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SHUMVICH, B.Ya. Kalthusianism vs. public health. 18 no.9:19-23 S 154. (MLRA 7:11) 1. Iz institnta organizatsii sdravockhrananiya i istorti moditsizq imeni N.A.Samashko (dir. - kandidat moditsinakikh nauk Ye.D.Asharkov) Akademii meditsinakikh nauk SSSR. (PUBLIC HMALTH endangered by malthunianism) (POPULATION malthusianism, off. on pub. health) 7- D',:C ADIC Of op SMULIVICH. - Bolsolav Takovlavich; ASHURKOV, Ye.D., rodaktor; VINOGRLDOT, '-~- M.N.. radaktor; SENCHILO, X,K, . takhnichaskiy redact or [The state of health of the population and methodsof studing it; a lecture] Bostoianie zdorovlia naselonits, i motody ego izucheati&; laktaiia, Pod obshchei red. A.D.Ashurkova i N.A.Vinogradova. Moskva, Goo. Izd-vo mod. lit-ry. 1956. 44 p. (KLRA 9-7) (EMAIEH SURVEYS) Name: SMULEVICH, Boleslav Yakovlevich Dissertation: Critique of contemporary bourgeois theories of health (social problems of health and reflections of them in the theories of bourgeois scientists) Degree: Doe Med Sci Affiliation: Inst of Organization of Health and History of Medicine, Acad Med Sci USSR Dofonse Date,.,Place: 6 Apr 56, Council of Department of Hy- giene, Microbiology and Epidemiology, Acad Med Sci USSR Certification Date: 16 Nov 57 Source: BMVO 24/57 -)trial ia pu-nli( ~)roblem o" vnciel '.rlyg'ew?. sa.r. 21-1 jjr.'-:5)-rq Ap '57. (!ILP-k 10:9) L. Iz inq'ituta cn-raf-Azat.~,it zld-avookhranorilv~ L istorli med',tiirq 14; n', ;ter~tVa A L tf YGI 1 SMULATLICHI B.Yal . - -.Wrh 1~'n public health plannir.Z. Sov.zdray. 17 no.1:30-33 Ja 158. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Iz Institute orgsnizsts~.i sdrevookhrensaiya i istorii meditai-y imeni N.A.Semashko Ministerstva zdravookhrananiya SSSR (clir. - Ye.D.Ashurkov) (PUBLIC H"LTH in Ruesia, funcamentals of planning (Rue)) SMULEVICH, B.Ya. Bourgeois public health policy and its contradictions. Sov.zdrav. 17 no.2:12-20 F '58. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Iz Instituta, organizataii zdravookhraneniya i istorii meditsiny imeni N.A. Semashko Hinisterstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR (dir. Ye.D. ABhurkov). (PUBLIC HEALTH in U.S. Pus)) FA Crfule-vid,~, DIcleslav 'fakovlevich 1.-27 i,ity, ~nr~alitv and t~.e )ysica' Levelor: ent (if -he Forilace, USSR. c%rk) .3. Joint Fl,,,blications Fesearch Service, V-0 v. Tables ( JFFS: 1~.')324; CSo: 191h-11) Tr. From the Oriv,inal hussian: Sostoyaniye 2dorovIva Ye,170 Lek. 3. Moskva, 11)57, P. 3-132; Smert-nost', 1 Fi7.icheskol-,e "--a7.vj-tiye N-aseleniva. 13' Naseleniya I Vetody Zabolevayermst', SMULEVICH, B.Ta., doktor meditainskikli nauk, kandidat ekonomichealcikh nauk Neo-Thomist medical sociology under the guise of sL%cial kvgiene. Vast. AMN SSSR 14 n0.12:79-83 159. (MIRA 13:4) (PUBLIC EMTH) SMUIZVICH, B.Yn. , doktor med. naulr, kand. ekon. nauk. Discussion on social hygiene. Sov. zdrav. 18 no-3:42-48 '59. (SOCIAL HYGIM (NDA 12:3 ) in Russia (Rus)) SMULEVICH, B.Ya., doktor med.nauk, kand.ekonom.nauk (Moskvs.) Svolution of bourgeois social hygiene from reformism to neofascism. Sov.zdrav. 18 no.8:3-10 '59. (MIRA 12:12) (IIUBIIC HALTH) BATKIS, G.A.; SMULEVICH. -B.Ta. (Mosk7a) . -- On scientific and theoretical principles of Soviet socialistic gublic health. Sov.zdrav. 18 no.11:52-57 159. (MIRA 130) (STATE MICDICINI) SIMEVIC11, Dole slav Yakovlevich; ZMp A. P. p red.; BALDINA# N.F., tekhn. red. (Criticism of modern bourgeois social bygiene and medical sociology] Kritika sovremennoi burzhuaznoi sotsiallnoi gigierg i meditsinskoi sotsiologii. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo med. lit-ry Medgizq 1960. 337 P. NIU 14:7) (PUBLIC HEALTH) SMULEVICH, B.Ya. (Moskva), doktor meditsinBkikh nauk, kand. ekonomicheBkikh nauk - Against oversimplificatiorL problems of public health theory. Sov, zdrav. 19 no. 8:21-25 160. (MIRA 13:10) (PUBLIC HEALTH) S14ULEVIGIIP,B~,~~.Yaoktor med.naukq Methodological aspects in population. Sov.zdrav. IS kand.ekonom.nauk (Moskva) est#~lishing the health status of the nq~10338-43 160. (Nim 14:1) 1. Iz Instituta organizataii zdravookhraneniya i istorii meditsiny imeni N.A.Semashko Ministerstva-zdravookhrnaniya SSSR. .(PUBLIC HELLTH) I I.AiiKUZO11:, Fedor Davidovich; A.,,.., red.;-a.ULEVICH - B Ya red,; VASILIKOVA, Ye.V., tekhn. red.; ILIYUSMiKOVA, -H ~11' red. [Sanitation stafAstics in prerevolutionary Hussia and in the U.S.S.R.! Ocher'Ki po sanitarnoi statistike v dorevoliutsionnoi -~ossii i v SSSIi. Yoskva, Gossta"lizdat, TsSU SSSR 1961. 129 p. (SaPitation-Statistics) bLU 15:2) VIDY-VIRSKIP Foliks [Widy-Wivski, Foliks]; G0ROD1NSKIyF.V. [translator]; BARSUKOVA' M.I., prof., red.; SMULEVICII, B.Ya., doktor ired. nauk, red.; ZUYEVA, N.K., tekhn. red-.--- P [Principal pvoblems in the history of medicine] Ob osnovnykh proble- makh istorii meditsiny. Pod red. M.I.Barsukova i B.IA.Szulevicha-- Moskva, Cos. izd-vo rqed. lit-ry Medgiz, 1961. 158 p. Translated from the Polish. (MIRA 14:9) (MEDICINE-HISTORY) SITULLNICH, D.Ya. (Moskva) Determairation of influence of social systems on public health. Sov. zd--av. 20 no.10:41-47 161. (MI-~A 14-:9) 1. 1z Instituta, organizat3ii zdravooldr~aneniya i istorii meditsiny imeni N.A.Semashko. (PUBLIC JEALTH) S;,%u , 1.41, ~ " I -.' I. ~ ~ I I I ., , . ;,,4 , ~ !'~; '-, li 11 m, -,e, f- ',-.-al -.-- t - "ca'ly founded i thc , -irac 9 c, 11 b s, en, - I of health and iiappiness of idrow. publictne r,,-4/5:117-127 Ap-,,!Y Ir"J5. KAXITSIASHVILI, Ys.V.4_ ~SMULW-VIC&_i-A__-_ Gavernous resection and simultaneous transplantation of interconts vascular-muscular pieces [with summary in French]. Probl.tub. 35 no.4:112-113 157. (MIRA 10:8) 1. Iz kafedry tubarkuleze legkikh (zav. - prof. A-Ye.Rebukhin, professor kafedry - L.K.Bogush) TSentrallnogo institute usovershen- stvovaniye vrachey (dir. Y.F.Utbadevs) (TUBIMCULOSIS, PUIXONARY, surg. cavernous resection & simultaneous transpl. of vase. musc. intercostal pieces (Run)) smum, VIC11, V.D. "W"~ ~-, ~--- "Bronchio,7aphy" [in Polisb] by K.Ossowska. Reviewed by V.B. Smilevich. i rad. 34 no.3:84-86 kv-Je 159. (MIRA 12:10) (BROITCHI--WIOG,RAPHY) (OSSOWSKA, K.) SMULEVICH, V.B. (Moskva, Starosadskiy per., d.4/5, kv. 50) Bronchography in pulmonary tuberculosis. Vest. rent. i rad. 35 no. 4:26-31 Jl-Ag 160. (M.IIV. 14:2) 1. Iz kafedry tuberkuleza (zav. - prof. A.Ye. Rabukhin)g 2-y kafedry rentgenologii (zav. - prof. Yu.N. Sokolov) TSentra -l1nogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrach6y (direktor M.D. Kovrigina)p klinicheakoy bollnitsy "Zakhartino" (glavnyy vrach V.P. Petrik) i TSentrallnoy klinichaskoy bollnitsy imeni N.A. Semashko Ministerstva putey soobshcheniya (glavnyy vrach A.A. Potsubeyenko). (TUBERGULOSIS) (BRONGHI-RADIOGRAPHY) SMULEVICII, V. B. Cand Med Sci -- "Bronchography in pulmonary "uIbE:-culosis." Mos, 1961 (State Sci Res X-Ray Radiological Inst of the Min of Tgalth RSFSR) (KII, 4-61, -370- SMULEVICH, V.B.; SHEMMMI., A.Sh. Experience in bronchography in an antituberculosis clinic. Probl.tub. 39 no.2398-100 '61. 14M 1493) 1. Iz kafedry tuberkuleza (zav. - prof. A.Ya. Rabukhin) Mentrall- nogo instituta uzovershens-tvaraniya vrachey (dir. V.P. Lebedeva) i protivotuberkulsznogo diapansera No.11 (glav--%W vrach G.V. Kotsubey, zamestite12 po meditsinskoy chasti M.M. Zakin (TUBERCULOSIS) (BRONCHI-RADIOGRAPHY) DUIACIVIX) S.I.; V.B.; SHERMN, A.Sh. Role of a dispensary for tuberculosis cortrol in the detection of lung cancer. ',Top. onk. 11 no.3;85-89 16". (14IR,-' -18: DO 1. Iz protivotuberkuleznogo dispanse.-a No.11 Moskvy (glavnyy vrach - kand. med. nauk A.Sh. Sherman) i 1-go khimrgirheskogo, otdeleniya (zav. - doktor med. nauk B.Ye. Peterson) Instituta eksperimentaltnoy i klinicheskoy onkologii A141 SSSR (cir. - deystvitellnyy chlen AWI SSSR prof. N.N. Blokhiri). -------------- 0 0 0 0 0 0 2i"i 111 9 it n jo n 1. VNIV jolt itu u a As v a v a, C, 1, Ll- 1 -6 a I-S, A. Al b p AA A A A A I t 1) A CIO, ,ko"10. anew Cni""Al Of the staucoallo ITOUP. Ka". micit tistlubkow$kI. Arch. ftfx.~,,d. 14.1thOOPUD: Hiffler'llipt. Abir,actr 6, 344S.-Skoli4w- fillil vr"24-1 - AM forms Part at the cment ice material of a 410 sardislone (Flywhi conle. wrrit claucenite near Skola, PoLmd. Its d. is 2JWlA-'-'.XPl H L, . JAW, 3 L.W. mo* 00 J 4141 a with sittAll Arots. at 'FA and xato aim trac" n( M ni ) alld IVJ.. Ft'all 111i. 111,4k i, I-C gradualtv '411.1 000 T"~ '.., 4 v t ~-l - r-- it ~!W mW I PO)'. I he t, stimin inic 2H.0 ocil k 0 0 oo J, 6~ttinumit to I%t- A at 42W. It ii stisclic.1 I.% imul.. 1, hC 3111111tilthiN gI4UCOll�(V6. M11-11 ~l 4010C atl6l tXBV*t%LIA4 goo r., C. A. Silberrad 2 IFOO 00 00 j 600 $00 goo 1300 9 Z- -T. L A 04TALLUNG.KAL LIT1114TWI CLAll*lCA7`c* --------- WOO It u a AV 10 M p it a 41 it It 9 0 " it dw "a A 00 dal 000600 0000000;;o 0000001 0 0 e 0 0 0 o!0 a o 0 0 o 900940 0 *0 *0 *0 9* *0 *0 o 00090 11 ~i i0 ~0460006009090*9 0000 'CUP It 32 33 IS III v III N dc At A) 64 as Jay $5 TS vi, "j , - ~. - - I , -, i 0 4 ~ -V l 9 4 k o 0 ~ .0tJ11390SWO 1111ni'dillil IV)ISdn11'I;- s I r -- . 'fall *0 inp,m) Jill ir'l,[.j q-1-1 A11.1%1 Imill .1111 'immilli .1111 p,,Iuj(yl ird,p] rjaw. 0-00 I,jt,ltj mli 11,111 1,amotli '1 1 tat It, p 1 it iptil. m p-u.,tr.,t "(S.,11; ,a ... 1 10- ' 11,11M ,I "'I'l ..... . spuvlsl (javurzy aplial op 03td 10 4116tiquany Ir ar 'i) y I 1: (1 :1 It 7 1. 1 -a I, a1k 0 010 0 0 a 0 & 0 0 0 - db -0 alk 4-4-P 0 l 41 0 0 * 0 0 00 0 : : : : : : ' 0 ]a " 1 _ [i l! I b If 9 W 1 40 1, 11 tj 14 '4 t? 1 1# a h' 11 U It W b m if m 0 11 11 11 11 11 r It W All U1.1tA VIAA go fill I 0 * A *0 00 r; Atolybdomite at jasnogorskx, Sarni, Poland. Jfine,a.. GMI.. R,L 1. 0* 144", 4111, Thr tertaill ii 1-411111nisr'l of Nal't"t" I 11311111ing videlly (it m11111111WIt" atid l1vt4twillir vilth -111m.rditiat'. oe &I biatite, chh"itt" I-'v milit'A' apallfe. pyrilk" Aalrill. and of x A tircon. It is inter wted by veins of liegisim it v and plit, ROO The malybdenite occurs in the uplite vrin%, aci fimpanied .1 =go] 00 1 by small nodules of pyrite. The occurrence is thimght 0 to be r nected with an acid mairmatic infiltration of th, on 0 gabbro. C. A. itll~rrad j 00 1 too * 6 ~ zoo 1 : 0 200 1 ' 0 X00 I rig 0 So. A &tTAL1.UWGwCA L LIYF*ATUNE CL^%jjF1CATiC4 too I - 0 Joe o is 1 n L i I 1 - - am OZ ~ it ~, 1 INLO A I 0 0 0 0 0 0 Is 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 1;~- 0 0 * 0 0 140 0 00 0000 4 0 40 0 0 0 so *.41 9 0 * 0 0 0 0 6 0000 0 0 0 0 O 0 1 7 tm or u CIP4 j0 it R is ?A v N of P t 0 P~o YI E --- 24,z it w 911 42 4) a AY u n - - 00 00 00 00 J.711-11-11-.1 PHI-1111 'rair JI(I to It h" -7, )11 A)IJIj'i%'IrVj 2q) )0 U;-A!% WV 'SUP(I.M1.1101 lqj~!p jjP. ua"j jr!j4vd tp!~ Sutnjamaj lo sadAl pujA~ ' -Wxi ~ pj.,w.!p S1 IJ!XPO J911 uluj o 0 ". 1.1. !p ) I UJ- P 00 A--- ium, %aldtim., . jo I -j%AjvmA 'aiwpms pul 'Irl-m 00 . Aurm ij)i% imumw Iwall"i-wil V,-*(j?jtjj)(j,*:j:-Wr 'q-jj)Pw-j of- "OUMIff lot -Iwvtjf~t IM '301 -pupows -viij, -JIM"I 'A--1~11 f'r"P-."Wi,RZ immi-m-4 PluAinnA quom 10 swaiv 21 JIUVA StP tq SaIPIRIS IW3)SOIOJPd t I?I d 11 V l (I n if 11 lee 199 ii o 4 4 00 0 * 0 0 -* t 6 . 1 es 0 0 0 t a 9 LIM '41liamw-iw- X41mlerz: cemhernia. Osill"dawn. Padat _Mqt. Geol. 1952 363 wowego Smalikowski, Kazimierz; Geachemistry. Warsaw: National GoOl. Inst. :zmv'm mn'~-ll -t o - , I - ~~" wifr~' V.: MOX. Sci., Classe,111, 2, Ish).-Ar-dim of 68 glauconites and 67 other mip-s bla engite, !ierici;S) selected Imm the - literature were. for cation ratios according to the formula R M-ROUNS4_ Al 0 ) h1120 . where~X large. cations MY Zd )W-~ medium Cation" Nai Rb Ca, 5r, 5. I.AI,,Fe, Mg. Ti, U. Mn). related as lot-' yt X, and W are M Y + c m X + 9 + Awbere c -i suin of large bivalent, Interlayei cations, S v~.~ sum: of medium cationx of vilence otherthanS,andu--i2-w.pim.Lf.te2.r For: glautonites x< y S 1, w.ed- 2. and All < Fe(Ill). jn'~ St4ucowtes.~x -. 0.1-0.7 (usualikJO.M.4), Y - 0.5-1.0. uxtgaly 0.7-04), NUT) In the octahedral layer is Wd Al 6 0.3-0.4 rho statlitIcal kv~ Compy. of flaumnitel. a, Mgo AU ael 4- jGAU 14011M.MHA - When attlet shrinks and H20 inots'. can no longer be readsorW in I -In te interlayer siiaces. Constitutiorial water (OH ions tra.' be" layers) is expelled'above.400*, The bider the glau- couite und the hiper the Cao content of tLe ccmtg. ftdi-~ rntnt, the smaller is the excess of Fe(III) over Al in the acta. ftedral layer and the greater the proportion of interlayer cat;. Ions. r )n of analyses, This may be due to accidental sclectii A clawifichtion of micas is given based on rel X, %and w. VOL 60 aud "fral'. with ad cmnpjc led y engites..t J?.Afr h ole jPC3 ~;USCVjtcS, I Fes > Sive siau-,U r2 and um hydrolls fofmula 0 te$' The ra ith x SMA Aellfljjjo.~%v The 0 4,04" dott die At IMtrut jsj_,,~ ~Zaedrul co,,,dolala .6conite compu,tb total Intel Is cr and c tn J,., alld It e OC e f p to Ind C geol. ~ge Is c o'call. cr 0 Nit t the . Sedunents pful. ~j Fie ~r time (A th time of th ur 9 Vol. lt~" '~o. I ;t, rif Euro7je,-.n Vol- 4, r0. 1955, c i ~,7:ochifnlca '3 ca et co~ 11- Mitt rh d, lish lioL: ~(-54 '(55, Ccess;;D. U- L " p I JK W S ft , . 77~ 7ANa cjailiis- 1Vth6.-;i6 ghborhood of icszow,* Loypr -mulikowski (Univ. Wu~w Bill; .4. ~. geal -TTZ,-5Z77CIIM'Mtsh; 1956).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... "d keratophpic 13vu and tuffs are b"111--lUby Q .1. tz-albite ioeks and by grepnstones cut. by albite and quartz. 'Pctro.-rapbbQI data and a c1 elm C-y..,5xs of~. a rock are'givcn. 11 FA7 -D-ITEIRZ of Fe~q_t4C ZaF;n.,--n pt,~ _i-- E!,eietymn -~j V-L:;.~,,-;kacjI. f-ra- itoi-dow. Problems C L_ ciaqsifi- ca-lu-ion of granUoids. 115P. Warsza,,,,q, Poland I.Q1-8 -'~' nthl~, List of Europ3an Accessions (7-Ea- T-) LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, June .-o Uncl. SMULIKOWSKIP K. Some suggestions concerning the origin of South-Bulgarian granitoid massifs. Bul geolog PAN 8 no.2:79-84 160. 1. Institute of Geology, Polish Academy of Sciences. (Bulgaria) (Granite) SMULIKUJISKI, Kazimir~rz, prof. The Geological Sciences Centre from 1956-1960, and its responsi- bilities for the future. Review Pol Academy 6 no. 4:39-44 O-D 161, 1. Director of the Geological Sciences Center, Warsaw, Palac Staszica, Nowy Swiat 72; Corresponding Member of the Polish Acad-aray of Sciences. SMULIKOWSKI, Kazimierz The Institute for Geologic Sciences in -the five year pi-riod 1956-1960 and its assignments for the future. Nauka Polska 9 no.3:log-12o 161. 1. Cz1onek korespondent Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Zaklad Nauk Geologic- znych, Kierownik: Smulikowski, Kazimierz, prof., Warsz-iwa, Palac Stanica, Nowy Swiat 72. SMULIKOWSKI, Kazimierz Institute of Geology, Polish Academy of Sciences in the years 1956-1960. Przegl geol 9 no.61302-307 Je 161. (Polish Academy of Sciences) (Geology) A n a at I nz). las or, 3c cc 3 SMULIKOWSKI,W. The metamorph1c evolution of gneisses of Mount Gierniak in Eastern Sudeten. Bul Ac Pol chim. 6 no.8:529-535 158. (NEAI 9:6) 1. Petrological Laboratory. Geolopical Institute, Polish Acadery of Sciences. Presented by K.Smolikowski. (Poland-- Gneiss) SMULIKOWSKI , W. Evolution of the amphlbolite complex of Upper Revdalen, (HornBund region, Vestspitzbergen). Bul geolog PAN 8 no.2:85-93 160. 1. Institute of Geology, Polish Academy of Sciences. Presented by K. Smulikowski. (Spitsbergen) (Amphobolite) Smuuor.rm, J. "Field planting of cumin seed." p. 13 (Plon, Vol 4 No 4 Apr 53 Idarszawa) SO: Monthl-v List of East European kMasions, Vol 2 No 9 Library of Congr63S Sept 53 Unal SKUWV, N. Some unfounded recommendations on the use of machinery in laying concrete surfaces ('Over-all mechanization of concrete surface construction.' A.N.Zeshchepin, M.S.Zollmanovich. N.R.laklianov. Reviewed by N.Smulov). Avt.transpr.32 no.6:40 Je '54.(MLRA 7:9) (Roads, Concrete) (Zashchapin, A.K.) (Zellmanovich. M.S.) 7 us HAKOV K1J1%!01.rA G.LH.~ :~MCMAWTIK) O.S.; 'MULISKUA ,mthesis of b1cod substitute pr,-.yrxrs exhlbit, g the properties of inhibitor5-anti oxidants. rlo'.-i. A!", SSSR 143 no.1:231- 234 Mr '62. WIRA 15:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent All SSSR (for Ushakov). (BLOOD PLASMA SUBSTITUTES) (VINYL IX "NPOUND POLTrT.M) (CALCE~q RMZtLRCH) Y4- PI b1olo method for the doi -6f aIII's 'Wee of low 21"h-11, cimlent. 0. P. 9.21"skaya. Tju y Odess. TeOnel. Insf. 3, No. 2P 03- Rg*i4,' 1955, No. 487,r~Nitr6g;--. nous comptis. nru removed from the apple juice by growing of I yeasts for 16-19 brs. Apple juice in Which total N. has b-ccu reduced to 1/2 the uriglual provetl most stable. B. S. Levine 3-1-UPSKAYA, T.K., red. [Russian-Czech dictionai-f on nuclear physics and ergineer- ing! Russko-c~eshskii slovart po iac~erpci fizike i iekhni- ke. Noskva, Izd-vo "Sovetskaia Entsiklopediia," 1964. 303 p. (*,',!IRA 17:8) i "T ', I i I I r. , ... MISI'I, M,. A yenr of' activities o-f' a social c,-.rRtaker. u. 10, Nic. 2p Feb. 1956- Uarszawa, Foland Tlirysta 1"CUr,,G7~': :!art Eui-o-e.,-n Accessiom, Li,7t (E-al,) vol. 6, No. 4--April 1957 Ved. and trio'ieL"; :.-.:irjui,pctj~re tech- Ye krerrde "es o diode i tek-h- n 2oill. Pol ZV~-Kl S tva x7V ZELIM,~'IAN, G.A.; N172L' , Ye.Z.; FRESS, F.P. ; FHONK, S.V.; DOBKuq, A.LS., red.; St-JULISKITY, A.S., red. [Silicon diodes and triodes; their production technology] Poluprovodnikovye kremnievye diody i triody; tekhnologiia proiz-vodstva. Moskva, Energiia, 1964. 183 p. (IAMRA 17:12) Aids"POV2 V.V.; SMULISKIi, T~yd~ 61"rucLi-ro and coriditiona of tho CoLnzition of un intrusivo Lf' oru-bearing muscovite aranitoo. lzv.,rjs.ucheb.zav.;,-leoi. i raz-,,. t, 4 no.c):25-41 S 161. (T-"!R~ 14:~) 1. I-losrl-c;vskiy geologommre-docl-mrf institut bmerd Ordzhordlidze. (Imuocovite) SMUL' -5K1' Y , I Ya . ;I j!Tv)V,. Ye. I ~ W-w Aj~!,fi on thp Btructure nnd of loc,%]!ZaLlon of mineral j zation In the Kadkya ore, I geol. i razv. 8 no~10,8t--91 1, in:,ti--ut Uie zone. 0 165. 1-1,~10 3111-113,M) V. Ya Cand. Tech. Sci. - I Dissertation: "Investigation of the Process of Upsetting Bronze Bushfnas." 18 Yhy 1+9 Ybscow Inst for Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture imeni V. M. Yolotov SO Vecheryava, Mcskva Sum 71 IVAEOVI Ye.B.; SMULISCU, BELUKlUt, 1,.A.; t-IINFRUK, D.A.; K-ALIME1,110, V.I. Prudicting tho size of coke. Koks i khim. no.10:14-19 162. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Krivorozhskiy metallurgicheskiy -.avod. (Coke) BRUK, A.S.; LEYBOVICH, R.Ye,; IVANOV, BELTI(HA. Aj.; MUGHNIJ~~ D.A~; FARTUSHIJAYA, R,M.; Prinimali uchastiyeg KUTEVOY Y I .1 P.M.~ GOLIDBERG P,Ya.; P13,HAYEVA, A.P.; KUBYSHKINA, L.I,,, SHEYKHET, A.M.; VASILCHFOIKO, S.I.- BARASH, D.A.; KARPOVA, K.K.- KHODANKOV, A.T. P F-"fect of temperature changes in the control heating flues on the quality of the metallurgical coke,, Koks I khim. no.7-.2&~27 163,, (MIRA 16g8) 1~ Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy inatitut (for Bruk, Leybovich, Kutevoy, GoVdberg, Nechayeva, Kubyshkina, Sheykhet). 2. Krivorozhskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod (for Ivanov, Smullson, Belukha, Muchnik, Fartushnaya, Vasil~chenko, Barash, Karpova, Khodankov). (Coke ovens) (Coke-Testing) ACC M. AP60331181 SOURCE CODE: UR/04 13/66/000/01-8-/-O--0-8-3-/,-O--O~8-4-1 INVENTOR: 'Khanin i. 14. Smullsov A. S.; Brodskiy,, E. V.; I-Itizin, V. Aj ORG: none TITLE: Liquid atomizer. Class 240 No. 186o66 SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 18, 1966, 83-84 TOPIC TAGS: fuel atomizer, fuel atomization, luel injector ABSTRACT: The proposed liquid atomizer'lcon3ists of a housing contain- ing a guide assembly inside it. !K-or'der to obtain uniform atomization of large volumes of liquids at low pressures, the nozzle guide assembly is provided with disks, placed one above another, and having offcenter openings with different diameters. A cylindrical partition is mounted under the upper disk (see Fig. 1). Orig. art. has: 1 figure. [WA No. 881 2 UDC: 697-932.6 L 06576-67 ACC NRt AP SA CODE: 21/ SUBM DATE: 15Apr65 Fig* 1. Liquid atomizer I - Housing; 2 - upper disk; 3 - lower disk; 4 - parti- tion. 61 ~ i" :-cori 212 S--1UL XANP yu. L. tidal *WeWs ft rators with Infi-Inite deft- u.,L. Isometric, Smul 'yan, Y ei 14 Nd- ol 9 -617e-n J&TIFEs and their orthogonal extensions. Dok- . . October 1951 lady Akad-. N4u'k. MR (N.S.),87, ll:-14 (10,52). (Russian) Ahalyals 'Results announced by ~LVA-i~-fs~me Doklady,,(N.S.) 58f - - ik N.S. 26(65), 247-~264 (1950)1 13-~15 (1947); Ynt. Shor n these Rev. 91 la,61 11, 6627 are extended here. Let H be a Hiltert space, G a closed linear subspace of H, and T a bounded operator on H such that T is isometric on G and such tbatfzG-'~ implies Tj6(T(G))-L. Let T on G be denoted by V and on G-L 1,y V. Any operator L such that VCLCT in called an orthogonal extension of v. Let w(T, f) be defined as (T- fI) (T-fT',')-l on the Domain r, J- for all ccmplex f such that is a reeniler.point for T. Let wo) = -W N, b t A i t k num er cf heorems are announced'? some rroofs be e ched, ng s ' ' .of wbich the fol)owinfz are--typical~. ~,J) T has a bounO ,ed inverse if' ardonly if 1-1 has R PounOed inverse- 2) If w (T, exists, then w(TY Y r~ F J'F the Wentity op,~ratvr rn Snppose that 11be 6 V has, e[Ti iql dericienoy Inrlices, so that V hns a linitary Ccn I t. e-.,ctqnsion, r-r-I let T! Ire aw, such ex,enFicn. T-te-et u-nN, 'W bg the op.-rator tT-" (e;). 1'et lo be a complex numl-er of 11-0-11iff- V'I uf- siirh t'hvt for some positive number ~r4o .1 k f 11 for all fIG. Then wD( ~) is in,~! un, I unit circle con- I., ry (in an arc or the. fninin~- Yo. 0 Tf tn) i - regular anc? unitary on an re oC Hui un-It. cirelf-, ilien: -very,,rint of this lins ~hn- Prorp.,rt~r in . above; b) ror f-very on f1lis nrc,, V admits a unitary extension r or i (!h is a re--iilnr pol-ni.. For the case in which ApPir in , 1, 1 P n r-.~ r4ices, this is a theorem of T olted qrticle7. E. Hewitt. q, 5~ L X7 L c An.-O-y z;Ls ~.ul'yafi, Yu. L Riernann's PIOLIC-ID i0t [JI,zAiVe df!flnite matrices. O~Jwlii Maiem, N.iuk S.) ~. lhl. "'.54). 143 -1-15 195.0. k'kusslmi) L't 1, be Olt: milt vird': IZI itt exterior, A (--) a matrix ,f imi, tiim, (i, -i it) defincil on L amf ~afi4vin.g a I bild,r , onditi.iri, d.-t A /0 on llollwg( nroll~ i- to fuld ;L pw( lpal~lli~ V,' (z) fe~,,,:Ltr withl"ll Ill 1), and ~-; i-,j P- -udl Umt ~7l till L The allillor - tho! if A :, d'-firkilt till 1, Ih, Ii till. tiCtthl tjl(!it, ~,lt tho~ pjohk :11 d,-filk16,11 parii( olar indi(ct ~vl- (-law, 1),.Idol~ ALid i%auk ~7 1,111 IJ till- Vil III.ijul SIMIEV,V. z,.,.boyshr_-hiIc I - Productive utilization of aver7 minute. Mast. ugl. 4 no.1:6 Ja '55. (MMA 9: 6) (Donets Basin--Coal mines and minirW,,) . SMUREMCGV-,---Y. RaBults of reorganization of management of the housing ecanom7. Fin.SSSR 19 no.8:72-73 Ag 158. (MIRK 11:9) 1. Zaveduyushchly Ryazanskim gorodskim finansovym otdolom. (Ryazan--Housing) SNURGWICII, G.!,.~., i-nzh.; Tz-NIKAYI;V, Jo."J., irizh.; SEMENK-1., V.V~, inzil. Some results Of' tire study r- the mOJeJ Of 00--Irat~Orl c,f V?F-,25--'J' tarbine units. Sbor. naucb- socb. SPI no.17-I-'-12.4 162. (MIRA 17.-L-,) 6L,l_XRlllk*,i,, K.. V. , Doc -7~ucl-i ~71ci -- (diss) "Axially symiietric !-:diells in ccnstvucticn structures." ~,.,oscow, 1960. 8 pp; (IMinisTry of Hi-7her and -::'A:cor:rd 61-_ ;a!-*L St "E: duca tion RSF-ER ,cs-cow Order of Labor R'ed -)anne-r- I_or_struct~ erJr,y, i- V. V. Kuyhys~iev' ; 2CC; cr,-,;- es; -on Eri~,Ine ~ , ~y price not !2liver.; ~KL, 155) SMUROV, A._ .--- Improve organizatiomil work. Pozl,..(Ielo 5 no.9:1-2 S " 9. (141Rt, 13:1) 1. Zarmestitell nachallnika Glavnogo upravleriya pozharnoy okhrany 141ninterRtva vnutrnanikh del SSSR. (Fire prevention) SIIITUROV I A. Work c#rried out by the Central: Scientific Research InstitiAte- of Fir6 Prevention. Pozh.delo 7 no-4:3 Ap 161. (MUU .14:4) 1. NaAsllnik TSentralynogo nauchno-~ssledovatellskogo instituta protivopozharnoy oborony. (Fire prevention-Research) SMUROV, A. Strengthen the links between science and practice. Pozh.delo 8 no.7:1-2 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Nachallnik TSentral'nogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta protivopozharnoy oborony. (Fire prevention) 070 if, 0-0-6 *1a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'0 0 # 0 * 0 0 0 p 'h ' k I 1., 11 w 1' k 1 .1 CC LIE t' 00 00, get 00 *0 09 tatracting nichrl front low arallp mrs A A. Smia". .00 'r :11#,;I%.;#. thl. 31. liUl. Tbe "". ;- "I'l kll 00 '1. Fu 1. rcltwv~d if .... I thc -Ill. by knowti IT1,111-1, 00 11 It a, tic4tinven %ith Mil0l, -.r CaCtl,, and the %ill , 1 00 af tr t-vitin. tit clrytirs, jrv hydrolyze.i with %tram lalpi-i - It,- lvil to 3N1 -it U)". N't i- then r%id. fitmi Ow mi,ii 1,% -.00 00 ttletAlurpe'll Ill.-I hmk. While I It, I ICI val-I af, o 0 z: go SLO 5*0 00 i0o .00 lee 00 ZA 0 A 0 it it f 0 0 0 0 09 006 0 69960 0 0 q 0 0 0l 0 0 *0 *0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *a wqp-,- 00*00000009 ZYTI~Mvw-z 0 0 0 0 0 still I I I I 1 6 r I I It It Ij 11 to if W V m If JD )JUJI) XV)SY; Nil 12 %1 Idn lop lopfc. At 4JAI&I a jc 0 V- I J2 A a L a tit III` GA I - T-M. -I-T, 4 AA Q M Uji A I Ill 1 1.4 b j A Amt The solubility of the hicarbonates of nickO. c"ball And rmanjanese under conditions of the presence of ground Oq *at And carboo dioxide hydrotherms. A. A. ~;mi g I airn. prZurcandat tcmrrq.uf5 ,it)' are dc~rtibcd. Tit,- 0 0 ~dv. (4 Co and of Ni was found to be hichrr thari that it tire other ritetsk with the rxmption -( MK. The -ly d- jr! railpid1v Willi nit-tra'Ing Ictilit. arld I~ a furl'tw'. 4 0 I h.- I'"tont ptc-tue if 111, Ci ?, f- th ..... .. ;'t'l' .1- 11 .1-1- mallial cou'litt"ll, (mill Ill klal- 00 mil ,atcrf tile !~itn. vuuvt%~. of %I atid L:-, atc nexcr 0 cii tra,hed, ~A) that the 1,.s~ibifity (A ImAtation vm't~. Th'. vatpir 1-timi of itiv paper dval, %vith the Cilj~uritg, 0 jt )Ctt litill Wat"~ and not Willi tile ImItIttlit-tills. .M G~ Is A I m I L A MITALLUROCAL LITISAY01 CLASSIFKA71000 .4o.. %I". A.. Si age IrF U 49 go M PO it P it go A. I looooooooooooes-00040:100000000000000 Zf # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 see see 1 ISO,, to-&- aw a.; L I A PW 0 -1 At 43 An 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 di 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0000 00 00 so 0a 41 so $4 11 tA IY If to It, 1.0 !~-v coot- P ft a Jo A A 17 x Av11 umu ft.) a.& I, ION CL W Uis mirstit"O of mickel. A, A. Strim- S-vt del. Q. 16STS6011 IALV. I-IA"e chleth. N.,, 12. (SS m(mmi-NiI uwtttg to the action of 4urUce water, ettiag. Ct 1u 11vill- 111, Mal MiXtAtism at Itigher presw-re is unlikely ai the w4y. -4 .111 carlmllultell dwreaws Imirr rapidly with temp. thatt he f1cirt III 6wrram%1 mr%~ijrr cast I- ,IS C'u n jtv to i IP to IV Jilt I a W a iml 9 Pf a nitx 0 oio 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 e g 9 '-so so goo .00 COO X*o J400 see fees 00 I Z- ties W*o 9 to 9 ASa 0 to 0 * 00 V11CULOU, M.F.; ZVYAGIN, B.B.; HIKHAYLGV, B.H.; BERLIN. T.S.; ORESkWIKOU., Ye.l.; SHAKHOVA, R.A.; IVANOVA, I.I.; TATARINOV, P.M., prof., red.; GRYSLER, A.U.,; DOMINIKOVSKIY, V.11., kand.geologo- minerelogicheakikh nauk. red.; KNIPOVICH, Yu.11., kand. geologo- mineralogicheskikh nauk; qjg "07 A.A.,., kand. geologo-miners logic he- skikh nauk; FRANK-KAWWTSKIY. V.A., kand. geologo-mineral,)giche- skikh nauk; BABBTSR, II.I., red.izd-va; KRYIIOGRKIIIA, K.V., [A methods manual on the petrographic and mineralogical study of clays] Metodicheakoe rukovodstvo po petrografo-mineralogicheskomu izucheniiu. glin; trudy Instituta. SoBt. kollektivom avtorov pod rukovodstvom M.F. Vikulovoi. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr, 1957. 447 p. OURA 11:2) 1. Leningrad. Vsesoyuznyy goologicheskiy institut. 2. Ghlen- korresDondent All SSSR (for Tatarinov) (clay) LOPATINA, N.L., LOSEV, N.V., SMUROV, A.-A. Experimental data on the behavior of lead, zinc, copper, and iron sulfides in colloidal solutions at high temperatures. Geol. rud. mestorozh. no.4:52-73 Jl-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. VeeEoyuznyy geologicheskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut, leningrad. (Sulfides) (Colloids) LFBFiAV, M.G.; SMUHO*,.I, i~.M. Feculiarities in the nanufacture of' forf-ea bevel gear. hUZ.-ShLaM. proizv. 3 no.ll:lr,-18 N '61. (IMI Ri 14; 1~1) (Forging) (Gearing, Bevel) SMURDV, A.M.; NIKITIN, S.V. Forces needed f th extrusion of steering knuckles. Avt. prom. 27 no. 4:35~ 10 rp 1616 (14IRA 14-:4) -4 1. Nauchno-issledovatel'Bkiy tekhnologiche:,I~iyinstitut avtomobillnoy 0 prontyahlonnouti. (Metalwork) (Automobiles--Steering gear) LEBEDEV .7 M.G.; SMROV, A. ~L Press forming of -oove bushes for stamping toothed pinions. Avt. prom. 27 no.8:37-39 Ag 161. (IMU 14:10) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut avtomobillnoy promyshlennosti. (Forging) KFIUYHRI", LZBEDEV, ',A,.C,.; _SFURGV, A.M.- Machinin.7 bevel gear blanks stamped with ready teeth. Stan.i 1~ instr. 32 no.11:27-3to; " '61. (YURA 14:10) (Gear cutting) jASI'/62/000/006/002/004 D040/D113 _;.G., and Si'mirov, A.I.I. jor,jn- dit2 iiiscrus produced by press for-in.- Cd)i GAL: .'%'Ll::i-~CCI',iio-51-,t~u7ipovocliiio3-c proizvodstvo, no. 6, 8-12 r T 111if,'_vcop,-o;u and che '71L and G41_` automobile plants have developed tech- -Lqics fo-T- liot prezjs for-in- die inserts used for producing -ears by forging. Jie sinlkii:v chis i;iethod nas proved dependable, and is cheap compared to other .xc,ha,,.icai mcans. Detailed engineering information includes: drawings of the die set, ina~;ter punch and inserts; calculation of allowances; data on heatin.-Y prelhdnary swaging of blanks, final heat treatment and machining after forging. Iiiserzs for only two gears are dealt with - the differential pinion of the 3' 4JI-164 (ZIL-164) truck, and the differential axle pinion of the rA3 -51 (GAZ-51) truck. Both are straight-tooth bevel gears. An insert is produced in 2-3 strokes of the master punch in a 1600 or 1500 t hot crank press from blanks of 3X2.58 (3UVS) steel. Friction screw presses may also be used; their Card 1/2 5/182/62/000/006/002/004 D040/DI13 Goar die in.~ercs 1)roduccd by press forging lar~;c open die space periiiits using other tooling for press for-111-Tr UIC CZLViACie-'i W.ith helical and spira.1 teeth. The straight bevel die inserts are provided wiUi L;hii~,.s chan,ing Lhe closed die space for forging other bevel gears. '%'IITAvtoi)roi,,i has lately experiiiiented on sinking die inserts with.spiral teeth in a cranI.: press; ~hi3 is stated to be a new technique not employed in foreign practice. The experij-,-icntal die set and the spiral-teeth inserts are illustrated. The first inserts had tectil pulled too deep into the cavity and had edges too dcepl.y sheared off; this can be eliminated by proper allowance on the blanIcs. Replaceable master punches, connection pieces and bottom halves of the ex- perimental die set per,,dtted the geometrical shape of the produced die cavities to be varied. There are 8 figures. 2/22 I SKJROV, A.M. Determining the specific preszure of flat die stamping. Avt.prom. 28 no.5:36-38 ~V 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Ilauchno-issledovqtellskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut avton,obillnoy promyshlennosti. (Sheet-metal work) LEaEDEV,, M.G.; SMUROV,, A.M. Manufacture of master punches for the forging of forging-die parts. Kuz.-shtam. proizv. 4 n0-1:43-44 Ja 162.(MIRA 17:3) S/182/63/000/001/009/012 Aoo4/Al26 AUTHOR: Smurov, A,. M. 'TITLE: Present state and problems of gear production with die-forged teeth P~~.RJODY;AL: K~iziiechrio-r~iitartipovochnoyf? proizvodstvo, 'no. 1, 1963, 33 - 37 TEXT: The author present!~ et gencral survey on the production of die-forged gears which are, J.n general, produced in open dies. In some cases, e.g. in die- -forging shaft-gear type forgings, the preparatory operations prior to generating the teeth can be carried out in closed dies. One of the main difficulties arising in this process is to ensure complete filling of the tooth hollows, and the author gives some technological details on this operation.. He enumerates the pres 'ses used for gear die-forging, compares the applicability of the various press types V and devotc.-- the greater part of his article to the manufacturing technology for the various parts of the forging die, I.e. the insert with teeth, since this has a great Influence on the economic efficiency of the process. To increase the economy of the gear die-forging process, it is necessary to find ways a) -to re- duce the tolerances over the tooth profile or to eliminate the tolerances in in- Card 1/2 s/i82/63/000/GOI/009/012 Present state and problems of... AOO IVA 126 tro6tucing additional calibration (die-stamping), b) to apply advanced die-forg- ing methods, e.g. pressing in passes of the open or closed type, c) to increase the service life of forgLng equipment and cutting -tools. There are 5 figures. Card 2/2 SWROV. A. M. Present state and ofjectives in the production of gear wheels with forged teeth.- Kuz.-shtam. proizv. 5 no.1:33-37 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:2) (Gearing) (Forging) LEBEDEV., M.G.; SMIJI.,ZOV, A,.-M. Establishing parameters and organizing the process of the stamping of toothed automobile pinions. Avt.prom. 29 no.1;35-38 Ja 163. (KRA 16: 1) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut, avtomobillnoy promyshlennosti. (Sheet-metal work) SMUROV, A.M. Technological processes for the manufacture of toothed bushing. Avt. prom. 29 no.11:43-45 N 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut avtomo- billnoy promyshlennosti. SOV(-,.T;(IV, I-j T ~RO . _ -1 i SMUT V, A.M. Power parameters for the extrusiGn of rod-type forgings vith varlous Snapes of flanges. Avt.prom, 29 no.12:31-34 D '63. NIRA 17:41, 1. Nauchno-issledovatei'skiy tekhnclogicheskiy institut_ avtomobillnoy promyshlennosti. SMUROV. AA~ Effect of a z56th rim on ~he piiramp-.ers of thEi of toothed beevel gears. Avt.. promo 3-0 nc,1~42-43 Mr 64. (MIRA 1746) 1. llauchno-iasledova-~el*skiy lnst~tlut tskhnclogii avtomobilllnoy promyshlennosti-~ SMUROV.. A.M. Technology of low waste stamping. Av-t. prom. 30 no.1-1:42 N 164 (MIRA 18:2) 1. Nauchno-I.ssledovatellskiy institut tel-bnologii airtomobillnoy promyshlennosti. ,L 4301�-65 EVIZ (d)IEI~Tf (m)/E','IA (d)/Eum (VWEVIP-W/E'~? (k)/FV,? (b) tip E VAA 'ACCESSION NR: AP5007805 Pf-4 jb/k~l SJO11316416001012 AUTHORs ~Smurov, A. M. TITLE: The use of counterpressure in forge presses ,SOURCE: Aytomobillnaya pronqshlennCBt'j0"no. 12t 19641 40-42 VOPIC TAGS: forge press, forgin 1BSTRACT: Sonie aspects bf the use of counterpressure in forging processes are presented. Particular attention is given to the operation of plastid form variation: _0~oW4 by,a forge w~th.a compensat2mg savity-closed by means of a counter-' ';.a-sectionalviewof a closed s I 'd,z,. oixtv- distr'bittid e qa4it -for... t1134. 7 4-6;-A 'd re3ati ~Sre~ ifjA"-~ ACC NR, AP700114-56 OURCE CODE': UTZ/O4l3A6/GOO/G2 1 b 01/02 01 INVENTORS: Smurov, A. M.; Smirnov, A. S. ORG: none A stamp for punching forgings. Class 49, 1:0. 188273 Zannounced by Scientific Research Institute of the Automotive Industry Engineering (Nauchno-isslodovatel'skiy institut tokhnologii avtomobillnoy promyshlennosti)J7 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, pron7shlennyyo obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 21, 1966, 201 TOPIC TAGS: metal forging, metal forning, metal stamping, motallurgic r~7chjinor-y, motallurgic process, metalworking ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a stamp for punching forgings. The die of tho stamp contains a compensating recess covered by a back pressure asseribly (see lvil,'. 1). To provide for a free expulsion of the excess metal into the compersating recess and to diminish the deforming power, the back pressure assembl~y is made Ln the form of a cylinder with a piston, mounted on the lower plate of the stamp. The open- ing under the piston is accessible to the external atmosphere through a spring-loaded valve which interacts with the piston under the action of the metal being squeezed into the compensating recess. Card -1/2 UDC: 621.733.76 ' ACC NRsAP7001456 Fig. 1. 1 - piston; 2 - cylinder of the piston; 3 - spring-loaded valve; 4 - lower plate of the stamp Orig. art. has: 1 figurea SUB CODE: 131 SUBM DATE: 28flov64 2/2 ANASTASOIN, V.F.; ARAKKOV, A.S.; BOBROV, A.L.; VIKHOREV, Yu.V.; VIL'EXR, S.I.; GLUMKO, I.K.; GOKUN, A.M.; PINIKOVSKIY, Ya.I.; PASHKOV, N.D.; RYABUKHA, G.K.; REBENKO, G.S.; SMOV. Fedor Favlovich; SOSKIND, D.M.; SAMSONOV, B.A.; S1243NOV, I.B.; Si~MLOOV, A.B.; KHART. V, A.A.; TSARIKOV, B.N.; SHIFMN, D.L.; SHAYNKM , V.I.; ABAKUMOVSKIY, Dmitriy Dmitriyevich, red.toma; SVYATITSKAYA, K.P., vedushchiy red.; TROPIMOV, A.V., (Petroleum equipment;in six volumes] Neftianoe oborudovanie; v shesti tomakh. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.i2d-vo neft. i --orno- toplivnoi lit-ry. Vol.4. 1959. 294 p. (MIRA 12:9) (Petroleum refineriea-Equipment and supplies) br r- C B ib 1 -ence 7c rt, 1~1 1~