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24(0); 25(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOYA2037 Moscow. VY48heye CekhnLcheajcoyc uchiliahche Imaal N.E. B-!!t_-Ans Raschaty nA prochnost- v ma3hinostroyanlA; (obomikl Design for Strength In Mechanical ZnSIneerlng; Collectiorof Articles) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1958. 244 p. (Series: Its: rudyl 89) 3,300 copies printed. Ed. : G.A. Nikolayev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker In Selene& and Technology; Ed. of Publ_2 ShIng HOUSO: I.P. Chernyahava; Toth. Ed.-. B.I. Model-; Managing Ed. for Literature on Hoary Machine Building (MaahgLz): S.Ya. Golowla. Engineer. ]PURPOSE: This collection of art.1cloo is Intended for engineering staffs, In the machine-buildIng Industry and may be useful to scientific workers and senior students of mechanical engineering vtuxes. COVERAGE: The articles cower the graphoanalytlcal method of designing circular symmetrically loaded relmrorced plate*, methods of designing rotating heated disks for transverse bending And calculation or proloaded belleville springs. Also dlacusled are differential equations for deformation of rubber-cord &hells of rotation, the theory of flexure of rubber-cord hose, and stability problems of elastic cylindrical shells. Results or experimental investigations of strength and ductility or constructional #teals and other materials are presented. Several article:64re devatedeto;problemseof vibrations In machinery. T@ere a 78 refdren ea TI SovL t, 4 Geman, 2 EnClIahland I Prench. Al.futov, N.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences Sokolov Engineer. Determining the Lower Critical Pressure or *.n E Ic Cylindrical Shell and Behavior of the Shell Following Buckling 95 Solution of the problem Is claimed to be now and 31=le. Examples of design are prese@tcd. A comparison Is made with results obtained by methods of Other authors. IApin@ A.A- Candidate of Torhnichl Sciences, Docent. Investi- gatlon of Flexure or Rubber-cord CyllndrICAI Shells III This article presents readlts of work done In 1950 with V.L. Biderman at the Nauchno-issladovatollakLy InstLtut shinnoy promyshlennosti (Scientific Research Institute ror -th"lro_ Industry). rhe possible forms of el"tic @4ujIlbrLum of et'rubber-eorld flexible bob* under Internal pressure are ozalyzed. Bldorman, V.L., Candidate of TechnIcAl Sciences. Differential Equations for Deformation or Rubber@cord Shells of Rotation 119 The article investigates general cases of deformatlOn In rubber hosen, tlreo, shock absorbers, etc.. subjected to Internal pressure. A method is presented for analyzini; J% cylindrical longitudinally fastened &hall under oubitrary periodic loading. Sapozl;@cv, N.M., Engineer. investigation or Optimum Dimensional Proportions in T " I Sections 14T The author finds conditions for most rational configurstiOn or T. 1, &-A I creas sections for castings or weld=ento designed for bending. LliduLrev@11K.K., Candidate of Selene*&, Docent. Comparison of Characteristics of Materials Under UnlAxial. Tension and Compression The article Is based on experimental data obtained at the Department or 'Strength of Katerlala" at KVTU (Moscow Higher Technical School lmenl X.Ye. Bauman). The author points out the necessity of establishing a method for complete testing of materials In tenalon and compression In order to eorract some not too wali-round*d views on the characteristics of materials. Many strans-straln diagrams andat:bleacshowlng the mechanical properties of' several material re luddid. at In "I V. F, (12kat ,bchral-akov zil SOKOLOV, V,F., inzh. Compressed air leak-proof testin.g of clo-sed structures. Sjar. pro"-zv. no.9:21-24 S 10'3. (@ffRA 16.-10) @_V,F._- LIVSHITS, B.Ya.; BUTUZOV, M.D. _.qOKOLOV MOVCHAN, A.T.; POPOV, K.P.; _ Automation of sulfate recovery plants. Koks i khim. no.5:39-43 163. (MIRA 16:5) (Coke industry-By-products) (Automation) SC-1, - CV, V. 7. Card Tcch .-,@Cl, "A-,-7).l Ication of Pactericie-d Rand -lation f or Di-cirf ection of D-ripl-ing ',,.iater. 11 17/1/50 Acaclern, of Nunicipal Fcoilormj irieni K. D. Parnfilov 60 Vecheryaya Moskva Su m 71 USSR/Engineeiing - Water, Purification mar 51 "Application of the Bactericidal Effect of Ultra- violet Emission for Disinfection of Drinking Water, " V. F. Sokolov, Acad of Communal Econ imeni K. D. Pamfilov "Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk" No 3, PP 360-368 ftamn of sources of ultraviolet emission estab- lished methodE for using bactericidal lamps. Found low-pressure argon-mercury lamp most efficient source. Expts for absorption of bactericidal radiation.with water and detn of power required to stop activity of bacteria permitted development 190T51 USSR/Engineering - Water, Purification Mar 51 (Contd) of method for calcg emission power of sources de- pending on required extent of water disinfection. Submitted by Acad V. S. Kulebakin. 190T51 Ul ; PCIDLn'MIY. V.A.,, laureat Stalinskpy premii. Puritring water with bactericidal rays. Gor.khoz.Hosk. 28 no.11., 27-29 N '54. (KIMA 8:1) 1. Starshiy nauchnyy sotradnik Akademil kommunallnogo khozyaystva im. K.D.Pamfilova (for Sokolov). 2. Glavnyy Inzhener Vodokaualtresta g. Ufy, (for Podlipskly). (Water-Parification) (Ultraviolet rays) S(XOIDV, V.F., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nnuk. - - . ggaux@ Decontamination of water by germicidat irradiation. SvetotekhnOM no.4:?-10 J1 156. (MLRA 9:10) l.Akademiya kommunallnogo khozy9ystva. (Water--Purification) (Ultraviolet rays) SHUBIMT, S.A.; PMLINA. A.M.; KUIZHIJISKIY, V.I.; SIDMXO, T.K.; ALERSAIMROY, D.N.; SOKOIOV, V.P.; FALIKOVSKAYA, L.N.; BRIX-LEVINSON. T.Le; BELYAKOYTA, A.H.; KOZHLTIIIKO'/A, Ye.K.; AVRU-q'-,CHEEKO, R.A.. red* izd-va; VOIKOV, S.V,, [Water purification for water suoply to machine-tractor stations and state farms] Ochistka vody dlia vodoonabzhenite poselkov HTS i sovkhozov. Moskva,, Izd-vo H-va kommun.khoz. RSYSR. 1957- 69 p. (mIRA 11:6) 1. Akademiya konnunallnogo khozyaystva. Moscow. (Water--Plarification) (Water supply, Rural) SOKOLOV, V.F.; BOTOVA, YU.P., red. ... 1. [OV-lP and OV-3N apparatus for the disinfection of water with bactericidal rays] Ustanovki tipa 0V-lP i OV-3H dlia obezzara- zhivaniia vody bakteritaidaymi luchami; nauchn-oe soobshchenie. Mosk7a, I.D.Pamfilova, 1960. 6 p. I (MIRA 13:10) (Wate@--Disinfection) . (Ultraviola't rays) SOKOLOV, V.F., kand.tekhn.nauk; SHISTER, G.M., red.; GAMIUNA, H.G., [Design and u7a of apparatus for disinfecting water b@, bactericidal rays] Opyt prrx3@-tivovaniia i ekspluatatsii ustanovok dlia obezzara- zhivaniia vody b.akteritsidnymi luchami. [Moskva) 1962. 27 p. (Akademiia komraunallnogo khoziaistva. Informatsionnoe pis'mo, no.4). (MIRA 16:8) (Water-Purification) (Radiation sterilization) SOKOLOV) V.F., kand.tekhn.nauk; KRALEZOVA, O.A., gidrobiolog; FRAKHOVA, - --m.-I.T-Inzh. Using microstralrn@rs. Vod.i san.tekh. no.1036-9 0 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Water-Parification) SOKOLOV, V.P.; KHASIN, M.Ya. New devices for thE disinfection of water by bact-ericidal rays. Nauch, trudy AIKKH no.22:60-70 163. (KRA 18:5) U wa r -.c Le c a-- .3 0 be- e r bv L;v 114 e b:,kter'@sidnylr,; lucha:7@i 6-4 . 2@3 LIVSHITS, B.Ya.; RUZZEINMAYi, E.S.; KIBERNIK, K.V.; SOKOLOV, V.F. Regulator of the feed of the P---onia -mulfate T@ulp tc the centrifuge. 0 Koks i khim. no.7:55-56 165. (=F@I 18:8) 1. Zaporozhokiy filial Instituta avtoimatiki (for Livshits, Rozenman, Kibernik). 2. Zaporozliskiy koksokhtmicheskiy zavod (for Sokolov). SOURCE CODE: UR/0229/65/000/01 AUTHOR: Sokolov, V. F.; Zhavoronkov, L. V., ORG: none TITLE: Attachment for increasing the effectiveness of water screws SOURCE: Sudostroyeniye, no. 10, 1965, 10-12 TOPIC! TAGS: water screw, tugboat, pusher towboat ABSTRACT: An attachment for increasing the effectiveness of pLop_ltlller'5(see Fig. 1) consists of amozzle with an adjustable orifice. It contains a hinged baffle plate which can be adjusted to the desired position by means of a turn mechanism, inside a sealed box, consisting of a sector and a gear operated from the wheelhouse. The attachment is designed to eliminate the overloading or underloading of marine engines. Utilizing the effect of the water outflow section't size on the output of the main engine,-a propeller matched to the main engine (according to the mooring pulling test), and a nominal water outflow, the maintenance of the nominal parameters of the power plant while towing or pushing in formation can be assured for any resist- ance, water depth, or speed. At 8 km/hr a pusher-towboat showed an 8.5% Increase in power output, or 15% '4ith a reduced water-outflow section (0-321 to 0.283 m2 or 0.983 to 0.250 m2, respectively). Compared to a conventional vessel, 150-hp (a 1350 rpm) pusher-tugboat (L x B x H = 16. 0 x 3.7 x 1. 3 im 3) equipped with an adjustable water out- : 629.035.2 AP50284o6 Fig. 1. Outlet with adjustable end opening 1 - Baffle.@pIate;t2--- @ear';i3.--i sector; 4 - hinge. - v 9 ACC NRt AP5028406 C) flow section,displayed a specific pull increased from 8.1 to 9.55 kg/hp when operating in formition, a speed increased from 16.45 to 17-45 kmlhr when running unloaded, and a specii'k'ic pull increased from 10.8 to 12.5 kg/hp in a mooring pulling test. For tug- boats with the most favorable propeller diameter, the adjustable end opening also assures the immediate intake of wEter while starting. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 1 table. [03 SUB r.,ODIP,: I-V SUBM DATE- none/ ATD PRESS: :SOKOIA)V, V.P., inzh.; KOVALENKO. G.A., inzh.; KMIIETSOV, Tu.N., inzh. Maneuvering properties of vessels equipped with turning gear. Rech. transp. 17 no.4:20-23 Ap '57. (miRA li:4) (Steering gear) ?AIAM, Abram Mikhaylovich. SOKOLOV, JjAdimir Fedorovich,; RIWIER, A.I., otv. red.; FODUCHN, A.G., red. ; tekha. red. [Tightness testing of steel ship hulls] Ispyttniia korpusov stallnykh sudov na neoronitesemost'. Leningrad. Goa. soiuznoe izd-vo sudostroit. promyshl., 1958- 100 0- (MIRA 11:11) (Shies, Iron and steel) AUTHOR: Sokolov, V.F., Engineer SOV/28-58-5-10/37 TITLE: Determining the Parameters ;f Tests with Compressed Air on the Tightness of Structures (Opredeleniye parametrov ispy- taniy konstruktsiy szhatym vozdukhom na neprdnitsayemost') PERIODICAL: Standartizatsiyaq 1958, Nr 5, PP 40 - 43 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In testing the tightness of the welded seams in any com- partment of a vessel, compressed air is pumped into the compartment; leakages then appear as air bubbles on the exterior soapy surface. The GOST standard lays down a compressed air pressure for this purpose of 0-15 kg/cM22 but the author has demonstratedg theoretically and through Card 1/2 a series of experiments, that this value is insufficient. SOV/28-58-5-10/37 D@@termining the Parameters of Tests with Compressed @Ar on the IN-ghtness of Structures A pressure of 0.3 kg/CM2 should be adopted though this could be reduced to a minimum of 0.2 kg/cm when circum- stances demand. A drop in pressure of up to 5% is normal and is caused by temperature changes. A drop in pressure above this point is a criterion of the extent of the vess- el's non-tightness. There are 4 graphs and 1 table. 1. Materials--Inspection 2. Compressed air--Pressure 3. Pressure--Standards Card 2/2 SOKCIDV, V.F.,inzh. Using comDressed air for testing shi-D compnrtments for impenetrability. Sudostroenie 24 no.3:43-45 Mr '58. (MIRA 11:4) (Hulls (Nnvsl nrchitecture)@-Testing) SCKOIDV, V.F., inzh. Correcting thin-plated welded hull components by spot welding. Sudostroenie 24 no.10:45-48 0 '58. (MIRA 11:12) (Ships--Welding) GLOZMAUT, Moisey Kalmanovich; SOKOLOV3 Vladimir Fedorovich; PALLEi, A.M., retsenzent; REVMTK,- G.A.., retsenzent; RI MME R, A.I., nauchnyy red.; LISOK, E.I., red.; FRUMKIN, P.S., tekhn. red. [Building of a ship hull on s]-ipways) Postroika korpusa sudna na stapele. Leningrad, Sudproipgiz, 1961. 195 p. (MIRA 15:7) (Hulls (Naval architecture)) '.KUZIMENKO, Vladimir Kim'Mich, dots.; FEDOROV, Nikolay Alekssndrovich; FRID, Yevsey Grigorlyevich; ADLERSHTEYN, L.TS., inzh., re- tsenzen4-.SOKOIA)V V.F., inzh., retseuz4ut; SOSIPATROV, O.A., red.; FRUMKIN, P.S., tekhn. red. @ (Shipfitter's handbook]Spravochnik sudovogo aborshchika. Pod obshchei red. V.K.Kuzlmenko. Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1962. 327 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Shipfitting) .PALUR, Abram Mikh.9ylov-1-ch, q-Q@PLOV, Vladimir Fedorovich; FRID, Ye.G., inzh,, retsenzent@ ENGLIN, R.K., inzh., retsenzent; RIMMER, A.I., nauchn.. red.; SOSIPATROV, O.A., red.; KOROVENKO, Yu.N,, tekhn. red, [Shipfitter] Sudovoi aborshchik. Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1963, 327 p@ (MIRA 16;11) (Shipfitting) LEONTIYEVY Valerian Markovich; FROLOV, Nikolay Fedorovich; POPILOV, L.Ya., inzh., retsenzent;'pgq;qy,_,V.F., kand. `4 tekhn. nauk, nauchn. red.; OSVRISKAYA, A.A., red. [Shipbuilding materials] Sudostroitellnye materialy. Le- ningrad, Sudostroenie, 1965. 186 p. (MIRA 18:8) BXalll, M.A., inzhener; KRAYZMM, L.P., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; SOKOLOV, V.F., inzhener. Prospective application of television to railroad transport. Zhel. dor.transp. 37 no.12;71-74 D '55. (xiaA 90) (Railroads-Gommufilcation systems) (Television) DVQRKOVSKIY, Boris Borisovich; SOKOLOV, V.F., inzhoner, redaktor; STROGANOV, L.P., inzhoner, rodiAkfo-F,-' TMIC "..A., takhnirtinekiy redaktor LRadio units in trains]'Poezdnve radiopunkty. Moskva. Clos. transp. zhel-dor. izd-vo, 1956. lo6 p. (MLRA 9:10) (Railroads-Trains-Radio equipment) SOKOLOV. V.P.. Inzhener. @ I.-.. Radio relay communication. ATtom., telem. i BVia2' no.1:8-12 Ja '57. (Railroads--Communication systems) (MM 10:4) (Radio relay systems) A, : , .. I SOKOIAW, V.F., Inzh. Television in marshalling yards. Avtom., telem. i sviaz' no.11:22 N '57. (MIRA. 10:11) (Industrial television) DONSKAYA, G.D., F11IPPOV, Vitaliy Konstantinovich; SOKOIDV, . , (Organizing radio communication-in automotive transportation] Organizateiia radionviazi na avtomobillnom transporte. Moskva, Knuchno-takhn.izd-vo M-va avtomobillnogo tranap. i Bhoseeinykh dorop, RSFSR, 1959. 37 P. (MIRA 12:9) (R.adio in automotive transportation) KORLAS, Ivan Ivanovich-, 3 -1 g "Oy@, Vikt or FedgLcff --ch; KHAYKIN, Yakov Llvovich; MNDIK-D)UNSKIY, G.M., inzh., retsenzent; NOVIM, M.N., inzh., red.; USENK0. L.A., [Concise manual for electricians and technicians of railroad radio communication systems) Kratkii spravochnik- dlia elektro- mekhanikov i monterov poazdnoi i stantsionnoi radiosviazi. Mosl.cva, Voes.izdatellsko-poligr.ob"edinanie M-va putei soobahcho- niia, '1961. 191 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Railroads--Blectronic equipment) (Railroads--Handbooks, manuals, etc.) BUNIN, Dmitriy Anatollyevich; KOLOKOLINIKOVv Aleksandr Nikolayevich; LISENKOV, Viktor Mikhaylovich; SERGEYEV, Ivan Sergeyevich; .SOKOLOV, Viktor Fedgrovigh"U TINSKIY9 Aleksandr Andreyevich; GRIGORIYLT, N.I., inzh., retsenzent; NOVIKAS, M,N., inzh.q redo; KHITROVq P.A.9 [Radio-relay communication in railroad tran portation) Radio- releinaia sviazi na zheleznodorozhn,,m transporte. Moskva, Vses, izdatel'sko-poligr.obledinenie M-va pate! soobsbeheniia, 1961. 270 p. (MIRA 14:6) (Railroads-Communication systems) USTINSKIY, Aleksandr Andreyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; BODILOVSK.TY, Vasiliy Georgiyevich, inzh.; ROZENBERG, N.M., inzh., retsenzentj SOKOLOV, inzh., retsenzent; NOVIKAS, M.N., inzh.j red.;-KHITIWCA, N.A., tekhn. red. [Radio-relay communication in railroad transportation] Radio- releinaia sviaz' na zheleznodorozhnom. transports. Moskva Transzheldorizdat,, 1962. 330 p. (MIRA 15.61 (Railroads-Communicatiot systems) (Radio relay systems) LISI'OV, V,N.- "' !KOV, V,"@-, PhTROV, 1.1,; Fdkallli'SEV, B.S@; , .4011 - ' -'-rIKO, D.U.; SOKOLOVI V.F.; TURIN. V,L.; EYLEIH, A.A. Sixtieth amiversary of the birth of an outstanding ocientist. Avtom@s telem.4i aviazi 6 no-4:V@ Ap 162. (IMIA 15:4) (Ramlau., Favl Nikolaevich, 1902-) A 1, A. A. K. N SO.Kf I-U:-V' 1". F. I in-zh. , retsenzent; 110')-VIKAS, N.N., i-nzh., red. [The Zhi-5 radio transrELtter-receiver] Radiostantsiia tipa ZE,t-5. Moskva, Transport, 1964. 163 p. (MIRA 17:6) FOFOV, Vasilly Alekseyevich; ASTiEDi, Avenir Arkad'yevich; UZDII,-, David Konstantinovich; GURVICII, Natan Borisovich; SQKQL0V-,X@Q" red.; OTOCMA, M.A., red. izd-va; LELYUK7MI, A.A., tekhn. red. [Operation, maintenance and repair of tro.U6y bras rolling stock] Ekspluatatsiia i remont podvizhnogo sostava trolleibusa. Pod obshchei red. V.A.Popova. Moskva.. Izd-vo M-va komam.khoz. ;ZSFSR, 1961. 471 p. (MIRA 15:3) (Trolley buses) SOKOIAN, V.G., nquchrtyy Botrudnik. I*@`estigation of aeration in the flow of water in a model snill- way bydroelectric power station. Trudy gidrav.lab.VCDM no-3: ; 87-97 '52. (MLRA 9:10) (Water--Aeration) (Hydroelectric power stations) 1. SONLOV, V. G. 2. U3311 (600) 4. Water - Aeration 7. Studying aeration of a current on a model. Gidr. stroi. 21 no. 10, 1952. 9. AorLLAIZ List of Russian AccessiLons grass, February 1953, Unclassified. ., Library of Con. GOINS, I.; SOKOLOV, V.; FALOKOVSICAYA. L. Liquidate water losses In domestic water pipe systems. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 4 no.2:16-17 '54. (MMA 7:5) (Water pipes) (WITSMIM. A.S., kiadidat tal-hairheakikh nouk; SOKOLOV, V.G., uauchxyy setrudnik. Effect of ejection on a hydro*l*ctrin power stotion combined with a upillway dam. Trudy gridrav.l9b.VCDM as.4:164-175 155. (MLRA 9:10) (spillways) ';UKOik)V, V.G., inzh. Effect of stream aeration on head and tail water conjugution in case of a hydraulic jump. Trudy Gidrav.lab.VODGEO no-7:200-220 159. (MIRA 13:8) (Water--iteration) (Hydraulic jump) ---------- - Kolbasfi, V4A. an NM AGEIT FCR FLOTATICH C? COIL HUM d @'SOXDIv v 0 (U&ol (Coal,, llo=vj) I Feb, 1557, 39, -40). impvwcd results -rrrFoth riozation are roc@rftd whm usi -millation liqWd"with @WA by wc of the mnufacture of sulphmated karostne. Mi@" 11quLd 1S -Fx@e cvloine4 scda In Donbass and consists minly caldwi sp/Jim and milesim mull@ -nf ItS lt!aq 15 Mat Ebe f-errogaphle emstituent MILD. One S nr the, coal ore s@!ptqrated Into dif forctit flontatit)n chumbins, ml the frath fmra tho jj@t cells crntajus up to 6rf,'-f=ajn vilth q Incrwood of sulrhur. 11tia should enable ricro'cMI"; silth Iii i@% ftmun ard suipiiur contents', to be uzcd for c.cktnr,. (L)i SOKOLOV, V.G., gornyy inzb. Rock filling In conditions mines Is not advantageous; article entitled "Leaving I no.1:45 Mr '59. prevailing in marW Donets Basin response to P.M. Ulliakhin's waste rock in mines." Ugoll Ukr. OCR& 12:5) 1. Donetskiy ugolln@7 institut. (Donets Basin--Mine filling) (Ulli-O"Chin, P.v.) STWOWRIKO, Aleksandr Panteleyevich;POQKN91PV,-UqdimMiirL Ge _q@t@@vich; rtOZLOVA, Petrovm; GUSAROVA) Mari a Afrikanovn __ a; WHONOV, Yuzlma Denisovich; KARPOVA, otv. red.; TURCMIKO, V.K., otv. red.; GARBER, T.N., red. lzd;.*@, BOLDYL911VAj Z.A.j tekhn. red, [Maintenance of machines in coal-preparation plants] Ukhod za mashinami na ugleobogatitelInykh fabrikakh. Moskva, Gos, nauchno-tel,din.izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu, 1961 258 p. iMIRA 15:1) (Coal preparation-Equipment and supplies) D,13TAPENKO, Favol Yeftinovich; V,,A.., otv. red.; KACHALKINIA, Z.Ly red.izd-va; OVSEYENKO, V.G., tekbn,, red.; BOIDYREVA, Z.A., tekhn. red. [Sampler for the ore dressing plant]Otborshchik prob na oboga- titellnoi fabrike. 14oskva., Gosgortekhizdat, 1962. 86 p. a (MIRA 15:8) (Ore dressing-Equipmentt and supplies) SOKOLOV, Vladimir Gennadiyevich; VERKHOVSKIY, I.M.y laureat Gosudarstven- ------n-o-y-p-re-m-)--i,--pr-oT.-,-U-oRfor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; VESSELIMAN, S.G., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; KHVAN, V.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; SIEVCHENKO, N.P., inzh., retsenzent; OLIFERT, A.I., red. izd-va; NAKSIMOVA, V.V.,; OVSEYENKO,V.G., [Curves of beneficiation properties of coals]Krivye obogatimosti uglei. Moskva, Gosgortekhizdat, 1962. 88 p. (MIRA 15:12) (Coal preparation) soKoIJ)V, V., insh. STUNII, G., inzh.; Using reinforced asphalt-concrete in citis�, Zhil.-kom. khoz. 8 no.11:16-17 '58- (YIRA 11:12) (Pavements, Asphalt) -A TMQ-@p - jp@b ...... Streets and sidewalks in residential blocks. Zhil.stroi. no.10:32 158. (Sidewalks) (Pavements) (MIRK 12:6) VILINER, V.A., inzhd.- (Kiyev) SOKDWV, V%G., inzh. (Kiyev) Fine grained improved asphalt concrete. Gor. khoz. Mosk. 32 no.6:31 Je 158. (Asphalt concrete) (MIRA 11:7) SYUNII. 0.1., dotu.; SOXCLOT, V,Ge, inih. Asphalt concrete rtinforced by metal wah, Avt, dor, 21 uo,4:10-11 AP 158. (XIBA 11:4) (Pavement, Concrete) SOKOLOV, V. G., Cand of Tech Sci - (diss) "'lhe Snecial Features of the Ser-.-ice of Asphal-lk,Concrate Road Coverings in City Conditi7ns and the Means for Imroving their Serviceability," K.ev, 1959, 22 pp (Sci Res Institute of City Construction, Acadeutt I of Cons;truction and Architecture UkSSR) (KL I , 5-AOj 127) SOKOLOV, V., inth.-stroitel' avtomobil'nykh dorog Using local materials in constructing rural roads. Sill.bud. 9 no-5:9-12 My 159. (MIRA 13:3) (Ukraine-Road construction) SOKOLOV., V., inzh.-stroitell (g. Kaluga) Precast :reinforced concrete floors. Zhil.-kom.khoz. 11 no.4:30-31 Ap 161. (Floors, Concrete) (MIRA 14:6) KIJ!.7,NE, TSOV, N. ; SOKOLOV I V. f "Instructions for designing highways." Reviewed by N. Kuznetsovo V. Sokolov. Avt. dor. 24 no. 1:3 of cover Ja 161* (KM 14W (Road-Design) KIJZ?d7.&TSOV., N. - SOYMOV U Technical specifi@,atioxis for designing rural roads in the R.S.F.S.R. -kvt. dor. 24 no.8:29-30 Ag 161. (1-1-112, 14.' 9) (Roads---De sign) SOKOLOVI Vladimir Grigorlyevich, k*Ad. tekhn. nauk; SLINIKO, B.I., red.; YERMINA, I.A., tekhn. red. (Improving the operating qualities of asphalt-concrete pave- ments]Povyshenie ekspluatatsionnykh kachestv asfal'tobetonnykh pokrytii. Kiev, Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 84 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Asphalt concrete) (Pavements) ANISIMOVA, N.D. (Moskva)l SOKOLOV, V.I. (Moskvn) 7 '--- Effect of the saturation of steel on the capacitive self-excitation of gynchronous machines. Izv. AN SSSR.Energ. i transp. no.3t49-55 My-Je 165- (MIRA 18:12) 1. Submitted July 18, 1964- L 44723-66 MT (1) /O.-N (e)/E.-.P(t)/,7T I, "DIT (ra) Idf--'C) JD/JGAM ACC NR, AP6031989 SOURCE CODE: u-B/o386/66/oo4/oo5/oi86 o18 7@ AUTHOR: Belov, K. P.;-Sokolov ', V. I. ORG: Physics Department of the Moscow State University im. M. V. Lomonosov kiy fakulltet Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo univertiteta) / TITLE: Magne@ostriction of rare-earth 99LIlate garnets 1-@' SOURCE:: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i ?e@reticheskoy fiziki. Pis'ma v redaktsiyu. Prilozheniye, v. 4, no. 5, 1966, 186-lF,9 TOPIC TAGS: garnet, gallium compound, earth metal, mag-netostriction, paramag- netism.p temperature dependence, magnetic susceptibility, Curie point ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the magnetostriction of paramagnetic garnets in w@ich all the iron was replaced by diamagnetic gallium-;,,ISince iron and gallium gar-; nets have very similar structures the investigat1`on___o?_'@he gallates was aimed at yie14 incr additional information on the behavior of rare-earth ions in the garnet structure@' The magnetic and magnetostriction properties of polycrystalline gal-late garnets R3Ga50121 where R = Gd, Th, Ho, and Dy1were measured in the temperature interval 1.7 50K. The magnetostriction deformation was measured by the capacitive pickup method, and the samples were magnetized with a superconducting solenoid (magnetic field up to 25 k0e). The tests show that with decreasing temperature the magnetostriction in- creases abruptly, reaching the appreciable magnitude (for paramagnets) -60 x 10'. In gadoLtnium gallate, the magnetostriction is two orders of magnitude smal-ler and amount Card R' Ap6o31989 to +0.25 x 10-8 at 4.2K. The signs of the magnetostriction of the investigated gallati garnets are the same as for the corresponding iron garnets (positive for Th and negative for Dy and Ho). The molar susceptibility of Gd, Th, Dy, and Ho gallate gar- nets increases sharply in the liquid-helium temperature region, and has a weak inflec- tion point. This is evidence of magnetic ordering at a temperature below I-7K, and explains the appreciable magnetostriction effects observed in gallate garnets. Con- sequently, magnetostriction can serve as a sensitive indicator of the process of mag- netic ordering as the Curie point is approached from the high-temperature side. In the region of the ordering temperature, a change takes place also in the character of the X(H) dependence. The isotherms of the magnetostriction of Dy3Ga5012 sliow thb -- quadxatic growth of magnetostriction with magnetic field characteristic of ferronidg- nets. Deviation from this relation takes place already at T = 4.2K, and at 2.5K the inclination of the curve relative to the field axis reverses. A similar situation is observed in the behavior of even magnetic effects when the Curie point of a ferromag- net is approached from the high-temperature side. It is also possible, however, that this character of the magnetostriction isotherms at low temperatures is connected with parazaagnetic'saturation in the strong magnetic field. The authors thank Tkhan Dyk Khiyen for help with the measurements. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. SUB @CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 22jun66/ oRiG REP: oo2/ OTH W: 00.3 t_@J@ Card 2/2 'M j 1)/@ -'/'j SOUICCE COD'e.: ult/oo.iti/GG/O:jo/ooG/10,13/1.0,15 :;C"';Q1Ov V I V MonoDov (Fizichookiy 6tnLe U11iVO!%;ity ir.". "'(. Lo ,-c". @O "O@;udar@;tvcnno@;o univor:;iu.-ta) --a-,iozic and -maa@Iptg. ropertios of rare earth garnet st.rict.ivP-.p_ Con-erence on the lyhysics of Forro- and Antiforromagnotiani J I Y I Li5in Svordlovsz-1 -izicheskaya, v. 30, no. 6, 966, 073-1075 '-N :zvastiya. Seriya -A I I I susceptibility, low temperature, rare earth ;nozootrictian, magnetic ito' @;Z';@net au-,;"Ors "'.ave measured the paraprocass nagnotostriction and susceptibility to 1000 X of polyerystalline specimens of o preparod by the usual technique. The magnotostriction masure-1 it is said, dis-; m.7do wiza the aid of a differeatial capacitor, with which, -7 a@; as 10 cm can be --casured. A superconducting magnet capable of 23 I@Go field uniform within 17. over a 7 en volume was@ -Cmployl(d. A Con- pa;.---procoss due to tho rare earth sublattice was evinced by all the investi-,- zz fi-alds oxcoadin.- that required to saturate the iron sublattico.Both suscopti'oility and the paraprocess nagnetostriction of each of the ..J @-- -I -- --,, - I @ L, except the ytterbium and terbium ferrite garnets showed a low z,@*.@@-,era',."i7e maxim"7,, the maximum being reached by both characteristics of a given 1/2 @7. OS'771-67 zt rea;:_1y z1-'e same temperature. The failure of terbium ferrite garnot to paraprocess magnetostriction maximum is ascribed to its great mag-notic anisotropy, which was such zhaz the 25 kOe magnetic field was fo;: tliQ Observation of paraprocess effects, and the failure of the ytterbiusi L to exhibiz low temperature paraprocess magnetostriction is ascribed to of ti,.c-50 X compensation point. T11-1c experimental results confirm th, _ypa'.;-os-;s o@ X.P.Dalov (Jzv. AN SSSR Ser. fiz., 25, No.11, 1320 (1961)) that ferrite, ".av'a a loi,., ze--parature point associated with chan--e in the long range Magna-, of tih. earth sublattice. The low temperature points of the different woi:_- evaluated directly f rom the m axima in; the paraprocess m agnetostriction z.nd and from the effective ma--netizing field produced at the rare su --azz-4ce bv the iron sublattice, which could be evaluated from the experi data the aid of the theory of X.P.Belov and S.A.,Nikitin (Physica status A. s3li-c-i, 1-2, No. 1 The two methods of evaluating the low temperature points Z.:@vc: concozdaaz results, which showed that the low temperature point increases wizh_ spin of "Ina rare earth ion from 200 X for the spin 3/2 Er ion to -or t--a spin 7/2 Gd ion. It is concluded that the exchange interaction between car-z.1i -4o;is is doterimined mainly by the spin Magnetic moment, rather than by the tozal ma@;natic mo.-_ont. There is a footnote thanking V.R.Xarasik and G.B.K!@rg _!@R@@v of .,..Yz;4_cs -tuto of the AN SSSR for 'assisting with the construction of the super-! mzz'not. 0;:ig. art. has: 3 figures. SU-- 20 SUB-1.1, DATE: 00 ORIG. REF; 002 OTH RZF: 004 2/2 __..bc V. 1 t h -:@Il rt - -17;"@ a S V V S 0 k M ZI 4, pi). 7,0-7:' 0 Tn- al !,--y prodw@ed in Lh@@ and the Hypry-nik r 1. k. t) m j+ i c e d % b r o @,: I q re a I fm, F; f. i d P. n t I c a I a s a r d. s ,i.@ T- ii a I r-@)pll rti e:i The,,; con tai ri @10 @ u i '19 t ri d i f'C: ri! n ce n t h. ! c em., i c a 1 n c i n L @t i n Ow fw,,t, thit -ontil - , n., a a 1 1, 1 C F- q ,-, t i !! t, o, f -@- i ! i c :) n -. r i ; j a I u .7, i, -. i um I r i t r o d i - d . 5- L zi dd i I i cm@, for irnproving pl'asticl.ty. The r i f* f?.f@ rnagriR ! ic properties of the tvto alloys iz-@ Fqf- I'f@hilld liy!@c-vkiv in this re,;pect. ::Lf: (At CYLI'l.,jitiod b that. 1,01i As pvw!uced in y the f'ucL furnares @ind the final heat treafmont j s in vEiculim while the 'Hvr)ez-rik al.loy is pr@,.duced and I s finally hent treated in ary piv; k@ii rhe t.t@ciinolo secure the y o f ui p n g :% u -.; t, the metal w"hich can not be rff,-,@nerated c@-iygen in 1 cy "..'i t h 11 _'.g h M ai - nti in6 in hydrotren. Thp ,. ),,-k. c r vi P. dout by' thp. ;Otthrr at the Instittite for '@'ine M loys of the TsNllCb;'.! / t, -n Lr -1, 1iri @ 1 Vic- ae-earnh Ins tiLute for Met, - _illurgy' q@37ted k 1-1 tthe :%,-.6netio p.-perties of the I-J)h alloy depend ri7st of PO 1 Qr, the oxy.-en content in the alloy. High ma,--netic pri-perties can be obtained only at an oxygpn covitent cf lez;-7 than 0,000t@ Th,- prcdoction of the 50H-alloy in vacuum furnaces with desoxidation of the carbon makes it poss', I to obtain the metal without silicon and aluminum 'ble and therefore also without their oxides. This can be ex.r.1,Ained by the fact that in a vacuum of 1-2 torr the of carbon increases about 100-fold. In connention vith "he fact that the non-metal inclusions of FeC', 1.'ril-if NiO, vhich are ei!?ily reprodu cable in hydro6en, L-Xi3t, a heat treatment in dry purified oxyrez; leads to ran e@;sertial improvement of the naf-.netic properties. t0hp mtfir,inv, of the alloy 50H in the vacuum furnace without 'fil.rodaction of silicon and aluminum (with a desoyidation 6y carbon) and a treatment of the alloy Jn purified dry hydircGen vields a ',)OH alloy which is with regard to its prut@erties The Type 50H MP_-Inetic SQft Alloy 'Y'Uth High Yagnetic lr5-@8-4-19/37 'rone rties not worse t1han the 5,C)H alloy. 1'h,@re ;.wt_re @, Fi_iureo, 2 t;z-bles, and 6 referencesv 4 of which are .'Oviet -,114: lrsentrallnyy natichno-issledovatel'skiy institut chc-:,--io,r m.-.tft',D;rrii(';entrd Scientific Research Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy) .31JB'1-._.I"_VTT-j'DD'. Jentember 27, 1957 A V @. I L.-i B 1, Library of Congr,:!ss 1, Al.loys-Magnetic properties 2. Magietic properties-Improvement Card 3/3 PHASE I BOOK MCPLOITATION SOV/3895 Moscow. Tsentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut chernoy metallurgii. Institut pretsizionnykh splavov Pretsizionnyye splavy (Precision Alloys) Moscow.. Netallurgizdat.. 196o. 283 P. (Series: Its: Sbornik trudov., v". 23) Errata slip inserted. 2,525 copies printed. JLdditional Sponsoring Agency: USSR. Gosudarstvennaya planovaya. komissiya. Ed.: D.I. Gabrielyan; Ed. of Pablishing House: Ye.I. Levit; Tech. Ed.: Ye.B. 'Y'aynshteyn. 'MRPOSE: This book is intended for engineers and scientific personnel in the metallurgical,, instrument-proluction., and electrical-equirpment industries., as well as for industrial personnel engaged in the production of precision alloys. It may also be useful to students attending advanced technical schools. C"OVERAGE: The articles in this collection present the results of investigations conducted in recent years by the Central Scientific Research Institute of C , ard 1/ 6 -*,ri.,nT (-u " i . . , n " " -, 1, 1 @,,j . - , " @L - ( (; i -, -, ) " -- .. @ . ! .. ') i . . . ". il@ * L i- ',)[I - u , , J 1, . 0. @@ t , , Z .. . . - .-- I @ "'; - n-- - , :@ @l :-- , - @:, , '-@s , ti -5 ro- - - @!@ , "., . i " -L , - - - o i, @; !, i @- , i;, . E: -,:- " @; ir):, 1) *: Z': -(@ , , : -.- - . .- - I I ... I I .- I ..: ". ,,, . c . @ i'@ C) 0 1 0'.1; , 1: ) 1 : , 1 @' 1) 1 ( , : r I @, L - @l I ;, - i -!-,c :3 1 ; @!: ', i. t, @ , , , , tj @@ :.. -, - - 1 -11, 1, -@@ ) L (-F.L, 1/,5) 3/137/61/000/008/027/037 A060/AIOI A_'L;T'tiOR: Sokolov, V. I. TITILE: Elaboration of methods for obtaining magnetically soft alloys 50H (50N) and 79 HM(79NM) with high grade magnetic characteristics PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 8, 1961, 12, abstract 8195 ("Sb. tr. Tsentr. n.-i. in-t chernoy metallurgii", 1960, no. 23, 5-22) TEXT: The obtaining of high-grade magnetic characteristics in the alloys r-ON' and 79NM is connected with the most thorough purification of the alloys from harmful impurities and, in the first place, from 0. For a complete purification of the metal from 0 the alloys are smelted in a vacuum furnace with reduction by carbon under vacuum without introducing the elements (Si, Al, Mg, Ca) into the alloy composition, as these elements form stable oxides. The alloy thus ob-:ained is subjected to high-temperature heat-treatment in dry purified H2 atmosphere. As a result the alloys were obtained having the following magnetic charact-eristics: alloy 50N (Smelt 12B) - /uo 9,700 gauss-oersted, /Wmax 76,400 ga:jss-oersted, H. 0.039 oersted, B8* 14,400 gauss; smelt 13B - /to 7,300 gauss- Card 1/2 -t* 261013-65 EUT (m)/EPF(n)-2/-FWA(d)/DJP(v) AT/@WP(t)/D,?(k)/9e(b) Pr-h/N-h ACCESSION NR: AP4047426 IJP(c) 1TW1;V1jrJ S/0136f64/000/010/0066/0 AUTHOR: 'Kazakov, N.F.; Krivoshey, A. V.,' Sudenkov, Ye. G.; Sokolov, V.1 Kasafidn, N. M.; LX!Ibenko, L. A.; Bodyako, A. V. TITM; Vacuum diffusion weldinglof bftnetallic trips for thermostats SOURCE: Tsvetn@y metally, no. 10, 1964, 66-67 TOPIC TAGS: diffusion welding, vacuum diffusion welding, tliermostat, bimetal, manga:iese alloy, clad metal/ alloy 7 5GND ABSTEACT: The authors used the vacuum diffusion welding method developed bv*. Prof. 'L%T. F. Kazakov (Diffuzionnaya svarka v vakuume metallov,- splavov i nemetallov. M DSVIYI M., 1962) to p s*of thermosta Izd. N. repare sample t metMs. The process con-, sisted of four operations: 1. cold rolling of the component metals into strips of given thickne-ss; 2. culuffing to the given size-, 3. mechanical cleaning and degreasing of the contact surfaces, and 4. vacuum diffusion welding of the passive and active components, The component plates were welded at the Niuchno-issledovatellskaya laboratori-ya g) of the diffuzionnoy avarld (Scientific Research Laboratory of Diffusion Weldin Moagcxsovuarkhoz, using an SDVU-6 vacumn diffusion welder. The samples of thermostat metal obtained were tested for specific bending at the TsNIIChM (Central Card 2/2 Card 42414-65 EPA (s)-2/E'-'rr(m)A'-'jP NVEPF(CMEPF(n)-2@@(d)@@ (c) r-4/Pa EVIP (z E iAT p d/Ps-4/ft-7/fta4" ACCESSMON NRs AP6008710 8/01WO/040/003/0=6/023 AUTHOR: KraanykI4 V.L; @@Iov, V.I. TITLE: Melting of p_r2gWon _aftLirt a vacuum* Induction furnace with hydrogm rdlaft SOURCE: Stall, no. 3,496S, 236-238 T'OPIC TAGS: xel@iref vacuwn Induction furnace: an oy- melting, precialm. 19ckd alloy manuZacture, precision alloy mechanical property,,, froa alloy, (wbalt alloy, aluminum allov/14 YUMPY 751 ABSTRACT: The influence VA s technological factors of the melting process on !the properties of precision alloys was studied at.TsNllChM using an IPRV-2 vacuum induction furnace. Mab process of, en in this furnace was Investi- ,,jeoxidatipa by bydrog gated by me@tAn Oinetals (iron, nickel, cabalty!and alloys of iron with nickel, cobalt, g_vur natmosphere, then evacuating the furnace, filling it with heUum, or aluminum-in a hydroge of vacuum @d@ and discharging the liquid metal. Theexperiments showed that the use hydrogea-dradtically-f-e-Ju-ced the content of gaseous and nonmetalUe Impurities. Thus# In 14 Yu alloy, for example, the content of nonmetallic impurities was reduced to 71-250 x 10-4% In the vacuum melts and 13-24 x 10-4% in the hydrogen melts. As a' r6sult, the'properties of the precision alloys are improved by a factor of 1. 5 to 2. L 54o48-65 BwT(l)/E@4T(m)jEWP(t)'/M4T(b) IJP(c) JD ACCES .3ION NR: AP50-156141 GE/0030/6~iOO9/00.-3-/Ki.63/16~~5, F- AUTHOM Sokolov, V. I.; Tsidilkovski, 1. M. TITLE,, Oscillations of the longitudinal p@agnetor@esistance in n;..GaAs SOURCE: PhyBica status solidi, v. 9, no, 3, 105,@ 163-K165---- U TOPIC TAGS: electron inelastic scattering, magnetoresistancet crystal longitudinal* magnetbresistance, crystal transverse magnetoresistance ABSTRA"LT: An.investigation was made of the oscillations due to the inelastic scatte@ring of electrons by optical phonons. Measurements-were made of the longi- tudinal (AP11/p.) a-Lid transverse (A@L/pd magnetoresistance of n-GaAs single crystals to 1 17 Ivith electron densities of n -- 101 0 cm73 within a temperature range from@ 200 to 410K and in pulsed magnetic fields up to 300 kG. No oscillations of Apjjpo.@. iwere observed. A maximum of Ap,,/po was observed at T >'200K which shifted to Istrongftr magnetic fields with increasing temperature.__The dependenci@ of-the--long -11 tudinal,-magnetoresistance of n-G&As- on the -magnetic field strength for two specimens (n 9 x 11016 cm-3, X-103 cm2/v-sec at 80K and n 1.9 x 1017 cm- x 103 Cm2/v-sec at 80K) at temperatures of 220K, 30OK, 11 2. and 410K showed that;.,-- APII/Po > 0 in the measured ranges of temperatures and magnetic fields@ The positive sign is due to an inhomogeneous distribution of the impurities. Hall measuz:ements Card 1/2 KAZAKOV, N.F.; KRIVOSffFY, A.V.; SUDENKOV, Ye.G.; SOKOLOV, V-.I.; KASATKIN, NX,- LYUEPNKO, L.A.; BODYAKO, A.V. Diffusion bonding of thermostat metal In vacuum. TSvet. met. 37 no.10:66-67 0 164. (MIRA 18:7) 1, -,!851-66 &.,R(e)/L".WT(M)/T/hwp(t)/Eltlp(k)/S-IP(z)/&IP(b)/&IA(c) IJF(C) JD/W ACCESSION NR: AT5022903 UR/2776/65/000/043/0169/0172 'Tz AUIHOR: Teplenko, V. G.; Reutova, N. P.; Sokolov, V. I Yr!t @nkhj_@L. a TUIE: Production of @1$@ @urit@y iron and of alloys based on this iron % ,',@SOURCE: Moscow. TsgA _tral'qn_paqchno:l~ssledovatel's~iy.institut chernoy metal- Sbornik trudov, no. 43, 1965. Por@sliko-v@ ya m @n @t@jj lux 169-172 T 3;x TOPIC TAGS: high purity metal, metal purification, carbonyl iron, iron powder, electric furnace, metal pressing ABSTRACT: Since the properties of a number of special alloys, given*the current techniques of production, are chiefly determined by the purity of the raw mate- rials used, their oreparation requires highly pure iron containing at least 99.96% Fe t , 0.001-0.002% C and less than 0.004% S. The use of highly pure charge astwoeff as improvements in the smelting process have currently made pos- sible the production of iron of 99.8-99.9% purity (armco, iron, Swedish iron) by means of conventional metallurgical techniques. Moreover, pure iron in 2o_wdered I form is obtained on an industrial scale by electrolysi or by the carbonyl method., Card 1/3 L 2851-66 ACCESSION NR: AT5022903 Carbonyl iron is distinguished by its virtually nil content of metal impurities but it is relatively highly contaminated with carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen due to the secondary processes occurring between the active particles of iron and the gase,DUS phase. In this connection, the authors describe the procedure they de- veloped for refining low-grade carbonyl iron powder (0.85-1.0% C, 0.75% N, 0.6% 0) by means of vertical elActric furnaces with a hydrogen atmosphere so as to obtain ultra-fine iron Hq@ne[Zontaining 0.001-0.002% C, less than 0.0 '04% S and N, traces of P, and 0.01% 0. Specimens of this refined ce @tbonyl iron, prepared by powder-metallurgical techniques (hydrostatic presldi5g-' at 1000 atm, sintering of the obtained 500-600 g briquets in a hydrogen atmosphere with a dew point of -30% at 1400*C for 14 hr, forging at.1000-700*C into rods of 16 mm diameter which were rolled into standard specimens for tensile tests and resistivity mea- sureatens), displayed high plastic properties and a lower resistivity (0.743 ohm-un /m) than commercial pure iron (0.0971 ohm-MM2/m). The use of this type of refined iron in place of armco iron in the smelting of precision steels yields alloys with uiagnetic properties that are 1.5-2.0 times as high. In addition, this may lead to the development of new alloys with special physical propert@es, since this highly pure iron has.already been utilized to develop monocEXstals of Co-Fe alloys and Ni-Fe alloys as well as in the production of ultra-pure wire contain- 2/3 17 Card L ;,851-66 ACCESSION NR: AT5022903 inly less than 0.005% C, which has made it possible to-solve the problem of regu- lat,-ing the gaseous phase during case-hardening. Orig. art. has: 4 tables* AS.30CIATION: none WMITTED: 00 NO REF SOV: 004 Pressure 3/3 Card ENCL: 00 OTHER: 000 SUB CODE: MK V in -n@u@tlar vE1:!'--i- 7 6-2 -18 Mr '65. i,efin-.-ng. 25 no.' - - V e a i ny y ri a unihn@)-l' L, S 19 d OV It L@? IS @,.rg-i men- L 05775-@i Llv! d I/ @PdVm) I LWP( O/E'r Ir @JP( j Fj1'WW/__TG AdCt4R-t-A:i;6-63--I--4-3-6---------S-0- UTR ---- C-h-CODE: UR/00-56-/-6-61-6~-f/-602-/0-42-8/043-0 AUTHOR:" Kiryukhin.-V. P.-Sokolo@_V_L_,. ORG;_Moscow State University (Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) 23 TITLE, : Magnetos tric tion of yttriu -terbium errite garnets at low temperatures SOURCE: Zh eksper i teor fiz, v. 51, no. 2, 1966, 428-430 TOPIC TAGS: ferrite, garnet, yttrium, terbium, magnetostriction, magnetization, Neel ferromagnetic. material, ferromagnetic material ABSTRACT: The magnetic and magnetostrictive_=12erties of polycrystalline Lerrite-garnets Tb Y _xFe502 (x varied from 0 to 3) has been investigated over the x 3 temperature range 4. 2 to 100K. A sharp increase of magnetostriction is detected 3+ entration. No apparent correlation between with the increase of the Tb ion cone the temperature dependences of magnetostriction and magnetization has been found lor samples with a high terbium content (x> 1). The results obtained do riot conform to the single ion model for magnetoelastic interaction of Neel ferromag- netics. The authors thank Professor K. P. Beloy for guiding the study and R. Z. Levitin for takiiia part in discussions of results. Orig, art. has: 2 figures._[Base4 on authorsi abstract] 1/1 1 ard 'WB CODE: 20/SUBM DATE: 25Mar66/ORIG REF: 001/OTH REF: 003/ C f, 02? 11-6 ACC Ms AP6033155 an are furnace and, after thermal processing, to cold drawas For use- in auporconducting*solenoide, the alloy requires a 0.02-0.105-on copper coat*ngo Orige art* hass I tables SUB COM 20f SUBM DATii none/ 'ATD PRESSs 5099 awm cot ACC NRt AP6018005 vhen electric motors are used in the drive mechanism, and for providing output shaft rotation in relation to two mutually perpendicular axes. The output shaft is fitted with two sets of cams. One set located in the wheel housing is equipped with rims having both inter- nal and external gearing. These earns are spring loaded in the axial direction of the shaft and rest on the end surface of the geared wheel which is connected in turn to the faceplate. The second set of cams is located in the mechanism housing and rests on the opposite end sur- face of the rim. The rim is connected to the faceplate and is spring loaded in the axial direction. The earn springs are made so that the cams set in the mechanism housing can exert more pressure on the wheel connected to the faceplate than the cams which are set in the housing of the wheel which is equipped with rims having both internal and external teeth. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 24Mar65 Card 2/2 I and 2-cams; 3 and 4- gear wheels; 5-.faceplate 6-frame ACC NR: V7001546 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/171/003/Oj'66/0569 AUTiIGP,*. Alekseyevskiy, N. Ye. (Corresponding member AN SSSR); Dubrovin, A. V.; Rikhaylov, N. N.; Sokolov, V. I.; Fedotov, L. N. ORG: Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy im. I. P. Bardin, (Tser.tral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut chernoy metallurgii) TITLE: Basic properties of 65BT-type superconducting alloy wire in specimens a-Lid soler.oids SOURCE: X4 SSSR. Doklady, v. 171, no. 3, 1966, 566-569 TOPIC, TAGS: superconducting alloy,niobium titanium alloy, zirconium containing alloy, niobium. titanium alloy wire, alloy wire superconducting property ABSTRACT: A method of protecting superconduc@ors from damage during the transition from superconducting to normal state has been developed. The 65BT superconducting niobium-titaniuri alloy wire (65% niobium and some zirconium) was developed by' the institute of Precision Alloys at the Central Scientific Research Instituti- of Ferrous Natallurgy. At 293, 77 and 20K the wire has a tensile strenph of 81, 140 and 192 kg/mm2, a notch toughness of 18.5, 5.8 and 4.4 kg/cm and a resistivity of 70, 59 and 56_10-6 ohm-cm, respectively. The critical temperature of the wire is 9.7K and the critical magnetic field at 4.2K is 90 kilo-oersteds. It was found that a thin copper coating effectively 0- 4-1 a 0 0 & 4 411 o[w -W -W _'W -W W_ W _W__ " W W W W - I . I . I I . L, I ,if j*jUj:jjjnj4jj J'677A19 1011 J.111 13 1. k .1 41 61 -1 0 Is a 1 34 )1 " C 12 L _f I& L I U Y L Y J_L &A MCC UDEt.4 I of a _!wpaof LoVing's process. V. 1. '@)xowv. _t, CArms. /mi. (Nlowow) 8, zj.,4 A2 I III T11h ICO, i% dectonijul. at liljh'f@ffiff.- 'as' Mows: Na,C0&z==r NaO + CO, - 711 x1t.ral. The FrI40114-11 plomeraw'k vrrv slowly becauvr of the to-W prr%vure (A diestw". 0 even at file v.rry high lefull. Theoretically the rg-actitin inight be accelerated by rr- Movul (4 the Najo tir 012 fairrord. According to lifendeleev. waste vsIxW at red heat -lMrates C(h Irmn Na,C0, to form N&011. In this raw tire decreaws 0 Immuw the reuction between Ns.0 and 11,0 procerds. giving off heat. N&*CtN 0 Na,() + 01,, - 76,1,lt cal . Na.0 + If.0 (vapor) - MIAMI + 46.01 cal.. or NaICOv + Ilti) (valtir) - UN.&MI + CCh - 30.S7 caL The lx@t methmi to rrinove the Na,O _111114 6WI-1 1. hy with FIN(h I" rotating Muffles at high tvvnp@' giving Na ferrite -0 0 hich with If,() at,,, N.011 and F"th. NIMAantun,J reacthu, a ... ! Imanuls "t ferrite X! are unknown. I-Sit 111FIRAtiOn tit ferrite may tw xN..C0. f- vP"t% + 00 xC0,, + Q cal Na.0andFrit'hwe bound chemically, as proved by the slow decompn. of ferrite in H,O and tire snutil rise of temp.. probably due to the undecomposed NajC(h. @041 Fe. analogous to At in many resctions, could form 3%;a&O.FeO, as AlsO, and NANO form J, alunduate. AI(ONVI),. Also FrO + F"Ov - FrO.11v,0, f- 8.72 cal. The reaction 1) Na.0 I- Fr.(). - Nato 114).(h + Q woAdtf give MI uICIAlcrrite. Tile Intist pfil6dish, A tonuu1s, is Na.O.Feo.. where Fe.()V has the part of tile anhydride of the acid 11.14e.14 Since FrO + FeXIt give 8.72 cal. and in the order of strength Na is before Fe. it is gEwt Irrotable that Q in reaction (1) is higher thau K72 cal,. I. e.. the formation of ferrite is undoubtedly exothermic. The thermal proctx@s of formation and deconipu. of ferrite arr a[ so descr ibed. V_ D. KARPUNKII if ze 0 00 00 A I ITAJkjj(,W@L LITFRATLR[ CLASSIFICITIC4 Cz 00 0 too U IS AV Q I%.; tP o 31 64 IN it 111 0 Vt It a it It 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a Ill 0 0 10Z 0 40090,09 0 00 00 00 0 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 .0 goes 0 0 0 Ill * see*41114111*410 0 *!Ai ej I a 1 4 S A 1 11 it is 1. 1) 1. If It 19 ig @ 11 U n ;4 21 a 27 A 21 R I I u m lx@ W. U so .- -.-N 06 00 00 Celt- Pre"attom 01 on 10cmatme at nacukupte 40pos the productim of so&. L. F. Babicin 4ad V. 1. &A so_. ]NJ. (,Moscow) 19M, No. 3, 5"-@-Tfca-, III CrYstak of northupite Wort amling brines it WVAY Jum-r*4 lipts. WJ-4Tp of the Ma atut pIricyrutz go,, ch'issins"I tlteapp.byskiwlyplits.lu4tilupit/s. JIMU)SUbivow4i At u u CEO --I L - & -t-F-.A." - 00 he =00 cc ago 06 :1 7; lase 00 so 09 R i-., A, u -T%- -S tot I I it ej 0 It I v 14 11 a a 3 1 1 A, K3 IS" @ 0" 91P of it K It A A a m a a a 8 0 w 9 1 w v -47 6 4 to- 4-6 -6 W 'VW it a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a I - - Is It It. A - AA Is i p N,P,hl A I J 1 " A @ 0 Y A 1'vv@vj I I 00 POOPI-1,tt --01-_ A: ms. V. 1. *Qkoiow and vu, V. Bartashevich. zared- 00 shays USA. the dem. of NaeC(h In @,NaOH the moln. obtained after -00 00 ir pp,#Z be titrated with HCI and fl ZZ' j .00 wt tb H adomption ef NaOff by e1c 00 J! ass". The thrat" with the linion of air by this avelbod pve rmdta equal to thaw obtaitsed by the Fre- i senim thethod. Chas. Blanc a 00 of 0 0 00 00 00 Jilt 00 -00 L A OjTALL1jRGK-4L LITMUME CLAWFICATICm t J--r -" od 0 4-3 U Is' 0 00 IF 4F 0, A , 1, 4 IS fit, u a A4 J3 14 v A it 11 1; 11 0 1 1 A f 61 a L'* so A 1 -1 1 1 A 94 Q UP (I --k I" so fe 00 Deswabs" 00r V. R. P. Buitnik. Z ba v Lab. 3. I k@! so IT , t 3(W lual fnethuds for d::@ CW matn In fij;) , e N i HC b b h k -00 00 & ve igh vs m ecaum ol the ydrulydit of (h g N&HCG4: N&HCO. + H*O - N&OH + CO. + H.O. 00 The best reudts are obE&kwd by the Tanausev cokiriam- ric method (Vielumdric Analysis 13XIM) ). C. U. - . -00 4 p.00 00 J1 0 4 @ 00 00 age 00 41 40Z 00 00 0 Faso '00 A s 41 t:e 0 1 ,60 40 .0 , A 1 0 - I L ABITALLURGICAL LMMAT4011! CLASSIFICATION F I--- "T oft -I A V *?A goo t" "I ft M I I , 0, ) 2 it a MLO a I in s' ; ; 1 I 0 , d4a, A 0 III : : * : : 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 0 oi 9 000 0 is 0 0 0 of 0 0 0 go 0 0 0 is 0 o 0 so* 4 4 a o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 S, '@J' 000100009000004000006 --- " U., -I T . It . . .. . I 1 111 t a b -.. . - -1 -A -Ak - .C 9 N J .1i, . P 0 Rapid detenakfitial of masquiciiisis in "M jiy*". @ V L d d Y S l .00 , w ., im m sa u. V. BartaAevich. Zmd- ska log. Na NIO WiTITICI (metbyl ainw) 5 cc &M 0 HNOj 09"baro 00 - , , w 10 min, Trftt the hot sda. with 4-5 cc. a# 2% How^ and 2 Le. of 10% (NH.).%O.. After 15-20 min. ppl. the *Muimi&s wkb IMH.OH. After, ignite the After. enp. 00 J the PPt. with 2-3 ce. HF, ignite aml weigh. C. P. 'uOo p to Z* F , ;e e ! b(TALLIARG KAL LITERAT(At CLASIWICAT#Cu too as( ad It 0 '1 1 w 0 s A a 3 a -U! 4@ 4t- t- A-- -t 0- 9 To- off &PIT1.1 , . 0 4 0 -0 0 Si z; it it 12 '1 It 17 it H V f 11 4,' Z 24 13 W@-@ 1 1 XJ73M xlf uu wis kit unk 41 titt uiseq "Ji . it p 1-1@m #CC wait @k t@ 1-t i -.1 4 'i 00 0 1 -00 0: 00 81. A!! -so 4p .00 00 dw somm" no* r"idue is the st j jd. (M.- v A=00 and the -'@o 0 ,L.,vi,. (C. A. 22, 4184" is incomplCo. 5 depimit Of j, dstit@ hite CISO. In the there coo 0 it. M. Lek-ter very I.rd caso. -Cd()-' A). .0 0 @00 coo OL; ej, COO 00,# go zo: 1-00 Do :@o 0 A 3 M. S L A sEtALLURCK&L MURATtAt CLASSIFIC&TIC- C-Z- t*o w-w ,-z a al a 4 1 W 84 -3 0 3 11 it 69 K It n it N w n i to oflo :q04)0q0*q00q000;u*"r,* ID904009000909009900000; 0 : : or 4 @1000" 0 0 40 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 00 000001900000*00000000ooooi, 'A -A GO A I go tits ASO-SLA MITALLURGICAL LITIRAT401 CLASIVICATPUll J@U_U A@ 03-LI log is 10 aft"AURPM411116A as &ago& ma AAA a 0 i i 94 #114 " 45@10 I -A- -Y- 140cilles ma pooprolifs 1.01. INCRYASING THF FRMUCTIVITT OF TIM (SODIUM FERRITE) DRUM IN LOVIGIS FIDOSS FOR PRODUCTION 01P 30DIM Fee HYDROXIM To 1. Sokolov U. Chem. 1AL Ines.. 1937. 1b. 4433r-"4_ COO, The .0roductivity of the drum to increased. &nd the fuel exp*nditure diminishok by fitting two burners in place of onim. R. To Mee 0 An I % a w 0 -1 IF ill *-,a a 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 RBUTOV, O.A.; SOKOLOV, V.I.; BELETSKAYA, I.P. Study of electrophilic substitution reactions at a saturated c@-rbon atom by use of the isotope exchange method. Report No.l: K-inetirs of the isotope exchange reaction of ethyl -(bromimer- curi) phenyl acetate with mercury bromide tagged with Hg2o in pyridine. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd.khim.nauk no.7:1213-1217 J1 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Moskovskiy gosudars',,vennyy universitet im. K.V. Lomonosova. (Acetic acid) (Mercury bromide) (Substitution (Chemistry)) '@@Ullov) O.A.; SOKOLOV, V.I.; 4LILETSKAYA, I.P.. Study of electrophilic substitution reactions at a saturated carbon atom by use of the isotope exchange method. Report No.2: Kinetics of the iscitope exchange reaction of ethylo(- bromomercuri)phenyl acetate with mercury bromide tagged with He@3in water - dioxane mixture. Izv. All SSSR. Otd.khim.naiik no.7:1217@1222 Jl 161. (MIFJI 14:7) 1. Moskovskiy gosudaistvennyy un:Lversitet im. M.V. Lomonosova. (Ac'etic acid) (Mercury bromide) (substitution (Chemistry)) REUTOV, O.A.; SOKOWV,, V.I.; BELETSKAYA, I.P. Study of the electrophilic.subotitutip-n reaction at a satUrated carbon atom by the7jaotope@ exchange mithod. -2eport NoJ: lootopa exchange of esters of &-bromb'"rouriarylacetic acids with mecux-y bromide taqged with Hg203, in water-dioxaz*. lzv. AN SSSR. Otd.khim.nauk no.8:1427-1429 Ag 16-1. (MIRA 14t8) 1. Moskovskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet im. M&V. Iomonosova. (Acetic acid) (Mercury-Isotopes) RFUTOV, O.A.; SOEOLOV, V.I.; BELFTSKAYA, I-.P. Study of electrop@,ylic substitution at a saturated carbon atom using the isotope exchange method. Report No.4: Kinetics of isotopic exchange between ethylOL-(bromomercuri) phenyl.acetates and mercury bromide tagged with Hg203 in dimethy1formamide. Izv. All SSSR. Otd.khim.nauk no.9;1561-1565 S 061. MIRA 14:9) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvpnn@,@ universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova. (Acetic acid) ,@Mercury tromide) (1-lercury--Isotopes) S/020/61/136/002/023/034 B0161BO60 AUTHORSz Reutov, 0. A., Corresponding Member AS USSR,and Sokolov, V.I. TITIAt Radiochromatography of Organomercury Compounds PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk BSSR, 1961, Vol. 136, No. 2, pp. 366-368 TEXI!: The authors have frequently met with difficulties in their experi- ments on the isotopic exchange of organomercury compounds M - (VI) (Refs. 1-4), owing to the fact that the reacting substances were difficult- ly separable due to very similar solubility. The article under considera- tion gives a description of a radiochromatographic separation method which may be applied to the study o@f kinetic modifications during -the separation of organomercury compounds both from one another and from in- organic mercury salts. The authors proved that the organomercury compounds of HgBr2 are readily separable by paper-chromatography, the paper having been impregnated with a 10% ethylene glycol solution in acetone a few hotirs earlier. For a mobile pbase, the mixture of octane with benzene Ca:7d 1/4 Rad,iochromatography of Organomercury Compounds S/020/61/136/002/023/034 Bbl6/BO60 (3i:2) gave the best results. HgBr,, remains on the spot to which the solution was applied, while the organomercury compound moves directly behind the front of the solvent- 4 - 5 cm in such movement and less than 5 nin are enough for a satisfactory separation. When using pyridine the chromatogram was 6 - 9 cm long. The development of the zones was brought abDut with diluted dithizone solution in chloroform or CC1 40 A lilac- Pink color appeared with organomercury salts, and a pink-red-yellow one with HgBr2 (Ref. 6). The authors performed the'.separation of mixtures of organomercury salts XC6H4CH(HgBr)COOR and YC6H4CH(HgBr)COOR in two casest. X = H, Y = n-Br and X = nBr, Y = o-CH 3' The separation took place with 10% olive oil solution in petroleum ether in the inverse phase. The mobile phase was provided by aqueous ethanol or methanol. The dependence of Rf on the alcohol concentration was: Card 2/4 Radiochromatography of Organomercury 5/020/61/136/002/023/034 Compounds B0161B060 X 65% ethanol 0% ethanol 7 80% methanol H 0.19 0.20 - n-.Br 0-07 0.09 0.18 O-CH 3 0-30 Radiochromatography was.applied in the study of the kinetics of is6topic exchange of ethyl esters of :;,-bromine mercury aryl acetic acids with 203) HGBr2 (tagged-with Hg in pyridine and 7Vo a queous dioxan (Ref. 7). The@ de-ree of exchange was calculated on the basis of the ratio between the activities corresponding to the organomercury c ompound and those correspcn& inC to HgBr2 on the individual paper zones: AHg-oc CHg-OC + CHgBr2* P C AH9-OC + AEGB'r2 Hg-OC where Hg-OC denotes the organomercury compound, A the activity, and C the* concentration. No secondary exchange on paper o ccurs under thd experi-@- mental conditions. Results agreed with those of the-usual method Card Radiochromatography of Organomercury 5)1020/61/136/002/023/034 Compounds B016/BO60 (preparatory isolation of a substance.and measurement of its activity) The advantages offered by the method under discussion and its fields o@ application are stressed. There are 7 references: 5 Soviet, 1 US,-and 1 Japanese. ASSOCIATION: Xoskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M.-V. Lomonosov). Institut elementootganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (In- stitute of Elemental Organic Compounds, Academy.of Sciences USSR) R2Hg + Ag R,Ag + lig (1) SUBMITTED: September 16, 1960 Uy R2Hg + R'Ag- R 4+@'RHg RtHg + R AgX:;= Rt@g + R HgX (lily RH9X + 149 -_ RAgX + Hg (4) (IV) RHgX + f!gX, = Rf!gX + @igx,, V) RHgX + P,frgX4-- RWgX + R 'HgX (VI) Card