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SOK01,1111KOV, Y.H. ~Caue!esof ~te o~rma ion of "springs" in the ice cover of Lake Baikal. Trudy Baik. limnal. sta. 15:65-94 '57. (KLELA 10: 8) (Baikal, Lake--Ice) T-Ur.-Y... t '7,1 Ur. I On 1% z v. z Le n I r. 6 - i tr--c c'-11 2,OW cop., print;.d. Spvnbor~ng agency: Olevr,~js upravl.4niyv aluzhby pri Soveto X'-notrov SSSR. ReaP. Ed.% V.A. Uryv&ytv, Ed.& V.3. P"topopow; Tech. Xd.t 9.1. Braynina. C- PURnStt This work is intended for seteorologi ato, hydrologists, and hydrophyalcilbtop particularly those engaged in the study of snow and Ice and evaporation processes. COVERAOE: This book contains papers on hydrophysice which were pro. oented and discussed at the Third A.11-VnIon Hydrological Confer: tK!aC In Leningrad, October 1957. The Conference published 10 volume on various aspects of hydrology of which this Is number -3. The editorial board in charge of %;he oarles Includ*t V.A. Uryvayov (Chairman), O.A, Alokin, Yo.V. Bliznjak (deceased), O.H. borouk N.A. Velikonove L.K. DAvydov, A.P. Domanitaki-y, O.p. Kallnln, S.N. Xritaxly, B.I. Kudelinp L.P. Manols, N.Y. Henkel', B.P. Orlov, I. V. POPGV, A.K. Proskuryakov, D.L. Sakolovskly, O.A. Spengler, A.I. Chebotarev, and S.K. Cherkavs~"-y. This volume Is divided In. to 2 aectionas the first contains reports from the subsection for the study of evaporation process*&, and the second contains reporta from the snow and lee oubsect-on. References acoompwq each Butyagin_ T.P- [Candidate or Technical Sciences) Changes in the Thiclaiess, Structure and Strength of the Ice Cover of the Western Siberian RIvere During the Spring (as Exemplified by the Ob- River)419 Knle&Qlkay-A.GjPr-ofeasor, Doctor of Physical and Mathestatlema Sc-l-e]~-ceaj, V.f.-Belyayev (Aspirant], and L.A. Buk1nx (Junior Scientific Worker3 The Rat* or Sludgt-lco Pormation 426 sokoL.=~~. (Candidate or Technical Sciences] specific -l-earu-rop In The Pormation, Orowth, and Destruction or the ios Cover on Lake Baykal 435 .MtdrejA-XAu [Inaintaro SZ DONS Leningrad) Practical Uporionce In Collecting and Consolidating Dates Provided by Aerial Surveys of lee on Lake Ladoga 443 Minutes of the Meetings Reaolutions of the Snow and Ice Subsection, RYdroPhYsice 300tJon 46T AVAXIARLIt Library or Cor4p-eas Card 14/14~ MMA 10-15-599 SOKOLINIKOV, V,,,M.., Radiation properties of ice and snow and certain phenomena in the ice regimen of the Malove More. Trudjv Baik.limnol.sta 17: 54-136 '59. (MIRA 12:12) (Maloye More--Ice) (Maloye More--Snow) (Solar rik4iation) -__ S-OKOLINIKOV, V.M. Currenta and water temperature under the tee cover in the southern part of Lake Baikal and near the beginning of the Angara River. Trudy Baik. limnol. eta. 18:264-285 16o. (MIRA 14:1) (Baikal, Lake--Hydrology) (Angara River--B~,drology) SOKOLINIKOV, V.M. Vertical and horizontal displacements and deformations of the solid ice cover oa Iake Baikal. Trudy Baik. limnol. sta. 18:291- 350 6o. (nu 14a) (Baikal, Iake--Ice on rivers, lakes, etc.) IRA VERBOLOV, Vladimilr Illich SOKOLINIKOV, Vladimir Mikhaylovich; kh SHIMAPWEV, n, -L, ZT~' CI.T. ot red. [Hydrowtecrological regime and heat budget of Lake Baikal] Gidrometeorologicheski-i rezhim i teplovoi balans ozera Baikal. I-oslr,,ra, Nalika, 1965. 372 p. (MIRA 18-5) ACC NR. IQ-jS0145i I 1,bnograph Ul/ Verbolov, Viadizidr Il'ich; -Sokollnikov, VladJzdr MLkhVlovich; Shimareyev, Mchail Nikolaycvich Hydrometecrological conditions and thermal balance of 1,ske Baikal. (Gidrormteorolo- Sicheskiy rezhim i teplavoy balans ozera Boykal) Moscow., Izd-vo 'Wauka"', 1965, 372 p. illus., biblio. (At head of title: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sibirskoye otdel. eniye. Limnologicheskiy institut) Errats. slip inserted. 11000 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: hydrometeoroloey, hydrology, 'surface 'water, heat balance, air temper- ature, moisture measurement, solar radiation absorption, turbulent heat transfer, ice PURPOSE AIM CCVERAGE: This book presents the normal properties aver several years of radiational and thermal balances of the surface of 1,ake Baikal. It describes processes of heat and moisture exchange with the atmospheric and internal water ex- change ranging from the surface of the lake to depths of 200 meters. Also included is an analysis of the mechanism of a series df processes and phenomena vMch in- fluence the hydrometeorological conditions of Baikal. 1/2 STEPAIIOV, K.I., dots., otv. red.; PILETIKO, I.F., dots., red.; VATIIKOVICHY G.N., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; ZAGORGHA, K.L.., st. prep., red.; SOKOLIElIKOV, Ye.A., dots., red.; STEPURYI, G.F., diot's., red.; YJLRYAKINA, I., red. [Collection of reports and comrrunications by the students of the Kishinev Agricultural institute] Sbornik dokladov i soobshchenii studentov Kishinevskogo sel'skokhoziaistven- nogo instituta. Kishinev, Kartia moldoveniaske, 1963. 79 p. (RMA 17:11) 1. Kishinev. Sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut. SOKOL;NIKOV, Tu.N., lnzb, v - Bffect of the cross-section shape of a dredging cut on its tendency to become filled in. Rech. transp. 17 no. 7:49-50 Jl 158. (KIRA 11-8) - (Dredging) PYSHKIN,,Boris Andreyevich,~prof.; RVsAKoV, 'Sergey Vasillyevich; MAKSIMCHUK, Vladimir Lukdch; SOKOLINIKOV, Yuriy Nikolayevicbi Prinimal uchastiye: DOKUKbf'$"d-.'j.-.~',TOL14ACHOV~,~ tvbnzent; TSIMBERG, I.Ye., retsenzent; PECHKOVSKAYA, O.M., red.; MATT&Y- CHUK, A.A., [Problems in planning channel deepening cuts] Voprosy proekti- rovaniia dnouglubitellnykh prorezei. Pod red. B.A.Pyshkina. Kiev, Izd-vo Akad.nauk USSR, 1959. 157 P. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN USSR (for Pyshkin). 2. Glavnyy inzhener Dneprovskogo basseynova.upravleniya puti (for Tolmachov). 3.Na- challaik otdela vodnykh putey Ukrgiproreclitransa (for TSimberg). (Rivers--Regulation) IV, SOKOL I NIKOV j-Yu.-y---i---zh. Calise of damage to the protective coating of a harbor break- water of a reservoir. Rech. transp. 19 no. 6:43-44 Je 160. (KERA.14:2) (Breakwaters) - RUSAKOVY S.V.j SOKOLINIKOV, Yu.M. Results of wind wave studies of the Kakhovka Reservoir near Nikopoll. Visti Inst.hidrol. i kidr. AN URSR 21.-30--42 162. (MIRA 16:4) (,Kakbo-vka Reservoir-Waves) :':a - 6520 sou.--ICE CO-J-','.- U -1 '/02 033/0 20/&3 Ti'mo s 1, cn!c ov, N. D.; "'okollnilcovall G. V.- Noi,4 C :Z 3 -------------------- for -111~far lns~ruimont ana 1.1;'.,c:;..--.~-,l;i (Spc'Laiallnoyo byuro po pribo--uz;Li-oy*&; "tvza. S31i izoiureteniy i tov mykil zra.-.ov, no. 20, 196 99 ZO?710 T..GS z tllurmaos~at. 'emporatu-t control 52l: ~AG T zT"Ain liu~'hor Cort' `ii~~ato prescn~s a LherzaorcFulaLor for szabJ-Iizincr uelapcrature drops, wi-dch conlt"~.aias two a syl,).'.on and a ti-tc.-mobut-.1a anil-a-systeia ol" lavers of a -.ransmiss.Lua T.-.0chanir-m and a '-"o allow 1,lao stabilization of tho dIfferonce of differ- c.-.z and to imiprava tulae ra,,-,ulation, the coxi-, '~arisrja clement is mowitcd o1-. rod 'joining tha sylphons. Tho comparison. element is connected to tilf., :.Cr"..d 1/2 UDC - 62-555.6 L 19396-66 ACC NR: AP5028,c2o SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/65/000/020/0099/0099 AUT HORS: Timoshenkov K D. Sokol I nikova, G. V. Novitska,=, 1. 2 ORG: none TITLE: Thermoregulator for stabilizing temperature drops. CiLass 4Z,-'No.- 175755 Cannoun-ced by Special Construction Bureau for instrument Ylaaqacture and Means of Automation (Spetsiallnoye konstruktorskoye byuro po priborosL)royehT i'46i;a~stvam,~ avtomatizatsiii/ SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 20, 1965y 99 TOPIC TAGS: thermostat, temperature control ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a thermoregulator for stabilizing temperature drops, which contains two thermosensitive systems consisting of a sylphon and a thermobottle and a system of levers of a transmission mechanism and a switching mechanism. To allow the stabilization of the difference of two differ- ent temperatures and to improve the regulation, the comparison element is mounted on the rod joining the sylphons. The comparison element is connected to the Ccird 1/2 UDC- 62-555.6 L i9,,90,-66 ACC NR-. AP5028520 switching mechanism by means of a free7play coupling with regulated motion. SUB CODE: 131 SUBM DATE: 02Mar64 -Ca-rd- 2/2__ USSR/ Chemistry Nitrating Card I 1A Pub. 151 26/33 Authors : Tsukervanik, I. P., and Sokollnikova. M. D. Title : Nitration of 1.1-diphenylethane Periodical : Zhur, ob, khim. 24/8s 1435 - 1438s August 1954 Abstract : The effect of nitrating conditions (nitration with fumic nitric acid) on the structure and -yields of 1.1-diphenylethane nitration products, was investigated. The results obtained from nitration of 1,1-diphenyl- ethane in different conditions, are'shown in a sDecial chemical arrangement. It was also established that nitration of the side chain of 1,1-diphenylethane, with concentrated nitric acid, is possible only when the latter is heated. Fourteen references: I English; 3 USA; 5 USSRj 4 German and 1 French (1894 - 1553). Institution : Acad, of So. Uzbek-~-SSR, Institute of Chemistry Submitted : February 19, 1954 SOKOLINIKOVA, M.D.; TSUKERVAITIK, I.P. ~ , ~Ariwo,'A.~4x,"~!',--_ Amino derivatives of 1,1-diphenylethane. Dokl. AN Uz. SSR no.9: 29-31 '57. (MIRA 11:5) 1.Institut khimii AN UzSSR. 2.Chlen-korrespondent AN UzSSR (for TSukervanik). (Ethane) KHOL61,11AYEV, G.Kh.; SOKOL.tNIKOVA, M.D.; RIZAYETA, U.; Prinimali uchaistiye: BELOPOLISKAYA, S.; GRABROVA, 0.1 KIJLIWTOV, A.; SAYDAf,IKIIODZIIAYFV,M. Shur-Tepe oil field. Uzb. khim. zhur. 9 no. 4,45-50 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Institut khimii AN UzSSR. Submitted June 2, 1964. BARDACHEVSKIY, V.T.; VELIGM, Yu.T.; VLASENKO, N.Y.; GUBENKO, T.P.; DRYAKILIOV, A.I.; KARANIOYEV, K.B.; KARITYUSHIN, L.V.; MAKSIMOVICH, N.G.; SOKOLINIT,SKIY. G.Z. M,G. Liukove IzT, vyso ucheb, zave; energ. no.5:127 M7 '58. (MIRA,11:8) (Liukov, Mikhail Grigorlevich, 1915-1958) DENISEITKO, Grigoriy Ivanovich;_�OK-OL,'NITSKIY. G.Z.,.prof.,, GEDISEPON, F.O., red.; SARANTUK, T.V., tek d. [Siuraltane*ous transmission of a.c. and d.c. power through common lines] Odnovremennais peredachs elektricheskoi energii postoiannym i peremennym tokami po obshchim liniiam. per8dach. G.Z.Sokollnitskii. L'vov, Izd-vo Llvovskogo univ.g 1960. 227 P. (MIRA 13:9) (Electric power transmission) S/598/bi/000/006/003/034 D245/D303 AUTHORS: Bondarev, S.N.p Orobeyq N.Ya.9 and Sokolong I.I. TITLE: Feeding molten magnesium into a titanium reactor SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Titan i yego splavy. no. 6, 1961. Metallotermiya i elektro- khimiya.,titana, 21 - 22 TEXT: Feed of Mg to the re tor is effected by 2 methods: 1) Using a heated ladle discharging krough the base; 2) Using a container built in the reactor cover. Use of molten Mg feed reduces reactor heating time and increases the hourly furnace output by 10 - 15 The degree of utilization of the Mg is increased and filling the reactor also increases. When using the 2nd method, the formation of Ti sub-chlorides in the reaction volume is al*ost eliminate and inert gas consumption is reduced. The consumption of electricity per ton of the Ti sponge made is reduced by 20 - 25 %. There are 2 figures. Card 1/1 S/59 *61/000/006/006/0~4 D245%303 AUTHORSt Sergeyev, V.V., Golovp A,G., Kushkin, B.N., and Sokolon, I.I. TITLE: Separation of drilled reaction mass SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Titan i yego splavyu noo 6, 1961. Metallotermiya i elektro- khimiya titanag 38 - 40 TEXT: The authors studied the separation of Ti sponge f1Vm the reaction mass by drilling meth%de which they consider to'have the following advantages: Equally good quality of Ti sponge, less con- tamination of the sponge with Fe, economy In labor and ease of me- chanization. The main draw-fack of the drilling method is the need to carry out the operations'in a room with a dry atmosphere and the criteria of humidity control for this purpose are specified as a maximum air humidity of 0.1 - 0.2 g/cubic meter and an air consump- tion of 700 - 1000 nm3/hour. There are 1 figure and 2 tables. Card 1/1 ACCESSION 14R: AP5019971 UR/0136/65/000/008/0064/0068 A 669.295 rl AUTHOR: Rodyakin, V. W; Garmata. V. A.,j SokoloaL I* Sandler, R. A. Arutyunov, .-A.:,Vlasov, Vo at Ustinovs V. S A. Yea TITLE: Quality of'the titanium sponge obtained by using different types of mag- nesium ~Ll SOURCE: Tsvetnyye metally, no. 8, 1965, 64-68 TOPIC TAGS: titanium sponge, raw electrolytic magnesium, refined magnesiumi, sponge block, condensate magnesium, titanium tetrachloride, spongy titanium, magnesium electrolysis ABSTRACT: The article presents the findings of experimental-industrial compa- rison tests of the quality of partR of a block of spongy titanium obtained by using raw electrolytic magnesium~-tefined magnesium, and condensate magnesium (obtained by remelting the condensate of the vacuum separation of titanium). The tests were based on the use of titanium tetrachloride of a fixed composition. Analysis showed that the hardness of the refined part of the block, obtained by sin refined magnesium is 6-8 units lower than the hardness of the same'parts u Card U3 L ooal,ci...66 ACCESSION NR; APS019971 of the sponge block obtained by using condensate magrtesium. On the whole the dif- ference in the quality-of c lercial metal am6unts to 6-7 units (hardness) in favor of the titanium sponge obtained on the basis of refined magnesium. There- fore, the use of liquid instead of solid magnesium does not appreciably affect the quality of spongy titanium. As the methods of transporting liquid magnesium are improved, the expediency of conversion to the liquid foim of this ieducing agent will increase. Analysis of the quality of the titanium sponge obtained with the aid of different types of magnesium has confirmed that the impurities' (Fe, Si, C, N, 0) from the magnesium concentrate chiefly at the bottom of the sponge block.. This leads to a deterioration in the quality of the c ercial me- tal which, in its turn,'causes a decrease in its recovery from TiC14. The de- terioration in the quality of spongy titanium is chiefly due to the gaseous im- purities. With respect to the content of these impurities, raw and refined mag- nesium are of a much better quality than condensate magnesium. Owing, however, to the still current imperfections in the technology of removal of magnesium from electrolytic cells,-the use of raw magnesium often leads to a lower quality of the bottom and surface layers of blocks of spongy titanium. These operations must be improved before the qualit and recovery of titanium metal can be im- -y Card 2/3 Ct, -71 ACCESSIOX 11R: AP5019971 proved. Thus, the reduction of titanium from its tetrachloride is best accom- plished with the aid of raw magnesium, but this requires prior improvements in the! technology and equipment for transferring magnesium from electrolyzers to re- duction. Orig. art. has: I figure, 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: none SUBRITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 NO REP SOV: 000 OTRER: 000 SUB CODE: MK -C.,,d '3/ 3 -L 62202-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5015877 UR/0080/65/038/00rar/1217/1224 546.821 AUTHOR: Petrov, V.I.; Lokshin, R. G. Mal 'shin, V. M.; P!y~v ~FA.; Sokolonk, TITLE: Development of a standard process for preparing titanium sponge SOURCE: Zhurnal prilcladnoy khim ili v. 38, no. 6, 1965, 1217-1224 TOPIC TAGS: titanium refining, titanium tetrachloride, titanium sponge ABSTRACT: After discussing the four possible variani, used for standardizing the mag- i, nesiothermic reduction process by which titanium is obtained from its tetrachloride, the authors show that the variant involving a stable feed rate of TiC14 during the entire process is preferred over the others. The following four conditions are necessary for creating a periodic standard reduction process: (1) a ratio of material flows in the reactor which is reproducible in each process; (2) continuous maintenance of thermal equilibrium in the reactor, for given temperature conditions; (3) uniform distribution and removal of the heat of Teaction along the perimeter of the reactor; (4) maintenance of the reaction zone at a con- stant level. The technology, apparatus, and automatic control of the standard reduction process are described, and corresponding diagrams are given. These principles were ;_7 applied'to the development of a standard reduction process at the Bereznikovskiy titano- (:ard 1/2 -L, 622-02-,65~ ACCESSION NR: AP5015877 magniyevyy.kombinat (Berezuiki Titanium-Magnesium Combine in 1960-1961. The data obtained show that the basic principles of the standard reduction process reflect the rela- tionships inhereht in the reduction reaction, the properties of the reactor, and the existing technological potential of the process. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: None SUBAUTTED: 06Aug62 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: MM NO REF SOV: 008 OTHER: 003 Ila/ .COLE,L 2/2 ACC -NR-;- - - -- - -_ - --- SOURCE CODE; uR/OOUI'0/66/039/006/1245/1249 AP6019562 AUTFOT R: sokolon, I. I.; sandier;.R. A.; Tseluyko, T. X.i jo4ak-in, V- V-j' Arutyunov, ~-;. A. GRG: none TITLE: Sources of contamination of magnesiothermic titanium sponge with carbon 15 t?-1249 SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 39, no. 6, 1966, 12 TOPIC TAGS: titanium, carbon ANOMIXT: The distribution of carbon present as a contaminant was studied in various zones of a lumo of titanium obtained by the magnesiothem,,ic method./'(The main source of carbon contamination was found to be titanium tetrachloride. Originating from the latter, carbon becomes uniformly distributed over the entire lump of titanium. The peripheral zones of the titanium lump become additionally contaminated with car- bon as a result oil the transfer of carbon together with iron from the material of the reactor. The presence of carbon-rich films in the samples may lead to a significant distortion of the actual carbon content In Industrial titanium sponge batches. Car- bon contamination is most likely In the lining category of sponge, from which the films are not removed in practice. The metallic magnesium used in the titanium industry apparently has no effect on the carbon content in the various parts of the titanitun lump. It is shown that during the separation process, no appreciable 1/2 UDC: 669.295 i I ACC NR-- AP6019562 i contamination of the sponge with carbon from the vacuum systems takes place. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 3 tables. SUB CODE: 1l/ SUBM DATE: 27Jul64/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF; 002 SOKOLON'SKIY, L. M. .7-11 "A Frontal Magnifying Glass in Bacteriological Practice," Voyenno-Med. Zhur., p. 66 No. 9, 1955. SOICLOW~311 Silaba Bela, R-r. chaut. dotsent ?6ripharal anesthesia in Inflammations of the mandible and maxilla. Stomatologiia no.1:24-26 '54. ORA 3:7) 1. Iz Stomatologichnata klinika pri Meditsinskiia fakultet Budapeshcha. Savezhdashch klinikata: K.Balog. (JAWS, diseases, *inflamm., ther., peripheral anesth.) (ANESTHESIA, *peripheral, ther. of inflamm. of jaws) I SOKOLOV, A.. inzhener (Leningrad). Sectional reinforced concrete anchorW walls. Mor. flot 16 no.AO:22-23 0 '56. (MLRA 9:11) (Anchorage) (Reinforced concrete construction) atel'; SCKOLOV, A., letchik-ispytatell KAPRELYAN R., zasluzhennyy letchik-ispytt Automatic pilot in a helicopter. Av.i kosm. 45 no.4:63-66 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:3) (Helicopters) (Automatic pilot (Airplanes)) SC'KCLOV., A.; CHAKHOYANTS, V.; ARIARSKAYA, N. Search of Leningrad educators. Prof.-tekh. obr. 22 nc.3:5-7 Mr 165. (MA 18:7) 1. Zamestitell Zaveduyushchego otdelom teorii i praktiki vospitatellnoy raboty Nauchno-issledovatellskogo institut professionaifno-tekhnicheskogo - obrazovaniya rfor Sokolov). 2. Zaveduyiishchiy uchebnoy chastly-U 109 sredney Ismennoyl obshcheobrazovatellnoy shkoly, Leningrad (for Ariarskaya). ji. , stt7LrshLy pre S f D 25 165. erc "i. k o for -Y (for r, S/526/62/000/024/004/013 D234/D308 --~IJTHOR: TITLE: SOURCE: 001:01ov, 0.0. !.,ulti-layer caps for rotatinZ regenerators of gas turbine installations Akademiya nault -Ukrayinskoyi IISR. Instytut teploener- hetyky. Zbirnyk prats'. no. 23, 1962. Teploobran ta hidrodynamika, 33-40 TLXT: The author obtains (JI)0.16 1.50 for ribbon cxL)s and 1112~-l (L2)0.03 W3. LI for mesh caps, relating the thic'-knesses of similar caps and the gas Card 1/2 I S/526/62/000/024/004/013 Miulti-layer caps D234/D308 velocity w inside them. It follows that an increase of thickness does not sufficiently increase the gas velocity. The frontal area of the rotor in regenerators can be decreased by dividing the cap into several layers, each layer consisting of sections with small I - 10V channels and sections through which gases are led. Many small dif .00~ fusors are placed betwcen:the layers. The equivalent diameter of gas channels is 10-15 times that of the small channels. Calcula- that three-layer caps with meshed main heat exchanger layer decrease the frontal area by the rotor by 1.9 times. The thickness of such caps is 150-180 mm. There are 4 figures. Card 2/2 KAIAKUTSUY, L.V.; ~EKOL9YLA.A. Heterogeneity of the membrane of airborne mycelium of violaceus. Kikrobiologiia 30 no.1:67-7.1 Ja-F 161. (IaRA 14--5) 1. Institut mikrobiol6gii AN SSSR. (ACTINOMYCES) 60i',OKIN, M.G.; SOKOLOV. A.A. Morphology and biology of the northern. birch mouse (Sicista betulina Pall.) in Kalinin Province, Nauch. trudy Kal. otd, 1401P no.2:31-40 16o. (KAL111114 PROVINGE-NhGH MOUSE) OM~A 14: 10) RZIEKIIIN, Yu.; KUZFITSOV, L.; SOKOLOV, A. 1'raffic engineering and safety. kv-t.transp. 42 no.3 4&52 Mr 164. (YIRA 17-4) 1. Zamestit-ell nachallnika Gosudarstvennoy avtomobillnoy inspektsii Gla,rnogo upravleniya militsil Mdnisterstva okhrany obshchestvennogo paryacLka 'SFSR (for Kuznetsov). --- S.OKOL,011)-A., ~... An problem; from the work practices of the "Transfiot" agency. Vor. flot 24 no.2:11-13 F 164- OMIFU 18:3-2) 1. Nachallnir',- Gla-,-moragnetstva "Transflot" 1-hernomorskogo parokhodstva. SOKOLOV, A. Improve the work of the "Transflot" agencies. Mor.flot 25 no.6:9-10 Jl 165. (MIRA 19:1) TIMAKOV, S.; KINIASK. a.? KIRSFUU, V.; HIZNJAKOV, V.; SOKOLOV, A.; PAULMI, V.; AWS, E., red. (25 years of Soviet Estonia; a statistical abstract] 25 aastat Nbukogude Eestit; statistiline kogundk. Tallinn, Eesti Raamat, 1965. 173 P. [In Estonian] (MIRA 18:12) 1. Estonian S.S.R. Statistika Keskvalitsus. Pharmacolo-V and Toxicology -0- 70V, V. Scien~--:Ll c 'Resoarch Institute of Neurolo-gy and !:)svc~-iatry ~Director Prof. G. Ganev) 11E:-7?eri-,.enta1 DatbL on the Effect of Paraacn'uan.-Lndoenzal-doh,,rde Isonicottinoyl- hydrazona on twle Permeabilitty of the Horriatoence-phalic Barrier" Soft--, Vol 5, No 5, 1966, ,z pp ?8-382 Al~strac': u-Acotaminobenzaldchydo ison--1cot-;no.,,,rlhydrazone is -used in the troa~----enit of nourolocical diseases. It's effect on the par,,-,Gabili-',-y oil the hc.natoonceDhalic barr- ier in rats Twas studied. After the drug had been ad.-.Iinister~d to rats poror~-tUy threo times -oar day in doses of I rnt7, the anirrals T..aro PJ-ven an intrap6ritoneal injection of Na 1132po whoreu-oon the 0 2 c o n -'L. a nof 32-` 4- I-' in th abrain of the rats was det rm, inod and tompared irlth thaL. of control rats which received only an injection of the choxical containing t'--a radioactive isotoDe. The content of 32P in the brain of experimental anLmals was hilcher than in the control animals -- this indicated that the ,5G-Irr,Gability of the hematoencephalic barrier was raised under the influence of the drug. -,-he greatest difference between G.-c-perimental and control animals 1/2 I~UJIGIL` ~i Al SoCin, 'VIC,,v-010 a P:,.L.,hiatr-.*Lva i X!n-"okhirurp-iYa, Vol 5. No 5, 1966), pp 32p content in the cortex and subcortical nuclei. It uas 1-71 ros'nock, to tho U n in brain tissue rises h;ldl been )stalblishad that the level of frGe sorotoni I durinF pariods of increased permeabilitv of the homatooncopha, ic barrier. at)acity of drugs of the isonicotinic This findirg, should be correlated idththo C acid hvdrazide class to inhibit monoaminooxcidase, w1hich destroys free serotonin. Granh, 11 references (7 Bulgarian, 2 USSR, 2 Western). Russian and English sunuiaries. Manuscript received jan 64. 2/2 - 33 - [1 0, -vog) L 4516o-66 EWT(1)/EEC(k)-2/T/EWP(k) _jJE(_c_) WC. ACC NR: AP6031334 Or 66/6601ZII:~31(:WIDO92 SOURCE CODE: 6386[l i AUTHOR: S2kolov -.Ternov, 1. M. A. A., ORG: Physics Department, Moscow State University im. M. V. Lomonosoy Fizicheskiy fakul-tet Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta) TITLE: Use of an eledtron synchrotron as a maser I SOURCE: Zh. eksper. i teoret. fiz. Pis1ma v redaktsiyu. Prilozheniye v. 4, no- 3, 1966, 90-92 TOPIC TAGS: synchrotron, stimulated emission, electron accelerator, maser theory BSTRACT: The authors show that stimulated emission from electrons moving in a niag- netic field is possible in the relativistic case in a definite band of high harmonics i e imu- I corresponding to a certain resonance. The formula for the total pow r of the st j lated emission and absorption of a given harmonic v is obtained for an incident elec- i tromagnetic wave which is linearly polarized and propagates perpendicular to a con- stant magnetic field causing cyclic motion of the electron. The values of v at which atimulated emission will prevail aver absorption and which gives a maximum intensity' of spontaneous emission are determined. The calculations show that for an accelerator! With E - 50 Mev the intensification of the emission is possible up to harmonics V < :Lx ~ 1000. When v > to the contrary, the absorption energy begins to lvmi~~ L exceed the emission energy. This method (in the case of absorption) can also be used to accelerate relativistic electrons in cyclic accelerators. Orig. ar. has: 6 for- raulas. [02) SUB CODE: 20/ SUB14 DATE: 23May66/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 002/ ATD PRESS:~ I C.rd jjl av,11, 5081 1 tot ot di 0 0 0 0 OF : TOW '0,- low' St 0 0 a 0 q Is 4 11 It IT zi 1. IT .1 1.11~11VUMDUV IN al .1 a A A L 4 L__1 AA 1~ U I L A A k L a M it f Relation between the viscosity of animal tat and temper- &(life 11-01.1-Al bId N~ S. 9. Chimir 61 in.1u,.1pir 42. X-N Ilw %astatimi l" VAIII, A Ili, r%per-d 1,% 01" .111pill.-A ' It 11 "Ituir A It 'kild w, "ol-1, %,hu It -00 00 60 so* Soo is 00 06 &ITALLUNGICAS. LMWAI~Ilt CLAWMATION It I 14 Too 4 )a,. 0WAIV it u .0 'It J., .11191 1W 11, , -IT An L 1 0 Od 0 0 4 1 9 IN I A3 11- #r rp it WP Mf It 4 It n 4 a n I - 4 4: : : OT 1 0 0 0 0 ; 0 0 0 1 : l A 4 0, 0 0 O 1 e 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 do 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 --- .1 4AVC 02`~" 0 010 ( 0 Is 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 ~ 01 0 0 * 0 00v W - - - se 0 1 Z' L C L I If X to kA; 37 - 2t_ _I of CC W tt -00 00 .00 00 -00 410 commercial d1tratiorl of animal fats. j%_&'k'dovduJI'- : R .90 'Asmse & snJu.,h,, 42. M-Io. 111, , iv,- Is ~ 111 f1h 00 00 filter I)rt,,S dvpcndS vswntitilly oIt the tclUll. ~J Ibc Ids, smr~a~inst with the trutip. -00 00 Ow quality .1 the (at Should 1~ taken into ommd,ni ivn~ 1 -00 00 11"t Tfic effit'ielicy of the filter me~- call be illvma-d I'V pa-singg throjigh it the up1wi Idyrfs of the fat, which mc 00 00 1-~ cunfamulaird. A. Pa0twati-Coutuir 00 00 00 00 'Z*0 0* 00 goo 00 '00 ~00 '00 00 00, -00 0 00f '00 I L AOf TALLLPGPCAL Lttti?1?4~f CLaSj1FK&TjCo 9 Igo 0 vilLil 6A C- " -0 *0 -'. , , -0, *0 S it 3 dn4 000000 'p-000-5,60 0 oil "';';6000 90C00000000000000600001 000000 oolooo*eo*ooooo-o.~.09001000000*009000 900000 0 0 4: * 0 #4 , . 11 1) If It 1. it 4 11 Nitta jI)4A Ann A 0 11 st it m n I& IP 111 11 V It 41 it w 0 j L L a it r It w AA w tt j 0 00 00 * coluloctor for the Oxislyow fat-trictiliection a tug ' 77 ~. 19. IWO. S. . *0 Alive co"110.16,01 "I [lip V-sill "lul 0 klim"'Wal 'd tile .*111, 011444140, & 1. 1. 111 Ill. thimble to mvive tile ativrill I""Vric.1 1'y 00 ir A. A. llochilinsk of =00 00 'q 00 zoo 111010 use .00 -00 00 -is' - " , ' , too An L S a Ow 0 '(1' 3 1 x W a 11 MID ft '114 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 71 OT44 0 0 fee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 010 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 We 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 to 04 SOKOLOV, A. A., Engineer "Theory and Calculation of the Industrial Filtration of Animal Fats." Sub 7 May 1~t, Moscow Technological Inst of the Food Industr7, Ministr7 of Higher Education USSR Dissertations presented for degrees in science and engineering in Moscow in 1947. SO: Sum.No- 457, 18 Apr 55 c A- The cbmakW ~ all al to . A. SokwDv ,Or and E. likkin. , . I. S.R. lil. -,a. 6, Go- ,Uz =t, 70(IM).-The chmw tim of jpoi~b dbcwwd. .~1- F~M" c2l 7 / 'l 'T, I __ fi I The ripening of moo. A. Sek,Anv. Hyn siay4 Ind. S.S.S.R. 22. No. 2. 14-170050-The Ruwan work -it lioittmortern changes in tricat is reviewed. Author% of the work reviewed am iriven. but the refercric" are usitted. M. M. Piskur '2j /,2 Fligation of color of most during curing. A- ~qkulv%_, ,1; N 1,.-' W. ciwn-r-h N't. NI-I I au 1. ). 31)%I-a*V.3 I~j- . SS ZZ. No 1, mttm,,~ m(mimstion on of nitrit" ott me.0. M. M. 11. SOKOI.ov , ". . S"OLOV.,-A.P.,kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; BOLISHAKOT, A., kandidat ----i'~khnicheekikh nauk. The effect of certain technological factors on the rate of salt- curing meat. Klan. Ind. SSM 25 n0-3:48-49 154. NWA 7:7) (Meat--Preservation) BOLISHAKOV, A., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; SOKOLOV, A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. -- Salting hams in hot brine. Mias.ind. SSSR 25 no.6.-20-22 154. (Ham) (MLRA 8.-l) SOKOLOV, A.,dots. Using liquid smoke in manufacturing meat producto. J41as. ind-S33H 30 no.1:15-16 '59. (MIA 12:4) 1. 14oakovskly tokhnologichookiy Inotitut myasnoy i molochnoy prcAuktail. (Meat. Smoked) XMIKO. Vyochoslav IoBifovich. laind.tekhn.nauk; SOKCLOV,-A.A., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk, spetered.; IVANOVA, N.M., red.; P.MMERIY, S.P., [Physicochemical and chemical principles of the food smoking process] Fiziko-khimichookie i khimicheskie oanovy kopcheniia. Moskva, Pishchepromizdat, 1960. 222 p. (MIRA 14:4) (Heat, Smoked) (Fish. Smoked) I ..SOKOLOV, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich, dotsent; PAVLOV, Dmitriy Vasil'Yevich, dotsent; BOLIZHAKOV, Aleksey Sergeyevich, dotsent; ZEURAVSKAYA, Nina Konotantinovna, dotsent; SHOPENSKIY, Andrey PBvlovich, dotsent; DYIMOP, Eduard Petrovich, dotsent; ILAITMUMGER, A.A., spetered.; KORBUT, L,V., red.; SOKOLOVA, I.A., [Technolog,v of meat and meat products] Tekhnologiia miass i mieso- produktov. Moskva, Pishchapromizdat, 1960. 672 p. (mIRA 14: 4) (Meat industry) ,-SOKOLOV, A., prof.; SOLNTSEVA, G., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; -- MUWAYIEVA) S. Measuring the thickness of fat in live swine with the help of supersonic waves. Mias. ind. SSSR 32 no-4:30-31 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1, Vsesoyuzny-j nauclino-isoledovatellskiy institut myasnoy proriyohlennosti, fSwine) (Ultrasonic wavos-'Industrial application) SOKOLOVI-A-. , prof.; KUKHARKOVA, L. F~rocessing of hogs in the meat plants of the Polish Febple's Republic. Mias.ind.$S%5R 33 no.5:0-60 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovate~61*iy institut myasuoy promyshlonnosti. (Pol~=Pork industry) SOKOLOV., A.A.; KAMAL', E.YU. Effect of temperature and heating time on the hydrolysis of protein substances and amino acid composition of beef broth. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; pishch.tekh. no.4:37-42 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Moskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut myasnoy i molochnoy promyshlennosti, kafedra tekhnologii nVasa i myasoproduktov. (Beef, Canned-Analysis) (Sterilization) SOKOLOV, A.A.; ZAYAS, Yu.F. Analyzing the structural and mechanical characteristics of meat stuffing prepaxed with fa't emulsion additives. Izv.vys.- ucheb.zav.; pishch.tekh. no-4:43-48 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Moskovskiy tevhnologic-heskil institut myasnoy i molochnoy promyshlennosti, kafedra tekhnologii myasa i rVasoproduktov. (Food--Analysis) (Sausage) SOKOLOV) A.A.; ZAYAS, Yu.F. Use of ultrasonic vibrations for obtaining water-fat emulsi-.ns; their properties and practical applications. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; pishch.takh. 2:66-71 162. (,,aRA 15-5) 1. Moskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut myasnoy i molochnoy promyshlennosti, kafedra tekhnologii myasoproduktov. (Oils and fats) (Ultrasonic waves-Industrial applications) (Emulsions) SOKOLOV$ A.A.; KAMALI YLWF, M. Effect of the temperature andof the duration of sterilization on the tyrptophan content in beef. Vop.pit 21 no.4:82-84 Jl A 162. (AURA 15:12~ 1. Iz kafedry tekhnologii myasa (zav. A.A.Sokolov) Moskovskogo tekhnologicheskogo instituta. myasnoy i molochnoy promyshlennosti. (BEEF) (TRYPTOPHAN) (STERILIZATION) SOKOLOVY A.A.; ELI DASHLUTYj, Mokhamed Samir Changes occurring in the meat after the slaughtering of the animal. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; pishch. tekh. no-4:86- 89 '63. (MIRA 16:111) 1. Moskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut mvasnoy i molochnoy prom,yshlennosti, kafedra tekhnologii myasa i nWasoproduktov. SOKOLOV, A.A.; MOKHAWD SWR ELI DASHLUTY After-slaughter changes in the histological structure of the muscular tissues of mutton. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; pishch.tekh. no.5:87-91 163. /MIRA 16:12) 1. Moskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut myasnoy i molochnoy promyshlennosti, kafedra tekhnologii myasa i myasoproduktov. SOKOLOV., A.A.; FAIZOV, K.Sh. Solonetz soils in the Pavlodar area of the Irtysh Valley. Trudy Inst. pochv. All Kazakh. SSR 15:66-125 163. (MIRA 16:12) SOKOLOV, A., prof.; DASHLUILI, M.S. ell Effect of the post-mortem changes in meat on its keeping quality. 0 Mias. ind. SSSR 34 no.4.,51-52 10'3. (MM 16t10) 1. Moskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut wyasnoy i molochnoy proiriyshlennosti. SOKOLOV, A. A. Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Data on the pathogenesis of trophic uloarse (Clinical and experimental study) " Mon, 1956. 14 pp 20 em. (blin of Health USSR. Central Inst for the Advgneed Training of Physioians), 100 oopies M, 7-57, 110) 7~o USSR/General Problems of Pathology - Tumors. T-5 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 3, 1958, 12837 Author : Karnilova, L.D., Sokolov, A.A. Inst : Not given. Title : Organismoid Teratoma. Orig Pub : Tr. Khabarov. med. in-ta, 1955, 14, 194-198 Abstract : Teratomas of the sacro-coacygeal area are predominantly found in young children. Sacral teratomas are usually located in the sacro-coccygeal region and spread to one of the buttocks. Parasacral teratomas spread to ante- rior.surface of the sacrum. The treatment is the earliest possible surgical intervention. A description is given of a sucdessful operation on an 8 month old infant for an orgEmismoid teratoma of the gluteal region. Card 1/1 SOKOLOV9 A.A., assistent Analysis of the causes of mortality following strangulated hernia and ways of reducing it. Sbor. ftua. Kursk. goo. med. inst. n0-13: 79-80 '58. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Iz kliniki obshchey kh#%-,--gii (zav. - prof. Z.I.Rakhman) Kurskogo gesudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. ("MIA) (DEATH--CAUSES) SOKOLOV., A.A. Effect of ionizing radiations on preserved blood. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi 6 no-3:42-4/+ Mr '61. (MIRA 14-3) (BLOOB~--COLLECTIONS AND PFMERVATION) (BADIATIOU-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) SDKOIIOVJ A.A. Three cases of cancer of the small intestine. Sov. med. 25 no.2:128-130 F 162. (MIFA 15:3) 1. 1z kliniki fakulitetskoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. A.G. Karavinov) Kalininskogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. - dotsent A.N. Kushnev) na baze Oblastnoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach - zaaluzhennyy vrach RSFSR A.A. Sokolov). ( M ESTINES-CANCER) VISHNEVSKAYA, Iraida Ivanovna; SOKOLOV A1ekq4q4g,,g d mialu KUSTOVA, Ye.A., red.; D.) tekhn. red. [Medical care for the rural population the Kalinin Province Hospital] Meditsinskoe obsluzhivanie sel'skogo naseleniia Kalininskoi oblastnoi bollnitsy. Moskva, Med- giz, 196-1. 106 p. (MIRA 16:10) (KALININ PROVINCE-HOSPITAL CARE) (KALININ PROVINCE-MEDICINE, RURAL) 0 0 9-~ - 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 TIP- 0 0 4 0 0 'Ira, it I ids& ?I ontl0it"ISNIUM a it ax I? a IV r, it It u " ism1, MI, a I u 48 71!111 A. : a F , Q q 1, 1A1 " AA a a DID - - 1 fit -.0 1-0 o Ko L- 0 Oo Ldboratory motbotle for Jolorsull,104 1110,1100,1111t Of dullt, tat and saur In 86120rator Ilso lot use In aututtilictor Ualls ' I, A_A_S&AUX._A1otor (U. S. S. It.) IV40, No. I of app. and procedurrs employed by t V Himian tatm lot dets. ditst, tat und S m Avil'-fator j; UwAl III autoltactor rillLium Z. Kmmell ;Igo zoo L46 0 r.0 0 00 4100 00 -00 W~ ~3 wee 00 L 1 11 1 L ARft&LLURrK*L LITIERAMINE CLIS110 iCATtON Uz- use ILV wee let - too 0 U 0- 10 Ili; I w a 1, 99 Vt itX LS 0 KLO n, 0 * Ole 0 0 0 0 ::::: a 0 0 9 0 a 00000000000 :90400111100090000040 000 0 o 0000 t o I t 0 0 i W Is it g t f -92 x m I I L I A# J.T A_a-f a f P . Q. Peat-gas generators for tractors. A. A. aml 00 A. S. lialobanny, 7a rwfvkjnuvu lmd. ~fu; 7plor. too, it. nic. -n, i h I'K 11.11, S (C i, 4fi,,tl,%A With '14A 1,11 mfetlt6ml 1.1 V. t,. X"wrutor, L.,inx t~.l hiall i'1 11,11. St. G. M-Ir 09 no* . jZ!, 1 00 coo g0- 00 13 00v 0 ;As* xq 0 a* 0 Is* 0 &tTALLUXOK*L LIVINAUMI CLASSIMATWO 77 4.10.1 L. a" ali'll1v .1itil 1W 0.. M Ah ILA S At 0 1 W E& AA i Al ?w 0 1 It $1 9 AN 4 11 9 1 -0 LS KAD A a ma ocvtv*K Wawa Karl ICK 4", 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 a 0 0 4 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 40 a sit a 0 * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 46 a a of 6-00 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 9 * 0 * *I Um/magineerixg Sep 191*7 Pi*t * i.-. Prodftwtion ?wlsp, Solid Iftahinery for Digging Peat," A. A. Sokolov., VNI p 2 pp '41arfymaya Promyshlennost'" No 9 Factories producing machinery for digging peat wast 1roduos, saw. 20 types of asohines at a cost of 4W aillim rubles for the fourth 5-year period, Sam of the avMestione f or the im1wovement of vark mwe of tb&..tULU%Y at cast *tool at ftetcry *Ay 3*y.,* ArmogUmmIM tbo-varlm* vwk,brlp&w with vorkmrs who bwe bow qv&Wio& uMw'tb&,OM classificatioup creation of a Central Bur*&u - f Or Construction of. Peat MmIme -VmhiwrYv- -reviewing the_machinery. now An production, halting produotion of.mmecessary. machinery and increasing production of such mchinery as the type STZ_NATI svemp tracks ror tractors and a stacking recoil cutter. 23" SCI-I'LUN, A. A. FA-2M7 USM/Avineed-Ing Sep 1947 Waotors Peat - Production "Determination of Specific Pressure and Deteriara- tibn of Idnks in Caterpillar Tracks," A. A. Sokolov, GlavTorf, 3 pp "Tarfyannaya Promyshlennost'" No 9 The author states various mthemstical formulas for the determination of the lwessmre on each link in a caterpillar track with relationship to the weight of the machine vhich-the track supports, Gives diagrams of several types of designs for links and also very briefly deals vith the deterioration of the links In a track. 23T47 . :,~. A. "I"ietallizati-on in 1`6--pair Work, 11 Tor". Pro-,,,i., -lo 3 1948 Eng-r., Glavtorf -clu'-48, .L -, - .11 1 . f , SCKOLOVJ A. A. "The Soviet Peat Industry is Forem-st in the World," Torf. Prom., No.6, 1948 SOKOWVJ A. ~. "Elimination of Outdated German Techniques in Soviet Peat Production," Mekh. trud. i tyazh. rab., No.7, 1948 5/f ~V~I 1 ~4 ussR/Engineering Sep 48 Tractors Tractors - Fuels 'Triquetted Domestic Fuel for Gas-Generating Tractors,' A. A. Sokolov, Engr, 5 pp "Za Ekonomiyu Topliva" No 9 BrIquetting and concentrating low-grade domestic fuel is highly desirable because it will permit widest application of gas-generating tractors, con- serve forest resources, and reduce fuel expenditures. 35A9T41 A-D 2.0 envies 349 AXO ~41mcsofvs j 00 es M. Isom" IN mmumm a? MUAUTM or MT Umns m o 00 MWBATION. saw2sv,, &.A. (Tor4awwa hwdasmos, ff x 16 Wo 19491(7)1 0 0 C! d 00 *00 see *0 ' 00 I ^&4 nes -SL& MULLUMiCAL W11606W CLAUVICATON %scow DOWLAW tal 4*0 Rif Gwv 4#9 Im F6 ad a is I jr 0 9 a a 3 0 T tv I 0 so 0 0 :-*.ILAjLa db Ab W-* 0-4000 0.00-0 0 4p~e 00 SOKOLOV, A.A. 36124 pogruzoehnyy Kran Ili Okskavator n& okaravaniv&nii to NO- 11, S. 24-25. rta. Torf prom-stt. 1949. So-' 1'~t0PIs' Zhmnalt n7kh Statey, no. 49. 949 r IPOM CL*W GRAB FOR IDADING SM PUT. SQkolov A A Rnd Neopommobabil, 1. M. (Torf. Prom. (Peat Ind. ), July 1951, 12-141. 0 SOKCLUj, A. A. Sokolo-7, A. Trud. cr sO=03 alivoing '~IT-;I--f AND A. t:li :~A .~, ~~ ,* 1 1; -. ".- % . 'I. I - - - - 21 C~: - -1 1. i-'A T I ~' I Z -.A T i T L c. A i 1, 1 Lt T E 1 1 ,7 F T A I I A T t. c C. C.E 4 -'4 "r WIawt" 3108. Nk;w ~LAcjji..m Folt nARvu.;'rlNL; PUT. SokoIRIF,-A.A. (Nekhanizataila 'rrud. i 'ryazhel. Rabot (Mochanization of Arduous Work), May 1952 , 45 . ,, (. IT"I"'. :, .. 7cal Tndustr- f --",o , , ~o - ; ncr -a~-,;n -, d-:-a,--* 7-i.t-- ~- 'I-r f ck -- '"or - m. 0 17 IC--,) . .- I- ~ I'l, - - . . ~ .-, , -- . . , -,)- 'Irn'~,I,r Li7,4- oo "usL;iar. ~cc,~ssicns. T; rarv of Con,7ross, October - -117 17 D -, 1-1 - . _ - I -b I - - I - 30KOLOV) A. A., tng. Peat Industry Mechanizing the production of peat bricks at small Peat enterprises. Mlekh.trud. rab. 7, No. 3, 1953. SO: Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June - 1953, Uncl. BEZZUBOV, Nikolay Dmitriyevich; SOKOLOV, Aleksandr Alekseyevich; SHCHIMV, N.Y., redaktor; VORONIN, K .r.","tekhrAdheekly redaktor. [Winning chunk peat with a MPDK machine] Dobycha kuakovogo torfa mashinoi MPDK. Moskva, Goa. energ. i2d-vlo, 1955. 95 P- (KLUA 9:4) (Peat machinery) 'SOKOLOV, A.A., inzhener. Basic principles of the surface-layer method for winning block beat by means of an electric self-propelling peat combine. Trudy Inst.torf. AN MR 4:91-95 '55. (MLRA 9:3) (Peat machinery) TRDY1JM V S. V B I rIC MIT011OV, V.Ya.; U 0 , Im M H, AUSIN, i,.F.; gaK'OIQ P.I.; SAMMAH, A.J.; KATLAYIN, F.F.; SDIDPOV, S.G.; YEFIMOV, V.S.; YYOUVITSIn, V.I.; R.A-3KIN, B.A.; BABARIN, A.F.; MATMXV, L.M.; 'FU'T1XOV,S.A.; CHMMENKOV, D.P.; BULAYEVS111Y, N.V.; kandidat tekhni- r-haskikh nauk; S1fI14KjiRINfC, K.K.; TSUPROV, S.A.; GINZIMRG, L.N.; Vft91LfY7,V, Yu.K. Scientific and technical conference an the work of the peat industry of tbm Ministry of Elactric Power Stations. Torf.prom. 32 no.2:1-20 155. (MLRA 8:5) 1. Zamnstitmll ministra clektrostantsiy (for Bausin). 2. Zamestitel' direktora VNIITP (for Sokolov). 3. Zamestitel' direktora 14TI (for Antonov. 4.Zamestltell direktor "'krniimesttopprom"(for Kurdy=ov). 5. Dirnktor Instituta torfa All BSSR(for Bellkevich). 6. Machal'nik Glavfm~-rgozapchastl HES(for Savimykh). ?. GlavVy inzhent-r Ivalnovsko go torfntresta (far Karakin). 8. Zamestitel' direktora MTI ( for Sol* pov) 9. Upravlyay-ushchiy Shaturskago torfotresta (for.Tefimov). 10. Glavnyv me-khanik Invanosvkogo torfotresta (for Yarovitsin). 11. Glavnyy makhanik Leningradskogo torfotrmstp- (for Rabk1n). 12. Glavvyy inzhaner Oznretsko-Neplyuyevskogo torfopredpriyatiya (for Babarin). 11. Glavr*7 inzhmner Gor'Trovskogo torfotresta (for Matveyev). 14 Ru- kovoditell laboratorli VNIITP (for Funikov). 15. Glavnyy inzhaner trmsta Lomtorfostroy (for Cheruftnkov). (Continued on next card) j~,- 63. TIM- KD?1-1 PEAT CONDIML SoYolav, A.A4 -(Ffokhm. Trad. t,-azh~l.~ rJuZ,~!,i4 -IEF. A brlof Illustrated dojeription Is givon of a machina 'ahich Is, rocamontlad for wacal scalo oporationj. It Is hunf,, on the bac% of a traotor culd driven by its palor U-11'e-off. Pout Is removed rrwa the field by a a1do-cuttim., milling cutter, then pansed Lbrough C. 1-resa ard veto Mzz1cq, from vthwi It falln twk on to the fleld In Vic form of cylindrical uc,~(L-j. BEZZUBOY, Nikolay Dmitriyevich; SOKOLOV, Aleksandr Aleksevevich; SHCHU111MV, N.F., redaktor; LARIONOV,-G-.Td.'9 tekbAUdhii re or [The XDII-2 block peat machine] Dobycha kuskovogo torfa mashinoi KDR-2. Moskva. Goa. energ. izd-vo. 1956. 68 p. (MLRA 10:1) (Poat machinery) ~a "IT (WAT WINHWO DiM m 955, OFEFATINQ H lad*# floscou), 1955, 13)8 29g 30). Sokolov, A.A WAR d.. new raobJnss for winning peat by tba lawfaca-la3mrO rathad LX won In use. My suffered fr= itm*IM cn III prepared sLrfdws uA lWic of A C tr,tntng for ov=tW4 tut we rag"d as pmaistric. (L). SOV/118-58-1-7/16 AUTHOR: 3okolov, A.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Improve the Methods of Extracting Peat (Sovershenstvovat' metody dobychi torfa) PERIODICAL: Mekhanizatsiya trudoydmkikh i tyazhtilykh rabot, 1958, Nr 1, pp 25-28 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut torfyanoy promyshlennosti - VNIITP (All-Union Scientific Research In- stitute of the Peat Industry) is designing many machines for the complex mechanization of peat extraction. At pre- sent, VNIITP is developing a pneumatic method of removing out peat. VNIITP has developed peat loading devices and mechanisms ensuring the full mechanization of the peat dry- ing process. In 1955/56, a universal self-propelled machine for turning over, stacking and transposition of peat bri- quets was tested in the Urals. Furthermore VNIITP has wor~-ed out various excavators ', among them the widely spread excavator of the type TE-2 equipped with a rear shovel, a drag-line and a graba For the uprooting of stumps, V~IJITP has developed an uprooter RkSh-4 driven by a DT-55, pro- -Card 1/2 duced by the ivanovskiv mekhanicheskiy zavod tor.'yano,3c, SOKOLOV, A.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; YEVSEYEV, V.N., inzh. Peat winning in Par North regions. Ilauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; gor. delo no-3:36-38 '58. (MI-RA 11:9) l.Predstavlena kafedroy tekhnologii dobychi i sushki torfe. Moskovskogo torfyanogo instituta. (Russia, Northern--Peat) YEVSEYLT, V.N., inzh.; SOKOLOV, A.A., kmnd. takhn. nauk Winning pnat for fual in districts of th* Par North. Torf. prom. 35 no. 4:1&20 '58. (MIRA 11:7) 1.Moskovskiy torfyanoy institut. (%.ants, Northarn-Paut) BULYNKO, M.G., dotsent; SOKOWV, A.A., kand.tekhn.nauk 14nchanical dawatering in track presses of upper peat with a low degree of decomposition. Izv.vye.ucheb.zav.; gor.zhur. no.10: 149-153 '59. (KL'RA 13:5) 1. Kalininskiy torfyanoy institut. (Peat irAuBtr7) SOKOLOV, A.A.; M-LIKEVICH, P.I.; CITLYUKOV, N.P..; IflIKONOV, M.fl.; -OZOLITIM, Z.D.; TD401~=x~V, A.V. Research and experimental designing and prospects for their further development. Torf. prom. 37 no.5:12-18 16o. (mIRA ii,:lo) 1. Vsesoyuwnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut torfyanoy promyshelnnosti (for Sokclov), 2. Institut torfa AN BSSR (for Beltkevich). 3. Kalininskiy torfpnoy institut (for Chulyulccv). 4. TSentrallnayct torfo-bolotnaya opytnaya sfantsiya (for Nikonov). 5. V5esoyuznyy institut udobreniy.i agro~pochvovedeniya (for Ozolina). (Peat industry)