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SOBOLEV, Fntr Alekseyevich (',' the -"Ie:3ti,)n about t1le Anolication of (Rentgenovslkogo) Investigation of tl@e F@irnlc !It@lvis in Gbstl@@tricp.'-, '@@r.4ctice. Dissert:,tion for cnndJ-@7,t,:! of a @:erilcpl Science clegree. Yaros]--v IM-dical Distitute, 1954. SOIOLXV, P.A..kandidat meditsinskikh nauk. A simple method for measuring the inclination of the female pelvis. Akush. i gin. no.6:57-58 N--D '55 (MLRA 9:6) 1. Iz kafedry akusherstva i ginekologii (zav.-doteent Ye.K. Aleksandrov) Yaroslavskogo meditainakogo instituta. (PBLVIMMY modified Kartin's method) SODOLEV, P.A., A device insuring the correct DOSture of the rmtlent for Y-ray exaninations of the femnle -oelvis. Akush. i gin. 31 no.6:81-83 N-D 157. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Iz Yaroslavskogo meditsinskogo institute ( N.Ye. YArygin) i Kostromskoy oblastnoy bollnitsy (glevny-y vrach- z,3skuzhennyy wrach RSFSR M.V.Shchekunov) (PELVIK3TRY, aDDar. and instrument-i device for determ. of correct position in x-rsy Delvimetry) OBO .--ANANIINk, N.P. Protective net from metal fragments and from radiant energy. Gig. sanit, Moskva no.3:58-39 Mar 1953. (CLML 24:3) 1. Of Sverdlovsk Institute for the Protection of labor VT98M. SOBOIEV. P.A.; BARYSHNIKOVA, Ye.N. Special clothing for workers at aluminum electrolysis tanks. Gig.i san. no. 8:53 Ag 153. (KI-RA 6:9) 1. Sverdlovskiy institut okhrany truda Vseaoyuznogo tsentrallnogo soveta profsoyuzov, (Clothing, Protective) VADASH., Y.F. [Vabash., I.F.J; SOBOLEV, P.A. [Soboliev, P.A.] . 7'--'-" "'-' '@-- 1 -" @ Simplified design and calculation of magnetic apparatus for water a treatment reagents. Leh.prom. no.3:32-34 Jl-S 163. (Iff.RA 16:11) 1. Chernovitskiy tekstilln7y kombinat. SO V/1 37- 59- 3 - 5527 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiva, 1959, Nr 3, P 84 (USSR) AUTHORS: Diyev, N. P., Kusakin, P. S., Paduchev, V. V , Sabolev. P- A., Perestoronin, A. A. TITLE- Phase Content of Cobalt-nickel Mattes (Fazovyy sostav kobal'to-nikelevykh shteynov) PERIODICAL. Tr. In-ta metallurgii. Ural'skiy fil. AN SSSR, 1958, Nr 2@ pp 181-186 ABSTRACT: The authors studied the phase content of industrial Go mattes by the following methods: 1) 'Mineralogical- petrographic investigations; 2) gravitational [sink-float] separation in water, heavy liquids, suspensions, etc. ; 3) air-separation; 4t flotation; 5) smelting out; and 6) classification according to gra- 'r size. Conclusions: I Co does not form an independent phase in mattes but is distributed be- tween the sulfide and metallic solid solutions and the double sulfide 2FeS-Ni3S2, isomorphically taking the place of Fe and Ni in the lattice nodes of the respective phases; ?-) the COMP05ition of separate phase components in Co mattes fluctuates in the following range: Card 1/2 Metallic phase 18-40% (by weight), sulfide phase 43-40%. eut-ectoid Phase Content of Cobalt-nickel Mattes SOV/1 37- 59-3 - 5527 38-20%, arid slag intrusions 0-4%; 3) the metallic phase contains (in %): Ni 6.6-44; Fe 47.8-80, Co 0.85-2.6, arid S 0.9-4-0. Co and Ni are concentrated mainly in the metallic phase; 'I) the SLLIfide phase contains (in%); Ni 11.8-22.2, Fe 49-61, Go 0.7-0.9,arid S 29. 0-32.3; 5) the main mass of the metallic phase has a grain size of from 10 to 60 ji , a specific gravity of 7.88 and a melting point of 1370OC; 6) the specific gravity of the sulfide phase is 41.6. N - P Card 21? WKUCHALOV, Aleksandr Stepanovich; SOBOLEV, Petr Alekseyevich; RUDNICV. A. P. , ; STUKACHEV, 'K@' MISIMINA, K.D., red.izd-va; ISLANT11YEVA, P.G., [Safety techniques in copper smelting and nickel plants] Takhnika bezopasnosti na medeplavillnykh i nikelevykh zavodakh. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tavetnoi metallurgii. 1959. 214 p. I(MIRA 12:8) 1. Moskovskiy institut tsvetnykh metallov i zolota im. M.I.Kalinina (for Stukachev). (Metallurgical plants--Safety measures) SOBOLEV, P.A., inth.. Organizing labor in repairing equipment of metallurgical plants. Bezop. truda v prom. 3 no.6:19-21 Je '59. (MIU, 12:10) I.Sverdlovskiy institut okhran7 truda Vsesoyuznogo tsentrallnoge soveta profsoy=oy. (Metallui@gic&l plAnts-Squipmeni '6M supplies-Maintenance and -repair) SOBOI dorozhnyy master (Stantsiya Slavyansk, Donetskoy dorogi.) A hiah title has been conferned on our collective. Pat' i put. 0 khoz. 5 no-9:4 S i6l. (MM 14:10) (Railroads-E.mployees) SOBOiXv.-Ljt,podpolkovnik med. sluzhby Chnnges in the anparatus for micrometric determination of oxygen saturntion of the blood. Voen-med.zhur. no.11:64-66 N '57. (OXYGEN, in blood, (MIRA 11:4) determ. of Gnturntion, ai)Dnr. (Rus) GEMBITSKIY, Ye.V.,; SOBOLEV, P.I.; BPARLIIM, G.B. Clinical course and treatment of acute liLminal poisoning. Sov. mod. 23 no.7:102-106 JI '59. (MIRA 12:11) (MNOBARBITAL toxicology) I BERLIIIIIHI. G.B.@; SOBOLEIVIP P.T.; MOSIPANOV, -L.S. (Petrozavodsk-) In@ralrit-,--l dlagios!3 of a p-JUnary tumor of the heart. nin. med. 40 no.11t118-120 IT162 (MIRA 16:12) T. (Eng.) Fac!cing, (V:echanicai EngineerinFO Reolacinf- ashestos-rubber cement with steel washers. Rech. turansp. 14 NO - 3, Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Uncl. SOBOLEV, P., inzhener. Q.nality of feed vater filtration for steam boilers. Mor.i rech.flot 13 no-1: 29 MY '53. (KLRA 6:10) (Yeed-water purification) S)CFECIEV, " A771. E@' r - En 1 5c)7 Szhi'Paniye mazu'a vtorkakh sAorfkh parovykh kotlov. Furninp black oil in ships' steam boilers. @-'oskva, Rechnoy Transport, 1955. 156, 13 P. illus., diagrs., graphs, tables. FiblioFraphy: P. 158 SOBOLEV, Pa7el ich: ffASNIKOV, N.Y., reduktor; SHIKKO, K.N., auov v re=eZent; AIMITTIN, V.G., retsenzent; VITASHINA, S.A., redaktor; KRASNATA, A.K., tokhnichookiy redaktor. [Combustion of mazut in furnaces of marine boilers] Szhiganie mazuta v topkakh sudovykh parovykh kotlov. Moskva, Izd-vo "Rechnni transport," 156 p'. (MLRA 8:12) (Boilers, Marine) (Mazut) ,,44 PZNKIN. I.S., retsenzent; KOHOGORTSBY, P.Ya., , � 49,4Y., yel Iya.ayl; -i"epa6klo-'r"-,-~-~'tgUgUIKOVA, Z.V., redaktor izdBtelletva; KRASNAYA, A.K., tekhnichaskiy redaktor [Servicing and repairing injectors] Obaluzhivanie i remont inzhektorov. Izd.2-os, ispr. i dop. Koskva, Izd-vo "Rechnoi transport," 1957- 77 P. (KIBA 10:7) (Injectors) ANTONOVICH, Sergey Aleksandrovich, kand.takhn.nouk; NOVIKOV, Viktor Vasillyevich, inzh.; RMISKIY, Nikolay Mikhaylovich, inzh.; FOMKI:IISKIY, Leonid Ivanovich, inzh.; SHIWO, Konstantin Hikoloyevich, kand.teErm.nauk. Prinimal uchastiye SMANTSM, A.I.. inzh. ALIBANOV, VA.. lnzh., nauchnyy red.; LAMNIII, V.V., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; KLILIKOVaIY, P.P., kand.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent fdeceased]; STEPAITM, Ye.I., kand.tekhn.nauk., retnenzent; PAVLOV, A.V., inzh.. retsenzent: PETROV, M.D.. inzh.. retsenzent; ROKOOT, F.A., lnzh., retsenzent; SOBOLXV, -P.I-., inzh., retsenzent- VITASHKIKA, S.A., red.izd-va; YM-M0YA-,t.T.,; VCLCHOK, K.M., [Handbook for marine heat engineers] Spravochnik sudovogo teplotekh- nika. Sost. S.A.Antonovich i dr. Leningrad, Izd-vo wRechnoi transport,* Leningr.otd-nie. 1960. 679 p. (MIP.-t 14:3) (Marine engineering) (Heat engineering) SOBOLEV, F., inzh. Causes of the burming-through of water tubes of KV boilers and means for controlling iit. Rech. transp. 20 no. 2:44,45 F 161. (Boilers, Water-tube) (rLLRA 14:2) SO ao,(- 1@@ V` -N7. -,-- 0 @u@n@-s6c reatioli betw een. nt of grwiitajd@. Uh, i;.;-. T2 1, 2IM-27(1057).-13y plot- Gc.J., Geagraf. rJ- Tnintral '-`OmPil. of laskite tz a -di- ch in. quar lk- rfeld' ), leticomtic gr= spar ite, blotific-'Porphyrous granite, bi nitc-and a&lrellitc:'(Or(hcdztse-beiriiig quajtz@ lotitic gra 'humblend,,mica-dioritc), it VvwOhown,tb@t jmtrcg@mpliic.. 'ficati6ti.-ancLdlaguash for afl tqpe@ U grai-,4,6ds. BOGIANKO, Hariya Lukinichna; SOBOIXV. P.N., doktor istorichaskilch nauk,; UJANIN, I.Te.. red,-Izd-va,- KARKOVICH, S.G.,, Dstablishment of state grain farms during 1928 - 19321 Stroitell- stvo sernovykh oovkhozov v 1928 - 1932 gg. Moskva, lzd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1958. 250 P. (MIRA 12:7) (State farms) (Grain) R-mo : SOBOLEV, Patr Nikif oroviabL,.,, Dissertation t The solidnrlity of tho neediest peasants with the proletariat during the propcration for and carrying out of the Great October Socialist Rovolution Dogroat Dcc Historical Sci Affiliation: Z-not indicatcd_7 J)cfcnse Data, Plaoc: 2 Tul 56, Council of Inst of History, Acad Sci USSR Certification Date: 23 Ildr 57 0ourco; DMIVO 14/57 "I SOBOLEV, P.S. Improved method of ligation of the umbilical cord; 22 no-7tl23-125 J1 158 (MIRA 11:10) 1' Iz rodillnogo doma No 19 Moskvy (91avnyy vrach - znslyzhannyy vrach RSFS'R N.N. Filimon;;, nauchnyy rakovoditell - prof; Tejo Ivater); (UMBILICAL CORD ligation, double-stage method (Rua)) -SOBOLEV, P.V., Inzh. Stabilization of earth-roadbed soils with artificial wetting in droughty regions of Central Asia. Avt,dor. 25 no.8:16-17 Ag 162. (MIRA 16:2) (Soviets Central Asia Soil stabilization) SOBOLEVIV P.V.P inzh. Designing vertical curves for the longitudinal profile of railroads. Transp. stroi. 13 no.6:52-53 Je 163. (MIRA 16:9) (Railroads-Grades) SOBOLEV) P.V., Inzh. Testing the compactness of saline-soil baAkp. Avt.dor. 26 no.9t16-17 S 163. (M.UU 16.-10) SOBIOL_;*@Vy r,V. Build-,ng tei-m-p-ora@7y roads d,--irIL; the laying of pipelines Ln sh.-ifting st-jids. Stroi. truboprov. 0. no.5:29-30 'tu 164. (,.fi:,A 17: 9) 1. Tasligipro'u-,,ar,,,,,, Tajl-ulmnt. SOBOLEV, P.V., inzh. Sources of the water supply for the artificial wetti-ng of soil in roadbeds. Transp. stroi. 14 no.3:7-10 Mr 164. (MDA 1?.-6) @;OLIOLHY Jn"-h. Characteristics of roar! aurveylag !L shzp"ng sand fl-rom the point of viad of engineering geolopy. Tran3p. 3'.roi. -1-14. na.150?-38 I@r '54'. @OQRA SOBOUV$ P.V., inzh. Building high, sanjy erabankments w-L-zh bulldozers. Av-I.. dcar. -227 no.2:11-12 F 164. 170) 88433 S10561601039100610221063 B006/BO56 AUTHORS: Ioffe, M. S., Sobolev, R. I., Tellkovskiy, V. G., Yushmanov, Ye. Ye. TITLE: Investigation of the Confinement of Plasma in a Trap With Magnetic Plugs PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No. 6(12), pp. 1602 - 1611 TEXT: A report is given on plasma confinement in a cylindrical magnetic mirror which is some 10 cm in size. The experiments were carried out with a hydrogen plasma having a mean density of^/1.109cm- 3, at a minimum pressure of the neutral gas of 3-10- 7mm Hg. The mean ion energy was 1 - 2 kev, the electron energy -10 ev, the magnetic field was 5 - 8 koe. In this case, it is possible to reckon with adiabatic and quasineutral con- ditions, i.e. the Larmor radius of the ions is small compared with the trap dimensions, and the Debye screening radius is small compared with the region filled by the plasma. The greatest losses in fast ions occur as a Card 1/4 88433 Investigation of the Confinement of Plasma in S10561601039100610221063 a Trap With Magnetic Plugs Boo6/?B056 result of charge exchange with the neutral gas. The experimental arrange- ment, in which the experiments were carried out, is shown in Fig.l. The maximum field in the center of the trap (constant in time), was 8000 oes, and in the plugs it was 12,400 oes, i.e. the plug ratio was 1.55. The mean lifetime T of the fast ions in the trap was measured as a function of pressure for different accelerating voltages, magnetic fields, and plug ratios in the hydrogen pressure range of 3-10- 7 _ 2.10-5mm Hg. The ex- perimentally determined IA-values are, as shown, indeed linear functions of pressure, as must be expected also of charge exchange processes. Also the flux of fast neutral particles and therefore also the current of secondary electrons in the range of 2.10-7 _ 3-10-6mm Hg is a linear function of pressure. If pressure is reduced, the neutral-particle flux tends toward zero (and not toward a constant value). Amonf the processes developing in the plasma, there may also be the process H + H2 --*H + 2H which fact has been pointed out by G. 1. Budker. However, it was found that the ion escape from the trap takes place much more quickly than would be expected, if only charge exchange and scattering processes are taken Card 2/4 88433 Investi-ation of the Confinement of Plasma S/056/60/039/006/022@063 0 in a Trap With Magnetic Plugs B006/BO56 into account. Thus, additional losses of fast ions must be assumed, whose time dependence was investigated. It was found that the losses not connected. with charge exchange decrease with time until eventually they vanish completely. Such anomalous losses of ions are due to the presence of plasma in the trap. If the density of the charged particle is so low that the Debye range is of the same order as the trap dimensions, the losses are equal to zero. The authors thank Academician L.A.Artsim6vich and 3. 3. Kadomtsev for their interest, advice, and discussions, V. Y. Petrov, E. N. Braverman, and Yu. T. Bayborodov for their technical collaboration. There are 9 figures, 2 tables, and 11 references: 7 Soviet, 1 Swiss, and 2 US. SUMMITTED: July 20, 1960 Card 3/4 89202 S/056/61/040/001/007/037 B102/B204 AUTHORS: Ioffe, M. S., Sobolev, R. I., Tellkovskiy, V. G., Yushmanov, Ye. Ye. TITLE, Escape of plasma from a magnetic mirror trap PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, V. 40, no. 1, 1961, 40-48 TEXT: This paper is a continuation of an earlier paper (Ref. 1), in which the authors studied the retaining of a hydrogen plasma with a thickness 0f jo9 cm-3, which consisted of fast ions (1-2 kev) and slow electrons (-10 ev@ Anomalously fast escape of ions from the magnetic mirror trap could be found, which was caused not alone by the charge-exchange losses. In order to get to the bottom of this additional leakage, experiments were undertaken for the purpose of a direct measurement of the fast ions leaving the magnetic trap. The losses which occurred through the end walls, and which occurred through the lateral walls were studied separately. For the purpose of meas- uring the quantity of ions leaving the trap through the end walls in the direcction of the magnetic fields) a sector-shaped metal electrode @1/6 of Card 1/8 89202 S/056/61/040/001/007/037 Escape of plasma ... B102/B204 the end-wall area), to which the -20 v were applied for the purpose of pre- venting an impinging of plasma electrons, was used. By means of the signals emitted from the sector, the charges convejed to the sector by ions were measured. Fig. 1 shows the lateral and front view of the electrodes, as well as the comb-like arranged 6-plate electrodes, by means of which the quantity of ions (thus only that of the fast ions) could be determined ad- ditionally and independently. From the recordings of sector electrode and comb electrodes, the following quantities of fast ions a 1-33 1-55 2.0 2-35 107 QsectP cou" 3.3 8.7 12.B 10.6 107 Otot coul. 46 125 200 200 and the following quantities of slow ions Card 2/8 89202 Escape of plasma S/05 61/040/001/007/037 B102YB204 8 10 Qsectv cou" 5-5 19.0 10a qcomb' coul. 2.4 1 7.6 Qslow/Qfast 5 could be found to exist. a I@Max/Ho' qtot is the total charge inciding upon the two end walls, due to the additional escapeimchanism. The quantity of fast ions inciding upon the lateral walls (perpendicular to the H-field) was measured by means of an arrangement shown in Fig. 2. The electrodes had a size of 296 cm2 and had a distance of 10 mm from the chamber wall. To the measuring electrode a -20 v was again applied. The measurements yielded the following results; Card 3/8 Escape of plasma a 1-33 106 Qside 0.83 106 Qtot 1.9 q wall @- 43 S/056J61/040/001/007/037 B1021B204 1-55 2.0 2.35 1.8 4.4 5.8 5.3 16-3 23.2 34 27 25 Q-tot again denotes the total charge of fast ions inciding upon the lateral walls due to the mechanism of additional losses, q wall is the ratio of these charges. Thus, UP to 40% of the fast ions, leaving the trap in consequence of the mechanism responsible for the additional losses, may do so through the lateral walls. Fig. 3 shows a typical oscillogram of the current from the comb electrodes (a) and from the side wall (b). The results of these studies confirm the conclusions drawn in Ref. 1 with respect to the anoma- lou3l,y high fast ion losses, The major part of these losses, no less than Card 4/8 Escape Of Plasma ... 3/056/61/040/001/007/037 B102/B204 SCYd", 'is due to an escape to the side walls, and only about 2(y/:, to an escape to the end walls of the trap. The escape is nonsteady, the ions are thrown out from regions not conne6ted with one another, whose dimensions - perpen- dicular to the magnetic-field.- are small compared to the trap diameter, which, hoVever,, extend throughout the entire length of the trap along the magnetid field. There are 5 figurest 3 tables, and 2 Soviet-bloc reference& SUBMTTTED: July.20, 1960 BArBORODOV, U. T.; TOFFE, M. S.j PETROV, V. M. and SOBDLKV, R. I. Adiabatic Trapping wtth Combined MagrAtio Fields 3 '. report prgaented at the Study Group on Mirror Configurations, Fonterwy-sux-Rom*s, France, 15-19 Jul 1963. L 10110-63 MM (k) /MT (1 VEEC (b 1 -2,/R:@ (w I -2,!BDS APFTCASD/ESD-3/APWL/ SSD Fz--4/Pab-4/Fi-h/P@4 AT/IJP(C) ACCESSION NR: AP3001172 s/0089/63/014/005/0"3/0"5 AUTHOR: Bayborodov, Yu. T.; Ioffe, M,. S.; Petrov, V. M.; Sobolev, R. I. TITIE: Adiabatic trap with combined magnetic field SOUR(t: Atcmnaya, energiya, v. 14, no. 5, .1963, 443-"5 TOPIC TAGS: adiabatic traps, combined magnetic fields, confinement of plasma ABSIRACT: Results are presented of experiments in plasma confinement by meaw of a ER-5 adiabatic trap with magnetic mirrors, in which the magnetic field grows in longitudinal and radial directions. The concept behind such a trap is that the growth of the field in a radial direction prevents the development in the plasma of cafivective instability, which pra%rokes the.escape- of plasma across the magnetic field. Such a stabilizing field was generated by means of stabilizing windings added to the longitudinal field-coils.'-At-b~-sufficiently large stabilizing-field intensity, the lifetime of plasma in the trap increases considerably. The he intensity of the longitudinal field in the'central part of the trap and of t stabilizing field reached 5000 and 4500 oe, respectively, and the preliminary Card 1/2 L 10110-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3001172 pressure in the chamber reached 1 x 10 sup -6 mm Rg. A differential system of evacuation by means of titanium pulverized directly on the inner surface of the chamber kept the pressure in the central part of the chamber at 5 x 10 sup -6 mm Hg with a steady admission of hydrogen at 500 cm sup 3/hr into the plasm source. "Magnetronic" injection was used to fill the trap with plasma. In these experiments n is approximately equal to 10 SUP 9 CM SUP -3, T sub i is approxinately eq@al to 5 kev, and T sub e is approximtely equal to 20 ev. The effect cC the sbabi I I zing field on the confinement features of the trap was determined from the dependence of plasma-decay-time variation on the field. it Was found that plasma decays-35 times slower when the field equals 1500 oe than when it equals zero. The absolute value for plasma decay during a stabilized mode was 3-5 millisec, as compared with 0.5 millisec obtained in previous experiments. Thisdifference is associated with the different pressure of the neutral gas in the chamber and proves that the decay is due to charge exchange. The maximun decay time obtained with this device (at still lower pressure) reached 10-15 millisec. "The authors express thanks to L. A. Artsimovich for his continuing interest in the work, his contribution to its execution,, and his extremely valuable discussion of the results."- Orig. art. has: 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: llAPr63 DATE ACQ- 2lJun63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE-. & 9-04-111) No REF SOV-. 004 OTHER: 001 pard 2/2.-4 1..-15125-65- EEC (b) -2/ZPA (W) -4/EWG (k)/D;IT (1) /EEC (t)/EPA (6p).-?/T-/E'HA (m) -2- Pi-4/Po-4/Pz-6/Pab-l0 ESD(t)/F,~cD(gs)/RA&f(c)/AE-DC(b)/SSD/S8D(b)/AFIit/4SD(a)~~,- i,ASD(:r)-2/ASD(p)-3/AFETR/IJP(o~) '-AT/DM ACCESSION NR: AP4045335 S*89/64/017/003/0211/0215 R. I. AUTHOR: Martv*nenko, Yu. V.; Sobolev. TITLE: Magnetic field of the mirror configuration which increases along the, radius SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya,. v. 17, no. @3, 1964, -211-M TOPIC TAGS- plasma, magnetic field, nuclear fusion thermonuclear reaction magnetic plasma trap, magnetic mirror ABSTRACT: In the recent paper (Yu. V. Gott et al, Yade'rn *y synthesis, Sup- plement., part 3, 1045 (1962)), the preliminary experiments *ere described on corJining plasma in an adiabatic.trap with a magnetic field which is increasing in I both the longitudinal and in radical directions. Such a field is obtained by a su- perposition of the field of the usual trap with magnetic mirroil,-by a system, df linear conductors symmetrically located around the longitudinal axis. The dur- rents in the neighboring conductors are opposite. In the present paper, a s@Tnpli-;.-. fied combination iield is considered with 4,6, and 8 conductors. The results Of Card 1/ 2 T ",F 19 M T _WC --A 1601 ..6q h ypi b@U _/P 174 ACCE@SION NRt P 4 0 4 9 5 3 7 &51) 306A S/0089/64/017/005/0366/0"37'5 AUTHOR: loffe, Ms So; Sobolev,-R. 1. TITLE: Confinement of.plasma-in trA with combined magnetic field SOURM AtomnalrA anergiyal V# 17p no* Sp 1964, 3,66-375 M a 8., TOPIC TAGS: plasma, plasma.confinement, plasma stabilization netic trap, magnetic mirror machine, PR 5 machine, controlled fus@on ,reaction, plasma stability ABSTRACT4 Proceeding from the theoretical considerations of Ro'se*a-.. bluth, Krall, and Rostokfar (Nucl. Fusion, Suppl,A-Part 1, 1962, p., -143, the authors investigated,the properties of an adiabatic plasma trap. with a magnetic field increasing in-longitudinal as well as radial directions* This.field configuration was realized by.a special. winding consisting of a systeM of straight current-ca trying conduetorg'@.' parallel to the trap axis and at equal.distances , from each other@. Preliminary information on plasma stability in such a trap was given by Yu. V. Gott, M. So loffe, and V. Go Tellkovskiy at the Salzbu,.eg Conference in 3.961 (Nucl. Fusion, Suppl., Part 111, 1962. p. 1045)6 Card 1/3 L 16019-65 ACCESSSION UR: AP4049537 Since then, the PR-5 machine was.-..built -an'd operated; this work prw- sents a more detailed descriptiowof- tile machine the results,-,.- of experimental investigation of.the problem. 'In@the experiment:s plasma density was 109- proton energy was abolut@-.- 5 kev. The data-obtained an the dependence of p 1 as.-m a containment t i md,-@'.-"- on the stabilizing field strength and on the pressu .re, of the neutraL-A@,_'_@:' gas led to the conclusion that the combined f ield conf ines and a tabi, Itzes the plasma within a-certain measure of magnetohydrody,nami,c in stability nr =%Z@f 10 Under stabilized conditionso plasma containment time -was.extended to'--,_@ about 3.5 msec. Stabilization was also confirmed by the analysis ..of plasma oscillations during the decay processi. for under stabilized conditions the decay curve was free from the density pulsationii char---, acteristic of unstabilized -plasma. The maximum containment time at-,_@ -9 tained was 0.06 sec at a press 'ure of 7 x 10 mm Rg. Another series of measurements was made to investigate stability conditions within the plasma at various distances from,the axis,and at different field strengths of the stabilizing winding# The results show that the Card 2 / 3 ASSOCIATIONs none SUBMITTED: 10Sep64 ENCL: 00 SUB, CODE-. ?S, lot No REF SOV: 007 OTHER: 008 ATD' PRESS: 3141 Card 33 L 58335-1165 E'~iT(I)/EPF,(n)-2/ENG(.M)/EPA(W)-2 Pz-6/Po-@/Pab-19/pi-4 U p(c), T Ri @A ACCESSION R: AT5=44o 0001/ UR/31-3@/@4/ooq/545/ =3 1AUTHORt Ioffe, M. S.; qobolevi R. I. 'I TITLE: Plama containment n a trap ifith a' combined magnetic field S(YJRCE: Xoscow. Institut atomnoy energii. Doklady, no. 545,, 1964. Uderzhsniye plazwy v lovushke s kombinirovannym magnitnym pole=, 1-13 TOPIC TAGSt plasma containment plasma trap, magnetic mirror, plasma 1 ifetinte )ABSTRAM The authors investigate the plasma-contairment properties of an.adiabat-,-@,--- ic trap with magnetic field that increases in.the longitudinal-and radial dix-ec-'. tions. Such a field is obtained by superposition of the ordinary mirror configura-: tion field (the fundamental field H ) on the field produced by a system of ent.' Oil carrying conductors arranged parallel to the.trap axis (stabilizing field HIIJI; the conductors are placed uniformly in azimuth around the side wall. I-rhe trap wx density 109--lo3-0 Cm-3 and proton energy- 5 Key (electron fi-Ued w. Lth plamna of energy - 20 el). Preliminary inrormation on the stability of the plasma on suchl cormbined ayubcm vere reported Iry the authors carlier (Hu@lear Fusion Suppl. part 111, 1045, 196@). In this report the authors present the results of more detailed Card ..... .. ------ 0,115, _,E Vj F,1Y - USSR/Geophisics - Petrography of granites YD-778 Card 1/1 Pub 129-15/24 Author Sobolev. R. N. Title Problem of the Trondhjemites, plagiogranites and plagioclasites Periodical Vest. Mosk. un-, Ser. fizikomat. i yest. nauk, Vol 9, No. 2, 109-114, Mar 1954 Abstract Table of the numerical characteristics of plagiogranites, and table of the mineralogic coz-,Tosition of plagiogranites according to various authorities. Concludes that the three named rocks are all identical, being one and the same rock. Institution : Chair of Petrography Submitted ; July 10, 1953 V SUBJECTs USSR/Geology 5-2-20/35 AUTHOR: Sobolov, R.N. TITLE- Amantauskaya and Kokkuduktyubinskaya Granitoid Intrusions (Amantauskayys, i Kokkuduktyubinskaya intruzii granitoidov) PERIODICAL: Byulleten' Yeskovskego Obshchestva Ispytateley Prirody, Otdel Geologicheskiy, 1957, # 2, PP 153-154 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Devonian intrusions of granitoide are widely spread in the Sarysu-Toniz ilevation (Central Kazakhstan). According to their ago they are divided into 2 complexes: 1. The first complex is more ancient. Granitoid intrusions of the first complex penetrate porphyrites of the lower part of the Lower-Middle Devonian layers. The Kokkuduktyubinskaya intrusion belongs to this complex. 2. The second complex is represented by the Amantauskaya intrusion. Granitoid intrusions of this complex penetrate all the rocks of the Lower-Middle Devonian layers and are covered with Lower-Turney limestones. Card 1/2 Granitoids of these both complexes have different petrographic SOBOLEV, RI.N. Relations between the chemical and quantitative mineral composition of granitoid rocks. Vast. Moak. un. Ser. biol.. pochv., geol.. geog. 12 no.1:219-227 '57. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Kafedra petrografii Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (Granite) SOBOLEV, R.N. ----rm@antaus@ka7a and Kokkudul--tiubinskaya granitoid intrusions. Biul. MOIP. otd. geol. 32 no.2:153-154 Mr-A-p '57. (MIRA 11:3) (Kazak-hstan-Rocks, igneous) SOBOLEV. R.N.; YEMELIYAKENKO, P.1?. Age of granitoid intrusions in the Sar7-su--Tengiz upland. Sov. geol. no.62:154-157 '57. WRA n:6) l.Moskovskiy gosudaratvenny7 universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova. (Kazakhstan--Rocks, Igneous) SOBOLEV, R.N. Petrochemistry of Devonian granitoide in the Sarysu-Tengiz upland (central Kazakhstan). Nauch.dokl.vys.shkoly; geol.-geog.naul-i no.2: 105-111 158. (MIRA 12:0 1. Moskovskiy universitet, geologicheskly fakultet, kafedra petro- grafii. (Kazakhstan--Rocks, Igneous) (Geochemistry) SOBOLEV. R.N. I- - Genesis of plagioclas6 granites. Vast. Mosk. un. Ser. biol., pochv., genl-, Peog. 13 no.2:157-162 '58. (14IRA 11:9) 1. Moskovskiy gos. universitet, Kafedra petrografii. (Trondhjemites) SOBOLEV, H.11. Origin of -ayrnekltes. Vest.Mosk.un.Ser.biol.,pochv.,Ceol., geog. 13 no.4:131-136 '58. (miRA. 12:4) 1. Kafedra petrografii Moskovskogo universiteta. (Rocks, Igneous) SOBOLY,V, R.N. --------I------ Potash feldsT)ars in Devonian granitoids in central Kazakhstan. Sov.geol. 2 no-11:124-130 If '59. (MIPA 13:5 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosov. (Kazakhstan--Feldspar) SOBOLEV., R.N. Geologic and petrographic features of the granitoids of the first Devonian intrusive complex in the Sary-su-Tengiz Upland. Izv, v7s, ucheb, zav.; geol. i rasT. 4 no.3:29-37 I-tr 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Moskovskiy gosiAdarstvennyy universitet imeni MJI. Lomonoseva. (Kazakhstaii-Rocks, igneous) pet7oEraphicaj- cnara--te---Stl@s C., ...mations of the Ir'J"k Massif. Vasl. Mosk@ t@:,. SeT. 4- r MI RA IS no.@@29-@@- S'-k') J . s'-(, 'v K , a red rk@ p,,i,- rogra f Kog uni-ve r! Marilfestatlcn of Lower ("arbonifernus agneous act-Ivity in the eastern part of the watershed (centrall Kazakhatan'. Izv. rys. ucheb. zav.; gec.'. razv. no.0;139-140 S '630 `7@'O, 1 L . @ , 1. Voskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova. S ( @ -D @-UTN , ScTme ch,--ract'e r45t-*Cg 0@' -'je -@'roop ` P @SS!=@ c@ l7b@ :-- and - i. @ - -, - 1. - -, "- - I ferentiation ir the 'forar lz:trusive. izv, v-is. ucheb. zav.; i-ool. I razv. 6 no.12:66-7/4 D 163 (, I !:'. A I F!, - 2 ) I. Morskovskiy gosudntrstv(%nr@ry ivIven,,11-ot. SL'SR of !E: 2) ov i@ i -a fj f; -Let ted Apri 6, 1964. SOBOLLV, R.N.; DOROKIIOV, I.L.; BGP-c),HCHFVSKIY, Yu.A. New data on the age of the granitoids of the Topar c=plex in the northern part of the Dzhungaria-Balkhash geoBynclirje. Dokl. AN SSSR 165 no.3:670"-677 N 165. (MIRA 18zll) 1. Submitted May 29,, 1965. W)RONEW"", 1. 1:. .; M, IGD-l @30V A, L. fr.; SO R.N. Geologi(--sjl position and -age of -irtru:3ivr-s of the fzhaksylaga-linsk complex in the northeasteni pa-,t of the Ticrau syrclinorlum. Biul. M01P Crtd. geol. 40 no. N-D 165 (MIRA 191l) 1. cWjailtted May 13, 1965. S/539/61/000/032./oog/1017, D247/D301 AUTHORS- Kruglikov,, S.S., I(udryavtsev, N,,T. and Sobolev, R.P. TITLE@ Investigating electrolytes for smooth niekel plating PERIODICAL Moscow. Kh-,miko tekhnologichesk@y institur. Trudy, no. 329 1961. Issledevaniya v oblasti elektrolchimia, 259-265 TEXT: The authors ment-ion the development of additives for smooth elec- which has taken place in the USA and concludes that the com- position of the nickel electrolyte giveng used with the addition ol 0.5 g/1 of coumarin at a pH'of 4-6 and a current density of 4-6 amp/dm at 50 1- 20C with mechanical stirring provides good conditions for a semt lustrous smooth nickel plate. The influeniae of the various electrolytF- condItions has also been studied using a quantitative measurement of the smoothing capacity. There are 7 figures and 4 non--Soviet.-blor, references@ The 4 most recent references to the English.-language publications read as follows: W.R. Meyer, Proc. Am. Electropl. Soc., 24, 123 (1936); D,G@ Foulke and 0, Kardos, Proc@ Am@ ElectroplqSoc,,, 43, 1-12, 181, (1956)@- Card 1/2 300) AMNI)Yf TITLE, PERIODICAL. ABSTRA.CT4 Card 113 card 2/3 "ra 41-Unlon Conference on Philosophic Problems of U-t-n Sol_(to. P. oorr-nnogo yestowtv @oly.) By the Editor (Ot rod-tal!) Upokht fl.1chooklkh mank, 1959, Val 66, Yr 4, rp 717-7-- *nfer*w% took place at M-40% in Gatoner 19461 It Th: &b*: :4: ws &tt4by an" the. 600, cuond them 20 do ol&ns & Cc A ... id 30 rr..qodimc Member., AS USS3, a. -11 Iq do locates from Sulgeris. HuzS%ry, East :*rmscy, and Cs 6011001O-.kis. Th. follOwiu@ I..%- delivered at -he comf.r- or. Ii.t.d. Academician ". OiAhlp_ (Q. L..I.-. _ book, and A..d..tcl.u AS LNrss- vmkLy (-V. 1. In1a and the Pblloeo h', I Od t rn Cri lee). Doctor of (Oon Kodrov Relationship of the P-zo of xo%ion or the . . . ttor I. are-)o Academician of QUa4tum Nochanice" .'already published in Usyekbi fttlchookikh "ukp 1951v Vol 62, Ir 4), Corre"ndind M.abor AS ZSUR (@Th. Philosophical Content Of and the Slgutf1c4=* of the Theory of Relativity*), Academician _!@A_Ambartmuayan (Mom@ Nothodalceical Probleos of CoomatorqA@ -A " lil'b C di M .rr..p-m tr AJ ur4 Sol.". n9 l a y ), ('On 195SR jqjj_@ A..d.mici.:1 to .1 - g.rdt the j __j - - the in Part Played by Physics and Chemistry 1. the Of iologloal Problems-), AcadmMICIAM A. 1. 0 4rI (I 7h* Problem the Origin Of Life m be Light of the PrOgress @ixdo by Natural nd. 11=117, Car-ospon4ing 11-tor Theory of - a h- !@W@.rnj@. %h* So .. ry Or,-*"). 11n-1 t = i :Sa%ae ..... I . & Itook part In the di on r the*. 50 o g4zt the introductory speech delivered by the President of the ;5 0338, Ac.d.mloi.. A. N. W.w.-yaw,, is reprodue-d. "I h by Corresponding Umbo-. AS V332 16 th, mg *p* F. W, and nally a resolution passed by the g i ,,I*rz I Union Conference On philosophical PvO!19z, f 2 ,: ural 60I.V4. I. given or . % % 'h. k. of 'a " " Al Sol#_W. ?IT;., 1, - Ith rob ... In ph i* ^V I1 * :b! 'h: "so utl .ti .1 ly 0., 1 -an appeal for the iO ..: -tion of .11 tifto t Ih' ..s. the 01 * &AT-St" :q 1: !: ti Xi : .f dI.,. of K, rx and Loci d M.OrY I. f Id... the rooLution of the 20tb Party t Pt- * to C.agr:ss, onop.-tiO. 0uts#. coordination a. M cO=Clusi- T * rg..izfttiQ:. pmblo,: k f t ,. . I. hi .1, th . rs o l Am 11 ved doring Th. conference -st- publi.h.d. -,her. ro ' wt.s reformwom. fic Card 3/3 SOBOUV,,Ac@kgpX@,A@4Xp@@ DENISENKO, L., rodnktor; GOIA3VCHENKO, G., tekhnichniy redaktor [Aleksandr Fedorovich Mozhaiskii in the Ukraine] Oleksandr Fedo- rovych Mozhaialkyi na Ukraini. Xyiv, Derzh. vyd-vo takhn. lit-ry URSR, 1956. 43 p. MRA 10:4) (Mozhaiskii. Aleksandr Fedorovich, 1825-1890) KRICHEVSKIY, Yevgeniy Samoylovich; FEDOROVICH, Leonid Grigorlyevich; FWISOT, Vladimir Pedorovich; TECSNER, V.N., kand. fiz.-mt. nauk. reteenzent; KRUGXR, M.Ta., inzh., retsenzent; SHOSHIN, I.A., Inzh., ratsenzent; S(IBCLJW,,,S.I., inzh., retsenzent; BULIS, Y.N., kand. tekhn. nauki red.; BOGONOLOVA, M.P.. red. izd-va; PU LIKOVA, N.A., tekhn. red. [Mectrical equipment in optical and mechanical instruments] Slektro- obonidovaide opt iko-makhaniche skIkh priborov. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo obor. prowahl., 1958. 467 P. (MIRA 11:7) (Ilectronic apparatus and appliances) (11lectric apparatus and appliances) LYAKFOVICH, V.V.; ZOLOTAREV, B@P@; iZODIOINOV, D@A.; SOLOLEV, S.F., Accessoz-f minerals in granitoids of "he Gornyy Altai- Trudy Inst.min., geokbim.i kristalokhim.,red.elem. no.2:144-163 '59. (MIRA 15-4) (Altai Mountains--Trace elements) C@7/5740 =--a. inLtlt of r_.: l7cri-7-tio Errata In '-I- (cc;rlca: Tt". P- _vo 0 1@;d 2,2-0 copi." TrInt'31" on ac 0.1 1 1 ',, of scier-c- C' i I S. '2.Lr=cv; L*YL! P. S. fzX ',-Q' bc on for-?.tion.. C'@@lc::7j' articloc _-@ajtz of rz= CG7: 7] j3 !.S a collcctlo7l O:C ez@ - 'ri- - I , 'ist 1r, Y @Ut4ou C.MCL cb=-c "3 Ics 0 ai "ri" - @J- ='! ccnt@ I acZ"3 Gua-atitpl... t:!f2c;c c.r-, in vhich tc@4 r=a thn -,@rcj:a ti-,-,- ccxl 1/6 (Cant.) in anar C:l IV@ Or wit@L of t"Z! !"0 y2rsanaUtics are r-;-'ntior-z;d. Z=ch =ticl-- cl-17.-,, C" in t:-z Dilltr!7LItir, 0@ --"Q 'a, A. A. D@=Oaita of t1o of Altay --i= - Ilubidt'= in @:iz@ralz on th@2 cl, L-, , - of t*-a C- :-.a off Selenliza =1 24 in tl@-- Ore D2@@OojLt5 OZ Pa:!-"I*J,- V. 11. Ca tbn ccn',ant of in 1@.alybdanitca of the ,-cr cjrd 2/6 sw/5740 j;y (con".) in rl cra 0, Its r-cu3! ltn i'Z CC G-p atr-ct r nad Zircc='=y 02 ti, A. G. 03 t-' ? in t*;_i 1. in tho on Brith-Aito 0. 'V. B71--a. -,ocim 01, 6 33 51 71', 85 50 c': 110 c- 14,43 Conton-, TO, 1 0 . = :Ito 3@5 YOM "S to _ 1,16 31 ra in llanL raloZy (Cont.) ZI::f:o-ra, A. Z. On the -,rolblem of C=ctic Ty-,:o of rz:-pon-lits 174 T1!7Lsm-2n'=, 1. 2.,and R. P. Contact rcclz-3 of tho ."=a:Lf, Th-cir alml +!,:) Peculicritien of rl:3tri- but:@on in T:ic= of Fware =ralizatlon 3.65 Volochl-ro-rich., K. L. On tlm,, Rm-cUou of tho Structural FoGition all tha CorncaltwplUy Raru, 1'2tv.1 Pzv-riuco =X:3 Oll C'@".7-3 A.-tD :MMUMS S. I. Rational 7'--tl::)d of qu=titctivia rater-1--ation of Disceminated Der-jIllum in Greiccn Ores 209 Rcdimcv, D, A., S, IF, Solbolev, B, 2, Zolotarev, and Ye. V. 'Vlaocnra. On Acci(kntal 1:1----raJo[;ica3. AnzO4uis of Ore s an. d Concentrates 214 C ard 516 SOBOLEV, S.F. Methods for the separation of accessory minerals from melanocratic igneous rocks. Trudy I14GRE no.18:159-164 163. (MIRA 16:1-2) J nall' -"(1 LYAKHOVIIA!, V.V.., red. L@".abbro-tonalite coi!.Ijl:-.x of the Polar Urals; maleria On Lhe study of accessaiy minerals and rare ele-.ents -abbra-tonalitowyi kompleks Poliarnogo Urala; -,r,, Y:.ate- -Iam. izuc@eniia aktsessor-nykh mineralcv i rodkikh @.-Ieivlentov. '-@Oskva, Flauka, 1965. 161 p. l?,:-)) z k S 0 k n -1 nl@ Ia 7'1 1 -7 r..,7 t i tu t :Ti Lne ra og ll K ..A K e -e me 11 t,;v USSR/MlEcellancous--machine construction Cara 1/1 Authors Sololev, S. I.; and Petukhov, N. E., engineers Title : Electrical rivet welding Periodical : Vest. mash. 34/3, 66-69, mar/1954 Abstrac-:- Electric-arc rivet welding under flux is being used more and more. The technology of rivet welding Is expounded and the quality of the seems made In this manner are considered when low-alloy sheet steel 2-4 mm thick is used. In contrast to contact spot welding there is no limit to the dimensions of articles produced in this manner and it is possible to make box-like structures. The method is less costly. There are defects, such as failure of all the metal to fuse, but by proper techniques these can be eliminated' Tables; drawings. Institution .......... Submitted ...... SKERSKIYY K.K.; SOBOIEV, S.K.; SHAPIRO, V.V. Simple convex-ter of voltage to pulse frequency. Priborostroenie no.11.26--28 R 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Electronic caloulat ' machines) iD4 K,VtNAUKHOV, V,V.; SOBOLFV, S..K., kand.',Iakhn.nauk@ GIJL'n',V, KOZ'TN, G.N.; KRTVCHFNKO',' Yu.S. Automation of the determination of the stopping moment of blowing in an oxygen-blown converte. Mf?+.-.i gornorild, 2: 26-28 K7-Ap @64. (@91RA 170) S. -K-. : Master Tech Sci (diss) --- "i-@esulftirization of cast Iron within the "blast iarmace b7l,- a sits-oension of lime and alumilymn -I-n !,ms". @Joscov, 19=@B. !-. m) (Min TTIgher 7-duc LISSF., Moscow Orler of !-,lbor Re(@ Banner inst o,-F* Steel im i. V. Stalin), 120 co-plos (-k'L, No 2, 1959, 1-92) AUTHORS: Scbole-@-, S. K., Oyka, G. N. SOV/-63--',;9-,2-9/46 TITLE: of Cat-+, ir,-@ "y Means cf Lime chi;.g%ma izvestlVa) PERIODICAL: Nau-,hrlyyi- dok'ady vysshey snl---Iy. yeta7l- -1r,8, N-: 2, J. 11p- 59-65 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Experiment-3 f3T thp des---if-ar4zatior. of oast of @.--me are desc::-ibRd. Lime was blown .-*,n ly m=ans -if a nitrogen current a3 carrier; the factors ca--s-*.-ig the cpt-'mum ;@rditicms in th 4 Spro-:ess are d`scussed. CasI- 4r.,-r- of :-,hem4ca, compositic-n was irv-estigated. Finely g-rou.-.d lim@- wae -used a5 desulfurization agent. The test results we--re achieved with lime of a g=arciiar size of 0,116 mm. The methnd of blLwing in pul- veri-lignt and aluminum wit-h carrier ga-= -1n.-to mc-.1ten .- W cast i--on is wel! 3U.Jtad frir At lime cctf-A.,14- r,f 1,5-3% and an alujmi-num oontent of 0,12"740 i-r 'he oaat iron t-h-e 1. - @: 7' t@ oonsumption of ri-.roger- is 1 lits-r. pe:- I kg @f a t --rc.... Th, desulfurizatior amounts tc, 70--9elo- When the ccntent in the ,-as-;.- iron, mixtur5 is inoxeased "he le-ar--l-fuzization degree. 'u-co. An increase cf the Jrn-tenslty :f (M-0--e increases Card 1/2 , than 1,2 11min. 1I 1-,g C;ast iron) doss nut. th-a dp-- Des'alfurization of Cast ll@rcm by Means of L-4.mia SOV/1 63 -'-Q-2-9/46 sulfurizat-Jon process. This way ca-st iron w--*,.h a cmtent cf 0,02--0,22% was obtained. There are 5 'figure82 3 tabla!., and 5 references, 2 of which aze Sovlet@ ASSOCIATION: Mo8kcrskiy institut stall-i (Moecow Stael SUBMITTED: Novemlca=. 20, 19571 Card 21/2 SOBOLEV, S.K.. insh.; XITDRIN, V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; OYKS, G.N.-I doktor tekhn.nauk; TWBIN, K.G., doktor tekhn.nauk, T rabote prinimali uchastiye; BLIZNYUKOV, S.A.; ROZHKOV, I.M.; MLLYSMU, V. S. Desulfuration of pig iron outside the blast furnace by lime with the addition of aluminum powder. Sbor.Inst.stali no-39:5-15 160. 04IRA 13 - 7) 1. Kafedra metallurgii stali Moskovskogo ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni instituta, stali im. I.V.Stalina. (Cast iron-l-Metallurd) (Desulfuration) FUME I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5556 Moscov. Institut stali. Novoye v teorii i praktike proizvodstva martenovskoy stali (Nev (Developments] in the Theory and Practice of Open-Hearth StecInaking) Moscow, Poetallurgizdat, 1961. 439 p. (Series- Trudy Yezhvuzovskogo nauchnogo soveshebaniya) 21150 copies printed, Sponsoring Agency: Ministerstvo vyashego i arednego spetsiallnogo obrazovaniya RSF3H. Hoakavskiy inBtitut stali imani I. V. Stalina. Eds.: M. A. Glinkov, Professoll, Doctor of Technical Sciences, V. V. KOndakM, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, V. A. Xudrin, Decent, Candidate of Technical Sciences, G. N. Oyks, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, and V. 1. Yavoyakiy, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Ed.: Ye. A. Borko; Ed. of Publishing House- N. D. Growv; Tech. Ed.% A. 1. Karasev. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for members of scientific institutions, faculty members of schools of higher education, engineers concerned with matallureicsl processes and physical chemistry, and students specializing in these fields. C ard 1/14 flew (Developments3 in the Theory (Cont.) SOV/5556 and M.I. Beylin ov (Night School of the Dneprodzerzhinsk 15--tallurgical Institute). References follow some of the articles. There are 268 references, mostly Soviet. TABLE OF CON-IMS, Foreword avoycldyj V, 1, (Hookovaidy institut stali - ffoc-=.r Steel Institute]* Y Principal Trends In the Development of Scientific Research in Steel Vw"afacturing T Filippov, S. 1. (Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Moscow Steel Institute]. Regularity Patterns of the Kinetics of Carbon Oxidation in Metals With Low Carbcn Content (V. I. Antonenko participated in the experimental Levin, S, L, (Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Dnepropetrovskly meta.1lurgichaskly institut Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute]. Card 5!14 KARNAIJKROV, V.V.; SOBOLEV, O.K. ContrGiling the carbon content in the oxygen-bic-,nn con-t-r--: frocess. Stall 24 no.7,597-1590, Jl 1614. (@jj R_L@ 18 : I ) K @,, I i 11 " i@ @ @ 1, V 11 ; ( ) , !@ 1V.C, 1 ; , 11 , @ , 'N @ .. , 1, @ Soq;ll , ) k @.rle ve cn-ver-,qr. I I '7.e ab.0 @ev lc-@ f c r measurl, rig the hei -or.' c . , @ ;- k "TI -, j @ P-ribor-Dc..',rcienie no.9-,31-"@ 3 'b4. 1 i T RA 3 7- 1 - SP-RDYUK, S.M.; KOROBKO, M.I., kand. teklm. nat&,, @94q@jV, S.K., kand. tek-hn, nauk,-, SM&ANCHINKO, L.K. Control of heat conditions in converter smelt-ing. Av-t. i prib. no.40-5 C--D '264 WRA 18.-2) OL, ro ::,Lir lri-o! c- av 2-r12 ZZELITISER, I.G.- KAlrfENVJ, Yu.S.; SOBOU@V. S.K.; Fl--NAUrd'OV, N.A. Temperature measurement 'In a converter bath. Metallurg 10 no.6:22-23 Je 1691. (MIRA 18;C'))' 1. Zavod im. !ll-Jcha i Kiyevskiy instultut avtomritiki. a c@ a s . -ma a C-i t,az v orii uraVaeniZ s i-l'o c@&w- -105 ZVO:-it-X) f bar, 16@,- 7 so: 4.1'ematics in the USSR, ic:i o,fdtecl b-,- U. .0 S COW-LO Gb ocl,--c f.,rccl -,o @,a t e o r I SG: U-@-'SR, edited b-j- "ll-rosh, -'@'o (193: tics li. the u "R. 1'-'1?--1")47 A ediilod b-- G., 1-@arkaishCV4 oil, v4ashevukiv, F. K. rccw-IL--:-dn--@ 1-48 C-1) cll,--sldl 'i -,al:i, -j I- I porci:len: :-I tc?! @- SID - , 37' (1931) lC"t- -147 - ti Cq tl.e USD-H, lc"1:7-19417 ed-ited b-@, KluvoSh, A. u. , 113scoi-r-Le:@-J-:Crad, 1948 SOBOLEV, S.L. Poleve kulltury Dallnec-0 Vostolm i tel-;i-:*,.ka ikh vozdelyvaniia. A @ Khabarovsk, Dallgiz, 1932. 17;1-. DLC- Uncl.-.Zs SO: LC, Soviet Geography, Part 1, 1951, Uncl. 0 cp, or ul 1: ill-c io If a. edited b-, ',-Lirosih, A. G., 1--48 J-,--', -'. J , @ . - . Stu- les vi-Orn !,I:, -?t C! co,.,,che A co@;ditio,@s i::itIaes ar'bi f--,-aire-- Sb. , Y'-O (2- SO: 17,1the;11"Itics in the IK:)SR, edited b:,- A. G., :arkushovich, A. I., aashevski,-, P. K. .4-)sco-,T-Leuj-n,--rad, 10,Wi a -;Lu-f, c,: lo--al-ith,dque de H-; Ql-.1. 49-51. G. R. Acad. ici., 1,@6 (2933), S': I@atli-,,.atios in t"ne UJSla, 1917-1047 1 -1 edited b Kurosh, A. G., '@arkushevlch, A. I., P-ashevsski.-, P. Sur i:,:. cl,? la diif C. Acad - 'ci - 1 "@-105- SO: i:at@iematuics L-- t -c U33R, edi'Llod by RLU-o:51h, A. G., A. I.,