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w ease 4 iv I. a,Lt -a* 00 IOC-6. XLWTR0m?,-rjtjC MTERMINATION OF NICKEL AND COPPER. (In Russian.) V. 0. Sochovanow. 2awndshav, 1AR114ralm in (Fac- tory laboratory), Y. 14, Oct. 1948, p. 1255-1256. -at Critically analyses the method proscoded by S. K. Chirkova. Indicates that only the ex= of the copper and nickel present way :00 be determined by this method and tUt the basic problem of their Lee so direct det*minstion by on* test raisains as yet unsolved. -:a 00.3 gow r o 0 zoo 5: z '-'oe =00 i A I L . of TALiURGKAk Ut[WATtAt CLASSIFICATIC. C.Z- j t -a- T -Y-71 An L NN a 1 U .6 1, U Kern ItarKLonI IV it or 6( it0 0 0 0 as a 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 41 0a 0 00010*0000*o* 0 go *go* **I S-Q~ ~OVV.,G.; BAGOTSKIY, V.S., red.; a)GATIN, G.A., red.; BABOCHKIN, tekhn. red. (Galvanic cells] Gallyanichaskie elementy. Moskva, Gos- energoizdat, 1951. 271 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Electric batteries) 71A~Irlry V. G. W'11~ho-l '-)r nrt--n-!~-;on oF st~-,,Ye sol.-,.,Ions of qorfluu- rnrl notf-,-;,3iu-rl zint-rites." I !-. u SO: Journ,-.~ of ~'zen-~ral Chemis' (Zhurnal Onshchel ~hirdi)t Viol ~'2 No FEY10ERG, S.Tu.; ALIMjMN. I.P., professor, doktor, retsenzent; SOCHEVANOV, V.G., kandidat khimichookikh nauk, retsenzent; TITOV, VX-~-ia-n4-i-d-'a't khAmicheakikh nauk, retsenzent. (Analysis of ores of non-ferrous metals] Analiz rad tsTetnykh metallov. 2. ispr.i dop. izd. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-takhn. izd-TO lit-ry po chernoi i tovetnoi metallurgii, 1953. 832 P. (KLRA 7:4) (Assaying) M M" KRYUKOV, P.L.;- SOCHEVANOV, V.G. Glass electrode for the mea3urement of pH. Gidrokhim.mat. no.22: 96-103 '54, (MLRA 7:11) 1. Gidrokhimicheskiy Institut Akademli nauk SSSR, Novocherkassk. (Electrodes, Glass) (Hydrogen-ion concentration) KNIPOVICH,Yu.N., redaktor; SOKOLOV.I.Yu., redaktor; _NMLARj&V..G redaktor; TITOV,V.I., redaktor; SHM M NKOV,I.V.. redaktor K010SKOVA,M.I., redaktor; PENIKOVA,S.A., tekhnicheskiy re- daktor [Chemical and physico-chemical methods of analyzing mineral ores] Khimicheskie i fiziko-khimicheskie metody analiza mi- nerallnogo syrlia. Moskva, Gos.nauchno.-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po geologii i okhrane nedr, 1955. 191 P. (MLRA 9:4) 1. VBesoyuznoye soveshchaniye rabotnikov khimiko-analiticho- skikh laboratoriv. (Ores--Sampling and estimation) Call Nr AF 1095038 AUTHOR: Sochevanov, V. G. (Supervisor), Volkova, G. A., --V-0-Rova, S. P., Martynova, L. T., PakhomoVa, K. S., Popova, T. P., Rozbianskaya, A. A., Rozovskaya, G. V., and- Shmakova, N. V. TITIE: Methods of Chemical Analysis of Mineral Ores (Metody khimicheskogo analiza minerallnogo syrlya); tFolarography (Polyarografiya). Nr 2. PUB. DATA., Gosudarstvennoye nauchno-tekhnicheskoye izdatel'stvo literatury po geologii i okhrane nedr, Moscow, 1956, 100 PP., 5,000 copies. ORIG. AGENCY: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatell-skiy institut minerall- nogo -8yi~-fy-a-(VIMS-)-Ministerstva, geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR EDITOR: Sochevanov, V. G. PURPOSE: This is a manual for use in industrial laboratories of agencies under the Ministry of Geology and Conservation of Mineral Resources of the USSR. Call Nr AF 1095038 Methods of Chemical Analysis of Mineral Ores (Cont.) Card 3/11 Scientific Council of the VIMS, namely: G. A. Lanskly Chairman) V. I. Titov (Vice-Chairman), V. X.Pensionerova ecretaryl, S. K. Rusanov, V. M. Zvenigorodskaya, N vl,_-G_. Sochevanov, 1. V. Sorokin, L. I. Gerkhardt, I. Yu. Sokolov, and I. V. Shmanenkov (Deputy Director of VIMS, Science Division). It was found that the polaro- graphic method for determination of a few per cent or of traces of the constituents frequently excels orthodox methods. The book gives instructions for the polaro- graphic determination of copper, zinc, cadmium, lead, tin, molybdenum, antimony, indium, and thallium in ores. The polarographic method of analysis is discussed in detail, the equipment is described, and lists of reagents are given. Illustrations of electrolytic cells are given on pp. 6,7,8, and 9. The institutions where the polarographic methods were developed are mentioned in the Table of Contents and in the description of the individual procedures in the text. (Soviet scientists distinguish two types of apparatus: 1. polarometers or "visual polaro raphs", and, 2. recording polarographs.or "polaro- graphs�.) An extensive bibliography is included. There are 47 references of which 40 are USSR. Call Nr AF 1095038 Methods of Chemical Analysis of Mineral Ores (Cont.) TABLE OF CONTENTS Pages Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Apparatus and Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Polarographic equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Electrolytic cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Reference electrodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Preparation of a saturated calomel electrode (NKE) . . . . 9 Dropping Bg-microelectrode . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 11 Calculation of the ion content to be determined from polarographic data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 14 Card 4/11 Call NP AF 1095038 Me.thods of Chemical Px-alysis of Mineral Ores (cont.) Copper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Simplified polarographic method of determination of copper in ores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Polarographic determination of copper oxide and sulfide in a single weighed sample . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Zinc . Simplified polarographic method for determination of zinc in sulfide ores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Polarographic determination of zinc in ores containing large amounts of copper . . . . . . . . * . . * . . s . . * 28 Determination of zinc after separation of copper by precipitation on powdered metallic iron . . . . 4. 0 . . . . 28 Determination of zinc after(separation of copper by precipitation on lead coil Method of the Kazakh Geological Administration) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Card 5/11 Call Nr AF 1095038 Methods of Chemical Analysis of Mineral Ores (Cont.) Copper and zinc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Polarographic method for the determination of zinc and copper in manganese-cont-a-Ining ores . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Polarographic method of determination of copper and zinc in ores (Method of the Kazakh Geological Administration). 38 PolarographIc determinatlon of lead oxide and lead sulfide in a single sample (Method of the Kazakh and Krasnoyarsk Geological Administrations) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Cadmium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. . 0 . . . . 39 Simplified polarographic method for the determination of cadmium in sulfide ores . . 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Polgrographic method for determination of cadmium in oxidized ores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Card 6/11 Call Nr AF .1095038 Methods of Chemical Analysis of Mineral ores (Cont.) Folarographic method for determination of cadmium in copper-containing ores (Method of the Kazakh Geological Administration) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Cadmium and Zinc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Polarographic raethod for determination of cadmium and zinc in ores containing not more than 0.1% copper (Method of the Kazakh Geological Administration) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Nickel and Zinc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Polarographic method for determination of nickel and zinc in ores (Method of the Ural Geological Administration). 47 Lead Simplified polarographic method for determination of lead in ores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Polarographic method for determination of lead in barium- containing ores (Method of the Kazakh Geological Administration) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Call Nr AF .1095038 Method of Chemical Analysis of Nineral.Ores (Cont.) Polarographic determination of lead in ores containing interfering elements with preliminary separation of lead as chromate' . . * . * e a 9 * - * . * * 9 . * - - 54 Polarographic determination of lead oxide and lead sulfide in a aingle sample (Method of the Kazakh and Krasnoyarsk Geologica:L.Administrations) . . . . . . 0.0 0 0 1. . . . . 56. Polarographic determination of lead in ores containing acid-soluble tin 58 Polarographic method for determination of lead in high-grade ores . . . . . . . . 0 4 a 0 9 0 0 a 61 Imead and Zinc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . &0 . 9 0 _. ~63 Polarographic method for determination of lead and zinc in natlural waters (method of the A3.1-Union Scientific Research Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology VSBGINGZO) 63.- Card 8/11 Call Nr AF 1095038 Method of Chemical Analysis of Mineral Ores (Cont.) Antimony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 * 9 0 a 0 . 0 a 81 Folarographic method for determination of antimony in ores (Method of the Krasnoyarsk Geological Administration). 81 Indium Rapid polarographic method for determination of indium in sulfide ores (Method of the Iaboratory of Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Rare Earth Metals, Academy of Sciences, USSR)85 Polarographic method for determination of indium in ores and concentrates (Method of the Krasnoyarsk Geological Administration) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Thallium . . . . 89 Polarographic method for determination of thallium in copper-free ores . . . . . . . . .'89 Gard 10/11 ~, (_ (_ / t L-- ~ /4 / ~ L V - ~ - )-. SOCHEVANOV, V.G.; SHMAKOVA, N.V.; VOLKOVA, G.A. Conditions for precipitation of uranyl ferrocyanide in aqueous solutions. Zhur.neorg.khim. 2 no.9:2049-2057 S '57. (MIRA 10:12) (Precipitation Chemistry)) (Uranyl ferrocyanide) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 846 U.S.S.R. Ministerstvo geologil I okhrany nedr Metody opredleniya radioaktivnykh elementov v minerallnom syr1ye (Methods of Determining Radioactive Elements in Mineral Raw Materials) Moscow, Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1958. 68 P. 3,000 copies printed. Compilers; Sochevanov,._V.G. and Titov, V.I.; Ed.: Krasnova, N.E. Tech. Ed. A-verki~eva, T.A. PURPOSE: This book is for those engaged In geochemical prospecting for radioactive ores. COVERAGE: The chemical determination of radioactive substances in min- erals and rock formations is described in this publication. Chemical treatment of materials in preparation for radiometric analysis is also included. The proposed methods are considered to be the most Card 1/4 Methods of Determining Radioactive Elements (Cont.) 840 reliable for geochemical research. Methods are presented in the form of separate procedure instructions with the inclusion of: principle of the method, elimination of interfering factors, application limits, necessary reagents, procedure of analysis. Specifications for high purity reagents are given whenever neces- sary. There is a bibliography with 26 references, 17 of which are Soviet, 4 English, 3 German, 1 Czech, and 1 Swiss. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface URANIUM 3 Titov, V.I., Volkov, I.I. Colorimetric Determination of Uranium by the Trilon-Phosphate Method 4 Zvenigorodskaya, V.M., Rudina, L.P. Colorimetric Determination of Uranium by Means of the Fluoride Method 12 Card 2/ 4 Methods of Determining Radioactive Elements (Cont.) 846 Zvenigorodskaya, V.M., Vasilevskaya, L.S., Deykina, T.V. Colori- metric Determination of Uranium in Phosphorites 16 Brodskaya, V.M., Lanskoy, G.A., Soc Qvanov V.G. Photocolorimetric Determination of Uranium in R-oc?ClIndirect Me'thod) 24 Vasillyev, P.I., Podvallnaya, R.L. Method of Luminescence for the Determination of Uranium With Preliminary Separation by Means of Titanium Phosphate 27 IONIUM Bocharova,- A.P., Malyshev, V.I. Determination of the Ratio of Ionium, Content to Uranium Content in Ores and Minerals 35 RADIUM Sochevanov, V.G., Martynova, L.T. Method for Rapid Dissolution of Card 3/4 .f4ethods of Determining Radioactive Elements (Cont.) W Rock for the Determination of Radium and Thorium X by the Emission Method 47 Chaykin, P.I., Gumbor, K.K., Zarezkina, A.K. Simplified Separation of Radium Isotopes from Samples up to 3 g 50 Chaykin, P.I., Gumbor, K.K., Zarezkina, A.K. Separation of Radium Isotopes from Samples From 3 to 20 g 51 THORIUM Ostroymov, E.A., Astanina, A.A. Determination of Thorium by the Weightand Colorimetric methods 54 Bibliography AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 68 TM/nah Card 4/4 12-10-58 5OCHHVAHQYs-Y~G-;~.VOIKOVA, G.A.; LYUDIMOVA, L.N.; MARTYNOVA, L.T.; SHXAKOVA, N.V.; PANOVA, A.I., red.izd-va; PHRIKOVA, S.A., [methods of polarographic analysis of raw minerals; results of a seminar conducted in 1956, in Sverdlovsk] Metody poliarografi- chaskogo analiza minerallnogo syrlia; itogi seminara, provedennogo v 1956 g. v Sverdlovske. Koskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr, 196o. 161 p. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Kinisterstvo geologii i okhrany nedr. 2. Tsesoyuznyy inatitut minerallnogo syrIya (for Sochevenov, Volkova, Martynova, Shmakova). (Kines and mineral resources) (Polarography) 5.5210 '(77-93 SOV/75-15-1-15/29 AUTHORS: Sochevanov, V. G. S~imakova,' V., Volkova, G. A. TITLE: Tiie Effect of Some Ions on the Precipitation of Uranyl Ferrocyanide From Aqueous Solutions PERIODICALt Zhurnal analiticheskoy IchInill, 19060, Vol 15, Nr 1, PP 77-83 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Tn(Peffect of some Ions on the composition of the precip1tate formed by the reaction of uranyl ion with ferrocyanIde was studkc-d, usin-, amperometric t1tratIon. Titration was conditcted In I M potassium nitrate solution at pH 3.0 -5.0 and 40-600. According to the effect on Liranyl ferrocyanide precipitation, the investigated elements form the following groups. CD Ions wnich do not effect the composition of uranyl + + a- 2+ 3+ 3+ 3+ ierrocyanldf,: NHL, , Na , m. , Al , Cr , Ce VO CrOj, and C1 ions which change the composition 3 r Card 1/6 Ti-i E ~'fec t oQo?,,~e T(jjjs on the -Precip-I tat" on 7'-(753 of Uranyl Ferrocyanide F-rom. Aoueous Solut-Ions S OV/7 5 - 15 - 1 - 15/2 9 2+ 2+ 2 + of uran7 7 Zn C u Pb ferrocyanide: 3-L- 4+ 2- 3- 2- Fe , Th ,M004 ,P04 , so4 The effect of copper ions is shown in Table 1. Other results are shown In Tab1cs 2 and 4. There are L", tables; and c.) refer- eaces, I Swiss, 8 Soviet. SUBIMITTED: May 9, 1959 2/6 Ticie L L -- . , u,,, - I ~ , 1 , ._~ ~ ~i i _. ~ r i t._1 I ~ ! ~ . 1 , - I( I , - " , - ~ ". ~ I f, 1, ~ . ( T 7 of Urawrl Is',- -qj 'u, I ut I o! 1.; a b _1 e- ti,~_raticm uran -'r,1 and coppep soluLlor-u3 ter-oc . yanide. (a) Tak-en OnillLm~-ilc.) ; (b) molal. va tic'; (c ) consumption of K,,I-Pe(CIJ), (unillimoh!; (d) ni..olar ratio; (c) composition oL tlihe sRlt corre;I-uondIn.i-- to ti-le 1,"ven rat-',.c,. oi cu /U(), 0 1 W, ;5 9 0,014,71 1 37 it o*1*2', 3A 1,37 1 lit: 1 0, 1 t75i 1 1. 1, 1.5 15: 1 1,55 10; 1,51 1 d ' ' Car 6 31 It 4): it I t 1, 1'.) 11 1 E ~ 'f,-- 2,-) A o i u ILI.J. i Card 4/6 t itvat :'-c, ~;rar- T b 1 2 p.oe-,er-,ce Al, Cr, and Ce . (a ) Tal-cen (mill-1-n!Ole (b) rnolur ratio; ((!) cozistuniptic m; (d) r levnark,6,; (e~ J-s :-he sza-rnc; (g) til-val I ng c~ut~veo are dJ.;tLLi(-U; 1. cur, vos are nc)t ti.trat-Ingr cu rve nr)I-I- quit-le d i:~tinc~ GL , AP+ M Cr + 411 i 0 1 o,10 1 0 0,50 5 0 O,o I 1 0 Do o' or, 0 5 1 0:91) o,Io o,ot 10 1 0,88 0,30 (1,01 3o I DO .501 f Io O'so o1 O 1) S I I , oo 1,00 : I I I 00 1 The Effect of Some Ions on the Pveclplt~Ltioll 7775' of Uranyl Ferrocyanide From Aqueous SolutIons sov/~75-15-1-15/29 Table 2. Continued from Card 4/6- tcL i 0 01 1 0,05 5: 1 (),01 - 0101 1:1 85 0,02 - 0.01 .2:1 0,80 (),Am 0,01 3:1 0,80 U,()5 0,01 5:1 t).,qo 0,005 - 0:0,5 (c/ O,OtO - 0:1 (1- P O.LK)1-15 0.01 0,25 A 8 0,0)50 O,Ot 0,5: 1 85 q 0,()10 'I'Ot t : 1 0:85 0,025 ),01 2 5: 1 0 90 1 0,050 5:0: 1 o: 95 Card 5/6 The Effect of' So:,rie lons on the. of Uranyl Ferrocyanide From Aqueous Solutions S Ov/ 755, - 15 - 1 - 15/2 Table 4. Amperometric determination of uranium in the Dresence ot' vanadate (a) Take VO 3 (mil-limole); ~b~ taken ... (c) ratio ... (millimole), d consumptiotc... 1"or titration (mi); (e) is not titratted; (f) the same. CL VO 1 0 uo: K.FOCNI, ma il,0:1 11.010 8 1 0, 7.5 0: o2 (Y) o,ol(l 8 1 (1.811 + 0.85 0,20 211: 015 27: 1 1,27 4),8o (1, 1 11 I 5 217 : 1 1,25 0, 0 0, W I I f).8() t " 40. 1 0. S. o. 01 .1 Card 6/6 5/032/60/026/04/07/046 B010/B006 AUTHORSs Sochevanov, V. G., Shmakova, N. V., Martynova, L. T., Volkova, G.A. TITLEi The Analytical Characteristics of an Anion Exchanger of the Type EDE-10P a2 PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1960, Vol. 26, No. 4, Pp. 422 - 425 TEXTs The properties of an increased basic anion exchanger of the type EDE-10p prepared in the USSR were investigated. The elution constants of the chlorides of various elements were determined. It was found that the absorption of the EDE-10p exchanger is similar to that of the strong base German exchanger of type Wofatit L 150, so that the behavior of metal ions on the two exchangers may - to a certain extent - be expected to be identical. The elements investigated (Table) are divided into three groups, the nonabsorbable, the partly absorbable, and the easily absorbable elements. The tests were carried out using the exchanger in the 01-form and working in acid solutions. As an example, the separation of lead and zinc from a solution containing larger amounts of copper and iron is described. There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 13 references, 6 of which are Soviet. Card 1/1 SOCEIGANOVA, M.M.k-SOCHEYAROV, V.G. Gomplexometric analysis of ferruginous carbonate rocks. Zav lab. 26 no.5:543-545 160. (MMA 13:7) 1. Geologicheakiy inBtitUt Akademii nauk SSBR i Voesoyunyy institut minerallnogo syriya. (Iron ores-Analysis) S/03~_/60/026/06/08/044 S's,400 B01O/B126 AUTHORSt Lyubimova, L. N., Sochevanov, V. G. TITLE: Polarographic Determination of High Concentrations of Elements PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1960, Vol. 26, No. 6, PP- 703 - 707 TEXT: A polarographic method of analyzing ore samples was devised, in which the metal to be determined (Zn, Cd, Pb, Ni, and Cu) could be present in the test solution in concentrations of from 0.005 to 0.25 M. Since the resistivity of the mercury in the capillary disturbs the determination with high concentrations, a special cell (Fig. 2) with low electric resistance was built. Examinations of the dependence between the current and the con- centration showed that with concentrations of 0.005 - 0.25 K Ilkovi(~Is equation is valid. It was established that copper and zinc are more easily determined from ammonium sulfate solutions (2 to 4 9/50 ml), and lead can also be found in the same weighed sample. In order to depress the "maxima" of copper and zinc, not only gelatins, but also two surface-active sub- stances should be used, for example gelatine and methyl red. Copper is Card 1/2 Polarographic Determination of High Concentrations S/032/60/'026/06/08/044 of Elements B010/j3126 determined at a polarization tension of 0.275 to 0.700 volts, and zinc at 1-0 to 1-5 volts- If lead is present, it is precipitated as lead sulfate, separated, and polarographized as acetate at pH -6 with the addition of gelatine. A comparative table shows that results of the same accuracy are obtained with the described method as with chemical methods. D.P. Shcherbov and I. I. Sagalovich are mentioned. There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 4 referencest 3 Soviet and 1 French. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut minerallnogo syrtya (All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Raw Minerals) Card 2/2 MIkRTYNOVA. L.T., :;OCHEVANOV. V.G. Polarographic determination of cadmium in ores. Zav.lab. 26 no.7:792-793 160. (MM& 13:7) 1. Vaesoyaznyy institut mineralinogo syrlya. (Cadmium-Analysis) ZHELEZNOVA, Ye.I.;-SOCIMMOV-,X.Q~ TITOV, V.I.; DERZHAVINA, N.G., red. izd-va; IYERUSAL12-ISKAYA, Ye:~~-., tekhn. red. [Methods for the determination of radioactive elements in minerals] Metody opredeleniia radioaktivnykh elementov v minerallnom syr1e. Sost. B.I.Zheleznova, V.G.Sochevano-V, V.I. Titov, Izd.2., dop. i perer. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd- vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr, 1961. 147 p. (KIRA 14:10) (Minerals) (Radioactive substances) BROD"AYA., V.M.; IANSKOY, G.A.; SOCHEVPJIOV, V.G. Interference of vanadium in the determination of uranium by means of-hydrosulfite-phosphate titrimetric and photometric methods. Zhur.anal.khim. 16 no,2:185-190 Mi,%,tAp 161. (MIRA 14:5) (Uranium-Aimaisis) (Vansdium) SOCHEVA1,101, V.G.; SHIRAKOVA, N.V.; MARTYNOVA, L.T.; VOLKOVA, G.A. Increased sensitivity of the polarographic determination of uranium in the presence of vanadium and phosphate iono, Aure anaL.khim.16 no.3:362-363 MY-Je 161. (MIRA 24:6) (Uranium--Analysis) (Polarography) LYUBD4CYVA, L,11.,- SOCHEVANOV ~V.G Determination of uraniumiln uranling in ores and minerals b7 the polarographic method. Radiokhimiia-4 no.6:701-706 162. (MIRA 16-.1) (Uranium-4nalysis) (Polarography) S/032/62/028/001/001/017 B125~B138 AUTHORSj Lyubimova, L. N., and Sochevanov, V. G. TITLE: Determination of titanium and iron in titanium-zirconium and iron ores and -concentrates by the polarographic method PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 28, no. 1, 1962, 15-17 TEXTs A method is suggested for the determination Pf high titanium and iron concentrations against a background of 5M H 3P04 and 1M H 2so 4' The procedure for determining the optimum composition of the sulfuric acid- phosphoric acid background has already been described (V. G. Sochevanov, Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 22, 1073 (1952)) in a study of the stability of zincate solutions. Solutions of this acidity with a maximum titanium concentration of 1 - 1.5 mg/ml, which are stable for several days, were also found suitable for determining iron. At titanium and iron concentra.7 tions between 1.5-10- 3 and 2.5-10- 2M the amperage was linearly dependent on concentration. Titanium and iron can be determined with suf-ficient accuracy also at concentrations of 10 and 511. The substances Card 1/2 S/032/62/028/001/001/017 Determination of titanium and iron .. B125/B138 Sn(II), Cu, As (III), Sb(III), Bi, U(IV), Mo(IV'V'VI)' V(V), Cd(II) which were formed besides titanium and iron in an acid solution as well as some other substances, disturb the polarographic determination of titanium and iron, The elements zirconium, niobium and tantalum frequently occurring together with titanium have no disturbing effect. The analysis is fully described. Samples of titanium-zirconium ores and concentrates of up to 95% TO2 and up to 60% Pe20 3were analyzed volumetrically and polaro- graphically. The maximum determination error for TiO2 is -1.3%, for Fe203 is +5~ ea. There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy institut minerallnogo syr1ya (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Mineral Raw Materials) Card 2/2 SOCHEVANOV, V.G. Effect of pH on the selectivity of complexometric analysis. Zav.lab. 29 no.5:531-536 163. (MM 16-..,) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut minerallnogo syrtya. (Complexons) (Hydrogen-ion concentration) L 63577-65-- !JP(c) JD NR: AP5012490 .7- b/o- ~/65/031/605/6541/9545 03 546.289 543.253 'AUTHORS: Volkova, G. A.; Sochevanov, V. G. Polarographic determination of Germanium in ores and~concentrates SOURGE: Zavodskaya. laboratoriya, v. 31, no. 5, 1965, 541-543 ~TCPIC T&GS: polarographic analysisy grrmanium, distillation, carbonate/ Complexon ABSTRA-CT: A method is proposed for determining ge=anium by a combination of germaniun distillation and final polaxog-raphic analysis in a solution containin_P a :mixture of carbonate, bicarbonate, and Complexon III. Best results are obtained at ,a pH of 8-9. The method is applicable to analysis of ores end concentrates with Ge contents ranging from hundredths of a percent to 20,~;. The Ge-bearing sample is laced in a flask to which H PO I MTO , and H SO are added, and is boiled under a .P 3 4 3 2 4 !giass cover for 5-10 minutes. The cover is removed, and heating is maintained until:., ~.Cumes of H SO appear. Potassium permang-anate is added to the cooled flask, which 2 4 :is attached to a distilling apparatus. At the condenser end a flask is placed in ;which NaOH, Complexon !III sodium sulfate, phenophthalein, and water have been ed. ~Card L 634577-65 ACCESSION ITR; AP5012490 This end of the condenser must be submerged in an alkaline solution., HC1 is added with a jet of air or hydrogen, and the vapor neutralizes the alkaline solution. :Several drops of caustic soda are added until the color becomes rosy, then a drop.or. two of HC1 is added, the color almost disapbearing, and the carbonate mi-xibure is .added. This is followed by distilled water, and the mixture is shaken. 12ter 10- ,15 minutes, polarographic, analysis is made. Samples with Ge content ranging down to' 0.000375Fi~ have been measured and com d pare -with the colorimetric method.- Variation :in results ranges from 0.1575 to O.W. Orig.-art. has: 2 figures and I table. ,ASSOCIATION: none 1SUBMTED: 00 ENCLi 00 SUB CODE: GC, NO REF SOV: 003 OTHM: 00 Card 2 SOC&,'VANOVA, M.M.; SOCIEVANGV) V.G. Theory for the use of complexons in the analysis of polymetallic systems. Zav. lab. 31 no.9tlO58-1062 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Institut goologichaskikh nauk AN SSSR i Vsesoyuznyy insf,'Ltub mimerallnogo syrlya. SOCjaVANOV, V. Ye.. Physician Cand. Med. Sci. Dissertation: "Physiotherapy of Psychic Diseases." 1119150 Second Moscow State Medical Inst. imeni. 1. V. Stalin so Vecheryaya Moskva Surn 71 A' VIP MU 41i 3MU~ VA) 81'~Tss of-R-DTA (dfgodl~ salli for the rapid detftlit"Lion ot Calefurn and MAZUeSiPla m e- __ft,,Ud doloml . Al. SOchPva 0 . (LnSt. &o iscl," 21 (5). 639-532-I'lie sample (0-6 g) of saicate or carbonatt'~is boiled with dil. ficl. tile liol"tIon "I filtered, ir~ated with Nil CI and methyl rcId indicator. ind the hydroxiJes art' pptd. ~y tile addition oS,aq. Nil, to the hot solution- After ~.filtration tlWli5ktion is made up to 250'm1 in a ~mfibrated lask,%," 'A, portion (60 ml) is - d ith '\' -I MIXe %%'I 50ml of wa%er:iAml of a buffer solution (2Og of NH,Ct dinwlv~4 in a small amount of lvater, mixcd with 100 nil of 25 per cent. aq. Ni,, and Made up to I litre) and titrattEd with 0- 1 JV EDTA Idisodium salt) in the usdal,%-ay; the amqunt useLfcorrUspAmcls to the total Ca + Mg. In another portion (100 ml) Ca is pptd. as oxalate and tile Mg is titrated with EDTA (disodium salt) in the usual way. G. S. SsisTit T C~7 1//+ 0;.14 /11. Its R's method of its ?vi 01OPe.SVIII (A- Sa. Acad. 11, 21 ff-~2 Mi 01 ca to pajjuct~a rcdoitorctf irtxi(Te7e.icti; wi 1A t ter cin abluti Mill- t lie ca. 1111t3,niting tile it I ad 11 yA -colonA rexWe hiv;e. ThL littatioa,J~i ciltri,!kl wi( in ;in alk"', eli nu. ,,io, tamitiull ~Calrn nt tile cquivilirn ,int antl k slLirp. 'QIc metbod perwits ildn. of Ca hi the rcf4tuce at Mg. A suriple procedure for nyuthcMzIrz of SOCHIVANOVA, M.M., SOCE3VANOV. V.G. Complexometric analysis of ferruginouB carbonate rocks. Zav. lab. 26 no.5:543-545 160. (MMA 13:7) 1. Geologicheakiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR i Vaesoywn" institut minerallnogo syrtya. (Iron ores-AnalyBig) S/032/63/029/002/003/028 B1O1/B166 AUTHOR: Sochevanova, M. 11. TITLE: Use of complexometry to analyze silicate minerals PERIODICAL; Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 29, no. 2, 1963, 143 - 146 TEXT: A rapid method of analyzing silicate minerals is proposed. The sample is fused with soda, the silicic acid precipitated with gelatin and determined gravimetrically. The sesquioxides are precipitated with uro- tropin. The precipitate is dissolved in HC1, Fe is either complexometri- cally determined with sulfo3alicylic acid, or the sum of Fe + Al + Ti is titrated with complexone, then Al and..Ti are removed with fluoride from the. complex, titrated with xylenol orange, and Pe is determined from the difference. Ti is colorimetrically determined in an aliquot part of the solution with ascorbic acid or H202. In the filtrate of the urotropin precipitate, Ca is determined in an aliquot part with murexide or fluorexane, in another the sum of Ca, Yg, and I-An is determined with chromogen black ET-00 or beryllon II IREA, in a third part Mn is colorimetrically deter- mined with formaldoxime. A comparison of analyses of eruptive rocks made Card 1/2 S/032/63/029/002/003/028 Use of complexometry to ... B101/Bia6 by the classical and by the rapid method shows good agreement. The rapid method takes 30 - 50 ~'O of the time required for the classical methocL. There are 2 tables. ASSOCIATIONi Geologioheskiy inetitut Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Geology of the Academy of Sciences USSR) Card 2/2 SOCiEVANOVA, M.M.; SOCHEVANOV, V.G. Theory for the use of complexons in the ama,'Iysis of polymetallic systems. Zav. lab. 31 no.9:1058-1062 '65. 18:10) 1. Inatitut geologicheskikh nauk AN SSSR i Vsesoyuznyy inslit-ub mimerallnogo oyrlya. ': C:i~ -----,-- 1 . Dissprtation : --l'-d'ir-tnan (Fconc-micogeograph-ic Featuuz-es)." Cand Geog Scl, Tn,,-t of Cjfcf~rnnhy, Aend Sci USSR, 31 Jun 54. (Vechernveya ~:oskva, leloscow, 2 Jun 54) SO: Sum -1p, ..3 Dec. 19.54 SOCHKVKO, G.G. Agriculture in Vietnam and its distribution. Trudy Inst.geog. no. 59:122-147 154. (MLRA 8:5) (Vietnam--Agriculture) (Agriculture--Vietnam) ~f-' SOCHF.VKO, G.; TIKHOMIROV, V.P., otvatetvennyy redaktor- KOSTINSKIY, D.N., -~- f -~' ~re'-&tor; NOGIZA, N.I., tel:hnicheakiy redaktor. [Vietnam, Cambodia, Lwsj V14stnam, Xambodzha, Laos. Moskva, Gan. 12d-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1957. 30 P. (MIAL 10:4) (Indochina) SOCENKO, Glob Grigorlyevich; ZABIROV, B.Sh., red.; PANOCHKINA, N.S., G.N., red.kart; KOSHELEVA, S.K,, (Vietnam] Vetnam. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1959. 148 p. (MIRA 12:12) (Vietnam-Econo-mic conditions) SOV/81-59-16-58516 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, 1959, Nr 16, p 412 (USSR) AUTHORS: Lipovskaya, K.S., Voznesenskaya, Ye.V., Sochevko, T.I. TITLE: The Investigation of Paraffin From Zhirnov Petroleum PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. n.-i. in-t po pererabotke nefti i gaza i polucheniyu iskusstv. zhidk. topliva, 1958, Nr 7, PP 318-328 ABSTRACT: Samples of paraffin (P) with a m. P. of 550C were investigated which had been separated from the refined distillate of the autol fraction of Zhir- nov petroleum, and of low-melting paraffin (LP) with a m. p. of 360C separated from the filtrate after deoiling of P. P and LP were devided into fractions by means of complex-formation with urea and adsorption on silioa-gel and activated coal. The obtained fractions were analyzed by physical-rchemical methods. It has been found that P contains M 87 n- paraffins, 12.4 isoparaffins and 0.6 monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (AH) with a small admixture of bicyclic AH; LP consists of 48.2 n-paraffins, 1.8 monocyclic AH and 50 of a concentrate of naphthene hydrocarbons. Spectral analysis of P, LP and the fractions confirmed the small content of AH in them. Card V1 A. Ravikovich. VUNBSENSICHA. Ye.Y.; SHAKHSUVAROVA, G.V.; $OCHEVKO, T. I. Solubilit-~, of paraffins from Tuymazy petroleum In solvents used for dewaxing and oil removal. Trudy VNII NP n0-7:339-344 158. (MIRA 12:10) (Paraffins). (Solubility) L 390h-& EWT(m)P?-PF(c)/EWP(j)/T DJ/M ACCESSION NR: AP5023506 UR/0318/65/000/008/0027/0030 665-~ AUTHOR: Alekperov, K. A.; Kusov, A. B.7, Lukasbevicb I. P.; Spchp-_vko T I.~ TITLE: Resin mixture plasticizer made of extracts from selective purification of petroleum lubricating oils SOURCE: Neftepererabotka i neftekhimiya, no. 8, 1965, 27-30 TOPIC TAGS: plasticizer, butadiene styrene rubber, synthetic rubber ABSTRACT: Applicability of 340-4000, 400-4500, and 450-5000C fractions, of the pi,epurified distillate extract, their mixtures',eAd their blends with vacuum dis- tillation residue as plas'ticizerltor resin mixturei based on non- .pbove 5000C) plasticized SKS-30Pbutadiene-styrene rubbermas studied. The individual fractions and the residue were obtained by vacuum distlillation of phenol- and furfurol. ex- tracts from distillate. The distillate extract was a product of the NPZ plant-at Omsk. The object of this study was to develop a substitute for the PH-6 residual- extract (vacuum distillation residue--above 5000C).,and to assure a,,Compliance of the substitute with the VTU 71-61 technical Stan's for the PH-61-%xtract. The base non-plasticized resin was prepE;id r-oIlIn-gthe followTa-gmixture (in weighf Card 1/3 L 39o4-66 ACCESSION NR.- AP5023506 units): SKS-30 rubber--100, stearic. acid-_2.0, zinc oxide--5.0, channel gas black- 50, Altax--0.6, diphenylquanidine--0.75, and sulfur--2.0. After rolling the mix- ture was vulcanized for 10-80 min at 143 t 10C. It was found that mixtures of narrow fractions of distillate extract with distillation residue can be used as plasticizer substitute for butadiene-styrene rubber. The effect of plasticizer substitute viscosity on tensile strength of SKS-30 vulcanized 1-&ber (content of the channel gas black is 50 wt %, content of the softener is 20 wt %) is shown in fig. I of the Enclosure. Thq strength of the vulcanized rubber increases with in- -easing content of heavy aromatics and tar in the plasticizer. Orig. art. i has: c I figure, 2 tables. ASSOCIATION:- LTI im. Lensoveta: MINKh i GP in. I. H.'Gubkina SUBMITTED: 00 NO REF SOV: 007 Card 2/3 ENCL: 01 OTHER: 005 SUB CODE: HT, FP 4 SOCHILIN, B.G.; BLYUKIMAN, L.S.; YERONANKOV.,j. Ye.j.; AZAROV, E.K., red.; SHERMUSHMMO, T.A., [Transition of Leningrad enterprises to a shorter workday] Opyt perekhoda leningradakikh predprJistii na sokrashchennyi rabochii den'. Leningrad, Lenizdat. 1960. 69 p. (MIRA 13:?) (Leningrad-Hours of labor) SC)Cj-'.-,!,TN, l3ori5 Georgiye-oich; ILEEPIN, red, !rL%reny enterl~rise snould a Ler=anent --azo:- forca7 Kazhdo,-ru predpriiat-ilu - stab-i'-'nye kad~. Leniingraa , Lerdzdat'. 196z". 615 p. (MIRA 18!4) SOCHILIN, B.~77 Pledges of Leningrad people and vays to carry them out. Sotetrud 6 no-3:95-102 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Nachallnik otdela truda, zarabotnoy platy i rabochikh kadrov soveta narodnogo khozyaystva. Leningradskogo skancoicbeakogo administrativnogo rayona..,- - . . (Leningrad Economic Regics-Sociallst competition) (Leningrad Eronomic it-gion-Indubtries) YI-JUXIOLAYEV, A.%H~; SOGHFLIN, G.B. Gound ntate , Vo-electron atoms and ions. Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no. 5:1050-1053 Ap 16/#. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Lenlzigradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A.A.Zhdanova t~ i Leningradskoye otdelen-iye Natetf~aticheskogo instituta im. V.I. Steklova AN S"OSR. Predstavleno akademikom V.A.Fokom. ACCESSION NR: AT4041509 S/2910/63/003/01-/0167/0174 AUTHOR: Yermolayev, A. M. , Sochilin, G. B. TITLE: An exact variational method for computation of the S-states in atoms with two electrong SOURCE! AN LMSR. Litovskly fizicheskiy sbornik, v. 3, no. 1-2, 1963, 167-174 TOPIC TAGS: 5 -niate, variational computation method, electron configuration, two um. electron atom, wave function, Hylleraas equatLon, variational wave function, helt ABSTRACT: The variational method is based on Fock's Investigation of the flylleraas equation (Izv, A N S R9SR, 18, 161, 1954), a nonrelativistic wave equation for a two-eleptron atom with infipitely heavy nucleus whose charge is Z.' The variational wave function *V is chosen to be an analytic expression containing variable parameters. This function is, chosen so that It represents the behavior of the exact wave function at the potential energy singularitien and approaches the same asymptote at infinity. The coefficients of the ex- ponential terms In the wave function expression are then decomposed Into Fock's series. Each term of this series is a solution of a certain system of coupled equations on a four- dimensional sphere. The highest term can be determined exactly but the terms of lowe'r order must be obtained from an approximate solution. -The resulting variational wave 1/2 rd ACCESSION NR: AT4041509 function contains arbitrary coefficients of a linear combination of 4-dimensional spherical ifunctions of order n = 1, 2, N + 1 and accounts for those terms of the Fock's series which describe the behavior of the exact wave function in the vicinity of potential energy singularity. By introduction of auxiliary arbitrary coefficients, the total number of coef- ficients to be determined is decreased without changing the characteristics of the wave I function. The standard Ritz procedure Is used to obtain the final solution. An example in which the S stata of the helium atom is computed is given. The variational wave function 'N has 30 coefficients and gives a value of energy which could be obtained from a 40-parameter; Kinoshita function (T. Kinoshita: Phys. Rev. 105, 1490, 1957 and 115, 366, 1959). The method, as presented in the paper, applies only to two-electron systems in S-states but can be generalized for multi-electron systems. Orig. art. has: 19 equations and Vtable. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gasudarstveriny*y universitet im. Zhdanova (Leningrad State University); Leningradskoye otdeleniye Matemat7icheskogo inatituta im. Steklova (Leningrad Branch of the Stekloir Mathematical Institute) SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NP NO REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 002 2/2 ~c f ACCESSION NR: AP4034536 S/0020/64/155/005/1050/M53 AUMOR: Yermolayev, A. M.; Sochilin., G. B. 'TITLE: Ground State of Two-electron Atoms and Ions SOM, CE: AN SSSR. Doklady-*,, v. 155, no. 5, 1964, 100-1053 ~TOPIIC TAGS: ground atomic state, two electron atom, two electron ion,,Sstate'O ;wave function.. numerical computation, quaatum mechanics !ABSTRACT: V. A. Fock (Izv. AN SSSR, ser. fiz. 18, 161 (1954)) has given a ricorous method for analysis of the S-state in the vicinity of the singular points. The present authors apply his method for numerical computation of the !ground state of H ~, Be: U+1* Be+,&, Be.*3: 0*6 and Net%. The expansions used con- verge rapidly (they have about 30 parameters~. The numerical computations were macle with the BECM-2 computer of the computer Center-of the leniagrad Division of AN SSSR. "The authors are grateful to acad. 1;the Mathematical Institute V. A. Fock for discussions and comments, and to Yu. N* Demkoy for discussions." iOrig. art. has: no figures, 4 equations,, 2 tables. Cam 1/2 ---------------- I ;lAccEssim NR: AP4034536 I ~!ASSOGIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvenny*y universitet im. A. A. Zhdanova .(!,-ningrad State University); Leningradskoye otdeleniye Matematicheskogo instituta !im V. A. Steklova Aka&emii Nauk SSSR (Ieningrad Division of the Mathematical Sciences, SSSR) t Institute Academy of t ISUEZUTIED: ZMoY63 DATE ACq: 1-IMay(A ENCL: 00 ISUB CODE: NP NO FM SOV 003 OEM: OOT CL, /2 USSR/Chemistry Halogeno-organic comp('-,,L~Ws FD-2 Card 1/1 Pub. 50 - 3/20 Authors : Sochilin, Ye. G., Cand Chem. Sci; Kaluzhskiy, A. A. Title : Production of chloroacetic acid by the oxidation of ethy- iene chlorohydrin Periodical : Khim. prom. No 5, 285-287, Jul-Aug 1955 Abstract : In view of the fact that production of chloroacetic acid (which can be converted to fluoroacetic acid for rodenti- cides and Is used in the synthesis of dyestuffs and drugs) is too exDensive and complex when acetylene is used as a starting material, recommend that ethylene chiorchydrin de- rived from petroleum gas ethylene be oxidized to chloroacetic acid with nitric acid. State that they obtained an 834, yield of chloroacetic acid with the use of this procedure. Five references; 2 USSR, none prior to 1940. Institution Leningrad Order of the Labor Red Banner Technological Insti- tute imeni Lensovet L7 7, zn d 2 0 7 T' .1 VJ t-lo'l:; V ly I!,- SOCHILINA, A.S. -N ,w Ephemeris for 1958. of Du-Toit-Neujmin-Delport's comet (1941 VII) Biul.Inst.teor.astron. 6 no.9:671-674 '58. (MIR,h 13:3) (Comets--1941) SIRAkKOVA, 14.Ya.; SOCHILINA, A.S. VVI-.44*WAAM~ Approximate determination of the circular orbit of an astroid. Biul.Inst.teor.astron.' 7 no.1:72-75 '58. (Wa 13:4) '(Planets. Minor--Orbits) SHMAKOVA, ?I.Ya.; SOCHILIZIA, A.S. Elements of elliptic and circular orbits of unnumbered-minor planets. Biul.Inst.toor.astron. 7 no-1:76-77 15F, (MULF, 13:10 (Planets. Minor--Orbits) 69849 L/ 00 SO-V/35-59-9-6931 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurral, Astronomiya. i Geodeziya, 1959, Nr 9, p 9 (USSR) AUTHOR: Sochilina,_A.S. TITLE: on the Accumulation of Errors During Numerical Integration in Certain Problems of Celestial Mechanics PERIODICAL: Byul. in-ta teor. astron. AS USSR, 1959, Vol 7, Nr 4, pp 281 - 286 (Engi. r6sum&) ABSTRACT: V.F. Myachin has derived formulae (Ref 6930) for evaluating the accumula- tion of rounding errors during the numerical integration of the equations of motion in the two-body problem. If the integration of the equations of motion of the planet is started from perihelion, then, neglecting the effect of eccentricity, the formulae for the evaluation of the error at the 91 step of integration can be reduced to the following form (with k >- 200): 'Z_(') 70.3 P k"/2, k (2) 3 ~ k 3/2 k Card 1/2 where ? is the maximum rounding error in the calculation of the right 69849 SOV/35-59-9-6931 On the Accumulation of Errors During Numerical Integration in Certain Problems of Celestial Mechanics hand sides of the equations at each step, and the upper index is the number of co- ordinates (x, y, z) . In order to check the formulae, special examples were examined, 1) The problem was solved of plane unperturbed motion with various initial data selected in such a way that there are exactly a hundred steps per one revolution. The results of the integration were compared with the values derived from formulae of elliptic motion, and their difference was taken to be the pure accumulation of rounding errors. 2) The coordinates of Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus obtained by D.K. Kulikov during the integration of the equations of the VIII satellite of Jupiter for the period from 1930 to 1965 were compared with the coordinates of the same planets taken from the Astronomical Papers 1951, Vol 12. As a result of the study of these examples, it was found that the evaluation according to Myachin's formulae reflected the fluctuating character of the error and gave a slight overestimation (less than by 10 times). After 1,000 steps of integration, vanishe not over five digits on account of rounding erros. So Myachin's formulae are fully adequate for practical use. S.G. Mak-over Card 2/2 fIftTIDIKOVt Yu4V.i 50CHIIIIIiAf A.S. Motion of the rdcket carrier of the third Soviet artificial earth satellite (1958a111) and the magaittde of the oblateness of the earth. Biul. sta. opt. nabl. isk. sput. Zem. no. 7:6- 12 i6o. (MIRA 14:2) 1 00 1.'Institut teoreticheskoy astronomii AN SSSR. (Artificial satellites-Tracking) S/035/62/000/007/008/083 A0O1/A1O1 AUTHOR: Sochilina, A. S. TITLE: Calculation of approximate positions of artificial Earth is satellites, PERIODICAL; Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 7, 1962, 16, abstract 7A112 ("Byul. st. optich. nablyudeniya isakusstv. sputnikov Zemli", 196o, no. 11, 12 - 16) TEXT: The author describes a method of calculating approximate positions of artificial Earthts satellites for the case when the osculating'elements of a satellite at a certain instant are kiown, as well as the coordinates of the ob- serving station. There are 5 references. R. Ye. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 SOCHILINA, A.S. Calculating ej?hemerides of artificial earth satellites. Biul.Inst. teor.astron. 8 no.2:153-163 161. (MMA 14:4) (Artificial satellites--Tracking) S/816/61/000/024/002/003 AUTHORS: Makover, S. G., Gontkovs-kaya, V. T. , Kcchina, N. G., Sochilina, A.S,, arid Subbotina, N. S. TITLE; Investigation of the motion of the second Soviet artificial earth (Sputnik 11 or 1957 P ). SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Astronornicheskiy sovet. Byulleten' stant-.iy opticheskogo nablyudeni)-a iskusstvennykh sputnikov Zemli. no. 24. 1961, 1]- 16, TE X T: This is a presentation of the results of calculations of the orbit elements Of Sputnik 11 from November 1957 to Mar--h 1958, based on visual tracking data, as used in the short-range prediction of the ephemerides. The method employed is ou. "'nr-d in the paper by Makover, S. G., The orbit determination of artificial earth sal~ellites. Byulleten' stan'siy ... no. 24, 1961, 3-11 (Abstract S/816/61/000i'0241'- 001/003). Computations were performed on the B3CM (BESM) electronic high- .speed computer of the AS USSR Computing Center (A.A. Dorodnitsin, Director); ~dl preparatory work was done at the State Astronomical Institute imeni Shternberg, ,'D. Ya.. Martynov, Director). The computation program comprised the following _,pecific steps: (1) Computation of the instantaneous orbit elements for t1--e time o f ...~ givi:a observation; (2) computation of the rectangular satellite coordinates fro m, Card 1/3 of the ri.otion ... S/8l6/0`l/000/0?4/00_)iOO3 ![:e- fortnulas of its vIliptical, motion; (3) computation of the local sidereal time iwncl coordinates of the Observation station; (4) computation of the sL)11~4- equlttf)rial coordinates of the sacellitc and conriparison between calculace(I "i"Pi !"Vtld COOrdinates; (5) computation of the co- ffictientsof tentative! C (;.,,I D.itat:,)n 0 nding cornponent coefficients for the normal -he correspo V C U 7, ~.'i .. _0[L) )kt"ational stages (1) through (6) were performed consecutively for each oi)- rt:~ulting in the ultimate coefficients of the normal equations. T.111 e f o 11 c, v: i were then )erforrned: (7) Determination of currections to the. -4 obtained from the ~iolution of the svstern of normal eciuaCons, and detern i at1r): (j 1all impro"I'd systern of elements; ~8) determination of weight factors For each u k z; o n.. Ari entire cycle of orbit improvement From LOO ob~,ervations required Of machine time. Upon completion of all cornpuld-tions includi-Ig S""i... ti: ! lic" (11 . -oilvh (8), the entire cycle was rf~p,!ated witil converge? s c c e s S i v (-.- approximations -was achieved (usually, 5 to 6 cycles). An a d d! i L i o n;i L' tion %Yis r--xade of the so-called "variations," i. e., the chanues of tht- r:,-1 C: ;I S., C, %, d 11 -clinat;on. of the satellite due Lo an as~~umed I-second error i n th(~ dett_-rrnination by the ob~:i~!rver; this variation -Aas found to be useful in the -h and reconciliation of differences betw.:-,en obscrvational. values and -t~or%l of gross error9, incorrect tirne readings, mistalp-en identities star.i, elc., was achieved by elirninatin~ any ob_~ervation with a 0 0 3 rrnuLioll ... Si ,16/ 6 1 /OUG/024,'00~" erro., of niore that, aLi ve!, iimit (150 11 the first u-ed caryi~ i- I I n a r, I%- lisit -nd coti, e c, `1.0~ 'h~ e v e. 1; ro,s -rrorzi, t h t- t CU.1 1! cciiracy o" .~lnglp ob- w,-k')'v attribi. Labs pri,i-irily L:rrit, kt4epitij-,~ Illlrl~LIIIj, ""'c- the Asc:':!IolIIichesIi-; t;ovut ),,,),n~cai Councit), A3 -a. ph Ic 'witt most 0!1 ~'e w ~I( kl I 11 "a - aci c US ra h I c oe ~ . ~ ~ y P a I d 4. V. f, "E~ 'I CIX.i, !.t"' SatCHIZIV r e~ Ll ~-i V Ci Olt, (-,.!7 ided I)y n t- i-ict I re --iu t6 -I r-t-. Soviet 'on!y) i ru! i, o ~ a ro n oc- S R (In, si t i zu t vT- r hf o e - AS USSW. P ~A I C Jill- 0 P-4 6 1 U 0 4 Q "I J 1 0 7: V ;-j V Z' i V 0 1 i I e le v Ell i C, c1 for ;-ient.3 ar-~ reponi-El. t f r ;de (e r- odl t: d s L a r c f., It th ik'i2jtt C; n r -itv; n h a i o n r lative to -h- rreci to tfh,~ r a n c' ch t- e Q u i n o x tie r ba r o a! ~r~ providr-d. r.-id~tv ob'~ 'cum ~),i rhe L B ES c)rblit t-lemerits of tht: cap~ult- S J 8 i b, 6 1 /00 14:1 0 30 0 I)f the Computing Genter )I* the AS USSR accurding E,) mt~tirr;od~ Th(-01-k:tiCZLI Astronomy of the AS USSR. Thero i:, I 1.hrt I c f o K" A VION. Institut teorctichi-skov astrorioniii -kN SSSR S, Cell Astronomy, AS USSR). .5 U B I'vil TT I, D: August 19, 1961. SI/511/61/008/002/004/004 B1631BI86 AUTHOR: Sochilina,-A. S. TITLE: The computation of ephemerides of artificial satellites of the earth SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut teoreticheskoy astronomii. Byulleten'. v. 8, no. 2(95), 1961, 153 - 163 TEXT: When ephemerides of satellites are compiled it is important to check whether the following conditions for visibility from a given obser- vatory are fulfilled: (1) the sun must be at least 60 below the horizon, (2) the satellite must be above the horizon, (3) the satellite must not :1 be in the earth's shadow. An analytical expression is derived, from %Vhich~ the limits of the observable part of the orbit, limited by these conaiticn3, can be determined. An advantage of the proposed method as compared with earlier methods published by other authors is that it lends itself to an 1 easy computation using an,'electronic high-speed computer. Further equa- tions are given which are used for computing the time of passage of the satellite through the point of maximal hei&t and through the meridian of Card 1/2 S/51 61/008/002/004/004 The computation of ephemerides i3163Y33i86 the position of the observatory. The computing procedure is demonstrated:- with an example. First the times of V morning and evening crepusculum are computed, then the values u and u of the argument of latitude 1 corresponding to the points of intersection of the orbit with the hori- zontal plane, and their arithmetical mean u m . For the corresponding timed T*, the calculation of the arguments u,,' u21 um is repeated. Subsequently, a chAck is made that during this time 7.he satellite is illurainated by the sun, and the limits u u of the:alum:".nated part of the orbit are com- 37 4 puted approximately. Then the times T., and T are computed, which 4 corresDond to the highest point of the orbit and the corrected u , and the m horizontal sDherical coordinates for the times T and T * For the next 3 4 rev6lution the computing procedure is analogous. The calculations were pvrformed with the electronic computer. 99CM(BESM). 1 or 2 minutes were; sufficient to calculate the ephemerides for 5 days. There are 3 figures and 9 tables. C- SOCHILINA, A.S. Some changes in the method for irproving orbits of arti- ficial earth satellites. Biul, Inst. teor. astron. 9 no.l: 11-14 163. (MIRA 16tS) SOCHILINA, A.S. Improvement of orbital Biul.Inst.teor.astron. pii*nts O'f'Aftificial '19~' jlo.5:3lQ6vO22 163. z earth satellites. (MIRA 17:4) MFA -27-21OT65 9M-2/7,4T(d)/M/FSF~h~ ,X..;A EM t T/EEC(c)-2/E b -1 Pn-h/~o-4/Pe-~/Pq-4/Pac-4/ft- Pae-2' air, (I Pk % ACCESSION 14R.- VQ h 4 S/2816/63/00g/R32/002 S7 AU T' 110 R.- Sachilina. A. S TITLE: Determination of the orbital elIements of the satellite 1958 6 from pliDtogrghic observatio ns WP y siovet, Byulletan' stantsiy optichos ogo SOURCE: All SSSR. Astron-o"agM, k nablyudenlya iskus6tvannykh apAn1kov,.Zeftlip no, -32,9 1963,9 TOFIG TAGS: artificial satellite, qatftl_ii te orbi e tracking/ satellite ABSTRACT: It is difficultto obtain accurate elements for satellites with of 200-2% km,, because of the.atmospheric effect, that'must,be dqtermlh6d`,',',~~ s ances empirically from- satellite observatioA6 :Air, resi'stance is maximal-.on diurnal movement.. and consequently ohUe sition. of the satellite in,its crbi po Z' ant may be represented c- letely for tXne-',',*,~'!~` Hany observations show that A aily moje~~ by the relation R + 24j(t_i6):+-._j on inteml: not excewim'.'T~Wq days$ where n' arA n" (so-,called accd~i'$Aoix.a daily movement -are, from observation, Obsemaitional a m -the ccurlao. Card. 1/g. t 27210-65 ACCESSION NRs AT50035b)t accuracy thens intervals shorter than-7-10 days should be used#-but n a poorly determined in short intervals. It is therefore proposed that all elewma-so'-~", all irw-luding at and n", be determined at'.ad interval of 10 days at to. Then elements except n' and nt9 are redetermined for 2-day periods during that if the obsemations are at an ang~.O.iess than 200 to the.gsocentrio'.ikc,or V., Mt orbit, howevers.all values are poorly-determined.. It is then beat to exal' a`-*,-..-,.!_-.- inclination of erigsq-longitiidep, and the 'orbital eccentricity', -the orbit.. the p itU photographid observations of satellite test.this,,the aubhor processed in'. addition'to some visual -.observation -for'July-November. 1956*,,-. The trite. t -plane was used for: computation., tong~tu" -41w'cowputed frott. a:point die o ang]A.'.'~quai to the 1wecession' 1ji right c tile mean'equinoctial point. at an for the period t .-'1950&0 -~V -z Rasultsare furrAshed in.& table" table, A ;SOG IAT IM a none (but artiold! n6t; %onTrw z 160ot62 00 svi: Do ~3- No. REF SOV 1:,:, 000 ~U Card L 3767ioi65 I'ACCESSION HR: -ATS004162 S/3126/63/000/002/ 0064/0071~ 1AUTHOR: Czebotariewl G-A. (Chebotarev; G. A.); Makarava, jo No (Hakarovd, Y~e. No Soczylina* A So (Sochilina, L. S-.) TITLE: Determination,of orbits and computation of the fthemerides-of artificial- earth satellites SOURCE: Nablyudeniya Iskusstvennykh sputnikov Zemli, no,. 2, 1963.. Warsaw, PAR? 1963, 64-79 irbPIC.TAGS: artificial earth satellite, artificial satellite observation, satel- lite ephemeris, artificial:satellite-orbit ABSTRACT: Basic formulas intended for reference use at artificial earth satellite observation stations are reviewed. Section I discusses the two-body problem and the use of Kepler's laws; Section 2 presents the Gauss method for preliminary determination of artificial earth satellite orbits in the modification proposed by Go H. Bazhenov (Byultetenl Instituta teoreticheakoy astrononiii, Vol. VII,. No. 10, 93, 1960); Section 3 gives' the Laplace method for determining the initial., orbit as developed by French astronomers (F. Barbier, Proceedings o~fthe Second f.InternattionaZ Space Science SynVosium, Florence., 1962,.p. 83 and J. Kovalevsky. L 37672;.65 ACCESSION NR: AT5004162 157pace Science Reviews, Vol. I, No..2, October,-1962, p. 313 and Space Research., Vol. 11, 1962, p. 91); Section 4 gives a discussion of the influence of the earth's flattening on the motion of an artificial-satellite, including the Lagrange formulas; Section 5 is devoted to 'first'-order perturbations for the case of small eccentricities where the Lagrange'Fonmulas are not,applicable and based -On worlk Py G. A. Chebotarev (Byull.-ITA. Vol. IX, No. 1, 104, 1963); Section 6 discusses first order perturbations using A variant of the Lagrange formulas as presented by Y. Kozai (Astronomical-journat, Vol. 64., No. 9,' 1959); SectionJ presents foimulas for use in improvement of an orbit on the basis of the materials in the above-cited paper by Chebotarev; Sect-Jon 8 considers orbital improvement with formulas for use in a general case; Section 9 very briefly considers the in- fluence of atmospheric resistance on satellite motion; Section 10 discusses the appropriate coordination system to be used in reduction of observations; Section 11 gives a procedure for computation of emphemerides of artificial satellites as. T presented by A. S. SochilinalBy0l. ITA, 111, No. 2 95 1961).. Orig. art. has:,, 100 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none (C KARBYSHEV, D.M., Geroy Sovetskogo Soyuza, prof., doktor veennykh nauk, general-ley-tenant inzh. voyek(deceased]; GOLDOVICH, A.I., general-ley-tenant inzh., voysk z-otstavke, red.; PLYASKIN, V.Ya., V.Ya., general-leytemat inzh. voysk, red.; LEOSHENYA, Ye.V., general-leytenant inzh. voysk v otstavke, red.; SOCHILOV,-M.E., general-mayor inz16 voysk v otstavke, red.; AFANASIYEV, D.M., polkovRik v otstavke, red.; BORISOV, D.S., polkovnik zapasa, red.; MROPOV,-K.V., inzh.-polkovaik v otstavke, red.; SHOR, D.I., inzh.-polkovnik v otstavke, red-; SHEVCHUK, M.K., podpolkovnik sapa", red.;ROSSAL, N.A.j. polkovnik, red.; SOKOLOVA, G.F., tekhn. red. [Selected scientific work]lzbrannye nauchnye trudy. Moskva, Voenizdat, 1962. 703 P. (MIRA 16:3) (Military engineering) S/1 24/63/000/003/021/00-5 D234/.D308 AUTEWIRS; Zhivotovskiy, L. S., Karlin, B. I., Lopatin, N. A.$ Platonov, V. A., Sochilov, V. V. and Buyevich, V. A. TITLE: Calculation of head loss due to friction in a hori- zontal pulp duct PERIODDOAL: Referativnyy zhurnall Mekhanika, no. 3, 1963, 111, aD- stract 3B691 (Gidrotekhn. str-vo, 1962, no. 10, 45-49) TEXT: Diff"erent results obtained in calculating the head loss of a suspension of solids in water from different formulas induced the authors to make field tests using pulp ducts 405-610 mm in.,, diameter. The solid phase is represented by sands containing ae- veral Size-fractions, and by fine gravel. Empirical constructions are based on Dyuran's parameters. The authors use these parameters for soils containing a range of grain sizes. /-Abstracter's note: Complete translation.-7 ~_Card 1/1 SWILLLGVJI -V-V~;~ inzh. Calculation of pressure loss at loca3j.zer-I Points of resistance in the transportation of a water-borne mixtur6. Gidr.stroi. 32 no.7.39-40 --T1 362. (MIRA 3-5~7) (Ilydraulic conveying) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [a U441 -CO-4-W-61 0 0 4 a 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 o 0 0 6 of 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 A I k) it 11 If is ii It 11 to JD I JI D z3 if 5 U .17 .19 .11' x it L! 11 UnkuJapla, 41 G 4) 4) A A I a t U Y L3 A T I AA 04 (C M tt is 0 0 --o0 0 DOWINIZatiON of 369herichia coli with the aid of mem- ~-00 0 brias filtaint. K. Ilarsov and A. Six-hilova. Mikro- 00 :0 if 61~~Yft 2. M-M19M).-If it is dafted to test for Es. 4 i l i l l C0 n a M at ve arge Vol. of water, say 100 cc., the y 00 bacteria are fir* coacd. by filtering through a nilrocellu- 00 0 6 lope filler (Pam diarn. 1-2 P), wbkh is then placrd on a pecial Made medium in a Petri dfith. in much a wav that oil 00 surface of the filter contir. the bacteria is direett-d up. -00 00 wards. Joined tuLM bet In this way. the filter and medium ' 00 06 are incubated for 24 hrs. at 37 . Sufficient nutrient mat i l f th P i di b - er a rom etr e s pwws upward through the so 0 so j porm of the filter to provide the bacteria with food, thus b =00 ringing about typical colony formation. on the membrane 00 filter. To chwk the growth of uprophytes, and alm to 00 j allow the development of all strains of Er. ai-wincluding parawN (Gilbert)-the usual Endo medium Is modified by 00 adding 0.1% of phenol, and replacing the lactose by glu- COO H. Cohen 00 0 Ole o 00 : Ds 0 0 41 00 1 A I a - S L A NITALLUPGICAL LITERAILOf CLASWICATIck to 0 00 3 00 7- - - --- - -- " bU n AV to L% - tvtrlv Xb( Kit Xsf - - ;l 11 - Arl i -W Y74 A n I SA l ~ d lo o 0 #A4 * l 0 o T 0000040 e . 000000004000-- i e . e 0 00 0 06 00004000 0 0 0 0 0: SOGRjLO.VA.,_,,&.A., BUZANOVSKAYA, I.S.; KENINA, Ai.Ye. -, DMITRIYEVA, V.S. - FURER, I __ . N.M.; BELYALYEVA, L.,L.; KUVSHIIIOVA, Ye.V.; VAKULENKO, N.A.; 7AMUKHOV- SKLYA, A.N.; LZONOVA, A.G. Agar diffusion method for determining the activity of antibiotics. Trudy VNIIk no.1%10-26 153. (MLRA 8-1) (Intibloties--Testing) (Bacteriology--Culture and culture media) SOGHILOVA, A.A.. kandidat biologicheskikh nauk. Sterility test of penicillin inactivated with hydroxylamins hydro- clorids, Trudy VNIIA no.1:50-55 '53. NLRA 8:1) (Penicillin) (Hydroxylamins) SOCHILOVA,-A.A.. kandidat biologicheskikh nauk. Ultrafiltration imthod for testing the sterility of antibiotics. Trudy VNIIA no.1:55-59 153. (RJU a: I ) (Antibiotics--Testing) (Filters and filtration) SOCHINj, P. (Sochyn, P.] Health currents. Znan. ta pratsia no.10:9 0 161. (MIRA 14:8) (K=CAL CLECTROKCS) SOCHINSKIY, A. "Technical and economic problems in the design and modernization of printing machinery-" by L.M.Kheifets. Reviewed by A.Sochinskii. Mashinostroitell no.2-'4,T-F 163. (MIRA 16:3) (Printing machinery and supplies) (Kheifets., L.M.) K&MICH. N.V.; TRAVIN, A.B.; SOGHINSKIY, A.A., akademik. Tendency of the petrographic types of coal of the Prokoplevsk deposits of the Kuznetsk Basin tovard spontaneons combustion. Izv.AN S= Otd.tekh. nauk no-8:1110-1117 Ag '53. (W.-" 6:8 ) (Proko-olevsk--Coal) (Combustion, Spontaneous)