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VILIMIY, D. G., HEIIEZOV, N. P., 5LDOj@F :.@V_S-IS.- Fore@it Soils Erroneous views on the fertility of forest soils. Les i step' 14 No- 5, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Acceusions, Libravy of Congress, Aligust 1952. UjCLJkSSIFIM)- S. '., `;AD,-Ij!-ITj".",V I '@' - . Y . I . 'Lrc@i-rn -ap -.f' il*,-@, -f ti,e rrinci@:al @f -n T? . @7 . -:7 . ? L7 - - - I . - % L uhe 11 - - .. 1, @ -: PoQhv: 'I-m ie "- J, - J. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Jime -1953. Unclassified. SOBOIEV. S.S. - @:@- The fight against noil:erosion in the Central Rassian Upland. Trudy Pbehy. inst. 40:5-11 '53. (MIU 6:11) (Soil conservation) us S R - 98940 The Sproid of Sod Erosion and Its 11mvelition in Regions Wlivrel'jigin and Loug-Unum-d Soils Are Being Pitt Into Use. Rasprostrioricnie.erazii puchv i predupreilidenle ec v rnionakh navuerilla 1@ellnnykh I zalexhuy-kh zentel'. (Russian.) S. S. Sobolev and 1. F. Sadovinkov. Fochcoredenic, 1955, no. 1775-ji@-6-16-24 +4 plates. - 0 1 @ I T) PCs I I fallow strips, trenchiq, other I measures against waStu'uTo"n'd wind. Use of forest and juass bLlt-%- Kfap._. -USSR / Soil Sc-L(-I,("O. Cultivation. 1.1el),ora@.ion, J_5 &05ioll. -,bs Jour; Ref Zjaur-@3iol. No 8, 1958, 3444'_3. 'utho1z..bSobolev S. @DL ti-3 Inst OriL: Pub: Sots. S. kh., 1,_:@56, No 3, 83-90. -Lbstract: -Under vttrious conditions of arid and half-arid soils tn the areas of the land, it is recom-,aended in soil cultivation to provide for a fdaxiiaum con- servation of stubble. k@n effective faiathod of pro- tection aSainst ercsion appears to be the grooving-, type of so-winnl, of -winter and swai-aer cultivation-s. .,@.nalyzed are -the opti_i@nlzi coni'Liticas of tion of various fertilizers, the "',eapixq of slopes) -wood-plaiit_izi,@ and exazi.,,les of rational Card 1/2 51 SLWVNIKOV, I.F. Controlling wind and water erosion of soils in the U.S.S.R. Pochvovedenie no.7:18-29 Jl '56. WaA 9:11) 1. Pochvennyy institut imeni V.V.Dokuchayeva Akademii nauk SSSR. (Soil conservation) SOBOI,-&V, S.S., doktor seliskokhozyaystvennykh na,uk; MUYSHKIN, M.N. . 'We'r "VZ Soil and farmland classification. Zealedelle 6 no.10:56-66 (Soilg--clessification) . I- , -2: red. (Controlling soil erosion and its prevention on virgin and waste hinds under reclamgtion] Bor'ba a eroziei pochv i ee preduprezhdenie v raionakh osvoeniis teelinnykh i zalezhnykh zemell. Mof;kva. Bell- khozt,,iz, 1957. 98 P. (MIRI 11:2) Ocrosion) i SCBOLIIV, 5..S.,. prof., doktor sel'skokhozyaystvannykh nauk, red.; KURN15HO, ' -1 PAVWVA. M.M., tekhn. red. [Soil erosion and its control; conference materials] Broziia pochv i borlba a neiu; materialy soveshchanlia. Pod red. S.S. Soboleva. Hoskvap Goa. izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1957. 679 P. (MM l1w.7) 1. Vsesoyuznoye saveshchaniye po borlbe a eroziyey pochv, 1955. (31rosion) SOBOLEV, Sergey Stepanovich, prof.; KATSIIEL'8011. S.M., red.; TROTFIMOV, A.V., tekhn,red. [Controlling soil erosion) Bor'ba a eroziei pochv. Moskva, Izd-vc I*Znanio," 1958. 31 P. (Vs'eeoiuznoe obshchestvo po rasprostrane- nitu politicheskikh i nauchnykh znanii. Ser. 5, no-7) (MIRA 11:5) (Erosion) GORSHENIN, Konstantin Pavlovich, prof., laureat Leninskoy premii; ALEKSANDROVA, Lyadmila Nikolayevna; ANT-IPOV-KARATAYBV, Ivan Nikolayevich; GARKUSKA, Ivan Fedoseyevich;,SOBOL37...S-ergey Stepanovich; PLESHKOV, B.I., red.; SOKOWVA, N.N., [Soil science] Pochvovedenie. Pod obahchei red. K.P.Gorshanina. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1958.' 438 p. (KIRA 12:8) 1. Omakiy sellskokhoz.inatitut (for Gorshenin). 2. Leningradskiy sallskokhoz.institut (for Aleksandrova). 3. Pochvennyy irutitut Akademii nauk SSSR (for Antipov-Karataya v,,Sobolev). 4. Beloruaskaya sel'skokhoz.akademiya (forGarkusha)--l (Soils) -,-,2_QJJOUiV S.S. dolctor sellskokhoz.nauk Soil cultivation practices in areas of water and wind eroslon. Zem- ledelle 6 no-8:3-8 Ag '58- (MIRA 12:11) (Soil conservation) --50BOLEV, S.S.; KALYSHKIN. M.N. Problems of the qualitativ6 evaluation(classification) of soils of the U.S.S.R. [with summary in Englishj. Pochvovedenie w. 9:10-- 28 158. (MIRA 11:10) 1. Pochvennyy institut imeni V.V.Dokuchayeva AN SSSR. (Soils-Classification) TYURIN, I.V.; SOKOLOV, A-V-; BUSIIINSFIy, V-P'; �W; Yl- S'S'; 4@ FRAIMSESSON, V.A.; KARPINSKIY, N.P.; BALYABO, N.K.; GRINCHEMO, A.M.; KRUFSKIY, N.K. Aleksei Nikanorovieb Sokolovskii; obituary. Poclivovedenie no.10:124-125 0 159. (14IRA 13:2) (Sokolovsldi. Aleksei Nikanorovich, 1884-1959) @@SOBOLZV' S.S. -w- Soil erosion control [with summary in English]. Izv. AN SSSR Ser biol. 24 no-1:55-67 Ja-F 159- (MIU 12:0 1. Soil Institute, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscov. (EROSION) SOBOLKY, S.*S.;VILNNSKM.. D.G., prof., do)-tor goologo-mineralog. nauk, otV. red.; BOYARKMI.T.A.. red.; KUZN14TSOV, U.S.. red. )a)rt; GLKM,D.A.. [Soil erosion and its control] Xroziia pochv i bor'ba s neiu. Moskva, Gon.izd-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1960. 173 P. (MIRA 14:5) (Erosion) 1-59-C-My. rge St@epanov@@ch.. p,@rof., doktor sallskokhoz.neuk; TYURIN, - r taSk @ v d.; PAIL07, A.H., red.izd-va; BHUZGULI, I@.V-. n@.ak3ademik. o V. V.T.. EXrosion processes in the European part of the U.S.S.R. and their control] Raivitie arozionnykh protsessov no territorii Bvropeiskoi chasti SM i bor'ba a nimi. Koskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR. Voi.2. 1960. 247 P. (MIRA 14:2) (Soil conservation) SOBOILIN, Is. S. We and activities oil Iiikolai Mikbailovieb Sibirtsev. Fochvovedenie no.7:3-7 160. (MIRA 13-7) 1. Pochvennyy institut im. T.V.I)okuchayeva AN SSSR. (Sibirtsev, Nikolai Mikbailovich, 1860-1900) 11 SOBOLEY, S.S. D.G. Vilenskii. Pocbvovedenia no.lotll6-119 v6o. (MIRL 13:10) (Vilonakil, Dmitril Germogenovich, 1892-1960) SOBOLEV, S. S. , prof., doktor sel I skok-ln-vny? t-tnnyi--h nauk, KAWSHKIN, M.N. ; SAVCHR 0, S.M.; ROD JONOV, V. S. Effectiveness of cultivation practices in the control of dust storms. Zemledelie 8 no-10:55-6i o 16o. WU 13: 10) (Not storms) (Soil conservation) SOPOLIN panpi ic4,-pr V Togy-"t __ y__ jpf., doktor sellskokhoz.neuk; KANITOROVICR. A.V., red.; ATROSHCHMO, L.Te., (Soil erosion and its control] Broziia pochv i mry bor'bY s nei. Moskva. Izd-vo 6Zhsmie,O 1961. 45 p. (Yeesoiuznoe obshchestvo po rasprostranenliu politicheskikh i naucbnykh znanii. Ser.5, Sel'skoe khozisistvo, no.2). (Brosion) (HIM 14:1) SOBOLEV, S.S. [Preventing sail erosion and increasing shchita pochv ot erozii i povishenie ikh skva, Izd-vo sellkhoz.1it-ry, zhurnalov 230 P. soil fertility]Za- plodorociia. Mo- i plaka-tov, 1961, (MIRA 15:10) (Erosion) (Soil fertility) VILENSKIY, Dmitriy Germogenovich, prof. pochvoved [deceased];'SOBOIE.V-pS.S.j prof., red.; VASILIYEVA, O.S.9 red.; GOROKHOVA, S.S.p tekhn. red. (Geography of soils] Geograffia pochv. Pod red. S.S.Soboleva. Mo- skva, Goo. izd-vo "Vysshaia shkola,ff 1961. 342 p. (MIRA 14.8) (soils) -SO BO LE V ) S S 8LFC1;itAAB- in ctipti Givera Names Colintry: Rumnnia Amad4md.c lk-grees: Engineer Lnot given-7 Scurce. Bucha-rest 1 Revista de Goodezie si Orpanigarea Toritoriului Vol 5) No 31 1961, np 78. Data . "The Development of Erosion Processes In the European Part of the Territory of the Soviet Union and the Battle Against 1tv" [- a review of SOBOLEV's RF-zvItIe erozonnih protseasov-na tgrltoz4 evropelskoi ciasti SSSR I borba s nimi. Vol N. Moscow, 1960.3 iMA(M-7, Ezraill D.: "MatbrAc of fortat talpra".- r.-nnt to prevent erorion" G. V., "-Lbe intensitv of vater ercsion on the territory of the USSR" FCp-F1,vw- Yurty k@,? - "The Irtfltww@n of movemprit of the crunt of P@v the earth oil @ro.,31on vrocelinea" FFES'17AKOVA Galins A I'- "Soll cro:31on cam sed by the Irre",lar fIC14 of ground vaters rand r,,thodn of ecobatting It" "On tile d1virion of territories subject to erosion in the USZR" SOP-,OIEV, serge)r S.,@ "The, principal typ,-s of soil erorion and the geopraphic distribution of crbaion factors in the territory of the USSE" r@porta to bo cuh=itt,:A for tho Intl. AmoaIrtim of 8-Acatific Hydrolov, S@yr:@osli= on Coztinontal Rrooicn, Bari, Italy 1-6 C-at V@%@@2 opcnoored byIW4 7/ ZI TYURIN, I.V., akademik, glav. red.; ZONTI, S.V.,, prof., otv. red.; ALEKSAITDROVAJ, L.N., red.; ANTIPOV-KARATAYEV, I.N., red.; VERNANDER, N.V., red.; VOLOBUYEV, V.R., red.; DARASELIYA, M.K... red.; IVXIOVA, Ye.N., red.; KACHINSKIY, N.A., red.; KONONOVA, II.M. red.; NOGINA, N.A.y red.; RODE$ A,A., red.; SOBOLEV, S.S., red.; SOKOLOV, A.V., red.; M0KOV, V.Ya., red. ia--va-;-AS-TH--IYE@A, G,Ao$ tekhn. red. (Problems of soil research) Problemy pochvovedeniya. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SS.ER, 1962. 287 p. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Vsesoyuznoye obshchestvo pochvovedov. 2. Prezident Vsesoyuznogo obshchestva pochvovedov (for Tyurin). (Soil research) SOBOLEV, S.S., prof., doktor sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk Controlling erosion in crop rotations including Zemledelle 24 no.6:22-27 Je 162. (Soil conservation) row-crops. (MIRA 15:11) SOBOMAT, 8-9), prof,.. doktor s,,l!skokhozyaystvennykh nauk In agri-,ultuxe t@e sail is the main means of production. 11auka i zhiwil 29 no.1,00-52 AP 162. (POA 15:7) (Erosion) SOBOLEV, S.S., doktor sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk Tasks in the control of soil erosion. Zemledelie 25 no.8:16- 27 Ag 163. (MMA 16:10) 1. Pochvennyy institut ime4 V.V. Dokuchayeva. (Soil conservatfon) ZAnO.ROVSKU, Ye-.zgeniy Favlovich; LISRI, Serafi.,!: Sergeyevichi SOBOLEV,'_q_qrgey %@,qp .2y h, Prini-mali- U-c-asti - -,S! _M _kc h ye: IMESUI, M.14.; RUBTSOV, V.G.; 0311OVIENSKI-Y, V.I.I., prof., retsenzent; SWAPOV, A.N., inzh.-leso-iod, retsenzent [Forest plantations and forest drainage] Lesnye kulltury i lesue, ',ulioratsii. N,oskva, Izd-vf) I'Lr5naia promyshlennost, 11 19L4- 317,11 P. (MIRA 17:5) BRAUDE., I-zrail-' Danli-)vich; SOBOLEV, S.S.., akademik,, profp Otv. red. [Soil erosion, drouglyt and their control in the Cent-ra.1 Chernozem Peg:Lon] Ereziia poahv, zasukha i bor'ba s nimi v TsCLO. I-losinra,, Nauka, 1965. 138 p. (MIRA 18.7) 1. Vsesoyumaya akademiya sell skokhozyaystvennykh nauk dmeni V.1J,--nina (far Sobsle-17). Lj@6324-65 DIMVEEC (b) -2/EAW Peb ACCESSION NR: AP5011883 Ult/0110/65/000/002/0121/oiz6 'AUTHOR: Gelltsel. M. Yu.; Panfi1o'-v',._A i olev, S. S.; Yudin, L. 1. D. Sob iTITLE: Some characteristics of hydrogen thyratrons 14 the nanosecond range iSOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimentas,. no. Z, 1965, 121-126 ITOPIC TAGS: thyratron, hydrogen thyratron TGI hydrogen thyratron ABSTRACT: The results are reported of an experimental investigation of the firing time, discharge -development time firing-!+ ime 'dertainty- depery6ing on @ the ode voltage, hydro en pressure, firin@:-pul!kerise.ti e,.qf thyratrons. These .9 and M thyratrons were tested: TGI-50/5, TGI 1-325/16, TGI 1-400/16, TGI 1-700/25 TGI 1-2500/35. Conditions were found which ensure the diBchar -development ge delay within 11 nsec, with a to tal delay,behind the Initiating pulse of SO-ZOO Usee depending on the thyratron type! These results also hold-true when several thyratrons are operating in paraUeL The uncertainty is reduced to a fraction of a Card .112 L 34331-66 EWT(1) ACC NR. AP6022004 SOURCE CODE: UR/0120/66/000/003/0101/OIOT UTHOR: Q-talljILtsell Panfilov, A. D ; Panasyuk, V. S.; Soboleve A _. M. Yu. S.; Yudin, L. -1. ORG: Instittite of Nuclear D=129, SO yggibirsk (Institut yadernoy fiziki, SO AN SSSR) TITLE: High-voltage nanosecond pulse generator SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 3. 1966, 101-10T TOPIC TAGS: nanosecond pulse, pulse generator, thyratron ABSTRACT: A high-voltage pulse generator is described which develops 5-50 nsec square pulses of up to 50 kv with rise times from 1 to 5 nsfl,c. The basic circuit consists of a thyratron, anode pulse-forming line, and a cathode output featuring a coaxial line with square-loop ferrite as a nonlinear pulse-forming element. In Fig. 1 is shown one design variant, and in Fig. 2 is shown the ferrite line detail. Another feature of the circuit is the balanced-T form of line termina- tion, which has one arm shorted and the other terminated in a small lumped capacitance, providing a reflectioz-free pulse output. If the pulse were used, for example, to gate a particle beam passing between plane electrodes, the inherent capacity of the electrodes could act as the required terminating load. Design parameters, including coupling ACC NR: AT7004004 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0278/o?,a6 AUTHOR: Gel'tsel', M. Yu.; Panasyuk, V. S.; Panfilov, A. D.; Sobolev, S. S.; Yudin, L. 1. ORG: Institute of Nuclear Physics, SO AN SSSR (Institut yadernoy fiziki SO AN SSSR) TITLE: Nano second -pulse generator intended for synchrotron inflector SOURCE: Meziivuzovskaya konferentsiya po elektronnym uskoritelyarn. 5th, Tomsk, 1964. Elektronnyye uskoriteli (Electron accelerators); trudy kon-ferentrill. Moscow, Atomizdat, 1966, 278-286 TOPIC TAGS: nanosecond pulse, pulse generator, synchrotron ABSTRACT: The development of a 30-nanosecond-pulse generator is reported; rise time, 5 nsec; pulse height, 50 kv; repetition rate, 50 cps. The generator. (see figure) comprises a switching hydrogen thyratron, a 5-m long externally magnetized oil-immersed ferrite line FL, and a T-shaper with one arm short- circuited and another connected to inflector plates C. The ferrite-line stability remains within I nsec if the voltage at each point is stabUized within 110; with an Card 1 /2 SOV/98-58-11-9/15 AUTHORS: Sobolev, S.V. and Krylov, V.V., Engineers TITLE, The Construction of a Prefabricated Reinforced-Concrete Spillway Dam (Sbornaya konstruktsiy4zhelezobetonnoy vodoslivnoy plotiny), For Discussion Purposes (V poryad- ke obsuzhdeniya) PERICDICAL, G4Ldrotekhnichesko3o.~stroitellstvo, 1958, Nr llj PP 48-50 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The use of prefabricated reinforced-concrete parts in the construction of hydroelectric power plants may considerably shorten the construction period. The authors developed the plan of construction of a spillway dam from such blocks of a simple but universal shape suited for all fundamental structures of a hydraulic system. According to the au- Card 112 thors such construction will need less concreteg speed- SOV/98-58-11-9/15 The Construction of a Prefabricated Iteinforced-Concrete Spillway Dam For Discussion lurposes up, and simplify the building process, which will consist mainly of mechanized assembly of the structure. A detailed description of the proposed method is given. There are 3 diagrams and 1 table. 1. Dains--Construction 2. Reinforced concrete--Applications Card 2/2 v KRTIA)V, V.. inzh.; SOBOLEV, S., inzh. Industrially sectional construction of navigational sluiceways. Rech.transp. 19 no-5:36-38 my 16o. (MIRA 13-7) (Hydraulic engineering-Equipment and supplies) (Precast concrete construction) SOBOLEV, S.V.; GMEVA, Ye.M., redaktor; NIOUSOVA, 0.1., tekhaicheskiy [Design and maintenance of bast fiber drawing frane and roving manhines Jatroistvo i obaluzhivanie lentochnykh I rovnichnykh -1 T manhin dlia lubianykh volokon. Moskva, Goa. aauchno-tekhn. Izd-vo Ministerstva promyshlennykh tovarov shirokogo potrebleniia SSSR, 1954. 187 P. (MM 7:11) (Textile machinery) WAN, B. 1. , nauchnyy sotrudnipk: SOBqI47-1- -S.V. Simplified method for makiDg rope yarn. Tekst,prome 20 no.6:25-27 Je 160. OURL 13:7) 1. Mentrallnyy neuchno-issledovatellskiy, Institut, llnyanogo volokna (for Va-lav). 2. Vedushchiy inzhener TSentrallnogo Yanstruktorskogo +jrjzo telcetillnogo mash ino s troyeniya (for Sobolerv) - (Rope) (Spixmixc) 13*01,301-v, - .1 - . -p Tile comb L;piniiirl@; machine. HU. t@--%.-.ekon. Irif--n. no. 2:50-51 161. 1k'.a:,,A 14:2) (Spinrdng rda-chinary) SOBOLEV, S.V. The LK-1-Pq LK-2-Pq and LK-3-P hemp-band processing machine. Diul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no.3:1+3-44 161. NFU 14:3) (Textile machinery) SOBOLEV) S.V. The KFT-620-P and KFP-52G-P twisting machines. Biul.tekh.-ekon. inform. no.7:62-6/+ 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Textile machinery) SOBOLEV. S.V. The VP-350-P yarn-twisting machine. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no.8:57-59 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Textile machinery) SOBOLEV, S,V, The VII-350-P cord-makin-- machine. Biul.tekh,-ekon.inform.Gos, nauch.-issl,inst.nauchA tekh.inform, no-3:42-44 162. (MIRA 15@5) (Textile machinery) SOBOLEV2 S.V@- TI-le AR-500-L automatic spreader. Biul,tekh.-ekon.inform.rros.nauch.-- issl.inst.nauch. i tekh.inform. no.8%60-61 f62. (',I-ULA 15:7) (Flax processing machinery) SOBOLEV, S.V. The PS-105-L ring spinner. Biul.tekh4-ekon.inform.Gos.nauch.- issl.inst.nauch.i tekh.inform. 16 no.8:45-46 163. fhe LCh-2-L, Wh-3-L, Wh-4-L high-speed ribbon lapping mAch-ines. 4W (MIRA 16ilo) are 60 00 0 *: 00 00 a -to 0 04000000*904 0 @ I 1 10 IIIIIJUM16 IYW Ila a III A v A m I I L -A Y Z W IMI- CC A 0 9 * 6-0 Jell 12U 34111 MV 313049 41 441 adfi-O J--) 11-AL-L. 9--k -A A --- 9- A@.,A- MrSIVISI'VIVICtil fit SOSSing DUC tO SIIIUI1 1A)aJo at thr Moment I)( Struroural Tronsforniallono In Slorl. (III Russian.) N. E. Karskii and T- 1. Subulev. lut,d- siayoi ImbornforlVoi (Favitiory LkIkiralig% v. 15, Nis%. 1919, 1'. ITWITIM. Dc"rel., 1,11d dingralin appar.4118, list memitirIg Ili" dKiist' it high Thisk 31111AW111, 111(fitAt- tliv incre;L-scA ritv of JOU'lic durmg ;mAvultv discompamtkin III (lie Ix-.11111c, boolutc, aml 'J'AIII'milk, regiosis aild J.") 411ifing F-Imalum. Iv IyNt'11111.1(1011. Will \C, takilig I1111mg f,j -00 -00 =*o 0 z X*q tso tse, I Is . I L A ETALLtARCICAL UTERMAN CLASSIFICATICk E-Z 7-"Z, -t, a.. ass( Gios, III Tn u n kv sc:@ is a 'r An a rw 0 w 84 -j A3 a 3, 0 v It 0 twit ovic Siric R91 KUR Not mw n I ; KA 000 * 0 0 0 00 000 * 0 0 41 4 0 0 0 0 a 01' 0- : : 09 000 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 a 0 e a : : 000000 *1 SOBOLEV-P - V. - I - --- Wi-,ci,3t students from Riga politically exiled to Vyatka. Veotis Latv ak no-3:13-24 162. NLRTOV, Yu.; SOBOIEV,-V.---.- Gontactless selective relay. Radio no-4:1+0 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:3) (Electric relays) a ynimic stabi tSabu'n'qvr14 A., D lity of the tieformAtion of a thin r de eccentric compression zndpurt' beudid&ln 57 ltus,iati), rn:hener. Sbo'.w; -iuizj. Nauk sssfi 19'zrj2r', 11OZ4. r - 9 -isaubjected' -bandi A thin hxv -af revivin ul]ri@pbsa@ section V6 Ing in its plant! by moments or eccentric longitudian f6rccs'opplied z fm t1w endsz wifieh are itinjed for-thfi-deforniations-Olit of- tile plane of Ow L-ap'. The end forces @'or. monieno to 6111AS1 of a &!()PNnt .'I-nirt. p1m A variable, clivingink with tinw in avvilrdmleo u It if thv"CoAlle Iasv.. mw Ohilling 0#011filor y bend- if] 'flit: partial thifelviltial v(plAtifill of 1110tion, aftQr mme Afultli- fivmioii@@ is r%@kj11%:Vk1 t0an Ordif IIlry @@'C Ond-'order CqUation in tifite (it llill'e (ye, it-hich is then investigated for the region of in- %%hoQcIini;lsaree\ of physivaland eba- .1ire:Fsed in t t i--mislaii; oft lie Twani and of tbeapplied lon(k. Experiineatal rx-haHjnAtinjzcurvvs If; 7tjj@7r Oit liv region -.f itiA:iNlity wit W11201, 311, es@l obwmit ious regarding t lie boh:irkir of tile bai. @A, I Ort, Cal 32-2 AUTHOR: Sol) ol -44 '6o TITLE: Arran:le:-,.@nt for the I.-vactigation of the Dynar.'Iic Re@,iatance in Bar2 (Ustanovka dl@ra issledovaniya dinamicheskoy ustoyc"him-ti ster-,,,ney) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 19,58, Vol. 24, N'r 2, pp. 23o-23o ABSTRACT: The arranoenent desci,ibed here makes it possible to vary the por,er and frequency parameters in contrast to the nethods described hitherto. The workin.- principle is based on the chan--e of conip-ression i ; -4 cup sprim-,- which an cccentric brings about by way of a lever. By sh7-iftinl- t:'i@.- eccentric vie can chanj@e t..e ext,-.nt of t@io power Y-hilst its frequencY i* re,1-ulated by a thermostat. For the measuring of the central dynat.-lic compression resistance the supports of tll;e Joint are exchan.:cd. One diajm7, is ,iven- A S S OC IT 107 TRmtWrad Polytechnical Institute imeni M. 1. Winin (L e...L au s -'. i y)014 tck*,-ni c' eski y iistitut i:@ieni Card 1/1, Kaliniria) 60-3 OL .!,V, i . . -1 orced ji'ir-,tions of rods subjected to the action of eccentric -erioi4c co, oressin-@, forces. Trudv LPI no.21" :!"1-115 16). Ml n i J , (Mik, 13:1.1) (El-istic rods and wires--Vibration) SOBOLLVI V.A., dotsent a-fect of minor deviations of the dimensions of jib-unit elements on the trajectory of the movement of load. Izv.-v:rs.ucheb.2av.; mashinostr. no-8:1Z,2-155 163. (KIRA 16:11) 1. Leningradskiy polite' khnicheskiy institut. V A., kand. voter-In, naukF dots@at, SAKH-11C-VSK1Y,.. Yo_l,"., SOR)11'Vy ;atchnyy sotrudnik; KUZNETSOV, V.I., inzh. Veterinary hygienic characteristics of a swine house for mother sows with electric heatin-, of the floor. Izv. TSKHA no.4%158-166 163. (MIRA 17-11) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovate-lskly Institut elektrifikatsii sallskogo khozyaystva (for Kuznetso7). SOBOL&V, S. Ya. "Iron ore sintering" by A. I-Nikitin, V.A.Arbuzov. Reviewed by S-IA-Sobolev. Metallurg 4 no.1:3 of cover Ja '59. (MIRA 12.1) 1. Zaveduyushchiy tekhnicheakoy bibliotekoy Kamysh-Burunakogo zhelezorudnogo kombinata. (Sintering) Olikitin, A.I.) (Arbuzov, V.A.) SOB01-1 V 3 V. It. "Changes in the CardiovasctLlar System in Mares With Foal. 0 Cand Vet Sci, 1,bscow Veterinary Acad, Moscow, 1953- (RZhBiol, No 6, Nov '14) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (11) SO: Sum. No. 521, 2 Jun 55 bc VdGath-Imn-a-In the blood of cardiovascular patfe-nii.' kh V. A. Sobalev. Nauck. livest. Kaza _Ated. In$ . 1953, 19d. 11, TI--r-.-Xefera1. Zhur. Mini. BivL Khirr. 1955, No. 40M.-Patients with rhetunatic, ;@@ septic types of cardid-1 I ' - vascular disease were the study subjects. Reduced glut4t- thione (I) was detd. lodometrically (according to Woodward and Fry (C.A. 26, 5NO). In rheumatic patieuts with no circuLitory disturbance and in septic endocarditis I was jow@ but rose in rheumatic patients if the inflammatory process was obviated. In patients free from aktive Mammation, but with circulatory disturbance, I-was (-,nsistcntly high. It fell when the circulatory &Jurbance became very grave. It is believed thAt In rheumatic infection detns. of are of diugnostic and prognostic value. B.S. Lc,@,@ne@ SOBOIRV, V.iL.; TIMYATNIKOV, S.L. professor, zaaluzhennyy deyatell nauki, direktor; _-,0 P.P., professor, zusluzhennyv deyEttell nauki. direktor. Myocardial Infarction with rupture of the heart. 31 no-7:77-78 Jl 153. (KLEL 6-9) 1. Eafedra gospitallnoy terapii Kazakhokogo meditainskog* inatituta im. V.M. Molotova (for Telyatnikov). 2. Kafedra patelogicheakoy anatemii Kazakhokoge meditainskage instituta im. V.M.Holoteva (for Ochkur). (Heart--Infraction) Vuch@@mical ,rd ' X- d l t cz r ovascu ar ,I. ;A,@l."zov Alria- - . " - 7, !1 3, At o , Vol rd;-:@:7 ci- j;jcc i@ 1,7tr;* V-,iLh Ow. vallies tclift t., nnorm t,@ -int-ninii, T'stii@ cf r,di!ciA z,'mt;,thiO!i-z j, a 111".v iudicaior thalt sediwentation ra!.-. AMI.Itg1l r,;,,:i!.11:1, CIC I@Jqgth 0f rate i, lik,ly to becomo. norma" beium. term;nuti(m of 0: - rAC-1:11:1tic I)roCtsV, Which i-.; pot -,@c wi h XIUUEhi-Jf!I!. A. Mirkia_ SOBOLEV, V.A. Gas metabolism in rhoumatiam. Trudy Semipal. med. inst. 2;18/,,-192 '59. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Kafedra fakiilltetakoy terapii Semipalatinskogo gosudarsuvennogo meditsinskogo instituta (zav.kafedroy dotsent V.A.Sobolev). (RESPIRATION) (RHEUMATIC REART D1SEASE) L; G 'I C- LiEV I V . A, . Rp -- ii or: track. Put, i 10 110.1: 21 '66. ig:,-,) 1. Nfichallnik cistuantsii puti, stantsiya Inskaya, Zapadno- Sibil-r-skoy r-iorogi. S013(11L V7 , V . ,. . Selecting some z-,eometrical parameters of a m;ultlifrequency -,ibrator with a shifted eaLs of revolution. Trudy LPI no. I -' 54: 59-64 165. (MI-FA 19: 1) SCBOLFV. V,A. ac-.-ieve sz-aving-s -i- car-hcurs. 4- r)1zTIk'r,,oz. @ no.@, ill '61_ ".E=, @Z@, 1. Nachiallnik distantsii puti, stantsiya inska,@a, Zapadno-Sibirskoy df)rofyi . r . - SOBOLEV., V.A. Effect of meteorological factors on the course &f h7pertension. Zdrav. Kazakh. 22 no.8-'14--19 '-62 (MIRL 17:4) 1. Iz kafedry goopitallnoy trrapii ( 7av. - prof. R.A. Satpayeva) Kazakliskogo meditsinakogo instituta i kafedry fakullietskoy to- rapii ( zav. - dotsent V.A. Sobole-) Semipalatinskogo meditsin- skogo instituta. SOBOLLVO V.A. Gmpava-iva dr-ta cn the CGU--S@- r-;f hl@-pertension under the conditions of Alma-Ata and Sen-lpalatirSk, Zdra-tv. Kazakh. 22 no.1004,40 162. 1. 1" karedr,',- t* I (MIRA 1?:5) ) -I- 31,6.pii (za - prof. R.A. Satpayeva Kasaki;,31,ogo meditsir.31cogo insti'luta i kaffidry fah-altetskoy terapi-L (zav. - dotsont V.A. Sobollev) Semip@Olatinskogo meditsinskogo ilistituta. of Lef ended at i3 in, 'cience r. 'csccw @@'bljst igher Edllc--tl@rla] ris t, @,Itjc- 13i'J"IL)* Physicomathematica 6ciences InSt 1955. 7L. tcpis -c. '-i, l!D Septea@)clr 1155. .1 . u I I @1. - .", @ .1 .1, :,, "'. L -i-i t M-7-, --:-TT-Tr I,, @X!X-L 7, Y. D. , 7. 7. , i., A I . I . , 1@ @ Ili, @'. 't . 11 Lrapulse ."!ethod @ f Fixed Distances, Its Physical Basis and Fractical Application". Abstracted for inclusion in the Second international Congress on Acoustics, kla-mbridge, Mass., 17-24, Jun 1956 C, Closcow 3tate University U. Y I A. 112L-cperimental Investigation of -tellaxation Froeesz5es Arising ;ilhen Ultr@-scnic -,i' aves Pass Through Liquids". Abstracted for Inclusion in the Second International Congress on Acoustics, Cambridge, Mass., 17-24, 1950' June Moscow State University USSR/Acoustics - Ultrasonics, Abst -Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 19, 1956, 3550+ Author: Bormosov, Yu. N., Nozdrev., V. F.,, SobolevY V. D..7 Sultanov, A. M. Institution: None Title: Experimental Investigations of Relaxation Processes, Occurring Upon the Passage of Ultrasonic Waves Through Liquids Original Periodical; Akust. zh., 1956, 2, No 2, 118-123 .perimentally-observed relaxation processes -in Abstract: Description of jw acetates and fAmates. The investigation was performed by pulse and optical methods at frequencies of 1 - 30 me. In the tempera- ture range from 140 to +300 several complete relaxation regions were observed in metal acetate, ethyl acetatej metbyl formate, and ethyll formate. An investigation was maae in ethyl acetate of the absorption of ultrasonic waves along the siaturation line, in- cluding the critical region, and new relaxation phenomena were established and investigated. For each relaxation region a Card 1/2 Category USSR/Acoustics Ultrascund Abs Jour'; Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957 No 22.63 Author :Sobolev, V.D, Title fDeveToXenf_O_T a Pulse P.-Icedure f--- a Double Fixed Distance Orig Pub Primeneniye ulltraak-ustiki k issled. veshchestva. VYP- 1@ M@, MOPI, 1956, 117-123 Abstract Description -f a methcd in w@Ach a quartz plate is fastened between silver rings in the ceater of a wcrkiL..g vessel filled with the investigated liquid, and in which the radiatio" propagates ir. both directions. The oscillograph screen displays simultar-eously signals reflected by two reflectors, placed at d-ifferent distances from the quartz plates. By using an attenuator to equalize the slg,@al applied to the amplifier in such a way that the pipe re- mains cozistazt on the oscillograph screen, a:-,d knowing the differe@ace of the distances from the quartz to the first and second reflectors, it is possible to calculate the sound absorption coefficient (7-). of primary importance is that the quartz a@d the reflectors must all be parallel to each other. The average relative error in the determination ofc?@ amounts to approximately 3%. Check measurements of @k in ri-butyl alcohol (0-90P) and toluol (20-2700) are in good agreemer-t with the data fourd in the literature. The method described Card - 1/2 '3C B(: L jF V, 3UBJECT USSR / PHYSICS iUTFOR 1,OZDREV,V.:v,., SOBOLEVIV-D. TITLE The Measuring of the Absorption Acetate from the Saturation Line Two-fold-fixed Distance. CARD 2 PA - 1798 of Ultrasonic -itaves in Ethyl by the Impulse Method of the PERIODICAL Dokl.Akad.1l,auk, 111, fasc-4, 508-810 (1956) Issued: 1 / 1957 By means of this new measuring method which was developed by the authors it is possible to deal with a wide temperature- and pressure interval. This method is a combination of the methods of the variable and fixed distances. A quartz plate transforms an electric impulse into an ultrasonic impulse and radiates in the direction of two reflectors located at different distances from the quartz. The signals return to the quartz after reflection (at different times) and cause two spatially separated impulses to appear on the screen of the oscillograph. The absorption coefficient is computed according to the formula a - & A/20A1 1ge. Here A A denotes the modification of the amplitude of sound pressure in de- zibels; A 1 - the difference of the acoustic paths of the impulses reflected by the first and by the second reflector. Within the domain with high absorption of ultrasound the impulse method developed by V.F.JAKOVLEV with fixed distance was employed. Measuring tests carried out 0by the method of the double tixed dis- tance in n-butyl alcohol at from 00 to 90 and in toluol at from 200 to 2700 showed good agreement with the results obtained by other measuring methods. As measuring chamber a steel autoclave for some hundred atmospheres and for a V I I' 1'r om. AU-111hGE. 662-04 SOV/58-59-5-1.1487 Referativnyv Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 5, p 225 (USSR) Sobolev, V,D, TI*71F:@ The Application of a Telescopic System to the Measurement of Ultrasonic VPI rdly- by the Optical Method T ' PEPIODICAL.- V sb.., Primeneniye ulttraakust. k issled. veshchestva. Nr 7, Moscow, lqt:8, pp 217 - 219 AEISTIRAi@'T.@, For the purpose of enhancing the accuracy of determining the velocity of ultrasonic propagation by the optical diffraction method, the laboratory-type telescope In the setup is replaced with a telescope 0,85 m long, Using the telescope in conjunction with a micrometric screw made it possible to increase the accuracy of measuring the angle of deflection of the diffraction-pattern maxima to 1.2 X lo-5 radian, and thereby to enhance the accuracy of determining the velocity of ultra- sonic Propagation to 1%. VK A.N. Rivin UA@ P. e I . . V a Ao. gl -ol 6.3 A v A I S. El 9 os 49S ; 9 0. A .30 1 VU09 IIA : 0 0 all 51 V:I 1 1 Nt IN 2 IL 99 .78, is ji ail A 8 S p ju E;i P ( k ACC NRt AR6025726 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/66/000/001;/AO07/AO08 AUTHOR: Sobolel@,-@--'.R- TITLE: Use of a telescopic system for the measurement of the velocity of ultrasound by an optical method SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 4A99 REF. SOURCE: Sb. Primeneniye ulltra&kust. k issled. veshchestva. Vyp. 19. M., 1964, 25-27 TOPIC TAGS: ultrasonic velocity, light diffraction, acoustic measurement, optic method, telescopic equipment ABSTRACT: It is noted that when the velocity of propagation of rasound is measurel by a diffraction method and the diffraction pattern is observed with the aid of a sighting tube, the measurement accuracy is '%, 5%. The accuracy can be increased by several times if the sighting is replaced by a telescopic tube. Apparatus with the aid of vhich the velocity of ultrasound can be measured with accuracy is 1% is des- cribed. B. D. [Translation of abstract]. SUB CODE: 20 1/1 9 0) 60V/162-98-@-26/26 AUTHOH@3: 13obolev, V.D. , -irid UrlapoWL, I.1. N. TITLE: M,...asLuring the Thermal Electron Emission oir an Oxide Cathode in Ionic Devices (Izmereniye termoelektron- noy einissii oksidnogo katoda v -Joanykh priborakh) PERIODICAL: 11auchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly, Radiotekhnika i elektronik_a, 10,58, Nr 3, pp 192-198 (USSR) AB6TRACT: The volt-ampere characteristic of a hot-cathode gas- discharge rectifier tube, plotted with dc, shows a saturation point at anode currents greater t-han the emission current of the cathode, -as shown by figure 1. With hot-cathode gas-discharge rectifier tubes having an oxide-coated cathode, it is not possible 6o detect this point due to the Schottky effect and due to the considerable heating of the cathode by the anode Current. For determiriing. the emission current of an oxide-coated cathode in vacuum devices, the volt-ampere characteristic is frequently plotted at a reduced cathode temperature with subsequent Card 1/3 extrapolation of the Richardson line within the range SOV/162-59-3-26/206 Measuring the Thermal Electron Emission of an Oxide Cathode in I CD Ionic Devices by the cathode of the TG1-0.1/1.3 thyratron was used for the letter. The cathode emission durin- dis- W4 charge work was compared _Lth the cathode emission in a vacuum as shown by figure 8, whereby it was established that the pulse volt-ampere characteristic is determined by the thermal electron emission cur- rent of the cathode. There are 1 circuit diagram, ,_,raphs and - Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra promyshlennoy elektronik-i 1,To skovsko-o ener 'geticheskogo institute (Chair of industrial Electronics of the Moscow Po,,-ier Engineering Institute) SUB?JITTED: June 7., 1958 Card 3/3 66326 SOV/162-59-1-26/27 Measuring th--@ Emission of an Oxide-Coated Cathode in an Tonic De- l? vice During Its Useful Life ZR-ef 2 numerical data characteri-zing the thermionic emission of an oxide-coated cathode in ionic devices may be obtained from the analysis of the pulse voltam- pere characteristic, which is plotted at low current densities. The experiments were performed with TG1-0.1/ 1.3 thyratrons (t@e screen was connected with the anode). The pulse voltampere characteristics were plotted prior to testing the useful life of the thyratrons and at certain intervals during the service life tests. The pulse circuit used consisted of a conventional modula- tor connected in series with a load and the thyratron to be tested. The voltampere characteristics were plot- ted using rectangular pulses of 5 microseconds durati- on and a Dulse repetition rate of 200 cps. There are 4 .graphs ana 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra promyshlennoy elektroniki 'u"loskovskogo energe- Card 2/3 ti-chesko.;zo' instituto (Chair of Industrial Electro- 6-y", 66326 SOV/162-59-1-26/27 Measuring the Emission of an Oxide-Coated Cathode in an Ionic De- vice During Its Useful Life nics of the _'Joscow Power Engineering institute) SUBMITTED: October 28, 1958 Card 3/3 SOEOLEV) V.D., kand. tekhn. nauk; ANTONOV, I.M., inzii.; ATAYSW, Aj@-., Inzh. Development of methods for calculating the perme-al.-jilit.y of xh@-.atrc-n control grids, Trudy 14EI 55:213-225 165. (MIR.A. IE110) inzh VOLKOV, S.S.' inzh.; GOHODETSKI'Yy S.S., profej BACliUMN, N.I-p SEV S.A., dotsent, kand. tekhn. nauk; doktor tekhn. na"k; G" y kand. tekhr. nauk; ZM,IiOVITSKIY, B.'Ia.y dots., . tekhn. nauk; KRFER, JVANOV-aIOLENSKIY I A.V * C.lots., kand N, A.A., starshiY Pre- clots., kand. tekiz,.nauk; KORYTI I.I., yULIKOV, F V -1 dots.; VIKULIN, Jj.V.y dots. I kand. podavatell; PODIUR'YOV, A.N., dots., PR-wEZ12'q.SEV' V-A-y Prof., tekhn. nauk; . RUjjSj,,jj-jSyjY, L.A., dots., kand. fiz.-mat. doktor tekhn. nauk; A2 M.N., WL,_I.D_, dots..q kand. tekhn.nauk; U;ILAP0V nauk; 90-N': and. tekhn. nauk; FEDOROV, K110mIROV, pj,'.j dots., k inzh.; Tr CfMljylllN, A.A., dots., kand. A.A., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; C., glav. red GOLOVA14, A.T., - GUILIKIN, M.G.@ pjrOJ ofe, tekhn. nauk ' of., red-; PETROV, G.N.) pr @rbf., red GRUDIIISKIY, P.G., Pr juj@, red.; FEDOSEYEV, A.m., Prof., red.; ANTIK, doktor tekhn. nt I.V., inzII., red.; BORUIIOV' II.I., tekhn. red. [Electrical engineering handbook]Elelctrotekhnicheskii spra- vochnik. 3-, perer. i dop. izd- Pod obshchei red. A.T. moskva, Gosenergoizdat. Vol-1 1962. 732 P. Golovana i dr. 461A 15:10) 1. moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut (for GOlovan, GrudinskiYo Petravq Fedoseyevf Chilikin, Antik). ls, etc.) (Electric engineering--Handbooks, Manua SOBOLEI:vj V.G., inzh. Review of the electric load ratings of flexible mine cables. Izv. VY-s. uch, zav,; got, zhur. 5 no.6:129-135 .162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Moskovskiy gornyy institut. Rekomendovana kafedroy obshchey i gornoy elektrotekhniki. (Electric cables-Standards) (Electricity in mining) KRAU.3), E.G.; ZUBOV; B.S.,@ SOBOLEV, V.G. New flexible shielded cables and their use in Karaganda mines. Nauch. trudy KNIUI no. 11t110-124 162. ( KRA l7g7) -.@CIBOLEV, -)V, -9., . KFA -@j-l @ F @ G. -, , HIA Life of flexibie shielde-J4 cable3 -4'(-,r li@ @- Nauch. trudy KNIM no.15;51-55 164. @11!.(.!-@,, -- ? @3' .. @j [ si @.-,-, - f , I . ; !,; :, ff. in.-', rig r. -,! --ri ria-of langwilty iind ult.'rinte a! ioiwable wnrlk-@.,ng temperatare of f --exible mi-np cables. Nauch. trudy 16- 4 . k"-'T-PA 1838) I I ILI'- "If @ r '- , ,KORC LIE V .4 , I , I' . rp -- v( 'T.-DOV, K.'@ . ; Sk, k . v - - @ 1, 1, ji ., . - -114 I - -,. I .." n:-, . , , _, -!. t `(j 163. kjv.@,rls wi !'I,. f b.-r'l@-1-:3. Nau--.1 . -.-ur@v (IM -, P_.@ 17 . 2 2- ) Lapit' sl.-Jy D ailtj .oboj@@v, %". record-in- of dial)hra-m r7- in the collect@-ian: patol. real'tsdy, Tssues lt-lC Le-lin-arl. 1 yll-h Statey, No 21, S-, 0 533, (Letoois t7hurral In, J ISAKOV, I. I.; SINENKO, L. F.; SOBOLLT, V. I. Electrodiaphragmography; new clinical methods of ex-mination of the diaphragm in man. Ter. arkh., Yoskva 23 no.4:54-57 July-Aug 1951- (CLML 21:1) 1. Docent Isakov; Docent Sobolev. 2. Of the Department of Faculty Therapy (Head -- Prof. A. A. Nechayev) and of the Department of Roentgenology (Head - Prof. G. A. Zedgenidze), Naval Medical Academy. SOBOLXV,, V.I., professor. X-ray diagnoAts of pulmonary actinomycosis. i rad. no.5:47-56 S-0 @55- (MLRA 9;1) 1. Iz kafedry rentgenologli (zav.--prof. V.I.Sobolev) Lenin- gradskago gosudarstvanoago instituta dlia usoverehanstvovaniya vrachey imeni S.M.Kirova (dir.--prof. N.I.Blinov) i iz kafedry rentgenologii (prof. G.A.Zegdenidze) Voyenno-morskoy maditain- skoy akademil (nachr-general-mayor A.M.Zotov) (ACTIMMYCOSIS lungs, diag.x-ray) (LUNGS, dia. actinomycosis, x-ray diag.) BIRYUKOV, Yuriy Ivanovich; SOBOLEV, Viktor Ivanovich; DYAIGILEV, V.D., red.; YUSFINA, N.L., tekhn.- red-O [Economics of Socialist agricultural enterprises; visual-aid albtm for rural elementary schools and study groups in economics] Bkono- mika sotsialisticheskikh sellskokhoziaistvennykh predpriiatii; al'bom nagliadnykh posobii dlia sellskikh nachalInykh ekonomicheskikh shkol i kruzhkov. IAroslavl', Izd-vo, "Sovetskaia Rossiia," 1960. 26 plates. (MIRA 14:6) (Agriculture-Economic aspects-Audio-visual aids) 8930"'L The technique of S/089/6!/010/002/0?1/018 B102./B209 part io an ionization fission chamber. The DUlSeS generated in bo-.h canals of the chamber reach, via the amplifiers I and III.. the double-coincidence circuit II (time resolution 0,5,asec). The puises are counted in 1V hy a mechartical counting device.. The fission chamber is brass f--Ilrzd with argor- and sf)aled hermetically, It contains the following! a U30. prepa-ation 235, _M mg1cm 2 'g1cm2 (90% '1 uDon an Al foil (0@4 m 2) collimators,, a set o:@' differently thick loils of the metal to be examined, 4) colleCt3l' electrodes. Collimator thickness and argon pressure (-100 mm. Hg) were ser. sD as to keep the fragment energy losses in the collimator regligibly low. This arrangement excludes counting of spurious pillses (' fromt-qzanta or recoil nuclei); all measurements may be carried out at the reactor at a therual neutron flux of between 106 and 108 n1/sm2 SeC., In order to tratE the operation of the device, the determination of the ranges and spec-1-fic energy losses for fragments with equal range is discussed, Zero thickness of the material in which the range is to be examined to N,) coirciding pulses, The number of coincidences decreases d -for the same amount in each of -_,hannels, A t a c ea,, . M Card 214 ,19361 The ti3chnioue of ... 1 /018 3102 B209 ber o@@ coincidences becomes zero or drops to a minute fraction (,0 of N,, "-ccuriinE to the sensitivity of the detector; thus, c@ characterizes the rra6e of the fragments. The specific energy losses are determined as fol- Foil sets with d = dc of a material whose range dependence of the 3@;eci-fic losses is known are inserted into both canals. Then, in one canal ail foils, one after the other, are replaced by foils of the material to b6 -2-.nruined: on this occasion, these foils must have such a thickness that the ises does not vary on exchange. In this zray the specific ene:ggy 0I pu lossE:s can be determined for all ranges. Range and specific energy loss of L and light fragments may be determined separately, too. -For t4iS DUr- - is determined as before, then the foils to be investigated are -,Cse ,No o-,,.-2f_,.@ssive1y removed from one canal until the number of coincidences becomes sr-!a--,L -.,,ith respect to No. By this processing, the fragments.cLff maximum ran,-a are separated. Then, the foils from the second canal %re suoi;essively r,@moved until the number of coincidences is eaual to zero. The number of foi-Is in- the second canal now characterizes the range of the heavy frag- men-,s. The energy losses are determined analogously. Finally, the yield- to-range curves for Au and Al as determined by this method are compared 3/4 S/089/61/010/002/011/01 8 The iechnique of ... B102/B209 with the results of other authors. Agreement with Ref. 2 is not good; it is gcod, however, with Ref. 4. There are 4 figures and 5 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. SUBJUTTED: November 21, 1959 @ard 4/14 2 3 4 ly I AUTHORS: 'Jobolev, V.I. and Pilyutskiy, N.D, SOV/118-58-11-14/19 TITLE: Transshipping Operations at the Leningrad Commercial Sea Port (Peregruzochnyye raboty v Leningradskom morskom tor- govom portu) PERIODICAL: Mekhanizatsiya trudoybmkikh i tyazhglykh rabot, 1958, Nr 11, pp 40-42 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a list of the various mechanical means applied in transshipping operations at the Leningrad port, The follow- ing devices are mentioned: a special grab for the removal of lumber from water; a truck-mounted loading device for bale- goods with a grab clamp on the side of the loader; truck- mounted loaders of the type UMM-6 and 4004 for the loading of cotton into freight cars; truck-mounted loaders equipped with various load-lifting appliances like fork-shaped claws, crane arms, buckets, etc.; a loading machine of the type PTS-2 for the stowing of salt in holds, and a machine of the type MVS-l for the unloading of salt from freight cars and various other re-loading apparatus . Though the standard of complex mechanization at the Leningrad port has risen Card 112 SOV'/11S-58-11-14/10, Transshipping Operations at the Leningrad Commercial Sea Port by 2.9 % over 1956, there are still many problems to be solved by the scientific research organizations of the Ministerstvo morskogo flota (Ministry of Merchant Marine) There are 2 photos and 2 diagrams. 1. Harbors--Equipment 2. Materials--Handling 3. Industrial equipment Card 2/2 c V.I. .,ODOL-EV9 Mass measurements of characteristics of power units by means of deformation pickups. Ag 162. (MMA 16 -W (Strain gauges) J@ U1257-65 -EVIT(I)/EEC(M)/EEC(.k-)-2----~Po-4--4.AgD(a-)-5------,~~-.-:,- WUMESSM NR: AP4048836 9/01 97641000/011/0003/0005 AU:rHOR: Sobolev, TITLE: Structural analysis of static errors of instruments with compensation- :typ.- c.@-nversion SOURCE: Priborostroyeniye, no.. 11, 1964, 3-5 TOPIC TAGS: measuring instrumen measuring instrument error ABSTRACT: A class of feedback-type instruments is considered which has a .measuring unitwhose transfer constant is infinite (e. g. ,an integrating motor or. a double integrating element inits feedback closed loop. Formulas are developed. for the "first-kind error" which is due to zero drift and dead zone, and the 11sc cond-kind error" due to transfer -constant variation (both related to the Iteed- .back loop). These errors are combined with those of the open-loop@part of the instrument, and an overall error formula is evolved. An astatic accelerometer Cnj