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S/179/60/00041,/006/027 C9 6 .'2 E031/E135 AUTHOR: Snoeov@ A.I. (Saransk) TITLEx The Calculation of Heat Transfer in the Plane Problem of a Gaseous Lubricant\@ PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskilkh nauk, Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 1960,No L@,, Pp 35-40 TEXT: The case of the plane motion of a viscous gas between two rotating coaxia vlinders has been considered by Stepanyants (Ref 1) and Grodzov _!__y_CR_e_f__2). In this paper the cylinders are assumed to be not coaxial, and the gap between them is small. The motion is established, and the temperature is not assumed to be high. Non-dimensional variables are introduced. The temperature on the inner cylinder is assumed constant, On the outer cylinder, (bearing), the distance from the centre of the inner cylinder r is expressed as r = r-i + e cos y , where rl is the radius of the outer cylinder and cp is the azimuthal angle. The equations have a singularity when e = rl - ro (ro is the radius of the inner cylinder), and this is removed by a change of variables. Caid 1/2 3 * "-"@ -7: C V , @ . I . I lar:d. Sc .-I . - I -L. ("lo!7) "Pl-,.@eTasl, of !.! F. -. - . ,..@ - : I I I * @-; @ = T -.- -' - - @ 4 - - !I z - - , - ; -, - 7,'l , -@a- - @- - -1 ( --- ar n - -- -.- -!'7,'-- (KL Clu;)-,--., -,@ @- z I -- -I --/ - % I . .1) -1 . I. v - on -70n ) -- , 1111eat trans-f-'r effect:7 in a 7ns-bearingll 7 r "e-ort -recimted at the 2nd All-Union Cong ess on Theoretical -and Applied !,fechanics, Mloscov, 29 Jan - 5 'clb '04. L ocioal-67 Elv"T(d)/EWP(c)/EWP(V)/EWP(k)/EWP(l) IJP(c) ACC NR; a-012157 5OURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/007/0073/0073 AI)MIORS: Shalikhov Volkov, Y . S.; Medov, B. N. F.; L@ttslko,_ S. F@; Snopov, G. ORG: none TITII-,i MhGnotio flaw detector. Clans 42, No. 180391 .SOURGL: Izobreteniya, promyshlonn:yye obraztsy, tovarnyyo znaki, no. 7, 1966, 73 TOPIC TAGS: flaw detection.. magnetic amplifier, magnetic method ABSTRAGT: This Author Certificate presents n magnetic flaw detector containing a power transformer, electromignets, a capacitor, and rectifiers through which pulsed dischnrge of the capacitor is produced, and an automatic circuit con- trolling the rectifier triggorinj;. Iongitudinal magnetization in the automatic circuit is produced by electromagnets, and circular magnetization-by the gating of tho pulsed current. To check parts of any size or form with subsequent total domnagnatization, the controlled rectifiers are in the form of opposing controlled semiconductor diodes and are connected in the transformer privary and secondary circuits. The control electrodes of the ;rimi7 diodes are connected too the Card 1/2 UDGs. 6-20.179.141-11 OL!k V L ogool-67 ACC Nil: AP6012157 capacitor discharge circuit. The cont-rol electrodes of the secondary diodes are connoctod to tho automatic circuit. To establish the required strength of the magnotization current and the.reversing frequency of the demagnetization current, thp automatic circuit contains magnetic amplifiers whose outputs are connected to the control electrodes of the transformer secondai7t and the in;xt windings-with a potentiometer. SUB COLEt 09/ SUBM DATEI 31DO064 Carj 2/2 net ACC N& EWT(1)/EwP(m)A'1'T(m)JT W W SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Snop, ovo A'. I; (Rostov-na-Donup Kbabarovsk); Cbeykin, V. A. (Mostoy-ni!Au, TITLE*. Contribution to the bydroctmanic theory of the gas gpherical ball bearing SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya- Mekhanika zhidkosti I gaza, no- 3, 1966, 132-134 TOPIC TAGS: gas lubricated bearing, ball bearing, bydrodynamic bearing ABSTRACT; This is a continuation of earlier work by the authors (Materialy XVI nauch noy studencheakay konferentaiij Izd. Rofftovskogo un-ta, 1963, IPP 40-44; Izv- AN SSSRp. OTNI Mekhanika i machinostrayeniye, 1959, no. 6, W. 14-20) dealing with gas- lubricated spherical ball bearing .11 A solution is obtained for stationary Is rzal motion of viscous gas between a stationary sphere and an eccentric ball contained Irl. it and rotating at constant angular velocity. The authors improve the convergence cW the previously derived series expansion obtained for the pressures by a method of separating the singularities. Certain conclusions are dravn from the results re- garding the load on the bearing and the relative directions of the torque, rotation'-@! axisp the line joining the centers of the spheres, and the load vector in the case of low and high bearing speeds. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 9 foraulas. suB com -7-0X_jY Sum DATE: 14A=651 oRIG Ra: oo2/ OTH REF: 001 card .1/1 hs ACCESSION NR; AR4039242 S/02,69/64/000/004/0073/0073 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Astronomiya, Abs. 4.51.491 AUTHOR: Kovalovskiy, A. F.; Reznikov, I* V,-, @no I N,.G.; Osharov. A.; Zhuravlov, V. K. TITLE: Certain data on the distribution of chemical elements in the soils and plants of the area of falling of the Tunguska meteorite CITED SOURCE: -.-:. Tomskogo otd. Geogr. o-om SSSR, Betatron. labor. Tomskogo med. in-ta, v. 5, 1963. 125-a33- TOPIC TAGS: mG+aox-ita, Tunguska meteorite, astronomy, geochermlcal anomaly, geobotany TRAINSLATI(Xil- Me spectral analysis r.Gthod was used to determine the concen- tration of a number of elements in order to determine geochemical anomalies in@the distribution of certain chemical elements in the soils and vegetation at the sita of fallLng of the Tunguska mateorite which could be associated wiih Card 1/2 L 1958o-6-1/ EV1P(q.)/E'NT(m)/EWP(B)/BDS A_FFTC/A,SD/ESD-3_. JD/VIH/MLK(a) ACCESSION NRi AP3007622 S/9286/63/000/011/0021/0021 AUTHOR: -Pozdny#kov, P. G.; Rakhmaninov, S. V.; sa" -OV Y U S TITLE: Quartz oscillator, Class 21, No. 154880 SOURCE: Byul. izobret. i tovarn. znakovj no. 11, 1963, 21 TOPIC TAGS: quartz oscillator, oscillator, piezoelectric crystal, piezoelectric crystal oscillator, crystal oscillator ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a quartz oscillator with all of its @lements contained inside an evacuated glass envelone (see Fig. 1 of Enclosur.q). To simplify design and re- duce overall dimensions, the printed-circuit portions of the oscil-@ lator were &-posited directly on the surface of the piezoelectric crys- t 1 on sectors of low piezoelectric charge density and 1 a ow elastic i; deformation. Orig. art., has: I figure. ASSOCIATION: none .Card 1/ 3 ACCESSION NR: AP3007622. SUBMITTED: 12Nov6O DATE ACQi 160et63 ENCLi 01. SUB CODE: 'GE, SD NO REP SOV: .000 OTHERI 000 q Card .-5:r 1- 19580-63 ACCESSIM NR, AP3007622 ENCLOSURE: 01 Fig. 1. Quartz oscillator with printed circuitry 1 - Piezoelectric crystal; 2 - resistors; 3 electrodas. .Card 3/3 0 0 4 W W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 C'q * * 0 a a a 0 a 1 1 s ) i y s - - !- - - 14 1) 1 q It U P It n 14 Z? 3 .1 . 1; 11 1. Z m 11 W 1, 4; . 1 %0 10 CC W it F 9 R I T It L It -A J. a I. . , 0 0 Reduction of itmanice in the gaseous ph"@. V. S SumWoUSKIi. K V. SNOINIVA A Am, N. 1. R,@Txov. Alim"al. Smor'r 6, 5=11-7(1031 l.-- A method is 8 tiction "f Fe.00 in oxidized ilmenite (DRielterap or titanottiAlpictite with if at hixh 111 I With f Fe f om TO th l t h A n m d i h f To t o A r -wp r e o e usc n t tr it e. 1" ,. e prrim o to 00 @o ZAP 41 fa 0 '00 0 :0 0 KA1 LlTfsat@#V CL&WFKATIC@ lT&-' A a I L A 4 I O W I All t 5 Od 0 W 7 it Vast tv 1, 1, 3p it of it x q P( it it m 0 0 4 0 St o 0 0 0 0 0 0 lit, Irk 41 a- 4- i- -S- P V S 21 111 a It v 33 It 32 13 Jd J$ At V 16 AN 4 At U I I I a I A I I I ill It u u 14 u &A U to 11 Is -)i 1 A I T I v I v I M ja OR Fit i A U 410 -00 -It, -so A Reduction of Umnite and titanium dioxide at modmte temperatures In a current of hydrogen and cazbou mon oxide. H.A N. 1. Hollitly. SMW. Met. 19M, N'6- CAwm. Zrovir. 1937, 11. 2972.-Re- -so thiction Aid TiO, Willi It, or CO in the tenip. rjunte 701 "action increases With increasinig tt,rup ; tile retitivii-ni .'h@ i1v 1"21 .3 fils'e, '@ ine.1 "ll"ll 11, 1- lt@d 4% Willi Cl) ItIllilt It, it I IM' 'Nmvef@k'n Into I-i't). 4. ..G. I"Itird wiIIIIII2 tits. III tile I%Nltlctk,tl of Ali din.olli, -ul%. Il'olatilt &$tit 1.24% rudle lilt 11, al 71%'1" vvUf 44". it list, l"v.4h Ctsittrill IA44 ("IlIC"I 11) 111061111V V IJ.," lit%. j .41 100' All the Pell). *01 trqlti,,Iql wilbill I Ill. Wilvil Ci I so 'A.I. tile redut-l"A Ito lit, Ill,: of the Ite't), "M4 titint-i'll Ill 1:30411 I lit. at Wkl' alid ov, T Qle; lit ,, It". M !Air, .1"i a W"@ j its 5 Im . at IIIIX), pt-Actle-Ally ..4 1,- X in-1 i.3 li,%- WWI,- With It.. c@etl at 1140'. r"Itiction of the TiOs in UnicnitcoLvars, with CO r"fuction V4 fir,t takes place at I IOU*. In the mfuctipn A ilmenite with CO a wpn. of C tAkes ptacc. which is girrater the lvv@@ 00 1 ' . 2 0: the imp. and the longer the per"I ofreductiou. brpcKi- I so iii)no(C i3icnin the teductiono(TiOs. Thereductiuncif titattomagnetite with CO takes pla" move rapidly than 400 thatolilmenitc. At.-O)'about50%oftheFeuxidewas zoo tvduced to metal in 4 lim; quithijilicrmsing t,,nip. and pe- ri,.Iof reduction M..G.M. 11111111141111 MIALLIjiftICAL Ulen AlUnt CLASSIFKATION L -.- Imiti.q. ow- to a 14144. 41II&JILIN 1 a A I I A 'i-d'al d-9 Ill ir T n I ill at 9 All a 3 0 F U 11 AV on M 1W Sa It at ar It 4 o 0 0 40 ig 0 :is 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 Is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 st 0 0 0 0 0 v]) MID MY amaji VAIN as le A a is I a L A, -1veastmaggat a# Kuala dammanapeam Isamed as GW ro- *W" d Im an wm some" ovate at raa&r- A alms N. 1. Rotkov. -00 ijud Mi NO. Rawk.-losidi iirjr@ RIxtvd. 1 -00 1= mi.. S...Y. to". No- l. 2"'w: xhims, R111T.I. Zkow. A. No. Ii-1:1. rise fawly dividird ogw(aAm")WmlvduL*WdatLo~-14$X)*. ANCRIM40% of dw Fe oaWn were chavird Into vPrw9Y metmilie Ff. WhikTi~dV"mmi"diatbofflmolozklr4. At'"111PICIr -00 .,,Joe ismi of The Fe Oak** birtween 4 (mi slut 1100. in INA 00 lu" of jise Apotegis ire, 1 81mmst 1114111, Juts- Sibisr. Tba mom Than 0.01 % .1 S. and go dum a antak list Qattill. 00t a dm4 w1kh cogjain WmOK &U the 71 and 18 contained 00 0i in test on. ft fa&&Wg be 96g at about 9wo for 3-4 0 4p isrs.,byeddinSlOpetrub wt.o(maltandthessameatnt. =00 .1 so&, &W by kamcbing & 'with waster, 8579 of the Is' is 00 dimmolved &W the TS -Idt. Whebstsessled. V is then obtained from, the MAR. is the (90-37P . and the re - m4inder pptd. with masse in the kwm of Ca -OadAtr. After the extu. of V the residue is treated 1" 4 Ism at 2W' W. R. Ifenn 0 0; Irit Is IWW). to obtain TKV -00 so f S L 1 TAL i LPGK At , jo pip 3 11111040 It'll @P.C Tw.-.i@_ T. _V- a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 40-0 0 6 0 0 0 4 0 0-0 4 0 0 0 *00 0 0 000 0 * 0,00 00 0 so 0 SO Wo 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 00 o: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 6 03 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 " a C. a 'l 00 40 g so a 00 00 90 00 00 00 00 00 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 a 4 0 WIt 0 0 41 f. W W v V, 'mr ;_ 'j" 0 Fe - -Or 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 070 0 off 0 0 0 0 4 'q * 0 v 0 C O 1, 1$ '4 it a, tv n m 25 it is if '0 x v 1: if m is m it U to c .1 41 C 0 r R I 1 0 Y -I - I AS 96 PP 11 S A, a o .IIOt A W, -40 Llemical michment of Saranov chrotalts. V, V. -00 Trudy Cral. Inst. 6e,,.'. -00 R12srvd- i fliled. Min. S@Wm 1038, No- :1. 312 A; Khios: RfffFdt. Zkmr. 1, No. H -I., WW:L-4). -The ores are -00 treated with acid wW thcu reduced with it, buth at -0 0 AX)- I(XX)*. Tbir product jo leached with 5-85,; IICI ailn. at COW, IQ (Pbll)@*. Of 12.1-1.50% of the anit. of f(CI nmt,'.- -00 %ary to ditsulve caWk-ttly the nictallic Fe in the reduced -0 0 product, T brjobagir Fe gtws into oln.. anti froin the - chromitc (Mati'. at av. of:17"r. of Cr,01 anti Wo -if Fvm 00 a concentrate is obtained "Itild. 47% of Cr,O, anti 41 111t7j, '00 of Fto. The yield of tht- conctntratt: is ahtnit 35@@ with ! a lss5@ of about I of Cr,O,. W. R. 11,nn zoo zo 9 00 ro 0 a** coo zoo jo 0 to 0 A%. ILA AFTALLUVr"LIL LlfrNITW CLASI(FiCAMN F. S too FA 0 0 L S 4 -Ad It cc JmL3 n t v. 9 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 * 0 a 4 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 6 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 D069000*000460099009 0 0000000600 000000000* SOV/1 37-57- 10-205Z-1 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 10, p 305 (USSR) AUTHORS: Snopova, Ye. V. , Levitskaya, A. V. TITLE: On the Decomposition of Lead Concentrates by Acids (K voprosu o raziagayemosti svintsovykh kontsentratov kislotami) PERIODICAL: AN KazSSSR, ser. gorn. dela, metallurgii, str-va i stroymaterialov, 1957, Nr 1, pp 86-91 ABSTRACT: Methods for the decomposition of Pb concentrates were inves- tigated in relation to the fact that in a number of cases reproduc- ible results in the determination of Pb could not be obtained and that the discrepancies in the analysis attained 3 - 5Vo (abs. )_ Six types of concentrates similar in mineralogical composition taken from 11 types of ores and one specimen of Pb slag were investigated. All 12 specimens were decomposed under identical conditions, Pb was determined in the filtrate by the bichromate method and in the insoluble residue by the spectroscopic method. Methods for decomposition in three different acid mixtures, namely, 1) HC 1, HN031 @2SO4, 2) HC I, HN03, and 3) HC I, Card I/z were investigated. Exp eriments on the decomposition were On the Decomposition of Lead Concentrates by Acids SOV/137-57- 10-20524 conducted for periods of 0. 5, 1, 2, and 3 hours, It is established that, with the exception of four specimens, in all the cases the concentrates were decomposed within 30 min and the Pb content of the insoluble residue was < 0. 10/6, the Pb content of the concentrate being v50$6. The Pb content of the insoluble residue has no relation to the amount of the latter, which was 11 - 309@o of the weight of the test sample. The authors draw the conclusion that the discrepancies in the analyses have no relation to the methocis of the decomposition of the test samples. Z. G. Card 2/2 LEVITSKAYA, A.V.; SNOPOVA, Ye.T. Rapid method of determining silicic acid in a complete analysis of nonferrous metal ores. Izv.AII Kazakh.SSR.Ser.gor.dela, met., stroi.i stroimat. no.1:92-96 '57.- (MLRA 10:5) tale) woo SNORE, E. The glory of the work. P. 22. (PADONJU LATVIJA3 KOLCHOZENIEKS) (Riga, Latv_ia) Vol. 9, No. 12, Dec. 1957 SO: Monthly Index of East European Accession 4EEAI) LC Vol. 7, No. 5, 1958 SNORE, E. 60th birthday of Academician Harri Moora. Vestis Latv ak no.4: 197-201 l6o. (EW 10:7) (Moora,Harri) (Scientists,Estonian) SNIORLY E., I., rod.; SI'OiijlNl--',, V., Loldill.1.0d. (Bauska; guidebook for Bauska and its environs] Bauska; turisma celvedis po Bausku un tas a kll-rtni. IX" @._, L t ijas Valsts izdevnieciba, 1961. 130 p. fI_n Latvi (MULA 15:2) (Bauska District-Guidebooks) SMRECHANSKIY, V.[.gnrecansky, V.1; SHISITKA, K [Siska, K.];-SHWOVITS, I. rsimkovic.- Ij LSHNORER M.[S.norer, M J; GUM, M.[Hubka, M.] Scme problems of perfusion in artificial circulation Khirurgiia M-4:85-92 162. (MIRA 15:.6) 1. Iz 2-y khirurgicheskoy kliniki meditsinskogo fakul'teta uni- -mrsiteta imeni Komenskogo i otdeleniya eksperimentallnoy khirurgii Instituta eksperimental'noy meditsiny Slovatskoy akRdemii muk (zav. - aknd. K. Shishka), Bratislava. (13LOOD--CIRCULATIOIT, ARTIFICIAL) RHISHKAY K.[Siska,, K.1; SHMOVITS I 1.[Simkovic, I.]- GUBKA, M.[Hubka, M.1; SMRE('HANSKIY,, V.[Sm--ecansky, V.1; SMO-RER M.tSnorer,M.] SurV@ry rar mitral stenosis using, artificial circulation. KhirurgilR no.4 7-6 '62. (MIRA .15:6) 1. Iz 2-y khirurgicheskoy klinik-i meditsinskogo fakullteta Universiteta imeni Komenskogo i otdeleniya eksperimentallnoy khirurgii Instituta eksperimentallnoy meditsiny Slovatskay akademii nauk (zav. - akad. K. ShishkA), Bratislava. (MITRAL VALVE-SURGERY) (BLOOD-CIRCULATIO11, ARTIFICIAL) SHISHKA, K. (Siska, Kj; SHIMOVITS, I. [Simkovic, I.); GUBKA, M. (flubka,M]; SMRECHANSKIY, V. (Smrecansky, V.]; SHNORER, M. (snorer, K.) Surgery using an apparatus for extracorporeal. circulation. Khirurgiia no.9:18-22 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Iz 2-y kh1rurgicheakoy kliniki meditolnokogo fakulltota UnIvermi- teta imeni Komenskogo v Bratislave i otdeleniya eksperimentallnoy khirurgii (zav. - akad. K.Shishka) Instituta eksperimentalinoy meditsiny Slovatskoy akademii nauk. (PERFUSION PUMP (HEART)) SNOVEDSKIY, M.Ye. Improving the rock cutters for rotary drilling of boreholes. Ugol' 37 no.102-34 Ja 162. (KRA 15:2) 1. Spetsial"noye, konstruktorskoye byuro Krasnoluchakogo mashinostroitellno zavoda. FRock drills) 1AXESSION NR: AP4028967 S/0057/64/034/W4/0759/0761 "AUTHOR: Kagan,- A.S. ; Snovidov, V.M. ,TITLE: Analysis of the shape of an x-ray diffraction line by the method of moment*: @;SOURCH: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v.34, no.4. 1964, 759-761 !TOPIC TAGS: x-ray diffraction line, x-ray diffraction doublet, x-ray line shape aro.' ;1ysis, doublet line shape analysis @ABSTRACT: The analysis of an incompletely'res6lved doublet by the method of moments !is discussed. The two components of the doublet are assumed to have the same ahape and to be symmetric (odd central moments vanish). The central moments of the instru- i mental broadening function are assumed to be known, but an unknown instrumental- shift may be present. The unknown doublet separation, relative intensities, instru-; ,mental shift, and the even moments of the true line shape can be obtai.ned by solv- ing a sufficient number of the algebraic equations that relate these quantities to the known central moments of the instrumental broadening function and the succes- sive moments of the observed intensity distribution. The first of these equations is derived in detail and the next two are given.. ffbatracter's note% It Is not dif- :CenA/2 ACCESSION MR' AP4028967 ificult to write the nth of these equations, but the simultaneous solution of the first several for the separation, shift, and intensities could be troublesome. This When the separation and relative intensities are know , the is not discussedl. analysis may be completed by the usual Fourier method. Alternativelyg one may cal- i culate a sufficient number of the noments of the true line shape and express this shape in terms of Hermite polynomials. 12 formulase iASSOCIATION: none ISUBMI 3QAug63 DATE ACQ: 28Apr64 RNCL: 00 SUB CCDZ- PH NR REP BOV: 000 1 901 2/2 Cord -W- L 58996-65 EWT(1)/T/EEC(b)-2 Pi-4 IJP(c) @ :ACCESSION NR: APS017295 UR/0181/65/007/007/2036/2038 AUTHOR: Kagan, A. S.; Snovidov, V. M TITLE: Using the lattice constant tofind the Ais@ribution functlon of a material MURCE. Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 7,- o. 7 1965, 2036-2038 !TOPIC TAGS: crystallography, castal lattice constant, distribution function 'ABSTRACT: A series of factors which determine local variations in the crystal lat- itice constant are considered. Such factorsoinclude@the heterogeneity of the alloy, Iduring crystallization, diffusion during the initial stages of aging, and the PM- sence of microvoltages with one prevailing sign. The presence of'regions in a Icrystal with different lattice constants should lead to a change in the form of di ,fraction lines. In the absence of diffusion due to microvoltages and fine disper- ision, when the narrow curve of instrumental widening is negle@cted,,the diffraction, 'k' line reflects directly the distribution function of the material over thi lattice period. When these factors are present the form'of the diffraction curve is.given 1by the following expression: 1/2 k .SNOV-SIUY L A!pl------ The KE-250-I twisting machin for acetate rayon. Biul. tekh.-ekon. inform. no. 2;52-53 161. (14I-L! 14:2) (Textile machinery) SOKOLOVY V.A. Automation of the production processes in distilleries. Spirt. prom. 29 no.6:18-20 163. (KRA 16:10) 1. Odesskiy PKIPishcheprom. (Distilleries) (Automation) MARKOV, Feliks Petrov.-I'ch, aspirant; SOKOLOV Vadim Azrailovich, assistent; 'IYACRX, Lav Lyovich, @nzh, --- @ , Analys@s of the equation of an inductive parametron using an analog , . r. Izv.,.rys.ii--heb.zav.;elektrcrel&.. 7 no.l:!-'-2 164. mr,nut, C iHIRA, L, 1. Moskovskty energetichaskly instibit (for Zharkov, Sokolov). SNOWACKA, Alicja Determination of epoxy-group content- in epoxy resins by infrared spectrophotometry. Cbem anal 4 no.5/6;959-969 159. (MAI 9:9) 1. Zaklad Fizyki Technicznej Instytutu Chemii. Ogolnej, Warszawa. Kierownik Zakladu: doe. J.Swietoslawska. (Spectrophotometry) (Epoxy groups) (Epoxy resins) (Spectrum, Infrared) SNOWACKA-WOKROJ, Alicja, mgr; BIERNACKA Tere3a, mgr 11.,io of' Infrarod nbqorption methoo to determine the content of methyl and phenyl groups in s1loxane r(ininn. Chern anal 9 no.2.: 303-314 164. I @. Department of Technical Physics, Institute of General Chemistry, Warsaw. jN(YEE, Ya. L. USSR/Pbysics - Nonlinear Systems ' 59T(,(. 21 Apr 53 "Self-Excited Cscillations in Essentially Nonlinear Quasi-Conzervative Systems," G. V. Savinov, @,@oscow State U DAN SSSR, Vol .49, No 6, PP 995-997 States that the study of self-excited processes in autononous strongly nonlinear systems containing such elements as condensers with barium titanate dielectric (G.I. Skanavi, aektrichestvo, No 7, 43 (1949)) or self-inductors with permalloy cores (Ya. L. Snoyek, Issledovaniya v Oblasti Novykh Ferromagnitnykh Materialov, Investigations in the Field of New Ferromagnetic Eaterials, 1949) leads to the equation xl'+G(x,xl)+g(x)=O. The form, amplitude, and frequency of self-excited oscillation of this eq are found by the Andronov-Khaykin method of small parameter (AL.V. Dragilev, Prik Vat i Mekh 16, No 1, 85 (1952)) or by the method of elliptic functions (V.I. Smirnov, Kurs Vysshey Eatematiki, Course of Hi her Mathematics, 3, 1951; V.V. Stepanov, Prik Vat i Flekh 14, 3 (1950)). Finally the stationary amplitude is obtained in the form of the ratio of two integrals with squared elliptic functions as integrands. Thans Prof K.F. Teodorchik. Presented by Acad MI.A. Leontovich 19 Feb 53. 259T96 SNIPI',, J.; TJ1'QC7Y,, q.; KALINNSFI, B. Preparatin of hgh per cent naphthalene by the method of continual diaphragraless condensation of vapors. PRUIESL CHI'MIGZlify. Warszawa. Vol. 11, no. 10, Oct. 1955 Source: East European Accessions List, (EEAL), Le, Vol. 5. no. 2, Feb. 1956 All of C-D rd -0 r a w @ana. Llor; -' 7-' i7 -:-;@'A- m-ibstifl-6- for '@!n sh -'-n i lo 0 i Fi0e !@rx-CM.7tro M;7 T, i '-si C' ar, 1" ' -Yhtri C at 4. "a' In SW. 1, iiv@ - d 1- lv thr t; h th h M d 4 i e.s e uce z C pro 1? -a g :TC connpmz-@ion strengthi ISV@d;jgja' -smsolmed.' c-onic@6aa- tion of PUAI with HCHO fil the' P_ .SenCe of jjCj'._;jtjj tI, ' A:L' wO uruLi 5 M: 11.0-3 and .441@ In. Ow kopordrui of, 1, ;.4 @wi-'-'-A .100 e Parts of, m with C-nillpre-mioll "'Itngtlas (if 2-1,1@28.0 kg-./sq-tr- 'till. mitita ; further 7. 'Mprovcd by adding to, thig UaLxC U57r, awou-c-. The to Pre:;sIoll Strength irlcreusc@q to abopt 38 k6./.s4.C3U. Im tar whi the win. 6f t. ch Thca divelops grainr,, of mnd.. Pat- SNUDIVA, L.D.; I.TMVEDEV, Ya.l.-, A.A. Efficient use of wond pitches In the preparation of the PS-1 binder fnr shell molds. Gidroliz. I lesokhim.prom. 11 no-7:6-9 158. (14IRt, 11:11) 1. TSentrallny-y nauchno-isslodovateltakiy inntitut tokhnologii i mashinostroyanlya (for Swilova, Mndvedev). 2. Syavakiy lRsnkhimichnqkiv kombinat (for Chevelnva). (PITC11) (BINDING RAMIALS) SKUPAnK @ J. Mechanism of extrarenal kidney syndrome. Lek.listy 5 no.10:273-279 15 MY '50. (CLKL 19:3) 1. Of the Second Internal Clinic, Kasaryk University, Brno. 'SNUP11R7,K) J" R6-mote results with penici-1lin therapy, recurrence and use of newer antiblotics in the therapy of subacute bacterial endocarditis, Lek.@ 5 listY 5:13A6 1 kug@ 50- p,, 464-7 1, Of the Second Internal Clinic, hasaryk University in Brno (Head- Prof, J'Lel. Poleak, !;@ D.). C1,11 1@q 5, Nov,, 1950 Pffi@SE I BOOK EKPLOITATION CZECH/52--02 Havileek, Vladim1r, Engineer, Milos' Osten, and Jarom@r S"nvupa"rek, Engineer. Prehled plasticky1ch hmot. 2., dopl. vyd. (Review of Plastic Materials, 2d ed.) Prague, SNTL, 1960. 424 P. 7,515 copies printed. Reviewers: Franti9ek LudvIk. Engineer, and Artur Stoy, Engineer, Docent; Resp. Ed.: VladimIr SpMil, Engineer; Managing Ed. for Literature on Chemistry; Chief Ed.: Adolf Balada.. Doctor. PURPOSE: This book is intended for technical personnel in industry and science dealing with plastics. COVERAGE: This handbook gives the most essential data on the properties and applications of plastics, as well as the methods of machining and working synthetic resins and plastics. The present 2nd edition of this work has been enlarged so as to include material on the most recent advances and bibliography in the field of plastics. The material has been somewhat rearranged. Under macromolecular materials are described the properties common to all plastics Car(i-l:/-16- 3/081/62/000/019/046/053 B101/Ble6 AUTHORS i tern@, Jaroolav, S@upArek,_Jaromir- TITLEt Process for manufacturin g laminated plastics which can be bent when heated PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. . Khimiya, no. ig, 1962, 565, abstract 19P394 (Czech. patent 97378, November 15, 1960) TEXT: A process is patented enabling these laminated plastics to be manu- factured from paper or fabric by using melamineformaldehyde re-sin modified with amino compounds (AC). To produce the resin, the molar ratio of the amino groups in total to formaldehyde is @11.33-. The modifying AC must be notably more soluble under the conditions of. the reaction than melamine (I)*. The result is a chemically stable product which can be molded when--heated. 126 parts of I and 120 parts of urea are added to 385 parts of 37% formal- @ehyde neutralized with NaOH. The mixture is condensed at 800C until the resin has become miscible with water in a ratio of 183 (by volume). Sulfite paper (P) is impregnated with the cooled resin. P to which phenol or cresol formaldehyde has been applied is used for the subsequent layers. Card 112 5/08 1 /62/000/022/074/088 B166/B144 AUTHORS: Cerny, jaroslav, Lesek,-Frantisek TITLi;: Method and device for the continuous production of foam plastics from thermosetting resins. PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal.. Xhimiya,no. 22, 1962, 540-541, abstract 22P398 (Czech. patent, 98512, Feb. 15s 1961) TEXT: The liquid components and the gas are continuously forced into the reaction vessel where the mixture passes through a system of perforated baffles (?B) with holes of gradually decreasing size, thus forming a foam. A propeller-type agitator is used to form vort *ices in the flow; this being necessary to mix up the components and prevent damage to the foam. During the time of passage through the reactor the condensation reaction sholuld reach a stage such that the emergent product is a liquid but stable foam. .The foam is poured into molds where polycondensation is completed and excess solvent drains off the product. Example. The following are 2 forced into a 1-litre reactor having 10 PB with 1 - 0-05 mm holes (2 cm hole area per PB)- (a) 1 1 air, 5 g 5@_ aqueous solution of dibutyl Card 1/2 S/061/62/000/022/074/088 Method and device for the continuous ... B166/B144 naphthalene sulfoacid, and 5 9 5% phosphoric acid into the cavity in front of the first PB; (b) 10 9 50% aqueous solufion of urea-formaldehyde resin into the cavity behind the ninth PB. The resulting foam has a density 0.03 kg/dm3, and after 46 hrs, when the water has drained off, the 3 - ;I final product has a density 0.006 kgldm iAbstracter's note: Complete translation.' Card 2/2 up k-,zm,--j i T-f I-TO czcc'hoSloval@@iu T.hird City T70_-I@it. 1.1 -- Brno-Niovi Liskovec (III. 1.16stskd rlellllocnlcEa -:;rno-Novi Lifs,!,.-ovec); Internal Kedicine ':,-ai:d (odd6leni' vnitl-nif); Director: J. 811UP@=, T.M Pr-,;ue-, Vnitlnl" lo'kal,stvl, No IX-2, 1963, -:,1) 144-148 Syndro@.ius Acoorii,:-myin@r :nt Hemo- bl,,--,toses. SNU.XCV I K.F. for checking code pulses in dispatcher controlled Interlocking. Av'tom,, telem, j sviazi 0, no.8:36-38 Ag 165. (MIRA 18-9) 1. Zamestitell nachallnika distantaii signalizatsii i sv-yazi Lanirgrad- skogo metropolitena. j;'S TICQv- &I@kpandr Petrovich; PIMOMOVA, G.W.. kandidat tekhnicheakikh n auk. etsensent; PZYSAKHOV, I.L., Imndidat bekhalcheakikh nauk, T retsenzent; KOPYTOV, S.A., in2hener, retsenzent; TAKE IK, K.K., redaktor; ARKWGIL'SKAYA, M.S., redaktor; VAYNSMYN, Te.B., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Hydrometallurgy of zinc] Gidrometallurgiia tainka. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i. tsvetnoi metallurgii, 1954. 255 P. [Microfilm] (MLRA, 8:2) (Zinc--Metallurgy) SNILR-NIKJV, A. P. SN*-@PNIKOV, A. P.: "On the problem of processing zinc concentrates with increased copper content". Alma-Ata, 1955. Acad Sci Kazakh 3"IR. Inst of Metallurgy and Ore Dressing. (DisserULtions for the 0 Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences) Knizhnaya letapis', No. 52, 2L December, 1955- Moscow. SNURNIKOV, A.P. Potentialities for Increasing the production of zinc during the sixth five-year plan. TSvet. met. 29 no-7:22-29 J1 '56. (MLRA 9:10) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-losladovatel'skiy Institut tavetrqkh metalln-. (Zinc-Electrometallurgr) I.@, i ..-- I I--Z -I I*I ,;-;@, -.1 i. ..- I AUTHOR: Snurnikov, A-,P. and Ponomarev, V.D. 136-4-5 23 TITLE: rolytic precipitation of copper in the process of leaching roasted zinc concentrates. (Gidroliju--icheskoe Osazh- denie medi v protsesse vyshchelachivaniya obozhzhennykh tsinkovykh) PEidODICAL: 'Ifsvetnye Metally" (Non-ferrous Metals) 195?, No.4, pp. 21 - 28 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRAOT: The aim of the work described was the study of hydrolytic precipitation of copper in the neutral leaching of roasted con- centurate and the deteimination of conditions enabling this proca- ss to be used for iemoving copper from solutions. The labora- tory investigations were carried out vrith chemically pure and commercial materials, the experimental results being checked on ~ larger scale. Experiments were carripd out in a beaker with ~ mechanical stirrer %hose rate of revolution was controlled by an a@totransformer, temperature being maintained constant within + 1 0. The precipitants tested included sodium hydroxide, Falcium. carbonate, calcium hydroxide, lime and zinc oxide, but only the last and ash was used in the main series of experiments. Card 1/3 Results presented graphically include: copper concentration in solution against time foi; theoretical and for 100,1,', excess zinc oxide consumption; percent piecipitation of copper against lVdrolytic precipitation of capper in the process of leaching roasted zinc concentrates. (Cont.) 136-4-5/23 temperature, against quantity of zinc oxide, size of * particles, stirrer rate of rotation, LFZ]?--n+c3/[CU2+j oxide and ash e zinc concentration in the solution; in some of the graphs pH values are included in the ordinate figures. Besides tabulation of the material shown graphically the table is presented showing the dependence of the pH of a solution of zinc sulphate on copper concentration. It was concluded that the hydrolytic precipitation of copper consists of two main stages: hydrolysis (very rapid) and prec- ipitation of copper (slow). The rate of the second stage is limited by the rate of neutralisation of the hydrolytic acid liberated during the first stage, and under unfavourable condi- tions the pH of the liquid becomes a function of copper con- centration in the solution, as observed in full scale install- ations. Under favourable conditions (excess of neutralising substance havin .r, a high reactivity and good contact with the solution) the precipitation of the copper proceeds at an appre- iable rate, and the final concentration of copper in the Card 2/3 solution is determined by the maximal pH value produced by the precipitant in the given liquid. In the process as a whole the rate controlling process is the neutralisation. Zinc ions Hydrolytic precititation of copper in the process of leaching roasted zinc concentrates. (Cont.) 136-4-5/23 slow down the precipitation of copper zhile strong bases accel- erate it. Zinc ash was found to give a sufficiently rapid rate of precipitation for xemoving copper from works solutions, the greatest rate being achieved using ash less than 0.15 mm in size. When bivalent copper and iron ions are present together the precipitation of each is accelerated, and copper precipitation is also accelerated by raising the temperature and intensifying sti6ring. With a threefold excess of ash and a temperature of 70 C copper can be piecipitated to a residual concentration of 0.2 - 0.3 S/litre in 30 min. For treating zinc concentrates Card 3/ 3with a high copper content a single-stage periodic scheme with leuching is recommended. There are 7 references, 5 of which are Slavic. There are 11 figures and 4 tables. AVAILABIL, : SO V-1. q 6- AUTHORS: Snurnikov, A.P., and Zeien@_,,111-aya@7 L.I. TITLE: Testing Filter-Thickener-s for Filtering Neu-.i----l Zinc- Cinder Leaching Slurries (Ispytaniyc; filtro@v- sgustiteley na filltratsi-1- iieyt.-,-al'n:y-1&- pullp ot vYshchelachivaniya tsinkovcgo PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye metailY7 19_5@)7 N. .5., pp 51@-1563 (USSR) ABSTRACT: At present neutral slurries at a!.-IL Soviet zinc works are allowed to settle in thi(7keners. The authors outline the drawbacks of these units (although th5ir performance 55 10) and the relative can be greatly improved, Refs 1, advantages of filtrat-1.ont. Filter thich:eners have been used abroad and, in rec-,ent yea--,--,, at IV-lie. Volkhovskiy alyuminiyevyy zavod (Volkhov Alumini-am Works). The authors describe their experiments wh-i(.,h showed that zinc slurry can b3 filts-red wi*tli ;apron@,, r-tioth. In laboratory experiments (F_Jg 1), a filter of caprone cloth over caprone mesh was used with a '--@Pre filtering area of 245 cm2 and coi)neoted ,.rit1:, a j*a(.--u7jm of 680-71+0 MM and compressed air at 0.1',@ atm gauge. Fig 2 shows the of f4 m3/hj_" I:. (,-,j-L--,ra 1) an.4 V-@e solid- rate _Lltrationi, I U k. content of the filtz-ate. -/iirre rolot-d ajai.nst duration Card 1/3 1 - t' - of filtration, se;conLls. The exparim,3nts 'nav-1--tig shown SOV/-, -,121 Testing Fil ter -Thickeners for Filter-i-mg Leaching Slurries th P su,.i t- a bi I J.", the ;;!ie vo-, Ok: wa s, nar ea s ed in sc@ale and ti@ansfa re.,31, tD "hi-3 U--I-IKami-.n(jo-,orsk_i.v svintsovotsinkovy-Or kow_rj_J.n@Lt L;@-,ad-Zinc 1@ m- filtering area Combine). Here a Ma'khanob7-desi-nndi I_ , filter-thickene-r (F-4g 3) was u_cz@_-d, with a su(ltion of 500-600 mm Ha oT a presstrfe of O.Ij-1@2 atm gauge. Samples of S_Lar*.,-@v for filtratioTi w-3re (FA-g, 5) after t'he ag-LtqtIoiE- and aft-e-_1 of @andsz. The :,use was m,/m2 hr with filtration rate -1 U 0.8 g/litre of sc;, Lid i-n t-h;@@ filt'i-ate and srj--' -id . pulp ratio of 0.5*1' * 1 in the th-,01kenad puip'. This DO , I 'it floor space corres lids to -a treatnE,-nt -_-at.-_i pav imi about 46 t. -LmeS tiiat witili Disadvantages of filtration -include filt-er-,;I@_-th _,ons,_MtptiOn and high maintenan@-e labourraauij-ement@@. The ;AU'UD)X'3 mention that final conclus.-,011S orl filt.'I'ation will ba uossible 1, Card 2/3 after tests w@_th '+.3-m filte:,-- (80 ffl,@- filters SOV-_13 6-5@9- 5- --11/21 Testing Filter-Thickeners for FE'e-r-ri.- Neut'ral ""inc-C-Inder 6 1 - Leaching Slurries area) at the Ustl-Kamenogorsk Lead-.Zin,@ Combine. There are 5 figures and 10 8 of which are Soviet and 2 English. Card 3/3 SNURNIKOV,- A.P. - Z"ISWATA, L. I. Testing and using capron filter cloth In nonferroun metallura. TSvet. met- 33 no.8:47-49 Ag 160. WU 13:8) (Hydroibetallurgy) (Filters) StflIRITKO-V , A.F.; YTHFNYCj, V.M.i PUSIKC, A.G. .1 lrld.i= and nonferrous me-bel recov-eU from zinc cake.,'U. 38 no.3.,42-4/6 M-:- 165. (MA 18:6) Sj1J1URN1KCjV, A.P. ; 'Y'URENKO, V.11.1. Laboratory investigation of' the hydrometallurgy of copper- lead-zinc intermediate products. TSvet. met. 38 no.11:77-80 N 165. (MIRA 18:11) S:X111 @-KUV, A.P.; @ i .7KHA7f LGV A, el U C.'El U Po!-,!ib-'li'@-, Of ili@"-()'aY vl@ -')Osi @ores @ y J ., 0 m--T-netlic roas@iil,- 'I'Sv-@. :, z;. 38 no.9:84-85 S 1`5- (V i.HA 18: 1, 2) ) So,YAD0*VSP.TY, Z., Cnnd "Invm@sti.7atlon of f iltration from els passin.,Lr tlnxro@-i!-h soil of vario-us permeabilit-v". .oscow, lc)60. 16 T)p hann@ Economy -n@-Ineers im V. R. V4,11yams), 150 copies (KIL, No (".!Oscow inst of 'Watpr ACC NRt A:@6035623 SOURCE CODE: UR/04131166/0GO/020/6G30/0030 Antiptn. I.. X.; @oadar-2,.,,;kaya, L. B.; Vladytskaya, N. V., Danilov, S. I.; T I A. Larikov, Ye. Sn7akin, A. G"@G: none Method of synthesizinp lithl"urn-aluminwa hydride. Class 12, No. 186983 SC)L;XF p romy tilt It., ayye obrazcsy, Lovarnyye znaki. no. 20, 1966, 20 ,,)?TC TAGS: lithium aluminum hydride, cher.4cal "Y"thesiS Author Cerzificate introduce!; a method of !iynthLsizing I'Uhit.ra- 07 -1 reac.Lioa of !iodiwa-alumlnwa hy(IrIde with liLlitum chlori4@e in d.ett.vl To acceleraLe the process, it In carried out with additiona of L -, i alky 1 s .in a variant of the synt@eGizing process, alu.-ninum-trialkyls are addcd in a quantity of 1-71. S";z "6DK:: 07 / SUBM DATE: 220ct64/ Caw UDC: 661.966.546'621'34'11 the vis, al "Ile a!, in, p u n,, -.,al c h,.-: nes i ri c @)U @C- 370-85- -1 :1 V.3-, e!". Vrt@ Letooi@ -@ urrial I n@lkh otate@-, L@ U - Lk 11 ,17 July 1)53, -h 19! 9) C)o P@ nolko 1%nieni :D @ -, 'n: S jjj@, 01. -0, 7-T9, 30, ---ed --e sn,@@nse ;D,'vlcv's On cordit@or:ed med. 30, -..o. 2, 1952. li a Z U EL - o" ibr.-;ry of i@ori-ress, Au!t-ist 1952, all are" acre ut on the human Wdn and the number of beat deter;r spots th an electrically-beated therma-amthtsiometcr at different times and few diffe"t temp. The number of active beat "is was increswil when a higher temp, was used and was lowrmf a lowertrnip.wasused. 71hisy4wnomenon is called functional rno .1y and isdiscussed in relation townsoryrierreption. 1). H. Smy-tm. SNYARIV P.G. The state of the visual analyzer in hypertonic illnesn. Zh. Nevropat. Psikhiat., 152, 52, no.9, 22-27. (MLRA 5:9) (PsA 27, no,8:6075 153) "(11NI P. (g, IMESHINSKAYA, O.B., professor, USIUVICH, M.A., professor; ASRATYAN. B.A., professor; SMIRNOV. A.I., professor; FILI M VICH, S.I.. doktor meditsin- skikh nauk; VOLOKHOV, A.&, professor; FILIMONOV, I.N., professor; SHYAKIN P G , professor; CHERNIGOVSKIY. V.N., professor; SPIRANSKIT, WLIN, A.O., doktor meditsinskikh nauk; KOTLYAREVSKIT, L.I., professor; NIGOVSKIY, V.A., professor; KASATKIN, N.I., professor; STELOCHUX, I.Y., professor; YEGOROV, B.G., professor; BAKUTZV, A.N.. professor; SMIRNOV, L.I., professor; USFZNSKIY, V.N., redaktor; ISTROV, S.P.' redaktor. (Teachings of I.P.Pavlov in theoretical and practical medicine] Uchenie I.P.Pavlova v teoreticheekoi i prakticheskoi meditsine. Vol.2. Moskva, Izd-vo Kinisteretvo zdravookhraneniia.SSSk. 1953. 611 p. (KWU 7 * 3) 1. DeyBtvitelinyy chlen AM SBSR (for Lopeshinekaya, Chernigovskiy and Ba@:ulev). 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademli nauk SSSR (for Aeratyan). 3. Chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR (for Smirnov, Filimonov. Yegorov and L.I.Smirnov). 4. Moscow. TSentrallnyy institut usovershenstvovaniya vracbey. (Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich, 1849-1936) (Nervous system) (Physiolog7) BILIKOVA. Z.P.; IBILWMIY. G.N., direktor;_,.jgX4@@ P.G.. professor, zaveduyu- shchiy. Functional mobility of cold reception of the skin. Vest.ven.i (lern. no. 2:5-10 Mr-AP 053. NLRA 6:5) 1. Nonkovskiy moditsingkiy stomatologicheakiy Institut. 2. Kafedra nor- mallnoy fiziologii Koakovskogo meditainskogo stonatologichlakago instituta (for Snyakin). (Skin) AFANASIYEVA, V.M., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk; SXVORTSOV, M.A., professor, dayst- viteilnyy chleu Akademii meditsinskikh uauk SSSR, zaveduyushchiy; SNYAKIN. P.G.. professor, direktor. Sclerosis of the pulmonary artery in children. Pediatrita no.4:62-66 JI-Ag 153. (MLRA 6:9) 1. Laboratoriya patologicheskoy anatomil bolesney detskogo vozrasta Instituta moifologii Akademii maditsinskikh nauk SSO (for Skvortsov and Afanaslyeva). 2. Institut morfologil, Akademii meditsiuskikh nank SSSR (for Snyakin). (Arteriosclerosis) (Palmona.'ry artery--Diseases) OSNYAKIN, P. G. "The Physiological Phenomenon of Reserve Formation in the Visual Reeptors". Probl. Fiziol Optiki, No. 8, pp 225-229, 1953. Discussing the phenomen of dark and light adaptation from the standpoint of changes in the number of active photoreceptors depending on the formation or disappearance of "reserves," the author calls this process "modification of mobility"; it is shown that in the morning the process of dark and light adaptation takes place more rapidly than in the evening, which is ascribed to biological adaptation of the receptors to natural conditions of illumination. (RZhBiol, No. 10, 1955) SO: Sum No 884, 9 Apr 1956 1 N cw"twtr,@, Ff M S (i SS FD-1519 USSR'Me, I i r 11 nrz Ptlys i o logy T" -@-' 2'@ P Card I .- Author Snyakin, P.. G.., Professor Tit'-- Fun-tinnal mc-.1bility as an index of !.-onditioned reflr-x revv*tlons in man Peric-dicai Vf=s!@, AM SSSR, -1, 0:2r,-Dec 195L AbStrart Functional changes in the receptor apparatus of an organism, taking place under various enrilronmentaa conditions, offer possibility for the develop- ment of ro-ndit-loned reflexes. Unconditioned reflexes,, the mechanism of hich depends on physiological mobility, show ho-q precise the response W" e of the organism is to the outside environment. The slam total. of condi- tiened and unconditioned reflex reacticns of an organism and associations foz-m@@,d by it, in response to various influences determine Its adaptability 1c. outside environment, The cerebral cortex influences the most intimate processes that take r-lace in tAssues and brings the activity of the en- tire organisn into most, cionplete and exact ba.Lance with the outside world. Tables . Graphs. I ris tt ut 1,C rl SubmiLted mod AX@G QV4 Sqisld T@= Abiti. No. 02343. 11fli-ou t oupmi? and -,,tt thresbold HgW in @251 .=i@ajajeh "tto Am @aijtcju% ma Y" !@c or- a 101 of jigbt sallak, vityi .-Tht) 4 hbmp to Of tile @40ita;jd ttijuolws M4130t inflaume-M direction c the Visflil'aadl 11CM the c a corr.espon g d the PhYSM06 R I T. rea tion,@ (Ruviiaa)_ c J.Ur - --------- er j orr e,, y er i rig In th e - - 1@ : It -2.r"2- 7,f --r2!7, tu cl 7r@ '.he Ile Cd USSR/RLWiLL11 U11d [hysio1oj.,,y (Plornal aa(l 1-atholotical). T-14 Skin. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 11, 1958, 51411 Author Snyakin, P.G. Inst licademy of Medical Sciences USSR Title The -11'roblem of Functional Mobility of Sense Organs. Orig Pub Vestn. Akad. med. nauk. SSSR, 1957, No 1, 18-30- Abstract When outside temperature rose, the nwaber of active cold skin spots became smaller, and of active heat spots lar- ger. Parallelism was noted in the reaction of sweat glands, capillars, and thermoreceptors of individual skin seL@pents to temperature changes, When gustatory papillae were in- vestigated on an empty stomach, it was discovered that their mobilization was at a roocir=; after food intake sharp demobilization took place, If the stomach was filled Cnrd 1/2 - 143 - Card 2/2 MAKIN, P.G., prof.; ZAYKO, N.S., kand.biol.nauk Thate organ. Zdorov'a 5 no.10.'9-10 0 159. (MMA 13:2) (TASTR) SNUKIIN, P.G. , prof. Reflex reactions of the receptors. Ves.A1,211 SSSR 14 no.4:44-51 :59. WIRA 14: 5) 1. Institut normallnoy i patoloqicheskoy fiziologii MN SSSR. (RECEPTORS (NEUROLOGY)) ANOKHIN, P.K.,; AGAFONOV, V.G.. red.; ARSHAVSKIY, I.A., red.; GaLUBEVA, Ye.L., red.; KRYZHANOVSKIY, G.N., red.; PARIN, Y.V., red:; SiYAKIN, P.G., red.; TRCFIMOV, L.G., red.; SHUMILIKA, AJ . 'recT-.-- [Materials of the First Conference devoted to Problems in the Physiology, Morphology, Pharmacology. and Clinical Aspects of the Reticular Formation of the Brain] Katerialy Nauchnoi konferentaiig posviashchennoi problemam fiziologii, morfologii, farmakologii i kliniki retikuliarnoi fornataii golovnogo mozga Moskva, 1960. 1)4 p. (MIRA 14:)@ 1. Nauchnaya konferentsiya, poevyashchennaya problemam fiziologii, morfologii, farmakologii i kliniki retikulyarnoy formatsii golovno- go mozga. 1960. 2. Laboratoriya obshchey fiziologii tsentral'noy nervnoy sistemy Institute normallnoy i patologicheskoy fiziologii AMU SSSR, Moskva (for Agefonov, Shumilins). 3. Laboratoriya vozrastnoy fiziologii i patologii Instituta normallnoy i pato'Lo- gichaskoy fiziologii ANN SSSR. Moskva (for Arshavokiy). 4. Hlektro- fiziologichaskeya laboratoriya Instituta mozga AMN SSSR, Moskva (for Trofimov). (BRAIN) SNYAKIN, P.G., prof. Dissociations of the physiological functions of the oral cavity. Teor. i prak. stom. no-5:105-110 161 (MIRA 16:12) 1. kafedry nori-iiallnoy fizi.ologii ( zav. - prof. P.G.Snyak-.*Ln) Moskovskogo meditsinskof,@o stomatologicheskogo instituta. SINYLI-Ilill Plulj prof.; L@SAKOV A.I., sk-and. biolog.naulc _-___ M 1 uscular sense. Zdorovle 7 no.9:9-10 S 161. (MIRA 14:9) (MUSCULIR SENSE) SNYAKIN, P.G,,; ZAYKO, N.S. Intero- and exteroceptor connections. Trudy 1-go MI U:209-221 161. VUU, 15:5) 1. Laboratoriya fiziologii i patologii organov chuvstv (zav. - prof. P.G.Snyakin) Instituta normallnoy i patologicheskoy fiziologii A101 SSSR, Nbsk-va, (TASTE) (STOMACII-IM-TERVATION) 3iI*'-'jL),iI.) iWiLLLOVA, L.L. Some current oroblems in the physiology and pathology of the crgaan3 of fe,@-,linu. Vest. AMN SSSR 1" no-5:78-24 1/1 a Cj 0-. 1. Institut normallnoy i patologicheskoy fiziologii AIW Sssit. (RLCEFTORS (MEXHOLOGY)) (SLNSZS AND SZ,,SATIO,-;,) 3:1Y-AKI',j, P.G. Central regulation of the activity of sensory systems. Fiziol. zhur. Z,7 no.11:1345-1351 N 161. (MIRA 14: 11) .1- From the laboratory of physiology and pathology of sensory organs, U.S.S.R. Academy of Medical Sciences Institute of Normal and Eatholo,@:ic Physiology and the Department of Physiology, Sto,:,:-ttuologrical Medical Institute, Moscow. (SENSE,-OHGJ'd1S) (NERVOUS SYST,124) (itECIEPT01-0 (NIEUROLON)) SNYAKE ip P.G. lieurodynam-i-cs -i- perception physio'.ogy. Trady nom. i Pat. fizi-Ol. AMN SSSR 6%60-;j,,2 162 (UIRA 17@-J) 1. T-aboratoriya fiziologii i patologril organov cIM7.-StS (ZaN-. - 1. . prof. P.G.Snyakin) InStitulua normallnu% ; patologicheskoy , - 0 .Ciziologii A14ZI SSSR. SaYAKIll, P, G., prof.; YESAKOV, A. I., kand. biologicheskikh nauk Our habits are stereotypes. Zdorovle 8 no.11:4-5 N '62. (MIRA 15:10) "HABIT) SNYAKIN, P@G. Y- ra - . I I Int.- -@Uon -;' jrij,'yzprs in the Process of stimulus pfr@@ption. rr.r,@-Aly lnst.nor-m.i pnt.fiziol. VN SSSR ?:88-89 'U. (MIRA .1. Li)boratoriya fl'.dolot I I p.rnf. p3ldn) inntituta fizir,log-H AMN SSS-@t. patologit orpnov chuvstv (zav. - nori"I'my i patologlcha5koy 18-6) S NY,,. K i 7, 7 3 f i n nr4 n 1. Dtbo-raLoriva f tziologii i patWiogii organov chuvs+.,,,, lns@-'Iltluta 'dir. deystvi-ell-, nopr 1_rof. V.V. Puri-;` A',114 3:'-@7 t'lloi"'l-va, D.,bmit.-Led Mrc..- 1 ,.)',.rfAK'Lri, P.(". Mozqkva) - - . _I !@ - ',' Dialectic unity of faarn and fulic'.1cjn In physiolow @ 7e @ A IN , @ *S R 20 no.1:54-58 165- (,,@ -- @u . La - 4) SNYAUN, .'.G. Some problems of neurody-namics in the physiolo.-n- of perception. C. Vest.VN SSSR 20 no.7zl2-18 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Institut normaltroy -J pato'llogicheskoy fiziologii AWT SSSR, Moskva. e-@@ met@--nd fo@ intravenous in ra@s, :-`a@, eksl@. terap. 9 no.5:88 S-Cj '65. 1, I;iboratorlya eksperimentallnoy terapii bolezrey sistemy krovi @Zzjv@ - Prof. I.I. Zaretskiy) TSent.rallnogo ordena Lenina insti- t-iAn il-,ematologii i perelivaniya krovi (direkt.or -dotsent A.Ye. Ki.,tel@-v) , Moskva. Submitted July 28, 1964. -11 , - ,-7- @ 'r " @'. - . 01. , .1 1 fi -@ - , 71,1 Photogra@h@r - -,:,i-lms Strii: of colored film. Zn,-,r.. s--'-Ia 22 no. 9, 19,,52. Eonthl- List. of EuSsian @ccessious. Library of Congress, December 1952. Unclassified.