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SOKOLOV, A. "On the Dipolness of Mesons and the Difficulties of the Proca lbeory," Zhur Eksper. i. Teoret. Fiz., 12, iio. io, 1942. State University, Sverdlovsk. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 a 0 * 0 0 A- 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 V 0 0 W 03 1 1 1 to it if It w 11 w I] to " It )I x V A a It 1) u Ids M.11 give #I 4143M A A r. AL f f._k_JL_L_A_,L__A_A ? 9 1 . 1_1 .1; 1_1 I- _R A-A 4 -0 00 0 -1 POCCISII, -0 Palipfarift ~ftofs : S 4 0 1 t :11 , 0 . 530.143.6 2745 On ft Smy d Wimlidmit. L IwAmmmo. D.. Am Soamow, A. J. Fkm. VSSJL 9. 1. pp. W35, %4.-A aack of rwaW mtkbe by Gfndwmjj~ I [ 11shm"thatoweQuetim I , 11 1 ftbl-psnki" ' 01 win 0. 1) am (06 1) my bm mut Into 2 1&&.! pendend i zoo Z,hur Also: 7 Eksper- i Tecret. Fiz 13 N 8 ., o- 7- , , 1943. Sverdlovsk State Univ.: physic I s nst. Moscow State U i n v. 'A AIX-ItA StIALLIJOCKAL LOICROLINt CLASSIVICAT)CM 1A I S It OA 0 4 1 w III I a a 3 1 We ff IP IV11004d 411it RU KIT a 1, W. I im An 70 4 00410 *41110o*4111 00000 0 4104111: 6 Mo 0 0 0 0 0 4; 6 - W-4 WCAL Jff. ~* 9 w-- mowow L I 0 0 0 0 0 0 L L h. r -00 jvo 00 Vo 90 -00 go 00 o 00 Th~ *qmlldmL EL -380: cf. A.. IW & Sao effective the ptobletn of thil itao d s elibo And M n the infillite prolicr ina" Ill nod"Ins. arid / if the mew J. Nt. dip zoo IMOSCOIW State University. too t I tee It :1 .1 1 41 It n .1 .1 "1 n I I W jA go 06 0 0 0 0 0 41 00 0 0 0 0 SOKOLOV, A. 194-4. "On the Theory of Bi-Particles. II," Zhur. Eksper. i Teoret. Fiz., 14, No. 10-11, FhYSiC5 inst., Moscow State Univ.; Sverdlovsk State Pedagogical Inst. MV I 01, cWfton waves. Acad. On the potarization of Phys, 9, 363--372 (1945).7 w'122], The polarization of election wavest's bivestigated for the cases of refle ion froll -et 1 .1 poteattal birrier . - and of scatwring by a center of force' For the Livo-dimensiotial problem of the reflection and refraction of plane electron waves by a stet)-function twteotfid whose magoilude is small comi)ared e -it both to the kinetic encrgy (Sf tht! lt.~ctron, it is Shown tit, the reflected and the refracted wams are unpo)arized if the t incident wave is unpolarizvd. For the problem of scatteriog by a center of force, a gelleral foraltilit is first derived by using Dirac's tinic-dependitut pvrLtirhalion theory and itis then applicil to the, cn-,L wlivre the force center possesses electric charge and magnetic moment. Siuce the existence analysis of the of polarization can only I_- detected by scattered waves by another sa:atteritig prmcss, the distribu- tions for double scattering 1)), two centers of force are calculated. It, is shown that in the-first approximation ation terms occur only.if the scattering centers possess polari& both electric and magnetic moment, neidwr the charge or the moment by itself being sufficicat. When the calculation is carried out to the second approximation, )urL Coulomb interaction gives rise to 1w)[arizatiott effectsand (It(! (ormula obtained here coincides with that obtained by Mott pre- viously in a different way. Kiesaka (Princeton, N. J.). _01 Source: Mathematical Reviews. Vol No T a 0 W W-W W-W-W 111 U 4)dh MOMM.100 Ilu RD M it it 4~ 14 dj are , A A L GL.J 6 A _I JLL N I I U -A L.. A AA N tE W tikA 00 -00 00 00 -00 00 .00 gi daku wg"iL A. Sok9jov U. PhIsics U.S.S.R., tiOn l i l iii f i g& Ar ca t tintut o 1.110 PO lift& 36"72).-A Mathemat from a potential bawler, of dwMa WSW" W th& cam of reffoxion =00 And of acatteguit by a tome cent- which poucum mapetic inolo"t INS well as an electrical CbArge, H. 9L. 7 Sverdlovsk State Un:Lv. - I.00 x(IALLU11jK&L 01FIR&TUtif CLAWFKATICk J.111 '00 _!"I" __QK 011 - _ . .............. 00 AnL %*IWO -I i It _ V 9 4 dla 0 A -for AMR VIL-200i pfivell"s me P&GO141141 INDEX 00 041 j ad the discry of the A - muctift D. D. I and A-A~ Nakaloy (Moscom, ' 7 N *0 3- o. 2, 19" State Univ.). VesmA MeAw. Univ. 00 80-Dirw's 44unctim is und to derive i5;c~ fun , r C=T ft* d'Ak b i l i l : e s c m u ar ms, pert of dillermatial eqmst y d between the b bli i i A 00 1 a . o esta e m commet uatiori, ation and flaull's D-function h adh i i S = 00 . c r t v s w equ X Thou 00 . 00 004 000 004 Sol, MOULLMOCAL LIM&TOWN CLUWCATM 11110100 "IF GOV a 0000000000 00000 "so -00 00 .00 00 .00 .00 600 Zoo .400 soil zoo goo goo goo *00 woo 00 RAIIII aw GOV III 0 11 1 1 N a 9 a a 3 0000000000*00 00 1 AAJLOO* goo 0000:: 0000A Sokolow, A. A. On the classical theary'af eleinent=7_ i lectron). Vestnik Aloskov. Univ-. 1947'. IZUTO_Mnre~ paru no. 2, 33-43_(FT7T__TRussian. E-aglish summary) The enuation of moti n of a classical point electron, including the radiation-reaction tetin, is derived by a pro- cedure essentially the same as that used by P. A, M. Dirac [Proc. Roy, Soc, London. Ser. A. 167. 148-169 (1938)] ind G. Wenuel CZ. Physik 86, 479-49-1 (1933)]. The,author does not refer to the recent and more profound analysis of this procedure by J. A. Wheeler -arid R. P. Feynman [Rev. Modern Physics 17, 157-181 (1945j-r]. lie includes a brief discussion of the problern of fixing boundary conditions so. as to exclude the nonphysical self-accelerating solution's of : I . I. the equation of motion, and. also derives the formulae for i the emission and scattering of light by an electron. F. J. Dysbyl (London). %t Source; Mathematical Reviews, Vol 'No. SOKOLOV, A. A. 105. A. A. Snkfilov On the rolution of the tionlitinir mech-nical equation by the perturbation method ~in ltn-~~;mi with T_n7i-h gilpimary), Vr-itnik Nfriskov. Univ. 10:7. no. 77-82 (19 17). Thn withor treittit lliv equation dosetibing the (athaNitic) motion of it nmi in n hibe with oi)plfixrd end and with it firs4y moving j)Wnn of masq A/. The. differential equatint) reildi: I'll,? irillitil condiflons are: 0, mit. n1flok (fit, 1 1) r, r I a. Tilt, boundary condiflowt nra: t - o fftr.r 0. t,_ - (jt!a)t~, forr. - a. llero t In tilt! firujilihidtf r 1111d I 1'11~rnli ginn vnrI;t1)Ivq' e. (lift swollittiv. Kjw't~ll fol 0111 ("lift. .3timf.) initial 4(ate, 'Y (If(! ratio of sim,fle hen1a, a tilt! 11,11110 diq- tilurv froin fhv. piqfon to file fixed end, g ~ ?n/(-Yjlt), m In"Ing 1,110; Phiins. rlms!l or tilt' glAs jef. A. 8. F. Love and F. B. Pi( Tratiq. Roy. SIC. 1,011do'=7r. ins-22r, (1922)1. Argunt-' Ing an expansifin in powet-ti of g and neglecting u1 and fer"is of: higher ordr-ir, the, aufflir libt4iins an approximato solution (if tho' form + u, Ifere t2 x - (ju/(3)(x rl/al) ~.,6 defermined by the relation t,)j1/(2v)j. ror small values of 1, ~t I + kill".; fo~ large valuca of 1, (2t,L)VII. Tha formulm for the additional torm u are too coin pi icated to hr. reproduced here. This tcrm reprenents a standing wavo which disappeam An I w. T,. BQm, USA 1~ A Mewitabte combinations ot elamentat particles, 1). - 1). A. A. Sokolov. VejImsk 3faikor. I'mir. 1947. No. 6, 3-7.--Cro~, sectimn am calcd. for the cuuj- bination of a rue-ion with an electron of opposite sign to forni a metastable "planetary" system at various velocities -1 IJ r of the incklent particle. When r < at (where a is the k ;uIe-Itructurc const. and C is the velocity of light), the cs~, -~-ction is comparatively high. when v - c. forma- tion of this system And annihilation are equally probable. For r > or, annihilation is more probable. The life of' mich a Ytcul is caled. to be -5 X 11) -Is see. C. F. Ivantaiko, D. D and Sokolov, A. A. Quantum th=of 1947,no.8,103-1 gravlation. vestn 13 (1947). (Rus5ian) Th -e paper begins with a simplified derivation of the equations of M. Fierz and W. Pauli [Proc. Roy. Soc. London:Ser. A. 173, 211-232 (1939); these Rev. 1, 190] describing a quantized field of tensor character. Such a field can be identified with the Einstein gravitational field, in a weak-field approximation neglecting quadratic terms in the field equations. The quanta of the field, "gravitons," are particles of spin two. The intensity of gravitational - radiation front a moving source of the field is calculated by perturbation theory, and is found toagree with the classically calculated intensity in the low-frcqtiency limit. Finally, there is consid -ered the problem of a quantized scalar field acting as the source of the gravitational field; in this case there exists a process of annihilation of a scalar particle and anti-particle, with the emission of two gravi- tons; also there exists an inverse process of creation. The cross-section for the annihilation process is found to be of the order of the square of the gravitational radius of a scalar particle. F. J. Dysart (London). So-arcs t MathemUcal P-6viewsi vol tO No. .7 U, K 11; L.- U- V UL-)O"R/h'u&lear Physics - Particles, Elementary Nuclear Physics - Stability Dee 47 "Metastable Uompounds of Elementary Particles," D. Ivanerko Phys Inst ?'.;oscow State- U imerd It. V. Lorronosov; A. Sokolov, Agr Acad imeni K. A. Timi'ryazev, -X pp "Dok Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol LVIII, No 7 Discusses systems whose stability is result of electric forces. Explains reliability of formaticn of atom type atoms from two elementary particles. Sub?,dtted by Academician S. I. Vavilov, 24 Jul 1947. PA 60T81 SOKOLOV, A. A. Sokolovi- A. A. - "Toward a theory of the luminous electron," Vestnik. Mosk. un-t.a-, 1948, No. 11, P. 0/5-101 -- Bibliog: p. 101 So: U- 3566, 15 March 53, (Letopis Murnal ! nykh Statey, No. 132 1949) ,3,'~KOLOV, A. USSR/Nuclear Physics - Electrons, Emission of Sep/Oct 48 Nuclear Physics - Electrons, Acceleration of "Theory of the Luminescent Electron," D. Ivanenko, A. Sokolov, 1/8 p IIIz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz" Vol XII, No 5 Describes results of authors' work on calculating the emission spectra of electrons in activators (A. Sokolov., "Vest Moskov U" 4, 77, 1947; D. Ivanenko and A. Sokolov, IIDok Ak Nauk SSSR" 58, 1948). ZT-his is a complete translation.- PA 19A9TIO7 OSOIT?9I I lot I''R1111m, ids 107 ON A A- C It f C ft I K L -A-11--r-A A-1-1- -0 -00-0-0-00 -6-4 1*2 *U U 35 15 V 16 P 4L 11 di Iwlci6tii tit 00 1691 The Theory of the Point Ilectrom 10 A. A. Sokolov. - X~tjgh-lm; ligiff 18 ;f $4, pe , 1948. (In apastan) An Investigation is modo of a "rise of questions masoclated with the classical theory of notion of point electrons. Ahab 1. :1 11 !~.j AIII.51. .1TALLURGICAL LITER ATUMM_ CL ASSUFF KATION 0 U 5 AV K) AT it,. TV TV 1, , Ali N a it OF of. 911 m It all mw a 0 Is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 An A I a rw 0 m I 0 -00 Noe age goo "oe woe woo woe =00 to 0 a-Z-,-. Z, WOO w00 w 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C : 0 W W W-W of oAv6r- 0 06 00 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 U U U 5 Is v a 0 at 41 as a a E 0 to 1. 1) is 16 it if it a1 14 " a 11 11 T y I- AA W IX W j I Is -60 '(f1teg"Ition of 'be eftrly formula livu Ow 1 l Ime. 08 of &OW? of Or "hMisim" dMIN 9wra distribution in ordinah of the hsrmOqicI,. The Imllff 7 1,4-,mNsLo. D. AND SotEoLov. A. "L .4kkL M". r0rMuld is inconveneent as the harmonic ordinal : AS-Nk " (NO. 9) 1551-4 MM) In RauiAe.-A fufi numbers &Rmr as arippment and as ondftiig of 41 : r thcoq ofthe; c.m. radiation from citLtrons amicroted Pl"wl functiOm as vmll. The methods of approxi. 00 i it) - I0'cV In bmitrona is lp-ma, As aw lawasitics nution of Brillouin. Wcntml and Krantert, apo*d 10 =00 of higher MUllipOICS Of the Order R AIC Obtained by 3 s""id Order d1ir equation ykid & good appruji. multiplying the dipok inkerAity by n. consideration mation far faille values of the Afturnent. A rmthod of velocities may simply be based on given pmv!oWy by onc of the Authors etuble, th j dopok radiation. The ultra-rclatMstic cax. ho%%- e approximation to he extended over the vshok rW 9 CWr. requUCS a separate m%vitillation of the depend- ftb d b of Yalu" of the argument. i.e. to exclude discon- ti i i ~~ o e istri ution of radiation on n. ln*gmtson of the vector potential by aid of "nung's vector nu t c3. Two extretm ases Are then dix'uwd and on c2prcsAion for the rAte at' cncr&v dereese at I 51~ Ind d* CnCW distribution of the n-th harmonic) e%t-ly, high (mquencics is &Iis,,d. IL F. K. and mornmation yields tM distribution of the radiation in IpKv which is practically concentrated in a plane. woo Moscow State Univ. im. M. V. Lomonosov, Agr. Acad. im. K. A. Timiryazev. I L A *ITALLIPfKAL LITERATLIBE CLASWICATIC~ woo 00 ---- --- I ~t i 1 - 0 U - 4 IN it It K IT M a 0 . . - . - ..- A -.1 V-17 ,-a I I i.i 0 11 0 oe o 70 ;Td q 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 00 0 *0 0 00 0 : 0 00000 " 009 . 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 66 0 - 0 SuKOL6,71. ~i. USSIR/Nuclear Physics - Cosmic Radiation Nuclear F-Ilysics - Particles Jul 46 icor y of Para- and Ortho- State of Elementary Particles," D. Ivanenko, A. Sokolov, Phys Inst, Noscow State U Imeni I'A. V. Lomonosov, 3 PP "Dok ilk Nauk SSSH" Vol I~CI, No 1 According to a recent hypothesis, when a f.-ee electron and a positron collide, a metastable system (a positroni) consisting of two particles revolving about a comrion center of ~zravity occurs concurrently with annihilation. in a positroni aton, one must distin;7uish between systems with parallel (orthopositroni) and antiparallel (para-po5itroni) spins. Inasmuch as: the life span of a positroni, must dpend on the total spin, the question of investipation the nara- Ind ortho-systems of a free electron and a positron naturally arises, especially as the difficult problem of annihilation of the para- and ortho-positronis may be connected with the amihilation of free particles, since the energy of co.qb-nation of a positroni Ls jj!any times less than the individual ener.-y of a positron or electron. Authors discuss questions with aid of Dirac's matrices and Casimir's formulas. Sulxditted 15 Apr 1948 PA ~IL9 U01 SOKOLOV, A. A.; IVAIIENKO, D. Claw3lcal '11wory of Flalds (14oucow -Leningrad, State Technical Press, 1949. Feviewed by 14. F. Shiroko7, Sov. Kniga, No. 8, Report U-3081, 16 Jan 53 -:4 r -)inn --ec V t 7C O',l~.-!.cIA-Y,~1 voy-rosy AC)PI31 S C"U, L C USSIR/Nuclear Physics Menotrons. Jan 49 Nuclear Physics Cosmic Rays "The Mass of Neutral Mesons," A. Sokolov, B. Kerimov, Sci Res Inst Phys, Moscav State U imeni M. V. Lomonosov, 4 pp "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXIV, No 2 Entablishes that the mass of neutral mesons, being brought into equilibrium vith a system of nucleons, cannot exceed the value 130 m (m = the mass of one electron). Sub- mitted 6 Nov 48. 25/49T80 UM/Ruclear Physics Lamimecent Aug 49 Ilectron Electrons,-Acceleration 0 CD 0 4~0 "The Quantum Theory of the Luminescent Electron,' A. Sokolov, Sci Pas lust of Phys, Moscow State U imeni M. V. LomonosoT, 4 pp "Dok Ak Nauk WSM" Vol LKY I, No 6 An electron rotating around a periphery, e.g., in cyclotron accelerating devices, becomes a source of electromagnetic radiation. The radiation intensity of higher harmonics Is in- significant for nourelativistic electron speeds. Im 1/50760 USSR/Ruclear Physics - Luminescent Aug 49 Electron (Contd 1) For electron speeds approximating the speed of light, the naxinum radiation intensity lies in the region of the harmonics: no approximately equals (r/mc2)3, where I is the energy of the rotating electron, and a is its mass. For an electron of sufficiently high energy, the fre- quency %v (noonega) may fall in the visible part of the spectrum, this being called the phenomenom of the luminescent electron. At- tempts to find the influence of quantum cor- rections upon the curve of spectral radiation and the limits within which the classical theory low 1/50760 USSR/Nuclear Physics - Luminescent Aug 49 Electron (Contd 2) may be applied to the luminescent electron. Submitted by Aced S. 1. Vavilom 25 Jx;n 496 1/50760 14 f 1 H 30a a 16 If a 10 4) 0 a 41 a a," f VA.. . A_A-A 0 -4-1 *0 A it - 6470 On the Th:M 14 Nuclear filtello. 0. lv&ft#"U slid A, Sohatow. DW966 Abed. Nagh SJJ.R. 74. 33-6 awY W4. C - Etwetway- A (to i An ape"malo evaeftl torinals to dorl"d for W --crit. " leal numintra N of swelfuna completing successive nuclear sholls as a (section of iM Isarlosaw denolty p. The statistical of Fermi. wbkb Me W ead, bews, employed f" the approalmais doduction ol critical twinto a of olearono in an atom. was folkwoIl. Tlw statistical Modell IGMS directly to the t"M%I*N - (11 8"Op. Asentijk4corlOndisIrl- button of p, t1w N's attt uWWW owt sively for I - o, 1, 2, _ 3. etc. By talliad 0 . eaMMAd. 60 beery nuclei. one NMI- 00 i!- N - 0. 1, 2. 6. Is. 14, ft. do. U. 122 ... U. for Ilahl nuclei. p Is sa4umM to vary cinkismovely in space, III# nundwrm 4i j'' Wnd are N - 2. 10, 38, 00, 110... The asss"I'Ma lwvwjj AnAPPfulklmAlf. P10111111017 U111, 0111. do Millis should Do rallarded as irl" only a teflab auteral anstwor to the 00 A problem. Corrections. Butts as tMt low I%& Costomb Inter. action between protons. or that fw VA ~ of tlW surface layer, could be Istroillocd. Vale", (Phys. Rev. 7 . 77(1950)), I in an analysis al the *mpjrk&UV kamm series 01,, _at, numbers. atitatnod the foraggs N V 30/3 wkkk is related to that elven above. tin k1fetaTuat CLASSIFKATPON 7 Ft d-C -I ' Ito 0 tv it it Ow It Is 0 00 00* *000*06400 1:': 0 0 0 0 IT! o*ooe*o*Ooo**IOGGOOOOooooooesoooo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 INV I U 0 1 t a ad 0 0 1 1 ff In a A a 3 1 v 0 dOM ~0060*&SO600009609 *We A) lee =00 goo goo WOO goo me Nei S~OKOLOV, A. A.; 111ANETIRIO, D. -:J. Classical Field Theory 'w'Klasicheskaya Tecriya Folya). This is the second edition, Dublished in 1a'51 and has 47r~ T~ es. ~ I a.,; ,-TOV, 1. ~. H -KOV, DAADNEA, 3. 1., -Tj,r , K~- A !I MA-1 A v 0 U .jOV, 3. ,. (I~ji,or), AKIIL:,-GV, 3. N. (Tech. ro:ditor), and FEYNKRG, Ye. A. D. I. Blokhintsev, "Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanical', Osnovy Kvantovoy Mekhaniki, State Press for Technical-Theoretical Literature. Table of Contents Id-17671, 5 Apr 1951 SOKOLOV , "Optical. Propertie5 -)' "'etal 'lloys in the Infra-Red Regior of the Spectrum." SOKOLOV ~T I 1.1()y I and othei-3. "ZIMFINAL 'EKSPEIRDTINT ~ TEOPYTICH-E-SKOY FIZIKI" 4/19c,2- Mathematical Reviews' VOL 14 No- 10 NOV- 1953 Mathematical Fbysics~ *Sokolov, A., I Ivanenko, D. Kvantovaya teorlya polyiL (Izbrannyo voprosy.) [The quantum theory of fields. (Selected questions.)] Gosudarstv. lzdat. Tehn.-Teor. Lit. Moscow-Uningrad, 1952. 780 pp. 1 4.30 rubles. The book consists of two separate parts. Part 1, "Quan- turn electrodynamics" b)!).A. Sokolov (pp. 9-480), is based on a lecture course for students specializing in theoretical physics. Particular consideration is given to papers pub- lished in Russia. Knowledge of the authors' "Classical theory of fields" [2nd ed., Gostehizdat, Moscow-Lenin- grad, 1951; see these Rev. 13, 95 for a review of the Ist ed.] is presupposed. The quantum theory of the electron and of the electromagnetic field is presented in the way customary a :1 before the use of the interaction representation. Tjtc qu, n~ turn theory of radiation is developed in considerable detail anq applied to a number ofSroblems. (This bectiop of Me book is about equivalent W'Ileitler's "Nantuni theory of radiation" [2nd ed., Oxford, 1944].) The theory of pmi- tronium and of cosmic radiation irocesses is outlined. A chapter on the theory of the vacuum covers tol)ics hardly accessible elsewhere in textbooks, like self-energies, rekLll;kr- ization methods, radiative corrections, L"Imb-shift, infrared catastrophe, etc. There is also an intertstinx liaragralib oft the domain of applicability of quantum theory whure the Soviet point of vic%v of the interprelittion of citiantIIIII mechanics is presented., We read,for hist;pirt!, int, ). lh,l: USSR/Physics - Gravitational Field Sep 52 "Remarks on the.Quantum Theory of A Gravitational Field.,"IA. A. Sokolov, Moscow State Univ, Chair of Theoretical Physics Vest Mos Univ, Ser Fizikomat, i Yest Nauk, No 6, pp 9-20 Attempts quantization of gravitational field by considering a weak gravitational field, the eq of which allows one to neglect terms of higher order. Demonstrates that in linear approximation eqs of gravity may be classified into the general scheme 275T107 of elementary particles, consisting of neutral par- ticles with zero rest-mass and spin of two. Dis- cusses existence of two-dimensional gravitational waves. Rec 30 Apr 52. SOKOLOV. A.A., professor. Train highly qualified cadres of physicists. Vest.Moak.un.8 no.12:9-15 D 153. (KLRA 7:2) 1. Dekan Fizichaskogo fakul'teta. (Physics--Study and teaching) u S 537.533.9 8349. On of a luminescent elte. the quatuturn th tron. H. A. A~-Sdwxoy, -211. iksper. MO. Jqz., 24, No. 3, (1953) In Mussiatt. in continuatiort of Pt 1'[Abstr. 528 (1954A the atithors find the wtal intensity of radiation, assuming - Th-- fin-M cquation is E )' + 16 mcR im" of classical orbil, and E - CICCLFOQ 15c.: aho Abstr. 8224 (1953)1. F. LACUMAN 539.153 537.12i.131 For-matir-, caf miAswe cq%j%wjd2 from, A- A- Soc - 7.- i~, Ci iiT I-svrovicEl 4*spe- A~up rZ ;F . ., . . . 1 ., :'t-I., A'Usm 10~7, 4q7I (1949); 15W, 3320 (1950); 257, 2917 (1952). Disscmw the inter- b~ml:crl ql-tlilfizcd Stites, and ft wave- funcuons with fourth-order malrievi am converted inEo th~)w ~~idvi ~,,-ond-or&r rnatxkxs. Approxim-alt; are olafaiMd for tho interaction between 2 chwur!~~d partick-s and, finWy, the way.-Functions '.Vul CrLcrL;3r of poiftranium are derivcd, thus enabling -r-ib Ii! th,, rk Y of fonnation of rneWtabla posi- irorkm stati~s to Lie asscssed. Uv positronium in magnetic fields are dismssed. V. LXCM%IA 4 . 13, r 537,533.9 k6_15*3. ON THE QUANTUM THEORY OF A ELECTRON. M-IV. A.A.Sokolov and I.M.Temov. Zh. &Bper. tear. Vol. 28, No. 4, 431-6 (1955). In Russian. For Pt Hi see Abstr. 8349 (1954). An expression is developed for the quantum corrections to the trajectory 0?.? relativistic electLMln a magnetic field with axial symmetry. F.Lachman 36n.U_L6V. ~. A. USSR/Nuclear Physics - Deuterium Lamb-Shifit Sep 53 "The Lamb-Shift for h.,.-dro~en and Deuterium" /translation into Russian with coPL-ents b,,r YI.I. Shirokov-7 us p Az Nauk. Vol 51, 0 1, PP 115-129 Translation of E. Salpeter's article in Ph.,rs Rev 89, ~2 (1053). Translator appends 6 supplementary liussian-language references on the Lamb-shift and other radiative corrections: 1. V. F. Vayskopf, Usp Piz Nauk, 411, 165 (1950). 2. Ya. A. Smoro- dinskiy, Usp Az Nauk, ~9, 32.5 (1949). ). Scientific abstract symposium I-Problemy Sovremennoy 1~izikil, No 6. 1948; No 1, 1950; No 11, 1951. 4. Sdvig Urovney Atomnykh Elektronov (Shift of Levels of Atomic Electrons), a symposium, x'oreign Literature Press. J,joscoif, 1950. 5. Sokolov and D. D. Ivaneako, Kvantovaya Teoriya. Polys. (,uantum Theory of the zleld), Gosie~_h~zdat (State Tech Press), Poscow, 1952# 6. W. Iaiib-, "Fine S-t__-_uTEu~reof the -en Atom" Itranslated from English into RussiaU/, Usp Piz hydro. Nauk "5, 553 (1951). 264T94 SOKOLOV, A.A.; KLEPIKOV, N.P.; MNOV, I.M. On the itiestion of radiation by fast electrons in a maEnetic field. Dokl. Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R. 89, No.4, 665-8 '53. (KIRA 6:3) (PA 56 no.672!8224 153) In further developing worIks on ouantum theory of luminescing electron (A.A.Sokolov ', DJUI SSSR, 67, 19494X; A.A.Sok~lov et al., "Classical Field Theor (Klassicheskaya teoriy~l pola), 1951; N.P.Klepikov, Dissertation; A.A.Sokolov et al., XhETF,, 23, 1952) authors succeeded in computing quantum corrections to ftll intensity of emission. Presented by Acad. V.V.Shuleykin 16 Feb 5g. 256T107 S3 3 "Al SOX~)__OV, A. .1. USSR/Nuclear Physics - Electrodynamics 21 Sep 53 "Problem of Motion of Fast Electrons in a Magnetic Field,q'A'.A. Sokolov and-a.M. Ternovy Moscow State U DAN SSSR, Vol 92, No 3, pp 537-540 Continue the study of the motion of fast electrons discussed previously (DAN 89, (1953)). Add quan- tum corrections to the trajectory of motion. Pre- sented by Acad V.V. Shuleykin 22 Jul 53. 268T85 ,e) I., 1107. On a statisticul theory of the atomic ntirleus. 11. A. A. Sovoi~(IV AND D. K. KEamov. -'h- eksper. n,4;F;NWWWtW430-tM954) In Russitm. See Abstr, 8511 J1954). A statistic-al Ist-order per- turb-ition treatment tafthe =rl;y ofinfinitely extended nuclear matter, using a mcson-t)w two-body potential containing central and tensor forces appropriate to 2 meson fields (Ntctor and ps. scalar) of different nusses. and coupling strengths chown to eliminate the r-' singularity in the tensor force. Theexprmion for the total energy per unit volume is integrated out explicitly and the condition for a minimum with respect to change of density is Ayitten down. If the masses of the mesons are taken as 265m, the coupling constants deduced from this condition are not much less than 1. and a perturbation treatment is doubtrul. If one bf the me-sons (vector) is 130m, small coupling strengtiis are sufficient. W. J. SWIATIC .X1 laid SO-OL079 A. -A. USSR/Physics Card 1/1 Pub. 22 18/48 Authors Sokolov, A. A. and Chernov, I. M. Title The quantum theory on motion of a relativistic electron in an axially- symmetrical magnetic field Periodical Dok. AN SSSR 97/5, 823 - 826, August 11, 1954 Abstract Quantum theory of a moving electron with velocities affecting its mass in a variable magnetic field is described. Seven references (1941-1954). Institution floscow State University of im. M. V. Lomonosov Presented by Academician V. V. Shuleykin, May 18, 1954 U S S -5200 QUANTUM THEORYOF THE RADIATINGSLECTRON. FV. A. A. Sokolov and 1. M. Ternoy (Moscow State Univ.). Zhur. -E7-',7TZ-6rot Phys.28.431-6(iaris) Apr. (rhRus5i;;F 112, An expression to derived for the q=tuM correction to the trajectory of a relativistic electron in aa axial-symmetric magnetic field. (trwauth) j USSR1 Physics - Quantum mechanics C"'d j/.j Pub. 22 - 16/49 kathars I Sokolov, A. A.; Matveev, A. N.; and Ternov, I. M. r I F.MW OW -~ZIWTF"R Title I On polarization and Bpin effects in the theory of a glowing electron Periodical i Dok. AN SM 102/1p 65-68p May 1p 1955 Abstraot A mathematical- analysis in outlined for determining the intensity of glow of a relativistic..electron.during its transition from one quantum state (n) into another (hI n-v) in a constan homogeneous magnetic field. Particles with 1/2 spin andwithout spin are considered. Polarizing characteristics' of radiated light are analyzed with the help of Dirakilis equati6n. Eleven referencest 3 USA, and 8 USSR (1941-1954). Institution: M. V. Loraonosov's State University., Moscow Presented by: Academician N. N. Bogolyubov, January 21, 1955' A A TIKHONdV. A.N.. prof.; SOKOLOV, A.A.P. prof., [Program in higher mathematics; for the F17sics faculty] Programme po, vysehei matematike (dlia fizicheskogo, fakuliteta). 1956. 7 p. (MIU 11:3) 1. Moscow. Universitet. 2. Chlen-korreBpondent All SSSR (for Tikhouov) (Mathematics--Study and teaching) Catogory :U"OSP..!TIIoor,.-ticaI Physics - Quantum 21cetrodynf-min-s B-5 Tour :Rof Z'iur Fizi1m, 111o 3, 1957, No 5674 -luthor :4 Sokolov,0.Amp"p- 10 :'ITicory o.'L-.%G Pladiatinp- _'loctron Orig J.-ub:Tr. 3-go Vscs. L.-Laterq. s"ozdi, 2. bl,, LN SSSR, 1956, 95-96 .,ostrac L:',f.c;r ciovoloping the thoory of tho cmissiun from a radirt'Un6 ,jo.ptron, tho author, iiqurticular, not.--s the rosults obt-tinod b intly vrith L,at-ioycv, th%t ubc attonuntion timc of thn bc) Latron Osci-Ila-Gions is whorc q is th.- 'Lrdux roprosont-ing tho drop in t1ij magnc%ic ld ncar 'ho oquilibrium orbit -..-ith radius r. This timc is largo oomparcd .7ith tho sonsiblo valucs of tho duration of tho accolcration cyclo, and conscquontly, th~D mcdiaticftal c-in bo nogloctod up to vci7-.- largo cm~rgics. Card 1/1 N RUMkNIA/Theoretical Physics B-5 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1957, No 1086-9 Author Solk9lov, A.A. Inst Moscow State University Title Concerning the Problem of the Possibility of Excitation of Macroscopic Oscillations by Quantum Fluctuations ("macroatom"). Orig Pub Bul. Inst. politehn. Iasi, 1956, 2, No 1-2, 39-42 Abstract The author considers the effect of radiation on the motion of an electron in an axially symmetrical magnetic field. It is shown that the presence of radiation leads to a chan- ge in the radial quantum number, i.e., to an increase in the square of the amplitude of the radial oscillations. The author also gives a semi-classical interpretation of this phenomenon. The author indicates that the motion of Card 1/2 RUMAVIA/Theoretical Physics B-5 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 5j 19571 1110 10869 the electron in an axially symmetrical magnetic field in the presence of radial oscillations with macroscopic am- plitudes forms some kind of a "macroatom". It is indica- ted that a unique principle of uncertainty exists for the "macroatom". It is emphasized that the quantum correc- tions are first connected together on the radial oscilla- tions -/ El/5 Gk -1/5), E,,_ ~ mc2 (E/mc2~ for energies E. --"4j and then on the ax'i'al oscillations (at E El/3)1 and finally, in the region of very high ener-cries (at E ' El/2) -- on the radiation intensity. Card 2/2 4-7. Distr: .4930 /494c 'The theory of the o A; and j _7_45 l ft ft 1411W mass ir the presence of an external inedium. tron el 1 c Soviet Ph~-Sic_-. JETP 3 (1956), ~4-97. - te the difference between ',lit: value of the To calcula electron mass in vacuo and in a medium chiiracterizEA by its dielectric tht, -constanx and its nja~rtetic R~Url _ field equations of uantum electrod in are solved in second approximation ior I ie evilission and ah'sorption of '.i pbuton in the niedium, A convergi-nt expression obtained for this diffQrence and for the currespondinl,, kvvl shift in a hydrogen atoin. This shift is much smailt-r thim div Lamb sbift, hitt mick-r normal prussure and h - 'lijj)vlAtjLrt! tlKill tile Shift 11LIO U, Ow hit nicti 111--tweell Ow Cluctrull aild tilt- radimioll fivid. E. Gora. USSR/Theoretical Ph3sics Quantum Electrodynamics. B-5 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Fizika No 1, 1958, 191 Author Sakolov, A.A. Inst ------------ Title Relativistic Motion of Electrons in a Magnetic Field with Account of Quantum Effects. Orig Pub Vestn. Mosk -un-taser. matem., mekhan., astron., fiz., khimii, 1956j;No 2, 27-46 Abstract An article of review character. The introduction discus- ses the fundamental premises of quantum theory of the ra- diating electron. The following chapters consider in de- tail the swing of the betatron oscillations of electrons in cyclic accelerators, due to the quantum character of radiation. Problems connected with radiation damping of betatron oscillations are briefly discussed in the appen- dix. 1/1 4 Card 537.5 33.9 ON THE RADIATION EMITTED BY ULTRA-HIGH VELOCITY ELECTRONS MOVING IN A coNsTANT mka- NE171C FIELD. A-A.Sokolov and A.N.Maiveev. g Zh._Vkspvr_.tPor.4W=,TM-3U,_ No. 1, I2V3-5-(I956). In Russian. M The present paper is a continuation of prevIous; gations of the quantum theory of the I'luminnuall electron (see preceding abstract). A formula for the differential radiation spectrum W been obtained which Is uniformly correct in any spectral range and for energies of the E Esh. A closed formula for the total radiation energy which is uniformly valid for arbitrary eneigies of the rAdla't- Ing electron and also a formula for the "critical" radiation frequency of the "luminous" electron have been obtained. A. 530.14,5 PRESENC 0 LM&-%IN TH A ME IU E Zh, ekspe r Fiz, 0 S -.I teo 1. ANA 4LEY and yg~ .T, RUB "'Inid contributions 0 (19 5 6). 1 n Ft. Mediurn are cOnsidered.t' th' AIMPP Mass due to an external 06taken Int The e&ectron' . account in the calculations. -.13081tron vacuurn is Card t ical 1y- -indepen-d ell t f-hic tiidtiori - rorces - in - Cue- of the electron, The authors interpret the identity of both methods as a con- Zurn.eksp. i teor.fis, ~O, 802-803 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1226 nection between the quantum-like method and the theory of oscillations where the so-called MARKOV chains occur, i.e. the statistical independence of suc- cessive processes, The authors endea~7or to explain the quantum-like micro motion of the electron by the effect produced by fluctuations of virtual photons~ Under the influence of the field of virtual photons the classical quantities x and px (momentum of the particle) become non-commutating operators, and in first approximation the same exchange relations as in the wave theory are obtained. If, for x and p x the corresponding operator expressions are put, the energy levels for the har- monic oscillator are obtained. If a certain formula for the momentum is used, zero energy automatically contains the necessary terms of subtraction, and the f ini te quantity E0 . -h w /2) + 2e2/31,c3m)(ln(3c3m/2e 2(1 )-1) remains. 0 0 0 The first term Js the known expression for zero energy without vacuum terms, and the second term is due to the influence of the vacuum. Similarity to the corresponding strictly quantum-electrodynamically derived formula is shown. Thus, the classicAl motion of an electron itself becomes quantumlike by inter- action with the secondarily quantized field of the (really emitted or only virtual) photons. INSTITUTION: Moscow State University. SUBJECT UbbR / PHYSIC3 WD 1 / 2 PA 1660 AUTHOR 60KOLOV, A.A., TERNOV, I.M., 5TRACHOVbKIJ, G.M. ons in TITU fhe -Investigation of the Stability of the Motion of u Electr Cyclical Acceleration devices in consideration of Q antum Effects- PhRIODICAL ~urn.eksp.i teor.-fis,31, fasc-3, 439 - 448(1956) Issued: 12 / 1956 In connection wLt,11 this quantum-theoretical investigation of the motion Of the electron in a magnetic field thd possible occurrence of radial and also of axial oscillations is taken into account. Such problems are best Solved in cylindrical coordinates r, z,1P. Above all the motion in cylindrical betatron-like devices is explained, in which the magnetic field H is modified within the domain of the stationary orbit (r=Ro-const, H = cons,t.r-q. The mean value H is assumed to satisfy z=0) according to the law R d further be it assumed the WIDER04 condition (2/R*) o.rH(r) dr = 2H(R 0) an that div H.= 0 and curl 09 0. , f0 are investigated. The At first the adiabetic invariants and the equilibrium orbit rld an electron orbit taking-quantum effects into account can be dete ined by me s of ~OHWs theory, and resulLs in first approximation agree with those of the rigorous quantum theory. This mAhod is well suited for practical purposes- Here three adia- betic invariants are introduced which are in connection with the azimuthalj radial, and axial quantum m. "embers. the present equilibrium orbit are in- Next, the oscillations of the electron round casion the adiabetic in- vestigated on the basis of the classical th6ory. on this oc ariants are supposed to be different from zero. The quantum-like c Iorrections to SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1663 AUTHOR SOKOLOV,A.A., TERNOV,I.M. TITLE On t e Pola-r-ization Effects in t-he Radiation of the Radiating Electron. PERIODICAL gurn.eksp.i teor.fis,31, fasc-3, 473-478 (1956) Issued. 12 / 1956 These polarization effects are investigated by quantumlike methods, but in classical approximation. At first the amplitudes of the linear and circular .polarization of the photon field are computed. The commutation relations for the amplitudes of the vector field are given. On the occasion of the investi---, gation of the polarization effect it is necessary to subdivide the amplitude a of the vector potential into components, each of which characterizes a certain polarization state. In the case of linear polarization a must be subdivided into two components which are vertical to each other. Also the procedure to be applied in the case of circular polarization is mentioned. The expression for the radiation intensity is W i . L (I dQ sin 0 Wi(y Q), and on this occasion 2 V 0 the relation Wi(1r,Q)- ce Si applies to the spectral- and angular distribution of radiation intensity. The index i characterizes the polarization state (i - 2,3,1,-l) and 9 denotes the angle between the wave vector and the z-axis. Also a formula for the connection between S and the amplitudes of the photon field is given. The expressions for S are specialized for linear and Did.. CONTMOUTION TO THE OF PARTICLES BY A FWD CENTRE (Or FMCEJ WrM DAUPLPM TAUNUMACCOUNT. A.A.MkolovandSAXerlmov. , ( PA r1 Zh. ditaper. teor. Via, V077-NMfIft, 060-11556). in flumd n. Expreseloos for phxce-shut an4 (or dittarential, cross - secti: are given 16 accoitiance with a theory- in wbIcb d2wplfia Is taken into account. Theme expressions are xpplied to "rectangular" poWntial and to a a-function type of potential, both In three dimensions, The results aro coo,.pAred with thaso obtained by alternative rauthods of calcul2tion. R-MI-L"chl AL SUBJECT USSR PHYSICS WD 1 / 2 PA - 1979 AUTHOR SOKOLOV,A.A., IVAKENXO,D.D., TERNOV,I.M. TITLE. On the Excitation of Macroscopic Oscillations by Quantumlike Fluctuations. PERIODICAL Dokl.Akad.Nauk ill, fasc.2, 334-337 (1956) Issued: I / 1957 The energy of a relativistic electron moving in a homogeneous magnetic field H can be represented as the sum of the energy of the rotation movement E 1 of the electron and the enp1gy of the oscillation motion E along the radius: --I s E 2eHc'~ 1 + m2049 Es - d a E(V 2a2/2c 2. Here n = 1 + s denotes the principal quantum number, 1 the azimuthal- and s - the radial quantum number, a - the amplitude of the radial oscillations. Next, formulae for the modifica- tion of the rotation- and oscillation energy on the occasion of the transition of an electron from the state n into the state n' - n - Ir is given. The sum of these two modifications results in the entire energy loss by radiation while taking account of quantumlike corrections with an accuracy of up to '~ . The quantumlike corrections to the rotation movement can take effect only in the case of high energies. With t -4 0 there is no modification of the energy of the radial oscillations at all, i.e. in the classical case the value of s remains constant even if radiation is taken into account. Only in the quantum- like case ( ~ - 0) does one peculiar energy jump occur if rotation energy is used not only for radiation but also for the excitation of radial oscillations ~: r : - ~ ~ -; I ~,.C! Ulal T-S 5-' Cercetrri c 3, July/, -lily I ii cix f c 7.~ rc,-,e,,n ~ccessicrls Lr. Ycl. 7, nc 2, e b r r, di - - - - - - -- ------------ -------------------------------- --------------- c i4a- R Sq: I Aa at r 4(e4il~4 I rg by "Cow t1he scalcor a~d for ;b~~ ph'-s -j formallas C, L.!.! ILA I,".' J ! i 90NOLOV, A.A. "On the Theory of the ,Luminous' Electrons," paper presented at CERN Symposium, 1956, appearing in Nuclear Instruments, No. 1. p . 21-30, 1957 I I I ~l I AU A THOR, SOKOLOV A A., KERIMOV,B,K. PA - 2007 TITLE: _~n~ heory of the Scattering of Particles by a Steady Center in Consideration of Damping. PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoi i Teoret.Fiziki, 1957, Vol 31, Nr 6, pp 1080-1081 (U.S.S.R.) Received: 1 / 1957 Reviewed: 3 / 1957 ABSTRACT: The theory of damping proves to be the stage that follows accord- ing to the perturbation theory and allows the calculation of the cross section a not only within range of the long DE BROGLIE wave lengths (a 0 2), but also within the range of smaller wave lengths (d '~/~2). The relation C+C+ ~ C1+01-1 set up in connection with the development of the theory of damping k' indi- cates that the total sum of the inciding and scattering particles stays constant at any moment. Scme preparatory works on this matter are cited. At first the exact formula for the cross section of the elastic scattering of 2 2 particles with the momentum t k(k=2n/A ) is given: Li;-(Wk ) T= 0(21+1)sin The perturbation theory allows the determination of the phase of ~ I in the case of '~1 P . It is shown that one can define a function q)' P3(P such that: (E' - c(a P-') 93 MO 02) (P I =Z 0 From this point on the discussion is concentrated on the longi- tudinal component of the vector equation, that is to say the component in the-propagation direction. The properties of the longitudinal component of ~' are compared in some detail with those of the original ~ for various Dirac particles (neutrimosl electrons, etc.) having various spins. A polari- zation vector for the longitudinal component is defined, and shown formally to obey the same matrix operator rules as the E!-i-n -7;-e-.torS. The contact transformation from q)* to q) does not in general leave parity unchanged; in fact it can be shown that parity conservation, if it occurs, must be accom- panied by selection rules on the polarization operator. How- ever, time reversal and change conservation, as would be ex- Card 2/3 pected, give no additional restrictions. A section of the SOV/139-58-5-34/35 Longitudinal Polarization of Dirac Particles and Parity Non- Conservation paper is devoted to the explicit formulation of the 'longitud- inal spin' operators for neutrino and antineutrino. The paper contains no figures or tables; there are 12 references, of which 1 is German, 1 Soviet, 1 Italian, 9 English. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy ordena Lenina gosuniversitet imeni M. V. Lomonosova (Order of Lenin State University of Moscow imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: June 4, 1958. Card 3/3 SOKOLOV, A. A. Y B. K. and GUSEYNOV, 1. 1. "Damping Theory Study of Elastic Scattering of Dirac Particles with Account of Polarization Effects," Nuclear Physics, Vol. 5, No. 2, Jan 1958 (North Halland Publ. Co., Amsterdam) Physics Dept, Moscow State Univ, Moscow, USSSR Abst. Elastic scattering of Dirac particles by a short-range force centre is considered from the standpoint of radiation damping theory. The expression for the scattering amplitude is determined. The inteigral equation thus obtained for the scattering amplitude permits one to investigate polarization effects. 56-1-17/56 AUTHORS: Sokolov, A.-A. Guseynov, 1. 1. , Kerigov, 3. K.- TITLE2 On the Scattering of Dirac Particles by a Short Ra-nae Force Centre According to the Damping Theory (K rasseyan-iyu dirakovakikh chastits korotkodeystvuyuahchim silovym tsentrom s uchetom zatukhaniya) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teareticheskoy Fiziki, 1956, Vol. 34, 1[r 1, PP- 110 - 112 (USUR) ABSTRACT: In the present work the elastic scattering of Dirac particles by any short range force centre is investigated according to the damping theory. The wave functions are subdivided here according to the value of the projection of the spin onto the Z-axis (M = + 1/2) and not according to the value of proJec- tion of tRe s-pin onto the direction of motion. The intearal equation for this case is written down explicitly. A formula is also given for the matrix elements of the transitions on which occasion the spin proportion of the matrix element is given still more precisely. Moreover, the authors use various Card 1/2 recurrence formulae. The expressions for the components of 56-1-17/56 On the Scatterin~~ of Dirac Particles by a Short Range Force Centre Accord- ing to the Daap4-n,- Theory the matrix element obtained after some further trangformationscn written dorm. It is possible to produce the orthoE~onal charac- ter of the matrix elements necessary for the damping theory. The thus found differential cross section of the elastic scat- tering and an expreasion for the amplitude of scattering are given. Concluding, the total cross section of the elastic scattering is Yrritten down. There is 1 reference, which is Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Moa6ev State Yh&MYSIty Odoskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) SUB.P.-UTTEDt J111Y 10, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 AUTHORS,1 Sokola~,~ A,_A____Loskuzo-.-'Yu. M. 56-34-4-47/60 TITLE; On the Cherenkov Radiation of, Longitudinal Polarized Electiona (0 cherenkwrskom lzluchenii prodolvno poiyari- zo;rannykh elektroncor) PEaIODICAL" Zhurnal eksperimeritallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki: 1958~ Vol. 34, Nr 4. pp. -:022-i023 (USSR) ABSTRACT! The p-lesent paper generalizes the results of a pre,.rious paper by the same author (Ref 3) dealing with the polari- zation propertiei of Cherenkov radiation for the case of icngit,udina, poiarized electrons. For their calculazions the authors used vaiious formulae given in the book by A. A. Sc,kolov and D. D. Ivaneako I.Ref 0. Cherenk~-.r radiation will c-onsist, of three parts" w Max Wmax 2, ZiA A W quanfleed long.'.,. tudi-Mai On the Cherarikov Radfation of Longitudinal Polarized 56-34-4-47/60 Electrons 7,11 Pre ((J.,~ - ti ( I - C. 20) denotes the (completely 'k '_ linearly polarized) classical part of the radiation; 2f,- 3, 2 2 2, quantumlike- tj / 2 P n" the completely unpolarized quantumlike additional term; IT ((,)*] - .. (-/~n)cos 0) character- longitudin-al /% %, ize,q the long-Itud-inal polarization of the photons. It is interesting that this part of the radiation is pro- po:rtiondi not to f. but to k2 . The following formula holds for the degree of circular polarizations P Z. I . 1. 1 1. = :w., ((jl - w,, + w,,., There are 4 references~ 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIAT121i Aloskovskfy gosudarst-ennyy universitet (bloscow State University" SUBMITTEDs JanDary 16, 1956 Card 2/3 'I sov/56-34-5-59/161 AUTHORS: '50.Kolov, A k Lysov, B. 1_ 3 of Longitlj.dinallY poi&rlzed PhOtOns On Elec- TITLE: Compton Scatterini t-!,ons with Oriented S- onovskove rasseyanive prodollno pin (Kompt poly,-.r'Lzo1r-_nnykh f0tonov ra elektroria.Kn s ori-yentirovannym, spinor-) PERIODIC'U': Zhurael ci-six,~rimenl:al`noy i teoreticheskOY fizikl~ 19519., Vol. 34, Nr 5, pp 1551-1351t (USSR) ABSTRACT: In connection with the discovery of the nor,- conse r-ration of Parity the further development of quentum-ellectrodylaamics of electrons and photons with a longitudinal polariz-, tion is becoming a prob- lem of topicEa interest. To cd_-nsider th-e long-itud�ne-1 polariza- tion of the electrons in the computation of the mr-trix elements, not 'bhe forrmls. by Casimir (liazimir) but. the foiuula (21,12) from the book by A.A. Sdsclov *x-d D.D. Ivwrienko (Ref ~) has to be used, s denoting tte eigenvaLlue of tbe opera; .or A - , This Operator describes the double projection 2 of the eleatron spin upon its dire,:tion of motion. This formufLa c.g.r- be used in cases where the electron ir_Ltially IS a;'- rest. For this case the forwal.a Is vritten down explicitay. Then an. expression for the covresDonding mr-_',.r,Lx- element. is giver-, From Card 11/3 these express:.ons a genera lization of the forrofia. by 1(leiri.-Nisbina SO-7/56-34-5-59/61 ed FllotO--s on ElectrcL's f Lono tU&i11--1-:-Y Fc'~!~Z'z Coluptoa sc~tteririg 0 ,ith oriented Spirl d Startir-6 vlth these ey-PressiO-as the formala. 11 y, -be der:~ve t."he Jri+':La'~.'spin of (Kleyn Q C13 'zc tbr,,t case ~jjie~e 12 -1 r -NishirA I)j_a States by r-ekn-Visbi~rJA C, be generaLL where the - + the orienta- t'~-e orien7t&tiOrl the electr~'a 12E-5 - ~.--r-polarize& terix--g of a 0- 1 law Of are sume& UP- sce.t luen-,e jjp!:r_ "he :L-ategr& S c all izat'ior, of of the spi-_ ras no. A-af r9J.-:P of the polar tion t-;C,-n of +'b.r-- ase tb-ere is I - .." nnu-re lxi - a for the COMFj-r-'~- lat . -Stic c A. fOrMLI-i- S~t I " V -_ 9. 0 the u-, 1-ra the scat,,te:red ra 2 '_.oS + Cos- L_ ~.4.!r. st-iv e ,f -vride scat"erl-'ng ,Dbt-ad-,-e& Pn_.:~,are: 0-_q i_r. +tie cas - the prob- v-istic case The Scattere ay,i7 A jr.-Verse problem to "vC -ed S _. be cliCula--ri-Y _,;_ on Of langitudi_n5a-l'y T.d~r'-aa:u ;..; I e t7jo_photo~~' is lem iavestiv--ted abcr'Te th qt iest I-rit-'l a ga-vea sPill polarized PDsitrOL' ()~" electrons -esporldinC v0s. sectioa expYession for tAle COT'l .baa. as-.Ymetry exist.. discussed. AU j,&j-,ior~ and. 0,11 Kzilml-~, P-Jsitrons case a 7-op_ti'~al Of the pho - c - In the ex tVO_1 tQ-0, ELnn�'-~: ~~le 0 aPP-Ly Ui kietermi This Makes POE'S ..e. e)Lpe_,Tir1er, siP;tion O'r legre~ 0,-ente(i eiectr0r--s t Card 2/5 SOV/56-31,-5-59/161 Compton r3catterling of Longitudinal-' y Polarized Photons on Elec trolm wit-h Oriented Sp--'-. of IC;.qIr7It"akftLYQ. polarization of positrons. There are 6 references, 4 of which qxe Soviet. ASSOCIATIOIT: Moskovskj.y gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow State University) Sb-BiLIMED: February 27, 1958 1, Photons--Scattering 2. Electrons--Properties 3. Nuclear spins 4. Mathematics-4pplications Card 3/3 SCV/20-122-5-1/56 o~ad Sol-OlOVY M. A.A. 0-rTS a Function 6101, for Cmetricbes- 5 zhdenn YrO ' a~Laealye dlYa Ir. oY giperge c A,o IT P 751-754 (USSR) ' r "d, SSISR, 19 53, 1 5, P Lutions of a O 0 f r Pto~,*~12 D4haviL F 85q3 ~h . he S . _ es for"n of -the i ) ts + -(- u 1'ation of equatiOll Va e 80 aws I t~e foM 2) 4 (2) in _111vactiMs. ._jttig S,,LS--,,i z c - (Z) 35 lz1z.,P S Go "Ic for t'--3 Decentmabe~i SOV/20-122-5-1/56 ,-me Z(21 are two linea.-!ly independent solu- S Of "t equation aml L emd B exe cmztants. The results cy exiti-ior 2- -.;7ae locatioa of asym-ptot a for-M12AS U0 c:.- S ile;~ene:-Mte LFqe~, geom tric functian W f6 IL(x) and to nuc~-, cas-zm o,., -b:-14-s f~,;ic-bion as Hermit-'.au and LAguerre UlA !Xmsel Amclu'lon., and also to the derivation o: fo::-,2m2a. Mere Pare referene-asp 4 f c a o vhi h re unive.-mi'"'et imeai M.V. Lawmmso-ua imen: Lcmo---oov) Zkme 2, V-13 by 23ogolyubmr, Acadeifef'..c.2 C 2/-2 P'.'ASE I BOOK EXPOITATIO!q- SOV/3905 Filosofskiye voprosy yestestvoznaniya, [sbornik] II: Nekotoryye filosofsko-teoreticheskiye voprosy fiziki, matematiki i khimii (Philosophic Problems of Natural Science, (Collection of Articles) II: Philosophid and Theoretical Problems of Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry) [Moscow] Izd-vo Mosk. univ-ta, 1959. 248 p. Errata slip inserted. 8,000 copies printed. Editorial Board: K.A. Rybnikov, Kh.M. Fataliyev, and M.I. Shakhparonov; Eds.: R.A. Aronov, and A.A. Konoplyankin; Tech. Ed.: M.S. Yermakov. PURPOSE: This book is intended for scientists interested in the history and philosophy of mathematics, physics, and chemistry. COVERAM This is a second collection of articles prepared by the staff ofthe Department of Dialectical Materialism of the Moscow State University. The first collection was concerned with.philosophical problems of the biological sciences, specifically Michurin's theories. The present collection consists of 14 articles divided by fields: physics, mathematics, and chemistry. The collection commemorates Card 1/4 SOKOLOV, ,,. A. "Theoi-j of Dirac Particles with Oriented Spius arid Parity Non-Couservation" Nuclear Physics, 9, No. 3, Jar-,. 1959, 420-425 (North Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam) Abstract: The Viders-Pauli theorem is investigated in connection with a type of theory chosen to describe Dirac particles with oriented spins. Moscow State University 66603 SOV/139-59-3-20/29 AUTHORS: Sokolov, A.A., and Loskutov, Yu.M. TITLE: On the Theory of Bosons and Fermions with Oriented Spin PERIODICAL; Izvestiya -,rysshikh uchebnykh. zavedeniy, Fizika,, 1959, Nr 3, pp 132-142 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Lee and Yang (Ref 1) have predicted that in the case of weak interactions parity is not conserved. In phenomena involving the neutrino (fermions with zero rest mass) the nonconservation of parity may be explained with the aid of the two-component theory, or with the aid of the theory of Dirac particles with oriented spin (Refs 27 3). In the latter case7 and for positive energies (c = 1~ neutrino), it is necessary to retain the solution with one spin direction (8 - S), and for negative energies (s = -17 antineutrinos with the other (S-1 = -S). This may be achieved if the wave function W satisfies both the Dirac equation and the additional condition given by Eq (1) (Ref 4), or 0, - el) - 0 where W = ej Se = I aly -6 = -1. The quantity (or -1) both for e = 1 n Card S6 = S-c is proportional to the projection of spin onto 1/2 the direction of the momentum p. In the present pape'r an attempt is made to generalize this result to particles A7THORS: Sokolov, A. A., Muradyan, R. M. i F_ 22 _." k -. TITLE: Developmrit of the WKB Method of Approximation\~, PERIODICAL: Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. astronomii, fizikip khimii, 1959, S/055,/59/000/04/006/026 BO14/BOO5 Seriya matematiki, mekhaniki, Nr 4, pp 61 - 78 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In mathematical physics, special functions which are exact solutions of differential equations are often approximated by-simpler func- tions. The authors mention'the method by Liouville-Steklov (Ref 1y for differential equations of second order, and then explain the method of approximation suggested by Wentzel, Kramers and Brillouin (Ref 3) (WKB method) for the solution of the wave equation. In this method, already the first approximation gives good results. In the present paper, this method is put forward in a generalized form. Besides, better approximated solutions are derived for a number of cases by finding the solution of a differential equation "neigh- boring" the original differential equation. In the first principal part of the present paper, the solutions (2,11) and (2t12) are obtained by the M method starting from the linear differential Card I/ equation of second order ull + f(x)u - 0 (2,2). The first solution 68870 '99-46-00 S/139/59/000/05/012/026 903 2/Ell1+ AUTHORS: Sokolov, A.A., Ternov, I.M., and_Loskutov, Yu.M,- TITLE: 6i the 1 -- ---- -- ~P--- tion Properties of the_�Ri rans orma _jn/~ Pseudovector PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Fizikaj 1959, Nr 5, pp 72-80 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Problems connected with the spin properties of particles have recently become more important in view of the discovery of the non-conservation of parity (Ref 1). The present paper introduces the 4-vector of polarisation of Dirac particles by a covariant method and investigates its transformation properties. The transformation law is shown to be of the form given by Eqs (11+a-2). The results obtained from an analysis of the transformation properties are used in connection with phenomena in which parity is not conserved, In particular the Xpe decay is discussed and it is shown that in the laboratory system, the spin of the p meson makes an angle a with the direction of its momentum which is given by Eq (21), Card where ~,~ is the angle of emission of the V meson. 1/3 The appearance of a transverse component of the Ii meson spin in the laboratory system has also been considered by 68870 S/139/59/000/05/012/026 B03 2/Elll+ On the Transformation Properties of the Spin Pseudovector Ascoli (Ref 9) but differs from Eq (21) by the factor given by Eq (23), which takes into account relativistic contraction of the transverse components of the'spin. In fact, the axial spin vector characterises the circular polarisation in the pldne perpendicular to its direction. For the longitudinal spin component this plane is perpendicular to the velocity of the particle and hence the polarisation remains unaltered. In the case of the transverse component, on the other hand, the velocity vector will lie in this plane and hence the polarisation will change. For particles with zero rest mass, the angle a vanishes, i.e. if the axial vector .a is parallel to the momentum vector _% in the given inertial frame, they will remain parallel in all other inertial frames. This can be used to characterise the neutrino and the anti-neutrino by different values of s, namely s = - 1 and s = +1. If the polarisation of Card the neutrino is characterised by its helicity, i.e. by 2/3 the rotation of the component of the vector g4) which is perpendicular to the momentum, then in transforming 3/055 59~000/06/07/027 B 06X00 AUTHORS: \,9okolov, 1. A., Muradyan, R. K., Arutyunyan, V. N. TITLE: Development of an Approximate WKB Method PERIODICAL: Vestnik Moskovskogo universitsta. Seriya matematiki, nekhaniki, astronomii, fiziki, khimii, 19591 No. 6, pp. 64 - 86 TEXT: The present paper continues the first part published in "Vestnik Noskov- skogo universiteta", 1959, No. 4, p. 61. It begins with j 4 dealing with the confluent hypergeometric function and deals at first with the Whittaker func- tion. The formulas derived are subsequently applied to a concrete case: the in- vestigation of the emission of an electron moving at ultrarelativistic velocity in a constant, homogeneous magnetic field. The problem is schematically shown by Fig. 1; Fig. 2 shows the dependence of radiation intensity on the number of harmonies. The subsequent chapters deal with the Laguerre and Hermite poly- nomials, the quantum correction in the theory of "radiating" electrons, and the determination of eigenvalues (the approximate method developed here does not only permit a derivation of asymptotic expressions for wave functions but also a determination of eigenvalues of the parameter X - cf. Part I). The paper Card 1/2 I Development of an Approximate VrKB Method 8/055~59/ooo/o6/07/027 B006/BOO5 concludes with a comparison of the asymytotic formulas with the accurate for- mulas within the range of relatively small quantum numbers. (Abstracter's Note: Without knowing the first part of the paper it is not possible to follow the course of calculation, all the more so as all definitions necessary are missing.) There are 5 figures and 11 references, 9 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra statisticheskoy fiziki i mekhaniki (Chair of Statistical Physics and Mechanics) SUBMITTED: April 9, 1959 Card 2/2 SOXOLOV, A.A.; MURADY&N, R.M.; ARUTYUNY-Ul, V.M. Development of the approximate method of dentzel. KramerB, and Brillouin. Vest.Xoek.un.Ser.mat.p mekh.,astronffiz.~chim. 14 no.1t:61-78 159. (HIRA 13:~) 1. Kafedra statisticheskoy fiziki i mekhaniki Moskovskogo univerBiteta. (Approximate computation) 24 ( 5) V.,, -2 _ 7 7 ~7/ THORS: U Sokolov, A. A. , ;'rutyunytn, 7. 7;. , 'Luradyan, R. I - TITLE: The Calculation of the Phases of 'Scatterin,-,- Taking fftDA-,:~oun~, ("he Second Approxim-tion (Vychisleniye fa7 rasseyaniya s uchetom. vtorogo priblizheniya) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperiment_~llnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 10,50., Vol 30", Nr 2, PP 594 - 590 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper the authors calculate the phase shifts of the elastic scattering of Dirac (Dirak) particles in second approxime-tion with respect to the interaction poten- tial. An exnresoion is given for the general solution of the free Dirac equation of this problem. This solution is not li-nited by a condition of finiteness in the origin of coordi- nates. This solution of t';,,e free equation is also an asynpto- tic expression for the Dirac equation if there exists a spherically symmetric short-range force center. The next part of the paper gives an approximate solution of the Dirac equation for the case of a centrL1 field. An intel-r--l equation Card 1/3 equivalent to the Dirac equation is given for the case in The Calculation of the Phases of Scat terinJ Taking SOV/56-306-2-37/63 into Account the Second Approximation which there is no vector potential and the scalar potential is spherically symmetric, The interaction energy is considered as a pertifttion and the calculations are carried out in second approximation; the wave function corresponding to this approximation is given explicitly. The calculations are discussed step by steD and the expressions found for the phase shifts are given explicitly. Neglecting the terms which are square with respect to V(r), one obtains the same results as in the theory of damping for the scatterin.- of Dirac particles. For small values of the scattering phases, the results of the first Bornkpproximation are obtained. The results of this paper may be used also for the investigation of the scattering by a Coulomb (Kulon) center,(V(r)=_Ze2/r). The inte.-ral values of the phase shifts diverge in this case, but correct results are nevertheless found. Finally, ex- pressions are given for the scattering amplitudes (in second approximation) and for the differential cross section. There are 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 Thp of t'.it-- of Ta I -. inF, fS--; V 3 into Account tn-c Second ~-ltion .30C IO'T: 1jo.-kov-',-Jv uriiv:,-r,,-itet 'S" .;, - - (,..o cow ~t-t- Unive.- A SUB!.'.TTTI?,I): .o!Cufit 26, 1950 Card 3/13 24 (5 SOV156-36-3-i.-6 /71- AUTHORS: Sokolov, A. A., Ternov, I. M., Loskutov, Yu. Y'. ------------ TI TLE - On the Problem of the Covariant Determination of t%e Spin Pseudovector (K voprosu o kovariantnom opredelenii psevdo- vektora spina) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fizjki, 195~, Vol 36, Nr 3, pp 930-932 (USSR) .ABSTRACT: The present paper ("Letter to the Editor") is based upor. an earlier paper by Sokolov (Refs 1-3). It has already been shown that the longitudinal polarization of free Dirac particles U t;~ can be described by the operator j/k. This operator occurs as integral of motion with the ei:gen value The authors endeavor to connect with the value.ft" , not only longitudinal polarization but also transversal polarization as ~-;ell as the time component of the spin vector. Proceeding from the ,,;ave function for positive energy in consideration of the spin state equations are derived for the components of the spin vector. The transversal and the time component, which do not. occur as integrals of motion, can be represented as mean value Card 1/2 KS*'6-,Pd 3x, K = k / V 1 7l. o SOV/56-36-3-48/71 On the Problem of the Covariant Determination of the Spin-pseudovector It further hoLds that c 0 s k 1-S3, sin 8, 1 k0 V 1-S 2 = ~3 ks, ~4 = iks; several special cases are investigated. There are 7 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (hioscow state University) SUBMITTED: October 27, 1958 Card 2/2 S/139/6o/ooo/oo6/026/032 E032/E414 AUTHORS- So Ing Professor of Moscow State University, Stalin Prizewinner, Doctor, of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Voroblyev, G,A., Docent and Moskalev~ V,A.-., Docent TITLE- On the 50th Anniversary of the Birthday of Alek"ndr Akimovich Voroblvev PERIODrCAL Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zav*d*niy, Fizikav 1960, No-.6, pp,,161-164 TEXT,-, A-A,Veroblyev was born in 1909, He attended the Tomsk State Univ-ersity between 1927 and 1931, In 1931, he graduated from the Division of Physics and Mechanics, In 1935, he produced a "brilliant dissertation" and became a senior scientific worker and Docent of the Tomsk State University in the Department of Experimental Physics, In 1936, A,.A.Voroblyev organized the High-Voltage Laboratory at the Siberian Phyiitotechnical Institute and became its head, In 1939~ he ..* completed a dissertation submitted for the degree Ca a- d 1/ 5 S/139/6o/ooo/oo6/o26/o32 E032/E4i4 On tha 50th Anniversary of the Birthday of A I eksiondr- Ak i xncP-,,- ich Vorob 'yev d,evc-lopment of new A-ccelerator in6tallations, including a new *at.,eguide acce1erator suggested by Voroblyev which wiii be -capab;E- of producing '-ery high energy electrons, although the c,~-vriill dimensicins of the -installation and the high-frequen:-y- pow:er consumption will be small.., Re~sults obtained in this w-f~.rt- reported by Vorob~yev at the International Cc-nier,.4tice on Hxgh Energy A,-,celerators whi-ch was held in Geneva in 1959. In the flfties~ Professor Vorob"yev also d1rstcted the R,,esear~ch in he physa----~ of' solid dielectricmi Among Professr Vojob'ye-'s publizations are.: "Charged parti~c-le atcel*rator.!: "Eliei-trizal sir-ength of solad dielectrics"... MR i gh-vol t& g-t ,t e, bno I og y," ~"Ultra-high volt-ages," and othez monographa! Professor Voyoblyev is the author of some 200 scientifit paper-j5 and 7 monographs and textbooks., He is a member of the Communz6t Party of the Soviet Union (since 1940) and has frequently been elect*-d as a mtmber of the local committe,w25 of the KPSU, Irn 1959, the ---itiLisans of Tomsk unanimously elected h1m as thext ;a:d 4/5