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BARAVIV, Georgiy Fedorovich; AWL-E-NKO_,_ I. P. _ red.; TALAN, F. S. J, red,; OUCHUFAK, V.D., tekhn. red. [population protection In an atomic, chemical, and bacteriological war]Zashchita naseleniia. v usloviiakh prime- neniia atomnogo, khimicheskogo i bakteriologicheskogo oru- zhiia. Pod obshchei red. I.P.Sokolenko. Kiev, Gosmedizdat, 1962. 423 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Russia-Civil defense) SOKOLMO. M.P. Increasing the productivity of evaporation stations. Sakh. prom. 31 no.5;31-32 My 157. (KLRA 10:6) 1. Bichurskiy eakharnyy zavoa. (SiWar industry) SOKOLINKO, M.P. -53 Nonautotatic condensed water removal. Wkh. Prom. 32 no,,3:52 Mr g58. (NrBA n 11, Bichurokiy sakh&rnyy sarod. (Sbgar industr7) LTUBIMOVA, R.; SOKOLEM , N. The trade-union council conducts legal inspections. Okhr. truds. I sots.strakh. no.10:26-28 0 159. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Pravovyye Inspektora Moskovskogo gorodskogo, soveta profsoyuzov. (Moacow--Trade unions) MOISBYEV, S., Inzh.pO tekhnike bezopasnosti; KALINOVSKIY, F., mekhanik; SHALOMOV, B., yuriekonoullt; TALANOVA. N., inzh.po tekhnike bezopasnosti; BYGHKOVA, I., inzh.; VORONOV, A., elaktrik; SOLDLENXO, N - EIJTUZOT, P.; TOPYRIK, P., pensioner; FIUMOV, G., inz6-..,-PO---, tekVnike bezopasnosti; CHWHETKIN, A.; KLIMINTIYEVA, Ye. Those, who serve us. Okhr. truda i sots. strakh. 3 no-7:5243 Jl 16o. (MIRA. 13:8) 1. Reydovaya brigada. 2. Mookhladokombinat imeni Mikoyana (for moiseye~. 3. Upravieniye Mosgorplodoovoshch (for 1411novskly). 4. TSentrallnyy universallnrr magazin Voyentorga (for Shalomov). 5. G6sudarstvennyy.universal'nyy; ma-gazin, Moskva (for Talantova). 6. Obahchestvennyy inspektor okhrany truda Mostorgstroya (for lVchkova). 7- Obshchestvennyy inspektor okhrany truda Mosrybokombi- nAta (for Voronov). 8. Pravovo7 inspektor Moskovskogo gorodskogo soveta profsoy-uzov (for Sokolenka). 9. Obshchestvenny7 inspektor okhran7 truda kholodilinika No.1, Moskva (for Kutuzov). 10. Moskovski7 r7bokombinat (for Fedyukov). 11. Korrespondent gazety "Sovetskaya torgovl7a" (for Chechetkin). 12. Zaveduyushchaya otdelom profso7uz- nOy 2hizni gazety "Sovetskaya torgovIya" (for Klimentlyeva). 13. Spetsiallnyy korrespondent zhurnala "Okhrana truda. i sotsiall- noye strakhovani3re" (for Gromov). (Yarehouses-Safety measures) (Retail trade--Safety measures) SOKOLEV,iO, N,. -..'reru-in is a Cen-md fig-m-a ir. educatior-all vark. Frof.-t.ehh. a Or. 19 no.3.-2-1--22 I-L- -62, 1 L, direlctora po kLd 'tunic- ralbote uehj..LJ~~llv;ha mokJawlizatDii se-177pkoem kho?,y&yBt-vf,. 'jo.1 and teaeldr%) SOKOLEENKC). N. Who ?i7aLdd conduc-tv politi:al jrfj-~rrmal-Dn sesiiions? P f.-tekh~ nbr. 20 no.5--:25 I'Ay 163. (MIRA 16,7) 1. Pomosh-Enik direktora khamakogo sel'skogo profesaional7no- ~elkliui--heskc-- uchilishcha No.2 Krrasnodarskogo kraya. tl , inzh.; SOKOLEINKO~ N.F., RAGOZIN, P.S., gornyy inzh.; GURIN, V.M., gornyy gornyy inzh. Developing 451 m of incline in a month. Ugoll Ukr. 7 no.7:45 J1 163, (MIRA, 16:8) (Coal mines and mining-Labor productivity) 30876- 50-KOLE!,flKO, 1,11. F. S. I. Rabota s kormov7rmi travarr.-i. V sb: Nn-uch. trudir V-sesajoz. selekts.-~enet. in-ta im. Lysenko. , 1949, s. 162-82. F. C, pr4 1 :D C'. r Cj~' I-o chi-, Leto-~issl 71-an-a-I Inyl,11 S~att-y, N '~Q, u -.0 m., sof.C'U~ii~cj' i,.-. V. Odessa Province - Alfalfa Summer soiring of alfalfa in Odessa Province Sov. agron. 10 no. 6, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Augu.-t, 1552. UNCLASSIFED. USSR / Cultivated 21,1nt2* F n r a ;10 CV0Ps -7 1c)56? No -16, [':!028. Abs jour: Ref ~,hul-3i0l- 1. ,china, N. N F.; ?etru* te. Aut'nor : Genetic Institu ion selec-clon- cal-Un Inst : d 11arvests c)f Fodder elOn Crops. Titi~- See in-M, 1957, No 3, 0 r i ~f-' P ub 3yul- V623. sejeicts.-geciet. - 17. esUlt Of raising fodder and talole Abstract: in 1955, as a r wateruielOnj hybrids viere . -jas of squastj and Tid variet, p iarvest yiaid a o'ota-ined whict, ossess IE- in the fruits- lutrient ii:atter higner content of I u auash comDrised tile harvest of 11stof'-Intovoy" S - W_ Thus -ts free Pollination ltb -'7 c (control) W i t 1-1 ' ination 137.1 uash - 145 3 C, and with poll and oans,-O.." sq ya' "is- -, > )f pollen 0~ tn`_~' "ispanskay Pol- by a 11jisture ( " le lattar's 11;'riedovaya bela,a" varieties (in Card -.L./2 USSh / Gi.~ltiva'Ge6 Plants. Fri ra T., e C r,) p s . A;)s Jr)ur: RI-If r,hur-3io1., 19~)6, No 10, B028. AoszraCT-: len) !89.-j -_ was obtained from 1 liectare. In the fruit of the "Stofuntovoy" squash, dry matter was it 35"; su,,ar 2.82,,'~; and the hybrid "Stofuntovoy" "Ispansl~aya" (with use of isolation of flowers) L~ave respectively and -'~.28~3. -- Ye. T. -71hukov- -1 fl Card 2/2 82 Country : USSR tables, Melons. CateCory: Cultivated Pl-%rr~s- potatoes. VeGe .bs icur: RIZ110icl.; Tic 11, 1958, No 48930 loa-V-ior Sckolenko, N.F. Inst, Title Potatoes Suitable for Sunmr Pleating Periods. OriG Pub: Kolaospnik, 1957, No 5, _35-36- No abstract. Card V1. m-4 UO-SR, / Cultivated plants. todderS_ Abs JOur: Ref Zhur-BiOl-.9 No 6P 1958, 25081 k llnlriiko, N the Author Ico 1 17 __r glection tnd Genetics In5t -%~ - n 0 a J1 04~ Inst he Cultivation on Pr oduction Fields J Title Alfalfa nian SSR Steppe Rayons of the Uicrai oriS pub: Zemledeliye, 1957, No 6, 33-39 ,s of a number of years Abstract: According to the finding nd Genetics Insti- . All-Union Selection a made by the , alfalfa Bummer sowingS tute in Odessl~caya Oblast' ber Of years. guarantee a high yield through a null Kith the 3 were gotten in 1949-1951 1 Is Good hay cropf of alfalfa at the "Askaniya Nova summer sowing )nskaya Oblast' and'at the sovkhozes farm in Khersc Sts were obtained of Odesskaya Oblast'. Seed harve in 1949-1951 with summer sowing in the kolkhOze5 card 1/2 SOKOLF,IiKo, II.F. Nodule formation on the roots of alfalfa sown in summer [with sum- mary in English]. Mikrobiologii 27 no-3:335-339 My-Je 158 (MMA 11:9) 1. Vsesoyuznyy selektaionno-geneticheskiy institut im. T.D. Lysenko, Odessa,,* (AT-VAT A) . (ROOT MERCLES) SOKOLEIYO, N. F., -.,-.oc A:7ric Sci I'diss) -- "Lil-,roclirrati.c and prlr,- I - ~:, I ciplps of c-.,,lt-ivatin:l- lucerne in the steppes of the Ukrainian SSR" . Kiev, 1960. 33 PP (?,Ain A.rric Ukr SSR, Ukr Acad Agric Sci), 270 coPies (IM, 1,10 15, 19/D0, 1337) A,,S,. , (Icktor iel'khuz. nauk, otv. red, , RERCHENKO, B, E, , red. kand. sellkho~-. ri&Lk-- VENGIU-0OVSKII, S.I., kiind, sellkhoz., nauk, red-; VERMHCHEA, A..I., keind. sel-khoz. nauk, red.j GARKAVY-Y, P.F-, kand, selkhoz. nauk 9 red.; Dori'USFINI, D.A., akademll, red.,; KEUGHMO, F.G., akadem-1k. red.; PUKRAL;SKIY, A.T. kand. selikhoz. nauk, red,,- SOKOLSENKO 'N,y_,.__doktor sellihos.' naulr,, red,,; KHITRINSKIY, It Y9 sellkhoz. nauk, red.; SYIWIOV, F.V.,, red.z TETYUREVA, I,V,, red-; VAKHOVA, N,N,,, tekhn, red, ['.I'oward5 the devellopm-ent of Michurinist agrobiological theories] Za razvitie m-Icnurinskol agroblologgicheskoi nauki; Materialy... Mosk7a, Sel',khozIzdat, 1963. 350 p. MIRA 16.10) 1. Nauchnaya kon-ferentsiya, posvyashc-henraya ~O-letiyu Vsesoyuznogo Ordena Leninp i Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Zna- "ektsionno-gene-Ocheskogo, instituta imeni T.D. mem se~ Lysenko- 2. Chien-korrespondent Vsesoyuzrioy akadami'. aell5ko- kho-zyavttvennykt, rzaak imen! V,I.Leninp-, direktor Vsesoyuz- nogo selekts4Lor-rc--Fe-D-,--ti-r--heskcgo instituta imeni T.,D.'Lysen~o (for V'Usiyko). 1. VsesoTuznaya akademiya sel'skokhozyay- stvennykh nau)L imem- V.I.Lenina (for K:Lr'Lchenko, Dolgashin). 4. VsesoyuznTf 5elektsionno-geneticheskiy institut imeni T.D..Lysenk-o (for Kirichenko,, Vengrenovskiy, Garkavyy), 'dium 5. GlavnTj ucheny-y sekretar' prezI a Vsesoyuznoy akademii selIskoIChozyaystvennykh nauk imeni V.1,Lenipa (for Pukhal'.sk-17), (Plant breeding) (plants, Gultivated) I SOKOLENKO, N.F., doktor sellskokhoz.nauk Summer planting of tubers for the produ:.-tion of seed potatoes as an important factor in southern potato growing. Agrobiologiia no.6:840-850 N-D 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Vsesoyuznrf selektsionno-geneticheskiy institut, -,-. 0 Odessa. 1. IVANOV, A.Ya,, S6KOLKNKO, N.Ya. 2. USSR (600) 7. Vrediteli i Bolezni Ovoschnykh, Bakhehevykh Hul"Lur I Kartofelya v Tadzhikskoy SSR i Mery Bor'by s Nimi (Pests and Diseases of Vegetable and Melon Crops and of the Potato in the Tadzhik SSR and Measures for Combatting Them), 68pp, Stalinabad, 1951. 9. MikrobialogiX , Vol XXI, Issue 1, Moscow, Jan-Feb 1952, pp 121-132. Unclassified. Insects_ F-arra zoology Crop Fruit:, and Derry Gencral "'Ites. f,l Insects ai Pests. NN 2339- -1c,,,: Ref f,b s , 1 11. Ya BArch 1-,Ist-.' Ltute for Horti- 30ko q ntific-Rese Leal cultures, ,utj,cr i '53 C i an, 1,7oth ad .1 SubtrOD: iculture Codlin& Inst cul re, Vin' 3 of corritrollina the .. Che~aical 1,iean oaonella). Title (Car-pocapsa D in-t hn. 'nf OrM. T 1.ultur, nauchnO-t6~' rstva i Subtro.0 OriS Pub; BYu , vinograda sadovord'st've ) -14:. , lZ 19157' vyp. 1 of 3.3 ha of an ~ayinF- -I (active In e:CL)er1.-jjental s:?] 956 ,.-,,ith a 0*4:,, 40 -tract: in hard in I 1-b s aprle tree ore us-.3ensi0n at the rate of \ DDT - g to the ratios li2tll substance, tree accOrdin litres Per Card 1/3 45 Us--.? / General and ~.!).:)ecial 'oology. Insects. liarm- ful Insects and I.'-'ites. Fruit and .3erry Crop Pests. Abs Jour: --lef Zhur-:Aol., No 1, 1959, 2339. iLbstract: 2:1:1 and 1,1:1 there -,,iere d&~laped res.-L)ect- ively 7-a;fo, M% and 11.2~fb of the fruit. The ratio 2: 1: 1 is,re6oicimended in industrial prac- tice; this perfiAts the repetition of the treat- ,--ient in case of previous rains (frequent in the first half of May) . ':heh the codli -ng moth has t,,~io hatchinas, dusting aocordinE to the ratio 2:1 is recof-imended -zhen the demaGe is F.reat and 2:0 when the danage is saall; when there is only one iliatching (on Pamir) dusting according to the ratio 2.0 is recommended irres-~ective of the dam- age. In a 1956 ex)eriment, lpi`ien tra)-Ang belts X I faade frorn wra -pping- 13aper, satu-ated 1-'th a 15% Card 2/3 SOKOLENKO,--N. Ya.; SHUMAYEV, A. D.; VOLYNSKAYA, Ye. I. Multiplication of the leaf beetle Theone (leptosonyx) silphoider Dalm in tha pastures of Kazakhstan. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 5 no.10:53-54 0 160. (MIRA 16-1) 1. Kazakhskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut zashchity rastenly, Alma-Ata. (Kazakhstan-Wormwood-Diseases and pests) (KELzakhstan-Leaf beetles) SKORODINSKAYA, V.V., starshiy naixchnyy sotrudnik; SOKOIENKO, O.M. , klinicheskiy ordinator 3ffect of enucleation on the function of the remaining healthy eye. Uch. zap. UEIGB 4:380-383 '58. (NIPA 12:6) 1. Ukrainskiy eksperimentaltrWy institut glaznykh bolezney i tkanevoy terapii imeni akademika V.P. Filatova. (my'-sumIRT) (VISION) cf- KUELOCILKIN, B.; MICHMO, I. ; PykTIBRATOV, Ya.; SOKOL3NKO, V. Electric locomotive builders need thermovetting insulation lacquers. Blek. i tepl.tiaga 2 no-12:8 D '58. (~(M 12: 1) 1. Direktor Navocharkasakogo alaktrovosostroital'nogo ze-woda (for K-urochkin). 2. Prodeadatell.zavodskogo komitsta. profsoyasa Vovocherkass~ogo elektroyozostroitel'nogo zavoda (for Zhurchenko). 3. Sekretars partkoma. Tovocherkaeskogo elektrovosostrottellnogo savoda (for Pyatibratov). 4. Sekratarl komiteta Voeaoyusnogo Leninskoogo kor~misticheskogo soyusa molodeshi Novocherkasakogo slektrovozoatroltel'nogo zavoda (for Sokolenko). Ollectric locomotives) (Insulating materials) (Lacquers and lacquering) MOSHCHINSKAYA, N. K.; SILIN, N. F.; DMITRENKO, Ye. Ye.; LIDEMON, V. A.; LOKSBIN, G. B.; KOROHAGINA, A. M.-, Prinimali uchastiye: ZALITSMANOVICHI T. A.; MMEDOV, A. A.; SAPSOVICH, L. V.; S tudent; ZMSYANSKAYA, L., studentka Preparation of aromatic dicarboxylic acids and their chlorides. Neftekhimia 2 no-4-541-549 JI-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni F. E. Dzerzhinskogo. (Acids, Organic) (Chlorides) 3 ~oo WU S/200/62/000/010/002/002 D204/D307 ,~'iUTIIO,M: Vorozhtsov, N.N. (Jr.), Sokolerato, V.A. and Yakobson, G.G. 'OITLE: rxomatic derivatives of fluorine. X1. The prepara- tion and reactions of 2-6. dirLitrofluorobenzene (1) R I OD IC AL Alcade-miya nauk SSSR. Sibirskoye otdcleniye. Izves- tiya, no. 10, 1962, 87-90 The new compound I (b.p. 150-1550C/10 mm Hg, m.p. 60-610C) was smoothly prepared in 76-811/4' yields by heating 2,6-dini-f tro chloro benzene (!I) with anhydrous I(F at- 1900C. The 17 atom is ac- 402-groups and may be tivated by the adjacent electron-attracting 1 readily displaced by nucleophilic,-rcagents (NeOH, EtOH, MOW, C6- and 6 -naphthols : PhSH, aniline, piperidine) in the presence of XF, to give the corresponding 2,6-dini-trophenyl derivatives in - 80-9076 yields. 2,6-dichlorofluorobenze-iie was made in up to 60ci'o yields by the action of chlorine on I at 230-2400C. by thekstep-Ase replace- ment of the nitro (Yroups. The intermediate product, 2-fluoro-3- Card 1/2 -'xomatic derivatives S/200/62/000/010/002/002 D204/D307 chloronitrobenzene, was also 1,2,3-Trichlorobenze-Lie xLid 2,3-dichloronitrobenze-zie were similarly prepared from II. Chlorina- tion of 2,6-dinitrohalogenobenzenes thus offers a method of obtain- in-~ benzene derivatives which are generally difficult to prepare. There are 2 tables. S GC IXf ION: SUB1,"ITTED: Institut ore-anicheskoy kl-timii Sibirskogo otdelen2'.ya Z' c' AN SSSR, Novosibirsk (Institute of Organic Chemistry, Siberian Branch of the AS US'SR, Novosibirsk) July 23, 1962 Card 2/2 i" SOKOT,F,NX0,.V.A,; ORLOVA, L.V.; GERSHTEYN, N.A.; YAKOBSON, G.G. Kinetics of the reaction of hexafluorobenzene with Bodium methylate. Kin. i kat. 6 no.2:365 Mr-Ap 165. (PURA 18:7) 1. Novosibirskiy institut organicheskoy khimii Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. ACC NR, AP6025595 SOURCE CODEs INTMOIS: Vasillkovskiy, A. A.; Nechipurenko, V. V..;'Sokolenkuj V. I. OHG: none TITLE: Multillayer film Hall emf.detector. Class 21, No. 183248 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztay, tovarnyye znaki, no. 13, 1966, 33 TOPIC TAGS: Hall effect, hf component ) I AB-MUCT: This Author Certificate presents a multilayer film Hall emf detector according to Author Certificate No. 119556. To use the detector for measuring high frequency power, capacitors deposited between the current electrodes of neighboring layers are connected in parallel relative to the controlling current in the loops joining the remaining layers of the detector (see Fig. I). -LI 2 -L2 Fig. 16. 1 detector, 2+2 pacitor layqrp; 9a T1 Orig. art. has: 1 diagram. SUB CODEj 09/ BUBM DATE t O5Apr65 C.,d UC: 621,317 SOKOLELiKo, Ye. Bitumen sampler. Neftianik 5 no. 12:22 D 160. (HIRA 13:12) (Bitumen--Analysis) SOKOLENK02- le.j. inzh. Stuffing box for a piston p=p. Neftianik 6 uo*7t4 JI 161, (MIRA 240) 1. Khersonskiy neftepererabai*rayushchiy zavod. (PunphW machinery) I-ESTER, I.M.; SAKSONOV, V.N.; GUIIIEL', A.Ya.;_SOKOLEUKO, YU.V. Structural paramet,8rs and results of the i.-Aust"riall 7~eating of telemetering apparatus for measuring methane conr,ntrations in mine air. Nauch. trudy KNIUI no. 1l1299-313 62. (MIRA 17-7) AUTHORz Sokolenkov, V.A. Engineer 28-3-25/33 TITLEs On the Normalization-Inspection of Technical Documentation (0 normalizatsionnom kontrole tekhnicheskoy dokumentataii) PERIODICAL; Standartizatsiya, 1957, No 3, May-June, P 83(USSR) ABSTRACTt It is the task of the normalization-inspection at the plants to check compliance with the established standards, norms and the like, and to see that normalized or unified parts and com- ponents are employed as much as possible. But the practice differs at the-plants of the electrical industry. The Che- boksary Electric Apparatus Plant serves as an example. Here the normalization-inspection is the last step in completing the technical documents and it is practiced after the techno- logy is fixedp everything is being correspondingly adjusted throughout the plant. The technologists then object to making any more precise entries in the technical documents, which is understandable, even if wrong indication of dimensions and tolerances is revealed. The author thinks that general instruc- tions have to be issued that would become obligatory for all enterprises and organizations and that the inspection ought Card 1/2 to be made twice - a preliminary inspection right after comple- On the Normalization-Inspection of Technicai Documentation 28-3-25/33 ting the drawings and a final inspection as in the instruction on normalization for industrial branches. ASSOCIATION: Chebokeary Electric Apparatus Plant (Cheboksarskiy elektro- apparatnyy zavod) AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 2/2 AUTHORi Sokolenkov V A - Engineer, 28--58-3--33/39 TITLE: Faults o-:' c r,-- a 11 z 2. r. '.7 c: n, F e - t r o t e,~ h n I ca '-' I r. d u s 'Ll r y (Nedostatki Zaboty po nornma'L--!:~atsii -,,r e!-ek+--,)-c,--?hr--cheskoy promyshlernosti) P-'-'RIODICAL: Standartizatsiya,, 1.958, Nr 3. :-1P 64-1-95 (USS-R) ABSTRACT: The absence of standards -.O-rhin the elcr;tTotachnilcal and the lack of recnmmendations fol- the use of thp standards effective withIn the other 'ndiist-r-Jos has brollgl,,t about too large assortments of oarts and de- iErc; fo-, iqpnt-cal purposes different',v produced or designed !,,y di-fferent pla-,~!7. Tie case of magnetic control stations is laeo~r4Uej to illustrate tha situation. The Che'-oksary Elect-ric A-, Plant' until now. has been using it's ~wn, norm-standard of 1945; fcr tolerances of plasti3 parts. The designing organizat-ion TsKB "Elektropri- vod" has not yet re-,ised its 1951 nc-rms magnet-1-c control stations, though new norms ha-je beei, since developed. The .Lza~-.-cn rorn--lizat-ion and autho-r- says that the base oz6ar,-- standardization- of the electric industry, TsBSN NI!, must become a center where information n- any plant;s nclrms is obtainable, Card 1/2 and that th3 norms wil- '~e c-i the mode= technical level -. Faults of Normalization Work n the Ele~trctechn---a- 28~;- 3-,3-z 139 1 - , J.. - only when highly. skil-led engineers- desig--er3 and --ec-hnolcgists will participate in developing themr. ASSOCIATION: Cheboksarskiy el-ektr-,apparatnvy (Chebnk3ary Ele~tric Appliance Plant) Card 2/2 1. Electrical SOKOLERIKOV., V.A.; PAIUCILEV, V.A. StarAard for enstructilion drawings. StandartizatsiJa 25 no.10:29-30 0 161. (1111RA. 14:9" (Mechanical drawing-Standards) SOKOLENKOVP V.A.; TVOR-,SOV,, M.K. Seminar on standardization in Chuvanhia. Standartizataiia 27 no.2:52-53 F '63. (MMA 16-04) (Chuvashia--Ztandardization) VERSANU,-V.; SOKOLESKO, M.; PAROTA, P. "Coxa magna" as a roentgenographic sequel of local antibiotic therapy of coxitis in children. Khirurgiia 15 no.2/3:269-271 162. 1. 1. 1z Detska klinika po khirurgiia i ortopediia - Bukuresht. (TUBERCULOSIS OSTEOARTICTJLAR ther) (HIP dis) (ANTITUBERCULAR AGENTS ther) SOKOLRY-401 Efficient organization of testing is an urgent objective of state testing laboratories for measuring equipment. lzm.takh. no.12! 3-4 D 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Measuring instruments-Testing) SCIOLEV, D,.L.; AVDEINITCY, S. A. Looms Use of spare shuttles on automatic looms. Tekst. prom., 12, no. 8, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. 68707 S/069/60/022/01/016/025 D034/D0O3 AUTHORS; Felld-man', R.I., Sokolev, S.I. TITLE- On the State of Aggregation of High-Molecular Com- pounds, 6. The Rupture Characteristics of Aniso- .1 tropic PolycaprolactamqFilms vo PERIODICAL- Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1960, Vol XXII, Nr 1, pp 97-100 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors report on a study intended to establish the ultimate elongation (e ) and the breaking stress (Cr) of anisotropic polycapyrolactam film specimens. The specimens were cut out from the film in different directions with an interval of 150. The film was obtained with industrial methods by forcing the melt through a slotted die on a water-cooled drum, the mass beirg sub- sequently elongated by 30W6. The molecular weight of the polyanide was , 14000 . The specimens had a working Card 1/3 68701 ,5069/60/022/01/016/025 D034/D003 On tne State of Aggregation of High-MoleGular Compounds 6. The Rup- Uure Characteristics of Anisotropic, Polycaprolactam. Films length of 25 MM9 a width of 5 mm, and a thickness of 0.06 mm. The elongation curves were plotted up to the breaking point with the Polyan' dynamometer ("dina- mometr tipa Polyani"). The elongation was carrie9 out at a speed equal to 2 mm/min and at t 20 + 0.5 C. For the relative ultimate elongation x) -and breaking stress (a- X) as a function of the angle between the direction of the orientation and of the stretching force the authors obtained the following expression /'l - sin(900 - 4~7 and ~Ix = ~ o + o) 6-x = 6-0 Cro - (1~90 ) sin x Card 2/3 68707 S/069/60/022/01/016/025 D034/DOO3 On the State of Aggregation of High-Molecular Compounds 6. The Rupture Characteristics of Anisotropic Polycaprolactam. Films (~.0~6_0)E 909e-90 - relative ultimate elongation and brSaking stress (kg/mm2), when angle x equals 0 and 90 respectively). The correlations have been inter- preted from the viewpoint of the flexural fold hypo- thesis of crystalline polymer chains that unfold on stretching, The authors express their gratitude for help to N_T_ Fel9dman. There are 2 graphs and 1 Soviet reference. IATION- Mioskovskiy'institut khimichekogo mashinostroyeniya, Moskovskiy oblastnoy pedagogicheskiy institut im. N. K. Krupskoy (Moscow Institute of Chemical Machine Build- ing, Moskovskaza Oblast9 Pedagogical Institute imeni Krupskaya) TTED~ ard s V, A. D.- - Lai s Gor forunce on -P.Ai S, eed, f ~r ;~e by Cuttin~;, :,'-.achint~ Tools and, Sol, Co:-nil ,.it ion -~ t" ~-nfo r-.r-.t i~- 'n ~,f -,he USSIR ~-chine and Mherine Tools Industry C3,zntx7: Yurosinvia Ac-a-clt:af~; D-j-,-- fnot Olve A 21'll I nst itmto-fo r -.kpp I -jc~,~Uoz~_qf-Xuclea"nergy _~n AgrgRopy, W-terinary Medici _~!n ne _~I~orr-*#try (Institut za primanu 2xxxxxx poljoprivredi, vaterinarstvu i sumarstvu), Bolgrada Rxxxx Source% Veterinarski glasnik, No 6, 1961, pp 455-464. Datat 'VaccincUon of Sheep with Irradiated Larvae Dictyocaulus Filaria. I. Tho Effect of Irradiation Dose on the Growth and Pathogenesis of Parasites.% Authoraz JOVANOVI9, M. M-01 V. SQKQLZQ, A. ,_~~QFREAOVIO, Dj. 'GLMRIJEVIC, J. ,-CUPERLOVIC, X. -l6VSESilJAN, M. ~,D,t~: 0 L- 10- / A - 3UiCmxC (in cap2); Giveu Nam-es CO'LU-1try -Yugoslavia Acad.eT~c Dr-g~rel*3 - fnot given Af f Uiatio:,: Source; Belgrade, Veterinarski glasnik, No 6, 1961, pp 5o5-5io. Da+a: OContribution to the Treatment of Fasciolosis with Oral and Subcutaneous Application of Coarbone Tetrachloride.' Autharst BUGARSKII. V., piegumId affil./ V,eteri4a roki z&vod),'Z*=m. MAD t!OV4C, Z" gr np~ J - I ~~Wterfgr SUP ug"~UH: _ij. SOKOLIC, At,-[Presumed affil.] Institute for Invasion Diseases of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) Institut za invaziono bolesti Vaterinarskog fakultet4k) Belgrade. V., !.rrnam,- 7 n. NEVENIO, 4 Wt%4ty for lnv,islor) of tho U; ~3. Sul V", M T 9 d r, r 11 JOVANOVIC.. M.; NEVENIC, V.; Iodine irradiation applied in the i=nmization of animals against parasitic diseases. Bul so Youg 7 no.1/2:14 F-Ap 162. I. Institut za primjenu nuklearne enerdije u poljoprivredi, veterinarstvu i sumarstvu, Beograd. KRALJLVIC, Ljubomir, sanitetski pukovnik doc. dr.; JAKOBUSIG, Aug=liri, sanitatski pukovni& Josip, sanitetski kapetan 1 klase dr.; IVANCEVIC, Dusan, sanitetski kapetan dr. Use of plastic elastic mesh in repairing extensive defects of the diaphragm, thoracic and abdominal wall and recurrent hernias. Vojnosanit Pregl. 20 no.10:637-6" 0 163. --rans-olantauion of Organs and Tissues YUGOSLAVIA KrVtLJEV I C, Ljubomi r; at) d 5LKQ..'J1J`~'..JQ,,-Lp.,, Dep a rfmont of Surgery of Mi I itary Hosp i ta I (K i ru r~-, i oc ` o I Voj nc) -11o In i ce) Sp! 1 t -J "ROjection of J,-,;pIan-Jed Al lcplastic VaSCL, Izr Segment Fol lowing Surgical Repa 1 r of Femnorz! I ArT ery Fo I ! ovi i na Traurna" Zagreb, Lijacnicki Vjcsnik, Vol 88, No 6, June 1966; pp 645-647 Abs tract : [Eng I i sh summar,'/ mod:~.~iedj i,'an aged 20 was wounded in the left Ieg;79 10 centiffeTOr SGCTion o-1: -."he femoral artery had to be excised and replaced with an ailoolastic tube; 5 months I&tar, the implant was re- jected through the skin; fortunateiy -,he process of rejection was slow and gradual so thaT The leg remained viable, if inadequaTely supplied with blood. Patien-i- photograph, 5 Yugoslav references (including I unpublished), 3 I.-lestern references. Manuscript received 18 Nov 65. SOKOLIC, Petar, Doc., Dr. Personal erperience with laminar scleral resection in retinal detachment. Med. arb., Sarajevo 9 no.2:43-57 March-Apr 55. 1. 1z ocne Klinike Medicinskog fakulteta u Sarajevu-Sef:erof. Dr. V. Cavka. (RMINAL DITACMUT, surg. laminar scleral resection. (Ser)) (SCURA, surg* resection: laminar, In retinal detachment. (Ser)) SOKOLIC, Petar, doe. dr. (Zagreb) Present-day treatment of strabismus. Red. glasn. 9 no.7-8:271- 275 July-Aug 55. (STRABISMUS, ther. modern progr. (Ser)) SOKOLIC, Petar Dr. Critical considerations on attempted interpretation and exact graduation of ophthalmoscopic signs in hypertension and sclerosis. Lijec. vjes. 77 no.10-12:509-516 Oct-Dec 55. (ARTERIOSCLEROSIS.*manifest&tions, ophthalmoacopy, interpretation & graduation. (Ser)) (RYPERTENSION, manifestations, same. (OPHTHALMOSCOPY, in various diseases, arteriosclerosis & hypertension, graduation Interpretation. (Ser)) SOKOLIC, Petar Clinical picture of associated diseases of the fundus oculi. Radovi Med. fak. Zagrebu 1:60-67 1956. (WE, DISEASES, assoc. fundus lesions (Ser)) SOKOLIC, Patar Rare congenital anomalies of the region of the macula. Radovi Med, fak. Zagrebu 2:115-120 1956. 1. Iz Ocne klinike Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu (prodstojuik prof. dr. Zvonimir Pavisic). (RETINA, abnormalities, macular anomaly. case report (Ser)) ~ $OxOLICjwPLt&j GVOZWOVIC, Vladimir Consl4orstions on clinical picture of traumatic hosimMetg, Radevi Msdq fak. Zeasbu ls26-31 1"?. 19 From the Ophthaluologic Clinic of 16dical F&W41ty In Oveb "d the Radiological Institsto of Ybdinel, ImcnIty In SW*bv (MKWOPIA$ came rqwrts, trous. (for)) SOKOLIC,Petar Contribution to the interpretation of the principles of skiascopy. Radovi med. fak.,Zagrebu 7 no.1:47-56 159. (REPRACTIVA MORS diag.) I- SOKOLIC, Petar Contribution of skiascopy by means of spherical lenses. Radovi med.fak., Zagreb? no.2:111-116 159. (REFRACTION OCULAR) ~, SOKOLIC, Petar Pathogenic role of the uveal tract in acute congestive glaucoma. Radovi med. fak., Zagreb 7 no.Z.-117-124 1.59. (GLAUCOMA.etiol) SOKOLIC, -Petar Punctum conjgatum retinae. Radovi med.fak.2 Zagreb 7 no.3t239-243 '59. (REFRACTION OCULA.R) 4 SOKOLIC,Petar, d-r Use of iodine in corneal herpes. Med. arh.,Sarajevo 13 no.1:43- 49 Ja-F 159. 1. Iz Ocne klinike i. Odjela za fizikalnu medici-a-a Medicinskog , fakulteta u Zagrebu. (IODINE ther. ) (MMAS ther.) (CORM dis.) SOKOLILG,Pe-tax-,--doc. , d-r Etiopathogenic and diagnostic proglems of pseudoglaucoma. Med. arh.,Sarajevo 13 no-5:7-18 5-0 '59. 1. Ocna klinika Mediciuskog fakulteta u Zagrebu. (GIAUCOM&) --~,SOKOLIC, Potar, dr. A techhic for intr&C&Dsular extraction of the cataract from the visvpo int of ophthalmo-surgical 4ducat ion. Mod arh. , Sarajevo 14 no.1:11-19 J&-J' 160. 1. Ocna klinika Kedicinskog fakn1tota u Zagrebu. (GATARACT ZXTBACTIal) SOKOLIC, Petar, d-r Clinical contribution to retinal tele-trauma. Med.arh., Sa,:ajevo 14 no-5:37-43 S-0 '160. 1. Ocna klinika Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu (Pretstojnik: prof. d-r Zvonimir Pavisic) (RETINA wds & inj) SOKOLIC, Petar Primary glaucoma as a manifestation of general disorders in the light of durrent knowledge 'on the pathogenesis of glaucoma; Rad. med. fak. Zagreb 9 no.1:71-tl 161. (GLAUCOMA etiol) SOKOLIC, Petar Routine tonography with Schintz' tonometer in our experience. Rad. med. fak. Zagreb. 10 no.2:125-135 162. (INTRAOCULAR PRESSURE) YUGOSU,.VIA -5-0IKOL-IC,-FetA_K_LClinic for Eye Diseases (Klinika za ocne bolesti) Medical Faculty of University of Zagreb. "Gonioscopic Analysis of Structural Anomalies of Filtration Angle in Cases with Congenital Glaucoma." Zagreb, Radovi Medicinskog Fakulteta u Za~ri~Lu, Vol 11, No 1, 1963; pp 11-21. Abstract E English summary nodified] : Review of literature, and case history data on 4 young boys with bilateral (though mostly asymmetrical) hydrophthal- mia and con-enital glaucoma due mostly to aberrant insertion of iris, so as to obstruct the filtration angle. Four photographs with corresponding gonioscope diagrams; 14 Western references. 1/1 YUG () S Lll~ Cl4nic for "' c Diseases OKlinika za 06no Bolesti) SOKOI z-7 :,-'acuity of Kcdicine (',.,edicinski_ Fakultet), Zagreb. "The Technique of 'Phaco-er,,sis' in Ca--es of Cataracts." Zagreb, Padovi Medicinsko~-; i:4'_,kulteta u Zagrebu, Vol 11, No 2. 1963, PP log-lis.; [Aut-hor's English summary modified] 'The aforementioned tech- nioue consists of water- or hand-driven azpiration to produce a vacuum. '2he author has thus found it Possible to exbract caLaracts directly without using the cataract hook in suitable cases, -iven a large corneal section and pupillary dilation. Vitreous loss is almost never a dan.-er. Thu author has found that insufficient dilation in the DuDil is the most imnortant obstacle to success with this technique. Three drawings, one photo,-raph, one Yugoslav and 13 lUestern references of recent date. 1/1 SOKOLIC., F,~' ar r~hacoeZ,7rsivq techirtic in our cases of cataract. Rad. med. i~al:. Zagr eb 11 no, 2 :*' -Ii!W x& 4w-, -, ~?, Our Ainical experiences with ehymotrypsin used :L--. vnrim,- "',-'ritities in various s=--ical techr~cv. IlAd.slO-M Ra S OHO L I G E': % , J . ;'IF E CI 1A - - Ili ~,' , V . iiesistance brilres I, II, III. (Supplement) -). 1. (SDEL,J'J';Ju"l Vol- 5, No. 6, June 1,957, Praha, Czechoslova-ia) - I - 9 ,: Yonthly List )f -ast -'uronean Accessions (~ L) 1-C, 7ol. 6, No. 12, Dee 1 57- Uncl. 37693 Z/035/62/023/006/001/003 q117-306 D409/D301 Sokolic'e' T I T L."'; Transi-storized analog-to-digital converter ,IERIODICAL: 317 - 326 I Slaboproud~ obzor, v. 23, no. 6, 1962, T ED'. T The article lists the principles of --.nalog-to- diCital .d6nverters and describes the circuitry tind functions of "he IINIR 1011 'analog-tlo-digital converter developed by the Research and Develonment Center of -he METILI, National Enterprise, in Blansko. The fuii.~Itransistorized IINR 1011 operates on the compensation prin- C4 pie, c,ontains no moving parts, and -features a high input, resist- ance and novel decoders, and the converter function can be reversed. The high.,input resistance results from an uncorIvenlional comparator- ciredit wirin- where the compensation voltage is derived over a series of conductances and switches from the precisely stabilized normal-vd~ltage source, which, in turn, is supplied from two Zener diodes (5v/1.25W products of the TESLA Roznov). This comparator Card 1/3.,. Z/O"19/0'2/023/006/001/003 Transistorized analog-to-dig.-tal D409/D301 wirin, Iias several advantages; however, it requires coup~in6- of oinary representatior. to compensate for poss-ible Pmbi&ui-.y of codes. tao-sta&e, symmetrical amplifier, equipped with TESL,;. 156~7,M tran- sistors, is used as comparator, and miniature selenium rectifiers are used to-simplify the decoder design. Results are presented by Ii- i-- --Ps Z510M digital ind-alcator tubes which will soon be replaced T75T I 'Y TESLA TOTU26 tubes.. Switching transistors - U'M 102NU7 1 had to he used instead of 103'.NU71, since the latter type is not yet avail- able. The converter contains no moving parts such as mechanical con- Z&c-',s' relays, etc, and the measured- s 4- gnal polarity is automatically converted., it is assembled in a standardized panel unit, measuring 4~= --- 135'X 300 mm, weighs approximately 106 k,-, and most circuits are mounted 'or. interchangeable, laminated 87-5 x 115 mim boards with plane- zype wiring. Additional performance ratings of the "NIZ 1011 converter are: Ranges - 10, 100, and 1,000 V; accuracy t 0.1 % ; discrimination power = CG'05 % (5mV); conversion rate = 15 nsec; input resistance in the 100'_6id 1POOO V range is given by the divider r;sistance (i.e. Card 2/5 Z/03-9/6 2/02 3-1/00 OVOC I /C03 Transistorized ana log-to-dijital ... DIT09/-J301 V~, in the -10 V ran6e &iven by the maximum current derived he zneasured-volsa.~e source which may vary from 0.5 zu --o,- -h prior after com-pensatIon; - -,~ssible inter- to co:.npensatior. to 0.25 11 per. I ne! sa,mapera-.ure = 15) - 350 C; input L5 VA. The converter success- -.)assed operational tests; however, its accuracy Ereatly de- J ~ -)ends on the quallit- of' transistors used, a problem which still rem.ains to be solved by the TESLP. Roinov Plant. There are 23 fi- jures. The mosz, ii-aportant English-lan~guae;e reference is. Klein- High-Speed Dibital Conversion. Instruments and IU- .or.a-4on 29 (19"), julY, no. 7, pp 1297-1302. ASSOCIAT101": Blansko, n. p. (.,'_ETFdu Blansko, Lational Enter- prise) SUBMITTED: Xarch 1, 19062 Card 5/3 Z/AV/92/023/011/001/003 E, 19 2/ T-58 2 AUTHORS*: -So](0116ek, JiF.1, ;,;ngineer and Nejezchleb, Lubomfr 11-~~~~ T IT 1,,": Accurate transistor switches P! ' laboproud~ obzor, v. 23, no.. 11, 1962, 609 - G-L4 T FXT: Transistors comiected in common-emitter or collector circuits are most -Ienr~rally used for switching purposes. -Apart from the minimum reverse collector current Ico I one of tile most important paramrters of the transistor in switching applications is its voltage drop U ZO This, voltage was inefsured for both the common-emit-tor and coLtector connections as a f'unction of the collector current L or emitter current J f'or various base c e currents 1b ft was f-ound that UZ() r( Fc,) or ii z0 e was approximately represented by a set of' straight lines. !~h cri plotted as a function of* Ibl tile voltage "'ZO showed a flat minimum, which suggested that, normally, tile transistor should be operating with tile biasing f1) in tile vicinitv of* the minimum. Card 1/2 z/o3g/62/025/011/00-L/00- Accurate transistor switches !-'19 2/ Z3 8 2 The dependence of' 13- on temperature was also mc-asured ind it was f7mind that bcxLv.,(,cn 1:') 111d -150C the cnarv,-O-~ (I., o;- e r e ins ign i f'J.can t-omc. wore made on wzing a trao~istor as a. Vol Lage clik),mor (!)C-Lo- (., convorter.) and it vrw,; shov:n that sxich circuit-, couId be ii~;mf i*or z-,ccurate -switching work in automatic potenLionieter:~~, !0(. com,,mting amplil'iers, phase-detectors and Dc modul-ators. There -11 i'igures. -in ansko ASSOC TATION: n. 1). hl- -iJ, sko, ~I'RA olansko, State -.corks, BLansko) S UBNIITT!~D: J u -L 9 6,, Card '-I/- bOKOUGEKI Jiri, inz. Conference on new techno1gy in '3rno. Slabop-roudy obzor 25 no. 2: 111-112 F 164. XHAVKIN2 K.A.; SOKOLIK, A.F.; GALIFERIN, I.M. A machine computes the Molume of ear-thwork. Avt.dor. 26 no.4: 21-22 Ap 163. (MIRA 16W (Earthwork-Tables, bfIculations, etc.) (Electronic aomputers) I ,-S,OKOLIK,--.Anatoliy--Igniasovich- CHARNETSKIY, Konstantin Konstantinovich; FOMICHEV, Aleksey Georgiyevich; LMTIBERG, V.F., inzh., ved. red.; YAKOVLEV,D.A., inzh.,ned.; SOROKINA, T.M., (High-voltage OK-19M oscilJograph system]Vysokoyolltnala os- tsillograficheskaia ustanovka OK-19M. Moskva, Filial Vses. in- ta nauchn.i tekhn.informatsii, 1958. 15 P. (Peredovoi nauchno- tekhnicheskii i proizvodstvennyi opyt. Tema 35. No.P-58-25/2) (MIRA 16:3) (Cathode ray oscillograph) SOKOLIK, Anatoliy Ioniasovich, kand. tekhn. neuk; BORTSOV, Viktor Mikhaylovich; POLYAKOVSKIY, Lev Yudelevich, inzh.; LYUSTIBERG, V.F., iAzh., ved. red.; SOROKOA, T.M., tekhn. red. [1V-13, IV-13M and IV-13MA time-interval indicators. TTU-5-55 three-channel strain-meaouring amplifier] Izmeriteli interva- lov vremeni IV-13, IV-13M i IV-13MA. Trokhkanallnyi tenzo- metricheskii usilitell tipa TTU-5-55. [By]L.IU.Poliakovskii. Moskva., Filial nauchn. i tekhn.informataii, 1958. 17 P. (Peredovoi nauchno-tekhnicheakii i proizvodstvennyi opyt. Tema 31. No.P-58-22/4) (MIRA 16:3) (Automatic timers) (Strain gauges) 29319 S,109/61/006/010/017/027 r1l 3 D222/D302 AUTHOR: Sakolikq Aol. (Deceased) TITLE: Equivalent circuit for the deflecting plates of a cathode-ray tube PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 69 no. 10, 19619 1718 - 1724 TEXTg The author shows that the simple single-loop equit#lent cir- cuit is appl%cable only when the corresponding LRO parameters of the two plate circuits are equal. A two-loop equivalent circuit is recommended which represents separately the circuits of the two deflecting plates and takes into account the capacitance between the inputs, and the resistance and inductance in the second-anode This work is a theoretical and practical investigation of the circuit. It was found experimentally that with millimicrosecond signals, the manner in which the-$imping resistor was connected in the deflecting plate circuit greatly influenced the distortion in Card 1/* 29319 S/109/61/006/010/017/027 Eq*ivalent circuit for the ... D222/D302 the oscilloscope trace. This indicates that the equivalent circuit should contain two LRC loops to represent adequately the circuits of the two deflecting plates. The proposed circuit is shown in Fig. 3; where the circuit elements marked with index 1 belong to the Ilao- tive" plateg and those marked by 2 belong to the earthed plated CO ~s the capac%.tance between the plates, Cl and C2 are the plate ca- pacitances relative to the earthed electrodes of the tube# CB is !he capacitance between the input terminals, La and Ra are the in- ductance and resistance in the circuit, onnecting the second anode of the tube to the outer part of the signal cable which is chosen as the common ground. The mathematical analysis for the general case of this circuit is complicated, so the circuit was investiga- ted by using a model in which the capacitances and inductances were 1000 times the values measured with a circuit containing a 13LO5A cathode-ray tube. The surface effects and radiation losses, which contribute to the resistance of the plate circuits, were also ta- ken into account in the model. Oscillograms obtained with the mo- del show good qualitative agreement with the origilLal trace. In Card 2/5 S~ 9 9 Eqi*alent circuit for the D21 51/006/010/017./027 2 02 YD3!10 2 the special --,,-se when all parameters of the two plate circuits are equal, the expression derived for the voltage across CO shows that the plate voltage is independent of the second-anode circuit para- meters. This enables the equivalent circuit to be simplified and brought to the original single-loop form with the parameters L, R and Ce; where C C + Cog 0 = 01 = C2. Thus the single-loop cir- cuit can be use* 7f the resistances, inductances and capacitances in the two plate circuits are equal, and the capacitance between the inputs can be neglected. The optimum value of the inductance: for 4 p overshoot is given by L = C I h .JL(R- + ro-i )12, where Ri is t' int-ernal resistance of the generator, and rol is the resistance of the first plate circuit caused by the resistance of the input lead and by radiation. With smaller than optimum inductance values the overshoot becomes smaller, but the pulse rise time increases. In this :-spect, howeler, the case of identical plate circuit parame- ters is not optima . Experiments show that the parameters in the Naciive" plate circuit have greater influence than those of the earthed plate. If Ll is suitably reduced, the additional damping Card 3/5 29319 S/109/61/006/010/017/027 Equivalent circuit for the D222/D3102 resistor in many cases becomes unnecessary. By studying the influ- ence of the individual circuit elements on the form of the signal the author succeeded in finding such an arrangement that a pulse rise time of 1.1 millimicroseconds was obtained. There are 10 fi- guresq and 2 references; 1 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: E. Lewis and F. Wells, Millimicrosecond Pulse Techniques (Russian translation, IL, 1956). SUBMITI,ED: January 15, 1960 (initially) May 27, 1961 (after revision) Card 4/5 T TT T I It WII I W. W. W. W., WO W.. i T Aji.h f. I A.- -.a?- AM j-h2-6-4 PR Sao AkO11. 1, Cks P&OCOSSIS AND 020091"Is wool A 'A go 410411 0 0 go ej .RON', 2i 21 On h" bms -00 AORTA,,. "altj obiainod. mmotima S6 swam*% iodiosle that to 44 wee miztum MINI: &W goo Him. God oil is dav 0 R. T. eow 00 goo 00 woo 8 goo moo ASS-% A ASTALLUMSOCAL UNRATON CLAUMPKATION wee Iki mooW sl~v I- Not" AnT goo Wood .4 mGoo Ott (MOV dot *IK d"V M NI IlAha 9 AD 0 3 4 T-M5 A OT I LIjj it-O"Jurs';2I IN it a R0 4 i IN AN A t 0 ad dad a : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I a 0 00 0 0 41v~ 0 IF 0 0 0 40 4 0- 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 9-0 w-w-w- W- 41~ 0 0 4 0 * 0 0 0 ar a Ill 0 0 0" , , I A I I I a x 11 If 11 U It 41? to it I" 1 !30 U n 24 .3 M " . P W 31 W 13 14 a Is V n 43 If Q 41 61 4 A I L A L,J is I- L L 2 X 0 UL UD M t IfI -it at A - j.r - 1 is a- 0: i s T he electric coll1duct f Life nerve in an internal, vity 00 A combustion engine. 1). At.,r,-ss -a A. j ' Awwret. I'kyz. JU. S. S. R.) J. I 00 Thr delporridence is( twittrAl o1krislion of itiletnal-combus- Of 16 -if et,fltoe, in the arlec. i-tid. of the ILMIC ~1 CitAblillICIL .00 file QIUIIV'i% 'if A WI "I IIAV- rSIAMI-1 thV CA1111. 'If tile All 0 A %'I'sticy ..I plolifillall"n A Ibe 1.1111111,K 11111V III Ille VIIII11W. 00 'l" kel-kIII M ths, f'4".k'Ik .1"I It's- A Ill.. .""1 -00 60 IM1111113 III Ill' i'llil Of Ills' I'VCII' Ill Ito-lVold tile 11-111h- .00 0 :1( 111, W1IWlI If"I. tile 11411111.11 Ill%-fUltiln Is( I he 1110tilt, frisk. : 800 : R IJ Iss -113tilthril betev,11 (11 the enraprestwn retail. o0 0 claithing anal cinopo. is( fill oesit., And .I the vri.wltv of z 11-tilt, olivagalloll. file ma% valor if tile looilatfoll fill. age is Ill dild it.. lisri'l.telver A I livillAq vallie It., h.flifallms riffl, fit 1, oicica-1 '.11.1 file 1. h.1110,111'.11 'k~ it it,, 11 fit 11.1-1111if .4 Ilt-ImlAtIoll 1114111vulif %Ilh- oo 414111, xtiii- fit flat- Isivi, life itlel-itr I% fail,- olwii t omidt-imia t 00 111111-111.111171119 -11110,11111- 14 "Aded. Curve. are dlv' vallieh fillow for file ttliriplete cyck? the Y-Atiatioci of Ioui ' 00 tion current with cmnprrI4.1 I 1711110. choking. Pvcd of 00 ensitle. compra. of ahr4uvl tnitt. inch utid leant and ouldn. 3W is( varioni% dirtonAlitin-Indatrinal 40t,Iisticm The effcvtq 'l 'j.Lj"'j4jj,'Ij 41e ijillialInfe,l I'%. Nialle Giver too oleo is III Z- 41 0 t 4 To AT a. or 6 T t R 0 to It to It N a .."1, .1 is I If 'w oss, 1 1 '1 An I a tio a al as No n I Ill I I A 4 3 1 4 eria; : 0 0 0 0 I 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f ; 0 0 0 0,41 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 4111is 0 0 0 411 0 41' 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 41 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 4 0 9 0 0 0 0 4 4 * 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 9 0 0 0 n it 11 Is it II j '4 1 ;1 0 11 L t A III j A, k It X.' II I 90 z -00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 00 Flame PrOPS9111600 in MiXtUM Of 10011111AUT with atntu In Closed ttii A AND K. 8111131KILKIN. J. Phys. CAM, (U. S. & R-) 4, ILW>--2~k MO. -LA- 'WAULM Can 041 ~tuud- wave theory ofcxplu~iun propagation was not substantiated. Thrreisnorviltion 0 lmtwccu vibration and detonatiom The distance III of the explosim nucleus center from ~09 the %Wk deerr"Irs with increasing cm pressure. and incresars with the lrngth of the 00 '3 tubts and their voL. and is sh-tter for C" than tat CH, This d is taken iLq the charac- _0 0 00 tirri%tic of the explixion, and it corresponds to the intensity of the explosion and rxplains :~41 0 the properties of explosions in the gas engine. Alixts. of C'll' and Cit. with 0 and C'H4 00'. + CO were used. ~0 0 00 ;00 00 zoo 00 ~:o a J0 0 zoo 00 A S S L A x(tIL1LtPGKAL LITERATLRE "LASSIFiCAliCh I z 00 8 480 It: - - 1 ' 0 . X"I L 4 3 1 AJ 1 3 U TS -3 Is 1 013 -1 1 It ty I't it It it ti if 41a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 io 1 0 0 0 0 0 *. 6 IS 4 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 6 0 0 00009 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 o 0 4 0 0 4 a 0 0 of* 0 0 6 1 4 S j t - w 0 11 .1 1. 0 " 14 1. X is A ~' '*' , .1 '~ 11 1. 0 M 1. L Q L 1 6 A 1 1. L 6 11~ F 0" 1 .'V V 00 .00 00 00 0 IS Explosibility a( oxygen mixtures at hydrocarbons at Me aliphatic and aromatic 90 1 series. A 1K AND K SICOILLKIN J. Phys-C'hfol: (t' S S R 1 4. 12~1 31 ITTfa".11 6,- 1,;tfk inflammation. relative tvilip. pres'lift. and 'Jiar~ di'taflo. *0 Av given RAT11-f-tV 0 00 j ::00 00 00 00 -ze 0 00 :2 tz I I ~ITAL-~LICAL IMPAIL~f rLASSIF)CAtiCh 00 S IQ, r j I jj 1 .1 a L i 1 N r 1( 0 It 5 SIP n I. tv 11 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 00 0 0 a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 1 1 4 & I I t .0 Il u " 1) A A a./--I -M,- P 0 00 A 99 00 00 00 c 00 04 00 06 so 00 '31. 00. 0o a 4r 00 Io. it. I a I L A &ITALLUAIGKAL UUMAIL-141 A 'Ll U 0*0000040000000* rTI4 900000 000000i..006000000 elm a m 0 a o 0 oil U a a a a a .. . . . . . . . . 0 a a 0 a 0 a 0 6 4 a 0 0 0 0 4 If Q " U u 69 -A- -,p G I lob lk~ -!?o o DOGSWOR Sm~ mixfom. 1. The X_bdpW ddomm dMickewd" ON hAMM&IMI Ps mbrfm. - SAO" &ad K. Skbdkin. Phya. Z. Sostfdtax" 7U417(103) (is Eq").-Tbe pmdeumadon kWh 8 CTIs-Ov adst. drove with tube ku;th at F~uat. pnvu=, 08 with Val. at const. tube 6Wh.. and ig a min. for ,Xr. ClIs + 1.9 Os. The velocity of the detonating a stmichiometric mixt. is 2501) M./mc.. const. to ~.bctwern IOID and SM tum. Coam6kra6in ot the 4gin of The detonation wave shows that the ratio of the at d. to the IgWtkm temp. is a Measure of the IVIIII. ility of detolistiou. Louis Goldoum ASSIFICATIOb -V I't a ~m m 1 1- 496060060,49066040000000004800 00001$oooelooeoooooomoooogoooo -00 -00 -00 -00 -00 -00 00 800 -=0o goo goo goo goo W& 0 goo goo "00 woo woo ROO A.-. Gorenie i detonatsii-a v Erazakh. ...'oskva, Gostekhiz-11at, 1013Li. Title tr.: '~'ombustion and cietonation in gasps. :;'CF SO: Aeronautical bciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of ConCress, 195-L. 0 : : : : : : : : 0 ~ ' , I , 1 . , , A I I L' L I r 9 41F 0 0 00 00 0 0 90.3 00 : : : " - ' ;- -o-s-4 e e 6 e e a - W- 0 0 0 a 0 * ev, er ~ It It 14 11 1. 1/$,# 11. Jju un hy U.4. .1 Q I a C 0 1. k . I j A )I r 5 p I p I, I y I AA W CC Pp a 4 j I I j A j 0* Detonation In gas mixtures. Tf. -6W';RqCt at pressure on the veiadty of a detonation wave. A. Sok,dik and K. Shcholkin. Icta PhysirocUtit. U. 1934) (in Engfih) and J. PAY . CAm. (U. S. S. R.) pr~.uurrv`frotu atm. down to the J^er pf"2murr littift. for mixts. of fit + 0" and Ill C114 + 1-00 with in prr~tjrr 11,. the velot-ity of detonation changes ..~Drdance with jouguct*% theory provided the change 6 in the dissocts. value is taken into account. For the C11. + 201 milil.. the vel,witv )1 the exp~,%ion wave in- fra-rtl froill HIM) Ill./W. at 60 mm. to 2676 at 7M lont. Nlr Ch the %ch-itv was coast. at frout to 7W non. The r"tilts are joserlovied shijiving that the s-ariable velty-ity is due to variable dissocts. in the wave front. F. 11. Hathni Ott Als,tl, A 'ETALLUCGICA L LIT1114TLOf CLAISIFICATICN PO 8 -IC- .1. 111,. - p 4 t jj~. ilili 31-1 alli. Q.V is, U 11 IV It (pit (00 Ka w% IfUlf Iforwon 1 14 An L I a 04 a 0 a I if M d"a , 0 , & * 0 0 0 & 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 * 4 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 000 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0:4 0 0 0 * 000000 00 04 0 0 a 1-00 -00 COO ;so* '-40 tre 0 ;See WOO 4 N Z 6 IO 0 if U il is it is I? V A It V a 'U 26 v; it V ii s' is I& U is It 0 it U A) U aze A. 00 A.-C a r p L ps t--L-J" I - . 4- A4 16 M IV It 1 .1 - F 00 .4 1 ItI 00 ts 06 Change of Madly of as explosions wave wiuk prosawe, SilliAlk awl K. Shchelkin. C dwpc tend. Ili. A . 1-401a Hustilth 114-5)(11AU.-Wasur- 10 S U R S 3 :0 2 . . . . . mrsito tit vchvity of cillillnit)is wrtr inadc fly the phAita- grapitic nictittul In aft Fe tidw wticg. 2 Class "incittv 10 tit. .00 4 pro it. Ftw nillits. in vilikis t1ii*,en. muses vin in,*r~-alk- In 4 (Of,() + III, anj Cit. + u'V,). nisurkA itwtva%, in 4 d f .00 0 r-an Xfroulted Whvis lhc initial 1wrosure was ifIc"uw 600 'I w1l'tr Sht VII.Antic in w1. ItcuIll 11"111 '.it) tit 7110 itnit. ' ('1 t"w in th 211c1 i h 11 i 00 1 - e lw dildoo, 11.' 64 w t . , + .1,-twivi kk-ity Wilb ilw1rawlis ppri,urv wo. nrithilshle. . coo Itsell".1 4 t-lalcti.. Willi all"wastcl, for jtIVV% the h M -rv settle chAnge tit irdwily alth,togli calvd. still , =00 values diffcr. C. G. St""It L4~ - - - via. $1. ITE 0 al URI KA-TPQII .A 0-i a solo" .11 dot ...... . ... .. as a a it a a a a It a 0- Ali; ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ill n I ita, "I to ado Ow1wel-j a 3 0 Is i 0 0 :1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 gi 0 00 0 0 * 0 0 0 010 41 0 4 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4i - - - - - - - - w - w - T TI l O An.) 4:0418 Prot$ PAN. 0 I cd ip llll~-Gbwsod parucl- in tk f I p u o . ecoqm ld i k t R S d . nAuly r o . mw" w AW U WA A. 8bqLqwAA &p. Obwa. ASK. 1934, G. /61?-AMtz4n a 23% 00-sk adstum the dum *a t o , LIM06 CMA. W Usamm fiekis ur l! i M Z ni t Im. t sal e was uUMUZZ. 14 A 6 kv. me V'skmft, Was a am. at at, WML. mm pin-sm- 1 ci . : =1 lkd dt 5 h h vo ap. unw-m t e app % Y. - 0! gave oxtimetiou at 4 kv. at AW mm. roe mm. promure. Cu. Ana. (r) Z: zoo 0 . I L A"TALLURGKAL 110TI11114TURIE CLAISWICAVION S.1141110 .1. CIA- got it, 29 AV 10 As' 1. a 1 0 AM I 1 8 PlAd 0 it 9 1 N N 0 00000000 0 IS 0 0 0 0 000 111 0 0 0 a 0 0 90-0-4-9 0-0-0 *elftsefl 0 0 0 * a a POP w -*--gF GF-t 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 00 0 41 j0 ~ 4 ~ e 0 ~ *qo 0 0 0 * 0 a 4 O 0 0 0 0 O~ V 1. b M A A .1 .1 .1 A) 11 JJ 11 P 5k-Vmmr siui)m 4$ p t' V -t--I-A.- L-AA 40 CC M (E * 1.7' '- ' ' ' ". 0e 00 go 9 go Tie "a of charged PUTWI" in Uk* promatiou of flomom. Propeatiggi of SUMS in tm&gTe t t i nw g ec r c fi ld A 9 l lik e s. . . o ui and H. Skalov. P,,kv jk. Go 5, 117WW(l-934).-A phutogmphic nicituxt CO 0 IMA. In CO inixts. titaxitnat in &peed of &nje p"Ipagm- liom wrre found. Fourteen kv. cuinguished a uti%t. =*O z 'N'tag. -1:1% CO. lk~dtively charged diaphragm, pir- oo %vnied pasmw of dam". No decision is nmde betwmit the thertual and imic theories of propagation. Gregit M. Fvam b3 r-0 0 zoo bee ts I I L A oftALLURGICAL LITIRAY011 CLOSIPICATION '_i 10.. to-in, .11111 ,w Lit 00 ru (IMNIVIN-JAI a 9 AT W3 111; 4, ,r g if 19 PC I( tj It 3 6 v ZI 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 G 0 0900 i is 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 46 S:~KOLU"-.' and A. Le llccgnevientll dans un moteur a essence et 11onde ex-pLosive. (Tecimical Physics of the USSR, 1936, v-3, no.9, P.,",03-822, ill-us., dia.-rs., bibliography) q-'l-T4 1936 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Science. 1955 A 09 00 It 00 004 0 o: 1w- W W W W W w w'0 ~0006906660600 000 . it -1 it Is 1) 4 it ts It b 11 a X n Is )o lull Ull"m ml, lop.*, of 11 It .1 A G A.-L-1 .-fA L- &- It f Q K .1-1. A V, -A M. Lo LE I I I. POOC151,11 aO "cotentl net 1.00 aii U, RIVIN aling dvtQnaiun wavem bave brwr% Inventip1mi (tw No-ok mixturve. The car" fiv expitiAm Until, SO a fuibcUoei Of prummum NW % bmn two min. whkb =8 depew on enm&v of the With H,-0, MP-k. mixtur" the eta, far limita hall a Min. at 14m) mm. OW Mal H At I Olin. rxpkwm is INWWW hot w dlm~i 01 Ht. The vrk)rity of the exilkwakm wam ok" we with them-, ow-'ng pn)boblyv to dimmlylittl6n In the front of t6 wave. The propoption and extinction of the Amme wA chanp in wuwjm have been studied in a long tube Wow the ;xplowim Undt The H, mW 0, R. M. B. i L &IS-ILA_ adIALLIJOIGICAL LITIRAYL441 CLASUPICATIGN Eel 8 'la. oat 'T U Al W) -ii " 1 0 ' ' 1 a tv IV N 0 at Or It so It It 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ~600 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0-1 C.1- I "1 -Wa 1 a fw .0 at so I U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9-0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 !Coo zoo goo 300 rloo t%00 WOO 100 0 0 0 0 _7 7, 7, 0 It Jo 11 Z, 23 14 JS it 17 n N X 31 32 U 34 DX 11 is V, 11 I Ij A] s AA, 4 SOU" now Md a* 610"M Wave. T oI.y. rfCA,Pkwj.U.S.S.R.j,8Xl- A.SokoU.WA. TI(I9610)(In French): Rau. aced. Ia. U, S. S. R.. 068$e 0* Iri. jWalk. nW., -14P tUw. 1937, IM-41-Hy tbe ultra. _ 00 TOPIA phatMaphic method it has been powible to demou - _041 %trate the formatkm of a detonation Or CIPIOWYe Wave 00 witb a veWty of the order of magniholle of 4WW m./ser. -00 In a gwxAim motur during the pbenowevon of "knock." 11wre have beenrecoccled at the xww time the formation GG of a wave of retam6on and the propagation of the vto 06 of the "llowet." reflected periodicafly from the wW6 of tbe chansber. The infteom of the temp. of the cooling o0 liquid on the occurr"m of the detanation his been C j studied. The effec depends upon the richness of the zoo 09 mixt. The relation between auto-.combustion wO detona- tion bas been Investigated. ContrwT to current opinion. X90 00 it Is maintained that the occurtence of detonation in the .00 00 mcrew to due to retarded combustion. ratber than ec- H ld G M i hi zoo on. aro era cellerated combust m u 10, 0 00 ..,400 00 j Z~ 00 -_00 ''00 06 0 C's 0 00 i'00 A i s L WALLURGNCAL UTERA7LAF CLOSIFKAM~ 00 S L WOO so t , , w F V I L I too To U n Iv IS 0 0 0 0 0 0 I ; P to IV or of 0 49 0 0 I t of 91 t t, 0 0 40 0 0 0 * 0 4 An 10 S I, ad 0 '1 N so tP a a 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0; 000000 *4b****00000*000 0 000:00*40000000000600 ~ 00I I I W, '1 11 If 14 It :6 it if It 21 a 23 J4 1) 29 JU J. 12 Is 34 is is u As #1 At j a zo A I JL a 1. p A A so missturva. 111. Linsits 0 =1S 01=U : mixtures Of d and methane. Nt. Rivi. And A., ~~!k J. Phyl. Cu.. (t% S. S. R.) S _ 7:1 ~P o . 1 11061; Cf. t - - : J6. 432M. tl A, IlleConell, It, a. the fluff. CO + ffs 4 0. incfeww,. lite pr,"ore A11,1 1,111, ffg -ell intlaniniatiott dectra.L, alitt tile tiolle velocity is,- lrrAws. Adclu. of Nq it) Cil. + 0. Inif,ti. broadens the ' ' l i l r us on sP inlits ull to IN.1 ' 10s1 - L. allove which no rxilloffion wave cast occur. .I'lle frulit" 111,11CAte Cither a cosliplete Coillchiciscr (a the Shock wave frout alld the traction frotit or a Alight tag of ti,c lAtter,driwtulisill (in the =0 o 8 o ALI millt. usfed. F, It. Rathmann ago 1 00 9 00 200 wee 10 IL A NIVALLURGOC41. LITIMI ATUORt CLAIWICATIC)" too 00- too it I t L S, AV 00 is, u All A 1 11 0 1 Iff - 1 1. 1 It V a 0 o 0 0 01 41 0 00 90 0 9 o 00 o o 01 0 0 9 0 9 0 .0 0 0 0 0 al al ass 0 0 9 9 0 a 0 10 0 a s M 0 ~ at : a ,W_ W. fa Jq Wi . . ~ ~ ~ ~ I , - ~ - - - - - - o1 Am-w, ~W-.4kq 0 0 0 0 " 0 Offiv jw )6 a , V 0 - OFAVW -W W-G-W w-w-f-w-w- sell 1416 1 1 11*11U13141316um" am RMIM' 11 V Aj M 0 )A I? )a 1. 4, .1 4jif "at!* A A I IL JL 4- ~t-LLL-A-- K-jm-pg o D.Mi. " PNOCtliff A.D #4CF14111t IN01- 00 gee ;-Oo *go in and 00 dsidmd"~Wm. A' mg A. VoTwov 00 -q%di AtW.-'Od. U.11.007%. IU-142).-A -00 dkoustion ~ im" with a V'wm*y of fation of see above m0 aLlsk. to-sonowme" Vkh = ThW ar oho :0 01 at-larp sumomwUnt 'Qfpwmm" In the subwas ItrA. ago a T. 00 go jr ago wt~ 11, A S 9 S L A &!TALLURGICAL UTINATU41 CLASSIFKATION 441,34a .1. a.. 13.r #loll am 4.1 It. 00 U AV 10 It T An I 1 4 Im 0 01 a I w " 5 1 V Mact ttet"W(I I m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 7*o e * a, 03 1 1 1 4 ! 4 A I b9 11 It 01 14 n 14 11 It It a a 14 b )d V a III: Pull WAS 16AINVINSIQ a 61:0 00 -4i 11 A ii;? A I- - V Y 0 a PP If 4 '60 I&Wopyl other a motor fuel A Suk awid A. graphed, and details of this method am dewribed. The V, Volru)v~ Terb. Phyf. U. S. S. 937) (in rate of combmtion and IIAMC propagation are somewhat 011111 lingh,h).- - Wku ga"ne of 0.749 %p. gr.. 60 octam rut - lower for di-isoprpyl etht,r (1) than for iso-octanc. Un. i 00 ing, in a C. F. H. App. (r, - 6.11. r. P. in. - VAM was the like ordinary motor fuels. I shows gin abnormal effect U1 1-40 stan-laid ~uinlaxisoiri. I'Lann: profmgation was photo- increasing tn&e speed. The octan't no. obtained (of 1 00 00 1 - : 11 1.66 and its bleffuls when tested by the "motor method'* at 9CO 0 zi 1. r. p. In. may therefore appear considerably lower when NO* 00 'J~Z' I is used at higher engine speeds. Considerable lowering =00 of the antiktkx:k propLrtici of I r"ults fter 4t,"ge at a 00 becan,c of peroxide formation. The "tn. of the 00 a antiknock values of motor fucls should not be limited to zoo L~P under the conventionally ac:eepted statuburd con. ditions of carburetor and jacket temps., spml, etc., but 00 should give an evaluation of the behavior of fuels when 160 thew factom are varied. Fittecn-fet ncts. 00 z Sergius Kobernick Is ~160 9.14. 0 !ZOO '00 00 fl~ ts we* as t! Saw.) L 11 c4c I]-- L i I , I 1--Z a -t for of s a U 9 AT No Is IT rp 17 it (W K K tf 91 91 K It It It K 13 4 1 111 NMI 00009 1111s0 000900*6 00*1906*00 6609 00000000* Gow