14AIWVJq 1.14.., kand.tekhn.nauk; IMAKHMUDGV, A.U., irizh.; K4EPIKOV) V.G... inzh.; Prinimali uchastiye: GOIIYUNOVA, N.P.; VORONINA, L.D.; bARDAH, F.K.; S,OLDATKIN,, P.S.; KORNEYCHUK,, G.P.; KHAMIDOV, N.Kh.; SHULIZHEItKU, I.P. Method of grist conditioning according to moisture. Masli-Zhir.prom. 28 no.11:37-39 N 162. 14IIU 15:12) 1. Sredneaziatskiy filial Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo Instituta zhirov (for Ismailov, Goryunova, Voronina, Bartosh). 2. Kattakurganskiy maslozhirovoy kombiriat (for 14akhmudov, Soldatkin, Korneychuk, Khamidov, Shullzheako). (Oils and fats)