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S ri 0, USSR/Geology - Historical dates Card 1/1 Pub. 46 - 15/21 Authors 3 Tixhomirov, V. V.; and Sophiano, T. S. litle IFrom the history of geological sciences Periodical I1rzv. AN SSSR. Ser. geol. 2Q/22 1-29 - 134, Mar-Apr 1955 Abstract tSome historical occurrences are reca.2-led with explanations as to their bearing on the development of geological science. The dates are:' found- ing of the M. V. Lomonosov University in 1755; death of Academician I. G. Gmelina in 1755; birth of the British geologist Adam Sedgwick in 1785; foundina of the "Gornyy Zhornal" (Ilining, Journal) in 1825; birth of the Paleontologist and geographer Ivan Dementlyevich Cherskiy in 1845; birth of Academician Paul Ivanovich Stepanov in 1880; death of.-Paul Apo3-lonovich Tutkovskiy in 1930; organization of the Moscow Geological-Research Insti- tute in 1930; death of Academician Andrey Dmitriyev Arkhangeliskiy; and death of Alexander Yevaenlyevich Fersman in 1945. Two USSR references (191',E~-1953). Listitution -6ubmitted TIKHOMIROV, V.V.; SOPIM.-T.A. Owt.'~- From the history of geologIcal. sciences (Memorable dates for July- August, 1955: Report 10). IzT.AN SSSR. Ser.geol. 20 no-3:125-128 Ny- Je 155. (Geologists) (MM 8:9) TIKHOMIROV,V.V.; SOFIANO,T.A. I---- !.. 11 1 From the history of geological sciences; memorable dates for September-October, 1955: Survey 11. Izv.AN SSSR. Ser.geol. 20 no.4:140-1.43 JI-Ag'55. (KLRA 8:10) (Geology--History) C -- ,,,'I- -iI 1 -1 1- , i" I TIKHOMIROV,V.V.; SCFIANO.T..A. From the history of geological sciences; memorable dates for November- December, 1955. Survey 12. Izv.AN SSSR. Ser.geol.20 no-5:130-133 S-0 155. (MLRA 8:12) (Geologists) TIKHOHIROV, V.V.; SOFIA30, T.A. Agricolej (Georg Bauer); on the occasion of the 400th anniverearr of his death. Izv.AN SSSR. Ser.geol. 20 no.6:83-89,,r,'(MLU 9:2) (Agricola, Georg, 1494-1555) ! I _ T .TIMIOMIROV, V.V. VOLKOVA, -L-_L Short bibliography on the history of geological sciences in the U-S-S-R-; no-5, geology of ore deposits. Och.po ist.geol.znan. no-5:277-310 156. Mu 9: 11) (Bibliography--Ore deposits) USSIR/ Geology History Card 1/1 Pub. 46 - 7/11 Authors Tikhomirov, V. V., and Sofiano, T. A. Title From history of g eolog.-- nces. 'Wffib ble dates from Jan. Mareli 1956 Periodicnl : Izv. AN SSM. Ser. geol. 1, 106 - 109, Jan 1956 Abstract : Bulletin is presented of anniversaries, birthdays and other memorable occasions to be observed from Jan. - March 1956. Three USSR references (1899-1954). Institution : Acad. of Sc., USSR, Inst. of Geol. Se. Lab. of Geolog. History, Moscow Subm:Ltted : TIKHOMIROV, V.V.; 301PIANO, T.A. Memorable dates for April-June, 1956. Survey 14. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser. geol. 21 no.4:117-120 Ap '56. (Im" 9:8) 1. Xabinet istorii geologii Goologicheakogo institute, AN SM, Moskva. (Geology--History) TIKHOMIROV, V.V.; SOPIANO. T.A. - Memorable dates for une- ecember, 1956: survey 15- 1xv.AN SSSR.Ser. geol.21 no.10:110-11? 0 156. (MLRA 10:1) 1. Geologicheskiy institnt Akademii nailk SSSR, Otdal istorii geologii, Koskvft. (Geologists) 7 AUTHOR: Tikhomirov, M., Sofiaaa, T.A. 11-7-10/23 TITLE: "Commemorating the 250th Anniversary of the Birth of the French Naturalist G.L. Buffon" (Dvestilpyat'deayat let so dnya rozhdeniya frantsuztkolp yestestvoispytatelya Zh. Byuffona) PERIODICAL: "Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR11, Sexiya Geologicheskaya, 1957, No. 7, PP. 108-109, (USSR) ABSTRACT: George Louis Leclerc Buffon, 1707-1788, famous mathematician, physicist, geologist, zoologist, became-well-known by his multi-volume publication "Natural History". In 1776, Buffon was appointed honorary member of the St Petersburg Academy of Sciences. AVAILABLE; Library of Congress Card 1/1 A~ /4 AUTHOR: Tikhomirov, V. V., Sofiana T. A. 11-7-11/23 TITLE: "Commemorating the 250th Anniversary of the Birth of the Swedish Naturalist K. Linn.611 (Dvesti prat'desyat let so dnya rozhdeniya shvedskogo yeatestvoispytatelya K. Linneya) PERIODICAL; "Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR", Seriya Geologicheskayaq 1957, No. 7, P- 109, (USSR) ABSTRACT.: Karl Linn6, 1707-1778, was born in Rosshult (Sweden). After graduating from the Upsala university in 1734 he received the degree of a Medical Doctor in Holland the following year. Linn6 concentrated his efforts on the study #nd classification of the flora, and described approximately 1,500 new kinds of different plants. He was one of the founders of the Stock- holm Academy of Sciences and its first president. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Tikhomirov,, V'..V., Sofiapa, T. A. 11-7-12/23 TITLE: "Two Hundred Xears Ago was Published Y.V. Lomonosov's 'Word ')out the Origination of Metals from Earthquakes'" (Dvesti ~et so vremeni vykhoda v svet truda M.V. Lomonosova 113lovo o rozhdenii metallov ot tryaseniya. zemlill) PERIODICAL: "Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR", Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1957, No. 7, PP. 109-110, (USSR) - ABSTRACT: In 1757 was published one of Lomonosov's most important geo- logical works in the Russian and Latin languages: "Word about the origination of metals from earthquakes". Lomonosov attached great importance to the movement of the earth's surface for the forming of mountains and other tectonic changes. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 d AUTHOR: Tikhomirovl V.V.J. Sofiana, T.A. 11-7-13/23 TITLE- "Commemorating the 125th Anniversary of J.W. Goethe's Death (Sto dvadtsaV pyat! let so dnya smerti J.W. Goethe) PERIODICAL: "Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR11, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1957, No. 7, PP. 110-111, (USSR) ABSTRACTi The great German writer and naturalist Johann Wolfgang Goethe waa born at Frankfurt/Main on August 28, 1749. He had shown great interest in all questions pertaining to geology and mineralogy, and was one of the initiators for the preparation of geologic maps of Thuringia. From 1813 till his death in 1832 he was president of the Jena Mineralogical Society. The bibliography lists 2 references, 1 of which is Slavic (Russian) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 A AUTHOR: Tikhoinirov, V.V., Sofians, T.A. 11-7-14/23 TITLE: "Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Day of the Death of N.G. Meglitskiy" (Sto let so smerti N.G. Meglitskogo) PERIODICAL: "Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR11, Seriya Geologicheakaya, 1957, No. 7, pp. 111-112, (USSR) ABSTRACT: Nikolai Gavrilovich Meglitskiy (1825-1857) graduated from the Institute for Mining Engineers at St Petersburg in 1846. He was engaged in geological surveying work at different territ- ories of the Urals and Siberia. 3esides, Meglitskiy was interested in geothermics, and conducted temperature research in deep mining pits. He was active member of the Siberian Department of the Russian Geographic Society. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Tikhomiiov., V.V., Sofinna T.A. 11-7-15/23 TITLE; "Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of M.E. Noinskiy's Death" (Dvadtsat' pyat' let so dnya smerti M.E. Noinskogo) PERIODICAL: "Izvestiva Akademii Nauk SSSR11, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1957, No. 7, P. 112, (USSR) ABSTRACT: Michail Eduardovich Noinskiy (1875-1932) graduated from the Kazan university in 1900. Besides his pedagogical work Noinskiy spent much time at surveying. Large parts of the Tatar and Bashkir ASSRs were mapped under his supervision. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Tikhomirov, V.V., Sofiana T.A. 11-7-106/23 TITLE; "Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of the Death of H.K. Vysotskiy" (Dvadtsat' pyat' let so dnya smerti N.K. Vysots- kogo) PERIODICAL: "Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR11, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1957, No. 7, P. 112, (USSR) ABSTRACT: On August 7, 1957, 25 years had passed since the death of Nikolai Konstantinovich Vysotskiy, great specialist for ore deposits. Short biographical data are found in the issue No.:21 1954 of the "Izvestiya Akademii Nauk" Seriya Geologicheskaya. AVAILABLE: Library of Cojagress Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Tikhomirov, V.V., Sofiana T.A. 11-7-17/23 TITLE: "Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the Death of P.I. Stepanov" (Deayat, let so dnya smerti P.I. Stepanova) PERIODICAL: "Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR11, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1957, No. 7, P. 113, (USSR) ABSTRACT: On August 26t 19571 10 years have passed since the day of death of Pavel Ivanovich Stepanov, one of the greatest geo- logists. Short scientific-biographical data on Stepanov are published in No. 2, 1955 of the "Izvestiya Akademii Nauk", Seriya Geo- logicheskaya. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 AUTHORS: Tikhomirov, Sofiana T.A. 11-7-18/23 TITLE: "Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the Day of the Death of the Academician B.S. Smirnov" (Desyat' let so dnya smerti aka- demika B.S. Smirnova) PERIODICAL: "'Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR11p Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1957, No. 7, P. 113, (USSR) ABSTRACT: Bergey Sergeyevich Smirnov (1895-1947) graduated from the Petrograd Mining Institute in 1919, where he was appointed professor in 1930, and corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences USSR in 1939- Smirnov's primary work was the geo- logic research of various areas of the Far East: the southern Trans-Baykal, the far north-ea8tern districts of the USSR and coastal areas. The bibliography lists 2 references, all of which are Slavic (Russian). ASSOCIATION: Department of History of Geology, Institute of Geology of the Academy of Sciences)USSR, Moskva (Otdel istorii geologii geo- logicheskogo instituta AN SSSR, Moskva) AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Tikhomirov, V.V., and Sofiano, T.A. 11-10-12/23 TITLE: One Hundred and Fifty Years Since the Founding of the London Geological Society (Sto pyat'desyat let so vremeni osnovaniya Londonskogo geologicheskogo obshchestva) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1957, ff 10, p 100-101 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The London Geological Society was founded on November 13, 1807. Among the foreign scientists who were honored by the Society wa-s the Soviet geologist A.E. Fersman, who was awarded the Wollaston medal. ASSOCIATION: Department of the History of Geology, Geological Institute, AN SSSR, Moscow (Otdel istorii geologii Geologicheskogo instituta AN SSSR, Moskva) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 ),-- -, - I -! A, ~~ ~-i r-71 AUTHOR: Tikhomirov, V.V. and Sofiano, T.A. 11-10-14/23 ------------- ---- TITLE; One Hundred Years Since the Birth of the Irish Geologist J. Joly (Sto let so dnya rozhdeniya irlandskogo geologa D. Dzholi) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1957, # 10, p 101-102 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Irish geologist and geophysicist John Joly was born on Nov 1, 1857. Up to his death he lectured as a professor on geology and mineralogy. J. Joly was a foreign member of the Academy of Scd.6nces of the USSR. He died on Dec 7, 1933. There is one reference. ASSOCIATION: Department of the History of Geology, Geological Institute) AN SSSR (Otdel istorii geologii Geologicheskogo instituta AN SSSR, Moskva) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Tikhomirov,V.V. and Sofiano, T.A. 11-10-15/23 TITLE: One Hundred Years Since the Birth of the Belgian Paleontologist Louis Dollo (Sto let so dnya rozhdeniya bellgiyekogo paleonto- loga L. Dollo) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademij Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1957, # 10, p 102 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The prominent Belgian paleontologist Louis Dollo was born on Dec 7, 1857. Brief scientific biographical data about Louis Dollo may be found in the Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya, # 10, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Department of the History of Geology, Geological Institute, AN SSSR (Otdel istorii geologii Geologichefkogo instituta AN SSSR, Moskva) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Tikhomirov, V.V. and Sofiano, T.A. 11-10-16/23 TITLE: Seventy Five Years Since the Birth of M.M. Tetyayev (Sem'desyat pyatl-let so dnya rozhdeniya M.M. Tetyayeva) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1957, # 10, p 102-104 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Mikhail Mikhailovich Tetyayev was born on 23 September 1882. After attending the Petersburg and Louvain universities, he was granted the diploma of a mining engineer in 1911. In 1920 he began his pedagogic activity at the Geographical Institute and in 1922 at the Leningrad University. Beginning in 1930, he was appointed professor at the Leningrad Mining Institute. Tetyayev's scientific interests were centered on the geo- tectonic problems of Siberia. He died on October 11, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Department of the History of Geology, Geological Institute, AN SSSR, Moscow (Otdel istorii. geologii Geologicheskogo instituts, AN SSSR, Moskva) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Tikhomirov, V.V. and Sofiano, T.A. 11-10-18/23 TITLE: Fifteen Years Since the Death of A.P. Gerasimov (Fyatnaftlat" let so dnya smerti A.P. Gerasimova) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1957, # 10, P 104 (USSR) ABSTRACT: On Nov 10, 1957 is the fifteenth anniversary of the death of the prominent Soviet geologist Alexander Petrovich Gerasimov. For a brief scientific-biographical description see "Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya", # 4, 1954. ASSOCIATION: Department of the History of Geology, Geological Institute, AN SSSR, Moscow (Otdel istorii geologii Geologicheskogo instituta AN SSSR, Moskva) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Tikhomirov, V.V. and Sofiano, T.A. 11-10-17/23 TITLE: Twenty Five Years Since the Death of the Swiss Geologist L. Duparc Ovadtoat' pyat' let so dnya smerti Shveytsarkogo geologa L. Dyuparka) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1957, # 10, p 104 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Louis Cloud Duparc was born on Feb 13, 1866 near Geneva. In 1877 he received the degree of a doctor and in the following year lectured on mineralogy and petrography at the Geneva university. From 1900 until 1915, Duparc worked almost every year in northern Ural, and was elected member of the AN SSSR in 1931. L.C. Duparc died on Oct 20, 1932. There is one Slavic reference. ASSOCIATION: Department of the History of Geology, Geological Institute I AN SSSR, Moscow (Otdel istorii geologii Geologicheskogo instituta AN SSSR, Moskva) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 TIKHOMIROV, V.V.; SOFIANO, T.A. ~a,- -.~ -: !!_ ~' Memorable dates for January-March, 1957; survey no.16.Izd.AN SSSR Ser.geol. 22 no.1:120-125 Ja '157. (MLRA 10:3) 1. Geologicheskir institut AN SSSR. Otdel istorii geologii, Moskva. (Geologists) TIKffOMIROV, V.V.: SOFIAND, T.A. Mamorable dates for April-June 1957. Surve7 17. Izv.AN SSSR. Ser.geol. 22 no.4:113-118 Ap '57- (mLRA 10:5) 1. Otdel istoril, geologii Goologichaskogo instituta AN SSSR, Moskva. (Geologists) TIKHOMIROV,_V.V.; SOFIANO, T.A. Memorable dates in July-S~tember 1957. Review 18. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. g6ol.. 22 no.7:-108-113 T1 '57. (HLRA 10:9) 1. Otdal istorii geologii Teologicheskogo institiita Akademii nauk SSSR, Noskya. (Geologists) AUTHOR: Tikhomirov, V.V., Sofiano. T.A. 11-58-4-12/16 TITLE: From the History of Geological Sciences (Iz istorii geolo- gicheskikh nauk) Memorable Data for April-May 1958. Review 21 (Pamyatnyye daty na aprell-may 1956 9. Obzor 21) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1958, Nr4, P?97-101 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors list dates of various geological milestones. ASSOCIATION: Otdel istorii geologii Geologicheskogo instituta AN SSSR, Moskva. (Section on Geological History of the Geological In- stitute of the AS.. USSR, Moscow) Card 1/1 1. Geology - USSR - History AUTHOR: Tikhomirov, V.V. and Sofia=-.., T.A.-. 11-58-7-7/12 TITLE: From the History of Geological Sciences (Iz istoiii geo- logicheskikh nauk) Dates to Remember for July - September 1958. 22nd Review (Pamyatnyye daty na iyull-sentyabrl 1958 P,, Obzor 22) PERIODICALz Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geologicheskaya, 1958, Nr 7, PP 98-101 (USSR) ABSTRACT: 1) 225 years since the death of Johan J. Scheuchzer - the famous Swiss naturalist; 2) 200th anniversary of the foundation of the first mining in- stitute - opened on 19 October 1757 in Kongsberg, Norway; 3) 100 years since the birth of L.A. Yachevskiy, geologist, explorer of Siberian regions. He died in 1916; 4) 100 years since the birth of A.Penk, the German morphologist. 5) 75 years since the publication of the monumental work "Das Antlitz der Erde" (,,The Face of the Earth") by the Austrian geologist E. Suess. A huge amount of material on the geology of all continents of the earth are concentrated in this work. Card 1/2 11-58-7-7/12 From the History of Geological Sciences. Dates to Remember for July- September 1,058. 22nd Review. ASSOCIATION: Otdel istorii geologii Geologicheskogo instituta, AN SSSR (The Section of Geological History of the Geological Institute of the AS USSR) Card 2/2 1, Geology - History AUTHORS: Tikhomirov, V.V. and Sofianc, T,A. SOV-11-58-10-9112 TITLE: Dates to Remember for October-Decem Fr,958. Review Nr- 23 (Pamyatnyye daty na oktyabr I -dekabr 1 1958 g. Obz or 23) PERIODICAL; Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geblogicheskaya, 1958, Nr 10, Pp 104 - 109 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A list of significant dates, of geological interest, is given. There are 6 references, 5 of which are Soviet and 1 American. ASSOCIATION: Otdel istorii geologii Geologicheskogo Instituta AN SSSR, Moskva (The Section of the History of Geology of the Geo- lo-ical Institute AS USSSR, 11,oscow) 0 1. Geology--USSR Card 1/1 TIKHOMIROV, V.V. Memorable dates for October-December. 1958., review NO-23. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. gaol. 23 no.1,0:104-109 0 158. (KIRA 12:1) l.Otdel istorii geologii Geologicheskogo instituts, AN SSSR, Robkva. (Geology) TIKHOMIROV. V.V.; SOFIAND. T.A. Memorable Aates for Janua,7-June. 1959. Rmview no.24, sov. geol. 2 no.7:153-159 JI 159. (MIRA 13.'1) 1. Geologicheskiy Institut Akademii nauk SSSR. (Geology) SOFIANO, Tatlyana Alekseyevna; LEBEDEV, A.P., red.; KHAIN, V.Ye., red. [Russian-English geological dictionary] Russko-angliyskiy geolo- 0 gicbeskiy slovar'. Pod red. A.P.Lebedeva i..-JfjS4Abaina. Moskva., Gjav. red.inostr. nauchno'tek~n. slovarel Fiztiatgiza, 1960. 559 P. (MIRA 14: U) (Russian language-Dictionaries-English) (Geology-Dictionaries) SOFIANO., Tatlyana Alekseyevna (English-Russian geological dictionary] Anglo-russkii geologi- cheskii slovar'. Izd.2., stereotipnoe. Moskva., inostr. nauchno-tekhn. slovarei Fizmatgiza, 1961. 523 p. (MIRA 15:6) (Geology--Dictionaries) (English language-Dictionaries-Russian) 0 it - SOKOLOV, G*Ao., doktor geol.-min. nauk, otv. red. Prinimali uchastlye. VLASO- VA, D.K.; GLAGOLEV, A.A.; ZHARIKOV, V.A.; LOG121OV,, V.P,~ LUKIN, L.I.; DffAKEIZA.7 R.O., 01-ELOYANEEIKO, B.I.; OSTIROVSKIY, LA.; PERTSEV, N.N.; PODDLESSKIY, K.V.~, !WSINGV, L.V.; SOFIANO, T.A.). TD-110FEUVA, L.K.; SHABYNIII, L.I.3 SHADLUN) T.N.; IAPI WUNII, Ye.V.9 tekhn. red. (Physicuchomical problems in connection with the formation of rocks and ores] Fiziko-khimicheskie problemy formirovaniia gorwkh porod I rud. Moskvap Vol.l. 1961. 658 p. (MIRA 11+: 10) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut geo-logii rudrjykb mestorozbdenii, pet- rografti, mineralogii i geokhimii. 2. Institut gealogii, rud--qkh mesto- rozhdeniy, petrografii, mineralogil. I geokhimii AN SSSR, Moskva (for Vlasova., Glagolev., Zharikov, Omellyanenko, Ostrovskiy, Pertsov, Sha- bynim). 3. Moakovskiy geologo-razvedochgyy institut im.S.Ordzhonikidze (for Shabynin., Pertsev.) (Petrology) BOIKIM, Sv.. Dots.; DNIANOV, D., Btarshii asistent; SOVIIAMSKI mladshit aoistent Exparience with endoscopic diagnosis of bronchial cancer. Xhirurgiia 7 no.1:21-29 1954. 1. Institut za spetsializateiia i usuvurshonstvuvane na Iskari. Katedra na. bolestite na ukhoto, nosa i gurloto. (BRONCHI., neoplasms, *diag., bronchoscopy) (BRONCHOSCOPY, in various diseases, *bronchW cancer) SOFIIANSKI, D. On some errors in the diagnosis of tumors of the esophagus and bronchitis. Khirurgiia, Sofia 13 no.7/8:794-798 160. 1. Tnstitut za spetsializatsiia i usuvurshenstvuvane na lekarite, Sofiia. Katedra po ushni, nosni i gurleni bolesti. Zav. katedrata: prof. Sv.Bo:Lkikev. (ESOPHAGUS neoplasms) (BRONCHITIS diagn.) SOFIIANSKI, m. Wdork of the Furniture Industry Represented in Diagrams." P. 30 (LEKA PROMISHIIN06T, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1954, Sofiya, Bulgaria) 30; Konthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4 No. 5, May 1955, Uncl. SOFIIAITSKI Ml. Intioduction of line production in the Venko Fashkov State Industrial Lnterprise. Laka promishl 2 no.8:17-19 153. 1. Zavczhdasht planiraneto v DIP "Venko .-Rashkov". SCFIIN. G.N. Repairing hydraulic press cylinders. Stan. I instr. 27 no.11:32 W'56. (KLRA 10:1) (Hydraulic presses--R"iring) SOPInT, L. (a. Kuybyshev) Use of calcium chlorate for the production of chlorine. Ehim. v shkole 14 no.1:88-89 Ta-F 159. (MMA 12:2) (Chlorine) (Calcium chlorate) ..SOF'11T, L.N.,(Kuvbyshey) Working model of a synthetic ammonia plant. Xhim. v shkole 15 no.4:79-82 Jl-Ag 160. (MIERA 13:9) (Ammonia) (Chemical apparatus) SOVIND L.N. (Kuybyshev) Working model of a nitric acid plant. Khim. v shkole 16 no.2: 49-52 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Chemical laboratories--Equipment and supplies) (Nitric acid) SOFIIN.? L.N. (Kuybyshev) Working models for studying the production of chemicals. Khim. v shkole 16 no.5:66-70 S-0 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Chemistry, Technical--Study and teaching) 11 . r Models of atoms and molecules in the educational proceiss. Khim. v shkole 17 no.6254-57 N-D 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Chemistr3r-Audio-visual aida) ALYSHEV, Ivan Fedorovich; SOPINA, Antonina Aleksa-.idrovna; ANDRCSOV, D.L.) inzh.., retsenzent; KOLBAS, N.S., inzh., retsenzent; YABLOCHKIN, A.A., inzh., otv. red.; FILONENKO, K.D., red.; UPJTSKAYA, A.D., tekhn. red. [Testing the road properties of soils] nykh svoistv gruntov; poso6ie k laboratornym studentov lesoinzhenernogo fakullteta). zaochnyi lesotekhnicheskii in-t, 1963. (Soil mechanics) Ispy-tanie dorozh- rabotam (dlia Leningrad, Vses. 56 p. (MIRA 16:10) ?OF~Y-KOSIIITS, B. A~; ~OPNIIA., F~ N.; KVITKO, 1. Ya. Prepaxation and study of nitroso derivatives of iminobibenzyl. Zhur. ob. Kh1m. 34 no.6:209.1f,2095 Je 164. (IMIRA 17.7) - SOVINA, T.V.; KOZHEVNIKOV, Ye.A. a . L Construction of mechanical models. Piz. v shkole 16 no,6: 66-69 N-D '56. (MLRA 9312) 1. 121-ya i 108-ya sredniye sbkoly, g. GorIkiy. (Mechanical models) SOV/70-3-5-2/24 AUTHORS: Soflina, V.V., Azarkh, Z.M. and Orlova, N.N. - ---------------- TITIE: An X-ray Structural Phase Analysis of the System Zr-H i Ti-H (Rentgenostrukturnyy fazovvy anal-iz sistem Zr-H and TI-H) V PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 5, PP 539-544 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Zr-H and Ti-H sjstems have been investigated by Ha"gg (Z. Phys. Chem.,Vol 11, p 4.33, 1931). In the Zr-H system, he established five phases: Zr (alpha phase); a cubic face-centred beta phase with a = 4.664 A and composition near Zr 4H; near Zr2H a hexagonal phase, gamma, with a large cell; near ZrH a face-centred cubic delta phase with a = 4.?? A; and at ZrH 2 a tetragonal epsilon phase. In the Ti-H system, there were only two phases, the metal up to 33 atm. % H and a beta phase with a face-centred cubic structure and composition range 50-62.4 at % H. Except for ZrH 2! in which thought pairs of H atoms occurred in octahedral vacancies) all H atoms were thought to be in tetrahedral sites. Cardl/3 For the present investigation Zr foil 30-40 ~t thi-2k ani SOV/?0-3-5-2/24 An X-ray Structural Phase Analysis of the System Zr-H and Ti.-H powdered Ti were used (99% purity). Diffraction pictures were taken in a 5?-3 mm. dia camera with unfiltered Fe radiation. V and Ti anodes were used for the Ti system. For the Zr system, the a-phase contained up to l(Y16 H with a hexagonal cell with a = 3.23 and c = 5.14 A. The O-phase (a = 4.?6) appeared at 18% H but the a-phase continued to appear up to 58% H. The 0-phase was found to be homogeneous between 60 and 62% H and was replaced by a tetragonal distortion above 62%. At 65%, the cell had a = 4.97 and c = 4.44A and at 63.5% a = 4.90 and C = 4-53 A (in each cas,e + 0.005A). The otheT observations of Hfigg were no't 'Eonfirmed. The Ti metal phase had the hexagonal alpha struzture with a = 2.95 and c = 4.?0 A. At 55.2 atm % H~ the 0-phaBe had a face-centred cubic structure with a = 4.39. Between 25.0 and 41.5%, both phases were observed. At 6(Ylo the 002, 022 and 113 reflections of.the O-phass began to broaden and at 64.3%, a tetragonal distortion became apparent where a = 4.45 and c = 4.35 A. The very strorglll reflection from the cubic 0-phase coincides Card2/3 with the 100 reflection from the hexagonall a-phase. SOV/?0-3-5-2/24 An X-ray Structural Phase Analysis of the System Zr-H and Ti-H The results obtained agree with those of Sidhu and McGuire (J.App.Phys, 1952, Vol 23, p 1257) who studied the Hf-H system which the two systems studied here resemble. There are 5 figures and 10 references, 6 of which are Soviet, 1 German and 3 English. SUBMITTED: January 12, 1958 Card 3/3 5 (4), 2 (5) A:JTIIORS:. Rivin, M. A. (Deceased), Zelldcvich, SOY/20-125-6-33/61 Ya. B., Academician, Tsukerman, V. A., Soflina, V. V., Beregovskiy, A. S. TITLE: Investigation of the Density Distribution in the Detonation Front of Gas Mixtures by the X-Ray-examination Method (Issledovaniye raspredeleniya plotnosti vo fronte detonateii gazovykh smesey rentgenograficheskim metodom) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 19'--9, Vol 125, Nr-6, pp 1292-1293_(USSR) ABSTRACT; The investigation mentioned in the title was begun in 1945, but had to be interrupted because of the illness and death of M. A. Rivin. It was resumed in 1957. The method employed in the present investigation uses a needle-shaped pulse tube (Ref 10) with zirconium anode as a source, and krypton, which is added to the detonating gas, as an absorbing medium. The characteristic radiation of zirconium (7~_ ka_ ~0.788 1) incides upon the absorption band of krypton. This combination made it possible to detect density variations in relatively thin Card 1/2 layers of gas mixtures. The main result is that a thin layer Investigation of the Density Distribution in the SOV/20-125-6-33/61 Detonation Front of Gas Mixtures by the X-Ray-examination Method of gas, with a density that is from three to four times that of the original density, was found to exist in the front of the detonating wave. Figure 1 shows the density distribution in pure krypton and in the detonating wave of a mixture of detonating gas and krypton. The authors thank N. N. Orlova for her collaboration, Ye. I. Leontlyeva for taking part in the experiments of 1945, and R. M. Zaydel' for his assistance in carrying out calculations. There are 1 figure and 10 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: February 16, 1959 Card 2/2 BOlOY3003 1-57 1-/ 0 AUTHORS: Sof3ina, V. V.9 Pavlovskaya, N. G. TITLE. Equilibrium State of the Ti - H and Zr - H Systems at Low Pressures PERIODICAL-, Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimiip 1960~, Vol. 34, No- 5, PP. 1104-1109 TEXT: When accelerating substances with metal targets saturated with hydrogen isotopes are used, it is necessary to know the permisaible temperature that does not reduce the efficiency of the targets. Since the existence of a "metal - hydrogen" equilibrium has hitherto not been investigated at pressures of less than lo-3 torr, the systems Ti-H and Zr-H were examined at pressures of 1o-3 to io-7 torr in the article under review. The metals were saturated with hydrogen by a method described in Ref. 6 until they" had almost attained the composition of 102. The hydrogen concentration (Table) and the dependence of equilibrium pressures on temperature, respectively, were determined in metal hydrides S/07 60/034/05/27/038 Card 1/3 .1 ., . Equilibrium State of the Ti - H and Zr - H S/076/60/034/05/27/038 Systems at Low Pressures B010/BO03 by means of a pressure gauge with an 4T1-2 (LM-2) ionization tube and an AT-2 (LT-2) thermocouple pressure gauge. From these dependence curves the isobaric and isothermal lines (Figs. 2-5) were drawn. The experiments showed that there is an equilibrium state in the systems investigated at pressures of jo-3 to 10-7 torr. The system Zr-H is thermally more stable at low pressures with respect to hydrogen separation than the system Ti-H. The reaction heat of the hydride formation of Ti and Zr is not constantg and its temperature- and pressure dependences vary with the hydrogen content, of the metal, The heat of formation of titanium hydride increases from 19 to 44 and that of the zirconium hydride from 29 to 42 kcal/Mol. The authors assume that three different processes take place: 1) Dissolution of hydrogen in the a-phase of the metal, I~K 2) transition of the a-phase into the p-phase (hydride formation), and 3~ dissolution of hydrogen in the P-phase. In coy 'usiong the authors thank V. A. Tsukerman, Doctor of Technical ScioAcesq Ya. B. Zelldovich, Corresponding Member of the AS USSR, and V. A. Davidenko, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciencesq for their valuable advice. There are 8 figures, 1 table, and 7 references: 3 Sovietq 2 American, and 2 English. Card 2/3 Equilibrium State of the Ti - H and Zr - H Systema at Low Pressures SUBMITTED. July 229 1959 S/07~/6.6/034/0511"27/036 W~ B010/BO03 Card 313 20-5-42/60 AUTHOR; LABIONDV L. F. , 501" RTA, Z. P. TITLE: On the Antitilmora Acti-0i of Sarcolysine Peptida. (0 Protivo- opukholevon deystvii peptidov sarkolizina) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol 114, Nr 5, Pp 1070-1072 (U. S.Z3. R. ) ABSTRACTt There exist at presen,t already some synthetic preparations with al- kylating action that possess strong antitumoral properties. Thay have however essential defects..In the first place they are effective only in the case of tumors or tumor-like diseases of the hematopoietic system. Those which act on real tumors (saroolycine, TEF) only in- fluence a very limited number of them. The second deficiency is that they possess considerable toxicity and are therapeutically active only in the hi.-hest endurable doses. This indicates little selectivity of their action on tumors. The basic idea of the.preparation of sarco- lysine, which, among the existing preparations is apparently the r.-iost selective against some types of tumors, was: to utilize the meta- bolites, especially amino acids, as "carriers" of the alkylating group and their "introducer" to the tumors., There seems to exist a possibili- ty to obtain new prep arations by replacement of the "carriers" of chloroethylamine groups by others. In this direction a,new way is in- dicated by this work. It is a matter of addition of a seconC meta- bolite by the amide linkage to the "primary aarrier" qf the chloro- ethylamine group, especially-of a second amino acid. he following peptides of sarcolysine were synthesized: 1) ff-formly~-sarcolysyl-phenyl Card 1/3 alanine-ethylether, 2) N-formly-sarcolysyl-valine-ethylether and 20-5-W60 On the "ntitumoral Action of Sarcolysine Peptids. 3) N-formly-sarcolysyl-tryptophane-meth~,let"her. All-these compounds ilhich are not easiliy dissovled in water proved to be only sli,3htly toxic. Tab. 1 shows that the two first of the studied uubotances exercioe an antituberculous influence sircoma on mice and rats which equals that of sarcolysine. By microscope no tumor cells were detect- edin the ,mall nodes which were on the places of the tumors, At the same Lirae body-yteight-decr(~ases to some extant as a result of a sarcolysine cure, while this was not the case in the poptidetest3. Histological investigation of the animals 'Killed after the test neither showec', in inte~;tines or marrow, nor marked splee'ni-c stroDy. The third cuLipound (--methylether) proved to ~_,e inactive. It may be assumed that the high selectivity of the action of peptides finds ex- pressicn only if they contain.the corresp9nding peptidasa3 wheb penetratin7~ into the tumeral tissue. By influence of the lattera cleava-7e ta-1:es -c-lace in the Deptide, and sarcolysine as th4 active part of the preparation is liberated. The data on anz,~rmatic hydrolysis of the aiaide linka-c of the simplest aiaides of aromatic chloroethylamines secm to indicato this possibility. From this standpoint the lackin- action of the preparations on the heniatogenic organs :.:a, possiblY lie explained by the wea% activity of the corre3ponjin,-, on-_FLies i" tuh4u. -Che differL4nt uow,-,r of action of one and tu'le saine preparaticn and different tumors may possibly ')a cx,~)Iai'nnd in ,ome extent by the 1~ - Card 2/3 differert activity of correzoonclin_- -.)eptidaoes ir them. In a similar manner the activity of compofind 3 On tile AntirLi1.jc,:L,,-tl A,~Jion of Sar(--olysina Pe-ptids may be explained against the tumors investi-ated. (3 fi.-~res, I f,'ble, 4 Slavic references) 20-5-4,2/60 A350CL,1Fj.,I(,1!T Institute for ~:xperinental Patholo6j and Cancer Therapy of the Academy of Me~.ical Science of the U. S.S.H. in Corporation with the Laboratory of the Institute for -l"lementary-Or-anic Compounds of t'he Academy cf S!Aanoesof the U.S.S.A. ~~R---SEETED BY XNUIFfANTS 1.1..,Jerabur of the Acaderay SU31~,ITTED 26.4-1957 AVAILABLE Library of Congresi. Card 3/3 2, 'dOi~ANI A.; FREY, A.I.; RUTSHMILNN, I.; OTT, Kh.; SHEMYAKIN, M.M.; KISHFALUDI, L.; KOCHETKOV, N.K.; DEiEVITSKAYA, V.A.; Pj10KOF1YEV, M.A.; SHABAROVA, Z.A.; FILIPIWA, L.A.; SHANkaWl, S.; KHAYGA, S.; LIVP F.; ROBERTS, M.Ye.; GAVRILOV, N.I.; AKIYDVA, L.N.; KHLUDOVA, M.S.; MAKSIWIV, V.I.; IZELIN, B.M.; SHEPPARD, R.K.; SHKODINSKAYA, Ye.N.; VASINA, O.S.; BERLIN, A.Ya.; SOFIINA Z P - LARIONOV, L.F.; KNUNYANTS, I.L.; GOLUBEVA, N.Ye.; KAYIAE KILt-DISHEVA, O.V.; MEDZIGRADSKIY, K.; KAFTAR, M.; LEV, M.; KORENSKI, F.; BUASSONA, R.A.; GUTTMAN, St.; KHOYGENIN, R.L.; ZHAKENO, P.A.; BAZHUS, S.; LENARD, K.; DUALISKI, S.; SHREDER, Ye.; SHMIKHEN, R.; KHOKHLOVJ, A.S. Results of the Fourth European Sympositm on the chemistry of peptides. Abstracts of reports. Zhur. VKHO 7 no.4:468-476 162. (MIRA 15.-8) 1 Aktsionernoye obshchestvo "Sandos", Bazell, Shveyteariya (for Gofman, Frey, Ott, Rutshm~nn)-,. 2. Farmatsevtichaskaya fabrika "G.Rikhter", Budapesht, Vengriya (for Kishfaludi, Korenski, Dualski). 3. Institut khimii prirodpykh sojedineniy AN SSSR, Moskva (for Kochetkov, Derevitskava,':_Shemyakin, Khokhlov). 4. LaborAtoriya khimii belka Moskovsk6go gosudarstvennogo universiteta (for Prokoflyev, Shabarova, Filippova, Gavrilov, Akimova, Khludova). 5. Fond meditsinskikh issledovaniy, Passadena, Kaliforniya, Sev.Soyed.Shtaty Ameriki (for Shankman, Khayga, Liv, Roberts). 6. Laboratoriya khimii belka Instituta organicheskoy (Contintnd on next card) Gofban, A.,-(Continued) Card 2. khimii AN SSSR, Moskva (for Maksimov). 7. Aktsionernoye obshchestvo "TSiba", Bazell, Shvey-tsariya (for Izelin). 8. Liverpul'skiy universitet, Angliya (for Sheppard). 9. InstItut eksperimentalinoy i klinicheskoy onkolofii AHN SSSR, Moskva (for SlOkodinskaya, Vasina, Berlin, Soflina, Larionov). 10. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR, Moskva (for Knunyants, Golubeva, Karpavichus, Killdisheva). 11. Institut organicheskoy khimii Budapeshtskogo universiteta, Vengriya (for 149dzigradskiy, Kaftar, Lev). 12. Farmatsevticheskiy o"tdel Aktsionernogo obshchestva "Sandos", Bazell, Shveytsariya (for Buassona, Guttman, Khoygenin, Zhakeno, Rutshmann). 13. Issledovatell- skiy institut farmatsevticheskoy promyshlennosti, Budapesht, Vengriya (for Bazhus'- Lenard). 14. Aktsionernoye obshchestvo "Shering", Zapadnyy Berlin (for Shreder, Shmikhen). '(Peptides-Zongresses) SHKODINSKAYA, E.N.; VASINA, O.S.; BERLIN, A.Ya.; SOFIINA,-U.; LARIONOV., L.F. Synthesis and biological investigation of optically active cytotoxic peptides. Coll Cz Chem 27 no.9:2254-2255 S 162. 1. Institute of Exper~idental and Clinical Oncology, Academy of Medica Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow (for Shkodinskaya, Berlin, Soffina, and Larionov). SHKODINSaYA, Ye.N.; VASINA, O.S.; BERLIN, A.Ya.; SOFIRIA, Z,F.; IARIOINOV, LJ. - ------------- P-Di-(2-chlorethyl)-aminophenylalanine (sarcolysine) and its derivatives. Part 9: OpticaUy active cytotoxic peptides. Zhur. ob. khim. 32 no.1:324-325 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Institut eksperimentallnoy i klinicheskoy onkologii AMN SSSR. (Alanine) (Peptides) ScHilc7i) G E P . "92918 VELIKLYA C-Kl'YAT0SKAY-"% -QOlSU-IJSTI-GHLSI"-IyA RENGIMMM I BCRIa-'- SCVETSKCC-0 GCSU- DkRISTVA Zi. "Ei (1917-1920 GG) ITGUA, IZD-VO ZILI-,IIYL, 1952. 31 P. (vsEScryuzllLTn 0-7's i ;.Es-DJU ~-G POLITICliZSKIKH I - UCII'~ H I-C. U, JYK Z'LLIly. 1952, SL:IrZf,- 1, 110. 42) P USSIA R SOFINOV. PAVEL GEeMIYEVICH Stranitsy iz zhizni F.E. Dzerzhinskogo (Pages from the life of F.E. Dzerzhinskiy) Moscow, Gospolitizdat., 1956. 127 P. Cover port. 1115 917-M .Dqs6 NDA Su- r-T-'.2aI,4 10, 11,4213 T 11 c Foi-. 1 o' .-.'Ia:-,. Orig DLC~ -,Y,-I. Vs-,s. in-ta rao-1-:r~iy-,.,,,~'..O-*-.,~~~-, 1957., 1,40 3, 42- Ab sra c -,,-~Iay of u--,,e sc:,! Collection a-'L-, A11--union !:-G of -i cs2lablislied in si,% or OrC, ax o J -c is found in fl varl -y cx' and espacially :f)vi(Is derived fro-~. -.1s va-- ric'-sy. As the resul" oi- select-ions w2r~- :,aving 6o-7j,' o-I -ooils (po(3.s) a-', 41ac, a of fur' --- L-cr.~a-- t-le Succc-I(L'.11c; Card 1/2 112 SOFINSKAYA, Yelena Musetm In the desert, Nauka i zhfzn7 28 no~6-'56-59 Je 161. (Sahar-a-Gave drawings) (MIRA 14-27) .'-fT'HOR: Sofinsk a2 Yelena SOV-4-5(1-9-26/34 '___ ay TITTLE: Achinsk, September 15, 19bb PERIODICAL: Znaniye-sila, 1958, Nr 9, page 32 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is an attempt to describe how Achinsk, Bratsk and other Siberian towns will appear in 1968. There is 1 drawing. 1. Social science--USSR Card 1/1 NOVOCHADOV, A.G., redak-tor IIIAITOV, I.T., kandidat telr-hnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; SOFINSKIY I.D Inzhener-arkhitektor, redaktor, KOZLOV, '17 N.A., inzhener, redaktor; GILIN, H.H.. Inzherier, redaktor; POLYAKOV, Ye'.V., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauki redaktor; KRYUCHKOV, N.V., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; KOITYASHINA, A., tekhniche- sk-iy radaktor [Rules governing the technical operation of dwellin--al Pravila takh- nicheekol ekspbiatatsii zhilylh zdanil. Moskva, Izd-vo Ministerstva kommurall-nogo khozialstva IMM, 1954- 139 P- MRA W) 1. Diraktor Akademil. kommunallnogo khozyaistva im. K.D.Famfilova (for Ivanov). 2. Rachallnik Glaynogo upravleniyaL zhilishnogo kho- zyr~ystva Ministerstva kommunallnoj~o kho ?S-ff-(f or Sofin- ~k-k,T.j-.-G-Yavn-yy-~;iz-he-ne-r--thil-ish~ogo upravleniya Ispolkoma Mop- 70veila (for Kozlov). 4. Glavnyy inzhener Fmnzenskogo treste Uprav- leniya kr-pitallnogo remonta Ispolkoma Mosoveta (for Gelin). 5. Rt- kovocLitall Sektora ekspluatatsii zhilykh i kommunaltnykh zdanly Akademil. kommunallncgo khozyaystva (for Polyakov). 6. Starshty nauchnyy sotrudnik AkaAnmii kommunallnogo kho7.yaystva.(for Kryuch- kov). ';. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Ministerstvo kommunallnogo khozyaystva. %Dwellings) SOFINSKIY, I. Regulations on alloting plot* and private building. Zhil.-kom. khos. 7 no.3:26 '57o (NLRA 10:4.) 1. Nachallulk Glavnogo upravlonlya proyektmykh organizatsiy Ministerstva koamnalinogo khozyayetva RSIPSR. (Building laws) SOFINSKIY, I. - The allotment of land lots for building purposes . Zhil.-kom. khez. 7 no.6:24 15?. (MIRA 10:10) l.Nachallnik Glavnoge -apravleniya proyektsykh arganizatmiy Minister- stva. kommunallnogo khozjraystya RSFSR. (City planning) SOFI1qrTY--1-m.; BLOXHIN, P.N.; GELIBERG, L.A.; ZHDANOV, P.M.; IVASHGHWO, I.P.; LITINA, G.P.; NAUKOVA, N.A.; SHIRNOV, N.S.; ARONOVA, R.I.; NIKOLATET, N.A.; SHERENTSIS, A.A.; KOVALIVSKIT, I.I.; LOBACHEY, P.Y.; SLAIXOV, S.P.; DZIGAN, A.T.; FORAPONOT, N.K. Prialmali uchastiye: ARGANSKIT, A.S.; ASKUS, Te.N.; BXZHALOVA, Te.M.; BOGATYKH, Ta.i).; BURZNIN,'V.A.;- GOLODING, N.P.; MCUSHLAK. I.P.; HOSKALIV, S.A.; RABINOVICH, S.G.; ROGOVSKIT, L.V.; KHOKHLOVA, L.P.; SHISTOPAL, N.M.. RUB-ANENKO. B.R., glavnyy red.; GALKIN, Ta ..G., zamest.glavnogo red.; SAFRYKIN, V.A., red.; SHCHETEOPOV, V6M,, red.; NOVITCHMO, K6Miv nauchnyy red.; VILKOV, G.N.,inzh., red.izd-va; TTAPKIN, B.G., red. izd-va; HLIKINA, E.M., (Building your own home] Spravochnik individuallnogo sastroishchiks. Mosk7a, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry -po strolt.materiaiam, 1958. 442 0. (KIRA 12:2) 1. Akademiya stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR. (Building) SOPINSK Tiet's use vacant city grounds for orebards and parka. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 8 no-10:12-13 158. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Nachallnik Glavpr~yekta Miniaterstva kommunallnogo khozyaystva (Workin&menla gardens) ISAICHWA, A.; SOFINSKIY, N. - Determining the number of auxiliar7 workers in coal mines. Biul. nauch. inform.: trud i zar. plat& 3 no. 10:21-26 160. (MIRI 13-112) (Coal mines and mining) BORTSOV, L.; SOFINSKIY, N. Basic regulations for developing maintenance norms and time norms related to maintenance. Biul.nauch. inform.: trud i zar. plata 5 no.1:18-21 '62. (MIRA 15:2) (Production standards) GAPEYEV, N.; ISAICHEVA, A.; SOFINSKIY, N. Uniform production norms for coal and 6 no.4:92-95 Ap 161. (Coal mines and mining-Production shale raineq. Sots. trud (MM 16:7) standards) (Shale) SOFBSKTY,---rl,2,- Soft pulmonary fibroma. Ddrurgiia no.l.'134-135 162, (MRA 15:11) 1. Iz khirurgichaskoro otdeleniya (zav. - zasluzhennyy vrach RSFSR li.A. Sofinskiyj oblastnoy bollnitsy No.3 (glavnyy vrach - zas;izjemmyy vrach RSFSR Ya.F. Aydarov) Saratovskogo oblastnogo otdela -dravook-hrfu!eniya* (IMiGS--' MORS) SOFINSKIY, N.A. Case of torsion of the gallbladder. Khirurgiia 38 no.12:111 P 162. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Iz khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya, (zav. - zasluzhennyy vrach RSFSR N.A. Sofinskiy) oblastnoy bollnitsy No.3 (glavnyy vrach - zasluzhennyy vrach PSFSR Ya.P. Aydarov) Saratovskogo oblastnogo otdela zdravookhaneniya. SO I N' ' S K L Yi; , ABa I asl. o%' "a LOVSKIlyd CI I kt,; t i I, IIU 3-a, '-v.2,)) Le s i on s o f e ~:& I I b, I-) a es-,. ~', ir. 92 r~3,5:F-2 "y i,_-/ I- lz k-h-irurgiolieskogo otdeleniya- (zav, - zasiuzhennyy vrach RSFSF L i o'inskiv ,' Balashavskoy gol-)vnov rayonnoy bollnitsy (glavnY,.N S v-ach ~ zasluzherln, ~SRSR Ya,~, Aydarov) Saratovskoy oblasti. y~,, vrach ZHUKEVICH-STCS-qA, Te.A.; SOFIITSKIY, P.I. Mills for lateral-spiral rolling of balls (comparison of desi ns) Kuz.-shtam. proizv. 1 no.2:13-17 F '59. (YJRA 12:105 1 (Rolling (Metalwork)) L 24525-66 ACC NR: AP6005279 SOURCE CODE: UR/0-413/66/000/001/0018/00115 I'lMNTOR: ORG: none TITLE : Three-high roller stand with an adjustable clearance between rolls. Class 7, No. 177396 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znakl, no. lj 1966, 18 TOPIC TAGS: roller stand, three high stand, rolling, gearing ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a three-high stand with an adjustable clearance between rolls with drive shafts. To expand the variety of operations and extend the service life of the gearingv, the working side rolls are mounted in movable boxes anj connected with linkages in separate housings. ILD SUB CODE: 13/_ SUBM DATE: 24Jul64/ uDc:* 621.7'71.28 4.11 K-TNOV P .11. F;'YV 14"K 1 .11 ti3e ~'ne qualil~,, of olannini- r;;iLroad oPerationa. Zhe1.dcr.trnftsu. 39 no.3;117-49 Ag '57. (.,-;!aA it., : 9 ) 1. 'Nachallnik otdela Donetsko,~, dorogi (for Erak) . 2. 11achaC.'aik otde-la 1K1uybyohc--.3koy dorog I (for Kon't-7). 3. Str-0`12' 4!,.:,hener plsnovo-ekcnl-di~heokcgo otdel,q ',-0,-.- dor--~i \'for S Z -;.-,Iskiy) SOFDTSM, Ye. 0 Scientific missions. NTO n0-1:53 Ja '59. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Uchenyy sekratart pravleniya nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchastva zheleznodorozhnogo trans-porta na Krasnoyarskoy zheleznoy doroge. (Railroad research) SOFINSKIY, Ye.A,,. inzh. (Krasnoyarsk) Economic advantages of the electrification of the Krasnoyarsk Railroad~.- Zhel.dor.transp. 1+3 no.5:22-26 My 161. (MIRA, 14:4) 1. Nachallnik sektora planovo-ekonomicheskogo otdela Krasnoyarskoy~ dorogi. (Railroads-Electrification) 'OFTYAN', !-- F. S7MAII, A. F. -- "In%-~sti-7ation of the Int-raction of the Motors of a Catprpillar-Type Tractor with the Soil." Yin Hi!zher Education USSR. ?-":oscow Autorotive 'Mechanics Inst. lloscow., l9c~,% (Disscrtation 0 Jor the Dp-,- ;ree of Candidate in Technical ~-cieces) I SO: Fnizhnaya Letopis', No 1, 1956 ., . - ~ I- , _ : ~ p,__ j ~- " fi , , ,/ ,J //, " // . I ." BARSKIY, I.B., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk- SOFIYAN A.P. inzhener. " ~, - Reciprocity between soil and caterpillar drive. lauch.trudy KAXI no.6:44-54 156. (K6Rk 10:2) (caterpillar tractors--Testing) SOFIM A.P. kand.tekhn.nauk; MAISIKERKO, Ye.I.,, inzh. - -- --- -- P Unit pressure of the track during the locomotion of a track-laying vehicle. Trakt. i selikhozmash.32 no.7:13-15 Jl t62. (MM 15:7) (Track-laying vehicles) (Crawler tractors) TIKROMIROV, V.V.; SOFIYANO, T.I. 45th anniversary of Academician F.B.Shmidt's death. Izv.AN SSSR. Ser. geol. no.6:123-124 K-D 153. 0M&- 7--l) (Shmidt, Fedor Bogdanovich, 1832-1908) SOFIYENKO. B.- CHERNITSKY, I.; SMIRNUV, P.; CHERNIKOV, K. (Suvorov,, Tullskaya . obl.); ULIT..,V. Readers' letters. Pozh.delo 9 no.2:31 F 163. (MIRA 160) 1. Nachallnik pozharnoy druzhiny kAlkhoza "Zavety I-1tichaO. Slavyanskiy rayon, Primorskiy kray (for Sofiyenko), 2. Zamestitell direktora Kustanayskoy perevalochnoy bazy khleboj)3~oduktov (for Smimov). (Fire prevention) AKCLIZIII, L.Ye.; BOR023)OV, I.A.; BEDILO, V.Ye.; 'IF-IWSLIKIN, Y.N. Prinimnli uchaBtiye: BBLTATEV, F.R.; BBW~MOY, N.Y.; BUBYRI, V.A.; VAWSMYSEIT, I.N.; DUDKO, V.P.; IERSHOV, V.S.; DUGDI, Ye.V.; DUKALOV, M.F.; IVANOV. P.S.; KOIJAREVA, V.F.; MONO, M.I.; MOGILKO, A.P.; PANCHODKO, A.I., PCKALYUKOV, S.N.; BUKHODIKO, H.D.; RUBIN, I.A.; SIDOIMMO, P.A.; TYUTYUNIK, Ya.L; KHKn'NITSKIY, L.Ya.; BONDARO, V.I.; KRIVTSOV, A.T.; LCK IN, V.D.;-SQFJIIMO RABINKOVA, L.K., rcd.12d-va; ,A, P. BOLDYRF,VA, Z.A., tekhn.rad. [Types of mine arose section] Tipovye ~sacheniri-a7gornykh vyrabotok. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu. Voi.4. [Cross section of mines supported by a sectional reinforcod-concrete lining of URP-11 panels for l-, 2- and 3-ton railroad cars] Secheniia vyrabotok, zakreplennykh abornoi zhelezobetonnoi kre-pliu. 1z plit URP-11, dlia l-, 2- 1 3-tonnykh vagonetok. 1960. 278 p. (MM 13:12) 1. Kharlkov. Gosudarstvannyy proyektnyy institut Yuzhgiproshakht. (Mine timberin.-) SOFY .N. YA. -I~INSTANTUTOVA, A. A., YELSHINA, M. A., ZAYDME2G. YE. G, and QM FEDOAOVA, L. G. COntinued studies of the spread of pathogenic strains of the intestinal rod among children of the younger age. P-34 Materialy nauchnykh konferentsii, Kiev, 1959. 288pp (kievskiy Nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut Epidemiologii i Mikrobiblogii) TISHCEMWO, I.T.; SMOGARZELEVSKLYA, Ta.A.; SOFI71XM, X.Ya.; KDNSTANTINOVA, A,A,; WRITE, M.A, Oa the problem of the etiology and epidemiology of intestinal dyefunctiois induced by pathogenic 31scherichia coli. Zhur. mikrobiol.,epid.i immm, 30 no.12tll5---117 D-159. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Iz Kiyevskoy -,orodskoy asnitarno-opidemiologichookoy stanteii,. (INSOMMICHIA COLI IR IMS in inf. & child) SOFIYEIIKOI-N.Ya.; STANKEVICH, L.A. Raro caoos of typhoid fover complicatiom and their(epidemiological significance. Vrach. delo no-4:136-137'Ap 161. MUIA 14:6) 1. Kiyevskaya gorodskaya sanitarno-e5idemiologicheskaya stantsiya. (TYPHOID Fl. TISHCHENKOJI I.T.; PRIMAK, D.O.; SILYAVKINA, A.14.;__~OFIYENKO, N.Ya._- SHEKHET, A.L.; NEVIDNIKH, A.A. Ways for decreasing and eradicating diphtheria in Kiev. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid.i immun. 32 no.12:106-109 D 161. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Iz Kiyevskoy gorodskoy sanitarno-ep-idemiologicheskoy stantsii i 5-y detskoy klinicheskoy infektslonnoy bollnitsy. (KIEV-DIPHTHERiA-PRDrENTioN) ACC NPI- AP7002208 SOURCE CODE: IJR/0203/66/006/006/1126/1128 AUTHOR: Antsilevich, M. G.; Sofiyenko, L. A. ORG: Institute of Nuclear Physics of the AN UzSSR (Institut yadernoy fiziki AN, UzSSR) TITLE: Ionospheric current system of the initial phase of the geomagnetic storm on i 4 September 1957 SOURCE: Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya, v. 6, no. 6, 1966, 1126-1128 TOPIC TAGS:. geomagnetic, disturbance, ionospheric disturbance, ionospheric electron density, ABSTRACT: The construction of an approximate equivalent current system for the ionosphere during the initial phase of the geomagnetic storm on 4 Sept 1957 is described. The storm started suddenly at 1300 hr; its initial phase lasted approy- imately 1 hr and 20 min. Differences in geomagnetic components before and during the initial phase of the storm were calculated from hourly mean values obtained by 39 around stations for the hour preceeding the storm and during its first hour. The daily solar geomagnetic variation Sq was found from these differences. The approxl- mate equivalent current system in the ionosphere (see Fig. 1) was constructed from the above data. A dense current stream of approximately 150,000 a flows in a wester- ly direction toward the sun above the polar cap along the 9th hour meridian. This Card '1/3 2 ---UDC:---550..388.--:5-50.-385-- ACC NR: AP7002208 Fig. 1. Diagram of ionospheric current flow. Dots .-_ represent groundstations; arrows show the magnitude of current derLqity and direction of current-flow where Card __2/3 scale L-- -jp74 a/CZL. -_~_ __ _ __L_ ACC NR-. AP7002208 current stream splits to form two rotating current streams, the stronger of which has an intensity of 1%,120,000 a. Directions, positions, and magnitudes of the current system agree analogically ~7ith those of.current systems found by other re- searchers. Orig. art.* has: I fig~ire. [WA-3] [IV] SUB CODE: 04/ SUBM DATE: 07Apr66/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 006/ Card GORODETSKAYA, E.G. [Horodets'ka, E.H.]; ZVONAREVA, G.N. [Zvonarlova,, H.N.]; SOF11114KO, T.A. [Sofi.ienko, T.A,,]; WNOMIKO, R.A.; ZHADANOVA, R.1, Ballistocardiography in cardiovascular pathology in children. Fiziol. zhur. Cukr.] 8 no.5:600--608 S-0 162. (IxJRA 17:11) 1. Department of Pediatrics of the Kiyev Post-Gra6uate Institute for Physicians and the First Chilldrenis Hospital of Shevchenko District, Kiyev. SMNF&HW', H.D.;OVGHRRFNKO, Ye.p. i0omra"_ -. ~ 1- _ Problem of optimal propbTlactic doses of *itamin D; experimental stu(Lv. Vopr. pediat. 20 no.4:42-44 July-Aug 1952, (CLKL 23:2) 1. Docent for Sheynerman; Candidate Medical Bci*pces for Oychareako and Sofiyanko. 2. Of KharIkov Scientific-Research Ipstituts for the Care of Mother and Ghild (Director -- Gandidate Medical Sciences -- A. G. lugunova).