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Seminar on the Automatic Control Theory in Leningrad. 103-10-9/10
On November 1, 1956, A.A.Voronov discussed a method of
approximation for the determination of the stabilization process
of self-oscillations in some linear systems.
On November 29, 1956, A.D.Maksimov discussed the"Precision of
the First Approximation in the Case of a Linearizing Action of the
Non-Linear Automatic Systems by Means of Vibration".
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2
VOROSHILOV, Metislav prof., doktor
tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; SOKOLOV, O.A., inzb., red.;
CHFAS, M.A., red.lzd-va; SHCBETIIIIIIA, L.V., tekhn. red.
(Elements of numerical program control systems for machine
tools] Elementy sistem tsifrovogo programmnogo uprayleniia
metallorezhushchimi stankami. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 243 P.
(MIRA 16:7)
(Machine tools--Numerical control)
.-1 @I- ('@ @I - k.
,I , , -,-,
LI:ITDKVIST, B.A., inzhener; SOKOLOV, T.F., inzhener.
Combining air-intake ducts with the construction elements of a
boiler room. Elek. eta. 26 no.1:48-49 J& '55. (MLRA 8:3)
(Steam boilers)
PATRUSHFV, P.A., inzh.; SMIP01OV, L.A., inzh.; SOKOLOV, T.P.; SHUL'Mi:,N, Ye.I.
Combininu assembly and transportation of the blocks of a PK-))-83E-i
boiler. Energ. strol. no.20:114-120 '61. (YIIRh
1. Proyektnoye byuro Montazbnogo upravleniya "Uralenergomontazh"
(for Patrushev, Smirnov). 2. Montazhnoye upravleniye "Uralenergo-
montazh" (for Sokolov). 3. Moskovskiy filial instituta "Orgenergo-
stroy" (for Shullman).
Coli enteritis in nursing infants. rwith summary in Bnglishl
Pediatriia 36 no.5:3-10 MY'58 (MIRA 11:6)
1. Iz kliniki patologii rannego detskogo vozrasta (zav. - prof.
I.V. TSimbler) Instituta pedintrii AO SSSR (dir. - prof. O.D.
Conquerors of fire. Fauka i zhyttia 12 no-5:19-20 MY 162.
O-aRA 15:7)
(Electric welding)
Winter ornithofauna, of Repetek. Ornitologiia ro.4:194-199 t62.
(MMi 16. 41)
(Repetek region-Birds)
Production is the laboratory of science. rimika i
17 Je 162.
(Ulmine-Agricultural research)
zhyttia 12 no,6,.15-
(MIRA' 15:7)
Standarcrizing propellers and oil pipes. Rach. transp.
21 no.12:30-31 D 162. (MIRA 15:12)
Radio transmitter for operation on 28 and 144 me,, Radio no.73
19-22 JI,1162. (MIRA 16.-6)
(Radio-Transmitters and transmission)
Tuning of a shortwave superheterodyne receiver using a heterodyne
resonance indicating device. Radio no-4.-22-224 Ap 10`4-
(MIRA 17-.9)
SOKOLOV, V., inzh.-stroitell (Kaluga)
Anchors adapted for settling. Zhil.-kom. khoz, 12 no.1:16
ja 162. (MIRA 15:6)
(Concrete walls-Maintenance and repair)
A severe climate is no hindrance. Okhr.truda i sots.strakh.. 5
no.12s8-9 D 962. (MMA 16s2)
1. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom sotsiallnogo strakhovaniya
-Taymyrskago, okruzhnogo komiteta. professionalgnogo soyuza
rabochikh metallurgicheskoy promyshlennosti (for Sokolcy).
2. Doverennyy vrach Kras-noyarskogo krayevogo sovets, professional'-
nykh soyuzov (for Chermusbkin).
(Noril9sk--Industrial hygiene)
"Trade economics." Reviewed by A. Belov. Vop.ekon. no.1:123-
128 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:2)
SOKOLOVY V., kand.tekhn.nauk
Road-construction workers and innovators. Avt.dor. 25 no.8sq-10
Ag @62. (NIRA 16-32)
(Road constructiog-Technol4ical innovations)
SOKOLOVY V., agronom (Belorechenskiy rayon Krasnodarskogo kraya)
San Jos4 scale can be exterminated. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol.
10 no.lA3-" !65. (MIRA 18,3)
SOKOLOV, V. (Voronezh)
Before putting on shoulder straps. Voen.-znan. 1+1
no.12:31 D 165. (MIRA 18:12)
VARBANOVA, A., io-KO-LOV.-V., Institute of Physiology, Bulgarian Academy of
"The Afferent Background Vagal Impulses"
Sofia) Doklady BolgarskoyAkademii Nauk, vol 19, xo 1, 1966, pp 73-76
Abstract fE-nglish article7: The problem of the spontaneous activity in the
sense organs is one of the most interesting and at the same time least
investigated ones. To study the problem more closely, the author carried
out acute experiments with 35 cats immobilized with tricuran. The
different activity passing through n.vagus was led over a silver electrode
put on the distal end of one of the nerves in the region of the neck. A
platinum electrode was placed for stimulation over the other (intact) n.vagus.
Besides that, using a stereotaxic apparatus the authors introduced subcortical
electrodes in nuc. ventralis post. lat. ed. med. thalami (specific thalamic
representation for the stomach and n. vagus) and in form. reticularis
mesenceph. Epidural silver electrodes were also placed in gyr. sygmoideus
ant. et post. (cortical representation of the stomach). The leads were
bipolar with 2 mm distance between the electrodes. The stomach Vas stimulated
mechanically by the distention of a balloon introduced through the oesophagus.
Results, presented in the form of numerous oscillograms indicate that 1) there
L 02149-67
thalami,, gyr. sygmoidous ant. et post.), as well as in form. reticularis
,mesencephs, nucl* ventr. ant. th., hypothal. ventromed., hippoc. and optic
.cortex. Continuous distention of the stomach of cato with a rubber b.Illoon
through Bassowle fistula with a pressure of 10 mm Hg leads to considerable
changes in the background bioelectrical activity of the brain. Experimental
results and the ensuing discussion show that by their nature and properties
the intoroceptive impulses are particularly adopted io.takean active part_
in the formation of the background brain rhythm. This paper was presented by
Corresponding Member D. Mateyev on 16 November 1964- Orig. art. has: 3 figures
and 2 tables. [JPRS]
SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: 16Nov64 / ORIG REF: 001 / SOV REF: 003
OTH REF: 005
V. t
a 190 o
a K
g17 A
:Ig Jv
A .1
Card 1/2
Sokolov, V.A.., Engineer
A Photo graph-Fri-om Space.1y
Nauka i zhiznl, 1960,,\Nr
The author refers to the
3, pp 8 - 10 (USSR)
4 October_15@, which
station sent into space on
able to transmit an image from a distance of 470,000
km to the Earth. He explains television in general
and transmission under cosmic conditions in parti-
cular. A diagram shows a sweep system with a trans-
luscent tube which transformed ti.- optic image into
an electric signal. The process is described in
detail. ,.,he photographing of the invisible side of
the MooA was performed upon-command from Earth.
Thig -system is also called "flying spot system".
In the TV transmission from the interplanetary
station, a mixed sweep system was applied. The
SOKOLUV, V.A. "in-.h.
. t-
I W -
Satellite space ship speaking. Nauka i zhiznj 27 no.8:4-9 -ig
16o. (MIRA 13:9)
(Telecommunication) (Space flight)
SOKOLOV) V.A.,, nauchnyy sotrudnik
Milestones of a great journey. Nauk-a i zhiznl 28 m.5:8-12 My 161.
(MIPIA 14--6)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR.
0 0 d)
AUTHOIRS: q9kolov, V. A. and Ivanov, Yu. F., Scientific Associ-
ates, Academy of Sciences, USSR
TITLE: Starship calling Earth. Super-long distance communi3a-
tion with a spaceship
PERIOJ)ICAL: Nauka i zhiznl, no. 2, 19622 13-19
TEXT: The authors discuss the difficulties of long-distance com-
munications in space, dictated by the immense distances involved
and 4%--die background of radio-frequency emission from the stars.
Spa,:!e is least filled with radio waves with a length measured in
tenE@ of centimeters. Radio communication should, therefore, be ba-
sed on this wavelength. Directional antennas of the parabolic re-
flector type should be used. An antenna of this type was installed
on thE, automatic interplanetary station launched in the direction
of Venus. For radio communication between Venus/mars and Earth the
radio waves must be concentrated into the tightest possible beam.
The greater the relation of the antenna's mirror area to the wave-
Card @/4
Starship calling Earth. D299/D304
_LM late 1960, is given, This particular laser used ruby with an ad-
M_Ixture of chrome as a light generator and amplifier. Lasers have
alsc been built of calcium fluoride with an admixture of uranium
or samarium. With a laser using potassium vapors at low pressure
it is intended to create a light beam with a width @of some ten-,
thousandths of a degree. In the near future it is intended to c-re-
ate a beam with a width of only a few hundred-thousandths of a de-
,a.-ee. Due to the absence of moisture and dust particles in space
- factors which scatter lJght - lasers would not have to be parti-
-ularly powerful. For flights to Mars and Venus the whole space
communications apparatus would be of pocket size and could be pow-
ered from the sun by a collector system. A beam of red light from
a ruby laser could be trained on an artificial satellite and the
ccnsiderable light pressure from this beam used to correct it's or-
bit. Ruby lasers can also be used as light amplifiers. When -Lllu-
m:nated with green light from a special lamp the chrome ions will
eventually assume a stable medium energy level. Subsequent illu-
mination with weak red light will cause an instantaneous red flash
of &reatly enhanced brilliance. Astronomers could use this for stu-
Card 3/4
Automatic mjstem for the regidation of the temperat-re of
ferine-ntation. Ferm. j. sjvirt.prrom. 30 no.4-:26-30 '@4-
(MIRA 18: 1,-)
1. PisholiepromavtomatikR (for Sokolov). 2. Andrushevskiy
spirtovoy zavod (for Kondrat.yA).
11`1011"Ov. BA', SC)K!"-('V, V.A.,v prol'..@ red.
jC(,,j.j.-,zrate or cuantu=- menani@:q arial its
, , -@ v - I
foundations] SoprJ@aziiriennaLa, ill &,@-,ckollebatell- k-vantovaia mekhanika i ee rel4ativistsk-e- osnovy. Tomsk,
politekhn. ln-t@ ! 9E, 5. 'A'10 T). (Mlf?--- 1814)
I ;I R ITC: IIEW ) A. A . ; ZjPSt I L31 N, f.@1.() %7 , v . fk .
:;asti,-g cylinder sleeves ILn a green sand ircld with a she'l core.
Avt. prom. 31 no.309-40, Mr 165. (MTRA 18:7)
i. Yuro.-Javskiy motornyy zavod.
CHRLISHCH9V, B.A., inzhener; SOKOLOV, V.A., inshener.
Selection of automatic-cycle control circuits. Vest.mash. 35
no.10:3-9 0 '55. (MLRA 9:1)
(Machinery, Automatic) (AutowatIc control)
T- 4.11!,)R5-65 Pf-!-4 GS
ACGESSION NR: AT50-0616 UR/0000/64/000/000/0421/0430
AUTJIOR: Netushil, A. V., Polivanov, K. Zharkov, IF. P. , Sokolov, V. A.
TITLE: Some peculiarities of the auto-ose'Wations in nonlinear automation elements
SOUII,tCE-. Vsesoyuznoye soveshchantye po mjp!tyM elementam. avtomatikitelemekhan&f.
Inov tekhnffd
Lvov. 1962. Magnitnyye iike-iiij.4vtomatiki,
teleinekhaniki, izmeritellnoy I vychislitellnoy tekhnild (Magnetic elements of automatit!
control, remote control, measurement and control engineering); trudy soveshchaniya.
Kiev,, Naukova dunika, 1964, 421-430
TOPIC TAGS: nonlinear automation element, multicycle oscillation period, parametric
system oscillation, nonlinear oscillation, autooscillation, automatic control system,
induction parametron
ABSTRACT- According to the modern theory of nonlinear system eigen oscillations (see
e.g., N. N. Dogolyubov, Yu. A. Mitropollskiy, Asimptotichesldye metody v teorli
kolebaniy, F izmatgiz, IVL, 1958), the behavior of the system often depends on the Initial:
dev] atk-n from the equWbrium. position. Nevertheless, this fact Is often neglected during
discussions of nonlinear elements utilIzed in automation devices, while, In actuAilItY, such
I elements may have more than one elgen oscillation mode, It is shown in this article thd
f, 44
ne of the types of oscillation may sometimes occur only for initial deviations within a
definite, quite narrow zone. The analysis of the discrete opUmizer carried out by one of
the authors (A. V. Netushil) showed the possibility of edstence of stable. eigen oscilla-
tionn whose period contains not just two but several cycles. Such multicycle (four-cycle),
oscilWions possose definite associated criteria for their existence and require a specified:
initial elongation from the equilibrium position for their excitation. An anallysis of the
induction parametron (E. Goto, PIRE 1969, no. 8, 1304) shows that It can maintain a I
second level of parametric resonant oscillations distinct in -amplitude from the first level
oscillations. The -orobability pattern of the inte
grall curves within the Van der Pohl plane
indii.,ates that this second level may be excited only by a fully defined sufficiently large
initial displacement. All t1heoretical predictions have -been confirmed by experiment
(indaction parametron) and the results of analog computer simulation, one should expect
that higher oscillation levels will also be. discovered in other parametric systems. Orig.,
art. has: 21 formulas and 12 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Kafedra teoreticheskikh osnow eleld.Lotekhniki MEI (Department of the
TheoreUcal Foundations of Electrical Engineeringt@@El)
SU]3,AffrrED: 29Sep64 ENCLo 00 SUB CODE: IE): E@-
NO REF SOV: 012 OTHER: 003'
L 50205_j@ M(1)/.EWA(h) Peb
ACCESSI,'ON'NR. ''AP5008680 S/0144/65/000/002/oi87/0104
1AUTHOR: ko@o o@ V. A.. (Assikant-of department for theoretical bases of
I electrical engineesing
I TITLE: Investigation of a film-type ParametronNy means of an analog computer
:SOURCE:: IVUZ. Elektromekhanika, no. 2, 1965, 187-194
TOPIC TAGS: parametron, film parametron
ABSTRACT: The results of simulating a thin-film Darametron.on a LM-7 Soviet-
made analog computer are reported. - The simulation was based on an equivalent
circuit dat represented the magnetization -vector rotation (in a sufficiently strong
field). The parametron natural frequency was assumed within 107_1011 per sec.
These fundamental equations were set up In the computer:
h,dt 4@ _jf1tdi, dt'-,,*-. L-slny;
llh'+-L LC
'.Card J/Z
Seminars for workers of the metal-cutting tool industry.
Mashinostroitell no.6:46 Je 160. (MIU 13:5)
(Gorkiy-Technical education)
SOI,OLIDV, V.A. (Rostov-na-Donu)
Transient pr?cesses in a
inductive load connected
telem. 22 no.6i807-810 J9
magnetic a-m-pli-Ifier -with feedt-a-c-k. and
through a rectifier. A-wttm. i
161. (MIRA 14:7)
TITLE: On the problem of semiconductor iuminescenc@ kesulting from the recombina
tion of free atoms and radicals on the surface
SOURCEt Mezhvuzovskaya nauchno-tekhnicheskayn-konferentBlya Po Mike
221 (poverkhnostnyye I kontaktmyye yavlenlya) Tomiit-@-19642
i'Poverkhn stnyye kon aktnyye yav eniya v poluprovodnika
kh (surface and contact
phonomena in semiconductors), Tomsk, Izd-vo Tomskogo univ.g 1964p 457-462
TOPIC TAGSt semiconducting material, luminescence; free radical, electric field#
i z:L!ac sulfide cadmium sulfide, Fermi level
'A mechanism of radical-recombination luminescence is proposed, and an
experiment conducted to confirm aspects of the theory of semiconductor lumines-
cence is described. The work was performed to supplement the authors' earlier
i ressearch in this area. Tests were run to determine the effect of a field on lumi-
noseence. Radicals of hydrogen and air were formed by electric discharge (:t5 W)
wider a pressure of 0-1= Hg in a tube about 2 m long and 3 on in diameter., con-
taining US and CdS-Cu phosphor, The experimental results confirmed qualitativeljy
Card 1/2
L 1115-66
that the Intensity of luminescence is dependent upon the location of the Fermi
level and confirmed also the theoretically expected effect of an electric field
on the adsorptivity of a semiconductor surface, Origi art, hass 2 diagrams,
2 graphs,, 1 table, and 9 formulas.
ISSOCIATION: nons -':-I -zrv, v,
SUB14ITTED: 060at64
ENCU 00 SUB colat SS
OTHERs 002
Card 2/2
1CCESSION NR: AP4036572 S/0139/64/000/002/0149/015i
AUTHORSs Sokolov, V. A. Rue inov, L. A.
TITLM Orange luminescence of thallium chloride
!SOURCEt MZ. Fizika, no.. 2, 1964, 149-152
'TOPIC TAGS: luminescence, thallium chloride, mercury lampq luminescence spectrum,
. onoclaromator UIA 2, activation energy, blue center, crystal lattice, mercury lamp
'SVDSh 250, nicroammeter 11 95, photoamplifier FEU 22, voltage stabilizer VS 10
ABSTRACT: The temperature quenching of the orange band luminescence of TlCl was
inves-;igated in a temperature range of -196 to -70C, and the nature of spectral
;distr,-Lbution as a function of temperature in the same band was measured. Luminesomi
,excitiLtion wa3 induced by a mercury lamp SVDSh-250 through a glass filter. The
,lumin-)scence spectra were determined by a UM-2 monoohromator and were-reoorded by
@@the photoamplifier FEU-22 with microammeter M-95. A high-voltage stabilizer VS-10
;Was u3ed with the photoamplifier. A special circuit served to 8tabilize'the current,
:from the excited source 3650 The orange lumineeoenoe intensity is plotted
:as a Tunotion of T according to thb exponential law From the slope of a
@CCESS-ION NR: AP406572----
'log-loE-, scale, W (the activation energy) was determined to be 0.07 ev. It is shown
7that blue and orange luminescence centers in TICI are of a similar nature but differ
;in their location in the crystal lattice. "The author is grateful to N. A. Tolstoy
'for his interest in the work and his valuable advice." Orig. art. hast 5 figures
and I formula.
@ASSOCT-Ar?ION- Loningradskiy tokhnologichookiy institut imeni Lensovets. (L'oningrad
iTechnological. Institute)
OTHERt 001
:SUBMITTED% 28jun62 DATE ACQ: osiun64
L 2520-65 EWT(1)/n,G (k)/kW (t) Pz-6
ACCESSION NR-. AP5003020 s/0051/65/018/001/6098/010
AUTHORS t Sokolov, V. A. Tol6toy# N. A.
TITLE: Luminescence and photocbnductivity@excitation spectra in
SOURCE: O@tika i spektrosk iya, v. 18, no. 1, 1965, 98-101
TOPIC TAGS: luminescence, photoconductivity, excitation spectrum
luifii.,nescence center, thallium compound
ABSTRACT: To check on the.assumption that the blue and orange
luminescences of TIM are connected with electron-vibrational tran-..
sitions in two different types of glow centers, and also to clarif., -E-1,
further details of the luminescence mechanism, the authors investi
gated the luminescence-excitation spectra and the photoconductiv'lt~t,:'..,-:.7~',
spei:tra of annealed single-crystal-T Cl samples* The installation..
for the excitation spectrum 'measurement -consisted,of an'-illumina or--
L 25210-65
and it monochromator with bent grating. The'luminescence excitation
spectra were measured with a photomultiplier. The blue and orange
@i Aluminescence bands were separated by means of light filters. It
was observed that the excitation-spectra-of-.the blue and orange
lumij.-lescence and of the photoconductivity wereAdentical in the re-
gion of fundamental absorption but different in the region of exc-*-
ton absorption. -It is thus concluded that different excitation .1%
mechanisms exist for the blue and orange luminescence when light
quanta with- X >_ 364, nm are absorbed. :On the other hand, in the case.%,@
of plastically deformed crystals# the excitation spectra of the blue
and orange luminescence were in full@agreementi Consequently, iax-
change of excitation ener between the blue and'orange centers can@
taket place in the deformed. crystals. Orig'. art, has: .4 figures.
SUMUTTEDs -.;.060ct63:, MCL.' SUB CODE i OP 9 9
t _iw.
4 z
@l n
.- -A.
L 3280 -65'
Pr-h/Pu-4 IJP(c)/JD
ACCMID1T M AP5005038 S/0053./65/018/002/0251/0257
jolstoy,, R_ A-
hlo id
a of thallium c r e
TITLBt On the nature of 13-inescenc -30,
GMCE: Optika i spektroskopiyap v. 18P no* 2P 1965, 251-257
TOPIC TAGS: thallium ccwpound.. temperature dependence.. 1wainescence,. recombina-
tion center, dislocation, vacancy
1 ABSTRAM: This is a continuation of earlier work by the authors (Opt. i spektr.
ve 9, 4a, 1960; Ixv. AN SSSR ser. fiz. v. 25, 375, 196o), where it was shovu that
the blue luminescence of TIM is of this salt in the crystalline state
with minimxm number of mechanical defects. To check on the connection between
this glow and point defects of the lattice the authors attempted to observe the
variation of the blue glow with the time, temperature, and the storage time, and
to establish a quantitative connection between the decrease in the orange g1cror . .....
and thei increase in the blue glow. The band intensities were measured with a set-
up-descTibed by.the,authors elsewhere 2). e
Vo 7P 3909 196
measur(ments, were made in a rarefied helium atmsophere (spectral purity) a -41960.---__1._
L 2842..65
The samples tested were cut frm single crystals grown by the authors as described
earliert The change in-the ratio of the intensities of the blue and orange lus
escence with degree of heating of the deformed sample was investigated. The maxi-
MMI in-the temperature quenching of the blue luminescence of the deformed samples
disappears after the sample is annealed. It is assumed on the basis of the pre-
sented data that the recombination centers frm which the blue D-inescence of
TICI is radiated are vacant cation lattice sites., and the reccmbination centers
from wbich the orange luminescence of this salt is emitted are either cation
vacancies near dislocations or some combinations of cation and anion vacancies of
the hole t3me, which are formed near dislocations in large numbers. It is pointed"
out in the conclusion that these assumptions should be regarded only as working
hypothc!ses. "The authors are grateful to G,.-G. Liyd'ya for measurement of the
quarit= yield of the TICI luminescence." Orig. art4 hast 4 figures and 3 for-,
wanrwt o6oct63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODEt SS,, OP
KH REF SOV: 012 on=: 009
j Card 2/2