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S/06 62/006/022/015/088
B1 44YB1 01
AUTHORS; Sokol~owski, Janusz, Kupryazewski, Gotfryd,-Umin'skit
TITLE: Use of compounds tagged with the radioactive carbon isotope
C14 to study the conversion of N-glucosides. I. Exchange of
acetyl groups in N-acetyl-N-2,3,4,6-tetra-0-acetyl-D-
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 22, 1962, 153, abstract
22Zh12 (Roczn. chem., Y. 36, no. 21 1962, 215-221 Pol.;
summaries in Russ. and Eng .1)
TEXT: Hydrolysis of N-acetyl-N-2,3,4,6-tet*ra-0-acetyl-D-glueopyranosyl-
p-aminoazobenzene (I) leads to the formation of N-acetyl-N-D-gluco-
pyranosyl-p-aminoazobenzene (II) and of a small quantity of N-D-gluco-
'pyranosyl-p-aminoazobenzene (III). The position of the acetyl group in
I was determined on the basis of a study of the acyl exchange in I:
the effect of C14 H3COOCOCH3 (IV) on I leads to snexchange of the N-acetyl
Card 112
s/061/62/00 0/0 22/015/088
Use of compounds tagged with ... B144/B101
group. The mixture of 0.2 g I F.p. 199-200'C, [aj17 + 32 _+ 30
L~ D
(c 0.402, chloroform)l, 0.02 g ZnCl , and 0.5 ml IV (activity 0.01 mcu/ml)
j 2
is kept for 4 hrs at 100 0C; I with C14 (activity 748 imp/min per mmole)
is obtained. The mixture of 0.2 g N-N-2,3,4,6-tetra-0-acetyl-D-gluco-
pyranosyl-p-aminobenzene (V), 0.02 g ZnCl 29 and 0-5 ml IV is heated for
0-5 hr; I with C14 is obtained; yield 0.12 g (activity 1978 imP/min per
mmole). To 107.7 mg I, produced from V, 36 mg (CH 3)2 NH dissolved in
9-5 ml CH3OH is added, the mixture is stirred for 9 hra at 20 00, and a
mixture of II (b6%) and 111 (10 + 4%) is obtained (the yield was deter-
mined by paper chromatography and Iby measuring the activity of the
mixture). 'Abstracter's note: Complete translation.
Card 2/2
Configuration and conformation of M-glycosides. Pt. 1. Rocz
chemii 37 no.5:515-523 163.
1. Department of Organic Chemistry, Normal School, Gdansk.
SUKOW46KI, Januuz; SRIATAM, Zygaryd; SUFRANU, Janusz
Configuration and conformation of r,.alycosides. Pt. 2. Rocz
chem.ii 37 no.5:525-536 163o
1. Department of Organic Chemistry, Normal School, Gdansk.
.- -.ra-r-n n-.;
C'n. P =fo-nnatfon cf
':~acz cnem4i K' nc 71/8171;~-7 '5 1 ~,3
C.Irganic Churuistry, Normal -,jarisk.
SOIIKOIR,.~SKI, Janusz; "itefania
Finetic studies on rzactkons between D~glucose and primary
aromatic amines. ~~ocz chemi-i 37 no. 7/8:925-926 163.
1. Department of OrzLnic Cheriaxy, Normal- School, Gdansk.
10DUS'C" SK I, ~ I a ldemar, infir In Z. ; jjE'G',j-:K. , iaii, wgi- biz. ; SOKCIU V:-'iK'1
Janusz, mgr inz.; WCISKI, lelojciech, dr inz.
Possibilities of applying isotope methods to the supervision
of bank consolidation in hyraulic engineering. Gosp wodna
no. 2:51-54 F t64.
KaLcdra. Grintoznawstwa i Budownict a Ziemnego, Szkola
k"Iowna Gospodai-stwa 1,,Iiejskiego, '.Iarszawa.
ACE' - -AP(D0 2'1'0'~ 8
T 17
AUTITIO'R: Sokolowski, Janusz; 5zafranokc, Janusz 4/4:,
0-,,),G: Department of Organic Caordstry, ,ormal School, Gdansk (Natedra Cher-di
Organicznoj Wyzszej Szkoly 1-Poda.-or.riczncj)-
1ITY-,: Infrared spectra of some derivatives of N-- cosides
SOURCE: Roczniki chomii - annales societatis chirdcao polo no rum, v. 40, no. 1, 1966,!
IrOPIC TAGS: El spectrum, IR absorption, absorption band, organic amide, acetylene
ABSTRACT: Infrared absopption bands, connected i-rith ithe syrimetric and antisyrmtric
Vibrations of the tetrahydropyrane ring, with the valency vibrations of -U-ie amido
c4rborql group and the valency and deformation vibrations of tfie 1UH group for 0-
acptyl. 0,N-acetyl and 0-benzylideno derivatives of 11-glycosidos, were identified.
(h4g. art. has.- 20 figures. LBased on authors' Eng. abst--7,CjiA3: 35,397,7
Sb COUE: 07, 20 / SUBM DATEr 23Nov64 / ORIG REF: 003 / OTH REF: oo6
Card 1/1
Soldiers serving the national economy, before the floating
ice starts moving. Przegl techn 85 no. 12: 8 22 Mr t64.
SlaVYAKOII, L.D.; SOKOLOWSKI, Jozef, mgr., inz.
The way to elaborate dissertations. Przegl gorn 17
no.1-1:560~-56,1 N 161.
1. Gzlonek Akademii Nauk ZSRIR
MROZEK, Kazimierz;-SOKOLOWSKI, Juljan; WROBEL, Janina
Discovering a salt dome structure near Damaslawek in the Kujawy
region. Przegl geol 9 no.11:579-584 161.
1. P.P.P.N. "Polnoc" V Pila.
Bureau of Documatation and Geological Plennim (Biuro Dakumentacji
I Projaktov Goologiczuych)
Warsaw, Pr"gl&d irsologienyp No 10 Jan 1966, pages 32-35
*Importance of the discovered 01*smic&-Knmo Depression to
prospecting in the eastern section of the Foro4kW[otic Houoclins."
&KOLA)WSKI, Julian
Bureau of Documentation and Geological Plammin (Biuro DoIamentmeji
i Projekt6w Geologicsoych), Warsav
Warsav, Przoilled geolouicuw, No 5, May 1966, pages 205-211
"Tectouics and deposit-structural characteristics of the Fore-
Sud*tic area. Part I."
~_SOKOLOWSKI, Kazimierz
Cooperation betweAeconomists and sociOlogints; in connection with
an instructive conference of economists and coc4logists in Jablonna,
May 14-19, 1962. Nauka, polska 10 no.Asll~-115 S-~-O 162.
1. Polska Akademia Nauk, Zaklad Nauk Ekonomicznych, Warszawa.
Bronchial fistula after pulmonary resection in pulmonary tuberculosis.
Postepy hig-med. doev. no.2:97-98 '60.
1. Oddzial Chirurgii Torakalnej Szpit&]A Miejakisgo w Poznariiu Ordyna-
tor: doc. dr Jan Moll. e
MOLL, Jan. TYBORSKI, Henryk; STASITSKI, Tadeusz; LORKIEWICZ, Zbigniew;
UJKOMZKA, Barbara; SLIdr-ISKI. Marian; ADAMSKI, Stm islav;
SOKOL%ISKI, Konstanty; SKOTVICKI, Stefa3,
Treatment of cardiac defects with the use of the M I appa-
ratus and deep hypothermia. Pol. 34 no.3:
299-306 T64-
1. Z Oddz.-ialu Chirurgii Torakalnej Szpitala Miejskiego im.
J.Strusia w Poznaniu i II Kliniki Chirurgic&-lej AM w Lodzi
(kierownik: Zakladu Radiolotii AM w
Poznaniu (kierownik: B.Gladysz) i III Kliniki
Chorob Vewnetrznych AM w Poznaniu (kierownik:
MOLL, Jan, prof. dr. med.; LUKU-ISKA, Barbara; STALEWSKI, Jerzy; SOKOLOWSKI,
Rilmonary resection in tuberculosis. Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no.52:
2003-2005 28 W64.
1. Z Oddzialu Chirurgii Torakal-nej SLy;itala Miejskiego im.
J. Strusia w PDznaniu (ardynator: prof. dr. med. Jan Moil).
MOLL, Jan, prof. dr. med.; ADAMSKI, St.; SUdIIISKJ, M.; SKOTNICKI, S.;
Our own experiences in the surgical treatment of constrictive
pericarditis. Fol. tyg. lek. 20 no.0'9.202-204 8 F 165
1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej Akademii Medycznej w Lodzil
z Oddzialu Chirurgii. Torakalnej Szpitala Miejskiego imeni
J. Strusia w Pomaniii (K-lerownik.- prof. dr. med. Jan Mol-1).
SOKOL0,48KI, L. The accdptance of a construction by units. p. 24
Vol 8, no. 11, Nov. 1956
Warszawa, Poland
So: Xast -uropean Accession vol 6, no- 3, March 1957
D')U,ffD/R,1dio Fhysics - Generation -and Conversion of Radio Frequency
-Ds Jour .1 Ref Zhur - Fizika,, io 6) 1958j 140 13773
Inst Hot Given
Title Methods of Testing Multi-Cavity Pulse Magnetrons
Orig Pub Elektronika) 1957, 3~ No 4-5j 129-144
.'%bstract The author describes methods for measuring the resonant fre-
quency and the parasitic resonances of the oscillating sys-
tem of -- ,-.iultiple -resonator rmLpetron. Block diagrams of the
measuring apparatus are given for the coaxial and wave guide
channels. In a wave guide setup., one installs in the two side
branches of a double tee a measuring R4 gGnerator and a meter
(detector plus oscillograph). To the two other branches of
the tQe is connected respectively the magnetron and a non-
reflecting load. If the time sweep and the FM are produced
by the saxie voltagej then the oscillograph screen displays
both the principal and the parasitic reso=nces. Ore observes
Card 1/2
PC-Lidffi/Eadio 1hysics - Generation and Conversion of Radio Frequency 1-3
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 6, 1958, No 13773
on the sarie sere-en also the* maker, ca.drig fro,,-.i a calibrated
rc~-.c,nrx.t wavo ricter. It is rinted that these .-,easurements i-.iust
be in the preserce of a cuthode or its equivalGnt. An
invest-Ji,lation of possible forms of oscillations is carried out
with the aid of a rotating probe, inserted in the resonant
instead of the cathode. The screen of the oscillograph) syn-
chronized with the probe, displays the picture of the field
around the periphery of the resonator.
Card 2/2
Output circuit of a high-power magnetron. Przegl elektroniki
4 no. 5/6: 323-328 My-Je t63.
1. Zjednoczenie Przemyslu Elektronicznego i Teletechnicznego,
A scientific conference held in Krynica on the mechanics of
continuous medias a review of papers. Mechan teor stosow 1
no. 1:99-107 10.
. SOKOLOWSKI, Maciej, mgr inz.
Mechanization of finishing works in the construction industry.
Przegl mech 23 no.9/10.284-286 25 lYY 16/+.
1. flead Design Laboratory, Office for Design and Technology of
Construction 'AacYLines and Equipment, Warsaw.
SoKojjyjSj~T' '!
I ..'.
Tasks of the industries consumirLS electric power in overcomini-cz the heavy
deniand in autumn and -ainter. p. 1, (GOSPODARKA CIEPLMA. ElCtRGETYKA
P.MLY13MM) Vol. 1, No. 6, Dec. 1953, Yiarszawa, Poland)
SO: L'onthly List of East European Accessions, (E:EAL), LG, Vol. 4, No. 5
ay 1955, Uncl.
6ON01- OWL> /~F
2astosawania Melody I Malych Pir-a-
etrdw iv Zagadnieniach Plyt (Application
of the Perturbation Method to Plate
Problems). '~Inrpk- 5okolow-ki. Arch.
ArtCh StOINVOlij (Warsaw), No. 3, 1053,
p, 415. 10 rt:fs. lit Polish; abridged in
English and Russian. Use of (lie Pain-
car~ approximatiou method to solve dif-
fercridal equations of the cigen-valuc and
boundary-value problems of plate deflec-
.... .......
:aqRQlCWS!Il.Marek, Applicationof the perturbation methud"
t U1 ~a fte, -f _bl6ifi'q Arch. Mcch. Stos, 5, 41.5436 (1953).
Pofish R inn anrl Eziglish summarie3)
The perturbation meLhod war, introduced by H. Poincar6;
aniquc c6leste, Gadthier-Villars,- P
I El-con.,; d-o m6c, ark,
1905] to findapproxiinav! solutloosof diftrential equatione,'
'At per.nits one to solve eigenvaltiu and bou ndan/-val tic
'problenis differing alightly froin well. known and already.
.,.:solved cases. As a sp(.cial case o( the perturbation rnethod,,'~._
:a one
-parameter eigenvalue problem waii presented in detai
by L. Collatz CEigenwertatifgaban mit technischev An-j
'1wenclungen, Akademische Verlagsgeselischaft, Leipzig, 1949;.
NIR 11, 137]. The theory given by the
authonis based oni
'Collatz's monograph. The author applies the nieLlIod to:
ability problems of isctropic and orthotropic rectan ular
t, 9 r
lates compressed non-uniformly along opposite edges, He!
ares his results with exact solutions and shows that',
the error is negligiblL. ',-he method simplifies cousiderably;
in czse of simple bounaa-y-valtie problems without eigen-
Values. T. Leser (Aberdeen, IMd.). j
N(. MI C r!Ar1.Twu4)iniejisIonal Problems Concvrohig th"
IdyAle, tk~orij srrqiysto,.ici clali ortkiLrop,4 C-
Archiv.-tim -dt-chuni ki Slosowanci fPAN). No. 1, 151;4, pp., 65-92,
9, figs.
Comideralifin 1u Ure given to a rerles of problvnis concerning.
tai -mulne for an Liatropie plate are deduce
stress plate. rbi d by
nicana of the Fc-urler Integral, on! the W:1!; or the metlind adopted.bY
Girkmann. A dls~!usslon is suhniffted of,tontact problenis of
a ryurfecuy
j_ rigtd punch and an elatstic hearn, mAing on a hall planc., A wilution
Jr. advanced of the problem of a concentrated force. actinp on an In-,
finlt~ plate, together with a deduction of fundamental equatlom for
thO StTCSSe3 Lind di.;Vlacernents; In it hit)( plane, 1) a curicentratt.-d
force of any directlon and any point of altauhment.
225/116 624.073.1
It 'I'vio-13tage Method of Solvin Rozor.In--yr..
Cr-tll~tropic Plate Problems 2(2),215-2 -10
Tq 51~
M. gokolaviski' Poland
tI-- bandiEL mcmients and 3ht~ar fgrcc~i
for an orthotropic plate subject,:~d to bk;ndino i~
The Systems Of lilluar algebra-ic equations Ly fii,---an~i
Of thk! CL11CL11US of finite differences are ~,~Avtjd IAy uaing tht!
iteration muthod, for ivlaich tvia ibvati~,ii art'
g'iw'n for Solving problems with
22 539.AA :624.07
;`3 r~qj Pi--)blums tA' the Elas ticitv BUILAc".1d. PUI.Scij
Or th -impir
-,I oL Bodies kGexvian) 21,31. 68
M. ,)olkolowski Folana
I rF, ~,J 7 ~nA and phuic deformation axe conaidered by,
~jppr)priEitc mbstitutions for the-coeffioients ill the
diff~xrlyitial equation of the Airy- --tress fimction, using
tho not~,,.U-9.n of Lechnitzkij for the elasticity coefficients.
llrpctical applirations.,cansidored include a surface
loa-dud by a f3lnglf-, load on tha boundary- a :~,Dlid bc~a,
inT)r!z:sscdI oi e la ~; t i csupporUng, suri~acc.and an elastio
rosting on an ijrthot]~V.)Pic CoTitinuous Medium. (Bibl.5)
601 OL.DdSKI, M.
Applyin~~_ the snall-parame zer method in tes ting plates. V~ 269 -Vol. 2, no. 4,
1954, BULLETIN, Dep't of Technical Sciences, Polish ica:de~V of'beiences.
SO: '.1
,10_.7TI_rY- LIS- 07 E'31 AJC-~'S-IO"3, "-'-DIAL), Ifoi.-', No.(),
I ~-
LC, Sept. 1055, Uncai.
SOKOLOWSKI, ----- - - . - , I --
T..;o-s'uep calculation of anisotropic plates of a certain tyma; -D; 173, Vol. 2, no. 4,
195.4,-BULIETIN) Pep't of Technical Sciences, Polish Academy ~~f ~Cxienc6s
SO: M',-)-1-,,tBLT LIST OF EAST EUROYEAN A:' 7ESSIONS, (MUL) , Lo, Vol. L, !To. 9,
Sept. 1955, Uncl.
3660. Sokolowski, M. On certain two-dimensional problems
concerfftffglE-e"M-c-or--c-FT~Wstici ~pf orthotropici bodies (in Polish,
with RuFmian and English summaries), Arch. Meth. alos. 6, 65 jn,
Author solves, by means of Fourier integralff, problems of plane
elasticity for orthotropic media when the boundary involves
straight lines. The particular cases considered are the rigid
punch and the elastic benni acting on the boundary or the half
plane; the concentrated forec acting anywhere in the half or
complete plane. L M N1. Radek, Australia
~v~44114. stability of an Niholople
loft With ribs, Arck. V*cb. slos. 8, 4 507-538, 1956.
An IEWtely long orthotropic place, simply supported at the
edges and reinforced with asymmetzical ribs# is subjected to a
vertical load and to uniformly distributed compressive leads. Zoei
ribe at subjected to it uniform bending load and concentrated
compressive forces. The solution is obtained by using simple
Fourier series.
The State Of SUCE2 And Main in the plate due to the vertical I
7' and horizontal leads, acting In its place, and the state of attest
and #train In the beam constituting s:lbarc considered
sepairst" ly. The (otqcs between the plate and the rib &is assumed,
In the form at Foutier Series wltb unknown coefficients, thus Ob-
talaing the deformations and the displacements of the girder and
the plate. For the determination of the unknown expansion coe&
ficlents. four conditions of continuity.of deformation of the rib and!
the plate (rotation angle, horizontal and vertical displacements.
and horizontal defouation parallel to the rib) are established. I
Various ciises of stability and buckling of &a infiaitely long Plate
with symmetrical ribs and without ribs, as well as bending and
buckUS conditions of an.Winitely long plate with asymmetrical
ribs, late discussed In detill.
Paper contains numeroms diagrams fori various formsof plate
buckling. J. M.,.,AoVakL, NJ d
VIAMtf Nowack4i,~~d; and kolowski W4 Certainsi
'IT Lich. Mech St",
_77P-roblem of r
----90957), 109-124. (Polish and Russian sumniari"-)
Rectangular isotropic plates simply supported on two
opposite edges and having different boundary conditions
along the two remaining edges are considered, the stresses
being in general functions of x, y. It is simplest to explain
their method by taking a particular case.
A plate simpl supported at x-=O, a, and clamped at
y7~0. b k, regar(rld as, portion of an infinite strip simply
peviodic sht"S"'u. (N~itll
at 'V-0,
period b) and to additional forces r(x)and P(r) pt,rpendic-
ular to the plate and acting alorw the st, nwnts
y= �ib,J2 (i=~O,~ 1, 2, Th'(.- valite of the-so additional
forces is chosen sQ its to make the deflection u, of thf. plate
Vanish along their line of action.
The differential equation of this prublt~rik is
to -,in inu-9ro-differential equation by nicans. f f (;r(.,,n's
function for the biliartnonic equation. Sul,,zitmu-', a
t lou blu Fi. urier series for iv yields f inally ar, i W, nu ri n
of linear equations which can be trcatecl by tht:
inetbud of segments.
As ox:iniples several problems already -;olved by ofhfr
ni:-ihod, art twat,~d
'n, nit-thc;(i is obvionsly of gr,~at generalitV.
R. C. T, Smith (Umi(lalo).
Disti,: Z 45
Sokolowski, Marek. The bending of transyer&allj_do_iF-
-nambegeneaRy-pr3m of moder .ife-.tWckness. Arch. Mech.
Stos. 10 (1958),. 315-328. (Polish and Russian sum-'
This is a generalization of the Michell-Love development*
of the theory of moderately thick, isotropic, libinogeneoui
late,i' ',to isotropic, non-homogeneoua plates. The latter.
are aaracterized by a constant Poisson's ratio and a:
symmetrical variability of Young's modulus E( 2
denoting the distance from the middle plane of the p te..
The boundary conditions at the faces are satisfied at.
any point, and in an integral manner at the periphery of
the plate. Two cases concerning (a) the load acting at the'
periphery and (b) a uniformly distributed lateral pressure
are considered, Stresses and displacements are found. It is
shown that in both cases the deflection of the irdddle~
lane of the plate satisfies the Lagrange-Germain equation
or thin plates. Nowinski (Madison, Wis.)
1 '3
The ividt of applicability of kirchl'off's 1- ',mothesis ir, the theory of bending
transversally nonho-mogencus and layered niates. p. 3.
AiC.'-:lI-TU'I- 11-1 ZI-1: ILRII LANIKEU'. (i;olaska Alkaderda Nauk. Koritet Inz,,mic-rii Ladowej)
II;arszawa, z"oland. Vol. 5, no. 1, 1959
honthly list of Last European Accession (EFAI) LC Vol. 9. no. 2, Peb. 1960
44 5-.Zv,0 D237/D304
AUTHORS: Nowacki, Witold, and
TITLE: Propagation of thermoelastic %,.raves in plates
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, 14ekhanika, no, 11. 19625
13, abstract 1V85 (Arch, niech. stosowanej, 1959,
11, no. 6, 7'15-727) (in English)
TEXT: The problem formulated is solved by Biot equations
(M~ A. Biot, J. Appl. Phys., 1956, 27, 31. The following boun-
dary conditions are assumed on the surfaces of the plate, which
are free from surface stresses: (1) constant temperature, and
(2) ideal thermal isolation. Some simplifying assumptions are
mide, allowing numerical solution to b; reached. Mode of dis-
tribution of elastic waves is investigated for two limiting cases,
namely that of a very thick and very thin plate (as compared with
the wavelength). Interdependence of the heat conductivity and
motion equations is shown in two ways: on the one hand, phase
Card 112
Propagation of... D237/D304
velocity of the wave motion increases; on the other hand, -the
solutions for displacements contain terms expressing the appear-
ance of dispersion. /-Abstracter's note. Completectranslation.
Card 2/2
Electrophotography on macromolecular substances. Bul Ac Pol mat 8
no.3sl9l-194 160. (EEAI 9:11)
1. Physical Laboratory A, Technical University, Warsaw. Presented
by W.Rubinowicz.
(Macromolecular compounds)
~--S_OKOLOwsn' M.
--- --- --.-
One-dimensional thermoelastic problems for elastic bodies with
material constants dependent on temperature. Bul Ac Pol tech 8
no.4:153-160 160. (EUI 9:10)
1. Department of Mechanics of Continuous Media, Institute of Basic
Technical Problems, Polish Academy of Sciences. Presented by
2u"~ 5 7
AUTHOR: Solloyowski, Marek
TIIIE: Thermal stresses in a spherical and cylindrical shell
made of materials whose properties depend on temperature
I Eli IODICAL: liozprawy inlynierskie, v. 8, no. 4, 1960, 641-667
TEXT: This paper analyzes the thermal stresses allowing for the varia-
tion with temperature of the coefficient of heat conductivity ;N, the co-
efficient of eNpansion ex, and the Young modules E for the following cases:
A thick cylindrical ring for which the inside and outside surfaces are kept
at different steady temperatures T and T respectively Ge~ -_Z"' z 7 0), a
0 1
thick cylindrical shell of constrained end faces Z ~ 0), a long, thick
CylAnder freely supported at its ends, for which at the middle portion
cons t. i 0 and f_~ t 0 , and for the thick-wall concentric sphere.,
Z z
where Lhe inner and outer surfaces are kept at different temperatures T
Card 1/3
Thermal stresses in., D265JD305
and T I' Radial deformations Ure considered throughout~ The basic stress
equation.3 are derived and simplifications introdured by assuming the Poisson
ratio 0. 5 and negligible change of E with temperature,, The final
equations are thus obtained vhich contain the functions of the noa-linear
temperature distributiono The solutions are analyzed by assuming the axi-
ally symmetric conductivity coefficient relationship In the case of the
thick c 'ylindricat shell and spherical symmetry relationship of conductivity
in the case of the thick spherical shellc Solutions are also presented
when the heat, source is assumed in Dirac's and Greens functions, Th? varL-
ation of the c-3effirient of thermal conductivity A -.s studied for bowogen?-
ous materials where const. and for materials of increasing ania
decreasin_rr with the increase of temperature. Radial and circumferential
stressos are andlyzed for the variable coefficient of heat conductivity in
te(ms of ~_,raphs for the inw-ard find outward flow of heat for the materials
considered. The netbod of interpreting the strain equations for the case
of the exponentially variabli~ value of Young modules is given. There are
14 figures and 8 references: 4 Soviet-bloc anti 4 non-Soviet-Wor7 The
references to the EnglLsh-language I)ublications read ai Afollo-As: J
Card 2/3
Thermal stresses in...
2 8~-- _c; -f
Novinski, 'I'liemoelastic I-roblem of an Isotropic Sphere with Temperature
Dependent 1'roperties, ZAMP, v. 6, no.) 10 (1959)i 11. 11, Hilton, Thi~mal
Stresses in Bodies Exhibiting remperature Dependent Properties, j. Apple
Ifech, 1952, -N, 350; S. Timoshenko, J, N. Goodier, Theory of Elasticity.,
New Yori,-,roronto-London 1951i~
A.S.ACIATION, Zakyad mechaniki os'rodl(6v ciagyych IPPT,PAN (The Institute
of Mechanical Continual Aledia, IPPT, PAS)
SUBMITIED: February 18. 1960
Card 3/3
SOKOLOWSKI, Marek (Warsaw)
Some problems of a plate strip with discontinuous boundary,
conditions. Archiv mech 13 no.2:239-256 161.
1. Department of Mechanics of Continuous Media, Institute of
Basic Technical Problems, Polish Acadeny of Sciences, Warsaw.
Soko?towski, Marek (Warsaw)
A thermoelastic problem for a strip with discontinuous
boundary conditions
Archiwum mechaniki stosowanej, v. 13, no. 3, 1961,
TEXT: The author considers a two-dimensional thermoelastic problem
for an infinite strip of width a . The boundary x = 0 of the strip is
maintained at a constant temperature t = t 0 . The other boundary is
partly insulated (for x < 0) and for positive values of x the heat-
flow is proportional to the difference between the temperature t and
a certain constant temperature tI which can, without loss of generality,
be assumed as being equal to zero, The problem is graphically represented
in Fig, 1, which shows three graphs (a, b, and c). The author divided the
original problem (represented by Fig. la) into two simpler 1:roblems (re-
presented by Figs. Ib and lc). In the case of Fig. 1b, where the boundary
Card 1/8
A thermoelastic problem,., D287/D303
x = a is entirely iniulated, the onl,7 solution of the problem is
t(x_y) = const, The problem shown in Fig. 1c, which is equivalent to
unother iroblem ,iliown in Fig. 2, is discussed in greater detail by the
au Lho r, Ile points out that only forms of the solutions antisymmetric
with respect to y irill be discussed. The boundary conditions for the
temperature of the Iroblem shown in Fig. 2 are
y + a, x < 0 3 t 0,
+ 1 Z) t
a, x ;;, 0 t t
for x---)+ oo t remains finite,
for x---4 - CNO t tends to zero as e 2
mhere the author mentions that the constant a,, can be chosen as equal
to IY/2a For the discussion of the I:roblem the author introduces the
non-dimensional variables v = aa . y/a . By application of trans
Card 2/8
~A tlierr~ioel;,s Lie 1 i'oblcm..
C:,- 3 1 C I
2,9 7i, I
ro rms t, n d su bt i tu t i o n s the tai Lho r o b La i n z; an e qu . Li C, nof the li'lerier-
11opf type:
tgh w I I to i I
+ + - (W)
13 a 7=2
-i th ka The author then discusses the case of k-*00 He
states that in the case of constant temperatures at the edges y � b
x > 0 , equal to -t 0 1 +t 0 respectively, Eq. (1.8) reduces to the
simpler form:
t-gh w I t0i
0 , 9) Y "-(W) -, 0 - ( ) - -
a V-2 -Ir
After inverse transforms and substitions, the author finally obtains,
under the assumption that 0 , the following results:
Card 3/8
A thetTaoelastic problem- D287/D303
(1...12) 9P to rr arc sin (e 17) f o r 3 4,"0
(1z13) Y _2 I
a e-71
Ile states that, thus, his assumptions concerning the strip of regularity
of the solutions 0 < C' ~,o or
A further cLirve is obtained which depictq trle order of
of the heat flow at r. = 0, depending on cy-and n. in the syr.,imptric
case the Wiener-Hopf function is obTained as be-fore. The case 1.) =
0 is shown to possess a simple and unique ealution, and is nol. con-
sidered. The general oolution is obtained with each ranca:)e of itnte-
,;Ira?Ld subjected to detailed discussion., and appropriate diagrams
describe the numerical evaluations, Fi-naill, the ordz,~r cf sino-uler',
ty curve is sketched, The author acknowled-es the help of Profes-
sor W. T. Koiter; Delft. There are !5 figures and 6 references:
1 Soviet-bloc and 5 non-Soviet-bloc. The 4 most recent referenrles
to the English-language publications read as follows: W, Piechocka,
H, Zorski, Therinoeleastic Problem for a Wed'ge, Bull, P01.,
Sci., C1. IV, 10, 7 (1959); W, T. K,)iter. An Infinite Row of Pa-
rallel Cracks in an Infinite Elastic Sheet in; Problems of Can-
Card 3/4
Heat 1"low in a wedge
'1/0 13/O0!'l,/,,J0-,'Jo5;
tinuum i,le~hanics, S,)(~. Industr]--al Appl, 1.1 q- t T,
196,: 246-259; Vi. T,, Kolter., Approxi:mitn- Sollut-Lo- :--I
ric,pf Type Integnal. Equat-icn with App! J.
~ka d . We t,, ; B, 5 F" 19 ~-:; 4 ; AIn d e 1,,,, c t T', b ll. e, t' T
gral Traiiforr.-is, Vol. New York.-Tor"riLf) ijl'111,1~,!,
il-660C I.A.T ION
IBTP, Polish '1:-~adem- -f -'-J- -es,
3 n
December 3. 1960
--- ....... -7- --r- -
On polynomial solution of a certain discontinuous boundary
value problem. Bul Ac Pol tech 12 no. 1: 5-11 164
1. Department of Mechanics of Continuous MediaY Institute
of Fundamental Technical Problemsj, Polish Academy of
Sciences, Warsaw. Presented by 1-1. Nowacki.
SOK01014SKI, Mkrek, prof.; ZORSKI, Henryk, prof.
The Polish school of thermoelasticity. Horyz techn 17
no. 4: 9-10 Ap 164.
1. Dyrektor naukowy Instytutu Podstawowych Problemow
Techniki, Polska Akademiq.L.Nauk,, Warszawa (for Sokolowski).
2. Kierownik Prapowni MechaLki Cials. Stalego, Instytut
Podstawowych Problemow Techniki, Polska Akademia Nauk,
Warszawa (for Zor.At).
Heat flow -in a wedge with discontinuous boundary conditions.
Archiw mech 13 no-4:433-456 161.
1. Department of Mechanics of Continuous Media, Tnstitute of Basic
Technical Problems, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw.
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